diff --git "a/validation.csv" "b/validation.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/validation.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,13720 @@ +id,dialogue,summary +134,"Speaker A: Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. P Well the only problem I can think of with that is if you've got a lot of people that don't wanna be bothered learning how to use new rem remote controls. If you just kind of take away everything that they're used to knowing, that's gonna be quite a change. It might Mm. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. But look at the importance of them. The volume settings. Yeah. They're not used often but they are quite important when they're used. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Hmm. Oh, you have to hit like function and F_ something. F_ eight. Dunno. Oh yeah, it's going. Oh yeah, they might be movable. Oh yeah, they're all they're not connected to anything on the table, you just leave 'em on and walk around with 'em. Mm. Mm. Yes, mm. Which one does this plug into? That one. I can't did you could you see it on you screen when it That's not cool. Oh well. Anyways. Um alright, yeah, so um I'll just do my presentation on the working design uh. Oh there we go. Okay um just at the m yeah the whole sort of method of how the remote control works. Uh the basic function of the remote control is to send messages to another sh system, the the T_V_ or the D_V_D_ player or whatever. Um and it does this uh by well, you need to start off you need an energy source and this energy source will feed into an integrated circuit chip and the circuit chip is the part that actually composes the different messages uh within the remote um which will then be sent to the uh the television, the D_V_D_ to tell that what to do. Um and you need a user interface, which controls the chip and thus the messages and uh the user interface is that's basically just you kn the s sorta design of the actual remote which you hold in your hands and what buttons will be on it. Um Oh shoot. Okay. Uh just general findings. Uh what we need uh technically speaking for the remote control is some sort of energy source, uh some sort of user interface, which I think we've mostly been talking about the user interface and the design of that. Um a circuit chip within that to uh control and send the messages and um a sender and receiver. And um oops. Uh-huh. This is just sort of a little schematic diagram of what we're looking for. Uh this just kinda represents the energy source which feeds into the circuit chip uh which maybe then we could have that feed into a switch which would send signals f to um a subcomponent and on to a light bulb between so it'll light up once we start once you start pressing buttons. Um also send signals to the um infrared bulb, which will be the part that actually what? Sends signals to the the television. And then you've got your happy little T_V_ watcher there. And so my personal preferences I I just think we need sorta big uh energy source that won't die out, uh perhaps some sort of rechargeable battery or a battery dock you could place it in, so it'd constantly be charged, so you wouldn't have to uh be worrying about it running out of batteries and not changing channels for you. Uh a wide range uh sender-receiver, so that you can hit the buttons from basically anywhere in the room, and the channel'll still be changed. Uh also definitely a user-friendly interface um and I think we've all sort of mentioned adding a a locating device on it, so when it does get stuck under the couch cushions, as they inevitably do, you can find them easily. And that's pretty much it. Mm. Mm. Mm. Just having one that's guaranteed to last five to ten years? Oh, cool. Yeah, fair enough. Mm, mm. Mm yeah. Mm-mm. Mm. 'Cause I only remember to charge my cell phone uh when battery dies. And that's pretty much yeah. Yeah, when it turns itself off, that's when I plug it in, yeah. Yeah, think that's a good idea. Mm. They usually have the little light uh source, I dunno what the heck they're called, the but yeah, the little cells that Yeah. Mm. Most of them, don't they have sort of a combination of the two, like when there is light, they'll work off the light, and if there isn't, they'll kick into this battery, so we can maybe do something like that whereas there is a battery, but if there's enough light, then it's using the light, so that it's not actually draining the battery all the time, but you will have the battery there for when you need it. Mm. Mm. Oh, it depend if it's uh depends who who's using it, who's just sitting there clicking clicking clicking clicking, yeah. Yeah, then they're clicking a lot, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Yep. Hmm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Okay. Cool. +Speaker B: Okay, welcome to the second meeting of this uh design group. Um I'll briefly go through the uh notes of the of the last meeting uh just done in in note form and I haven't attributed anything to individuals, because we're working strictly as a team here and uh n nobody's working equally, so uh. Um we we s we saw that the the problems with existing remote controls were the uh b a boring shape and boring colour. Um and and we s we saw that the um what we needed to do was to to make sure the device um controls several items, that switching was easy, that you shouldn't need to point the thing at uh anything in particular, um that it need to be contoured to make it interesting, that the keys might be concave, simply because that hasn't been done before that we know of. Um should have interchangeable fascias so people can personalise it, um illuminated so that people can see it in dark rooms. Um and that people might want it as as in addition to their existing remote controls. Um and that it sh it should just always work, whenever you uh um mm uh use it. And that it shouldn't be too small, mm that it it gets lost. Um. Now uh uh I'll shortly ask for for three three presentations. Uh before I do that, however, I will go through some new project requirements that um the the management have placed on us and uh will be challenging in terms of what we discussed at the first meeting. Um the uh the ma the management has had it's own thoughts on this and uh the they don't necessarily agree with with what we uh we thought. Um and and then we'll as a result of that we will then talk through the the functions that we see the the device um actually b carrying out, and we have uh forty minutes to do this in and I uh Anyway. Okay. Now, the n the new requirements are um the the management team see that um teletext is no longer of any importance given the uh the rise of the internet. Um and and they want it only to cover televisions. Um now, what is not q quite clear from their directive is whether they mean th they don't want it to cover teletext or whether they don't want it to cover, you know, videos, D_V_D_s, um satellite boxes, which uh I mean we saw as being fundamental to the uh to the exercise. The um the actual wording of the directive is that it should cover television only. Um and on that basis um I I think we we need to bear that in mind, um but possibly uh keep at the backs of our minds that the reality that people even when they uh no longer they don't look at teletext anymore, they certainly do look at other things. Um the device has to incorporate the company logo and colours. Um the the logo uh being at b the bottom of the screen there, the the the two R_s in grey against uh a yellow background. Um now this doesn't necessarily mean that we have to give up some of our ideas about making it attractive to the t to the market. But uh do do introduce some some constraints as to how we might do that. Um it also has to be simple, which to some extent goes along w with the first one, and that we've already said that it must be simple 'cause that's what people want anyway. Um but they also want it to be simple to get it to the market quickly, which um mm uh is is is their choice, but uh um we we need to talk that through. Um okay, so uh after the meeting it'll be summarised and uh um notes sent out and uh etcetera. Okay, so we'll first of all mm have individual reports from everybody. Um again I there is no order of precedence here um so I I I'll leave it up to you to who who who thinks they would like to go go first? P fine. Oh sorry, you can indeed. Oh, if you click on the um uh the one that that looks like a projection screen, no the one to the right of that. That one. Mm. Mm. Gosh, must be some telly addicts out there if they get R_S_I_ from their television remote, is all I can say. Mm. Right. Mm. Yeah, I must say that um the uh I c can't remember what um f you know phone service I was using the other day, but that had sorta speech recognition which worked uh remarkably well, so that is indeed a uh um a thought and it it cuts out uh I was was gonna say, you can't get a lot of R_S_I_, j just get jaw ache. Okay, sorry. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I mean Yeah. Mm. Hmm, hmm. Uh. Should we actually bite the bullet here? If people really don't use those buttons to any extent at all um remove them altogether. We we could actually have we could actually have a remote control with um I wonder whether we could get the remote control with no buttons at all if we went for voice recognition, given that um the Um now the the age structure we were looking at um I mean w we had usage by age structure, what we didn't have was what proportion of people using remotes were in those particular age groups. Now do we know whether they Forty no sorry for forty five to fifty five age group, uh to put myself right in the middle of it, um u use remote controls to a great extent. Yes we That would 've speech recogn right. So, we're looking at um well again, we don't know the relative proportion the relative numbers in the age groups. If we wanted something different, truly different, then the buttonless remote control w would be it. But if you just lift it up and say, channel one or B_B_C_ It c well it I can I can see technical problems with that in terms of the, you know, the sound from the television, because if somebody actually on the television says uh uh, you know, I_T_V_ and you're watching B_B_C_ then then it might um change itself, so it probably needs to be um possibly actually need a button on it just to activate it. Or or something just to identify that you've lifted it up and it's use. And and then just say, oh I don't know, a thought and and then uh I mean that that would certainly be uh truly different. Um 'cause uh you know audio settings, nought point eight percent. I mean if they weren't there, would people miss them? Vol volume, yes um th w we need to s identify things that people actually need and and it's a function of frequency and relevance. And um I would say ignoring ig ignoring power for the moment, um the channel and volume and th w w given given that we've been told to ignore teletext. Uh channel and volume are the only ones that uh would appear to be essential. Um. So we if we can design something that that looks interesting, know, or looks different, um incorporates the the logo and and the colours and um we can still have our interchangeable fascias even if it's the yellow and grey, um and uh I dunno, buttons or or buttons as an option. Do, please. Mm-hmm. You cer certainly could. Depe uh i depends whether um if we want to make this so simple that anybody can walk into the room and lift it up and say B_B_C_ one. Um okay, I mean you could print actually print it on the uh device itself. Um. S th this I th that's always gonna be a problem I think. Um and I I I s so I suppose one um could make it so desirable that if people lose it they immediately go out and buy another one. Anyway, sorry, carry on. Do you want to just carry on with or no no, no uh b I was in the middle of in the middle of your report there. Mm okay. Mm-hmm. S s we could we could make it dual function voice recognition and still have buttons on it um 'cause we're Certainly could. Yeah, yeah. The I mean the the advantage of doing away the buttons altogether is it makes the thing cheaper. No, it cou certainly opens up the possibility for making it uh, you know, visually very distinctive. Um 'cause you know, it does not have to be a oblong box. Mm, yeah. Okay, who sorry, have you have you finished there Andy? Yep, yep. Um given that we've already had a extensive discussion uh. Ah, there we go. Alright. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm, yeah. Okay, can I um I'm actually gonna use the um it's gonna cause great technical problems over here. I'm actually gonna use the Yes, rather than the uh the the traditional in fact, um I won't even go that far. Um something like this shape, you know, sort of something that you can that's sort of a more vertical shape, um that you you sort of hold in your hand, um, well I'm trying to think uh uh uh l uh l such as I mean um something you hold up like that, possibly with a couple of buttons like that, but with the the entire top with the, you know, the uh the infrared or whatever source. Uh so that you know, it's flying off in all directions, so that uh um uh again the n need to look at the the the technicalities of um actually achieving that in terms of whether the, you know, the power requirements of the uh such a source, um you know, compromise the our our need for uh you know, it it being um mm permanently uh you know, available. Uh whether whether different technology um I mean th all all these remotes are presumably infrared, and like they have been for a long time. Uh we we possibly need to be looking at at at something different, um you know, short range, not like the old uh radio remote controls where you'd change next door's telly when you change yours. Um but uh uh I think basically i if we're going for i if minimum number of buttons is our priority, then we should, as I say, r know, really bite the bullets and and reduce the buttons to absolute minimum, you know, possibly with backup channel and volume buttons and on off. Um and nothing else. Um so that it can al it could uh almost end up like that, but again, except that um you know the risk of losing it. Um anyway okay um so Kate, wh what are your uh your thoughts on this? Okay. Uh it seems seems to me there are a number of fundamental decisions to make before we um I think your point about the the big energy source is uh a very valid one. Um I don't suppose we've got any statistics on the the life expectancy of uh remote controls, particularly sort of independent ones. Um given you know, the number of things you buy these days, which you know, have a a a lithium whatever battery in, that's uh, you know never needs replacing. Um perhaps we should have the the disposable remote control, uh um you know, one some sort of typical usage. You know, the the the battery will last know, five, ten years. By which time I mean when all's said and done, the digital television will be taking over in that time scale. Um uh uh p perhaps we should, know, reduce the uh, you know, the sort of moving parts even more by not even having a battery compartment and uh Yeah, and if if anybody manages to run it down, we'll we'll give 'em a new one. Um it's, you know, it's what it saves in cost and you know there there's a well, it's actually a marketing gimmick. I mean it's hardly a gimmick, it's uh it's totally practical. Uh so I th think you know the idea of a rechargeable one is um uh unless you're really high tech and it sort of just recharges itself if it's n by, you know, magnetic waves or whatever, if if it Yeah. Are are people really gonna use it though? Um. I I th I think Yeah, it's um I mean I know that somei times my my wife goes out in the morning and says oh I should have put the phone on to charge and then then she's had those for so long that if she hasn't worked that out by now. Um. When it yeah, wh when it's died is a problem. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so uh um what so wh what what do we think about the um the the permanent mm battery? Is the uh you know, we we we are really going for the ultimate in ex uh external simplicity here. Um you know, cut cost within the manufacturing and uh you know, if we have a high tech interior, then then that that sh may well be cost effective. I mean th th certainly. Um I can't think of anything off the s top of my head, but there are certainly things that you buy. I mean calculators for example. Som well some do, I mean th th but there are battery ones that um are you know, sort of permanently sealed. In in fact I'd Yeah, uh uh Yeah, I I mean th th this needs going t into the technology a bit. I mean the the actual time that a remote control is actually operating I would think is i is is probably, you know, no more than minutes in its entire life. Um. If, but I say if if people are getting R_S_I_ from it then uh then uh then then perhaps we're looking at the wrong market n Right. Oh, I must admit I hadn't um I'd I'd missed that. That does sound excessive. Yeah. Well that's right, and and I I don't I don't even know whether the I don't even know whether the s the signal lasts as long as you actually keep the button pressed, or whether it's just a sorta tenth of a second, no matter how long you press it for, I don't know I don't actually know. Um. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm. Right, so I've got a message to say five minutes, I dunno how long ago that appeared. Um 'cause we're we're getting um right, so I'd I need to sum up very quickly here um. We're looking at extreme simplicity. We're looking at a radically different shape. Possibly no buttons at all um, but if you can incorporate um channel change and volume buttons um in into the design, then then that's fine. Um in the I mean the the role of the of the um the user interface des designer becomes b you know more important here, because, you know, shape is no longer an a uh um a serious constraint. But we clearly only need th the main buttons, although, uh if clearly only need the main functions. Um I don't see why we shouldn't go for voice recognition um and the the only buttons that I think we need are channel control, volume control and on off. Um it needs to incorporate the corporate logo, uh the the grey and yellow colour scheme and there's no reason why we can't introduce um interchangeable uh covers. Um uh d so does that accurately summarise what we've discussed? Right. So uh Yeah. We are doing just the television. No. I think that's quite clear from the the information that we've been given, no? Right. Oh yeah well th that's one I s that's one I sent you, which which was my interpretation of uh of the uh what came down from from head office. Um That's that that that that's their uh their view. Okay, so uh we can all give some thought to that uh for for the next meeting, thank you very much indeed. +Speaker C: Uh I don't mind. Uh can I steal the cable? Cheers. I got a how do I start there? That one. Cool. Well these are functionality requirements from the our our guys down in the the research lab. Took hundred people and covered all the aspects of what um is needed by people and what they want to see. Um everything kinda from functionality and how individual functions are how mu how how often they're used and how much their necessary and stuff. And general opinions about current current remotes. See that, as we kinda noticed, seventy five percent of people find their remote controls ugly. So some kind of a new style should be incorporated that's less ugly. Uh along with um looking less ugly, if it looks better, eighty percent of people said they'd spend more money on it. Which is a a plus for us, if we can make it look better, it'd be uh more cost effective and we can put the price up. Current remote controls do not match the operating behaviour of the user. I can empl I kinda take that to mean as um they they don't uh they, yeah, they only use they only work for the television or yeah like as in in my flat I've got six remote controls for a stereo system, a digital box, a D_V_D_ player, a video player and T_V_. If it was uh I mean th my behaviour is to use multiple things at the same time and multiple remotes aren't really matched well to my behaviour. Uh again, seventy five percent is seventy five percent of users say they zap a lot. I took to mean that they just they use it a lot, they use it regularly rather than standing up and manually change channels or volume. And uh yeah, uh I think the big issue is fifty percent users only use ten percent of the buttons, 'cause uh wh if we got a remote that like well we'll have some buttons taken off by the lack of teletext, but uh oh and we're going to see uh on the uh that some of the functions like audio settings aren't h hardly ever used and used very aren't considered relevant by the user. So I think maybe fewer buttons, which also make the design look sleeker, I dunno. Uh um yeah and uh frustrations of like people losing remote control. I dunno maybe some kind of system of you press a button on the T_V_ or maybe that's b it would have to incorporate, but like some kind of system where you can f use something else to find the remote control. Maybe like it'll beep or something. And um, yep, the uh time taken to learn new remote controls is Uh don't want to make it too complicated, easy to use for uh new like first time users and stuff. And uh repetitive strain injury, I suppose we should make it more comfortable and make ma possibly even use have to make it, yeah, fewer buttons, like I was saying about the whole mice the mouse idea of it feels more comfortable. Maybe don't even have to hold it as such. But uh yeah. It also asked um if we would if people would pay more for speech recognition and younger people say they would. And uh there was another section on our on the report for uh L_C_D_ displays, but the data wasn't there, so. I don't actually know what the results for that were, so. May be incrementally emitting, but yeah. And uh it would cut out the R_S_I_ as well if you Yeah, um oh yeah, so possibly the speech recognition is possibly something could add into the design. Oh, I've got some other things I couldn't fit onto this presentation. Um. You see this okay? Almost no? It's sorry it's a bit. I'll read out to you. Uh functionality, uh like people's opinions on functionality, the relevance to the remote and how often they're used. So um like the power. Using the using the d swi the power switch to switch on T_V_ is a high relevance of nine, but it's not frequently used. You see what I mean? Whereas channel selection, which is very high relevance is used the most. So m we can maybe even start to cut down on or I was possibly even thinking of a design that maybe some of the buttons are hidden from everyday use. Maybe like uh a folding ledge or something. So that we can maybe go into the channel settings and the audio settings, which are low relevance and rarely used. And keep the v volume selection and channel selection very easily Oh yeah. Yeah, like the one that like slides back and the buttons are concealed underneath. Just remove them completely? Uh yeah. Um no this is for pay more for speech recognition. Yeah, that's true. Or even I mean you could even just have it left on. You could just put it down once on top your T_V_ and never have to Yeah. B_B_C_ one. Oh yeah. Mm-mm. Relevance of two out of ten, yeah. Yeah. Stand out. Uh I just had a thought actually, sorry to interrupt. Uh you were saying about um it could technical problems of like uh someone on the television saying a channel number and it changed we could maybe have like an activation word. 'Cause I've seen I've seen this used on computers before, where you just you address the remote, you address the computer, and then give it a command. Oh I see. Oh yeah, I see. Mm-hmm, yeah. I mean I'm just thinking of the point of view of peop you could still like lose this remote. Mm. Oh no I I interrupted you, sorry. Oh okay. Um well, I was just kinda wrapping up there. Yeah, I was thinking um, yeah, maybe such things are relevant. We could make things much more f I think the the eighty percent of people would spend more on uh a remote uh that looks better, combined with uh decrease the or take out the limited functio functions that we don't really use much. alright take out teletext, but as for channel settings and stuff it might it might um turn people somewhe peop some people that want the whole functionality away. But, since if we're marketing a more kind of fashionable approach then it'd it would be fashion and fashion over practicality. Oh, we could, yeah. We c yeah, we could even have it as like a yeah the buttons control this and the voice functions control the f things that you would do all the time, so. So uh yeah, if we could uh power on and channel selection and and volume selection, wouldn't have to really Yeah and probably it would look better as well. Yeah. yeah. Lined with numbered buttons and Uh yeah, yeah, that's everything. Do you want the cable? F_ eight. Uh, give it about twenty seconds, or so. Yeah. Hmm. Mm-hmm. It could have like uh know like a cordless phone in your house it s got like a base that sits there all the time. I suppose, yeah. Yeah. Uh. That sounds pretty good, yeah. Mm-hmm. W like like this um this uh market research thing says number of times per hour that it's used, channel selection a hundred and sixty eight times per hour. Yeah. But then again, if you think it of the amount of, you know amount of use it's like That's it's less than a second, um. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, like in the email of television only. In fact they're in the constraints email that I got. Didn't you mention the teletext, just television only? Oh okay. Oh yeah. +Speaker D: Sorry. It could be oh uh I was just gonna say uh maybe like the flip phones that they use? Have you seen the new mo mobile phones that flip out and they have the like texting, and then the numbers on one side, so you could have the most used buttons on top and flip it out or something. Yeah. That might be the Maybe i Yeah, have a big kind of like the satellite box or the cable box and have it just go on the T_V_ and then it doesn't matter where in the room you are, you won't lose it. No. Oh. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Okay well, I can do mine. Yeah, let's see if I can make this work. Um. Oh. Is it doing Okay. Oh okay. Okay, so this is just about the technical functions. So the method, I looked online for examples of other similar products and then just kind of was trying to brainstorm some possible design ideas and um identify what the necessary things are, what people are what you really wanna have a remote control do. Um and then there are two different kinds that I found. There's a user centred one and an engineering centred one which I will have pictures of and then we kinda have to decide which one this should be. So these are the two different ones. This one um this is the user centred, it has uh quite a few mm uh um fewer buttons and then this is the engineering centred, which has a lot more buttons, and probably this is one that people complain about, about having too many buttons that you don't use. So basically, what a remote control is is you it's to send messages to the television set, you know, turn on, off, switch the channels and the volume and things such as that. And so for this product it's gonna be television only, and then it has to have the uh logos for the company and the colours. And so, for my personal preferences, I think this one is easier to use and has quite a you know, fewer buttons. Um we want something that sends messages easily to the television and I was kind of wondering about this example that they have. It looks kind of narrow at the top, and I was thinking maybe if it were wider at the top, then that would be easier. Um and so we have to decide what's gonna make our product different. E the unique style, maybe have it light up so it's visible in the dark, um the changeable face-plates, and the lighting up and visible I was when we were talking about havi losing it, maybe to have a button on the television that you press and it maybe if it makes a noise or lights up or something like that, so it's easier to find if someone has hidden under the couch or something like that. So that's my presentation. Yeah. F they probably clip to you. Oh. Hmm I think it's all there. H Oh yeah. That's kind of strange. Yeah, people are pro I would think that people might forget I mean people forget to put their cordless phones back on there, so. Yeah. No. Um. Do they make batteries that last that long? Yeah, they have that little solar Yeah. Mm. Yeah, some people are Yeah. Yeah. Per hour? Wow. That's a lot. Yeah. Though I think with digital T_V_, like I know on my cable box, you're not supposed to do that because the channel can't keep up with it if you just press it like that, so you're supposed to use the menu and go through the different channels that way instead of Uh-oh. Yeah. Um Oh I just have one question. So are we doing just the television or are we doing so not D_V_D_ players, we okay, okay. Okay. Yeah. Oh okay. Okay.","The project manager opens the meeting by going through notes from the last meeting, recapping the topics covered. He tells them some new project requirements given by management. The marketing expert presents, talking about user functionality requirements taken from research of 100 people. They discuss the possibility of making a remote that hides less frequently used buttons, one that uses voices recognition to eliminate buttons altogether, or one that combines the two functions. The interface specialist presents, showing examples of two different products- one that is user-centered and another that is engineering-centered and giving personal preference to the simpler one because it is easier to use and has fewer buttons. Next the industrial designer presents, explaining how a remote control works and giving personal preference to a remote which has a large energy source such as a rechargable battery or battery dock. The group discusses using a battery that will last 5-10 years or a solar combined with a battery. They briefly review their discussions and close the meeting." +1,"Speaker A: Hello. Good morning. Uh before I start with the with the meeting I have a few things to tell you about the the setting we're in, uh because we're uh being watched by uh Big Brother. So um Yeah. Yeah. This uh These are cameras, so are these. This thing uh that looks like a pie, are actually all microphones. So you must be careful with uh with uh all this. And uh as I can see you uh you have placed your laptops uh exactly on the place where it must be. And that has to do with the camera settings, so we don't have our uh laptops in front of the cameras. And Indeed. So they can see our faces. Okay. Welcome at the kick-off meeting. My name is uh Danny Wolfs. Uh this is the agenda for today. Uh first a little opening. Uh I will introduce myself, uh and uh I think it's very uh good to introduce uh yourself. Uh then uh a little bit of acquaintance, acquaintance to uh to to ourselves. So uh we get to know each other. Uh that will be done uh with a tool training from the he these two uh smart boards. Then the project plan. What we're going to do, and how we're going to do it. Uh and discussion about that and a little closing at the end. Okay uh, my name is uh Danny Wolfs. I'm the Project Manager. What's your name? User interface, okay. Industrial, yes. Okay, thank you. First a little about the project aim. Uh the the the aim is to make a new remote control. Uh maybe you have read uh read the website. It's a very uh, yeah, very uh ambitious uh company. They uh they wanna do something else. I w Uh there must be a new remote control. Uh first of all uh it must be original, uh and trendy. That's two things really uh close to each other. But at the same time uh user-friendly. And they have uh Yeah, that's uh very important uh for them. Uh there are three stages. There is a functional design. So uh what are we going uh to uh to do? What are we going to uh uh make f uh kind of functions in the remote? And why are we going to do it? Then the conceptual design. How are going to do it? And that's uh really global. Uh because at the detailed design, how, part two, uh we go uh to dig in uh really about how the the te the technical of If it's uh it's possible technical-wise. Uh each stage is uh uh is broken up in two uh two stages, individual work and a meeting. So it's uh it's very straightforward. Okay, the tool training. We have two smart boards. This one is for the presentations, the PowerPoint presentations or the Word presentation of whatever you uh you had. Uh and this is uh only for uh drawing. So uh we uh must let it uh stand on this uh this programme. This is called a smart board thing uh Yeah, it speaks for itself. Um and as you uh may have heard, the documents in the shared folder uh can be uh showed on this screen. Not in y the the My Documents. So if you wanna show something, put it in the shared folder. Uh This uh is very straightforward, with the save, the print, the undo, the blank, the select, the pen. Well, I don't uh gonna explain it all, because I think you know uh how it works. Um we must not forget uh everything we draw on here, uh all must be saved. We we may not delete anything. So uh if you have uh drawn something, save it. Never delete it. That's a very important uh thing. Okay. Uh little uh little kinda exercise to uh know each other. At uh the white board on the left. Every uh every one of us uh must draw our favourite animal, and uh tell uh tell us why we uh had uh chosen that animal. Uh important is that we use different colours, and uh different pen widths. Widths. Widths. Yes? Yeah. No no no. It's uh it's uh I I I must do it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. 'Cause we uh really don't know each other, and uh it's kinda new. So getting used to each other, we can uh have a little fun then, before we uh dig in really to the hard stuff. That kind of thing. Would you start with drawing your uh favourite animal? Okay, okay. Yeah, okay. Drawing goes with uh this thing. Do not touch your hand on uh this little uh thingy here. That's uh important. So hold it uh like this. Yeah, kinda. So, um You must p p uh push a little uh Good. Because And uh wait uh wait a few seconds. It's not uh fully real-time, so uh watch it. Oh yeah. Well I'm gonna paint in the red. Oh. That's the background colour. Well, undo. Um The pen? No. One minute please. Yeah, that's the one. Well, five. Okay. My favourite animal huh? Yeah, you can guess what it is. May uh paint uh next. No, it's not an orc. You don't see it uh at the ears? You have an orc at home? Thank you. So it's a cat. Simba. 'Cause uh we have a cat at home and he's called Simba. 'Cause he looks like the uh the the lion from The Lion King. So we uh found it kinda cool to uh name it after a lion. He's happy with us, so uh he's smiling. No, only the face. Because we have we have twen twenty five minutes. So we uh Yeah. Yeah. Okay, who wants to go next? Yeah? So choose a colour, choose a pen width and draw a Yeah. Save it, okay. Kind of firm touch. Yeah. Because uh my cat is red uh at home. And I have red hair, so uh must be red. It is a turtle. Why a turtle? Why? Tim? You watched it a lot? You watched it a lot? It's a scared turtle. Okay, Tim. Thank you. Jurgen, you want to go next? Format? And then you have the the current colour, you can change. So no red or green. And uh line uh width. I had five. Tim had Uh Tim, what kinda line width did you have? Okay. It's a dog. Okay. Why a dog? You have a dog at home? Had a dog? Yeah? Ah. You have an artistic uh inner middle. So I think you can see it's real uh really a easy programme to use. Not difficult at all. Okay, thank you. Janus? The last one? Yeah. After a cat, a turtle and a dog. I think he's gonna draw an elephant. Uh-oh. No. Better to draw with a with But what is he uh? Is it a rabbit? Do you have a rabbit at home? Is it a white rabbit f It's the white rabbit from The Matrix. Okay, then yeah. Okay. Finishing touch and then we're going further. Yeah? Yeah, a little. Well, I think the dog is the the most uh artistic. Don't choose for youself. That's selfish. Okay, now we're gonna dig into the to the serious stuff. Uh the selling price for the remote will be uh twenty five Euro, and the production cost uh may not be more than uh twenty and a half Euro. So uh from my point of view, I don't think it's uh gonna be very uh very high tech, high definition, uh ultra modern uh kinda remote, for twelve uh fift uh twelve and a half Euro. Uh the profit we must make with uh the new remote is uh fifty million Euro. So that's a lot. We have to sell uh a lot of uh Uh I think uh w when the selling price is twenty five, uh uh you got two million, two million remotes. But our marketing range is uh, market range is international. So we have uh virtually the whole world we can sell uh we can sell our r remotes to. At least that uh countries which have uh a television. Um So now it's time uh for us to uh going uh to discuss a little uh things. You can think about uh experience with a remote control uh yourself, at home. What you think might be uh a useful uh new feature. What uh what can distinguish our new trendy remote control from all the others. Um so uh let's uh let's uh discuss a little. I'm gonna join you at the table. Well what what's the most uh important thing at a remote control? Okay. So not a not a remote control who uh uh which can uh can be used for television and a D_V_D_ and radio and Or just only If you have them on uh I can uh Okay. Oh, in case you want it This is a dead kind of fly. Between the the the, yeah, the the uh Yeah, be The screens. No no no. Only All the drawings go there, at the left uh Oh, that pen drawings. Uh no, I think uh when it is uh in Word and you have saved it in the Shared Documents folder, you can show it there. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Five minutes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Okay. So it be uh a multi-purpose uh very technically uh high uh remote? Yeah, it must be really uh innovative, technical-wise? Yeah. So yeah, I I agree with you. So we must focus on things who are really uh really add something to uh to Yeah. No. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. But we have to keep an eye that it's Uh at the beginning of such a project, it's it's it's very uh cool to talk about, well, this would be cool, that would be cool. Uh but we must not uh lose uh sight of the the user uh uh friendly uh Yeah okay. Yeah. Okay. And that's because we have him. Okay, uh next meeting will start in thirty minutes. So uh you uh will have uh individual actions where I presume uh will be some feedback, uh via the m the mail. Um the the the Industrial uh Designer has to uh look at the working design. Uh the User Interface Designer has to look at the technical functions. So that's the thing we uh discussed. Yeah? Okay. Um wha Yeah. Yeah. But maybe, because uh you are working on the user requirements, you are working on the technical functions, we uh must uh have a little or kinda uh uh uh How do you call it? Uh Uh a little plan on on what we're going to do. So you don't uh uh come up with the user requirements who don't fit the the the the technical functions at all. Some basic things we co we want to going to do. Uh I think that's well uh Yeah. Will come in handy. Okay. W He says Yeah. Well, th that's that's really a step further. But if you say uh is it uh uh one way or multi-purpose, that's a Why? Why? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So uh each individually i individually uh must think on what's uh at uh his point of view is the most important. And uh then we're going to fit uh all the pieces together the next meeting. I must finish off now, so it's over. You uh will receive specific specific instructions uh by your personal coach. And I see you in uh thirty minutes. Thank you. Be careful. +Speaker B: Hi. Morning. Hi, my name's uh. I'm the Industrial Designer. By the way, why was your cat uh red? Oh, okay. Oh, yeah, sure. No, it's a turtle. Must be a dog. Yeah. Uh. Hmm. Yeah, sure. Uh thanks. I figure I should do something like that, but I'm gonna do something much more difficult. Exactly. Uh Yes. No. No. Yeah, exactly. So. Uh I figured this is a pretty b good impression of a rabbit. Uh uh Uh well. Where does the pen go? Just uh Uh I figured the rabbit was actually the most uh impressive. Oh, sorry. Twenty million. Two million, oh yeah, two million. Yeah. And and him. I figure we could get back to it on the next meeting actually. Yeah. Yeah, actually it is. Then looking at individual components, so that's actually a f step further. Yeah, we can take it from there. Yeah, I agree uh, we can take it from there. Or edit. Okay, cheers. +Speaker C: Hi. Oh. Good morning. I'm Juergen Toffs. I'm the User Interface Designer. Ach. Ooph. Very artistic. Okay. Wow. He does have body uh Huh. You don't have to change the colour and the pen width during uh the drawing. Or You have to draw uh push hard on the pen or uh Oh. Uh hmm. Okay. Oh. It's a very bloody cat. It's a frog. Uh it's an apple. A dog? Huh? Oh, it is a turtle. It's uh inside its shell. You'll be uh finished sooner. Wow. Yes. Okay. Wha Thank you. Yeah. Um How did it work? Performance? And a pen? Um Well, very good. I just uh thought I'd pick the easiest one. Well, we had a dog, a few years ago. And and it, yeah, when it died we didn't get a new one or something. But uh Uh a Graphical User Designer, so Hey. Oh. No. Can work together. Ah colour. Well, it's okay. Yeah. Uh-oh. Oh, he is the artistic design. Remote control animal. Well with the interface, it might be easier to ha to draw here and display there uh. Than on the, with Yeah, I m I mean like uh like on here, drawing drawing uh. And then displaying on screen, but Too expensive, yeah. A green rabbit. There, the g white green rabbit. He's a little bit stoned there. Yeah, how much is it? Hundred million uh remotes or something? Oh yeah. Um well I think the most important thing of a remote control is that you can switch channels. And my opinion is you should keep it as basic as possible. Uh Is it possible to open pen drawings in this uh on this screen? Uh but um which The ones we made on the Oh, only in Word, okay. For what purpose? We And and the price. Okay. And him. Yeah. Um one thing uh, we must first agree on uh what we're going to m going to make. Do we Are we going to use um it it for multiple systems? Or uh We should have some agreement on that before we Okay. Ah okay. Consensus on the, what we're gonna do. Yeah. Well yeah, if the technical functions have to be designed, I I've gotta know for what kind of machines they will be. Or do we use it a text screen? Or uh will it be with uh with bluetooth or Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Sorry. Yes. Yeah. No. Come up. +Speaker D: Good morning. By Big Brother? Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. Of our faces. I'm uh Tim. Um my function is the Marketing Expert. Speaks for itself. I have a question. Um this exercise, um did the company board tell you to do it, or uh did you just make it up yourself? It's part of the introduction, okay. Okay. Um, yeah. I don't know really how it works. But maybe you can show us first? You g you get electrocuted or It's like Pictionary? The the one who says it first gets a raise. It's a pork? Mm yeah, I have it at home. What's it called? Ah. Miniature size? Okay. Okay. We have to speed up. Remember you use uh different colours, and different pen widths. I Okay. Save it. You have to save it. I've done it. New? 'Kay. Mm uh Not really. Um That one. Yeah? Okay. Open. Which one is it? Smart board? Okay. And now? Okay. Okay, thanks. 'Kay, I've speed up. 'Kay, that's fine. Line width. It's not an apple. Hmm. Colour. Something like this. Smaller. Um 'Cause I liked Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles. Uh? No, it's uh No no. It's coming up. Mm. Uh. Something like this. Okay, you know Very artistic. Yeah? Here you go. Uh the big lines were like nine. Uh, it's p It's pretty good uh An artist. Think you uh picked the wrong uh function. Wrong job. Wha That's enough, thanks. I wonder. I'm gonna design a remote uh remote control animal. Oh. Sorry. Yeah. That that might be easier. But at the other hand, uh a pen like that is easy to hold in your hand, and I think it's easier to draw. Yeah. With a pen than with a mouse mouse. Mouth. Oh, okay. Yeah. W with this paper it's too mu too expensive. It's a rabbit with uh broken legs? Yeah. It will do. Project Manager? Uh Have you been uh counting the time? Okay. Let's go on then. It's pretty abstract. Like how much? Yeah. Yeah. I think so. Uh but I have some points. Can I show them on the on the big screen? Maybe? Yeah. Yeah, I can find Uh. Screen? Okay. Okay, I have some uh points from marketing point of view. Um just the standard thing li things like uh intuitive, uh small, fairly cheap. Uh it's pretty cheap, twenty five Euros. Uh brand independent. Um I think, it doesn't have to matter uh which brand your T_V_ or other thing is. Um Five minutes? Okay, I'll wrap it up quickly. Um I personally think it has to be multi-purpose. Uh most of the remote c uh remote controls are uh just for one purpose. And uh by making it multi-purpose, it uh has a new feature, adds a new feature to the market, and distinguish from uh from current products. Um maybe some other technology than infrared. Uh I rather find it very annoying um, like when someone is standing in front of the T_V_ then you can't switch it. Um think about um sending it over radio waves or bluetooth. That might be a little bit uh expensive. Um And something like an L_C_D_ screen. Um uh like I said here um Maybe it's easy. It's nice as an added feature feature, that um, when you're on a certain channel, you can see on the L_C_D_ screen uh what programmes are coming up or From my point of view, yeah. Yeah, it has to be uh Yeah, our company is very uh good in making new innovative uh things. So i i i i To the current market. Look, you got some cheap uh remote controls there. They just uh Yeah, you got a dozen of 'em. But when you enter a new market with a remote control and uh wanna gain market share you have to do something special, I think. Yeah. Yeah, of course. But it's But but this is just from marketing uh aspect. I don't know anything about user interface or design. Mm uh I I don't think we have to be, we have to agree on that. Uh I think th that's a pha Yeah. That's a phase further. Ju just uh make some mock-ups, some some general ideas. And and then we can plan Yeah. We can plan further, I think. Mm yeah. I don't know. You decide. You're the Project Manager. Uh tha that's a same step further. Yeah. Uh. Yeah. Like we all have a list of uh things that has to b that have to be in it, or how it has to be like. And then in the next meeting we decide w what it's gonna be. A And then you s then you can delete uh the o the obsolete uh details. I think. Yeah. Yeah. Damn. Success?","The participants introduced themselves and their roles to each other. The Project Manager introduced the aim of the project and gave a brief agenda for the entire project. He then introduced and explained how to use the meeting-room materials. The group acquainted themselves with the materials by drawing on the smartboard. The Project Manager presented the project budget and explained that the device would not be made very high-tech due to the small budget. He explained that the device would be sold internationally. The group discussed their initial ideas of features to include in the design; the Marketing Expert discussed usability features, such as the ability to control multiple devices and an LCD screen, to make the product unique. The Project Manager instructed the Industrial Designer to work on the working design and the User Interface Designer to research the technical functions. The group discussed the timing of when they would make decisions on the features discussed." +92,"Speaker A: Can I close this? Oh, okay. There we go. Okay, here we are again. Detailed design oh, come on. Well Ah s Forgot to insert the minutes, but it's about the same thing we discussed before. Uh Could open that anyway, think. Other design anyway, we took as we took w we took rubber as as the material last time. We also that you're just busy with it. Took the advanced chip to t uh implement the advanced features. Well, we discussed the design, no sharp corners, we rounded it off, like you see on the other screen, which is fine. Um we agreed that the colour should be b uh yellow and black. Yellow in the back because it's m trendy, more trendy than black anyway. So then we ca yeah. We agreed that we would implement both the L_C_D_ and speech recognition, but I'll get to that in a moment. 'Cause some changes in the finances have left us implications anyway. So so, like I said, we had no insight in finances, no prices, but we have 'em now, and it's bad. Anyway. We are Oh. Prototype presentation, well first you guys built the prototype. So you could could present that. But um let's see what be handy to do. Nee no, you just go ahead and present the w we'll scrap it later because What? Oh that's hasn't changed that much, huh? I didn't expect anyway. You just coloured it. Mm-hmm. I like the menu. Mm-hmm. And I suppose the the the yellow is not printed on the on the rubber. It's it's part of the rubber, I suppose. I think that's more I think that's more durable anyway than printed on to Oh yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Now it's my time to ruin everything. Well, not ruin everything, but no, nah. Finances, that's what we have here, what you drew. We have battery power, we have advanced chips and the sam the sensor. The sample sensor and uh for speak recognition anyway. So which you see the which is de o one of the most expensive parts. So well, we have sin one curve, a design. Rubber design. And we had a special colour. Suppose yellow is a special colour. So just half a Euro for You have pushbuttons and an L_C_D_ display. You have the total of seventeen Euros in production cost, which is higher than the twelve and a half that we are permitted to use. So, easy. What do we scrap. Well think I had the best solution that I came up with is just to s take out the speech recognition. Because the L_C_D_ has more support on customer side. There are ninety one percent of uh the people, or something like that. But ninety percent who favour an L_C_D_ display, and only sixty percent that favour speech recognition. I think it's also harder to. So I ju I took that out. So and so it's still stuck with thirteen, so I had to take out the special colour I suppose. And, yeah, I didn't see anything else I could take out. Yeah, I could take out the push-buttons, but we need those. So, generally what I came up with, in order to be cou to to have production cost of twelve and a half Euros, spe scrap speech recognition and the separate covers can account for the if people want it, we'll just then we'll do it in black. We'll just deliver it in black, have the it has all the function that it's supposed to have, and if you want it if you want the custom design, then you can buy the separate covers. You make it d orange or whatever you want. It was a big issue, but I'll just go back. Uh let's just let's see what okay, let's just see what we no, we we have to be under twelve and a half. It it's not uh the project is a no-go if we go over twelve and a half, so. I think you that's what you were ass assigned to do really, to to see how b th both those work together. So I think yeah, it's I think it's y one of the it's a good way to um to help people uh to make to keep the product trendy too. Just keep you just make new covers for the for it, like we agreed before. And everything that's left is is the basic function that uh that we want our product to have. Because the expensive parts are in either the advanced chip. But we need that for the L_C_D_ display. Then again, we have the L_C_D_ display, which is also expensive. B yeah, but those go together. And yeah, we could take out the curve. Could we could take out the curve. Is that an option? For you? Yeah. I think it's it it does ruin it, but the fact that I t took that decision or t Took this example actually, not really decision, but the example is because we do offer the um the possibility of adding your own custom covers. So you can change any colour you want. So it's just you deliver a basic remote control with a possibility to change you into whatever you want. You can take plastic, but I d it's something that's stuck into my mind is that something that really came forward from the marketing research is that people like the the the the squishy feeling of the spongy feeling of the and it really makes it also makes it different from the existing remote controls, because they're all plastic. So which in in turn Rubber would increase durability because it doesn't break. I al like I said, I lost the speech recognition and I lost the special colour, which would make this black a black and grey. Yeah, that's that that that's enough, because I guess those are the basic colours. So Oh. I think those are basic col They want to To ensure the profit. That that's th that's the order. We're just uh we're the project team and we got our our orders from the pro from the boss of our company which say we don't wanna spend more than twelve fifty for this. But that's not for our that's not our decision to take. We have a budget of twelve fifty per product. So Stick that. I don't think it's really bad either. I mean if we we have the the backup of or the backup design thing to have I think they would do. Th I think they do like because yo we you we agree upon that the that the the the cover thing was a nice idea, because p you could have all sort of designs while at the same time just manufacturing one product, one basic product which you could turn into any any taste you want. So I think it's the best solution to make those cu custom covers for the design aspect and keep the functionality between of within the th the boundaries of the your f uh your budget. So Well I don't think Yeah. Is it worth is it is it does it mean anything to the customer? Like, it like, we don't care we don't care that you had to True, but we did we didn't get that. So I think it's it should either be a pack, maybe we sh that should be sold in in the s in stores with with a standard cover or something. But They could, but uh It's an option, but yeah, it's true. So actually uh it's not that much of an increase, but yeah. We cannot contact them. It's just the order that we got. So that's what we gotta go with. So it's either one fi just just to get it f just to get it through final, it's either turned into plastic, drop the squishy feel, make it make it more breakable, um or turn it yellow. So It's uh something we have to decide on. I say lose the curve. Oh that's true, we could lose the c yeah, I forgot that, sorry. Uh the curve. So That's just this one just d this is the banana curve. So this would this would be straight. No, uh no, that would be a curve inside the thing, I guess. No, would ju then it would just be a straight remote. Just like like that. Which would, yeah, turn it into something far more ordinary. we could make it yellow then, but You second that, you second that we lose the curve. Okay, yeah. So I think it would be a good idea to keep the curve to separate it from the rest of the remote control world, so to speak. So we keep the curve. So the only only solution is either to use the l y lose the yellow or lose the rubber. And I'm in favour of keeping the rubber, because it has more more advantages than the colour yellow has. Mm-hmm. Yeah, um I guess people are willing to pay for that. So I think we can take that option and just with uh with the idea in the back of our head that you can customise your remote control. So I think that would still make it a nice product. Okay, we're final on that. So it's too bad we can't make the whole super thing. But anyways we're here. Um yeah. This we discussed just now. That's just now just we could just discuss how the project went. I mean, was kind of I sort of expected that everything would turn out this way, but because you yeah, everything cannot be for free. We didn't I think it was too bad we didn't have the financial info the last time. Because that was I th it was really essential really to ma because we spent uh uh entire stage designing a product of which we had no idea what it would cost. So we just put something I think it's really nor not in stroke with reality actually. So Yeah. Yeah, I think would have been. Materials would be ok at least the last meeting I would have expected had to have that. So I suppose Yeah, let's see if it sells. I mean I suppose this sells, because it's very very extended. But I suppose it sells, because it's good. I mean it's got everything for the for the reasonable price, because we didn't know what it's gonna cost anyway. Okay. Have been met, okay. Yeah. They're stuck under menu. For the menu. I think those are totally met, because we we really took them for the they have the feel they want, they have the simplicity they want. I think it's very uh very well met. Either two or one maybe. I think we took that everything they wanted into consideration. So it could either be a two or a one. One and a half. Just create our own option. Yeah. It's perfect. Even for deaf people, yeah. It's I don't think it's perfect, but we did everything possible to to get it back. Because if it's stuck in you couch, you can see the light. Maybe you can hear it. But I mean we tried, so I think it that's that deserves a one. Definitely. I'd use an remote control. It's pretty straight-forward, uh-huh. I think but we didn't even there was no issue on making a manual actually. We didn't really discuss it, but I don't think it takes no, it really does doesn't take time to learn, I think. We took it s it's so easy, we have so little button, everything speaks for itself really. So I think that's yeah, we didn't it's either two or one, I guess. Maybe it's a two, because d uh the L_C_D_ is a little is a little new and there is there are some option hidden under the menu button. So I might make this a two instead of a one, I guess. So just make that a two. You can use the L_C_D_ in a good way. I think so. I think it's perfect, the w where it is, what it can do, if it useful. I think so. No, y I mean in the L_C_D_ screen, the small screen. What does it display? Well I thought it was I thought it was I thought that people wanted previews on their I'm not sure if that even possible, but 'cause it's this requires a quite quite a bit of band-width. I don't think it's possible really. But the they didn't really define in what should be used for. But I think in for example like T_V_ guides, I think that's that th that you can transmit through it and everything. Just for extra information on your programmes. But also things like like like menus or p how about preferences of your uh with configuring your remote control for favourite your favourite channel for example, how do you configure that. So that could be done by L_C_D_ display. I think it's good. No, maybe it's not a one because it's we're not using it perfectly. We didn't give it I don't thing over-discussing. Now we gave it enough thought though. I think we d should just lower this. Maybe maybe it's a three though. We could've used it more effectively probably. Yeah, we are using it, but it's not it's not poorly used, but it's not efficiently used, I think. We could have ev even lost the selection button and uh done everything via L_C_D_ selection. It's now it's just extra to illustrate im uh extra features, but okay. Can you talk to remote control? Well, it can't talk anymore. So we scrap that. Oh yeah Just to be a prick, but of course you can talk to your remote control, it doesn't do anything. But you c you can talk to it. Well, we did take everything into consideration of course. Uh the shape i shape is i I think we yeah, I think that's okay. Yeah, special co but we took into consideration the fact that it's customisable to the fashi We don't have it we do have it, it's just sold as a package. It does it's not part of the basic product. It that that's what I call trendy. I mean the shape is trendy. The the sh the the functions are trendy. It's just the colours that are not supporting the basic model. Because you ha it's just not affordable at the moment. It's possible, but you have to pay extra for the for the possibility of having it in a f a different colour. Overall score. One two three. sixteen. Two two point some two point something.. Two and two thirds. It's okay, but that's yo m mostly it's it's influenced by the fact that we didn't have enough resources to implement speech recognition. 'Cause yeah, that gives you a seven, which ruins your your average. Without that it would be like under it wouldn't yeah, it would be under two. So I think we have even with this it's reasonable. Well I think it's two is okay. Yeah, two is pretty good. Definitely. Yeah, I think it's probably I I do admit that we d did miss a little or didn't sp didn't talk talk enough about the possibility of the L_C_D_ display. We could have used it more efficiently, we just didn't think of it that way. So like I said, changing channels, everything hidden in your L_C_D_ display, so you just need the navigation buttons to do everything. I think we div I think we did very well, uh ev even if you look at this score, we did quite well. It just looking for improvements what what you could have improved. So. They sh they should get kids, and just stick 'em in T_V_ and say change the channel. I don' think so. Uh it's just not it it's not affordable. Or your sh you should lose the L_C_D_ screen probably, but I think that's I think the L_C_D_ screen is more worth than speech recognition. Definitely. Okay, that was that. So that's the final product without the speakers, I guess. Let's see, what was left in the the Another one. Hmm. Yeah, we evaluate the product. General project, what's i in For example, I thou I thought we were pretty creative in what we created. We took the whole new approach of making exchangeable cover for example, which I thought was pretty creative, because it was never never ever listed somewhere. Well Anyways. Yeah, leadership is up to you. I mean perhaps I screwed up because I d put a put a speech recognition into it. But that's not for me to decide. I think we did pretty well as team-work though. Because, yeah was very hard to work with one another if you cannot communicate in the meantime, because when I got the when I got the input for the financial results, initially of course I wanted to contact you. Say, look, this is you're doing the wrong thing, you're s you're wasting your time now, because we're implementing stuff that we cannot afford. So it would be better if y if there was more communication between uh because that's that's what would w you what you would normally do, either call or email someone. So that was too bad con was impossible here anyways.. It didn't have or didn't knew what they costs or whatever. There was just too little information about what things actually cost and if you could use them. So that was a little unclear I suppose. I think a SMARTboard SMARTboard is pretty cool. I think uh s especially for design issues, it's very easy just to give your give your thoughts a little it's easier to share them. It's a little less it the response time is le it's very bad. It's good to visualise everything, but I think the response time should could be a lot better. Definitely. Yeah, it's true. No, you don't have to. No, you don't. I jin I didn't check the finish button. I just you just ditch it and you can copy it or whatever. Uh only if you uh check the notes or press done. Then it um then you can then it exports to Word automatically. But it's not necessary to check either one of those two. You can just preview your p you can just preview your page in the in the programme. Okay, before starting a ne a new page. Okay, that could be b. Okay. Yeah, okay. That's Yeah, it's understandable, okay. Any new ideas? Yeah, more communication between between uh that's the thing I noticed, that communication is very um very important, because if you get new information, it's essential f for the other team-mates to know that as soon as possible, because you would avoid making doing extra work, because you were doing extra work now uh m working on the on the speech recognition, you have limitation both on the technical on the d on the design side. So I think that could have been better. But that's I think it's more of a a setting here that you cannot communicate than uh than somewhere else. So Yeah, I think so. And l less p less spam probably. I'm not sure i I'm not sure you got spammed as well, but I get spammed like every t every two minutes there was a there was another email about master classes or something. So which were totally useless actually. I thought I should probably look into them, but they were all useless. So I just Oh okay. I didn't have any uh more information, it's just always the same here. So that's that's kind of a It would change, but not for me. So I'd I had no extra information to go on that one than what you give me actually. I couldn't do any research myself or I see, that's yeah, w I could have done a little extra work probably, then But I was busy enough anyway. So Any new ideas found? Or is that a 'cause uh yeah, it's well, probably is. I have no clue. That's like oh,but it Should i if the project is evaluated and it was it was in b within budget, we should celebrate. So Uh okay, think that's about it. Uh I'm not sure what we should still do though uh t let's see what all your tasks were finished, right? What you ha from your assistant. So let's Okay, I should I think I sh I still have the the total report to finish up. I think we took very little time now, because Yeah, we're in agreement, everything the design is okay. The one thing we missed though, we don't have a product name. How about you cook a how about you cook up a product name? Just oh, think of a catchy name. I'll be working on this until the beep until it beeps. So What? Fruit? You don't want it to resemble a banana. It's not yellow anyway. It's not yellow anymore. It is curved, but No, it's Hmm. Real Reaction future R_C_. Step into the future of of remote controlling your T_V_. No that's a that's a catchy slogan. Control your remote control. I go for future R_C_ probably. Something like It's short f Real reactor? Uh that that's That makes me think of different products than a remote control really. I'm not sure. Real reaction in a real Real reactor. Didn't notice. Mm. I take f yeah, take a banana. Hmm. No, not like that. It should be it should be longer, because it's not a product name that you f print on a box. Just write out triple, like a word triple R_C_, triple stripe Oh. Triple dash R_ dash s s C_. Yeah. R_ dash C_. Dash. Triple R_ or triple R_C_? How about do both? Sure if it looks stupid. Uh I think that the the R_C_ together takes away the the the image of it's a triple Uh the first the first one looks like it's a triple remote control, but it's only a single remote control. And it's especially on the triple R_ that's important. The Real Reaction Remote. Yeah, triple R_ yeah, you can Yeah, triple R_. Banana remote. I think we're all in agreement about the triple R_. I think triple R_ is cool. And it looks cool when you print it in font, looks pretty cool. Just like this just and you just print triple R_, it looks doesn't look bad, it's short, it's okay. So have to write my report now, I guess. Um Um Yeah, so we have everything. We have the product, we have the costs, we have the possibility of everything. Okay. I think it's adjourned. Retire to my lair and finish the report. That was a short meeting. But efficient though. Probably. See. Okay, goodbye. Could you guys draw me a picture of the final design to put on the cover of the report? +Speaker B: Hmm. Hmm? Mm yeah. Okay. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah. Pushbut Special colour, yeah. Yeah, it The p And the p What. But uh the and Yeah. The people Spongy, yeah. Yeah. And But But The people want to pay for for it, so why why uh do we have to keep us uh uh um on the twelve and a half? Yeah. But we can take a risk. Okay, yeah. I hope the people will like it, but Yeah. Yeah. The first sheet. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's better. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. And I want to do that. Yeah. Yeah. But Let's um see um Um Let's Uh Oh. Hmm. Okay, let's eval evaluate uh the product of us, our design. Um I have some uh a method, a requirements and scale of. I uh will pre present uh some statements and we will decided together wha what if it's true or false and uh then we see uh if the requirements of the user are fulfilled or not. And I will uh make a new blank sheet. So so the buttons, the look and feel. I thought it was okay, but the advanced uh settings, um screen, audio and channel We are not Oh the menu button is it. Hi Oh, okay. Then it's all uh S it's true. Yeah. So d Oh wait. Uh pen. The p Oh yeah, it's red, okay, but Look and feel is everybo it's true. So Anyone? And the next one uh yeah, when it's lost uh you can find it. It's Yeah. And it's and it's yeah. To. That's okay then. And the next one. How is that? Uh w we had we don't have an uh manual, yeah. But I think that's a part of it. But Yeah, an L_C_D_, it tells a lot about uh Yeah. So it's a one or a I don't know. For the advanced uh settings. No okay, that uh that's true. Oh, so it Takes no ti Yeah. And the L_C_D_, you have to see it. Um mm Oh, it's a little bit learning. Okay. Uh yeah it's uh a little bit same. But it tells you or not? But wha w oh, yeah. What are we uh displaying on the L_C_D_ screen? Just uh only the channels and or What uh? Oh, in the L_C_D_ screen. And for a channel selection, uh or that's not Yeah, I thought I thought too but yeah. But Maybe a T_V_ guide or something in your L_C_D_ uh Yeah. Yeah, it must be clear then what what what for we use it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, indeed. So everybody's agree with an uh three on it, it's W Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I A three. Ah, nothing, that's A seven. Uh that's uh Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Not with the speech recognition. Uh yeah, all the trends and no colours uh anymore. So Yeah, uh um only in the curves. But the colours, we don't have special colours on it. Yeah, but we yeah, we don't have it, so d In the end product. Now But it's not a one. Yeah. Oh. Oh well Oops. Oh it's a two, right? On the last one. Uh that n that's all. Overall. It's um ten, sixteen three uh two two point seven or something like that. I don't know why. Six. Um So we can say it's it's the product is it's okay. Y not Yeah. Woah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, with. The scale. Yeah. With an L_C_D_ screen. Yeah, you can make 'em another one. Yeah. Yeah. Favourite channel. Yeah, I know. Yeah. Yeah, you're working separate. Yeah. Yeah, yeah yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Direct uh communication with yeah. Yeah. My handwriting is little bit yeah. Yeah. But th that's Yeah, okay. No. You can Done and then it's okay. Oh, okay. Okay, yeah. Okay. Oh. Hmm. Important to mm Yeah. Mm Yeah, after After five minutes, uh Yeah. Email uh it's Yeah. I want one for my own. Yeah. Yeah, my personal coach i What Yeah, name. Or fruit name. Fruit name or something like that. The banana remote or something. I don't know. Yeah, it's the form of it. Yeah oh, yeah. Uh yeah. Uh Yeah. That's true. Reaction, Real Reaction... Zapping. The Yeah, sure. The banana. Remote. Banana recei R_C_. Remote. R_ three C_. R_ three C_. Real Reaction Remote Control. R_ three C_. Oh yeah. Yeah, triple R_. Triple R_C_. The triple R_C_, yeah. R_ s R_ three C_.. Triple R_ dash. That Yeah, this yeah. Triple remote. Yeah. It's okay. The banana. Banana. Yeah, the deluxe. The r triple R_. Yeah. It can't work. That will not Okay. Damn. I will write that one in a Word uh document. Oh sh Um Yeah, okay, I will ask you when uh I need the information. So it's oh. Uh Oh. Merge. Sucks. Yeah, but I don't know. Smart no. Ma it's maybe it's not on the network of uh the rest. That one is.. Yeah. Okay. Oh yeah,. Can I see scores? Uh, one one, two threes, two Okay, then we'll overall, two points. Yes. Yeah. Mm. +Speaker C: I think it's more or less the same as we had. No much s No no no, not at all. Hmm. Yeah, of course. That's uh the integration story again. No, uh this is just a description of what we see there. So Speaks for itself. Hmm. I d Yeah. Hmm. Hmm. Huh. Okay, but there's another problem. But there's another problem. If we take another cover, for instance black, then we also need another button frame, 'cause black and black doesn't work obviously. Huh. Huh. Yeah. Hmm. Hmm. Right. I agree. Mm-hmm. Or say let's lose rubber, take plastic. Yes. Although we are demolishing a little bit the style. But Yeah. Can we then not also uh change the material? We take plastic for the basic cover and We can put those to the to the other covers. That's true. But okay. But what do you then suggest we'd lose? Because we have to lose two things and I guess. Yes. Okay, and that's enough? Hmm. Hmm. Perhaps we should make m Huh. Perhaps we should make clear to our customer that we had to do this to stay under the cost. And that's uh they know that this is an option and that we had to drop the option to stay under the cost, that they know that. Perhaps they decide tha Of course. Perhaps they uh no, but perhaps they think uh okay, the cover is such a nice idea, uh let's that that then they uh that allow us to make some more costs. We ca we uh we can at least tell them that You don't know that. Huh. No, I'm not uh talking about that cost but the one that g has given us the order to design this. We could at least m uh make it like this, like you said, and then tell them okay, we had to drop this and that, just that you know. It is an still an option, but not for this price. Exactly, but Hmm. I'd say lose the curve and the colour and Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Oh. I agree. No. Hmm? Yes. Huh. Hmm. Me too, I felt a bit blind throughout the project, because in the beginning I had no list of available materials, and then I d had not list of available c finances. So Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. One. Hmm. Manual. I think the L_C_D_ display could be a little bit more difficult then a normal remote control, but then again, it's for young people. So Yeah, I th Exactly. No, that's true. I think it won't be a big problem. Ah. Um With the more important functions on. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. the menus uh Things like brightness and uh those kind of things we've put in the menu, because we have no buttons for those. Yes. Mm. Yes. Nah, it's not really only an extra. No menus. Think about Hmm. But M Changing covers is also trend that we followed. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Six. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm, of course. Mm-hmm. But I think for this price, this is it's really a reasonable product. It's a good product. Oh. Oh. Yeah. But if pep people really want speech recognition, then they must be prepared to pu to pay more, because it's cannot be done for this. Hmm yeah. Ah but for this price uh you cannot ask that. You cannot th think of that No, it's not. Mm-hmm. Oh It's also more attractive. Hmm. Yes. Hmm. Hmm. Yeah. Huh. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. That's the same thing that I had in the beginning. Everybody was using materials that s I didn't have. So Oh. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Mm-hmm. But there's uh also one problem with this I noticed. Uh you have to finish a page before going to a n Oh. Okay, I saw that uh Hmm. Yeah, but I made Okay, but I made three pages and they were not finished. And when the third one was finished, I wanted to download it and then it was not possible anymore, because you have to close all the pinnits uh the pages before going further. Exactly. So we cannot work on more than one page at same time. That's not possible. You have to finish it completely, then download it, it's then start a new one. That's not very uh handy, but if you know that, then it's not a problem. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Ah. Well Hmm. Huh. Yeah.. Yeah, Mm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. Hmm. No.. Okay, bring out the beer. I have no more email. My coach is uh being very silent now. No, we haven't think above about that. Huh. It's better than thi I think than a serial number. Sony uh T_R_ something uh f means nothing to me. Uh Like fruit names. Uh at least it's not something with numbers. Numbers are so meaningless to the people. I mean. Real Reaction. Real react. The Real Reactor, I don't find that uh that bad at all. Yeah. Because our name is Real Reaction. I'm looking for things in the name. So that the first three letters are s the same. R_E_A_ R_E_A_. The triple R_. Real Reaction remotes control. Triple R_.? yeah. Yeah, that.. I think triple R_. Doesn't sound? Yeah. Ah. I think I like it like this more. Hmm. Mm. I would huh. I would lose the C_ and just name it triple R_. It sounds like uh thinking about two different things and combining it. I would just say triple R_s triple R_ That's also short, catchy. Banana.. Yes. did you do now? Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Mm-hmm. The boss is always the last one to go home. So See you in a minute. Okay. Can't we take this one? Otherwise we have to do it all over again. Is it okay if I try? Is that okay with you? I'll put it back in a minute. Okay, it has been saving something, but where to I don't know. Oh, can I say exp yes, I can. Export as J_ PEG.. Okay, can I not put this wherever I wants. My document is the wrong one, huh. I cannot. I don't think so. Document and settings. That's a pity. That means that we have to gonna draw it again. Are you gonna do that? Okay. That Yes. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yes, that's correct. Okay. No. Oh, it's export. Okay. Oh, of course. Sorry. +Speaker D: Uh we don't have any changes, do we? So no. It's basically what we agreed upon, but just a little bit more specified. Uh s Final design. Basically in what we discussed, cover and buttons will be made of rubber, yellow colour, black components, as you can see right over here. We chose a different type of colour for the menu. A bit darker yellow so that it com really shows in this keypad. If you put them all black, it's not really that good a contrast. So Probab Yeah. That's the be And it I guess it's more easier to just paint it on the rubber than to uh So we have it's a bit round shaped, that's what we had uh We chose the buttons to be uh teletext, okay button, favourite channel and the mute. So that's basically what we chose there. If you have anything to add, please interrupt me. Oh. That's pretty much it. Oh sorry. I'd say that too. Uh we don't really have a extra function with the speech sample, which you can't do with a normal remote control, which people already do. So Well, I'd I tend to disagree with you on that, because the trend issue was a big issue when we started designing this. So can't we just basically extend it to thirteen? Okay. Yeah. We do. We could take out a curve indeed. I think the colour is more important than the really the curve, because if you just end up with an entirely black remote control So black and grey is okay. Which we can fabricate, okay. No, we basically We need to stick to that. But they don't Well And if we So which curve is that ba that's basically that curve. So we could u still have the comfort. I second that. No, that it would turn out to be a pretty straight-forward remote control. So that's not really that I would Yeah. I would say I would agree with you on the colour, because that's an extra option, an extra service we can deliver for a little bit of more money. So we can always do that. Which is basically what we discussed. Yes, we could have Well I hope it sells. Which are basically accessible through the menu button. Yeah. Which is not an option. To make it that way, yeah. Mm yeah. And it's pretty straight-forward, you have a navigation no keys to navigate through the L_C_D_ menus. So One I d no, actu No, it it is pretty straight-forward. Yeah. Yeah. Well, basically the menu options indeed. But No. Yeah. Yeah. Two or three. So You can seven. Or we could say it Or we could say neutral, we 'cause we scratched the C No, we don't have the colour. So I Yes, but the end product So Maybe we should go with a two then, because it's not perfect, because we can't do it initially, but we Yeah. Overall score. Ten, sixteen, divided by Is two two third. There's Yeah, if we make it into a four, as in neutral, because we didn't implement it, so we can't say that we that it's really not well implemented. We come out on a average of two one eighth. So which is pretty w good. It's at least on the positive side. So We could definitely have done better if we've had more resources, but Yeah. True. So did you Yeah. And we could share information which we received. Yeah. Although for actual design I'd say the response time should be a little bit higher, because The digital pen was definitely better to draw my ideas and to further elaborate on that. So Oh can you? Okay. Yeah, well it could also possibly be well, is it a more real-time information base, so we can all see which information is available to one another. Well, I personally did not have that, but That's probably your l description. But I also didn't not really. But still, you had that as well. Is that we finished up the design and then we checked the website, and then there was just extra information. There was a little delay in the bit of a c crucial delay. How much time do we have for this anyway? Yeah. Champagne. Product name. The bana 'cause it's not yellow anymore. Well, uh I was going for the R_C_ deluxe, but it's not really a catchy name or anything, it's more Something with our company name, can we do anything with that? Maybe there's something on the website which will help us out. The reaction deluxe. Is that a name or a c campaign? Yeah. Or the The real reactor. You should write it down as a an option. So that's one option. Should I write the banana down or Sure? Well I Uh do you mean it like You mean it like this? Dash C_? Like a C_ right now or a dash in a C_? Is it triple R_C_s? No. Well, that's another option. Okay, so which ones are we going to scratch definitely? I say this one as well. Triple R_? Triple R_ it is. Yeah, sure. I don't really know whether we can save it as a picture or no. Sure. Network places. I wouldn't pick that one, no. Sure. Oh. I see you later.","Detailed design Prototype presentation , well first It's basically what we agreed upon , but just a little bit more specified . Basically in what we discussed , cover and buttons will be made of rubber , yellow colour , black components , We chose a different type of colour for the menu . A bit darker yellow And it I guess it's more easier to just paint it on the rubber So we have it's a bit round shaped , We chose the buttons to be uh teletext , okay button , favourite channel and the mute . We have battery power , we have advanced chips and the sam the sensor . The sample sensor and uh for speak recognition anyway . we have sin one curve , a design . Rubber design . And we had a special colour . Suppose yellow is a special colour . You have pushbuttons and an L_C_D_ display . You have the total of seventeen Euros in production cost , think I had the best solution that I came up with is just to s take out the speech recognition . Uh we don't really have a extra function with the speech sample , Because the L_C_D_ has more support on customer side . so I had to take out the special colour I suppose . and if you want it if you want the custom design , then you can buy the separate covers . So can't we just basically extend it to thirteen ? uh the project is a no-go if we go over twelve and a half , we could take out the curve . I think the colour is more important than the really the curve , but the example is because we do offer the um the possibility of adding your own custom covers . Can we then not also uh change the material ? We take plastic for the basic cover something that's stuck into my mind is that something that really came forward from the marketing research is that people like the the the the squishy feeling of the spongy feeling of the We can put those to the to the other covers . Rubber would increase durability so why why uh do we have to keep us uh uh um on the twelve and a half ? and we got our our orders from the pro from the boss of our company But we can take a risk . that's not our decision to take . I think it's the best solution to make those cu custom covers for the design aspect and keep the functionality between of within the th the boundaries of the your f uh your budget . but the one that g has given us the order to design this . and then tell them okay , we had to drop this and that , just that you know . It is an still an option , but not for this price . yeah , it's true . So that's what we gotta go with . just to get it through final , I say lose the curve . Oh that's true , Which would , yeah , turn it into something far more ordinary . I second that . So we keep the curve . And I'm in favour of keeping the rubber , we're final on that . because it has more more advantages than the colour yellow has . we could just discuss how the project went . I think it was too bad we didn't have the financial info the last time . Me too , I felt a bit blind throughout the project , because it's good . I mean it's got everything for the for the reasonable price , let's eval evaluate uh the product of us , our design . I uh will pre present uh some statements and we will decided together wha what if it's true or false So so the buttons , the look and feel . One and a half . And the next one uh yeah , when it's lost uh you can find it . so I think it that's that deserves a one . Definitely . And the next one . Manual . I think the L_C_D_ display could be a little bit more difficult then a normal remote control , it it is pretty straight-forward . What are we uh displaying on the L_C_D_ screen ? Things like brightness and uh those kind of things we've put in the menu , I thought that people wanted previews on their I don't think it's possible really . uh with configuring your remote control for favourite your favourite channel for example , how do you configure that . So that could be done by L_C_D_ display . A three . I mean the shape is trendy . The the sh the the functions are trendy . It's just the colours that are not supporting the basic model . Maybe we should go with a two then , Overall score . Two and two thirds . mostly it's it's influenced by the fact that we didn't have enough resources to implement speech recognition . 'Cause yeah , that gives you a seven , I do admit that we d did miss a little or didn't sp didn't talk talk enough about the possibility of the L_C_D_ display . We could have used it more efficiently , like I said , changing channels , everything hidden in your L_C_D_ display , so you just need the navigation buttons to do everything . For example , I thou I thought we were pretty creative in what we created . I think we did pretty well as team-work though . Because , yeah was very hard to work with one another if you cannot communicate in the meantime , There was just too little information about what things actually cost and if you could use them . I think a SMARTboard SMARTboard is pretty cool . I think uh s especially for design issues , it's very easy just to give your give your thoughts a little it's easier to share them . Although for actual design I'd say the response time should be a little bit higher , The digital pen was definitely better to draw my ideas and to further elaborate on that . The one thing we missed though , we don't have a product name . And it's especially on the triple R_ that's important . The Real Reaction Remote . Triple R_ it is . have to write my report now , I guess . Could you guys draw me a picture of the final design to put on the cover of the report ? Yeah , sure . What do we scrap . Yeah . I would say I would agree with you on the colour , So I might make this a two instead of a one , I guess . You can use the L_C_D_ in a good way . So we cannot work on more than one page at same time . That's not possible ." +104,"Speaker A: Hi everyone, hope you had a nice lunch. Um. Alright we're moving on to conceptual design. Um, I'll just review what we did in our last meeting. Um, under marketing we targeted our audience, and Um, yeah. That was generally how helpful that was. Um, then we considered some design options with how it should look, um, we discussed an iPod-like button system which, uh, we haven't concluded but we're Right, um So, if you all have presentations to do, we can see what where you've come from our last time. Does everyone have presentations? Okay. Would anybody like to go first? Okay. And why not wood? And why not wood? 'S good. Hmm. Mm. I think it's the next it's the blue one, yeah. Yeah but you're not gonna wear your remote control. Oh we s hadn't discussed it last time. You need a screen for it? We're, um, we're actually not having D_V_D_, that was one of th I I was sorry, I I meant to update you on that. Um. Yeah. Yeah. You've Yeah, I know what you're saying, you have to But but imagine someone with s But i what if you have satellite and you have like two hundred channels. Then to get to channel one eighty nine you have to Yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah I mean with that many options, you'd uh I'd think that the screen would be better, because you could have that menu option, sort of Yeah. Yeah. Uh. Mm. Mm. Yeah. So the T_V_ is the screen, that yeah So it would have all these different options of changing to Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Um, right. What if I mean, if you're thinking of the design of it now, like the a you know, physical attributes, um, and you just have this, it's like just a long silver thing, or whatever we're thinking. I mean are you you gonna have any buttons on that besides power and this thing? Or Yeah. So can we imagine that this would be smaller than the remote controls that you showed us before. I mean okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I've seen some people just going like that with their thumb, yeah. Yeah. But, were there buttons on there as well? Mm. Yeah. Yeah. What if, um, you had like a b a cover that went over buttons that you don't use very much? Like you so you could slide it up if you needed to like change the contrast or something like that? So the options are there but they're not in interfering with the design and the practicality of it. Do do you know what I'm talking about though? Like, uh, yeah just something Yeah, that you can flip over, yeah, yeah. Yeah I mean I guess that's the thing is is if w I if we can do this, that'd probably be Yeah, yeah. So I guess we have to look into the, um, like, the programming, how this how they actually programme these things, and if that's yeah. I mean it would y would that would be Huh. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, you don't know they mean, yeah, it's like yeah. Mm. And it is technologically innovative in a way, so that fits with the B Yeah. Oh god. Ah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean definitely the area round it. Yeah. An orange. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So what if what this is I'm just forming this idea in my head of how this thing is looking. If you have like that stress ball material kind of as what you're actually holding in your hand, so like what you're feeling is comfortable, and then there's more of a hard plastic thing where that thing is. And on that hard plastic thing you can change either the colour or the fruit or vegetable that's on there. Is that kind of I 'cause I I'm thinking of silver because those are our company colours. Um I mean how are you how are you all envisioning by what we've just the feedback we've just got about the A ball? Yeah. This is just Okay. Say that's the s say that's the squashy bit. Squashy. That see I was thinking this s sorry I was thinking this bit here would be the cover and like that's your actual thing. And like this you could have like you could have like cherries and things around there. Um but I was thinking if it was like this 'cause the way you were describing the the iPod and the thi the roll thingy It's almost like your thumb is farther up, so if if you could squish it lower then Yeah, I know what you meant, yeah. Yeah. Mm. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Hmm. Well that's not very neat, but Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. It was, yeah, silver and yellow. It l it looks like I don't Yeah. I mean that's another question, where are we gonna we we should have the logo somewhere on it. Yeah. Yeah, th and that would that Mm-hmm. I don't know what the rest of my notes mean because they were made for me. But if someone components concept. Question mark. Energy. Question mark. Was that you? Okay. Oh right right. Yeah. Um, so what d but what do we know about energy? I mean we're gonna use batteries right? And I think batteries sound good. What does everyone else think? What about Kryptonite? Yeah. What does chip on print mean? Uh-huh. Okay. Right. So, chip on print is just means like that they're mass-produced. Okay. And case? Uh I guess that's what we've been talking about, yeah. Casing. Yeah. thinking of like syntactic case and thi um let's see. Is there anything else we need to talk about? Oh when we move on, you two are going to be playing with play-dough. Um, and working on the look and feel of the design and user interface design. And you're gonna be doing protu product evaluation. So you'll get mm m more instructions from your personal coach. Mm. See you soon. Does it matter that I end early? How how early is it? I didn't get a pop-up thing that said +Speaker B: Hmm. Yes. Sure. So I've been looking at the components design. Um. Mostly by consulting remote control diagrams from the internet and also by incorporating design ideas from the last project meeting. Um, so we need some custom design parts, and other parts we'll just use standard. Um, I assume we'll be custom designing our case, probably a hard plastic or some other material case, to protect the remote and the locator. And we'll need to custom desi design a circuit board, because the circuit board has to take the button input and send it to the output so you have to design that each time. But once we come up with a design we'll send it to the circuit people and they'll just print it out. Um, standard parts include the buttons and the wheels, um the iPod-style wheel. The infrared L_E_D_ is actually gonna be included in the circuit board that comes with it. Um, we need a radio sender and receiver, those are standard. And al we also need a beeper or buzzer or other sort of noise thing for locating the remote. So we have some material options. Um, we can use rubber, plastic, wood or titanium. Um, I'd recommend against titanium because it can only be used in the flat cases and it's really heavy. Um, and the rubber case requires rubber buttons, so if we definitely want plastic buttons, we shouldn't have a rubber case. And, hmm? Uh, well we can use wood. I don't know why we'd want to. Um and also we should note that if we want an iPod-style wheel button, it's gonna require a m qu slightly more expensive chip. We can't use the minimal chip, we need the next higher grade, which is called regular. I don't think it's much more expensive, but it is more expensive. So that's what I've got on design. You need a screen with music because you're looking for a specific song, like you know that band or whatever. With T_V_ channels it's, you know, one two three. So Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. My flatmates actually had one with a wheel, and it it did show up on the T_V_. They have to r wheel really fast. But I think the wheel goes through like a hundred channels, at least on theirs. It's more expensive according to the design people. You have to get a an advanced chip if you wanna have a screen in, which is more expensive than the regular chip, which is more expensive than the minimal. Mm-hmm. Yeah. W when we had the wheely remote control, we it was on the top I think, if you held it like that. Yeah well it had the wheely thing and then it had those eighteen different buttons that I don't know what they do. So we just used the top part. Yeah. Yeah like maybe something on the side where you slip a panel down and it's got a whole bunch of Yeah. Oh how they make the menu show up on the T_V_? I don't know. I believe it's ins it's gotta be inside the T_V_, not inside the remote. I'm not sure. Well they usually are. Well I guess that's right. It always comes with the T_V_. Yeah, it most of the ones we've had have had the menu button, 'cause it's not like you need to have a button access to like change the contrast or something. 'Cause it just doesn't come up every day or something. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Or on the T_V_ too. Oh, I was gonna say. You said uh people want spongy. Um, one of your one of the material options is a sort of rubber that's in like those stress ball things. So, that would be spongy. Yeah I think it could work. Don't think I'd want it to feel like a banana. You could do like the computers where they have like the grapefruit, apple machine and they have like the blueberry, like all the colours are named after fruits. Oh. Mm. I was thinking sort of a single ball shape. So you're holding a squishy ball and then it has a Mm-hmm. Yeah I guess so. Yeah you could squish it. I guess they would be either in the colour of that plastic face on the front, or in the colour of the squishy thing underneath. I think the batteries would have to go right under the plastic case. Especially if you're switching out the squishy part. Then you need to have the other part just be sort of a single unit that you can snap off. Well I dunno. You'd spend so much time like squishing it to your own personal hand. Then you'd get a new one and you'd have to do it all over again. That was me. Yes. Uh we actually had an option of batteries, solar power, and um a dynamo, which is something I don't know what it is. Something to do with torches. Oh okay. Yeah, the other one was the other one was a kinetic thing where you'd basically have to wind it yourself. So I sort of picked battery. We could have talked about doing a wind-up or a dynamo or a solar power. Um but I think solar power's not available with the rubber case anyways. It it seems a little weird for a living room anyways. Didn't have enough data to actually All it said was it gave sort of relative, some chips are more expensive than others, sort of things. It didn't give me any actual cost. Most of the stuff is pretty cheap though bought in bulk. So I don't think it's that much of a problem. Like the chip is probably the most expensive part. Um, for things like remote controls, um, they stamp out a chip, calculators too I think. Um, so you can mass produce 'em pretty cheap. But it's not like a computer, you can't like reprogramme your remo remote controls, it's like stamped onto the chip. Yeah. Case is what we were discussing yeah. +Speaker C: Bless you. Yeah. Um, can I do next? 'Cause I have to say something about the material which is quite shocking. Ha. Mm. Right, um, I have been searching the current trends, um, both on the web and via fashion-watchers, and the findings are that the first thing to aim for is a fashion uh, fancy look and feel. Um. Next comes technologic technology and the innovations to do with that. And th last thing is the easy to use um factor. Um, fancy look and feel goes far beyond the functionality of the thing, but I suppose that is included in in the ease of use. Um, our fashion-watchers in Milan and Paris have decided, well noticed, that f the fruit and vegetable theme is the is the current trend and and therefore um we need to go for that if we want, you know, wh whatever our motto is. Um. For fashion, we go for fashion. The fashion in electronics. So we want to put the fashion electronics, we need to go fruit and vegetables. And also go for a spongy feel, so the the question of our technology whate is Industrial Designer. As to the material should be limited to I don't know how spongy it can be, should discuss this together, I don't know how spongy can be achieved but apparently that's the way to go. Um. I I have been thinking about this fruit and vegetable thing and I prefer fruits to vegetables, but that's just a personal opinion. I think I think people like to have a fruit instead of a vegetables in their sitting room. Uh those are just suggestions and also we need to decide whether this should be printed, so that still has to do with the material discuss should we print the fruit stuff, or should the actual remote look like a fruit? Um, and finally again with the spongy. It has to be technologically innovative so maybe again our Industrial Designer should look into that or find come up with a solution that's better than mine. Um, yeah, to summarise these are the points that need to be um, touched in order to get a good decision, and hopefully our User Interface has more to say about the matter. Thank you for your attention. Neither was I. Well it's a trend in fashion, in clothing and um fabrics. But the screen can come up on the telly, the she said. That correct? Graphical interface? Uh on the you can have it on the telly though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Look it even has settings. On the you can just take theirs and just Yeah but should be comfortable. Yeah I use it like that. Yeah. Uh. Well you can have it on the settings, no? They already do it. No. But also if you have it on the screen you can actually write everything out, because the problem with buttons is you like, they have these sort of abbreviations and codes that you're supposed to understand, and I never get it. Never ever. So Well on the telly. Mm. Did you did you get that pc picture on did they provide you with that picture on the web? That's quite interesting. What are we going to do about this vegetable thing that I'm dreading? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Just nice feel, but I hate spongy. Well it could be like mobiles that just you just put a cover. If it's a small thing, you c instead of creating an object for it that looks like a banana, which frankly I'm not particularly fond of, um you could just have covers and then your mobile f it's like a mobile phone thing. You know you had there was a time when they had all these different covers for mobiles. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. And it could the colour can fit your sitting room, so if you have red sitting room you can have strawberry, and then if you have a green one you can have well I don't know. Um. Yeah. Maybe a ball. Know, a squashy ball. A relaxing squashy ball. That you can p well I see you're thinking, it's weird, you're thinking the opposite of me 'cause you're thinking you change the the hard bit and I'm thinking how do you change the hard would you put a um sticker sort of? Because I was thinking if you have a cover for the squashy bit, like a Oh, okay, yeah. Yeah I was thinking of getting a cover for Which is cheaper. Well I don't know if it's cheaper actually. Yeah. So it wouldn't be very big in either like how big? This big, and then you just do that, I suppose. Well just a li I can't des like condom thingy, like a a cover. But well the question is, which one's easiest to change and we can just contact our relevant department for that, and just see what the cost is for covering that or covering that, and for now we can do two prototypes maybe and then hi try and ask users what the best is, and No. Um. That's nicer. I think it's nicer to have a drawing 'cause it's neater. Um. If it's a bit like those juggling balls, you can change shape according to your to the way you hold it. If it's got sand in it maybe, or something, you it it just moulds to your hand. We we don't know. Yeah. And the rest is the company the company colour's silver? Okay. Mm-hmm. Should also fit the batteries, which we haven't Okay. Mm-hmm. No but it does it automatically. Does it automatically? I don't know. Okay. Oh, a dynamo is ah, it's a bicycle. It's a bicycle mechanism. It's the en it's like if if something moves, when it moves, it stores energy. It's quite sweet. No. But dynamo the the fact with dynamo is, the moment you move it, it c it creates energy on its own. Which is quite cool. So if you throw it, it's gonna store loads of energy, and you don't need to buy a battery 'cause they're quite f I find them annoying. But we need to find cost. Don't know the cost. Does anyone have costs on the on the web? Okay. Right. Mm. Oh, thank you. I it's strange because +Speaker D: 'Scuse me. Yes. Yeah. Mm-hmm. So. Oh, uh, there we go. Uh. Okay. Um. Well so that fruit and vegetables thing huh. I actually wasn't aware of the new trends in electronics and and uh So so okay, let me get this right. Okay, uh Okay, alright anyway. Um here we go. Conceptual User Interface. Trying we're gonna try to talk about, um what kind of uh how people are actually going to be using this iPod-ish remote control, based on fruit vegetable design. And, um, basically, so, this is a touched ba a touch-based graphical interface system. Uh, so people are going to be looking at this little screen. Um, kind of I mean I assume, are we still on the screen idea? 'Cause if we're gonna have to ha if we have this it just seems like in order to have someone going around and using the um the wheel you it seems like you would need a screen. But like if you think about it yeah but if so is it just okay. So, b you you're gonna have to switch to like D_V_D_ and like other things like that, aren't you? Are we Okay. Alright. Okay. Okay. Okay. So anyway if well we just we need to Okay so if we're not gonna have a screen I think I was thinking okay. So basically it's just gonna be a wheel then? And you're just gonna I mean I think you're gonna have to have some kind of a right. Yeah like you're g yeah like you're gonna have to be able to switch to like a mode where you can okay we're not choosing that, I guess. But like choose channel control, like if you wa Because people aren't gonna be able to have like, um, you know, channels one two three four five six seven eight nine. So that people seems to be well You know. But you're gonna have to scroll to get channels. So um I guess that's wh why I was thinking you may need to have some kind of a screen because So that people can go arou go back and forth and choose if or or then again if you just I guess I c I can see like some kind of a thing where like you sort of have like the number come up on the T_V_ like what channel you're on. You can just scroll and you can just get to like five or like twelve or I oh yeah? 'Cause you'll have to like but you can quickly s you can Yeah. Yeah if you do, it w so it would have to be you I mean so you basically just kinda need to figure out like what kind of, you know, range we need to have on the wheel, and um So you're either you're you know, th you're either doing this motion to like control the channels or like once once you stop that, you know, you can like tap for, um, different uh, whatchamacallits, different um, you know, functions like volume or, like you can tap just to get to different channels. Like if you just wanted to go to like from five to six you could tap or someth And then there's also the concern about you know um how do you get to the menu if you wanna change the brightness of your television, or if you want to um you know switch around, I don't know, like, these different modes like turn on the timer or like something something like that, like I would think so too, like So I mean and it seems it w it does seem a little silly to have this screen if you hardly are ever using it, you know, because but then again it would it does make kind of if the screen's sort of just like an option that, like, is just there and you're not really using it, that's kind of m yeah. Yeah, that's the only thing though. Yeah. So then basically it has to have some way to get to get to a mode on the television where you're doing, um You can get to you know, you can Like maybe it'll be that central button that, like, then you hit that and then you can it brings up like the menu on the T_V_ and you can just scroll around, like, to do the timer, to do the yeah, yeah. Yeah. But the remote itself isn't really cluttered up. Hmm? Yeah, well we don't want the screen I guess, but um 'cause that just it does seem like, it that would be, like, incredibly expensive, but I dunno, and then so, it just im really all you need is, like, this little wheel then, and you can control everything. So Yeah. It doesn't seem that you would need anything besides pow I mean and the power button could even be like hold down the menu button for like longer than one second and it turns on the T_V_. Yeah. Yeah definitely. Like, I think we're looking at something that could be, like like even maybe like a cir I'm f I'm seeing almost like a circular sort of like handheld like thing. I mean it it needs to be easy to somehow it needs to be easy to like manipulate and use your I mean how do how do I'm not really Like when I use an iPod, I end up just kind of using my index finger to like control it. So Yeah. Or your thumb or something. So Yeah. Yeah, so Mm yeah. Yeah, so but I mean I think it could be pretty small. Like, I d I mean, you you want it to be large enough that you can But can't you just get K Yeah, But, I mean, do you need that? If if you can get to, you know if so long as you're able to bring up the menu on the T_V_ screen. That keeps it really Yeah. Uh you wouldn't I don't I just don't think you would even need it. So Mean I mean you can do it, you it's it doesn't seem that hard. I mean I've never bought a remote. It sounds like this remote's going to be purchased separately from the television, which is a little My I've never bought just a remote, like, so I don't I don't really know. But um So, um but I mean it's I've never had a hard time with like my remotes, like bringing up the menu screen if you need to like change the date or whatever, you know. And I don't think that should uh that should be too hard. Yeah. Yeah. Well so So, do we need I dunno. Well I guess we have to you know think about But I mean you just basically need the output signal you know to be able to bring it up. That's what it does anyway. Yeah. Yeah. So, but oh, you mean if we have this screen like the iPod screen? On the telly, okay, yeah. So yeah I think, I mean, I think I think the touch-based graphical interface is a really uh cool idea because you know it is so obnoxious to like have to push those like okay now I hit this you know, you have your little guide out and you're like, hit this button twice, like to activate the date. Yeah. I guess. And it is trendy, the iPods are really hot right now, so Um, yeah, by web research, yeah, so Oh. Yeah. Oh, okay, that would be cool. Mm. Yeah, c that's e that would be kind of oh, you know, usually like the touch pad things are kind of a hard plastic typ mouse type, you know, thing. But what if we ha what if we had like a spongy sort of like stress balley kinda so you're like Or what if we integrated the the uh the f what if the whole thing about the fruit and vegetables we somehow made it tactilely fash you know, we c tapped into that, so like it feels like a vegetable. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You could name it after fruits and vegetables, or Yeah. So I think yeah, colours. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Unfortunately they don't have silver fruits and vegetables. I do I dunno. Um That's in the shape of a fruit, like a Yeah. Oh I like that shape. Yeah. Yeah. It's like it has to be s yeah. Yeah. What if, yeah, what if the squishy, oh so so you're saying the squishy part's like detachable, and you can so so maybe one you know you can have like the broccoli squishy thing, and then you could have like the banana squishy thing and you could get you could have your choice, you know? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. I mean I think uh and I think the handhe I think the handheld part is definitely So you could make that into the fruit and vegetable part. Yeah. So where are the fruit and vegetables now? Fruits and veg. Yeah. Yeah. We could promote the banana one. Like mm. Mm. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think, um it'd be interesting to have the b the squishy bit. The part that you, yeah, can change into the different, you know, trendy vegetables and fruits. But uh it Yeah. Yeah. The dynamo would be interesting. Oh. Hmm. Hmm. Cool.","The Project Manager reviewed the minutes from the previous meeting. The Industrial Designer gave her presentation on components and discussed which would have to be custom-made and which were standard. She also discussed the various materials and chips available. The Marketing Expert presented current trends in the market and in fashion. She discussed the current fruits and vegetables trend and the trend toward softer, spongier materials. The User Interface Designer discussed the look of the remote with the group. They discussed including a touch-based graphical user interface but noted that it was unnecessary and costly. They discussed using the menu function on the television instead. The group discussed how the menu function would be programmed. The group then talked about the casing of the device, and decided that there would be a changeable outer casing. They discussed including fruit colors in addition to the company colors. Some part of the casing will be made of a spongy material. The group also discussed energy source options and chips. The Project Manager instructed the User Interface Designer and the Industrial Designer to construct the prototype and the Marketing Expert to work on the prototype evaluation." +49,"Speaker A: All set? Okay. Cool. Right. So um basically I'm just gonna go over real quickly um some news I've just got from the board on how we're supposed to do with this um remote control. And then I'm gonna turn over to you guys to make brief presentations um on what you've found and then we'll have a bit of discussion. So basically uh what I've just found out from the board I dunno if you guys got this email as well but it needs to be television only. So no we're not doing D_V_D_, we're not doing anything else, it's just gonna be a television remote. Um it also needs to have the company colours included in it. Um so that's red and black. And it has to have the slogan, case you guys forget the slogan it's, we put fashion in electronics. Um and no teletext. I'm not sure what teletext is but I'm assuming you guys do, so we don't wanna include that um in this particular design. For reasons that I don't really know. There's but it's the board so there you go. So basically um given those guidelines which will have some effect on how we design we'll discuss it later I mean 'cause it's television only we'll be able to change our uh um well we can s sacrifice more function for a better television remote. Anyway. So I'm gonna turn over to the Industrial Designer uh to go ahead and make a presentation on Oh, right yeah. Yep. Might have to hit function F_ eight but it looks like it's gonna come up. Yep. Cool. Brilliant. 'Kay. Mm. 'Kay. Fair enough. 'Kay. Is is there a way that we can use um modern types of polymers, or mo modern types of plastics that maybe do have some kind of aesthetic value um like if a white like if we talk about like well like on the lapt on these laptops and other ones they use a a pretty nice, you can do i is there some kind of nice colo der quality plastic that we can work with? Okay, okay. Great. Thank you very much Nathan. Um if next we can have the um User Interface Developer go ahead and make a brief presentation that'd be great as well. S plug yourself in here. Mm. Um hit function F_ eight real quickly, hold down Mm. There you go. Sweet. Yeah sorry I couldn't get that g to use before. Oh yeah look at that. Mm-hmm. Nice. Okay. Great. Thanks for that Ron. 'Kay yep that's you. Give it a little bit. That's great. Thank you Sarah. Right. So um yep I'll just uh switch that back here. I'll finish up with just a bit of discussion plan on for the next phase. Right so I think we've covered most of these important questions through this um through you guys's presentations um we've got uh y the Industrial Designer suggests uh or pretty much emphatically suggested that we need to go with plastic. Um Sarah, she's recommended that we go for simpler functions, so fewer functions um but we need to decide who are we selling this to, you s your stats suggested that seventy five percent of people under thirty five wanted, thought about voice control, um so do we wanna go for that, or do we want to go for an older demographic, and my thought is um we've got w if we're gonna go for a sleek look I mean we are putting the fashion in electronics um. Yes. So maybe this we should look into this younger demographic. Um. So uh we need to wonder ah h about how we make it better and smaller and faster um think we're constrained to plastics very well, we've got this idea, Ron was saying we need to think about uh revolutionising the way it's looking um, which might be easier given that we're going for simpler function and that we're only going for a telly. Um so um. How th this voice operation thing is I think is a good idea um assuming that it's doable, um at least for the basic controls, maybe we can balance it that way, you know we can see. Okay you can't say record alias tonight at seven P_M_ but we might be able to say um volume up. Mm. Right. The difficulty wh would be in um I think like i you couldn't speak into the remote that you're trying to find. 'Kay you have something that picks up a voice from far away If it's hidden under the couch but then again you have this wee this wee thing you know that's just a little chip or whatever that has the page button, maybe that could be voice activated too. Yeah. Or an isolated magnet or something like, or you know something that wouldn't interfere I don't know that'd be the technical thing but yeah I like that, I like that, the voice recognition for the paging system. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. Absolutely. Mm 'kay um well yeah I guess we'll cross that bridge um in a la slightly later stages of development um but yeah I know, that's perfectly viable question. Mm 'kay um so I'm seeing that we're gonna just basically focus on this young demographic group, aim it at them, but then in a sense that its bells and whistles are available for anybody who wants them but basically we'll make a sleek simple functioned um uh remote control. Um I think this voice recognition thing is a we've got a market for it uh I don't think there's too many, we'd more or less be cornering the market on it as well, we don't have many um. I appear to have lost my microphone. Mm. Right um we don't have many people or there's not very many competitors out there that do that so cool. Um right. I guess we've c we've touched on most of this. The idea of a paging function, a touch screen, and face plates. Um. The thing with I see would there not be a we'd have to maybe sacrifice the face plates for a touch screen? Okay. Okay. Okay. Mm. Okay. Okay. Right. Yeah 'cause then ha you would have to who all it's not like with cell phones like where you have a you know Nokia model X_ and then ten people make face plates for it, we'd be just our model of pho of t remote control. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Alright well we can we can discuss that one further when we think about um whether th when we do costs and so forth, um. True, if plastic is dead cheap and if we're making the whole thing out of plastic anyway um yeah we'll cross that bridge later um but yeah we will have to evaluate what's most important. Um I think we've had a bit of discussion already on this thing, n s there any other questions comments that came up in these presentations? Yeah yeah okay. Um Yeah I think that would be best. Let's based on what sh on what you guys have all said to me let's go for a plastic built or uh b plastic cased 'cause tha tha that's easy on the cost, try to look for some kind of high quality recycled plastic as you recommended and I think that's a great idea. With a touch screen for the basic functions. Um And we'll yeah tha let's provisionally let's go for a touch screen one with several submenus um for possible extra stuff that one basically put the channel and the on and off switch on the touch screen. Um do we have Mm wait a minute it occurs to me that if we have a touch screen people are going to have to recharge their remote controls. Yet at the same time that might help for this whole complaint of it being lost. Mm-hmm. But then again that costs as well. Hmm. Do they? Okay. Well I I don't think yeah I can't see anybody buying a lap a remote control that they have to plug in so we'd have to see some kind of new battery technology. Okay so let's go with a um touch screen with um some kind of you know with with some kind of cutting edge battery technology Yeah well hey you know well it's it's worth looking into, if not we can always default to just doing a a well presented plastic simple you know so you know. Well yeah I mean you can put the we could I I dunno I mean I suppose we could put the the basics on the centre easiest you know, you know people know the channel and volume function make them large and easy to get at and then the the other the other bits and bobs you know go through menu um w we'll do the aesthetics. Okay so we'll touch screen and the battery, focus on um uh presentation. Um it's th uh with this voice recognition option as well um just as for the simple functions the um the on off, channels, volume, um and um a small paging function. Even if you can't do voice recognition for the paging you know just some kind of simple button that's just a I guess another infrared signal to the remote control and while to emit some kind of paging. Just a beep. Um right so any comments? Thoughts before we break into go into the next round of individual work on this. W it's my understanding that if you were going to do a skin you'd need to have some way for people to download or import skins into the remote control. Yeah I think perhaps good idea but yeah I think that that one m might just be um and they just yeah I think that one might just be out of the range for this particular a P_D_A_ would they would makes a lot of sense for a P_D_A_ 'cause you're gonna be using it to connect up to things anyway but I dunno, what do you guys think? Hmm. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I know I d it seems like it would suffice to have just the R_R_ on there. Jus But apparently not. So. Yeah. Well fair enough. Um and yeah that would help the battery life too and if it the remote they do have to press a button for the remote to turn on. But then again who wants to turn on a remote control. Kind of if i Oh to wake up okay or go into like a dormant mode. Okay. Oh yeah I like that I like the idea of um putting the logo in the boot up screen, nice. Um. Um cool so any last things before we break? Alright. Fair enough. Sounds good. I'm gonna save th a copy of this in case you guys need any reminders. I'm gonna save a copy of this and the minutes that I'll do it in a second and put them in the shared folder for later reference. Brilliant. That's fab guys. Cool. +Speaker B: Okay. Gotta plug you in. Very nice. For your first PowerPoint it's lovely. Fine. It needs, yeah. Cool. Looks like you're in okay. There you go. Right. Does that mean I'm up? I think so. Okay. Oh that would be perfect. Thank you. Slide show up and running. Or not. Uh. Oh there we go. Perfect. Okay. So this is me. Um basically I was looking through some marketing reports that we've got and we had a usability test where we were actually sort like watching a hundred people use T_V_ remotes and see what it is that they're using and then they filled out a questionnaire about what they like and what they don't about their general T_V_ remote control practices. Um pretty much through testing we were finding out that most of the time, everybody's used to using changing the channel, turning it on, using the volume, m the majority of the time that's all that's going on, the other functions happen, for some people they're important, but the primary uses are really really basic. Um and so big complicated remotes like one we saw in the last presentation are really not the general public's use, they're not using a lot of it, they don't need it, they even find it frustrating when there are all those buttons that they don't know what to do with. And um we also found out that uh fifty percent of our people, their the worst thing about a remote is how often they lose it. And then they can't find it in the room. So I think what we were talking about with a pager or something, will really come into play with a lot of these people. Um there's also a survey about what they liked about remotes, and pretty much they all think they're hideous and not very useful, and the younger demographics are all really interested in voice recognition options. I don't know if that's something we're ready to look into technically, that's up to the design people, but it is s something worth thinking about, especially since the younger demographic's obviously the one that's gonna keep growing, so if that's the direction we're headed in it's something to think about. Um but basically it really is the primary functions and getting it to look nice, which are the standards. So it's a good start for us. Need to unplug this? Need it back. There you go. Oh right. We're not catering to the pensioners of the world I don't think so. Right. Right. Uh. Right. Yeah. Oh. That could work. I like that. Yeah. Something very basic. Right. Is that only gonna be within our two hundred foot range then? Okay. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. K Yeah. True. Making it just an option? Yeah. Right. Are we still thinking about this screen sorry. Go ahead. The uh if we're gonna do this touch pad screen thing, it would be still, do we know if that's an option technically right now to that? Okay. Okay. We're doing okay. 'Cause it seems like an interesting option especially because then you could have like your primary screen just be these you know four or five basic functions, you can have menu options or something to have all these other complicated voice recognition, settings, things that you're not gonna use every day and that a lot of people aren't gonna use but it is an option there for this hi-tech market that sort of re is the sleek thing we're going for. True. Worth looking into. Yeah. True. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. Mm. Just the casing. Mm. Yeah. Right. Mm. Right. Well in the publicity of a face plate on a phone is you have it out and around, it is sort of emblematic whereas you're just sit at home, so unless somebody comes over to watch T_V_ True. True. True. Yeah. Oh yeah. True. 'Cause it would have a docking base? Yeah. Can we afford that? And will somebody buy it if we don't? Right. For twelve Euros? It is. Fair enough. The basics. Mm. 'Kay. Mm. And oh. Yeah the the fashion do. Yeah. Right, and then you're dealing with ports and cords and Yeah. For now. Yeah. Nice. Um. Well but if we're gonna use a touch screen where it's gonna come on like on your cell phone it'll have your your carrier provider name come up first like while it's loading and then it goes away, perhaps it could be like a temporary Comes on every time you turn it on and then that's it 'cause it is a bit much to have it like engraved on the back or something I think. Yeah. Y Yeah you would think. But. If it comes from above. Yeah. Mm. We're good? Yeah. +Speaker C: Th Well so. Here we have a uh my technical functions design presentation. Um so a few of the requirements we need here. Uh we n basically need to operate an electronic device, it needs to be universal um and possibly uh operate several different types of devices although we now uh find that uh that that's no problem. Um so some of my findings. Um basically wanna send messages uh to a television set. Um that would be any number of different things uh such as switch on the television, uh switch to the next channel, that sort of thing, I think we're all quite uh quite uh intelligent and know know what a normal remote control does. Um now some of the other things I found is a a complicated remote control sorry that we can't quite see my red there very well but uh this remote control has many functions um so it can do a lot of things but it uh it is quite complicated and most users will find it uh find that they won't use most of the functions because they don't know how to use them and don't wanna take the time to learn how to do it. As you also notice it's quite a boring design. Um. Another remote control, slightly different, it's a simpler remote control uh many less buttons but uh has many fewer functions, um m much easier for the user to manipulate and use. Um it also has a bit of a cheap look and it's also quite boring. So my personal preferences. Revolutionise the idea of uh a remote control. Um so attain the functionality of a complicated device but use a simple formatted display uh for the user to to work with. And I was gonna add another uh slide here but I didn't quite have time there. Um. Just incorporating some of the ideas that we had previously like uh having multiple face but it's uh. I can plug you in. Sounds good. A little sticky pad to stick on top of your uh television. And you just say something to into that and it finds your The other thing is we might be able to handle the simplicity of a remote control and kind of put the more complicated things into a voice control. So it could be sold to both the younger market and the older market. And the younger market could use kind of the voi voice control method and the older market might might k exactly and might consider the older market could use the simpler design with the traditional buttons and what not. 'S definitely an option technically. I've looked into uh costs of uh touch screen methods and what not, they seem to be uh you know almost as cheap as a button method at this point. Um I'm not sure that's sincerely correct, I think if you kind of take the example of a mobile phone that uh trying to pass a portion of the device is not interchangeable whereas the surrounding portions are interchangeable. We could have the casing, the the face plates. Well hopefully some people have people coming t over to w to hang out at your house and most people have their televisions in the living room. Uh. Sure. Well have we confirmed that we're gonna go ahead with a uh touch screen um Interface? So these new lithium batteries they last twenty years even with the touch screen? Those new ones. Be interesting. We put fashion into electronics. Yeah. Uh I I'm I'm in agreement with that, I'm wondering how we're gonna get uh we put fashion into electronics onto this device. I'm hoping for a subliminal maybe half a millisecond as it turns on. Mm-hmm. Well all you have to do is touch the screen and it automatically goes on. Yep. Goes into a sleep mode. I've put my files in the shared folder as well. +Speaker D: Okay. So do I unplug this bit here? Okay. Right. That's page one of my presentation. So the uh method. We're gonna have to understand how remote controls work and res uh successfully complete this project. Um remote control works as follows. This is all pretty basic stuff you guys. Um sends message to another system, so there's an energy source involved in that like a battery or solar power, something along those lines, there's an integrated circuit, which is the microchip, um and that actually compose the messages and usually the way a a remote control works is it sends infrared bits to another system. A user interface controls the chip, basically that's the casing and the buttons and um accordingly the messages as well. So my findings, um I just did a preliminary study here and uh I found that too much metal in remote design could potentially cause interference with the ability of the remote to send commands. And too much metal can cause remotes to behave unexpectedly by receiving false signals. Um too much metal is used sometimes and people pick up radio signals and the like, and there's also the possibility of the remote catching on fire and injuring the customer, just think of those lawsuits, that'd be really bad. Therefore I suggest primarily plastic construction. Um, components. Just some ideas that I had, um, energy source, it's kinda hip to be eco friendly so I thought maybe we could do something with solar power with an alkaline battery backup. Um the user interface, I was since we can't use metal I was thinking maybe a high grade recycled plastic. The chip, um, silicon based chip I don't really see any way around that, we can't really be different in that respect. Um, the sender well I'm thinking infrared 'cause it is the industry standard, multi channel, that's a word I made up, I don't really know what it means. Uh PAL and N_T_S_C_ compatible and uh probably a two hundred foot range. Uh and the receiver of course is any number of electronic devices. Um but in this case it'll only be T_V_s. Um personal preferences, I really think that we should use plastic as opposed to metal, um, the company simply can't afford this kinds of lawsuits which adm admittedly is gonna come at the cost of a certain aesthetic value, 'cause we were thinking Right. Yeah that shouldn't be a problem. Um for example the plastic they have on your laptop there is something that's perfectly possible for us to do. That's the end of my presentation. Is it plugged in well? There it goes. Computer adjusting. Mm. Mm. Right. I think it would be possible to uh combine the locator device and the voice recognition technology. With a simple command like locate. And then it could start to beep and therefore be found. Oh yeah I think that's very doable. Mm. It's a good point. Yeah. Mm. I was thinking uh Oh go ahead. Yeah. Gotta wonder though, if we're adding so much technology to this one remote, are we still gonna be able to meet out twelve pou our twelve fifty Euro you know goal for selling these things. It seems like, we're not gonna be able to handle all these functions with just one microchip. The microchip is probably the most expensive part of the the whole mechanism. So it's just something to consider. Back to the uh the cost the material. We have to ask whether we're going to include a certain number of face plates with the package? That's something I w for say we're including three or four face plates, it's gonna drive the cost up. And the other question is, if we do include them are we really in a position to evaluate that market? We haven't done any tests on face plates and whether See if there if there's even interest out there. Off the top of my head it sounds kind of like a gimmick that wouldn't really go anywhere. Yeah. Can we afford to include one of those? Right. Okay. Since we're doing uh touch screen, do we wanna look into the possibility of people being able to input different types of skins for the you know the actual interface part of it and things like that? Or is it just gonna be one touch screen for everybody. What what would be on that touch screen? 'Cause you said earlier that we have to think about company colours and um logo or something or motto, I can't remember exactly what you said. 'S too much. Think we just need to come up with a nice black and red interface on the touch screen. That'd be okay. Mm. True. People aren't gonna want their remote to boot up and to see flashing things come on. They just want it to be on and ready to go.","The Project Manager went over new requirements for the project: that the device was solely to control television, and that there would not be a teletext component. The Industrial Designer gave his presentation on the basic components of a remote control device, and advised the group to use plastic for the casing material instead of metal. The User Interface Designer presented the technical functions of remote controls and compared the interfaces of two existing remote control products. The Marketing Expert made a presentation of the needs and the desires of the consumer and emphasized simplicity as one of the most desired features. The group discussed in more detail the features that will be added to the device: the possible applications of voice recognition, the touch screen menu interface, faceplates, and the look of the company logo." +21,"Speaker A: Yeah, I've got one too. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. There's usually a little thing in the top right for the Oh hang on, it's just coming on. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Um I'm not sure. I had I've had some market information, but not from the company, no. Okay. 'Kay. I'm gonna pull this off. Uh-huh. Okay. I'll give it another go. Yeah, there we go. Right, we've done some research into the functional requirements that people want out of their remote control. And first off we should state that th the remote control's for controlling the T_V_ and um how do people use it? We asked them sort of which buttons were useful for them. Um how d how does a remote control look and feel for them, and what improvements would would they like to remote control. And we did that by sort of giving them a questionnaire that we'd prepared and asking them to fill in the answers. And three quarters of them found that remote controls are ugly and that a sort of even higher proportion would spend more for a sort of s uh a fancier remote control And that of all the buttons on the remote control, the sort of setting buttons for sort of the picture picture and brightness and the audio settings, um they weren't used very often at all. People concentrated on the channel buttons and the volume buttons and the power buttons. Uh we also asked them about speech recognition uh for remote control. And young people were quite receptive to this, but as soon as we got sort of over about into a thirty five to forty age forty five age group and older, people people weren't quite so keen on speech recognition. There's a lot more th there's a lot lot more older people who didn't know whether they wanted it or not as well. Um we also asked what frustrated people about remote controls and the number one frustration was that the remote was lost somewhere else in the room and that they couldn't find it. And the second second biggest frustration what that if they got a new remote control, it was difficult to learn um all the buttons and all the functions, and to find your way around it. Okay, so My personal preferences from the marketing is that we need to come up with some sort of sleek sort of good looking high high-tech A design which looks high-tech, basically. Um and that we should come up with fewer buttons than most of the controls on the market, and we should sort of concentrate on the channels and sort of power, and also volume and that sort of thing, as as Louisa said. Um we could maybe come up with a menu, a sort of a an L_C_D_ menu for other functions on the remote control. That's worth thinking about. Um and maybe we could think about speech recognition as well, because um sort of young people are perhaps the ones that are gonna buy buy our new product if we aim it at sort of you know sort of a high-tech design. That that might be the market that we're we're looking for. And we could maybe think about using speech recogniti recognition as a way to find the remote control if it's lost in a room, rather than sort of um having it to speech recognition to change the channels. 'Cause there's a problem with that in that the television makes noise, so it could end up talking to itself and changing its channel. Okay um, and that's the end of the slide show. That's it. Cool. Um about speech recognition? Yeah. Youn young people pref Yeah, they s they said that they'd be interested in a remote control which offered that possibility and as you go up through the age groups, people got less and less interested in sort of a a remote control that you could talk to, so. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah, we'd have t that would mean we'd have to put two products together as well, which which again would probably be a bit expensive, but Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Um would it take quite a while to sort of develop the speech recognition software in the remote control? Considering Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So About five minutes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay, yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Yep. Yeah. Mm-hmm. So do we need to decide on the functions now? S Mm-hmm. Yeah and Yeah and that was that was the number one sort of frustration that people said, so. I don't think there's anything else on the market that does that, so. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. No not everyone can whistle, can they, though? No, clapping, I think clapping, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Taking out teletext, okay. Mm. I think nowadays you can just get ones where it gives you a sort of a second or two to press another number, so you can press any two and it'll sort of put them together. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh we could possibly put an L_ a sort of a L_C_D_ menu in, but that again is probably an expense that Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I s I suppose um if people are buying remotes, then they're probably buying it to replace another remote 'cause all most tellies come with remotes, so. I mean we're maybe talking about replacing remotes for slightly older televisions, so we maybe need to keep the the tuning function in. Yeah, that would be a good idea, yeah. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Uh I'm not sure whether the sort of having people have a booklet 'cause one the second most annoying thing that people found was having to learn the new one. So maybe next to each of the buttons, you know each of them could have a number and then also a function written next to it, so you're basically pressing Right. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So th the The detailed ones would be sort of brightness, uh sorta Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And probably a power one as well. Dunno. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Um 'cause yeah the market research said there is quite a lot of people do just zap around and flick, so. Um. Numbers is ten, volume is twelve, th Yeah si One up, one down. And a mute, yeah. That's sixteen isn't it, yeah. I don't think so, no. You've got brightness and contrast. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then maybe sort of an enter button for sort of s you know, saying that you want that particular thing tuned in. So you go up and down and then it pick it finds something and then you wanna press enter to select it, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Right. Okay. +Speaker B: We have a I guess we have a presentation each, 'cause I've got one. Um. Mm-hmm. Uh we didn't, no. I d I didn't personally. Okay that's fine. I'll just um I'll grab the wire out the back of this one. I'm not quite sure how it Control Doesn't seem to be quite working at the moment. Alt function F_ eight. Again not doing anything. Oh. pressed about five times now. Okay, that's me. Okay, um I have to go again. Hopefully that should be it this time. Okay, I think we're there. That's good. Okay, um Okay I'm gonna be looking at the working design. Um of the of the remote control. Um I've just got three sections, first is the research I made on the on the remote control itself um. And then that involves the components required in it and the systems uh design of the actual the actual remote. Um so having researched the existing models within the market, um I found my research off the internet. Um I've established what the components required for the remote control to function, actually are. And then also the methods in which these components interact together for the remote to actually do what you want it to do and how it connects with the television. Um the basic components are an energy source which I guess um in most existing models would be a battery supply. Whether that'll be sort of two batteries, four batteries, um it may vary. We then have the user interface, which is basically the like the the buttons on the actual remote. Um the various functions used for changing channel, uh channel up and down, volume, things like that. Um there's also a chip inside the remote which does all the computer type things. And then the sender, which um is usually, I've found, an infra-red device which sends a signal to the actual television. Um and the last part is receiver which is important in the system but is not actually part of the remote itself, because that's obviously found in the television.. Um I'm gonna have to actually draw on the board because uh it was a little tricky on PowerPoint to get this working, so. I'll just go through there. S um um do we have a cloth to wipe this down with, or? Oh I'll j Oh I see. Oh okay. I'll get rid of the bear Okay that's great. Okay, so we start off with a um battery suppl Uh no, a power supply which we'd probably get it's probably gonna be the battery. Um we then have a particular button, which may be that's obviously there's lots and lots of different buttons. Um but this is how the basic system works. Um that sends after you press that that sends the message to the chip, which um then sends It sort of interprets which button you've pressed and then sends the appropriate message to the sender. Um. So that's. That's the remote in itself, that's the components of the remote and how they work together. So this is the uh user interface. Um this is the chip itself, which then, and that's the that's the infra-red sender. And then on the separate thing we have on the on the television we have a a receiver. And the sender sends a message to the receiver. 'Kay. Ah yes, that's the power source. Um. going on to personal preferences, I've said that battery seems the best option for the actual remote, just because of the size. You don't want a a cable attached to the remote otherwise it's not it's not really a remote. Um and then the sender, and infra-red um has been used quite successfully. If the battery's on reasonable power, they always seem to work fairly well. You don't have to be point directly at the television itself. Um Yes. 'Kay and that's it for the moment. Would you be able to get rid of the the extra buttons here, the the sort of circular section, because that seems to be for a video as well. So we could dispense with that little bit as well and just get it down to just the numbers and the volume. Possibly? J yeah yeah yeah j yeah just this little bit is that I think that's still um a video remote part, so maybe we could get rid of that as well. It's just people are used to seeing that, so if we didn't have them then they might think it's Hmm. Okay, yeah. I suppose with nine you've got the the like the last one which makes the tenth means you uh it's like uh multiples you can put them together so you can make any number. So with that we'd kind of by-pass any problems with Yeah. Yeah. 'Cause that facilitates having all the numbers you could ever need. Um. So we could get it down to what? So we get to How many buttons have we got? We've just got ten, eleven twelve th We got fourteen that we need. I guess. Um which isn't really too many. That'll be quite easy to make a user guide for a fourteen button remote. 'Kay. 'Kay. Ah yes yes, that seems good. I think if you just give it a second to maybe catch up. I'm sure we'll have by the end of today. Mm. No what I maybe think is um it seems the technology would be quite advanced for that and they might end up costing more than our twelve fifty budget for for the speech recognition. Um. And possibly the thing about the about the remote being lost we could have You know with your mobile phone, you lose that and you can ring it. Maybe we can have some kind of sensor which is kept somewhere where you can some kind of buzzer system between the two. So you can press a button which is always kept in one place and then it maybe buzzes to somewhere else, wherever the remote actually is. That is true, yes. Hmm. So I guess it'd be something we could like attach to the or like the same technology could be put inside the inside the remote. Yeah. Yeah if we if we could have it in the actual remote like everything in one one device. you could have an option to turn it off. Or Perhaps, um. So that would solve the problems with the T_V_ kind of speaking to the remote and changing its own channels. Mm. 'Kay. Yes. Has to be simple enough to I suppose if we could get something in which was quite quick and simple that would give us an advantage over the other remotes. Um. 'Kay. Mm-hmm. Yes. Um. Yes that seems right. Mm-hmm. Okay. Maybe we should concentrate just on the whistle back function at the moment, and if something comes back I'd go more Yeah, f more for clap. Did we decide on having the ten um the ten numbers and then the the little digit next to it which kind of enabled you to put them together. Okay, ten numbers and then some kind of device to allow uh I'll put delay to allow um multiple numbers. Or multiple digits. Did we decide anything about um the other functions? As in setting the audio and tuning it and stuff like that? You had an had an idea about the menu? But just thinking um people probably I mean you don't have you only have to probably tune in the T_V_ once, but you have to be able to tune it that once. So and if finally the T_V_ breaks, you get a new one, you're gonna have to be able to tune it. You can't really avoid that. Except the new digital markets which do it by themselves. So that'll be in Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah yeah. Yeah. So how would this menu function work? Would you maybe have like one menu button, then you'd use the other buttons, maybe the number buttons to actually do the separate functions. Okay. we're gonna have the the individual numbers and then a menu function and maybe sort of a slightly more advanced um instruction booklet to come with it, to guide Presu uh I think it'd be quite hard just for people to grasp um just off like the menu use different buttons you maybe have to have like some better instructions of how that would actually work. Right, okay um. that also goes back to the original design when we saw those two, and there was the one on the left hand side which had all like the double functions and stuff which kind of looked too busy and had too much on it, so. That is that is a good idea actually. Sor sort of a second. Okay. Uh not quite, but I guess. Keep the other buttons but hide them away. So So um we're gonna have to have to work out what's gonna be on these other functions as as well. So we're gonna have like two separate two separate lists, I guess. So sh Should we decide in the next couple of minutes, and then So on the about the number. Um the volume up and down. Shall we have a mute button as well? A mute button as well. Yeah. Or But then they might not buy it if they haven't got one. 'Cause people might just be too fickle and not want to change. We can send out a flier with the device saying that you shouldn't leave it on stand-by. I think you probably should. Um are we gonna have the channel up and down as well as the number buttons? Okay, so we'll have um So we've got ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen there? Is there anything else? Um. Maybe if we're gonna run out of time, one of us should come up with a list of these and then get back at the next meeting just at the start and say what they're gonna be. So tuner up and down, I guess. Um up Tune one way, tune the o I I dunno I dunno possibly. Oh yeah and th and a enter button just to select. Yeah, okay. Um I guess we're keeping s it simple. We don't really need any other audio funct uh functions because it's just volume up, volume down. Um. Do they have their own do they have their own controls on their actual products, then, or do you have to do it via the remote? Yeah I suppose if we've got their if they've got their own controls then we can avoid it for ours just to keep it simple. Oh, okay. Right. Um. Maybe unless something comes up then we should I think Well shall we look into that and just get back together. 'Kay. +Speaker C: Yeah. No. What is it? I think you've got to do um control F_ eight. Shift F_ eight. Ah there, it's doing something. I think it's that little Right. Thank you. Mine's not quite as complicated as all that. Did I press function? Yeah. Oh. Um. Okay so I'm gonna talk a bit about the technical functions design. I'm Louisa, the User Interface Designer, as you know. Um so the m basic method of this is to send a signal from the remote to the television set, so that a desired function is performed. Um an example of the function could be to change the volume up or down, uh so obviously you need two different buttons for that. Um to change the channel, either by pressing the number that you want or by channel up or down. Um to switch the television on or off, maybe a standby button. Um here are two example remotes. Um by the look of it they both have um kind of play and fast forward, rewind functions, so I think they incorporate a kind of video function which we won't have to worry about. Uh but as you can see, the left remote is quite um quite busy looking, quite complicated. Um whereas the right remote is much simpler, it looks much more user friendly. Um so my personal preference would be the right remote. So, it's got nice big buttons, it's got a very limited number of buttons. Um they're nice, kinda clearly labelled. Um I like the use of the kind of um symbols like the triangles and the squares and the arrows as well as the words on the um kind of play functions and all that. So it's very very user friendly, and it's got a little splash of colour. Could maybe do with some more colour. Um. Hmm. Do we get to see that? Will you be presenting that in a bit? Hmm. What do you mean by the circular section? Like all of that bottom bit? Yeah. Yeah. And I don't really think that you need nine numbers. I mean how often do you use seven, eight and nine? I think just one to six and then channel up and down should be enough. Like how often do you hit nine? Hmm. Um some remotes have kind of favourite options where if you always flick from channel one to channel six, um if that's a favourite you just like by-pass two to five. Hmm. Mm. Um. But I think a lot of um like Cable and Sky and stuff, that would be tuned to one channel, and then you'd have another remote for all of those channels. Like to get to fifty five and the higher numbers Yeah. But I suppose nine's not really excessive. I suppose it does make a good pattern. Okay. Um I think that's just for a video, so we wouldn't need any of that at all. Mm-hmm. Okay, so is everyone happy with that? Right well that's the end of my presentation. Do a lot of um There's key rings um that you kind of whistle at or clap at, I can't remember, and then they whistle back, or something like that. That'd probably be really simple, they're cheap. Yeah. Well I think it'd be really easy and it'd be a big advantage if we did have some sort of um kind of whistle back kind of function. 'Cause that'll solve kind of the frustration of losing it. Yeah. I don't really know about the voice recognition thing. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And that wouldn't put off the kind of older generation either, 'cause everyone can whistle or clap, and they wouldn't have to be kind of scared of this new technology. 'Kay we've already decided that we don't need a teletext button, haven't we? Is that one of the Hmm. Right. Yeah, I think so, so zero to nine. Hmm. Mm. Yeah. Yeah, like the volume or something. Yeah, 'cause you do need um kind of brightness and contrast and everything as well. My dad was watching a film the other week and it was too dark, so I had to go through it and turn the brightness up. Well, if we're trying to keep it slee sleek and sexy as well, have you seen those remotes where kind of um the bottom bit slides down, so there's kind of um everything else revealed? So you don't use it that much, you don't have to see it all the time. But it's all there if you need it. Like a hidden panel. Hmm. And that'll be better for the older generation as well 'cause, well my dad doesn't like anything that you've got to kinda flick through a menu, but he can pretty much read a button if it's displayed properly. Yeah. And the volume? Um. Yeah. Yeah I think they're handy. I know it's probably like um not an issue to raise here, but um the whole thing about not using your standby uh because of the like waste of electricity. Have you seen the adverts? Like if you boil the kettle that's full that's a waste. If you leave your telly on standby it powers Blackpool for a certain amount of time. Like we should maybe try to discourage people from standby. Yeah, it's maybe too much of a big issue for here. Uh-oh danger sign. Yeah, but a little bit smaller. Compromise. Right. On mute. so. And then Mm-hmm. Uh there's audio functions. Yeah. I think they normally do. Yeah. So I think um there's quite a lot of like Dolby surround studio, surround sort of things. Um maybe for the younger market. Um I think they've got their own controls in this kind of like hidden panel. Oh no, I mean um like there's kind of individual buttons for them, like on the T_V_ remote. But I don't really know what they're for, I've never used them. I just know they're something to do with Dolby. Right. +Speaker D: Right uh. So um. So where's the PowerPoint presentation? Sorry? Microsoft PowerPoint, right. Right, okay. So. Right. Okay, so we've got uh so we've got new project requirements. Um. So basically we've got three things, and we've got forty minutes in which to uh for this meeting to uh to discuss the various options. Um. Three presentations. I see, right. That's nice to know, one from each of you. Um new project requirements. Um so do we want to do the presentation first, or do we want to um W I I got um or or three things basically, um relating to the remote being only for T_V_. We discussed that last time and in actual fact that was pr pretty well what we came up with anyway. So in fact it actually f we won't be forestalled in a sense. Um we've got uh teletext outdated. Um did you get any information on that? Right and the corporate image was the uh final thing. So I I got that in email form. Um. Right okay. So I guess if we go ahead with the uh with the three presentations. So we'll start with yourself on the basis that uh Sorry, yep. Oh. it going? Okay. Uh there's the rubber on the right, I think. it's magic. So the the top bit's the power source, yes?. So the battery is the in the sender. Okay. So, now more design. That's what we like to hear. Is it control function ei Oh, th there you go. Well there's a couple of things there. Um we have to remember that we have our own um logo and colour scheme. So basically we'd have to uh we'd have to be putting that on um the the product. I haven't as yet, no. But uh I got uh I got an email that basically said to uh make sure that uh whatever device we come up with at the end of the day had to incorporate um the corporate colour and slogan. So uh I'm guessing that uh uh I notice on the bottom there it's got uh what's that? A_P_O_G_E_E_ that might be the corporate colour scheme, although the only the only colour I can see in that is the red. Well b uh w Well th the on the Well uh for for general television purposes obviously you have channels one to five at this point in time, and we'd have to have some room for uh future such channels. But but But, well possibly but the the other thing is that with um the current expansion of uh channels uh in the process of taking place, certainly the button up and down, but uh I mean how many channels do we have to um actual television channels do we have to uh prepare for? I would have thought that uh it's forever expanding and at the moment we've got although you've onl you've got the five standard, you've got the B_B_C_ have come up with a further six and uh there's uh I don't know exactly how many channels there are on uh when you take into account uh Sky and various other um various others. So I would've thought that we wouldn't, you know, rather Okay, if the time of flicking from one to other, but presumably it'll take a second 'cause you have to be able to stop it. Maybe you could have a fast forward on the on the channels that w and then you could dispense with more otherwise. Y you'd want you'd want to get fairly quickly to the channel that you wanted. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I s I suppose in a sense you could have um if you've got a hundred channels then if you had sort of an easy way of getting rather than having to go one to a hundred, you could go one to one to ten, ten to twenty and then have a second button to get you to the actual channel you want and that would cut down your time. Anyway. Whatever. Okay. Okay. Limit the number of buttons, user friendly. Yeah. Well that's true, yeah, you could get fifty by five and a zero or whatever, that that makes sense. Yeah. Does. So w so what was the circular thing that you were If it's just for T_V_, which is what it is at the moment. Mm-hmm. Well we've we've got um that it's remote for T_V_ only otherwise project would become too complex with uh which would endanger the time to market was one of the considerations. I'm I don't know d did you have that information behind the marketing, or was I meant to give you that information? Right. Right, okay, so basically time to market seems to be important, therefore speed of delivery. We've only got about another four hours left. Yeah, I think she said twenty seconds to um What was that last wee bit there? Speech recognition, right okay. But that was only for young people that preferred it, older people didn't. Well that's right. Sounds reasonable. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So Well if you're trying to avoid having a second product 'cause obviously you could have a second product that gave you the right pitch which would set the remote off to say here I am sort of thing, you know without sound recognition. But if you I know. Um I was gonna say a sharp noise, you know a clapping of hand or whatever. You'd want to try and av just have the one product that if Yeah. Um I dunno um talking about vo I mean obviously if you've got voice recognition then you can do it in that way because it'll recognise the voice and you can give it a command, a set command whatever that happened to be. But you've then got the point if if you're not going with uh voice recognition then Mm. So uh Any sugges Well, any conclusions? Well if it does then we can't. It's that simple, because we've got uh th th three um primary um uh requisites from uh from and email uh that was sent to me whereby we had The design logo was one, which we've already mentioned. We've got um the remote was only for the television and not for because that would make it too complex and we have to get it market quickly. And the uh third thing was that um teletext uh as far as uh the management is concerned, um is becoming dated uh due to the popularity of the internet. So that means that uh so these are the sort of three um extra parameters that have been put on this uh project. So we're being focused effectively directly at a television and it seems to me that the management is uh wanting us to go down a narrow path and not opening out. So anything that uh is to be added, such as voice recognition et cetera has to be very simple and has to be very quick because time to market is is critical. S It would. But probably quick and simple is primary rather than added extras. Added extras would be nice, but the primary consideration is to get the project finished within uh this short time window, which effectively now is sort of four hours. So and if and we've gotta get to the end. Uh d d I think I think first and foremost we've gotta get to the end and then get to the end with um added extras if possible. Okay. Right okay, uh so I need to Right. So I don't know how long we have left of our uh time. But we have to make the decisions on uh the remote control functions and how we were planning to proceed so that at the next uh meeting each person that's got a a a task to do is clear from this meeting what that task is. We'll also know w when the next meeting is I um so we'll know how long we've got to complete that task. And then we can report back at the next meeting and say right okay yes, we've achieved this or we haven't achieved this, this is how far we've progressed. Does that make reasonable sense? So we have to come effectively to the decision on the remote functions so that you can decide what you're gonna be doing. And if dur between the time of this meeting finishing and the next meeting starting, if you get any additional information that uh only you have at that point in time you'd think would be relevant to other people in terms of their des decision making um process, then we should communicate that as quickly as possible and not wait until the next meeting. Do it via the email so that rather than coming you know If you get the information just before the next meeting that's fine. Come along with it in the next meeting, we can discuss it then and take whatever action is appropriate. But if you get it well before the next meeting, let everybody else know 'cause that might have an impact on their uh on what they come up with effectively at the next meeting. Okay. Right, is there I would guess so. Yep. I w well uh i Something simple. Uh if if our primary consideration is to get it there in time, time's short, you want something to meet the major concerns of the consumer so that we can have that as a selling point for the product, something that's quick and simple. So, sounds good. Well, so maybe a clap rather than a whistle would be On the basis that if we've got if we're catering to the whole age range, you want something that's easy to do, now something that doesn't like whis uh Well I I I don't know. Well If you think that more people can whistle than clap then that's fine, then go for that option, but if I would have thought that more people could clap rather than whistle, so uh so clap option. Okay. Uh. Ef effectively that's what the that's what they're saying, that uh if uh if people are now using the internet then you don't need teletext, so so take out teletext. Yeah. No. But the but that's relying on the television market changing to an automatic and if it is at the moment, that's fine. But at the moment it's not, so it seems to me that you have to have a device that caters, 'cause otherwise it would make it uh your device would become inoperable, or only operable in certain circumstances and the idea is to have an international market which is And it's also m it's the the product we've got is something that's at the I would have said the lower end of the s of the cost scale, so we're not really going for something that's uh terribly high-tech. Possibly. That's right. Okay, well. Mm. So y Ah That's a very good idea. So you keep um Right we've got five minutes before we wind up this meeting, so I've been told. I don't know if you've got the same. Okay. So so keep um keep detailed functions um hidden at the back. Ah. Mm-hmm. That's right. data functions hidden at back. Can bring out when needed. That's right so we're dis So you've got which ones are gonna be on the front and which ones are gonna be on the back. We have to decide. I guess so. So on front, numbers, volume. Sorry? Mm. Mm-hmm. So so are you having the stand-by on the front, then? Well. Channel up and down. What else have we got? What was that, sixteen? Volume button. How many volumes? Right okay. Power button, stand-by, channel, up and down. So is that it? Okay. That's sixteen buttons, you reckon. And then at the back? Okay. So on the back it'll have brightness, contrast, anything else? You're also gonna have the channel tuner, as it were. Tuner, would that have up and down?. okay. Okay. Um up volume, yeah, I would have thought so. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Well you might get some research. Okay. Right so I'll do the minutes of uh this meeting. And we'll meet back at I'm not sure. Um forty minutes, I believe is the time. Come on.","so we've got new project requirements . So basically we've got three things , and we've got forty minutes in which to uh for this meeting to uh to discuss the various options . W I I got um or or three things basically , um relating to the remote being only for T_V_ . We discussed that last time Um we've got uh teletext outdated . Right and the corporate image was the uh final thing . So I I got that in email form . Okay I'm gonna be looking at the working design . Um I've just got three sections , Um the basic components are an energy source We then have the user interface , which is basically the like the the buttons on the actual remote . Um the various functions used for changing channel , uh channel up and down , volume , things like that . Um there's also a chip inside the remote which does all the computer type things . And then the sender , which um is usually , I've found , an infra-red device which sends a signal to the actual television . Um and the last part is receiver which is important in the system because that's obviously found in the television . Um I'm gonna have to actually draw on the board because uh it was a little tricky on PowerPoint to get this working , a power supply we then have a particular button , that's obviously there's lots and lots of different buttons . after you press that that sends the message to the chip , and then sends the appropriate message to the sender . that's the components of the remote So this is the uh user interface . And then on the separate thing we have on the on the television we have a a receiver . which then , and that's the that's the infra-red sender . going on to personal preferences , I've said that battery seems the best option for the actual remote , just because of the size . and infra-red um has been used quite successfully . Um and then the sender , Um . Okay so I'm gonna talk a bit about the technical functions design . Um so the m basic method of this is to send a signal from the remote to the television set , so that a desired function is performed . Um here are two example remotes . Um by the look of it they both have um kind of play and fast forward , rewind functions , so I think they incorporate a kind of video function which we won't have to worry about . Uh but as you can see , the left remote is quite um quite busy looking , quite complicated . Um whereas the right remote is much simpler , it looks much more user friendly . Um so my personal preference would be the right remote . it's got a very limited number of buttons . So , it's got nice big buttons , Um I like the use of the kind of um symbols like the triangles and the squares and the arrows as well as the words on the um kind of play functions and all that . So it's very very user friendly , But uh I got uh I got an email that basically said to uh make sure that uh whatever device we come up with at the end of the day had to incorporate um the corporate colour and slogan . Um we have to remember that we have our own um logo and colour scheme . Would you be able to get rid of the the extra buttons here , the the sort of circular section , So we could dispense with that little bit as well because that seems to be for a video as well . and just get it down to just the numbers and the volume . And I don't really think that you need nine numbers . Well uh for for general television purposes obviously you have channels one to five at this point in time , and we'd have to have some room for uh future such channels . but the the other thing is that with um the current expansion of uh channels uh in the process of taking place , certainly the button up and down , and uh there's uh I don't know exactly how many channels there are on uh when you take into account uh Sky and various other um various others . Maybe you could have a fast forward on the on the channels Um some remotes have kind of favourite options Yeah , I s I suppose in a sense you could have um if you've got a hundred channels then if you had sort of an easy way of getting rather than having to go one to a hundred , you could go one to one to ten , ten to twenty and then have a second button to get you to the actual channel you want But I think a lot of um like Cable and Sky and stuff , that would be tuned to one channel , and then you'd have another remote for all of those channels . Limit the number of buttons , But I suppose nine's not really excessive . you could get fifty by five and a zero or whatever , How many buttons have we got ? We've just got ten , eleven twelve th Well we've we've got um that it's remote for T_V_ only otherwise project would become too complex with uh which would endanger the time to market was one of the considerations . we've done some research into the functional requirements that people want out of their remote control . and um how do people use it ? We asked them sort of which buttons were useful for them . And we did that by sort of giving them a questionnaire that we'd prepared and asking them to fill in the answers . And three quarters of them found that remote controls are ugly and that a sort of even higher proportion would spend more for a sort of s uh a fancier remote control And that of all the buttons on the remote control , the sort of setting buttons for sort of the picture picture and brightness and the audio settings , um they weren't used very often at all . People concentrated on the channel buttons and the volume buttons and the power buttons . Uh we also asked them about speech recognition uh for remote control . And young people were quite receptive to this , but as soon as we got sort of over about into a thirty five to forty age forty five age group and older , people people weren't quite so keen on speech recognition . There's a lot more th there's a lot lot more older people who didn't know whether they wanted it or not as well . and the number one frustration was that the remote was lost somewhere else in the room and that they couldn't find it . And the second second biggest frustration what that if they got a new remote control , it was difficult to learn um all the buttons and all the functions , and to find your way around it . My personal preferences from the marketing is that we need to come up with some sort of sleek sort of good looking high high-tech Um and that we should come up with fewer buttons than most of the controls on the market , and we should sort of concentrate on the channels and sort of power , and also volume and that sort of thing , as as Louisa said . Um we could maybe come up with a menu , a sort of a an L_C_D_ menu for other functions on the remote control . Um and maybe we could think about speech recognition as well , because um sort of young people are perhaps the ones that are gonna buy buy our new product if we aim it at sort of you know sort of a high-tech design . And we could maybe think about using speech recogniti recognition as a way to find the remote control if it's lost in a room , rather than sort of um having it to speech recognition to change the channels . 'Cause there's a problem with that in that the television makes noise , so it could end up talking to itself and changing its channel . What was that last wee bit there ? Um about speech recognition ? But that was only for young people that preferred it , older people didn't . and they might end up costing more than our twelve fifty budget for for the speech recognition . Um . And possibly the thing about the about the remote being lost we could have You know with your mobile phone , you lose that and you can ring it . Maybe we can have some kind of sensor which is kept somewhere where you can some kind of buzzer system between the two . So you can press a button which is always kept in one place and then it maybe buzzes to somewhere else , wherever the remote actually is . Yeah , we'd have t that would mean we'd have to put two products together as well , There's key rings um that you kind of whistle at or clap at , and then they whistle back , or something like that . That'd probably be really simple , Well if you're trying to avoid having a second product 'cause obviously you could have a second product that gave you the right pitch which would set the remote off to say here I am sort of thing , you know without sound recognition . or like the same technology could be put inside the inside the remote . I mean obviously if you've got voice recognition then you can do it in that way Um I was gonna say a sharp noise , you know a clapping of hand or whatever . a set command whatever that happened to be . and you can give it a command , because it'll recognise the voice you could have an option to turn it off . Or So that would solve the problems with the T_V_ kind of speaking to the remote and changing its own channels . Um would it take quite a while to sort of develop the speech recognition software in the remote control ? Well if it does then we can't . and it seems to me that the management is uh wanting us to go down a narrow path and not opening out . So anything that uh is to be added , such as voice recognition et cetera has to be very simple and has to be very quick because time to market is is critical . S But probably quick and simple is primary rather than added extras . Uh d d I think I think first and foremost we've gotta get to the end and then get to the end with um added extras if possible . But we have to make the decisions on uh the remote control functions and how we were planning to proceed so that at the next uh meeting each person that's got a a a task to do is clear from this meeting what that task is . And if dur between the time of this meeting finishing and the next meeting starting , if you get any additional information that uh only you have at that point in time you'd think would be relevant to other people in terms of their des decision making um process , then we should communicate that as quickly as possible and not wait until the next meeting . If you get the information just before the next meeting that's fine . But if you get it well before the next meeting , let everybody else know Well , so maybe a clap rather than a whistle would be On the basis that if we've got if we're catering to the whole age range , you want something that's easy to do , Well I think it'd be really easy and it'd be a big advantage if we did have some sort of um kind of whistle back kind of function . I don't really know about the voice recognition thing . clapping , I think clapping , 'Kay we've already decided that we don't need a teletext button , haven't we ? Did we decide on having the ten um the ten numbers and then the the little digit next to it which kind of enabled you to put them together . I think nowadays you can just get ones where it gives you a sort of a second or two to press another number , I'll put delay to allow um multiple numbers . Uh we could possibly put an L_ a sort of a L_C_D_ menu in , but that again is probably an expense that you only have to probably tune in the T_V_ once , So and if finally the T_V_ breaks , you get a new one , you're gonna have to be able to tune it . the the product we've got is something that's at the I would have said the lower end of the s of the cost scale , so we're not really going for something that's uh terribly high-tech . I mean we're maybe talking about replacing remotes for slightly older televisions , so we maybe need to keep the the tuning function in . Would you maybe have like one menu button , then you'd use the other buttons , maybe the number buttons to actually do the separate functions . Yeah , 'cause you do need um kind of brightness and contrast and everything as well . Well , if we're trying to keep it slee sleek and sexy as well , have you seen those remotes where kind of um the bottom bit slides down , so there's kind of um everything else revealed ? So you don't use it that much , That is that is a good idea actually . So so keep um keep detailed functions um hidden at the back . And that'll be better for the older generation as well So um we're gonna have to have to work out what's gonna be on these other functions as as well . The detailed ones would be sort of brightness , So on front , about the number . Um the volume up and down . A mute button as well . And probably a power one as well . I know it's probably like um not an issue to raise here , but um the whole thing about not using your standby uh because of the like waste of electricity . Like we should maybe try to discourage people from standby . Yeah , it's maybe too much of a big issue for here . But then they might not buy it if they haven't got one . So so are you having the stand-by on the front , then ? Um are we gonna have the channel up and down as well as the number buttons ? Um 'cause yeah the market research said there is quite a lot of people do just zap around and flick , so . So we've got ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen there ? Numbers is ten , volume is twelve , And a mute , yeah . And then at the back ? You've got brightness and contrast . Maybe if we're gonna run out of time , one of us should come up with a list of these and then get back at the next meeting just at the start and say what they're gonna be . Uh there's audio functions . You're also gonna have the channel tuner , as it were . And then maybe sort of an enter button for sort of s you know , saying that you want that particular thing tuned in . So I think um there's quite a lot of like Dolby surround studio , surround sort of things . Do they have their own do they have their own controls on their actual products , then , Um I think they've got their own controls in this kind of like hidden panel . Yeah I suppose if we've got their if they've got their own controls then we can avoid it for ours just to keep it simple . Right so I'll do the minutes of uh this meeting . Well shall we look into that and just get back together ." +81,"Speaker A: It's Play-Doh. Because kids yeah. But um, it's it's made edible 'cause, yeah. It's made edible 'cause kids eat it, and if it's wasn't edible then Well, normal babies. Oh yeah it is, yeah. Oh yeah. That is cool. What's the big blue thing? Oh cool. And mute. Oh it's so cute. Yeah, but then but then you can learn to use your right h like I was just thinking if there's left-handers and right-handers in the family, what, they have two remotes? Yeah, I'm sure they'll be able to I mean it's only pressing buttons, you don't have to do anything, you know, extraordinary. I think everybody can press a button with their left and right hand so Yeah, it's not Yeah. Have them in stock. Make 'em more appealing as well.. And all the playing around is uh Yeah, I'm just do you wanna plug in? Okay. Mm. Play-Doh won't last very long everybody'll go like, oops, it's gone. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Well, they'll buy more of them if you eat them,. Yeah. Yeah. It's better for And special material. Well they're rubber, aren't they? We're under budget. It's already saved, I think. Thank you. Mm. Oh, yeah. This is where we all get to I get to write on the, oops, on the board. Right. Oh. 'S function Okay. Mm. Okay. So, evaluation. We're gonna do it all together so we evaluate each criteria. I've got the criterias. And we have to do it on a scale of one to seven, one being true, so it's it's more like it's fits the criteria, and seven being as in it doesn't fit the criteria. And the criterias are, and I'll draw this up on the board so we have a box. And this is false, this is just like to keep you informed. So seven's here and one's here and then you've got in the middle. So the first criteria. Do you all get what we're doing? Okay, cool. Okay, first criteria, look and feel. So the does remote look and feel fashionable to what we talked about? As it is it colour-wise and is it spongy? So what mark should we give for that? As in it's not. A one a one. So I'll just write criteria criteria one we get one. Second criteria, new technology. Have we implemented new technology? As in the new high-tech So it's. So we'll give it a Yeah. I'd say it's about a a twoish? Two. Three. three. So criteria three is is it easy to use? I think it's a one, I think. Two, so it's But if we make a right-handed and a left-handed then? Yeah. Yeah, okay. 'Kay, criteria four is costs. 's great. Yeah. Like the amount of buttons, 'cause people like a lot le like So it's a one? Um criteria six. R_S_I_ is it good against? Yes. Very good. It's one. And criteria seven, which is the last one, does it get lost? Is it easy to get lost? No? But it is smallish. Mm. I think i it would, could be, could get lost. Mm. Yeah. I mean it's not fully it's not fully like you can't say I mean, it's not a one, definitely. Yeah. The mobiles get lost all the time. But then you ring 'em and you find them. So Yeah. So, that's that. So that's the evaluation, so I'd say Yay. It's like like a number one. Um. Number one product. All done, thanks. We fitted all the criterias. Yeah. Yeah, so So that's that one. been cool. In four diff in in four meetings. Funny, all designer meetings could be this quick. They're using our ideas. Yeah. Just start summarising now. You can reply to the same message. See summary, there. If you just reply to that one. Was it was it fifty or five? Depends how much we sell. We finished an hour earlier. Mm. Mm. Definitely. Yeah. Just don't sh don't throw it at any of the ornaments and break them. No. Yay. Yep. We haven't got the five minute left thing yet. Mm mm. In project. I love it. I love it. I think it's cool. Being all wired up and a vibrating pen and it's cool. Being watched. Um Wow. Mm. Logitech. Yeah. Meeting adjourned. +Speaker B: I used to eat it. Yep. We've got a cool prototype. Double curved. Which is ant anti-R_S_I_. Oh right, yeah. Yeah, I know I know people who have left-handed and right-handed people in the family and they all use the computer for the whole the same computer the fes family and they have a mouse, and everybody is using right-handed mouse. Imagine d are you right handed? Imagine you're doing it with your left hand, I don't think it's too But we can have both uh Yeah. I think it does. Yeah. There you go. Play-Doh is very cheap. Chew proof. Oh ho-ho. Yep. Rubber. Yeah.. Mm-hmm. A one. Well, the kinetic thing, yeah. Well so the um Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. True. Two. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Yes s yeah. It's yellow. Two. T Mm. Mm. We've, we've done well. Well. You know It is. Y Oh really? Mm yep. Cool. Glad to hear that. Yeah. Yeah. +Speaker C: Play-Doh's edible. Did you know that? It's definitely Yeah. It's it's chew proof. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Everybody everybody ready? Okay, let's have your um let's get have the uh presentation? Nice. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. what button? Um. Oh mute. Okay. That certainly does. Mm. Mm. Yeah. 'S great. I have one thing about it, but it's a small thing, but it'd mean we'd have to make a right-handed one and a left-handed one. But, that's I don't see why that's not possible. Yeah. They make left-handed scissors, you know. Yes s Mm. Sure. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. But um other than that, I mean uh and that's um, you know, that's just something, I think I think it's great, yeah, great idea. I think it's, well, if the R_R_ motto is, we bring fashion to to electronics, I'd say that could be quite fashionable. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, very good, yeah. It's come up with what we've you know, the things that's what we've what we were looking at doing, hasn't it, all seems to be there. Well done. Um before we move on I need that cable. Thank you. Yeah. Um. One thing I do need to do we need to look at, is the costs. Well, yeah. um Yeah. Uh right. Okay, now I think we'll do this I could do you know, I can do this o on my own or I could do it with you, but it's just easy enough to go through it with you, so we're going for the kinetic power. And the electronics, we decided on it being just a simple, the easiest thing that's inside it. Ooh. So the case, we've gone for the double curved. Um and it's made out of rubber. The interface is push-buttons. And button supplements well they're in diff special colours, aren't they? So special colours. Special form, yeah, they're a special form there in shapes and stuff. Yep. Yeah. Um. Are they made out of any special material? No they're not. They're not made out of wood or titanium or rubber or anything, they're just simple Okay. Right. So let's see if that comes within budget. And it does. That is gonna cost uh Yeah. That's gonna cost ten ten Euro seventy cents a unit to make. And our target was it had to come in at under twelve fifty. So, this is all very very good. The bosses will be very pleased. Okay, let's just save this so I can e-mail it to you. Uh. Save it in save it in the uh my documents. Splendid. Okay. So uh, that's done with this with this um doodah, so you're. Gonna do what you were gonna do, your evaluation. F_ eight. I love the smell of that Play-Doh. I cou. I would give it a seven. Oh sorry, one, d yeah. Yeah.. Yeah, but that's not a technological thing, that's another thing, i that's another marketing thing. So on the technical side of it it Easy to use. I'd say it's I wouldn't not if you're left-handed it's not. I would give it a I would give it a two, 'cause i i it i it i it is more geared for right-handed people than left-handed people, but Yeah. Give it a t give it a two. Cost. It's come in under budget. So that's a definite one. Amount of buttons. Contains only the necessary buttons. Yeah. So it's anti-R_S_I_. I don't think it's gonna get lost easily. two. I mean it No, I mean I mean, you could still flush it down the toilet theoretically, but Okay. Alright it's all all systems go. We can't fail.. Well done, Reissa. Okay, I I think um I just wanna put in as Project Manager the you know, little bit of praise for everybody here for how they've worked on it, you know, both individually and as a team. You know you've w everyone's come up with their own individual ideas in their own different departments, um and then come together and worked in, you know, integrally, you know, at the right times, psp, you know, especially you two. That's all, you know, gone very very well and and and be you know, has been good communication going on. Did you have to go down to the the corporate squash court and bash a few balls about? Fantastic. I think So I I, you know, and I think we've co we have come we've come up with something new, something that hasn't been done before, we haven't we're not just rehashing an old design. Yeah. You know, maybe this isn't a simulation, maybe this is actually so it's like Sony or someone like that they're they're just, yeah, they get Yeah. Yeah, two years' time this will be on the market. Ex exactly that product um thum we'll go, yeah, we designed that and no-one will believe us. But um No, I think when this meeting's finished like officially, there b we'll get a uh questionnaire to fill in. Or six, uh I haven't got message. It gets handed over to another department. What our what our project was was to come up with the product, basically. the for the and just basically is it it come can is it within budget. When it c when it comes to all the other things of how to sell it and, you know, the b the profits and all that that's other departments it's another team that actually work out the mai the oh yeah, the all the guys in the profit sharing, yeah. Um. Yeah, that's it. You know, we've we've we've made i we've made we've designed the product, we've ma we've got the prototype, it's within budget, it's does everything that we wanted it to do. It's new, it's it's um something that uh that isn't out there already. Yeah. Well, this is very marketable in that it is it's it's something that's kind of new and looks a bit quirky for people who want that, it's that it's um, hang on, I wrote it down here somewhere Oh no I thi I put it in one of my e-mails that I sent off. Um that, you know, it's marketable in the sense that it's whilst all these other remotes uh actually do give you repetitive strain injury, our one does the complete opposite, you know, so that's something that's new, which is one of the criteria they asked us to come up with something with something new. Yeah, and if you're not having a good time with the T_V_, you can f throw it about, you know. It's fine, it's kid proof. Well, you can break the ornaments, but you won't break that. Yeah. So all in all, I think we've done very well. Well done everybody. Um. Drinks are on the company. In the corporate bar that's next to the corporate swimming pool on the top floor that we're that've all just gained access to. Yeah. That's it. Well, as far as I t as far as I know. Um. No. Anyone wanna play I spy? Yeah, I guess. I mean we're gonna get asked to fill out another questionnaire. Um. It's probably gonna be the same as one we've done before. But I'm not the authority to say that it is. Um how does everyone feel about the technology that's been used in this? The sort of using of the the pens and writing on these special pads and all that? Yeah. I thi you know, I'd I'd n yeah, as we said earlier, I've not never seen that before. something that t the whiteboard thingy, that's great. Um, but a p a pen with a camera on it, I don't think it's such a new thing. I mean it's i or in such a new idea. It would be different if it was sort of hand writing recognition stuff, but as it's not it's literally that'll come up on a computer screen as a picture file rather than actual text. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. +Speaker D: I've, I've definitely eaten it before. I didn't know was edible.. Actually that makes sense, because I remember like, peopl I dunno if my Mom ever did it but I remember other people's Moms making like home-made Play-Doh where you just like make the colouring and make some sort of sort of dough. Mm-hmm. Yeah. We've got some. Yeah, it's pretty exciting. So, everything uh that we wanted we wanted it to be ergonomic and to be made out of rubber, very simple and easy to use, yeah, double curved, um but also something that was gonna jump out at people, something that would be different uh, separate it from the other remotes out on the market. So uh I think if you put this in the palm of your hand, you'll see what a nice thing we have going here. So, basically, if you hold it like that, the one on your thumb, yeah, the thumb button is the power button. Your index finger is channel up, middle finger is channel down, ring finger is volume up, your pinkie is volume down. That's the lock button, has a L_ L_ on it and then the M_ is a mute button. And then it also has digit For muting the uh Um and then then you can also there's a numeric keypad on the top so you can key directly to the to the channel if you want. So it's really basic functionalities as far as what keys are available, but we think it's very comfortable and very innovative and it looks different. So all the, I mean the important keys are right at your f f you know right at uh at a convenient place for you to to access them. So you don't you Yeah. It should be. And it's also conformable to the size of your hand. I mean if that's too big, it's a rubber remote, so you can, you know change that. So d does that uh what mesh with what you guys were hoping and for and expecting or does it Ah, that's good thinking, yeah. Yeah, if we build rocket ships why can't we build left-handed and right-handed uh remotes. Yeah, I didn't I didn't think about that, but I'd yeah,. Uh-huh. Yeah. Do you think it says R_R_? Fashion to electronics. Yeah. Yeah. And it's got the b the black and yellow and blue. Plus red, which is sort of a a fruit and vegetable uh uh. So that's that's our end of things wha uh That's Yeah. The costs, was that what you said? But it's edible. That was the main criteria from the last meeting, it had to be chew proof. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, these these ones on the side are curved kind of, so The buttons are rubber. That's cool. Yeah. Yeah. And we're actua actually making a better profit than we expected. Yeah, have some have some. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. Oh, sorry, one. Yeah. That was our main technological innovation w every everything else was fairly simple, but the fact that we used the kinetic energy was new. It's ergonomic, but that's not that's that's a design that's a des that's a design thing, yeah. It's about in the mid in the middle somewhere, maybe, yeah, I dunno. Maybe three, yeah. Yeah. Mm. Okay. If we're gonna have one left-handed and one right-handed then I would give it a one, but otherwise otherwise a two. Yeah. That was great. Yeah. It is very bright, yeah. It's not the kinda thing that's gonna slip like between a couch cushion or something, you know. Maybe it will. Uh. You think it could lost Mm. Okay. Yeah, anything, I mean. Okay. It's bigger than the average mobile, I guess. But, yeah, it can get lost. Yeah. Okay, yeah, two is fine. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Yeah, during our design I mean there was some s some heated heated discussion, but we we kept we tried to keep it cool and and just just We just had to we just had to squeeze our product a little bit and Now you guys have been a a great team. Think we're the we're the envy of all the of all the other R_R_ teams,. Yeah I think they're actually trying to find ideas for a ideal remote. So at this stage, I mean, is this the last meeting of the project? We don't uh have another one after it's gone gone to marke market or something? So there's no way to like predict what our 'Cause we had a we originally had a As far as our financial uh um goals, we had a specific number for profits that we wanted. It was fifty mil fifty million I don't remember. But there's not a way to compute that, I mean, since we saved on the on the production cost, do we know how much we're making on profit? Uh. Hmm. But we have a vested interest prof profit sharing. I think actually and one advantage of of this is that after the uh, you know, after this fad of fruit and vegetables passes this will still be c a cool remote, you know. We're not we're not you know, tying tying our cart to that one horse. Mm. Mm. Mm. It make watching T_V_ healthy. Uh. Right, you too. Mm. That's it. I guess it's probably better that we wrap it up than have five minutes of silence. Should we call the day then? Uh, right. Mm-hmm. Your moment to shine. Right, I think they do want to do hand writing recognition on that, it's just the first step. I guess we should end this, since we're off off topic. So. Shall we Right.","The interface specialist and industrial designer presented their prototype to the team and discussed the features the prototype contained. In presenting the prototype, the issue arose that the prototype could only be used with the right hand. The team then looked at the production costs of the remote and found that their remote was actually under budget and that they could retain all the features they had originally decided upon without exceeding the target cost. The team evaluated the prototype on the basis of its look and feel, technological innovation, ease of use, costs, and its ability to be misplaced. Overall, the prototype performed very well in meeting all the criteria of the evaluation. The team then evaluated the project process, finding that they were happy with their product and their performance in the project." +64,"Speaker A: Good morning. Well Well uh I'm uh and my uh function is User Interface Design, I think. So uh that's me. Me too. Oh. So we can't erase anything. Right. Alright. It's a sheep. A beaver. It's weird. It has wings? Well the snail doesn't have legs. Oh right. Well. It's a giraffe. Or a dinosaur. Yes. Giraffe. Should I uh Alright. So I can draw, but uh Uh. Well. Oh. Oh wrong one. Uh. Well uh you can guess what it is, I hope. It's a rabbit. And uh well uh it's uh quick, I guess. That's uh my uh favourite animal. A dolphin. Right. Well. With an E_. You can try out the eraser now. Not really. I always lose them. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. search for the buttons, which one is which and uh Well. Perhaps that you have a lot of road remotes r road con remote controls. Yes, perhaps you can integrate them or something. Yes. Your stereo and your T_V_ and uh. Perhaps that's an idea. Yeah, that's right. And which you don't use. Right. Yeah. You should just give it to. Changing channel. Yes. But you should make sure that you have every button they need on it. Because uh things for uh teletext, I dunno uh, w what's the name? Yeah. But But if if it's if it's international you should uh look in think in Britain they have uh different things they can do with the T_V_, or so uh that you can choose what you want to see. I dunno if you should uh take that in consideration, or that you just should aim for the normal T_V_s that uh And the B_B_C_. Yes. Yeah, I don't know if the they have that anywhere else, though. Yeah, we can leave that. Yeah. Well but but then you have to to find your other remote control if you want to search. That's not Yeah, that's right. Yeah that's uh. Well not everywhere. Yeah, you can choose the code. Yeah. But the people have a new television, and c if you look into the future, then they want will want the button, if their thing is broke. Yeah. Guess not. Yeah meeting will close in five minutes. Hmm hmm. No interface. No the Yeah. So So I should look at uh what you should be able to do with the remote, or uh, or how I don't really Right. Alright. Me too. Alright. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. +Speaker B: Good morning. Sorry? Yeah, busy job. Good morning. So Oh, good morning everyone. I'd uh like to welcome you to our first meeting. I've prepared a little presentation. My name is and uh I hope you will introduce yourself uh in a few minutes, as will I. Um I'm the Project Manager of this project, and uh, well I will tell you on what actually is the project. This is uh the agenda for our first meeting. Um this is the opening, then we will get I will hope we will get acquainted to each other. We'll do a little tool training with these two things. We'll take a look at the project plan. Uh there will be time for discussion. Actually we have to discuss because we have to create a product. And then we will close this session. Um but first of all we I'd like to uh introduce you to this room. Um as you probably have noticed there are little black uh fields on the table. Um you have to put your laptop exactly in that field so the little cameras can see your face. Um there are cameras everywhere around the room especially here for your face, of course, and this isn't a pie, it's a a set of microphones and there are microphones here also. But please uh don't be afraid of them. They won't hurt you. Um well uh I said I'm the Project Manager and uh I'm hoping uh for a good project and uh I'd like to hear uh who you are and what your functions are uh on this project. Let's start with the ladies. Okay, so I. Okay, well we have some expertise from uh different pieces of the of the company. That's good. Um well I said uh we're working on a project and the aim for the project is to to create a to design a new remote control which uh has to be original, trendy and of course, user friendly. And uh I hope we have the expertise to create such a project such a product. Um the way we hope to achieve that is uh the following methods. It consists of three phases, namely the functional design, conceptual design and detailed design. As you can see, all of these phases consists of two parts, namely individual work part and a meeting where we will discuss uh our work so far. Okay. But first I will uh tell you something about the tools we have here. I already talked about the cameras and microphones, but they are not of uh much use to us. Uh we will have to take advantage of these two things. They are smart boards. As you can see, you can give a presentation on them. And uh this one here is a white board. I will uh instruct you about that soon. Um as you also noticed uh this presentation document is in our uh project folder and every document you put in this folder uh is uh it is possible to show that here in our meeting room. Um and yeah there are available on both smart boards but I think we will uh mainly use this one for the documents in the shared folder. As you can see, this is the same tool bar uh as is located here. Um the most functions uh we will use will be to to add a new page, um uh to go back and forward between pages, and of course uh to save it every now and then. Um and this is the pen with which you can draw on the board, for instance like this if everything's okay, but I first have to put it on the pen, you see I'm new to it too. Um and then you can write things like test or whatever you want. As you can see you have to move it a little bit slow, it's not such a fast board, it's a smart board but also a slow board. Uh but you can write things and of course you can also, when you click here, uh erase things, so we have uh est left. And um you can also delete an entire page, but we ask you not to do that. Just simply create a new one and uh start all over because we want to save all the results. Um does everyone understand this nice application? Well you can erase it with the eraser, but uh you shouldn't delete an entire page, but just create a new blank one. I will delete this one now because we don't use it yet. But you can of course erase when you make a mistake, but don't uh delete entire pages. And you can also um let's see I think it's here uh change the uh colour of your pen, for instance take a blue one and uh change the line width like to five. Um that's what you will need for our first exercise, because I'm uh going to ask you to draw your favourite animal. It's also to gets to know each other because um I'm asking three things, uh for that uh drawing, to do it on a blank sheet, with different colours and I just showed you how to pick a colour, and also with different pen widths which I also showed you. Um and a favourite characteristic can be just uh one word. Well I'm not very good at drawing, but I will uh go first and um try to draw Or maybe you should guess what I'm drawing, eh. Well it uh could be everything. Maybe when I put on this thing it could be a turtle, or a snail, and But a turtle has. And those are slow. And I hope our project group will not be slow, but we will uh work to a good result and do it uh as fast as we can. Okay, time for another animal. Would you like to go next? Mm-hmm. Okay. Could you write the words, uh underneath it? Or more words. Little rabbits. Okay, thank you. And our final drawing. Mm-hmm. Okay, well thank you very much. I can see we have some uh drawing talent uh in this group, huh? Well, nice animals, nice words. Sounds good. Um back to business, back to the money part. Um from the finance department I have learned that we are aiming for a selling price of twenty five Euros. And we're hoping for a aim of fifty million Euros and uh we are hoping to achieve that uh by aiming for an international market. And the production cost will be twelve Euro fifty max. Okay, well it's time uh for some discussion. I've wrote down some examples here of what we can can speak about. Uh what's your experience with remote controls, um what kind of ideas do you have to design a new remote control, maybe for which market segments should we aim, or should we aim for all segments. Uh well actually I'd like to hand the word uh back to you. What's your experience with remote control? Mm-hmm. Boring, it's not fun to use a remote. Mm-hmm. Well maybe we should try to make it fun. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So maybe a a minimalist design, the least uh possible amount uh of buttons. Mm-hmm. So you don't want to bother people with uh loads of buttons, but on the other hand they need many buttons so they don't have to get out of their seat. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay, well any more ideas? No? Okay, yeah well we have some time. Let's see what more I have to tell you. I don't think there is much left. Nope. We're starting to close. Um our next meeting uh will start well we're a little bit early, but our next meeting will start in in thirty minutes. In the meantime uh there's time for some uh individual actions. Um, as you can see, the different roles have uh different tasks. And there's a ping. Is it my laptop? Yep. Ah well that's good, five minutes and uh the meeting's over, uh right on schedule. Um the Marketing Expert will uh will take a look at the user requirement specification. The User Interface Designer will work out the technical functions design. And this was the Interface Designer? Or the Interaction Designer. Or what was it, I_D_? Interface Designer, okay, first guess was right. Uh will take a look at the the working design. Industrial Designer, okay, sorry. Let's just use the acronyms. Um and of course specific instructions uh will be sent to you uh through your personal coach. Uh well those instructions will be uh in the email you will receive uh shortly, I hope. And of course you have your own uh expertise. Well uh that was what I had to say. Uh are there any more questions? No? Okay well I think then we have to head uh back to our offices and uh start working. Okay, one question? Okay we're still going. Okay, well I expect everything will be much clearer with the instructions we will receive uh shortly. Okay well uh see you all in about thirty minutes, then. Thank you very much. +Speaker C: My name's. I'm uh Marketing Expert. My job is in the company to promote company or promote products to the customers. So I also h hope we have a pleasant uh working with uh with each other. Mm-hmm. S Good. No. Dinos Dinosaur. Beaver. Turtle. No problem. No problem. Mm. It was four months? Nice, okay. To make it a little bit easier. No, it's a giraffe. 'Kay. I think it's easy to r uh to recognise as a giraffe. Yeah, the favourite charis characteristic is that the long neck, it can reach everything. And I hope I can also reach a lot with this project. So that's my favourite animal. Anything else you need to know? Oh, uh Tall. So, 'kay. It's a mouse. A bunny rabbit. Uh-huh. No problem. Bob Ross. Dolphin. Yeah. Complex. No. No. Boring. No. Black, all black. So, yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. The the angle you have to use. You had different remote controls for different devices. Yes. Yeah. Yeah but then again you you still have a lot of buttons, so Flap yeah. Yeah, okay, that's possible, but it'll get very big the the remote control. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. numbers. On and off. Yeah, play, pause, stop. Mm-hmm, of course. No. Yeah. Because I think a market will be all kind of people. Elderly p el elderly, young people, so. Yeah I think that's the better one, because I think if you you're going to target a lot of people and the whole world and only Britain then I think the cost will uh rise higher than the twelve fifty, I think. I think the aim is better to use uh the whole world and Britain, yeah. Not that much. Mm. Standard deliver. Mm. No but Yeah. Yeah, th it it's I think that's not Yeah, okay. No. I think n m n most televisions nowadays do this. So I think numerals. Yeah, but then you have to choose the this always with r universal remotes you have to choose the code. You can use which which type of television you have. That's no problem. But I think like the two pages on the same screen, like teletext and normal television, that's that's nowadays standard, I think. Simplicity. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah g available. True. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Of course. Yeah. Yeah. Interface. Uh-huh. No. I have one question. Where does it says we have to make a remote, because I presumed She didn't know who. Okay, no, no problem. No problem. Yeah. Mm-hmm. +Speaker D: Good morning. Okay, uh I'm uh I'm the Industrial Designer and I uh hope to uh look forward to uh a very uh pleasing uh end of this uh project. Yeah. Okay. Hmm. Seal, a seal. A be Mm. With a tail and a mouth. Snail. Okay. Sure. The hell. Make that cute. Tall. B Bunny rabbit. Okay. Okay, um. Uh I uh draw I I've drawn a dolphin because of its intelligence. One of the most intelligent uh animals in our world. Yeah intelligent. I've I've uh Eraser. Pen. Well not perfect, but okay. A lot of buttons. And you always lose them. A lot of buttons which you don't use or who you don't use Complex. Not user friendly. Mm. Black colours. They use batteries and batteries uh and poor signal. Uh. Yeah, different remote controls, yeah. Uh for the use of different uh devices. Yeah but you could uh I thin uh there's a possibility to g uh to uh to put those buttons uh behind some uh kind of uh protection so that if y y you only get to see them when you need 'em. That's possible, so that you only get the No n n no, just Uh for example you got th uh the same size uh remote control you use everyday, but um the usual buttons such as uh um zapping uh as you call it in Dutch. Uh and the volume control uh are only the only possible buttons uh to use directly. Or uh the numbers, of course. But uh not uh the buttons used to search on the the channels on your television. You only use those uh the first time, or. So. Uh. Yeah, I think so, yeah. Yeah, uh teletext. think so. Okay. Right. Uh. Yeah I I understand. No. Yeah. When I think of it uh I think the main idea uh of this remote remote control is uh to make it user friendly. So uh I think uh when p uh when uh the customers will buy this remote control, they already have uh the remote control which uh companies uh uh with uh the the standards uh remote control with which comes uh with the television. So uh it only has to have uh the most used buttons. You don't have to integrate the buttons to search the channels on your television. In those in that Yeah but I but it is impossible to uh to accommodate uh accommodate uh all the buttons on the s on the difference different televisions sets on one remote control. It's impossible. Because uh for example Sony television uh has the opportunity to s to make uh uh to make it possible for to see on one side of the screen uh teletext, and on the other side uh just n uh regular television. Uh Yeah, but uh they don't use the same signal, uh on remote control. Because you can't use a Panasonic uh remote control on a on a Philips television. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay, but uh I think that most people uh th uh will buy the remote control because because uh the first they lost the one they lost first one or the first one is broken, so uh uh perhaps they have a got a an older television, so that option is not uh optional for those uh people. Yeah, yeah. So we should take that in consideration. Oh mm, no. Things'll come up. Stop the meeting now. Okay. Mm. No? No, the Industrial Designer will take a look at the working design, and the in uh usability interaction Yeah, okay. Okay. Okay. No. Okay. Oh. No problem. Okay. Alrighty. Okay.","I'd uh like to welcome you to our first meeting . Um I'm the Project Manager of this project , This is uh the agenda for our first meeting . I will hope we will get acquainted to each other . We'll do a little tool training with these two things . We'll take a look at the project plan . Uh there will be time for discussion . Um as you probably have noticed there are little black uh fields on the table . Um you have to put your laptop exactly in that field so the little cameras can see your face . and there are microphones here also . and uh I'd like to hear uh who you are and what your functions are uh on this project . and my uh function is User Interface Design , I think . uh I'm the Industrial Designer I'm uh Marketing Expert . I said uh we're working on a project and the aim for the project is to to create a to design a new remote control which uh has to be original , trendy and of course , user friendly . It consists of three phases , namely the functional design , conceptual design and detailed design . As you can see , all of these phases consists of two parts , namely individual work part and a meeting But first I will uh tell you something about the tools we have here . They are smart boards . As you can see , you can give a presentation on them . And uh this one here is a white board . Um as you also noticed uh this presentation document is in our uh project folder and every document you put in this folder uh is uh it is possible to show that here in our meeting room . As you can see , this is the same tool bar uh as is located here . Um the most functions uh we will use will be to to add a new page , um uh to go back and forward between pages , Um and this is the pen with which you can draw on the board , for instance Um and then you can write things like test or whatever you want . it's not such a fast board , and of course you can also , when you click here , uh erase things , And um you can also delete an entire page , but we ask you not to do that . because we want to save all the results . And you can also um let's see I think it's here uh change the uh colour of your pen , Um that's what you will need for our first exercise , because I'm uh going to ask you to draw your favourite animal . to do it on a blank sheet , with different colours and also with different pen widths Um and a favourite characteristic can be just uh one word . Or maybe you should guess what I'm drawing , eh . it could be a turtle , or a snail , It's a giraffe . it can reach everything . And I hope I can also reach a lot with this project . Could you write the words , uh underneath it ? I've drawn a dolphin because of its intelligence . You can try out the eraser now . Um from the finance department I have learned that we are aiming for a selling price of twenty five Euros . And we're hoping for a aim of fifty million Euros and uh we are hoping to achieve that uh by aiming for an international market . And the production cost will be twelve Euro fifty max . it's time uh for some discussion . What's your experience with remote control ? I always lose them . A lot of buttons which you don't use Not user friendly . Black , all black . maybe we should try to make it fun . You had different remote controls for different devices . perhaps you can integrate them or something . but then again you you still have a lot of buttons , there's a possibility to g uh to uh to put those buttons uh behind some uh kind of uh protection but um the usual buttons such as uh um zapping uh as you call it in Dutch . Uh and the volume control uh are only the only possible buttons uh to use directly . maybe a a minimalist design , the least uh possible amount uh of buttons . But you should make sure that you have every button they need on it . Because uh things for uh teletext , I dunno uh , w you don't want to bother people with uh loads of buttons , but on the other hand they need many buttons Because I think a market will be all kind of people . Elderly p el elderly , young people , so . I think the aim is better to use uh the whole world and Britain , yeah . I think uh when p uh when uh the customers will buy this remote control , they already have uh the remote control which uh companies uh uh with uh the the standards uh remote control with which comes uh with the television . but it is impossible to uh to accommodate uh accommodate uh all the buttons on the s on the difference different televisions sets on one remote control . It's impossible . Because uh for example Sony television uh has the opportunity to s to make uh uh to make it possible for to see on one side of the screen uh teletext , and on the other side uh just n uh regular television . Uh Because you can't use a Panasonic uh remote control on a on a Philips television . always with r universal remotes you have to choose the code . Um our next meeting uh will start well we're a little bit early , but our next meeting will start in in thirty minutes . In the meantime uh there's time for some uh individual actions . meeting will close in five minutes . Um the Marketing Expert will uh will take a look at the user requirement specification . The User Interface Designer will work out the technical functions design . the Industrial Designer will take a look at the working design , Um and of course specific instructions uh will be sent to you uh through your personal coach . I think then we have to head uh back to our offices and uh start working . I expect everything will be much clearer with the instructions we will receive uh shortly . see you all in about thirty minutes , then . Where does it says we have to make a remote ," +34,"Speaker A: Mm-hmm. Alright. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Alright. Alright. Easy to use? I think that's your ta Mm. You Yeah. Yeah, yeah, you can make a very complicated uh uh remote anyway, so ease of use It's not a very comp complicated device. Alright. Uh you think? Mm. Mm. Alright. Yeah, among the old people, yeah. Right, I am going to tell you something about the components design. Uh again I have uh put up the specification properties. This uh so um uh the different uh components of the of of the device. And the materials? Um I have heard several things, so I uh I'll have to change that on the way. But uh the case? Uh I suggested uh in the previous meeting hard plastic. But uh as you indicated uh it should be strong. It should feel strong. So maybe plastic is not uh sufficient. We should move to uh something Well yeah. Y Hard plastic i is of course uh pretty pretty tough, but it doesn't have a really really tough look. So Yeah. Also Yeah. Mm-hmm. But we'll return to that. Uh the buttons of course rubber, I think everyone agrees. And electrical cables, copper is all pretty basic stuff. The chips made of silicon, I guess. I think that's the best uh way to do it. And infra infrared l LED is uh just a simple bulb. Then I've uh had a few findings, made a few findings. Uh the target audience product style. Um it's uh um generally the case that uh senior and wealthy people above uh forty five years old uh like, as you said, uh particularly the traditional materials as such as wood and materials such as that. They also like straightforward shapes and luxurious style. But of course that's not our uh things this. So this is things we must not do. And then we have uh young uh and dynamic uh people, which is of course our uh group, the people we aim at. Um under forty five years old. Uh they like soft materials uh with primary colours. Soft materials is of course uh agai again a bit a contradiction with uh our uh material choice of what you said, that uh it should be hard an and and and and strong looking. But they like soft materials, uh so we might uh we have to consider that. And also they like curved round shapes. So not uh too formal like like uh the older people want. And if uh also a finding but not very ap applicable here, that sports and gaming devices such as uh discmans for jogging and that those kind of devices, gaming devices, should define the characteristics of the device. But uh since we don't have a really a sports or gaming device, so we don't really have to consider that. Mm. Well I also have um several examples of uh styles, so you can get a clear picture of uh what I mean. Uh these are the basic uh older older peoples' stuff. It was not very uh interesting uh, very classical looking, but that's n that's not what we want. We have these kind of things. I don't know what exactly they are. It looks like Well you know uh you recognise the shapes, it's very primary colours, uh bright colours and uh round shapes. You also uh see uh this device, it's not very round and Fruity of course. Yeah, it uh That's true. And uh well round shapes, primary colours. You can see it all here. And of course uh this famous device. I think as you know something uh some devices like this. So to give you an idea of uh This has a strong look. Although it's plastic, it's it's grey to to to give it iron look. That's uh Yeah. Well we have to make a Well we can't really make a round uh a round remote control. I don't think that's very practical, but But uh it's important to to uh to think about the colour. Because if we make it grey or or silvery looking, it it does make it a lot more uh does make it looking a lot more stronger. 'Cause if you look at this, it it doesn't look very very strong, becau But this is plastic, and and this too, but The feel? Uh alright. Well Mm-hmm. And I Then I have some more findings. Um uh about the energy energy source of the of the device, uh I uh suggest uh the basic battery. I uh got some other um uh uh energy sources of course. But solar energy is not very practical inside a house, because you don't have a have a lot of uh sun. And uh kinetic and and and dynamos are are not very practical, I think, for uh for a simple remote, that's a bit, oh, that's a bit uh That's a bit uh much. And I also suggest uh as a shape uh a double curved case. Uh the disadvantage of that that you can use no titanium. That that's the information I received. If you use the curved case, uh a curved case, double curved then you can't use titanium. Now uh this uh to give it a more modern look. And uh now the the shape, yeah, a curved case. Um yeah I think uh sort of triangle-shaped bottom or something. Uh a more modern look not plain, long box style, but I'll draw it, but maybe later. And it makes uh it gives it a more u user friendly shape, than if you have uh. Um anyway Um f as uh for the buttons, simple push buttons. No uh otherwi uh no um difficult scroll things or some uh things like that, because it makes more complex and expensive. And, uh as we agreed, we don't use a speaker or a sensor or um uh speak uh speech uh controlled device. Because it makes it also more complex and expensive. But we do use an L_C_D_ screen, so we uh we do have to consider uh of we have to use a more advanced chip, which is more complex and expensive. But It's worth the trouble I think, because Uh rubber is a soft material, I guess. Uh soft enough. So that's uh basically what I want to talk about. Oh, yeah, I understand. Yeah. Yeah. But it it's n nice for young people. They like gadgets. Yeah. If it's cheap. Yeah. Can you draw it now of uh Can you draw it now? Mm. Alright. button, yeah. I suggest a banana shape. Because of the fruity uh fashion. Yellow and Yeah alright, yeah. Just a hunch. Those are the the cha the channel buttons of course? And then below is the L_C_D_ screen? Alright, yeah. Mm-hmm. Uh by pe pressing the menu button again. By pressing the menu button again, you go uh out. It's usual the the the d kind of the way it works. Yeah? Yeah? Yeah. But you can men you can press menu again to get out. No. Why would you put it uh then, and where is the recording uh the microphone? Where would you put it? Uh-huh. Microphone, yeah. Yeah I understand. Uh but uh we could uh d do, but it's perhaps more expensive, uh the speaker on the back or something. Alright. Well yeah yeah yeah. I can live with it. They do they don't look fruity enough. Tho Yeah those But it doesn't uh the Yeah, ok Yeah. But it it must not look too childish of course huh? But it Yeah. Not not too strange. No. Exotic yeah. We have t Yeah, yeah. I will design it, we design it later. So we'll get to that later I guess. The specific shape. The Our sources. But uh we should decide now. So we have to uh put it in one uh document. Copy paste uh this story into a into a Word document, and then uh put the answers after the subjects. Yeah. Well we have to decide all these things? W we can uh override them? Well a case? Uh that's me. Uh I suggest Well what do I suggest actually? Uh s solid, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I understand. Yeah. So we have titanium. Yeah but the non-removable elements of the of the remote, so not the front, could be titanium, to give that uh strong look. And then the front is made of plastic. And you can put that on and off, and switch it. No but you have titanium of course. Uh you have the best of both worlds. And of course, yeah, you have the the the plastic front end. But you also have the titanium. Yeah of course, but yeah you have to make a decision. I guess so. Uh titanium I sh I think uh Huh? Well, well the According to my sources, uh it's it's totally possible to make an entire uh uh uh Titanium is available, and uh we can uh make uh an entire remote out of it, if we want. Mm. Mm. Yeah, I think that's a nice trade-off. Alright. Yeah, for the front and then titanium for the back. For the non-removable uh part. Well but The titan titanium isn't isn't v very Yeah, i it doesn't uh curves. No uh I nei. Titanium is very No no no, but you know b Titanium is very basic colour, and it doesn't really matter if we have a purple front on it or a orange front. I dunno if if you disagree, but I think it's doesn't matter very much. And even if it does uh doesn't match, it will uh People like mm colours that don't match. Cop copper uh material. Excuse me? Yeah copper i just a ba basic uh Yeah in Yeah well inside the remote control we use a couple of uh Oh external? Well A coffee grind doesn't have Na ja. Never mind the coffee grind. Right? Alright. Mm-hmm. Yeah the the the front w Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. For the for the launch, yeah. So e th then a c couple of basic colours. Not not very uh sim Not Yeah. Yeah. Very boring, yeah. The most boring fronts possible. Yeah but you you can have some basic colours, and then we come with the special patterns on them, and and uh And uh Uh we still have to make We have still have to make the es the the real basic design. Because yeah we have the sketch but Alright, yeah. The price? We all agree on that. Yeah. Together or uh Yeah together. How Yeah yeah, but how do I Some Some non functional tasks. You're fired. No but Well, can we talk about something else? Uh Uh no I don't know anything, but maybe uh anyone else uh Yeah? Round I think. To make it as uh as round as possible. But now I see the Well th th th th th that depends uh. Well we uh We we j we'll just give them an uh We'll design it, and then they can give comments on it. Well yeah. Um I think um a logo, our company logo, and the slogan should be or could be Yeah, why not? If there's enough space, you can put uh We'll we'll Well, our slogan is not very long. It's just a simple What is it? You c But you can put it on the back, on the titanium part. The logo and the and the Yeah they do. Well yeah. Right corner, or maybe here in the middle? Yeah it it should be hard on the on the on the board, and you can remove the front. I l I like the idea of the of the slogan on the on the on the thing. But am I the only one, or uh No not on the front, but on the backside. Uh I think it's a nice idea, to make it more recognisable, that the next to the logo you have the slogan. To make more uh of an impression. Not too big. No, very small. Not on the entire back, but uh just very small. But readable enough of course. But we'll uh we'll take that uh with us into the design. Lo Uh yeah. Or maybe here in the middle, but we'll decide later. Do you do you see a bit of the of the um of the uh titanium? O on the front? Uh maybe if we make this this this lower part titanium, the front is the the upper part, and the the bit with the with the L_C_D_ screen. So Yeah. No no betwe of between we can do but But then you have two parts of front, two fronts that This enti entire bottom? And then the lower part is titanium? I think that's nice, yeah. Yeah. I like that bit of uh titanium also on the uh A bit like uh a bit like your mobile phone. Maybe you can show it. It also has the those two distinct uh Mm bit like this. Uh it's uh Yeah yeah. That uh Yeah. Maybe a nice touch, yeah. I think I'm going to buy it. That's a bit too much, but No, no no no, but I think uh this looks uh pretty nice actually. Of course, because it's my design but No our d our design, alright. But don't erase my cat. I want to preserve it. What are you doing chief? Yeah until the until the beep goes. But I don't uh Do we have to stay here, or I think we have to return first. The high powers from above will have to tell us, yeah. Yeah, touch-pads, yeah. We can uh do a touch-pad on our remote. No just kidding. Well we have uh b you have to have a bit of humour in the in the discussions too, because it becomes too too too too stressy. But uh th youth doesn't care about functio functionality, so Yeah. Bless you. Mm. Too much? Well they uh I think that's good. We all had uh our talk and we agree I guess on uh several thing, on most uh on things. Yeah you have to push harder. Mm. Where's the good old chalk board with the the green board with the, how do you call it, chalk, yeah. Yeah, maybe. Maybe if i if that thing is recalibrated, we can draw a thing quick, and then before it uh goes off again. Maybe w maybe we maybe w m Can we get email here? Huh? Yeah. Guess so. A happy hol happy holidays. +Speaker B: Okay. Uh door is closed. Well, let's begin. Because if we have as much time as the last uh meeting, we'll have to hurry up. Um well I'll start with the presentation again, the agenda. Yo. So. Uh This one I think. Uh yeah. Well alright. Um well, I'll show you the notes. It's not as uh interesting as it should be because we just uh had the meeting, but I'll show them. We'll get your presentations again on the conceptual design. Um Then we'll have to dec decide about the control, the remote control concepts. I've put a f uh a file in the project management folder, which says exactly uh what kind of decisions we should take. So this time we exactly know what to decide about. And then we'll close again. Uh Well these are some examples, but we'll talk about them later. We'll first look at your uh presentations. Alright? Walter will uh start again this time? Yo. 'Kay. 'Kay. Less. Well, yeah. L_C_D_ and our uh our fronts. Well, easy to use uh s is a bit uh contradictionary with the first uh Functional is not an issue, and then easy to use. Well we have to choose one of them. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. We'll we'll look at uh. 'Kay. So Well Yeah, well Yeah. B Well the the handy thing about our fronts is that we can follow these trends e ev every year. Th this year it's fruits but next year it's it's something totally different. Yes. Yep, alright. Wood is popular. Aha. Yeah yeah yeah. Alright. Nice, uh well show us. Well maybe it it it is, but it doesn't look strong. So maybe But we still have to look at our price of course. Because uh if we want an L_C_D_ uh window etcetera uh Yeah? Yes. Sports uh, they're uh that uh are accessible on on your L_C_D_ uh window uh Huh? That's nice. All the results? Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Nai. Uh no. It's t terrible. Alright. Hmm? Yeah, alright. Yeah. And it's round. Well you can make th th th that middle ring can you you can make another colour. So uh those kind of things you can you can combine. No, it isn't. Okay. Yes. So, if you ti Well You you Maybe you should have uh some some coloured titanium or something. So it it looks pretty but it feels strong. No titanium. What do you exactly mean with double curved? Double curved? It it mean Yeah, well okay. Well This soft material thing from uh Yeah. Alright. Okay. We will take that. And then uh Mike? Okay. Oh That's interesting. Okay. But you can also say that, when you say something, it does some function. Oh. That's a bit uh Yes. I understand. But it has no functionality for our remote at all. Hmm. So you put a menu in the L_C_D_? Ah. But then we should also have an uh an Okay button. Just uh There is already a blank. Yes? So Yeah. No m Next year that's out. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. And what's the menu button? But how did How do you get out of the menu then? Yeah. Maybe I you could j just do an an exit with Okay. Uh Yes, well but bec because when you push Menu you get in, and then you have to push Okay when you get to a choice. And Well that's also the Okay button. That's you you should have uh Or you can put in the L_C_D_'s uh window an option Get Out. Exit. Well, it's just a choice. Huh? Yeah? Okay. Well, okay, alright. Um then let's have a look at the decisions we are going to have to make. I'd I agree. Fine. Yeah. Yes? Too big. They're all black. Hey, that one I like. No. The remote. Terrible. It's it's all too much buttons. Too many buttons. That's Well, that's too expensive I think. Alright. Yeah. Okay. Huh. Mm no. 'Kay. No, not very strange. It still has t Yes. Th a a kind of bridge. So it f falls over the hand. Yeah? Yeah? Yeah. Well I have at home a remote with a bridge. It's just a half round half half circle at And then it falls exactly over the hand, and that's very nice. That's It feels comfortable. Yeah. Yeah, alright. Um where did I put it? Um conceptual phase, I think this is it. I got this from our friends. So Uh yeah the conceptual design. These are a few examples which we have to decide about. All the the materials from the case, uh the electric cable that's all your uh your side of the story. Um Yeah. Um now from the user interface, your uh package? Um where No well, that's more like the buttons where they have to come. And um B a bit of, yeah well, a bit of uh design. Yes, but we have to decide about these now. And uh the trend-watching. So as you said, fruity is in, well sells good. Wow. Uh these things. Uh yes. Um so if we uh go through them Yeah well uh Why should I uh Yeah. So What what kind of properties should it have? Well we just listened. You know what? Alright. I've uh Titanium back, plastic front. Okay. Um well I am going to put it in here, uh because we can uh look. I Um solid feel and trendy look. So material, um hard plastic for the front? Okay. And well the the electrical cable is just normal uh. It's uh from uh our coffee uh Of course. Well uh all the all the inside work of our remote is uh standard work. So The chip is normal silicon. Uh the buttons are normal, etcetera. Okay? So that's just easy. Uh we decide about that just by looking at our competitors and our earlier uh remotes. The conceptual specification of the user interface? Um well we have our beautiful drawing. Well you can put that in uh into the shared folder, and then I'll put it in our end report. Yes, you can Mm yeah. You can uh put some uh which button is what. Okay. Um the trend-watching included these days. And what do we? We thing that fruit and bright colours are Yes. We can also uh implement um we can also implement fronts from um movies that are very hot. Uh those kind of things. Yeah. Launch different lines at once. We should not give them the m the most lovely front when they buy it for the first time. Yeah. Come on. We still have to make those fifty million, yeah?. The most ugly. Two. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Um well the buttons etcetera, we get from Mike. Uh this fruit and bright colours, yeah well I think we'll have to in the next uh half an hour, we'll have to uh s s specify the different uh types we want to launch, when we uh well introduce our remote. Yes. Yes. Well I'll have to, before I get another warning for five minutes, I'm going to get Where is my mouse? Uh where is my mouse? Oh yeah. Um this is it. Well, um this we have. Uh basic stuff. Interface we have. Supplements, L_C_D_. Maybe a a cheap voice recording. Well Yes. Alright. Individual actions. Industry designer,. User Interface, Mike. You're going to work together on a prototype drawing on the SMARTboard. That's what I got uh to hear. Yes well we'll get it to hear that I think. But I think so. Th they're saying SMARTboard and that's it This is the SMARTboard, so Um so you can uh you you are going to make a prototype, and y Well that's includes uh specifying the buttons etcetera. Yeah. So you'll get it on your em on your laptop. Um well you will go and do something else uh on the project yeah project evaluation. So um, what are you going to do? Uh I don't know what product evaluation exactly means, but uh you'll get uh the specifications. Yeah. That's why I uh But uh How long do we still have? Yeah. Why does Ah f fuck you. Heh? We can't get Ts It doesn't work any more. We can't save them. So we'll just have them uh standing there. No. It's a bit uh bit a pity. Well we still have uh more than five minutes. Um So what are we going to do? I as Project Manager ha don't have a clue. Oh we can uh decide how we implement the feeling from our company into the remote. Also the slogan? On the We put the fashion in electronics. We put the fashion in electronics. On the top. Yeah. Well in in in the right top corner? And well you c On the back, you can put uh h At the bottom, you can put the logo with the Yeah. Just just small. Yeah well Carved into the material. No, you you can carve it into the titanium at the back. Well, management would like it. The front side, no no l no slogan. Sorry. Yes, slogan from company on the back with logo and logo also on the front but not exchange uh Uh? Hmm? Uh when changing fronts. Alright, that's decided. Five minutes left. So a bit of titanium between? That's a bit Oh that that's that's pretty cool. No? Yes. I already have uh all kinds of uh filth between the mobile. Yeah. Round forms. Yep. Yeah. What? So round where? Oh, yeah. Yes, that also sounds uh pretty uh neat. We want it. And it's only f twenty five Euros. Come on. No that's nothing. The Phillips remote uh costs more. Well uh you two are going to work together. You'll get your uh specifications on your uh laptop, and then uh you uh Well I think we can, I just It's Yeah, o Oh Oh, we have a one. So, you can uh draw a Yeah. Well I'll get a I'll get the message. No, I think uh Well you'll Maybe you can uh keep your uh laptop here. Or get your mouse. Because it's little bit uh hard to work with these uh plates. I always have a mouse next to my laptop. I hate these Ugh. And in your remote control. So we put a touch pad on it, and say ha ha. Yeah. We know you'll you'll you'll hate it but But they do want some gadgets. So that's wha what we're doing. Well we won't. Our bosses will be rich. Well, that's not bad, is it? Mm. So Oh. Oh he's totally off again. Well But when I start here, it's here. So is it Nope. Yeah. Let's go. Finish the meeting now. Alright now we know what to do, so Um Message? No, get away. Um I I'm not sure. Maybe you Yeah. Well you'll have to work on this one. Yeah. That's a good idea. Well Good luck. +Speaker C: Well something fancy looking can be can be easy to use. Bananas. Yeah. Yeah. Soccer fronts. Mm. Hmm. Yeah. Hmm. And it it doesn't have to be strong, also. Only the feel. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. The buttons can be made of an uh a soft material. Because people like that. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Well um nah the method um we will um include the buttons as we discussed uh earlier. Um an L_C_D_ s screen will be implemented. Um we must decide where, this meeting. Um there are new developments in speech recognition um systems, um and they are already being uh used on uh coffee machines. And um well they're cheap, so we could use them now. Um it's not really speech recognition, it's more um like you can um talk to the chip, uh record the message and record an answer, and then once you uh talk to the remote, then um he will a answer with the the prerecorded message that you left. So if I say hi Mike, and you have recorded uh hi Mike back, then you will get that. No it doesn't does not do anything. But i it's just a Yeah it's it's cheap. No but that's the gadget they want, or the gimmicks. Yes, we we should really uh include that one, I think. Um Well, as I said uh earlier I think the uh L_C_D_ screen should be uh positioned at the lower end of the remote. Um the buttons for screen width and general settings and uh and that kind of stuff um we can also do let that kind of functions um be shown in the L_C_D_ screen, uh instead of uh extra buttons. I think young people and yeah w well every user would like that. Um the buttons um should be positioned uh positioned the same way as they are on a, well, conventional remote, I think. For the learnability and uh well to keep it recognisable. A voice recognition can be uh implemented. And uh I drew an example, but it did not work quite the well uh the way I wanted it to do. Hmm? Well I have the I can draw it again, and I know what I did wrong. I didn't tick the note bo box in the. Um Um with the uh the up and down and and well buttons and the Well I will draw what I had drawn on the screen. Yes. Um I shall draw this. If it uh works. Mm so have I. Nah. Well these little buttons are a bit difficult to uh draw uh correct. Yeah just uh the numbers. These these will be bigger in the the real design. This must be the Okay button used to uh interact with the L_C_D_ screen. And with this you can uh, yes, go to through the menus and that can Um the video button should be uh an apart button, because you want it to uh t, yeah, to use it fast within one uh click. Um it's Hmm? This button can also be the Menu button, we use in the menus Well we we can add another button here, but Yeah. Ah right. Well you you No no, we we we should uh add uh a extra Menu button and this the Okay button. Ah once you have an extra Menu button, you don't need that that extra option. You have uh redundancy. Yeah, if we decide to uh to implement that, maybe we should. Well they that could be anywhere. That's very small. It could be uh down here. Um. Well, not here. I yeah I suggest here. But that's just a little gap. Yeah. Well the speaker and the microphone, I think, are the same uh little hole thingy. Yeah. Well i Um there are a all already being implemented in in coffee machines, so they won't be uh very expensive. But This is my suggested design. Um Yes. And oh I think as you can see so, the L_C_D_ screen does look better uh at the lower end, or at the bottom. But Oh, um I had some uh examples. You can uh But I did not like it very much, but Well these are quite obvious, very ugly remote. Um No, well th Yeah. Well not all. Uh this is for children but th No. W but with the colours i it's a bit the way we're going to. Well this is a terrible Um this looks Yeah. This uh these are the L_C_D_ screens. I think we should, if it's um possible, uh one with colours, but I don't know uh Too expensive? Alright. Well Nah. Ha, even more. N Well Yeah, this is what we've just done. Right? Ah right. Not everything. Yeah but all these examples are uh of a coffee machine. I think we Why don't we um use uh titanium or or a hard, yeah, some kind of metal for the uh the the whole remote except the front. That Just like um most cell phones are. Yeah. Yeah. No but you you have this Yeah. Yeah, you have the re remote in your hand like this. So you feel titanium. Yeah. And I don't know if you can make steel just any way you want it to. Yeah. Well any colour Yeah, then you you paint it in the colour you want it. The plastic is is the colour you want it. So Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Well titanium is neutral. Hmm. Yeah. Well Our customers will use those uh funky uh trendy colours, and they don't use uh wood. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. The electrical cable uh does No we don't use an electrical cable. Yeah inside, but this is for the coffee uh machine. Yeah, but that's not what's meant here, I think. Yeah. Well I got a better one here and I will um The shared folder. I will work this out uh for the uh next meeting. Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah. Yeah that's the whole idea of the front. Yes. But that's for later on. The fronts y you can do anything with them. Yeah, right For the uh initiative uh launch. Mm. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well you can you can give them uh s s three or so, so that they can uh experiment with it and that they want more. Yeah. Red red, blue and green you give them or something, and then you can give them uh other ones. Yeah we should do that. Mm. Yeah, we can do that. But bu we stay we stay here or something? Ah right. And take it to our rooms and uh Ah, specific instructions will be sent to you by your personal coach. Yeah. Um Will we use uh round buttons or square ones for the for the numbers? Yeah I I I also uh thought Yeah. And these uh these s these buttons uh are more uh triangle-ish shaped with a square one in the middle. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Well most of the time uh up and down is programme and left and right are volume, I think. Yeah, it depends, but If you turn up the volume, you always see this thingy go up. Yeah. Yeah alright. Mm. Uh I I'd say only the logo. Too much text and it gets too too busy. Well it's quite a long phrase. Ah the logo should be on the top I think. Right corner, yes. uh the text? Yeah. Uh yeah, at the back? Well you c Well uh Yes. You can The logo can be on on every uh front. Yeah, but then you must uh really uh yeah push it in or something. Yeah, on the backside. Well n n not not on the front side, I think. On the back Yes, you you can, yeah, push that in, so that it is always be there. Yeah. Yeah I think over here the logo. Yes we could No, they have two fronts, that. You you can Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, you can you can just And then not a straight line but uh some sort of wave or something. This is titanium. And this is uh F front. Yeah. With the with the curved edge. Yeah. Yeah. Tada. Yeah. Ah. Yeah, that's nice finishing touch you need. Yeah, this is the front. This is the My design. Yeah. We'll stay here I guess? Well we can uh erase an animal I guess. Uh the fourth one. Uh the fourth one is empty, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I think we have to wait? Maybe. Yeah. Aha. This has no function. We've done too much in the previous meetings. Yes, we've got nothing to do now. Its the best remote ever. Pinball. Yes, but you you get really close to the screen with your hand, and I don't think that's Hmm. We can better uh draw a design on this. Yeah, but we can't. Well We'll stay here? Or we'll get the email. Yeah. Well we'll wait a few seconds and then we'll get an email. Yeah. +Speaker D: I'm listening. Right. Great. Alright, great. Yeah, great. Alright, Trendwatch. Right. I will speak about uh latest trends trends, latest fashion updates, and uh things we must not do. Uh the trends. It's very important that uh the control is fancy looking and good uh feeling. Uh this because of our last model was very functional, but it uh people didn't like that, so our new mo model must be very good-looking. That's uh something you uh have to take a look at. And uh the feeling has to be very great. Also the menus and things like that they have to they have to feel great. Um there's a minus uh two times here, because this is the most important point. This is uh two times as less important, and uh same for this one. Um, technological technological innovations, that's uh regarded very highly too. Uh such as an uh L_C_D_ screen, uh speech uh acknowledgement, as we uh talked about earlier. So we have to have uh something like that, like we uh Right. Uh the last point is easy to use. Well I think that uh speaks for s for itself. I don't know who's uh who's going to look at that. Yeah? Yeah, I know. I think we have to go for the first one. It's the most important one. So we have to uh take that one. So it it it isn't very important that that it works easy. But it has to look great. We'll see. Yeah, right. But the most important thing is that it looks great and people say wow, that's real great uh great concept. Alright. Uh these are the new colours of this year. So it must be very bright, very colourful. People like this. So we we have to think uh in this direction. So i set your mind to it. Findings? Fashion update? Fruit and vegetables are cool. I am told. The group we are targeting is uh very pleased with fruit and vegetables. So we we we might cons consider in front of uh in in that sort of uh way. Uh furthermore uh material, that's your part, should be very strong. I was thinking of something like uh well uh iron plate over it, maybe in a colour or something, that looks so f really flashy but it it is also strong. And that's uh also for the younger public. Yeah, that's great. But I think we can all make the the fronts of titanium or something uh really thin. So it looks very heavy but you can still uh use it very easily. Well, the don'ts. Older people like dark colours and simple shapes. Well we don't want uh older people, we want young people. So uh we're gonna turn that around. We're gonna have real uh cool shapes and lots of colours. Right? Okay. We don't want wood. Old people. So, that's it for me. Yeah, we should change that. No no no. Mm. Yeah. We keep coming back to the fronts. Yeah. Fruity. Fruity. Well it's got a strong look, this. Yeah. Yeah, it still has a strong look. But then you are losing your fruity colours. That's true. Yeah but the But it doesn't have to look strong. The the results are, the feel of the material is expected to be strongy. The feel. Nah yeah the feel Right. I agree. I dunno. Yeah right. Yeah. Right. Oh okay. Right. No. But that that makes it cheap. It's it's just a an extra function, and it's cheap. No but Yeah, right. Young people love them. Yeah, ple Right. Alright. How How How do you uh uh give input to the menu on the L_C_D_ screen? Alright. So you have a menu button, and then you can go up and down. Yeah right. Yeah.. You have to push hard. Yeah. Yeah. You've Right. And you you need a you need a speaker. For the Yeah. Yeah. Exit. But we need a we need a a recording recording button for the speech uh part. Or don't Right, and spea speaker at the back, or something. Alright. Alright. Yeah, fine. Move on. Yeah. Nei They're n they're not trendy. It doesn't look strong. Yeah right. This is just crazy. Nah th It's too expensive. Yeah. But are we going for a strange uh form? 'Cause people like that. Not too strange. You can make the the underside, you can make it more round, where the L_C_D_ is. I dunno if you know the No Nokia telephone, with uh the round uh thing at at the bottoms, s something like that. You know? Yeah, but people like something uh new you know. Yeah, different. Y yis Alright. Great. Your bag. Yeah. Materials are the most, most impor Yeah. Do you know the new uh No no The front is the most important. But the feel of plastic isn't strong. Yeah alright, alright. 'Kay. Yeah. Fronts are are cheaper than when they're from plas Yeah, but it it's expensive. Bendable. Bendable. Yeah. Paint spray. Yeah alright. So, we're going for a titanium back and a plastic front? Yeah, great. Yeah. But then you have the problem, when you have a titanium back, you can't switch it. When you want an other colour on the front, it doesn't match. You know? I understand. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Alright. Yeah. Alright. Funky customers. Alright. Nei. So external. Yeah. Alright. I think we can launch a couple of packages. You can buy a different kind of of of machine, but it's the same thing, but with another front. So And you can you can Yeah right. Yeah but if you if you launch uh five different packages like iPod mini Yeah. It's good marketing. Yeah, n not too heavy. You can always take another pick. They have to buy it later on. Yeah right. More basic. Yeah. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. But we we must remember that fancy look-and-feel is the most important thing. Else it w won't sell. So Lost my mouse. Unbelievable. Yeah. Yeah togeth You can take the SMARTboard. Have fun. 'Kay. We don't have produ product yet, so kind of difficult. Ajax. Nah. Um round. Yeah. Round. Curvy. Yeah. So you can see you have to up or down. And this must be uh volume I think, and this programme. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I noticed. You can't uh click the corners. It's a real real great thing. Let's start the design. O Yeah. Me too. But we kree we keep adjusting to the fashion with our fronts. So Yeah, right. The logo Yeah. But the logo the logo shouldn't be exchangeable, when you get off the front. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but you can scratch it off or something. It's better if you have it uh Yeah. I agree. But not too big. Just uh Yeah. Okay. Yeah. No no no no. You have to make this titanium too. Else you you get problems with the L_C_D_. Like dust in it and so things like that. When you exchange all the fronts and it's open. Yeah. Some some kind of wei weight in it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you can make it go round this corner too where the logo is. Because it has to be uh there all the time you know. So uh a little corner of titanium. So this this is the exchangeable part. Right. Taking all the credit. But there's a problem. We can't uh take a blank one. Or can we? Yeah. Nah that's alright, that's alright. This one is empty. You have to empty one huh? Alright. No Yeah. Yeah. It's not relaxing. I I don't have a laptop. Yeah right. Dream on. Half No. It's all about cool things. And it will sell. We will be rich. No. No man. You just have to push harder. Yeah. Mm. Recalibrate it. Yeah. Finish meeting now. Yeah. Oh. Alright. Have fun lads.","For the conceptual design, the marketing expert talked about the public's preference for looks and texture over technological innovation; however, they both seem to be more important than ease of use. The current fashion among younger people favours bright colours and fruit and vegetable themes: pertinent exchangeable fronts can express such trends on the remote. Materials also need to be strong: the marketing expert suggested an iron-plate or titanium front. The industrial designer suggested they use rubber push buttons (and no scroll wheel), simple battery (instead of solar cells or kinetic dynamo), and advanced chip. Speech recognition can be implemented, but it does not link speech commands to remote control actions. He also advised that the users within the target group prefer primary colours, soft textures and curved shapes. The team drew a provisional prototype. They placed the LCD below the buttons. If it is implemented, a recording button, microphone and speaker need to be included in the design. Finally, they decided to have a titanium case with plastic front and the company logo and slogan engraved. Packages with a variety of changeable fronts will be launched." +107,"Speaker A: Okay, I can go? Can I? So now the recent investigation we we have done fo of the remote control um. So, the most important aspect for remote controls is to be fancy look and feel and not current functional look and feel. And um the second aspect is uh that the remote control should be uh technological innovative. And the third most important aspect is to to is that the co remote control should be easy to use. So, are things we are we have uh speak about before. Yeah. And um so you you can go after. And there is a fashion watchers in Paris and Milan that have detected the following trends, uh fruits and vegetables will be the most important theme for clothes, shoes, and furnitures. So, maybe if our remote control have to be a fruit form or vegetable form something like that, or And the mm the material is expected to be spongy. Uh I don't know which material can be spongy, and if you Mm-hmm. Okay It's robust, yeah. Not good. An and and uh this uh you can yeah you can say that. You ca uh you can go uh before, before, yes. And you know here the more iz important aspect is the fancy look and feel, after is uh technological innovative, and after the easy to use. Yeah that's why Yeah that's why I think we have to keep that if it's possible. Innovative. Mm. Yeah. Mm. Oh, colour, yeah. Oh i i I thought about a a pear, for example. You know the pear, is like that and it's it's easy to to have in in hand and uh Yeah. Or a fruit like that. I dunno. Yeah. But you don't have Yeah. +Speaker B: Mm-hmm. Abdul al-Hasred is my name. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Also have to say Did you receive the email about the voice recognition? No? Yeah. You we uh an email from the manufacturing division that they have basically a voice recognition chip already developed. Says Yeah. It says that ri right now they just use it to uh to record uh answers to particular questions. But I guess it could be I guess it's possible. I mean instead of recording the answers you can just uh record uh something simpler like a command. Yeah you reco recognize commands and you can record new commands and stuff, so if they already have it as uh as a chip then we we could use it. Okay. Mm-hmm. I have a question about that actually. Um, what is the purpose of the light? Is But But in th in the dark uh Yeah but is going to be always turned on, the light? But if you move it then you have it, you don't need to find it. You can see the buttons better, of course. Yeah. But if you move it then you have to have some sensor to when you move it to detect your movement. Yeah, but you need another sensor for that, right? Yeah no it's too expensive. Okay. Mm. Extra. Yeah, okay. Mm. Yeah, but I expected also the wheel would be cheap but you tell me that it is very expensive so, yeah. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Okay. So uh my one, it uh should be in the shared folder. So. It was last time I saw it. Okay. So, just move to the next slide. So basically want very simple, right? That's the major idea, as simple as possible. So I just look at some current designs uh on the web, of usually more complicated remote controls. And let's look at two of them because uh th even though they have many buttons they look quite simple. And in our case we just uh reject the buttons what we don't need and it become even simpler. Um. So. Yeah. Well this these uh these remotes are quite big, so go to the next page, so. We have all these buttons as you can see, but most of them, we just need the ones in the middle. So, from the bottom or whatever is there, uh the uh the numbers and then the top, uh until the ten also, this middle part, and on the left one is exactly the same. So it's basically more or less how we would like it, with a big volume control, big channel control, and mute and power, yeah? These are the basic thing. So basically, w software we will build will look more or less the same as these two. Yeah, if you have, for example I think that the volume and the buttons that are there on the top are not very easy to reach with your thumb. It could be on the right side, for example. Yeah. Because we don't have these input buttons and this other stuff that they have. And I think that the plastic cover is not very good uh idea because you open it, it can break, you ca you can do various things. Uh you just need to put the channel numbers somewhere a bit out of the way. So that they're separate a bit, yeah. Uh and it's easy to press the other the big buttons, but uh, it's not that difficult to press the the channel buttons either. Mm. Yeah, I think that if you put the cover it will be even more difficult for the user. Alright, you won't yeah. Usually what I have noticed that people put the plastic cover on things that you normally don't mess with, like buttons for t uh tuning the channels and stuff like that. Yeah. That you want to protect a bit. And I think it's uh it's reasonable. So, I don't think Yeah, this is just the the wheel. We could use the some wheels can be pushed down, could use the push down of the wheel for the record if we want. Uh so we could just basically use one just wheel and uh user could use just the wheel to do everything with the channels in that case. Yeah, I guess the market researcher will tell us all about that. Mm-hmm. Well, wou wou I think we can certainly just put the electronics in a spongy thing, it it would work, right? Yeah. You can throw it to the television. Hey that's a cool one. We could say that if you throw it, you have a sensor, and you throw it and hits the television and turns it off. When it d uh takes a shock. Yeah. How do we make it look cool is the question. Yeah. Well the obvious thing is a banana, I guess. The banana is also ergonomic. Is there any fruit that is spongy? Yeah. You can make it um It's not hard, the metal. Plastic. Mm. Yeah. Two of the button, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah so you can just have uh just have this curve, yeah, and you move uh your hand here to press the buttons and then you move uh on the other side. So you can have it on on two sides and it'll be cool, no? You can put also vibrator inside. Ah-ha. You can also take into account the fact that the banana fits with the colour scheme of our company. Yeah. I hope the students of management die, but anyway. Now who are recording this meeting? The only th Yeah. Y Yeah that can be in inside th in the structure. But uh the thing is that the buttons and the wheel have to be I mean if it's spongy then the buttons and the wheel have to I mean if it's spongy then it's going to move, right? So, it's going to be bend a lot. So if we try to push the buttons, it You think it's possible? Okay. Yeah. Well, usually hold 'Kay, we want it to be good also for the left-hand users, right? Uh Yeah but okay. Sa let's say that th o It has to be basically you can only take two sides, one on ths this side where is the thumb and the other side where there is uh yeah also the thumb. Basically. Or you could use use this one, but I don't know if it's very comfortable, to use this one for the wheel. This for the wheel and then this for the buttons? Should have the two sides. So if the left, we have the op Wheel Wheel buttons. Yeah, the problem is if you have buttons and wheel then when you turn it around, the buttons are on the other side. So you cannot see them. Yeah. So the buttons have to be here and the wheel has to be Y Yeah I know, but uh if you hold with your left hand, and the wheel is here, and the buttons are here, then when you turn it around the buttons will be on the other side. Okay. Okay. Maybe. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yes master. No. Yeah. Yeah. No. Maybe you can make uh uh mm okay. +Speaker C: Uh, I_D_ you want? Yeah. I only v have three slides, so. I just look at the mm um just this. On some web pages to find some documentation and I think a remote control is, as I s mentioned previously, you just have a a very simple chip and the mm the user interface is just done usually by push button and in our case we are using a um a wheel control. So uh uh I was looking basically for that chip, which is uh very very standard, and uh I just looked for the wheel sensor and the standard push button. And um yeah we can change directly. In fact I have the number of that element which is very standard for remote control. The push button are usually extremely cheap, but I just have one problem and this is related with the wheel sensor, which seems to be quite expensive. And I think we if we could just talk about that if we really need a wheel sensor or if we can not if if we could combine something with the push button. Uh a wheel sensor is fifty time the price of a a a push button. Yeah. Yeah I I th But I don't think that uh we should We should talk about uh the design of the box also which needs some money. But Um that's all yeah. I haven't chec Mm-hmm. Yeah but I think it's yeah Sorry, I haven't written my personal references. Um the I I just want to mention the the problem of the the r wheels sensor which is much more expensive than any push button, and if we could reduce that. We we have already some good things uh with um um with the backlight of the push button. Just to to make something which is uh slightly more design that uh a squarey box with a rubber Yeah. Actually. As soon as you thought to move the the remote control you have the light. Yeah. Again. I don't think that this is really expensive, but at the end this is plenty of unexpen eh very cheap devices but uh the bill starts to be First of all I was thinking to have a a continuous light and you w when t you you you you press the on button you have the light on your remote control, when you want to turn off your device Yeah, a little bit. A little bit. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. To s Mm-hmm. I support an apple. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Me too. Ah it's okay. I know that they do that for alarm clock also. Yeah. Mm-hmm. What about um And for maybe look and feel, what about a a piece of ice, with blue L_E_D_ inside? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Banana I think, it's a nice idea. Because But You y you don't use the banana when the banana is curving like that, but when the banana is curving like that, with the wheel on the top and to control, and here you have a a push button to Yeah. And everybody knows what is a banana. Basically. If you if you start with uh fancy fruits and fra s and tha Oh, yeah So So we will just use a a standard battery? And uh the chip we chip imprint we know exactly which one we are going to use. Uh what do you mean by case? Yeah. Uh I mean for me if we use a a spongy banana case, doesn't matter. I just want to have so something to prin to to fix my my components onto that box, and that's it. Yeah yeah. Yeah. Spongy also. Oh no I think it's possible. Yeah. Yeah. This is uh like the Mm-hmm. Wheel on the top. Button, where do we want some buttons? Yeah. Yep. Yep. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Thank you. +Speaker D: Okay. So we are here for the concept design meeting. So, we will first start by summarizing the mm the previous meeting and the decision we've taken. Uh I will take notes during this meeting so uh that you can uh look at my uh folder to see the summary of this meeting afterwards. So each of you will uh show us the various investigation they've done during uh previous uh hours. We'll then t take decision in concert and then uh uh we will uh define the nest next task, to have to be done before the next meeting. So, last time we decided to have a simple interface. We also decided to have a wheel to change channel previous channel button. Channel digit uh buttons should be uh protected by plastic cover or something for the remote control to look very simple. We have also button for volume, and to switch on off the T_V_. We have also uh the lightening feature for the remote control to be easy to find, and for fast development and low cost we have decided to have no L_C_D_ no voice features. So now uh we will have three presentations. So the conceptual specification by Industrial Designer, the specification of the U_I_ by or U_I_ okay. And uh the last point is uh trend watching by Market Expert. So maybe we can start with uh industrial design. So this is the presentation. Maybe I can switch slide uh on your request. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. But is it a significant price on the whole remote control? Because we can afford up to twelve Euros for the price of the remote control. So will will will this with uh including all possible things, so buttons, wheel and the chip, be uh lower than twelve Euros to produce? Okay You received something Hmm. And could it be adapted? Okay and there can uh recognize some commands and stuff? Okay. Yeah. Okay maybe we can just uh listen to this presentation and then take decision later on according to those news. Okay. You can easily find the button in the dark or so? It will be turned on when the when the user move the remote control I think, no? Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. True. But it can be uh battery consuming, no? To have the light always on? Well we will discuss that after maybe the other presentations. Yeah. And it is. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And also does it uh fit well in hand? Because it was uh th your wrist problem with the usage. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So it's only the central part. Yeah. With a maybe a more ergonomic design on on the bottom part. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. S Okay. Will be down or Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Mm. Yeah. Maybe the wheel will be a good advantage over our competitors. Because otherwise it's pretty standard apart the fact that it's very simple. So maybe it's worse to uh to have more expense on that's that aspect. Okay. So we can move to the Is there any question? For designer of user interface? or we can move to the next part, maybe, and discuss afterwards? Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. This is good also for Yeah. I think it is good also f to have a spongy material, yeah. Yeah, because it's robust. Yeah uh sorry? No. Yeah. Before? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's innovative to use the mm the wheel because I think no one else has. Has it? Yeah. I think it's it makes it both easy and both innos innovative. So I think it's a good aspect and it should be kept. Cool, fancy? We have to make it l look like a fruit or vegetable. Maybe uh um a colour that remember some fruit uh, things like that. Maybe yeah. Yeah, and it's ergonomic as well. A pear. Yeah. Maybe pear yeah or something like that. Yeah. We can discuss that uh. D D Is is there anything you want to add? I don't think so. I think we we can have like yeah a pear is good, fit well, or banana as you told. Something like that. But that's not in the trend.. The trend is spongy, and vegetable fruits. I think p spongy is good because it it will be robust as well. So, I think we can keep the wheel because it's uh easy, it's innovative, even if the cost is a bit higher, and we also have to find a, so, a fruit like pear or banana wit uh any others idea you have. What kind of fr fruit would you like to to control your T_V_ with? Odi Banana is also yellow so you you can't lost your remote control then. I think it's a good idea, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's a good design and it's innovative as well then. Maybe we can keep the banana. And it will be very easy to find. Yeah. Yeah it's really uh really a good point. I think it So One second. So we have to take some decision on this aspect. So, uh so for sorry, for uh component, so we have to think about those aspects, sorry. Yeah. I think it's the box that should be spongy, banana's shape. But No the button would be In fact it it should be something odd shaped, with a spongy cover. Okay odd shape with spongy cover. And standard battery okay, a chip imprint, there's no specific problem. So we agree to put the wheel So it have to it has to be symmetrical. Yeah maybe the thumb is more comfortable. Yeah I think it's okay for both right and left. Mm. I think you can turn it this way also. You can do both with both hands. I think it's okay. Well, you you will get used to it. And moreover, th the button ar are lighted so you you immediately identify the right side, because you have light on buttons. Yeah. No you you I think you will use it only on the right or left hand, whether you are righty or lefty. I think for lefty it's okay. I can do this movement, and for righty as well. I think this doesn't change that much. Yeah? So, for interface we said also that we have uh this banana shape with button on the s on the side. And and uh a wheel on the top. So the colour is yellow. I think it's uh we defined everything according to what we should what the decision we should take, yeah. So maybe we can um we can uh work on those aspects uh until next meeting. So have the final uh look and feel design according to the decision. And have the the user interface design and uh then evaluate the prodyuc the product. That is to say, uh check if it fit the the requirement uh given by the users, but according to uh your presentation it seems to be okay. It seems to be fancy, innovative, and easy to use. So so to prepare the prototype I would suggest that the Industrial Designer and the User Interface Designer uh work together. That would uh be better, I think. And uh And so uh you will receive further instruction by emails, as usual. So do you need to add anything? You feel okay? You feel uh free to express what you want to say? You don't feel too constrained? You don't feel free to answer this? Okay, so See you.","So we are here for the concept design meeting . So , we will first start by summarizing the mm the previous meeting and the decision we've taken . So each of you will uh show us the various investigation they've done during uh previous uh hours . We'll then t take decision in concert and then uh uh we will uh define the nest next task , to have to be done before the next meeting . So maybe we can start with uh industrial design . you just have a a very simple chip and the mm the user interface is just done usually by push button and in our case we are using a um a wheel control . The push button are usually extremely cheap , but I just have one problem and this is related with the wheel sensor , which seems to be quite expensive . And I think we if we could just talk about that if we really need a wheel sensor or if we can not if if we could combine something with the push button . Uh a wheel sensor is fifty time the price of a a a push button . So will will will this with uh including all possible things , so buttons , wheel and the chip , be uh lower than twelve Euros to produce ? We should talk about uh the design of the box also which needs some money . You we uh an email from the manufacturing division that they have basically a voice recognition chip already developed . Yeah you reco recognize commands and you can record new commands and stuff , the I I just want to mention the the problem of the the r wheels sensor which is much more expensive than any push button , We we have already some good things uh with um um with the backlight of the push button . Um , what is the purpose of the light ? You can easily find the button in the dark or so ? As soon as you thought to move the the remote control you have the light . I don't think that this is really expensive , Yeah , but I expected also the wheel would be cheap but you tell me that it is very expensive so , But it can be uh battery consuming , no ? To have the light always on ? Yeah , a little bit . So I just look at some current designs uh on the web , of usually more complicated remote controls . And let's look at two of them because uh th even though they have many buttons they look quite simple . And in our case we just uh reject the buttons what we don't need and it become even simpler . We have all these buttons as you can see , but most of them , we just need the ones in the middle . So it's basically more or less how we would like it , with a big volume control , big channel control , and mute and power , So basically , w software we will build will look more or less the same as these two . With a maybe a more ergonomic design on on the bottom part . I think that the volume and the buttons that are there on the top are not very easy to reach with your thumb . Uh you just need to put the channel numbers somewhere a bit out of the way . Uh so we could just basically use one just wheel and uh user could use just the wheel to do everything with the channels in that case . Maybe the wheel will be a good advantage over our competitors . And there is a fashion watchers in Paris and Milan that have detected the following trends , uh fruits and vegetables will be the most important theme for clothes , shoes , and furnitures . So , maybe if our remote control have to be a fruit form or vegetable form And the mm the material is expected to be spongy . I think we can certainly just put the electronics in a spongy thing , Yeah , because it's robust . I think it's innovative to use the mm the wheel because I think no one else has . that's why I think we have to keep that if it's possible . Maybe uh um a colour that remember some fruit uh , things like that . Well the obvious thing is a banana , I guess . Yeah . Maybe pear yeah or something like that . And for maybe look and feel , what about a a piece of ice , But that's not in the trend . . I think p spongy is good because it it will be robust as well . I think we can keep the wheel Banana is also yellow so you you can't lost your remote control then . but when the banana is curving like that , with the wheel on the top and to control , You can also take into account the fact that the banana fits with the colour scheme of our company . So we will just use a a standard battery ? chip imprint we know exactly which one we are going to use . I just want to have so something to prin to to fix my my components onto that box , and that's it . I think it's the box that should be spongy , banana's shape ." +7,"Speaker A: Hello. Dang it. Alright. What? I've got a touch-pad. Do you know how how I can wake it up? No, my laptop. You with your brilliant ideas. I don't know if I can touch the power button. Do you know how how I can wake it up? Oh. Come on, move it. Now, wake up, bitch. Yeah, so did I. I closed it. That wasn that wasn't very smart, I guess. Come on. Get back to me. Yes. I closed it. No, I didn't restart it, I just closed it. Yes. Alright. Great. Thanks. Mm-hmm. Yes. Yes. Nobody, I guess. Format. You know, I thought of that actually. Yeah. Its simplicity. Yeah, whatever. I'll go next. Thanks. I haven't got a favourite animal too, so Oh. What should I draw? Thank you, I'll draw a penguin. Yeah. I'll draw a penguin. Whatever. I can't draw, so you can start to laugh already. Whatever. Something like that. Come on. Mm hmm hmm, orange. Whatever. Oh, it's better than your bird. Everything's better than your bird. Whatever. Hey, it's blue. No. Whatever. Um, I like its ugliness and uh Yeah, whatever. The way it walks or whatever. Your turn. Drawing. Or a line. I mean a bird. Hmm. It's a handicapped cat. He's crying because it's ugl because of his ugliness. I wouldn't call it training, but Alright. I don't th I don't think the four of us got problems with remote controls, but if you see elderly people, all these buttons, and then they buy new T_V_ because their previous one was stolen or whatever. And then a totally different remote control with with different functions on different places, and half of the functions a are removed, or whatever. Uh, so I think what we need is is a clear uh remote control with uh grouped buttons, you know. All th all the buttons which apply to the text functions in in one uh Well, one area or whatever, not like the button to enter text on top of the remote control and the button to um, yeah, to minimise it to this this or whatever o o other functions totally somewhere else. I think we should group them. And same for the for the volume buttons and the the t Well I was I was thinking uh since a T_V_ is uh mostly used together with a V_C_R_ or D_V_D_ player or recorder, and not with a stereo, I think it should be good to include functions for V_C_R_s and D_V_D_ players, recorders. Yeah. I don't know. Hi-fi set is uh not often used uh as I know of in combination with television. Yes. Yes, it is only for television, but uh Well well we we're gonna brainstorm about that. If we think it's useful, we do it. That's right. It's a television remote control. But I was thinking since it is useful with D_V_D_ Yep. Yeah, also no one's gonna buy it. I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, way too high. Yep. Well that's an idea of course, yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yes, what the market wishes. Yeah. You just got a message. And it said uh five minutes, so we got four and a half. No. He's the whatever. Team Leader. He is the whatever. Yes. Project joc project documents is for showing uh on the white-board. Yeah. Yes. Alright. Okay. Yeah. No. I don't think so. Yes? Great. Yeah. Good luck. I will need it. +Speaker B: I've lost my screen. Uh Yes. I closed the No. Yes. Antek. 'Kay. I'm going to draw a cat. I don't know why, but a cat is a very uh smart animal. And you can have them at home. Which is not as the case with uh with bingwings and Ye yes, yeah. It's not very uh very good drawn, but you can see a cat from it. It's Ah, it's not scared. He's crying but Uh it's i most cats are small. You can handle them. Yes. Yes, Yes, that's uh something extras. Yeah. Only the experts. Uh, to go with to go with fashion and Team Leader. No. Oh. +Speaker C: And then you have to place your laptop exactly on the marked spot. It's important to place your laptop exactly on the marked spot over here. No. Yeah. Try the power button. Huh. Yeah, my name is name. Yeah? Everybody's ready? Great. Well, welcome to the kick-off meeting. I uh forgot to put my name over here, it's uh it's Martin. Uh, so you all know. Well, this is the agenda for today. Well, the opening is what I'm doing right now. Uh, we gonna do some acquaintance acquaintance things. Uh give some um examples of the tool training, project plan discussion and the closing. We have twenty five minutes. Okay, the project aim is to design a new remote control. Uh, some of the oje objectives are that is has to be original, trendy, and user-friendly. So now we all know what our goal is. Um, I oh forget I forget the whole acquaintance part, but we we all know each other. We all know each other's names. Joost, Guido, Antek. Okay. I think we uh al already uh been through that part. Okay, it consists of uh three levels of design. Uh we begin with the functional design, then we go to the conceptual design and the detailed design. Every uh level of design consists of some individual work, and we uh close it with a meeting. You all received an email with a example of our explanation of what uh the particular level of design uh means to the different uh functions, and uh you p you probably read that already, so I don't have to tell you about that. Okay, first we're gonna um uh gonna try some different things with the tools we have over here, so you get acquainted with these uh um uh meeting tools. We have the smart-boards, uh the thes those two boards. This is the presentation boards, wh which one I'm using right now. You can uh um there's a document folder called um the sh shared document folder. You can upload your uh documents to that folder and then you can open them over here, so you can do your PowerPoint presentations on this screen. We also have the white-board. Uh, we're gonna skip through th No, no. Just on the on the screen over there. Oh, no. Probably is, but I don't know if the software is on the laptop. Is is if it's mainly a thing for in the meeting, so I don't think it's I don't know if it's important. This an explanation of the smart-boards. There is a tool-bar over here. It's quite simple. You have the the pen function, eraser function. It's like a very simple uh paint application. Uh, we well, we use the same file during uh the whole day, and uh you can make new sheets by uh by pu puttin pressing on the blank button. It works like this. Oh. If pen is selected, yes. Oh, no no. It's not But it is pen. It's not working like a pen yet. Huh. Huh. It's doing some stuff now. So you can use a pen. You can use an eraser. And you can make new uh fi uh new blanks, and you can change uh the line width and the colour of the pen by pressing on forward, which y you have to select pen format. And then select current colour or line width. So, it's quite easy. Uh well, now you're all uh acquainted with the different tools. Right, we're gonna try out the electronic white-boards. Uh, every participant should draw his favourite animal and some of its favourite characteristics, on blank sheets with different colours, with different pen widths. Uh, I'll start off then. I'll use this uh same sheet. Alright. Oh, let me think. Different colours. Oh. Well, I'm gonna draw um a p piranha. Uh, a fish. Uh. Mm-hmm. I'm gonna use some different colour now. Some a little white. Looks like a fish. Think it is. Oh. Oh. Uh, colour. This is black? I think so. Oh. Oh, this is just uh useless uh drawings but Oh teeth. I need teeth. Well, they're not supposed to be green, or whatever colour this is. Okay. What was uh I have su to sum up its favourite characteris Well, I like its uh sharp razor sharp teeth. Plus, uh the the big uh forehead and uh a small uh, well a small actual face. And I like its overall uh aggressive look and Well, that's what I like about uh piranha. I think that's kind of what uh the intention should be. Well, who wants to be next? You go, Guido? Okay. Uh, make a new sheet. Uh, it's by pressing on blank. Yep. Yep. And uh so in the format menu you can choose the different uh colours and uh pen widths. Well, tell us something about uh your favourite characteristics of these uh particular birds. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. No, uh it's clear. N no no. We get your point. Okay. Who wants to be next? Oh. I'll do so. Okay. Well, you can have a piranha at home. Huh. I don't think uh I don't think uh Darwin would agree with that.. Okay. What do you like about it then? Oh, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay, and then we are uh through the tool training, I guess. Okay, this is uh something about the project finance. The selling price of our remote control is gonna be twenty five Euros. And our profit aim is fifteen million Euros. We're very ambitious on this one. The market range is international, so it's gonna be sold world-wide, and the production cost should be a maximum of twelve Euro fifty per remote control. So that's clear. Yeah? Okay, we're now gonna discuss some stuff when well, we're gonna brainstorm about uh what kind of kemoro romo remote control it's gonna be. Uh, well tell me about your experiences with the remote controls. Do you have uh know what good experiences with remote controls? Or do they annoy you sometimes? Are they difficult to understand, or maybe they don't interact with different kind of uh equipment very well? Yeah, okay. Okay. Different functions of of uh Okay. Yeah. Okay. And uh, is it gonna be a remote control that's um what it can be used for different kind of equipment, like your T_V_ and your home stereo? Uh Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. But uh, the D_V_D_ players and home cinema sets often double as stereo hi-fi sets probably. It's what, from my experience. Okay. But we gonna Oh, it is only for televis So wha what What wha what uh what document But, where where did it uh Where did you find that? Oh, okay. Yeah, but most television remote controls support other functions as well. So we can No, we have to think about that. Okay, uh but uh we've gonna put some a uh is is it so user-friendliness, is a is a pri priority in this case, or Okay. Well, this the maybe is uh some aspect of the uh, or or some point at at which we can excel by making it very useful. That w Well, then you're you're the usability uh man, so this uh gonna be a very important task for you then. Okay. Well, other ideas? How can we make it trendy or something? Do uh by just sh shape and the look of it? Maybe a can opener underneath it? I don't know. Or someth something special, like uh M_P_ three player inside of it, or uh Oh, well then the production costs are gonna be too high probably. Okay. Maybe with different type of fronts or uh Well, m has to be something spectacular or uh one which makes it We gonna skip back to the goals probably. Uh, original, trendly, and user-friendly Well, we al also already talked about user-friendliness. No, well something trendy and original, well that that goes hand in hand I guess. When something is original, it tends to be trendy, probably, or we should make it combination of that. 'Kay, so you the um technical part of the process is something you're gonna look after for, so you have to think about what kind of uh equipment you want to uh, you know, you want to manage with it. Well, and that's an important part for you then, with gogors regards to the user-friendly part of it. Well, and you uh should look out for what makes it trendy. Well, you know, y like some special feature. Or some Does it does it gets some gadgetness or something. Okay. Well, the closing. Next meeting starts in thirty minutes. Individual, I think so. The the Industrial Designer will w or the working design, of course, we will uh Already s said that. The User Interface Designer is it a User Inter User Interface the technical functions design. And the Management Expert of uh the Marketing Expert. User requirements specifi Well, this one was already clear to us. Specific instructions will be sent to you by your personal coach. I don't know how much time we have left. Oh, not many I guess. We started at twelve. Oh, and what does it said? W Okay, well um No, we're uh ahead of schedule then. Yeah, close it. I'm gonna make some minutes or take some minutes. And uh it's it's clear you can put the stuff in the project documents presentations. You can all Or we're all uh Yeah. Yeah, but we're all familiar with uh uh Microsoft PowerPoint, are we? Yeah, okay. I'm gonna wri uh write some stuff down and then we're ready. Or we can leave already I guess. or uh or sh or should we uh or is important that we leave at exact uh Okay. Yes. We'll see each other in uh thirty minutes. Yeah, good luck. +Speaker D: Okay. No, that's okay. Joost, your mouse. No mouse needed? Mm. A touch-pad? Slap it. Is Um F_ five. F_ five. I don't. You've got your name. Hope it working. Never close your laptop. Yeah. Okay. What is your name? Antek Ahmet. And Joost. Okay. Yeah. Yes. Can we see the white-board on our laptops? No, I saw I saw the file, the smart-board that X_B_K_ but Okay. With that pen? Mm. Mm. Little bit slower. piranha. Okay. Oh. Yellow Hmm. Different. Okay. I will try. Yeah. I will try. Uh Blank? Okay. Then pen again? Okay. Okay, um control. Uh Ah, purple. Um, I don't know what my uh favourite uh animal is, but the easiest animal I can think is is a bird. Uh I will That's my bird. Yeah? Isn't it quite it's a little bit light. Uh, another colour maybe. A red one. A small one. Uh, line width. Two? Three. Oh that's okay. That's another one. Ano Uh uh it's a Yeah, it's uh the most simple uh animal I know, I think. Um, I don't know. Maybe because uh there's there's some s uh free uh maybe in the sky or something like that. Maybe a little bit. Yeah. I don't know. So more uh birds? Okay, okay, okay. M Pictionary. A cow. Okay. Yeah, it's little bit hard. Orange, of course. Uh yeah. Yeah. True. A little bit. Yeah. Don't mess with my birds, yeah. cat. Okay. Okay. Hmm. Different. Yeah. But isn't it It's only for television, I thought. Not I thought it was only for television. So so we probably don't have to have to uh have the functions for D_V_D_ player or V_C_R_. Uh, in the email. I thought it said uh Yeah, television remote control. True. Yeah. True. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. True. Oh my God. Okay. For the bear. Uh I I uh, no I think it Uh, I th I think yo we have to keep it simple, to get a whole market. It's international, so we have to use a standard. Hmm. Use friendly. Yep. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Interface d Oh, I don't I didn't get a message. Oh, the Project Manager. Okay. Okay. Yeah. I don't think Oh I will need it.","The marketing expert and industrial designer had problems with their laptops. The project manager opened the meeting and introduced the project, to design a remote control. The remote should be trendy, original and user friendly. The project manager explained how to use the SMARTboard, and the group did a tool training exercise, using the SMARTboard to draw their favourite animals. The project manager talked about the budget and projected profit. The group discussed initial ideas for the remote, including that it should be a simple design with grouped buttons. They discussed whether the remote should include functions for controlling video and DVD players. The project manager went over the roles of the participants and closed the meeting." +29,"Speaker A: Yes. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Like the skin? Yeah. Okay. So the actual remote would be hard plastic and the casings rubber. Okay. And the buttons obviously are rubber. Okay. Mm-hmm. I guess it's a bit scary 'cause it hasn't been done before. So it seems we'd have to do more research on it. Or I dunno if you could have a battery pack. Yeah so there's there is a one battery, because most remotes use two batteries I believe. So, if it was running off of one battery as a Right. Although it needs some light, doesn't it? So, if we're doing yeah. If we're Yeah. Yeah. I think sometimes it's just shoved under, under a cushion, and yeah. Yeah. So it's just draf graphical for the pointing aspect? The infrared is like, that's considered a Okay. So when it says pointing device that doesn't include Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm. I think if we go with the um design plate thing, we'll have to. Just because of colour clashing, and if we wanted to, so and, and we might, I mean, depending on what comes out of the design, we might have to stick to just black buttons. You mean different colours for the lighting or Mm-hmm. Oh I see what you're saying. Well y Oh so you're picturing the light is coming from the back. I kinda pictured it as kind of coming from the sides and lighting it up frontwards. But, but I guess, you mean from the back. Okay. Okay. Right. Mm-hmm. Oh. Yeah. They, they insert over. Okay. T Okay is that my turn then? Alright. I have a shorter report for you today. Um, it took a while to get this, uh Uh. Oh. That's a very good point. Okay, so um, this report is about uh trend-watching. Um, basically so we can live up to our, our uh purpose of having a very fashionable remote control. Sorry. There we go. Um So, just so you know, my method was mainly web web-based research this time around. I also spoke with fashion experts in Milan, New York and Paris. And I looked at the design reports from previous years, here at Real Remote. Um, just so c we can work off of them, see how fashions have changed. Um, so I'll list the three most important aspects that I've come across. Um, and they, they're each more important than the one that comes after it. Uh, the first one is that there should be a fancy look-and-feel, instead of the current functional look-and-feel. Um, this should be our priority, as we've been saying. The second most important aspect is that a remote sh that the remote control should be technologically innovative. So, I think we've done a lot of talking about that, just with lighting and the buttons and the face-plates. Um, so it looks like we'll be able to keep on track with that. And the third most important aspect is that the remote control should be easy to use. So, pretty basic there. And the recent fashion update, uh, according to fashion-watchers in Paris and Milan, is that fruit and vegetables will be the most important theme for clothes, shoes and furniture. Um, also, in contra uh in contrast to last year, the feel of the material is expected to be spongy. Again, we've already discussed that with rubber versus hard plastic buttons. Um So, my personal preferences here, um of course, as we, we've already talked about the personal face-plates in this meeting, and I'd like to stick to that. The fruits and vegetable themes, I don't know if that's going to work for us. It sounds something that you'd use on kitchenware. I don't know if we wanna do it on remotes. It could be one of the options. Maybe for the television that people have in their kitchen. Um, the temporary light-up idea, sounds like we're gonna stick to that. And then, uh, tying in a trendy look with user-friendliness. Mm-hmm. It's, it's a little but it, it's everywhere. So maybe we I've seen a lot of purses with olives on them, you know. But I I think, I think if we stick to T_V_ based, you know, maybe T_V_ shows, or Or colour schemes. Right. Yeah. The The essence of strawberry. Yeah. I guess, yeah. One thing I was thinking though is I dunno if you all remember from our kickoff meeting, we talked about our favourite animals. So maybe there could be animal-based, you know. Because a lot of people have a house cat. Or, or a dog. Um, that might be getting, you know, too specific, and we should see what the success of the first face-plates are. But it's something to keep in mind. And, did you have any questions? Pretty straightforward? Okay. There you go. Have you guys been saving your PowerPoint presentations to the okay. The PowerPoint? So So if it's not working they just have to shake it a bit and that revitalises it? Okay. Mm-hmm. Oh, is regular not simple? Right right right. Think it was called command interface. Command interface,. Mm-hmm. That was on, um one of my presentations. About how often it was used. Do you remember that? I w Should I bring it up? The ch t Screen settings was used um zero point five times an hour. So tw twice every once every two hours. Um, and it was considered a one point five relevance, on a scale of ten. That's brightness, colour, tone, all that. Mm-hmm. The other one was audio settings. Mono, stereo, pitch. I mean I sometimes use that. Some T_V_s will have the option of like living room style, movie style, um and that, they say that's used zero point eight times an hour, which is actually somewhat high. Like almost once an hour. Um, relevance of two. Well that didn't some up on mine. Oh. Yeah I guess that it affects the marketing, 'cause it, mm it is a good sales ploy to say, aren't you annoyed with remote controls that have all these buttons. This one has channel, volume and your channe and your power. Yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Now do you guys need want an idea of how many uh are you gonna come up with casing ideas? Like f five different Mm-hmm. Yeah you can have some fun with the buttons, it's true. Yeah. I guess what you i ideally you'd kind of think of age markets as well. So it's a something that will, you know, appeal to the fifteen to twenty five year olds. Something that your granny would want on her remote control. Um, and international tastes as well, so Not easy. Okay. +Speaker B: Yeah. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Should be just loading. Okay. Oh, although I can't see it on my screen. That says go here. Okay. I've been doing some research into the different components that we could use, um what's available to us f to actually make the remote control. Um, first of all we have to look at how the remote control is actually made, and what is it happens inside the casing, which is more your field. Um, thes main internal feature is a circuit board, which contains all the elec electronics and also the contacts with the power source. Which is not necessarily a battery, as we're about to see. Um, there are several components of, um, the circuit board that we need to consider, where we'll be getting them from, what they'll be made of. Um, including the integrated circuit, which is also known as the chip. Which is where all the main information is uh contained. Um, diodes, transistors, resonators, resistors, and capacit capacitors all need to be considered as well. Um, and all their positioning in the circuit. Uh, these, they're all different options, they're all separate, apart from the chip, which we will probable decide whether we buy a simple, a regular, advanced. We can go into that later. Um, all the other things are individual components that we'd have to get in separately, and work out the most, like, effective um circuit, including all the wires and everything like that. And the L_E_D_ of course, that's a light emitting diode. So, we could, so we've got flex flexibility with colours and things, with that as well. Okay, there are lots of different possibilities for the energy source. We could use a basic battery, but that brings with it, like they need to be recharged and the bulk, the size of it as well. And they're not so great to dispose of, environmentally. There's a hand-powered dynamo which is a sort of thing that was used for torches fifty years ago. A bit out of date. Kinetic energy is something that's been recently developed. Um, where you manually charge up the power. Like you wind up something. Sorry? Yeah. Every once in a while I think. But it's Yeah. It would be like going a step back in time. I don't think it would really be with kind of cutting edge technology. Whereas kinetic energy is a new idea that's being used by some watches and other devices, where you just shake the device and it gives it power. I mean, the kinetic energy is transformed into power to make the circuit work. Um, or there's solar power, which we've been considering inside a building, which is where it's gonna be used, might not be quite so useful. But, good to look into, renewable energy, always the way. Um, lots of considerations for the case, like what sort of shape it would be, curved or flat. That's got a lot to do with the ergonomics. Like how it's comfortable and s sits in the hand. We don't want something that's huge and you can't pick up. Or too small. Or too slidy. I know I've had a remote control before which you couldn't tell which was the front and the back, 'cause it had so many buttons on, and the shape was so symmetrical that I'd be pressing like a volume button instead of the on button. Because you can't really see which way round it is. Um, we also can choose what materials um, the we could use metal, we could use rubber which might be more um ideal for the anti-R_S_I_. It's like the same sort of rubber that's used in stress balls and things like that, so it's very like soft, not so stressful on your hands. Wood. Um, again, stepping back in time again there. I don't think that's quite up to date with what we're looking for here. Um, titanium is not gonna be possible, even though it just it beyond our budget really. But, would've been maybe for future projects. Um right our choice for buttons as well. We've developed some we've got some good advances in technology, with our research team have found some uh new multiple um option scroll buttons. I think that was brought up for, um, they're basically quite a flexible design, modern, you don't have to use individual buttons. You can just slide up and down. I'm sure we're all quite familiar with those on mobiles or computer laptop pads. Yeah. That's true. And that would lead to an advanced yeah. If we have yeah. We're going on to that later with the advanc with the L_C_D_ that means we'd need a really advanced chip. And it's unlikely that that's gonna be in our budget. Um, also we've got the integrated pushbutton, which is what we're most familiar with. It's the most straightforward. But you can in like incorporate that with a scroll button as well.. Got decisions to make there. And this is what I was just saying before. Linked in the different depends on what type of buttons we have and the inputs. Um simple would go with the pushbutton. Um, regular you could link with the scroll button. And the advanced we'd have to go with a L_C_D_ s display. My personal preferences? I think we could go for the kinetic energy source. I don't, I think that's quite um an advanced kind of technology. It's not been seen before, so it could be quite a, a novelty factor, attractive as well. And also energy saving 'cause you're producing the energy, you don't need an external sort of battery supply or solar panels. You just give it a shake. Sounds brilliant to me. Rubber casing I thing would probably the best, if we're going for the anti-R_S_I_ and like more choice with um aesthetics. Like it could be pretty much any colour we want. Um, and gives you, yeah, more flexibility there. And probably the regular chip as opposed to the simple, then we could possibly have the scroll and the push, but no L_C_D_, 'cause we probably can't afford that one. Mm-hmm. I think that would, uh there would be an in sort of more internal casing. And the rubber would just be the, what's in contact with the human. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe if the, um, if it was just kind of a, more of a rubber coating which was on to a case. So, it was kind of, the whole thing would be removable. Yeah. Like I can't think of what. Yeah. Or like an you can get sort of outer casing for iPods and something, that's just it's protective as well. It, it stops it, I mean, it would reduce the impact if it was dropped or something, as well, 'cause it wouldn't damage itself so easily. I think i maybe a mixture of both there, maybe. Yeah. And then yeah. Yeah. Yeah. As far as I know. It should be. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. I thought that was Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like as a backup for something. Yeah. Yeah. Some alternative just in case something went wrong. That's true. I just thought of that. Yeah. Yeah. May maybe that could be the backup. Instead of a battery. Like solar backup. Yeah. I suppose s but some But thing is, it's not you don't need the solar all the time. It can be stored. It can be like you can have the solar energy and then it can store that energy and use it. It just needs to be in light for a certain amount of time per day. Like a few hours a day.. That's true. It could easily Yeah. I suppose it would be really annoying if you get to think, oh no, I forgot to charge my remote today. Like if the kinetic thing, I think what's best about that is that it's instant energy. You don't have to, you know, you can shake it a few times, or whatever. And it works. Yeah. Instead of you don't have to like make sure it's in the right place to charge and. K okay. Yeah. There we go. it wasn't on mine either. I don't know why. I think, I just, I just used the mouse on there. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. So I suppose sometime after you. Mm. I s I suppose where um mm on some buttons you would have like the power would be s some kind of symbol. And if you wanted to go onto teletext or, I know we're not having that, but I mean a similar thing, you, they have there's a like little picture with a screen with lines across it, which I suppose it's that sort of thing like the, the symbol on the button. But if we're having a simplified display anyway, w that, we probably won't have to focus so much on that. It'll be more the on the numbers and the volume. I suppose we need to think of symbols for like the volume, display, and stuff like that. I For inp Mm. Yeah. Yeah. That's true. That's in like the buttons with all the different like colours for different choices and things. It can be a bit, yeah, overwhelming. Yep. Oh. I'd assume, like, an internal light, that comes through. So there would have to, have to be some parts maybe transparent around the buttons, or something. Yeah, yeah. It should be able to mm-hmm. Li yeah. Mm-hmm. I think it would be possible. I don't think it would make that much difference. I mean, the uh the dimensions of it. 'Cause if it's just like constructed in the same way as like the front cover of a mobile phone. You can like take off the hard cover and then there's the like say the buttons. And then you get to the circuit. I don't think it would matter that the buttons were bigger through the, the top casing. I'm sure you could f work it out to fit in the casing, without causing too much difficulty. I'm sure that'd be fine. Okay. You're not plugged in yet. Mm. It is strange. Well We I think we possibly could take a more abstract design. Like look at the basic shapes of different fruits and vegetables. And then just really like strip it down to like really basic shapes. I mean we don't have to make something in the shape of a strawberry, but it could have the curves of a strawberry, or something. Or a strawberry seed or a leaf. Or just like you know really make it a quite abstract, if that's fits in more with what we're doing. Instead of fruits and vegetables, just if you look at it straightforward, it's a bit yeah. It doesn't s quite fit in with the trendy well, obviously it does, if that's the current theme. But may maybe we could go more directly, I don't know. But initially, I dunno. I think if we just sort of tone it down a bit. Yeah and like not, not yeah. Mm. Yeah. I didn't for the first one. But I have now. Yeah. Uh, hopefully. Project documents I think. Okay. 'Kay. Kinetic yeah. Are we going to have a backup? Or do we just I think maybe we could just go for the kinetic energy, and be bold and innovative, and hope this works, and well hope that it works. I think yeah. I think no. I, I think we should just like take uh advantage of like using this to its full potential. Go for it. It could be fully kinetic energy. Yeah. Is everyone happy with that? Yeah. Um, it was whether we went for the simple, the regular, or the advanced chip. And that linked in with what buttons we would gonna have, so Yeah, it was so that was without the L_C_D_. So that means we're not doing the advanced. So it depends on whether we wanted the scroll buttons or just the push buttons. Uh, so that's the simple. Yeah possibly. So, it's probably gonna be the regular chip that we're going to need. So it's a medium. So regular chip. Regular sorry. Regular chip. Lighting. Yeah if we because of the lighting that we've decided to put in as well. So th I think this is just like gonna be the a very outer case, which we will decide on rubber. Rubber. Yeah. Plastic rubber coat. Interchangeable, yeah. Still going for that. Yeah. Your screen? Was it Ouch. The power. Volume. May yeah. Tone, contrast, and things. That's a bit Yeah, it was minima well, it wasn't the l Yeah. That would be good. Yeah, and surely that would be like quite specific to the individual television, so Mm. I think most of that comes like on the i individual television set itself, doesn't it? I'm sure it has its own buttons, so you don't necessarily need to have it on remote. Yeah. So we're just going for power, channels, volume, Mm. I've Yeah, that's it. We can just go for, make it a selling point that it is just the basic. Yeah uh I brilliant. Mm-hmm. Okay. Um, I just have one question about the whole fruit and vegetable aspect. Are we seeing as that was the most popular thing that came up out of your market research, I thi I think we should keep to that rather than moving to animals or something, because even if that may not seem obvious to us, if that's what the surveys brought out, I think that we should probably go along with that. Um, so I suppose that'll come out in our dev design development. But you're happy to go ahead with the fruit and veg? Y Yeah. We can have a look at those ideas, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Tricky. A lot of things to consider. Hm. Okay. Okay. Thank you. +Speaker C: Is everyone ready to start? Okay. Great. Well, welcome to the third meeting of conceptual design. I'll just get the PowerPoint presentation up and running. Okay. Um, on the agenda for this, um, for this particular meeting, we'll have your three presentations on what you've done since our last meeting, after we came up with um some general ideas of our design. And, um, then we have to make some key decisions on, on our remote control concept, and how we're gonna make it, what uh materials we're gonna use, and that sort of thing. The meeting will be forty minutes long. And um we will once again have Poppy as our first presenter. Alright, and I will switch up PowerPoint. Okay. Um Are they all included, like mandatorily, or r are these different options? Yeah. Mm. Um What is a hand-powered dynamo? Just every, every once in a while? Just every once in a while or constantly? Alright. It'd be kind of strange to always be cranking it I think. No. Right. Right. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Um one thing with the scroll buttons though. It, it we would have to have an L_C_D_ um display, and the glow in the dark thing might be difficult. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Uh. Yeah. Um, one concern with the rubber casing is that it would be rubber encapsulating all of these chips and diodes and delicate technology as like as the exterior. This is the one thing that's protecting its innards. Yeah. Another thing is it might be more difficult if it's a rubber exterior talking about putting on interchangeable plates. Um, is it I don't see how a like a rubber plate going on top it would stay there. Like if it was sort of like a clip-on plastic plate. It would work that way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. So maybe the Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That sounds good. I, um, is it possible to put designs onto this type of rubber? Okay, we'll just say yeah. Yes, just why not. Alright. I like the kinetic energy source idea. Um, I don't know when people will, um, be moving a remote around a lot. But I think that it's worth it, kinetety, kinetic um energy source. It could make an we could have any kind of style. It wouldn't be as heavy or bulky, and Yeah. Just for environmental reasons. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you can watch a T_V_ in the dark then. Yeah. I think that might be a little impractical though. Yeah. Like people don't wanna have to worry about that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or just like pick it up when you're gonna use it. Yeah. Alright. Cool. 'S that the end of your presentation. Alright. Thank you. Yeah. That's um Oh. Okay. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah, 'cause I'm sorry? Um, because command interface requires you to type textual commands and input at a keyboard, so the numbers are sort of like a keyboard. You're pressing the numbers for, um, for what you want. Yeah, we'll be doing Yeah. It'd be more a command interface, and then Yeah. Hmm? Yeah. I think they're talking about L_C_D_ type things. Yeah. Yeah. What do you mean? Oh yeah, like how the buttons Yeah, as a button though. So, it's a keyboard in the shape of it, right? Okay. Yeah. I like that idea. Yeah. I'm sure i like kinetic energy would probably dip into the budget. A bit more too, yeah. Mm-hmm. Do you think that we should keep all the buttons to one same colour, just to keep it, give it a simplistic look. Yeah. Yeah. But what about the lighting up effect? Um, well, um, I thought we had um decided that we would if you touched one of the buttons they'd all light up. And so if they were black, it wouldn't be possible for them to light up. If they were white they would glow, probably. If they were made out of rubber. Oh. Where would the light come from? Yeah. Yeah, and well rubber is a more translucent product too, so we have that taken care of. Oh. Mm. Well, if they're raised up buttons. So that you can feel them. We were talking about it being more um, a lot more tangible. Um, it might be more difficult to do. If they're, if they're sticking up. If it's flat then, like o like on a cellphone or a mobile phone, it's like all very flat, and you just have to sort of press down on these tiny little buttons, but Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Alright. If it's do-able we can do. Yeah, sounds good to me. Alright, thank you. That means you're up. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, it's the fruits and vegetables is the only area that I find rather jarring. Everything else we can really, we can really um, do, according to our plans already, given the market. But fruits and vegetables seems a very strange idea for a remote control. Yeah. Yeah. But they still need to um fit into people's decor though. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Tone it down. Yeah, like more like photos of fruit, on, on our product. Mm-hmm. Yeah um Alright, given that information, we need to start making some more specific decisions. So I'll need to um hook up the PowerPoint again. But it's still around right? Okay. Okay. I'm just trying to make this pop up now. Alright. Here we go. Okay so we have to uh decide now exactly what we are going to do. So energy, we oh. Oh no I can't write it in when it's in this setting. Does anyone know how to take it out of Um, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Um, so back to decisions. Energy, we've decided on kinetic, right? Okay, so that's good. Hmm. But would a backup really be necessary? I mean will people just use the battery if there's no, if there's, if there is backup. Yeah. Yeah. There's like no reason why it wouldn't work, right? Yeah. It could even be one of our selling points. Yeah. Yeah. Environmentally conscious or something. Yeah. Alright, the next um decision is chip on print. I don't exactly know what that means. Right, and we were going for more simplistic style, right? Yeah. I think we decided on the pushbuttons, right? Yeah. Would we need a more advanced one for uh the lighting, the interior lighting system? Yeah? Okay. That's called medium, or regular? 'Kay. Okay, and cases. Um, does this, is this dependent on shape, or what it's made of, or what? Yeah. Well, I guess plastic and coated in rubber. Plastic with rubber coating and interchangeable um yeah, interchangeable plates. Okay. User interface concept. This is your time to shine. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Command interface. Did you say command line? Okay. Line interface. Alright, and supplements. What's that all about? Um Mm-hmm. Um, what are our choices here? You mean like we'll have the numbers of the channels, and we'll have the channel-changer, and volume, and power? Um Yeah. Like I don't know if we should go into like adjusting light levels, things like that, because different televisions will have Um, yeah. Yep. Yeah, it was hardly ever used really. Yeah. And most televisions will come with a remote. Yeah. 'Kay, well we know we want numbers. Yeah, it does. Yeah, and different televisions. Like we, I don't know if we can make a remote that would be universal to all the different kinds of changes like that. Volume. Yeah. Oh. We have five minutes to finish our meeting. Crap. Okay, um, let's do this fast. Um Should we have audio? It only comes up on mine usually. Yeah, I don't, I it's, it's a problem with the international uh appeal, I think. Um, if we have audio because we don't know how other televisions work. But we know that everyone has this and it's the same. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Good. And, okay, in closing, 'cause we only have five minutes. We'll be meeting again in thirty minutes. Um, you'll be working, Poppy will be working on the look-and-feel design. Wait a minute. Is that right? Yep, and um the user interface design, so this is where the trendy stuff comes in. And you'll be evaluating the product. Um, Poppy and Tara will have to work together, using modelling clay. And, um, your personal coach will give you the rest of the information of what needs to happen. Alright. So, anyone else have something to say? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. five.. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Lots of yeah. Alright. 'Kay we'll stick to the fruit and veggie theme then. Alright. And, um, we'll reconvene in thirty minutes. 'Kay. Bye. I'll see you later. Oh, what did I just do. Okay. +Speaker D: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. W Like plastic with rubber, kind of on top Well, there's, there is a certain phone that has like a rubber casing, b like a Nokia it is. It's yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, tha Backup. Yeah. That would be good yeah. Maybe we could you were saying about um solar power ma maybe not working indoors, but a lot of calculators, yeah, have solar power. So maybe that could be incorporated as Yeah. Do, do those calculators yeah. I don't know how it works. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I suppose. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. Oh. It's not on my screen. Why? You don't know why? Oh okay. Is it that one? Um, I'm just gonna go through the interface concept with yous now. Uh, first of all I'll explain what a user interface is. It's the aspects of a computer system which can be seen or otherwise perceived, for example, heard or felt maybe, or by the human user. And it's also the commands that the user uses to control its operation and to input data. Um, there are two types of user interfaces. There's the graphical user interface, which emphasises the use of pictures for output and a pointing device, for example a mouse for input control. So that's sort of like the scroll thing we were talking about. Yeah. I'm not really sure about the pictures that maybe that's on an L_C_D_ screen. Or maybe it's the the buttons or pictures or something. Do you think it's Yeah. Yeah. So you must, for the graphical user you must need some kind of presentation for the graphics. Like an L_C_D_ screen. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No I think it's to do with the actual symbols that are on the, that's on the buttons of the remote control, and per Well it could be a wee scroller thing, and something could come up on the screen. Yeah. But um I think we're gonna go with the command interface anyway, to make it more simplistic. But the, we could incorporate some of the graphical user um points, as in just to make it m um nicer to look at maybe. Like I can't think of an example, but Sort of like little pictures rather than Like a little sound. Instead of saying volume, like a little speaker or something. Yeah, something y Yeah m perha yeah. Yeah. Maybe. Um, the co uh we've decided that the command interface would be the most useful for a remote control. As it would be less complicated, and the controls would be more user-friendly. Um, the remote control would be cheaper to design, so that we'd have more money in the budget to, um, target the design area of the interface. You know, make it more trendy and original. We'll have more money if we keep it simple. Yeah. Seeing as it's quite a new technology. Um We, we also have to keep in mind when we're designing our, um, more user-friendly remote control, that a lot of interfaces consist of a clutter of buttons, that, um, that their functions, colours and forms aren't always helpful. Yeah. Yeah. And that all interfaces are different. So, um, that doesn't improve the use of the produ product, so we need to come up with something that's easy to understand. And maybe learn from the mistakes of other interfaces that can be too complicated for people to use. Does anyone have any questions? Mm. But um Yeah. In the phone that I was thinking of as well, when you change the um covers of it, the, the little buttons that actually, you know, that contro control stuff, are behind the rubber. So you can change the buttons when you're changing the faces. Do you know what I mean? 'Cause it's just the wee control, yeah, thing that's behind it. So I mean, we don't have to decide on one colour. Each face could have its own colour of buttons maybe? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that's everything, then? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or banana-shaped. Yeah. Where do you have to save it to? Okay. Just escape I think. Yeah. Yeah. Hope so. Yeah. Yeah. I don yeah. Yeah. It's for the lighting, yeah. Yeah. Yeah plastic coat. We decided on the component. I, I I'm sorry, I've lost my um PowerPoint thing, so I can't remember what it's ca it's the component The command inter The command line interface yeah. Yeah. Um, I think that is well we haven't really made any decisions about what we're gonna do about the cluster of button functions, colours and forms, in the in consistent use. Like what what are ideas to combat these problems? You know how um different interfaces are very different, and can be confusing because because of their difference, and because of the different clusters of buttons that they have. We haven't really decided what to do about that. Well it's just um w where where shall we locate the buttons. What kind of functions wi shall we have? So pretty just just the basic button functions. Yeah. Yeah, each television. You don't change that often, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It w it would seem silly if we'd having anything else, just have an audio button though. Do you know? But we Yeah. That could be a sales pitch. Simple and Yeah. Yeah. What I What I was thinking what do yous think of this? Um, having the numbers kind of like, not a bunch of grapes, but you know like purple and kind of in a triangle. Like grapes. Like that's kind of fruity or something. That's just Yeah. Okay.","Well on the agenda for this , um , for this particular meeting , we'll have your three presentations on what you've done since our last meeting , after we came up with um some general ideas of our design . And , um , then we have to make some key decisions on , on our remote control concept , and how we're gonna make it , what uh materials we're gonna use , and that sort of thing . The meeting will be forty minutes long . And um we will once again have Poppy as our first presenter . Um , first of all we have to look at how the remote control is actually made , Um , thes main internal feature is a circuit board , which contains all the elec electronics and also the contacts with the power source . Um , there are several components of , um , the circuit board that we need to consider , where we'll be getting them from , what they'll be made of . Um , including the integrated circuit , which is also known as the chip . Are they all included , like mandatorily , or r are these different options ? they're all separate , apart from the chip , which we will probable decide whether we buy a simple , a regular , advanced . so we've got flex flexibility with colours and things , with that as well . Okay , there are lots of different possibilities for the energy source . We could use a basic battery , There's a hand-powered dynamo which is a sort of thing that was used for torches fifty years ago . Kinetic energy is something that's been recently developed . Whereas kinetic energy is a new idea that's being used by some watches and other devices , where you just shake the device and it gives it power . Um , or there's solar power , which we've been considering inside a building , which is where it's gonna be used , might not be quite so useful . Um , lots of considerations for the case , like what sort of shape it would be , curved or flat . We don't want something that's huge and you can't pick up . we could use metal , we could use rubber which might be more um ideal for the anti-R_S_I_ . Um , titanium is not gonna be possible , even though it just it beyond our budget really . Um right our choice for buttons as well . with our research team have found some uh new multiple um option scroll buttons . they're basically quite a flexible design , modern , you don't have to use individual buttons . Um one thing with the scroll buttons though . we would have to have an L_C_D_ um and the glow in the dark thing might be difficult . Um , also we've got the integrated pushbutton , which is what we're most familiar with . My personal preferences ? I think we could go for the kinetic energy source . It's not been seen before , so it could be quite a , a novelty factor , And also energy saving 'cause you're producing the energy , you don't need an external sort of battery supply or solar panels . Rubber casing I thing would probably the best , if we're going for the anti-R_S_I_ and like more choice with um aesthetics . And probably the regular chip as opposed to the simple , Another thing is it might be more difficult if it's a rubber exterior talking about putting on interchangeable plates . Maybe if the , um , if it was just kind of a , more of a rubber coating which was on to a case . So , it was kind of , the whole thing would be removable . you can get sort of outer casing for iPods and something , that's just it's protective as well . So the actual remote would be hard plastic and the casings rubber . is it possible to put designs onto this type of rubber ? As far as I know . It should be . Or I dunno if you could have a battery pack . Like as a backup for something . you were saying about um solar power ma maybe not working indoors , but a lot of calculators , yeah , have solar power . May maybe that could be the backup . I think that might be a little impractical though . Like if the kinetic thing , I think what's best about that is that it's instant energy . Um , I'm just gonna go through the interface concept with yous now . Uh , first of all I'll explain what a user interface is . Um , there are two types of user interfaces . There's the graphical user interface , which emphasises the use of pictures for output and a pointing device , for example a mouse for input control . I'm not really sure about the pictures that maybe that's on an L_C_D_ screen . Um , because command interface requires you to type textual commands and input at a keyboard , so the numbers are sort of like a keyboard . So you must , for the graphical user you must need some kind of presentation for the graphics . Like an L_C_D_ screen . It'd be more a command interface , But if we're having a simplified display anyway , w that , we probably won't have to focus so much on that . It'll be more the on the numbers and the volume . No I think it's to do with the actual symbols that are on the , that's on the buttons of the remote control , I think we're gonna go with the command interface anyway , to make it more simplistic . We , we also have to keep in mind when we're designing our , um , more user-friendly remote control , that a lot of interfaces consist of a clutter of buttons , that their functions , colours and forms aren't always helpful . It can be a bit , yeah , overwhelming . But what about the lighting up effect ? Um , well , um , I thought we had um decided that we would if you touched one of the buttons they'd all light up . I kinda pictured it as kind of coming from the sides and lighting it up frontwards . I'd assume , like , an internal light , that comes through . So there would have to , have to be some parts maybe transparent around the buttons , or something . and well rubber is a more translucent product too , so we have that taken care of . Each face could have its own colour of buttons maybe ? 'Cause if it's just like constructed in the same way as like the front cover of a mobile phone . You can like take off the hard cover and then there's the like say the buttons . I don't think it would matter that the buttons were bigger through the , the top casing . this report is about uh trend-watching . And the recent fashion update , uh , according to fashion-watchers in Paris and Milan , is that fruit and vegetables will be the most important theme for clothes , shoes and furniture . Um , also , in contra uh in contrast to last year , the feel of the material is expected to be spongy . um of course , as we , we've already talked about the personal face-plates in this meeting , and I'd like to stick to that . The fruits and vegetable themes , I don't know if that's going to work for us . Um , the temporary light-up idea , sounds like we're gonna stick to that . Yeah , it's the fruits and vegetables is the only area that I find rather jarring . It's , it's a little but it , it's everywhere . I think we possibly could take a more abstract design . Like look at the basic shapes of different fruits and vegetables . I mean we don't have to make something in the shape of a strawberry , but it could have the curves of a strawberry , or something . I dunno if you all remember from our kickoff meeting , we talked about our favourite animals . So maybe there could be animal-based , you know . Energy , we've decided on kinetic , right ? I , I think we should just like take uh advantage of like using this to its full potential . It could even be one of our selling points . I think we decided on the pushbuttons , right ? Would we need a more advanced one for uh the lighting , the interior lighting system ? So regular chip . Uh , so that's the simple . is regular not simple ? because of the lighting that we've decided to put in as well . Well , I guess plastic and coated in rubber . yeah , interchangeable plates . and supplements . What's that all about ? what we're gonna do about the cluster of button functions , colours and forms , in the in consistent use . We haven't really decided what to do about that . just just the basic button functions . Like we , I don't know if we can make a remote that would be universal to all the different kinds of So we're just going for power , channels , volume , Should we have audio ? it's a problem with the international uh appeal , I think . Um , if we have audio because we don't know how other televisions work . 'cause it , mm it is a good sales ploy to say , aren't you annoyed with remote controls that have all these buttons . We can just go for , make it a selling point that it is just the basic . And , okay , in closing , 'cause we only have five minutes . Um , you'll be working , Poppy will be working on the look-and-feel design . and um the user interface design , so this is where the trendy stuff comes in . And you'll be evaluating the product . Poppy and Tara will have to work together , using modelling clay . And , um , your personal coach will give you the rest of the information of what needs to happen . Um , I just have one question about the whole fruit and vegetable aspect . seeing as that was the most popular thing that came up out of your market research , I thi I think we should keep to that rather than moving to animals or something , are you gonna come up with casing ideas ? Like f five different Um , having the numbers kind of like , not a bunch of grapes , but you know like purple and kind of in a triangle . what do yous think of this ? Yeah you can have some fun with the buttons , it's true . I guess what you i ideally you'd kind of think of age markets as well . So it's a something that will , you know , appeal to the fifteen to twenty five year olds . 'Kay we'll stick to the fruit and veggie theme then ." +57,"Speaker A: No no n You should write y the name I think. Me Ah yeah. Yeah. Caramel. And you I think I'm too short for the cables. Quite squarey. He also. Mm. Mm-hmm. I think we shouldn't have too many b for my part. I think If we don't have so many buttons could be nice. Yeah. Something which is not squarey maybe uh, not a box. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And I think we should have a device Sorry. Yeah. directly. Yeah. And I I think we should have something, most of the time I I lose my remote control. We should have s uh special bu button on the T_V_ to make the remote control beeping. Ah yeah. Yeah. Barks. Yeah. Yeah whistle. Whistle tracking. Yeah. yeah Okay. Don't panic. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Ah. +Speaker B: Hmm. Mm mm mm. Is recorded? Okay? Okay so welcome everyone. So we are here for the kickoff meeting of uh the process of designing a new remote control. So I will first start with a warm welcome opening stuff, then uh we will uh see what will be uh our product and what will be the different step we will have to design it. And uh then we will uh discuss if we have few ideas and we will uh end uh by uh dispatching the different task you will be you will have to fulfil to complete this process. So sorry? You have another meeting soon? So you have to be quick. Okay. So the the goal is to have a remote control so to have an advantage over our competitors we have to be original, we have to be trendy and we have to also try to be user-friendly. So uh the design step will be divided in three uh main points. First it will be the functional design. Third is the conceptual design and then is the desired design. So the functional design is to identify the main user needs, the technical function the remote control should fulfil. And then we will move to f conceptual design where we'll specify the different component involved, what kind of user interf interface we want and what are the different uh trend in user interface and stuff like that. And then the desired devi design will consist in uh specifically implementing and detailing the choice we've uh made in the second point. So I will now ask you which is very important for the design of a new remote control for to uh each of us to to draw uh your favourite animal on the white board. Do you have any idea of which animal you want to show us? Okay that's good. n n You should If you want to react uh about this wonderful drawing uh I'll let you uh comment. Okay it's an abstract drawing. I think it's nice and original. Okay. You want to draw something Christine? Of course your animal is recorded so it's not lost. Is this uh Ah okay it's pretty. Okay it's your cat. Okay. Olivier, do you want to Okay I go, but next time you'll do something I'm sure. I'm a bit short on cable. Okay. So what could I draw? Maybe I can draw like a very simplified cow. I don't know if it looks like a cow Like a what? I dunno it it looks more like a donkey in fact I would say. Okay so I hope that it helps you uh in the process of designing a remote control. Okay. Let's move on. So Here the uh financial objective of our project. That is to say to to have a production cost lower than twelve point five Euros and have a selling price of twice that price t in order to target a profe profit of uh fifty uh million Euros. Yeah if it's trendy, original I d fulfil the user needs. We have to discuss that point. On yeah you you can suggest points like this. So what what so we have to decide for example if it can control one device or multiple. So what's what are your ideas about that? Maybe I can have the your opinion from the marketing side? Okay, so if it selled uh by its own i it it would rather be for multiple device. Do you agree? Yeah. So maybe it should be for multiple devices. And uh do you have any ideas um of uh design ideas or any uh uh technical requirement we we should uh fulfil? Few buttons. Okay. And do you have it also to be to be lighted in order to be used in the dark? Might be a good idea. Okay. And do you have any um any uh idea of the trend the trend in domain, what it shouldn't it should look like, or things like that? With rou okay. Like for okay. Okay. So. Fit in your hand, yeah. And also it have, i it may be it may be important for the remote control to be uh To, to resist to various shocks that can happen if it fall. Water-proof as well. Maybe it is original because you can uh use it in your uh in your bath whereas the others can't. Maybe water-proof would be very original. Havin having a water-proof remote control so that the people can uh use it in their bath. That could be uh Yeah but, it is still something uh you have to buy and that is um not maybe very Yeah, mayb B But maybe we can bulk it with uh already this plastic thing and uh the waterproof uh stuff as well. Yeah. Maybe we can sell uh all that together, so so plastic protection and uh and a waterproof box as well. That might be good uh track to follow. Optional or selled with it? Yeah. Maybe we can have uh But we don't design the T_V_. Maybe we can have uh something you whistle and uh the remote control uh beep. Yeah, barks, yeah. So we can uh have a whistle uh remote control? I don't know, whistle-able? Th Whistle tracking yeah. Whistle tracking remote control. That's a good idea, that's very original and that's can uh improve. Yeah d d uh. Yeah but s still we have to mm we have to have an advantage over our competitors. I think this is a good advantage. Yeah. We have to ask Yeah. We have to ask the quest of that's uh design to the uh Industrial um Designer. Which is you. Okay so try to find that for next meeting. Okay. So next meeting is in thirty minutes or so uh. Don't pani. So so I will ask the Industrial Designer to find out more about this industrial design so any working any working function we have discussed. So then I will ask the User Interf Interface Designer to to think about the point we discussed like the number of buttons, the the fact that is lighted or not, things like that, and what would be convenient for the user. And also um I will ask the Market Expert to uh try to find out what are the absolute requirements, what is absolutely needed in a remote control uh for the user. So. And then uh I will uh just ask you to think about that and uh look at your mail because you will receive uh some good advice soon. So. Thank you I think that's all for this point. Anyway you will receive some messages. Be careful. You eat it? Does it move uh? Okay, but I don't know if it uh is still correctly uh We'll see. +Speaker C: How do you wear this thing? Not too many cables and stuff. Original. Uh. Just one thing. Uh, you said twenty-five minutes, but I have something else to do uh, so gotta have another meeting uh soon, so maybe you could hurry up a bit It's true. I have another meeting so if you could uh Yeah. Yeah, for the lawnmower project. Okay. What an original idea. Orangutan. Can I give you the no? But I don't have to say anything. When I'm drawing the orangutan. It's an abstract drawing of an orangutan. Yes. I don't have a red colour. Usually orangutans have red hair so this is a very important but I don't have red pen, so Yes. Yes. I know. Wha what is this strange beast? Is it a monster? It's a cat? I thought these things did not exist. Ah yeah Does have a name? Caramel. Ah-ha. Next time I concentrate. He looks like a bong. Okay. Sorry. No. Scary? I I think we will be finished this uh Is it for uh for putting a for logos, no. That's I is there a matter for a new remote control? Is it uh a single device remote control or is it a multi-device remote control? Ah this is not defined at all? Ah, okay. Well uh do we sell other stuff? Uh if if we bundle the remote control with something uh to sell then it could be a single device, otherwise it could be programmable one otherwise who would buy a remote control from us. Yeah. No, I couldn I cannot fi think of any requirements right now. Mm. Something like that, least fits in your hand. Yeah. The basic requirement. Only a buck. Waterproof. Mm. B it seems uh so, but uh if you don't have an waterproof remote control it means you can just cover it with some plastic and you can sort of f And, and that's one of the that's one of the shock I mean there are people that have a remote control and they are worried that it's going to break and they put some extra plastic around it. That's people they actually do it themselves. I it will look a bulky in that case. Like as an optional thing. Barks. That's that's quite cool, but uh of course we you don't normally need uh any audio uh recording stuff on your remote control right? So i it's just going to add t to the cost. It's cool. I think I like the idea, but I'm not sure about the what you, who is giving who's giving who's giving our budget. Who's Yeah. Yeah. 'Kay. Mm-hmm. Mm. Good. Uh, so we come back in five minutes? Half an hour. +Speaker D: Okay uh sorry. You have to imagine a little bit um. This Sorry too uh. Is it beautiful? Do you know? It's a cat. Isn't it? Yes yes is it like that. Is it better? Okay. It's my cat. Yeah. The name is Caramel. Yeah. Thank you","Okay so welcome everyone . So we are here for the kickoff meeting of uh the process of designing a new remote control . So I will first start with a warm welcome opening stuff , then uh we will uh see what will be uh our product and what will be the different step we will have to design it . And uh then we will uh discuss if we have few ideas and we will uh end uh by uh dispatching the different task you will be you will have to fulfil to complete this process . So the the goal is to have a remote control so to have an advantage over our competitors we have to be original , we have to be trendy and we have to also try to be user-friendly . So uh the design step will be divided in three uh main points . First it will be the functional design . Third is the conceptual design and then is the desired design . So the functional design is to identify the main user needs , the technical function the remote control should fulfil . And then we will move to f conceptual design where we'll specify the different component involved , what kind of user interf interface we want and what are the different uh trend in user interface and stuff like that . And then the desired devi design will consist in uh specifically implementing and detailing the choice we've uh made in the second point . So I will now ask you which is very important for the design of a new remote control for to uh each of us to to draw uh your favourite animal on the white board . It's an abstract drawing of an orangutan . Of course your animal is recorded so it's not lost . It's a cat . Maybe I can draw like a very simplified cow . So Here the uh financial objective of our project . That is to say to to have a production cost lower than twelve point five Euros and have a selling price of twice that price t in order to target a profe profit of uh fifty uh million Euros . Yeah if it's trendy , original I d fulfil the user needs . so we have to decide for example if it can control one device or multiple . Maybe I can have the your opinion from the marketing side ? Uh if if we bundle the remote control with something uh to sell then it could be a single device , otherwise it could be programmable one Okay , so if it selled uh by its own i it it would rather be for multiple device . And uh do you have any ideas um of uh design ideas or any uh uh technical requirement we we should uh fulfil ? If we don't have so many buttons could be nice . And do you have it also to be to be lighted in order to be used in the dark ? Something which is not squarey maybe uh , not a box . So . Fit in your hand , yeah . Water-proof as well . Maybe water-proof would be very original . And , and that's one of the that's one of the shock I mean there are people that have a remote control and they are worried that it's going to break and they put some extra plastic around it . But maybe we can bulk it with uh already this plastic thing and uh the waterproof uh stuff as well . Maybe we can sell uh all that together , so so plastic protection and uh and a waterproof box as well . most of the time I I lose my remote control . We should have s uh special bu button on the T_V_ to make the remote control beeping . Maybe we can have uh something you whistle and uh the remote control uh beep . That's a good idea , that's very original and that's can uh improve . So i it's just going to add t to the cost . Yeah . We have to ask the quest of that's uh design to the uh Industrial um Designer . Okay so try to find that for next meeting . So so I will ask the Industrial Designer to find out more about this industrial design so any working any working function we have discussed . So then I will ask the User Interf Interface Designer to to think about the point we discussed like the number of buttons , the the fact that is lighted or not , things like that , and what would be convenient for the user . And also um I will ask the Market Expert to uh try to find out what are the absolute requirements , what is absolutely needed in a remote control uh for the user . and uh look at your mail because you will receive uh some good advice soon . I think that's all for this point ." +112,"Speaker A: So, hello everyone. We're here to have a kick-off meeting for the design of a f for the beginning of new project um uh remote control for the design for a new remote control. I'm the Project Manager Christa Pavlov and okay let's begin. So I'm first going to do an opening then we get used to one anothers and we speak about this tool we're going to design and try to make a project plan, some discussion and then we talk of uh the next meeting. So um we want to to do a new remote control. It has to be original, trendy and user friendly. Um I think the important points we have to t talk about are uh it's functional design, it's conceptual design, and desail detailed design. and for that we're going um all to work individually and then have meeting during the whole day. Um, so let's try the whiteboard. Um so any of you who want to go. Wow. A rabbit. A rabbit. You want to go? A human ah. Mm I think you're supposed to, yeah. Hmm. Is that a worm? Or Uh yeah Christa Pavlov Mm. Smiling fish. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Next. Let's talk about money. So. Yeah, mm that's the price we want to that's the aim for the price for the remote control. We aim to do this profit. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm for a production cost of mm twelve fifty Euros maximum. 'Kay. So any of you have experience in remote controls? That So that could be a great um application. Remote controls children proof. Mm mm-hmm. Okay. So they have to be waterproof maybe? 'Cause they eat she ate it. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Colourful, yeah mm. No, that's a good idea. Mm mm-mm. Yeah. No, because you think, why not. Mm-hmm. Good idea. Small also? Don't you think No uh, not too much buttons or mm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's Okay. So, I think there's So you you think it's better if small than bigger. No, not too small, yeah. Hmm. Okay. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. So, some kind of idea uh with um um cellular phone with a a screen that will tell you what no. Okay. And too expensive. Mm. Mm-mm. Mm-hmm. Mm mm mm. So adaptable yeah something yeah. Three option. Um. Mm-hmm. Maybe if it's more, if there is a software inside that ask you three Hmm. If it if we want a r universal remote control that we sa like we say before it may may need more than three mm three button, three mm possibilities, ye yeah. Mm. Yeah. I change channel like this, m uh I want to go to twenty five, and then to ten, uh-huh mm yeah. Also we can be here yeah, that would be cool. Mm yeah. Mm-mm. Okay. So I think we have full of idea. Um we're going to meet again in thirty minutes and uh I want you to mm work on these ideas and try to make a uh the ones, make um to decide what what are the ones important and what are the one that we don't want. And um m maybe more in the technical parts what uh do we want to do. Um. So um your personal coach will send you some instruction for for this thirty minutes. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm okay. So. I think that's all. Yeah. See you in thirty minutes. +Speaker B: Oops. Yeah, for favourite animals. It's gonna be not my favourite one but the one I can draw. And it's gonna be you'll try to guess. No. Yes, that's a rabbit. That's my favourite one. That's it. Hmm. Wow. No. Wow. That's cobra. No, it just small cobra, yeah. It's co c quite recognisable. Christa Christa. Hmm. Okay. Just tr try to guess who is a User Interface Designer. According to the drawings. Okay. On the international market. Wow. Mm. To eat? Children proof. Hmm. Okay, unbreakable. Uh-huh. Colourful? That's not practical. No. But how gonna okay, just uh but it's uh monochrome it's n it's not like Otherwise you will never find it. Cool. Ch Yeah, but without any extremes like n not of this size, not too large. Okay. Yeah, like a palm sized. Just to hold it. No, no screens, it's too complex. And n maybe not too expensive, well it's not my problem, but well okay. But no screens on remote controls. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Adaptable. Alright, good, so how many actions do we need to implement in it? On off? I mean if it's less than three uh then we can make it uh like a like three mental states, yeah you know what I mean, we can just make it uh controlled by a brain, huh? Mm-hmm. Sh sure, sure. But for standard actions you usually what do you do, you change channels, you adjust volume, and nothing else. Mm-hmm. You do this? I usually just change channels. Uh-huh. Go back button is good. I once had it. Mm-hmm. History. Market Expert. Okay. Thank you everybody. +Speaker C: Wow. Wow. Complex. Huh? A cat. No. Darn. Uh. A what? A r a rabbit, oh oh yeah, where is the carrot? Okay mm-hmm. I am not very good at uh this kind of stuff. My favourite animal is Guess. A human, yay. It's a very complex animal and um yeah. Characteristics of this this animal is dangerous. Ah, a kind of uh snake? Cobra? Exactly. Uh-huh. What about you uh Christa? A fish. A smiling fish. Mm-hmm. So, w whiteboard is working? Good. Next. Yeah, well. Not me. So. Twenty five Euro for a remote control. Okay. 'tis big number. Mm-hmm. Uh yes, we have plenty at home. In fact, my daughter likes l remote controls. To eat? Yeah, mainly, and to break. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Ye ye yeah. So she likes uh buttons which make click, so it has to click. It has to be uh wha baby proof yeah but mainly it has to be very robust because even if she's not very tall she's uh high enough so that uh when she throw it away it's uh So it has to be very robust. Unbreakable, yeah. Mm-hmm. And uh it has to be nice looking, colourful, maybe colourful, because uh nobody has colourful remote control, they're always black, yeah, but this one could be I dunno, purple or b Yeah, yeah. One colour. Yeah, yeah. Oh like the phones, yeah, it could change colours, yeah. Yeah. Good. Should it be, y you know these uh remote controls where um they are what they call a universal ret remote control so y you can decide that now it's the remote control for the television, then it's the remote control for the the sound system, or for your refrigerator whatever I dunno if it's Or if we should have a targeted re remote control. So colour, robustness, easy to use, size, yeah, size matters, yeah. Mm. Yeah. Mm. But uh what would be different from this, from the others? I dunno if Yeah, at least the colour would be different. I think one thing important for instance in this remote control if you remember when people use it they're they never find a good button in the right place. For some reason they they they click the off button when they want to use the So there's a problem in the design of that kind of remote control somehow, I dunno. Too expensive for twelve Euro? Ah. Mm-hmm. I thought it could be only a screen which would change depending on uh uh the use or even the user. So ma I prefer to have the off button at the top right, so I would have my own design of the remote control because it's in fact just a a full touch screen remote control, if you if you like. I don't know if it makes sense, but Yeah, for instance, mm. Mm. Maybe, if if it's possible, yeah. Yeah. Three buttons you mean? Ah. Mm-hmm, yeah, sure. Yeah, more than three actions that you may want to do at a given time. Yeah but for instance when you change channels you can have you can just go to the next one or go to channel twenty five. And that's already more complex to go to channel twenty five. Uh no. Because I'm only using three or four channels but And then back to the one I was before, so there's whichever it was. Yeah. Uh uh we had that in in other countries. Yeah e even the history so you could like uh undo previous of the previous. Then you can watch what your ah you could also record your record your sequence of actions, that becomes more complex, but you could look at what uh the other people have used there or remote controls. Yeah maybe it's a Okay. So what does M_E_ means? M_E_ the user requirements? Or that's uh that's for us? Uh that's me. Oh, of course yeah, the user requirement specifications, uh-huh, yeah. Okay. I'll think of that. So? Meeting's over? Great. Thank you. +Speaker D: No. Rabbit. You wa Is the white okay. I guess you can. Yeah uh not really. Small cobra. Chris. Mm. Smile fish. Yeah. Yeah, you're Hmm. Yeah, we're to sell two million then. Mm yeah. Yeah, pret Yeah. Ah. Yeah, we have some child lock or something, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's always black or yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah even we can change colours, no? Like the uh like the phones and these things we c yeah. At least for children like one colour and. And it should be really small and. Huh not so big like yeah. Yeah, not too much buttons and Uh. Yeah. Yeah. Colour, size, sh Yeah, maybe at least n not bigger than this I guess. Yeah yeah, at least it should hold in your hand n properly, like. Yeah. Uh maybe we can change the colours that at least the frame. Mm. S so then it depends you are to Mm I mean you c you can easily remove the frame. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Too expensive, yeah. Ye yeah. Hmm. I mean it it's like it's like two types no? people are right handed or left handed so y because I am left handed I use like this, say if you're right handed you use like this or so tha your switch on and off should be on yeah. Mm huh. Maybe I think even we can keep two switches and then we can uh only make one working. We can adapt only one switch, suppose here like we can make two switches and if I'm left-hander I use this switch to follow the main operations. Two. Yeah. Yeah. Mm yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But they keep generally their t slash slash uh this thing and then the dash dash and then you can put yeah, you can only have one bit. Dash. Yeah you can yeah. Yeah. Yeah yeah, the previous button is. Uh, okay. Oh uh. Uh. Yeah. Yeah yeah, what the which channels the viewer Marketing yeah. Thank you.","We're here to have a kick-off meeting for the design of a f for the beginning of new project um uh remote control for the design for a new remote control . and we speak about this tool we're going to design and try to make a project plan , Um I think the important points we have to t talk about are uh it's functional design , it's conceptual design , and desail detailed design . and for that we're going um all to work individually and then have meeting during the whole day . Um , so let's try the whiteboard . Um so any of you who want to go . It's gonna be not my favourite one but the one I can draw . Let's talk about money . So . Twenty five Euro for a remote control . On the international market . Yeah , we're to sell two million then . Mm for a production cost of mm twelve fifty Euros maximum . So any of you have experience in remote controls ? So that could be a great um application . Remote controls children proof . but mainly it has to be very robust colourful , maybe No , that's a good idea . Yeah even we can change colours , no ? like the phones and these things we c yeah . And it should be really small and . Small also ? Should it be , y you know these uh remote controls where um they are what they call a universal ret remote control at least it should hold in your hand n properly , like . Uh maybe we can change the colours that at least the frame . I think one thing important for instance in this remote control if you remember when people use it they're they never find a good button in the right place . no screens , it's too complex . Mm . So , some kind of idea uh with um um cellular phone with a a screen that will tell you what Too expensive for twelve Euro ? Maybe I think even we can keep two switches and then we can uh only make one working . and if I'm left-hander I use this switch to follow the main operations . may need more than three mm three button , three mm possibilities , ye yeah . But for standard actions you usually what do you do , you change channels , you adjust volume , and nothing else . but for instance when you change channels you can have you can just go to the next one or go to channel twenty five . But they keep generally their t slash slash uh this thing and then the dash dash and then you can put yeah , you can only have one bit . And then back to the one I was before , yeah , that would be cool . Go back button is good . Um we're going to meet again in thirty minutes and uh I want you to mm work on these ideas and try to make a uh the ones , make um to decide what what are the ones important and what are the one that we don't want . And um m maybe more in the technical parts what uh do we want to do . So um your personal coach will send you some instruction for for this thirty minutes . So what does M_E_ means ? Market Expert . Uh that's me . the user requirement specifications ," +111,"Speaker A: I feel like Madonna with one of these on. I said I feel like Madonna with one of these on. Right. Hello everybody. Back again for another wonderful meeting. Is uh everyone ready? Okay, we c we can hold on for a minute. I figured with the spam thing, if you can't beat it, join in. Are you ready? Okay, right, well, I take it that you are all ready now. Um alright first off we'll just uh recap from our last meeting. Um which was we got together just to basically decide on well to talk about what it is that we were actually uh supposed to be doing, and who we all are and stuff like that, mm get bit more of an idea together of what's going on. Um what we are gonna talk about in this meeting is um now that we know what it is that we are doing, now we know that it's a T_V_ remote and stuff and you guys have just been off doing some some uh R_ and D_ for that, that's research and development for those that haven't heard that before, see I'm learning all sorts of new technologi terms in technology today. Um yeah, we're gonna hear your uh th three little presentations, whether they be on computer or on the whiteboard or whatever you want. Um I'd like to um hear o I'd like to hear who's g who's on the um from from uh Catherine actually first. I want what I'd like to hear about is uh if we've finally decided on um what sort of energy we're gonna be using and It's just that yeah, let's let's hear from you first. Get yourself in position. I don't think any of us remember the fifties. Do sol solar panel things, do they have to work from the sun or can they work from a light bulb? Does anybody know? Okay. Mm. Okay, jolly good. What's a double curved one? Okay. So that might be an idea of using the rubber, but then it should, you know yeah. when a T_V_ programme's got one watching the match and your team's just lost, you can fuzz it across the room and it'll bounce off the wall back at you. Yeah, I like that idea. Rubber, we're all we're all going we're all liking that idea? You think you can market that? Ooh, we like rubber, ooh. Uh-huh. Well, we're gonna go with I think we've decided that it's gonna be a rubber case so push buttons instead of the wheel? rubble double double. I'll have a Big Mac, please. Let's have rubber push buttons, hey. Yeah. Simple, yeah. Chip on print. It's a bit. Okay, uh what I'm not understanding here is uh, okay, advanced chip on print, which I presume is like one P_C_B_ and that's got all the electronics on one board including the um infra-red sender? Right. Um what a what alternatives do we have to that? Y um what alternatives do we have to the chip on print? so it sounds So, why would we not go for that? If it's something that's inside the the unit. I it doesn't affects whether the customer's gonna buy it or not. Um we wanna go for an i i all so long as it works, you know. So let's not let's uh not bother with the chip on print. Yeah. S yeah, push buttons. What about what? Well, what do we need a speaker for in a remote control unit? S Yeah. It's not something that we wanna t go into with this product. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Basic battery. It's cheap, it's cheerful, it's worked, does work. We were go we were going with the late with the the R_S_I_ rubber, weren't we? The the The double whopper, please. Yep, but we're going for the simple buttons. Yeah. And it's cheapest all round, it sounds kinda funky, and we can also market it as i 'cause we were s saying earl you were saying earlier in your research that um the the people have the R_ people were getting the complaining about R_S_I_, and this is anti-R_S_I_. So that's another marketing point that we can use. But anything is gonna have buttons. Even if it's a jog wheel, it's still repetitive. You You see, you can still get it does you still get repetitive strain injury, whether you are pressing a button or pressing a flat bit of screen. It's the v it's the fact that you are pressing the same doing the same movement. It's not actually what you are doing. But the fact that this this rubber i is actually used in these anti-R_S_I_ ps specific Yeah. And you know, yeah, you can fuzz it across the room and throw it at throw it at your children yeah. Okay, Gabriel. Let's um let's let's hear from you about the um it's the interface. Great. Mm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do we have an uh example of a good one? Brilliant. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Well let's um so w what are our definite decisions on this then as a team? The um The the um the interface type we're going for Just the simple s simple straight set of buttons. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, and we're not yeah. Are we gonna hav hav an are we d have we decided on whether w we're gonna s supplement it with anything, you know, colours or particular gimmicky bits to it, we're not we're just gonna go for something We're Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okey-dokey. Yeah, I don't have any other questions on this. Let's move over to Yeah, sure.. Yeah, the button that just does that, yeah. Cool. Mm yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, why should people buy this when they're already got a remote that came with the T_V_? What's that mean? Okay, now the trouble is is we've already decided that we're going with the stuff that works already, that's cheap. Yeah. Maybe we could um Of course, they do. One hundred per cent, that's your first thing, you go, oh I'm not gonna buy that, 'cause I dunno if it works or not. Okay, well, what do you two think about this? Yeah, what I don't understand what m Yeah, and it this is just gonna all this is being used for is your television. It would that would mean you'd need a television that has Bluetooth in it, which no no television does, does it? That would mean we'd have to make a television as well. No, that would be your telephone in with your television. Yeah, and i Nah, the televi the television would have to be a Bluetooth compatible, basically. An and there is no there is no such thing. Okay. Okay. Yeah, this that's that's very good. And and this is all tying in very nicely. The fact that it's made out of this rubber, we can throw it about. Th we should encourage people to throw their remote controls about, because it charges itself up by doing it. But yeah, by the squeezing it the Yeah, that's a great idea. Well done. Yeah. I wanna watch the pineapple channel. Well spongy, that's where. Yeah, we're we're ahead of the game there. Okay. Alright, yeah, no, this i this is good, so through all that we've we go we're right, we're gonna go go back to um going with the kinetic thing, that's great, using the spongy rubber that we were talking about that anti-R_S_I_ you can as you squeeze it you are not only therapeuticising yourself, you are charging the batteries, and um I'm not sure about the buttons being in the shape of fruit though.. Yeah, this is true. Well, okay, it seems like the only thing that we haven't really finally um agreed on is its image. Like, yeah, we're we're saying no we don't want it to be fruit and vegetables, but we dunno what it should be, or like are we going yeah it looks slick, but what do what do we mean by slick sort of thing? I mean you said earlier on i it should be funky. L keep it clean, keep it clean. Bright, but not too bright. Like the volume buttons should be the all the same colour and the d and the the channel buttons should be one colour and stuff like that, do you mean? Okay, what? Okay. Tha Yeah, I mean we that's we we Yeah. This is the remote control tomato. Yeah. Well, it's it's gotta be chew proof. So, what are you saying, maybe we should market it in different colours for different so we could do like the pink range, the blue range, the green range, the Mm. Well that's that can be down to bit of market researching you know, if that's easy enough to find out what colours are more popular. Mm. Okay. Alright. Well um, we'll alright let's what we're gonna aim to get together by the next meeting then um is from you Catherine wi your y y you know you're gonna be working on the the look and feel design. Um Gabriel, you're gonna be working on, you know come up with the the user interface design. Then basically, you two are gonna be working together on this. You won't be going off to your separate offices. Um and I think you are gonna get a chance to play with some clay. I think, yeah, it's gonna you know, come up ki you know, be ab for the next meeting be able to come in and show us some some i some physical ideas. 'Cause at the moment, uh you know, it's it's hard. We were kinda going, yeah, it's gotta feel nice, it's gotta look cool and that it's you know now we can actually start, you know, s some sort of physical something or other. Um and you're gonna be working on the product evaluation. Um. And I will be uh talking to the bosses, basically, and uh f fielding off some more spam and uh that's it really. Keeping things t well, uh you know, ho hopefully uh keeping things together. Um. Yeah, that's This is this is uh good. So we know for definite we know we've we've now got some definite things going on. We definitely know how it's powered, we definitely know that um it's gonna be a simple buttons, we're not gonna be going for the new technological chip on print expensive things, so we've we're keeping the costs down. It's this rubber casing that we can sell as um fun and funky. Don't know of any other remote controls that are made out of this stuff. People, you know, people are saying, oh, standard stuff gives you repetitive strain injury, well this remote control is designed to do the complete opposite, It's supposed to fix it rather than cause it. Um. you know, we're gonna we we're gonna as a sort of extra something on it, you know what what extra things are there extra things this product have? We'll look into this lock key facility, although whether or not it happens, or is possible, I don't know, but something to look into. Okay. I think that's um well done everybody. Anyone have any uh any questions, everyone know what they're doing? 'Cause if you don't, you'll I'm sure you'll soon get an e-mail about it. Okay. right well. It's um we're we've still couple of minutes until our meeting's due to finish. But um I got a note saying that you two who are gonna be working together so bef before you all disappear off just hold hold fire. Um. Um I think, it's uh, yeah, I think, it's gonna be par part more of a profit sharing on the product. Yeah, I think i I think that's I think that's the way it's gonna happen at the moment. Yeah. Yeah. I want a share in the space rocket. Did you see that this k that this company we've made a spaceship. Yeah. Yeah.. Yeah. Mm. And the spaceship doesn't have the R_ have a massive R_ and R_ down the side of it but I still want one. Okay. Um I've just had a sign flashing up saying, finish the meeting. Uh. Yeah. Yeah. It's not telling it's not saying do anything in particular just yet. So maybe you should go back to your own offices. Yeah. Yeah, it says you two +Speaker B: . Almost. Mm 'kay. No no no no, it's fine I'm just preparing. Okay. Where is that thing? Oh sorry, couldn't see. Would that work? Okay, so that's me again. Um so um for the energy sources we can have a basic battery, a hand dynamo which is which was used uh in the fifties for torches, if you remember that kind of which wouldn't be v wouldn't be v v yeah, yeah. It wouldn't be very fancy. You can have a kinetic provision of energy, which is used on some watches these days. So if you have just a bit of gentle movement that it will give it the energy to work. Or you can use solar cells, but I'm not sure about that indoors, really, but Yeah. I dunno actually. I dunno. Um. Think the the uh what would cost the less would be the basic battery, really. And uh if we want something fancier, I think the kinetic provision of energy could be nice, but I don't know if it's worth the cost. So we've got to discuss that. For the case of the remotes itself, um they can be a general case, which is just a flat one. You can have uh a curved one or a double curved one, if you know what I mean, so You know, kind of more ergonomic, that kind of suits the palm of your hand, that kind of thing. So Um then the case material itself, so it can be uh uh either plastic or latex, uh rubber, wood, or titanium. And th for each of them you have uh cases where for example titanium, you can't use it for if you if we're choosing a double curved case, we can't choose titanium. And if we are choosing um solar cells then we can't choose latex for the case material, so we just have to take that into account. But if we're choosing just the flat case then we can go for anything. And I think we discussed earlier on the R_ S_ I_ problem thing, so we could uh Yeah. Yeah. And also it doesn't break as easily maybe, I dunno So rubber would be Okay. Uh s so if d okay. And then there are the push-buttons, so you can have basic push-buttons or a scroll-wheels, like you have on a mouse, um or you could have um L_C_D_, which gives you a display. Um scroll buttons, as well. So if you use a rubber double curved case, you must use rubber push-buttons. So if we're going for rubber then we have to decide for the case. Um and if we choose double curved then we have to go for rubber push-buttons. So it's a constraint. Yeah, but is it a double curved one or not? If it's not a double curved, then we've got the choice for the push-buttons, if it's a double curve, we've gotta go for rubber push-buttons. If that makes sense. Yeah.. No, but na le you see, you've got, okay, the energy that's one thing, then you have the case is uh, whether it's flat or curved. And that's we don't care if it's rub rubber or not, but then we've decided that we going for rubber for the case material. So if we've chosen rub rubber and if now we have the choice for the case whether it's flat, single curved or double curved. And I'm just saying if it if we choose it to be double curved then we need to go I dunno why, but we need to go for uh rubber push-buttons. So, either I dunno we just need to decide on the on the case. Let's go crazy. And then, do I have a last slide? Yes, I do. Um so the push-buttons themselves they can be just simple or they can be so that's just the electronics between the but behind the push-buttons. Um and the price that go with it with it, so the simple push-buttons are gonna be the cheapest. Uh if we get a scroll-wheel, that's a higher price range. If we get an advanced chip which is um used for the L_C_D_, the display thing, then that's even more expensive. Mm.. Yeah. The infra-red. Yeah. Well, if if it's not chip on print then, I guess, you get different chip components, and you build them separately and doesn't include the infra-red. It's less expensive mm Technically speaking, it's not as advanced, but it does the job, too. Fo It doesn't, yeah, yeah, yeah. Totally. Yeah. So let's not go for the Yeah, yeah. I agree. So it's either um the scroll-wheel or the push-buttons. Well It'd be it'd be cool, but they are saying they've just developed it, I'm just guessing. But it's gonna be the most expensive option, probably and Hm. Just if you are really lonely, maybe. Channel five. And then it switches on. Okay, so I'll go back, maybe, to the previous slide and we can decide for each problem, what we should choose. So for the energy source, do we go for the battery or the Cheaper option. Are you happy with that? Okay. So we'll go for the battery. Then the case, do you want it flat or curved or sing or double curved? Double? Okay, so then if we use double curved case, then we have to u choose rubber push-buttons, and that's fine? P Yeah. I thought they would give an option of flat buttons or a That they don't. Mm. Alright, that's me done. Sorry. Well Bluetooth would, for example, enable you, I think, to um um connect for example you if you get a w call on your mobile phone, but your mobile phone is downstairs or something, you would get on your television you're being called by this person right now. Things like that. No i No, but if you get Bluetooth on the remote, you'd be able to I with the television, yeah. I was just trying to find an advantage. Wha what w what advantage would you get for the Maybe the kinetic mo provision of energy then. It's been done for watches, but I haven't seen that for remotes, yet. Change the batteries ever again. Yeah, well, and in little characters you say, yeah, but not too much. Yep. No vegetables. Well yeah, but Apple would sue you for that. sued the Beatles so Yeah. Why not? I'm gonna write that down. That's yeah. Although I'd be curious to see how many uh You know, there are some colours that I wouldn I would never choose, and I would be curious how many people choose that colour. Mm. And produce less of the silly colours, maybe. Yep. Alright. Mm. Cool. It is. Great. That's true. Doesn't Yeah. Are we taking these off? +Speaker C: Hello. Yeah. That's the kind of spam that everybody likes to receive. Hmm. Do you have any preference uh of order? I think she is still finishing her. Hmm. Okay, it's uh Is it like a crank thing or something. Well, there's sometimes combinations, I mean, like calculators do combinations of battery with but also using some solar power. Uh I think, it has to be on the on the solar energy, but I don't know. Let's have a squeezable remote. If it's rubber, isn't it malleable anyway, it doesn't matter if it's double I mean isn't a rubber case, mean it's completely flexed, I mean, it it flexes to whatever they want it to? Mean so what's the difference between a normal rubber case and a rubble doub double rubber double curved case? Okay. Okay. Go rubber. Go rubber the whole way. I think push-buttons is Yeah. Th the the speech recognition um option is it doesn't seem really very promising for us uh, 'cause uh The yeah the example that they're already using it for is with the coffee machine, where, basically, you can program a sample wi um That when you say something it will give a response, and you program the response as well. Just uh clips of tha that you record yourself. So you can program your coffee-maker that when you say, good morning, to it it says, hello Rick, or whatever. But, I mean, it's not it would be one thing if it was speech recognition where you say something and it turns the T_V_ on like, turn the T_V_ on, and i turns comes on, but it's not that. It just gives you a it just gives you a verbal response. So, yeah, I mean, like what's the point of saying, Hello remote, I mean, hello, how how are you? Yeah, if you're really lonely, it is it's No, tha that w that w that would be more promising. It it's just a remote that talks to you. Uh. I mean to certain cues. 'Kay. Yeah, I'm fine with the basic battery. Hmm. Yeah, so we want it rub rubber double curved. So rubber rubber keys, yeah. Yeah.. Yeah. We're giving them a way to burn off steam, basically, yeah. Not that watching T_V_ should be that stressful. Oh yeah, I guess T_V_ can be stressful, yeah, if you're watching sports. Alright. Alright. Yeah, some of what I have to say ties into what Catherine was just talking about. Okay, so I'm continuing with the user interface uh topic. And so basically I consulted with our manufacturing division. It sounded like Catherine was also speaking with them. Uh I also took uh Reissa's marketing findings from the last meeting into consideration um, 'cause I think that's that's crucial as far as uh what keys we're going to inc inclu what buttons we are going to include and and how they're laid out. Uh and so the manufacturing division uh sent some some samples of of uh interface components that we might be interested in using that have been used in other products, uh like the coffee machine. So I already mentioned the speech recognition interface. I guess, we we basically vetoed that idea. It's it's pointless. Uh it's just a sample sensor sample output. It would just be probably the most expensive part of our remote without any actual interesting functionality as far as operating the T_V_. Uh so yeah, they they also give the uh they they suggested the idea of using a spinning wheel like you use on the side of an M_P_ three player like iPod. Um so we've already addressed that and I think that would actually be worse for something like R_S_I_ I mean you got that thumb movement that you're constantly doing. Um the other suggestion, and I I have a feeling that we're interested in in something more general, but they suggested uh, you know, going i a little bit into a a niche, like either gearing our remote towards kids, where you could have lot of colours um, the keys might be you know, funny or or, or uh something for the elderly, where the remote's very large and the buttons are very large and there's only a few buttons. But you know we can we can discuss this, but it sounded like from our last meeting we really wanted something that was general, but done well. Uh um So, the key layout and design are really crucial. You don't want uh you want people to be able to quickly access the buttons that they use a lot without uh always pressing the wrong one um. And I didn't mention that we need a power button in our last I can give you an example here of uh, good layout and bad layout uh from our manufacturing department. So this would be an example of bad layout, where you have volume up and volume down, but they have a V_ on both of them, so uh it's sort of confusing for the user. Uh this is the example of the giant remote that's impossible to lose. And for something for kids. Yeah. Um. And so, yeah, I th I think my personal preferences of we've all kind of talked about and seemed to be on the same page um. Uh so I was against the speech recognition and against going uh towards anything in in a niche sense. I think it should be more general. I didn't I didn't think the spinning-wheel or the uh L_C_ display were were crucial for us. And, yeah, that's it for me. So we're we're not gonna have any sort of display I think uh. So, yeah, it's just gonna be just gonna be push-buttons. Um. I think we shall have a limited number of buttons, ideally, I mean a a power, channel up, channel down, volume up, volume down, and a numerical keypad. Uh. And some sort of it will either have a a lock button like we mentioned or or a cover or something like that. I guess it's to the point where we need to decide about that. Well now that we've decided on our Um it seems like we wouldn't wanna make it too busy and too sort of gaudy, but um Yeah, I would say mayb maybe a couple of colours like uh like a black with with yellow and somewhere, like maybe the R_R_ can be yellow, or something like that. I I guess the fact uh also that we are having a rubber case uh would prevent us from having the cover function that we thought of before. I mean, 'cause uh s so if we wanna have a lock of some sort it would have to be a button. But I think that should be I mean um, I can speak with the button department, but uh I think that it should be easy to have a button that just prevents prevents the other uh the other buttons from operating. So that should be simple. Mm. Yeah. Well it should be it should be maybe cutting edge in some sense, I mean have something that's little more technologically advanced than what's on the market. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, I mean, these first two points we've already sort of gone away from, 'cause our rubber one is not fancy I mean it's different, but I wouldn't say like a rubber remote is fancy. If that's what people want then we maybe we're going in the wrong direction. And it's it's not technologically innovative either. Mm. So is is the advantage of Bluetooth that you can just like synchronise it with other electronics? Yeah, that's basically what it allows you to do, right? Yeah, the that wouldn't be the remote so much, I mean Mm. Yes, so can Yeah, we can make the squeezing of the rubber be the be the generating like the energy generator. we're all about that. Okay, so we could have keys that are like a b like a broccoli key and a uh and an avocado key on them.. Yeah, that's great for us. Right. Yeah. Yeah, that's great. Yeah, I don't know how we incorporate We don't have to follow every trend, I guess. Uh-huh. The power button could be like a big apple or something. They don they don't own all images of apples. Okay, we'll make it a uh pomegranate, a big pomegranate.. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Sure. The one thing I'm wondering about, I hope that we're not going like too much down a gimmicky road of of having I mean if somebody go goes into the store they're gonna see like three or four normal remotes, and then a big spongy pink t tomato uh remote. I mean what are ninety per cent of people gonna take? Mm. Yeah I mean, that that seems to work well with for products like iPod, where, you know, you have a variety of colours, that people feel like they're customising it when they buy it, even, you know, just just by the fact of choosing. Right. Yeah. Okay. Oh right. Yeah. That sounds good. Mm. Right. Alright. Yeah. Yeah. Mm, I think we all know what we need to do now. Okay. Okay, I'll stay in here. Does the pay-raise immediately come into effect on our next pay-check, or is that So we're buying fut I mean, we're getting futures in the company. So we really have a incentive to make this remote work. I'd like to share in the coffee machine profits, because that's really doing well. Yeah.. This company has its its fingers in a lot of different pots. Yeah, we're definitely not in the money making department. Well I I did notice looking at I mean, they told you that they wanted whatev our product to represent the the R_R_ brand and and to be immediately noticeable. I mean, if you look like at the coffee maker at the at the corporate web page, it's not obvious. R_R_. Well it is to us, because we we worked worked here for years and we use that coffee machine, but it's doesn't have the colour scheme of of the of the company anywhere on it obviously it's just sil silver and black. No. Mm. Okay. Right, well, I guess that's us. Okay. Right. +Speaker D: Oh right okay. I cover myself up.. I've always wanted one of these, I really have. Where do you buy 'em from? They're. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Mm-hmm. Batteries. It's here. Ah. Mm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Mm. I think rubber's But after my after my fashion thing, I think you'll realise that rubber is more People. What about the just developed uh sample sensor? G there, the sample sensor, sample speaker thing. Mm, I dunno. Be cool. Channel two. Oh, it just gives an answer. Oh, then then I thought I thought it was when they said I thought when they said, voice recognition, they meant um like, channel five, and it will change. Like you talk to it. Can I have channel five? Oh, then forget about it. Oh right okay. Mm. Mm. Yeah. So it will look like something like this.. Yeah. Well the rubber push-buttons. Don't you have to move your Mm. Mm. Yeah, the rubber's good. Yeah, so they can sit there and go like Mm. Mm. That does get annoying. Uh-huh. Well Maybe we can Right. Well, I'm just basically letting you know what's happening in the markets and what the fashions are for next year. Um. So yes, so from looking at this year's trends and fashions and also recent investigation that we've done in the remote control market, we have found that for the remote control market these are like most important aspects like that we really need to which we've already probably discussed. Um the most important aspect is look and feel. So the remote control has to look and feel fancier than the ones that already that we already have. So it has to be Yep. Exactly. Um second, uh it should be technologically innovative innovative. So Technologically it should be like um work, basically, I guess. It should work. Should That's new. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. So, no loose That's why I was thinking, Bluetooth, 'cause if you like put up Bluetooth, and it's like a Bluetooth remote control, everybody's gonna like, oh, 'cause Bluetooth is the in thing nowadays, like it really is, like people and um when it comes to marketing like that's what people go for, they don't really care whether, you know, at the end of the day whether it works properly or not. Well, they do, but it's like it's not Yeah, but it looks good. If it looks good and it's it can just be there for decoration. But like You could always insert, yeah. Yeah, but, I mean, people like Well, if you're looking at if you looking at something that's going to be bought by people, you have to make it new, you have to make it state of the art. Well, it doesn't Like it doesn't have to be, you know, Bluetooth, that was just an idea, but like it needs do something that, you know, is new. Whether it's a battery it could be something really really minor, you know, like but I think we are really keeping to what is already out there, and people've already seen it, people've already got it. If we want something new, we need to move away from what we already have and um just go creative. And then you can market it. Never have to change a battery again. I think, safety s Yeah. Third most important aspect uh is it's easy to use. And I think we've all um worked that out. Um okay, in the fashion, how it's supposed to look. Next year's fashion i very much in fruit and vegetables are thm are like the theme for cloths, shoes and furniture. So next year people will be buying, I found this really funny, you know, strawberry shaped chairs, and things. Yeah. Rubber things. Um and as it's rubber the feel which is in this year is spongy, so it's it's not quite spongy, but spongy, I would say is yeah, so we're in. Yeah. And so personal what I was just saying like move away from the current remote controls uh like the look and the feel of the current ones and change the look and feel, while still keeping to the company's image, basically. So yeah.. I had to say So we're moving in the right direction like Mm. Maybe make it like fruity colours or something. Some sort. Or Mm. Well I think, if it's rubber it needs to be different. I think, it's it should be I mean, what do you associate with rubber? You know like really different colours basically. Okay, sor I sorry, I used the wrong word, what do you associate with the mate the material that material? Um Um like I'm just thinking bright colours. Bright natural colours, nothing too Bright, but too not yeah. Like no lime green or bright yellow or bright pink. Wanna make it different colours so anybody can choo like like Yeah. And on the back of it have the logo. Well I can say in this country, you'll get, you know, lots of people wanting something really funky and cool. Like and kids will be walking in with their parents saying, Mummy I wanna buy that one. And uh parents will see the will see the pro as well, because it's um like kids won't break it, it's not breakable if you throw it around. Especially with younger kids, you know they can pick it up and and Yeah. The only thing is is that really small kids might chew on it, but Yeah. So so it's rea it's quite it's quite like um user friendly and also for different families, like like family use as well, so for little kids and for old ki like teenagers will like it, I think. Especially maybe younger girls if it's in pink they'll be like pink remote control for their room something. Yeah. So like you walk in, you're like, oh I like that remote control, because it's so bright, and then, and then the shop assistant comes up and says, oh what colour would you like? and then they go like, oh I can choose the colour wow. So it puts, I think, even the customer into more control over what they're buying instead of, you've got all colour it's either that or nothing. So they also get to pick. Well, personally I like walking into a shop and choosing a colour. It's um Yeah. Mm. D you've got the Evaluation. Mm. Yeah. S This gives you all the details? um. Yeah. Mm. Mm.","The project manager recapped the decisions made in the previous meeting. The industrial designer discussed different options for batteries, materials, and components, as well as restrictions involved in combining particular materials, components, and batteries. The team then discussed and decided what materials, components, and what type of battery to use in their product. The interface specialist presented examples of existing remotes on the market with good and bad layouts and stated what features the remote required. The marketing expert discussed research from trendwatching reports, finding that products now require technological innovativeness, a fancy look and feel, a spongy feel, and a fruit and vegetable theme. This lead to a discussion on whether to use Bluetooth or infra-red technology in remote. The team then discussed how to incorporate a fruit and vegetable theme into the remote." +92,"Speaker A: Hi. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I will give a a five. Five. A four also, because, except for the wheel, we don't have so much innovation. The rubber is Uh a four. I I Yeah. Six. Six. Six six six point five. Yeah, seven. Easy to find. I lost my banana. Uh. Six. Yeah, okay. Uh f yeah, it's ru it's rubber. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Six or five. Five. Six. Yeah. Mm-hmm. But almo also the complexity between a phone and a remote control is not cannot compare. Start to eat banana. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Fruits. +Speaker B: It is a banana. It is the essence of bananas. I would be confused with this thing. S How is everyone? Mm-hmm. Like a banana. I give it a I give it a five. And you? Do you vote uh Christine? Do you also vote? Well, we can very easily. I So it will have five point five average. Mm. It's four. Yeah. D are we including the voice are you glu are we including the voice in the end or not? Huh? No. Okay. Yeah. For twenty five. Yeah. I give a seven, I think. 'Kay. Yeah, we can we can put a seven here. Yeah. Yeah. Well, we hope. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's cool. I think we can put a six here. So you'll make the material transparent so that it uh lights up completely, or Yeah. Yeah the only problem there might be which know, i if it's very sensitive, they will, I don't know Yeah, okay. Mm. Six, yeah, for me. Yeah. Twenty. Thirty. Thir Okay. Yeah, the top Mm. So will become eight soon? Yeah, well it's a bit biased. Okay. Because I saw uh some phones that were banana shaped, uh wireless phones not mobile ones, wireless for the house, uh quite big also, and they were selling something like a hundred Euros, two hundred Euros. Just a just a phone, wireless. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's much more complex, but Okay. Congratulations to the team. Uh very well, we worked together fantastically. So what does the management say? What does the management say? Ah. Yeah. Okay. Mm. +Speaker C: Okay. Je croix que c'est dommage de le it will be sad to destroy this prototype. It really looks like a banana. It is a banana. Mm. Okay. Hi. So we are here for the detailed design meeting. So we will uh I will first present what we are going to do in this meeting. Then uh I've I will also take notes during this meeting and I will send you uh a summary then as usual. We will then look at the evaluation criteria of the prototype presented by uh our two colleagues that make good work. And uh then we will see the financial aspects and the cost of the product. Then we will uh evaluate the product. And uh end with the conclusion of this project and see whether it fits with it fulf if it fulfil the requirement or not. So d let's start with the cost aspect so so I look at the aspect discussed last time, that is to say uh to have a standard battery, to have a yellow banana shaped uh case with uh a rubber material around it to be uh to feel spongy, and uh also at the different aspect like having a wheel etcetera. And the cost ended to be ten point seven Euros. So which is uh good, because we had a price gap of twelve point five Euros. So for the financial aspect it's okay, we can uh we can continue with this product uh as if, and we are now going to see the project evaluation with uh our marketing expert. Yeah. You have a presentation? Participant four, yes. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Maybe you can presen okay. Maybe hold it. So I think it's uh very uh very nice. What do you think? Yeah. So it's between one and seven? Seven is the highest uh? I will give a six. Maybe we all have to agree on a common Yeah. No problem. So this is your One is most. Well, we can choose what we want. Okay, let's say that seven is the best. Okay. So so do note the grade we have five, six for me, five. And what what's your choice? How much would you give on the fancy aspect, on the fashionable aspect? How much would you you don't answer to this uh questionnaire? Five point five average. Okay. Well, does it Okay, techne technological aspect. Yeah, we have the wheel. We also have the rubber material, which make it uh like new also. I think I would give a five. Four? Okay. No. So what's your uh grade? Four? So we have four, four f and five? Yeah, four. Four, yeah, let's put four. Doesn't it Yeah, I think so. Yeah. I would give a I would give a seven as well. It's very easy to use. So six point five. Okay. Oh yeah, its its f its fruit fruit shape. I would say seven. And is very very nice design. Yeah. Seven, okay. I think you can't miss it. Okay. Yeah, we have the we don't sesh especially have the lightning but So it's yellow. It's okay. I think it's very easy to I would say seven. It's hard to miss it. Yeah, it's rubber, made of rubber, I think it's m it's uh more rubber than uh other remote control. Yeah. But it is uh it is surrounded by rubber material. So maybe we can put a six. Six is okay? Yeah. Tadada. We have to sum up everything. Six is a good Yeah, the be. Okay, so six is a So it's a good evaluation, I think. It's very promising. Huh. So this prototype is quite nice. Yeah. Okay. So having this at twenty five Euros is uh quite attractive, I think. I think the Yeah. So, I think, we can summarise. So we have seen the prototype. It's very nice according to the work of our two designer. The the the financial aspect were okay. We we have the cost below uh our threshold and so we could sell at twenty five Euros and make i make profit. The the evaluation give satisfying result as well. So I think we can move to the last part of the meeting. So the cost is in the budget, the evaluation is okay, so I th I think we can now uh open champagne and make a huge party. I don't know if it's provided by uh by the meeting staff. Okay so congratulation. Nice product. Yeah. I think it was a good collaboration uh. Aspect. Sorry? I think we will have um much bigger project next time and a much bigger salary as well. All it depends on who watch this meeting. We don't know. Okay, so good guys, so see you for next uh successful project. +Speaker D: Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. So uh you can have my project in Uh yeah just a Four. Evaluation. Okay. So you can go. We can go through. So I made an evaluation and the the evaluation criteria is made according to the users' requirements and the market trends we talked about uh during the previous uh meetings. So you can go through and okay so uh we have uh six points. We we talked about before. So we we want to have a product fancy look and feel, technologically innovative, easy to use, fashion, easy to find in a room, and robust, uh and uh uh I have a scale of uh seven points. Okay. So I go through all the uh all the points here, and uh according to what you think about the this project you can uh mm make a one point, two point or seven point. Okay? And after we ha we have an an average, and uh we see. The okay? Uh so uh fancy look and feel, what do you think? F between o one and seven. Yeah. Seven is the Mm-hmm. sorry. eh? No, I just want to see something Mm-hmm. Uh I think uh and need to as well. Need to uh I don't know if you we ha we have to put uh one uh f If it's better or Uh-uh. Um. Yeah. Or maybe we can say s seven is the best mm. Oh sorry. Six Uh s you can how much what? Oh yes I mm I dunno mm, I think six, it's a good uh Yeah. Wa can. Okay. I sorry. Okay. So after, the technological aspect? So we we said uh we have uh a new technological uh thing with a wheel. Uh. No. Four. We can put four? Everyone is okay or four poin Four. Okay. Very easy to use. Do you think it's easy to use? Mm, six for me also. Six point five. Okay. Is it fashion? Seven? Yeah it's fashion, because it's a fruit, and we say that the yeah, seven. Uh easy to find in a room? Yeah? We have the lightning, or The lighting. Yeah. Seven? Is it is it robust? Everybody is okay, six. Yeah. Okay. S now um so. Thirteen uh, twenty, twenty six point five, uh seven, thirty two, thirty six. That's that's okay? Six. Good. Uh if we say that seven it's uh it's the better, and when uh s six sit six are good it's a good uh p product, I think. We have a good price and uh. Good. Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay.",The Project Manager presented the final cost of the remote with the finalized list of components. The final cost was under the alotted budget; the Project Manager announced that the project could then continue with the current prototype. The Marketing Expert presented an evaluation of the prototype to the group. The group evaluated the prototype based on the requirements of users presented in the first meetings. The group decided that the prototype met enough of these goals to be able to market the product. The prototype was presented and the group discussed the look of the prototype. The Project Manager summarized the accomplishments of the meeting. +84,"Speaker A: Mm-hmm. Okay. Cool. Mm um. No, I don't think so. The last one is the most important one, is it? Oh, sorry. Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Sorry. I was just reading fruit and vegetables. Hard to know how we are going to incorporate that. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Th that's very good. Glow-in-the-dark. Okay. Well, that's good. That's what we kind of predicted anyway. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay, the spongy, not real spongy, you can Do you think like rubber would be good or does it really want to be like gel kind of stuff? Okay. Quite disposable. Okay. Oh okay. Uh-huh. Okay. Cool. Mm. A remote control? Yeah. And were there any factors that weren't important in the survey, that they said we don't want? Or was it just Okay. Cool. F_, what is it? Um. yeah. Okay. No signal. Is that? Okay, and then F_ five, right? Okay. Um okay, so the interface concept um. Yeah. The interface specification, what people um how they interact with it basically, I think. Um so the method, we looked at existing designs, what are the what's good about them, what's bad about them, um I looked at their flaws, so we're going to look at their flaws, everything. Um and what the survey told us and what we think would be good, so a bit of imagination. Uh the findings, I've got some pictures to show you as well. Yeah. Okay, so most remote controls use graphical interface, where you um have got s buttons and you point it rather than having the output as a a stream of text or something. Um and we also found that there's inconsistent layout, which makes it confusing. So I think for our remote control There is some inconsistency already in ec existing in between remote controls, but I think standard kind of um shape and uh play and those kind of but buttons like the the top right for on and off or something, I think, people find that important,'cause then it's easy to use. And we've got some pictures of some uh new remote controls to show you. Do I press Escape F_ five? Or just Escape, okay. Um, oh I still haven't got my glasses on. Yeah, okay. So these are the some of the pictures of existing ones. I'll just walk you through them. This one is a voice recognition. And that's the kind of idea we're going for. There's um an L_C_D_ thing, which we thought could I thought could get a bit confusing and a bit expensive as well for us. This one is got a kind of scroll like a mouse, which Yeah. Um and But I'm not exactly sure how you'd use that, like would the computer come Uh-huh, that's like the L_C_D_ one, is it? But the one below that has got like a little scroll function on the side. But I presume that the functions must come up on the T_V_ screen. I think that's what that is. So these are just a few ideas. Again that's just quite boring shape, grey, looks quite space-agey, but too many buttons, I think on that one. Yeah, it does look kind of dangerous. Um this one I thought was really cool. It's w it's got the programmability function that we talked about. You can put it in there, it's for your kids, and it's quite an organic shape and the little circle around there is pretty cool. And that's really easy to use, bright, so I like this one lot for our design. I think something like that would be good. Of course yellow. Right, yeah. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Um so maybe that could be built into one of the things and it comes up on the T_V_ or something. And this one, the over-sized one, I don't know about you, but I think it's a bit too gimmicky. I don't think that will sell very well. I guess so. I don't know. I think that's a bit Yeah exactly. Yeah. And um this one is just pointing out. I like some of these things um the the raised symbols and everything, but pointing out um that this one the volume it is kind of pressing down, but it would actually go up, because of the shape. So that could that's a bit confusing. Um but the buttons on this I think are it's just showing you how you can have different different um buttons. They don't have to be all the same. So that's quite cool. Um. Yeah, exactly. Um F_ five. Yes. So there are some of the findings. So we need to combine those ones um and I've just got an e-mail from our technical department saying that they have broken through with some new speech recognition software that you can program in. Um yeah it is, just in time, very handy. Um so I think maybe incorporating that in our design would be good. It's you program it like you say, record, um and then, play, and then, record, play machine, and stuff like that, so that's And it's much Yeah. So that's quite cool. Uh personal preferences just some imagination, the raised symbols I thought were good, the L_C_D_, it does look smart, but I think maybe for our budget, do you think that would be a bit too expensive to have the Yeah. And the speech recognition, 'cause I think we're definitely going for the speech recognition, are we? Uh-huh. Uh-huh. But our budget, we've Yeah. Uh-huh. Okay. I'm not sure if the if for twenty five Euros uh per uh twelve Euros fifty m manufacturing cost,. The L_C_D_. Yeah. No. Yeah. S Uh-huh. Yeah, that's the thing, because Yeah. That's true, yeah. And one of the survey findings was that they want it easy to use, so I think I'm not sure about the L_C_D_. It's a it's great, it's a good idea, but for our budget and for the thing we're trying to go for eas easy to use, it's not the thing we should go for, I think. Child-friendly, I thought this was good, as you pointed out the um the bit, it often goes missing especially with children, but it's a good shape and the organic is kind of we could make a vegetabley kind of round shape, I think. Yeah, I know, carrot. Yeah. But we don't want it to be Yeah. Um the child-friendly, yeah. Easy to use, it seems quite easy to use. I like the d the different shapes of the buttons and stuff. I think that's a good idea to go for. Yeah. And the mouse one, I thought it was a good idea, because people use mo mice mouses now with the scrolling thing. Um. Yeah. S yeah. So they'd be able to use that um, as I said I think i I'd presume it would come up on the screen. Um so there you go. Yeah. So that's um the user interface design. So okay, I'll take this out now then. There you go. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. I'm not sure about the sponge. Yeah. Yeah. I like the rubber, the stress balls, I think, you know, that could be a bit of a gimmick like it's good to hold and Yeah. And that might be quite durable and easy to chuck around. Yeah, y yellow incorporated, yeah. I think Mm. Yeah, the buttons w like, 'cause there's gonna be the the cover the the rubber or the plastic casing and then the buttons in probably two different colours or i if we're having buttons actually, I don Yeah. You do have ones like um play could be green or on and off is red, and stuff like that, yeah. Makes it easy to use. Yeah, that's true, because that blue one did look quite hardish. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Like uh an hour glass kind of figure, is that what you're thinking of, or just like a It's not Yeah. We could make novelty remote controls. Yeah. But then how would you point it? How would you point it? What Yeah. y I'm I'm not sure about the banana idea. Rubber banana. Okay. Yeah. I think maybe just draw on the kind of fruit and vegetable shape. And what else did you say about fashions? What was trendy? And spongy, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe, yeah. Like what's what's that, I don't even know the name of it, some kind of, you know where it's like looks like a little snowman kind of thing. I don't know the name of that. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Yeah, maybe that's what they are. 'Cause that you can hold it in like the bottom bit and Yeah. I don't know. What do you guy What do you think? No. Yeah. Uh-huh. Okay. Okay. And buttons would, did we say? Uh different shapes of buttons? Mm. Yeah. Yeah, what about the scroll wheel and speech recognition? Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'm not sure. Um I mean those ideas I saw were just for inspiration, I think. Um yeah, I can no I'm not sure. I couldn Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's cool. So let's not use the whiteboard any more. And uh so what else was there? Um the What about the glow-in-the-dark thing, the strip around it? Are we just gonna leave that? You still like it. 'Cause we've got the uh technological innovation with the speech recognition system. 'Cause um it could Yeah. Especially with yellow. Mm. I dunno. Then you put it in the fruit bowl? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, do we need buttons? Mm. I quite like the shape. I quite like the design of that, uh 'cause that could sit on its own and it's quite got a quite steady base. Um and as we say we n we don't wanna be too ridiculous with the fruit things you know. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, 'cause you said about disposable, didn't you? You said about disposable earli people want disposable things so we could do that, like have a choice. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. We still need the buttons in the same places thought, don't we? Oh, that's the other side. Oh, okay. Oh, half a fruit. Oh, okay, okay. Okay, okay. Okay. Mm mm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Well, um because Well, I I'm not sure if we should go so far in the whole fruit thing, because I think we should maybe just take the inspiration from the fruit and uh because what Yeah, w I think wh wha would we're trying to get to twenty five, thirty five year olds who want it quite trendy as well they said. They wanted something that looks fancy and I think maybe fruit could be a bit of a too much of a gimmick, but something ergonomically shaped and organic, like good to hold, based on fruits and natural things like that, because al already we're going a bit gaudy with the yellow, you know. I mean we could make it nice pale yellow. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Maybe we could have that pale yellow and then an outside bit bright yellow with, you said, the logan the slogan. Because Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh. Oh, a d a dynamo? Yeah. Yeah, like with those watches that you kind of twist. Yeah that's quite cool. Yeah, it is, yeah. Yeah, then they have to pick it up and then activate it and then Yeah. That's true. But w like just normal light? And we're a very environmentally friendly company, aren't we as well? Yeah. Yeah. Like like a hand like one of those portable phones kind of thing. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Just in time. Yeah, mine seems to have turned off. I can't do anything. No. It's on, but there's nothing on the screen. Cool. Yeah. Mm. Okay. Yeah. I think, I've saved mine already. Cool. Fun. Yeah. Star fruit. No. Oh yeah, we can do buttons. No I'm good. Okay. Mm. +Speaker B: No. We should make a big sponge lemon, and then it'd be it would be yellow. It's Yeah. Mm. No, it's got it's got it. Wow. Uh it looks threatening. It looks like yeah. Wow. Then d blind don't watch T_V_. They do? The L_C_D_ and the other stuff uh, I think. Ben bana Hmm. But uh price price not withstanding um, is it too complicated, is it gonna be too much just overload? But but the thing is when you use a remote control, you never look at it, right? You're looking at the T_V_ and and it's uh It just seems kind of like a a needless th So which vegetable? Okay. The the lemon. Well what are the options? Oh. Okay. Um so I guess there are a lot of options that we're gonna have to choose from among, and I'll I'll give you the uh, I guess, technical considerations for those. And I'm gonna use the whiteboard, just 'cause we haven't used it. Right. So, the way I'm gonna do this is uh we're gonna take a look at some old remote controls, see how they work, uh reuse the the vital kind of um essential pieces of it, and then we'll throw in our new innovations um and keep it all within budget. So uh yeah, looking inside a a very simple remote control. Um this is what they sent me. 'Kay. Here's uh the competition, I suppose. Um you open it up, there's a circuit board inside, um and there's a a chip, a processor, the T_A_ one one eight three five, which um receives input from the buttons, and ch Right, it's very they're very cheap remote. This remote costs nothing, you know. Um so that takes a signals from the buttons and translates it into a sequence of pulses that it then sends to the to the amplifier, which is made of some transistors and amplifiers, op-amps, and then that gets sent to the uh to the L_E_D_ light, which I can kinda see is that little red light bulb at the end, and that sends out the infrared uh light signal to the television. Oh here it is. Um so this is kind of the the bear essentials that we need to have in our remote control, because it it defines the uh R Um no, I mean this is a very old one, so now with the new technology this is a a minimally small and cheap thing to make. Right. So this is what we need to have for certain. Um. So you know, as we said, we got the outer casing, which we have to decide, you know, what's it gonna be, um the board we have to use basically uh the same set-up, processor, um we'll probably use the more advanced processor than they had, amplifier and transmitter are all standard. Um so for the casing, uh this an e-mail I got from our manufacturing team uh, you know, we have a bunch of options from wood, titanium, rubber, plastic, whatnot, um latex, double-curved, curved. So lots of choices, what do we think? Uh or sponge, I guess, isn't on there, right. Organic sponge. Uh yeah, it's very elasticy for sure. Um. Yeah so Okay so, here are a a plastic, uh latex Oh right. So something with give to it. Okay. And and the colour is yellow, right? Yellow, okay. Um. Mm' kay. So yellow for the body, and then what colour for the buttons? So multi-coloured buttons. Okay. Okay. Mm 'kay so the shape we wanna go Um how exactly? Maybe double What about a banana? Yeah? Okay, like we could have a big banana shaped remote control, 'cause it's yellow fruit, right? Oh i it doesn't matter which end you point, I guess. We could have a little L_E_D_s on each end. So a spongy banana re Yeah. Okay, okay. See So maybe an an unidentifiable fruit or fiable fruit or vegetable like so it would have a stem perhaps and a maybe a it'd be s axially symmetric. So it'd look like this kinda. Like a gourd almost, or a squash of some sort? Yeah, and it has a a clear top and bottom so y so you could say, you know, it transmits from this end. Yeah. Okay, so double-curved, single-curved, what do we feel? Okay. Okay um, I guess, since you're the marketing guy. We'll uh Okay, we could do that. Um. Okay, so so buttons. Okay, just like that. Okay. With the scroll-wheel or no? Okay uh I could put the microphone here. Okay there's the microphone. Where should I put the microphone? Okay, well we can do some user test with scroll-wheels, right? Okay. Okay. So should the microphone be just anywhere on it or 'Kay there's the mic. Um n well we can Whoops. Um. Yeah. Um. Oops, sorry. Okay. Right. Hmm. They can work from a You don't have to hold it. Yeah. I it could even encourage healthier habits for television watchers, you know they have uh fruits all round them. Now just make sure they don't eat the remote. Yeah. Okay. But yeah But yeah, about the speech thing, it doesn't have to be hand held or close. It can sit at a distance and pick it up still. Yeah yeah. Okay, um so Yeah, s I guess we decided on material, right? So that that spongy latex rubber everything feel, and the colours we got down, and the shape, maybe we'll just make it kinda mix and match type of shape or Yeah. Okay. Mm. Mm-hmm. Great. Um as for the energy source um, you know, almost every remote control uses just batteries, but we don't have to be limited by that. We can use a hand-dynamo. Um I don't know what that means, we crank it? Right, it's like those watches that you c So, this might be an idea for something that people really wanna grab, you can shake it if it's out of power. Okay. So if it if it's not working, I guess people's natural reaction anyway is to just shake the thing. Right. Okay. Uh there's solar power. Um. Yeah. Okay, so probably just Mm. 'Kay. Okay. So uh a rechargeable battery. Okay. Um the user interface, the buttons, I guess we talked about this already. Um. Hmm? Uh th the uh the electronics um, basically the more features we add um Oops, this one. So the more features we add the fancier chips we need to buy and put in, which adds to the cost as you can expect. Um. But uh I think we can keep it all under budget. So uh yes, so the speech thing you said our our techno our research and development department came up with some break-through. So just in time. Right, right. Yeah, and keeping the L_C_D_ screen out. Huh? Oh yeah that was that was it. So control F_ eight, right? Try uh flipping the screen down. 'Kay. Oh, I get to do it, too. Oh neat. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Save everything to the shared documents, is that right? Oh. Uh these lapel mics are trouble. Are we done with our meeting? Yeah. +Speaker C: Yeah. Hi, me Raj, again. Uh in this meeting I I'm going to discuss about the trend watching, uh how these trends is going to affect our market potential and how important is this. So we have to look on this. First of all methodology. The met methodology to find out the trend was incl uh was done in a way We have done a rec not only a recent remote control market survey, but we also considered the latest fre fashion trends of the market, because we think that this is also a factor which will affect our sales and profit. So what are our findings? In our uh in our findings we have seen that when we did our remote control market survey we found that uh people l uh people do have preference for tho fancy mobi uh f remote controls which look and feel very good, rather than having a functional look and feel uh good. So this sh this clearly indicates their preference for the design their outlook of the remote controls. So we should take into uh we should consider this factor as the most important factor, because this factor is twice as important, the second factor which is further ti twice the as important as the sec as uh the third factor. So this factor becomes the most important factor in our surv uh uh in our mark uh means in take in designing our rem uh remote controls. No the first one is the uh the outlook of the mobile, the it should have a fancy outlook, the fancy design uh rather than just having a functional look and feel good, it should have a fancy look and foo feel good. The second most important aspect is that remote control should be a technologically uh innovative. We must have some technological advancement in the remote control tha rather than just putting it as it is as the other remo uh remote controls are. So it uh should be technologically innovative like glow-in-the-dark or speech recognition, something like that. So that indicates our technological advancement. And the third most important aspect in the ta to take into consideration is that it should be easy to use, like it shouldn't be too much co complicated, there shouldn't be too many buttons on this mobi uh remote control, it shouldn't be too complicated uh like this way. And it should be uh and customers should be provided with manuals that is easy to understand in their local language, something. So that they could know how to use these remote controls. When we did uh f fashions uh, recent fashion uh our recent fashion update shows that Ah yeah? Y yeah uh yeah, we have to, because uh d you can see how people have related their clothes, shoes, and everything with fruits and vegetables, because the g world is now changing it's trend towards organic, becoming more and more organic, becoming Yeah. So Yeah. So something like that we we should do. And people uh the f feel of the material is expected to be spongy rather than just having a plastic look, hard look. Yeah. Yeah. So so that they could play with it while handi uh while handling it. So that should also be taken into consideration. So these are my views. So No it ca y a The rubber which is good for health and which is quite disposable that we can take into co Yeah. 'Cause we It shouldn't be have any harm to the environment also, because our company is very well for taking all these concerns into consideration, so we don't want to have any harm to the society, so So that's all. S uh we didn't find out any such point. Uh yes, there could be, but we couldn't find out any, so Yeah. Oh no,. Yeah, uh yeah, uh yeah. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah. Hmm. But in our market survey we have seen that people are willing to pay more, but they want the quality, they want f fancy look, they want some new design, something new. Uh yeah. Yeah. So even if we increase our cost little bit, within uh some limits, and we give something new technological advancement as well as new design with fancy outlook, I think we will meet the requirements and we will be able to have a good sales in the market. And the Uh i it will be easy because there will be, on L_C_D_ s screen, there will be different frent icons, they can just click ok okay, whatever they wa Ah yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I appreciate this idea, because then this this will help us in our advertisement also and we can relate with fruits and vegetables, the people's choices. That what our data shows that, so this w this w Uh the fashion trend shows that fruits and vegetables, like people uh now Spongy. Yeah, then only we can relate it with something. Yeah. Exactly. Or we can do something, we can design two three shapes and we can have a public survey, let the public choose what they want. Yeah, sure. I will be happy to do that. Yeah. Or we can we can do one thing, we can just have a remote control and casings of different different shapes, different fruit shapes in such a way that a any casing can be could be fit into this mobile general piece. So whatever people want, like if somebody want it in banana shape, we will put that casing onto that mobile phone, okay, it will look l Uh yeah. In that w S s sorry? Uh like if this is a like if this is a mobile phone uh we will design casing in such a way like half of, we need not to have a full cover, we will just have a half of cover, okay? If somebody wants it i in banana shape, we will fit banana shape casing onto that, so it will give a banana shape look. If somebody wanted in apple shape we will design that, we will put we will put apple shape casing on that. It will give apple shape look. So in that way you can have any, that means whatever you want, without uh yeah. Yeah, button will be on the upper side, buttons will be the on the upper side. Yeah, buttons will be on the upper side, lower side we will just put the casing, so half of that will be look the Yeah, not not the upper side. So from lower you can, it means while you are holding of from this side you c you can have banana look or apple look, whatever. So in that way we need not to d have different different shape mobiles everything, we will just design casings fruit shape. And Yeah,. But But but do you think that it will be a good idea to use dynamo, tha these type of cells? Because then people have to, well like if the cell is out of bat Yeah, to mo Yeah. Yeah, because most of the people Yeah. Uh, solar power will w also not be a good idea, because then they have to keep m their mobiles outside in solar energy, and the days when there is no sola sunlight Yeah. Yeah. What we w yeah. I think we should a rechargeable battery will be a good idea. They can they can recharge it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, that's Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Uh excuse me, Bri You just touch the pad, yeah. No? That's great. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Uh it was under a different name. I will show you, in shared documents. Uh working components. Oh, you didn't get that. I will send new. Uh I'll put it in shared documents, again. Project documents, sorry, I put it in the shared documents. Uh yeah. Right, that's great. But I cou can't open that, because it w asks uh for some username or password. I'll show you. Ts Sorry. Uh. Yeah, that's great. Yeah, th thank you. Oh sorry. Uh excuse me, Brian. You have to keep your pen separate, because I used your pen. S Hmm. Hmm. So sh should Should we leave now, Brian? Or we are going to discuss something? Yeah. Excuse me. Sorry. Thank you. Yeah. So. +Speaker D: Um we are So the meeting will have about the same format as the last time. So switching over I've just left uh my first two screens. Um I have mailed you the minutes of the last meeting uh just to save time. Um and is there any questions you have that arised from last meeting that are particularly bothering you? N No? Okay, cool. Then we shall start with a presentation from Raj. Alright, okay. Fashion. Mm 'kay. Fruit and veg, well there you go. Just what I think of when I think of a remote control. Mm-mm-mm-mm. Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm. Function F_ eight. Hmm. Excuse me. Uh, yeah. Mm 'kay. either. Uh okay. Right, okay. Yeah. Excellent. Uh no just escape should uh 'Kay. Looks pretty complicated. Right, okay. Mm-hmm, like the middle button. Okay. Ah it's kinda like scrolling uh right, well, if I s if I'm thinking of the right one, I've got the same thing in front of my monitor, you scroll it and the when you reach the sort of um menu item that you require, you press the middle of the scroll. Right, okay. Yeah, presumably. Yeah, looks like uh looks like something out of a jet. Okay. Yeah, I m I mean the one thing I think about about these ones is um these kl uh secured areas um, I've seen a lot of them with the the cover missing. So like have it hinge rather than sort of clip on or whatever. Yeah. I mean is that not sort of to assist the blind or something, is it? Strange. No they do, they do. They listen to it. Yeah. Right, okay. 'Kay but people tend to recognise certain shapes to do certain things anyway, don't they? Brilliant. That's handy. Okay. Okay. It's still it's still got to get within our twelve fifty, you know. Okay. Yeah. I can't see tha Although, th I mean to be to be sure they have got I mean they are going crazy with the L_C_D_ technology now, so that you've got your L_C_D_ T_V_s and everything so maybe the small But I mean like I I the black and white, I guess, it just doesn't look funky enough. Um but, I mean, like even mobile phones or whatever have now have colour L_C_D_ screens, w I ju I mean I wouldn't know about the costs of them. Twelve fifty. Possibly. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Well I mean we could make a Yeah. Well, si since we're going for the uh the k the sort of company colours, I think your lemon wasn't that far s And if it doesn't work you know, we've just made a lemon. Mm-hmm. I like I like the colourful buttons as well. Yeah. I mean we are marketing to sort of twenty five to thirty five, so most people will have come in contact with that kind of use. Yeah. And that means tha that means you get to bump that bit to the T_V_ maker, so 'Kay. Yeah, looks like it. Uh Yeah, I was just thinking the self same thing. Magic man. Mm-hmm. So this is a standard off the shelf kind of a chip, is it? Right. Okay. So can we make them to pretty much any size we like or is there a minimum or? They gotta be Almost a key-ring. Okay. 'Kay. Well. Well, I mean like la latex has a kinda spongy feeling to it, doesn't it. Um Yeah. And that would k also give it kinda durability and and ther that's also f sorta relatively cheap to cast. Um so maybe s uh a sort of uh plastic initial plastic with a a latex kinda sheath? Oh right, okay. I don't know what that stuff is. Yeah. Or at least incorporating, yeah. I mean I forgot i we're sort of uh I don't know what other standard silver kind of Other parts or uh Mm-hmm. Um. Um I quite like the multi-coloured buttons myself. Yeah or yeah a limit uh maybe even just a limited multi-colour so it it doesn't look too childish, perhaps. Yeah. Although I mean this uh uh also comes to shape as well. I mean if we are gonna make it a novel I mean double-curved sounds good to me if we're talking about sorta ergonomic and easy use, a bit comfier, you know. Yeah it's uh, yeah, that that'd be that's sort of comfortable to hold, easy to hold so you don't drop it. Well, yeah, I mean like Yeah, yeah. Mm and a lemon might be a little hard to grip. Yeah. They only cost pennies. Huh? Um. I mean that that th does it does seem a bit uh again childish maybe. S And sponginess. Huh. Uh. Yeah, why the hell not. Let's that'll make us fifty million Euros. Um. Well, I guess it's kind of dra uh you don't necessarily have to have it sort of clearly identified as a fruit just to have that kind of fruitish shape, yeah? Yeah, we can relate it by advertising or Yeah. There's a good man. There's a good idea. Um I l I su I mean for the specific functions, you know, up and down, uh play, stop. They've got, I mean, they've got standard sort of intuitive um things that are always used. That's cool. I like it. Um. Uh speech recognition, I think, so we need a microphone presumably. Yeah. I mean ho h h wel are we sure that scroll wheel does give ease of use? Glad, we're not doing this for real. Yeah. And uh I think if this this new software for the sound recognition is the microphone I would put it sort of sub-centrally, so it's Yeah. So it can be sort of held and w We really need really gonna need to hold it, if it's gonna be voice recognition. Oops. Um. Upsidaisy. I s I still like it. Um but that's me. Yes, or maybe it's just going a bit uh too far. I mean we are pushing it probably with funny fruit shapes. Um don't wanna sort of overkill. 'Cause I mean like uh if we I mean how good is the speech recognition thing? Do we want to go for buttons at all, do we want to just have a device that maybe sits and pretends it's a fruit? Yeah, you know, and then you just tal I mean like everybody's got fruit bowl in front of the telly. Um. Yeah. Make them make them think of fruit, yeah. I mean uh some uh I l like think of a fruit that could sit sort of independently on its own like uh, I dunno, an apple. Then it's just apple so sort of Uh, yellow apples though Hmm. Yeah. Okay, yeah, that's good. Groovy. Yeah,. Yeah. So I mean like you could actually Yeah, gives you the options. So a selection of casings. It kind of fi it fits with f fits with marketing um Like like mobiles, yeah. You can standardise those, I mean. I think tho I think if you're gonna have a facia then you'd want to have it so that it does go over the buttons, 'cause when if you think about it if they're wanting it, 'cause they want to look at it, if they're using it, and what they want to look at is facing away from them. It doesn't really You know 'cause that'd be in the palm of their hand and they wouldn't be able to see it, unless you have sort of you got the buttons options on one side, and you get the facia on the other side with a microphone so that you can place it face down. And you've got the facia, and you can just talk at the Maybe. So you've narrowed it down to half a dozen options. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, so we stick with what we've got there. Mm 'kay. Mm-hmm. Well, it's kind of gotta be our company's yellow. So again I mean like we could have, uh I mean, we could quite easily have the the main body be a different colour, but have kinda going round, yeah. Um I mean e even if I mean not necessarily that the um the whole body has to be of the company colour, so you know um blue and yellow tend to go to we well together. So you have the main body blue with the yellow logo and slogan running up one side of it kind of thing. W sort of Uh It's I think it's basically the more you move i it, it's got a wee thing inside that just kinda powers it. Uh yeah. Yeah, I like that, yeah. Yeah. Okay. You shake it and scream at it. Yeah. It does leave them with an obligation to Especially if they want to use it uh uh sp uh specifically as um voice activated. Then if it's just sitting on the Okay, okay. Right um what are the other options? Yeah. I'm I'm with uh Raj on that, I think, you know, I've got I've got no I've got a north facing house, there's not really ever sun coming in my window. Oh that's true. I mean I w I w uh that idea that I thought um just on the basis of like ridding them of batteries and that kind of bother is having a, yeah, having a rechargeable stand, so that not only it doubles as a stand, but um for using it as uh recharging it, but also for using it as sound recognition. Yeah that kind of thing. Yeah. Rechargeable.. What's chip on print? What's Sorry, never mind. Yeah, and if we if we're just having buttons and the speech then we're getting our cheapest option of chipping. That's good. Uh woah. Okay, we're we're kind of uh we're kind of um Excuse m I've just deleted that whole thing. Um we're kind of running out of time, so if you could Uh. Was that you? Um that was your bit's covered, I just dele I just accidentally deleted what I was supposed to say next. Um, yeah. Oh, yeah. And I just touch the pad. It's actually shut down. Okay, um now what we have uh our next meeting's in half an hour and what I would like you guys to do is work on giving me a model in clay. Yeah. It's you guys. Yeah. So um, you know I mean, luckily we chose a nice simple shape. Um and further instructions will be sent by your personal coaches. Uh yeah, I hope I can recover this, 'cause I've accidentally deleted it. Which doesn't really help me much. Yeah, can you save that uh send that last one again, please, Raj, as I still can't find it on the Okay. No. Okay, thank you. Um yeah, Project, Project Documents. Uh right, that's that's the that it goes there automatically if you put it in Project Documents. Project Documents is on the um desktop. Really? Oh right, I think um Hold on. Yeah, I don't know if y it it just ca it just came up on my um on my agenda. S Um presumably there's clay somewhere. Um. Four. Whoops. Light, light, please. Light. Right, there you go. Yeah, quite. And we're using this our basic chip set, so it's all good. Um I think we're almost done, yeah. Oh oops. Sorry man. Uh okay, still didn't manage to get down all the last bits so we had rechargeable and Uh. Apples. Mm-mm-mm-mm-mm. 'Kay, so we came up with that, that's okay. What's supplements? Supplements. Uh uh. See. I shoulda something like that. If I kn see I I knew that. I shoulda sort of engineered it so we k ended up making a diffi difficult shape. Just for cruelty. I wonder if they mean like literally make it, sort of buttons and everything. Um. Uh no, I think that's us our discussion over unless anybody's got questions or confusions, 'cause I'm confused. Huh? Um uh we'll probably get questionnaire in a minute, it's a There we go. Warning, finish meeting now. I rounded it up far too fast. Um. Where are we going? My Documents, that's not what I want. My Project Documents. There we go.","The Marketing Expert presented the results of a market survey that indicated users' most important preferences in remote control features. He discussed trends in fashion that should be incorporated into the prototype design. The User Interface Designer compared the designs of several competitors' remotes to decide which features should be used in their own design. She discussed using voice recognition, an LCD screen, and color to make the device easier to use and to improve its look. The Industrial Designer went over all of the internal components and materials that will be incorporated in the design. He gave a layout of the placement of the components in the device. The group decided to use a rubber or latex material to give the device a spongy feel. He discussed the color and shape of the remote with the group and the placement of the components on the device. The group discussed colors and shapes further, and decided that the remote will be yellow, and perhaps having a fruit-inspired shape. The group decided to use a rechargeable battery and recharging stand. The Project Manager instructed the User Interface Designer and the Industrial Designer to construct the prototype." +130,"Speaker A: Mm 'kay. Mm-hmm. Yeah the universal ones. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm, it's about that. Mm. Um well my first thoughts would be most remote controls are grey or black. As you said they come with the T_V_ so it's normally just your basic grey black remote control functions, so maybe we could think about colour? Make that might make it a bit different from the rest at least. Um, and as you say, we need to have some kind of gimmick, so um I thought maybe something like if you lose it and you can whistle, you know those things? Because we always lose our remote control. Okay. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Then you lose it, yeah. Kind of um, maybe more like a P_D_A_ kind of, just hand held, like, 'cause Yeah. No, I wasn't, no sorry I wasn't thinking of the screen of like a P_D_A_ but Okay. So you want me to look at shapes and everything you said? Yep. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Oh no,. Sorry it's okay. Okay, cool. +Speaker B: Slim. Uh yeah uh, being as a Marketing Exper Expert I will like to say like before deciding the cost of this remote control or any other things we must see the market potential for this product like what is the competition in the market? What are the available prices of the other remote controls in the prices? What speciality other remote controls are having and how complicated it is to use these remote controls as compared to other remote controls available in the market. So before deciding or before finalising this project, we must discuss all these things, like and apart from this, it should be having a good look also, because people really li uh like to play with it when they are watching movies or playing with or playing with their C_D_ player, M_P_ three player like any electronic devices. They really want to have something good, having a good design in their hands, so, yes, all this. Yeah. Yep. Uh. Hmm. +Speaker C: Uh, making a profit of fifty million Euros. So, it's go gonna have to be be pretty damn trendy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I was thinking that as well, I think the the only ones that I've seen that you buy are the sort of one for all type things where they're, yeah. So presumably that might be an idea to put into. Yeah, yeah. Uh 'cause I mean, what uh twenty five Euros, that's about I dunno, fifteen Pounds or so? And that's quite a lot for a remote control. Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Okay. The the keyrings, yeah yeah. Okay, that's cool. Okay. Okay. 'Kay. So, we're looking for 'Kay. We're Sorry, carry on. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. For for uh remember we're trying to make it for twelve Euros fifty. Okay well right we'll have to um I'll we're k having another meeting in half an hour so um we should all look into a bit uh, oh actually, no, we'll allocate. So you do the looking around at other remote controls. Um, if you could maybe come up with sort of shapes and suggested shades or whatever, and you could look into um basically how how it's made I_E_ like how you make it all in one, how what sort of materials are available to you whatever. And obviously, other instructions will come from the personal coach. Which will probably just usurp what I said so Shapes and colours and um basically how to make it attractive. Uh. And you look at competition and design. Cool. So we have uh Um. Okay, groovy. And no doubt we'll get um Sorry. We'll get um warnings for next meetings as well. Okay. I shall I can't imagine these are worth much. Okay. Fashion into electronic. Okay. +Speaker D: Alright so twenty five. So yeah, I've The only the only remote controls I've used usually come with the television, and they're fairly basic. So uh Mm. But but to sell it for twenty five you need a lot of neat features. For sure. Yeah, yeah. Right. Uh, what do we think a What do we think a good size would be for this? 'Cause I I know as you add more buttons to the remote it sometimes gets so big and clunky and there's just like a hundred buttons on it, or you could have a really small slim one but then you could lose it easily. Right. Okay. Wait for emails? Hmm.","The group discussed their initial ideas about the features that they wanted to integrate into the design. They discussed making a universal remote with a locator function. They also discussed the shape and the number of functions in the main interface. The Project Manager instructed the Marketing Expert to examine competitors' remotes, the User Interface Designer to research possible shapes and colors, and the Industrial Designer to research possible materials and the necessary internal components of the device." +53,"Speaker A: 'Kay, hello everybody. Uh, I guess you all know what is it about, you all received the email, I guess. Uh, we are actually doing this meeting to start a new project which is about designing a remote control. So I'm going to be the project manager of this uh project. And uh so I'm present myself. I'm Fabien Cardinaux and uh I I guess you can present yourself. So I dunno, you can starts. Okay. And you are? In the project? So, uh, so today we are doing a short meeting to present the project, so um We are gooding we are going to present the tool we are we are going to use during all this project. We are talking about the project plan, and we are going to to discuss about st our first ideas and so on, and, yeah. So we have around twenty five minutes to do this meeting. Um. So what is the goal of this project? Is to design a new remote control. So it should be, of course, new and original, and um it should be trendy, and user friendly. That mean it's a very challenging project, and uh uh. So w it's we will try to do our best, and hopefully come with something very new and that people want to buy. So, um So what's uh what are we going to do during this all this project? So it's more like we are going to do inv individual work all in o in o our specialities and we are going to meet each other quite often to discuss and to find a good way. Um. Yeah and everything is will be like this. Um so now we are going to to get used t to to the tools we are going to use all during all this project. So we can try to use uh the whiteboard here. So uh. For example we can try to write what is our our favourite animal and write the f our favourite characteristics about it. Mm. Uh. So uh So I will ask you all to do the same. Just to get used to the whiteboard. Yeah, yeah, you can draw the picture, of course. Oh. Never mind. Yeah., no worry. You can draw it, if you want. Good. So good um So, let's talk about money. Uh we are going to to sell we want to sell uh this remote control for twenty five Euro Euro. And uh our expected profit will be around fifty million Euro. And uh we are trying to to have a market all around the world. So n not only for Switzerland, but for the world. Uh. So, um. The We expect a production cost of maximum uh twelve point fifty Euro. Yeah, of course. Um, so we can start today to have a first idea of what we want to do what are our experiments with remote control, and any idea? So, if you have some experience, good or bad, with remote controls you can share it and say what you f what is your idea. Anything. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Are you not afraid that if you take your remote control you can move the slide and it could the the volume can go up very quickly and it can Yeah, also if y when you take the the remote control, for example on the table, you take it and you push the button and everything is very loud, and you have a heart attack. Okay. Yeah so you can Do you have something? Yeah, that's true. Yeah without obstacles and. Okay. Let's continue. I have a meeting in five minutes, so maybe we should hurry. Um. So we will close uh this meeting. So we will have a next meeting in uh thirty minutes. Um. Uh. The So I will ask you to do some work. Uh the the interface interface developer will work on the on the design of the remote control, start to to have new idea and read about Yeah. Oh. Industry and Oh. Yeah. So, um For the User Interface Designer, which is Hamed um, uh, you are going to work on the technical functions of the remote control. And for the Marketing uh Manager, I dunno, okay, which is Bob, uh you are going to try to to find the user requirements f uh for the remote control. Um, you will receive by email uh the specific instructions and uh by your personal coach. Yep finished. So I see you in thirty minutes. Thank you. +Speaker B: Now what. Okay, so my name is Petre. You can call me Petre, or Peter if you like. I don't care. Uh, in the project I'm supposed to be the technic. Bob, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. So probably I would try to try to draw the animal. Well sh should I draw the picture of the animal? I I th I think I should. Okay, so. Um. Okay, American, um. Um. I would use the bird. So I tried to sketch it out. I had to first uh write it down because I am not absolutely sure if I can draw it, but ah. Can you recognise it as a bird? Okay it's your turn to Oh it's okay. Yeah. I should get used to the tool, so. Oh just wait a little bit. C could we put it here, to make it as straight as possible? Ah probably not. Okay, it it works like this. Are you left-handed? Oh, pity. Ah, it's maybe better if you leave it. You won't draw them, or? Just try. I would like to see how it looks like. No, I think it's clear. It's okay. It's in it's indeed beautiful. Okay. Bob. Have to remember it. Bob. Per unit, I guess. Y oh okay. Okay. Oh. Okay, I have also some points uh. Maybe two points. Uh first would be that in current remote controls there is no back light, so if you are if you are uh playing with this in the dark room it's it's probably worth to to have something like uh back light. And maybe it could be also dependant on the the amount of of light in the room, so that if if it's in the day it doesn't need to be back lighted because it works on the battery, so. So something like this. And the second thing, f second point from me would be that in a normal remote control there is uh there are two buttons for volume control. But I prefer like a potential-meter or something like. You know, some slider or Not just two discrete buttons for volume, but something which Yeah, but I can reach In uh one second I can mute it down, or or make a high volume. Ah, n. If it drops to the floor then it starts to scream. Yeah, f It depends what what you feel about that. Yeah but we can we can think of these things afterwards, but if you have some more notes on that. Okay. Um. Okay, just a second. Which i which is Hamed,? Okay. Uh I am the Technical Designer, I dunno which one, uh v. User Interf Okay. Okay, so I'm the first one. I see. Sign. Okay. Uh. +Speaker C: Uh my name's Bob Mor. Oh, sorry. 'Kay. So my name's Bob Morris. I'm the Marketing Expert for this project. Bob yeah. Yeah go ahead. Okay, okay. So I think my favourite animal would be a c a cat. That's its head. Um I probably like cats the most because they're cuddly and furry and uh playful. Okay. Thanks. Maybe put it up Put it a Maybe put it on the desk or something. Uh, that's better. Your lapel microphone's fallen off. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe we should just continue. Yeah, don't worry about it. No. Oh that's good, it's good. Yeah, and strong. Well, from experience, um I've had remote controls in the past that have had very they've had lots and lots of buttons and they've been very small, and it's been very hard to to to use, because there's so many buttons, and you know it's very hard to see which buttons do what, and the buttons are very small and very hard to press. Um and and normally you only every use, you know, on a T_V_ remote you only ever use, mostly, you know, f four or f six buttons. Um. So it's frustrated me in the past, th that. Ah, okay. Okay. Okay, n Is that because the of the discrete volume levels, or is that Yeah. Yeah. Okay. He's the Industrial Designer? No, you're the Industrial Designer. Yeah, I think that's the first. I_D_. Industrial Designer. And the second one is the User Interface Designer. And then last one's marketing, which is me. Great, okay. Thanks guys. Bye. +Speaker D: My name is Hamed Getabdar, and uh I'm going to be Interface Designer in this project. I dunno if I should go with this. If it is enough line. I'm sorry. Okay. They should be remote. Okay, thanks. No. Okay. Should I clean? Okay, I think like horses uh because they are strong and beautiful, so if I want to write it here, I think I can. Oh. Okay. I dunno if I can. Okay. It may be like a cow or I dunno, whatever. I'm not good very good in drawing. Okay, so this is very It's a bird, I think. I dunno what is it. Four. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. I'm shameful Yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm. Uh I Yeah, just a simple experience. I uh I prefer um remote control working with radio waves, because remote control working with infra-red rays you should you should you should keep it in a specific direction and then try it hard to tune. Mm. Yeah. Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay, thanks. Bye.","The project manager opened the meeting and had the team members introduce themselves by name and their role in the project. The project manager introduced the upcoming project to the team and then had the team members participate in a tool training exercise in which each member drew his favorite animal on the white board and discussed what he liked about the animal. The project manager also discussed selling prices and the project budget. The team then discussed their experiences with remotes, focusing on various features they would like to see in the remote they will produce, as well as features they find unappealing in current remotes." +90,"Speaker A: Okay okay Okay. Hello. Okay. My name's Poppy. I'm the Industrial Designer for this project. Um, I'm going to be responsible for the functional design phase. Also the conceptual design and the detailed design for the final product. Okay. Okay. So this is a television remote control? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Got those notes. Okay. Okay. Oh, to go first. Oh, are we all doing it individually? Okay, let's stand up and support you Okay. Do you have elk where you come from? You do. Okay. Sheep. Yeah, cows. That's a great elk. Yeah. Brilliant. Mm. Very nice. Okay. Okay, I'll go next. I am a big animal lover. I like all sorts of animals, but for the moment I'm gonna draw a cat, in memory of my poor cat that died recently. It's gonna be a bit of a strange drawing, but never mind. Not as artistic as Heather's drawing. Bit more cartoon style. But I like cats because they're so independent, and they always seem to be doing what they want to be doing. Um, but that doesn't mean they're completely not sociable, 'cause they enjoy interacting with humans as well, and they seem to enjoy the good things like sunshine and, um, running around outside as well as being inside, and enjoying their food, and generally just, they just seemed so cool and they just know what they're doing. Uh I reckon they're sort of, they got it sorted. They know what they want. Basically, that's why I like cats. I'll rub that out. There you go. Ooh. Well there are loads of different types of dogs, so I'm sure it'll represent one kind of dog. We can pretend. Okay. Yeah, that's true. Very nice. Okay. Okay. I always find that in our house the remote control always goes missing. It's always, where is the remote control? So maybe if you could have some kind of tracking device for the remote control or some signal that you could find out where it was. I dunno, some kind of alarm. You can press a button on your wall, signal, 'cause it always gets lost. Yeah. Yeah, that you don't use half of them. Yeah, that's, that's Yeah, it is. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. A novelty. Are we going into kind of novelty factors here. Like, I've seen phones like a Okay. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I suppose, if we're he heading to have it, like make a huge profit out of this, it needs to be quite a universally accepted thing. Like, a novelty thing might only sell a few things rather than, like, a general kind of more acceptable But we don't wanna go towards boring, 'cause that wouldn't sell either. So, hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Industrial Designer. That's me. Mm-hmm. Okay. Thank you. +Speaker B: Alright, that did nothing. Okay. Welcome to the meeting everyone. Just gonna attempt to make this into a slide show. Sorry guys. I did. Twice. This'll just take a moment. Or it won't. Okay we'll have to deal with it like this then. Alright. Um. This is the first meeting uh for developing our, our new product. I'm Heather, I'm your Project Manager. Okay. So um. So that was the opening. The first thing we'll do is get acquainted with one another. If everyone could go around and explain their role and um, and their name. Nice to meet you Poppy. Alright. Alright I'm Heather and I've I said I'm your Project Manager, um Well you can pretty much read what it is that I'm doing. But um um Yeah. And uh tool training is one thing that we're going to be doing today, um um as well as planning the project, how we're going to, uh, create this product, and, um, discuss, um, our aims and objects of this, uh Which brings us to our next subject, is, um, um, as a team we're going to be designing and creating a new kind of remote control. Um, we want this to be a marketable product that can be trendy, um, a completely new style, so that, um, can really appeal to a, to a generation that doesn't want a simple plain kind of, uh, channel-changer. And, um, it needs to be user-friendly for, um, maybe, for an example, for people that, um, can't see the numbers as well, or, um, perhaps an ergonomic design. Yes, it's a television remote control. Right. I believe I should be taking minutes on this right now. So, alright. Um, yeah. Um, the way that we're going to go about this is, um, we'll have a time where we can, um come up with new ideas alone, and, and work on the project and then, um, after we've brainstormed and, and thought about, we can come together in a meeting and, and discuss what, what um, what kind of functional design we want to use. Same with conceptual design and detailed design. So, um, making sure that it, it's usable, that as a, um and that it's, it's feasible to create, and uh, to come up with a concept of it want, what we want it to look like. Um, tool training. Is, is everyone, um Okay. Great. Great. Um One thing that, uh, we're going to do is become more acquainted with the, the tools that we have access to for our project. Um, one of them is our whiteboard. And, um, as a sort of team-building moment, um, I, I'd like us to, um, try out the whiteboard by expressing our favourite animal and the charac characteristics of that animal. Um, why that, why that should be your favourite animal. So, um, I, I'm assuming that we should do that now. 'Kay. With our microphones still attached to our bodies. Okay. 'Kay, what's my favourite animal? Do come up. This is a team-building time where, um,, okay cool, um My favourite animal, which changes all the time, okay, right now it is an elk. alright, so And it goes like Yeah it's got like big antlers, yeah. Looks kinda like, like it has holly growing out of its head. Yes. Yeah we have moose and we have deer. Do you have 'Kay, um. Thanks. This is my Okay. That's a sketching of my my elk, and it, it is my favourite animal right now, 'cause it is a large beautiful majestic creature, that um, that um In a way it looks kind of awkward, because it's on spindly legs and it uh But it can really overcome harsh terrain, and although it's gorgeous it's also very dangerous, because it has um strong antlers, and uh it can really combat its enemies, even like it it's a it's an herbivore but, uh, it can really defend itself. Yeah. Right. Right, I'm gonna take minutes while, um, you guys express your favourite animals. Oh. Great. I forget her name. It looks kinda like a person. It's kinda like a peacock. Great. Do you hear the eraser buzzing while you do that? Yea Right. So, now that we know how to use the whiteboard, um, the next, um, thing we need to address is our financial department, to meet our our budget, um or not meet our budget but more, um, like what kind of, uh, selling range we'll be looking at, um, wanna make this um selling price of twenty five Euros. And so we have to, um, come up with a way to, to create a, a uh remote control, where um we can like the price to create it will be significantly less. Um, we'd like to, um to, uh, make fifty million Euro. I'm assuming that's what the M_ means. Um, and make it for an international market. Um, one thing we'd have to think about internationally is in the design of, um, like different kinds of, uh, V_C_R_s. Things like that, depending on which country you are. Another thing for the design team to think about. Um, we want it to cost, uh, absolute maximum of twelve Euro and fifty cents. I'm bad at math. 'Kay. Um, so now that, um, that is underway, um it is discussion time. So this is time for us to bring our initial ideas, any um suggestions that you may have so far, a um your personal experiences with remote controls, and um, um, areas you see that, uh, could be improved in your experience with them. Does anyone have any initial thoughts? Mm-hmm. So what's something we could, uh, do to remedy that? Yeah. It's a great idea. It's a great idea. Alright. Anything about, um, the look of the, uh, remote control that you might have ideas about. Maybe it could be, instead of like a standard rectangular shape, it could be, um, something more interesting like Any ideas will do that you have at this point. Can hold it. Yeah. Well if it's a trendy original, um, aspect we're going for. I mean, you're the designers, you c, you can um decide what kind of, um, direction you wanna go in, but at this point in the, in the first meeting it can be any ideas that we just throw out there. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And the key issue here is, is being trendy and original. Um, that does not necessarily mean it needs to be outrageous. Right. Okay we have five minutes left. So, just to cover We have one more thing. Um, like you can go over your ideas, of course, in your own personal times. Um, our next meeting will be in half an hour. So you have half an hour to, uh, think about what you want to present. Or not present but bring to the meeting. Um, I_D_, whatever that stands for. Industrial Designer. I have to remember these things. Um. You'll be beginning your, your working design. Um, U_I_D_ the technical functions design will, will be worked on the next thirty minutes. Um, maybe how this can be achieved, and, um, we need the user requirements from the manag Marketing Expert. Um, you will get specific instructions, um, of what to do in the next half an hour. And I'll see you in half an hour, okay? 'Kay. +Speaker C: My name's Tara and I'm the User Interface Designer. I will also be responsible for the functional design phase, the conceptual design phase and the detailed design phase of the user interface design. Gosh. Yeah. An elk? A vicious We have sheep. That is really good. I'm quite Very good. Okay. I think my favourite animal would be a dog, but I'm not really sure how to draw one. I, I've never drawn a dog, I don't think. I'm tempted to draw a snail 'cause I draw them sometimes and they're really easy to draw. Um, right it's gonna be a really funny dog, 'cause I'm not sure how to draw a dog. It's a cartoon dog I think. A s I don't ev Oh, oh well. It's a scary cartoon dog. That This, that does not look like a dog. I'm sorry. How do you draw a dog? I suppose it has a lon Oh my god. Right. Yous know what it's supposed to be. It's a dog.. Um, I like dogs because, um, they're so good to humans, like they can be trained to be police dogs and seeing-eye dogs, and they're just such friendly animals. And, like they're more of a companion than cats. I've nothing against cats. Cats don't really like me, so I can't like them. But they're just so friendly and warm and nice animals, that don't look like that. Yeah. Do yous not find that, um, like, there's a lot of, um, buttons on your remote control, and you don't know what half of them do. Yeah, I don't know what they do. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. +Speaker D: You may have to do the function F_ eight thing. Oh, okay. Hi, I'm Genevieve. I'm the Marketing Expert. I'm an expert at marketing. Um, I'll be telling you guys about the user requirement specifications for our new product. Um, I'll be doing some trend-watching in the conceptual design, and product evaluation for the design phase. Yeah. Thank you. We have moose too. Uh-oh, we have a good artist. Oh, very shapely. Oh. Tara or Tara. That's Pinocchio. Alrighty. I feel like a robot. Okay. Um, well I guess I had the most time to think about it. I'm going to draw a butterfly, because I saw a butterfly yesterday, that seemed to be like the symbol of Spring arriving. And it was actually the prettiest butterfly I've ever seen out in the wild, and I though that was pretty cool in Scotland. It was like, well it was a little pointier than that. At first I thought it was a dead leaf. And then it landed on the wall next to me. But this part was all brown and then it has these big blue dots like this. And then it kinda there was a green, I think it was a green ring, and there was like red going out like this. Yeah, it kinda was actually, 'cause it was This part of the body was really dull, and then it was the most colourful exotic butterfly ever, and I'm like, wow this is the middle of Scotland in like March. So I thought that was pretty cool. And it landed by a wall and let me look at it for about two minutes. I wish I'd had my camera. So that's gonna be my favourite animal because after all the snow it seemed to say that like Spring is finally here. Yeah. There you go. Uh, what do we Oh. Yes I do. Okay, so we'll have a hundred percent profit then? Twelve fifty. Okay. I find that in the dark it's often hard to know what button you're pushing. Um Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. There's some remote controls where there's kind of a hidden panel, so all those buttons that you don't really use unless you're programming or something. That's useful. So you just have like the number buttons, power button, T_V_ video button. Could be shaped like a conch, you know. Be like a shell-shaped remote.. Interface? Oh, industrial. Marketing Expert.","The project manager opens the meeting by introducing herself and asking everyone to say their name and role in the group. She then states the agenda of the meeting and tells them that they will be designing and creating a new remote control that should be trendy and user-friendly. The meetings will focus on functional, conceptual, and detailed design. Next, each group member draws their favorite animal on the whiteboard and explains the characteristics of that animal. After that the project manager covers the project budget, and then they begin discussing their personal experiences with remote controls and how they want their remote to look. Then the project manager closes the meeting by telling each group member what to do in preparation for the next meeting." +8,"Speaker A: You could change the vegetable, or fruit. Yeah. It's been a l It's been a little bit difficult to um make sure that it's hand-holdable, and that the user can use it, you know, it's not too big. Uh but we think that this you know, this size will be okay and we will have to fit the battery case in there somehow. And I guess the only other thing that we really didn't talk about was or design yet actually, would be the um thing the locator. How how so Okay so that's just So you have to have a button on your on your you have to attach the button to the Yeah we have that that has yes yet to be designed. Yeah that c hey that that could you know match the handset. You could have a broccoli, or you could have a mango. So. Tada. Mm. Yeah. Is it possible that we can bring this up on our own Is it meeting three minutes? No it's not minutes. Okay. Okay. Cool. True's one and false is seven. So it's actually a scale. Okay. Does it feel fancy? No. Yeah. Okay. One. Hmm. Um three. Yeah. So it's a one was true and seven was false? Okay, so you guys really didn't like it? I was like, why did you guys design it that way if you hated it? Yeah. One. Uh three. One. Uh two. Uh one. Yeah. Uh one. Uh. One. One. One. Two. One. Which one is that again sorry? Three point one? I think What if we just smash all the vegetables down flat? And like then it you could hold it in your hand better. Yeah. The flat one. Yeah. Yeah. I didn't yeah. But like if if you just squash them flat like and you made it flat But it's still too big I think, in your hand. Yeah. Yeah like certain ones you'd have to limit the fruit selection, like you could probably do a strawberry still. I think the broccoli would be out. You could do, although the broccoli is quite comfortable, I have to say, like sorta like a joystick. I don't know. So Uh. Rhubarb. These obscure fruits. I think we needn't Huh? Oh okay. Yeah. That could work. Yeah. Yeah. I dunno. Yeah. 'Cause yeah no-one wants to hold a remote that's uncomfortable obviously. Or like I dunno, some of 'em you can kind of think see as like like you could if it was only this you know, if it was shaped like that, and it just had that. But you see the problem is you have to attach that, and this has to be detachable. So like maybe that's just too big because Yeah it's sorta like a joystick. I dunno. I guess Yeah. Dif Yeah. Yeah. Like uh we could do I'm trying to think of other sha like fruits that are oddly shaped. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. We could tr I don't know. Cool. Well Yeah the broccoli I guess wins. We were a bit off task. Um so uh I can't think of any So we'll have to like Mm. Yeah I dunno. You could make the touch pad in th in different shapes, but then that kind of re-designs the whole project like, but you could do like Yeah that's true. Yeah. Yeah that's true. Mm. Hmm. I did. The prototype making was very creatively stimulating and I think we've come up with a product that's fun and meets all the criteria. I think you were fine. You did a good job leading. Yeah I think it more than anything we didn't really have our set roles so much, as we just would be like I don't know, all had ideas about it but yeah. No. Hmm. I felt like my I dunno if it was just my role, but l but uh I di I thought that my the information that was available to me was kind of just like or maybe it was just the idea that we had. But there's kinda it was kinda like okay, I don't really think I dunno what I'm doing here. So I didn't really think it was helpful. So I kind of just made up my own stuff and I didn't really like the PowerPoint presentations, so I kind of wrote a lot of notes instead. But yeah I d I don't really like PowerPoint personally, think it's kinda stupid. Yeah but uh Yeah. It didn't really yeah. So like a f Yeah I think so. Yeah I mean, it Yeah I kinda thought that um I felt like I would go and like try to use my information, or like I'd make this stupid little presentation and then like I just would end up talking about something completely unrelated because I dunno I felt like I was off-task all the time. But um Yeah. I wanna s I I'd like to see what what it looks like on the Yeah I think I'd like to um I dunno. Like it was the I think the microphones are okay when you're sitting down, but like they're kinda clumsy I guess when you're like when you're s going up to the whiteboard like. Yeah I dunno. But they're they're okay. Uh I think, and I think that uh all this technology like I guess some people must be interested in using it but I can't imagine finding it any more useful than like looking at someone's notes, or like I dunno. Hm. I guess it would be it's gotta be worth it to I 'cause I'm just mostly curious about like what kind of person or like company would would really find it useful, 'cause can't really imagine, dunno. How about a p a? Um I dunno. Yeah. M meeting adjourned. I think it would be a good idea, I like it. +Speaker B: Okay well um. So our design looks something like this. This being the wheel that you use to uh change channels or volume or whatever. This is a button, serves as the power button if you hold it down, and if you just tap on it I think it brings up the menu. And uh the base of the remote control, which has a squishy spongy rubbery feel, is interchangeable. So you can change the colour, according to your to suit your living room or whatever. And it comes yeah, I can change the vegetable. This one's broccoli. So this snaps off and you can put on whichever one you want. This is not to scale 'cause it would have the battery inside it. This is a mango. The it's trendy fruit, it's not just ordinary fruits. You don't have orange, you have mango. Um I guess strawberry's not as trendy, but So we'll come up with a variety of trendy and exciting fruit designs for the remote control. And then people will be encouraged to buy three or five of them, because they'll need to switch 'em out. Mm-hmm. Well the locator is just chip that's inside there. And the beeper's also inside there too somewhere. Yeah we didn't design that. But it would be coordinating with that of course. Mm-hmm. My impression was that flat meant like like one of those square remotes. But it's really not very clear, because you got single curve and double curve and d I dunno what that means. One side is curved and then the other side is curved. Mm-hmm. No I think that's alright. Mm-hmm. Hmm? Feels like play-dough. I'm gonna say yes. I imagine they're somewhere on the front. We have a little case that you slip 'em in. 'Kay Five. Five. It's four if you wanna do that. It adds to sixteen, so that's four. Oh I thought she said five. Six. Huh? Wait a minute. I thought it was the other way round too. Sh Yeah I I was thinking one means no points, you know, all the way up to the top. I'll just I'll just reverse them all. It's no problem. I thought you guys hated it. Okay. Say two. Two. One. Uh two. Yeah I put it down as one point four for some reason. Mine has all kinds of problems. Uh three. Wait why did I put three? I meant one on mine too. Three point one. I have four. Three. One. Two. Three. Two. Mm-hmm. I think the wheel would probably be mm. I think the base would definitely be larger, 'cause some of these are not as easy to hold. They're kinda smallish. Yeah. Well if they're that s uh stress ball stuff they would be pretty squishable. Mm. Not that I can think of. Rhubarb. So it's just colour, and not necessarily the shape of a strawberry. We could make it that shape but just have different colours, and call 'em the different fruits. We went with shape because we were having fun with the play-dough. Mm-hmm. That everyone gave that a one or a two. Yeah they'd probably be either on the front or the side of the remote. No I imagine there'd be sort of a hatch door, yeah um like on a normal remote. So it would probably either in the f no it can't be in the front 'cause the I_R_'s right there, but it'd be on one of the sides probably. Yeah I'd agree with changing the shape. Um, I was just having fun making strawberries and stuff. It might also sort of annoy people if we get used to having the buttons in one shape. I bet having different colours is a lot cheaper than having different shapes too. Sure. Sponginess. I think it was good. We knew what we were doing. It was a very democratic process and everyone got to contribute. Well you told us when to start and when to end, and that's all that matters. Well I'm not a big fan of any Microsoft, PowerPoint or any of this stuff. No no I never touch Macs either. I just use the Unix or the off market, sort of WordPerfect and all these other things. Yeah. Well the problem is if you don't like my new computer never has WordPerfect so I have to go track someone down who has an old disk and then I have to reinstall it. So I have all these documents I can't use now. But yeah I mean I guess it's okay. Yeah. I never use it. Yeah. My first bit of information was like this child's drawn picture of how a remote works. Yeah it probably does. Yeah. Yeah well mine was mostly made up except when they told me like you know titanium costs more than wood to make a remote control. As if you'd wanted to. Well I think it's interesting how it all went together, like I had the stuff about how me how rubber's cheap, and you have how people want it to be spongy, and It seems planned you know. Yeah. If I hadn't been told that fruit was They're pretty cool. They're kinda hard to write with though. They're nicer than the pen that I'm using, because like your stuff actually shows up here, rather than having to look at the screen and write. But even so, I dunno. Oh yeah. Well they drop off if you like move too much. But I don't think we're supposed to be testing these microphones. Maybe we are. I don't know. Well the thing is, like I actually worked in a company, and I had a role and I had to go to meetings. And like the last thing I would have wanted would be to have to watch a video 'cause I missed a meeting. Like usually I missed meetings deliberately. There's just there's really not that much information that actually goes through a real meeting, like when you're actually at a real meeting in a real company. It's mostly like rehashing old stuff. And you're sort of going over general stuff that anybody who's sort of on task should already know. It's like the there's just really not a lot of information that goes through. It seems like way overkill. Like if I missed a meeting I could probably get it summed up in like one sentence. I wouldn't need to have to watch like a t two hour video with the sound and the transcript and I think I've learned not to bring play-dough to meetings. It's hard enough to get people actually paying attention. Especially if you have food. All of us? +Speaker C: 'Kay. Hmm. Okay everybody. Welcome to the detailed design meeting. Um Let's see. Our agenda. Last time we discussed the squishy fruitiness of our remote controls and how we might pursue that. Um and I think looks like we've come up with some ideas. Um and we also talked about materials we'd use and what kind of chip would be necessary. Um so for later in the meeting I've done a a spreadsheet of production costs so we'll take a look at that. Um and see if it's changed at all from when we last discussed it. Um so actually I think Yeah um f you guys wanna give a prototype presentation of Oh is that broccoli? 'S a very bright strawberry. Oh yeah. Yeah. Oh. Um if you wanna look in your project documents folder, there's an Excel spreadsheet. Um the only one that's in there, production costs. And if you open it up. Um I've just stuck the numbers in, it was a real challenge there. But if I missed anything that we've gone over, or if you see something that has changed I mean, we decided on batteries, and the regular chip would be necessary for the more advanced iPod-like button. Um I said uncurved or flat. I think that's what you have there, is that right? For the for the plastic part would be Oh. Okay. Right. Well yeah. If we're talking about the area just oh I d I dunno. I guess we'd have to contact the company that makes them and see. Um so what else? There's plastic for that area around the button. Um and then rubber would be the squishy like thing right? Um and lots of special colours actually. Uh scroll wheel. Do you see anything that I've missed? Okay so that would make our total of eleven point nine, which is even less than twelve point five, which means we'd be making even more of a profit. And if we sold a lot of squishy things. Boo yeah. Okay. S So Mm. Did y what did you work on? The Okay. Do you wanna Okay. I think that's Huh, the PowerPoint one? Yeah. Um we can do it separately and then discuss it if if that's what people wanna do. Wait, one is true and so these are the questions we're answering. And one is One, right okay. If it's somewhere in between you put four. Okay. Are we just about ready? I don't think so. It's yeah the the marker thing kinda stopped working last time we Our animals will forever be there. Un unless you feel you need it t to okay okay. We'll Five. I I think we should Yeah. Yeah. Six. I wasn't cheating I swear. Uh. Oh I thought it was the other way round. So we do have about the same thing, we just have it the other way Oh gosh. Okay. Well Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Three. Two. One. Two. Two point I think I missed two. Wait, is that two point one? One point four, one point five. Okay right that's I have two of them. One. Yeah. Yeah. Three. Three. Two. Five. Four. Two. Okay. Um No no that's um I think we should look at the ones that like where s where people said four, where um it looks like we might wanna discuss changing an aspect of the remote. The that was material. Mm. Um Mm-hmm. Does the shape See I'm having I'm having trouble imagining the is it uh gonna be the size, like the the controller? It or bigger? Because Yeah. No but I imagine even if it was bigger, like if it's round and it's big then you you can't get that's why remote controls are long because you have that thumb kind of so c they could all be bananas and cucumbers. Um but I don't s I I personally don't think this is comfortable to to sit there, like it's an awkward position. Yeah. And would it even resemble fruit that way? I mean Yeah. Yeah. Yeah that I I when you were holding that before, it actually looked yeah. Yeah. What if um the it was just patterns on like we we chose the shape or the sh shape could be whatever we wanted and then it would just be like a design on the rubber. You know like like just a printed yeah or coloured yeah. Or I mean we could even have fruit like around I mean But if we if we need yeah. And if we wanna incorporate the fruit thing somehow, there might be I mean if it if it in if it uh conflicts with the comfort of actually holdi holding the Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Well see th the reason the broccoli works is you can kinda hold it like that, which is a nice kind of yeah. But I mean is there some way we could make it this kind of shape? 'Cause like kind of Yeah, yeah. Or like even Or even like Yeah like you said, like a joystick like that. You know? 'Cause that, I think I mean that fits the whole round iPod idea. And you still have the comfort of holding it like that. And you could like if it's like this, you could put fruit designs and stuff on that part. But I mean it do we have any other ideas about that? The batteries are going in the back? The reason I I ga I didn't give it a one I think I gave it a three because I thought you'd have to like unc clip no you could Just like any other one. Okay. Yeah. Right. Okay. Mm. Okay. Yeah. And it would probably cost more to produce, 'cause they're irregular. Yeah. Which is why printing might be like just printing the fruit on fruit. Mm. Not really Well we've done finance evaluation criteria, production evaluation. Um so project evaluation. I guess we're supposed to discuss um the prod the process of the project and how satisfied oh, oh it's alright. Uh. Yeah. Um Did you feel there was a lot of room for creativity in the sort of Yeah. I mean fruit and squishiness. How c more creative can you get? And how was our leadership and teamwork? Well I thought my leadership was crap personally. Excuse me, am I allowed to say that? Yeah. Um. Yeah, well I'm never gonna do a management position, I know that now. Um yeah, I thought we all worked very well together. Yeah. Yeah. Very democratic. No spats, that was good. Um and the means for like the materials we used, how convenient were they? Like the the pens, the whiteboard, I mean we used Are you a Mac person? Huh. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. I can't say I found everything particularly helpful. Like I It Really? I mean m my problem yeah, yeah. 'Cause my problem was, you guys had access to like they'd put send you to sites and stuff right? See I couldn't do that, so I didn't really know what you guys were doing. And when you were talking about it I was just like you know that's wh that's why I seemed so ignorant when when you were j explaining things, 'cause I Yeah. Yeah. System. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, huh. Yeah. Yeah. Well I mean we really got into talking about like personal practicalit like it wasn't necessarily what was like we would never have thought of fruit or sponginess you know? So it's Oh right. given certain information or Just yeah. Mm, mm. What do you guys think of the pens? It asks about that. Mm. Yeah and I I've f forgotten once or twice to check the box. Mm. And new ideas found? Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Seems kind of like an excessive reiteration. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well does anyone wanna talk about fruit more while we still have time? Any other ideas for Um we still have time if there's any other input. I mean the I think we did really well personally, which is why we've you know, gone through this so quickly. 'Cause I mean we've all we all kind of agreed our product is satisfactory, it fits the budget, and it's trendy. So. Um. So I think that's all for today. Meeting adjourned. Yeah. So I guess we're supposed to write final reports. 'Cause I don't know. Hmm. Hmm. Or is that just me? +Speaker D: Um evaluation criteria. I've got a presentation. So I need where's the cable? Right what happens is we have to um decide whether this this whole this whole project we've been working on actually um meets the standards we were set at the start. Um. Right. This doesn't okay. Um the method is we well I've analysed the user requirements and integrated them to the trends found in marketing reports and in our company strategy marketing. And um the findings were that we need it to look in a certain way, feel in a certain way, and this is everything's listed down. Um, look in a certain way, feel in a certain way, it has to be technologically innovative and it has to be easy to use. These are all things we looked at at the start, um and criteria that have to be met. We have to use a table, I'll show you that later, together to decide whether it meets the standards. And we we have therefore in total um We have five we have eleven points according to which this should be evaluated. And um the cri well basically the findings are the same as the evaluation criteria. I would like to show you the table we have to use. Um. No. This is the table. Can you see this here? Um so the que the questions I've given you c could you write that down? True is one and and false is seven. And we'll just go through each point together, hopefully. Um. I think if each of us gives an opinion then they can be mixed somehow. I dunno how it works exactly, I haven't been told. Yeah it's in the um it's in the project documents. It's called evaluation criteria. And it's under evaluation. Yeah. You've found it all? So it was um Yeah true's one. Do you want us to discuss this together or do you want us to do it singly? Yeah okay. Um, yes it's if it's fancy you put one, if it's really unfancy it's seven. Yeah, something. They shouldn't really be questions. Should be more like Are the batteries easy to insert? Yes? Very very true. Okay. Okay. Apparently I'm supposed to use the whiteboard. Do we um is it necessary? We'll just do um Yeah. Okay. I don't feel any right um Right so one point one? We'll just go in a circle. Right. Ooh I don't know. Right. One? Five. Two. Okay so do we just add it up and divide it by four? Is that what the company does? Yeah? Oh no. It adds to thirteen. One five five two. One five five two is thirteen, over four for now. I think that's um next? Really? Two. Uh-oh. Right. One point three is Yeah. I really Well uh Yeah yeah. It was one is true and false is seven. I should've kept the table up. Right, well I'm glad this came out. Yeah. No. Oh that's quite funny. Okay. Okay. So, starting again, one point one? Two. Okay, one point two? Two. Okay. Um, one point three? Ha. Two point one? Yeah. Oh dear, okay. Sorry. Two and one. Sorry about that. T two point two, which is one point five. Okay. Three point one. Is that correct on my slide? Yeah? One, four, three, three, three point two? Three point three. Four point one? Two. Four point two. Two and four point three. One, two. Right so I put one on that. Okay I'll um I'll just do the calculations now if you want to continue. Or is it tedious? I'm I'm sorry this was so tedious for everyone. I didn't know how else to do it. Okay. Well the worst ones were three point one. Do does every ones have the slide? Three point one. Slide show. Material technologically innovative, okay. Um, do you want to change it? What are the suggestions? I don't know, anyone? Yeah that it's three point one was not that good. Four point one. The shape. Four point two? Yeah. That looked really good. Are there any fruits that look like broccoli, no? I think that broccoli is my favourite actually. Uh despite the Yeah. Yeah and just have the colour match or something. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um Think the critical ones came out to be yeah that one.. Batteries easy to insert for some reason, which can be easily I think that's not a problem any more. No. I think everyone's under three anyway. So I think it's yeah those are the only two points. Yeah. Do you want this and we can all No. It's alright yeah? Yeah. Yeah we didn't we uh it all c sort of blended quite well. Which isn't very user-friendly though. I though it was brilliant no? No mine was really helpful as in my stuff was quite helpful I think. I think it depends on the role no? Yeah. But it must have been quite difficult for them to build a whole um a whole system, 'cause of course they can't give you uh uh anything comparable to the internet for the Yeah, yeah. No. But I think that it it might be to see whether people actually all come up with the same thing. Yeah, like if everyone's given the same input I don't have a clue, anyway. Um what's next? Looks like oh no that's not um It's quite Yeah. Yeah it's all very new, no? It's all very new. Sorry. What what's the end? Are we are we supposed to um you supposed to write a report? Or we ending? Is that the end? End of meeting. You have to tell her, she Okay we have to fill in all this stuff. Stuff stuff stuff. Yeah. Well there's al eight, nine. Ooh. Oh ooh.","The Project Manager reviewed the minutes from the last meeting. The User Interface Designer and the Industrial Designer presented the prototype and displayed the changeable fruit- and vegetable-shaped covers. They discussed the locator function that will be designed at a later time. The Project Manager discussed the final production cost for the device, which totaled 11.9 Euros. The Marketing Expert led an evaluation of the prototype. Each participant rated the prototype according to the original criteria for the project. The group discussed the areas in which the prototype did not meet these goals. The group felt that the changeable fruit and vegetable shapes were uncomfortable to hold. The group decided to make changeable covers in fruit colors and designs and to use one uniform shape. The group discussed their experience on the project. They felt they worked well together and were creative. They complained that the meeting-room materials were difficult to use, and some complained that there was not enough information provided to them. The Project Manager instructed all participants to write a final report at the end of the meeting." +13,"Speaker A: Mm-hmm. Marketing Expert. Mm. Okay. Yeah. No sure. Uh it's David Jordan. Course. Mm-hmm. No, no. Uh this one doesn't want to be moved, I think. So, I dunno, it's maybe difficult to have both, I mean the the one on the right doesn't look so simple and Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, and then Yeah. Oh it should okay, yeah. The user should know. Yeah, that's gonna be the trick. Okay. So that's the point. Mm. True. Okay. What the cost is? Twelve, twelve a half. That might just So. Okay. What's the average price of this technology then? But this is what you would like to ask the user first and I don't think the user would be ready to have a I don't think well, yeah, I don't think he would, but in a sense The wire? Yeah. True. Uh that's my job. That's the Now the Yeah. Well that's actually one of the point, yeah? True. This you will see in my presentation then. Yeah. Which is participant four. So just trying to answer all the questions, if the user would be happy to have something or something else uh. We've made a study, so could you go to next slide. Sorry for the functional recurrence. So that's the standard method for marketing, okay. We had one hundred subjects, um, we observe their remote control use in a lab and then after all the experiments they had to fill up a questionnaire, um, and see what was okay or not for them. Okay. So then it's some statistics about what we observed and what they answered. Um actually seventy five percent of the users find m the most remote controls uh ugly, okay, so that's Yeah, the the look is is bad for them so uh it's your job, David, maybe. Then eighty percent of users would spend more money um actually if if the remote controls were not so ugly. So this is where we could have uh yeah, good market, I guess, if people are ready to pay more. So it's it's interesting information, I think. And then um yeah, the remote controls like the one you've shown previously it's not so doesn't fit the user requirements sometime, because it's too many buttons and so on. So we should change this as well. And uh users are actually zapping a lot, so they're using the device intensively, that's something to take into account as well. And um, you know, ten percent of the buttons are actually used in the remote control. And uh this is one of the main point for me. But I'll come back to it later. 'Kay. Could you go next slide? Uh, so as you said uh, remote controls are often lost somewhere in the room. So this is from the experiments we've done, so if we could solve this problem this would be interesting for the user, I think. Um it takes too much time to learn how to use the remote control for thirty five percent of the people. And uh remote control are really bad for R_S_I_ problems for twenty six percent of the users. R_S_I_ is like, when you're using the same um doing the same movement several times, then you get injured. Okay? So, those numbers are less important then the previous one, but still it has to be taken to count. So last slide. Um so my pres personal preferences for this problem is we have to meet the user needs. If we can make it look fancy then we might sell more than our uh concurrent, okay. And definitely if it could have less buttons, still maybe the same number of um functions, but less buttons, this would definitely be a good way of selling more. Okay. So Yeah, remember the user is not happy to read the manual. It's Yeah. Yeah, this is something we sh But this was first step and This was the first step, yeah. Specially distribution, yeah. Uh Yeah, but this is what we would ask to the users, so. Yeah. Yeah, remember it's twelve Euros. Hmm. Yeah, it's done, just yeah. If we would if we could remember like, not too many buttons and make it look fancy, I think it would make it. So. Lame, or Mm-hmm Yeah. Mm-hmm. So has to be yellow. I don't think it's part of the remote control design anyway. It's maybe more in browsing. Yeah. Hm-mm. Mm-hmm. Min Yeah. Regarding the first line, what So we're just expecting no more use of the teletext. And that's it. It's already changed for Mm-hmm. Industrial Designer. Yep. Okay. Yeah. +Speaker B: Industrial Design. One one. Three three, it's three sorry. In one, sorry. So you didn't save it maybe. Alright, so David Jordan? Mm-hmm. Too great for email then. Yeah. To merge the two system huh. Mm yep. But But this is Yeah. Yeah you maybe you have some international standards, where you know, if you can use one is the other are or almost the same, so the sign. Yeah, yeah. For example, I dunno here, escape, you know, you have escape in computers you have, so if you see escape, you know that it should be the same. So you have to The sh the user there for example the power off button it is something very international, you know that So. Yeah. So. Yeah, but the question is how to merge you know the Google system to the system, alright. That's your job It you Okay, okay. Participant two. Yeah. The rationale must be design, or So we can move to the next slide. As you all know, you know m my job is to design you know uh to give an industrial design of the remote control. So the re basically the remote control will be, you know, infrared control, so the problem is how to relate the how to relate the remote control device, like for example this one I h I'm holding in my hand and the T_V_. So, this one is leather bu based but I propose a nifra infrared base you know, so so for me I think that it is better it's bet it's better to control T_V_ so you know, so it's it will be cheaper and it is less technology than, you know For the cheap price we have, for the cheap price we want to I think it's cheaper than laser, so. Yeah, I think for the cost we want for the cost we want it's better to have uh uh Let's see. Yeah. You can move to the next slide, so. So the di the differen the findings you know what you find inside the re i the the system here inside it is just, you know a bulb and an infrared bulb, so here for example the infrared bulb will be here and the bulb it will be somewhere inside. You can go to the next slide. I have some kind of pictures you know, here. You have the b the bulb, it is a blue the blue stuff here and the infrared and the infrared bulb it is the red stuff you know and so and you have the other subcomponent that are not really here so important, so. This is in fact some other component that are in between the electrical de the electronic device. Look. But here what I wanted to emphasise it is just you know the bulb and. So and the next slide, it is the last one it's So it's I think it should be wire wireless re remote con Because you know, it's easier to manage and you know because you f the b the the battery problem can hold you know will you use a battery or the a wire to connected you. Or maybe some kind of thing that we can have both, but you know, I at my side prefer a wireless. Okay, so if you have some question I didn't answer? Well the avera the average prices I think that this technology will cost, I dunno, around eight Euros, so. Or at least you know, the You'd yes, you can. It's so so bres you have to decide how how you will you know, put some energy inside, so you can think about wireless or you know it's it's a question that we can raise, so. We can think that you know, with the wire, you know, without a wire. We can have both also. Yeah, but some pa I always want to have you know, sometime I want to have wire because you know. Uh, I don't think it will be too much. Have to think about the question, you know, 'cause it's I think that you know you can always you know I think wha wha with the wire it's mm cheaper but you know the wireless it's more practical, so. Okay, yeah. Yeah but, it should be an agreement, you know, because even if you can think of the wireless, it is it's it is the job of the the the g Graphical User Designer, but you know. If it is a lot cheaper and if you want to reach for example some the the money you have, if you want to use, so it can be good to have a wireless, it it is a question. Right, so. Okay. Mm-hmm. The look, how it look like. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. The manuals. With a Look fancy. This is a question that should be asked to the If you ask the people, maybe the the marketing people. I think the solution is to have many colours of you know instead of having one grey standard Yeah, yeah, maybe. Yeah, maybe. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, hmm. Yep. So. Yellow. For cheap remote control, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, 'cause what I'm thinking is how will you will connect the T_V_ to internet, so. This is Yeah, but this this mean that your T_V_ would be able to, you know, connect to internet, you know, surf the web. Okay. It's pop I don't think it's popular, so that's the problem so. You had i if you are designing a remote control for you know the global usage, so if people don't have the technology. Yellow? Do you think that people like the colour yellow? I think if you have you know th like a yellow ribbon here is the double R_. Or should be. Yeah, so. Doesn't need to be completely yellow, but just mm. But I dunno, but why, nobody's a threat to me. Industrial Designer, yeah. Component component, yeah. Good. Okay Okay, that's clear. +Speaker C: Okay. Okay. No no no. One. I I think I'm a. In one. It's mine. Mm yeah. Okay. Okay, so. The first I will present the technical function design for user interface for our uh remote T_V_ control. Uh I I will focus on user interface design. Um so move to the next slide. As we know our remote c rem remote T_V_ control it's very has very soph sophisticated functions, as we show from this picture. There's a lot of functions. Over, I think over s twelve or twenty s functions of a remote T_V_ control. So how can we um design a user interface with so sa with so many sophisticated functions? Um, let's move to next slide. Um. Yeah. So I so we want to design uh elegant, easy to use inter interface. A very good example is Google. As we know uh Google it's a very successful because his um powerful function, but with very easy to use user interface. Um so move to next s slide. So my job is to uh design a Google T_V_ controller which I want to have sophisticated functions while with very easy to use user interface. So That's the end of the talk the end of the presentation. Uh With sophisticated functions, but with very yeah powerful. Yes. Yep. Yeah. But if we have very very good user interface it take less time for user to learn how to use it. Yeah, that's my job. That's my job. It's not the easiest I've got to. Yep. Powerful and easy to use. Yeah, that's the point. So what, the wireless remote control? There's a wire with remote control? Okay. Okay. Okay. Wireless remote control. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Design a wireless remote control. Yeah. Functions. Yeah. Yeah, I think possible. Because we can We can uh mix uh several function in one button. So lets you then you have less buttons. But I'm not sure No you you can have a switch menu, so you can well for example Yeah, I think so. Like for for example you can uh you can category the function i i into several classes. Then for um you can have a switch menu, so you put the switch menu to it it tend to this kind of this category of functions. Then you you put the switch button, then it switch to another category of functions. Yeah. For example, if you have remote control you you can rem you can control your T_V_ and also you can control your uh recorder. So there's a different functions, but i if you you there's a button you can switch between control T_V_ and control your recorder. So we can has less buttons. But what I'm not so sure is about how to make the remote control look funny look fancy, not funny. Because different people have a different opinion about fancy. You know. Because maybe a colourful is fancy for some people, but maybe simple and uh uniform colourful is fancy for some for other peoples, so. Yeah, personalised colour. Because you know Yeah, because maybe some people prefer a red remote control, some people prefer black remote control. Maybe we can have di di we can have uh several options, so user can select which colour they prefer, so. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Control. Mm-hmm. Mm. Okay. But there's balance between function and the cost. Yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hm. Okay. Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And cheap. A low cost. Yeah, there's that box in uh o of it. A pi There's that box in the T_V_, so with the set box you you can connect internet with your T_V_. Ok It's It's not so uh popular now. Mm. Global, okay. So I I so As as for the colour, what what do you think? Yellow? T_V_ remote control? Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay, okay. Okay. Mm. Okay. Okay. Okay. +Speaker D: So, I will open our functional design meeting. So, I will play role of the secretary. As also Program Ma Manager. So, we will have the three presentations from the In Industrial Designer, User Interface Designer and um What's your talk? Marketing Experts. And after that we uh will have the uh new product requirements, the decision on the remote control functions, and we will close the meetings after. Mm so um I suppose the first to do the presentation will be the User Interface Designer. Um, so you're participant two? No you're No, I'm participant one. Okay, never mind. 'Kay, did you save your presentation? Isn't that technical functions? Name's Jordan. So so I'll I let David Jordan do his presentation. Uh. Mm. So you propose to to have the remote control which will be powerful. So powerful, many functions and very easy to use. You mean this one? Yeah you have to learn the manual before using this remote control, I suppose. Oh you mean for the yeah pic pictograms or things like that? Yeah um such as maybe the Go on, go back and So, you will propose us something which is yeah so powerful and easy to use. Okay. So, next I propose the Industrial User Interface to present things. So you you're Um. Okay. So, Baba is the uh the Industrial Designer. Okay. Mm-hmm. So you mean that infrared control is a cheap technology? Yeah. Do y you know the requirements for the remote control? Twelve, nearly thirteen, yeah. The cost Mm-hmm. Okay. Yeah. What is this? Okay. Okay. Okay. So you think that uh a cable between the remote control and the T_V_ won't be a good idea. No it wou maybe it will be cheaper I dunno, I just may maybe you making a solu Yeah, but Yeah but as Industrial Designer, do you think that it will be feasible to have uh linked or to have link between the remote control and the television? I'm just asking you. Do you think it will be cheaper? Could you answer please? Okay. Yeah, but I think the wireless problem is more the um David Jordan's problem. As it's yeah. I think it's more your problem. Mayb maybe you have just to to kind of research or try to ask people if they will like something wireless or not. Okay, I'm sorry. So So just think of um the usability. Yeah. Just think of the problem. If when you have wireless remote control and if you lose it? I think it's would be easier to have a link between the remote control and the television, yeah. So I will let you to do your presentation, so. You mean the loo the look, the outside? Okay. Mm-hmm. What is R_S_I_? Ah um okay. Mm-hmm. Mm okay. And just to have uh an idea, do you think you as the User Interface Designer to would it be possible to have less buttons and still have the same functionality and to have powerful remote control, you think it's possible? Sure? Yeah? Yeah. Yeah, but do you think it will be easy to use? Because if you have many functions just for one button it would be quite difficult for the user to know. Yeah, I think the Yeah, but it has to be intuitive. Yeah, okay. Okay, but Yeah, but Mm-hmm. Yeah, but I think it will increase the price of the production of the remote control. If you need to have special colours for remote controls it will cost more. Yeah, it will cost little bit more. And also f Yeah, but as soon as you speak about options, it means that the price increases, and we don't really want the price to be too too high, because we wanna be able to produce it. So, we want something fancy, as uh previously said, Florent, something very easy to use, powerful and also as uh it's written here, seventy five percent of users, they zap lot, so maybe just having many functions in one button is not that good if you want to zap a lot. And they don't really want to zap between functions of their remote control, they want to zap between channels on T_V_. So I think you have quite lot of points to to think about and to discuss it with uh the other members. So, is it okay for your presentation? Nothing else to to add? Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm so So, I had some new information about the product requirements, so you will have to take care of it of it in your thinking, in your designing of the remote control. So the first one is that um for the designing of the remote control we don't really want to use the teletext anymore, as it's something that's It's is uh No yeah, because now everybody has internet at home, so it's better to use internet then teletext. So, you will have to think about it in your in in the design of your remote control, and also the remote control will only be used for television, so for y for you your designing, you're not you won't be uh you won't had um buttons to just to manipulate yeah to control the recorder or maybe the garage door or things like that. It's because if we want to to do remote control which will be used for for the television, for the recorder, for the camcorder and all the others, it will become too complex and it will increase the pli the price and we can't do that. We really want to focus on the remote control for the television. Is it okay? So maybe it will be easier for you to to design it, to have very powerful and easy. And also we want the image of the uh um real reaction be recognisable in the product, such as the colour and s the slogan. I mean that's uh if uh you want to buy a remote control and if you go in a shop and if you see the remote control you will recognise directly that s it's our product. So you will have to use the colour of the product, of the um um of the uh of real reaction and uh also Yeah. As we say, we put the fashion in electronics, so it has to be a fashion remote control. Fancy, fashion, powerful, easy to use. Require lot of requirements, but Yeah. Yeah. But uh that's your your job to find something mm matches. Maybe not, but mayb So. So everybody is okay with the new requirements? I think it has to be yellow. Yeah. Maybe you can change the colour, but the image of the society has to be recognised. Why you go It has to be fashion. So you have to Yeah. It has to be a fashion and really be uh the image of the society. Just when you enter you say oh, oh, it's real reaction. Think it's a re reaction remote control, so. And also it has to be attractive, of course, because if you want to sale to sell the remote control. It's okay? Yeah. Yeah. I think it would be simpler. Okay. So I will close the meeting, um just after that we'll have lunch break. And you will have in thirty minutes individual work. Uh Y you You will have as the I_D_ I don't remember what is industr Industrial Designer to put um pon yeah, and the User Interface Designer to work on the user interface concept. And Florent to work my subject. And so specific instructions will be sent to you by your personal coach. It's okay? I think the um session is closed. And by the way, Mister David Jordan, please record your presentations in your own folder. Not in mine. Should be better.",The User Interface Designer discussed some characteristics and functions to consider in designing the remote and introduced an idea for giving the remote international appeal by merging it with a system such as Google. The Industrial Designer discussed the interior workings of a remote and presented options for components and materials which would keep costs low. The Marketing Expert presented consumer preferences and requirements. The project manager introduced the new requirements for the project. The team then discussed different features they could include in the design of the remote. +60,"Speaker A: How're we placed in terms of the alright. It fell That's why. Ah. Sure. Mm. I'm Ron. I uh once upon a time studied in Victoria and I am the User Interface Designer. Go for it. Alright. Think I'm just gonna put down one uh one C_D_. Anybody? No? no? Afro beat orchestra, very cool. Yeah. Fift S they like fifteen members from Brooklyn. Um and I'm hoping to go to the concert in Belgium, in Brussels in April first. Yeah. It's supposed to be in Brussels anyways. Um thing I love about Edinburgh Love um I just came from Glasgow and I'm um happy to say that there's the there's the same quantity approximately. Um. I w Does uh yeah. Ready? Minging? Nice. Uh-huh. Nice. Nice. I assume that we're building a stand alone uh remote control, we can't kind of build it into other uh products. For instance like a mobile phone or something like that. Or or you know can we produ can we sell a remote control phone for twenty five pounds or less? Yep. Okay. Mm-hmm. Nice. Hot. Now are we also discussing kind of our initial ideas at all here? S does anybody have any initial ideas? But I'm thinking I'm thinking kind of P_D_A_ uh design so touch screen design rather than button so that you can kind of flip around all sorts of different things. Too confusing. Mm-hmm. Possibly. I'm pretty sure there is. I mean I I have a friend who has a P_D_A_ that he just points at his telev any television he wants and it'll figure out the the specifications of it and will control it um so I th I assume that that can be done with uh kind of around the world. Oh. I like the idea of the uh multi plate. In in I like. We should c we should come up with a fuzzy one as well. For those cold winter days. Well if we bundle it as a phone then you can always call it. If you're not doing that then we can have something that just kind of rings from either well there used to be those whistling devices but that's a little bit annoying. Th Yeah. That's cool. I think we could design into that. Curves. We're talking twenty five Pounds or twenty five Euros? Slight difference I guess. No. Thank you. +Speaker B: Are you sure I got it all head's kinda small. Okay. We're okay? We're good? I guess it's gonna be hard to drink coffee. Mm. Uh okay. Very official. You're just gonna believe me, we'll go from there. Fair enough. Prove it yeah, okay. Works for me. There you go. I'm Sarah, I went to Michigan, and I'm here doing cultural studies and I'm the Marketing Manager or something. Marketing, yeah Expert. Expert. Fine. That's me. So. So do we have to wait for you to write it down or are you gonna tell us? I'm waiting to know. Uh Fair enough. Oh, Smallville. I went to high school with Tom Willing actually. The guy. Yeah. Yeah. Very much so. Hell of a soccer player but a total bastard nonetheless. Yeah. He is a big guy. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Good call. Interesting. I guess I'll go next then. Okay. Don't wanna lose all my mikes, plugged in here. Okay. This is basically just pen practice huh? Okay. Oh you're much taller than me so I'm gonna write down here. Um. Right now I'm listening to a lot of somebody nobody's ever heard of, Chris Bathgate, local Michigan folk singer, really lame and uh uh what else did I bring with me? Probably classical, to totally geek it out, yeah I think. And my family guy D_V_D_s but we don't need to write that one down. So yeah. No. Are you getting it online, or is it on sky? Yeah, that'd be nice. 'Fraid not. Mm. Exciting. That'd be. Oh. I didn't even read those. Oops. I shouldn't admit that. Yeah. It's the five by five, I can't read that much. Yeah oh it's so horrible. Oh my God. Seriously? It really is Yeah. Slide it in there. Yeah. Yeah fair enough. I've already got more than I can keep track of. And I'm gonna go home next week and everyone's gonna be like oh my God you're turning into one of those people, no. I know. I know. Oh it should be interesting. Wait until I tell them I'm not coming back. They're gonna love that one. Probably. Or at least get a work visa for a while and then decide. 'Cause nice. Of course. Oh, now I can think of so many other ones. That's how it works. Mm. Oh Any thing that are like free. Nice. It must make all the difference. Ah. Right. Mm. There you go. Mm. Makes sense. Uh. What they're looking for. And negotiate that. Uh. I don't think there's any rules about it yet. So Yeah. Mm. W yeah. I like the little cover thingies. Hmm. Good idea. Start your minutes. Um Well it's pretty much given it's gonna be universal right, we decided that already and it may be functioning for other things, as soon as you said that I was thinking like all the other things you could get a remote to do, like your microwave or your front door or like to have everything on one thing, but then, I've never been a fan of those huge remotes that have like a million buttons, you can't tell what they do. Yeah. Specific. Okay. Interesting. True. Mm. Mm. Right. We want it to be munt multifunctional but at the same time if you get it to do too much you're not gonna be able to tell them apart, that whole yeah. Hmm. Mm. An interesting option. Yeah. Definitely. Right. That Yeah. Awesome. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Keeping it nice and slick, would be important. And I don't know, like, there's such a problem with losing them, that adding this whole like P_D_A_ pen business is only one more thing to lose, so we're gonna have to be careful with what like Just something like keep in mind when we start actually dealing with this stuff but that would be really cool. Yeah. Fi b like what are they called, those face plate things? Isn't there a name for them? Are they? I dunno. Yeah. Something really cool. Leopard print or something. Hmm. True. Right. True. Right. Right. Right. Probably. Good. Mm. Yeah. And that titanium the new silver sleek ones that's last couple of years, very much so. Mm. Right. Right. Mm. Definitely. Yeah. Or if you our users in mind, like these grandmas are not gonna be into this whole new let's design, no it's they're used to the buttons so we'll have to be careful of exactly who we're marketing this to, and who we're gonna be able to get it out of. But Euros. Mm. Mm-mm. Mm. Okay. With half an hour? 'Kay. Perfect. Cool. +Speaker C: Like that? Okay, cool. Okay? Right, so I'm just gonna start this PowerPoint real quick. Yeah, PowerPoint. Yeah, well, you know,. Yeah I kinda like this I'm kinda getting into it. Right. Um. So just to kick off the meeting basically um so we're working now for a real reaction, this is uh so it right. Just got an agenda to set out what we're gonna try to accomplish in this particular first meeting. Um We're gonna just do a quick opening and we can hopefully all get acquainted with one another um then we're gonna start talk a little bit about tool training. Essentially that means getting used to the only thing that we haven't tried out yet, the whiteboard. Um we've got a general plan for the project how we're gonna go about accomplishing this and then just a bit of discussion close up. Um I guess you know game or something um in real life um so yeah basically I want to I'm just gonna you got of course you can discuss that, I'm thinking about um uh proposing that since we've got this weird blend of ourselves and our roles that we just don't ask, don't tell. Um so um if you say something about marketing, right, sorted, um y is Exactly. Um I mean obvi if if you guys if if at the same time if you like logically if something doesn't like if I'm like we're gonna sell a remote control that's the size of this paper book you know um you say like well that doesn't seem like such a good idea because of X_ obviously go with it. I mean we'll discuss it but I'm not gonna ask do you know that or uh yeah it seems like yeah yeah exactly so, 'cause we're what we're sort of role playing is y g yeah you're gonna tap into your own knowledge as well um. And that's the same for your when we do introductions I mean um and you talk about your background you know have fun, you know maybe you went to um uh you know maybe i you're like in Maine you went to U_C_S_B_ but you wanna say you went to Harvard or something like that, why not, you know you can this is you know I guess we can have a little bit of fun with it. So are you guys okay with that does that seem logical? Sweet. Cool. So I guess that that we're totally we're making a remote control which is thrilling um uh but the idea is that we can make something based on the whole corporate model I dunno if you guys had time to check the in real life I dunno if you guys uh checked the um uh the corporate website. Um we've got to make something as fashionable as possible, that's kind of the corporate strategy is we're gonna try to take ordinary stuff that nobody really thinks about and try to make it nice you know like John Lewis nice or you know if you go to Debenham's or something. So um basically we are reinventing the wheel but we wanna try to do it in a user friendly um slick sleek kind of way. Um way we're gonna go about doing that is basically at first we're gonna start on the basics. And that's where I'm gonna need you guys the User Interface Designers and the um um the other designer that I can't remember, the the I_D_ and the U_I_D_ right um the Industrial Designer hey right on alright, getting into it um to guide me and guide us on this project 'cause you're gonna be you're g you guys are the bottom you know you're like no you can't do that you can't have you know X_ and Y_ um at the same time. And then um we'll work up from what is necessary to more like what would be good, you know like um I I think you guys probably got the same emails I did but the idea of um, yes a coffee pot needs to be able to hold coffee but it's also better if it's not like really cheap glass so that it if you touch it you hurt your hand, or something like that. Um and so we'll work up from there and um then we'll meet on and talk about it and then finally we'll incorporate as kind of the last stage you know where you guys build or tell me tell us what's possible and then you tell us what we can um hope for and what way to go take the the the take the basics and make it nicer and then ov obviously uh the U_I_D_ and the I_D_ you know you you can keep on the you know sort of at the cutting edge of how to get about maximising what is possible um to try t of sync it all up. So that's the detailed design. So it's a three stage kind of thing. Um right so for now just for th the white board um basically uh just to get used to it, I haven't tried it yet either um I'm just gonna start and um mm carry like five remotes around um and just write down I'm just gonna write down one of the names of my um desert discs you know if you if you were trapped on a desert island and you could only bring five C_D_s along with you name one of them that you could, not all five, if you wanna write all five go for it but name one of them that you could um. Oh, we skipped introductions. Nice. I'm a excellent Project Manager. Um. I'm Marty, um I went to uni at uh U_C_ Santa Barbara and I'm here working on a P_H_D_ in psychology. Um yeah. So Expert Don't play yourself down. Expert Where did you go to uni Nathan? Oh brilliant. Cool. My little brother goes there. Right so desert island discs. Yeah. Well I'll t i no no yeah I'm just gonna write a couple of 'em down. See I'm a big music fan I don't know if you guys are, I'm assuming everybody likes music to some lesser or greater extent but there's some other options, if you're a T_V_ slut like I am like Smallville terrible television show but I happen to love it, it's rubbish but I love it. T the the main c the main character? Wow. Is he a wanker? He looks really tall, like he's gotta be like six six. Yeah. Um okay so I really like Jeff Buckley. You guys heard of Jeff Buckley? Um that's cool 'cause like not very many people have. Um and um oh well I might as well throw a British person in there um you can't go wrong with Radiohead. It's a r Okay so it really works just like a pen only makes noises I think. It's kinda weird. Anyway yeah. Yeah, you're like press and it's. Kinda cool. You'll see. Alright so um whoever wants to get up next, you can write down some telly that you watch or whatever you want. Right on. W Mm. Nice. Okay yeah yeah. Well yeah. Oh, family guy. Isn't h has h do you watch the new season? I think I'm gonna start downloading it yeah. Mm-mm. Afro beat orchestra? Very cool. Mm. Wow. That's what a PowerPoint presentation is for. It's they're designed specifically to ignore. I it's th brilliant. Ah yes yes yes okay I see that. Vomit. Yes. Street pizza. It's so brilliant. I've seen more urine in this city than ever before, I mean It's so minging. Uh. I'm going local. Going local. I have to be here for three years so I might as well get the terminology right. Oh, have you been home yet? They'll be like, say something British, and you're like oh shut up family. Right you s you're gonna stay here? Wow. Bad religion? Yeah yeah, yeah. Well yeah that's why yeah. I miss coffee. Burritos. Oh yeah two two bucks. Where are you from in California by the way? Did you really? What part? Yeah I'm from San Diego as well. Yeah oh man. Going to s like North Carol I'm sorry you you just can't get a better burrito than what's available in the s in San Diego. Well it's it's i there's other things too there's you just can't place it like I when I went to school in the U_ in Santa Barbara which is central California the Mexican food is okay, it's just not good like and yeah it's like two bucks, like literally two bucks for this massive I miss yeah good call on that. Um just literally just metropolitan San Diego, I live like five minutes from the zoo. So North Park actually if you want to get real specific. Yep. Yes. On university, yeah. Yeah it's actually like literally half a mile from my house. Yeah, pretty cool. Small world as we were discussing before. Especially when we're all from the same general region. Right so okay, success on the whiteboard. You can harness the awesome power a little bit introductions we talked about some of our C_D_s and things we like about the city you know, I think we'll Um right so moving on to not fun stuff uh project finance. Um basically what we're trying to do is sell this remote for twenty five Euros. Um. This is what the finance department has told me, the C_F_O_ but I don't know, I'm not sold on this, it's pretty dear, I mean twenty f that's like you know forty bucks for a remote. It would have to pretty much like do my laundry for me. Um so what we can maybe work on that a later but we're gonna make a lot on it, the profit aims to make fifty million Euros on it. Eur internationally. So um one of the things I I was gonna mention to you um you guys the designers is that um it m we probably need a rever it needs to be a universal remote control probably. Um so something that could do N_T_S_C_ as well as PAL as well as various other formats like if it's gonna control D_V_D_s but um you know I'll leave that to you guys but that's something that i i it is gonna be an international sold thing. Um but we wanna try to make it for twelve fifty. So we wanna try to make a hundred percent profit on it if we can. Um s right so um just to close up, I'm not sure how much time I've used mm next time right Project Manager, sorted. Um. Is uh we'll meet in another half an hour or so um and I'd like the um Industrial Designer to get ge think about what needs to be done, like what the basic function of it. Um U_I_D_ well yeah you right g your assignments are up there and you'll also get s assignments from in your email as well more spec specifics on what do do. Um mm basic and um so I need you to tell us what um we what the user's gonna want. So actually in a way you guys c maybe in our next meeting chat a bit about what the user's gonna want and what the user can have, you know like uh so yeah well it is and we'll discuss the trade-offs in between um so yeah specific instructions will be sent in your email. But I think that that is more or less a good place to start for now um and as more things come up we'll have meetings and you'll get emails and so forth. Um any questions, before we get started? You mean to like Hmm. Yeah. Well, have a think about it. I mean I'm I'm certainly op it seems like yeah it it seems like it's certainly do-able isn't it. I mean um or if we can't have a full mobile phone maybe a remote that has some other kind of useful function. The clapper. No I mean no, good idea, good idea. We'll see what see what Uh-huh y I like that Yeah. That's true, I guess we we probably have some time, maybe we should brainstorm a bit like what we wanna do, go back to um I don't really have any. Let me bring up something about our basic goals here, what we want to accomplish. Uh project announcement. Ts ts ts Yeah. Not so much. All right we'll find them, we're on our own. Yeah yeah let's do it, let's do. I'm gonna go ahead and take notes on this too 'cause Yeah I mean oh yeah right. So initial ideas. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah that's slick isn't it. I mean like stylist yeah like a just a yeah. Right so we got five minutes more to chat about this, perfect. Um so we've got this kind of an idea of a trade-off between um uh size and functionality. Um and we also I'm also gonna note for future reference this idea of um so you like maybe like an L_ like a touch screen type of remote? I don't think one exists. Be a good idea. Yeah all the other universal remotes. Um I don't know if there's such a thing out there, I guess we could do some uh do some research on or one of us could do some research on it about whether or not there are um multi-format like um you know PAL, N_T_S_C_, region one Okay. Okay. Interesting. Okay. Okay. Okay. Um all right. So. I li I'm liking that idea, this idea of a touch screen remote with multi-format features. Um. Um. Let's see. Mm. Uh let's see. Um. Yeah yeah okay. Think they're just called face plates? I don't know. Um. Mm. But if we're bundling it unless we're selling their telly with the remote. Um Cou could we not do something where like just a little lit like literally just a very small kind of thing that comes with the remote that you could place something else that you press and it makes the remote page. Kinda like how on a lot of um uh cordless regular phones, you have a page button and it goes, could we do something like that? Um yeah I think this material quality as well like I guess what we can think about what kind of um uh you know Apple 's been really successful with this surgical white kind of business or this sleek kind of you know Yeah. Yeah. We do have the minimum am amount I mean we were talking finances I dunno, selling a a forty Pound remote would h or a forty Dollar remote, twenty five Euro remote would be pretty you know it's pretty expensive so maybe we might wanna trade off some of the features for a lower price. Without without getting into that whole like you know go down to bargain store remote you know bargain store universal remote that's black and you know m massive, some kind of I dunno a balance there in somewhere. But um have a think about what we can do, have a think about what we want to do, how we're gonna sell it and um Mm. Twenty five Euros. Yeah. They're all weaker than they're all stronger than the Dollar. Although, computer parts, all if you're gonna upgrade your computer, buy it in the States. Like um do you guys know Fry's? Huge computer uh electronics store? They serve um right they sa tha s they will sell things overseas so you can buy stuff in America and have it shipped over for like twenty thirty Pounds about. Right so um let's go ahead and wrap that up here for now, I'm gonna put these initial ideas that we've got in the um project documents, so if you guys wa need a reminder about what we've talked about um the different you know kind of trade-offs that we've got and the other ideas, you can consult them at your leisure. And uh right so thanks for that. Let's just uh head back to work on what we were talking about bef uh goi h h getting into. Um. Yes. Thanks guys. +Speaker D: Guess I should probably try to sit up straight. Oh, I think mine's fallen off. Wow. Oh yeah, that's fine. Right. I'm Nathan, I'm from California, and I'm here doing a Masters degree in social anthropology. U_C_L_A_. Yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm. Wow. No. Sounds nice. Oh, wow. There's more vomit there. Alright. Yep. Um Let's see. Yeah, that's the music I grew up listening to. And so there Something I miss about my hometown. Burritos that cost less than eight Pounds. I grew up in San Diego, but yeah um La Jolla, P_B_. But really uh I last lived in San Francisco, I haven't lived in Cali well I haven't lived in southern California since I was eighteen. It's different. 'Cause in San Diego th the tortillas are cooked on the grill and in northern California they steam them. Yeah, it really does. Mm. Yeah. Where you from in San Diego? Okay. Yeah, my grandparents lived on um thirty second. Close t uh do you know where Clare de Lune coffee shop is, and Cafe Forte Cool. Yeah. Wow. Okay. Mm. Sounds interesting. Maybe our personal coach will have something to say about that. Yeah. Maybe a remote with changeable faces, like the faces that you can buy for phones. Yeah. Yeah. S smaller's better. Simple. Oh right. That'd be different. Yeah. It's gonna be too complicated, too crowded with buttons and things. Needs it needs one outstanding feature to set it apart from all the other remotes. Right. I think, making it out of a nice material would be very important, because so many of those remotes that you see, these universal remotes look so cheap and low quality. Mm. something, uh we'll have to come up with a name, patent it. Leopard print. I think, it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have a like a locator device, maybe a simple button that you have on your television to help you find your remote. Mm. True. Yeah. I think so. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. 'S true. Okay. Alright.","The Project Manager presented the project to the other participants by discussing the aim of creating a new, fashionable remote control device and defined the roles and tasks of each participant. The group introduced themselves to each other and trained themselves how to use the whiteboard tools. The Project Manager discussed the financial goals of the project, including the projected profit aim and price point for the device. The Project Manager gave each participant their assignments. The group then began a discussion of their initial ideas about the remote control and possible features. The Project Manager announced that he would make a report containing the discussion of the group's initial ideas about the device." +89,"Speaker A: Oh. Oh, I got a nice little screen here over here. I got like this big black border uh on every side. I'll I'll fix it. Yeah, whatever. Yes. I don't know what the right order is. So Mm-hmm. Yes, I agree. Yeah. Yes. Yes. I haven't really found a conclusion like that. Yeah. Design. Sounds interesting. Alright. Yes. Yeah. It's alright. Um Alright, I've done some research for functional requirements. Um yes. The working method um there were hundred uh uh w h one hundred people, uh how do you say uh, f watched using remote controls in the usability lab and they also uh filled out a questionnaire uh with a few questions. Uh, I've lined them up here. Uh, ask whether um common remote control looks good or not, about willingness to spend money on remote control, about zapping behaviour, and uh and stuff like that. I uh have found some interesting things. We do we do got a market. Um, three out of four people claim m uh to find remote controls ugly. So if we make a trendy design, we sure have seventy fi seventy five percent of the market, which you can reach. Um, three out of four users uh zaps a lot, as I uh quoted here from the uh results. Zap buttons are used one hundred and sixty eight times per hour. That's quite a lot. Um, relevant options are, of course, power buttons. Although, only used once per hour. Uh, channel selection, volume and buttons for text, and the more um, yeah, other functions, like audio settings, video settings, sound settings are not said to be very important and uh very much used. Furthermore, fifty percent says uh they only use ten percent of the buttons on a remote control. That doesn't say we got we can leave ninety percent off. But it sure um says we shouldn't make it too uh complicated. Fifty percent also claims uh to have lost a remote control very often in the room. And um an important thing here, the most important customers uh, which is over seventy percent of our market, is in the age range of thirty six to sixty five years old. And uh elderly people, our market, are less interested in uh nice features, but more willingly to spend more money on remote controls. So, what I was thinking oh, wrong side. We shouldn't implement too much features on uh on our remote control, because elderly people will get th lost. Group features for a higher usability, uh what I was claiming in the previous meeting. Um, all the settings, about audio settings, video settings and channel settings, which are not very often used, we could group them uh on one button and make them accessible uh in one menu button or whatever, because they are used very rarely and well, it uh there are a lot of options there, so we can really make uh yeah, how do you say, we can spare at buttons over there. And um, if you want to implement V_C_R_ and D_V_D_ options, group them in the button, not too uh Yeah. Small buttons, so they won't be very um, how do you say Yes, won't be very present, thank you. And a trendy look, well uh, although seventy percent of the market is uh consists of elderly people uh who don't really care for trendy looks or whatever, I guess it can do no harm to make it trendy for the other thirty percent. That was kind of what I found. Okay. Yes. Two? No uh, I agree, I agree. Not too much, no. Yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm. I don't really agree actually, to be honest. It's a very small market which we will approach then if we uh want to reach customers younger than forty. It's only like thirty percent of the total market. Mayb yeah? Okay. Maybe maybe we can compromise a little bit. Not too much then, bu alright. Yes. Yeah, I'll have a look. We put the fashion in electronics. Sense and simplicity. Well, to be honest, if um our uh aim group is uh till forty, not older than forty, maybe that's not very uh yeah, we don't really need to have a simple remote control. I think we can implement more functions then, because um basically uh the younger people are more able to adapt to new technology and therefore will be a more Yes. Yeah. Well, I think Yes. Yeah, control. Not much more than that. Yep. Or we can u u we could put 'em behind the flip-flap or whatever. So t Yeah. Y yes. But but for for example, V_C_R_, that's better example in this case. I think on a remote control for television you don't need to be able to programme uh the V_C_R_ to start recording at three P_M_ or whatever, just play, stop, rewind and uh fast forward. Yeah, I know, but uh Yes. Yeah. Alright. Yes, definitely, yeah. Yeah, and maybe two or three other options, but not nothing more than that. I think stop function is very useful. If you have a uh a page which consists of more pages, and you are not a very quick reader, then I think it's very irritating if the next page shows up, but Well, I use it very regularly, the action. I re I use it quite often. Might be. Might be. I think the plus and the minus button should be uh quite present, yep. Yep. If you grab the remote, your hands should be on top of the plus. Yes. I think double A_. Yep. The most ordinary uh batteries. Yep. I think about twenty minutes. I think that's n that's more for a for an age range or uh ten to twelve or whatever. Yeah, yeah, that's good one, yep. Ye I think the can opener i is a brilliant idea actually, because television and beer is not a rare combination. Yes. Yep. No, that's true. Yeah. Yeah, a swapable front or whatever. Yeah. Yes, definitely, definitely. Yes, it it it should be f be visible nearly anywhere in the room. As I uh as I said during my presentation, fifty percent uh o Yeah. A face? Or uh yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I see what you mean, yep. If you do that, but I don't know if that's possible within the production cost of twelve and a half Euros. I in in the base we could like make uh a button, and if you push it, the remote control itself s makes noise. That's probably stupid, but uh as I found here uh, fifty percent, was it fifty? Uh fifty percent fifty percent often loses remote control. No uh, of the base the the the the the the the thing you put it in. If an a button in in that uh Yeah, you can ma make rechargeable one, yeah. Why not. It should only cost twelve and a half Euros, of course. Aye? Yeah, okay. Yeah. Yes. Yes, definitely. Yeah. Well y you you could connect that to two hundred to twenty volts, of course. I don't know. On the other hand, if you don't do it, we can also make a nice bay. I mean, it looks trendy and still still put a bleep function in it, but um I think the bay is definitely uh Sure, why not. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. With eye candy, ear candy, whatever. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Definitely, yeah. It would be nice, yes. Most televisions break down before the battery pack is empty, so yes. Yeah, why not. Hmm. No, that's true. Why not. Bleep bleep bleep, oh there it is, yeah. Yeah. No. Nearly. Yeah. Something like that, yeah. Oh. We'll see. Maarten, five minutes. No, that's true uh, yeah. Should we by the way draw um on our nice whiteboard, um a little uh idea of yeah. I dunno. Has anyone got um a little bit detailed ideas about the shape? I don't, for one. A bit bigger I guess, but The shape is nice, it's um something different, and we want we want that. Yeah. Okay, yeah. Yeah, but twelve and a half Euros? Uh Yeah. Yeah, that's true. Something like that is very ergonomic. So Yeah. Yes, volume and programme should be there I guess, because you hands wi uh y your hands will be in the smaller part. Yeah, and the numbers on top, I guess. Maybe ro roun rounds uh uh l sorry. Maybe lights also around the volume and the p the plus minus programme buttons. Oh. Okay. Yeah. Okay, yeah. I think I think that'll be too big tha too big then. Yeah. Yes, we are. Alright. Yes, I guess it's lunch time. I don't know. Half and hour? I thought our next uh next individual round was half an hour. I don't know about the lunch break. Well +Speaker B: Okay. Everybody ready? Welcome at the functional design meeting, again presented by Maarten. Uh this is the agenda, the opening. Uh, we've got three presentations. And I'm gonna show you some of the new projects requirements that were sent to me. And we're gonna make a decision on the remote control functions. We have uh forty minutes. Oh, well this is the the closing already. So uh well we start off with the th the first presentation then. Uh, I think um in uh we have to do it in uh in right order. Maybe the Well, it Oh that. It won't doesn't Maybe we should start with the the technical functions. Yeah? Well it's you dumped the file in the uh in the sh in the project document folder. You've already done that? Well let's close this one. We'll just uh open a new one. Uh, well. Yes. Uh-oh. New thing. Oh yeah, uh I have to say something. Uh, due to some uh technical problems I haven't uh digitized the last uh the meeting minutes. But I'll uh make sure that uh happens next time. And I'll get this one uh in digital uh form too. Okay. Okay. Okay. But it's the technical side of the remote control. Oh. Okay. Well, we'll we'll have to skip that part then. But you don't think it's a problem um to design uh the technical part of the remote control? It's gonna be easy? Okay. Yeah. M Okay. R regardless of what type of functions we want to implement. Doesn't really matter. Okay. Yeah, okay. Okay. Well, we'll see. We'll see later on. No. Well, uh will there be some uh user requirements later on? The ones I I've uh received from the account manager. Yeah. Well, we'll keep this in mind, and then discuss it later on. Uh-huh. Okay, but this real this uh big d uh distinction between this type of remote. we should we should choose one uh we should not compromise but uh really choose for uh expert viewer or novice v Yeah? Well, what that's what you want trying to say. Okay. Okay. Yeah, well some of these Uh, yeah. Well, some of that will Yeah, but i but it will be more clear when we come to the uh u uh some of the new requirements. So Mm-hmm. Okay. Well, then the Marketing expert can uh tell us something about the current market. Okay. Visually presents. Okay. Well, then we I'm gonna show you some of the new project requirements and then we gonna discuss on uh what features we find important. Uh, well some of the uh new requirements make some of your findings quite uh irrelevant, I think. Because um uh s decided to put They have decide to put two additional requirements forward. Well, now I see four. That's kinda strange. Well, they say tele teletext becomes outdated since the popularity of the internet. Well, I think that may be so, but well, we can't just leave the teletext button off. It's impossible, I think. So the compromise we could make is just to make one teletext button, you know, like on and off, and don't make a lot of special put a lot of special features on it to make it transparent or You know, it's just you want you want to be able to make use of teletext, but not to play with it that much. So we have to think of that. The remote control should only be used for television. Otherwise, the project becomes more complex, which endangers the time t t ma uh the time to market. So maybe we should leave all D_V_D_ and V_C_R_ related features off completely. I don't know. I think that uh that's what they're trying to say. Uh, our current customers are within the age group of forty plus. New products should reach a new market with customers that are younger than forty. So you uh talked about the elderly who were willing to spend more on a remote control and who were interested. But, well, they're not relevant because we are aiming at a younger Yeah, but it is it's is a dif it's a fact that the th th that bigger market you're talking about, we already cover that. Our company already sells remote control to the older people, but we we also want, you know, a new customer group. That's the one we haven't covered yet. So I think that's what the problem is. We haven't got remote controls for uh Well I think, yeah. Yeah, I think so. Maybe if it's no no, but I think we have to just keep in mind what the older age group wants. So maybe we can make a remote control that's primarily interesting for the younger group, but isn't that bad for an older person either. Uh, our corporate image sh should stay recognisable in our products. Our product's corporate colour and slogan must be implemented in the new design. Okay, something else nice to know. Sorry? Yeah, you will have to look that up. I think it's something about the Oh, okay. I thought it w might be, let's make things better or something, but Okay well, let's go back to the the agenda. So we've now had to the three presentations. We know about the new project requirements. That means we can uh well d yeah, discuss on the remote control functions. Well, if I can uh make a start, I think it's becoming more clear what kind of remote control it's gonna be, and I already talked about the maybe you have a f familiar with the rem remote control that has the the can opener underneath it. I think we're we're looking for some Yeah, we we're looking for a really simple remote control with only basic T_V_ functions. Y well, that Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. M yeah, that's why um well a lot of um the use the requirements the the account manager sent me, I think they are are c are contradicting each other, because they want a simpler design, and no uh other uh s functions than just T_V_, but they s do aim at a younger Well, ma But I think uh you we can make some discuss uh distinctions in uh what kin in the, know, th th in functions you have Y Well you have different kind of uh equipment in your room, like a t T_V_ and a D_V_D_ player. You can uh, know, you you can make very d you can put very detailed functions regarding the T_V_ set on your remote control uh with the with uh the, you know, audio settings and uh v uh screen settings. We don't want that. I think that was that became clear. We don't want. But w maybe we should put some func uh, I know that the younger people will most likely have a D_V_D_ player they want to, you know, they want to uh control, remotely. No, yeah, th th the user requirements of the the The new project requirements told us not to But maybe w Yeah. I think we maybe should Yeah, well we should uh put some functions for other maybe for other equipment on it. But just the basic functions. Maybe like rewind and wind, or n what d what do you guys think? Yeah, if as far as possible. But what do you think? Do th should we implement features that uh uh or functions that to control other devices? No, you don't think so? Yeah, the new requirements say so. Well, maybe it's maybe there there there is something th m most of the time these functions don't support the particular device as well as their their own remote control. You know, a lot of D_V_D_ players have some tricky settings with Yep, exactly. That's that's wha No no, you don't No no, you don't need it. No, no. Okay, but we have to think uh w we have to think D_V_D_ I th uh, I guess, so um but uh from my experience it's kinda a lot of D_V_D_ players, you know, like forwarding, goes differently. Uh, you get two speed or eight speed or sixteen speed. It's c sometimes a bit difficult. Maybe if we just leave the D_V_D_ functional m uh Well, I was thinking about putting it in, but concerning the project requirements and what you just said, I think we m should focus on the T_V_ then. And uh and it's just an uh a complimentary remote and not a universal one. If you want to keep it simple, you can make a universal remote. Okay. It's just a s it it should be something that is like a gadget on your coffee table, and it's just for when you you you jump on the couch, you pick up the the the nice remote, the simple one, just to put on the television, nothing more. Okay. Um, but what televis Yeah, we we'll make w this one trendy. And simple. Well, we we will come to that, but ju first on the on the functions. So we should put uh zap buttons on it. Um, also numbers, to uh to go to the specific channels. Uh, Okay, a t a teletext button should be there. But just one big teletext button, on and off. Probably. Oh, okay. Yeah, but uh I think that becomes too difficult, it's not a very common function and people will have to read up on their remote then. Yeah, yeah, but maybe you s yeah yeah, maybe y you do, but I've never heard of it in the first place. And we have to well t yeah, and t and teletext is becoming outdated. We just want to see what programmes are on and what time it is probably. Yeah. I don't know. I think that that's kin getting too complex for our remote. I don't know what you th guys think. Yeah, but do you like to have a such a s stop button? Or do you think it uh I think it's a kind of uh uh very rare and special function. Yeah. Okay, it goes Yeah, but that's kind of stuff we should do on the internet right now. That's why it was uh said in the in the use in the r new requirements. Well yeah uh, lots of new televisions can store pages, you know, and then you can just skip manually through them using I think we should just put one teletext button on it. Then we meet uh the new requirements. we also meet the other thin y you sh you just re we have to choose for the the simple design, I guess. Okay. Um, well, what functions do we have to decide on? Or do we uh I dunno if we have t stif specifically name all the functions we n we want. We have the zap and uh the volume. Should we do m make them very big? The the the zap button. D d Th that's that's that's considered to be trendy also. Or maybe you should place them on a uh, in a special way? Yeah, something or uh somethin special way to to zap through the it has to s it has to be yeah, and quick. You have to use it very quickly. Yeah, and it the buttons should make it um possible to to zap through your channels in a rapid at a rapid pace. Oh, what should we decide on then? I think in a in a case of this simple remote control, the technical aspects which uh weren't worked out already, but it w shouldn't be a problem then. Yep. No, okay, but we don't have to uh, when we don't want to uh control other devices, I think it makes it even more simple. I think I think that we should use uh d yeah, not not uh the b the watch kind th the most uh Well, it has to be simple, and I wi Which are most likely to be found somewhere in the house, you know. Oh. How much time do we ha we have left uh? M m m more than thirty minutes? Uh ten twenty minutes. Well, uh these these shouldn't Yeah. Yeah, okay. But that's that's Do you uh have you have you think about tha thought about that? How we can what the extra touch can be. Do you suggest design or the shape or some gadget f f kind of feature or Well, it was something about how we lose them. Maybe it should be a remote control when you you clap you hands it makes some noise or some gadget kind of thing. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. Nah, um a lot of people like to have such kind kind of kind of gay kind of things. It w it w should be like a birthday present or something that you give someone, and it is i has something nice. Or maybe it w should have a big uh light that can flash or something on it, or maybe it should or an or the like the the can opener. Maybe it contains some feature that you don't normally link to a remote control. I think it's very impor because we're gonna make such a basic remote control, we have to do something to make it special. It's gonna cost twenty five Euros. Yeah, but the well, it's already been done. Nah. Yeah, that's true. But and I think it's gonna be uh very uh it has to be sturdy or something, so maybe with with bouncing pads so that you can just throw it on the floor or something. it has to be used something special, and you really it has to, you know y not s people, when they buy it, they have to think, well this one lasts for a long time. We're really gonna use them. Not some thing you you throw away next week, you know. So maybe uh that's i I think that's when uh when we decide on these type of functions, know, basic functions, uh it's very important to find something like this. So there's a very important task for you. And maybe we can all think about it. Uh, also for you maybe, when t you it's very nice when you can be entra when you can be trendy, and and uh and al as in a friend use friendly as well, you know. So big buttons, flashy design, and maybe some kind of gadget kind of thing. Uh-huh. Yeah, or just different colours would be uh I don't know if people also wanna spend more money on fronts for their uh remote control. It could be be Yeah, you never know, but But it and I think we have to make it quite big. Yeah, people So, and and also because uh it is expensive. If you want it to be something, you know, it's ha doesn't have much functions want to be you don't want to get it l make it Mm-hmm. And shou and should ni look nice when you put it on a table. I I think you m might wanna put it uh yeah, that it it it it stands up. Yeah, you have to put it on its So it's like a vase or uh something you put on a table. no no, put stuff inside it. But, it's like like a statue or something Yeah yeah, but yeah, but you also can put it somewhere near the window in That it's it's fashionable. I I don't Oh, yeah. Yeah, but but when you when it gets lost, how can you press the button to make it Oh, okay. Uh, that's kind of nice. And then also you don't even need batteries, because you can make it uh chargeable. Yeah, that w yeah, but yeah, the pro No, well I think that it might be t p Well, nee but we don't Yeah. Maybe you, but we don't know much about production cost, but when you you can imagine that when you spend twenty five Euros on a remote control and it's a basic remote control, then the then the money there must be money to spend on that kind of st you know, rechargeable units. Yeah, but we would d ma we'd do it in Taiwan and So, it's not gonna be that expen Uh I I think it's a great idea. S some kind of be I've never seen that before, and you make it uh um be uh, you see it with uh the mo the mouses nowadays. Well, I well it's really ch you can recharge it, so you ha never have the battery problem. That's one. And uh you can always find your remote control up Uh, okay. Well, maybe yeah, you could when that's when it's too costly, you could probably skip the recharger, but you will you do need uh also an uh, also you would need a battery in the the base unit as well, you know. Does it makes it kinda Yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, but then it's very easy to make it also a rechargeab I don't think that is gonna cost much to make it also a recharge function in it. Yeah. I think it's a good idea. And make it, you know, we we um Well, we uh it's it isn't a t a most uh costly uh remote control. We can save on the on the functions. We just put some simple button in, make it big and sturdy, nothing more, and just make s sure there's some noise that it can make, or probably some kind of cheap light thing around it or that it uh that it lights up, it's also nice. And if you put it away, I think it's uh w we have to we uh that's uh it's not a easy market. We have to something special. And for twenty five Euros people want something remote c special from your mote control, and we can't deliver that in r with uh regards to the functions, because we aren't gonna put Yeah. And then uh when make it, you know, nice looking shape and this and then you also you got the stand-up thing. Yeah. I think I think it's a good idea. Yeah. Oh, if it let's well, we will see what's possible concerning the the costs, and if it's possible we'll do that. And we even try to save up on other stuff to make sure we can do such a thing. And the first thing we the most likeable thing to to n to skip is then probably the recharge function or something. If that's too expensive, we won't do that. But it would be nice. It's the idea. I know that batteries last long nowadays. And and what people just think about, well, I'll never have to buy any r batteries again, so y b because it's very annoying when your battery is empty. And you know then when you haven't batteries around, and probably for two weeks, your remo I've experienced that that Yeah, okay. So, easy functions. Well, we will we will I think we'll work that out, zapping, numbers on it, bi Yeah. But it's also annoying. 'cause as long as it stays as it ke keeps working, you're not very motivated to do something about it. Then it beeps all the time and. You don't want to have ever have those problems, and you won't have if if you have the rechargeable. And you don't have to use the unit, you can also put it on the side if people don't like it. Uh, i i in the in the ma Yeah, but it w I mean, if if they pay for it because they think, oh, that's a great idea, I'm gonna use it. And when it, you know, when time goes by and they think, well, I'll never put him in the recharger, I think last long enough, then they put it on side and they can use it now and then. Then when they look get m I I I know for sure that everybody who buys this remote control, within a couple of months of they will be in the situation that they they're seeking for the remote control, they wanna see something quick and uh just push the button and th uh, I think it's brilliant. Yeah, I've never it's so simple, but I've never seen it. M maybe we should really do this. Okay now, well, how much time have we got left? These clocks aren't uh synched. Oh, now I've put uh well, it is twenty p Okay, so we have ten minutes or something? Yeah, but we're uh we're done. I think. We've decided on the functions. Well, there is some oh. There is a closing sheet. We have lunch break, and then we have thirty minutes of individual work. Oh okay, I'll make sure I'll I had some problems with uh the digitising the the first minutes, the the s the next minutes won't be a problem, but I'll try to make sure the first one will be in the folder too, but maybe it won't work, but you'll see. I think these are more important than the first ones, so. Oh, five minutes. Yeah, because uh I I d I did uh the first minutes I did were were were a bit scratchy, you know. Then I did a s second one with a nicer layout, which I could uh, know, use for the other ones well, but uh I d think uh I forgot to do put done under the first one, and when you go write a second uh it's get it's not working when you try to write second uh paper or something. And then you you had to overwrite it or someth I don't know. Becau I d uh, it was not my uh pen. this kind of looks you like. Of the shape. Yeah, probably, it would be nice. No, bigger. Well, I I I have to say, I have this uh can opening remote control in my head most of all, or I think some maybe we should no, that will be too costly. We shou we could also, that was a would also be an idea, but I don't think it I don't know if it exists already, you should like make Alessi or something design it. That would also be nice. But that's gonna then you c then you don't Yeah, but then you don't have t yeah it that's not something i that's in the production cost a one it's a one time, you know s was it's a single cost. Yeah, m but but then you can nah, I don't thin I think that it would be more expensive, because I've bought the Alessi stuff more often and even small pencil holders or something are more expensive. Would be a nice idea though. I don't know. I think it uh has to be a r it has to have round forms or something. Like something like that or so or so And on th and then uh s a base unit underneath it. It's also round. Put it in there uh wire on it. Maybe uh, I don't know, some some lights, a big but well. Volume and programme, yeah. And some of the extra funct Some of the extra functions over here. Numbers. And and lights? How we're g well, maybe uh s a ring of no, no, you have to Maybe on the side of it. Along the side uh strip of yeah. Yeah, but I also meant the the blinking li w you know, the ones that also blink when you try to uh uh locate your remote. Well, theys have to be Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Exactly. When you you see it from the side, then it would look just like that. And then you have a strip of uh lights or something. Well, uh I think it's nice, for one thing. maybe put something on top of it or, you know, like that's looks funny. I don't know. Or some bump. Maybe some Yeah? We'll have to think about it. I think we're we're done. We can save this one. Mm mm. Yeah, that was what uh Mm, we'll hear about it. +Speaker C: Here we go again. Oh. Okay. Mm, okay. Yeah, it's okay. Okay. No. In project. No can that open. Open it there. Okay. About the get Okay. But nothing restricted for user interface? With technical I don't know. 'Kay. Okay. But I kind of uh Yes. Uh Well, the technical functions. Um, well I don't know if you got the same uh pictures as I got, but uh I got these two, and I think they're we have to focus uh on uh the uh one hand the expert view or the novice user. th I think it's it's very much uh depending on the user requirements, I don't s uh know who's doing t Yeah, but it I think that's very important to watch uh what kind of functions there we want to uh put in a remote control. Yeah, well y we can put functions in it when uh yeah, when we uh get the user requirements uh and we can update it. Well, yeah w if you want try a a a huge market, if you want to reach a huge market, uh like elderly people and we have to choose for novice user. But I don't know. It's it's really um depending on how how how far the the the remote controls are already in n um in use. Yeah, probably, yeah. Uh well, there are l at least uh basic functions, uh like just th the channels uh one till nine, uh on and off switch, which must be clear with a red button or something like that. Um, most standard uh have volume, of course, and a mute function, and, of course, the next and previous channel. I think that's just basic what we need. And from that on we can user requirements what we need more. Uh Yeah, I just um um I thought Joost was looking at the trendy the trends in the markets, and I don't know if there uh are any um uh if you put more functions, more buttons, maybe it's com becoming less trendy or something like that. M you can just you can k you can keep it in mind that. I don't know. Uh, I th I thought the the with less buttons you can make a more trendier uh yeah, more trendier design, I think. I think. Yeah? Uh, well, that's all I have to say, I think. Yeah, that was it.. Okay. Well No way. Yeah. But what's our slogan? The slogan uh Puts fashion in electronics. Sense simplicity. Yeah. Yeah, but wha But Yeah, but you sai you said that that a lot of functions aren't used. So why should j we put this function in? I think more I think uh people younger people are more looking for just a trendy look than uh more functions. Yeah, but uh you said Yeah, d yeah, but th the functions are not in the remote control we're making. It's n Yeah. Yeah. No. No, new requirements say no. So Yeah, but I i if it's too simple uh th they won't use the remote control, they use their own th th with lot more functions. No, no. Exactly. Mm, yeah. Yeah, but just keep it simple and look more at th No. It's only for television. So Yeah. Yeah, nothing more. Exactly. Yeah. The user interface is easy. And the basic yeah, basic functions, yeah. It's too much integrated in the other. Yeah. Will you look Look at the market. Well Yeah, I uh, it's Sunday I always use it for the uh yeah, for the soccer uh Well, uh when you uh uh when you look uh for example um, a couple of weeks ago I looked at the for the flights, and there are a lot of flights in one page, so if if th Yeah, but True. A simple yeah. But trendy, yeah. I don't know. Original. It was uh True. Yeah. Maybe uh Uh maybe we uh uh the batteries maybe. If you use large batteries or small batter batteries. Yeah? Yeah. Okay. Early break. To find him. That's maybe yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but that's yeah. Yeah. Be original, yeah. Mm-hmm. And use friendly, yeah. Yeah. Must brain-storm. Well Why not? More money for us. Yeah. Quite big. Yeah, you think? A standard or something. It's like you have uh four phones. Something like that. On the television. Oh, like this. A char chargeable. Yeah. Why not. Production. It should be possible. I think it's a good idea. To make a base or something? It's it's it's it's it's not the purpose to be handy, it's Mm. Yeah, but that's not it's ugly, I think. No. Yeah. True. Yeah. Yeah, it must be must be a gadget to have. Yeah. Yeah, we c Or just give a beep when the battery's out or uh down. Yeah. true. Yeah. Yeah. And you can leave it just there. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, I'll Uh fifteen minutes. Can you make an uh uh a part of f folder for the minutes maybe? That not not everything in one one uh folder. Yeah. Maybe. Or the sh Do you get an idea of the shape? A little bit bigger, yeah but Oh, uh look uh look at the pictures. Yeah, flash lights at the side. At the side, or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, side of it. Just two LEDs or something on the side. Yeah. Yeah. Well, uh probably at the side. You know look at the front, but Yeah, exactly, and then there is yeah. Yeah, something like that, yeah. No. No. Bumper or something. Yeah. Lunch break. Okay then. Okay, five uh Oh.. +Speaker D: My mouse is not working anymore. He's uh when I put it in, is is going to beep beep beep. Huh. Okay, how can I get this on the whiteboard? Okay, I've done that. Yes. 'Kay, we're going to um uh talk about working design. Um, the method of the remote control is uh electrical energy, it activates a chip uh in the remote. It's an electrical circuit which compose uh messages in the form of uh uh infrared signals to control the television. Mm, it's a nowadays very uh known, a known uh uh technology. Um, the known technology can make a cost very low. Uh, it's a wild uh a wide sale uh of uh remote controls in the world. And and the components are very uh very cheap. Um, Uh, diodes, uh bat batteries and uh uh LED lights, they're needed and they're uh everywhere available. Uh, again, it's a fair price. It's a common uh technology uh, like I told um Uh, the circuit board, it's the most um important uh um part of the remote control. Uh, we can use for that uh fibreglass with copper wires, it's it is uh can be made as fast as printing paper. It's uh it's all very uh Yeah, they're making it uh all the time. Uh, and it's not uh very specialised uh technology. I haven't come to here, but um I've got uh some uh images of uh remote controls. They were not uh very uh trendy or just uh just a remote control like everyone knows. So I don't know uh why I should put it here. Uh Yes, but uh I uh haven't made it because uh of the time. But What? No. Yes. Um, no, it's uh it's just a part of uh a known technology, yeah. Remote control is nothing special nowadays. Um I don't think so, because of the all the televisions uh there are a few maybe a couple of televisions with the new functions, but is it useful to put them on a on a standard uh remote? No. But you can put them under the same button. But you can put a play and stop and and rewind. Yes, but we Huh. Yes, but there are there are But how wi how will you be able to handle a whole market? There are uh a dozen of uh dozens of of remote controls that have Yes, but you could put on the z on the zap buttons you can put it to uh to uh access all the same pages. If you have seven pages, you can go up and down. Yes. Yes. Maybe we can make uh a kind of a joystick. But No, it's o just signals uh and the television d uh does the rest. No. The most standard batteries. But i in a way we have to be uh uh special. Maybe th m For the remote control. That's to be uh a formed for your hand. More like a joystick then. But that's that's fun for the first time, and then the second Or you can Yeah. With recharger. Yes, but is that handy? But but remote controls remote controls nowadays can can last uh two years, three years, with with t two batteries. And then you Yes. Or But you pay for it. Maybe like this pen. It has to feel nice in your hand.","The project manager opened the meeting. The industrial designer reported on working design, explaining how a remote control works and describing its main components. The user interface designer talked about what functions should be included. He suggested they should focus on either expert or novice users. The basic functions should include an on/off switch, buttons for channels one to nine, volume, mute and buttons for next and previous channel. He suggested that a trendy design should not have many buttons. The marketing expert reported on user requirements, including how users rated the importance of different features. He stressed that a trendy design is important, that users zap a lot, and that remotes often get lost. The project manager informed the group of new requirements. The remote is only for TV, should not include a teletext feature, and should feature the company colour and slogan. The group discussed what functions and features the remote should have, and whether to include DVD/VCR controls, a teletext button, stop button, changeable covers, and a base/recharger with locator function. The group also discussed making the remote a rounded, ergonomic shape, and using flashing lights to help locate it when lost." +132,"Speaker A: Yeah. Mm-hmm. So right now? Mm. It's reasonable, I think, yeah. Those things just refer to each of each of us, I think. AMI and okay. Okay. Okay, and Marketing Expert, it's me. You can manage all this, yeah. Good. Um. Not really. So which you, the Industrial Designer. Okay. Yeah. I mean, you have to know. Ah, you have to know it. It's your job, so I hope you you know what it is. Mm. Yeah. Okay. Well. You know. Oh, okay, okay. Not the other one. Yeah, I'm just go I'm trying to give you some trends about what should be done and what the users would like to have and then thi this would I guess converged to the User Interface Designer wi and then Industrial Designer. Mm. Mm-hmm. And you have to keep it under twelve Euros and f fifty, so. That's the problem. Mm. It's clear. Yeah, maybe should go and draw an animal. Many Yeah. Uh it's the same as mine. It's the fat cat, okay. A rat? That's difficult. Yeah. Just go, you you the closest to the whiteboard. Jus Yeah. A duck. Pikachu. Oh yeah. Bugs Bunny one. Okay. I go. What? Oh. So what else? This was my favourite one, but Right. A fish. Oh yeah, doesn't look so fine. Okay, it's your turn. Mm. Good. I think it's done. Yeah. Oh, we have twenty five minutes for the meeting. Okay. Know what time is it? No. Good. +Speaker B: Ah okay. It's Ada Longmund? Maybe someone ha we have to this whiteboard, yeah? Yeah, I don't know. I it's it's reasonable, s quite yeah. Twenty five. Is Yeah. I I hope so I_D_ is for the Industrial Design, yeah? And U_I_D_, it's for the User Interface Designer, yeah? AMI yeah project. you will be the manager yeah. I am the Industrial Design, yeah I am the Industrial Designer so. It's difficult. You know very soon. So I I think the user the user interface design is he will design how the user will you know the relation between the user and you know the remote control so And the uh industrial design, it is how the object will look like. Yeah. So the materi Okay right. But I was thinking that he's a user 'cause the user interface to design for example where the but button will be, you know. But I don't know. Okay. I'm the industrial designer. So. Okay. So and the marketing expert will Ok Okay. It should be There was a step about drawing something in the in the board, I don't know. Is it? Are we supposed to do right now? Oh right it's it's from the left to the ri It's I d I was thinking but I n I'm not sure now. Oh Everybody I think everybody should do it, so. It's not matter So. yeah. It's a It's a cat. It is not a fat cat. Yeah, it is a Yes you have to draw a rat if you want a rat. It's your rat. Okay, go right, but in grow, it's everybody has to grow What are you I don no idea, so It's a rabbit. It's not so bad so. So you don't have a A fish. That's a that's a fish? Okay, let's try to draw something. Have to be really careful. Ah it's my turn. Okay. So. It's ok So, what can I draw some more?? No. Mm Yeah, it's it's a se it's my priority this one. Yeah. No. It's a really crazy dog Okay. Transfer. It's a dog in a village. So what are you sug going to do now? It's done? Oh my God. Yeah, it's okay. We have an idea yeah. I have an idea of my job so yeah so. Yeah. +Speaker C: So we can start? Suppose I have to do my presentation. Eh um So, I'll present myself, I'm Ada Longmund, and as you may know it, I'm the pr project manager. So um we will have to um speak about m the project. Our project project is to create um a new remote control and as you may know there's lot of industrials interesting in creating a remote control, so the remote control has to be original, trendy and um user-friendly. Record. So the project method is the following. So if we're um the functional design, you have to do uh any individual work and uh also work with uh meetings talking with each other. Uh it will be the same for the conceptual design and also the same for the detailed design. Uh. The tool training is to try out the white board, so Maybe you can draw your favourite animal and make a list of its favourite characteristics. I don't know if we have to do it now, maybe later later. So the selling price of the product will be twenty five Euros. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's quite good price, yeah. And uh it will uh be a an international remote control, as we want to sell it in the entire world, and the product costs will be not more than twelve Euros and fifty centimes. So, as you will discuss about the remote control you will have to experience your um with the remote control. Um just uh maybe be imaginative with remote const con controls, try to create something new and people would like to to buy. And and the next meeting will start in thirty minutes, so you'll ha all have your spethisfispis specif specific role and you know I suppose you know what you have to do. And uh you will have to work on the design and also to work on the design of th technical fun functions of the remote control and think of the user requirement specifications. Yeah. I_D_, yeah. So So I will manage all all the group. So you have questions? So you all know what the parts of the work you have to do. Mm-hmm. And you? Mm okay. Hmm. I suppose you have to design it and you have to take care of the industrial way to transform it. And i maybe you will transform it. Maybe, it is the outside and the inside. And yeah. And when designing y the remote control just remember that uh it has to be a kind of international product. So you don't have to do something really specific, as everybody everybody will have to use it, it's sor the same as keyboards. You know, you have Qwerty, Azerty, French and U_K_ keyboard, so really the remote control to be international. And not too expensive. As we want to maximise the benefit. Yeah, you have to keep in mind that the product cost won't be maxim more than twelve dot fifty Euros. And to be sure that really people will be interested in buying a new remote control with maybe new functionalities that don't exist in the mm existing remote controls now. So, is it okay? So you think we have to do it now? You want me to draw something? Product manager okay, let's go, I will try. No. A mouse is not too difficult. Mouse is okay. You love the eyes. Yeah, that was the eyes. A clown. Rabbit. It's a rabbit. Yeah. Thank you. You forgot the chips. Fish and chips. Of Oh.? Oh yeah. Yeah, I think yeah. Just have to present project, discuss a little bit about it. Yeah. So, if you have questions. It's okay? You know your job? you know your job? You know your job? Okay. +Speaker D: So yeah I think you can do it. Twenty five Euros? Yep. Yeah. That's me. Okay. Yeah. No I'm user interf I'm user interface design. Okay. So what's the difference between user interface design d industrial design? Yeah, I think so. Okay, so I make uh u user interface. You you de you implement the core functions in the Use it. Make make yeah. Maybe I think uh uh i industrial design's uh, it's the function design. I design the user f user interface, you design the function. Yeah. Okay. Yeah yeah. Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. And uh simple. And easy to use. Ah, yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah yeah, you try. Try first. You can draw something which is very simple. Oh, maybe we should bring Kemy here. Kemy is really good at drawing. You're going to draw? Okay. What's this? It's a fat cat. Can you draw uh um rabbit? Oh, hat ha rat. Yeah. Yeah, it's okay. Mm. Okay. Oh. Okay, I draw. The only thing I can draw is like this. Oh. Oh. Oh. No. What's this? Okay. Okay. The only thing I can draw, because it's very simple. Oh. Okay, be careful. No problem, no problem.. A person? Dog. Okay. Okay. So we have break. Oh. Hmm. No. Okay.",The project manager introduced the upcoming project to the team members and discussed the roles of each member and the selling price for the remote they will produce. Then the team participated in an exercise in which they all drew animals. +17,"Speaker A: Are you gonna take the minutes? Good. Hello. Um I don't, do you have an extra copy? Thanks. Okay. Mm-hmm. Sure. Okay, so the previous movies that we've done this year were Lawrence of Arabia, Apop Apocalypse Now and Amadeus, which were all historical, serious, dramatic and somewhat actiony movies. So for this month I propose doing something different, preferably something set in the present, um something maybe dramatic but slightly less serious. So what I'd propose is actually a thriller or a mystery. And while these days people are so jaded by general movies that they tend not to be surprised by the endings in mysteries, some movies in the nineties did actually have twists that people came out saying, never saw that coming, I didn't know that that was gonna happen. And so what I'm gonna do is present you two of those movies, and before anyone says that, well, if you know th how the movie ends, you're not gonna wanna see it again, that's not necessarily the case, because a lot of people like to re-watch movies um to see where the clues were, what they missed, things they didn't pay attention to the first time around. Um so if you can go to the next slide. What I'd propose is either The Usual Suspects or The Sixth Sense. Um The Usual Suspects is slightly less mainstream. Um is has a fairly large cast, notably Kevin Spacey, Gabriel Byrne, um and it was directed by Bryan Singer, it's one of his earlier movies I think. It was written by Quist Christopher McQuarrie. Um and according to Rolling Stone it's the freshest, funniest and scariest crime thril thriller to come along since Pulp Fiction. Uh The Sixth Sense on the other hand is a more commercial movie with its famous line, I see dead people. Um it was written and directed by M_ Night uh Shyamalan and stars Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment and Toni Collette, and it's about a little boy who sees dead people and i he sees a child psychologist to try to get him to understand why he sees the dead people, what it means. Now that you've given away the twist, yes. Um Yeah. Send your complaints to Rolling Stone. So on the next couple of slides I'll just go through some of um more detailed stuff that we might need for administrative purposes. Um the length for The Usual Suspects um is a hundred and five minutes. Uh as you can s well, as Andrei already said, it's n nineteen ninety five. It has an R_ rating, which means that at least in the in North America it was not recommended for people under eighteen, 'cause it's fairly violent, but not so violent as other movies. Um plot outline uh five villains in New York are rounded up by the police in an unconventional manner that worries them. After release they get together for a spot of revenge, but someone else is controlling events. And the big mystery of the movie is who's controlling the events. Um it got an eight point seven out of ten user rating on the Internet Movie Database, it's sixteenth in the top two hundred and fifty movies of all time, forth in Denis's list of the top movies of the nineteen nineties, which I think was also taken from I_M_D_B_. Um it won several Academy Awards, including best supporting actor and best writing, um best film for the British equivalent of the Academy Awards, it was nominated for a Cesar for best foreign film. So it got a fair bit of recognition despite not being um a very mainstream, high budget movie, or maybe because it wasn't a mainstream, high budget movie. I don't think a lot of people have seen it, in fact, other than you haven't seen it, you haven't seen it, you've seen it. And don't think a lot of people have seen it, it's not a very very well known movie. What? Is it? See? Really? That surprises me, I always got the impression that it was Yeah. Well, it's a good movie. Yeah. Yeah. So but I think the main thing is it's got a good twist at the end and it's it's an interesting movie to watch. Um so if you go to the next slide. More or less the same thing for The Sixth Sense. It's slightly newer, nineteen ninety nine, more or less the same amount of time. It has a lower rating, 'cause it's less violent, but it depends what audience we are gonna have at the showings. It has it's scary and I think it has some sort of slight violence, but. Yeah, but they're not violently dead. It's it's morbid and it's creepy, but it's not violent as in people being sliced in half or anything like that. Um um it's nineteenth in the top movies of the nineties, hundred first in the top two hundred fifty, it was nominated for a lot of awards, it didn't win as many. Might have won more sort of minor awards, but at least the Academy Awards, it was nominated for five of them, um but didn't win. Nevertheless still a good movie, still a good twist at the end, which Denis already gave away. Good. Um so those would be my two choices. Let it's a sort of different style from the other movies we've seen, and they have a twist, so it's not your general movie where you just kind of sit through it and go, oh okay, get up and leave. It's at least out of those two movies I came out thinking, oh cool, okay. Yeah, but I mean that's a good thing, right? Yes. Yeah. Which is a good marketing ploy, if you think about it. Yeah, Bruce Willis is and the kid is really good, who plays the the main character. Yeah, yeah. Same guy. No. I've heard a lot of really good things about it, but Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think it's about three hours long, something like that. And it's a heavy movie, I it's emotional, it's I think it did. Either for director if not for best picture. Yeah. Mm. Yeah, I've seen it. Yeah, yeah, that was his comeback movie, yeah. Yeah. It's Uma Thurman, yeah. Uh maybe 'cause I_M_D_B_ is updated daily, so if it happens that people had voted for it Mm-hmm. Have you? But it is this movie. Ah okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. No, it's later than that, isn't it? Yeah. I don't know, but it was a good performance, creepy. Yeah. I think so, yeah. When did it come out? Yeah. As are we all. Yeah, me too. I don't think I've seen it since then. Ah. No, on the seco uh second one. Yeah. It wasn't that good, but I think it was almost more disgusting in a way There were some scenes in it where normally I don't get queasy watching movies, but that was just too much. It might be a little bit too violent for I dunno. Yeah. That's a good movie. Yeah, it's Kevin Spacey. Quite possibly, yeah. Yeah. Theoretically, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Morgan Freeman. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Well let's go through the other suggestions. I do. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Up close. Yeah. It's very different, I don't think you can compare them. Also sets the mood a little bit. Darker and Yeah, but you'd get a different impression if you had bright blue sky and bright sunshine behind it. Mm-hmm. Yeah, he's private Ryan. Well They're being sent to the front behind enemy lines to retrieve one soldier only because all of his other brothers died. Most of them get killed, don't they? Yeah. Yeah. Mm-mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I tried to. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Or is that the other Lebowski? Oh, okay. Buscemi, yeah. Really? Mm-hmm, yeah. I think it looks too much like a C_D_ cover, though. I like the layout of the first one and the content of this one. It looks like two different posters though. It's hard to read. The paragraph I think was a little bit long. I would and content of the second one. Yeah. Yeah, like what you have there. And then maybe replace the paragraph that you had on the first poster with either shorter sort of descriptions, not even of the whole plot, but just descriptions of the movie or 'cause I think that paragraph is too long, people don't r generally just stand there and then read the whole thing. Mm-hmm. It's here, forty eight. I hope more people have seen it. Mm-hmm. Um I'd go for Sixth Sense, just because it's different from all the other ones and maybe Shawshank Redemption, just because we haven't seen it. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay, um Okay. Okay, um So I'll I'll give two to American Beauty and mm one to The Big Lebowski. Okay, so it's pretty clear. American Beauty. Well you can keep the format, I mean th you didn't have that many graphics in the first one. Yeah. Okay. Yes, but of the wrong movie. That's the real twist. No, she's not. No, it's who is it? Annette Bening, who's the m the main character, the well, the main female character, the mother. When do you want these images by? Just quickly. Day after tomorrow? Two thousands. Third isn't it? Monday May third? We can ask people casually, sort of what genre of movie they want, or Start again. Or go back to the fifties. Okay. American Beauty. +Speaker B: Yep. Um So hello everybody. So uh you everybody had the a agenda for today, you received it or Yep. So the goal for today is to decide for a movie to project at the end of the month, so for this month of of April, and also discuss the content for an adver advertising posters and um I I will present you three des different design, we'll discuss it. So first we have to decide for um a movie. So I think we all prepared documents. So I propose that we start with uh presentation Agnes uh sent. And actually the psychologist is dead. Yep. Mm. Yep. So wha what will be your argument for projecting this movie? Yep. It's very well known. Yeah. I think, yeah. It's one of the most well known thriller.. Yeah. That's my impression, yeah. But it's it's rated four fourth in uh in the list and one hundred one hundred thousand seen it. Voted for it. Voted for it, and I think only two other mov uh no, f three other movies uh have uh have more votes. But the kid is seeing dead people, I mean is uh it's quite uh No, but it's quite uh morbid you can say that? Yeah, morbid. Yeah. They don't remember. Yep. So what was you criteria for selecting this movie or But then it's only at the at the end that it it becomes a good movie. Only because of the of the end. I I've heard some people in the in the theatre saying, oh now we have to see it again. But then if you asked them five minutes ago okay. Yeah. Okay, so uh I think, Mirek, you prepared a presentation also. We can have a look. Sorry, it's control L_ I have s I have seen it, but I don't remember it. Which is not good.. But the rating is very good then. It you know if it's to uh if it received some award? Or Probably no? Yeah, I think also but uh Yeah yeah. Well, it's a true story also, uh so. And to remember maybe, or Yeah. So who has seen it? Agnes, you've seen it? Yeah. And it's it's the comeback from of uh John Travolta, no? So uh Big comeback, yeah. Bruce Willis is there also. Yeah. Um Sorry? And what's the name of the girl on the poster. Um Uma Thurman, okay. Yep. So on the list I I brought on the docu on my document, the two movies, Pulp Fiction and Usual Su Suspect are just swapped. Pulp Fiction is actually coming before The Usual Suspect. Yeah, Tuesday, it's quite surprising though, but uh, okay. Yeah. Actually I have seen it, now I realise, yeah, yeah. No, because I thought it was like another movie, but it's it's this movie actually. Uh Les in French. I think it that one, but it's very violent. Very. It doesn't say it here, but uh it's probably rated R_. It speak about uh a guy who is not Italian, who is uh going up in the hierarchy of mafia. So. The mob, so the mob is the mafia actually? Okay. And Jodie Foster is very good as well. She was pretty young, no? For. W w from whe when is the movie? Ninety one, yeah. Yep. But not that good, no? Okay, what's your opinion? You have seen it? Violent and and uh scary as well. Mm. Psychopathic, I mean it's uh Okay. And last choice. Yep, that's a good one. And Kevin Spacey? It's no, Kevin Spacey, he received something, no? He's actually uh quitting his job at the beginning, but he's uh simulating a fight with his boss in order to to to pursue pursue to Yeah, I think. Yeah, to sue him afterward. And then Yeah. Yeah. Yep. No uh there is this rose, because the she's he's imagining her taking baths with ro roses all around and uh he's uh yeah. Exactly. Okay. Um so what will be your favou your preferred one on in this list? The first one, yeah. Probably yeah, you received so yeah. Yeah, yeah. And it's uh Tim Robbins and uh who is the the guy behi Morgan Freeman. Yeah. Yeah, great actors. Mm yeah. Yep. Okay. Yep, it tells something. Okay, it's just a do we want to have to display the most popular movie or or we're Yeah. That's right, yeah. Okay, Andrei, yeah, can can you comment your Yeah. Um yeah, I w thank you. Yep. And you e And you enjoyed that, the fact the you see clo I To realise how it wa how it was exactly. Yeah, it's very different, yeah. To make it like uh an historical movie or Yeah, mm. Oh. Yeah. What kind of message? Sorry, I'm not getting your Okay. Yep. Or or we have you have Okay. So actually I don't know if uh y any of you have uh read the document I prepared on The Big Lebowski. It's below the table, yeah. I wanted Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I wanted to say that uh it's quite open, there are many choices possible. But then my proposal is The Big Lebowski from um the two brothers uh Coen, Coen brothers. And it's a actually Joel Co Coen who uh directed the movie. Um the plot is quite hard to to make, but maybe you you read it al already you understood something from the plot or. I am? Yeah, it's it's it's a bit like the f in my opinion like um American Beauty, because it's it's a funny movie but uh it critiques a lot the American society. And the the the hero, the the Dude, the mm Big Lebowksi, it's actually his name, is a a kind of non-hero, but he's representative of the of uh a normal uh L_A_ L_A_ guy. And uh he has a friend comi veter veteran from Vietnam and uh another friend who is never speaking. And they all are together in a bowling club where they meet and they discuss about uh everything. They seems to have no job, I not know, we never seen i them working. Yeah. And actually he's uh taking part to a kind of um uh uh s some some killers come to his apartment uh because they think he's someone else, and uh the whole story is about uh he wants to to to get some money out of this story, and he's going to see the other Lebowski to ask him money, because he he because the killers actually uh damage some stuff in his apartment. It's uh Jeff Bridges and uh John Goodman. John Goodman, you have probably seen him in in a series? On the right, the guy on the right, Jeff Bridges. Yeah. He's the one coming uh from from Vietnam. He's kind of uh he is still equipped for for war. Okay so uh It's f a movie from the nineties actually, yep. Yep, yeah, yeah, that's a problem. I'm going to actually I want to show you some posters I prepared for this movie, so we actually can discuss at the same time the poster design. So on the left you see the main characters of the movie, so the the hero at the top left. Then it's the guy coming back from Vietnam. Afterward it's uh uh a guy who John Turturro, they are competing with him on a bowling uh contest, and um Julianne Moore and the last one is Buscemi or something like that. Buscemi? He's never speaking in the movie. Each time he's trying to speak, the other one are are stopping him. So it's qu No, he's not on the on the picture, the second Lebowski. So uh my proposition was to add um the title of course, some information abo about the pricing on the right Uh yeah, but when it will be printed it will be okay, I think. Ah, you mean Okay, so I prepared a second one where th th th there's there is some information. At the bottom we can see that um, do you know Mondre Montreux English Movie Club? Uh I said that people can contact us to to get to the committee and select movies. So um. Okay. But there is a th there is a third one. Um actually I I prefer it because it's more colourful also. But it's it can catch the eyes actually but um But then the problem I preferred the first one, because I think it's important to have the plot of movie, e especially for uh a movie people don't n never heard about it. But uh I don't know. Okay. Okay, so what do you propose, what should I do for these posters? In terms of content. Okay, I'll try to do something, but first anyway we have to select a movie. So I'll put all the information and you want me to put the at the bottom, all the information about the committee and the the Montreux Club, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay, so just to conti to finish with The Big Lebowski, it's um I think those two images are pretty representative, so the on the first on on the top you see the hero with a a cowboy that i introduces the movie, and on the bottom it's uh he is he keeps dreaming in th in this movie, because uh uh the killer's um uh put it d put it or he is drinking too much also, so each time he's uh drinking he's having some dreams, very very weird, but interesting. Yep. Yeah, yeah. Actually, she wants him to she wants to make kids and she's using the Big Lebowski to have kids with him, but he doesn't know. So maybe he's making strange uh Okay. Yeah, yeah, it's very very sweet and it's like a it's like a dream actually. It's um no, it is on in the table actually. It's um it's coming at the end. Forty eight. But quite a lot of people have seen it actually. Yeah. Yeah, but generally you vote when you have seen the movie, no? Okay, so uh I think we should decide for a movie now. So maybe each of us can s can select two movies or Okay. Um no, actually I'm happy with the choices, because I really I would really push uh American Beauty, because I think it's uh it's an easy movie to watch and and still there are a lot of things to think afterward. And it's representative of the nineties, I think. Okay. Yeah. Okay, start, Andrei. No I don't want to finish I think I'm going to No. Yeah, maybe it makes more sense, yeah. Okay, me I put two to American Beauty and uh one to Saving Private Ryan. No, Big Lebowski, I nominate. So do we have something? Yeah, that's the only thing that's worrying me, but it should be okay. Yeah, yeah. So you select you wanted actually me to select the this design? That takes a bit more time, but if you c if all of you can send me one image, I can make something on the left. Select one image from the movie and uh With a different title? Okay. No but I'll make something. Julianne Moore actually uh She's playing in the no? In American Beauty? Ah okay. Okay uh we s We still have to decide for next meeting and we're all set. Uh by uh Monday, next Monday. I think we can meet at the same period. Yeah. No. First Monday of May. Yep. But then in June, what are we going to do in June, because we cannot make movies from ten two thousand Yeah. yeah, maybe. Okay. Thank you. So what's the movie again? Okay. Thank you. +Speaker C: It's just that I need uh some some white paper. Uh yes. Um, hello? Yes, I did. Mm. Ah. No, but we're the clubbers, but Agnes, uh I was just wondering, uh I see uh I have here Denis's table, and when they say that it's the freshest whatever since Pulp Fiction, well that's probably not a very long time, because Pulp Fiction is ninety four and Usual Suspects is ninety five. Okay. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I haven't seen it. Really? Oh. It's it's hard to tell. So that's your impression. Yeah. That's mine, but uh Yeah. How many people voted for it, yeah? That's true. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Isn't violent at all in fact, or it's more like scary or Uh-huh. Scary or yeah, mm-hmm. Creepy or Mm-hmm. Have you seen it? Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Ah. If we show it twice. Okay. So is Bruce Willis the child psychologist? Ah. Great. Mm-hmm. Yeah. It's the guy who then played in uh Artificial Intelligence or something like this, mm-hmm. Great. Mm. Uh me neither. I thi So uh I was told that in French it was called uh Les Evadees. Yeah. Should we should we believe this? Mm-hmm. Yeah, maybe even best picture, yeah. Mm-hmm. But yeah, indeed, it's maybe too sad and too, yeah, too poignant for Well Mm-hmm. Yeah, I've seen it too. Yeah it's it's very good and it's a bit violent, but it's also quite funny I think. It's a Mm-hmm. Yeah. the boxer. Pardon? Yeah, as the boxer. Uh Uma Thurman. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's strange, with so many votes that they can p shift. I mean statistically speaking it's strange. Mm-hmm. Wow. Mm. But it was that movie? Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Not really in favour of this, but Ah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think, yeah, when yeah, I saw this movie some time ago and yeah, she looked quite young I thought. Ninety one,. Mm-hmm. Okay. Oh yeah, I've seen it, yeah. Yeah, it's a good movie, I um I don't know, maybe too well known, but since it's fifteen years old maybe people would li Yeah. Mm-hmm. Oh again? Mm-hmm. I see. S mm-hmm mm-hmm. Ah, that's the girl who is represented on the the picture? You recognise her belly? Uh Oh so you recognise the rose. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, but didn't I mean I see this name of the the director on the slide, but I don't really know him. Frank Darabont? Never heard of this guy. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'm not sure. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, maybe. But it's true, yeah, we shouldn't stick to only very highly rated movies on this table. Though it's a very useful table, but um okay, do you want me to yeah. So yeah, uh I wrote some notes on um on Saving Private Ryan, which is my candidate. If you can display them it's perfect. Uh do you all have a copy of them? I have some paper copies. Uh you're welcome. So actually given that more or less our theme since the beginning of the year was um history, drama, action, and given also that, well, we decided to to present this month a movie from the the nineties, um I thought that among these movies, who look quite popular, uh Saving Private Ryan would be a very good candidate. Um actually it's a movie I've seen. Have you seen it before? Okay, so you've all seen it, so maybe everyone has seen it, I'm not very sure. Um but I think it's a very novel treatment of of war, it's uh it's no longer the b glorification of uh, whatever, combat and victory, but the plot is quite different, it's about saving one person who has a special special value in the in the movie um if only because his brothers actually were all killed, so uh the government believes that they should save at least one person from the family, and saving means actually removing from the the front, if you if re if you remember the plot. So in fact this guy, the Private Ryan is not at all the main actor, the the main a well, the main character is uh played by Tom Hanks and it's actually you can see his picture on the second page of my my notes uh Captain John Miller. So he is sent with this rather strange mission, which is not a combat mission, but they uh they want just to to get this guy back, which is in fact this guy is I think behind enemy lines or something like this. So it happens in in Europe, just after the the Normandy landing, and it's very very striking the way they they filmed all the the combat scenes and uh it's it's very dramatic, it's uh it's not, you know, like in the movies from the fifties or the sixties where people just fall and die anonymously, but here they well, you see everything and you see how many people die on that day. It's actually Well it's very strange, you could s ask this for any sad movie, did you enjoy it. Well I didn't really enjoy to see bad things, but uh I think it was satisfying to see that, well, how dramatic things are. Yeah. Exactly, yeah. I it's very moving, I it's true, it's not very it's not very, well, happy. I don't know how it would compare with Apocalypse Now, if it's darker or maybe Yeah. So yeah, so I think this would continue a bit our our theme. So the the movie is ranked quite high, if I if I refer back to your table it's number uh, what actually, um fourteen. Quite a lot of votes, so um also one of the the mainstream movies. Um on the second page uh of my notes I well I quoted some uh well some facts about the movie that I found interesting, we we could use them for either a poster or uh or a presentation. Um especially I enjoyed the story about the the colour saturation. It's true that the movie is not really black and white, uh but uh the colours are grey-ish, dark-ish, it it prov it makes a very moving effect. Yeah, I think also to show the um yeah, I think it's the reference to history and also this dark yeah the mood and uh things are actually well most of the things are quite grey, you know, the uniforms, weapons, things and things like that. Mm-hmm. Exactly. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Well I think Matt Damon is the guy who must be saved, if I remember well, and in fact the die Well yeah, the people didn't understand why they should save one person. So and they are quite resentful, because they I mean they feel they should fight, they shouldn't just go there and uh just get someone and get back. And in fact some of them d get killed for this guy. Actually most of them, yeah, I think so. So Yeah, yeah. It's a very I think some people compare it with uh, whatever, Christian message or I dunno, but um I think it's quite quite universal and it's uh I think it's a modern, very modern Well this uh value of one individual, it looks like a Christian message, you know, the value of one is compared to others I I don't know I th I think I heard this at that point, but maybe I'm just wrong. So yeah, I I think it would make a coherent choice. It's probably a bit long and we might want something that is lighter and funnier, but uh if we want to keep this this idea of history and conflict and also to show some some kind of modern treatment of it, it it would make for a good choice. But if you see in my notes at the bottom of the first page I put some other candidate movies. Uh La Vita e Bella is an Italian one, but it's also about history and it happens at t the same period as Schindler's List. And I also quoted Pulp Fiction and Silence of the Lambs, um a bit more remote from the themes, but quite well known movies and enjoyable I would say. So do you have any questions about this, or should we just move to the next candidate maybe? Okay. It's just below the table, so since we all refer to the table Mm-hmm. Yeah. No, I think the summary is i is quite good, and especially I think it uh well mm when you read it you just want to go to see the movie. I think it looks funny for me. I haven't seen the movie, but uh the summary looks funny. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Actually, who are the two characters on the the p the poster, on the on the image that Uh-huh. And w and which one is the Big Lebowski on the picture? Okay, so the guy with the glasses. The Vietnam guy. Hmm. Well, sort of. Oh. Mm-hmm. Oh. Yeah, you cannot read it very well because Mm. Uh-huh. Yeah, the text on this one is very good. Oh because it's square. Uh-huh. Yeah, I don't like the black one. The f the first poster is I think much uh much too dark. No, that's nice. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, maybe two or three sentences, because I guess they won't stop in front of the poster. Yep. So layout of the first one and colours of the third one. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Oh okay. So the woman on the second picture, that's Julianne Moore or oh. Ah. Interesting. So it's not really violent or I mean the movie is quite for general audiences. Okay. okay. Huh. Well, at least voted for it. Mm. Yeah. Yeah, let's nominate first. And then we vote we choose from the list. Mm-hmm. Well I'll nominate the one I proposed, Saving Private Ryan, so history, war, drem drama. And I haven't seen it, but I would like to see it and I think American Beauty. If you if you think that our series okay, it's not about America, but uh still Apocalypse well, yeah. It's about countries. So, Agnes, Denis? So Denis, are you happy with our choices or would you like to add something? Mm-hmm. Okay. So what if we voted, say, like for first and second choice and then we count? You can give two points to one and one point to another one? Would you like this strange way to vote? Um okay so uh Oh yeah, um well it's uh well if I nominated two and I was the only one, I'll give two points to Saving Private Ryan and one to American Beauty. You don't want to finish, Denis. Then you'd better hurry. Okay. Okay. That makes the vote more complicated. Um okay, so I'll give um uh b um okay, two to The Sixth Sense and one to The Big Lebowski. I note that you didn't nominate a film, so you are sort of freer than us. Agnes? Okay, oh. American Beauty four, Big Lebowski three. So you have to redo the posters, uh? Mm. Mm-hmm. You mean the first poster, yeah. Maybe you can leave those. Oh leave Julianne Moore. Okay, I'm looking forward to seeing it, I haven't see it, so Um so we have to select the movie for May. So uh we'll try a movie from the two thousands. And we can meet at the beginning of May. So I think Monday is second? No, Monday is third already. Mm whatever. Okay. Yeah, how many people we got and uh Mm-hmm. Maybe some kind of movies that spans across periods. I think there is a Godard with a lot of um quotations from other movies or well let's see when we Let's cross the bridge when we get to it. Thanks, see you April ni twenty ninth, American Beauty. +Speaker D: Hello. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. I haven't see it. it's a One hundred thousand. One hundred and two. For for voted for it, yeah. More votes? Yeah, it's it seems to be quite popular. Mm-hmm mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.. Yeah. So my presentation is not that detailed, I just uh put there seven uh highly uh ranked movies, and we can just try to g uh go very quickly through all of them, just to re remind you them, and then we can perhaps consider another p uh potential candidates. Okay, so the movies that I have selected as as very good uh good ranked movies uh are uh uh are on the screen so uh Shaw The Shawshank Redemption, Schindler's List, Usual Suspects, Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Silence of the Lambs and American Beauty. Uh so perhaps we can go to the to the f to the first movie. Uh The Shawshank Redempt uh Redemption um actually I didn't see that movie, so is there someone else who have seen this movie? Okay. mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay, the plot outline says that the life of Andy uh Dufresne Duf okay, of Andy, changes when he uh he's uh convicted and jailed for the murder of his wife, and the user comment says it's simply amazing, the best uh film of the nineties. So that's uh what it says, okay, we can't tell much more, because basically none of us have seen it. Mm-hmm, yeah. So the second one is a Schindler's list, it's more serious movie, it's from the St uh Steven Spielberg and it's about the Second War uh Sec Second World War. Uh the plot outline is that the Oskar Schindler uh uses Jews to uh start a factory in Poland during the war, and he witnesses the uh horrors uh endured by the Jews and starts to save them. User comment says, a film for all to see and learn, and I think it's really something what is very serious uh theme and uh yeah. So that's a Schindler's List, um we can perhaps do you have some comments? I I have seen it. I think it's really good movie, it's uh it's quite long actually, I can't uh here I didn't put the the minutes, but I think it's it's at least about three hours. Yeah. No, I don't know, I don't know, unfortunately. But I would expect it. I would expect it. Okay, so if you can go to the It's a true story, yeah. It's it's yeah, I would say that the user comment says everything, a film to see and to learn. And to remember as well, yeah. Okay, th so the third one is The Usual Suspects. So I think I I wouldn't uh I don't want to comment it again, so we can just skip that, because it was this this is the one already commented by Agnes. So let's go to the to the other one. Pulp Fiction. I would say that's that's like a classical movies of of nineties, uh it's uh directed by Quentin Tarantino, it's a it's a crime and drama, it's a a there i there are several s several stories that are just mixed up during the during the movie, and uh yeah, it's a real classical movie, I would say almost nowadays. So I've seen it. So all of us. Sure, sure, you can see it several times, because I mean the first time you cannot catch all the details, and then i when you see it second times and third times it's It's big comeback, yeah, big comeback of John Travolta, yes. I would say good comeback. Yes. Who is there? Huh. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Bruce Willis is there as a boxer, yeah. Um Yes. Okay, so that's Pulp Fiction, definitely should be considered uh. Mm-hmm. Wow, that's interesting. How. That may be. Yeah, because yeah because I have I have uh I have th this review on on Wednesday. Okay. It's Goodfellas, I haven't see that movie. The plot outline says that the Henry Hill and the his friends uh work their way uh their way up through the mob uh hierarchy, and uh the user comment says, it's a simply a masterpiece, so and if you go to the to the to the votes, there is quite a lot of people who has vote for the Goodfellas, sixty six thousand. Okay, it's It's modern day average, so it's perhaps not a bad movie. I dunno, I haven't see that. You have seen it? Yeah? Mm-hmm. uh-huh. And how i was it called, Mafia? Mm-hmm mm-hmm mm-hmm. So it talks about the nineteen twen twenties or something like o of twenties? Mm-hmm. Okay, so. Mob is mafia, mm-hmm. Okay. Silence of the Lambs, that's a godfather of all thrillers, I would say. Fully in line with the user comments. Uh basically it's a it's a thriller, horror and crime all together. The plot outline says that the uh Clarice Starling, the young F_B_I_ agent is assigned to help a f to help find a mi uh missing woman and save her from the ps psychopathic killer with the help of another killer. This another killer is actually in a jail and it's uh Anthony Hopkins, and he really plays it a very good, I would say. I'm not sure whether he received some a awards for that, but it's really it's Yes, very good performance, very good performance. Yeah, and we can see her actually on the picture on the on the projector.. Um uh ninety one uh ninety one uh. So nowadays she's already fourteen years older. Yeah. And I saw this movie when I was like uh twelve or thirteen and it was really really uh bad experience. So I can't remember all the details of that movie, but I would like to see it again. I recently I saw the the uh Hannibal, that the seco the sec uh it was a third third part actually, it was called Hannibal I guess. It was second one, yeah. So that's why It was really disgusting, yeah. Yeah. And the last choice that um I think it's it's not a bad movie, it's uh American Beauty. Uh it's basically about the about the people in America, each of them is uh I would say psychotic in his uh his own way, but uh normally they appear to be uh s normal people, as as we can see them ev every day. Uh so and it's really it's uh the user comments say it's a deep, wonderful, penetrating uh film, extraordinary uh irony uh in a psychological drama about American life, and I can fully agree with this user comment. Uh He's simulati I I I've seen this movie, but I Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mm-hmm. But then he fell in love with the the with the with the friend of uh his daughter, if I remember well. That's really Maybe. Yeah, yeah, that's true, yeah. Uh-huh. And I think that's the last If would like to go for something what is really serious I would definitely uh go for Schindler's List, and if not uh then Hmm. I would like to see this uh Shawshank Redemption, because it receive i yeah, it it none of us seen this movie unfortunately, but uh as you can see from the from your from your table, there is a plenty of votes. It's actually I think it's a movie with highest number of the votes, yeah, it is. Morgan Freeman, yeah. Darabont. Me neither, me neither. Yeah, but really I would like to highlight that it's a it's a movie with highest number of the votes and the highest ranking at the same time. So. And actually I don't think it's it's it's that popular in Europe at least, because I really you see, none of us have seen it, so. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. But if I read your first point in the in this uh trivias, I am just surprised because it says that all the principle actors uh underwent several days of uh cruel army training except for the Man Matt Damon, and the reason was that they wan uh that the that the director wanted that uh the other actors would resent him. Why this was uh wanted actually? Yeah. And they didn't like it, they didn't like the mission? Mm-hmm mm-hmm. Yeah, and it okay. Yes. Most of them. So there is actually several people dying because of one single single soldier, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. I have no comments, no no, it's Yeah, but I really appreciate your table, because I found this table really useful. It's a very nice summary. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So doing nothing, just uh take it easy in the life, yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And the one on the left is his friend? Aha, yeah. But this movie is is supposed to happen in uh what time, I mean it's uh Which ca From the nineties? And he's still uh still uh prepared from or or still as he he would come from the Vietnam. Okay. There i Mm-hmm mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. And this one is supposed to be the second Lebowski? Or who Okay, okay. But actually I'm I'm little bit missing th some information about our movie club, I think uh there should be some more information. Yeah I like this, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So perhaps we can somehow combine them. I think there is too many colours, too many colours. Nowadays, you know, if you see some advertisements on the s yeah, but nowadays if you see some advertisement on the on the street, this is typical typical uh poster I wouldn't wouldn't look at. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm mm-hmm. Exactly. Mm-hmm mm-hmm. Mm-hmm mm-hmm. How is it actually r ranked, because I cannot see it here in your table. I somehow can't find it. Ah, forty eight. Yeah, fifty thousand, mm-mm. Voted, yeah. Mm-hmm. Let's nominate, okay. So I will take basically two extremes, I will take Schindler's List and I will take uh The Big Lebowski. One of the one of them is really just funny and from the nineties, uh I mean the story is from the nineties, while the second one is about the Second War and is uh serious. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay, that's Yeah, but then each of us will will uh but then each of us will vote for uh our nominees, so I would propose to to to vote for s sun uh to to give the points to the to the movies that were not nominated by you. So then it's it's more complicated but yeah, okay, let's Mm-hmm, okay. Sixth Sense. 'Kay. Seconds. okay, and I wi I will give one to The Big Lebowski and two to The uh uh Shawshank Redemption. So now try to sum it up. American Beauty. Uh three. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. But I would say these images are very nice and they are really representative perhaps. Mm-hmm. I'm Yeah, sure, sorry. Sorry. I was sleepi sleeping for a while. Mm-hmm. It should be from this period, because nineties would be finished. Mm. Two thousand. Mm-hmm. Yeah.. Whatever. First Monday of May, yeah, so it's after the projection, and we will see what are the reactions of the people and so it makes sense that we are yes, yes, yes. And perhaps we will have some new members. Um American Beauty, finally. Okay.","When the meeting opens the project manager gives the agenda and says they need to choose a movie to project at the end of the month as well as decide on the content of advertising posters. ""The Usual Suspects"" and ""The Sixth Sense"". He lists some facts about each and explains what they are about. ""The Shawshank Redemption"", ""The Usual Suspects"", ""Schindler's List"", ""Pulp Fiction"", ""Goodfellas"", ""Silence of the Lambs"", and ""American Beauty"". The group discusses each of the movie nominations, and they eventuually choose ""American Beauty""." +24,"Speaker A: Okay. Uh first of all I'll start with the costs, because that's going to influence our design. If you Don't know if you al already had a look or not? Because we have a problem. If you look closely, you can see. Um I already took the liberty to make some suggestions... At the moment we have fifteen buttons, one L_C_D_ screen, one advanced chip-on-print. We use a uh sensor, that's for the speech. Uh we use kinetic energy. And we wanted uh the buttons in a special colour. Okay. What's the first thing we should drop? The special colour of the buttons? Okay. Uh Should we switch to a hand dynamo? Uh that's the still the same idea as the kinetic energy because you have to use it and do things. Batteries? Batteries.. Yeah. So You're going to redesign something. Okay, so we're at twenty five. Um Do we keep the shape doubly curved or g do we go for single curved? Mm-hmm. Uh Yeah. Um Uh another option I saw was to drop the buttons one through nine, so you can't directly access a channel, but instead use only the up and down arrows. That would skip nine buttons and four and a half Euros. Yeah? Uh then we have left Uh yeah. We do. They don't need special colours. Fine. That's more like it. You were saying something. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, some more menu options. Yeah. Okay so maybe we can drop few more buttons. But um Now let's look. Mm-hmm. Uh Yeah, scroll-wheel, push-button uh Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Uh yeah. Yeah. It's uh One integrated button is five times the cost of a normal button. So You could also drop j three more of these, without losing much functionality. You just drop the Okay and the Back. Oh, that's for the speech. Yeah. S s Drop speech recognition? Yeah that's possible. Buttons. That's not very easy to use. Yep. Okay. Because if you d lose the L_C_D_ screen, we need a lot of Yeah. We need a lot of extra buttons. Okay so we drop the speech. And drop it yeah? Okay. S Fo Four less Euros. So we still have three and a half Euro to lose. Yeah if you lose the the Back, the Okay button Uh v let's say we only have the four arrows, and the Menu button. Then you're Oh and the power button we have also. Yeah. So that's one Euro. Yeah. Yeah? And That would save zero point two Euros compared to No. Yeah. To This together is more expensive than Oof, it's almost the same as t keeping this. And we can drop these two. Volume. And the power button. That's the basic. Yep. Okay th that's Yeah that's one Euro more expensive. That's not an option. Menu, power. Four arrows? Power. Uh Yeah. Okay. So four arrows? Uh power I believe? Uh We have a Back and a Okay button. And the Menu. Yeah, and even if we drop three buttons from here, we still have to make some adjustments around here. So The L_C_D_? Yeah. Then I rather make it wood. Because then also it's good in the market with the forty five plus uh people. No that maybe not. But maybe it's better than plastic anyway. Yeah? Yeah okay uh Yep. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, okay. Plastic. Uh that's easy because plastic is free. Yeah, okay. Uh if we dropped uh Yeah? You still need that. S No, I keep the re Yeah. Yeah. Because we already designed for it. So Yeah and something else. No y you would rec Then you have Then you still need two additional buttons I believe. For the volume. You can use those Yeah. Oh yeah and power. That's three buttons and this would cost Yeah. Three. Up, down, Okay. Yeah, okay. It would save enough Yeah you can choose this, drop these, then we have a half Euro left. So we can maybe still use power button. Yeah. Yeah. You see? Oh still Yeah? Oh then I miscalculated. Oh yeah. Shit. Drop the special colour. 'Kay. What else? Uncurved? Yeah. They made it very easy for us. Ah, I don't think I can s uh persuade the management to say, this is better for the market so you sell more than Buttons. That's Oh yeah since we only have one button. I just m I don't I think Uh yeah it's I think it's grey, regular. Grey and rubber. Of plastic. Yeah. Yeah. No I don't think the current status of uh chips are pretty uh energy conserving, no. Yeah hand dynamo? Do you want an extra button? Yep? Instead of an additional power button? Yeah? It's for scroll Without Yeah but it's just a scroll-wheel which you can push down. So Yeah? So Woah we're within budget. It's a miracle. Yeah? Okay. Um, well. 'Kay, this was old. Yeah back to work. Uh Did I save it? Yeah. I I wanted to go, but I wasn't allowed. So Uh I just forgot to save this. Just a minute.. Yeah, this the last phase of course, so Hmm. Oh. Okay. Um Well we first should have had a uh prototype presentation. But well as you saw that hadn't made no sense, because we had to drop it. Uh Yeah. Yeah it was more important, so I just pushed up the agenda. Uh, evaluation criteria. You have t produced something about that? Uh you put it in the. Yeah. F_ five. Alt up Freaky. Yeah. Uh, of course we dropped a little bit of those uh Mm-hmm. Two. Uh y we should fill this in now. Yeah okay. Uh Yeah in the new design I s would say it's three. But now, in original design I say two. Okay then I say three. Hey, you're marketing, eh. Hmm. M maybe underline. Red. Oh yeah very true. He types everything. Everything. You don't use anything else. Yeah. Yeah okay. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Nope. Uh check with the Excel sheet. Yeah integrate it. Yeah. Just go scrolling and it will activate. It shows the most used functions and they are relevant, but You say you double click on the No, not anymore. Because he's now have a scroll-wheel that you can push in. Like on the the mouse. Yeah. To get into menu. Yeah. Or hold it ten seconds. No no no. Uh it should be trendy. Yeah. Four. Yeah, im in the menu. Five. It's the weirdest remote control I've ever seen. So Well it's different. Yeah. Yeah, it's still Yeah, I say two. Oh, that's the next. Two. Yeah definitely. You still have rubber d Or no. Yeah. Yeah. The one button we have. Yeah you could check with the Excel sheet. Yeah. Yeah or three. We have something. New. Yeah. You like both. Um oh yeah. I just couldn't Um, just one minute.. So. No not anymore. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah well yeah. No Yeah okay. So Ooh. And Yeah? What? Yeah. Yeah. That Count them. Add them? Or Could somebody start calculator? Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah. You have to 'Kay. So four and Nice work. O one. Plus five. Bo Uh two. Four. Start over? You can Oh yeah. Okay. Three, four, nine. Uh Eleven, fifteen. Seventeen. S Uh That was the last one. That was that. Yeah. So divided by nine. So Yeah. Divided by nine. So thr t two. So we're better than average. No. Things, yeah. Okay. It's still yeah. Has some shortcomings. Okay so Um this we had, this we had. We have to do a product evaluation. Uh prototype presentation we dropped. So Uh the finance we looked. We have redesigned. Uh not on that, but So you can just make one big L_C_D_ screen. Yeah uh The the button has a special colour, the frame has a special colour. It's plastic. And single curved. Oh and you might want to add a uh infrared LED. Otherwise it uh doesn't function uh so well. Well I have to um um make an uh report of every decision we made so far. And I try to get chip just before uh I uh receive the Excel sheet. So I Yeah I'm I'm somewhere, but maybe you can help me. Uh I was here. So Ah That's enough to get started with, so Uh, I just took one for every step and then a conclusion. Yeah. Well I think I have to make a p an issue called finance. Yeah. Mm-hmm. .... I don't think so, if you see the options. But Yeah. You can't even draw anymore. Even children can draw. Can you just push pen and then keep on Hmm. Yeah. Yeah just on the the m um the L_C_D_ display. This is your Real Remote. Yeah. Yeah. You can just reuse that, because the name is the same. Initials. Mm. Luckily. Yeah, it's uh Yeah. Okay. And copy this. Just a minute. It's It's somewhere I d It isn't inside. Yeah, and don't know how it's or eject it. From up there? No. Yeah it's somewhere in here. Save copy. Yeah.. Yes.. Well Um now you probably have to recalibrate. Oh, five minutes to the end of the meeting. And the recalibration is done using this icon here. Yeah well I just Okay. You go ahead. Yeah. Yeah. Then I have to uh uh write this, and I don't know if you have to present, because I didn't receive any information about that so far. Maybe we get a a final mail. Yeah. Yeah, I have still ten minutes to finish the report. Yeah. And you can uh just uh relax and uh have cup of coffee or oh no, they don't have beer here so you can't celebrate. You can just if you ma finish my presentation please. Uh over there. The presentation is still open. So if you finish that then you'll see uh Yeah next. Oh yeah, we have to do the project uh evaluation. Just uh do that quickly. Uh Uh well basically what that says, we discuss it and um So how were did the project process uh go? Did you, were you all pleased with the process as it was? Or are there uh Yeah the interaction and the steps we followed, and and so forth. Yeah. Mm-hmm.. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay and was that due to my leadership? Yeah? That okay? Okay. Um was there uh enough room for creativity? So and the uh about the board digital pen? Uh was that helpful or Ooh. Yeah it works. Mm-hmm. Use the pen. Yeah yeah. Blink. Oh. Okay, are are there any new ideas about this? All I think I didn't really receive, yeah. Uh uh w uh S sorry uh Mm-hmm. Yeah. Oh. Uh we should uh enter our questionnaire. Ah. Woah. Okay. Uh okay. That's the management. Hope so. Um +Speaker B: Did you do your questionnaire already? Uh It wants Yeah but everything is. Just a normal battery then, yeah. Oh my goodness. Well I guess i we'll have to go for single curve then. I mean we have to drop on everything. Yeah. How about Sorry. That's what I was thinking. A a And uh 'cause then they don't have to n They don't need special colour as well. That was exactly my point. Like let's drop all the buttons, and just make one I mean we're gonna use the L_C_D_ screen anyway. So we'll just have to use it for everything. And then you can make an overview of channels in the screen, and select a channel, click Yeah we need one integrated button for everything then. Yeah. Kind of. I was Because Yeah. If you if you go to If you go to our uh view, like you if you are in the sound system there, uh and you wanna adjust the treble for instance, this is just uh an example, y y you wanna see a bar on which you can adjust it from zero to ten for example. But you want a sound preview of how it's gonna sound, right? So you wanna click on it, activate it, whe and when you move it, hear the difference of the treble coming out or going into the sound. So you'll you'll need a a kind of a joystick uh button. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah it's r Yeah. No. No but Yeah it's it's expensive, but uh we never considered the possibilities of uh speech recognition. 'Cause it can take the function of a lot of uh uh buttons. I No. Yeah but lets just say that the speech recognition works. We uh we we haven't really integrated this the speech into the system, so we can might as well s drop that. We need to lose some buttons. Which That's even Yeah, if you if you go to eight I don't know how to Yeah, we need the chip for the for the L_C_ display. Yeah. True. Oh. Hmm. Yeah uh You uh uh Yeah. So the other option would be to go for the the sample speaker, and Which can use a regular chip, wh which is six Euros in total. That doesn't matter. Well yeah. Exactly. Yeah but the uh can't we f uh fit all the buttons in an intreg integrated scroll push-button? 'Cause that will save us one and a half Euro already. And then if w Th then we have to scroll through a lot of menus to be able to get where you want, huh? And uh Yeah d at l Yeah. At least one for power. Oh. Yeah it's just as expensive as what we have now. Yeah endlessly. I mean it can be a power button as soon as it powered on. You can go into you in you main menu, you can choose uh flip channel, uh you can choose sound options, any options. Yeah. Maybe we should. 'Cause we don't have money and w we want the screen. I guess we have to. We'll we'll be on Yeah it says right here. Yeah. But we definitely want the thing to be a special colour though. Damn. Yeah and then Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Well, you only have to power it up when you wanna use it. I don't know.. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's the most import We only have Yeah but Well we come back to the drawing board then, huh? It's silly 'cause we we should have had this meeting before we start drawing. Oh yeah? okay. Drop everything. Yeah. We went straight into finance? For Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. I think it does. Because the operating behaviour of the young user was also defined in colour and shape and the use of L_C_D_, right? Yeah. Well, we have extended menus, on the on the L_C_D_ screen. So I No. Yeah. Yeah alright. Yeah yeah. Definitely one. It has to be. You're not gonna find them. Yeah the next Not so much so. Yeah. Yeah it's uh it's integrated. E exactly just like a m mobile.. Well uh we should b build it so that if you don't kind of push into the menu or something, if When it's on, yeah, it's turned on, It automatically has the the programme and the volume function, but as soon as you click it you go into the menu or some Of you Or you double click it. No because it has four arrows, right? Oh yeah. Yeah I was thinking still about our uh integrated joystick. Say. Yeah that is a bummer. We'll make it a Morse code. Yeah. Yeah I would go for five or six, yeah. Okay five. Let's not diss our remote. Yep. Just one button. But Uh yep. We still have the fruit and vegetable print. Fr Oh I mean the Oh never mind. I'm a bit lost.. It's way more practical, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we still uh we still have the primary colours. But only on the on the outside, not on the button. Yeah? Okay. Yeah. Yeah still we we dropped also on the the double uh curve. And and colour. Yeah. S Yeah. Uh Actually we d we didn't do so well on this one. Because it's basically an old one, uh with little curve on the side, and in a different colour. Still, it's still hard. I mean the sponge-like and the three D_ shape, that would give it something young and fresh. Of course. Yeah but it be because uh we couldn't hardly draw on the b s on the lower half of the screen, we could not make it big enough to actually draw in the So I mean I wanted to put digits on the buttons as well. But Hell yeah. If we have only one button. And even the shape we have now uh simulates kind of an R_ and the reversed R_, doesn't it? So No. The only e the only thing easy about it is that you don't have to move your fingers. 'Cause it has only one button. Yeah exactly. I would say six. It's really not easy to use. 'Cause you're putting everything Most votes count. Um Definitely in casing, 'cause we have a hard plastic Yeah. Yeah because the the batteries, those thingies last forever. And the the casing, hard plastic also lasts forever. So I would go for one. Okay yeah. Oh. No m I would g I would go for four. Because we kind of tried to but we kind of failed with the budget that we have. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah yeah. That's it. Ah we can do the math. Uh Yeah. Did you make this questionnaire or what? Oh. I wouldn't be able to do it that fast. F Pretty difficult. Just type in the digits. They're all one digit numbers right? And then you can count them together. Eleven. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Oh what? How hard is this? Never mind. Twenty four. Twenty eight. Twenty eight. Yeah the lower the The lower the score the better, right? Yeah but But I Are you sure we this number actually tells us somethings? I don't think so because some questions are related to positive issues and some to negative. So if you give a true to a positive, it actually means that the low the lower the better. But if you give true to a negative question No? Durable, that's good. Easy to use. Yeah.. Also good. Yeah okay. I guess you did do it. Oh yeah yeah. No Okay. Okay. Yeah true. Yeah definitely definitely. Because now it's just an average It's remote. Yeah okay because of the L_C_D_ screen. But uh it looks and stuff, it still uh it's not, it's not really eye-catching, except for the colour. Yeah. Product evaluation. Shall we try? Black. Okay uh we're still gonna go for the fancy colours? But are we gonna stick with the green or are we gonna do blue? One scroll button and For what? Should give it some time? Yay. Have to take this away also. And this um Oh yeah, of course. Um pen yeah? Format. Current colour red. Oh Yeah we did our special colour for the Line widths, now that's a ten. It's gonna be one str scroll. Horizontal's easier too, 'cause you can Is it more natural than this? So let's say Whoops. 'Kay. Basically. It's really ugly. Oh What do you mean? Like a other colour than this one? Yeah can we do it uh uh can we do a print? I think we have to choose, yeah? Okay special colour. We do have special colour. Does it mean uh that Shall we just give it some dots to make it look pretty? Purdy. Purple? Yeah yeah. Oh no my remote has acne. No. That's why we have that button. It's so cute. Doh. Is that that? How the We did we do that? We can try. That doesn't respond also to the undo. It looks like it's No, Where do you want some more dots? Okay, it's not the prettiest, I know. It's not so random huh? Yeah okay. We can make a l a logo. Like uh put it like the shape. Something like that. I mean it's not too uh That's not their logo, is it? Yeah. It's a How Shall we do the logo in black or not? Are you dissing my drawing? This one? It looks like a ribbon. So who wants to draw? This is actually quite fun. Do we need to do anything? I hear you people are typing. Oh, okay. It's almost four. At four, yeah,? This is really bizarre. It looks like there's a It looks like a butterfly. No, but it i It's not a bu a beamer. B It's a normal T_V_ screen, kind of thing. Oh. Yeah there is some kind of projection I think. With a with a mirror, huh? Or something. Yeah. So are we gonna change anything to this? I mean is it gonna This is gonna be flat. Yeah exactly. Yeah. Yeah. And this is also gonna be Nope. But sometimes then uh all of a sudden it does work. Maybe No it's I think you only need two points. Or not. No, you sh Slanted yeah. Yeah. Well maybe. Yeah it it matters for the aim of this thing. Yeah. Yeah it's only a bit like to that side, but that is that one by the way. 'Cause this one makes the angle either like this. So i if I change this, it will go there, if I change that, will go there. Mm-hmm. I will take this away 'cause it looks messy. Maybe we will. What's this anyway? It looks like candle wax. Uh th uh do you mean the the interaction between us? Or Yeah well at first I was really stressed. Because it went a bit fast. But then as I knew the tempo that I had to be on, the second time I think I did a bit better. And the third time yeah, I mean Yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Yeah we Mm-hmm. Yeah. Definitely. Well you did become more assertive the the second time round, so that Yeah. You were more in charge kind of thing. I guess so. I mean I We were pretty democratic. Yeah. Maybe Yeah. It's uh it's The the pen is more intuitive, 'cause we're all used to writing with pen. And uh as I said, uh I uh have no idea how PowerPoint works, so will take me half a day to be able to make a normal PowerPoint presentation. But once I get to know the program probably, I mean, it looks better, you know. Or uh something like that. You can give it a kind of a home style, like we have i the the logo and everything. And I don't know. Yeah the the the problem with PowerPoint for me is that you have to i put in the pre-made chunks c as well. You know, you can draw something on the sketch-board and then take it there, or whatever. Alright. Alright. Well, s see you in a second huh?. Yeah we have to pull it this way, huh? Wait. +Speaker C: . Oh,. No. Oh. No. Yeah but young people like that. So just do normal battery. Yeah. It has to be twelve and a half. Or not? Uh, yeah. But we can keep it single curved with uh top view still curved, but from the side it's it's flat, and the screen screen is just Well you just have to hold it like this then. So Alright. Let's do it then. Yeah. we F_ eight. Yeah. The joystick. Integrated scroll-wheel push-button, yeah. Yeah or or the integrated scroll-wheel push-button. So that's kind of on your mouse and then you can click it, adjust it, click again and then you're out of it. But you still But you then still need to have Well you can use the scroll-wheel as well for um maybe for the channels. But you still um You still have to have some some button in the menu to go back. Yeah. Well not all. Not s not sound I guess. Mm. Yeah. Wh wh what what what is the what is the uh sample sensor sample speaker? Speech recognition. Right. Buttons. No, it can be disturbed by by noise and stuff like that. Let let let me see what's more what's more popular. I guess the the screen was more popular than um than the speech recognition. I have to look on that. Let me see. Uh well no I was wrong. There are more people who like speech recognition than an L_C_D_ screen. But if it But it it it's a it's a both a hypers No, but Well we Yeah we keep the screen. I mean it's it's about the same. Eight one to ninety one percent, uh sixty six to seventy six. Yeah. Let's drop the speech. Sixteen Euros. But y y Yeah. Yeah. And then and then use um The the Okay. And the menu button does also does the okay function then. And then when you in the menu S so so you activate the menu. Yeah yeah. Yeah.. Well okay. For example if you have f f four buttons, channel up and down, uh volume left right Okay, I've I think we have to keep that. And then and the power button. So that's five. That's basic. That that's what you need anyway. And then for the menu, um you can have a button that activates menu. Or d or do we just integrate an an an scroll-wheel with a push-button. And then if the moment you use the scroll-wheel, the the the menu gets activated, and then you can scroll, choose an option, click on it, it goes into an feature. Click on it again, selects features, scroll, adjust it. Click again, it's okay. Then you only need one button to move back. Or or under each option, you set a you set an a screen thing what says back, and you select that one, click again, and you go one step back. And in that menu, scroll, click, one step back. So that then you need five buttons, and one integrated scroll-wheel push-button. But we can't drop three buttons. But I see that's Yeah. So that's not a good idea. Because which buttons do we have now? Those five which I mentioned, and then menu, and then Yeah. F of the four things? Yeah, th power. Which more? Yeah. Power. Th Yeah that's five. Yeah, okay that's seven, and one to activate the menu, yeah. So okay that's eight. Well we can't reduce that. We we keep the display. Oh, well okay. Yeah. Yeah well we need the advanced Instead of r Yeah but but that's not our market. Ah no, hard plastic. Yeah, plastic with special colour. No but I I Because we have to use the special colour anyway. You forgot that. So let's go for the plastic. And since it's not kinetic, it doesn't have to flip around that much? We still have problem of two Euros. Yeah we can't drop them. Do we really need that advanced chip for an L_C_D_ display? Oh. I rather keep I rather keep the display. So the only option is an hand dynamo. Oh no tha Oh that's one Euro, right. And then integrated s Yeah but that would make it not so easy to use. I mean it's not that important, easy to use, but Yeah. You you press it for like three seconds. Then then then you should do everything in the menu. On the screen. Yeah. Yeah, but we'd Alright. It s it saves us four Euros and it costs us two and a half. So let's see, we we drop the price by one and a half. But we still have thirteen left. Thirteen. So still half. There goes the special co Well That would make it less appealing. So that's no option. We sure about the advanced chip we need for the display? Well yeah. yeah. We made it hard for ourselves with the display, but it's a cool feature. Yeah but I mean what is meant by special colour? S yeah. Alright. Yeah. So I rather have an hand dynamo than than drop the colour. You can still play with it then I guess. I don't know. Yeah, but a hand dynamo costs a lot of energy to keep the screen working. So I guess that isn't an option. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah true. Let's let's go for the hand dynamo then. Or or do we Or do we do uncurved and flat? Instead of Yeah it has to be curved and has to have that colour. And a screen. Yeah. S what what is special f Oh yeah, special form. Maybe that's nicer. But we don't have any buttons. So do d Uh make it a special colour then. Yeah ma make it a special colour then. Okay. Make it a special colour and then it look fancy. So Yeah. Let's let's save it. Yeah. Let's do it like this, I mean, because it does not lose our identity of the product as we Yeah all your designs are uh pretty much Yeah but that but that's the fun part of it. Alright. Yeah what's the next uh phase? Uh the agenda. By your humble P_M_. Oh f Frustrated. Alright. Yeah. Drop, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah that that's Yeah. I uh I sure did. And it combines with product evaluation. Uh so We all have to keep in mind what has changed now. So what we have left on the Because evaluation is based on the initial uh user requirements. Alright. Let's make it big. Um Well we evaluate uh the design with a seven point scale, as following. Well the remote controls according criteria blah blah blah. True or false, and then on a scale of seven points, a scale, as we all know it. Um Well the criteria are based on the user requirements, uh the trends from the marketing research, and the marketing strategy of the company itself. Um well they are in a Word document, which I will open now. Yeah. I don't know it's open yet. No. And we all have to uh agree on a certain level. What's this? Oh. I don't know. Um Well the first point is the remote control matches the operating behaviour of the young user. So that means the operating behaviour was using quite a lot of functions. How do you think about that? Yeah the us u It it it's it's mainly con mainly concentrating on a lot of functions, in this question. So do you think Yeah. You can you can ma Yeah, you can make a lot of extended menus. That's true. I mean the the possibilities are almost unlimited, to to build in menus in the screen. So on a scale from one to seven, what do you think? Huh? Two or three? Something like that? Well we have to choose one. So uh what do you say? I agree on two. Yeah. I uh I say two, personally. But Yeah well we have to evaluate I guess what we have now. Yeah? You say three, and you you said al also three? Three? Okay well I say still two, but it has to be three then. Yeah I know. So it's made bold. But it's nah, it's not very clear on the sc Maybe other colour, yeah. That's better. Uh Yeah. Alright. Oh, it doesn't have to be bold anymore. Alright. Yeah. Um well the remote control has Wha The remote control has irrelevant or less used functions. For example audio settings and screen settings. Yeah. Well, yeah. So it it's a very true point. I mean it hides all those function. But, I mean uh they're hidden in the screen. If you don't want to use them, you don't s you s just scroll over them. And you place them F I don't know where. So that's very true, I guess, for our case. Uh the second point. It shows the relevant and most used functions. Power button. Do we ha still have a power button? Well yeah the button's integrated, huh? Yeah we dropped it. You j you just push it in for Yeah just just push it in for th for three seconds or something, and then Yeah. I don't know. Yeah. Um it shows the relevant and most used functions. Yeah uh on the other uh on one side I would say yes, and the other side I would say no. So it's I don't know. Yeah. With the scroll butt Yeah and then say channel. And then Hmm? Yeah. Yeah. But but how do you change from volume to channel? No. No we have n we have no buttons left. So the joystick was not an option. So so you hav So you you have to double-click, I mean, for, I mean, uh volume, and three double click for the menu, or something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. But but ease of use was not very important, may I remind you. So that's Yeah but that that's not a question. Uh the remote control shows the relevant and most used functions. Well I think it's pretty much in the middle. You have to search for them in in the in the s in the screen, in the menu. So So maybe it's more like a f a five. Or Yeah. Five or six? Five? Alright. Yeah. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Uh the the remote control makes use of technolog technological innovation like L_C_D_ screen and speech recognition. Well yeah but we dropped the speech recognition. But it has at least one innovation. I say two then. Yeah but that that's not that's not this question. Uh thi uh that's the other question. This one. Two yeah. I think L_C_D_'s more useful than speech What? Oh not the bold one. Right. Okay, it has a fancy look and feel by using fruit and vegetable prints, primary colours and sponge-like material. It should have been two questions. I realise now, because sponge-like material is dropped. But the look and feel Yeah. The button has also colour. Yeah. Yeah. The one. Mm mm. Yeah we have single curve now, and no and no material. So maybe in the middle or something. Yeah, I mean it's worth the Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But then we would have to drop the screen. Oh red. Yeah. Yeah. I like bold. Uh the remote control displays the corporate logo. Yeah. You just have to draw it. Yeah. But there's uh enough space for the corporate logo. I mean, if there's only one thing. Yeah. So I will say that is very true. Yeah. The remote control is easy to use. Well I would say Skill, uh I would say six, or something. I don't think it's easy to use, or not so. Yeah. Yeah. It it it has a nice screen. But Yeah. Yeah. Well I I would say a five or a six. What do you say? Easy to use? Five or a six? So a six, more. Yeah, uh I would go for the six too. So Um well, another question, uh the remote control is durable. I don't know if that's the correct word. But uh In use, both battery as casing? Yeah? True, true. And the casing is plastic,? Yeah. If you don't drop it too much, it's uh should last pretty long. Yeah? But uh I think rubber compared is better. So I think a two is more appropriate than Yeah. Logo. Okay I will go go for two. Uh the last one? The remote control's a good example for company's motto, we put the fashion in electronics. uh turn around. Yeah. But um Yeah? It's not Yeah, true. So a four. It's it g it g goes, it's not the best we could do, I guess. But it all has to do with the budget, because it's it's not the bad idea we had, so Alright, yeah. Right. So if I understood it right, we have to count these numbers. Uh Yeah. Mm-hmm. Oh Oh Alright. Word document, the Yeah we have to count them. Uh Yeah just add them and then uh divide them. Yeah. Mm. I all made it po I I all made it I all made it possible uh for a positive questions, so we can count it. I mean if you have reversed question, you have to reverse the scale, uh Yes. Yeah. Thanks. Oh Easy. Question number four, yeah? Yeah. How hard is it? Yeah just use Oh there tho uh there's no n There's no num pads. It's a it's a bit uh Yeah. I think you can just count them by a Um let's move over. Three, plus one, four. Nine. Uh, yeah. Are you here? Eleven. Fifteen. Sixteen, yeah. No sixteen. Uh sixteen plus six. Twenty two. Twenty two, yeah? Tw Twenty Twenty eight. Twen Uh okay. By nine. That's uh three uh Or le less than a three. Yeah. Twenty eight di divided by nine makes three point one one one one one one one. Yeah. Yeah, but there are no negative questions I guess. Good example. Durable use. Easy to use. This is good. Fancy look and feel, that's good. Technology innovation was good, because of a marketing uh requirement. Re relevant most used function. And hides these functions. That was also a good thing. And then matches the opera of the user was also a good thing. So it were all positive questions, by uh by purpose. So Yes, so the It tells us something, yes. Becau But the picture would be a lot different if we didn't have to drop those uh those things, I guess. Yeah. Nah it it's it's better than average, but Yeah. So th Yeah. No. The colour and the screen. Yeah we we have to maybe if we have to redesign it on this With some casing around it, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Do we have to do other things? Or just redesign? Alright. Yeah. So you made a start, right? Yeah. Alright. The the target group has a weak spot for fruit and vegetables, like primary colours, spongy shape. The playfulness, we decided to use kinetic energy as a power sour Okay. That's conceptual, yes. Mm. How many pages? Alright. Y you have you have done the first two. Okay, and and the look and feel is Yeah. The items we had to drop. Where did we start with price? Twenty six and a half. Or not? Or twenty six? Something like that. This? Speckles? Uh Yeah. Yeah. Some some big dots. Yeah. .... We have the original balance sheet, or Yeah. Woah. Just cut. Control Z_. Yeah. Yeah. Just dual screen. Very nice. Yeah. Y y you you you push the button or something. Or Lot of options. Yeah, the R_ and another R_. It's called the Real Remote, right? Maybe maybe it c it can say that. The Real Remote. Yeah. Welcome. Yeah. Yeah. You can copy and paste the picture if you want. Yeah. What is that? Look more Looks more like a campfire. Yeah. Yeah. Type in your report. I don't see any new messages. So Hmm? Luckily, yeah. What time do we have to deliver the report? Four o'clock or Or before that? Just compare uh No it's on the on the beamer I guess. Yeah. Strange. This something what's projection from behind, I guess. Yeah it it's a beamer, but then with a within a mirror, yeah. So it looks like a big screen, but in fact it isn't. Well it's it's single single curved. Th this is flat. Yeah. But it's it's better to have in the front, this kind of shape, because it looks nice. I mean you see more of this than of that. Yeah, more like that. It's not very uh ideal. Do like this. Yeah. What's this? Ooh. But I don't see a detector over there. I thought it was a kind of thing to put it on, and then draw right lines or something. Yeah. Or just messed it up. Yeah. Yeah but it wasn't good. Yeah it it has to touch the corners, I guess. But th this one wasn't good, because if I was drawing here, I drew a line and then it came over here. Oh. Ooh. Yeah yeah, it's it's okay. It's working again. It's better than before. Yeah. Yeah that's improved uh pretty much. Yeah. Yeah but it's better, it's better Mm. No. It's better than it was I guess. Silly. Yeah. Works pretty well. Five minutes before the meeting's over. And then? We have to present Alright. So it after the after after these five minutes, you have to Alright. After after that five minutes, you have ten minutes to finish it, or Alright. And we uh Right. Chill. Huh. Uh Yeah? Next slide. Yeah? How do you do it? Alright. Yeah. Yeah. And we move more to to working together as team, because at first you you make your individual contribution, and then come here, and you have no idea what the others have to make. And then finally you have some idea, okay this is gonna w this is what we gonna make together and okay I will arrange this and you will arrange that, and you have a k a kind of idea what you can expect on the next half hour when you have to work on your own. So The process, I mean, the interaction between us became better and better I guess. Yeah, especially if f f if you see uh you se you saw the largest difference from the first to the second meeting I guess. Yeah. Yeah. Li Limiteded afterwards, but If if you don't take that into account, there's plenty of room for creativ creativity. Also not only the drawing and the the making of the thing itself, but also in explaining it to the other people, by means of uh the the board and uh PowerPoint and Word and stuff like that. Mm uh I think in in essence the digital pen is better than the SMARTboard. Because it it it just works better. I mean uh uh I've made yeah, uh I've made several notes just to test it, and and just put the pen in into it, and then it came onto my screen and it looked perfectly. So it it's better a better device than uh than the screen. But the screen is useful, in essence, but it doesn't work that well. Yeah. Yep. Warning. Finish meeting now. Well, it It's use especially useful, I guess, to to evaluate designs and graph graphical stuff. And and the screen and stuff like that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But it it's useful to to show something to to an a small audience, and then to Yeah. These these kind of screens this size are useful to discuss things. So Yes. Check your email. You also. Right. Yes boss. Well see you soon. Yeah. +Speaker D: Oh no. No n I I already did it. It's not much. It's just one question. Yeah. No that's that's for the trendy uh feel and look. So Yeah, b but I think the battery option. Oh. Oh no. Yeah. But we don't have any basic options any more. Yeah we c could We only need the the the the the menu arrow arrow button uh thing. Everything you can do with with the menu. So With the display. Yeah. So you do one inte You can do one integrated scroll-wheel push-button. And then just drop all the other buttons. But but th the cost of one integrated button is far more than a few extra push-buttons. Yeah. So we have to to make it s uh more uh It has to be Could drop the speech recognition. We we d Yeah. Yeah. We lose our whole concept. Uh so No we just We keep the L_C_D_. Yeah. If we do uh two integrated scroll-wheel push-buttons, we can drop all the the push-buttons. With with one uh integrated button we can uh do the whole menu thing. With the other, we can do the the channel, the volume, et cetera. No it's three Euros. No? Um No it's it's n Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. It's the Let's make the Let's make the case plastic. Yeah. But Plastic with a with a special colour. A woo wood uh wood uh wood colour. That's an option. Yeah. So we do one one s Yeah. Hmm. No the buttons, those are really needed. Yeah th th it's it's uh An advanced chip-on-print. Oh that But the But the integrated uh button? How many func functions can it uh have? Okay. Oh no. No no, it has to be um curved. Okay. Okay. Wh what we could do is um drop the the special colour, and uh do the special colour for the buttons. Yeah. Just something else than than black or white I think. Yeah. The display The But if you have to power the for ten minutes, then the Yeah. No no it has to be curved. Yeah. Just put a special special colour of the buttons, or something. Yeah or spe special form? Yeah. Yeah. But it's it's for the integrated button, I think also. Or Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yep. Oh just oh ma make it two special colours, but we only have one button. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yep. Two or three. Two or three. Yeah. Yeah. Or give it a colour. Yeah true one. Yeah. It hides uh basic functions. Yeah true. I think we are It's in Oh yeah it was integrateds. Yeah. Can you uh change channels directly with with just one button? No, you have to scroll through the menu, before Yeah. So it's it's not No. Yeah. Oh no. Seven. Yeah. Five. Five. Yep. Yeah. I think a two. No. Yep. No you got a plastic. Yeah. Yeah. You only have one Yeah. Four. Yeah. Red. Mm yeah yeah. It's the white part uh Yeah. We have a we have a Mm-hmm. Ah i And that you only have to control one button. It gives visual feedback. So I think a five. Five. Okay. Yeah. Yeah that looks uh great. Yeah. Nah Yep. Yeah. S Yep. Wow. No we put the electronics into the fashion. Yeah, four is okay. Okay. Three plus? Plus one. Plus five? Oh. Wait a second. Oh. It's it's gone wrong. Okay. It's your turn. No it's if you press twice on the plus button, then you get s s No. That's why it's uh Just count it to Yeah. Sixteen. Twenty two. Twenty four. Twenty six. Oh, sorry.. Oh my. Okay. Twenty eight. Hmm. Some questions are Yeah. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh great. Okay it's your turn now. Yeah. Yeah we we can just uh use this one. And then uh over-paint it with uh uh the green uh he only needs one button. Yeah. Or we have to delete this one or Oh oh no. Okay. So that's Okay, but how do we make the the scroll uh button? It's just one yeah. Uh that's the infrared uh thing. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Um, uh it's just a scroll Yeah, is it's horizontal or vertical? I think Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yes. It doesn't look like uh Uh it it's it's not Yeah. It's not very fashionable anymore. But uh it's okay. Yeah. Maybe m make it bigger? Or Yeah. That looks little bit more uh Maybe that's a s a special colour for it. So we can make it uh special? Or or speckles in it? I dunno. Uh I'm not sure. Yeah red is already a special colour, I think. So It's not very special, but uh Yeah. Just uh put the purple uh purple on it. That's trendy. Woah. Oh yeah. Hmm. Oh what?? Oh no. No no. Yeah. Oh it's it's just one computer? Or No. But can we delete it, just with delete? Or Crashed. Oh, no. Okay. Yeah, over here. Hmm? What's this? Oh yeah. Oh that's the select button. It's uh No, it looks It's okay. Specially the the R_. D designed by Okay. No. Do they have a lo Oh, the here. This i this is the logo. Two R_s and a one. Yeah. Okay. Are we uh ready? Uh Or Is this uh the last assignment? Or Final Um bug. Bug. No it's in inside the No it Oh. Hey, you've got it uh read only. So you have to uh. It's too uh It is It's now single curved. So It's flat. Oh no. Okay. It doesn't matter. It's it's That's the detector uh for the Okay. Yeah. I don't know. Maybe that's why it's it's not working, because it's more Yeah. Oh. Oh yeah. Yeah. You've to make it s uh ninety degrees. You have Oh we're always long. Yeah, can we t can we get to that i Oh it's not working anymore. Oh yeah yeah yeah yeah, it's it's working, it's working. Yeah. We're improving uh Yeah. Yeah. No it So cake. No. No. Yeah. Yeah. Especially after the first meeting. And Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah. Yeah but only the the financial parts uh Yeah. Yeah. Finish meeting. I think the PowerPoint is is too limited. You can't uh draw easy in in PowerPoint. It has to be uh yeah. The drawing board has to be integrated into PowerPoint, so that you can just easily Yeah. Yeah just for text, for text it's uh it's okay. But 'Kay. Okay. Oh. Okay.","Okay . Uh first of all I'll start with the costs , because that's going to influence our design . Because we have a problem . It has to be twelve and a half . You're going to redesign something . Okay , so we're at twenty five . Do we keep the shape doubly curved or g do we go for single curved ? Well I guess i we'll have to go for single curve then . I mean we have to drop on everything . Uh another option I saw was to drop the buttons one through nine , so you can't directly access a channel , but instead use only the up and down arrows . But we don't have any basic options any more . They don't need special colours . I mean we're gonna use the L_C_D_ screen anyway . So we'll just have to use it for everything . That was exactly my point . Like let's drop all the buttons , and just make one Integrated scroll-wheel push-button , yeah . we need one integrated button for everything then . But but th the cost of one integrated button is far more than a few extra push-buttons . Could drop the speech recognition . There are more people who like speech recognition than an L_C_D_ screen . Yeah . Let's drop the speech . if you lose the the Back , the Okay button Uh v let's say we only have the four arrows , and the Menu button . With with one uh integrated button we can uh do the whole menu thing . So let's go for the plastic . So the only option is an hand dynamo . drop the the special colour , and uh do the special colour for the buttons . Let's let's go for the hand dynamo then . Yeah it has to be curved and has to have that colour . Yeah but it's just a scroll-wheel which you can push down . So Okay . Make it a special colour and then it look fancy . Woah we're within budget . oh ma make it two special colours , but we only have one button . It's silly 'cause we we should have had this meeting before we start drawing . Well we first should have had a uh prototype presentation . But well as you saw that hadn't made no sense , because we had to drop it . We all have to keep in mind what has changed now . So what we have left on the Because evaluation is based on the initial uh user requirements . Well we evaluate uh the design with a seven point scale , as following . Well the criteria are based on the user requirements , uh the trends from the marketing research , and the marketing strategy of the company itself . And we all have to uh agree on a certain level . Well the first point is the remote control matches the operating behaviour of the young user . I think it does . Because the operating behaviour of the young user was also defined in colour and shape and the use of L_C_D_ , Okay well I say still two , but it has to be three then . The remote control has irrelevant or less used functions . Yeah . Well , yeah . So it it's a very true point . I mean it hides all those function . It shows the relevant and most used functions . It automatically has the the programme and the volume function , Okay five . Uh the the remote control makes use of technolog technological innovation like L_C_D_ screen and speech recognition . Yeah , I say two . Okay , it has a fancy look and feel by using fruit and vegetable prints , primary colours and sponge-like material . So we still uh we still have the primary colours . But only on the on the outside , not on the button . Yeah still we we dropped also on the the double uh curve . It should have been two questions . I realise now , because sponge-like material is dropped . . So maybe in the middle or something . Actually we d we didn't do so well on this one . I mean the sponge-like and the three D_ shape , that would give it something young and fresh . Uh the remote control displays the corporate logo . But there's uh enough space for the corporate logo . I mean , if there's only one thing . And even the shape we have now uh simulates kind of an R_ and the reversed R_ , The remote control is easy to use . Skill , uh I would say six , or something . I don't think it's easy to use , or not so . The only e the only thing easy about it is that you don't have to move your fingers . 'Cause it has only one button . Yeah . Well I I would say a five or a six . It's really not easy to use . uh the remote control is durable . Definitely in casing , 'cause we have a hard plastic Yeah because the the batteries , those thingies last forever . Yeah . If you don't drop it too much , it's uh should last pretty long . But uh I think rubber compared is better . So I think a two is more appropriate Okay I will go go for two . The remote control's a good example for company's motto , we put the fashion in electronics . Because we kind of tried to but we kind of failed with the budget that we have . But it all has to do with the budget , because it's it's not the bad idea we had , so Yeah , four is okay . So if I understood it right , we have to count these numbers . Yeah just add them and then uh divide them . I all made it possible uh for a positive questions , so we can count it . And then you can count them together . That's uh three uh Or le less than a three . makes three point one one one one one one one . So we're better than average . I Are you sure we this number actually tells us somethings ? I don't think so because some questions are related to positive issues and some to negative . Yeah , but there are no negative questions I guess . So it were all positive questions , by uh by purpose . So Yeah true . Yes , so the It tells us something , yes . it's not , it's not really eye-catching , except for the colour . Yeah we we have to maybe if we have to redesign it on this Okay uh we're still gonna go for the fancy colours ? Yeah we we can just uh use this one . And then uh over-paint it with uh uh the green uh The the button has a special colour , the frame has a special colour . Oh and you might want to add a uh infrared LED . Well I have to um um make an uh report of every decision we made so far . And I try to get chip just before uh I uh receive the Excel sheet . but maybe you can help me . Okay , but how do we make the the scroll uh button ? The the target group has a weak spot for fruit and vegetables , like primary colours , spongy shape . Yeah , is it's horizontal or vertical ? Well I think I have to make a p an issue called finance . It's not very fashionable anymore . But uh it's okay . Maybe that's a s a special colour for it . So we can make it uh special ? uh can we do a print ? I'm not sure . Shall we just give it some dots to make it look pretty ? We have the original balance sheet , or Okay , it's not the prettiest , I know . Maybe maybe it c it can say that . The Real Remote . Shall we do the logo in black or not ? Is this uh the last assignment ? Or Well it's it's single single curved . But it's it's better to have in the front , this kind of shape , because it looks nice . and I don't know if you have to present , because I didn't receive any information about that so far . Yeah , I have still ten minutes to finish the report . You can just if you ma finish my presentation please . Oh yeah , we have to do the project uh evaluation . So how were did the project process uh go ? Did you , were you all pleased with the process as it was ? Yeah well at first I was really stressed . Because it went a bit fast . But then as I knew the tempo that I had to be on , the second time I think I did a bit better . because at first you you make your individual contribution , and then come here , and you have no idea what the others have to make . And then finally you have some idea , okay this is gonna w this is what we gonna make together and okay I will arrange this and you will arrange that , and you have a k a kind of idea what you can expect on the next half hour when you have to work on your own . So The process , I mean , the interaction between us became better and better I guess . Yeah . Especially after the first meeting . Well you did become more assertive the the second time round , so that Um was there uh enough room for creativity ? but only the the financial parts uh Also not only the drawing and the the making of the thing itself , but also in explaining it to the other people , by means of uh the the board and uh PowerPoint and Word and stuff like that . So and the uh about the board digital pen ? the digital pen is better than the SMARTboard . Because it it it just works better . But the screen is useful , in essence , but it doesn't work that well . And uh as I said , uh I uh have no idea how PowerPoint works , so will take me half a day to be able to make a normal PowerPoint presentation . Finish meeting . Okay , are are there any new ideas about this ? It's use especially useful , I guess , to to evaluate designs and graph graphical stuff . I think the PowerPoint is is too limited . Yeah the the the problem with PowerPoint for me is that you have to i put in the pre-made chunks c as well . Yeah . But it it's useful to to show something to to an a small audience , and then to Uh we should uh enter our questionnaire . Yes . Check your email ." +73,"Speaker A: Yep. Okay. Oh. Well we will try. Where it going? Hmm. Uh Mm. So Now save? Now uh blank? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm not getting anything uh on my screen now. Okay. Wow. Oh. Nice. Uh at home we have a T_V_, a video uh recorder, a D_V_D_ player, and a satellite receiver. We have uh four distinctive remote controls for that. That's not really ea easy. So it would be nice if we have one for all. And we also had a remote control for our radio set. But um i it it had a lot of buttons on it, and you didn't know which one was what. And it was uh uh v not easy to use. So we n barely used it. Yeah. Yeah I think it uh from a marketing point of view, it also has to look nice. Or you won't sell it. And um yeah uh on our website we can see what products we already have. And it should work with as many uh as possible of them. Yes. Okay. +Speaker B: Hmm. That's uh strange. Yeah. Okay. Let's try this. Uh Um. Mm-hmm. Mm. Uh No, no. Yeah. Okay. Uh blank. No. Uh well I think the the the goal of a remote control is that it's it it has an influence on the T_V_ set. And that it controls the channels and the the volume. And uh I I I think it's positive if there's a a LED uh uh a LED on the corner of the of the remote. So that you know it s it still has batteries on it in it. And that if you push the button the LED uh gives a light, and uh and you see that it's working. And uh yeah. Uh Yeah, but No no no. But I my my experience is that it it it's convenient to have that. Yeah. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah well that's that are good ideas. Uh Yeah well the LED on the corner, that that indicates that it's working. If you push a button. Um Yeah. And looking on the budget, not too expensive uh material. So probably plastic or something. Uh Mm no. Yes. +Speaker C: Nice. An elephant. 'Kay... pop-ups. What is this, Pictionary. Uh a bird. Bird. Yeah. Whoo. Oh not. Oh. Okay. Okay. Yeah. No problem. Shit happens. A parrot. Ish. He did it before. Oh. Thank you. Uh I will start. Uh Big one, they are uh not easy to use. Um I have one set and uh a remote control, when I dropped it, uh it broke. So that won't be uh our goal, I think. And uh g big buttons, m uh that's easier to use than uh I think. Not all the small buttons, you don't know Big buttons, positive. All all small buttons like when you have uh like a hundred buttons on your remote control, you won't know what they're working for. Thank you. Help also. Thank you. The weight. Not not too heavy. Not much buttons. Bust-free. That when you drop it, it won't break. Like uh some kind of rubber on it. Or hard uh hard plastic. Uh buttons not too small. Uh something like when you uh lose your uh remote control, sometimes it happen. Uh it between the couch and you can't find it. When you push a but a button on the T_V_, then you hear some uh some sort of bleep. And then you uh, hey there there's remote control. Next. I have one more idea. Just popped up. Uh it it won't take a lot of batteries. So you don't won't have to change the batteries uh once a week or uh once every two weeks. Okay. Thank you. +Speaker D: So welcome. The first kick-off meeting. What shall we do? First the opening, then the rest. What are we going to do. We m have to make a new remote control. It has to be original, trendy and user-friendly. So we will get back th on that. First we have to make a functional design. After that we have to make a conceptual design, and then after that a detailed design. So we'll discuss that later. First we have a look at. So first to we have to make a small painting. What have do we have to do. First you can save the documents. We have to do that every time we make something. You can print it. No. And we have to use the pen and the eraser. So Now. We all have to use this one. You have to make your own favourite animal. So I'll make an example. First don't touch that things. You can use the pen. And then you can make um something. Um you can change some things. Um format, line, and change it. And you can change the colour. So that's it. So So and after it you have to save it. Now we can make a new one. You have to paint now. So you're next. What is going on? What are you What?. Um Is a It is a It is a A duck. Yes. Hmm. Blank, yes. Okay next one. Oh. Very good. Okay. Very good. So um you can always go back. So That's it. So that was two. Now next. The budget. The b Uh we will sell the t at twenty five Euros. And we have only twenty of twelve and a half Euro to make it. So now we have to think about what we will make. First I wanna hear from you. Uh what are your experiences with remote controls. So F first. Is this positive or negative, that uh big buttons? Positive. Okay. What are your experiences? Mm. So and do they always have that? It's easy to you. Okay. 'Kay. Okay so they have too much. So next. For our own remote control we have to think how do we make it. So what ideas do you have for it, for the new remote control? What what does it have to have? Not too heavy. Yes. Yeah. Yes. Like a phone. Okay. So, that's. Okay. Yes. Okay. This is It has to be compatible with other things. Okay. Yes? No battery use. So more ideas? No okay. It's only the first ideas. So uh what are we going to do now is Next meeting is in half an h hour. Uh Okay. Next meeting, half an hour. Um, what you have to do. Well look on your. And Next instructions you'll get in your email. So This is the first meeting. See you later in half an hour.","For the first meeting, the task of designing a remote control was briefly introduced along with the plan for the subsequent meetings. The group then drew animals to practise using the drawing platform. They discussed their likes and dislikes regarding current remote controls, including ease of use, multiple systems and power indicators. They then offered suggestions as to what they would like from their remote. They would like the remote to be durable, for it to include a device to help find it when lost and not use too many batteries." +132,"Speaker A: Or you get it. Okay. Mm. Yours is well Yeah but the the mic should not Yeah. Mm. Can't help you with that. Okay, it's y yeah. Right. Then press uh al This. You know? Oh oh. Right well Wow. Amazing. It's working. Yeah. Under documents in the shared folder. Okay. Yeah, I guess we'll have a shared folder uh with documents that we can share. And uh, yeah. Yes. Each of us is going. Okay, shall I start? So, i But it's Actually, I think I cannot go with uh Yeah. Okay. You're on the knife. Mael. Yeah, I think I will go without without it, right? Yeah. And we should sum up its favourite charas characteristics, right? So Uh yeah. And i Th They like to sleep, that's why you said you they are like this. Yeah. She has the small legs. Yeah. Thank you, Matthew. Perfect. Oh a rat, okay. And you, A bird. Okay, in the water. Mm. Yeah. Put it colours. Maybe it would help us. With different pen widths. Ah it's a shark, yeah. Oh. You have some in in Australia, right? Yeah. I dunno. Oh well. Yeah. Perfect. So I dunno if we need to spend time on that, actually But uh Yeah, exactly, yeah. Wow. Yeah. Per remote control, yeah? Per project. So it's half of the selling price, if I am good in mathematics. Of course. Oh you're g very good in mathematics. Four million. Yeah. And uh just before starting the detailed discussion, maybe we You are the marketing guy? Or th So you are the marketing. And you are in the u use user interface uh design. So just yeah I wanted to to be sure. And I I'm the the industrial designer okay. Because I I don't know you very well, actually, but yeah. Okay. Mael. Happy to meet you. Okay. It's very uh Uh so yeah uh Just uh on your web page but uh yeah not uh not face to face. So mm So I Like what? Like internet on the on T_V_? Yeah. Actually, yeah w Of course, and first before um designing the func well thinking about the functionalities, we need to know what are the user requirements. Um then if they need internet, then we would be able to to p to propose something with uh uh T_V_ over I_P_. But before Yeah, but w w we want to design a new one. Mm. Yeah. The Yeah, the main is browsing. Yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm. Perfect. +Speaker B: So we uh we will wait for Anna, a few minutes. I think it should work like this. So I will try to get my presentation running. Mm. It's no matter. No problem. Ah yes. I don't know. Just try. On this normal Good. Doesn't appear on the screen here. Oh. Okay. Thank you. Uh. Yes and you can put can clip it uh on your Somewhere. So, good morning, everyone. Um Welcome at uh at the kick off meeting of our uh latest project. I hope you all have been uh updated about it. Good. So w we will try to structure this uh meeting with an a with an agenda uh as presented here. Um after the opening we will tr get acquainted to each other. See what our roles are in this project. So, um We have been provided with uh some uh w technical tools to uh to communicate and to well, learn from each other's plans uh as I can say um so w we will also try to uh to get acquainted to this tools so they are also new to me I don't know whether you worked with them before. Um then we will come to the uh to the to the actual project plan. You all know I hope how it's about uh the uh new r remote control we are going going to design. Uh then we will uh discuss uh, well, how it should be and uh wh what uh what our new product should look lite like. And uh well then uh after some twenty five minutes I hope uh we can end this meeting. So. Um basically this is about a uh a new c remote control. Um We When you design a new product you of uh you of course want it to be original. Be uh we want to be distinguished, mm? People uh want to uh when they look at the shelf want to think, well that's the product I I need. So it needs to be trendy. I mean trendy is what people want, so then I w they will buy our product. But then, uh, it also should work uh user friendly and uh otherwise people uh uh well it will not be uh be rated very well in consumer uh articles and like that. So, the general outline of uh new project will be we first uh go through a functional design phase. Um You all get uh um certain task uh in this uh in this phase and uh then we will meet again and uh discuss this functional design. And the same holds for the uh ph two phases uh after this, the conceptual design and after that a a more detailed design in which the the final project should get its definite shape. Alright, but first we will do some uh tool training. In all in front of you uh you see uh the uh notebooks and w uh n note blocks and we have here a a a a white-board. And um well it should work uh I've read it from my uh from some colleague that it should work with some kind of toolbar. I didn't find out yet how it work, but maybe one of you did, so Um Yes. Do Do we have to say something about that? I I I'm not fully updated about this shared folder uh. Yes well we will then find out ho how it works. Um. Well, this seems to me, yes, some computer program but I didn't find it yet. So, we'll come to that later. So, uh now we will try out the white-board we have here. So, I would suggest uh Well, yes, um we uh we should try to t to draw on it and then well it should be smart some way. I I'm not really sure how this works, but Yes, a good idea Mael. Okay. 'Kay. You you D doesn't it work? Maybe someo Maybe maybe Anna, maybe you can start. Then he can maybe find out to get his cord right. So um L Why don't you draw uh your favourite animal on on th on the white-board. Oh, I see uh Yeah. Yes. Mm. So draw it. We will try to guess what it is. Mm. It's like a cat, so I guess it's a cat. What is this now? So, that's the cat. Oh. It's a dog. So but that's also kind of cat, isn't it? B bo both predators. So, thank you. Uh d did you uh work out cord? Okay. Yes. Yes, yes this is Yes definitely a horse. Yes. Oh very good. So I suppose it Yes. Can you can meet them in Africa, I think. Yes. Very good. So Ma Matthew? So Maybe I hope you have some space in your uh the horse of uh Mael. This looks likes a cat who has been driven over. Yes, the moustache. That's that's definitely a cat. It's quite, you know relaxed situation. Yes. Yes, okay. Th thank you, Matthew. Yes, this is certain uh some contribution to our project. So. Let's see. Which animal has not been drawn yet. So you've all drawn land animals, so why not draw an animal from the water. Mm. Yes. So Oh, yes, why not? Good idea. Why not. A swordfish. I hope it still works. So W Well, this uh this tool seemed to work. Let's continue to uh to the real stuff. Um our project uh finance uh thing. Uh when we are and when w you are uh going to design w uh we must keep in mind that the selling price of the product uh will be about twenty five Euros, so when designing a project uh I also look at you uh Mael, keep in mind uh uh uh People uh want to get the feeling this is a twenty five Euro project uh pr um product. Yes. Okay. Um more interesting for our company of course, p uh profit aim, about fifty million Euro. So we have to sell uh quite a lot of this uh um things. Uh we will try to uh to get at a international market uh so um it will be I think mainly Europe and uh Northern America, maybe some uh Asian countries. Um also important for you all is um the the product uh production cost must be maximal uh twelve uh twelve Euro and fifty cents. Yes, of course. Uh um I mean we still have to uh to make a profit, huh? You all have to be paid. Excuse me? Yes, indeed. So uh well I think w when we are working on the international market, uh in principle it has enough customers uh so when we have a good product we uh we could uh meet this this aim, I think. So, that about finance. And uh now just let have some discussion about what is a good remote control and uh well keep in mind this this first point, it has to be original, it has to be trendy, it has to be user friendly. Um, maybe someone can mention some additional uh prerequisites for a good remote control. Yes, well i it should have the the the the expected functionality uh of a remote control. We wer we were thinking television. Uh. Mm-hmm. Yes, yes. Th th that's very handy I I always miss it and on some remote controls that you can go channel up or down ins instead of retyping the number, especially when you have a lot of channels. Yes. Yes. A and I'm Nanne. So Yes. So. Um S S s Are there some other very important things to to do well, to specify in this first phase of of the project. So the browse function, as you m mentioned. Yes. Yeah. Yes. Mm, well uh I I think Uh w y you two should should, I think, think this over uh w espec what, what functionality. Mm-hmm. Mm mm mm. Keep k keep in mind i it's a it's a twenty five Euro unit, so uh uh the the very fancy stuff uh w we can leave that out, I think. So twenty five Euro you expect a quite, well normal but good functioning user friendly remote control. Yes, but but but ab about the spec the buttons, the buttons uh that will be on it. I I think we can discuss that in the in the next meeting. Uh I would like to get this wrapped up and go to an end of this meeting. So So you know now the basic the basic things. And well just just for the next meeting, um well, uh, you wor yes, work on a design, keep it general, I mean so w we will be still fle flexible with maybe adding some functions. So Um you will be working on on technical function design, so And uh you and you and uh uh uh well, think about requirements, eh? Does it need internet, or or do do we stay at basic basic television uh interface. So, uh I think we should now all go work uh uh at this and uh you will be informed via email and other kind of communication. So next meeting will be in uh in thirty minutes uh. K keep it in mind. +Speaker C: Hold that. Okay. Okay. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. I think for us it's just like a normal whiteboard, but they'll be recording what we write down. Mm. Mm. But for us it's just like a normal whiteboard. Mm-hmm. I have to draw. M my my favourite animal. Sorry this is all tangled up here. That's better. Mm-hmm. I'm a very bad drawer. Weird. Um. You're not gonna be able to guess from my drawing. I'm a bad drawer. Okay. They're ears, by the way. No. Um close though. Okay so like a pet animal. Like a cat. No, not a cat though. Okay. So. It's not a cat, it's a dog. Yes. It's got a tail then. Yeah yeah. So do cats. And you guessed cats without a tail. Okay. Okay, there you go. So what favourite characteristics. Uh. Dogs are always friendly and loyal and fun. A horse? This is why you're the designer. And I'm marketing. Ah Mm-hmm. That's it. A blue and black zebra. The very rare blue zebras. Yes. You got a lot of room here. You can probably reach. No? I took a dog. Um. A mouse? Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It's a very big rat. Or a very small cat. Mm 'kay. Your turn. Ah I don't know what that is. It's a bit It's a bit hard to guess. Yeah. Mm-hmm Oh, it's a shark now. Mm. Now it's a swordfish. Swordfish. Um, maybe. I've never seen one, no. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Yes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Mm. I'm marketing. Yep. Mm-hmm. Anna. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Oth yeah. Mm. Mm. Mm. But we can't really design for something that hasn't been invented yet. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. But Ninety percent of the time, ninety nine percent of the time, people will be using the main functions, the volume, the different channels, so we can have all the fancy things as well but the main controls need to be very obvious and very easy to use. Mm. Mm. Mm. So try and get T_V_ manufacturers to Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. +Speaker D: Okay. No I don't think so it has to be like that yeah and you have to adjust the length. Okay, and then. Yeah, s yeah, um. I think you can put anywhere you want, actually. I thin It's not a directional mic, anyway. Uh. Yeah. Last. Okay. Okay. 'Kay. Alt F_ five. So. Yes. Total. Whitebo Yeah, you can start it you know. No they will record through that. There's a sensor over there which is going to record the strokes that you make. Yeah. Yeah. 's a cat. Yeah. Ah you forget about it. Yeah, uh I think it's fine. I just don't want to carry it off. Man, this wires, eh? We need a wireless microphone. You know? Pro specially we should next project we should take l like that. So. Oh the dog doesn't have a tail? Yeah, sure, yeah. I thought so. The dogs have a tail. Yeah. It'll still not extend, right? It's not up to that. It's a horse. Ah I think you can put that. I'll tell to get it off my Uh? Mm-hmm. Oh y it's not for that. No. Okay. Yeah. So what should I draw? Mm. He has already to do cat. So The cat is going to eat the fish or the rat? Ah it's a baby shark, it looks to me, you know it's going to eat the cat rather than the cat eating the fish, no? You should go for the next one it seems to me. Twenty four. Ah yeah, the sale man, four million. They have to sell at least four million to make a profit Ah we have to make we have to sell at least four million to make our own profit. Fifty mill Of course it should have a on off button. Yeah, s and it depends what application you are using it for. You might need uh We are targ targeting the television set. So, you need to record the channels. You need to browse the browse the channels in upward downward way, Uh And Uh, and Marketing. Yeah. Yeah. Sure. Oh. I'm Matthew. You know. Matth s uh Anna. And um uh Matthew, yeah. I thi think you know me, yeah? right yeah. So. So And uh, you'd need the usual ones, like the changing the volume, changing the the channel and then you uh Today we have uh um teletext and all those things. Tomorrow you might have a some more functions which might come through that, so Yeah I_P_O_ or. Now we are looking for television things or I_P_. For example personal video recorder and all those stuffs are coming up. Yeah. Ah it's it's it's it's coming up, actually. The personal video recorder and all those things it is coming up. Let's Let's take Oh in that case you can you always hook up with uh someone who is providing that and you know, you you sell their product as well as your product with them, you know. Yeah. No, it's okay, yeah I understand. So we need some numbering buttons, some teletext things and then um Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay, we are alread mm. Mm. Yeah. L Yeah, sure. Stam. Okay.","we uh we will wait for Anna , a few minutes . I think you can put anywhere you want , actually . It's not a directional mic , anyway . So I will try to get my presentation running . Can't help you with that . Alt F_ five . Doesn't appear on the screen here . It's working . Welcome at uh at the kick off meeting of our uh latest project . w we will try to structure this uh meeting with an a with an agenda uh as presented here . Um after the opening we will tr get acquainted to each other . See what our roles are in this project . We have been provided with uh some uh w technical tools to uh to communicate and to well , learn from each other's plans w we will also try to uh to get acquainted to this tools Um then we will come to the uh to the to the actual project plan . basically this is about a uh a new c remote control . Um You all know I hope how it's about uh the uh new r remote control we are going going to design . Uh then we will uh discuss and uh wh what uh what our new product should look lite like . When you design a new product you of uh you of course want it to be original . we want to be distinguished , So it needs to be trendy . People uh want to uh when they look at the shelf want to think , well that's the product I I need . But then , uh , it also should work uh user friendly the general outline of uh new project will be we first uh go through a functional design phase . Um You all get uh um certain task uh in this uh in this phase and uh then we will meet again and uh discuss this functional design . And the same holds for the uh ph two phases uh after this , the conceptual design and after that a a more detailed design in which the the final project should get its definite shape . but first we will do some uh tool training . and we have here a a a a white-board . I've read it from my uh from some colleague that it should work with some kind of toolbar . I didn't find out yet how it work , Under documents in the shared folder . I I I'm not fully updated about this shared folder uh . I guess we'll have a shared folder uh with documents that we can share . now we will try out the white-board we have here . Each of us is going . I I'm not really sure how this works , but shall I start ? I think for us it's just like a normal whiteboard , but they'll be recording what we write down . Maybe maybe Anna , maybe you can start . Why don't you draw uh your favourite animal on on th on the white-board . it's a dog . It's a horse . A blue and black zebra . That's that's definitely a cat . it's a shark , Let's continue to uh to the real stuff . Um our project uh finance uh thing . Uh when we are and when w you are uh going to design w uh we must keep in mind that the selling price of the product uh will be about twenty five Euros , more interesting for our company of course , p uh profit aim , about fifty million Euro . to get at a international market Um also important for you all is um the the product uh production cost must be maximal uh twelve uh twelve Euro and fifty cents . They have to sell at least four million to make a profit I think w when we are working on the international market , uh in principle it has enough customers And uh now just let have some discussion about what is a good remote control and uh well keep in mind this this first point , it has to be original , it has to be trendy , it has to be user friendly . Um , maybe someone can mention some additional uh prerequisites for a good remote control . Of course it should have a on off button . i it should have the the the the expected functionality uh of a remote control . We are targ targeting the television set . You need to browse the browse the channels in upward downward way , you need to record the channels . And uh just before starting the detailed discussion , maybe we are the marketing guy ? Or I'm marketing . And you are in the u use user interface uh design . And I I'm the the industrial designer I'm Matthew . You know . Mael . Anna . A and I'm Nanne . Are there some other very important things to to do well , the browse function , as you m mentioned . And uh , you'd need the usual ones , like the changing the volume , changing the the channel Today we have uh um teletext and all those things . Tomorrow you might have a some more functions For example personal video recorder and all those stuffs are coming up . But we can't really design for something that hasn't been invented yet . Uh w y you two should should , I think , think this over uh w espec what , what functionality . thinking about the functionalities , we need to know what are the user requirements . and first before um designing the func But Ninety percent of the time , ninety nine percent of the time , people will be using the main functions , the volume , the different channels , we can have all the fancy things as well but the main controls need to be very obvious and very easy to use . Mm mm mm . Keep k keep in mind i it's a it's a twenty five Euro unit , so uh uh the the very fancy stuff uh w we can leave that out , I think . twenty five Euro you expect a quite , well normal but good functioning user friendly remote control . So we need some numbering buttons , some teletext things the main is browsing . Yeah . but but but ab about the spec the buttons , the buttons uh that will be on it . I I think we can discuss that in the in the next meeting . Uh I would like to get this wrapped up you know now the basic the basic things . just just for the next meeting , um well , uh , you wor yes , work on a design , I mean so w we will be still fle flexible with maybe adding some functions . Um you will be working on on technical function design , so And uh you and you and uh uh uh well , think about requirements , Does it need internet , or or do do we stay at basic basic television uh interface . and uh you will be informed via email and other kind of communication . next meeting will be in uh in thirty minutes uh ." +135,"Speaker A: I'm sorry. What was the where's the L_E_D_? Oh. Okay. Oh, there's no e okay. Okay. Sixty. Well the there is a there's a delay on remotes I think. Where you can have it it's like a five second input time. So as long as you hit them dada it should be fine. As long as there's not a big pause between the t hitting the two buttons. Was there so on the top there is volume and Channel up volume up. Okay cool. Yeah. It's the R_. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yes. Oh it's nice. Oh I think I killed the five. I did. I killed the four. Oh god. Oh it smells good. Bravo You want the I don't know what order it goes in. I have one. Evaluation cri Okay. That's me. Hello. Oh there we go. Okay. Come on my computer. Come on. Sorry my computer's giving me technical difficulties. Should I press it again? Last time I did that it sh Okay. You're right. Oh. Still not there. Okay now I think for this one I could Would you guys prefer use the whiteboard or mayb maybe I'll just do it on right on the screen where you can see it. Um, we're gonna be doing an evaluation report together based on the protoptype that we've just seen. Um and looking looking back at my notes from our both our conceptual and our functional meetings, um I made a list of what our original requirements and goals were, um, back to our kick-off meeting this morning. Um, and we'll evaluate as to whether we've s done what we set out to do. Um and we're gonna do it on a one to seven scale where one is true and seven is false. So basically the lower p the lower the points the better. Okay so question number one. Does the remote whoops. Sorry. Oh I'm not gonna be able um, I'll do it on the whiteboard. I can't change it so I'm g I'm gonna ask you to push it down once. I'll write down our scores up on the Okay so number one. Do we have a fancy look-and-feel? Yeah I guess that depends on your definition of fancy, but it's definitely different. It's not your traditional yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I kinda I like the potato look. It's very different. It's what? Oh sorry the mango the mango look. Yeah it is, fruit or vegetable depends on your mood. So I myself would say a one or a two. It's a two? Okay, and p One being true. So Two. Okay, actu that's pro that's gonna get confusing, like that. Okay so question number two was is it techn technologically innovative? So I know we have the kinetic energy which is very innovative. Use of the rubber, the use of the L_E_D_. Isn't Mm-hmm. Yeah. And I think I mean it it's tough to say because we were we didn't want it to be any more innovative than this, because then that would've defeated the purpose. So I mean I we'll put three, but I think we actually reached our goal. We didn't want it any more than that. Okay question number three. Uh, will it be easy to use? Yeah. Yeah. S Yeah I think it's you can't really get confused with that. I mean, there'll be s we have to work out the uh number the plus system. But once that's figured out, it should be fine. Number four. Is this a good-looking remote? Remember that seventy five percent of users find most remote controls ugly. Mm-hmm. Whoops. Should just not touch it. This time it's the three I killed. I was just wondering if it should be like flatter. Or Well Yeah the bottom could be like ch chopped a bit. Oh. That's true. Maybe, it could it could be on the bottom, so you wouldn't loo like if it's flat here, so it sits up. Like that. I g If it's weighted maybe. Details, details. Okay. So, is this a good-looking remote? Would we wanna show it off to our friends? Yeah. Yeah? I mean I gue yeah, it's personal taste, but Yeah. Okay, so should we say two for that? Yeah? Okay. Uh, question number five. What's um will people be willing to spend twenty five Euros on this product? Remember that eighty percent of users were willing to spend more money when a remote control looked fancy. Mm-hmm. Yeah it the marketing will have a lot to do with it. Shake it and the buttons fall off. No, I guess, I don't know much about the remote control industry, how much your average sells for, but I know I am, aren't I? But you don't have to buy batteries. So in the long term this can actually save you money. So we'll market it that way too. So yeah I think with a good marketing scheme um and the personalisation options, it'll Yeah. Okay number six. Can someone read it out? Or Um yeah. So that was mainly that the statistics we said Mm-hmm. Yeah I guess the I think the key word there is average, 'cause there were some people that used the uh video input and sound and stuff. But they're not you and I really. So. Okay so one? Okay. Number seven. C Heather could you push it down? Will this remote control be easy to find when lost? Remember that fifty percent of users lose their remote regularly. Now is there the is the alarm system still was it implemented? It turns into a duck and starts quacking. Here I am. Um Okay. We oh you're just explaining why it's not on the prototype. But yeah, it'll be there. So we can we could say that We can give it a one, because compared to every other remote ever m ever made, this one will be easier to find. Okay. Um Question number eight. Will it be easy to learn how to use this remote when brand new? Remember that thirty four percent of users usually found it difficult. So it has to be yeah, it's eas they'll pick it up and they'll know what to do. The plus thing needs to be worked on. Yeah. Well Do Does it make more sense for the middle one to be an just an enter button? So then you would have to push two buttons every time at least. You could just press six enter, or one two enter. Yeah. Um, okay so we can we'll say yes it's uh one? Okay. Question number nine. Uh, will it minimise the effects of R_S_I_, which was repeated strain injury? Um, which affected over a quarter of users. S It's soft, and And people could Mm-hmm. I don't know what other options there are. Could I mean, you could hold it in your left hand and d use your index finger. But there's not really any other options unless it's like a keyboard. So, I think we did as as much as you can with a remote control. So, one or two do you think? Two okay. Okay number ten. Did we somehow incorporate the company colour and logo? Now is the colour gonna be there even if it's like vanilla? Is the yellow Mm-hmm. It sounds like the colour's something that we But I mean the yell yeah d yellow's ugly though, depending on the So I think we'll have to talk to our executive managers, and see if we can get away with just the R_R_. Okay. Yeah. And the buttons in the middle. Okay. So, do you think that's more of a three then? Three, four? Four? Well we have good reasons for it, so we but we can still put a a four? Okay, and final question. Um, did we stay true to our motto and put the fashion into electronics? Current trends of fruits and veggies, desire for sponginess. Yeah. No, uh, are the plates interchangeable? I think I missed a few they are? So you can have banana and kiwi and okay. Okay, so that's something that's kind of in the making too, like maybe it'll become more Mm-hmm. Yes we do. So I wh what was I gonna put for that? A two for fashion? Okay, so our average there, five, six, eight, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, nineteen, twenty one, divided by eleven is Between okay. Um. Yeah, that's very good 'cause the highest we coulda got is one. Does that seem right then? Okay. Sorry. Are you gonna do that? Okay. Oh is it locked 'cause I'm in it? Or okay. Mm. 'S good. Mm-hmm. Yeah and the conceptual and functional. Like we were very creative in in coming up with an idea I guess, but m When we can down to it. Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Good leadership, I think we stayed on task. Mm-hmm. And the timing was good. We never were pushed for time, or sat around doing nothing, so Was good teamwork. I think we are well-suited to our roles. Oh really? Okay. Yeah. The computer programmes are good. The Yeah. I don't think there was anything Yeah. They'll probably still be there. Um I'm not sure, new ideas found. Yeah well I guess we really it we bounced off of each other, which was cool. Like based on marketing stuff and then you'd say something about interface and yeah, worked well. Mm-hmm. Oh does it have smart materials by the way? Does it have smart materials? Oh yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. By watching T_V_? Mm. Conclusion? Dadada. +Speaker B: Okay. Here we go. Alright, the agenda for thi oh. Alright. Um the agenda for this meeting is um we'll initially have the prototype presentation by our two designers. And then we will evaluate it, given the criteria that um that we gave gave it. And um talk about our finances, whether we were under or over our budget. I have a um a spreadsheet where we can calculate um our prices for every aspect of of what we've made, given our options. And um evaluate the product, as a group. And um So first we'll have the prototype presentation. Do you need the um PowerPoint for this? Alright. On? A mango. Okay. Oh. Okay. Oops. Yeah. Notice you have a number ten button. Okay. No problem. Ah. Oh. You press a plus button? Oh okay. I've never heard of that kind before. Yeah. Yeah. Oh. I But Would you have to go zero plus one if you wanted to go to channel one or two? Yeah but I mean if you press, it'll go to that channel right away. 'Cause you gotta press the plus afterwards. Yeah I know, but if if I wanna go to say number like sixty five, channel sixty five, if I press the six it'll go to channel six, and then I'll press the plus, and then it'll go to six and then put the five and it'll go to sixty five? I th Um Yeah it wouldn't be a problem. But I was just wondering like as long as we realise that's what it'll do. Yeah. C_ and V_. Right, where um where's the power button? Oh okay. Yeah. Yeah. Oh okay. Yeah. Ergonomic, definitely ergonomic. The spon yeah. Yeah. Bit of a stress ball feel. Yes. I would. My goodness. There you go. Genevieve? Yeah. And something hmm. Oh right. Yeah. It looks more Think like vanilla and banana would. Okay yeah. Kinda Christmas, you know. Yeah. Cool. Alright, thank you very much. Good work everyone. Alright. And so now that we've we have a prototype, uh we need to go over the finances and seeing if this prototype matches uh what our budget can handle. So, I have something I'm going to Oh wait a minute. Do you need to do a presentation first? Yeah. I'm gonna check that out for a second. What time is it anyw Oh yeah sorry you're right. Evaluation criteria is next in line. Yeah. Just press um function eight again. And then again I think. One more time. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Ooh. Yeah. The look is a little bit more playful. Oh definitely different yeah. Oh you were only given red and black? Oh okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. It's mango. It's mango. Yeah. I would say two. Personally. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I'd say maybe three. Yeah we want it simple. Yeah. I think so. Yeah. Yeah. One. Th The plus number thing. Yeah colour will definitely be a factor. I think that the logo could be smaller. And maybe not such a prominent way. Maybe like at the bottom, kind of. Oh it just had to be on there I guess. I like the appeal of it being like a big glob in your hand. Maybe if the bottom was just sort of flat, and then the rest is like round. It would still be comfortable I think. We c we could handle it I think. Ah it'd fall over all the time though. It'd be annoying. 'Kay we're done designing. Come on. I think, it was another colour and it was like I think it'd look okay. I think maybe a two. Sure. Yeah. Yeah. Durable. But you're our Marketing Expert. Oh. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. I would give it a two still though. Mm. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We have the alarm system. I thought the light from the inside was gonna light up. Or or was it gonna make a noise? You press the button it makes a noise right? Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. I though w it was gonna make a noise. Okay. Oh okay. Whoo. Okay. Yeah, totally. No problem, mm. Totally. Yeah. Yeah, so it's just like channel six, six, enter. Yeah but you don't have to press zeros. And then like twelve, enter. Yeah. Yeah. I think so. It's like right in the Your thumb might get a little bit uh Yeah. But it is soft. And that's kind of what the um the PowerPoint slide thing said would be good for R_S_I_, so maybe it is but Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes we did. Well, yeah the colours are yellow and grey. So it could be grey on the banana one. Yeah. Mm, yeah. Hum. I would say so. But maybe more like two 'cause there's no like pictures of fruit, it's just sort of naming it by a fruit. With the with the colours. Yeah. Yeah. That's fashionable in itself to have interchangeable plates. Be like Yeah. Maybe if it was scented. Yeah we have money for that. Um Alright so based on this evaluation, do we average them out sorta thing? Oh. I would say two. One point nine or something? I don't know these things. Um, between one and two. Alright. Yeah. I'm attempting to do that right now. Yeah it is one point nine. Ooh. Go Heather Pauls. Yeah. Alright, now with that over and done with, our next step is to see if we are under budget. And um my computer's frozen. And now it's not. Okay. So um in our shared folder, if everyone could go there right now, um I'm going to um steal a cable. Um it's it's um it's an Excel file. Oh. Yeah. 'Kay there we go. Um, production costs. And um I have to access that as well. One moment. 'Kay so far I've added what I think or what is going on? Great. It's blinking at me. It's locked for editing. Read only. I'm gonna open up a second one then 'cause it's locked for editing. I have the original in my um my email account. I dunno. No. No, I was hoping that you guys could. Um, there we go. Okay here we go. So we need to tally up how much our w our product will be costing. So um if you can look up at the screen, um the large screen, oh I guess looking at your own too and telling me which one you think. Okay we're using kinetic which is quite a large expense at three Euros. Um we're using a regular chip. Um, it's cur it's double curved, so its curved all around. That's another three. We're already at five. Um, we're using plastic and rubber, so Good thing plastic is free, we're at eight. Um S Yeah. I guess we should do it just for one kind. So it's like special colour well we'll have two colours right? Well one colour for the case, one colour for the buttons. So we can Um, we have push button interface, so that's inexpensive. And um we have a special colour for the button, and we also have a special form. And a special material. Which puts us just barely under budget. Hurray. Yeah. Good work guys. So um our operating cost is twelve twenty Euros. Awesome. And back to our PowerPoint. So we've 'Kay. Yes we are. So we need to do a product evaluation, again, which is probably um I dunno. A different extension of a Hmm. Yeah 'cause we're talking about leadership, teamwork. Yeah. Alright so um Do you guys feel like there was room for creativity? Pushed for creativity? Ye Okay. So it'd be like need more time and materials. But you were allowed m creativity? I think so as like but you were supposed to have creativ Right. Right Okay Great. Leadership? Is this me being like, guys do you like me? Um. Yeah. Yeah. Oop Okay. Teamwork? I think we worked great as a team. Yeah? Alright how were our means? We needed more Play Doh colours. Yeah. But ever everything else was satisfactory? Is that good Yeah? New ideas found. I don't really know what that means. Hmm? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Each other's Mm. Okay? Well with that achieved, our last slide is our closing slide. Yes our costs are within budget. It's evaluated generally positively. And um don't forget to complete final questionnaire and meeting summary. Then we celebrate in such a way that I have no idea. Alright? Okay, bye. +Speaker C: Okay. Um yeah. I just got a few slides, so show them. Thank you. Do you want to present it? Yeah, here we are. Mango shape. The L_E_D_. So it's palm-held. Yeah. You just need the nought. So one plus one would be eleven, or Yeah because if you on your average um remote, if you press one twice you just go to um or uh say you wanted channel twelve, you press one, and then you go to channel one, and then two then you'd just go to channel two, instead of twelve. So if you did like one plus two you could go to channel twelve, or two plus two is channel twenty two. Oh. Well I don't mind, we can further define that. I wouldn't have thought it'd be a problem that it went to channel six first, in like on the way to channel sixty five. But I suppose it's not as snappy. Yeah. Yeah. If you don't put it Yeah. Yeah, that yeah. Mm-hmm. Um And channel, which is so you could just go like that without thinking about it, like It's the bigger R_. So it's just like. We deci Yeah um we went for like a a circular design for the numbers because we thought that's kind of a more natural movement than just going like that with your thumb. Uh e ergonomics are all considered. Yeah. It could cause another type of repetitive stress injury though. But yeah, no I mean it's a different movement so yeah. Um and the feel of it, I mean, we've made this out of Play Doh, which is representing the, you know, the rubber, and the spongy rubberness. Um 'cause it was said before in the material specification that this the this anti-R_S_I_ um material is often used in stress balls so this has got a you know a bit of give to it, and it just feels feels different. Would you like to feel it yourselves? How it fits in the palm of your hand? Thanks. And you? O Okay, as for the colours, we were presented with um a limited range of colours for this prototype. But we're thinking that, seeing as we're having it in interchangeable casing anyway, that this is not necessarily a representation of the true colours that we would necessarily use. Or the combination. Um and we're thinking to carry-on with the fruit and vegetable theme, the colour um combination just could just be named after different fruit, like banana could be black and yellow, watermelon red and green, or vanilla might be the most popular if it just uh blends in more settled cream instead of the others are all a bit garish. Banana's more representative of our colour scheme, like the company the yellow and black. So that for corporate identity that would probably be the most strength. I mean watermelon, you know, m probably appealing to the yeah, seasonal. Apple green, brown, more kinda trendy, you know, khaki Yeah. Okay. Um yeah we thought of the components it was definitely um a focus of ergonomics and just a single ha handheld device, I mean you don't need to use both hands, one hand to hold this and type in with the other, you can just use your thumb. Um, as we said the rubber's probably used for comfort and anti-R_S_I_ and that's about it. Mm-hmm. Mm go Feel I think. We've been quite successful with the rubber coating and Yeah. I think the colour has a lot to do with it. I mean th the colours we were given for making the prototype aren't the colours that I think we would've necessarily chosen. It's not the kind of ooh uh at all sleek red, black and yellow, and orange. Um But if you can imagine that in like a s just a maybe uh a kind of pale metallic-y finish or something Well I know know it's for rubber. I mean diff if you can visualise this in nice colours I think it would look quite fancy. Oh well, potato, mango, fruit and veg. Potato's fine. Potato's fine. Yeah. Totally. It's really adaptable. For the fancy I uh two, three. Yeah and the use of the rubber. For the anti-R_S_I_. The L_E_D_ use isn't particularly innovative and we don't have any scroll buttons, it's all pushbuttons, there's no L_C_D_ control, so if we're thinking about the rest of the market, it's sort of probably halfway. In some aspects it is, like we said. Yeah. Though it was our specification. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah and perhaps the turning on but Mm. Again I think the colour comes into this. Okay. Not in Don't worry. I suppose I've got quite big hands. Thing is like that, it's not going anywhere particularly. Yeah. Uh yeah, it's less um, what's th ha. H it's got higher centre of gravity like that. I would definitely go for that rather than like your average plain old remote like that, but definitely in another colour, I'm not happy with those colours. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And the kinetic energy, shaker-style-y, whoo, ooh no. But you know, those'll be firmly on. Mm, yeah, that's true. Yeah. Good point. Yeah. Yeah. Does this prototype match the operating behaviour of the average user. Yeah. Because yeah, because the most accessible buttons are the volume and the and the channel-changing. And it's just you won't have to think about it. You don't have to look down to find them. They're clearly there, easy to use. Simple. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. It Yeah l lights on and, or flash as well. But I mean it's not obviously obvious from the outside that that's gonna happen 'cause you can't s particularly see an alarm. Yeah. But when the alarm's not yeah. If you Yeah. You could s Yeah. Well the thing is, if it was had an alarm system, I mean, when it when it lights up as we I mean it could light up when the alarm went. But if it was hidden underneath the cushion or something, there wouldn't be any point. So you can't see the alarm, but it would light up. Yeah. Alarm, but you can't see an alarm inside uh the alarm system itself. Yeah. Yeah. It w yeah. Sorry. Yeah. Sorry Heather. That wasn't very clear. Yeah I think just because it's we've decided to reduce it down to the basic buttons, I think that in itself makes it so much easier to use. Mm. And or sixty six enter, y Yeah I think that's probably more straightforward. Yeah. Good Ooh. Mm. Oh. Injury. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. We may have to do some more research into other strain injuries that we don't know about. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. I think we're getting that's true. Mm. I think yeah, I think too. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. I think this is the the factor that we've been least successful in confronting. Yeah. Four I think. Well I don't what do what Okay. Yeah. Like um the colour scheme names and stuff. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It is. The thing is, I think if somebody saw that and you said what was that inspired from, I don't know if you'd instantly say mango. Oh yeah. There we go. That would be great. Um Okay. It's Between one and two. So that's pretty fantastic. Mm. It seems like it should be more around two. Do we have an online calculator? Okay. Oh wow. Well done. Well that's excellent. Production costs. It says it I think it just means that we can't add any more to it now. Have you have you completed it? Oh right. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Double double-curved yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Oof. Congratulations guys. Of the actual project rather than the product? A project? Is is yeah. So wh how we actually went round uh about doing it. I think we were pushed. I mean we weren't really given a lot of time, or materials, yeah, to go about our design task. So I think we could've done with a bit more time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well we were just limited by resources really and like if we had decided to use the L_C_D_ screen, and like solar power backup and everything, then we wouldn't have been able to afford that. So that did limit creativity. Just resources. But yeah. The fruit and veg idea. Yeah we did. We've, uh seeing as we've come out with what we intended. A pro um a product within the budget. I think that's a sign of good leadership and also our personal coach helped us along the way, so you know I think it's been fine. Yeah. Good timing. And project manager of course. Yeah. Yeah. Um Yeah and more Play Doh, 'cause that was all the red we had. So even if we wanted to make a bigger prototype, we wouldn't have been able to. Yeah. It could be really straightforward for the computer. I think the only thing was having to remember to you know to tick the okays but I think I was the only one who struggled with that. Mm. Uh me too. Yeah. Well I think we've all learnt stuff from each other, like the n um yeah. Just about each different. Got new ideas from each other. Yeah. Yeah. Sorry? Oh yeah. Well mm, did it come into the into I dunno if we counted that in the costs. Yes. Uh. Fantastic. Okay, brilliant. Thank you very much. +Speaker D: Um This is what we came up with. It's a pretty simple design. It's um based on a mango? Yeah. And we Yeah. And we have the company logo here and this will be the infrared here and this'll be the power point, the on off button kind yeah. It's in the middle of one of the little R_s. And then the other one is the power. And uh we just have a simple design. We wanted it all to be accessible from your thumb yeah palm-held and all the buttons are accessible from your thumb. So you don't have to Oh that was a mistake, wasn't it? Right no, that's a zero. Take that one off. Sorry. I was in charge of the numbers. And this is just if you've got like eleven or twelve or thirt the plus. You can go one, three or something. You press that first and then you go one three yeah. Well we just thought, we have all the numbers here, so we wanted something representative of numbers larger than ten and So the plus and then yeah. No no, th all that's why we have all these numbers. These numbers um these numbers all work independently up to nine. Yeah. Oh no. Uh, the plus is only for if you're going past the number nine. You p Oh. No you press the plus first. I I well it doesn't we haven't really s I would've thought you pressed the plus first and then the six five, but she says plus press which what do you think is simpler? It's a Yeah. Yeah. Oops. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So A channel. Just so we can flick It's in the middle of one of the little R_s. Yeah, so it's all accessible. Without m taking your hand off the remote. And it might actually help with the repetitive stress injury as well. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Of Play Doh yeah. 'Cause it'd be quite subtle and Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. The pomegranate's kinda girly and funky kind of, and then the vanilla's more for the more sophisticated customer who just wants something that fits in with all decor. Yeah. Mm. Well Yeah. Yeah. Yeah so not very sleek and we don't wanna go for black because most remote controls are black or grey. So we want it to be stand out that way, anyway. Yeah. A metallic-y finish we were thinking. Polished. Okay Yeah. We we were we were thinking about yeah. I w I'd say two I think. Fanciness. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. I'll go for three as well. No. Wouldn't be simple, yeah. Yeah. Yeah very. I think one for that. Yeah. No. Yeah that's the only thing yeah. It's definitely Yeah. But the Remember the management said that it it had to be prominent. Yeah. Yeah. But you know what I've just thought of there now. What where's it gonna sit in your living room? Is it not gonna fall off the arm of the sofa? Yeah. But then it wouldn't sit as comfortably in your hand. Yeah. Oh that would be nice. Yeah. Three. You would though, 'cause it's bit it's more interesting than other remotes. Yeah. Yeah. I think we have to market it in the right way, that um to say that it is simplistic. So people don't just see it and think, uh, this is so simplistic, I don't want to spend twenty five Euros. We have to market it. And the kinetic energy part. Yeah. Don't shake Oh no the plus. You're use the zero. Make a new one. I think they're about ten po ten pound, aren't they? About ten pounds. Fifteen? Yeah. Mm. Yeah. I think it does very well. The zap yeah. Uh Yeah. Yeah the bu when you press the alarm system, the lights behind the and it'll vibra It'll be again in the marketing. Yeah. The light it will. But But both Yeah. Oh, that would be brilliant. I'd be tempted to Yeah. It would have to be in the market Yeah but you still couldn't see it. It would just be a little speaker on the back or something. So the plu the plus w once that's written down on the page that'll be really simple, won't it? Yeah. That kind of annoys me though, when it's zero six when you have to press I don't know why. Oh okay. Right. Alright, aye. Yeah. I'd say w yeah one. Yeah. Yeah. Hmm. But if you're zapping yeah. I don't think it will f Yeah, the biology. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. I I'd say t two. Yeah. Yeah. N We we can't really do that because for example on the banana theme we can't have it as being yellow. It won't stand out. So n it's not always gonna be the same colour. Gray, yeah. Yeah, could be grey. Yeah that's right, we didn't even rea Yeah. Perhaps a metallic or or like that's grey, and it wouldn't be that expensive to have a little bit of metal. No? That isn't rubber. Okay. Following that briefing we did. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think w yeah, I think one. Well that was our brief and we followed the brief. Well we haven't got a big banana but Oh yeah. No. No. Oh that would be class. Yeah. Two. It's Yeah. Close to two. Yeah. I got Yeah, 'cause we've a four to bring down. Uh, aye. Yeah. Uh, should've added five. This is. Yay. Is that the project document? Yeah. Oh right. What about a special colour? Are we using that? Yeah. And a special material. Yeah. That's good. Yeah. The ma Or materials. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Creativity. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it c it might've been bigger. Yeah. I'm actually not sure if I've saved my presentations. Yeah. Through discussion. Yeah. And we were a able to modify each other's ideas to fit in with our areas of expertise. If if it if it If it can be afforded. Yeah. Yay. Yeah.","The project manager opens the meeting by stating the agenda. The designers give the prototype presentation, showing their simple design that is based on a mango. They point out the company logo and LED, and demonstrate how the device is palm-held and thumb-acessible. They also discuss the numerical, volume, channel, and power buttons as well as the color scheme. The marketing expert administers the product evaluation, and they rate each of the ten criteria on a scale of 1-7. The criteria includes fancy look-and-feel, technological innovation, ease of use, look, whether people would be willing to spend 25 Euros for it, whether its operating behavior matches the average user, ease of finding when lost, ease of learning to use, whether it will minimize RSI, incorporation of company colors and logo, and whether it follows the motto. They average the scores and get 1.9. They check the product costing and find that their operating cost is 12.20 Euros. In evaluating the project process they are pleased with their creativity, leadership, timing, teamwork, discussions, and overall product given the resources they had. They close the meeting by thanking one another." +105,"Speaker A: So is Why not save that. Do you want to replace existing file, no. I actually tried to transfer it to My Documents, but spreadsheet. Yeah, but I've ta uh right, I'll just re-do it. That's the easiest way. Right. R right. Um, all these things have cost implications. And so when I done my thing on cost a I had assumed that the only uh button that would be a different colour would be the uh the red apple button. So However, I've now. But um, yeah so uh but there would be a cost implication on that, and uh as I suppose that so whether wanted to put in all these colours, would be uh open to debate, I suppose. An important consideration. Right, okay so um And the second one underneath would be the idea for the Right, okay. So we've got um detail design meeting. Right. So So, we've got prototype presentation, which we've just done, evaluation criteria, um and finance, so I guess w we have to evaluate if that meets the various uh aspects that we're looking for uh from um our previous meeting. So other than the fact that it doesn't have the second layer, but um obviously obviously it would. But other than that, we got the red apple. We got the buttons and the only thing that has really changed is the is the colouration of the buttons, and the bit after the evaluation criteria is uh is the finance. And the and the cost implication. The only snag about this is that uh the cost is probably kind of important. So um, and then the production evaluation, as to how easy that would be to uh to manufacture. Um, and whether it would uh Right, so uh as far as the the finance of it would be concern would be to make sure that the cost aye the production cost 'cause you may remember that was one of the first uh considerations was to be in d under um uh twelve fifty or two and a half uh twelve and a half Euros. So, there's no redesign. So that should uh Right, so, seems to me that the thing that I have to do is is quickly find that uh Right. Okay. Right.. Okay, so, by the fact that we've got uh the simple chip and the uh kinetic energy source, we've got a single curved case. We've got a rubber uh case materials supplements. So, we had decided that we're having rubber buttons and Okay. W the button supplements. Well, originally, I thought there would just be uh one in there because it was the one red apple. But So the so the real w the real question then would come in. Do you make all the buttons O Well, so we've got one special button form, which was the apple. Everything else is gonna be a standard. We've got special material, rubber, wood, titanium, et cetera and that, so, I was originally, I was thinking rubber wasn't special, but according to this, maybe it is. So And the r I mean effectively we've got sixteen buttons that we're gonna have on there. W I don't know is is is the sort of answer, is that meant to be all sixteen buttons, and therefore I mean, what's the op The option was maybe not to have rubber buttons, but just to have the one that was soft and spongy, and therefore Whereas it would be the special colour would be for the So you would only have the one special button that was rubber, whereas the rest would be hard plastic. Mm. I would Every design change is uh I dunno, um Okay, um, if we just had all the buttons as standard, except for the one red apple, then that would take care of that, I guess. We'd have one special colour and one special button form. And when I plugged that in last time remember it has to be under twelve and a half. As far as I know, that um that took care of the uh of the various supplements. And if What happened? Now, right. Okay, so, but the point would be that if we uh if we just did special Sorry, you were saying that it would be that one, that you would put in one there. Okay. So it Well, is it s is no, it's nine point seven I've got. Okay. So, that would that would work out fine if uh uh as assuming your correction are are assuming that that one change covers all the buttons, then that would be fine. And there's nothing else as far as I can see that we we had uh planned to put on. Uh-huh. Well, hold on. Um, if we Okay, that gives us twelve point seven But remember that the idea was to keep it the colour of the Oh, I see, so just take out the special colour for the apple and And go for battery instead. That would give you one less. But you reckon that i I mean the thing is that you wanted to a appeal to people and not have to replace batteries. Mm-hmm. But which do you think or which do we think is the more important of the options? In a sense, at the moment, we've got a total which we need to reduce down by one point two. At least. Remember that was a minimum requirement. The other option if we're planning on just going for something cheap and cheerful, would be to um make it originally, we're gonna make it a simple product. Mm-hmm. Makes sense.. Sorry, do you want that back up? Right. Okay, but remember the main the only reason we were planning on having the voice recognition was so that they could find the remote if it got lost. Go for one. Yep. Okay. Yeah, why not not, m m maybe nearer three. Two three. Well, it's just that uh saying something remember that when you look down, we've got solar power, we've got uh various other things you could have, and we're not going for these options. Mm-hmm. Okay. No. 'Cause you can't afford that w we took that out too. Didn't you? Or Well, wait a minute. In thirteen point seven we do have kinetic. The problem is we have to reduce down from there to get it down to twelve point five. And one way of doing that would be to take out the kinetic. So, it's very much dependant on what you do with your options. And if you're definitely going for the sample sensor and sample speaker, then because that the other functions we've got in are are more at the The special material, the rubber, wood, titanium, et cetera, if you go for that, th that's at the high end 'cause that's point six, whereas down at uh just special colours uh is point two. Now you're trying to lose one point two, so it seems to me that if you're going for the sample sensors speaker, you're basically then having to go for the cheaper options on everything else. And and the simple way to do it would be to have a battery, to have your uh sample sensor speaker, and then you're looking to uh take out uh point two, which would be come from the button supplements category. Um, interface type um, well plastic rather than rubber. That that that would make the significant difference. You could either you could have it If you have a in plastic rather than rubber, then that would uh enable you to get you could keep kinetic then, you could keep your sample sensor, and you'd be looking to take out point two. So you could uh fiddle that down your special form at the bottom, or your special colour at the bottom. And that would enable you to to do it. Yeah. Ye Well, okay, but It's rubber as it is, yes. We got we've we've got thirteen point seven and we've got it in at the moment and if and basically, we're going to reduce down from that. But the current one, you'd say would be fancy, would be too Mm-hmm. I would've said about a two as well. Oh. The next on Well, I can just sing about. Easy to use. I would've said yes. I would go for a one on that at this point in time. Um, incorporates elements of fashion to attract buyer. Well, yeah it certainly has some.. Yep. I don't know. Yep. Yeah, I woulda said two would seem reasonable. The product is a recognisable real r uh reaction product? Oh. S Okay. So we're going for a two, three? Sure. Right, okay. Two. Right, come on. That's that decided. Right. So So we're now on to changing it to get it to fit in with the budget requirements, and then About a two. Two. Yep. Two b two b two, yeah. Yes. Well, you can lose one point two and still meet the requirements. Okay, well I put it back on. Yes, I would've thought so. Okay, so what was it, control uh F_ eight, wasn't it? Oh. Oh. How kind. Right, okay. So, you can see there that the If you want to keep kinetic, right, you've got a choice there of going down to battery, which would save you one. You've got the sample sensor and and sample speaker, which is your big item. That's right. Which gets you Yes. Alright. Okay, so So we're going for plastic, yes? Yep. Well, uh w uh there was debate as to how you would count them. You got special colour. Well originally I was assuming we had the red apple, and therefore, that was the special colour. Well, we've got special form. Now that would be one button, and the question was was that all buttons or is that just one button. 'Cause our plan really was to have one button only with a special So so no matter how you look at that, that would be the same. The other thing would then be special material, rubber, wood, titanium. Alright. So, special colour, you want three in there. Okay. That makes sense. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I would agree with that, I think. So special colours, two. And we've got special form is the one apple. The rest are all standard, although you could argue that should maybe be You were making these buttons down the bottom, I was presuming, bigger than the other ones, or were you? Was that the idea? Uh-huh. I would have thought that's probably about r well. Right. Yep, that makes sense. Yep. I woulda said so. Yeah. So you'd maybe put fash fan uh fashion at three rather than two. Real Reaction produ I'm not quite sure, what does that mean? Yep I would s You mean of Well you could argue you might do it once a year, you would change, because at the moment you're making a red apple. So next year you could make next year's model the same, but have it as a a yeah whate whatever, a lemon. Yeah, l a lemon lemon or something. And that amount Yeah, we've the main thing we've changed really is the casing isn't it? We've Well, ease has certainly stayed. Yeah. And the speech feature. How it would play out, yeah. Oh. Well, but you've got the company logo on there, which would effectively be a stick-on badge. So you're in a sense, you're comparing the product without the company logo. And then y but you've got the space for it to stick it on. Don't think so. But but i but in the sense that, as you saw with um the Windows logo badge, it doesn't really matter. There's virtually n The way that you frame, you know, the Windows badge on there, it really doesn't matter what colour it is, so long as our company's logo is framed w in the same way as that with a like a black outline. Fact, they've got black and white or black and silver. So basically, even if you had a silver the same colour of silver on your display, because you've got effectively a double edging on the uh on the logo, it means that it splits off what your logo is from the from the product. And that's actually quite a sneaky way of doing it. You could put in another Well, in this one, you've actually got three colours of buttons. Well, we decided that the blue ones were the um the standard colour. So you were talking about uh um We're assuming that all the buttons on the second panel, the hidden away panel, would all be standard. Which m may or may not be the case. Well, yeah. Bu but but uh was the was there not a button that you were thinking of on the um on the other opt you know, on the second page, as it were, that uh you were thinking of maybe having as a different colour? Yeah, well Alright. Okay. So we just add that to profitability in effect. Right, so we're meant to finish up in five minutes. Mm-hmm. So we're okay this way around. Until the design team comes in and says, get off. But you are the design team. So what bit are we on to? Yeah. I th I th Oh. Right, okay. Oh drats, I've botched that, haven't I. Right, okay um What's happened here? Right, okay um Mm. Right, okay um, Right. So we got So we've done the the finance bit and the Excel project and the We've done the redesign. So we're now on to project process. Now satisfaction with, for example, room for creativity, leadership, teamwork, means, et cetera, whiteboard, digital pens, et cetera. So, we're actually now uh, in a sense, on to the evaluation of the course rather than the evaluation of the project is m my understanding of it. So what did you and remembering that nobody's just over the curtain. So, um So I suppose the easiest way of doing it is to put some notes down, which I will do. So, uh I think I have to finish that page. Right, okay, so Project evaluation. So, um Creativity. Did you feel you got a chance to express yourselves well enough? Well um Individual meetings. How do you mean? In you on your own. Um Mm, The only thing you find is in a manufacturing process, you would normally, you go to a meeting, you decide, right, you do this, you do that, you do that. Then you go away. You find out information. You then come back. You then discuss it. You then go and change things around, and then go back. So Whereas, this time, you're really getting it from a database source, so it's not uh well uh Anyway, so, what do you want to put down? I've put, seemed okay. Creativity, seemed okay. Um um flow of information on on any given subject given subject um sometimes disjointed. Um Have could have used a different example pel to increase create Creativity. You have to do it within a set time frame is the other thing, so I th I uh d But the other thing is that uh they're I'm guessing that they're trying to use this um software to to demonstrate how you could uh do a project. I mean, m my wife at the moment, for instance, is uh acting as a computer um for um you normally, you got a problem, so you go to your tutor and find out information to see how to get it fixed. So what she's doing is she's having to spend a day at the computer terminal at one end so that any student that comes along can uh ask whatever question. And then you or the idea is that the whichever uh person's at the other end can point them in the right direction, show them where to either give them directly give them help, or secondly, point them in the right direction, either at the library, or uh or or come back, or go and see Joe Bloggs, or whatever. So uh, and that was a project I suspect similar to this, because they they were actually trying to debug the uh computer software to enable um to enable it to work. And of course, you had the machine crashing and various things going wrong. So Alright, so we've got uh New ideas found, did we find any, no. Alright. Leadership, teamwork. Does You've got voice recognition computers, that's not remote controls. Mm-hmm. Okay, so how do you reckon teamwork went? To uh go uh reasonably well. Okay. Bit bit arbitrary. Mm-hmm. So, we're m we're meant to comment on leadership and the means, E_ G_ whiteboard, digital pens, et cetera. And and new i new ideas found was the the other thing. Now, I'd much rather be in marketing but I certainly didn't get this uh computer to work as well as I would have liked. However, um Alright uh means, so whiteboard um so really, it's uh equipment. Oh. Right. New ideas found, so one or two. um and uh voice uh, was it voice activated um recognition. Right, so, uh are the costs within budget, yes. Is the project evaluated, yes. Uh, don't forget to complete final questionnaire and meeting summary. Then celebration. Yeah. Uh, so we don't re So really I tried to save this the last time at twelve point three, and it didn't seem to have saved anywhere. Mind you, the the figure last was was different, but it should be poss +Speaker B: No, you'll ha have to open it up from elsewhere. Yeah, you have to you have to close that window. 'Cause that's the save one isn't it, so And then find it. You pass it round to have a look. Mm very nice. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So it is, yeah. Cherry would be alright actually. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Copyright, yeah. What's this this one? What's that one there? Oh, okay. Right. Uh-huh. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I'll see if I can find them. Have Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Right. So if you had to do a presentation or will you just work it on the prototype? That's the pr Okay. we should plug it in. Do you wanna plu do you wanna plug it in into the the back of that one. We could do it as we d go along, the production costs, looking at the prototype. Well do we'll do it on the prototype, so do two, see how much it is. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I think you just do one, don't you, for the I think I think it's just it's just a one. Else I thi I think I think the button supplement i is just a supplement for all the buttons made in a different material, rather than per button. I don't know though. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. You've just gone off the window into another one. It's on the bottom row. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we have to have it Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Shall we shall we evaluate the prototype as we've got it now first, and then sort of make decisions about what needs to be changed after? Okay. Right um, I have a little thing. So, we've all got a note of it's thirteen point seven, isn't it, with everything we want on. Yeah, I just had a presentation to do. Mm-hmm. Mm. Right okay um, This is about the evaluation criteria that we use for the the prototype we've got here. And so the method is that the design team makes a prototype, and we evaluate the prototype against some criteria that we've formulated. And those ones are gonna be in response to sort of market research, and also finance, I guess. And do that on a scale from say true being one and false being seven, so if it's neither true nor false, then that's four. So, I got a set of criteria just based on the marketing that we need to add in a financial one as well, at the end. Um so, We have to say whether it's true or false that the product looks and feels fancy. Um The whether the product demonstrates technical innovation. Whether it's easy to use. Whether it's incorporating sort of the fashion element to attract the buyer. And whether it's a sort of recognisable Real Reaction product. And I have to go up onto the whiteboard and do this apparently, so I'll go over here. Right. So the first one is um, does the product look and feel fancy. So if we do a sort of a one So Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Of but I think What Is one false, or is t one true? I forgot. One's true, and okay. Seven's fal Four is neutral, okay. So Right. Okay. Right. I gonna put underneath so I've got some more space. So, false is seven, true is one, and So uh say about a two for fancy, you think? Okay. Okay, well d you do an average at the end, I don't know. Um Uh-huh. This this is just this is just for like the look. Does it sort of look fancy rather than functional. So Yeah, so that so sh should we go for a a two on that? 'Kay. And I mean, how much does the product demonstrate technical innovation do you reckon? D yeah. Okay. So, what about the pr The prototype as it is, we've got we've got the speech recognition on it, haven't we. But not the kinetic. Alright, so So it doesn't It's pretty The prototype as it is isn't sort of um fulfilling the Okay. Yeah. Right, okay. Mm-hmm. S I'm just gonna check my email. I'm just gonna check exactly what it said in the email for um the product. Okay. But I Okay. Yeah., I just read the email again and it sort of says it's evaluate the design sort of as it is, I think, so I think we need to think about finance after we've sort of evaluated that design. I don't know whether we're doing it in the wrong order or something or. So, I mean does this need to go up a bit or something, 'cause we've got both the both the um the speech Yeah. Yeah. Um, for for innovation, so we've got the speech the speech thing, and Do you reckon a two? Okay. Two. And the next one is I'll have to get it back up now. Okay. Um Say about a three maybe? It's a two. Yeah, this is This Yeah. So this is about sort of the corporate image of like new sort of sleek technology and all that sort of thing, as well as having the logo on and all that. So sort of Is it sort of a recognisable product. Does it fit in with our other other products, which uh are sort of coffee makers and spacecraft. What do y Yeah. Uh-huh. So Two or three? Yeah. Two or three. How Two. Okay. Right. Yeah. Yeah we s yeah, I think we sort of add them up so sort of at an average is gonna be I'm just gonna do this in my head. One point eight isn't it or something. I think, anyway. So yeah, pretty close to a two. So So it's I mean it's pretty good at the moment, but it's gonna get worse, isn't it. But we've gotta try and make sure it doesn't get too bad. Yeah. Do you wanna plug it into yours so we can get up the the finances I'm not sure. Yeah. it's come on already. Mm. Yeah. Different different colours, yeah. Yeah, I was I was thinking that because maybe maybe the sort of rubber case is a bit less in sort of the corporate identity than the sort of you know sleeker plastic case. Lose a little bit on the fashion, yeah, but And then Yeah. Yeah. Well I thin I think you you you just need two for the special colour 'cause it's just two supplements, you know. One original colour and then sort of two supplements, I think maybe. Okay. So we only ne we only need two for that. 'Cause I mean these these are moulded. The one colour's gonna be moulded out of a piece of plas uh of rubber, isn't it. Right. Yeah, that Yeah. Okay, so tha So shall we do a Well, um Yeah. Yeah, so Uh So it's w if we've if we've put in for another special form on a button, then maybe they could be a different shape. Like we got a cherry one. Maybe other ones could be something else shaped. I don't know. That would be poss seeing as seeing as it's cheaper to make them a different seeing as we've got, you know, we've made it a a special form, so And that would sort of maybe keep us close on the sort of the fashion type one. And it would sort of, you know, keep it quite fancy as well, I don't know. Well you could Yeah. Yeah, I mean the volume buttons could be lemons or something, maybe. Okay. So, we've what have we what have we rid of. We got rid of the plastic. Is it The rubber. Yeah. Yeah. But uh So I mean, we've got we got rid of the rubber case, but we've now s we now sort of got an extra form, and an extra colour for the buttons. So maybe in terms of sort of fanciness and fashionability, we're pretty much the same, maybe. So, I mean we could maybe put two again on them. Yeah. Yeah. And what about the sort of innovation? Do you think Okay. And then, the corporate identity. Yeah. Whether whether that's considered to be sort of part of the corporate identity, I don't know. I mean, it's maybe not. I mean Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, well I mean We cou Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Hey, what what what's the company colour? Did you get told what the company colour is or Oh right. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Okay. Uh-huh. 'Cause you've got sort of we've got point two to play with if you really wanted to. Another colour. Or would that be t Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Shall we save the point two for profitability then? Hmm. Yeah. I mean it's the sort of thing that, I mean, you wanna pick up the controller and just hit a button quickly to change the channel or volume. So, if it's dead obvious, then that's fine. But if you're opening the panel and you're looking and you're tuning, then you're paying a bit more attention. So it may be sort of different colour buttons isn't so important. 'Cause you Yeah. So Yeah, I mean so we've dropped the cost, but Same sort of function? The criteria? It's alright. Just made a load of money. Well, but I think we said that w Because you got rid of the rubber, we put an extra an extra sort of fruit um shape on one of the buttons. le lemon sh I think well, we could have lemon shaped ones with the volume ones or something. Or something like that. Yeah. Did did you have to have a rubber case, though, for rubber buttons? Or was it the other way around? Right, okay. Yeah. So that so we've saved Saved two Euros on that. Mm-hmm. Well, we're aiming for um one for all of them. M but it really has to fit into the budget, so I guess we just have to adjust things to get it i in the Which is fair enough. Yeah. Yeah, I think most Yeah. Yep. I don't know. What's on the agenda? Uh-huh. Finish your meeting now. Yeah. Okay. Oh. I thought some of the divisions though between sort of the individual meetings were a bit arbitrary. Yeah. Well, we were finding out various things in in be in-between the meetings, and they didn't the one meeting didn't always follow on for the other one, you know, sort of we had things thrown in at the second meeting where, you know, you'd looked at the remote controls and seen the curviness, but in the first one you'd also looked at some remote controls and looked at the buttons, and I don't understand why it would be in separate meetings that you'd do that. You know, you'd sort of you'd probably present it at one or something like that. Yeah. Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the thing itself. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. But think like it was a bit restrictive just to say that you have to design a television remote control, in a way. I mean it depends what sort of business you're in, I guess. I mean this one seems. From the website it looks it's quite innovative, but we're coming up with some bucket shop product aren't we that's, you know, fifteen quid. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I mean if you look at their products on their website here, Real Reaction, I mean it's all pretty high-tech and cutting edge. And Yeah. Yeah. we did find a new idea, I mean sort of a kinetic remote control. I've never seen one of them before. batteries, I think. So Mm yeah. Yeah. Mm. That went okay, yeah. Mm-hmm, yeah. I don't think sort of the budget um allowed us to do anything Well, I mean I don't think it I just don't think it fitted in with the rest of their products. I mean, they've got all these sort of, you know, high definition D_V_D_ and portable seven inch d um lightweight computer screens, and uh I'm thinking, do you know, one cheap remote control doesn't really fit in. Surely they they should produ Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It worked. Comput computers could be a bit difficult at times but I think there's a little there's a little um chi There's a little there's a little chip, I think you must plug it into something and it produces a I don't know. Whether it just produces a big image of sort of everything you've written or something, and Page after page. Yeah. Kinetic powered remote control. Um, what was the other one? Vo yeah. Voice recognition, yeah. S Almost. To fill in these fill in these questionnaires Oh no. Hmm? I think that we've got two questionnaires and a report on the last meeting. +Speaker C: Well we've made our prototype anyway. We can have a good look at that. Mm-hmm. Y no, it's a slightly curved around the sides. Um, it's almost curved like up to the main display as well. And the little line at the bottom indicates the bit the panel that you pull down. And the extra function buttons are below that panel on the little line. And we've got the stick on the button with the company logo on. Yeah, it's a bit more fun, isn't it? And it's kinda not really at a kind of you think apple, you think computers, like Apple Mac. Yeah, and cherries are fun, summery. Ah, that's the mute. It it'd probably have to be labelled mute. But um, we didn't have anything small enough to write. Yeah. Uh, we just chose simple shapes for all them. Um, the important ones are the volume ones. So we made them a bit bigger. The mute could possibly be a bit smaller. Mm-hmm. Yeah, and we chose a V_ plus and V_ minus. Well the colours wouldn't like that's they wouldn't be too important, but we didn't have any white Play-Doh. So that's where the colour buttons came from. Uh, that's it. Maybe if you just minimise that one in the top right-hand corner of the little box. Yeah. S Um,. D wouldn't you have to keep the simple chip there as well? You know how you turn that one to a zero, wouldn't the chip and the sample speaker be separate things, so you need both of them? I think the voice recognition. But I do think uh the v uh voice recognition thing would be more impressive than the fact that it's got no battery. Yeah, I'd maybe give it a a two. One's true. And a four is neutral. Yeah, 'cause we haven't got the double curve, so we can't like say it's completely true. But it's pretty close. We've got almost everything we can. Yeah. Yeah, I suppose that might be in the technical innovation bit. Maybe a three. I would give it more than a four. How much of a difference would it make if we made the case in plastic? Because we did say that we don't wanna follow the fashion too much. If the buttons are rubber that might be spongy enough. And then it stand the test of time better. Mm-hmm. Well, I suppose it's rubber as it is, isn't it. Yeah. Yeah, two or three. I'd be happy with a two. Yeah. Yeah, I would say so as well. Yeah, it's got the cherry and the sponginess. Maybe two? Yeah, that's a bit rough at the minute. Uh, well it's got the same um speech feature as the coffee machine. Yeah, two or three. Well, the logo would be more um recognisable on the actual thing. It's just that the pen wouldn't really write on that paper. But um, I think the logo would definitely be recognisable. And it does have attributes that other products do. Two? Aye. Go for it. What does what do all them numbers mean then? Do we add them up and rate or anything? we'll probably have to re-rate it. Ah it's on. Yeah, I think that'd be fine. Because that was just a trend, and we do have rubber buttons anyway. Yeah. Yeah, I think we should just imagine white buttons. Yeah. Yeah, the volume ones should stand out a bit. Real Reactions? Yeah, I don't see how we could make it any more. Um, apart from maybe doing the whole thing in the kinda light shade of blue, like the casing. But then what colour would you make the R_s? No, I just We got the logo off the web browser. Mm-hmm. Um, I don't think they would really need to be. I think if they were just all small round blue buttons, it'd be fine. Needs to be an enter button, but could just be the same as well. Mm-hmm. Shouldn't we maybe lose a point on fashion, go to a three? 'Cause we've lost the overall spongy feel. 'Cause it doesn't seem right that it just hasn't changed at all. Alright. Did we decide what that was, which button it was? On the volume ones? Right. Um, can I just check if that's a cherry or an apple? Did we decide against the apple because of Apple Mac? And did we make it a cherry officially? Right. So were we aiming for a certain target on that scale? Right. So do we have anything else to discuss? Huh. Yeah. I think it maybe could have been a slightly more creative project. I mean a remote control isn't the most um kind of fancy thing that you could imagine designing. I can't think of a better example at the minute. Well it's a different application of it. Yeah. Well leadership's a bit of a funny one, isn't it. But we can't really all fairly comment on leadership because you are the Project Manager. You were the leader. So our experience of leadership wasn't really as much as yours. Yeah, very nice. But I mean, I d I don't I'm not sure I see the value in these. I mean, they record what you're writing, and then what do you do with it? Where do you get the recording? Do you plug the computer or something? Right. I think you watch a video of it kind of. Voice um recognition thing. Pretty much. +Speaker D: We also have a apple slash cherry design at the top. Yeah, yeah, we might get a For the M_. They're thinking For the first time, well it was hard to get the h um the actual labelling on the individual buttons. Hum, you separate off in colour the volume related buttons from the channel related buttons, so you've got the volume in orange on design there, and the the channel is in blue. Yeah, sis Yes, we'll have the slide-away. Bottom. Mm-hmm. Yes, yes. Okay. Mm-hmm. This this is a yes, this is our presentation of the prototype. Mm-hmm. Could we get this on the board just so we can see or do you mean do you have the figures there? 'Kay, Alice. So, sh 'Kay this should be then. Mm-hmm. Have a push button interface. Um Um Yeah. And then we'd have So that's nine point one there so we've got some 'Kay. Just give us a bit of I switching around those th um on the electronics we got the sample sensor. At the moment we've just got the simple chip, which costs one. Um, I guess the sample sens sample speaker would be the voice recognition thing, which puts up to four? We should be slightly over our budget but if we gather something else down to slightly lower standard, and maybe go with the one the special form buttons, then we could have the speech So uh maybe if we got rid of like the maybe one of the special colours, kept them all the same colour, then we could have the voice recognition without Yeah, yeah. Um Oh possibly, yeah, yeah maybe. Maybe um we'd be giving up on the kinetic. Um We should Yeah, that would save us one, though we'd still be slightly ov Yeah, yeah. Well, since it's the through the whole technology type thing, um, you were saying in the market research that people like kind of interesting gadgets in them. Um, whether they would figure the the s uh sample senor and the sample speaker, voice recognition be sort of a worthwhile thing to have. And then still have the batteries, or whatever they would prefer not uh You know what I mean? The the problem was the battery's running out and losing the um losing the remote. So you gotta decide which of those is more important to them. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay, well we have a single curve, which was maybe like the feel of the product's quite good. So uh Um, then we have the rubber kinda spongy feel, which was in at the time. Um, sorry that'd be considered fancy. So maybe maybe a two. Yeah. Um, deciding between the kinetic power or um the speech recognition, and if we had either of those for our budget, they both show a reasonable amount of speech recognition. Um But not the kinetic. Like the power. No, we c ca yeah, we can't afford both. No may is maybe about neutral plus it it it's got something, but it hasn't got Right. Okay. 'Kay. Okay. Um Mm-hmm. So it says if we make a slightly more fancy, then we lose points innovation, and if we make it more innovative innovative, then we lose points on it being fancy, so Yeah, yeah. Um It does, yeah. Yeah, m um Yeah, it was just doing it quite well. Um, I think we're gonna have to lose some of these, but the moment, as it stands, it's um Uh the sensor using all of its all of its products, all of its buttons, and it's got a fairly big label on the bottom saying where it comes from. Okay. Also it's kind of spongy rubberiness is maybe bit more kinda comfortable than kinda sleek and new age. Um, it depends which way you look at it. Maybe a kind of three? Uh d Yeah, so it's So should we get So are definite Was it thirteen point seven was the definite price rule if has. Okay, so we need to So I guess this Is this the last stage once we sort out the finances part of it? Yeah, yeah we'll make the adjustments and then see how are rates are going. Oh actually we just have a plastic case, then we lose two points, which gets us um In right within the budget range. So that's eleven point seven, and then we could make sure we definitely had all the button supplements. Possibly, yeah. Um And that would allow us to have all the technical innovations. So we'd lose a little bit on the maybe kind of Oh yeah, and that would now be Yeah, that's that's within the budget. Um Do we actually have Do we just have one special uh special forms down here? Um And we we've we've got we've got enough for another we've got nought point eight left, so we've got enough for another Yeah, um But the but but but the I think maybe the special colour, we've got three now just because the volume buttons are different, I guess we'd have the ones which are blue at the moment would would just be the standard colour. Yeah, which I think we should Yeah, they'll still be fine for the for the price. Okay, uh that's probably it. Ne uh Maybe that'll be a second supplement. Then there's a spe a second special form. Um Well you got you got twelve. So I think that should still be okay. Yeah, that's twelve point three, so we're still within budget on that. Um So decide we've lost a little bit on the fashion and lost a bit on the fancy kinda side of it, but generally speaking, we've kept the other attributes to the That's without Yeah. And specially it definitely could fits the the real product What was the what's the company name? R yeah. Yeah, yeah. I mean it still seems definitely fit that p so that's like if that's the new age kind of um inno innovative c type company, then um having the kinetic feature and the voice recognition is p quite high up on Um Mm-hmm. Yeah so it's a Whatever fruit was in fashion next year. That yeah, that was uh that was just about all. I think we've saved quite a bit because we've just got the push-button interface, which is by far the cheapest. Um So maybe in a sense not having that, maybe we've lost some maybe lost something on the innovation side? I dunno. And that is like the most standard type of button. Yeah. And everything else has stayed pretty much the same, so Yeah, plus if anything that is special forms makes it slightly easier to to use. Um, well we've still got the kinetic energy. Um Yeah, the speech feature. I think we've cut just about the same. We've maybe lost Hasn't it It's hard to tell how the rubber the rubber casing would really affect Um But I think more the the features of the actual control will be more important than maybe than the the actual aesthetics, but But either way, I think we've made it fairly close to what just the the company logo. So maybe there's like a set design which we get printed off. Okay. Yeah, yeah. I'm still not quite sure we've established that. Yeah. Um Yeah, maybe we've m Maybe for the the one they're gonna see all the time, we make it look good, and um, fit the kind of idea of what they want. And then for the more functional buttons, we don't worry too much about that and just have that as like a plus it's hidden away anyway, you're not gonna see it at the start. Yeah. 'Kay. Uh,. That's good. Definitely lemon shaped. You had to have rubber buttons if you had the rubber case. So I think we can we're okay. Then we say it's fine, so it's all good. Just in case we need that point two for lawsuits and such like. And we seem to have least something in each criteria. We haven't completely left anything out, so As an overall product which has to be quite cheap, we've just about achieved everything. We've got the closing. We should just go through this quickly and then Um, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I suppose and then be going out and finding more information each time and then diff things will be relevant. Is this go It kinda kis fits the purpose that it was something everyone knows about and then something we can at least look at and think how we can improve on. one of those things. Like uh, companies can have like a range of products and I don't know how it works but I guess that something got sent out and have like a brief to kind of Yeah. Well, sh we look at the last slide, see if it's got anything else. I think there's one one more to go. It was quite good with this um the white board, having that and the digital pens. Like, that's something that made it a little easier. voice recognition, especially not could Yeah. Yeah, so it's just like the same products, but just put together in a different way. Um Yeah, I guess we all had separate ideas and then discussed them. So it's not just for us, it's for the experiment as a whole, so Should we quickly look at the last slide? Sh. Is that everything?","Well we've made our prototype anyway . You pass it round to have a look . Y no , it's a slightly curved around the sides . Um , it's almost curved like up to the main display as well . And the little line at the bottom indicates the bit the panel that you pull down . And the extra function buttons are below that panel on the little line . We also have a apple slash cherry design at the top . Cherry would be alright actually . Yeah , and cherries are fun , summery . For the first time , well it was hard to get the h um the actual labelling on the individual buttons . Uh , we just chose simple shapes for all them . Um , the important ones are the volume ones . So we made them a bit bigger . Hum , you separate off in colour the volume related buttons from the channel related buttons , so you've got the volume in orange on design there , and the the channel is in blue . And so when I done my thing on cost a I had assumed that the only uh button that would be a different colour would be the uh the red apple button . so uh but there would be a cost implication on that , Well the colours wouldn't like that's they wouldn't be too important , but we didn't have any white Play-Doh . Yes , we'll have the slide-away . and the bit after the evaluation criteria is uh is the finance . And the and the cost implication . So um , and then the production evaluation , as to how easy that would be to uh to manufacture . Right , so uh as far as the the finance of it would be concern would be to make sure that the cost aye the production cost 'cause you may remember that was one of the first uh considerations was to be in d under um uh twelve fifty or two and a half uh twelve and a half Euros . We could do it as we d go along , the production costs , looking at the prototype . Okay , so , by the fact that we've got uh the simple chip and the uh kinetic energy source , we've got a single curved case . We've got a rubber uh case materials supplements . Okay . W the button supplements . Well , originally , I thought there would just be uh one in there because it was the one red apple . Well , so we've got one special button form , which was the apple . We've got special material , rubber , wood , titanium , et cetera and that , so , I was originally , I was thinking rubber wasn't special , So you would only have the one special button that was rubber , whereas the rest would be hard plastic . I thi I think I think the button supplement i is just a supplement for all the buttons made in a different material , rather than per button . So , that would that would work out fine if uh uh as assuming your correction are are assuming that that one change covers all the buttons , then that would be fine . So that's nine point one there I switching around those th um on the electronics we got the sample sensor . At the moment we've just got the simple chip , which costs one . Um , I guess the sample sens sample speaker would be the voice recognition thing , which puts up to four ? We should be slightly over our budget Okay , that gives us twelve point seven So uh maybe if we got rid of like the maybe one of the special colours , kept them all the same colour , then we could have the voice recognition Maybe um we'd be giving up on the kinetic . i I mean the thing is that you wanted to a appeal to people and not have to replace batteries . The the problem was the battery's running out and losing the um losing the remote . So you gotta decide which of those is more important to them . But which do you think or which do we think is the more important of the options ? I think the voice recognition . The other option if we're planning on just going for something cheap and cheerful , would be to um make it originally , we're gonna make it a simple product . Shall we shall we evaluate the prototype as we've got it now first , and then sort of make decisions about what needs to be changed after ? So , we've all got a note of it's thirteen point seven , isn't it , with everything we want on . But I do think uh the v uh voice recognition thing would be more impressive than the fact that it's got no battery . and we evaluate the prototype against some criteria that we've formulated . And do that on a scale from say true being one and false being seven , So , I got a set of criteria just based on the marketing that we need to add in a financial one as well , at the end . Um so , We have to say whether it's true or false that the product looks and feels fancy . Um The whether the product demonstrates technical innovation . Whether it's easy to use . Whether it's incorporating sort of the fashion element to attract the buyer . And whether it's a sort of recognisable Real Reaction product . And I have to go up onto the whiteboard and do this apparently , So the first one is um , does the product look and feel fancy . Okay , well we have a single curve , Um , then we have the rubber kinda spongy feel , which was in at the time . Yeah , I'd maybe give it a a two . What Is one false , or is t one true ? One's true . So uh say about a two for fancy , And I mean , how much does the product demonstrate technical innovation do you reckon ? Um , deciding between the kinetic power or um the speech recognition , and if we had either of those for our budget , they both show a reasonable amount of speech recognition . In thirteen point seven we do have kinetic . we've got we've got the speech recognition on it , haven't we . The problem is we have to reduce down from there to get it down to twelve point five . And one way of doing that would be to take out the kinetic . so it seems to me that if you're going for the sample sensors speaker , you're basically then having to go for the cheaper options on everything else . And and the simple way to do it would be to have a battery , to have your uh sample sensor speaker , If the buttons are rubber that might be spongy enough . How much of a difference would it make if we made the case in plastic ? If you have a in plastic rather than rubber , then that would uh enable you to get you could keep kinetic then , you could keep your sample sensor , So it says if we make a slightly more fancy , then we lose points innovation , and if we make it more innovative innovative , then we lose points on it being fancy , so I would go for a one on that at this point in time . Um , incorporates elements of fashion to attract buyer . it's got the cherry and the sponginess . Say about a three maybe ? The product is a recognisable real r uh reaction product ? I woulda said two would seem reasonable . and it's got a fairly big label on the bottom saying where it comes from . So this is about sort of the corporate image of like new sort of sleek technology and all that sort of thing , as well as having the logo on and all that . Two . But um , I think the logo would definitely be recognisable . So we're now on to changing it to get it to fit in with the budget requirements , What does what do all them numbers mean then ? Do we add them up and rate or anything ? I think we sort of add them up so sort of at an average is gonna be I'm just gonna do this in my head . One point eight isn't it or something . So yeah , pretty close to a two . So it's I mean it's pretty good at the moment , but it's gonna get worse , isn't it . So I guess this Is this the last stage once we sort out the finances part of it ? I'm not sure . we'll probably have to re-rate it . If you want to keep kinetic , right , you've got a choice there of going down to battery , which would save you one . Was it thirteen point seven was the definite price rule if has . Well , you can lose one point two and still meet the requirements . You've got the sample sensor and and sample speaker , which is your big item . which gets us um In right within the budget range . and then we could make sure we definitely had all the button supplements . Yeah , I was I was thinking that because maybe maybe the sort of rubber case is a bit less in sort of the corporate identity than the sort of you know sleeker plastic case . So we're going for plastic , yes ? Oh actually we just have a plastic case , then we lose two points , Yeah , I think we should just imagine white buttons . Do we just have one special uh special forms down here ? You got special colour . Well originally I was assuming we had the red apple , we've got nought point eight left , Well , we've got special form . Now that would be one button , 'Cause our plan really was to have one button only with a special and the question was was that all buttons or is that just one button . I guess we'd have the ones which are blue at the moment would would just be the standard colour . So , special colour , you want three in there . Well I thin I think you you you just need two for the special colour One original colour and then sort of two supplements , I think maybe . You were making these buttons down the bottom , I was presuming , bigger than the other ones , And we've got special form is the one apple . the volume ones should stand out a bit . Maybe that'll be a second supplement . Then there's a spe a second special form . Yeah , that's twelve point three , So I think that should still be okay . So decide we've lost a little bit on the fashion and lost a bit on the fancy kinda side of it , Yeah . So you'd maybe put fash fan uh fashion at three rather than two . so that's like if that's the new age kind of um inno innovative c type company , then um having the kinetic feature and the voice recognition is p quite high up on So it's w if we've if we've put in for another special form on a button , then maybe they could be a different shape . Maybe other ones could be something else shaped . And that would sort of maybe keep us close on the sort of the fashion type one . Well you could argue you might do it once a year , you would change , because at the moment you're making a red apple . So next year you could make next year's model the same , but have it as a a yeah whate whatever , a lemon . Yeah , I mean the volume buttons could be lemons or something , maybe . we've the main thing we've changed really is the casing isn't it ? So maybe in a sense not having that , maybe we've lost some maybe lost something on the innovation side ? So maybe in terms of sort of fanciness and fashionability , we're pretty much the same , maybe . So , I mean we could maybe put two again on them . And what about the sort of innovation ? Um , well we've still got the kinetic energy . Um And the speech feature . But I think more the the features of the actual control will be more important than maybe than the the actual aesthetics , but But then what colour would you make the R_s ? Um , apart from maybe doing the whole thing in the kinda light shade of blue , like the casing . Well , but you've got the company logo on there , which would effectively be a stick-on badge . Did you get told what the company colour is or I'm still not quite sure we've established that . so long as our company's logo is framed w in the same way as that with a like a black outline . So basically , even if you had a silver the same colour of silver on your display , because you've got effectively a double edging on the uh on the logo , it means that it splits off what your logo is from the from the product . we've got point two to play with if you really wanted to . Well , in this one , you've actually got three colours of buttons . Well , we decided that the blue ones were the um the standard colour . We're assuming that all the buttons on the second panel , the hidden away panel , would all be standard . Bu but but uh was the was there not a button that you were thinking of on the um on the other opt you know , on the second page , as it were , that uh you were thinking of maybe having as a different colour ? I think if they were just all small round blue buttons , it'd be fine . And then for the more functional buttons , we don't worry too much about that and just have that as like a plus it's hidden away anyway , I mean it's the sort of thing that , I mean , you wanna pick up the controller and just hit a button quickly to change the channel or volume . But if you're opening the panel and you're looking and you're tuning , then you're paying a bit more attention . So it may be sort of different colour buttons isn't so important . Shouldn't we maybe lose a point on fashion , go to a three ? Well , but I think we said that w Because you got rid of the rubber , we put an extra an extra sort of fruit um shape on one of the buttons . well , we could have lemon shaped ones with the volume ones or something . And did we make it a cherry officially ? Yeah . As an overall product which has to be quite cheap , we've just about achieved everything . So do we have anything else to discuss ? So we've done the the finance bit and the Excel project and the We've done the redesign . So we're now on to project process . Now satisfaction with , for example , room for creativity , leadership , teamwork , means , et cetera , whiteboard , digital pens , et cetera . I suppose the easiest way of doing it is to put some notes down , which I will do . Did you feel you got a chance to express yourselves well enough ? I thought some of the divisions though between sort of the individual meetings were a bit arbitrary . Well , we were finding out various things in in be in-between the meetings , and they didn't the one meeting didn't always follow on for the other one , you know , sort of we had things thrown in at the second meeting where , you know , you'd looked at the remote controls and seen the curviness , but in the first one you'd also looked at some remote controls and looked at the buttons , and I don't understand why it would be in separate meetings that you'd do that . The only thing you find is in a manufacturing process , you would normally , you go to a meeting , you decide , right , you do this , you do that , you do that . Then you go away . You find out information . You then come back . You then discuss it . Whereas , this time , you're really getting it from a database source , what do you want to put down ? Creativity , seemed okay . Um um flow of information on on any given subject given subject um sometimes disjointed . I think it maybe could have been a slightly more creative project . I mean a remote control isn't the most um kind of fancy thing that you could imagine designing . But think like it was a bit restrictive just to say that you have to design a television remote control , in a way . I mean this one seems . From the website it looks it's quite innovative , It was quite good with this um the white board , having that and the digital pens . so how do you reckon teamwork went ? That went okay , yeah . I guess we all had separate ideas and then discussed them . To uh go uh reasonably well . I don't think sort of the budget um allowed us to do anything Bit bit arbitrary . Well , I mean I don't think it I just don't think it fitted in with the rest of their products . So , we're m we're meant to comment on leadership and the means , E_ G_ whiteboard , digital pens , et cetera . we did find a new idea , I mean sort of a kinetic remote control . voice recognition , especially not could You've got voice recognition computers , that's not remote controls . Yeah , so it's just like the same products , but just put together in a different way . But we can't really all fairly comment on leadership So our experience of leadership wasn't really as much as yours . I certainly didn't get this uh computer to work as well as I would have liked . Alright uh means , so whiteboard um so really , it's uh equipment . Oh . Comput computers could be a bit difficult at times but But I mean , I d I don't I'm not sure I see the value in these . I mean , they record what you're writing , and then what do you do with it ? Where do you get the recording ? So it's not just for us , it's for the experiment as a whole , so New ideas found , so one or two . Kinetic powered remote control . Um , Voice um recognition thing . uh are the costs within budget , Uh , don't forget to complete final questionnaire and meeting summary . I think that we've got two questionnaires and a report on the last meeting . Whether whether that's considered to be sort of part of the corporate identity , I don't know . Lose a little bit on the fashion , yeah , but" +87,"Speaker A: Uh 'kay. So Yep. Okay so we're here to talk about the detailed design of the product, 'kay? And here's the agenda for this meeting. Uh I'm just gonna open, say a few boring words to start with again, and start taking minutes afterwards. You guys are gonna give us a presentation of our wonder product that I can see some demonstrations of over there. Looks cool. And then we're gonna evaluate it. Then we're gonna talk about finance, and I've got a lovely Excel spreadsheet that I knocked up in the last five minutes for this. And uh yep. And we're gonna evaluate the product and close. Got forty minutes to do this in. We should be fine. Let's try and keep this one on schedule. So Your thing is in where is it? Is it in Who wants it? Zapping your favourite channels, eh? Oh okay okay. Ah 'kay okay, that's favourites. Ah 'kay. I like the the the the logo on there as well. It is very prominent. So this is the Okay. Ah, okay I see. It's pretty cool. Is that could that be easy to for the scroll wheel to be rotated if it lands on it? Oh well I guess it depends on the stiffness a little of it. Mm. Feels good. I take it that this is gonna be slightly lighter in the final design as well. Yeah it's kinda cool. You have to reach a little bit don't you. Ah yeah that wouldn't make sense. It's cool. I'm impressed. And hold it so wh what's the marketing perspective? Okay. Mm it's impressing. So let me get it, if I press this button I see. That's pretty cool. Hang on. I plan to do that as well. So the the two blue are are those for the the it to charge off of in? Ah okay okay. Yeah it's the right shape isn't it? But maybe if you had a trigger plus the scroll then that would get past the the problem of it landing and scrolling, 'cause then it would need to be hit on both sides. Okay. But it's definitely got options for like different types of models and things as well based on that, hasn't it? So is that the the final colour scheme as well or? Okay. The hmm. It came off. The scroll wheels, a problem with them not being sort of I don't think the user interface guy wants to touch it anymore. Mm. Okay enough of that. Well i it's cool guys. 'Kay so are we done with the this presentation? Okay. Now now. Have you? Okay. Can I not get your get at stuff from your shared folder now? Oh I see I see. Do you would you a argue that that we're better going for the higher cost than bringing it down into twenty f five as we probably could, but lowering our profit margins? Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay. And we're actually quite open to be able to expand the product for a later version with those features quite simply anyway, aren't we? Th there's no fundamentally different technology to do that. Hmm. Yeah, the plus there's the the risk of making it unusable as well, or making it less b because at the moment it's actually very straightforward to look at all the buttons, you know what they do, it's very simple, and it just works. Mm there's a risk of that. Okay so we can talk about finance now. So I have a little spreadsheet for us where I I was wondering, you when you talked about the fifteen point eight Euros, I was wondering how you came up with that figure? Okay so I have bit of a spreadsheet here for this. Now I've made a f few assumptions here in that I'm assuming that our power adaptor we can make for a cost of four Euros, equivalent to solar cells, which I think is probably fair considering that we have in-house manufacturing of power adaptors already. Uh and I'm assuming that the locator beacon, the you know the Can be made for it sounded different that time uh can be made for a similar price to uh an L_C_ display, uh an uh Uh do you think that's fair coming from a m the manufacturing?. Okay. Yep. Okay. So we're down to sixteen point four, yeah. Is that a single-curved rather than a double-curved? We're not entirely sure what single-curve versus double-cur You think? Okay I'm convinced. But we save one Euro that way, yeah? So we come bring it down to Fifteen point four. Well hang on. Do don't speak so it's in here, in that w do we have any we have special form don't we? So that's yeah. But the the the we haven't talked about any special colour though uh I don't th if we're going for greys and silvers then I don't think we're O okay so we're Push-button, scroll wheel, we're basically we have uh th is this intended to be a button as well or just a scroll? Just a scroll? It's not one of the scrolls where, for example, with this one you could push it down to be a button? Okay then we have fifteen point eight Euros. It wasn't bad. Okay so we're on to the We're on to the pat-on-the-back part of the presentation, where we have a look at the criterias th that Paul the criterion criteria that Paul has has given us, and we can use that to tell How's it going? Anyone got any thoughts? How how have we done today? I think we did pretty well too. That looks pretty spectacular. Any other chang uh thoughts? Okay so th th what about um room for creativity? Is it the. I I think we we ended up being quite creative there. Mm. Not every idea necessarily, it's still a remote control. Uh no yeah but we did we did break with the specs a little bit I guess, but the uh 'Kay leadership, what do we report back to the bosses? No th th I think they were r reasonably flexible with us over the whole changing the specs thing. I agree. Synergy. Teamwork, yeah he is uh. What did we think of the meeting room, I guess is an important thing here. Mm. Yeah, this falls off and uh the white board worked really well without any pro Mm-mm, lapel. Wha okay, oh, alright. That's it's down, it's quite close. Keep it, keep it calm. Oh dear. No more pizza for me. So yeah the the pen came in alright and it's a little uncomfortable to use but I guess it works. Nah, I'm I'm not convinced of that at all. I've been wor I've been wondering about that all day, but see these look like they're that looks the oth that looks like it would be that way around, but it feels more comfortable, wh what you call upside-down. I don't care. Uh okay so that data might be slightly invalid. What new ideas have we found? Well let's do both then. Uh for the product? Yeah we came up with quite a bit. And for the meeting room, Has anyone got any more Yeah less sore on the ears. Okay so Are the costs within the budget? Nope. Oh hang on it really that's something we that the costs were under twelve fifty Euros. No requirements are changed. We're still under twenty Euros to build, so we're good. And the costs within the budget? Not the original budget, but they are now. Is the project evaluated? Mm I think so yeah, then celebration as it says. Oh I don't know how that got there. Uh anyway. Thank Thanks guys. Yeah, I've got a lot of paperwork to catch up on too. Oh. +Speaker B: So you forgot how this works again? Boss. Hmm you knocked it up? Thi third third third. The end product thingy. Yeah.. Um yeah so what we ended up with. Production costs estimated by our manufacturing department and um the research department, which is us, is uh fifteen point eight Euros, someone forgot the units there yeah, uh unit price unit production price cost thing. Um we implemented the basic functions, which is just T_V_ functions plus the locator, which was one of the marketing things, cradle, scroll wheel for uh the the channels, and uh we implemented the f the the way of putting the new and revolutionary zapping, your favourite channels functionality, in the scroll. Yeah. Zapping you know zapping. Maybe it's just a Portuguese thing. And um yeah that was the result. Start s the the start uh to to to programme yeah. Not helping. Don't have no one to handle that. Yeah. So you ha you have like the the base station with um the little button for the where's my remote. The locator function. Wicked isn't it? Ja. Nah. It fell off. W we need we need we need s some more buttons if it would to work on some other stuff, but We we w yeah we could get another version of it that actually works. But uh Very co very colf colourful. beep beep beep. Yeah. We don't It's a scroll. Yes. We're wicked. Awesome. Yeah. Yeah. That was mm-hmm Yeah. No. Yeah. Basically. It was more of a teamwork thing then really leadership based project was Teamwork. Yeah. And that's D you must have very long shirts. That's way far down lapel mic. Lapel lapel lapel. That's almost a crotch mi cr Oh dear oh dear. 'Cause this is you were using it o upside down. Still that Use them like that. Bunch of new ideas. Yeah comfortable headsets would be nice. Mm. Coulda been worse. Mm n no. Hooray. Free coke provided at the cafeteria. Who wrote that one? Cool. +Speaker C: So so so. Maybe. Maybe maybe maybe. Bra Mm that's oh that's oh I like it. I mean you guys gave me more than I was asking for, so I'm happy because we've got some really marketable features in this. Yeah I think it's good. Good good good job. Uh pla I'm ha It's great. That's great. It's a great feature. So you can take this ho take this home with you tonight and you can push that and he'll be across town Uh, I can see that. Yep I like. Good job. No no. Well I mean of course, I mean My my s my suggestion is we're gonna go go to the silvers and blacks like most of the televisions. You know some blend of silvers and blacks. So you're not gonna find my uh my folder up there I gotta do mine up at the board. Yeah yeah. So No it's not in there because I had the computer problem and I I I cou I couldn't create it. I couldn't create it in the PowerPoint, and I think I've got this really strange cable. So what I had, basically going from the PowerPoint format, is that uh yeah yeah I like this a lot. Is this one of the tests is to see how we can adapt to s changing situations in the in the meeting room? So what we had is we had the method. That's not how you spell method, is it? No A_.. So this doesn't go so fast this way. And when I speak about method I speak about the marketing of the product huh. And uh to me with this product we got uh we got basically three things to market. We've got the features, we have the uh characteristics, and we have the I I don't know what we would call the other part what we call you know the the the corp corporate Help me. The the corporation stands behind the product, okay. So the features I think we got the scroll, we've got the uh the locator, we've got the durability, we've got the dependability, we've got you know the features that make this a unique product. Um the characteristics I talk about, we have reliability, we have comfort, we have ergonomics, we have environmentally s sensitive. Uh and the corporation, we're talking about we're we're a new we're a new company. We're wanting to make a name for ourself. We're wanting you to uh find our product so we're gonna give you a good product at a fair price. One thing I would want to to see is uh is can we can we get a lifetime uh guarantee on this product, a normal use guarantee, which means that this product, for the for the life of of the life use, if it should have a technical problem, that we could re replace it at no cost? That was something I would be interested in. Um so yeah without uh going into great details, we have a we have a product, it has the features and the characteristics, and the background, I believe, to make it marketable I believe at a cost of of of thirty thirty five to to fifty Euros. We're gonna be competitive, and we're gonna we're gonna have a market niche. Um w That that would be uh that would be I think a decision best made by corporate um I I m for my evaluation, based on what our competition is, I th I think that that we can go after this and and and go after more of the uh exclusivity sense than the mass market sense. But I'm sh I'm sure open to to market this in either direction. But you guys came up with a great product, and at that cost I think it uh there's nobody else that's putting this this combination of of ingredients together. The only limitations I see to this is that we're focused on television only. Uh that's the only that's the only drawback I see to this. But with all of these other features I think people c one thing I'm I'm hoping for is people are not gonna even notice. There's gonna be somebody going home and say oh sh this thing doesn't work for my D_V_D_ and my but I like these other things, so they keep it, they don't take it back. Well one of one of the thoughts that I had is can can this unit be be produced in a way that makes it upgradable? You know uh like like a um a sim card in a in a um in a telephone. You know is there a card in th can we make a card and so after Mm-hmm, but you follow what I'm s I'm s Yeah 'cause if if we can make this unit upgradable then we're yeah but then we talk about changing the warranty concept and everything, but that's that was just an idea I had. Uh to me the only additions Yeah. Yep. But anyway that's uh Mm-hmm. We've got a we've got a curve and a droop. I don't know whether that. Ooh. No, I think we come up with a with a attractive marketable um product and and concept. Yeah well we we we kinda broke we kinda at least adjusted every every criteria they gave us because we d we still have the the teletext capability in this thing right, we raised the price of it, we've added two t new technology to it. So you know you know if this thing flies then we've we've adjusted or broken every every idea they gave us. Yeah yeah yeah yeah. But I like I mean when I say we have we had I believe we have room for creativity 'cause w this is we did it. Cohesive yeah. Yes synergistic yeah. Yeah. You know you know what they're gonna have on the recording in there from that microphone is your lunch digesting you know th New ideas f uh for the product or for the the the the environment or what are we ta Oh. Well I I mean clearly remote control microphones would be the would be a nice solution to all these cables, but I'm sure that there's there's some justification for these things that I don't know about. And of course I did not have so much fun with my computer this afternoon. It's not been uh it's not been cooperating so well, but I don't think that's the that's avoidable. No. Okay. So we need to close this meeting, yeah bravo. Congratulations. S I've got a lot of paperwork to catch up on so let's close this and come back and 'kay. +Speaker D: Put on your mic. Boss. Yep. Alright. Three, three. Pedro can have it. I like I'll help talk. Unit price. Scrolling through your favourites list. It's very prominent. So here I'll give you the so this is the cradle unit, and this is the actual remote itself. Um so the scroll bar is or the scroll wheel is this this green little scrolly guy here, um and then the volume controls are here and here. Uh you've got the keypad which is the numbers uh f from zero to nine and then ten. This is the power button. Uh we have our um we have the enter button and uh what was the other button here? This is the teletext. The programme button, yeah the programme button. So this bl this button will be used both for the favourites and for programming your uh the um the type of television you wanna use. So um the plastic is the white area of this of the model here, and the red area is like a rubber covering. So you can see that when it lays like this or like this and the buttons are all gonna be rubber, so it's pretty hard to actually damage it um Yeah that might be a possible a mi uh possible problem, but if you drop it yeah. Yeah and it depends on if it's sliding, but I think it's pretty ergonomic. You can feel it. Yeah of course. Well this is clay. Yeah the the power button is a bit of a reach, but I think we might scale down the final model a bit. These this is a bit larger than it would be, but Mm Pedro can demonstrate the the paging ability. Beep beep beep. Um beep beep beep so beep beep beep beep beep beep be shut up. Beep beep beep okay. Um no no no tha that's alri Exactly that's exactly what those are for. And um there's one other feature that we were debating, but we decided to go against it, is um you could beep beep beep we were thinking that it might be interesting to have a trigger button here because you have this finger it it's it kinda feels like there should be something there, but we couldn't figure out what button is important enough to put there. And we we don't wanna accidentally be hitting the power button like that so Mm. Right. So maybe in a final design phase we might tweak that a little bit, but Mm-hmm. Oh no this is just what we had to work with at the time. So we'll leave the colour scheme up to the marketing people. Careful. Beep beep beep. Yeah. No way. Beep beep beep. Mm-hmm. Well, that was just just our technical team added up the um production costs of the individual units. Oh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Yeah. Oh, sorry. Yeah um I do think we that we we uh don't need the events chip on print, we only need the uh the regular chip on print, so there may have been a m miscalculation in there. And we and we have a single-curved uh Uh I think that It's single-curved, yeah. See it's a little bit more than f single-curved. So yeah it's fifteen point eight, that's where we came up with it. Okay. Yeah we do. Ah. What do you know. Oh it's a that's not very special, it's pretty If th. That's a scroll. Uh no we just use it as a scroll. It was a pretty accurate estimate I would say. Yeah. S 's kind of s frighteningly accurate. What? I think we did pretty well. Sh I think there was plenty of room. We got a couple innovative i Couple innovative ideas. Mm-hmm. Yep. There was a lot of synergy. These cables suck. Yep. Yeah. Lapel. That's our boss. Pedro's right. Pedro's right. Oh wel Well we had the favourites list, and the scroll bar, and we have the cradle, and the r uh remote call feature. All right. Good job guys.","Okay so we're here to talk about the detailed design of the product , And here's the agenda for this meeting . Uh I'm just gonna open , say a few boring words to start with again , and start taking minutes afterwards . You guys are gonna give us a presentation of our wonder product And then we're gonna evaluate it . Then we're gonna talk about finance , Production costs estimated by our manufacturing department and um the research department , which is us , is uh fifteen point eight Euros , we implemented the basic functions , which is just T_V_ functions plus the locator , cradle , scroll wheel for uh the the channels , and uh we implemented the f the the way of putting the new and revolutionary zapping , your favourite channels functionality , in the scroll . Scrolling through your favourites list . I like the the the the logo on there as well . Um so the scroll bar is or the scroll wheel is this this green little scrolly guy here , so this is the cradle unit , This is the teletext . So this bl this button will be used both for the favourites and for programming your uh the um the type of television you wanna use . So um the plastic is the white area of this of the model here , and the red area is like a rubber covering . and the buttons are all gonna be rubber , so it's pretty hard to actually damage it um could that be easy to for the scroll wheel to be rotated if it lands on it ? Yeah that might be a possible a mi uh possible problem , but if you drop it I take it that this is gonna be slightly lighter in the final design as well . but I think we might scale down the final model a bit . So you ha you have like the the base station with um the little button for the where's my remote . Beep beep beep . And um there's one other feature that we were debating , but we decided to go against it , we were thinking that it might be interesting to have a trigger button here because you have this finger but we couldn't figure out what button is important enough to put there . And we we don't wanna accidentally be hitting the power button like that so But maybe if you had a trigger plus the scroll then that would get past the the problem of it landing and scrolling , So maybe in a final design phase we might tweak that a little bit , But it's definitely got options for like different types of models and things as well based on that , So we'll leave the colour scheme up to the marketing people . My my s my suggestion is we're gonna go go to the silvers and blacks like most of the televisions . So you're not gonna find my uh my folder up there I gotta do mine up at the board . No it's not in there because I had the computer problem and I I I cou I couldn't create it . And when I speak about method I speak about the marketing of the product huh . And uh to me with this product we got uh we got basically three things to market . We've got the features , we have the uh characteristics , The the corporation stands behind the product , okay . we've got you know the features that make this a unique product . Um we have reliability , we have comfort , we have ergonomics , we have environmentally s sensitive . One thing I would want to to see is uh is can we can we get a lifetime uh guarantee on this product , a normal use guarantee , it has the features and the characteristics , and the background , I believe , to make it marketable I believe at a cost of of of thirty thirty five to to fifty Euros . We're gonna be competitive , and we're gonna we're gonna have a market niche . would you a argue that that we're better going for the higher cost than bringing it down into twenty f five as we probably could , but lowering our profit margins ? for my evaluation , based on what our competition is , I th I think that that we can go after this and at that cost I think it uh there's nobody else that's putting this this combination of of ingredients together . The only limitations I see to this is that we're focused on television only . There's gonna be somebody going home and say oh sh this thing doesn't work for my D_V_D_ and my but I like these other things , so they keep it , they don't take it back . Well one of one of the thoughts that I had is can can this unit be be produced in a way that makes it upgradable ? W we need we need we need s some more buttons if it would to work on some other stuff , but Yeah , the plus there's the the risk of making it unusable as well , or making it less b because at the moment it's actually very straightforward to look at all the buttons , Okay so we can talk about finance now . So I have a little spreadsheet for us I've made a f few assumptions here in that I'm assuming that our power adaptor we can make for a cost of four Euros , which I think is probably fair considering that we have in-house manufacturing of power adaptors already . Uh and I'm assuming that the locator beacon , uh can be made for a similar price to uh an L_C_ display , um I do think we that we we uh don't need the events chip on print , we only need the uh the regular chip on print , Is that a single-curved rather than a double-curved ? It's single-curved , So we come bring it down to Fifteen point four . See it's a little bit more than f single-curved . we haven't talked about any special colour though if is this intended to be a button as well or just a scroll ? That's a scroll . then we have fifteen point eight Euros . We're on to the pat-on-the-back part of the presentation , How how have we done today ? I think we did pretty well . No , I think we come up with a with a attractive marketable um product and and concept . Okay so th th what about um room for creativity ? Sh I think there was plenty of room . I think we we ended up being quite creative there . we kinda at least adjusted every every criteria they gave us yeah but we did we did break with the specs a little bit I guess , It was more of a teamwork thing then really leadership based project was These cables suck . So yeah the the pen came in alright and it's a little uncomfortable to use but I guess it works . What new ideas have we found ? Well we had the favourites list , and the scroll bar , and we have the cradle , and the r uh remote call feature . Yeah comfortable headsets would be nice . And of course I did not have so much fun with my computer this afternoon . Are the costs within the budget ? Not the original budget , but they are now . So we need to close this meeting , Is the project evaluated ?" +125,"Speaker A: Mm 'kay. Mm-hmm. Yeah the universal ones. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm, it's about that. Mm. Um well my first thoughts would be most remote controls are grey or black. As you said they come with the T_V_ so it's normally just your basic grey black remote control functions, so maybe we could think about colour? Make that might make it a bit different from the rest at least. Um, and as you say, we need to have some kind of gimmick, so um I thought maybe something like if you lose it and you can whistle, you know those things? Because we always lose our remote control. Okay. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Then you lose it, yeah. Kind of um, maybe more like a P_D_A_ kind of, just hand held, like, 'cause Yeah. No, I wasn't, no sorry I wasn't thinking of the screen of like a P_D_A_ but Okay. So you want me to look at shapes and everything you said? Yep. Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Oh no,. Sorry it's okay. Okay, cool. +Speaker B: Slim. Uh yeah uh, being as a Marketing Exper Expert I will like to say like before deciding the cost of this remote control or any other things we must see the market potential for this product like what is the competition in the market? What are the available prices of the other remote controls in the prices? What speciality other remote controls are having and how complicated it is to use these remote controls as compared to other remote controls available in the market. So before deciding or before finalising this project, we must discuss all these things, like and apart from this, it should be having a good look also, because people really li uh like to play with it when they are watching movies or playing with or playing with their C_D_ player, M_P_ three player like any electronic devices. They really want to have something good, having a good design in their hands, so, yes, all this. Yeah. Yep. Uh. Hmm. +Speaker C: Uh, making a profit of fifty million Euros. So, it's go gonna have to be be pretty damn trendy. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I was thinking that as well, I think the the only ones that I've seen that you buy are the sort of one for all type things where they're, yeah. So presumably that might be an idea to put into. Yeah, yeah. Uh 'cause I mean, what uh twenty five Euros, that's about I dunno, fifteen Pounds or so? And that's quite a lot for a remote control. Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Okay. The the keyrings, yeah yeah. Okay, that's cool. Okay. Okay. 'Kay. So, we're looking for 'Kay. We're Sorry, carry on. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. For for uh remember we're trying to make it for twelve Euros fifty. Okay well right we'll have to um I'll we're k having another meeting in half an hour so um we should all look into a bit uh, oh actually, no, we'll allocate. So you do the looking around at other remote controls. Um, if you could maybe come up with sort of shapes and suggested shades or whatever, and you could look into um basically how how it's made I_E_ like how you make it all in one, how what sort of materials are available to you whatever. And obviously, other instructions will come from the personal coach. Which will probably just usurp what I said so Shapes and colours and um basically how to make it attractive. Uh. And you look at competition and design. Cool. So we have uh Um. Okay, groovy. And no doubt we'll get um Sorry. We'll get um warnings for next meetings as well. Okay. I shall I can't imagine these are worth much. Okay. Fashion into electronic. Okay. +Speaker D: Alright so twenty five. So yeah, I've The only the only remote controls I've used usually come with the television, and they're fairly basic. So uh Mm. But but to sell it for twenty five you need a lot of neat features. For sure. Yeah, yeah. Right. Uh, what do we think a What do we think a good size would be for this? 'Cause I I know as you add more buttons to the remote it sometimes gets so big and clunky and there's just like a hundred buttons on it, or you could have a really small slim one but then you could lose it easily. Right. Okay. Wait for emails? Hmm.","Uh , making a profit of fifty million Euros . so twenty five . So , it's go gonna have to be be pretty damn trendy . I think the the only ones that I've seen that you buy are the sort of one for all type things Yeah the universal ones . Yeah . So presumably that might be an idea to put into . But but to sell it for twenty five you need a lot of neat features . For sure . my first thoughts would be most remote controls are grey or black . so maybe we could think about colour ? Um , and as you say , we need to have some kind of gimmick , so um I thought maybe something like if you lose it and you can whistle , being as a Marketing Exper Expert I will like to say like before deciding the cost of this remote control or any other things we must see the market potential for this product What speciality other remote controls are having They really want to have something good , having a good design in their hands , What do we think a good size would be for this ? Kind of um , maybe more like a P_D_A_ kind of , just hand held , So you do the looking around at other remote controls . and you could look into um basically how how it's made I_E_ like how you make it all in one , how what sort of materials are available to you whatever . So you want me to look at shapes and everything you said ? Shapes and colours and um basically how to make it attractive ." +64,"Speaker A: Uh, Dave Cochrane. User Interface Defin Designer, yes. Um Um, the monkey, um. The one f uh in fact this is a somewhat oblique reference in fact to uh well my I have a three uh three y year old daughter who h who who who is affectionately known as Miss Monkey. Um, monkeys have attitude. Which I think is a good thing. And I mean fr and from uh from the point of view of sort of the study of human evolution they and other primates are terribly interesting. Um, so I like monkeys. And and th th th th thi thi this one seems to have perhaps more attitude than most. Well, one thing I'm aware of is, th there uh um at the sort of v very high price end of the market there's there's a em emerging market for sort of touch screen L_C_D_ remotes that can be uh programmed in m much more sophisticated ways than sort of conventional models, so you get the sort of you get um you you can redesign the interface to your own needs, you can programme in macros, and you get a much greater degree um um I mean you get in these sort of three in one, five in one, whatevers, but you can get integration between the different uh the the the diff the different things that it's designed to control, to a much greater extent, and you can have one uh you know one macro to turn the uh you know turn the T_V_ to the right channel, get the uh re uh rewind the tape in the V_C_R_ and get it to play once it's rewound, for instance. Um b it occurs to me there might be a niche for uh for a remote that aimed towards some of that sort of functionality but using a just conventional push button design. And therefore putting it into a um well much lower price bracket. Absolutely prohibitive, yeah. Yeah, I mean I wouldn't like to say you g I mean you get ones that you can switch between multiple units, but something that could um operate between multiple units in a more integrated fashion. Some and ideally something into which it would have some at least limited facility for um running macros. For instance, um let's say oh oh um, or um you know you pr uh you press uh say the play button for the D_V_D_ player and it turns the T_V_ on and onto the right channel as well, um Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. The other key feature that uh that would be a good idea built into it is t is is to make something you know fairly sort of ergonomic, something that just fits fits as comfortably as possible into the hand. But of course, uh al al also allows for the possibility of a more sort of slightly unconventional or attractive uh sha shape for it overall,. A curve, mm-hmm. Something sort of sort of sl slightly sort of biomorphic in form, uh which it would need to be to sort of conform to the shape of the hand more efficiently anyway. +Speaker B: Tarik Rahman. T_A_R_I_K_. Industrial Designer.. Do we take them off? Oh right, okay. Ah-ha. Now where do I put the Is this supposed to be clipped as well? Uh, destroying your elephant here. Uh, here we have a tiger. Uh I've always loved tigers. They're just they're big, they're biggest cats, uh I did a project on cats in the wild when I was a kid and uh it was my favourite cat, just 'cause it was looks the best, the stripes, orange. My dad used to talk about he's from Bangladesh so he used to tell me all about them when he was when I was a kid. And uh they're just the most feared of of uh animals in the wild. So uh that's why I like them. Didn't say an anything about me really but Mm. 'Kay. Well when you're talking about gaming and stuff, do you think they should have some sort of stick on it, rather than buttons? Like uh control pads, you know of games, but or is that a bit ridiculous? Yeah.. +Speaker C: Okay, well I think we're ready to begin. Right, my name's Adam Duguid, we're here because of real reaction, um, we have in the group Um, yeah, go for it mate. N_ E_ Z_. Ebenezer. And your role is? You're the Marketing Expert, okay. Next we have? T_ R_ I_ K_. And your role in this is? Industrial Designer. And, lastly we have? And you're going to be the User Interface, is it? Designer. Okay. Right. This is the agenda for today's meeting. As you can see, w opening, acquaintance, tool training, project plan discussion, and closing. Um, we already got n through opening, and partially through acquaintance. So, the reason we're here, we're gonna design a new remote control, as you probably all know. The very broad overview is original, trendy, and user-friendly. Course, we'll have to go into a bit more um detail than that, but uh personally I think that the original is gonna be a very key aspect to this design. Um, there's a lot of remote controls out there anyway, so we're gonna need something that's really gonna set it apart. This is how today seems to be going to work. We're gonna have the three kay phases, as you've probably already been told, the functional, architectural, and the detailed design. Um First one's gonna be covering the user requirement spec, technical functions, working design. Second seems to be conceptual components, properties, materials, and the last one is a detailed analysis of our design so far. Of course, you've all got the similar emails, I believe, right. What can I say? Ebenezer, you wanna have a you wanna draw your favourite animal? Brilliantly done. Thank you. Tarik, would you like to have a shot at a bit of artistry? Oh, um, you can clip them to your belt. You should also l um have your the lapel mic on as well. Yep, the, it's just across there, that's it. Yep. Yeah. It'll follow you if you You can probably just stick it in your pocket for now, I wouldn't worry too much. Should have good range. Excellent, thank you very much. Dave, if you'd like to uh have a dash. Cheers. Hardly what I'd call the best drawing in the world but it'll do for now. Also not quite as feared as your average tiger, but uh cats are one of my favourite animals, they're very independent, they're snotty as hell at the best of times, and uh, what can you say, you got to love those qualities in an animal. Right. I think we've all managed to master the whiteboard there by looks of it, so, on to it. Project finance. As you can see, twelve point five Euros per unit. That's not a terrible lot as far as I'm aware, and we're hoping to sell them for twenty five. If we're aiming for fifty million Euros we're gonna have to be selling an awful lot of them. Yep. Well, fifty million, and if you're making twelve point five Euros on each one, then, awful lot need to be sold. Okay. Now we better actually just get on with the uh the meat of the project. So I'm gonna guess that we've all used remote controls. Any ideas of where you think a new remote control could go into this market? Okay. Okay, yeah, tha that's true, with the price range we're looking at, going for a touch screen would probably be possibly out of our yeah. But you think uh again something to control multiple units in uh a simple fashion. Would the the idea something along the lines of, one on button would turn on say the video recorder, the T_V_, maybe the sound system as well, all in one go, is that kind of Okay, that sounds like a a good strong idea. Um Any takes on this? Okay. Okay. Yeah I've heard I've seen the bar-code design before, yeah. Okay, well we're beginning to run out of time now, so, we've got a couple of ideas, we can we'll have to work fast, um, alright as you can see we've got thirty minutes until the next meeting, so we'll have to try and decide on some of the basic functionality, um, how the user interface might work, that'll be a key aspect especially if the idea of um some kind of macros facility because you have to program it, you have to have a lot of response back, or at least some kind. Um And we're gonna maybe n try and have to figure out what the user wants, yes. Um, right. Has anybody got anything they'd like to add at this stage, anything they think that might have been missed so far? I I don't see why not, almost everybody is probably used to a console by now, and all of them incorporate small keypads on them, in fact even the mobile phones these days are beginning to use them as well, so it's probably an interface that most people are used to. Um and that could allow n easy navigation, used as a joystick as well. Okay. So, small, stylish, and something that's just a little different. Okay. That's definitely something that we should be able to do quite easily. I would I would have hoped so anyway. Um, right. I'd say we finish this one up, we get started, I'll get in, I'll write up what we've um kind of quickly done, and I'll get that out to everybody. Yeah? Okay. Um, as far as I'm aware we leave the microphones here, um unless we get told otherwise, and just take the laptops with us. +Speaker D: Oh, Ebenezer Ademesoye. Would you like me to spell that? S Um, N_E_Z_ E_R_. I'm the Marketing Expert. Sure. Whiteboard. 'Kay. S okay. I will make this quick, since we don't have much time. Um. 'Kay, so it's not the best picture in the world. Here we have an elephant. First point, begins with an E_, same like Ebenezer. Also, elephants have a very good memory, much like myself, and I can't remember back when I used to live back in Nigeria, but I think I used to have a pet elephant. So elephants are big, strong and gentle, and they have great memories, and they begin with the letter E_, just like Ebenezer. Thank you. Oh. Oh oh I think you ga The little The the Oh that's good, we can clip them on. Okay. Yeah, there was this microphone as well that you Just um somewhere I think so. Yeah. There you go. Oh, that was profiting, that was an amount, so that's the amount made, okay. Yeah. Oh. 'Kay Well um I've noticed that uh gaming c is becoming quite popular with television, um when I was younger we used to e play games using our cable, using the cable subscribed the cable providers, but our remote controls would get worn out really easily, and the remote control was not a great kind of keyboar, um keypad, for playing games. So perhaps one that was more um specialised for game playing or interactive television. They they've recently brought out this new remote control, for people to set their favourite channels, or um to record things. Instead of people entering in what time things start, you simply stri slide a bar to say what time it begins, and slide another bar to say what time it ends, you know that's Yeah, it's it's taken out the Y you don't have to be uh really clever to use a remote control. I think for gaming, you know you want you want some big buttons for up, down, left and right, shoot. Uh, you wanna be able to change angles in interactive television, so you need buttons to change the television angle, the camera angles and stuff like that. Yeah. What the user wants uh. Okay. Oh. Okay,. Mm-hmm. 'Kay. So..","The team members introduced themselves to each other by name and by their roles in the project. The project manager introduced the upcoming project to the team and then the team members participated in an exercise in which they drew their favorite animal and discussed why they liked the animal. The project manager discussed the project finances and selling prices. The team then discussed various features to consider in producing the remote such as gaming options, an LCD screen, and combining functionality so as to control multiple devices." +102,"Speaker A: Okay. Well, let's start. What are we doing? Oops. Okay. Okay. Not doing. Uh Very good. Okay. we have presentations. So first, it's your turn. Yeah. Isn't it amazing. Industrial Designer. Interface concept. Can you go back one page? For the uh menu, what do we use for that? We don't have buttons for the menu. Or we may have to use channel of the volume and channel. Okay. But uh You have to put it on the Yeah. Yeah but, has to be clear that you can use the arrows. Mm-hmm. Yes. The second one. Okay. Not too much colours. No, it's not flower power. S okay. Okay. Thank you. So, you're next. Hmm. No, isn't. But the L_C_D_ is easy when you use the scroll uh buttons. Then you can scroll, you see what number, and then you push. But then it's not easy to use scroll uh wheel. If you don't Hmm, yes. But then. Yeah, then you go one down one up. When you scroll. Yeah but like we said before, it has to be used on every television. So you may not be uh No. The television must do that. So Yeah but young people have to have all their uh room. And mostly they are smaller. So Most the times that are not advanced televisions. Okay. That's important. Yeah. Maybe you can look how how much it is for the L_C_D_. It's very important. Yeah, more expensive. But how much? Oh. Okay. Okay. Well, thank you. Next. No. It's clear. So now, it's uh Ah, let's see. Now, w we have to decide Well, we have to decide on the concept. So, we have to look at 'S next. Components and user interface concept. So Now, we have to make some concept. Maybe one of you can paint it on the board. First, uh user interface. Yes, a concept on uh Just Yeah, but maybe we can paint it. Uh, what do we want? I'll paint. Okay. Well Something like this? Or Shapes or What do we need? Yes, okay. Okay. And you have to. Yeah. So, it has to be soft? Okay. And uh, the buttons? Buttons. No, it won't. But, well there one for the sound and one for the channels. Uh, two scroll uh wheels. That's th that's more difficult. It's better in But if we don't have a L_C_D_ we don't have a menu. Yeah, but again maybe th How do we know the T_V_ can handle it? You don't know. So, there's no menu. No. So you can't use it. Okay, we make two concepts. One with L_C_D_. One without L_C_D_. Good concept. But That's one. It's one. Two. Number two. No. But when you handle it, you put it on and off. It's not good to use. Yeah, but I'll zap. Fuck. Out. No, it's not good. Now, second concept. One with L_C_D_, one without L_C_D_. Then uh Paint it. One with two scroll buttons and one with without. Yeah. Uh, one with a with a menu, and one without a menu. And the one with with a menu has an L_C_D_. Unbelievable. Do I have to do everything. Blank. You have Not so difficult. Uh, that's the menu. There for the L_C_D_ screen. You have to For the menu. Mm-hmm. One that way. And one that way. So Then it depends on the cost. S On and off. When it's not too big. Just like a a phone. Yes, okay. Very good. Is it better? When you uh the menu, you have to go there there there there. Yeah, okay. That's that's the outside. But now the First the buttons. Sorry? Mute. And the other. Yeah. Not so difficult. But how do you wanna solve it? Yeah but on the menu that's not uh easy. Then you go down, you switch, you go into the right, you switch, you go down. Yeah. A joystick. Yeah. But is it uh Does that break, a joystick? Or a small one just like in a laptop. Mean, it's better. But how expensive it is? Oh. Why do I pay you for? Um, well um Better ideas. For the young peoples I think scroll button's good. So Think we have to keep them. Yeah, but is it That's not expensive than uh Joystick is better. A small one. No just like in a a laptop. Small, round. Then it's not so big. Oh the sh Yeah, but then you can You have to use t with one hand. So Maybe, if it's possible, it's not too expensive, I think a joystick is better. A small one. So, please look at it. Yeah we I think you get it. So, after this meeting you have half an hour to uh fix it. Yes. Your problem. Not mine. Okay. So, do we have other concepts? Then for the components, we use a normal battery. Then it's Ch cheapest way, I think. No, no kinetic. Kinetic is uh ch makes it more expensive. So we use a normal battery. Chip. Depends on the L_C_D_. Scroll. Yeah. And uh, we If you use the L_C_D_, we have to Yes, okay. So, depends on the L_C_D_ and the scroll. Okay. Okay. So, uh the shapes of the design depends on the L_C_D_ and But, it has to be small. I think. If you have pistol, it L_C_D_'s not easy. Y y Yeah but If you use a phone. k Yeah, but but then you have it. Like, th if you have pistol, you have it so. And the screen is Well, then you have to keep it this way to look at the screen. Yeah. No. No, no. Yeah, but then you look forward. And then you can y N well, if you have to look at it. Then it goes like this. If th n well Yes, of course. That's good good. But the um, it may not break. Okay. If that's possible. Okay. Yeah of course. Okay. Then this is the design. And the buttons are on the next page. So, depends on the cost. So, um we have one minute. I think. No. More. Seven. Next meeting. Thirty minutes. So hurry up. You two stay here. Paint it. Now you have to. So I think it's clear. Check your mail. So It has to be ready in the next meeting. So Next meeting is called the detailed design. So Everyth everything has to be ready. Thanks for your attention. +Speaker B: Ah, pinball. Huh. Uh, maybe I'll have something in my uh presentation. And you will see it. I'm next, okay. Yes. No. Here we go. Uh, at first we will uh I will f uh say something about what younger people want, our uh group w uh w uh we want to uh sell our remote controls to. And then, I'll discuss what my opinion is about the costs, about uh what battery is in it, what kind of buttons also. First uh, the younger people, they want like soft mat uh materials and primary colours. Like, totally yellow, totally red. Uh, so it's visible. Uh, the shapes are curved and round, like uh you also said. Maybe it's nice to uh get a remote control not like all the other ones, straight and uh flat and long. But to give him the shape of your hand, so you it's easier to use or something like that. But that's just an idea. And then, I'll have to discuss about the costs uh of all the things for the remote control. The battery, there are few options. Uh, I think the best option is to use uh the basic battery. So, everybody can buy it uh at the at the supermarket. Or use uh a k uh kinetic battery like uh within a watch. When you uh shake it a few times, it it's loaded. Uh, the the form of the remote control, I think it's also nice have it curved. And maybe like it's hand-shaped. Uh, so uh you take it here in your hand and here are the buttons. Uh material, you use plastic. Hard plastic uh because uh it won't have to burst uh like in the in one time. And also rubber because the younger people like that, what we see in the research. Uh the push-buttons. We have one new thing uh discovered. It's a scroll push uh thing like a mouse. Maybe it's uh easy to use uh for the channels. When you want to go m move up, you just scroll up and click on the button, if you wanna see the next, uh if you wanna see that channel. And also for the mouse, uh for the volume, it's also uh easy to use. Just scroll a bit up, scroll a bit down. And that's also easy just w when you have a thing like this, and you get it here. You can do it with your thumb. And with your l left hand you can uh push the buttons uh if you push uh channel one, you can see channel one. The electrics um with a scroll push uh button, we must use regular uh chips. There are also uh simple chips. They are uh cheaper. Um, but then we have just a basic uh uh remote control, and I think there are a lot of those uh things, and people won't buy it any more. They have seen enough of it. And you have also advanced um chips. But that's with the L_C_D_ uh screen. And the costs will increase a lot more. And I think our budget is too low to use and an L_C_D_, and the chip who is more expensive. And maybe it's also then uh thoughtful if we u uh use uh as um different kind of uh shapes for the for remote control, that we then use the primary colours. Like, you get a yellow uh remote control, red one, blue one, et cetera. You have any more questions about this? I think the main thing is we look at the costs. And not too basic, not a basic remote control, who everybody already has. Not with an L_C_D_. No. Yeah. But then, what I say, the costs will uh get a lot higher. Th then you'll see it on the television. Yeah but l when you see a menu uh on the television, it's like you see uh one to twenty, you go uh uh s scroll up, and push number tw twenty. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think the younger people will have newer televisions, which can provide our uh remote control. Yes. But that won't be a problem. I think. No, but then we'll get to the regular uh remote controls. And I think, what I said, everybody has them uh has them already. And they go to a uh supermarket and buy them uh for two Euros. Uh, and ge and get the most cheapest uh thing. And I think we must look further to uh to devel d develop something news. I got it on my screen and it was uh higher. But I don't know uh how much higher. That's true. But then we'll I think we must discuss who uh what will be better. If we have a better shape of the um remote control, or better options on it. With a scroll menu, a w scroll thing, and a L_C_D_. And then a flat um remote control. Or, a more hand-shaped remote control, with scroll, without L_C_D_. I can uh look on my uh Uh Note that the push-button requires a simple chip chip. A scroll wheel requires minimally a regular chip, which is a higher price range. The display requires a advanced chip, which is which in turn is more expensive than the regular chip. Doesn't say. That's from my manufacturing division. Yes? Changing covers. Nope. Uh, uh-uh. How w how we how we make it? Uh Shouldn't we first discuss about like what w we all Yeah, but if I paint with More like something M like Yeah I can't dr I can't draw it. Uh I have to. I'm not a designer. It's more three D_. Like, um when you have a part here. This is the remote control. And then you have something like th this under it. So, it's easier to get it like this. It's like a gun. And it has to be soft, yeah. So, you can squeeze in it and Sorry? Buttons on top of it. And here. The scrolling. You can do it with your thumb. But now we use one scroll button and the other one is here. One till uh uh zero till nine. And the b Yeah? Or two buttons. If uh 'Kay c If we do If we use one, then we'll have just a switch on it, and you'll just switch it, and now it's the sound to switch back with the menu uh button. And then you also can scroll uh scroll in it. Just not like all the other ones, with uh this thing, and uh here an arrow, here an arrow, here an arrow, here an arrow. Because uh, from h hundred uh remote controls, ninety nine have it. Uh, then we have it on the T_V_, the menu. I don't know. It's like some sort of uh teletext option, but we don't have teletext. And if we put an L_C_D_ thing on it, then the costs will uh be much higher. 'Kay. But you all like this kind of thing. Uh With the scroll button. And and this one has to be soft. And this has to be harder, because when it falls, it mu mu must not burst. Or some kind of rubber around it. Yeah. Yeah. Ah that's nice. Here. Trigger. Paint it? With the scroll thing on, like this? So? Draw it. But is it easy to use? When you have it on your left side, and Separate, more separate, h yeah. Yeah. On the left a scroll button, and on the right a scroll button. But would it be easy to use then? If it's like you have a big uh I also think this concept is not what the young people were looking for. They were like round curves, uh different uh Okay, okay, okay. Mm-hmm. Personally, I think two scroll buttons uh aren't easy to handle. With the switch button. No like uh Oh, you mean like that. Uh, then you can also have like uh th um Yeah, and joystick, I think. Yeah like in a laptop, s uh s some sort of thing. A little bit bigger, with easier thi I don't know. Or no scroll uh things. Just a shape. And No, no. It won't work. Yeah. Uh-huh. Or a remote control more like joystick. A small one like this, like a Nintendo uh k Playstation thing. No, no, no. I mean the the shape of the remote control. Just like a Playstation thing. Yeah. No, that's okay, I got Uh they're not uh in details. It's more expensive or less expensive, huh? Then I have to come with it. I got my personal costs. I I don't I don't know the costs. Then I'll uh make something up. Yeah, or the or the kinetic uh with normal battery. Yeah, I think it's uh, yeah, more expensive. Yeah. Okay. Depends on the scroll. If we use a scroll, then we have the uh regular chip. If we don't use a scroll, then we can use the simple chip. And that's Uh the most expensive. Yeah. If we Yeah. If we No okay scroll-wheel. So, I have this. So, it will be uh the advanced chip, or the uh regu uh or the regular chip. Or shall we just put it on the pistol thing? And then just put also on L_C_D_ on it? Just use your thumb. If you Yeah. I use my thumb. Yeah. If you have a joystick on No, if you have like uh an uh uh a ni a uh Playstation uh game controller. And you move up, f forward, down, left. Then you have uh just, yeah, a little bit curved. It's not just uh straight. That's how we use it. That's why they make joysticks like that, I think. Yeah? 'Kay. Here's our designer. Yeah. Yeah, why not. It's for the younger people. It's something new. Now we put uh rubber around it. Hard plastic, uh the shape, and around it hard uh around it rubber. And the uh the hand shape is also rubber. Huh. This is something new. Costs are okay. Oh, that's us together. Yes. 'Kay. Bye bye. +Speaker C: Mm. Ah. Hey. Ah. Now I have my screen back too. Yeah. Yeah. Very interesting. Large. A lot a lot of buttons buttons. Yeah. Yes. Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Yep. Yeah. But, thi i uh This is with an L_C_D_? No, not. Uh, can you give an indication in b uh in the cost difference between uh the chip with L_C_D_ or without? 'Cause it I think if we have an L_C_D_, it will also sell a lot better. And that might uh bring back the costs uh Huh. 'Kay. My turn? Mm. So So Yeah. So, my uh presentation is about trend-watching. Uh, I did some trend-watching. It's very important to uh keep up with latest trends. 'Cause if you don't, you won't sell. So, well how we did do that? Uh, well we made an investigation of the market, by Trendwatchers. They uh watch in uh cities like uh Paris and Milan. Of course, well known for their uh trend uh trends. And well, uh what did you find? Uh, we have two groups, young and trendy, and the old and rich. Well th and the young and trendy, they uh they starting to like uh fruit and vegetables uh as a theme for n uh clothes, shoes, and also uh products. And um, material? That should feel have uh a spongy feeling. And to get a feeling for what it is, uh here is an image of it. Then the old and rich. They like uh dark colours, and simple, recognisable shapes. And um, they also like uh familiar material, uh especially wood. Now, another picture. To get a feeling for this. Well, uh then already come to my personal preferences. We uh aim at the younger market. So, we should also be uh look at their uh trends. However, with trends it's always if there's it's now. It it it might last one year, and next year it be uh can be totally different. And I think we want to sell our product for longer than one year. So, we m must not just only look at what the trend is now, as it might be totally different next year. So, that's uh one thing to keep in mind. Yeah. Any questions? Yeah. Mm. Can make several uh concepts. We have this, and we had the idea of an um a more uh uh uh like sh in the shape of your hand. Yeah I I I uh yes. Yeah. A g Mm.. Yeah. And i if we go to uh But if we have uh a me Yeah. If we have a menu, uh how do we uh choose other options? Yeah. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Yeah. Yeah. M uh yeah, maybe it's better if the uh scroll-wheels are um more separate, yeah. Like, you have the menu button in between uh Yeah. Think we have we have now two buttons missing. The uh um The mute button. We have two buttons missing. The mute button. And um, the to to uh have to uh numbers Okay. But, uh Okay. And on the L_C_D_, how much it costs? Uh, it costs extra? Yeah. Yes. Uh Uh, yeah, but Yeah. If you If we have uh then something standing here, with the L_C_D_. Um, Yeah. I can't see the. But, uh the easy of uh, th the ease of use wasn't uh the most important uh aspect of it. Uh, for us it's about to sell it. Uh One. No. You have more. You have still ten. Yeah. What? Okay. Okay. See you at the next meeting. +Speaker D: Hmm. Oh. Mine. Oh, great. Uh Yes, well uh let's uh talk about the interface uh concept. Uh, first I'll uh I'll uh discuss the buttons we just chose, uh show you some samples, uh uh discuss some colours and design maybe, already. And uh my personal preferences. Well we chose the power button to switch the television on and off. The bu uh the mute button to switch the volume on and o on and off. The channels buttons, one to nine, and uh off uh uh zero to nine, and the uh button to choose uh higher channels than nine. Uh the volume and channel quadrants, uh left and right, up and down arrows, to uh do the volume and channel. And the menu menu button to man manipulate the L_C_D_ uh display. Um, I found some uh interesting uh uh samples. Examples. Um, well uh what's pretty standard is uh that it's that they're all pretty uh uh high uh Yeah. Yeah. Large and and and pretty thin and uh and long. Um, power buttons are mostly at the top uh left or right. Um, well we see the the the same uh arrows. Like there. And uh Yeah, well arrow b buttons can be blue. And what's interesting is the the the icons on the buttons. Some buttons have icons like the play and stop, but we don't use that. But uh, these we we have to choose the right icons, or or letters. Uh this is the V_ for volume, but they're both uh a V_. So it's it's not really very uh clear what's the function of that. Um Yeah. So, that's Uh, well Yeah. I thought that was our uh idea. So, uh how Like this. Or or this. And that the menu button is okay. Yeah, okay. Uh, so the The icons on the arrows, as well, you mean. Yeah. Uh, well that's something to uh think about. Okay. Um, well I don't I don't know if we have to discuss this already, or in the next uh meeting. But uh, as we have to uh to to design the the case and the whole uh remote control in our uh our our corporate uh company uh uh colours and the logo, I would uh recommend a yellow case. Uh, round edges. The logo at the bottom. And uh, well maybe each each uh set of buttons uh has uh has his own colour. So, it's good. Uh, recognisable. K so, I think. Uh, no. Not too much. But uh No, no, no. But this has to be has to be trendy and uh and Uh, yeah so good uh good icons on the buttons, and uh and big buttons is my uh personal uh opinion. That was that. Hmm. No. Mm, yes. What? Mm. Yeah. But but i that's the only scroll uh button on it then? Yeah, okay. But but how Yeah. How Okay. Mm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And you can and you can uh make the the power button as a trigger. Like uh Just to uh Oh, like a Yeah. But if you put push the the menu button Yeah, wh what Yes, but you don't know which of the scroll buttons you have to choose. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm, yeah. Yeah. It's uh Or you can uh turn it inside. But that's No, that's true.. Okay. Cookie.","let's uh talk about the interface uh concept . Uh , first I'll uh I'll uh discuss the buttons we just chose , uh show you some samples , uh uh discuss some colours and design maybe , already . And uh my personal preferences . Well we chose the power button to switch the television on and off . the mute button to switch the volume on and o on and off . The channels buttons , one to nine , zero to nine , and the uh button to choose uh higher channels than nine . Uh the volume and channel quadrants , uh left and right , up and down arrows , to uh do the volume and channel . And the menu menu button to man manipulate the L_C_D_ uh display . Um , I found some uh interesting uh uh samples . Examples . Um , well uh what's pretty standard is uh that it's that they're all pretty uh uh high uh Large . A lot a lot of buttons buttons . Large and and and pretty thin and uh and long . Um , power buttons are mostly at the top uh left or right . Yeah , well arrow b buttons can be blue . And what's interesting is the the the icons on the buttons . Some buttons have icons like the play and stop , but we don't use that . But uh , these we we have to choose the right icons , or or letters . Uh this is the V_ for volume , but they're both uh a V_ . So it's it's not really very uh clear what's the function of that . For the uh menu , what do we use for that ? We don't have buttons for the menu . Or we may have to use channel of the volume and channel . I thought that was our uh idea . And that the menu button is okay . Yeah but , has to be clear that you can use the arrows . The icons on the arrows , as well , you mean . Um , well I don't I don't know if we have to discuss this already , or in the next uh meeting . But uh , as we have to uh to to design the the case and the whole uh remote control in our uh our our corporate uh company uh uh colours and the logo , I would uh recommend a yellow case . Uh , round edges . The logo at the bottom . And uh , well maybe each each uh set of buttons uh has uh has his own colour . Uh , recognisable . Not too much colours . Uh , no . Not too much . But this has to be has to be trendy Uh , yeah so good uh good icons on the buttons , and uh and big buttons is my uh personal uh opinion . Uh , at first we will uh I will f uh say something about what younger people want , our uh group w uh w uh we want to uh sell our remote controls to . And then , I'll discuss what my opinion is about the costs , about uh what battery is in it , what kind of buttons also . First uh , the younger people , they want like soft mat uh materials and primary colours . Like , totally yellow , totally red . Uh , the shapes are curved and round , Maybe it's nice to uh get a remote control not like all the other ones , straight and uh flat and long . But to give him the shape of your hand , so you it's easier to use or something like that . The battery , there are few options . Uh , I think the best option is to use uh the basic battery . Uh , the the form of the remote control , I think it's also nice have it curved . And maybe like it's hand-shaped . Uh material , you use plastic . Hard plastic And also rubber Uh the push-buttons . We have one new thing uh discovered . It's a scroll push uh thing like a mouse . Maybe it's uh easy to use uh for the channels . When you want to go m move up , you just scroll up and click on the button , if you wanna see the next , uh if you wanna see that channel . You can do it with your thumb . And with your l left hand you can uh push the buttons The electrics um with a scroll push uh button , we must use regular uh chips . There are also uh simple chips . They are uh cheaper . Um , but then we have just a basic uh uh remote control , And you have also advanced um chips . But that's with the L_C_D_ uh screen . And I think our budget is too low to use and an L_C_D_ , And maybe it's also then uh thoughtful if we u uh use uh as um different kind of uh shapes for the for remote control , that we then use the primary colours . This is with an L_C_D_ ? No , But then it's not easy to use scroll uh wheel . And I think we must look further to uh to devel d develop something news . but then we'll get to the regular uh remote controls . And I think , what I said , everybody has them uh has them already . I got it on my screen and it was uh higher . And that might uh bring back the costs uh I think we must discuss who uh what will be better . If we have a better shape of the um remote control , or better options on it . With a scroll menu , a w scroll thing , and a L_C_D_ . And then a flat um remote control . Or , a more hand-shaped remote control , with scroll , without L_C_D_ . Maybe you can look how how much it is for the L_C_D_ . Not with an L_C_D_ . But the L_C_D_ is easy when you use the scroll uh buttons . but l when you see a menu uh on the television , it's like you see uh one to twenty , you go uh uh s scroll up , and push number tw twenty . but like we said before , it has to be used on every television . Yeah , I think the younger people will have newer televisions , which can provide our uh remote control . Uh , can you give an indication in b uh in the cost difference between uh the chip with L_C_D_ or without ? But I don't know uh how much higher . I think if we have an L_C_D_ , it will also sell a lot better . Note that the push-button requires a simple chip chip . A scroll wheel requires minimally a regular chip , which is a higher price range . The display requires a advanced chip , which is which in turn is more expensive than the regular chip . So , my uh presentation is about trend-watching . Uh , well we made an investigation of the market , by Trendwatchers . They uh watch in uh cities like uh Paris and Milan . Uh , we have two groups , young and trendy , and the old and rich . Well th and the young and trendy , they uh they starting to like uh fruit and vegetables uh as a theme for n uh clothes , shoes , and also uh products . And um , material ? That should feel have uh a spongy feeling . Then the old and rich . They like uh dark colours , and simple , recognisable shapes . We uh aim at the younger market . Well , uh then already come to my personal preferences . However , with trends it's always if there's it's now . It it it might last one year , and next year it be uh can be totally different . Well , we have to decide on the concept . Maybe one of you can paint it on the board . Can make several uh concepts . We have this , and we had the idea of an um a more uh uh uh like sh in the shape of your hand . This is the remote control . And then you have something like th this under it . So , it has to be soft ? And it has to be soft , yeah . Buttons on top of it . The scrolling . You can do it with your thumb . But now we use one scroll button and the other one is here . If we have a menu , uh how do we uh choose other options ? with the menu uh button . And then you also can scroll uh scroll in it . But if we don't have a L_C_D_ we don't have a menu . Uh , then we have it on the T_V_ , the menu . Yeah , but again maybe th How do we know the T_V_ can handle it ? And if we put an L_C_D_ thing on it , then the costs will uh be much higher . we make two concepts . One with L_C_D_ . One without L_C_D_ . And and this one has to be soft . And this has to be harder , And you can and you can uh make the the power button as a trigger . It's not good to use . Or some kind of rubber around it . One with two scroll buttons and one with without . Uh , one with a with a menu , and one without a menu . And the one with with a menu has an L_C_D_ . Yes , but you don't know which of the scroll buttons you have to choose . Then it depends on the cost . M uh yeah , maybe it's better if the uh scroll-wheels are um more separate , yeah . Like , you have the menu button in between uh I also think this concept is not what the young people were looking for . When you uh the menu , you have to go there there there there . We have two buttons missing . The mute button . Mute . And the other . Personally , I think two scroll buttons uh aren't easy to handle . With the switch button . But how do you wanna solve it ? Yeah but on the menu that's not uh easy . Uh , then you can also have like uh th um Yeah , and joystick , I think . Or a small one just like in a laptop . Does that break , a joystick ? But how expensive it is ? For the young peoples I think scroll button's good . That's not expensive than uh Joystick is better . I mean the the shape of the remote control . Just like a Playstation thing . Maybe , if it's possible , it's not too expensive , I think a joystick is better . Then for the components , we use a normal battery . Then it's Ch cheapest way , I think . Kinetic is uh ch makes it more expensive . Chip . Depends on the L_C_D_ . If we use a scroll , then we have the uh regular chip . If we don't use a scroll , then we can use the simple chip . And uh , we If you use the L_C_D_ , we have to Uh the most expensive . So , uh the shapes of the design depends on the L_C_D_ Or shall we just put it on the pistol thing ? If you have pistol , it L_C_D_'s not easy . if you have like uh an uh uh a ni a uh Playstation uh game controller . Now we put uh rubber around it . Hard plastic , uh the shape , and around it hard uh around it rubber . Then this is the design . And the buttons are on the next page . So , depends on the cost . Next meeting . Thirty minutes . You two stay here . Check your mail . It has to be ready in the next meeting . Next meeting is called the detailed design . And on the L_C_D_ , how much it costs ? they're not uh in details . It's more expensive or less expensive , huh ? So , after this meeting you have half an hour to uh fix it ." +55,"Speaker A: Oh God. Uh, no that's okay, sorry. Um is it okay if I postpone that til later, I just want to get access to a little bit more information, is that okay? Mm-hmm. Could I can I interject to ask a question there, is that appropriate? You're saying the triple A_ batteries are small or the surrounding it? Mm-hmm. Right, the triple A_s are the smallest you can get are they not, right? Oh I see. Okay. Mm. Mm. Mm. That's a very important part, it came up in our market research findings too so I can refer to that, whenever you like me to present. No. The plug hasn't come out at the bottom, has it? No. Meter adjusting. Mm. 'Kay. Have I got to keep this here? Does it matter? I'll have t I'll have to move it won't I? Uh, whoops. Will it manage? Bit more, oh dear. Oh. Is that okay? Thank you, just pull it closer a little bit. Get it right over, okay, thank you. Okay, um, I'm going to look at the functional requirements from the marketing point of view and uh obviously our starting point with marketing is always market research. Um, so that's where we started, we used our our usability lab, the company's usability lab, we did our usual selection methods to get a cross-section of the general public, male and female, all age groups from fifteen upwards and um we observed them in the lab, just their general use of the remote control, you can see we had a hundred subjects there. Our findings, lots of findings, I've just summarised some of them here. The overall thing which I've I've got at the top there in italics is that users dislike the look and feel of current remote controls, so it has obvious design implications there. Um, we found that seventy five percent of users find most remote controls ugly. Eighty percent would spend more money when a remote control would look fancy, we were quite surprised by that finding, but um that's quite a high proportion of our our, you know, international target group are prepared to spend more money for something that's a bit nicer looking. Um, current remote controls do not match well with the operating behaviour of the user overall. For example, you can see below there, seventy five percent of users zap a lot, so you've got your person sunk back in the sofa channel-hopping. So again there's power implications there. Um, fifty percent of users only use ten percent of the buttons, so again a big design issue there. Um and possibly we can also cut back on cost if we don't have so many functions actually on the remote control. Um the biggest frustrations that people found with regard to personal preferences were um something that you you mentioned earlier, uh remote controls are often lost in the room, it's a slipping down the back of the sofa type of thing, uh fifty percent were were particularly frustrated by that. Uh thirty four percent of people take said they take too much time to learn to use and I think that ties in with the um the previous finding of people only using ten percent of the buttons, they just can't be bothered to learn about the other functions. Um, um slightly more than a quarter of people said it was bad for uh repetitive strain injury. You know those small movements of the remote control can lead to kind of shoulder and elbow problems. Um the vast majority of the thirty five and under age group would like um a liquid crystal display and speech recognition, again that was to aid I think in uh when they've lost the actual remote control, some kind of speech recognition. Something we didn't put to them, but which I'm thinking of now is um even if perhaps the lost control can give off a bleep every now and again til you find it or a flashing light, possibly. Um, that trend reverses in the older age groups. So thirty fives and unders who would like those two features, that kind of evens out thirty five to forty five and in the older age group it kind of reverses, they're not so bothered with this. I had marvellous tables and things that I could show you, but I think I'll just keep it simple, if there's any more information I can email you extra details, is that okay? Mm-hmm, so can we not programme a video with this remote control? Just channel-hopping. Would that imply video use? Mm-hmm, yes. Yes. Um we didn't really look into that but remember we found that finding that most people only use about uh ten percent of the buttons, I think th th those do tend to be the basic channel-hopping things and on and off for the video, fast-forwarding, so on and I think it's sort of general knowledge that people do find programming their videos a nightmare. So I don't know if that's something we need to look at. Mm-hmm. In fact I've just called up that table there, we asked those two questions, the table relates to both questions, so we didn't differentiate. Would you prefer an L_C_D_ screen, that's multi-function remote and would you pay more for speech recognition in a remote control? So you can see how the the yes no sort of varies across the age group there, and a substantial number of don't knows in the older age group, I think that's just general fear of new technology. Oh yeah. Right. Mm. Yes. That's a super idea. Yeah. Yes, further market research will be needed to kind of focus on what that is, it's gonna be different for a fifteen year old th for somebody who's sixty and also across the world if we're aiming at the international market. What is um attractive to a trendy New Yorker and what is attractive to a retired South African, I dunno, you get the idea. It's it's gonna vary around the world. At the end of the day, th the engineering design is one thing, it's the user interface design that may and th the sort of you know fashionable aspect of it we might have to change for different markets round the world. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Yes it will appeal to sections of the market def Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm, mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Th the internal d engineering design has got to remain the same, yes, absolutely. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I'm concerned, when you read the the R_S_I_ issue again, repetitive strain injury, I don't think just moving your finger around on a small screen is going to deal with that enough, I think that is still a kind of a question mark issue how we deal with that. Um, R_S_I_ tends to be caused by repetitive small movements. I'm j I really can't get my head round this one, this may have to be postponed to a future meeting but it's something we should think about. Mm. I know, and it becomes ridiculous, yes I know. Yeah. Yes. Mm-hmm. Do we have to initially um, you know looking at the findings here, focus on a younger age group initially and then broaden out the market later. Do we really have to go for everyone right away? Um. Mm. And when we've been throwing up our ideas we're automatically talking about business people, young people, trendy people. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. I'm just thinking of budgetary issues too, for when it does get to the sort of broad scale marketing stage, we want to, you know, not waste money, not be profligate and uh you know focus on where the idea will be taken up, first it's most likely to be taken up first of all where the main purchasing power is coming from for a product like this. Mm. Right, I've not come across that function but it sounds wonderful. Ah, hmm. Right. Superb. Mm. Yes. Right. Excellent, mm-hmm. Mm. Right. Can I just run this past you while it occurs to me, I don't mean to quickly jump from one subject to another, but just discussing the different age groups and targeting the different age groups it occurs to me, to produce our own mobile phones, that that's kind of what led us on to comparing T_V_ remote controls with with their design features, um, chain companies like Carphone Warehouse, you can pop in anytime with a phone that you bought for them w if you've got any problems with it and they'll fix it, they'll phone the company, you can use their telephones. Is it worthwhile with with our retail outlets having a a similar um kind of service so that if older users were deterred from buying this, if they know they can just pop into one of our high street outlets, th you know, which button is it I press for this? Th as free as a free aspect of our service, would that not make it more attractive to them? Mm. Mm-hmm. Right. Alright. Yes If it was something as simple as you couldn't change the channel, but I mean for if there were any more or are we absolutely definite it's only gonna be for T_V_ and video, we're not gonna put any okay, just a thought. Okay. Mm-hmm. Sure. Mm. Yeah. Not for such simple functions because we're focusing on that, yes okay. Mm. Puts people off reading them so they just do the obvious, yes. Sure, okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. And we don't w I mean so many remote controls look absolutely identical, these long, brown things with the same coloured buttons all crammed in on the s the surface. We definitely an ob an obvious thing, a very simple thing is to get away from these brown rectangles, we don't want that. Mm-hmm. Slightly curved, curved. Mm. Mm. I mean look at the mobile. I think that's that sounds a really attractive idea, I've not come across anything like that before, if it kind of yeah and that opens out into your flip-top. Then it's nice t to h you can make it lightweight plastic, nice to hold in the palm of the hand and just because you're having to actually insert in between the two covers, that's gonna take care of some of the repetitive strain injury trying p prevent a lot of that I would think. I think it's a really nice idea and plus you can get you know even though we're using plastic, you can still I mean think of the designs you can get in plastic, we can do a nice conch shell or scallop shell exterior. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Less chance of it being lost too, it's not like a chocolate brown lozenge that's gonna go down the sofa and people might want to put it on their mantelpiece or whatever as a ki if it looks attractive enough as a kind of ornament they don't not gonna lose it so much either. It's easier to bit nice to handle. Mm-hmm. Okay. Can I just quickly um go over the new project requirements so that I haven't missed anything. So it's no teletext, it's only for T_V_ and by implication video, our corporate image should be incorporated in the remote control, um something about Videoplus. Right. Right. Right, so when they press for programming you it comes up on the L_C_D_, a reminder about using Videoplus? So that they have a look at the guide and Or was is this nothing to do with the project requirements, is this just that was an add-on feature? Uh-huh. Right. Right, so it's kind of doing away with the programming feature? Right. Mm, and the rechargeable batteries. Was there anything else there that we in the new new project requirements? Mm-hmm. That's not at the moment a requirement, it's something we're looking at, what preference so it may come round to market research at some point to see what people would like. Okay. What would you specifically like marketing to look at before the next meeting? Or shall I just sort of generally look at all the issues involved? Okay. Okay. Whoops, questionnaire four. 'Cause we're at lunchtime now I think. +Speaker B: Help. It's up there? That screen's black. Alright, okay. Okay, that's fine. Are we done? Right, okay um, this is our second meeting and I might be a bit all over the place. Um, right our agenda for today, do you want us to give you a second? Okay, um I'll go over what we decided last meeting, um, we decided upon a universal control, one handset for all, T_V_, video equipment. Um, that it was important that the product was accessible to a wide range of consumers, wide age range, not limiting anyone. We decided it was important to reflect the company's image in our product, we put fashion in electronics, you know that kind of s thing. Um, our budget would have to affect um try not to reflect our budget, um that we might have a bit of oh oh you can see it, okay. Um dissonance between what our budget was and what we want it to look like. Um want it to look uncluttered, undaunting to the customer. We discussed a flip-open design, um reducing the size of the control and an electronic panel um for further features like programming, things like that. Okay. Um, three presentations, I've got written here so shall we hear from Marketing first? No that's fine, that's fine. Unplug me. Um, F_N_ function F_ eight. Mm-hmm. They are. Okay, thank you very much. Um, would you like to continue on from that? Or, maybe move the laptop over. F_ function. Oh, there. 'Kay. Um, I think we'll chat about it at the end, okay so if anyone wants to write something down that they want to bring up at the end, um Ooh, it's vibrating, that's strange. Oh, God. Right, okay. We just do the best we can. Yeah, you might. Ah. Look at that. Okay. Yeah. Right, um we have new project requirements, um we're not going to be using teletext, um apparently the consumers consider it outdated with the internet now. Um our control is only going to be for T_V_, it's not going to be a combined control, which limits you know all of the different things that it limits the cost for us, but it also makes it easier to understand for the consumer. It says for T_V_ only, so looks like it's just yeah, I think maybe Sky things like that might be incorporated into it, but I don't know, what do you think? It just said, for T_V_ only. But I mean, general T_V_ controls do do video as well. I mean you bu well som you get com you get combined T_V_ and videos don't you? Mm. I think we assume that it's still got play and stop functions and programming. Mm. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, bu We do have a budget limitation that we can't control ourselves, so I think when we can take a cheaper option which still does the same kinda thing um because it is something I it needs to be the thing that you use to find it needs to be something that you don't lose, you were saying whistling, maybe on the T_V_ you could put like a pack on the T_V_ or something so you can't see the remote, you go and press the button on top of the T_V_ and it beeps and you're like oh okay it's over there, something like that, but that's that sounds a lot cheaper to me. Um the third thing was that we have to make sure the corporate image is very much incorporated into the handset. Um so we want logo, we want um fashionable, trendy, I mean what you were talking about with the marketing. Um, people paying more for it to look good. Um, we need to focus on that as well. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. What about you were talking about the buttons, um the controls that are coming out now have kind of big, rubber buttons, not tiny little one, big, rubber buttons, but what about, I mean, 'cause we got to make it original, what about um you know with the touch screen computers yeah? Um so you it's like a little panel that you touch rather than a button which shouldn't wear out as much either, not sure about the You don't have to press it, you just have to put your thumb onto it. Um, think that might appeal I'm thinking kind of Japan, I'm thinking uh young, um office people, trendy kind of a thing. Um, but quite, um, easily labelled so that anyone can oh yeah that's obvious what that's for and it's not daunting to maybe the older generations, um Were too big. Mm. I think we have to design one product and then the company can take it wherever they want to uh in the sense that they can make it smaller, or they can make it bigger or they can change the features slightly, um. It's gonna be the same, so we need to focus on just one thing, not get bogged down in lots of different um possibilities, um. Or a speech recognition, which is extremely expensive, I think that's the only way that you kind of avoid that kind of issue. We are we're talking about um the type of company that we're working for as well. That they want um it to be fashionable, they want it to be trendy and you wouldn't automatically assume associate that with the older generations. Now with the baby boomers, the older generations are actually larger, they have a greater population than us young people, but I don't think we're focusing on that, I think we are focusing on a sort of mid-range um, business kind of class type people. Mm-hmm. Okay, so the remote control functions. Um we've got the T_V_, we've got the video, now there's um I can't remember what it's called, the little code at the end of programme details, yes. We could use that as an alternative to programming in times, things like that, is that I always found that really easy when I discovered it, um because you've got your general record anyway so if you there's a programme on you want to put record on, that's fine, but if you do want to tape something in two days time and you're not sure if you're going to, you put the number in and it's just a number, it's not a date, it's not a time, it's not a channel, it's not when it finishes, it's not anything like that, it's just a number. No. You've already got the numbers for typing in anyway. It is after um if you look in the newspaper, T_V_ guide or any T_V_ guide there's a five, six digit number afterwards and that's the number you put in and it's recorded that it's going to be on on Tuesdays at ten o'clock on the seventeenth so you don't have to worry about dates and you don't have to worry about times, um and it has been around for quite a long time. No it's not um but I think if awareness was kind of brought to the forefront about that Mm. Okay so Mm-hmm. The functionality of it in the sense that you're sitting there, you're pressing this button and your T_V_'s not doing it. Taking your T_V_ and your control and saying look this is what I'm doing, it's not working, what should I do? I think so. Um Instruction manuals. But I mean they're there's customer service, there will be a customer service number thing that you can phone up and speak to and that way there's no call out charge, there's no extra, t the person has to walk to a shop on the high street, um. Mm. But we should focus on making the manual as user-friendly as possible because a lot of them are just tiny little writing and lots and lots of pages. It does, you just put it in the drawer until something goes wrong and then you try and search through it, so that should be something we think about. Um, what other functions? We need I'm not sure if we need a design um decision now, but we should think about c 'cause you've got the dilemma between oh batteries, that's what I was thinking about. Mobile phone batteries, what kinda battery is that? Well they la they they last quite a long time, and if you had uh when you th the thing that you get with mobile house phones, you sit it in its charger when you're not using it or t at night or something, but it doesn't really matter 'cause it never really runs out 'cause it lasts a long time once it is charged. Um, something like that should reduce the size of it. Yeah it could be on that yeah, okay. S Yes. Rechargeable with a docking station. So the rechargeable which would be your field. Okay. Yes, which it is cheaper in the long run as well. Um, th the shape you got trendy. I don't wanna big box with lots of things, you don't want a tiny sort of little thing either, because then you have got the repetitive strain injury no matter how many how much you try and make it simple, um They do. Okay so we've got a flip-screen. Um Okay. 'Cause it's kind of moulded to your hand anyway. Okay. Can you look into the company logo? Um, things that are associated with the company in view to trying to incorporate that into the design of the product. I mean for example, if it was a C_ or something like that, you could have it in a vague C_ shape that opens up kind of like a shell, or something, um something along those lines to be able to incorporate it quite um obviously into the design, while also making it quite different from anything else that's there. Well we need to think about how it's gonna look different. Or you could do um different, like you get with mobile phones, different fascias. You could have different kind of casings. So you could have like psychedelic ones for younger people and sleek ones and Yeah. Mm. Okay. Okay. Okay. Right, I think we have to round it up, um Sure. That was um in cutting down the number that was kinda separate that was cutting down the number of functions, making it simpler so instead of having lots of things you put in for date It's kinda takes the place of having a button to press for the date and having the button to press for the channel, things like that. Um it could be it c It yes, it could be uh adv advertisement feature, um rather than design feature, you know, drawing attention to that. And it also paid um lip service in the instruction manual, 'cause it's very simple so putting it down in words should be helpful. Yeah. Um We've got the buttons but I think we'll work through that with the design of it, um. Yes. Yes. And we've talked about um there being an alarm or something, a beeping for being lost, um. Learning how to use it should be as simple as possible. But there aren't gonna be that func that many functions incorporated into it so it should be fine and the I the instruction manual, I don't know if we deal with that, um. I think Yep, and different from what's out there. Yep, I think that's us. I think you might get guidance, but um I th Instruction manuals, 'cause there tends to be a demonised thing, u um, they're everyone's got like a big pile of them, but no one really uses them. Um. Yes, right. Okay. Right, okay. I think you can email me, if there's any more questions. Um and I'll be able to not answer them. +Speaker C: Okay, yeah I'll go first. Can I grab the Thanks. What do I have to press? Oh, F_ eight? Oh right, yeah. Okay. Maybe Yep there we go. Okay this is uh the working design, presented by me, the uh Industrial Designer extraordinaire. 'Kay, this is where I went a bit mad with PowerPoint so. What the first thing question I asked was what are we trying to design? Well, a device which basically just sends the signal to the T_V_ to change its state, whether that be the power, or the channel um or the volume, everything is just um some sort of signal to change the state of the T_V_ or other appliance that it's sending the signal to. Um, so I decided I'd have a look at what th other people have designed and try and take some inspiration from that. But uh although we will want to be taking ideas from other people, we wanna make sure that our design stands out and I thought that was something that well it wasn't really my area because I'm dealing with the inside really. So um, yeah I ran out of time so I couldn't do this one as fun as the last one. Um and uh I found out that most uh controls use some form of infrared to send signals to the T_V_ presumably because of the cost issue of uh something like uh the same thing that computers use, wireless and, you don't need to send very much information. Um, most of them are powered by some form of battery. Now our one, I'm I'm not sure whether we want to look at the size issue because most of them are powered by triple A_ batteries but those can be quite bulky so I d I didn't know if you wanted to look at something else um so we could shrink down the size of the control. Yeah sure. Um no no, if you if you look at if you look at most remote controls they're quite they're quite chunky and that's because of the size of the batteries, they have to be obviously this certain size to fit those batteries in. Yeah the the well you can you can get the sort of circular round ones but I'm just wondering about power consumption and how much you need to send the data across. Um, and d which leads sort of onto the next point about 'em being small and easy to carry round. Um, now the ones at the moment are small but I was just wondering if we could look at something a bit smaller. Now the main components I came up with um were obviously the power source for the batteries 'cause otherwise it's not gonna work, uh as I said about the w which batteries we were gonna choose, we can uh discuss that later and then you obviously need something to decode the information that you're putting in from from the controller and to turn it into an i uh infrared signal which we're going to use to send the information. Now these have a wireless range of up to about five metres which is sort of suitable for anyone who's watching the T_V_ unless they're in a cinema, which not most people do so as we're applying to the most audience that should be fine. And then I was uh just had a quick look at the external design but I d I left that mostly to the uh interface designer. And so this is what I had as the basic idea of what we wanna do. It's not a proper circuit, I'm not sure if it'd work or not, I'm not even confident that those are the real um the real way you'd wire it up but anyway, we've just got the the power going to the infrared bulb with the chip and the uh U_I_ interface um which would basically, when you when you pressed anything it would the chip would convert it into some form of I_R_ data which could be decoded by the T_V_ receiver, which obviously means that we're gonna have to conform to whatever um whatever form of communication that the T_V_s are already using and since that that's another use and reason to use that infrared because that's what all T_V_s use at the moment. And then finally, um we want uh the it to be available to a wide audience at a low cost so all the components that I've put forward are uh low in cost so that that should be good. Um it should should be different enough um from the alternative products to get a good consumer base, we were talking about it before and also just something that I was thinking about, uh because they're small they're also easy to lose so if we could look into some way of d dunno some anti-going down the side of the sofa thing that you could have, I th that was just sort of a general point there. And that's uh yeah. Alright okay, and yeah, that's that's what I came up with there, so if you wanna Ooh. Function F_ eight yeah. No, no yeah it's just. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah sure. There we go, I've got a bit more of the cable. There we go. Uh you should be able to and yeah, there you go. Okay. Huh. T yeah yeah. I d well I dunno 'cause uh the w if you've g Yeah. If yeah and if you got if you got a Sky box, they have one of those plus boxes, you can record straight off the T_V_ anyway so on to on to like the T_V_ hard drive or so. Yeah. Yeah. Ju um just as an idea on the uh speech recognition thing that pr it'd probably be quite expensive to incorporate an entire speech recognition thing and they're not that great anyway. Alright, okay. Alright, okay. Yeah. Yeah but um on on that again I just thought 'cause you can get those key chains now and you whistle and then it'll let off a loud noise to let you know where it is so I thought that could be quite a Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Well y yeah you could you could have a number of different designs I mean inside they'd be essentially exactly the same. Just yeah, yeah. 'Kay. Yeah, yeah that's what I was just yeah. No, well no 'cause you wouldn't have to you don't actually have to press them you just Yeah. Yeah. Mm. But also er ergonomics as we're saying with the different designs, ergonomics uh there's sort of physically different things 'cause um if you've ever seen the X_ Box they had to make two different sized controllers because people in Japan wouldn't buy it because the controller was physically to big because um they're c uh just generally Japanese people have smaller hands so they couldn't get round the controller which is uh so if you I don't know what 'cause you obviously you can have bigger buttons for some countries or something and smaller ones for others. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Hmm. Huh. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I yeah I was just thinking about how you could combat that 'cause without without doing something where you have to move your arm around to change the channel and it becomes yeah. Yeah, speech recognition, but yeah. Mm. Ge uh Yeah. Video plus. Yeah yeah. Just whack in the number. And you w yeah. And you wouldn't you wouldn't need uh a whole host of extra buttons for that, you just need one 'cause you've already got all the numbers there anyway, yeah. It's not Yeah. It's been been around for a long time it's just it's not very well advertised as to how to use it and things. Mm. Though if y if you've got something like Sky anyway you can just click on it you can just press the button on the programme once and it'll record that programme when it's on and you press it on it twice and it'll record the whole series. So that yeah. But just to have that function would be would be really good. Yeah. Mm. But the only problem is that with a mobile phone you signed for a contract so they um the companies who uh who you deal with have actually they've they've got an obligation to to help you out and also I mean it's it's fair enough to have some sort of help service but I I'm not sure how much the cost would be of having Yeah, I mean I mean instru instruction books I feel c I reckon can cover that. Yeah. Department, yeah. Yeah. And they're yeah, they should be f yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's the uh yeah. Um they're they're specially made for the for the mobile phones, but they come with a charger, I mean you could you could bundle a charger in with it but Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah and if yeah if you if you had if you had one of those uh just coming back to your other point about pressing the button and setting off the bleeper in the room that could uh Yeah on that as well so. Yeah some sort of docking station or yeah. Yeah yeah th yeah that that'd be fine, and also that would mean they wouldn't have to go out buying batteries all the time. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. +Speaker D: Mm-hmm. Sorry. Yep. Okay. Yep. 'Kay. It can be okay, that's okay with me. further. Oops. Why's it not working? F_ eight, right? Okay. Mm why's it in the right? Yeah, it's connecting. okay. Yeah. Actually mm some of my points might overlap with what William's just mention, but basically my method was like uh whatever brainstorming we did in the last meeting, just a couple of valuable points and started developing on that and there might be some missing loops in this thing which I think we'll uh take a feedback from the marketing because um, I haven't had some marketing data and basically every product is marketable. So purpose, as William already said, I would put it to simplify the interaction with T_V_ to make make it as simple as possible. And to summarise I I would say it's it should be user-friendly by being easy to use, rather than having a lot of complex button because you can have an engineering maybe having hundred buttons and maybe having uh a remote control which has the main features like volume control or channel ch changing the channel or whatever. But we are to to make it unique so that people want to buy it, will this two features together. So what the concept is to have a flip-top model. The main functions such as which are like often used will be on the top and the complex functions which say you you can say like the y young generation or trendy generation want to pr say programme their favourite channels or whatever, can be put in the middle part of the f flip-top. So it's like it could be accessed by a wide ra range of uh audience and we can punch in new f features such as uh added features such as shock proof body and maybe a design to appeal to a lot of people. Findings most people prefer us user-friendly rather than complex remote controls because there are times like uh people have used a remote control for say a year or something and they they are not used maybe thirty to forty percent of the buttons so it's not of no use of punching in the uh trying to put in those things in on the top of the remote control and try to confuse the user. As we saw we we have to make a profit also so we we can maybe go for an economies of a higher production mm by fifty million we said? Yeah, with that I think we'll be able to achieve economies of scale also, so we can give in add in more features and make it less costly. Um, that's so this is if you ask me personally, I would make uh flip-top with a trendy uh uh design and s maybe we we should look at also like the buttons whe whether they are like soft or little hard because they are times when the buttons tend to be a bit hard after uh continuous use usage and all that. So in overall a simple and uh user-friendly design. Uh any comments like, if you want? Okay. I think you'll have to You can't It'll have to this can't be pulled. You'll have to push it a bit more. Yep. Yeah this is more than enough. Okay. Yeah I think you can pull it out now. Yeah. 'Kay. That's fine. Okay. Mm-hmm. Anything about that on the market research or something like regarding whether people want a combined something like that? Ten perc Mm-hmm. Okay. Pens Mm-hmm. Okay. So are we talking of a single model or maybe five, six designs? Sure. Alright. Right. The features could be same and the body could look slightly different. So Yeah. Yeah, uh maybe to as uh it it was indicated that uh uh risk uh of uh repeated use, the injuries, maybe a touch screen could be a better option for that. So, a bigger b okay so y you're dividing designs based on not only segment age groups, you're desi uh dividing it according to the countries also, the market. Maybe for U_S_ and all you can have a slightly bigger remote control and maybe in Japan and all you need to have a small, yeah. Mm-hmm. We could focus on the biggest market. If say people between age group of twenty to thirty five are the biggest market? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Right. I think it will be too much of an effort for a person to for a phone maybe he might walk down the street, but for a remote he will just refer to the manual and all that. Simple. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. So are we talking of a concept of a rechargeable something on the remote? Mm-hmm. Right. Mm-hmm. Okay. What I was thinking of a design which Nokia h uh came up with almost six or seven years back. Basically we have a flat one it it looks like a box, like a chocolate. That's very strenuous because your thumb is slightly up, so they came up with something like this, curled up, so here, and you don't have to you don't bend your thumb too much, so it's like uh you can say a banana shape kind of thing, curled up like a boat. G uh so what happens is you don't have to press your thumb too down like. So it's already curled up so your thumb doesn't y yeah so we can have a s like you know moulded according to your the way you h hold of it's kind of semi-circular in the bottom, something like that. I wouldn't say exactly semi-circular but yeah smooth. Current. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. We could look in at that but Mm. What we were talking is to make it more rather than like sea-shells, logo could become as you could put a logo in the corner of uh the model, rather than you know, trying to make it like a sea shell or whatever you were ta telling like. A sea shell? Yeah we could look in at that. Yeah maybe we could come at some say five, six des designs and then choose which are whichever appeals the most like, that could be the most common design. But we can like think of five, six designs. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. For detection, right. Yep, I think True. Oops. We should f I think it's time for us to get back to","The Industrial Designer gave his presentation on the basic functions of the remote. He presented the basic components that remotes share and suggested that smaller batteries be considered in the product design. The User Interface Designer presented his ideas for making the remote easy-to-use; he discussed using a simple design and hiding complicated features from the main interface. The Marketing Expert presented the findings from a lab study on user requirements for a remote control device, and discussed users' demand for a simple interface and advanced technology. The Project Manager presented the new requirements that the remote not include a teletext function, that it be used only to control television, and that it include the company image in its design. The group narrowed down their target marketing group to the youth market. They discussed the functions the remote will have, including Video Plus capability and rechargeable batteries. A customer service plan was suggested to make the remote seem more user-friendly, but it was decided that helpful manuals were more within the budget. The group then discussed the shell-like shape of the remote and including several different casing options to buyers." +108,"Speaker A: Is that someone's? Okay. Or something. Well done. Certainly. Logged in? Thank you. Oops. Okay. This stage of the evaluation is really for us as a team to evaluate if we have now got a product specification and prototype design that meets the the criteria that we got from our market research. So this is the first stage of the evaluation. Now, the collection of the criteria, as we saw in our previous meeting, was based on the user requirements and trends found in the marketing reports and marketing strategy of our company. So it's what we've discussed in the last meeting, are we actually meeting those trends and requirements? Now the findings that we came up with, just a recap, are here. The criteria that we want in this remote control are a fancy look and feel, technological innovation, it should be easy to use, it should incorporate current fashion trends, and those the two main ones, they were the spongy texture and the fruit and vegetable strong design colours. The design should minimise R_S_I_ and be easy to locate and we were still um uh slightly ambivalent as to whether to use voice recognition there, though that did seem to be the favoured strategy, but there was also, on the sideline, the though of maybe having a beeper function. Okay, so we can come back to that slide, if you don't have a note of those. I'll just show you how we're going to evaluate our own feedback to this, to what we have so far. We're going to use a seven point scale, where one is true and seven is false. We look at each of those criteria that I've just mentioned, I'll call that slide back up, and I will just do a preliminary rating of all those criteria on the whiteboard here. Does that seem clear? Any questions there? So we're going to look at these crite Yes, we're going to come to w we'll discuss each one and we'll come to a consensus rating between one and seven. Is that okay? One is true, seven is false. Right. So I won't write all of that out again. It will just be criteria one, two, three, four, five, six, or A_, B_, C_, D_, E_, F_ to confuse it with the number rating. B_, C_, D_, E_, F_. This is where I realise how tiny I actually am. Criteria and rating. Actually, it might be an idea, if we each did give our own individual rating, and we could take an average at the end. How about that? Okay. So I'll just separate the ratings by obliques, and if we go one, two, three, four, we know who's who. Okay. Criteria A_, the fancy look and feel. How do we feel about this prototype model relating to fancy it is a fancy look and feel. One is true, seven is false. My own rating for that would be a two. One is true and seven is false. I'll just go this way. Two. Okay. Two. A four, okay. Adding those up, we've got a six and a five, eleven divided by four is what? Uh two and three quarters, it that right. Two and three quarters? Okay. Two point seven five, there we go. Okay, criteria B_, criterion B_, technologically innovative. I would give that a three. Okay. Not that you're biased in that it the designer. The average oh, for you? You want your rating to be a two? Is that what you're saying? Okay. So, I'll work out the average for that again at the end. It's a very slightly altered Okay, and we're just waiting for your rating f Two point five, okay. Losing one decimal place, that's okay. So what are you rating for this one, Paw? Two, okay. So that is eight. That brings it down to two, nice and simple, yeah. Okay, ease of use. Easy to use? Based on what you've said there, I would say a one, true. Two. A two, okay. Two. I should've said a two to make the arithmetic easy, shouldn't I? We'll just put almost two, because I'm not gonna get into silly decimal places. Okay. Or we or if we want to really bring it down, we can do later. Um mm now we're looking at it incorporates current fashion trends, now that's particularly in relation to our market research findings about the spongy texture to the exterior and the fruit and vegetable design colours. Right. So I'm just thinking, before I give it my rating, you were limited in the use of materials for your prototype here. Is this actually going to be the colours that you would use? Right. So we could use any strong fruit and veg colours and that's what we're intending to do. Okay. And the spongy feel is no problem with that. Okay. In that case it's got to be a one for me. Yep. Everybody? Okay. That part was nice and easy. Okay. Uh moving on to does the design minimise repetitive strain injury. I don't think we've really touched on that a lot. We've we've discussed it, we haven't really come up with anything that we felt could feasibly reduce that. We've talked about pointers, but the very use of a remote control, if you're someone who's zapping, who's sitting like that, and we found so many people did, how do you minimise that on such a small device? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Right. Right. I think I'm gonna have to be neutral on that and give it a four. A five, okay. Four and a four okay. Twenty one is that twenty one? So that's four point two five. And finally, last but not least, easy to locate. Now we talked about voice recognition, we talked about a beeper, have we really have the designers come to any dec real decision on that? It was the I'm here thing, yep. And are we happy with the costs on that? That is going to be feasible, cost-wise. That sounds good then. I'd go for a I ca we can adjust the volume on that, just as we could volume on T_V_. So if sombody's in the other room or if T_V_s in different rooms, or. Right. Okay. You built into the feature. Okay. Logical. That's a one for me. One and one, good. So, how do we feel about this? We've got our our we've got the highest rating of meeting the specifications that is definitely true for two of the uh six criteria there. That is for um incorporates current fashion trends and is easy to locate. The lowest rating we've got, which is really n it's not terribly low, i it's close around neutral is for uh the minimisation of repetitive strain injury. Do we feel on the basis of tha of these evaluation findings that we can go ahead and now produce this as a prototype and market it, or do we have to make further modifications? We happy to go ahead? Yeah. I think for most of those ratings that it's high enough at the upper end of the scale for us to go ahead with that, and I really doubt if on the basis of current technology and our current capabilities, we could actually do much more to minimise that. I know. Okay. Well, I hope that's uh clear to the team. Is there anything you would like to to ask me about the findings before I sum up? Good. Fine then. I'll just leave it there. Oops. Oh yes. Yes. But it has a slightly flattened bottom so it can sit. So it can rest. It would just be a flat bottom with one curve. like a domed thing. Mm. The other curves at the sides, but it's slightly flattened at the bottom so it doesn't roll over. Yeah. What does it mean if you put point five for that? Mm-hmm. Right, okay. But it is gonna be part of the total cost, and there's nowhere else we can we can put that in, is there? There's nowhere else we can code for the the rubber used in the casing. So do we not have to account for it in the cost somewhere there? Okay. Mm. Might do, if we go for some of the more exotic aubergines and such like colours. S Has that not made any d if you click off that square now, has that not made any difference? Is it oh, it's brought it slightly down. So is is uncurved completely and just actually making the rubber case the curved thing, is that going to make a difference? Oh, it's not made any difference, has it?. It's gone up again. Oh. It's brought it down slightly. Is there anything on the menu No. If we tr um. If we moved away from our much loved idea of a kinetic battery and just went with the standard batteries, would that make a huge difference? And people are used to buying batteries, they're not gonna say I'm not getting this, 'cause I've got to buy a battery for a remote control. Should we see what difference it makes? Um Yeah. Sure. But we're still working to um head o We can put in our recommendations. If we if we're working to head office specifications as this is what this project team's working for, we can put in our recommendations for what we've we've found and what we the consensus that we've come to as a result of the meetings. But we need to work to that specification to start with. And I think the voice recognition sounds wonderful, but our object is so distinctive that that in itself is gonna make it easier to locate as a f you know in a first instance. Um as you say, we can offer the voice recognition initially to business class customers and so Mm. Yeah. 'Cause we've done all the background work to go for that if they want it. Yeah. So if we take voice recognition out we are. Are you sure? Sorry, not meaning to doubt your words there. Right. Are they really going to quibble about ten P_? Or point zero one of a Euro? Which is less than ten P_. That's today's kick off meeting,. Mm. I thought that's what it was. So we're okay. Although we had our separate tasks, there was so much interaction, so much that we needed to um bounce off each other. And I've certainly felt heard, listened to in that in relevant areas we've been able to, you know, give and take and adjust our remit where necessary. Yeah. Maybe we should think of branching out into children's toys and fake mobile phones as a side line. And fake R_C_s. How do we evaluate the materials we had for communicating and sharing information? Could it've been better, was it adequate? Mm. Yeah. Yeah. It's really borrowing from other areas, it's, you know, bringing things from other areas in, it so it's I mean nothing is new, but it's applying it to a d in a different area. Absolutely, yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, the focus isn't on to that, yeah. I think it's really good that this has been very market research based, because just going back to mobile phones, I mean this is the first change in remote control devices that I can really, you know, say is is obvious and visible. We see it in mobile phones a lot, and tha that's where we've borrowed a lot of our ide our ideas from. There are innovations in that that people don't really want. I see people wanting a model of the phone they were really happy with, and they can't get it anymore and it's innovation for innovation's sake, and I think it's wonderful our company's so R_ and D_ based. Yeah. But forcing it onto people, yeah. It's things that, you know, they might want to buy the thing they really want. Mm. Mm. Or there isn't a cover to fit it or whatever, yeah. See I think I think it was just the produc uh just the production cost of the phone. Mm-hmm. But I think in the remit that we were given, it was very specific. I think we've done what we were required to do, and I think there'll have to be another project team or a new project for us to look at at those kind of things. I don't think that's something we have to look at and find a way of raising the cash for. I think we've done very well to get within budget and it still makes such an innovative item that I think people are really gonna want. I know. Maybe it will. Maybe they are gonna steal our ideas and sell it. Mm-hmm. Questionnaire. Questionnaire done. Oh, I didn't have to rate you on how much you influenced the meeting this time. Oh, right. But do we not sometimes evaluate in these meetings too? Yeah. +Speaker B: Is that for us? Okay. Yeah, shall I show? I'll show. Though do you do you wanna do you wanna sh do you wanna hold it and I'll I'll show you the presentation. Can I just nick your Whoa. Going a bit crazy over here. Thank you. Okay, so this is our look and feel presentation, the final our final presentation. And we'll first look at the exterior of what we've uh come up with over there. Um It's gonna have a a plastic body um with a sort of standard colour, either we're thinking some something fairly neutral like a a white or a light blue or something. This is underneath the rubberised the rubberised uh outer casing um which there'd be sort of a wide choice they would be attached, but we can we can come up with that. Um the um wide choice of colours and sort of patterns, so you've got you've got a lot of customisation with it. Um it's obviously an a sort of clam-shell design and uh the um the top L_C_D_ screen that you can see that would b would be sort of um how do you say, it's yeah yeah, it would be sort of inset into the into the top and the buttons at the bottom would d so so it'll fully close flat. Yeah, yeah. And working on the inside we've um already said d decided on the kinetic batteries, which actually, thinking about it now, could y could also probably attach to the flipping open and shut as well, so that you could probably get a bit of Yeah. Yeah. Um we decided that um the voice recognition system, it did actually say on the email that they were sort of coming in and they were fairly easy to get a-hold of, so we presumed that they'd also be quite cheap. So you'd have something like where you'd shout out, where where is the remote and it'll shout back, I'm here, or something. And then yeah. It wo it won't shout out I'm here or something. It'll just shout out I'm here, or something to similar effect. Uh yeah, if it was going like I d well tha that could be something for next time, maybe. You can have a remote that tells you exactly where it is. Um the standard, there's be a standard transmission with the T_V_ using using all the standard chips that we've talked about. Um it would it would have obviously 'cause it's split over two two different layers, it would need two separate P_C_B_s, so it would be joined at the hinge through some sort of cabling. And uh because, obviously, all T_V_s use this, the same infrared medium, we'd just be using using the same thing to transmit the data. And the infrared um sender would be on the on one of the bot the bottom layer, just at the front of the we haven't I don't think we actually put it on. Yeah, yeah, something like that. Yeah, on the front on the front side of that, yeah. So when you've actually got it open, it would be facing the T_V_. And then finally um on to the interface. The top screen, as we said, is would be an inset um black and white L_C_D_ s touch screen which yeah would uh have all of all of the the available functions for for the remote on it, uh whereas the bot the bottom screen would just contain the standard buttons, like the vo volume up and down, channel up and down, power on and off, and uh things to that effect. And now we've we also decided on the inside, we could possibly either have um some some kind of sort of bezzled uh logo on it, or something inset, or maybe an engraving of the logo on the top. No d not not actually. No, not uh interfering with l the whole look of the the product when it's uh on the thing. And finally that's how we put the fashion back into electronics, as that is that's the company logo. There you go.. Yeah. Yeah, okay. Yeah. Yeah, I'd uh yeah I'd probably put it uh two yeah, two or three. No, three. Three. Mm yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'd give it a one. No, no, not at all. Yeah. Two. Two. Yeah. D_. One. Yeah. Yeah, that's No, no, the the base colour was um white or or like or l sort of a light blue, but the changeable fa faces would uh allow you to get any basically any one of a number of colours that uh th it's full sort of customised. Yeah, yeah, yeah and No, no, 'cause th that's that's the the spongy feel would be in the rubber that you put round it, that otherwise it's just sort of hard plastic. Yeah, I'll give it a one as well. Yeah. Mm. No. Yeah. It's meant to be. Yeah. Yeah, I'd uh I'd f I'd go for a five, actually, 'cause Yep. Yeah. Yeah, it was it was uh a voice voice recognition, yeah. Yeah, yeah, that yeah, that's feasible. Um I think it would r I think it would probably be a a stand it would be a stand it would be quite loud. So it would be s p yeah. Yeah. Yeah, one. I do realise that we might be being fairly biased, 'cause it is our product, but W I thin yeah, I think yeah. Mm. No. Yeah. It was a regular chip on print and Oh, no, no, no, the um Yeah, it's you you've put in three for the number of kinetic cells, there should just be one. In the top, it's the number of c yeah. Yeah, and yeah, just a no, one reg v uh Yeah, one of them and one sample sensor and sample speaker. And they're double curved. No. Y Two, 'cause it's two. Yeah, I'd say I'd say it was w yeah, I think I think it's One double-curved. And one no, 'cause one yeah, one's double-curved, and then the other one's a plastic. Yeah. And special colour. Yeah. Yeah. No, no, that's it's as an extra. So that shouldn't that shouldn't be actually on there, because that's not incorporated in the cost of the remote you get. Yeah, okay. Yeah, the push-button's one and L_C_ display one. And buttons Well yes. Yeah. No, we'll have No, no, you've got to click off to calculate it again. C it might uh you might you might be assuming that that is in Euros. It could be in Dollars. And then it would be fine, because the exchange range would make it about twelve. No. Yeah, the standard, it um it would make one difference. The biggest one would be taking away if you took away If you to Yeah. If if you take away the voice, I I do I don't like to say it, but if you take away the voice recognition, then you've got it. Yeah i yeah. No 'cause it's samples sens sample speaker. If you took away that, that'll make it twelve point three five. They n n yeah, but you p minus three plus two. Yeah. But they but I mean in I don't see why we have to sell it for twenty five Euros now, because they w they were saying they were quite willing to pay more for better product. Yeah. We c we could s Yeah, we could say Yeah, I s And then say we recommend Yeah. Yeah. That'll do it. Twelve point three five. Is it twelve point fif was it twelve point fifty? Ah. Okay. Yeah. No. 'Cause that that was just a bought-on extra, you could just take that out and that would be fine, yeah. Yeah, I think that's brilliant. Yeah. Yes. Yeah, I'd say, as a team. Yeah. Find out from each other, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, no, I thought it it went really well and I yeah, I I feel that everyone was listened to and all the points that were raised seem to have been sorted out, although we didn't quite make the voice recognition in there, but that's that's good. I think it would have made it into the final product if it was actually if if if we'd seen the marketing before the initial specification was put out, I think maybe it would've come out a d little different, but yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah, well. Discuss which ones yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think I think we probably woulda used the outer email system more, had we actually had had more time and if we'd been separated more. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Vegetables. Yeah. No. Yeah, I do I don't think the the companies are really concerned. They're just like we've got a D_V_D_ player, does anyone remember the remote control? Can't you get the one that we used for the last one? Yeah, just jazz it up a bit. Uh d they don't really think about it, because normally, the remote control isn't the product which they're trying to ship. They're trying to ship the D_V_D_ player, the video player, the T_V_. Yeah. Yeah. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Well. I think that was just the the physical. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I think yeah I don't from the market research. No. Yeah, it was I it's top secret. Um it's it is it's a conspiracy going on here. That's what it is. In your yeah. Okay. Is that it then? Awesome. Was that not the questionnaire for the how you felt you'd done in your thing? I don't think. Yeah, the the s yeah. I think yeah, questionnaire seven was the one I did just before the meeting. Mm. +Speaker C: Hmm. Thank you. Hmm. Hmm. Yep, me too. Mm-hmm. Yep. Me and William worked on a prototype, and I think William is going to make a p presentation on that. Yeah. I can hold it like Yeah, so It looks crazy. Um not now. Oh. Yeah. Oh, where are the hinges? 'Kay. You able to look? Yep.. The black and white touch screen wherein people can Right. Mm-hmm. 'Kay. Ah oka Infrared could be here also. Yeah, here.. So when it's even if it's open here, the signals would go. Yeah. This one right here.. Which is No. Look up to it. Yay. So this is the one. Sorry. Evaluation.. Mm um I I think this is chip. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Ah, it's perfect. Is it everybody is going to evaluate, or just the Market okay. 'Kay. Yeah, so you can 'Kay. I would say four. Mm-hmm. Almost three. I think yeah. Oh sorry, I I got it wrong. The first one rating, I'm sorry. Can you just make it two? The first. Yeah, I I just it the other way. Uh in Yep, I just got two point f One is a, seven is false, okay. Two. Two. White. With for the plastic? Uh blue. Any Right. Mm-hmm. Yeah, because you'll be having a Because of the rubber case. One. Mm. Four. Voice r recognition. Hmm. You want me to b unplug that? That's all. Yes. Okay. Chip on print. Okay. Yep. Single-curved. Two curves, yeah. Single-cu. Plastic and rubber. Yeah. Plastic one and maybe rubber point five. No I think rubber, since it's being used just as a casing, we can put point five. Yeah, because there are I think it allows the point five, yeah. We can use that. It means we are not using a lot of rubber actually. We're using just a very low quantity of rubber compared to plastic. Push-button. One. An One. I think we could change the battery also. Instead of going for kinetic how about going for a standard battery. Uncurved, flat. No, it just surprises one.. I don't think so. Ri I think it's in Euro. And going to a regular bat Yeah. What I feel is, customers never said anything about the battery. It's internal, nobody looks into the battery. But shape and colours, that's something we shouldn't comprimi Where's that special form? Mm mm mm. Mm-hmm. Make it costly. Yeah we are close to the budget. Two five. It's twelve point five maybe, then. I don't know what it said fifty percent of the cost. So half of the price would be I think it is the first one. So we are under the budget. Seems fine. Except voice recognition, everything is Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. I think we had a nice time. Yeah, I think there was uh very constructive feedback by everybody. It's not like people trying to cut each other. There is more of uh true cohesive teamwork. We came to a very predic creative design, yeah. Yeah, and uh Yeah, I think. And Sarah, you coordinated the work very well. Yeah. I think that was the best part of the 'Kay. Yeah, moving around the room. But I think it's good, like uh we spent times individually. I never thought of a remote control with a flip top. That's mine. Yeah, it's The thing is Yep, sorry, go on Sarah. Surprising to me is like uh people give a lot of attention to modifying mobile phones, like a real want to see a new launch or something like that. And new f television products coming up, but nobody giving uh much idea to this. Like Sarah was telling, everything's Right. Mm-hmm. Maybe fifty percent more. Yeah. Who knows? Yeah. There's a final questionnaire. Celebration, you didn't talk about that. Yeah. +Speaker D: If you leave them on the whole time you get to look like a noodle the whole time. Is that. three, apparently. Okay, you all switched on. I presume we're good to go. Okay, um minutes um we decided to use a kinetic charger, standard chip, um 'cause it can come in various different sizes, it wasn't uh uh gonna be a problem factor. We wanted a stand-by function. The case material is gonna be soft, rubbery, changeable. Um buttons with a combination of L_C_D_ and rubber according to the design. Um bright funky designs inspired by fruit, keeping with the hip kind of feel. Um and to try and incorporate voice recognition software into our design until we can find out more about the cost of things like that. Um and the rubber buttons that we'll use will be anti-R_S_I_. Okay? Prototype presentation. I think that would be you. Make sure the camera's Yes, yes you can. Wait a second, I'll get it out. Um Okay. You should have one of those things and you can just take it off. Ta-da. Right. Mm 'kay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm. So it's flush. Oh right, okay, yeah. So put it in the top section rather than the bottom sections, 'cause it's the top part that's okay. Okay. I'm under the sofa. Or, that would be too complicated. Infrared. Like here. Okay. Actually, no, it would be it would have to be on the on the front. Oh right, yeah, okay, yeah, I've got you. It's still pointing, yes. Yeah, that would make sense. Okay. But not interfering with the outside kind of look of the product once it's Okay. Thank you very much. Wrapping it all up, okay. Um I've now got evaluation criteria. It's to be presented. Okay. It's quite similar to what it was before, though. Sorry. Mm-hmm. Okay. Just write small. Yeah. That works. Mm-hmm. I would agree. Okay. I would say two. A two. It's just two point five for that one. I would say a two. I would say a two. One point seven f five. Okay, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. One. Well the type of button that we're gonna use in the bottom half, the material, minimises R_S_I_ it's meant to. Um maybe because it's slightl with the size that we've got it's quite small, but with the amount of stuff we're putting on it isn't that much. So maybe because there's more space, it's not kind of moving around trying to hit accurately the buttons in between. It's quite obvious just big buttons. Um Four. A standard. It would be. And if you didn't hear it in the room that you were standing in, then you'd realise that it wasn't in that room, you'd go into another room. One. I don't think so. I think we yeah. I think we're set. Do much apart from having a huge big Don't think so. Okay, thank you. Okay, I've got finance here now. I'm gonna plug this in so you can all see it, if that's okay. Um. Thanks. Right. Now I presume that the screen will go blank, that um Okay. We just type numbers into this and we come out with the final value. So are we still on for kinetic? Okay. See, it woulda been handy to have this at the beginning. Um it might have influenced our choice. Right, what's happening with the electronics? Double-curved. Oh, right, okay. Thanks. So, would there be two? One chip. Okay. One double curve. So what's a single curve then? So just one double Yeah. Um Mm. Um we've got plastic and rubber, haven't we?. Um Do you think? Okay. It would be like saying we're using See, it says case material. So we're not actually using plastic in the case, are we? It's including, it's including. Okay, we'll just put it in as we'll put in as half. Or sh we should just put it in as one, because the plastic is zero anyway. No, we don't step on anyone's toes. Okay, special colour, do we need that? N yeah, okay. Interface. Buttons Has that not gone up? Oh no, it was seven five it's changed not a lot. Oh, it's not calculated it. Okay, there we go. It's not a lot though. We haven't been dealin we haven't been dealing with dollars though, I think Okay, so the highest we've got is the electronics here. Um and the interface. Where's the where's the voice recognition? Right, okay. Well the kinetic is three. If we change it to the battery it's that's minus three. Oh, right. I keep seeing zero. Um We can do it some other way, we can do it doesn't have to be voice recognition. We could do the voice recognition for, you know, business class or something, you know, like an upgraded version. You could choose to have that or not. So should we just change the design specification then? Yes. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay, we can make the price fit, and then say if we'd had our budget, we would've had this, because it also sets it apart from the crowd. They like their gadgets, they like something that's completely different. It's s something completely different associated with your company. Right, okay, so It's two point five. No, it's twelve point two five. Yeah well two, twelve point two five times two is twenty five, isn't it? I think the agenda one was where the um price was, wasn't it? No. Twelve point five. Well done, people. So is that uh got us covered for the electronics then? We don't need something else to take that place? Okay. Okay. Right, so we've done that. Okay. Product evaluation. We've done room for creativity, haven't we? Because we've got decisions that we would have made that we weren't didn't feel able to make. Um I presume we discussed leadership and teamwork. um in the sense that um did you feel like a team? Or did you feel like uh autonomy? Mm-hmm. Thank you. How did you find it? Yeah. Yeah. I liked the fact that we could say an idea and it'd be suggested that that wasn't the best idea, but no one felt like shot down, you know, y it didn't matter it saying what you thought, because if it wasn't something that was that relevant, then it didn't matter, 'cause it was just another idea in the field. I like that. Um teamwork. Well you two created that wonderful specimen of a Play-Doh model. Um uh I'm still not caught up. But that's nothing to do with the teamwork at all. Um Maybe. No, that was quite fun. Um means, whiteboard, digital pens, etcetera, what does that mean? Any ideas? Had time to kind of Yeah, 'cause we could just sort of say, sorry what did you say about that or what do you think about that, rather than having to email it, yeah. But it was nice having it there. Um like the whole picture of the thing. Yeah, I think it's new ideas in general, rather than Mm. Yeah, no. Well they have to come from somewhere, don't they? And as sh as w sorry, you go. Um as was shown by your presentation with all of the other controls, remote controls, no one's thought about it particularly. I mean they're slightly different, so if someone's been shut in the room and said make ours a bit different from everyone else's, 'cause it's w something we should think about, but obviously no one's put any great deal of thought into it. Mm. But then when it everything is really smart, and you've just got this big chunk of black thing sitting on your coffee table, it doesn't go, I mean if you could have something that's a proper funky thing, a funky item that's individual, individual to you, I mean they could even go into um you go in with an idea and they design it on Photoshop and then they just get it printed on the plastic, you would pray you would pay a lot extra, because it's individually being a plastic was being made for you. But people could have anything that they wanted. Because of the produ Mm. Yes. Yeah. Well, it's innovation for money's sake. The the people have to keep buying. Yeah. And you can't get you've got your handset that works fine, but you can't get the battery anymore for that type of phone, because the phones have moved on, things like that. Yes. It's madness. Um In closing There we go. Um our costs are below budget with recommendations that they the budget be increased, but I think I don't know, d what do you think? Do you think that's takes into account um overheads like us being well paid kind of a thing? And the heating for the building, do you think our budget includes everything, all the costs that are going out? So it looks well it looks like it's gonna be fifty percent profit, you've still got all of the overheads to come out of that. So maybe increasing it, you would also have to increase the price that it's sold at. But I think but you were saying that that's quite Hmm. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. It's a shame it won't ever get made. Maybe it will. Maybe someone'll r run down and patent it. Um the project has been evaluated well and truly. Um and we've got the meeting survey and questionnaire. Oh, so we've got about fifty minutes to catch up with everything that I fell behind with, so I'll be delegating in my um role as Project Supervisor, so good luck. I think the celebration is the twenty five pounds. Either that or we'll be dancing on the desks. Oh. Um yeah, just the last, I think. I think I've got minutes for two of the meeting and the last thingy. I just got con","The Project Manager went over decisions from the previous meeting. The Industrial Designer presented the prototype and discussed its look, its internal components, and its interface. The Marketing Expert evaluated the product according to the initial product goals. The group then decided that enough of this criteria had been satisfied for the project to continue. The Project Manager presented the final cost of the device which exceeded the initial projected price point. The group decided to remove speech recognition but to propose to the management that it remain in the design. The group then discussed their effectiveness as a team. All members felt that they interacted well and that they felt they could be creative. The Marketing Expert felt that the market-research based approach would help the project's success with consumers. The group did express, however, that the budget was overly constraining. The Project Manager instructed the group to fill out a final evaluation questionnaire." +50,"Speaker A: Okay, good morning. This is our first team meeting. I'll be your Project Manager for today, for this project. My name is Mark will be giving this presentation for you to kick the project off. That's my uh that's the agenda for today. Well, of course we're new to each other, so I'd like to get acquainted first. So let's do that first, I mean Let's start with you, can you introduce yourself? You're our Marketing Expert. Okay, excellent. And you are User Interface Yeah. Excellent. Okay. What should it look like? Okay. Oh, let's kick it off. Oh, there we go. So, our new project is about we need design a remote control for television set, so, which has to be original, trendy and user-friendly. I took this off our corporate website. It's I think well it sums up what we need to do. We're inspired by latest fashion, not only electronics, but also the latest trends in clothes and interior design. That's why our product will always fit in your home. So apparently we need to um be very at um very open to what's currently hot in the market. So that's what you need to do to bring us the latest info and what people want. So So we put the fashion in electronics. So that's what we need to go for. Anyway, we'll take this project in three steps, three pha uh three phase of design. First step will be the functional design. And that's basically what we're gonna do. Everybody has uh a piece of individual work and a meeting afterwards, so we can share information about So I'm gonna keep this short, since we had a technical problem. So skip through this. Uh. Okay. Every meeting we everybody can present their uh their views and everything, so to help with these, you have we have the SMARTboards here. We can use a regular PowerPoint presentation. I'm supposed to give you an introduction on this doodling board, so it's actually it's very easy. Like it says, very simple, you just take out the pen. Like you see here, I'll just take the take here. That's it, you just put it on the board. You see a pen here. You go here, just like using a pen. You can just draw whatever you want. It's like the eraser, can erase whatever you want. And so it will be easy just to illustrate your views, if you wanna change the format, you just either take out jus just like the pen, and whatever you want, your current colour, your line width, just to make the line bigger. So it should be really easy. This is to take the just take a new slide and back again. We're just gonna keep using this board all the time, so I think it will be it's very clear for everyone, I suppose. So I'll take this out. Okay. We'll use that later. Anyway. Yeah, just just just stuff that you wanna share, just put it in the in the project folder, like I put my presentation now. I'll put the the minutes of every meeting, I'll put them there too, so everybody can read up if they have to leave early or whatever. So next, been here. Well, gonna give the electronic white-board uh a shot. So basic idea is we have a blank sheet. Just try whatever you want, and like it says, draw your favourite animal. I think the creative genius should go first. So, draw us your favourite animal. Draw us a technical animal. Yeah, it's still erasing. So that's what we don't want. We want a high-responsive product. So It looks more like nuclear bomb. Let's go easy on it. Anyway, it should It It's supposed to be a dolphin, you like the freedom that it that it represents. What do you like? Okay. Well, our Marketing Expert. Show us an animal. Pick a pick a pick a clean sheet. Oh. Take a clean sheet first. Just press next. That's it. It's a cute elephant. It's a nice beard. Okay, so it's just a bee. So I suggest you make us the elephant in the market. The big and strong player in the market. This would be good. Okay, excellent. On to the next one. Press next. Yeah, it's up there. That's it. Sure looks smooth. What does it want? Okay. I agree. Yay, I'm supposed to draw the animal next. I introduce to the world the amazing ant. Great team-workers. Do everything to Uh really small, but together they're really strong. So I'm gonna give it a smiley face. Not sure where the p. Just put 'em here. Whatever. Think it need shoes. So I'm just too lazy to draw it all black, so That's the coolest ant ever. I love to draw ants. It's my hobby. Anyway Nah. Just I think it's very representative what we drew, I guess. Like you take just take your freedom and use a a trendy interface that you design for us. Just Yeah. You're supposed to make i make it different from uh from what other people have, and just make it a little distinct. Anyway. another beep to stop the meeting. See. Warning. Finish meeting now. Uh put this down. Examples. Well I guess we have a little little time extra, but Just a little quick discussion to to open open our work. So what do you guys think about The first idea is just very short. I'll start with you. What are y What are your first ideas for the new product? What The project I got was just for a T_V_ remote control. Yeah, I guess so. Okay, so very intuitive design, I guess. Yeah, we want I suppose we want almost everyone to be using it. So I think I mean, really disabled people, yeah, might be a problem, but I think it's a little take it into consideration. Um yeah. I think we really need to cut the meeting short. You have anything you wanna share quickly? It should be light, okay. Um, let's see, where did I Let's skip that. Oh, this is it. Sorry, I skipped this sheet. What do we This Quick What we're going to Selling price, twenty five Euros. That's for you. The production price, twelve and a half Euros, approximately. Just go go for that. We'll reach the uh reach that profit. No, it's not much to work on. I'm sorry, I skipped it. Anyways, that's Yeah, this is it. Do you have anything you you came up with yet? About uh marketing transfer, whatever? Marketing I'm not sure what you what you came up with yet. You have anything to share? Or else we'll cut the meeting just cut the meeting short since we're supposed to stop. Okay. Anyways, the the personal coach will give you the your p your personal assignments and everything. So we'll just meet back in here thirty minutes. I'm sure we have that. Yeah, thanks for attending. I'll see you back here in thirty minutes. +Speaker B: Morning. My name is Xavier Juergens, I'm the Industrial Designer, and there are three main questions that I have to find an answer to today. First one is uh what happens inside the apparatus, second is what is uh the apparatus made of, and the third is what should it look like. Uh-huh. Mm. Okay. Okay, you should press next. Okay. Okay, well the animal I'd like to draw is a tiger. My drawing skills are really bad, so. They are really bad, my drawing skills. I'm not sure how the legs should go, but Uh these are stripes. I've picked this animal because it's very fast. It is uh it knows exactly what it wants. Uh it hardly ever wastes any resources. Uh well, basically uh it hunts for prey, but it does it always in a very well-thought way. Uh it knows exactly what it wants. It never kills an animal uh just for the killing, so it's very efficient. And it tries to do everything as fast as possible. And it always goes for uh security, in seeking uh uh a hide spot and uh and doing everything, security, speed and efficiency is important. And I think uh those things we can use. Yeah. Oh. Hmm. Only one thing uh that has to be added according to me is uh the the material it is made of, it should be something light. That's it speaks for itself, but some uh Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Good luck everyone. +Speaker C: Good day. Nick Broer, User Interface Designer. I'm going to uh look at the technical design from the uh user point of view. The creative genius? Thank you very much. Well, I'm more into the technical aspects of drawing, so I'm not really good at drawing animals, but uh the animal which I Oh. Pen. Uh format. Else my animal will be like king-size. I pretty much like a dolphin, because of its uh its freedom basically. Let's see. A head. actually worked with this. It's like uh it's a very Uh high-tech. Bit low-responsive though. Prefer pen and paper. It doesn't look like a nuclear bomb. This thing isn't doing what I'm What I want. So Yeah, well it does look like a nuclear bomb. I'll just finish up real soon, because I'm So it doesn't really look like a dolphin, but then again, this is all new for me. Like the ocean, like swimming. Do that in my spare time, so that's basically an Now we can forget this ever happened. It's not really that responsive, no. And you was making comments on my dolphin. You picked a hard one, didn't you? Got it. You've done this before, haven't you? Well, I basically had a question. Do uh Are we going to introduce a multi remote control? Is it just the T_V_ or do we want to in Just for T_V_ remote control. Okay. Well, I was thinking about design remote control, with our uh motto and all. Uh thing to keep in mind is that we need to stick to what people are familiar with. No rational changes or whatever, 'cause it revolutionary changes, yes. Uh we might have to consider other design aspects of our product. So that was something I wanted to add, and perhaps some usability aspect. T_V_ is becoming central in most homes. Do we want people who are disabled in any way to uh, yeah, to be able to use it as well? Yeah. Okay, well that's not that much to work with. Mm, good luck. +Speaker D: Morning. Yes. Um my name is Dirk, Dirk Meinfeld. Um I will be uh Pr Project the Marketing Expert. And I will see what the user wants and uh what we can do uh with the new produ project product. Hmm. Hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Very nice dolphin. Um an animal. I like the elephant. What? Yeah. Um Oh yeah. Oh, a blank. Okay, next. Free, I like the elephant. It's big, it's strong, so uh uh Oh, it's a little bit You have to hold it, right? Hmm. It's a beautiful animal. Oh, you have to p press it pretty hard. With a smile on it, it's very important. Yeah. And uh not to forget its tail. Oh. Yeah, it's okay. Yes. I will beat the dolphin. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Uh yeah. Yeah. Experience with the tiger. What? They are Okay uh-huh. Oh. Mm. Okay. Uh hard worker. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Uh Yeah. But Yeah. Uh. Yeah. Selling price. international. Um about what? Marketing? Um no, not really yet, but I've some ideas and I will uh say it uh Okay. Okay. Yes.","The goal of the project is to design an original, trendy and user-friendly remote control for TV. The team comprises the project manager, the marketing expert, who is looking at user needs, the user interface designer, looking at usability, and the industrial designer, working on the engineering and materials. The project will be completed with three further meetings: the following meeting concerns the functional design. The project manager gave a quick overview of the equipment available. The remote needs to be produced for 12.50 euros in order to be sold for double that amount. The whole team tried out the SMARTboard, by drawing their favourite animals. Afterwards, they discussed briefly their first ideas, including the use of light materials and usability concerns." +108,"Speaker A: . Yep. Okay. Yep. Can I have your cable please? Thanks. Okay so I was looking at trend-watching. Um unfortunately I wasn't given too much information. I was given a brief executive summary, and then an update on some recent fashion trends that we might like to look at. And then I'll just tell you some personal preferences that I got from that. Um okay the most important finding was that the fancy look-and-feel seems to be twice as important to the users as the current functional look-and-feel design, which I think we've kind of already discussed before. Um the second most important finding was that the remote should be technologically innovative. And again these are all things we've kind of already come up with on our own, but this just backs it up. And thirdly the remote would be easy to use. As far as fashion update, we've learned that fruits and vegetables will be the most important theme for cloths, shoes and furniture. So that might be a bit of a challenge to incorporate this into our remote, but we can try. Um and also, as opposed to last year, this year the material is expected to be spongy in feel. Okay so from that um, as we've already said, we need to focus on a fancy look-and-feel. Um I think we've already discovered that it's kind of hard to go away from the traditional rectangular design. But I think that, even if it's very subtle, we need to kind of trick our consumers, so they at least get the idea that they're getting something that's new and modern and sleek and Whether it's through the shape or the colours or all of that. Um for technologically innovative, we've talked about the tracking device. We brought up the idea of having two pieces, which we could discuss further. And Manuel had suggested um the energy source and the user interface, discussing some of those, um that we could change a little bit. We need to keep it simple, have limited buttons, which I think the two piece idea might be really beneficial for. Um we need to incorporate this fashion trend of fruits and vegetables. I don't know, I mean I guess the two options are if we had our remote in the shape of a fruit or vegetable. Yeah. Yeah. Right. Or with exterior designs. But my question is, I mean the stereotypically speaking, you kind of picture males with their remote controls, and I'm not sure how they'd feel about having fruity logos on the outside. So maybe we could have something that's somewhat removable, or I don't know, different options for female, male target groups. And then the spongy feel. I guess we could look at mobile phones and other technology that's out there. C and look at different types of material that might please our users who want spongy-feeling remote controls. So that's that. That's what I was thinking yeah. Yeah. So when you buy your remote you can buy various coverings. Personalise your remote. Mm-hmm. Dunno. Spongy? Y probably not yeah. Mm. No. Hmm. Mm. Like a covering. Yeah. The we can have the fruits and vegetables on the spongy parts, so they can remove it. Mm. Mm. Bright citrus colours yeah. Oh yeah. Yellow and grey. I think having a shape could be a little ridiculous, like Well we kinda do yeah. And if it's yellow? Grey buttons yeah. Mm. Oh. Nice. Could look like a fruit bowl. 'Kay. So is the two piece idea out? Or have we not decided? Oh right okay. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Well what about what you said, like putting the finger grips just on top of the plastic? Yeah. So then for the scroll, are we going for the iPod type? Yeah? Okay. +Speaker B: Yep. Oh it was sort of banana shaped. Those like, yeah, sort of spongy ones. What's it called? Cust you personalised, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Why can't I see the crazy. Um yeah I talking about the interface concept and how the customer relates to, will use the, consumer will use the actual device. Um so I've looked at some of the stuff I was sent, um, try and get some inspiration. But keep in mind that our own ideas that we had. Um I was sent some information from the company saying that they, the technology department have devised a new speech recognition technology, where you can program questions into such devices. They gave an example of a coffee machine where you program a question, you program the answer, and the machine responds accordingly. Um okay. There's different ways of a user can use products l like a remote. Um there's a graphical use, where you you look at pictures and well on a screen. A command line where you obviously type things in, and you get a response. Um and then it ju that's just to point out the sort of inconsistent u sort of use of interface in remotes. You can't really see that picture well, but there's various different remotes, once again with lots of different buttons on, making it more complicated. So, then I had a look at new products that are on the market. Not necessarily remote controls but ones that you'll recognise. Um this is the voice, there is a voice recognition remote control, which can control mus multiple devices. I have a there is a picture. You surf your favourite channels uh with your voice. Store up to eighty speech samples, controls four devices, T_V_, cable, satellite, V_C_R_, D_V_D_ and audio. And you can record your own v verbal labels, that are connected to remote control functions. So the technology is there. Um the one on the left is very similar to what we drew up on the board in the previous meeting, where there has scroll down functions on the side. You can sort of just make those out. And then on the right is obviously an iPod, which is you know possibly one of the simplest things to use out there, and really is, and all that is is just a a nice big scroll menu that y you sort of go through. That is a possibility. And nothing's simpler really. Um then there's things like this, which is a a a kid's remote, where the the parents have the facility to control and program what children can watch before. So the remote control it o only allows them to access the channels that their parents want them to watch. And um it means that th children have a novelty of having their own remote control. So I don't know if there's a possibility of having one remote contr you know like we just had two components, maybe it can have more components you know, different remotes. Um the point made at the end there here is that you have to be sort of be need to be clear on your um devices, as to what, you know, things you use. Sometimes an arrow pointing down, which may suggest volume down, could become confused just as a V_ for volume. Just little things like that, which would need to be made clear in the design. Um I think, d carrying on from what I've already said, a user friendly remote with minimum buttons. Maybe we've so suggested this two-part thing, where if it was to have a speech recognition thing, you could maybe control that on the do it or program all that on the control bit. And then just have the simple sort of hand-held thing that we sort of devised earlier, as the actual remote. Um I don't it could be a graphical display, the actual remote contr the actual control port maybe could have like an iPod where you just sort of control through the menus. Stuff like gets more and more compli complicated. And then the the hand-held bit should be ergonomically designed. And that is it. Why am I Oh yeah. Just. Where are we? Uh. Just to sort of show you. M they've even got things like that. Huge things. Which is just for your gr ninety year old grandma yeah? Yeah. Yeah. And that yeah. Yeah. See. things.. Why's my screen crazy? Mm. Would you have to leave it by the window? yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Would the sort of spongy and the the plasticky thing y you can get those mobile phones that initially have a it is plastic but then they have sort of a a s a cover on it which is just sort of soft and stuff. So I don't know if that would still be possible to have you know in plastic. But then where do people hold it? Just all be sort of spongy. So you as the the possibility of having a a graphical display on it, like a screen? Like the iPod? Right. Yeah. Yeah. Could we not you know have a shape with a scroll and the screen, and then j just sort of that initial shape we had, just which is uh sort of banana-esque. So that's thing if we did it yellow. And um you know you just p stick on just sort of rubber things that that sort of grip the thumb bit. They wouldn't have any they're just on the exterior. They wouldn't be necessary to the actual shape of the thing. Yeah. Mm. You could just sell it in different colours as well I suppose. In different ye yellows. I don't suppose we have to stick to co Stick to the colours yeah. Mm grapefruit. Yeah.. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. and if it if it was done yellow, which is a company colour. Yeah. On the the gr the rubbery grips could be grey. Yeah. It could and then you could actually h put the banana-shaped thing on the fruit bowl, on the coffee table, and then people would always know where it was. Yeah. Yeah. Well we sort of rid of that because gonna use a battery. And the base station might not be necessary. Yeah. Yeah. Just just maybe yeah. Just a little bit of. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I think so. I think +Speaker C: Okay. Right. Okay. Alright. Is everyone here? Okay. This is our conceptual design meeting. And I'll just take a few minutes and uh go through the previous minutes. Um then each of you will have your presentation, um and then we will need to make a decision on the concept for the remote control. And then we'll have uh forty minutes for finishing up. Um I'll go through the mee through the minutes first. Um, we just refreshed our our uh goal of making the finest remote control available. Um we decided that, or we know that we need to use company colours, company logo. Um and our Marketing Expert uh gave us some i uh information from interviews with a hundred different remote users. Um with some statistics that backed basically what we were thinking before. People thought their remotes were ugly, um um that remotes zap a lot. Um they only use uh a finite amount of buttons. Um and that they often lose the it's easy to lose a remote. Um which were all things we were thinking we would wanna make it simple. Um And uh some sort of locator. Either a button or tracking device. Um And that it should look different than what's out there. Um Kind of mixed mixed response on the speech recognition. The younger people said they wanted it, older people did not. Um uh I think we decided that um the expense was not necessarily worth it, and that it was probably a gimmick, that um would increasingly wear on the consumers' nerves. Um Then the User Interface Designer um explored some of the technical functions of the remote. Um the simple versus the um the complex. The simple one being better for a user, the complex better for an engineer. Um Um and some personal preferences that were found in that would be that it should be a user-oriented remote, something simple. Um and that we didn't wanna go with a universal remote, because uh increasing cost and increasing complexity. Um we would just have a T_V_ remote. Um and that we should also focus on the appearance of the remote. Have it s be something that looks different. And finally our um Industrial Designer uh gave us a rundown of how the remote will work. Um from energy source, um uh what we would use. Batteries because we don't wanna have a a cable. Um How that would power the remote and the lamp. If we were to to have one. Uh um the user interface then would connect to a chip, which would work with the infrared controls uh to send the signal to the T_V_. Um I believe then we came up with a couple of ideas for what we think the design of the remote will be. Um Um something that will fit into uh easily into someone's hand. And with a, just a few buttons. Just the basics. And with a scrolling um function also. Okay and I will leave that, leave it at that. So Marketing? We're watching trends. I suppose that you can have this. A banana shape? So possibly like a uh, sorry, just to butt in for a second. Possibly uh like a cover like they have for mobile phones? You have one with a flag, and one with a banana and one that's a spongy feel to it. You can Mm various covers. We could leave that to the cover department. We all know they've got nothing to do all day. Notice the giant dog bone shape? Also good for animals. What's the approximate per hundred thousand for the titanium? Works well in Arizona but in Edinburgh not so No I think I think batteries are probably the way to go. Yeah. So the ru wait the rubbery we can shape it however we want? Or the rubbery we cannot? 'Kay. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Is that an option, a plastic shell with a rubbery coating on at certain spots? What about a smell? T to the remote? Yellow and grey. Grapefruit. I would say, if I were to make a decision, I would probably put the fruit aspect at the lower lower end of the spectrum of of importance. Um Well perhaps the implied shape will be enough to lure that fruit-minded remote buyer. It's it's yellow. It's curved. It's sort of couple of couple of grey stripes. We could put the grey stripes on the bottom so that that person could turn it over. It would look like a banana just sitting on their table. Rather than rather th Maybe the holder, if we were to have a holder, it could be shaped like a fruit. Could be, it could be an ape or a fruit bowl. Hey we could have a variety of options here. Do you have more to your presentation? Oh. Okay. I'm gonna plug in here real quick. If I could. Like I said we have to make a decision on a couple of these items here. Um ow. Ow. Mm-hmm. Okay. Uh so these are the decisions that we do need to make by the end of this meeting. Um for our components concept we need to come up with the energy source, um the chip-on-print, and the case. Probably case um material. And probably a shape also. Um and then for the user interface concept we need to decide what the tape, what, what the type is. And what kind of supplements we'll have. Um Energy source I think we've, I think we've decided batteries, although not exciting, are probably our best bet. And we have five minutes. 'Kay. So Um I guess we should pick the case then. If we go with the plasticky case, or the the plastic case, um then the chip-on-print is still kind of, we could have either or. We could have a complex one or a a non-complex. But did we decide that the rubbery feel was important enough to us?. Okay. So we would, we would have the L_C_D_ screen? 'Kay. So I guess the case would be plastic, with Perhaps that's not even enough rubber to qualify as being part of it. It's more of a su it's more of a supplement maybe. Which will require a more expensive chip-on-print right? 'Kay. So I guess that, is that, is that about it? So we have a good idea of what we're gonna need to to do on this? Um okay so we will have another meeting in thirty minutes. Um Here's what's gonna be going on. Um Um Ryan you'll be working on the user interface design. Um Manuel you'll be working on the look-and-feel design. Corrine we'll want a product evaluation. And the two of you get to play with the uh modelling components and uh maybe and and get us a prototype. Which should go along well with your look-and-feel design and your interface. So that basically just be working on the prototype, uh we'll accomplish your other two actions. Alright. Okay. Let's do it. +Speaker D: Alright. That's industrial design for cranes, stuff like that. Makes sense, makes sense. Uh Well let's see. I'm going to bore you with a couple of descriptions of the interior. Just to to make it more obvious what we have to fit in there, and that we do have to fit the stuff in there. I've more information on possible materials um as well. What we can and cannot do. Um but let's just wait for this to load up and I'll show you what we're talking about here. Okay. The details of the components' design, as you can see there, what we have is the board, main board of the remote control. The underside, that's pretty cheap piece of of technology really top left side you can see the chip, which is the, what we were talking about, this was is the device to recognise the signals the input, and it passes it on to a row of um further transistors and stuff like that on the right side that actually amplify the signal, which later on is being, is being transferred to a infrared lamp which then um of course shines infrared light onto the television which then will recognise what signal um it's getting and will do what you tell it. Um So much for the the workings of the of the uh remote control itself. Its job is to wait for you to press a key, then to translate that key press into infrared light signals, um that are received by the television. When you press a key um you complete a specific connection. The chip senses the connection and knows what button you pressed. It produces a morse code line signal specific to that button. Right. Pretty clear. Transistor amplifies the signal and then sends the m sends the signal to the L_E_D_ which translates the signal into infrared light. The sensor in the T_V_ can see the infrared light, and seeing the signal reacts appropriately. This is the circuit board from the other side. Um the lower part of it, I don't know if you can see that properly, with the green greenish board is is what we what we saw in the first the first slide just flipped over. Um you can see the circuit board itself. That's the cheapest uh way to make electronic connections basically on the market. Um what you do is you have, don't have cables, but you have the connections actually in these in these lines on the on the board. These are the actual keys that are being pressed. They close the electric circuit. That then sends the signal to the chip on the other side. That would be behind here. Um which uh sends it over to the transistors and all that stuff that amplify the signal and all that is being sent to the infrared lamp up there. Now as you can see this is the the rubber button version of it. Um the way it works is that you have the keys here. The rubber button has a little metal uh plate on the other side, which closes the circuit here. And thus gives on the signal. Now this is the simple version. Um we are talking um this this the simple and cheapest version at the same time. We are talking something more complicated of course, it's going to be more expensive as well. And not only that. Um we are also restricted in the use of our outer shell, or in the material that we could use for our outer shell. Um I've gotten some information that we could use for the case material plastic, rubber, as well. Um rubber that is used in these anti-stress balls. So it's pretty squishy. That would that would serve that purpose. Um we could also use wood, or titanium. Oh fya I don't have an information on that. However our company obviously can provide us with uh with the titanium, so I assume, I'm, I was given an okay to use it. It certainly is an expensive material, I'm aware of that, but I was given an okay. But there are certain restrictions to certain materials. Now let's first go through the list with the materials. So we what we can use is plastic, rubber, wood and titanium. Can also mix these. Um as for the energy source, um we were talking about that shortly in the other meeting. Um what we could use is, or what I was offered, or what we could use, is a basic bateer battery. Right? Uh a dynamo. Interestingly enough. Um we could use solar cells. Or a device that was not n not further specified that provides kinetic energy. Such as like watches you know. Where you just move them m move the the actual device and this pr uh provides it with with uh some energy. So um obviously I personally have to say that dynamo is out of the question really. You don't wanna wind up your remote control before you can use it right? Um solar cell is interesting. May fail though, every here and there. Mm. Yeah. Or you know you lose it, it lies behind the couch for a week and yeah mm. Always the you But exactly. Um the kinetic energy thing um might work, um but the same problem. You leave it lying around and you first have to shake it before it it starts to work. So I'd say what we're stuck with really is um the basic battery. Which also makes a base station basically obsolete. We don't need that then. Um However our interface options are push-buttons. In which uh in the production of which or in manufacture of which um our company is expert. Um However we've discussed that scroll wheels are a better option. And they are possible. We have an okay for scroll wheels. Okay. Um however when it comes to the scroll wheel of the iPod I've one big objection and that is that we have to fit an L_C_D_ into the remote control as well. This however may exclude certain um materials. If you have a squishy uh kind of remote control, then an L_C_D_ screen may be affected by the movement. Hence we might not be able to put it in there. So um There's also restrictions to, when it comes to the chip. If we have a more sophistic uh sophisticated scroll wheel rather than this very basic uh set-up that we that I've just presented, um the chip has to be more s more sophisticated and thus more expensive as well. I don't have any details to, when it comes to the cost but um it will be a significant difference. I'd rather say drop the titanium and therefore let's have a more sophisticated chip, but that's not up to me to decide really. So that's for the for the scroll wheel. Um it limits our choice and squishy is hip, so I'd say rather not go for for that. Let's see now. Um um solar cells cannot be used on a curved or latex um surface or um remote control. But obviously that's not our problem um since we have decided or against solar cells, I assume right? Or is anybody still alright. Alright. Uh which makes it very conventional but therefore traditional I assume. Um Um With the titanium um we cannot make it a curved design. We would just be able to make it flat and and um yeah a straight design pretty much. Which I assume would exclude uh some of the more sophisticated versions. You can have an L_C_D_ screen. Um but therefore no rubber will be used. Alright? So plastic yes, titanium yes, but this will of course influence the form. With plastic, as I understand it, you can use any form. Um latex is tricky. Or rubber and um and titanium also seems to be tricky when it comes to the form. So the way to go is if you want a scroll wheel you either make it flat and angular, uh add an L_C_D_ screen, and um then you can basically choose either plastic or titanium. Or wood even. Um if you wanna make it a particular shape, use plastic. Add an L_C_D_ screen, add a scroll wheel, that'll be fine. Or make it just push-buttons. Basically plastic gives you the b biggest variety of of options. Maybe not the nicest feel. Or not much originality really. With rubber we could uh sh pretty much shape it the way we wanted it, but we cannot add scroll wheels, and we cannot add an L_C_D_ screen. That's the tricky thing. S Certainly can be done yes. Um yeah. if that doesn't affect the functional side of it all. Like say just the underside or so then it can be done. I assume. Yeah. So The fruit design um How about um affecting the surface of the actual um remote control? Say we don't make it p a particular fruit shape obviously, but uh give it like the surface of an orange, banana, whatever. You name it. Just design-wise. Mm. Nice one. Mm. Well we we're supposed to stick to the company colours though, that's yellow and grey. So what have we, lemon, banana, is Grapefruit is what we'd go for, when it comes to the outer appearance perhaps. But mm. Well we have it banana-shaped already, kind of. So Right. I it's yellow. Well so why not add a couple of grey stripes and make it look like a banana? There you go. It could be an ape. Yeah. That's pretty much it. I informed you about the materials, what the interior has to look like, and what the limitations to certain materials are on there you go. Sure. Hang on. There you go. Well we can still design a two-piece uh remote um without having a base, having one of them be a base station, but just have it be an optional either big remote with lots of functions, or you take out the smaller piece. We can still do that. However of course this would be like designing two remotes pretty much. So um which then, as I understand it, would probably limit the, limit again the the the use of certain materials, because they would be too expensive. Say like have a scroll wheel and uh on both of them, or have an L_C_D_ screen and so on so on. You'd probably have to stick rather with a just traditional rubber button design which we saw there. But could be done, of course. Right. Okay when it comes to the chip-on-print, as I said, the the more advanced features you want, um the fancier the chip has to be and the more expensive. Uh if you want just a normal button version, the chip-on-print is gonna be a cheap one. Right? Yeah. as long as the pla uh the rubber is nowhere near the controls, yes.. M more of a l lamination perhaps. Yes. It does. Right. Right.","This is our conceptual design meeting . I'll just take a few minutes and uh go through the previous minutes . Um then each of you will have your presentation , um and then we will need to make a decision on the concept for the remote control . Um we decided that , or we know that we need to use company colours , company logo . our Marketing Expert uh gave us some i uh information from interviews with a hundred different remote users . Um with some statistics that backed basically what we were thinking before . Um which were all things we were thinking we would wanna make it simple . Um And that it should look different than what's out there . Um uh I think we decided that um the expense was not necessarily worth it , Um and that we didn't wanna go with a universal remote , because uh increasing cost and increasing complexity . I believe then we came up with a couple of ideas for what we think the design of the remote will be . Um Um something that will fit into uh easily into someone's hand . And with a scrolling um function also . I was given a brief executive summary , and then an update on some recent fashion trends that we might like to look at . Um okay the most important finding was that the fancy look-and-feel seems to be twice as important to the users as the current functional look-and-feel design , Um the second most important finding was that the remote should be technologically innovative . And thirdly the remote would be easy to use . And again these are all things we've kind of already come up with on our own , but this just backs it up . As far as fashion update , we've learned that fruits and vegetables will be the most important theme for cloths , shoes and furniture . Um and also , as opposed to last year , this year the material is expected to be spongy in feel . Um I think we've already discovered that it's kind of hard to go away from the traditional rectangular design . But I think that , even if it's very subtle , we need to kind of trick our consumers , We brought up the idea of having two pieces , which we could discuss further . We need to keep it simple , have limited buttons , so they at least get the idea that they're getting something that's new and modern and sleek and Um we need to incorporate this fashion trend of fruits and vegetables . So maybe we could have something that's somewhat removable , I mean I guess the two options are if we had our remote in the shape of a fruit or vegetable . Or with exterior designs . Possibly uh like a cover like they have for mobile phones ? Personalise your remote . Um I was sent some information from the company saying that they , the technology department have devised a new speech recognition technology , where you can program questions into such devices . They gave an example of a coffee machine where you program a question , you program the answer , and the machine responds accordingly . There's different ways of a user can use products l like a remote . Um there's a graphical use , where you you look at pictures and well on a screen . A command line where you obviously type things in , and you get a response . Um and then it ju that's just to point out the sort of inconsistent u sort of use of interface in remotes . Um this is the voice , there is a voice recognition remote control , which can control mus multiple devices . So , then I had a look at new products that are on the market . And then on the right is obviously an iPod , and all that is is just a a nice big scroll menu that y you sort of go through . And nothing's simpler really . Um then there's things like this , which is a a a kid's remote , where the the parents have the facility to control and program what children can watch before . So I don't know if there's a possibility of having one remote contr you know like we just had two components , Maybe we've so suggested this two-part thing , where if it was to have a speech recognition thing , And then just have the simple sort of hand-held thing that we sort of devised earlier , as the actual remote . it could be a graphical display , the actual remote contr the actual control port maybe could have like an iPod where you just sort of control through the menus . The details of the components' design , as you can see there , what we have is the board , main board of the remote control . top left side you can see the chip , which is the , what we were talking about , this was is the device to recognise the signals the input , Its job is to wait for you to press a key , then to translate that key press into infrared light signals , um that are received by the television . Um we are talking um this this the simple and cheapest version at the same time . We are talking something more complicated of course , it's going to be more expensive as well . Um we are also restricted in the use of our outer shell , or in the material that we could use for our outer shell . So we what we can use is plastic , rubber , wood and titanium . Can also mix these . Um what we could use is , or what I was offered , or what we could use , is a basic bateer battery . So um obviously I personally have to say that dynamo is out of the question really . Um solar cell is interesting . May fail though , every here and there . Um the kinetic energy thing um might work , um but the same problem . You leave it lying around and you first have to shake it before it it starts to work . So I'd say what we're stuck with really is um the basic battery . our interface options are push-buttons . however when it comes to the scroll wheel of the iPod I've one big objection and that is that we have to fit an L_C_D_ into the remote control as well . If we have a more sophistic uh sophisticated scroll wheel rather than this very basic uh set-up that we that I've just presented , um the chip has to be more s more sophisticated and thus more expensive as well . solar cells cannot be used on a curved or latex um surface or um remote control . With the titanium um we cannot make it a curved design . With plastic , as I understand it , you can use any form . With rubber we could uh sh pretty much shape it the way we wanted it , but we cannot add scroll wheels , and we cannot add an L_C_D_ screen . And um you know you just p stick on just sort of rubber things that that sort of grip the thumb bit . Is that an option , a plastic shell with a rubbery coating on at certain spots ? You could just sell it in different colours as well I suppose . I would say , if I were to make a decision , I would probably put the fruit aspect at the lower lower end of the spectrum of of importance . I think having a shape could be a little ridiculous , How about um affecting the surface of the actual um remote control ? Say we don't make it p a particular fruit shape obviously , but uh give it like the surface of an orange , banana , whatever . So is the two piece idea out ? Well we sort of rid of that because gonna use a battery . Well we can still design a two-piece uh remote um without having a base , having one of them be a base station , Okay when it comes to the chip-on-print , as I said , the the more advanced features you want , um the fancier the chip has to be and the more expensive . Energy source I think we've , I think we've decided batteries , although not exciting , are probably our best bet . So I guess the case would be plastic , with Perhaps that's not even enough rubber to qualify as being part of it . It's more of a su it's more of a supplement maybe . So then for the scroll , are we going for the iPod type ? Yeah I think so . Which will require a more expensive chip-on-print right ? Um Ryan you'll be working on the user interface design . Um Manuel you'll be working on the look-and-feel design . Corrine we'll want a product evaluation . And the two of you get to play with the uh modelling components and uh maybe and and get us a prototype . basically just be working on the prototype , uh we'll accomplish your other two actions ." +32,"Speaker A: Mm-hmm. Alright. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Alright. Alright. Easy to use? I think that's your ta Mm. You Yeah. Yeah, yeah, you can make a very complicated uh uh remote anyway, so ease of use It's not a very comp complicated device. Alright. Uh you think? Mm. Mm. Alright. Yeah, among the old people, yeah. Right, I am going to tell you something about the components design. Uh again I have uh put up the specification properties. This uh so um uh the different uh components of the of of the device. And the materials? Um I have heard several things, so I uh I'll have to change that on the way. But uh the case? Uh I suggested uh in the previous meeting hard plastic. But uh as you indicated uh it should be strong. It should feel strong. So maybe plastic is not uh sufficient. We should move to uh something Well yeah. Y Hard plastic i is of course uh pretty pretty tough, but it doesn't have a really really tough look. So Yeah. Also Yeah. Mm-hmm. But we'll return to that. Uh the buttons of course rubber, I think everyone agrees. And electrical cables, copper is all pretty basic stuff. The chips made of silicon, I guess. I think that's the best uh way to do it. And infra infrared l LED is uh just a simple bulb. Then I've uh had a few findings, made a few findings. Uh the target audience product style. Um it's uh um generally the case that uh senior and wealthy people above uh forty five years old uh like, as you said, uh particularly the traditional materials as such as wood and materials such as that. They also like straightforward shapes and luxurious style. But of course that's not our uh things this. So this is things we must not do. And then we have uh young uh and dynamic uh people, which is of course our uh group, the people we aim at. Um under forty five years old. Uh they like soft materials uh with primary colours. Soft materials is of course uh agai again a bit a contradiction with uh our uh material choice of what you said, that uh it should be hard an and and and and strong looking. But they like soft materials, uh so we might uh we have to consider that. And also they like curved round shapes. So not uh too formal like like uh the older people want. And if uh also a finding but not very ap applicable here, that sports and gaming devices such as uh discmans for jogging and that those kind of devices, gaming devices, should define the characteristics of the device. But uh since we don't have a really a sports or gaming device, so we don't really have to consider that. Mm. Well I also have um several examples of uh styles, so you can get a clear picture of uh what I mean. Uh these are the basic uh older older peoples' stuff. It was not very uh interesting uh, very classical looking, but that's n that's not what we want. We have these kind of things. I don't know what exactly they are. It looks like Well you know uh you recognise the shapes, it's very primary colours, uh bright colours and uh round shapes. You also uh see uh this device, it's not very round and Fruity of course. Yeah, it uh That's true. And uh well round shapes, primary colours. You can see it all here. And of course uh this famous device. I think as you know something uh some devices like this. So to give you an idea of uh This has a strong look. Although it's plastic, it's it's grey to to to give it iron look. That's uh Yeah. Well we have to make a Well we can't really make a round uh a round remote control. I don't think that's very practical, but But uh it's important to to uh to think about the colour. Because if we make it grey or or silvery looking, it it does make it a lot more uh does make it looking a lot more stronger. 'Cause if you look at this, it it doesn't look very very strong, becau But this is plastic, and and this too, but The feel? Uh alright. Well Mm-hmm. And I Then I have some more findings. Um uh about the energy energy source of the of the device, uh I uh suggest uh the basic battery. I uh got some other um uh uh energy sources of course. But solar energy is not very practical inside a house, because you don't have a have a lot of uh sun. And uh kinetic and and and dynamos are are not very practical, I think, for uh for a simple remote, that's a bit, oh, that's a bit uh That's a bit uh much. And I also suggest uh as a shape uh a double curved case. Uh the disadvantage of that that you can use no titanium. That that's the information I received. If you use the curved case, uh a curved case, double curved then you can't use titanium. Now uh this uh to give it a more modern look. And uh now the the shape, yeah, a curved case. Um yeah I think uh sort of triangle-shaped bottom or something. Uh a more modern look not plain, long box style, but I'll draw it, but maybe later. And it makes uh it gives it a more u user friendly shape, than if you have uh. Um anyway Um f as uh for the buttons, simple push buttons. No uh otherwi uh no um difficult scroll things or some uh things like that, because it makes more complex and expensive. And, uh as we agreed, we don't use a speaker or a sensor or um uh speak uh speech uh controlled device. Because it makes it also more complex and expensive. But we do use an L_C_D_ screen, so we uh we do have to consider uh of we have to use a more advanced chip, which is more complex and expensive. But It's worth the trouble I think, because Uh rubber is a soft material, I guess. Uh soft enough. So that's uh basically what I want to talk about. Oh, yeah, I understand. Yeah. Yeah. But it it's n nice for young people. They like gadgets. Yeah. If it's cheap. Yeah. Can you draw it now of uh Can you draw it now? Mm. Alright. button, yeah. I suggest a banana shape. Because of the fruity uh fashion. Yellow and Yeah alright, yeah. Just a hunch. Those are the the cha the channel buttons of course? And then below is the L_C_D_ screen? Alright, yeah. Mm-hmm. Uh by pe pressing the menu button again. By pressing the menu button again, you go uh out. It's usual the the the d kind of the way it works. Yeah? Yeah? Yeah. But you can men you can press menu again to get out. No. Why would you put it uh then, and where is the recording uh the microphone? Where would you put it? Uh-huh. Microphone, yeah. Yeah I understand. Uh but uh we could uh d do, but it's perhaps more expensive, uh the speaker on the back or something. Alright. Well yeah yeah yeah. I can live with it. They do they don't look fruity enough. Tho Yeah those But it doesn't uh the Yeah, ok Yeah. But it it must not look too childish of course huh? But it Yeah. Not not too strange. No. Exotic yeah. We have t Yeah, yeah. I will design it, we design it later. So we'll get to that later I guess. The specific shape. The Our sources. But uh we should decide now. So we have to uh put it in one uh document. Copy paste uh this story into a into a Word document, and then uh put the answers after the subjects. Yeah. Well we have to decide all these things? W we can uh override them? Well a case? Uh that's me. Uh I suggest Well what do I suggest actually? Uh s solid, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I understand. Yeah. So we have titanium. Yeah but the non-removable elements of the of the remote, so not the front, could be titanium, to give that uh strong look. And then the front is made of plastic. And you can put that on and off, and switch it. No but you have titanium of course. Uh you have the best of both worlds. And of course, yeah, you have the the the plastic front end. But you also have the titanium. Yeah of course, but yeah you have to make a decision. I guess so. Uh titanium I sh I think uh Huh? Well, well the According to my sources, uh it's it's totally possible to make an entire uh uh uh Titanium is available, and uh we can uh make uh an entire remote out of it, if we want. Mm. Mm. Yeah, I think that's a nice trade-off. Alright. Yeah, for the front and then titanium for the back. For the non-removable uh part. Well but The titan titanium isn't isn't v very Yeah, i it doesn't uh curves. No uh I nei. Titanium is very No no no, but you know b Titanium is very basic colour, and it doesn't really matter if we have a purple front on it or a orange front. I dunno if if you disagree, but I think it's doesn't matter very much. And even if it does uh doesn't match, it will uh People like mm colours that don't match. Cop copper uh material. Excuse me? Yeah copper i just a ba basic uh Yeah in Yeah well inside the remote control we use a couple of uh Oh external? Well A coffee grind doesn't have Na ja. Never mind the coffee grind. Right? Alright. Mm-hmm. Yeah the the the front w Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. For the for the launch, yeah. So e th then a c couple of basic colours. Not not very uh sim Not Yeah. Yeah. Very boring, yeah. The most boring fronts possible. Yeah but you you can have some basic colours, and then we come with the special patterns on them, and and uh And uh Uh we still have to make We have still have to make the es the the real basic design. Because yeah we have the sketch but Alright, yeah. The price? We all agree on that. Yeah. Together or uh Yeah together. How Yeah yeah, but how do I Some Some non functional tasks. You're fired. No but Well, can we talk about something else? Uh Uh no I don't know anything, but maybe uh anyone else uh Yeah? Round I think. To make it as uh as round as possible. But now I see the Well th th th th th that depends uh. Well we uh We we j we'll just give them an uh We'll design it, and then they can give comments on it. Well yeah. Um I think um a logo, our company logo, and the slogan should be or could be Yeah, why not? If there's enough space, you can put uh We'll we'll Well, our slogan is not very long. It's just a simple What is it? You c But you can put it on the back, on the titanium part. The logo and the and the Yeah they do. Well yeah. Right corner, or maybe here in the middle? Yeah it it should be hard on the on the on the board, and you can remove the front. I l I like the idea of the of the slogan on the on the on the thing. But am I the only one, or uh No not on the front, but on the backside. Uh I think it's a nice idea, to make it more recognisable, that the next to the logo you have the slogan. To make more uh of an impression. Not too big. No, very small. Not on the entire back, but uh just very small. But readable enough of course. But we'll uh we'll take that uh with us into the design. Lo Uh yeah. Or maybe here in the middle, but we'll decide later. Do you do you see a bit of the of the um of the uh titanium? O on the front? Uh maybe if we make this this this lower part titanium, the front is the the upper part, and the the bit with the with the L_C_D_ screen. So Yeah. No no betwe of between we can do but But then you have two parts of front, two fronts that This enti entire bottom? And then the lower part is titanium? I think that's nice, yeah. Yeah. I like that bit of uh titanium also on the uh A bit like uh a bit like your mobile phone. Maybe you can show it. It also has the those two distinct uh Mm bit like this. Uh it's uh Yeah yeah. That uh Yeah. Maybe a nice touch, yeah. I think I'm going to buy it. That's a bit too much, but No, no no no, but I think uh this looks uh pretty nice actually. Of course, because it's my design but No our d our design, alright. But don't erase my cat. I want to preserve it. What are you doing chief? Yeah until the until the beep goes. But I don't uh Do we have to stay here, or I think we have to return first. The high powers from above will have to tell us, yeah. Yeah, touch-pads, yeah. We can uh do a touch-pad on our remote. No just kidding. Well we have uh b you have to have a bit of humour in the in the discussions too, because it becomes too too too too stressy. But uh th youth doesn't care about functio functionality, so Yeah. Bless you. Mm. Too much? Well they uh I think that's good. We all had uh our talk and we agree I guess on uh several thing, on most uh on things. Yeah you have to push harder. Mm. Where's the good old chalk board with the the green board with the, how do you call it, chalk, yeah. Yeah, maybe. Maybe if i if that thing is recalibrated, we can draw a thing quick, and then before it uh goes off again. Maybe w maybe we maybe w m Can we get email here? Huh? Yeah. Guess so. A happy hol happy holidays. +Speaker B: Okay. Uh door is closed. Well, let's begin. Because if we have as much time as the last uh meeting, we'll have to hurry up. Um well I'll start with the presentation again, the agenda. Yo. So. Uh This one I think. Uh yeah. Well alright. Um well, I'll show you the notes. It's not as uh interesting as it should be because we just uh had the meeting, but I'll show them. We'll get your presentations again on the conceptual design. Um Then we'll have to dec decide about the control, the remote control concepts. I've put a f uh a file in the project management folder, which says exactly uh what kind of decisions we should take. So this time we exactly know what to decide about. And then we'll close again. Uh Well these are some examples, but we'll talk about them later. We'll first look at your uh presentations. Alright? Walter will uh start again this time? Yo. 'Kay. 'Kay. Less. Well, yeah. L_C_D_ and our uh our fronts. Well, easy to use uh s is a bit uh contradictionary with the first uh Functional is not an issue, and then easy to use. Well we have to choose one of them. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. We'll we'll look at uh. 'Kay. So Well Yeah, well Yeah. B Well the the handy thing about our fronts is that we can follow these trends e ev every year. Th this year it's fruits but next year it's it's something totally different. Yes. Yep, alright. Wood is popular. Aha. Yeah yeah yeah. Alright. Nice, uh well show us. Well maybe it it it is, but it doesn't look strong. So maybe But we still have to look at our price of course. Because uh if we want an L_C_D_ uh window etcetera uh Yeah? Yes. Sports uh, they're uh that uh are accessible on on your L_C_D_ uh window uh Huh? That's nice. All the results? Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Nai. Uh no. It's t terrible. Alright. Hmm? Yeah, alright. Yeah. And it's round. Well you can make th th th that middle ring can you you can make another colour. So uh those kind of things you can you can combine. No, it isn't. Okay. Yes. So, if you ti Well You you Maybe you should have uh some some coloured titanium or something. So it it looks pretty but it feels strong. No titanium. What do you exactly mean with double curved? Double curved? It it mean Yeah, well okay. Well This soft material thing from uh Yeah. Alright. Okay. We will take that. And then uh Mike? Okay. Oh That's interesting. Okay. But you can also say that, when you say something, it does some function. Oh. That's a bit uh Yes. I understand. But it has no functionality for our remote at all. Hmm. So you put a menu in the L_C_D_? Ah. But then we should also have an uh an Okay button. Just uh There is already a blank. Yes? So Yeah. No m Next year that's out. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. And what's the menu button? But how did How do you get out of the menu then? Yeah. Maybe I you could j just do an an exit with Okay. Uh Yes, well but bec because when you push Menu you get in, and then you have to push Okay when you get to a choice. And Well that's also the Okay button. That's you you should have uh Or you can put in the L_C_D_'s uh window an option Get Out. Exit. Well, it's just a choice. Huh? Yeah? Okay. Well, okay, alright. Um then let's have a look at the decisions we are going to have to make. I'd I agree. Fine. Yeah. Yes? Too big. They're all black. Hey, that one I like. No. The remote. Terrible. It's it's all too much buttons. Too many buttons. That's Well, that's too expensive I think. Alright. Yeah. Okay. Huh. Mm no. 'Kay. No, not very strange. It still has t Yes. Th a a kind of bridge. So it f falls over the hand. Yeah? Yeah? Yeah. Well I have at home a remote with a bridge. It's just a half round half half circle at And then it falls exactly over the hand, and that's very nice. That's It feels comfortable. Yeah. Yeah, alright. Um where did I put it? Um conceptual phase, I think this is it. I got this from our friends. So Uh yeah the conceptual design. These are a few examples which we have to decide about. All the the materials from the case, uh the electric cable that's all your uh your side of the story. Um Yeah. Um now from the user interface, your uh package? Um where No well, that's more like the buttons where they have to come. And um B a bit of, yeah well, a bit of uh design. Yes, but we have to decide about these now. And uh the trend-watching. So as you said, fruity is in, well sells good. Wow. Uh these things. Uh yes. Um so if we uh go through them Yeah well uh Why should I uh Yeah. So What what kind of properties should it have? Well we just listened. You know what? Alright. I've uh Titanium back, plastic front. Okay. Um well I am going to put it in here, uh because we can uh look. I Um solid feel and trendy look. So material, um hard plastic for the front? Okay. And well the the electrical cable is just normal uh. It's uh from uh our coffee uh Of course. Well uh all the all the inside work of our remote is uh standard work. So The chip is normal silicon. Uh the buttons are normal, etcetera. Okay? So that's just easy. Uh we decide about that just by looking at our competitors and our earlier uh remotes. The conceptual specification of the user interface? Um well we have our beautiful drawing. Well you can put that in uh into the shared folder, and then I'll put it in our end report. Yes, you can Mm yeah. You can uh put some uh which button is what. Okay. Um the trend-watching included these days. And what do we? We thing that fruit and bright colours are Yes. We can also uh implement um we can also implement fronts from um movies that are very hot. Uh those kind of things. Yeah. Launch different lines at once. We should not give them the m the most lovely front when they buy it for the first time. Yeah. Come on. We still have to make those fifty million, yeah?. The most ugly. Two. Yeah. Yeah. Alright. Um well the buttons etcetera, we get from Mike. Uh this fruit and bright colours, yeah well I think we'll have to in the next uh half an hour, we'll have to uh s s specify the different uh types we want to launch, when we uh well introduce our remote. Yes. Yes. Well I'll have to, before I get another warning for five minutes, I'm going to get Where is my mouse? Uh where is my mouse? Oh yeah. Um this is it. Well, um this we have. Uh basic stuff. Interface we have. Supplements, L_C_D_. Maybe a a cheap voice recording. Well Yes. Alright. Individual actions. Industry designer,. User Interface, Mike. You're going to work together on a prototype drawing on the SMARTboard. That's what I got uh to hear. Yes well we'll get it to hear that I think. But I think so. Th they're saying SMARTboard and that's it This is the SMARTboard, so Um so you can uh you you are going to make a prototype, and y Well that's includes uh specifying the buttons etcetera. Yeah. So you'll get it on your em on your laptop. Um well you will go and do something else uh on the project yeah project evaluation. So um, what are you going to do? Uh I don't know what product evaluation exactly means, but uh you'll get uh the specifications. Yeah. That's why I uh But uh How long do we still have? Yeah. Why does Ah f fuck you. Heh? We can't get Ts It doesn't work any more. We can't save them. So we'll just have them uh standing there. No. It's a bit uh bit a pity. Well we still have uh more than five minutes. Um So what are we going to do? I as Project Manager ha don't have a clue. Oh we can uh decide how we implement the feeling from our company into the remote. Also the slogan? On the We put the fashion in electronics. We put the fashion in electronics. On the top. Yeah. Well in in in the right top corner? And well you c On the back, you can put uh h At the bottom, you can put the logo with the Yeah. Just just small. Yeah well Carved into the material. No, you you can carve it into the titanium at the back. Well, management would like it. The front side, no no l no slogan. Sorry. Yes, slogan from company on the back with logo and logo also on the front but not exchange uh Uh? Hmm? Uh when changing fronts. Alright, that's decided. Five minutes left. So a bit of titanium between? That's a bit Oh that that's that's pretty cool. No? Yes. I already have uh all kinds of uh filth between the mobile. Yeah. Round forms. Yep. Yeah. What? So round where? Oh, yeah. Yes, that also sounds uh pretty uh neat. We want it. And it's only f twenty five Euros. Come on. No that's nothing. The Phillips remote uh costs more. Well uh you two are going to work together. You'll get your uh specifications on your uh laptop, and then uh you uh Well I think we can, I just It's Yeah, o Oh Oh, we have a one. So, you can uh draw a Yeah. Well I'll get a I'll get the message. No, I think uh Well you'll Maybe you can uh keep your uh laptop here. Or get your mouse. Because it's little bit uh hard to work with these uh plates. I always have a mouse next to my laptop. I hate these Ugh. And in your remote control. So we put a touch pad on it, and say ha ha. Yeah. We know you'll you'll you'll hate it but But they do want some gadgets. So that's wha what we're doing. Well we won't. Our bosses will be rich. Well, that's not bad, is it? Mm. So Oh. Oh he's totally off again. Well But when I start here, it's here. So is it Nope. Yeah. Let's go. Finish the meeting now. Alright now we know what to do, so Um Message? No, get away. Um I I'm not sure. Maybe you Yeah. Well you'll have to work on this one. Yeah. That's a good idea. Well Good luck. +Speaker C: Well something fancy looking can be can be easy to use. Bananas. Yeah. Yeah. Soccer fronts. Mm. Hmm. Yeah. Hmm. And it it doesn't have to be strong, also. Only the feel. Oh. Yeah. Yeah. The buttons can be made of an uh a soft material. Because people like that. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Yeah. Well um nah the method um we will um include the buttons as we discussed uh earlier. Um an L_C_D_ s screen will be implemented. Um we must decide where, this meeting. Um there are new developments in speech recognition um systems, um and they are already being uh used on uh coffee machines. And um well they're cheap, so we could use them now. Um it's not really speech recognition, it's more um like you can um talk to the chip, uh record the message and record an answer, and then once you uh talk to the remote, then um he will a answer with the the prerecorded message that you left. So if I say hi Mike, and you have recorded uh hi Mike back, then you will get that. No it doesn't does not do anything. But i it's just a Yeah it's it's cheap. No but that's the gadget they want, or the gimmicks. Yes, we we should really uh include that one, I think. Um Well, as I said uh earlier I think the uh L_C_D_ screen should be uh positioned at the lower end of the remote. Um the buttons for screen width and general settings and uh and that kind of stuff um we can also do let that kind of functions um be shown in the L_C_D_ screen, uh instead of uh extra buttons. I think young people and yeah w well every user would like that. Um the buttons um should be positioned uh positioned the same way as they are on a, well, conventional remote, I think. For the learnability and uh well to keep it recognisable. A voice recognition can be uh implemented. And uh I drew an example, but it did not work quite the well uh the way I wanted it to do. Hmm? Well I have the I can draw it again, and I know what I did wrong. I didn't tick the note bo box in the. Um Um with the uh the up and down and and well buttons and the Well I will draw what I had drawn on the screen. Yes. Um I shall draw this. If it uh works. Mm so have I. Nah. Well these little buttons are a bit difficult to uh draw uh correct. Yeah just uh the numbers. These these will be bigger in the the real design. This must be the Okay button used to uh interact with the L_C_D_ screen. And with this you can uh, yes, go to through the menus and that can Um the video button should be uh an apart button, because you want it to uh t, yeah, to use it fast within one uh click. Um it's Hmm? This button can also be the Menu button, we use in the menus Well we we can add another button here, but Yeah. Ah right. Well you you No no, we we we should uh add uh a extra Menu button and this the Okay button. Ah once you have an extra Menu button, you don't need that that extra option. You have uh redundancy. Yeah, if we decide to uh to implement that, maybe we should. Well they that could be anywhere. That's very small. It could be uh down here. Um. Well, not here. I yeah I suggest here. But that's just a little gap. Yeah. Well the speaker and the microphone, I think, are the same uh little hole thingy. Yeah. Well i Um there are a all already being implemented in in coffee machines, so they won't be uh very expensive. But This is my suggested design. Um Yes. And oh I think as you can see so, the L_C_D_ screen does look better uh at the lower end, or at the bottom. But Oh, um I had some uh examples. You can uh But I did not like it very much, but Well these are quite obvious, very ugly remote. Um No, well th Yeah. Well not all. Uh this is for children but th No. W but with the colours i it's a bit the way we're going to. Well this is a terrible Um this looks Yeah. This uh these are the L_C_D_ screens. I think we should, if it's um possible, uh one with colours, but I don't know uh Too expensive? Alright. Well Nah. Ha, even more. N Well Yeah, this is what we've just done. Right? Ah right. Not everything. Yeah but all these examples are uh of a coffee machine. I think we Why don't we um use uh titanium or or a hard, yeah, some kind of metal for the uh the the whole remote except the front. That Just like um most cell phones are. Yeah. Yeah. No but you you have this Yeah. Yeah, you have the re remote in your hand like this. So you feel titanium. Yeah. And I don't know if you can make steel just any way you want it to. Yeah. Well any colour Yeah, then you you paint it in the colour you want it. The plastic is is the colour you want it. So Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Well titanium is neutral. Hmm. Yeah. Well Our customers will use those uh funky uh trendy colours, and they don't use uh wood. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. The electrical cable uh does No we don't use an electrical cable. Yeah inside, but this is for the coffee uh machine. Yeah, but that's not what's meant here, I think. Yeah. Well I got a better one here and I will um The shared folder. I will work this out uh for the uh next meeting. Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah. Yeah that's the whole idea of the front. Yes. But that's for later on. The fronts y you can do anything with them. Yeah, right For the uh initiative uh launch. Mm. Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Well you can you can give them uh s s three or so, so that they can uh experiment with it and that they want more. Yeah. Red red, blue and green you give them or something, and then you can give them uh other ones. Yeah we should do that. Mm. Yeah, we can do that. But bu we stay we stay here or something? Ah right. And take it to our rooms and uh Ah, specific instructions will be sent to you by your personal coach. Yeah. Um Will we use uh round buttons or square ones for the for the numbers? Yeah I I I also uh thought Yeah. And these uh these s these buttons uh are more uh triangle-ish shaped with a square one in the middle. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Well most of the time uh up and down is programme and left and right are volume, I think. Yeah, it depends, but If you turn up the volume, you always see this thingy go up. Yeah. Yeah alright. Mm. Uh I I'd say only the logo. Too much text and it gets too too busy. Well it's quite a long phrase. Ah the logo should be on the top I think. Right corner, yes. uh the text? Yeah. Uh yeah, at the back? Well you c Well uh Yes. You can The logo can be on on every uh front. Yeah, but then you must uh really uh yeah push it in or something. Yeah, on the backside. Well n n not not on the front side, I think. On the back Yes, you you can, yeah, push that in, so that it is always be there. Yeah. Yeah I think over here the logo. Yes we could No, they have two fronts, that. You you can Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No, you can you can just And then not a straight line but uh some sort of wave or something. This is titanium. And this is uh F front. Yeah. With the with the curved edge. Yeah. Yeah. Tada. Yeah. Ah. Yeah, that's nice finishing touch you need. Yeah, this is the front. This is the My design. Yeah. We'll stay here I guess? Well we can uh erase an animal I guess. Uh the fourth one. Uh the fourth one is empty, isn't it? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I think we have to wait? Maybe. Yeah. Aha. This has no function. We've done too much in the previous meetings. Yes, we've got nothing to do now. Its the best remote ever. Pinball. Yes, but you you get really close to the screen with your hand, and I don't think that's Hmm. We can better uh draw a design on this. Yeah, but we can't. Well We'll stay here? Or we'll get the email. Yeah. Well we'll wait a few seconds and then we'll get an email. Yeah. +Speaker D: I'm listening. Right. Great. Alright, great. Yeah, great. Alright, Trendwatch. Right. I will speak about uh latest trends trends, latest fashion updates, and uh things we must not do. Uh the trends. It's very important that uh the control is fancy looking and good uh feeling. Uh this because of our last model was very functional, but it uh people didn't like that, so our new mo model must be very good-looking. That's uh something you uh have to take a look at. And uh the feeling has to be very great. Also the menus and things like that they have to they have to feel great. Um there's a minus uh two times here, because this is the most important point. This is uh two times as less important, and uh same for this one. Um, technological technological innovations, that's uh regarded very highly too. Uh such as an uh L_C_D_ screen, uh speech uh acknowledgement, as we uh talked about earlier. So we have to have uh something like that, like we uh Right. Uh the last point is easy to use. Well I think that uh speaks for s for itself. I don't know who's uh who's going to look at that. Yeah? Yeah, I know. I think we have to go for the first one. It's the most important one. So we have to uh take that one. So it it it isn't very important that that it works easy. But it has to look great. We'll see. Yeah, right. But the most important thing is that it looks great and people say wow, that's real great uh great concept. Alright. Uh these are the new colours of this year. So it must be very bright, very colourful. People like this. So we we have to think uh in this direction. So i set your mind to it. Findings? Fashion update? Fruit and vegetables are cool. I am told. The group we are targeting is uh very pleased with fruit and vegetables. So we we we might cons consider in front of uh in in that sort of uh way. Uh furthermore uh material, that's your part, should be very strong. I was thinking of something like uh well uh iron plate over it, maybe in a colour or something, that looks so f really flashy but it it is also strong. And that's uh also for the younger public. Yeah, that's great. But I think we can all make the the fronts of titanium or something uh really thin. So it looks very heavy but you can still uh use it very easily. Well, the don'ts. Older people like dark colours and simple shapes. Well we don't want uh older people, we want young people. So uh we're gonna turn that around. We're gonna have real uh cool shapes and lots of colours. Right? Okay. We don't want wood. Old people. So, that's it for me. Yeah, we should change that. No no no. Mm. Yeah. We keep coming back to the fronts. Yeah. Fruity. Fruity. Well it's got a strong look, this. Yeah. Yeah, it still has a strong look. But then you are losing your fruity colours. That's true. Yeah but the But it doesn't have to look strong. The the results are, the feel of the material is expected to be strongy. The feel. Nah yeah the feel Right. I agree. I dunno. Yeah right. Yeah. Right. Oh okay. Right. No. But that that makes it cheap. It's it's just a an extra function, and it's cheap. No but Yeah, right. Young people love them. Yeah, ple Right. Alright. How How How do you uh uh give input to the menu on the L_C_D_ screen? Alright. So you have a menu button, and then you can go up and down. Yeah right. Yeah.. You have to push hard. Yeah. Yeah. You've Right. And you you need a you need a speaker. For the Yeah. Yeah. Exit. But we need a we need a a recording recording button for the speech uh part. Or don't Right, and spea speaker at the back, or something. Alright. Alright. Yeah, fine. Move on. Yeah. Nei They're n they're not trendy. It doesn't look strong. Yeah right. This is just crazy. Nah th It's too expensive. Yeah. But are we going for a strange uh form? 'Cause people like that. Not too strange. You can make the the underside, you can make it more round, where the L_C_D_ is. I dunno if you know the No Nokia telephone, with uh the round uh thing at at the bottoms, s something like that. You know? Yeah, but people like something uh new you know. Yeah, different. Y yis Alright. Great. Your bag. Yeah. Materials are the most, most impor Yeah. Do you know the new uh No no The front is the most important. But the feel of plastic isn't strong. Yeah alright, alright. 'Kay. Yeah. Fronts are are cheaper than when they're from plas Yeah, but it it's expensive. Bendable. Bendable. Yeah. Paint spray. Yeah alright. So, we're going for a titanium back and a plastic front? Yeah, great. Yeah. But then you have the problem, when you have a titanium back, you can't switch it. When you want an other colour on the front, it doesn't match. You know? I understand. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Alright. Yeah. Alright. Funky customers. Alright. Nei. So external. Yeah. Alright. I think we can launch a couple of packages. You can buy a different kind of of of machine, but it's the same thing, but with another front. So And you can you can Yeah right. Yeah but if you if you launch uh five different packages like iPod mini Yeah. It's good marketing. Yeah, n not too heavy. You can always take another pick. They have to buy it later on. Yeah right. More basic. Yeah. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. But we we must remember that fancy look-and-feel is the most important thing. Else it w won't sell. So Lost my mouse. Unbelievable. Yeah. Yeah togeth You can take the SMARTboard. Have fun. 'Kay. We don't have produ product yet, so kind of difficult. Ajax. Nah. Um round. Yeah. Round. Curvy. Yeah. So you can see you have to up or down. And this must be uh volume I think, and this programme. Yeah. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I noticed. You can't uh click the corners. It's a real real great thing. Let's start the design. O Yeah. Me too. But we kree we keep adjusting to the fashion with our fronts. So Yeah, right. The logo Yeah. But the logo the logo shouldn't be exchangeable, when you get off the front. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, but you can scratch it off or something. It's better if you have it uh Yeah. I agree. But not too big. Just uh Yeah. Okay. Yeah. No no no no. You have to make this titanium too. Else you you get problems with the L_C_D_. Like dust in it and so things like that. When you exchange all the fronts and it's open. Yeah. Some some kind of wei weight in it. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, you can make it go round this corner too where the logo is. Because it has to be uh there all the time you know. So uh a little corner of titanium. So this this is the exchangeable part. Right. Taking all the credit. But there's a problem. We can't uh take a blank one. Or can we? Yeah. Nah that's alright, that's alright. This one is empty. You have to empty one huh? Alright. No Yeah. Yeah. It's not relaxing. I I don't have a laptop. Yeah right. Dream on. Half No. It's all about cool things. And it will sell. We will be rich. No. No man. You just have to push harder. Yeah. Mm. Recalibrate it. Yeah. Finish meeting now. Yeah. Oh. Alright. Have fun lads.","We'll get your presentations again on the conceptual design . Alright , Trendwatch . It's very important that uh the control is fancy looking and good uh feeling . Um , technological technological innovations , that's uh regarded very highly too . Uh such as an uh L_C_D_ screen , uh speech uh acknowledgement , as we uh talked about earlier . Uh the last point is easy to use . Functional is not an issue , and then easy to use . Well we have to choose one of them . Well something fancy looking can be can be easy to use . So it must be very bright , very colourful . Fruit and vegetables are cool . Uh furthermore uh material , that's your part , should be very strong . Well the the handy thing about our fronts is that we can follow these trends e ev every year . Right , I am going to tell you something about the components design . Y Hard plastic i is of course uh pretty pretty tough , but it doesn't have a really really tough look . So Uh the buttons of course rubber , I think everyone agrees . Um under forty five years old . Uh they like soft materials uh with primary colours . Soft materials is of course uh agai again a bit a contradiction with uh our uh material choice of what you said , And also they like curved round shapes . Maybe you should have uh some some coloured titanium or something . So it it looks pretty but it feels strong . But solar energy is not very practical inside a house , And uh kinetic and and and dynamos are are not very practical , I think , for uh for a simple remote , And I also suggest uh as a shape uh a double curved case . Uh the disadvantage of that that you can use no titanium . Um f as uh for the buttons , simple push buttons . But we do use an L_C_D_ screen , so we uh we do have to consider uh of we have to use a more advanced chip , Um there are new developments in speech recognition um systems , Um it's not really speech recognition , and then once you uh talk to the remote , then um he will a answer with the the prerecorded message that you left . No it doesn't does not do anything . Well , as I said uh earlier I think the uh L_C_D_ screen should be uh positioned at the lower end of the remote . Um the buttons for screen width and general settings and uh and that kind of stuff um we can also do let that kind of functions um be shown in the L_C_D_ screen , uh instead of uh extra buttons . So you have a menu button , and then you can go up and down . But then we should also have an uh an Okay button . I suggest a banana shape . m Next year that's out . Those are the the cha the channel buttons of course ? And then below is the L_C_D_ screen ? Um the video button should be uh an apart button , But we need a we need a a recording recording button for the speech uh part . Or you can put in the L_C_D_'s uh window an option Get Out . if we decide to uh to implement that , maybe we should . Well the speaker and the microphone , I think , are the same uh little hole thingy . This is my suggested design . Um then let's have a look at the decisions we are going to have to make . And oh I think as you can see so , the L_C_D_ screen does look better uh at the lower end , or at the bottom . Yeah , fine . I think we should , if it's um possible , uh one with colours , but Nah th It's too expensive . Alright . You can make the the underside , you can make it more round , where the L_C_D_ is . So it f falls over the hand . I will design it , we design it later . Well a case ? Uh that's me . Yeah but the non-removable elements of the of the remote , so not the front , could be titanium , And then the front is made of plastic . And you can put that on and off , But the feel of plastic isn't strong . Titanium back , plastic front . Okay . but you know b Titanium is very basic colour , and it doesn't really matter if we have a purple front on it or a orange front . all the all the inside work of our remote is uh standard work . Uh the buttons are normal , etcetera . Um well we have our beautiful drawing . Well you can put that in uh into the shared folder , and then I'll put it in our end report . We can also uh implement um we can also implement fronts from um movies that are very hot . Yeah I think we can launch a couple of packages . Launch different lines at once . Well you can you can give them uh s s three or so , and that they want more . Yeah but you you can have some basic colours , yeah well I think we'll have to in the next uh half an hour , we'll have to uh s s specify the different uh types we want to launch , when we uh well introduce our remote . Maybe a a cheap voice recording . We all agree on that . Yeah . Industry designer , . User Interface , Mike . You're going to work together on a prototype drawing on the SMARTboard . Uh I don't know what product evaluation exactly means , but uh you'll get uh the specifications . Will we use uh round buttons or square ones for the for the numbers ? Yeah . Round . Well yeah . Um I think um a logo , our company logo , and the slogan should be or could be Uh I I'd say only the logo . Well , our slogan is not very long . But you can put it on the back , Right corner , yes . Ah the logo should be on the top I think . But the logo the logo shouldn't be exchangeable , when you get off the front . The logo can be on on every uh front . Yes , slogan from company on the back with logo and logo also on the front So uh a little corner of titanium . Yes , that also sounds uh pretty uh neat . I was thinking of something like uh well uh iron plate over it , Yeah , that's great . uh I uh suggest uh the basic battery . No uh otherwi uh no um difficult scroll things or some uh things like that , Can you draw it now ? When you want an other colour on the front , it doesn't match ." +109,"Speaker A: Mm. Well, yeah. No. Oh. We have forty minutes for this uh discussion? Alright. Huh? Yeah. Mm-hmm, now it's right. It's meant to be easily wiped out, yeah. Mm-hmm. I I disagree, but uh it's not uh t it's not my place to disagree I guess. Oh, alright. Yeah, we are a real fashionable company. I read uh I read it on the I didn't know what company we were, but we we design uh especially trendy uh trendy trendy stuff. So it has to be uh a modern design. That's important to know, uh when you design a thing of course. Yeah. The order? No. You can zap away. Yeah. Oh. Oh? Mm-hmm. I think our uh user uh expert should also consider manual a manual for the remote, of course. Uh I didn't read it? Oh, alright. users to uh add one? Do you think? Mm-hmm. Yeah alright. Because they don't use it? Alright. Well maybe for the If you don't recognise a button who d who d who do I call uh wh when I don't know it? Isn't it part of the of the u No. No. Never mind. Consider the m Yeah. Mm-hmm. It's going to be expensive. Yeah. Well we'll uh consider it uh. We'll think abo we'll think No, we'll look we'll look into that later. Alright? We have very demanding clients. Yeah, yeah, alright. Well we'll consider both and and see what uh what what we can find, I think. We don't rule them out uh yet. Shall I give a technical talk? Alright. Well uh it is my task to uh explain uh or to point out a working design. We have that here. Okay, how do you enlarge it, so that you can have the F_ F_ five. Yep. Well, the working design, that's my uh Well alright uh, you know who I am and what I do. So uh we have this. It's a bit uh unclear because I wanted to copy paste something. It was originally in black and white but it became black and purple. But I think you can read it. Um well um I think it's important uh for you to realise the basic function of a remote control. Uh well you can see uh And I then can select I can select on the dings It goes to the next page. Well, you can read it, it's not too difficult. Meanwhile, this is a schematic uh um view of uh how a basic remote control works. You have uh basically uh the energy, the power of the of the remote control, uh and the sender, w which is the LED, the the the the the the the the the bulb that sends the the infrared beam to the, no, to the set. And uh the source is of course the user. Uh the user interface is um uh the the the buttons of course. And the the user interface sends uh the the different signals of the different buttons to the chip, and the chip uh sends it to the LED, and the LED sends it to the receiver. That's the that's the basic idea. Very basic. Um well I have uh uh put it in a in in in a a couple of basic steps. Uh the remote uh is basically just waiting for a user to press a key. It does nothing until uh of course uh the key is pressed. The key a signal to a chip, uh the chip senses the connection. uh and recognise the key. So well you understand. The chip uh produces Morse code, um a specific code to indicate that specific button that is pressed, of course. And it uses transistors in the in the remote control to amplify and to send uh that signal again to the to the LED, which is the bulb, of course. Now the LED produces an infrared beam and signals the, well it's uh very simple, and signals the uh signals to the sensor on the T_V_ set, and the T_V_ set uh also recognises the the the signal, and performs the assigned task. Ah bu Yeah, but we don't. Uh we No no, but Yeah. Exactly. Uh well this is uh the basic uh function of a remote. I've some couple of pictures here. It's a very basic one. And uh if we if we're going to add an uh an uh L_C_D_ screen to it, it uh won't look anything like this, but This is very basic uh basically the the shape of um of a remote control. It has uh very little buttons and But it it uh it's it's quite um Yeah, you can easily recognise the buttons. They're uh far enough apart and an anything. It's not very um uh not very high-tech uh indeed, and it's not very user-friendly. Uh if you look at the shape, it's uh just a simple long box uh shape. So we have to uh change a little bit uh to that, uh so that uh it becomes more user-friendly, and that uh problems like uh R_S_I_ and uh those kinds of thing don't don't oc don't occur. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, because they are the the most important buttons and you can immediately You don't have to look and and search for them. Well you you can't have any uh every button under the thumb, of course. Yeah. Well,. But in e in any case the the basic function should be uh indeed, and as you say at the thumb. I think that's a good idea, and uh and that the less important uh buttons, like the the the different channels, uh the numbers one two three four five as well, should be uh yeah well not in reach, because uh they don't use it uh all the time. Well it's uh pretty pretty basically uh as you said. And I have some pictures of the inside workings, but uh I don't want to get too technical, because uh that's not uh very uh useful for you. So yeah exactly this is uh how it uh looks from the inside. And uh well that's about it I think. Oh yeah, I still have this. Oh I had to delete this, but I had to make a schematic uh of the of the new But I had too too little time, but uh don't uh don't look at it please. I I think it's it's clear uh how it works. Alright. That's the most important thing. Alright. Uh Right. Yeah, uh there are different uh We have all have different home pages, with different links. Yeah. Mm-hmm. You can't really see uh the differ from different sides. But I think uh Uh you can draw it if you Yeah. We can put it on the on the back side. Yeah, so that you don't replace the symbol, yeah. Mm-hmm. Mike, uh can you put uh that picture from me on the in the Word documents file? In Map? The younger uh Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I think uh the most functions uh underneath that uh uh No um mm usually But Yeah I think m most Most uh Mm-hmm. Uh. Yeah. Our competitor. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So it it just signals the the different uh sig uh the different symbols on the screen you have, uh because if you change to s channel two you have two on the screen and two on your on your um on your L_C_D_ screen. But should it uh really be uh clickable, uh or or just integrate inside to try to make it d more trendy. But that's of course uh a bit more uh expensive than uh the basic uh calculator design, with the scrolling text and that kind of thing. Alright. Shouldn't we start with the most important parts? The L_C_D_ screen alright but we should start with the power button? Uh Huh? And then uh Maybe we should uh centralise the discussion here. I dunno what uh you were talking about but we are busy with something. Uh-huh. Why do you think it's better at the bottom? But you just can put uh the the the the the whole interface a bit down, so that there's room for the for the interface. Uh-huh. And and we can Bottom. Well that's a bit exaggerated. Well, I agree with you. It's it's also more recognisable. It looks more like a calculator to people, if you have the l the the the thing on top. Yeah w well, but uh you don't have to throw uh um important aspe important aspect like familiarity uh completely away, uh because I think it's uh I think it's still important to have it at the top, because it's uh it's more familiar that way. A little a little bit. Maybe you should another pen. Maybe that's uh better. You e you only have one pen for that screen. Yeah. Yeah. I I agree. Well I'm the I I'm the designer, so um Yeah. Uh we uh we were busy with that. Uh yeah we should uh summon the the different uh aspects of the thing. So, we have the power button. Yeah of course. Uh it's uh. Yeah. W wh While you have to agree, I can say it's like this and you must agree. Yeah. Channel, yeah. Volume control. Um Well let's look at your uh design. Uh Uh-huh. Yeah. But th th on this remote th these controls are for something else, a D_V_D_ player or something. So Yeah, it's it's also not good to completely stay in one position constantly with one hand. Y Yeah. It's good to move uh from time to time. Yeah. No but now y W would we have to choose a way in middle? Mm-hmm. Oh. Far apart? I think you can have the two buttons of up and down close together, but you don't have uh have to have volume control and and zapping button close together. Yeah. C c can you make you make We can use uh the drawing board now, I think. Uh it it doesn't work well but But it it would be pretty pretty uh nice if we could just draw a simple thing. Mm. Alright. Well uh yeah I I still think it's it's quite important though to uh to have it at the top, so Yeah. You say familiarity isn't important but Yeah d Yeah. As we we we we agreed, we do have a L_C_D_. So that's that's enough. Yeah. There's one two three four five six six seven eight nine zero. Oh, like that. Um They'd recognise it. Th that's the most That that's very easy. Yeah. I think these are the the most important functions. basic function. Oh yeah. Uh just two just two under uh under uh I I think uh But you you can put uh two or three buttons under uh another section. Uh that's that's too complicated. You can just put it somewhere They they aren't used much, not as much as those other, so you can put it somewhere Yeah s bit smaller and s Well uh and and I think more at the bottom. Yeah. Yeah or at the top, yeah. What do you think uh those those buttons? Above or down? And w where? Well we design it later. We have it, and we design later where everything goes. Yeah. The the video channel uh? No no not always. Ze yeah zero is a different channel than uh the the video channel. But it's easy to go If you are at uh at channel uh fifty five and you want to uh go immediately to the video channel, you do you have to push a to to get below zero. It's more easy to get to uh where the specific uh video channel button. Yeah well uh d different screen settings a Yeah, sk Yeah y you you you you have screen width. Yeah to uh oh yeah of course to configure the programme the Yeah. Yeah. You should Yeah. I think that's important. Uh And and the settings to change the brightness the settings to change the brightness and the contrast. Channel, yeah. Chief? Chief? Th the menu menu button is also important. Then you can uh Where? I don't see it. Oh Menu, alright. In the menu. And you can uh then adjust it with the zapping buttons or something. Because uh the zapping buttons aren't used then if you are in the menu. Yeah. Or the volume, yeah. Yes chief. Yeah this is this is your thing. I am hungry. See you later mate. +Speaker B: Great man. Who starts? Alright, great. Alright. Mm-hmm. Yes. 'Kay. Yeah. No. You're the only one. Alright. 'Kay. Alright. Right. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Alright. Yeah. But let's forget about it. It's just time-consuming, so we uh have to go on. Yes. Mm. Right. Yeah. Yeah. I think I have to start. Oh no, no problem. I I just have to uh to think which file's mine, 'cause I was uh bit in a hurry. I think it's this one. But I'm not sure. Hmm? Yeah. S Right. Yes. This is it. Well, I'm going to tell you something about functional requirements. Um to start with these points. Uh next sheet? Um at first I tell you something about what people dislike about the current uh controls, because it's uh a smart thing to exclude those things. Uh, furthermore it's very important what they do like and what they do use. Um then I tell something about um the most important issues. So we have to focus on those three thing three things. And in the end I'll um show you our target audience or our target product users, customers. Well, um the first findings are that people um think most controls are very kind of ug ugly. That's seventy five per cent of the current users. They don't like it, so we might think about fronts in that section. Um They also say, that's about uh I thought it was fifty per cent, uh that more money will be spent on uh better looking controls. So it's very important that you design a a nice looking control. Um the current user uses his machine just about well all of the time for a few functions. Uh, almost every user uses it d the the control for just ten per cent of its capacity. So it's really important to make the the buttons for the common uh tasks kind of big or kind of uh flashy. Furthermore, it's uh seventy five per cent of the users uh zaps a lot. Thus it might be uh might be smart to make a a big uh zapping button or something in the middle, so you can reach it with your thumb. Yeah, yeah right. Right. A lot of losers um users lose their controls in their in their living room. So it might be sensible to make some kind of a button on your television, that's your um your control beeps or something, that you can find this very easily. I dunno, maybe that's an idea. 'Cause it's uh a big I think fifty per cent of the users loses his its control, within the same room. So Yeah but what if you lose your click-on device? Yeah but if someone d somebody else uses it in ano other room or something? Nee but it it specifically says it's uh the the control is lost in the same room. So Well a beeping device would be Uh furthermore the learning time is a problem. Uh thirty four thirty four per cent um thinks it's it's too uh too difficult to learn. So the the learning curve should be very short uh for the dumbest people should be able to use it. Yeah but people don't read manuals. No. I think you should put more time in the in the design of uh pick up and use, than a manual. Yeah. Right. And it should be consistent with consistent with older remotes. Alright. And we don't have much time. So it's better to uh put our attention to the the design. So you can pick up and use it, than I think. Yeah right, right. Next point. Um R_S_I_. Well that's about twenty per cent I thought. But uh the designer should uh take it uh should uh Wie zeg ik dat? Yeah, consider the consequences of using your remote. It should be a good in your hand. Right, this is the most important part. Um, we're Like the requirements said, we're gonna specify of we're gonna target a younger audience. Um, that's about sixty per cent of the market, so it's uh quite important. Um research shows that they like to have a little L_C_D_ screen on their on their uh zapping uh device. Uh I thought it was the age between sixteen and twenty, ninety nine per cent of uh the people like that. So it's very important we should definitely have that in our uh designs. Yeah but they think it's really important. So if we want to s If we have a big If we make lots of uh of the stuff, maybe we can uh buy it very cheap, I dunno. We have to uh Yeah, I don't know. I don't have any information on that. So Right. And uh another thing is uh speech uh recognition. They also like that, but research is very uh costly. So Yeah, but it it might be important for the sale. Well I do think L_C_D_ is more reachable than the speech recognition. So we might consider L_C_D_ screens. Alright. Alright. Um, I think that's it. Um I think it is sensible to u uh to take this take these points into the notes. So you can Right. Yeah. Right. Alright. Next button. Oh right. Purple. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A bit. Maybe you can select it. So it uh inverts. the p the whole picture. Nah, uh never mind. Yeah. Alright. Right. Can I say something? Um I have a table here about uh the l the relevance of the buttons. Uh the power button is used very much, channel selection, volume and teletext. Well teletext is not an option, so that uh But I think it's very important to make um the power, channel and volume buttons uh near to the thumb, so you can't have R_S_I_ uh consequences. Right. Make them big, make them easy to uh to press. Right. Yeah, right. Right. Yeah, that's right. That's right. That's right. We But Yeah. That's very important. And But is that is that useable? Do people, uh when they pick up a remote, know that they have to do that? It's a f it's a new feature, you can make make a double feature l like a button on the top and under it. Yeah, he feels it immediately. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Right, continue. Sorry. Yeah, that's right. Alright. Alright. Yeah, it's clear. I dunno. I think uh w About twenty minutes ago? Losing time losing time. Yeah right. So I don't think so. Yeah right. These are already in use? Alright, okay. Well Yeah, me too. Mm. But we have to reject that, because of the requirements? Alright. Yeah, right. Yeah. But it Yeah, that's right. Yeah, that's a must. We must have that. We can make a symbol of the company right here. And if you put a front on it, there's a hole on the front. So the symbol's always on Yeah. Yeah, yeah. But let's not focus on the front. Alright. Yeah, I agree. I've I've got another point. Um there are two target audi audiences, and we've uh chose for the younger one. Um, research has shown that um it's a high interested uh in features. They are high high interested in feature. But they are more critical. Fo Yeah, critical. So The younger audience. So we must um must design uh a control that really speaks to the people. Mm-hmm. Clip aren't used much. Yeah right. Yeah but Yeah. Here, look at these numbers. The newest features are, like I said, are uh L_C_D_ and uh speech uh control. Our audience, these people, are very like these uh features. You see? So we must build in something, or they will to uh go to the concurrent. The concurrent? Competitors, right. So, I do think we have to uh have some features. Even though they cost a little more. Right. Right. Like a ticker-tape. Which programme you are l watching or something. Yeah, right. Yeah right. No not clickable. Nah, no no no. Yeah, just at at the top. So when you s you sit like this you can can watch. I think it should be at the top. Yeah right. It's a ticker-tape idea. Well it's just one script. Yeah, five minutes of ja ja for programming. So I don't think that's the issue. Alright, we go with the L_C_D_ screen? 'Kay. Right, I don't know if I can find that, but Next time. Yeah right. Yeah, I understand what you're saying. We should have a general idea of how it's gonna look. Right. At the top. I think the top is more uh When you s How do you zap? You just sit in your chair? With the remote? Yeah but that's where your hand ball might be. Yeah, I dunno. We'll draw two, and then we'll see uh No Um he thinks Yeah, right. He thinks it's better to put the L_C_D_ at the bottom, and I think it's better at the top. But your Yeah. The the ticker The L_C_D_ is like like small. It's it's wide. It's not not high. But Yeah right. But We're making a remote with with a few functions you know. We High-tech. Width. Th that's not a problem. When I draw here it Oh. Huh? Yeah, it's off. It it needs to be calibrated again. Well Where? Alright, we have to make a decision now, because we don't have much time. Um I think we have uh a few functions, and we can put uh the L_C_D_ above it, and still have lots of room at the bottom, where you can put your hand. At the bot So We are two uh V_S_ two. Right. Great. And moreover I think that you two should be uh come to consensus about the L_C_D_ s. It's uh your it's your job. Yeah, right. Alright, let's keep it central. Mm. Right. You should put that uh power button, channel and volume should have the most uh importance. Yeah, but what he said about R_S_I_ was t kinda true. When when you uh put them all in the same place, the most used buttons, you're doing the same thing all the time, and that's just what R_S_I_'s all about. So it might be smarter to put them a little more away from each other. Um Frequency of uh button use. Um channels are uh most uh is most used within the hour. You can see. So the the channel uh channel buttons should be far far apart, I think, up and down. You thinking uh about R_S_I_? Y look at uh look at the frequency. Nei not too much, but Nei nei nei n I I totally agree. But just Yeah. Right. Yeah. I agree. And should and should be red. Right, just make some decisions. The most important things we have to uh I do think you have to keep you have to keep it central now. Just uh you decide that, you decide that, and ready. Yeah. Nei. We're No We're deciding now, so Top or bottom? Okay. Yeah, right. Okay. Yeah, okay. No. Do you still have the pictures over there? Yeah, that's about it. You do need the uh multi Or did uh No, like this one. You do need them? Yeah, I know. But are we Alright, alright uh Now okay. Right. Yeah, it's most useable this way. Yeah. Right. I do think we have to put that underneath a clip. Yeah. Okay, right. Well if you you take those th If you Yeah, but you can z you can zap t you can you can zap to the video channel from zero to uh Yeah, but when you zap down zero you get to A_V_. Ah uh well whatever,. Yeah, but if we're choosing to uh incorporate these buttons, you have to have uh channel setting, if you wa if you have a new T_V_. You have to set the channels. Right all th these uh different buttons you have to Ah, I do. Right. That's the only one we put uh in there. For a screen uh fu uh channel setting. Programme, right. Uh Ah. Great. Alright. Ah. Okay. Get into my belly. +Speaker C: Mm. Oh. Oh. Oh, that's a shame. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. No. I don't think Yeah. Yes you should You should could take a look at it and and and know how it how it's supposed to work. Yeah but nobody reads a manual about a remote control, I think. Yeah right. It sh it should be there, the manual. But but not to explain how the remote works. Only Hmm. No. I think that's uh difficult to realise also. No and we have customers in multiple uh countries I think. Yeah. No. Oh you go. Yeah, go ahead. High tech. You can also like Yeah, I was thinking you can Are some of the the the um Maybe you can make, for for channel changing, two little buttons on the side of the remote, so you can just do like this. Like some uh little uh Gameboy things or some Hmm? Well Yeah alright, but Yeah, but if you s say them up and down, they they'll understand it, I think. Eighty per cent would. Yeah that's true. Yeah but Mm. Well I thought um everybody on the website uh would see the same thing, but obviously that's not the case. Yeah. For instance you couldn't see this. Um Yeah. Well I'm Mike, User Interface Designer. The the method? Well I used my own experience with remotes, took a good l look uh at the remotes on the corporate website, which are these two. Um Yes, these are from from another uh manufacturer. Um This one is engineering-centred, so this one has the most functions and um things. This one is user-centred. Um I like user-centr centred uh uh also the best. Um Well, I thought uh that we uh reduce the the option to control the D_V_D_ also, and teletext and that kind of stuff. Uh so I thought we we we would use more or need more buttons than this one. But Yes. Th that's why this mm is not relevant any more I feel. Um I think this is about the maximum number of buttons uh we'll need. I um I kinda like the shape. I think this is what we talked about. But No I've Well I showed it somewhere. Um Oh yeah. I think we should go further with the idea of a removable front. So we can can uh yeah customise the Mm? Yeah. It's a front. It's not the the whole remote that changes, of course. You can Mm. Or you can you can can put the same symbol on on every remote. So l like Ericsson does every uh S something like this. It's recognisable. Um Yeah? Yeah yeah. Something like that, in the Yeah. Yeah. Um Well so uh uh like I said I thought we'd we'd use more function. If we we had to include more functions. But we don't. So um Yeah. I think this is about the maximum number of buttons we need. Maybe some less. Like eject we don't need, and some other buttons we don't need. I think uh Yeah, I will. I think uh for the remote um uh less is more. The less buttons the better the design. Um We should go with that concept I think. I know. Mm. Yeah, but what kind of features? Like L_C_D_ screens and voice recognition. But I've Yeah, that's nice. Yeah, we should keep that simple too. It will No, it should be uh integrated. I think Yeah, something like on um some radios in car. You Where it's, yeah, walking to Yeah. Wa Yeah. Yeah well we we we still need to know how much that will cost. Or maybe you will get that information uh Yeah. At the top or at the bottom? Yeah but Yeah but with with the L_C_D_ screen on the top it gets a bit unnatural. 'Cause most remotes have some space left at the bottom. Yeah, no Mm. Uh well because most uh remotes have um some space left at the bottom, and that way you can keep the shape recognisable for everybody. I c Well I d I think that's that's ugly but I th Yeah. Power button always Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, y you gotta zap like this or you want to Yeah. Yeah you don't want You want uh Yeah it it it must be a remote. Yeah. At the bottom? In a few minutes Oh yeah, oh yeah, I totally agree. Yeah. He's the boss. No it's our job. For all of us I think. The ten numbers? Yeah? Volume? I think we we should use something like this um to um The the channel up and channel down button? Yeah, in circle, you know? And and a volume control also in it. Yes, as I already said, we could drop some of these buttons. Yeah. I think these should be in one big circle in the middle. Yeah but people don't like it when their buttons are all over the place. They they need to be centred. Volume hardly. No I don't think. Yeah but Yeah but No. The other the other two uh frustrations are far more important. So Well they are used four times an hour, so Power bu button should be left at the top. Mm. Yeah. Well consensus, um We we can put it in the middle, so Alright. No. Well just when you push a one one and No, if you On most T_V_s if you uh press two numbers shortly after each other, d it Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We we can make make uh a little row of like four buttons down here. Or at Yeah alright then. Oh, they can be small or round like buttons. Why go to video? That's just zero. Yeah. Yeah, but you can can zap down Yes, I think th No, then you press ninety nine. I think go to video is an irrelevant button, but Yeah well y you must have. Yeah you yeah you have one one button from s set frequency o or something, and then with plus and min minus you can uh adjust the uh Yeah, alright. I think things like uh contrast and brightness should be um in the menu, yeah. Yeah, the Or the volume or something like that. Your pen. I thought we'd uh lunch uh right now, or not? Yeah, lunch break. +Speaker D: Well I'll uh start just with another presentation, so then we can uh look at th at the agenda uh for this meeting. Okay. I've put some uh new things in the in the map. Uh oh. This is it. I don't know the shortcut, so Ah F_ five. Well our functional design meeting, that's the stage we're in. And you also ha all three of you have uh prepared something about it. Well um in we'll uh just have a look at the at the notes from the previous meeting, what we uh thought we had dec decided. But uh Uh then we'll uh look at uh the three uh presentations uh from you. I think you have prepared uh all three uh? Um we'll look at th the new project requirements we uh I dunno. Y you also have uh received that mail, the new project requirements from our bosses? Oh I've received a mail with uh some additional requirements, and I'll have a look if Well I think we should show them before your presentations, because it's not really uh smart uh to uh to include some things uh we can't, because of the new requirements. Well um then we can make some decisions about our remote control functions. We have to deb we have to decide it in this meeting what our function will be. And then uh we can discuss uh some more closely. Uh Uh yeah, I think so. Well uh the closing uh we'll not uh look at it yet. Um now I'll look at show this board. Um Well uh notes, first meeting. Now. I gave a disc a a presentation. Uh we familiarised ourself with the boards and then we discussed some first ideas. So we said that uh we have to merge the strong points from our uh competitors, and uh look at their uh remote controls. We should make it uh compatible with our new D_V_D_ and other releases we have, our technical releases. Uh not too many one buttons. One recognisable button in the middle, where you do the most important functions with. And um well they can have two functions, because uh you have a D_V_D_ and a television. Um the design has to fit the hand, be original, but also be familiar. It's uh one of our ideas. Yeah well that wa It's just thirty minutes ago, so it's not quite uh But well I have to do it. The materials uh well should be hard plastic with rubber from, and uh well the labelling of the buttons should be indestructible. It should be uh recognisable at all times. Yes. Well fronts were to be just like mobile telephones. And uh the technical aspects um And also labelling of the buttons, the functions should be universal standards. Well that's just uh some ideas from the first meeting. It's quite logical al all of it. Um now the new project requirements, I'll just show them. I got this mail from uh our bosses. Well, teletext goes out. We will not use teletext. Maybe a new sort of thing, but n but not teletext. Well the second is a bit sh pity because we just said we wanted to d include the D_V_D_ and they don't want it, because of our time we have for this project. So that's a shame, because uh especially for the third requirement we want to reach people under the thirty years. Because uh we don't have those customers a lot at th at this point. Um well it's a bit pity because it's just those people want to have uh one remote control for all those technical devices they can uh reach it. Yeah. Well and uh our corporate image should stay rec recognisable in our products. So uh we have to uh use uh maybe a slogan, maybe a colour, and um Yeah well uh on our remote controls the design has to be uh, well as we already said a actually, uh familiar. Uh not only just uh the shape but also our company. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yes. I I uh noted uh our uh slogan that we have, our company. It's uh we mm put the fashion in electronics. So maybe that's a slogan we can put uh somewhere on our remote control or something. Alright then um we're going to uh have three presentations. You want to start? Oh you have to start? I didn't see anything about uh who had to start. Well s then start. Okay. Well uh You already uh opened uh PowerPoint. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Well It should actually uh It should actually be loose from the television, because it can also be used for other televisions. So if you deliver a small uh click-on device that you can put on your television, that bleeps to your remote control, everyone can use it. No you can click it on your television. Yeah in another room, yeah. Well yes. Yeah. Well we'll have a look at it, yeah. Yep. Well there sh should always be a menu, but it c can be very short. Yes okay. Well we are a design team, we can say to some uh writer uh make a manual point. So Well we'll have a look. Um yes? Yep. Well Well with twelve Euro fifty as production cost, we can't uh afford an L_C_D_ uh Yeah. Well Yeah well uh it's your your task to uh look into the costs uh of those uh Nigh I know. It's not yet a standard uh development uh those so We sh Yeah absolutely. Yep. 'Kay. Alright. Yes. Well you I c I can uh still see your presentation. It's in the Well uh next um I dunno who is next. You uh got uh Yes. Well go ahead. Yip. F_ five. F_ five. Click. Yep. Yeah. So it is also why we have to have a button that says uh I'm now busy with a D_V_D_ uh if we had done that. And a button for T_V_. So Well but but if you have um the most used buttons all in one place, and you keep making the same um well moves. But if y if you would put it at a different place, then you have to move your hands, and that's on of the things about R_S_I_. No but the most important buttons m maybe you can just put them a bit apart so you would reject R_ R_S_I_ R_S_I_. Yes I've saw that on m on mi mobile telephones they also have uh those buttons. Well it it's Well also i if someone puts picks up his uh remote Yeah. If someone puts up i uh picks up his remote, and he picks up it he he touches the side then he's a already on the next channel. That's very irritating, I think. Well. No. Yep. Mm-hmm. That's your part of the job. Yep. Okay. Well we understand. We understand. Oh right, no. Nice. Then uh Mike can uh give the third presentation. How late is did we start his presentation uh? Wha Yeah. Well then we have still the time, so But we do have to come to a decision, right later on. So Oh yeah? Uh? Okay, yeah well. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. I like user-centred. Yeah. We also do that. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Well absolutely, but i th they all have to have something about um the recognition from our company. So we cannot just uh make someone w No but that's th the side they look uh look at is the front. So if y if you make a a front with just a a tiger on it, then uh our recognition is totally gone. Yeah, we must. Yeah well and and Yes. 'Kay. Yeah yeah yeah. Or the th the the lowest part of the remote isn't changed by the front. Those kind of things. Yes. Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Alright. Yeah? Well what if we um I at I at home have a remote that has um the most familiar uh buttons on the top, and the bottom side of the front has a little clip, a f a little uh You can click away and then you have f much more functions that most people don't use but s some do do. Well but because you say they their features are important, they want m um a lot, but not Yeah. Competitors. Yeah. Well maybe w we could uh s On um some uh calculators you have lo those little little L_C_D_ th that you can click on or something, or that you can click uh out uh of the remote. And if if that's gives you a little bit of sta status information. Yeah. Those kind of things, uh because you also have those uh those program recognition for your V_ V_C_R_s. And uh well if y if your remote picks that up also, you they can display which programme you're currently watching. Yeah. For example. It it could be such a little uh th that you can click in and out and you and you have it. Yeah. Well maybe. Yeah. Yeah. R_D_S_s or something. Well I think it's you got It just means it's a script that's uh keeps it uh rolling, and it's not uh That's five minutes off uh implementing time I think uh Yeah. No. Uh well I think so, yes. Um We're g No but we're we'll have to look into that. Um we can use this board again, I think. Uh we can put some um decisions about um the controls we want, th the issue. Where is my presentation? Uh Uh Well I mean we're all here now, I think. These I've already given you. So we have to decide on the different remote control functions. So we want to have a small L_C_D_ screen that's special. Yes. Yeah. That thing is terrible. Uh Well Well I th I think Mike Mike has a point, because um when when uh when I use a remote I l I hate the buttons but buttons at the at the bottom. So and and I I like to use the ones on the top. So when I u when I have to have an L_C_D_ s scr window Yes but we we we we don't want that. We don't want them to look like a calculator. We want to look it like our original but familiar Yea Maybe a bic uh better uh white uh We White? Width. Uh format yeah format? Line width? Width? Yeah? It's a bit off. Well. Well uh let's uh talk about that later uh It's special pen. Yeah. No. I think it should be at the button, bottom. Bottom. The L_C_D_. Yeah. Well but uh what what if we we first decide the different functions, and then look at the design. Because we have to decide this. Yeah. Yes. Well we have a power button. Guys? Guys? We have a power button, setting buttons, L_C_D_ window, the number buttons Uh Yes. Uh the mute button. I h love that one. Yes. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Well that's that's also design. Yes. Um Well h ho Yes. Yes. They are for some uh video uh Apart. So people have to move their hand. And they get less uh complaints of R_S_I_. That's what I always do, because all my i important buttons are the same place. Yes? Well not Yes. Uh-huh. Up and down far apart from each other? Well not too much. Well for example the power button, you can If someone is constantly z zapping, it's not going to miss, that it that the power button is not right beside it. Because I have someone But the buttons is way. So that one can be put away. The power button can uh be uh uh Yes. Oh man, five minutes. Yeah, well five minutes left. Yep. Um how are we going to do it with those numbers? Well I have it here. Yeah well that's going to take too too much time. Yes. Yes. Well the L_C_D_. Um you are Industrial, you are User Interface. So I think it's going to go to Mike. But you will have to make consensus with. Well Well it's a bit hard, because we are going to be uh individually. That's a bit uh Yes. Yes it is. Well what if we're going to now decide about the functions, and the design comes into the next round? Plus the d th the design round is still to come huh? Alright these functions. The number f Well yes, that's alright. W the number function. Are we going to uh do it like uh on Mike's screen with uh one button that says I'm going to do a t two number digital? How do you want it to do then? It it has to r recognise one as there could still come more. Yes. Alright so no button for that. Okay uh anyone any uh oth other functionalities of our uh remote? So No, we'd uh just said we didn't uh Well uh Um well because we can't integrate it with any other uh remotes, all those buttons on those pictures are uh irrelevant. So just for a television is that all we need? Teletext is gone. So all those buttons that ar are to do with teletext Oh screen placing. We'll have uh those uh buttons about uh And uh the two important ones we're l f forgetting. Uh there's um screen. You can make it wider and less wide. And the button that you can go to A_V_ for your video. Those two? But it's just two, and we make a clip? Th that's a bit uh waste. Yes. Or at the top. Your L_C_D_ screen is going to go. Yes. Yeah Well I think they should in an in an isolated part of the remote. Yes? Yes. Yes. Well any other uh Go to video, that's always on your remote control. To A_V_ uh to A_V_ A_V_ A_V_. Well l n no not at not at my remote. Yeah. Yes. I don't. I go to ninety-nine. Th that's the button uh No. No you can ch push zero. Yeah. Yeah, I I think that one button is uh I use it uh Yeah? These buttons, I don't have buttons for channel setting uh especially on my remote. It's it's incorporated with p m plus and down, uh those So we still have one uh four? Ch ch Okay. Oh the Okay button? Oh you always have in the centre an Okay button, for your menu. Menu button. Channel, setting, menu. We have to go. Okay. So um Save. Yes see. Yes I have put it in. Here. Alright. Guys? We're going to uh go to our uh rooms, and uh we'll have to decide s things on our own I think. So Well see you uh W w we have lunchtime, by the way, now uh so uh Lunch. Ah. We didn't exactly do everything but So","Well our functional design meeting , that's the stage we're in . Um now the new project requirements , I'll just show them . Well , teletext goes out . I I disagree , because we just said we wanted to d include the D_V_D_ and they don't want it , because uh especially for the third requirement we want to reach people under the thirty years . Well and uh our corporate image should stay rec recognisable in our products . Well , I'm going to tell you something about functional requirements . Well , um the first findings are that people um think most controls are very kind of ug ugly . They also say , that's about uh I thought it was fifty per cent , uh that more money will be spent on uh better looking controls . Uh , almost every user uses it d the the control for just ten per cent of its capacity . Furthermore , it's uh seventy five per cent of the users uh zaps a lot . Thus it might be uh might be smart to make a a big uh zapping button or something in the middle , so you can reach it with your thumb . A lot of losers um users lose their controls in their in their living room . So it might be sensible to make some kind of a button on your television , that's your um your control beeps or something , that you can find this very easily . Uh thirty four thirty four per cent um thinks it's it's too uh too difficult to learn . I think our uh user uh expert should also consider manual a manual for the remote , of course . Uh Yeah but nobody reads a manual about a remote control , I think . It sh it should be there , the manual . Next point . Um R_S_I_ . Um research shows that they like to have a little L_C_D_ screen on their on their uh zapping uh device . Uh I thought it was the age between sixteen and twenty , ninety nine per cent of uh the people like that . It's going to be expensive . Yeah . I don't have any information on that . So No , we'll look we'll look into that later . And uh another thing is uh speech uh recognition . They also like that , I think that's uh difficult to realise also . We don't rule them out uh yet . Well uh it is my task to uh explain uh or to point out a working design . You have uh basically uh the energy , the power of the of the remote control , And the the user interface sends uh the the different signals of the different buttons to the chip , I've some couple of pictures here . It has uh very little buttons and High tech . and it's not very user-friendly . So we have to uh change a little bit uh to that , uh so that uh it becomes more user-friendly , But I think it's very important to make um the power , channel and volume buttons uh near to the thumb , so you can't have R_S_I_ uh consequences . Uh the power button is used very much , channel selection , volume and teletext . Um I have a table here about uh the l the relevance of the buttons . Maybe you can make , for for channel changing , two little buttons on the side of the remote , so you can just do like this . Yeah . If someone puts up i uh picks up his remote , and he picks up it he he touches the side then he's a already on the next channel . That's very irritating , I think . But in e in any case the the basic function should be uh indeed , and as you say at the thumb . and uh and that the less important uh buttons , like the the the different channels , uh the numbers one two three four five as well , should be uh yeah well not in reach , And I have some pictures of the inside workings , Yeah . Well I'm Mike , User Interface Designer . took a good l look uh at the remotes on the corporate website , which are these two . Um This one is engineering-centred , I like user-centr centred uh uh also the best . I um I kinda like the shape . I think this is about the maximum number of buttons uh we'll need . I think we should go further with the idea of a removable front . So if y if you make a a front with just a a tiger on it , then uh our recognition is totally gone . Or you can you can can put the same symbol on on every remote . We can put it on the on the back side . And if you put a front on it , there's a hole on the front . So the symbol's always on We can make a symbol of the company right here . Mike , uh can you put uh that picture from me on the in the Word documents file ? In Map ? Yeah , I will . and we've uh chose for the younger one . Um , research has shown that um it's a high interested uh in features . but what kind of features ? Like L_C_D_ screens and voice recognition . And if if that's gives you a little bit of sta status information . Which programme you are l watching or something . So it it just signals the the different uh sig uh the different symbols on the screen you have , I think it should be at the top . Alright , we go with the L_C_D_ screen ? Uh well I think so , yes . Um Yeah well we we we still need to know how much that will cost . No but we're we'll have to look into that . So we have to decide on the different remote control functions . Yeah but with with the L_C_D_ screen on the top it gets a bit unnatural . because um when when uh when I use a remote I l I hate the buttons but buttons at the at the bottom . We don't want them to look like a calculator . I think it's still important to have it at the top , because it's uh it's more familiar that way . I think we have uh a few functions , and we can put uh the L_C_D_ above it , and still have lots of room at the bottom , where you can put your hand . Well but uh what what if we we first decide the different functions , We have a power button , setting buttons , L_C_D_ window , the number buttons Channel , yeah . Volume control . Uh the mute button . I think we we should use something like this um to um The the channel up and channel down button ? Yeah , in circle , you know ? And and a volume control also in it . You should put that uh power button , channel and volume should have the most uh importance . I think these should be in one big circle in the middle . Yeah , but what he said about R_S_I_ was t kinda true . So it might be smarter to put them a little more away from each other . Yeah but people don't like it when their buttons are all over the place . So the the channel uh channel buttons should be far far apart , I think , up and down . No I don't think . I think you can have the two buttons of up and down close together , but you don't have uh have to have volume control and and zapping button close together . Right , just make some decisions . Well what if we're going to now decide about the functions , and the design comes into the next round ? Are we going to uh do it like uh on Mike's screen with uh one button that says I'm going to do a t two number digital ? On most T_V_s if you uh press two numbers shortly after each other , d it Alright so no button for that . Uh there's um screen . You can make it wider and less wide . I do think we have to put that underneath a clip . Th that's a bit uh waste . You can just put it somewhere Oh , they can be small or round like buttons . Well uh and and I think more at the bottom . Yeah . We have it , and we design later where everything goes . Yeah . Why go to video ? Yeah , but you can z you can zap t you can you can zap to the video channel from zero to uh Yeah , but if we're choosing to uh incorporate these buttons , you have to have uh channel setting , Yeah well uh d different screen settings a Yeah , sk and then with plus and min minus you can uh adjust the uh So we still have one uh four ? For a screen uh fu uh channel setting . Oh you always have in the centre an Okay button , for your menu . Yeah , alright . Menu button . Yeah . I think that's important . I think things like uh contrast and brightness should be um in the menu , yeah . And you can uh then adjust it with the zapping buttons or something . and uh we'll have to decide s things on our own I think . So So it's better to uh put our attention to the the design . So you can pick up and use it , than I think . The chip uh produces Morse code , um a specific code to indicate that specific button that is pressed , of course . Now the LED produces an infrared beam and signals the , well it's uh very simple , and signals the uh signals to the sensor on the T_V_ set , but the most important buttons m maybe you can just put them a bit apart so you would reject R_ R_S_I_ R_S_I_ . but i th they all have to have something about um the recognition from our company . No not clickable . But you you can put uh two or three buttons under uh another section . And the button that you can go to A_V_ for your video ." +47,"Speaker A: I dunno. Throwing away my toothpick. 'Kay. Nice user interface. 'Kay. Right let's see it. 'Kay. Mm-hmm. Alright, your favourite animal? Grizzly bear. Yeah. We're kinda losing time, though. We're losing time, but Alright. Do we have to guess? A hippo? Yeah. I don't know how to call it. A hedgehog?. Alright. Thank you. It's. Yeah sure. It's a rabbit. Well Looks very nice, right? Yes. Yes uh right. You go man. Alright. I should have made mine a white rabbit.. You're standing in front of it, I can't see it. Alright, thank you. Yeah it's a bird, but what kind of bird? You have to push harder. Release your anger. Hmm. It's a cat. It's a pig. Right. No it looks great. Just save it. Oh great. It's good for group spirit. Right. Right. I think it's im it's important to uh look at uh the remote controls of our competitors. Get the good points uh try to merge them into one universal remote control. On our corporate site I saw uh a new D_V_D_ player uh we're gonna produce. Maybe it's important to make it compatible with the D_V_D_ player so you can uh use your television and your D_V_D_ player with the same uh remote control. Furthermore it's important to make it uh acceptable for the whole world, for different cultures, maybe, because we want to we want to well fifty million? Yeah yeah so a lot of people have to be able to use it. So Yeah. Yeah that's right. Mm-hmm. Right. Maybe we could make one button to switch between D_V_D_ player and T_V_ and make the other buttons uh multi-functional or something. Yeah right. Yeah so but th that's kind kind of standard T_ television so it also works on that. Yeah but We need to to keep it consistent with other d uh Yeah but it's it has to be useable. Yeah. No.. Not with two hands. Yeah yeah yeah, right. No Yeah but it's quite important that it fits. Yeah. Yeah. It shouldn't be boxy. Nah I don't agree with the long box uh shape it it has to be custom made for the hand. Yeah. Yeah but if you shape it If No that's ol old fashioned. I can imagine that us Well Yeah right. It fits in your palms. Hmm? Um.. Well Yeah but it has it has to fit your hand. It shouldn't be too boxy, you know. It's No no no. Yeah. Yeah it should be Right maybe something like this or and then a button here to switch between different systems like D_V_D_ player and so you can I've Yeah right, and I do think we have to keep this kind of idea with the with the numbers and Right. But it should be possible to to um make it ap apparent that there are two functions for every button. So there has to be some space between the buttons. Yeah. Yeah right right, and maybe we should use colours. Yeah. That's kinda trendy. Yeah right. Right. But I think it's uh it's important to uh notate all the the decisions that we make, so we Yeah. No problem. Yeah. Yeah it shouldn't be too heavy. Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah it's univ yeah yeah yeah. Yep. And you can use Yeah. But are Are we going w uh with the front uh fronts uh idea? I think we should make it universal and you can always use a front front on it, you know? You can use it just plain but you can To make it more trendy. Right. Right. Yeah. Yeah right. Yeah yeah yeah. But people of often don't like bright colours or something. We have to make it grey or s or black. Yeah but then you can use a a front. Yeah that's right. Yeah or a t Teletubby front. Yeah yeah yeah. I will investigate. Right. It's Yeah yeah yeah just if you start up your Internet Explorer Yeah. Well that's great. Thirty minutes. It's totally broken. Oh. +Speaker B: Mm-hmm. Maybe you should try to write on the on the big white uh Does it? Yeah. It works. Wonderful. Mm-hmm.. Alright, yep. I hope this was part of the assignment and not uh your uh I hope this was part of the assignment and not uh your personal uh enjoyment. I I I I understand. Alright. so start Yep yes. Don't uh count on it. I think it's a mouse or a rat. Oh. Oh I know it. It's a hedgehog. Well I'm amazed uh about your uh drawing skills. Yeah. I am the Industrial Designer. Chief, I am the Industrial Designer. Yeah. I think It's pr it resembles the animal drawn by. I think can I say it? It looks amazing. These are very impor These are very important documents, of course, uh these drawings, uh And he deliberately draws a animal we don't know the English word for. It looks like an uh It looks like that beast from Sesame Street. Yeah. It's it's uh Do we have to uh But we have uh do we have to name the specific species of the bird? No? Well wonderful. Why do I have to do the difficult tasks? Uh pen yeah that's. Uh current colour. I like uh oh they don't have pink. Oh b oh think this is uh Uh? Uh Line width. Uh fifteen. And I can draw? Uh Oh the line width is too thick, but oh well. Uh. It smiles nicely. Now I have to change the line width. Uh one. These are whiskers, you know. Uh well I think it's obvious right now. Miaow. Well if this isn't obvious I'll save it alright uh save. Uh yeah uh blank. Well I feel comfortable now. Thanks for this exercise. I feel totally at ease. Yeah something like that. So Alright. Well I I didn't have to prepare anything about uh it's not, it's it's not my task to uh talk about uh experience with current remote controls, but uh Mm-hmm. No but uh the b the buttons have to uh have to have uh international recognisable buttons and uh and numbers and uh that every culture in uh, yeah, people in every country can recognise. Alright. Yeah so it doesn't uh become too complicated with too much buttons and uh And stereo uh s uh audio installations. Most people do, yeah. It doesn't it doesn't have to be Yeah. Well. Hmm. It has to be different and familiar at the same time. yeah the shape will will have to be recognised. I thought about uh like most uh remote controls uh are uh a long box shaped thing you can make it uh triangle shaped, but that's not uh very recognisable. Oval? I Mm. Oh but it ha it has to be m yeah. But you still have to know it's a remote and not another Yeah. Yeah so the long box uh shaped thing must be uh, yeah, useful or else uh they would have been ano another shape. Yeah. Yeah a lo the long box shape yeah. You have to use one hand. Why not? But it does fit in the hand if you hold it like this, and you can make it another shape, but then you have W no w what else? I di Yeah well but uh what what what do you suggest then? Hmm. Well but it's still then uh the the long box, uh but then with some uh round uh round forms in it to fit your hand, but it's it's still Yeah yeah al alright but but it's still it's still sort of box, yeah. It it has round forms but it in the end it's still the box, so that's what I mean. Yeah yeah I understand, but no no I don't mean an entire box like completely square but a also with round edges of course, but in in in at the end it's still this long box shape with convenient uh round uh shapes uh to fit. Yeah yes I thought about something like that. Yeah. A big recognisable button on top or something. The buttons should uh also be not too small, not too big, of course, and uh n uh uh not too close uh together. Uh-huh. Yeah of course uh to uh to uh to have icons to explain the different functions. Yeah. Colours, yeah. I think we have to talk also about uh the the materials for um. Already thought about something tha Mm-hmm. Yeah now we can still talk about the material, we have some some minutes left uh I w wrote down uh that the case should be plastic of course, hard plastic, the buttons should be uh rubbery I think uh. No n n Mm. Alright. And of course there are several electrical cables in it to uh to connect things uh to each other. I think so. It's a a common stan standard way infrared beams an infrared beam I think. It it's a we we make an a universal remote so it ha has to work with uh all kinds of brands and things. And have well yeah I've wrote something down about how it works. The user presses a button and with an infrared beam it signals the television set accordingly, but that's pretty obvious, I think. Well but th but the standard front will be uh just grey or something uh b a simple colour not not very flashy. Pink television sets pink remote,. Alright. I must not forget my pen the next time. Mm yeah also the the look and feel uh of the the remote's also my task, yeah. Yeah I uh w was wondering that too. Y you went to the company website. It's the the the start uh starting page uh Very handy to know. Right see you in half an hour then. W Right uh see you in thirty minutes then. +Speaker C: Hi there. We want to erase it. Thanks. Big bird. Mm. Uh no I don't. It's just a bird. Here you go. Mm. Width. Hmm. It's a pussy cat. It certainly is. Easy to learn. Yeah. Yeah. I also think we should not add too many buttons. Modern day uh remotes have too much buttons I think. Precisely. Yeah. Yeah indeed. Yeah we should make it compatible perhaps with everything we use, we uh we make? Yeah. And I think the people who who will buy our uh remote already have some experience with remotes. So we can keep that in mind. W well it's a n it's a new remote and you don't buy a remote if you don't have anything to uh to control with it. Yeah alright, but Yeah. Yeah we could use another form or shape or colour, that kind of things. Well we we could make more more oval or something, and and Yeah or so Well yeah it's new. but young people want something different and it is Yeah. Yeah alright. Yeah. Yeah it doesn't fit. No if y if you look at new Phillips uh D_V_D_ with their uh remotes pl players they they are the new remotes aren't box shaped. They're all um Well Yeah. Yes uh Well most of of them are are somewhat thicker at the end, and get um yeah thinner towards the uh the other end. Mm. Yeah it Yeah yea Hmm.. Yeah. Yeah maybe we can um just like on cell phones those um well you can you can put on on them, and so you can customise your uh your own remote with different colours or or special paint jobs I dunno but Well. Mm... Yeah that's bad, yeah. Yeah that's important. Yeah. But our T_V_s are mostly made in China and that sort of country, so. Yeah. Yes. Yes. Mm. Well you can make profit with them, and it's a way to make them trendy. Yeah alright. Yeah normal. No a colour everyone accepts. Mm. Mm. Yeah. standard. Well young people s li Yeah yeah, yeah. Yeah. What's the uh url or the website 'cause I didn't get Yeah. Oh oh right oh well I didn't uh use it. Yes. Next meeting is in Thirty minutes. Yeah alright it's it's handy to know Oh. Goodbye. S. +Speaker D: Yo. Ow. Uh Yeah. What the Uh Yeah well, ja well let's just start. I've uh made a presentation uh but uh I'll open it on the Smartboard, so we can all see it. So it's in the project documents because that's what we can find here. Well. Very nice. Well this is called the the the kick-off meeting. So uh I'm the Project Manager, so I had to fill it in, and uh hmm. Oh sorry. And an uh a nice agenda. Uh we'll do the opening and then uh we'll meet each other, what uh we already do, so, that's not uh very much trouble. I'll I'll show you the the tools we have here, so that we can all use them. Then uh we'll look at the project plan from uh Real Reaction. We'll discuss about our first ideas about the project, and then uh we'll close the meeting, and then we can uh individually uh do our things and then uh we'll get back here. So this the opening we'll uh We have to uh design a new television remote control. You have heard that uh already I think, so. Um we want it to be original, so a nice uh a nice new design. Uh trendy, it's also for young people, and we have to just uh make it uh modern. And uh friendly, so size does matter. And uh Well it has to be a have the the right uh the right buttons on the right place, that kin those kind of things. Other uh There happen to be uh three stages. functional, conceptual, and d detailed design. Um so every time we we'll do some individual work, get meeting, talk about it, uh and then go into the next phase. That's just it. Um We have uh these two Smartboards. Um well as I just showed, there's a project management folder, a project document folder on the desktop. It just works exactly the same as a computer. You just uh click on the on the folder and you open the everything you you put in it with your laptop. So you can uh make uh Words Excel, everything. Um and the w the r uh the rest uh also works the same so uh when you open a notepad you uh you just get your uh things, you can uh draw. This is a uh well a drawing board. you have a these different uh functions on the board. You can see them there. So you have a a nice pen, and it's works just like a bal ball pen. This is just a. I want to uh Oh yeah. Of course w doesn't work any more. Yes I will eraser so. It's fantas fantastic. We can uh uh well you can save a file. So if uh we draw we have to save everything. Don't throw anything away. Uh just we can start a new one, and we just go on, and don't throw anything away. Just uh let them all uh stand here. We can delete, but we don't do that. Um you can here select a pen, you can draw anything you want. It's a bit uh childish you have to write. It's not as fast as you w you know it, but it does work sometimes. Well it's just like a normal uh paint. So it's gone. Well we are designers, so we have to have a a more uh a Smartboard. So that's fantastic. Um well this uh speaks for itself. We going to try it. So um we all uh are going to uh draw a nice animal on this board, not my idea. Yes our your favourite. So um I'm to going to have to draw a kangaroo, but I'm going d I'm not going to. I'm just uh going to uh well draw a nice uh beast w I dunno what I'm going to design. Oh um doesn't oh. Yeah, 'kay. Hmm? I just said it's not my idea but I am the Project Manager, and officially this is my idea. So what? Ah the first the first meeting is just a bit uh loose, loosen up, a bit uh meeting each other well uh uh nice yeah. Sh I hope our Industrial Designer does this better because uh this is uh No so a a few legs. Yes yes guess. Well I should make it an hippo now. No I don't think so. Well what is it, huh? Yeah difficult English word. I didn't knew it myself. Our characteristics sum it up. Well it's uh very uh painful those kind of thing. So we can uh just uh We're going back and now uh our Industrial Designer can uh draw its uh most favourite animal. Huh. Oh uh but this uh marketing designer. what kind of animal is that then? Uh it. Yeah. No no no. What are you going to do? No no. No no save it and start a new uh save it and start a new black uh doc a blank document. Yeah well we have to save everything so now um the next one uh and then save it and start an blank document. Yeah. There's also different colours and different uh well pen widths uh the line the the thickness thickness. So um well you should uh try it but uh Well y y y you could have but uh. It speaks for itself. What the uh just a duck. Nice. Is it a duck? Is it a plane? It doesn't draw uh circles uh that easy uh. Yeah just a bit a bit childish, a bit. Well uh save the document and then uh And then a a new blank document for. uh will uh choose a new colour and a new pen width so w we can all see it. No well first yeah. And then you go to format I think, and current colour you choose a new colour. And a new pen width uh also format. It's not like in paint. Line width. And you can choose a nice one. Width width. With each other. Yeah. So. Just a wa that's the way we do it's quite easy. Mm-hmm. Oh Pussy. Well then you change it. And erase things. What? Super pig. So Yeah yeah yeah we know. Yes alright. It's a cat. Well well um Yeah save it and start a new blank document. Yep. So that's uh what we're going to use when we uh need it. Well it's terrific, eh? Yeah that's it. We're one big happy family now. Well then uh the serious uh stuff. We're we want to sell it at twenty five Euros internationally um so um but we dunno what exactly th i it is in dollars, but uh twenty five Euros. Our profit aim is, worldwide, fifty million Euros. So I didn't uh exactly uh calculate how much we have to sell. we want to keep it our costs at twelve and a half Euros so, keep uh that in mind when we uh talk about our uh materials an f and stuff, and uh marketing uh research. Now then we all uh we can uh sit down and discuss uh what do we think about our current remote controls, first about design uh about uh aim in the market etcetera? Well uh we c we can sit down uh because uh presentation can wait. We can uh take notes and uh Well who has uh some uh remarks about the current uh remote controls? Please? No uh I did. Well uh just w we're uh four uh if we if we would just have one then Yeah. Yeah yeah. Yep. That's alright. That would be a nice idea, yes. Yep yep yep. Yes fifty million is our aim to a profit, so. Yes. I'll make uh notes and then uh maybe uh well I'll put it in the project uh folder when I'm done uh just now. Well yeah? No that's right. Y y you don't use uh the half of them that's that's culture uh international. Yes. Yep, and maybe we do uh we even have uh more than just a D_V_D_ player. Don't we have uh other uh ou Uh. We also uh just uh released a T_F_T_ uh thing I saw. Yeah. Yep. Well yeah. It doesn't have to be, but we can. Well except if we deliver it together with our D_V_D_. Yeah because we look at competitors and w if we pick up the good things about that and give it a nice design Yes. Yep. Yeah. Oo N we can use uh it as a as a game pad. So one hand has the beer, so the other hand uh Well i we already uh one of our aims is that it has to be original and trendy so Well there has been done a lot of researches about remotes uh we have to we can imagine uh because it's a long time uh on the market. So the the form will have been uh tested out so Yes. Well for me personally I have a a lot of remotes uh at home but those ones that have a a round ending and uh well uh just an uh square uh middle I don't like to use them. I have uh have to it has to fit my hands. When it falls over it and I just have and then the button that I use most has to be here. It f it fits your hands and then you just push the button that you use most with thumb. Tho tho those new D_V_D_ players on the market do have those. D_V_D_ players. Yes. Well A it h it has it it has a that's tha th th shape that it fits your hand. That's We have five minutes left. So Yes uh that's yep. Yep. Ha. Sound nice. Yes. Well it's just uh about our first ideas now so I think individually we'll have to uh come up with ideas for the next meeting about these materials and markets etcetera. Yes? Yes. Well thirty minutes we have. So um This is about uh what we are going to uh do uh. You'll get specific instructions when you're back in your room so uh it's uh logical uh. I think. Oh and uh that's uh that's all. So we'll just get a notice that the the meeting is uh over. Yeah yes say. Well I have had remotes that um they had uh the function of the buttons was about uh uh a layer over the buttons and when I've had use it much it was gone. So it has to be made in the buttons I think. It has to uh not be loose. Yeah. Is there an a universal uh universal way of um transmitting from the remote to the television so it's all about uh It's not that in China it's different? Yeah. But y you can have uh of course different between D_V_D_s and televisions and between Yeah. Probably yes. China rules. Well I think uh w we can look into that in the in the next uh thirty minutes. Yeah. Yes. Well j just y you get a n a normal front with it, but you can change them uh when you buy the And we should uh dispatch those kind of fronts fronts a a around the world so uh Well th those fifty million don't uh don't se sells itself so we have to uh make uh some extra effort like fronts uh. Yes. Yeah well it has to it h it has to fit the the te television and D_V_D_ set we are going to sell, so if they are uh black and black black and silver we'll make them black and silver so. Yeah. Well if if you yeah. If you have a a a television room for little children and you make a if if you buy a a pink front they'll they'll love it. I think. But that's uh marketing uh research you can uh you can ask uh. Yes. Well our user interface you can uh maybe uh I don't know what your specific instructions will be, but uh probably about uh the precision of the buttons and and those kind of things and what buttons will have to be on the uh remote. And you will look into the technical design and um form, I think. Or something like that. Yeah. Yeah. Euro? Well it it it's if you uh Finish meeting now. Oh alright. Well uh we're going to back uh back into our rooms so In thirty minutes, but uh I think it will be you will be warned uh through your laptop uh to get over here. I'll have to restore my uh my desktop uh because uh it's it's the half of the normal size. Oh right, oh. Ma W that was a nice meeting. Yeah, see you.","I've uh made a presentation uh but uh I'll open it on the Smartboard , so we can all see it . Well this is called the the the kick-off meeting . So uh I'm the Project Manager , And an uh a nice agenda . Uh we'll do the opening and then uh we'll meet each other , I'll I'll show you the the tools we have here , so that we can all use them . We'll discuss about our first ideas about the project , and then uh we'll close the meeting , and then we can uh individually uh do our things and then uh we'll get back here . We have to uh design a new television remote control . Um we want it to be original , so a nice uh a nice new design . Uh trendy , it's also for young people , and we have to just uh make it uh modern . And uh friendly , so size does matter . And uh Well it has to be a have the the right uh the right buttons on the right place , that kin those kind of things . There happen to be uh three stages . functional , conceptual , and d detailed design . Um so every time we we'll do some individual work , get meeting , talk about it , uh and then go into the next phase . We have uh these two Smartboards . Um and the w the r uh the rest uh also works the same so uh when you open a notepad you uh you just get your uh things , This is a uh well a drawing board . you have a these different uh functions on the board . So you have a a nice pen , and it's works just like a bal ball pen . Of course w doesn't work any more . We can uh uh well you can save a file . So if uh we draw we have to save everything . Uh just we can start a new one , and we just go on , and don't throw anything away . Um you can here select a pen , It's a bit uh childish you have to write . It's not as fast as you w you know it , but it does work sometimes . So um we all uh are going to uh draw a nice animal on this board , We going to try it . Alright , your favourite animal ? I'm just uh going to uh well draw a nice uh beast I hope this was part of the assignment and not uh your personal uh enjoyment . Ah the first the first meeting is just a bit uh loose , loosen up , a bit uh meeting each other We're kinda losing time , though . It's a hedgehog . and now uh our Industrial Designer can uh draw its uh most favourite animal . It's a rabbit . save it and start a new uh These are very important documents , of course , uh these drawings , uh Yeah well we have to save everything There's also different colours and different uh well pen widths uh the line the the thickness thickness . It's just a bird . you choose a new colour . And a new pen width uh also format . It's a cat . Well then uh the serious uh stuff . We're we want to sell it at twenty five Euros internationally um so um but we dunno what exactly th i it is in dollars , but uh twenty five Euros . Our profit aim is , worldwide , fifty million Euros . So I didn't uh exactly uh calculate how much we have to sell . we want to keep it our costs at twelve and a half Euros so , keep uh that in mind when we uh talk about our uh materials an f and stuff , and uh marketing uh research . Now then we all uh we can uh sit down and discuss uh what do we think about our current remote controls , first about design uh about uh aim in the market etcetera ? Well who has uh some uh remarks about the current uh remote controls ? Well I I didn't have to prepare anything about uh it's not , it's it's not my task to uh talk about uh experience with current remote controls , Well uh just w we're uh four uh if we if we would just have one then I think it's im it's important to uh look at uh the remote controls of our competitors . Get the good points uh try to merge them into one universal remote control . On our corporate site I saw uh a new D_V_D_ player uh we're gonna produce . Maybe it's important to make it compatible with the D_V_D_ player Furthermore it's important to make it uh acceptable for the whole world , for different cultures , maybe , because we want to we want to well fifty million ? No but uh the b the buttons have to uh have to have uh international recognisable buttons and uh and numbers and uh that every culture in uh , yeah , people in every country can recognise . I also think we should not add too many buttons . Modern day uh remotes have too much buttons I think . Y y you don't use uh the half of them that's that's and make the other buttons uh multi-functional or something . Maybe we could make one button to switch between D_V_D_ player and T_V_ so it doesn't uh become too complicated with too much buttons and uh we should make it compatible perhaps with everything we use , we uh we make ? and maybe we do uh we even have uh more than just a D_V_D_ player . And stereo uh s uh audio installations . And I think the people who who will buy our uh remote already have some experience with remotes . because we look at competitors and w if we pick up the good things about that and give it a nice design It has to be different and familiar at the same time . we could use another form or shape or colour , that kind of things . I thought about uh like most uh remote controls uh are uh a long box shaped thing you can make it uh triangle shaped , but that's not uh very recognisable . Well we we could make more more oval or something , and and N we can use uh it as a as a game pad . So one hand has the beer , so the other hand uh but young people want something different Yeah but it's quite important that it fits . one of our aims is that it has to be original and trendy so Well there has been done a lot of researches about remotes uh we have to we can imagine uh so the long box uh shaped thing must be uh , yeah , useful for me personally I have a a lot of remotes uh at home but those ones that have a a round ending and uh well uh just an uh square uh middle I don't like to use them . When it falls over it and I just have and then the button that I use most has to be here . It shouldn't be boxy . I don't agree with the long box uh shape But it does fit in the hand if you hold it like this , and you can make it another shape , No if y if you look at new Phillips uh D_V_D_ with their uh remotes pl players they they are the new remotes aren't box shaped . No that's ol old fashioned . Well most of of them are are somewhat thicker at the end , and get um yeah thinner towards the uh the other end . uh but then with some uh round uh round forms in it to fit your hand , A it h it has it it has a that's tha th th shape that it fits your hand . It shouldn't be too boxy , you know . but no no I don't mean an entire box like completely square but a also with round edges of course , but in in in at the end it's still this long box shape with convenient uh round uh shapes uh to fit . A big recognisable button on top or something . The buttons should uh also be not too small , not too big , of course , and uh n uh uh not too close uh together . But it should be possible to to um make it ap apparent that there are two functions for every button . Yeah of course uh to uh to uh to have icons to explain the different functions . and maybe we should use colours . Yeah maybe we can um just like on cell phones those um well you can you can put on on them , and so you can customise your uh your own remote with different colours or or special paint jobs That's kinda trendy . Sound nice . Yes . I think we have to talk also about uh the the materials for um so I think individually we'll have to uh come up with ideas for the next meeting about these materials and markets etcetera . Well it's just uh about our first ideas now I think it's uh it's important to uh notate all the the decisions that we make , You'll get specific instructions when you're back in your room so uh it's uh logical uh . I think . So we'll just get a notice that the the meeting is uh over . Yeah now we can still talk about the material , I w wrote down uh that the case should be plastic of course , hard plastic , the buttons should be uh rubbery I think uh . Yeah it shouldn't be too heavy . Well I have had remotes that um they had uh the function of the buttons was about uh uh a layer over the buttons It it's a we we make an a universal remote so it ha has to work with uh all kinds of brands and things . infrared beams an infrared beam I think . Is there an a universal uh universal way of um transmitting from the remote to the television The user presses a button and with an infrared beam it signals the television set accordingly , Are we going w uh with the front uh fronts uh idea ? Well I think uh w we can look into that in the in the next uh thirty minutes . and you can always use a front front on it , you know ? You can use it just plain but you can To make it more trendy . And we should uh dispatch those kind of fronts fronts a a around the world so uh Well you can make profit with them , and it's a way to make them trendy . Well but th but the standard front will be uh just grey or something Yeah well it has to it h it has to fit the the te television and D_V_D_ set we are going to sell , so if they are uh black and black black and silver we'll make them black and silver so But people of often don't like bright colours or something . We have to make it grey or s or black . But that's uh marketing uh research you can uh you can ask uh . Well our user interface you can uh maybe uh I don't know what your specific instructions will be , but uh probably about uh the precision of the buttons and and those kind of things and what buttons will have to be on the uh remote . And you will look into the technical design and um form , I think . Finish meeting now . Well uh we're going to back uh back into our rooms so Next meeting is in In thirty minutes ," +13817023,"A: Hi Tom, are you busy tomorrow’s afternoon? +B: I’m pretty sure I am. What’s up? +A: Can you go with me to the animal shelter?. +B: What do you want to do? +A: I want to get a puppy for my son. +B: That will make him so happy. +A: Yeah, we’ve discussed it many times. I think he’s ready now. +B: That’s good. Raising a dog is a tough issue. Like having a baby ;-) +A: I'll get him one of those little dogs. +B: One that won't grow up too big;-) +A: And eat too much;-)) +B: Do you know which one he would like? +A: Oh, yes, I took him there last Monday. He showed me one that he really liked. +B: I bet you had to drag him away. +A: He wanted to take it home right away ;-). +B: I wonder what he'll name it. +A: He said he’d name it after his dead hamster – Lemmy - he's a great Motorhead fan :-)))",A will go to the animal shelter tomorrow to get a puppy for her son. They already visited the shelter last Monday and the son chose the puppy. +13716628,"Emma: I’ve just fallen in love with this advent calendar! Awesome! I wanna one for my kids! +Rob: I used to get one every year as a child! Loved them! +Emma: Yeah, i remember! they were filled with chocolates! +Lauren: they are different these days! much more sophisticated! Haha! +Rob: yeah, they can be fabric/ wooden, shop bought/ homemade, filled with various stuff +Emma: what do you fit inside? +Lauren: small toys, Christmas decorations, creative stuff, hair bands & clips, stickers, pencils & rubbers, small puzzles, sweets +Emma: WOW! That’s brill! X +Lauren: i add one more very special thing as well- little notes asking my children to do something nice for someone else +Rob: i like that! My sister adds notes asking her kids questions about christmas such as What did the 3 wise men bring? etc +Lauren: i reckon it prepares them for Christmas +Emma: and makes it more about traditions and being kind to other people +Lauren: my children get very excited every time they get one! +Emma: i can see why! :)","Emma and Rob love the advent calendar. Lauren fits inside calendar various items, for instance, small toys and Christmas decorations. Her children are excited whenever they get the calendar." +13829420,"Jackie: Madison is pregnant +Jackie: but she doesn't wanna talk about it +Iggy: why +Jackie: I don't know why because she doesn't wanna talk about it +Iggy: ok +Jackie: I wanted to prepare you for it because people get super excited and ask lots of questions +Jackie: and she looked way more anxious than excited +Iggy: she's probably worrying about it +Iggy: she's taking every commitment really seriously +Jackie: it could be money problems or relationship problems +Iggy: or maybe she wants an abortion +Jackie: it could be all of the above +Iggy: but you know what? +Iggy: once my friend was pregnant and I couldn't bring myself to be happy about it +Jackie: why? +Iggy: I felt they were immature and I couldn't picture this couple as parents +Jackie: I felt similar way on Patricia's wedding +Iggy: Patricia Stevens? +Jackie: yes +Iggy: so we're talking about the same person +Jackie: what a coincidence +Jackie: so she's pregnant? +Iggy: she thought she was +Jackie: damn...",Madison is pregnant but she doesn't want to talk about it. Patricia Stevens got married and she thought she was pregnant. +13819648,"Marla: +Marla: look what I found under my bed +Kiki: lol +Tamara: is that someone's underwear? +Marla: it certainly isn't mine, my ass is big but it isn't huge +Kiki: it looks like male underwear +Tamara: not necessarily, maybe some butch had fun in your room while you were gone +Marla: ok but how can you leave your underwear after hooking up? wtf is wrong with people +Kiki: she or he could be too wasted to notice +Tamara: or maybe someone put their pants there to piss you off +Marla: that makes no sense +Marla: it's so fucking childish +Kiki: if it's childish then it must have been your sister's idea +Marla: she's 13, she doesn't have underwear that isn't pink +Tamara: maybe it belonged to one of your exes? +Kiki: she would have recognized it +Marla: lol we're doing total CSI investigation on one pair of boxers :D +Kiki: +Tamara: lol +Tamara: I think your sister convinced someone to put their underwear in your room as a dare +Marla: sounds legit +Kiki: Tamara, you just cracked the case! +Tamara: +Tamara: always happy to help",Marla found a pair of boxers under her bed. +13728448,"Robert: Hey give me the address of this music shop you mentioned before +Robert: I have to buy guitar cable +Fred: +Fred: Catch it on google maps +Robert: thx m8 +Fred: ur welcome",Robert wants Fred to send him the address of the music shop as he needs to buy guitar cable. +13814197,"Keith: Meg, pls buy some milk and cereals, I see now we've run out of them +Megan: hm, sure, I can do that +Megan: but did you check in the drawer next to the fridge? +Keith: nope, let me have a look +Keith: ok, false alarm, we have cereal and milk :D +Megan: ",Megan needn't buy milk and cereals. They're in the drawer next to the fridge. +13820419,"Samantha: +Evelyn: LOL +Holly: Is SHE making that noise?? +Samatha: Yes (^▽^) +Holly: How possible?? :o +Samantha: Idk, I'm also surprised!! +Evelyn: xD",Samantha and Evelyn after watching the video cannot believe she is able to make that noise. +13864382,"Theresa: have you been at Tom's new place? +Luis: yes, it's nice +Marion: He invited us for a dinner +Adam: where is it? +Marion: a bit outside the city +Adam: where exactly? +Marion: Fiesole +Luis: very nice!",Tom's new place is in Fiesole. Luis and Marion has been there. +13729454,"Jane: Hello +Vegano Resto: Hello, how may I help you today? +Jane: I would like to make a reservation. +Jane: For 6 people, tonight around 20:00 +Vegano Resto: Let me just check. +Vegano Resto: Ah, I'm afraid that there is no room at 20:00. +Vegano Resto: However, I could offer you a table for six at 18:30 or at 21:00 +Vegano Resto: Would either of those times suit you? +Jane: Oh dear. +Jane: Let me just ask my friends. +Vegano Resto: No problem. +Jane: 21:00 will be ok. +Vegano Resto: Perfect. So tonight at 21:00 for six people under your name. +Jane: great, thank you!",Jane made a 9 PM reservation for 6 people tonight at Vegano Resto. +13810148,"Nancy: Howdy, how y'all doin'? +Tina: Is that a Texan drawl, girl? +Nancy: Yes ma'am! Loving it out here! +Tina: How's the job going? Kids behaving themselves? +Nancy: Mostly! They laugh at my accent though! +Tina: Well, they probably haven't met a Welsh person before! +Nancy: No shit! They ask me to repeat everything! Best one is ""Water"", course, it's mostly ""Waarderr"" here! +Tina: LOL. I'd love to hear that, you picked up the accent yet? +Nancy: Nah, 21 years in Cardiff isn't easily removed! +Tina: We're missing you here, the pub is quiet these days without your laugh! +Nancy: Miss you too! I'm coming home in 6 weeks, though. Last fortnight I'm going travelling with 3 other Brits working here, a Geordie girl, a guy from Belfast and Annie, who's from Glasgow. +Tina: My God, I'm so jealous! I bet they had even more trouble being understood out there! See you after your trip!","Nancy's working in Texas, but the kids laugh at her Welsh accent. She's coming home in 6 weeks. Earlier than that she's going to travel with 3 other Brits." +13862537,"Laura: I need a new printer :/ +Laura: thinking about this one +Laura: +Jamie: you're sure you need a new one? +Jamie: I mean you can buy a second hand one +Laura: could be",Laura is going to buy a printer. +13862991,"Barbara: got everything? +Haylee: yeah almost +Haylee: i'm in dairy section +Haylee: but can't find this youghurt u wanted +Barbara: the coconut milk one? +Haylee: yeah +Barbara: hmmm yeah that's a mystery. cause it's not dairy but it's yoghurt xD +Haylee: exactly xD +Haylee: ok i asked sb. they put it next to eggs lol +Barbara: lol",Haylee can't find the coconut milk yoghurt. +13682191,"Norbert: we need to hurry to catch the tour +Wendy: ok, am buying something. be right out! +Norbert: ok. am not waiting long though. missed the last one because of you +Wendy: just be patient for once. +Norbert: im always patient +Wendy: at the register now +Norbert: alright","Wendy is shopping, but she needs to hurry up to catch the tour." +13864649,"Lidia: hi guys, how was your day? +Cecil: amazing +Lidia: where did you go? +Cheryl: to the Jandia Peninsula +Cheryl: sorry, Cecil is driving +Lidia: and how was it? +Cheryl: I liked it a lot +Cheryl: Peter took very nice pics +Peter: +Peter: but it was very windy +Lidia: yes, it's always windy here +Peter: really? Also in summer? +Lidia: sure, the name Fuerteventura means strong wind +Cheryl: wow, it's fascinating +Lidia: so do you have any plans for tomorrow +Cheryl: Cecil wants to explore more the south of the island +Peter: I'm just a passenger, so have no voice +Cheryl: c'mon, it's not true +Peter: I'm just joking +Cheryl: we will decide after dinner +Cecil: ok, so let me know +Cheryl: we will","Cecil, Cheryl and Peter went to the Jandia Peninsula today. Cecil would like to explore the south of the island tomorrow, but they will decide what to do after dinner. " +13730658,"Nickola: Have you found it? +Sophie: No! Still looking :( +Nickola: Check pockets and handbags. +Sophie: Checked them all twice already... ",Sophie still hasn't found it despite checking pockets and handbags twice. +13819903,"Rosie: What's your favorite b-movie? +Elle: um, hard to say. Why do you ask? +Dennis: Toxic avenger for sure +Rosie: I have to write an essay and I chose bad movies as my topic and I'm just looking for inspiration +Elle: plan 9 from outer space is definitely something worth mentioning +Rosie: Yeah, I've seen it. And I will also cover ""The Room"". I'm just looking for something a bit more niche +Dennis: There's Troma Studio for ya - toxic avenger, poultrygeist - the latter is exceptionally awful - and it's a musical +Rosie: Is it one of those intentionally bad movies? +Dennis: most definitely +Rosie: ok, thank you, I'll check it out +Elle: oh, there's also jesus christ vampire hunter +Rosie: what? :D +Elle: it's even worse than it sounds +Dennis: and when it comes to more recent movies there are those stupid animal-based horror movies like sharknado or zombeavers +Rosie: I've heard of sharknado and zombeavers sound just awesome +Rosie: thanks guys, you helped me a lot :)",Dennis and Elle are helping Rosie think of bad movies for her essay. +13729688,"Julia: What is your biggest dream +Julia: I mean the kind that can be achieved +James: Everyone say I have nice voice +James: My mom liked very much when I was reading outloud +James: I've had this dream for some time now, to become a voice actor +James: Be a part of cartoon or video game as a voice actor reading a character +Julia: Wow. Nice one. +Julia: Btw you do have a nice voice +Julia: I could listen to you as a radio speaker. +James: Thanks +James: I've worked in radio, but it was during college so I had little time for this +Julia: Shame. +James: I know. But nothing is lost. I still have microphone at home and with a bit of help I could make homemade radio station +Julia: That's actually a great idea +Julia: I cheer for you!",James has a dream of becoming a voice actor. He considers making a home radio station. +13727903,"Poppy: I literally cannot think any more today! +Alice: Yeah, I'm in the same shape. What a long day! +Poppy: Lunch went by in a flash because I had errands, which makes the day so slow! +Alice: I didn't get lunch, so that's even worse! +Poppy: Oh, poor you! Aren't you starving? +Alice: I'll live. Only three more hours! +Poppy: LOL! Not that you're counting... +Alice: Damn straight I'm counting! LOL! +Poppy: Well, I'm def going for drinks after work. Want to join? +Alice: Who else is there? +Poppy: Nobody yet but I was going to put the word out. +Alice: Sure, sounds fun. I'll invite some people up here if that's okay? +Poppy: Oh, got your eye on anyone? +Alice: Fred! +Poppy: Fred? Really? +Alice: Sure, why not? He's single, my age and not bad looking. +Poppy: He's a dork! +Alice: But a cute one! +Poppy: If you say so. Not my type! +Alice: That's a relief! +Poppy: He's all yours! +Alice: Good. So I'll invite him and a bunch of others. See you at Nick's? +Poppy: Perfect. About 5:30. +Alice: Great! +Poppy: Can't wait! So ready for a beer! +Alice: GnT for me!","Poppy and Alice are meeting for drinks after work at Nick's at 5:30. Alice fancies Fred, she will invite him and a bunch of other coworkers." +13810095,"Sash: need to see u +Caron: y +Caron: i'm out from 12 +Sash: will be before +Sash: then +Caron: k +Sash: open the door: +Caron: what time u coming I need to go out +Sash: soon +Caron: hurry up I need to go out",Sash needs to see Caron who'll be out from 12. +13829676,"Giuseppe: Hi man +Matteo: Yo +Giuseppe: How's it going with Gosia? +Matteo: I don't know, she's a little strange +Giuseppe: Why? +Matteo: She always criticizes me because I like football and video games +Giuseppe: Damn +Matteo: Yeah... +Giuseppe: Ok, I don't like games either, but... +Matteo: You boring guy +Giuseppe: Lol +Matteo: Anyway I like her a lot +Giuseppe: I can understand that, she's hot, if you ever dump her make sure you tell me +Matteo: Get your hands off her, man +Giuseppe: Just kidding +Matteo: Lollolol",Matteo is not sure about his relationship with Gosia but likes her a lot. +13731412,"Ramzi: Mom is calling for supper +Jannette: Ok Im coming +Ramzi: 👍",Ramzi and Jannette are going for supper. +13819883,"Jeniffer: We're preparing ravioli +Alois: how nice! nobody makes them better than your family +Jeniffer: I got the recipe from my grandmother +Hildegard: it's a real treasure",Jeniffer is preparing ravioli following her grandmothers recipe. +13727839,"Madison: Hello Lawrence are you through with the article? +Lawrence: Not yet sir. +Lawrence: But i will be in a few. +Madison: Okay. But make it quick. +Madison: The piece is needed by today +Lawrence: Sure thing +Lawrence: I will get back to you once i am through.",Lawrence will finish writing the article soon. +13680895,"Chad: +Chad: hahaha +Brennen: hmmm +Chad: what? +Brennen: well it's just it's not THAT funny lol +Chad: you did say lol tho +Brennen: right... +Brennen: you got be there",Chad has sent Brennen a funny photo. Brennen does not find it very funny. +13729070,"Sadie: can i borrow your bike again please? +Chloe: when? +Sadie: on thursday, i need to go to the dentist quickly after work +Chloe: sure, let me know when you want to pick it up +Sadie: wednesday evening will be good? +Chloe: sure, come over and please remember to lock it properly!!",Sadie will borrow Chloe's bike on Wednesday evening. She has a dentist appointment on Thursday after work. +13830001,"Olivia: Hey Carter, are you still developing that restaurant business? +Carter: Hi Olivia +Carter: Yes, we want to launch next month :) +Olivia: Next month? That's soon! Congrats :) +Carter: thanks, I'm a bit nervous but I seriously believe we're delivering something innovative and needed +Olivia: I think it's a great concept and I am sure you'll do great! +Olivia: I am currently involved with a new restaurant in the city centre +Carter: Which one? +Olivia: Spicy and chilled +Carter: I heard about it :) Is it any good? ;) +Olivia: I love the restaurant and really like working there +Carter: good for you! +Olivia: and here's the question - are you still looking for restaurant to include in your discount app? +Carter: sure, but I think it would be better to discuss it in person - would you like to meet up? +Olivia: That would be great!",Carter is launching a restaurant business next month. Olivia wants him to include a restaurant she's working for in the discount app. They will meet in person to discuss it. +13828606,"Guy: Hey, I just got the news - how's Kenny? +Kristine: Not good. He's back from surgery, but the doctors don't know if he'll pull through. +Guy: He's gonna be okay - he has you to get back to :) +Kristine: He's got another surgery scheduled tomorrow, but they might have to reschedule it depending on his condition. +Guy: And how are you? +Kristine: Honestly? I'm terrified. I'm scared I'm gonna lose him. +Guy: Do you want me to come to the hospital? +Kristine: No, you shouldn't worry about me, I'll be fine. You probably have a lot work to do. +Guy: Kenny's my best friend. He'ld want me to look after you. +Guy: Kris? You there?? +Kristine: Yeah, I'm here +Guy: What hospital are you at? +Kristine: We're at St Marks Hospital near Asda. +Kristine: Thanks Guy - Kenny's lucky to have you +Guy: I'm on my way. +Guy: Kenny's lucky to have you too - I'll be there soon.","Kenny had a surgery, as Kristine reports. He will have another surgery tomorrow. Guy will come to St. Mark's Hospital near Asda to stay with Kristine." +13829369,"Skyler: Joey and Olivia broke up :o +Adam: really?? +Adam: after all these years? +Skyler: i was surprised too +Skyler: apparently he cheated on her with numerous girls +Skyler: and he got some chick pregnant +Adam: Joey?? this is so unlike him! +Skyler: i know! +Skyler: it’s so sad, they knew each other for years, they were childhood sweethearts... +Skyler: it’s just heartbreaking +Skyler: Olivia is completely devastated, she’s crying her eyes out +Adam: did you talk to her? +Skyler: yeah, I met her 2 days ago, she was just a wreck +Skyler: Adam must be heartless +Adam: poor Olivia :( +Adam: well, we know just one side of the story +Adam: maybe he had some good reasons to dump her +Skyler: maybe... +Skyler: i just sympathize with her, i know how it feels to be played like this",Skyler and Adam are surprised that Joey and Olivia broke up. +13812788,"Amanda: guess what! +Chris: hey ;) ur pregnant! +Amanda: noo ;) but close enough! I'm so proud of myself! Remember I go to these dancing classes with Michael? +Chris: Yeah? +Amanda: So we went yesterday and the instructor needed a partner to show the steps we had so far +Chris: so there's only one guy teaching you? without a female partner? +Amanda: Well, this time he was alone, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT! Listen! +Chris: yeah, sorry :D tell me! +Amanda: So he needed a partner and noone really knew the steps like perfectly +Amanda: and obviously noone wanted to be mocked +Amanda: so I thought, aaaah fuck it :D +Chris: u volunteered? really? you?? +Amanda: yeah! +Chris: whooa! that's so great! #therapy #worthit :D +Amanda: yeah i know :D maybe one day i'll actually stop being so shy +Chris: that's definitely the first step! :D congrats! +Amanda: tx ^_^ +Chris: what dance was it? +Amanda: English waltz +Chris: isn't it, like, SO difficult? +Amanda: yeah it is! but everyone said I looked like a pro :D +Chris: Well done!! ",Amanda goes to dancing classes with Michael. She volunteered to show the English Waltz steps with the instructor yesterday. Amanda is shy and goes to therapy. +13862241,"Taylor: I have a question!!(゚д゚) +Isabel: Yes? +Taylor: Why haven’t you introduced me even once your bf to me? +Taylor: All of my friends’ daughters bring their bfs and introduced them. +Taylor: You know I’m such a cool mum. I won’t make him stressful. +Taylor: Just bring him. +Isabel: Because mum... +Isabel: I haven’t had any! (ΘεΘ;)(ΘεΘ;)",Taylor wants to meet Isabel's boyfriend but she has never had any. +13680943,"Toby: Hi, when are you leaving? +Theo: on Friday. +Toby: Soon! +Theo: soonish +Toby: Where are you going? decided? +Theo: I was thinking about the Italian Alpes +Toby: where exactly? +Theo: close to Torino I guess +Toby: Do you have a free seat in the car? +Theo: I think we still do +Toby: So maybe I would join you, just for the weekend. +Theo: That would be very nice! +Toby: And I would come back by train on Monday. +Theo: Is it worth it, the journey? +Toby: I haven't beed skiing for years, I really miss it +Theo: ok, but we want to depart before 7am, will you manage? +Toby: if you could pick my up, or at least come to my neighbourhood... +Theo: That's not a problem! +Toby: Great! +Theo: I'll write you later about all the details.",Theo's going to stay near Torino in the region of Italian Alpes. Toby wants to join the trip. Theo agrees and will pick Toby up on Friday at 7 am. +13681832,"Phil: Is Brandon in? +Clara: Not yet. +Phil: Has he called to say he'd be late? +Clara: No, he hasn't. +Phil: It's not the first time, ist it? +Clara: No, it isn't. +Phil: When he arrives, tell him to come to me. +Clara: Of course. +Phil: Please prepare a report on the absenteeism and lateness. I expect it by Friday on my desk. +Clara: It will be ready.",Brandon is late again. Clara will prepare a report on the absenteeism and lateness for Phil by Friday. +13828178,"Suzie: Hi, Olga... +Olga: What's up? +Suzie: I'm sick again... :( And I'm caughing like crazy +Olga: Oh, poor thing. +Suzie: I don't want you to catch anything so I think I should cancel :( +Olga: That's OK, we can reschedule. +Suzie: I'm so so sorry. +Olga: C'mon, you don't have to apologise! +Suzie: But I cancelled already last time. +Olga: Suzie, I'm human just as you are, I can get sick as well... +Suzie: I know... Well, thank you! +Olga: No problem! Get well soon, honey. +Suzie: ",Olga and Suzie will postpone their meeting due to Suzie's sickness. +13828709,"Diane: Will you be my kids' Lorelai? +Kate: Awww :3 +Kate: of course, I will! +Kate: Not that they would ever need one with such an amazing mother as you... +Diane: Well, I'm not sure +Diane: I'm terrified +Kate: It's normal, everyone gets scared before the birth +Kate: But once you hold her in your arms... +Kate: You'll forget everything +Diane: Yeah, I guess... +Diane: I just can't wait for it to happen +Diane: The waiting is the worst. +Kate: Hang in there a bit longer, honey <3 +Kate: you can do it! +Kate: +Diane: loool, thanks :D","Diane is pregnant and can't wait to give birth, she thinks the waiting is the worst. Kate thinks she'll be an amazing mother. " +13681414,"Andrew: I had to call in sick. +Daniel: Are you ok? +Andrew: Well, it’s just a cold but I feel awful! +Daniel: How did that happen? You don’t usually get bad colds.. Are you sure it’s not a flu? +Andrew: Pretty certain. I can never guess the weather right you know?! +Daniel: I see. That’s true it’s either warm or freezing cold. +Andrew: If I wear warm clothes, it’s hot. If I don’t, there’s a cold wind! +Daniel: Sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can help you with? +Andrew: Can you grab some stuff from the pharmacy for me on your way back? +Daniel: Of course I can! Just send me a list and I’ll drop by after work. +Andrew: Thanks son! +Daniel: No worries dad!",Andrew has a cold. Daniel will buy him some medication. +13821488,"John: doing anything special? +Alex: watching 'Millionaires' on tvn +Sam: me too! He has a chance to win a million! +John: ok, fingers crossed then! :)",Alex and Sam are watching Millionaires. +13821812,"Kelly: Do you have the cinnamon cookies recipe? +Jessica: Angelica has it +Angelica: Yes wait a sec +Angelica: +Angelica: +Kelly: Thanks :*",Angelica sent the cinnamon cookies recipe at Kelly's request. +13862432,"Gwen: Are you ready? +Sophie: no, I'm waiting for a client +Sophie: he's late :/ +Gwen: OK let me know pls +Sophie: maybe you prefer to meet at the restaurant +Gwen: How long will it take? +Sophie: no idea... he's already 40 min late +Sophie: I hate this! :/ +Gwen: OK let me know in 15 minutes and we will see +Gwen: I don't want to be late, Dee is waiting +Sophie: ok he's here, you can leave now +Sophie: be ready in 5 min","Sophie is waiting for a client, who is late. She will meet Gwen later." +13862547,"Daniel: Babes you here? +Daniel: I'm on my way.. +Sue: Ok! I'm going downstairs now +Daniel: See you in a few +Sue: Are you with the Volvo? +Daniel: Yes ;)",Daniel is with the Volvo on his way and will be there soon. Sue is going downstairs to meet him. +13731159,"Betty: What's for din din? +George: Dunno yet. Salmon of some kind! +Betty: Asian, I bet! +George: Probably. That's my go to. Boring? +Betty: Slightly. +George: I do have some squash. +Betty: Yes? +George: Well, I could just pan fry the salmon and do the squash stuffed? +Betty: Sounds yum. Can't wait! +George: Alright then, stuffed squash with salmon it is. +Betty: Can I pick up anything for you, I'm going to CVS? +George: Some shaving cream. I'm out! +Betty: Okay, will do. +George: Thanks!","George is making salmon and stuffed squash for dinner. Betty will buy a shaving cream at CVS at his request," +13829845,"Ken: Do you use endomondo? +Martha: Yeah, everyday, you installed too? :) +Ken: I did, I started running and wanted to track my progress +Martha: And? +Ken: It doesn't work properly I think or maybe there's something wrong with my phone. +Ken: I went for a jog, turned it on and I'm sure I wasn't running for more than an hour. I checked it for my results and it was off +Martha: Hm, weird... +Ken: I know, I wasn't using my phone at all, just had it with me while I was jogging +Martha: Did you have any notification? +Ken: No, the battery was almost depleted though +Martha: Eh, it happens in certain models, unfortunately. It works fine with mine, but my friend had a similar issue. Maybe your phone's battery or processor, I don't really know, is too weak for it +Ken: Maybe, but that's weird, it's just a fitness app",Ken has installed an app for running but it is not working properly on his phone. +13862936,"Ivan: Ann, I'm so sorry that I haven't been at you party +Ann: Ivan, you couldn't come +Ann: that's ok, you'll come next time +Ivan: I've bought you something for you birthday! +Ann: You shouldn't have... +Ivan: when are we meeting? +Ann: next week? +Ivan: ok",Ivan and Ann will meet next week. +13829929,"Delilah: have you seen what Ashley posted of her fb page? +Rowan: nope +Delilah: then take a look +Rowan: you know that i have some more important stuff to do, right? +Delilah: just check it out, really +Rowan: whoa +Rowan: i didn't see THAT coming +Rowan: are people allowed to post nudes on fb? +Delilah: this is ""art"" :D +Rowan: they are so... gritty +Rowan: she looks horrible +Delilah: yup +Delilah: these pics are gonna be a hit among her husband's students :p +Rowan: oh god, poor Evan",Ashley posted some nude photos on her fb page. +13862878,"Mikolaj: Hey, I haven't told you yet, but there is a breakthrough with my wife's papers +Magda: What papers +Mikolaj: With the working permission - since she's foreigner, you know +Magda: oh, I remember, so what about that? The government supposed to send it to you, I think, they had deadline until last week or something? +Mikolaj: yes, they supposed to do it. So I got the letter +Magda: cool, congratulations! +Mikolaj: the letter says that they won't make it in time and need another month T_T +Magda: wtf +Magda: I have no words",Mikolaj's wife needs a work permit as a foreigner. Government officials missed the deadline for sending it and will need another month. +13820965,"Maria: Are you still at the hotel? +Ann: Yes, I am +Thomas: Is there anybody still there? +Ann: Sure +Thomas: but the convention is over, right? +Ann: it is, but there are some people hanging around at the lobby and the 3rd floor +Thomas: is Peter still there? +Ann: I haven't seen him today, but come over and check for yourself +Thomas: ok, why not? We can have lunch together +Ann: With pleasure! +Maria: I'm on the way to the hotel as well, were are you exactly? +Ann: 3rd floor lobby +Ann: I'm at the red table +Maria: ok!","Thomas, Ann and Maria will have lunch together at the hotel. Ann is already in the 3rd floor lobby at the red table. " +13682314,"Sus: I'm sleepy +Val: me too! +Sus: don't wanna work :( +Val: me too! +Sus: +Val: +Sus: we r stupid :D +Val: I know :D",Sus and Val don't want to work and are sleepy. +13820652,"Kate: we're at the Guggenheim right now, so it will take a bit +Kate: but later we want to go to the Museum of the city of NY +Kai: I may join you +Terry: me too +Kai: what hour do you think you'll be there? +Kai: about? +Kate: around 2-2.30 +Ish: I will not manage to join you, sorry. I'm downtown with some friends and the weather is just horrible +Kate: oh, I understand it very well, don't worry +Kate: it's really disgusting outside +Terry: I've seen the museum, but I would join you afterwards for a coffee, if you don't mind +Kate: we will be happy to see you! +Kai: we'll let you know when we're done with the exhibition +Terry: don't miss the feminist exhibition, it's really good +Kate: we shall not! +Terry: hahah","Kate is at the Guggenheim Museum now, but will be in the Museum of the City of New York around 2-2:30. Kai may join her. Ish won't. Terry will join them for a coffee after they finish visiting the museum. Terry has already seen the museum." +13862888,"Cathy: Just realized I left my sunglasses at your house +Broke: Yes, they are waiting for you to pick them up +Cathy: Might come round at 10 tonight if that's alright +Broke: Yeah okay, see ya",Cathy left her sunglasses at Broke's house. She will come collect them at 10. +13680772,"Bradley: hi Fred! +Frederica: hi :) how are you? +Bradley: Great! you? +Frederica: good enough. +Bradley: Would you come to my birthday party tomorrow? +Frederica: I would love to! I need a reset hahahaha +Bradley: Great! You're welcome to reset yourself as much as you wish! +Frederica: What time? +Bradley: We're starting at 8pm +Frederica: ok, see you tomorrow! +Bradley: See you!",Bradley will come to Frederica's birthday party tomorrow at 8pm. +13828408,"Adrian: Did you receive the money? +Camilla: Hi! +Camilla: I still need to check, It usually takes around two days to arrive though +Camilla: Was it 250? +Adrian: Yes, let me know when you have checked :) +Camilla: I will, thanks",Camilla still hasn't received the 250. She will check and let Adrian know. Money usually takes around two days to arrive. +13680744,"Rowan: Plans today? +Lilliana: Nothing just waiting to have lunch then maybe have a nap +Rowan: Explain me one thing +Lilliana: What thing? +Rowan: And how is it? Like today u went to work but they sent u back home. U will still get paid for this? +Lilliana: They didn't send me home we decided not to fly and yes I still get paid. I don't get paid hourly I get paid monthly +Rowan: Ok",Liliana is at home and does not have specific plans for the day. Liliana and her colleagues decided not to fly today but she still got paid. Liliana's job pays a fixed rate on a monthly basis. +13681694,"Meg: hi baby +Margaret: hello :) +Meg: what are you doin? +Margaret: just had a shower +Meg: wanna go with me for shopping? +Margaret: hmm i need to buy some things +Margaret: so yes :) +Meg: great +Meg: can we meet near our school? +Margaret: sure :) +Margaret: when? +Meg: 1 pm? +Margaret: ok :)",Meg and Margaret are going shopping. They are planning to meet at 1 pm near their school. +13821738,"Ann: hi guys. Who do you think is the greatest Pole? +Maria: How would I know, Paulina surely has some ideas +Paulina: Maria Curie, I guess +Ann: I though she was French +Paulina: Curie was a name of her husband, her surname was Skłodowska +Ann: how fascinating! +Paulina: oh yes, she was so clever and hard-working +Paulina: I think she is not appreciated enough in my country",Paulina thinks that Maria Skłodowska-Curie is the greatest Pole. +13818860,"Miles: I gotta push this project man, I need this +Tim: I know, I'm doing my best +Gregory: I have an idea, but not through messenger, call me",Miles needs the project to be finished. Tim is trying. Gregory has an idea. +13828602,"Morgan: Juliaaaa :) +Morgan: How are u dear?? +Julia: Hey my love! I'm good, I'm at work 🙃 +Morgan: Do you want to meet up for a drink later on? +Julia: Sure, I'll give you a call when I'm done ;) +Morgan: 👍",Julia is at work. She will meet Morgan for a drink after work. She'll call her. +13680588,"Marta: Hi, I'm at the supermarket now to make some shopping for todays dinner. Do you have any wishes? +Nick: Hm I don't know. I haven't eat spaghetti in a while +Marta: Oh no, I've got spaghetti yesterday by Patric and the day before too. +Nick: Okay maybe some fish? +Marta: Yeah fish is great, I'll go and search for something +Nick: Text me what do you find. +Marta: Actually there is one small fish left and I don't think we will be full from it. +Nick: Let's make a lasagne +Marta: Do you know how much work that is? +Nick: No i don't know +Marta: It's a lot... +Nick: Maybe I could help you? +Marta: That's not a bad idea +Marta: Did you cook something yet? +Nick: No, but I can learn really fast :D +Marta: Okay, I'll buy the meat and sauce an let's do it +Nick: Should I look for a recipe in the Internet? +Marta: No need I did lasagne many times before +Nick: I can't wait ntil you teach me how to cook +Marta: I hope it will be eatable :D",Marta is grocery shopping for dinner. She and Nick will make lasagne. +13729959,"Dzuka: Until further notice, the staff meeting will be held at 8:30 instead of 8:00. Please change the calendar for everyone. Thanks. +Anna: No problem. Why the change/ +Dzuka: We had a few that never make it on time. I'm hoping this will encourage more participation. +Anna: Could be just the opposite! +Dzuka: We'll give it a try. +Anna: Sure, no problem. +Dzuka: I'll let you know if it changes again. Thanks. +Anna: NP",The stuff meeting is postponed from 8.00 to 8.30 to encourage more participation. Dzuka will inform Anna if it changes again. +13865101,"Will: checking your tests +Will: F, F, C, D, E, C…. +Daniel: as usual, we’re a disappointment :( +Will: you’re never a disappointment :* +Gabriel: <3 +Dave: +Dave: I’m touched +Will: you’re going to write it again. +Will: on Tuesday. +Erica: ",Will is checking their tests and they didn't go well. They will write it again on Tuesday. +13716017,"Sydney: Waaaaaaaaa… good morning!!! 😊 I’ve just heard in a radio that there are all the Game of Thrones characters around the city atm... Sophie, can we take a day off and look for them? I’ll call the manager and ask... +Sophie: Yes, please! 😂😂 +Gavin: Enjoy 👍😃 +Melanie: I rang... There was my other self on the other side of the phone... She said that in the morning actors sleep and they will be out tonight 😒. I hate when she is that serious 😜 +Gavin: I hate your other self, not funny enough... 😒 +Sophie: Does ‘serious’ mean ‘boring’?! 🤔🙄","The actors from ""Game of Thrones"" are in the city. Sydney and Sophie would like to get off work and look for them. Melanie reminds them, that they would be easier to find in the evening than in the morning." +13611651,"Aubray: Hi! What r u doing tomorrow? +Kate: Nothing special +Aubray: How about movie? +Kate: What kind of? +Aubray: something funny? +Kate: comedy you say.. is there anything worth watching? +Aubray: there's this new movie with SRK +Kate: please, don't say it's one of your Bollywood thing +Aubray: well, yes... but this one even you will like +Kate: How do you know? I realy can't stand all this singing and dancing +Aubray: Don't you find it a little bit funny? You can realy stop thinking for a while and just enjoy :D +Kate: yeah, cause watching 3h movie in a weird language is such a joy. +Aubray: oh please, I realy want to watch it! +Kate: u know I don't like that stuff +Aubray: pretty, pretty please? 4 the last time? If u tell me after that u r done with it I'll never ask again +Kate: 4 real? +Aubray: Yes, I swear +Kate: ok, I go, 4 the last time +Aubray: thank u tahnk u thank u :* +Kate: yeah, yeah. See u tomorrow","Aubray wants to watch Bollywood movie with Kate tomorrow. Kate doesn't like this type of movie. In the end, she agrees to join Aubray." +13681859,"Jane: Did you see how Lassie treated your shoes? +Don: Oh no, what did she do this time? +Jane: +Don: OMG! They were brand new! Why was the door to my room left open again? +Jane: I think mum was looking for some clothes to wash and she forgot to close it:(",Lassie ruined Don's new shoes. +13611956,"Julia: I need to look for a new winter jacket, gotta throw the old one away. +Julia: was thinking of going to the shops at the weekend, what do you say? +Isabel: yeah, Saturday afternoon maybe? +Julia: good. Blue City or Arkadia? +Isabel: I somehow prefer Arkadia. +Julia: ok, why not. About 4,5 pm? +Isabel: rather 5, I have a hairdresser at 3. +Julia: great, 5 at the main entrance then. See ya! +Isabel: see ya!",Julia is going shopping with Isabel Saturday afternoon as she needs a new winter jacket. Isabel has a hairdresser at 3 so can meet Julia at 5 Arkadia at the main entrance. +13716360,"Sally: Hello Michael, thank you for your invitation, I am currently unavailable for contracting so I have included my wonderful friend and colleague, Laura, in the conversation. I believe she might be able to help you out! +Michael: Thank you, Sally, for your kind response, it's a shame you won't be able to join us but thank you for the recommendation, much appreciated. +Laura: Hello Sally, hello Michael! :) Thank you for the invitation, I am very honoured to be in such a respectable company! +Sally: My pleasure, absolutely! Michael, Laura has extensive experience and fantastic work ethics, I'm sure the two of you will cooperate splendidly! +Laura: Thank you, Sally, for your kind words. Michael, I am indeed interested in your project. I would love to hear about it. +Michael: I'm sure Sally has already shared a great deal with you so you probably know what to expect. I have no doubts somebody she recommends is worth our attention. +Laura: Thank you, I have been incredibly lucky to have worked with Sally and learn from her vast experience and unmatched professionalism. Would we need to meet in person to discuss further details? +Sally: Michael, if need be, I will be happy to join your meeting, be it in person or via skype.",Sally is unavailable for contracting but recommends Laura. Michael appreciates it. Laura wants to meet to discuss further details. +13862846,"Kate Doran: Good morning, I'm writing in relation to your facebook advert. I'm interested in buying the following books: ""Legal English for Polish purposes"" and ""Business English dictionary"". +Patricia Keys: Perfect! On a day-to-day basis I work at Och theatre. Would it be convenient for you to come to the theatre? +Kate Doran: No problem. +Kate Doran: When can I come? +Patricia Keys: I'm available on Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. +Kate Doran: Perfect, I'll come at 7 p.m. +Kate Doran: Where will we meet? +Patricia Keys: At the entrance of the theatre, ok? +Kate Doran: Perfect +Kate Doran: Thank you very much +Patricia Keys: You're welcome +Kate Doran: Goodbye +Patricia Keys: Goodbye","Kate Doran wants to buy two books from Patricia Keys: ""Legal English for Polish purposes"" and ""Business English dictionary"". They will meet at the Och Theatre entrance at 7 PM to seal the deal." +13820331,"Doris: I'm almost there, are you inside? +Judy: yes, we were sitting outside, but Sara was cold +Sara: it's not Italy this country +Doris: hahaha +Judy: a bit exaggerated but let it be +Doris: I cannot find you +Judy: we're upstairs +Doris: ok!",Judy and Sara are sitting inside upstairs. +13819492,"Chad: Elton John is goat +Eva: what do you mean by goat? +Frank: greatest of all time +Chad: indeed +Eva: ahh... it makes sense now :P",Chad thinks that Elton John is greatest of all time. +13729159,"Leonardo: hey, pick me up in the morning +Griffin: okay +Griffin: at what time +Leonardo: very early, around 6,30 +Griffin: okay then +Leonardo: please dont forget, im going to the airport +Griffin: oh, youre leaving the country? +Leonardo: just for a few weeks +Griffin: thats awesome, ill see you then in the morning +Leonardo: thanks Griffin, i owe you +Griffin: its nothing, its just my responsibility as a driver +Leonardo: but still, thanks for being there +Griffin: youre welcome",Griffin will pick Leonardo up 6:30 am to get him to the airport. Leonardo is leaving the country for a couple of weeks. +13682336,"Franklin: Mum, our child is crying +Faye: Yes, my dear, it's often like that +Franklin: But why is he crying? +Faye: You know, it is the only way he can tell you what's going on with him, maybe he's hungry, maybe he wants to be changed, maybe he's having pain, stomach ache, toothache? +Franklin: But what should I do? +Faye: Try to give him a bottle, if he doesn't want, change his diapers, if not, take him in your arms, it often works +Franklin: Thanks, mum, I will try. Goodnight","Franklin's and Faye's child is crying. Franklin doesn't know what to do, so he will follow Faye's advice." +13820864,"Frederic: how is the weather down there? +Sean: today it's sunny but cold +Vanessa: it's quite strange, the temperature is low but it seems quite hot in the sun +Abigail: I love this weather, there is no single cloud +Frederic: it's very dull here +Frederic: I haven't seen the sun for more than 3 weeks, it's very depressing +Sean: Edinburgh can be difficult, I know","Frederic, Sean, Vanessa and Abigail are discussing the weather." +13812475,"Sophia: where were you last saturday +Jacob: I was with Henry +Sophia: Your parents were searching for you +Jacob: I forgot to inform them","Jacob's parents were looking for him last Saturday. Jacob was with Henry, but he forgot to inform his parents." +13729433,"Quinn: Hi Man, you been up town lately? +Jack: No mate, busy with college stuff and work. +Quinn: Fancy nipping up to the Apple shop to check out the new IPad? +Jack: Sounds great mate, but I'm skint. +Quinn: I'm not exactly loaded either, just looking innit? +Jack: Go on then, see you in an hour. Give me a bell at 12ish.",Quinn wants Jack to accompany him to the Apple store around 12. +13830039,"Andrzej: I cannot come today to your class, sorry about that. Could we make it some other day? +Magda: Andrzej, it's the third time you are skipping my class. I hope it's the last time +Andrzej: I am truly sorry about that. I had some small accident, I cut my finger and now my stomach hurts +Magda: You're terrible at making excuses +Magda: Let it be your last time +Magda: Because every time you do that it ruins my whole schedule +Andrzej: Yes, I understand, sorry one more time +Magda: I'm serious, it's the last time. Next time you will have to find another tutor +Andrzej: It will not happen again, thank you for understanding",Andrzej isn't coming to Magda's class today. +13682418,"Robert: Hey, is Mark by the office? +Kate: No, I was just there a second ago. Have you tried calling him? +Robert: I've been calling him all day but his phone's off. He isn't responding to his emails either :/ +Kate: I'm sorry. :/ What do you need him for? +Robert: He was supposed to send me his notes on the Faircase review. +Kate: Oh yeah, he mentioned that. He gave his notes to Jenny - she's keeping them safe for you :) +Robert: Great!!! That's a relief! I'll swing by tomorrow :) Fancy lunch as well? +Kate: By our place by the fountain? You bet! +Robert: It's a date! See you tomorrow Kate!","Robert is looking for Mark, who was supposed to send him his notes on the Faircase review but isn't answering his phone and email. Mark has left the notes with Jenny. Robert is going to come by and get them tomorrow. He will also eat lunch with Kate by their place by the fountain." +13862463,"Grace: +Grace: check out my new website ;) +Andrea: ooh ok give me a sec +Grace: ok ok just letting you know ;) +Andrea: wow looks great! really pro +Grace: thanks. tell me if you see anything that needs improvement +Andrea: the photo is perfect who took it? +Grace: the girl we met at Claire's wedding, remember? +Grace: Olivia +Andrea: oh ok now I remember +Andrea: do you have some more pics from the session? +Grace: yeah I'll show you +Grace: I just wanted to ask you, when you have a minute, I mean not now if you're busy +Grace: could you just see how it looks on you mobile and tablet +Grace: it should be totally responsive and display on all devices +Andrea: ok! +Andrea: I love the theme",Grace has shown Andrea her new website. Andrea likes one of the photos. She is going to see how the site looks on mobile devices. +13819682,"Luke: so much fun today +Ken: Good wave ;) you had there +Summer: Totally, let's do the same tomorrow!","Luke, Ken and Summer went surfing today and enjoyed it." +13818891,"Carmen: How is Martha? Has anyone visited her? +Diego: Last week. She'll stay in the hospital another few weeks +Marcel: I want to go on Monday. +Carmen: Few more weeks, it doesn't sound good +Diego: I think it's not that bad +Diego: But she needs to stay under observation +Carmen: So the baby is not in danger anymore +Diego: From what I understood all is under control +Marcel: Maybe she'll have to stay there until the end of her pregnancy +Carmen: She's already 30 weeks pregnant. +Carmen: Maybe it's better that she stays under doctors' control +Carmen: In case something happens +Carmen: But it must be tough to stay in the hospital bed all these weeks","Martha's 30 weeks pregnant and needs to stay in the hospital for another few weeks, but the baby is not in danger any more." +13820899,"Angela: +Jack: The wedding pictures are ready?? +Essy: Send us the link to the gallery!! ",The pictures from Angela's wedding are ready. Essy wants the link to the gallery. +13865181,"Kate: whose bottle of wine is it? +Kate: at the kitchen table +Will: it's for my parents! +Mary: haha, we will drink it +Will: please don't! it's very expensive, for their anniversary",Will left a bottle of expensive wine for his parents' anniversary on the kitchen table. +13715939,"Camil: ok guys, so I've made this group so that everyone can share their opinion about the bowling on Friday. When it comes to hours, I suggest 8pm, the price is 5$ per person. +Luna: is 8pm the only option? I'm at work until 7:30 and it's possible I won't make it on time +Jannet: I'm open to any suggestions, 8pm sounds ok +Camil: it's not the only option, we can also go at 9pm or even later +Luna: Cool, then I'd opt for 9pm +Joseph: I'm of the same opinion as Jannet +Jannet: how about having a before party? +Mick: hey guys!!! I'm totally in +Camil: Before party is a must :D we can meet at my place at 7pm or something +Luna: so sad I won't be there :/ +Camil: Don't worry, after party was also included in the plan :p +Luna: happy to hear that :D +Joseph: do we need to take our shoes or something? +Jannet: only if you want to, they have special shoes at the bowling club +Joseph: hm....I guess I'll take mine afterall +Camil: I guess it's all settled then, we're in touch, if you have any questions you can either text me or call me +Joseph: yep :D +Luna: Sure",The plan for Friday is to meet at Camil's place at 7 pm then go bowling at 9. It is not compulsory to bring your own shoes to the bowling club as they rent them out. +13727911,"Harry: Hey, I'm going to Ikea this evening. +Harry: I remember you said that you wanted to buy some candles and other stuff +Harry: You wanna come with me? +James: Sure! Will you pick me up? +Harry: No problem! +Harry: Is 18 ok? +James: Sure, I've just finished work and I'm coming home. I'll be ready by then. +James: BTW, what do you need from Ikea? +Harry: I want to buy a desk to my office room. +James: Woah. Have you chosen it yet? +Harry: Yeah. Ikea has got exact same desk as my architect put in the project, so it's super convenient. +James: No room for spontanous choice though :( +Harry: Seriously, I hate having too much to choose from. +Harry: I have problems to decide then. +James: I get you man. My girlfriend has the same problem on sweets aisle in a supermarket. +Harry: Hahaha! Fuck you :) +James: :P",Harry will pick James up at 6 pm. They will go to Ikea. Harry wants to buy a desk to his office room. +13819004,"Jane: Let the holiday begin! xxx +Harry: again?! +Jane: get lost! x +Richard: Enjoy! +Mark: Where're you going? +Jane: Sunny Turkey ;) +Mark: i hate you! +Jane: ;) +Mary: have a lovely time! +Victoria: post some pics! x","Jane is going for holiday again, this time to Turkey. " +13817718,"Prudence: Good morning Sally +Sally: Good morning Prudence, how are you? +Sally: Is everything all right? +Prudence: I am fine, thank you. +Prudence: Yes, everything is fine. +Prudence: However, as you know, this is an important day for us. +Sally: indeed +Prudence: I will need you in at work earlier. +Sally: This is awfully short notice Prudence +Sally: I don't think I will be able to catch an earlier bus +Prudence: I will send a car to pick you up. +Prudence: in 40 minutes. +Prudence: Will that do? +Sally: I guess so +Sally: I'll hurry +Prudence: Great. See you at 8:30. +Sally: see you then",In 40 minutes a car will come to pick Sally up from her home. She will meet Prudence at work at 8:30. +13680250,"Sebastian: Hey man! I want to wish you happy birthday! +Sebastian: May this day will bring together your closest ones, so You can feel loved. Let the money never stop flowing into your life, and may Your dreams come true! I wish you all the best! Long lasting health, luck, and above all perseverence in all sections of life. I wish you also strength to make a perfect lemonade out of these lemons thrown by life! +Casper: Thank you! +Casper: Thank you for remembering about me, for you effort to write these kind words. I appreciate this and I already feel happy that I read this. +Casper: We have to set up a meeting and drink a beer or 2. +Sebastian: Sure! In touch. Happy Birthday!",It's Casper's birthday. Sebastian is giving his best wishes to Casper. Casper is thankful. +13821478,"Jagger: i need 2 buy a new car +Farley: hahaha +Jagger: wtf? i need a new car, its not funny! +Farley: 1st: last week you tried to persuade us ur old vw is simply gr8 +Jagger: a 2nd? +Byron: didnt u say ur broke? +Farley: i meand that +Collier: so what hapnd to good ol beetle? +Jagger: stopped workin. the garage say better buy sth else +Collier: whys that? +Jagger: sth happened to starter and burnt half engine they say +Farley: sounds crappy +Byron: id check w another garage +Jagger: u say so? +Byron: i know a guy speciilize in old vw so will ask him ok +Jagger: thx a milion","Jagger thinks needs to buy a new car. His old one stopped working and the mechanic told him there is no point in repairing it. Byron knows a a guy who specializes in old vw, so he will consult with him Jagger's issue." +13810128,"Adam: hey do you have my math book? +Harry: No why would i have it? +Adam: i cant find it my backpack i thought may be you kept it by mistake +Harry: oh let me check then +Adam: please +Harry: yes its here:) will give you tomorrow","Adam's looking for his math book, Harry has it and will give it back tomorrow." +13862488,"Dwight: It is parcel service. Are you home? +Greg: Not yet. Isn’t it possible that you come around 6, Sir? +Dwight: Sorry but not really. We have orders to deliver the parcels following the route. Your parcel is supposed to be the 6th. +Dwight: If you are not home, I will leave your parcel in the security office. +Greg: If so, that’s ok. Thanks.",Greg is not at home to collect a parcel. Dwight will leave it in the security office. +13680857,"Edd: wow, did you hear that they're transferring us to a different department? +Rose: whaaaaat :o +Rose: no! where'd you hear that? +Edd: well, it's quite official +Edd: Anderson just told us +Rose: and do you know what it changes for us? +Edd: they won't change the professors +Edd: but i know the paperwork will get trickier +Rose: and i guess that is a move that is supposed to make everything easier +Edd: yeah, guess so +Edd: they have a funny way of understanding 'to make things easier'",Rose and Edd will be transferred to a new department. Their professors will not change but paperwork will become more difficult. +13820510,"Trayson: My flight got cancelled :( +Mike: No way!! +Trayson: 😪 +Sara: What happened? +Trayson: Bad weather +Trayson: Sudden storm +Sara: That's insane +Mike: Are you booking you for another flight? +Trayson: Waiting in line.. +Sara: So unfortunate +Trayson: I will ttyl ",Trayson's flight was cancelled due to a sudden storm. He is queuing now to book another flight. +13730791,"Hollie: I'm all shaking +Thea: What happened? +Hollie: I'm so pissed +Hollie: I almost blew at that fat pig +Thea: Helga? What did she do? +Hollie: Nothing more than she normally does. +Hollie: It's been accumulating. +Hollie: She came to dinner and started criticising what I cooked +Hollie: She thinks I don't understand Armenian +Thea: How dare she come to your house and criticise you like that +Thea: And speaking with the others in Armenian, that's so impolite when she thinks you don't understand.","Hollie is pissed. Helga came over for dinner and criticised the food in Armenian, thinking Hollie wouldn't understand it." +13829696,"Daniel: 🤓😂💕 +Daniel: Btw, I got the results back from the blood tests I did +Daniel: Well, I managed to reach the clinic on the phone.. and everything is ok and normal 😊 +Ann-Christine: Yeeeeyyyyy +Ann-Christine: +Ann-Christine: So no lack of proteins then? 😜 +Ann-Christine: 🙃😝 +Ann-Christine: SUPER news!!! +Ann-Christine: 💪💪💪🥕🥕🥕🥕 +Daniel: Haha, well I guess no, nothing that was abnormal 😃",Daniel has had his test results back and all is well. Ann-Christine is pleased for him. +13865253,"William: do you wanna watch new Marvel movie with me? +William: +Sam: seen it +Quinn: I'm free on Sunday and Monday +William: Monday is perfect for me and I think Isabel will be able to come +Quinn: great! +Sam: I think Mondays are cheapier +William: even better +Quinn: could you make a reservation for us? +William: +Sam: have fun!",Quinn and William will watch a new Marvel movie together on Monday. +13730194,"Samuel: +Andrew: C'mon, stop it! +Samuel: +Andrew: I'm blocking you. +Samuel: +Andrew: Psycho!! :D",Andrew asks Samuel to stop sending videos. +13716855,"Brett: Hi! What games do u play? +Andrew: U mean like video games? +Brett: Yeah, obviously ;) +John: I like simulation games :) +Andrew: Like the Sims? ;) +John: No! Like flight simulators, tank simulators and so on! +Brett: What do u do there? +John: Usually fly a plane or command a tank. Now there's this online game - World of Tanks. Know it? +Andrew: Heard about it, but haven't played it. +Brett: Me neither. +John: U should. It's gr8!","John likes to play simulation games, eg. World of Tanks." +13728020,"Sheryl: Should we visit Ann in the hospital? +Jeff: It would be a nice gesture but I would ask her first +Jeff: she may not want to be seen in this state +Sheryl: I'll write her right now +Jeff: ok, let me know +Sheryl: she asked me not to come :( +Jeff: sad, but I understand it +Sheryl: me too.",Ann requested that Sheryl and Jeff don't visit her in the hospital. +13828748,"Chris: happy b- day !!!! +Sandra: hah, thx, but it's not today :D +Chris: fb says it's today :D +Sandra: i gave them a fake bday date but anyway I accept all the gifts and wishes:P:P +Chris: :**","Chris, prompted by Facebook, wishes Sandra happy birthday but she submitted the wrong date and it is not her birthday." +13863228,"Zeraldina: What are you watching now?😁😁 +Keaton: Channel 7. Wrestling +Zeraldina: Change the channel right now!! +Zeraldina: On channel 11 your favourite actress is now on there😄😄 +Keaton: Dhalia??? 😎❤️❤️ Thanks a lot!(^o^)丿(^o^)丿",Keaton is watching wrestling but Zeraldina informs her that her favourite actress is on channel 11. +13612275,"Zed: Fanny, what happened? +Fanny: Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. +Zed: Tell me, please, I'm getting really worried. +Fanny: Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck +Zed: Fanny, that's not saying anything. +Fanny: I think I might have messed up the project. +Zed: Shit. How bad is it? +Fanny: At this point? It's criminal bad. I hope they only fire me. +Zed: Calm down, I'm sure there's a way out. +Fanny: I asked everyone. Even Brad said I'm screwed. +Zed: Do you want me to call Michael? +Fanny: Do you think it's a good idea? +Zed: I don't know, can it get any worse? Worth a try, I guess? +Fanny: Ok. Let me know.",Fanny has probably made some mistakes in a project so she's really worried as she may be in serious trouble. Zed is going to call Michael as it seems to be the only thing they can do at the moment. +13594121-1,"Sophia: missed the tram... +Ella: oh come on... +Sophia: waiting for the next one I guess +Ella: i guess...",Sophia missed the tram and is waiting for the next one. +13864841,"Kirk: So they've just decided to move the capital +Jenny: how silly, they think they will escape the problems this way? +Abdi: seems so +Marvin: I've never been to Gitega, seems a shithole :P +Abdi: it's 20 or so times smaller than Bujumbura +Marvin: exactly +Kirk: and the costs it will generate +Abdi: but it will take some time +Kirk: they say about 3 years +Jenny: anyway, Nkurunziza promised it in 2007, didn't he? +Kirk: he did +Kirk: I think something similar was made in Birma at some point by the regime there +Kirk: to just avoid protests and clashes +Jenny: do they have any city planning project for Gitega? +Kirk: I've no idea +Marvin: So you think it's for political reasons? +Kirk: at least partially +Jenny: to avoid being toppled by some city unrests in Bujumbura +Jenny: there he will have more control over space",The capital city has been moved to Gitega. It had been promised by Nkurunziza in 2007. Something similar happened in Birma. +13818798,"Arnold: look what I'm buying for black friday +Baldwin: no way, do they have more in stock? +Evelyn: I've always wanted some of those curved TVs +Arnold: There were 2 left, I will send you a photo with the shop's location +Baldwin: Thanks, first I need to measure if it would fit on my TV cabinet +Arnold: here you go, be quick about it","Arnold's buying a curved TV for Black Friday. Baldwin and Evelyn want one too, Arnold sends them the shop's location." +13819816-1,"Mike: Do you know where Tomas is from? +Jenny: Eastern Europe I believe +Mike: sure, but what country exactly +Mike: I heard him speaking English today with Kamil, so I think he's not Polish +Jack: Really? I was sure he was Polish +Kyle: He's from Slovenia +Mike: oh, how cute, how do you know? +Kyle: We talked many times about Slovenia and his home town +Mike: Which is? +Kyle: Bled I think, close to the Alps +Jack: and why do you find Slovenia cute? hahaha +Mike: I think he's the only Slovenian in the company now +Jack: true, quite exotic","Mike, Jenny and Jack wonder where Tomas is from. Kyle is sure Tomas is from Slovenia. Mike thinks Tomas is now the only Slovenian in the company." +13680553,"Mia: Hi Dad! I need a hand with repairing the bathroom door. +William: Hi! What happened? +Mia: Nothing. I can’t open/close it properly. It’s sort of sagging.. +William: I see. I’ll drop by after work and take a look. +Mia: Thank you so much! Love you! +William: I love you too.",Mia's dad William will come to her place after work to repair her bathroom door. +13816743,"Alexander: I ate so much, I cannot move +Harold: hahaha +Harold: Me too. Merry Christmas ;-)",Alexander and Harold ate too much during Christmas. +13611987,"Jessy: Did you know that Caroline got herself a new car? +Clara: Yeah. I have seen it the other day but I thought it was a loaner. A navy blue right? +Jessy: Yes. Dark blue Toyota. +Clara: Yeah. That's the one I saw. It looks brand new. +Jessy: I remember her talking about changing her old Mitsubishi but didn't know she already made that move. +Clara: I guess so. Maybe is time we trade in our old friend too. +Jessy: Yeah. I was thinking about it too. But this time I think I would want an SUV. They have much more space. +Clara: Do you have any specific brand in mind? +Jessy: I was thinking about Infinity or Toyota too. +Clara: Those are nice cars. Maybe we should start looking around. +Jessy: But it definitely is not gonna be a new one. Is way too much money for a new one. +Clara: I agree.","Jessy and Clara noticed that Caroline bought a new dark blue Toyota car. Jessy and Clara are now considering the purchase of a used SUV, most likely Infinity or Toyota." +13819944,"Emma: girls +Emma: I forgot to send you that link +Emma: +Hallie: :) +Emma: sorry that it took so long!! +Clara: It's ok +Clara: BLTN :) +Emma: Hope you'll find it useful! +Clara: For sure +Clara: That topic is all greek to me.... +Clara: And I can see that on this page ev is clearly described :) +Hallie: I found also another website +Hallie: With some basic info +Hallie: +Clara: Thx :) +Clara: I'll check it later +Clara: Cause now I'm sitting at work :<<< +Hallie: Ok :) +Clara: :)",Emma and Hallie share links with info about that topic. Clara is grateful. +13821290,"Luigi: Geez, Mayweather totally destroyed McGregor! Did you watch gentlemen?? +Lorenzo: I'm not very much into boxing, rather prefer MMA but the buzz about this fight made me watch it +Lorenzo: And yeah, the black guy seemed to be only defending himself for a few rounds but at the same time Conor lost much of his stamina +Pablo: Whatta hell are you two talking about?? +Pablo: McGregor and boxing?? He's an mma warrior, those R 2 different worlds! Wtf +Pablo: And Mayweather?? He's fuckin 40, he's to fuckin old to fight! +Luigi: Hahaha Pablito :D +Luigi: You follow UFC events and you know mcgregor's a freak and likes to provoke people +Pablo: Aight but those R people from mma that he provokes, not from fuckin boxing! +Pablo: He's fuckin one unpredictable piece of bastard +Lorenzo: You better watch your mouth Pablo cause if Conor finds out what you're sayin, you'll be the next xD +Pablo: Sheit dudes, that's a fuckin nonsense +Pablo: But anyway... Mayweather won, you've said that. And McGregor? Was he sharp? +Luigi: He was, actually I was surprised cause he was fighting pretty well for 5 maybe 6 rounds +Luigi: Floyd had to keep his guard up and seemed to have little chances cuz the Irishman was attacking again an again +Luigi: But you know, Floyd is an old bird and all this time he was waiting for Conor to get tired and you know the rest :) +Pablo: Experience bitch, he beat 'The Notorious' thanks to his fuckin experience! +Luigi: No doubt about it, bro +Lorenzo: But you know, Mcgregor's never fought 10 rounds, in MMA 3 rounds is the limit +Pablo: True +Lorenzo: So what if they agreed for a rematch on the mma rules?? :) +Pablo: Duuuuuude +Pablo: Conor would destroy him, no doubt +Luigi: Who knows, maybe they've been planning two differnt fights, who knows :) +Pablo: Hope so, I'm goin to fuckin wait for the fight even if it would be at 4 am +Lorenzo: Good old Pablo... I love your temperament you son of a bitch +Pablo: Yeah, you're not the first bitch to say that +Luigi: Lol xD",Mayweather beat McGregor in a boxing match. +13828601,"Emily: Hi, so what do u think about the change of ENG teachers? +Sophie: Hi, well I must admit that I was quite surprised. +Sophie: I don't really understand why we weren't informed b4 March break. +Emily: I think they didn't want us 2 panic during our holidays. +Emily: The school was closed 4 2wks so no one would be available to deal with our Qs & concerns. +Sophie: You might be right. +Emily: And I'm sure the new teacher is highly qualified. +Sophie: Yeah, she has an MA in education & she's a native Canadian speaker. +Emily: Oh, I didn't know that. +Emily: So she will teach our kids a true & correct accent :) +Sophie: Annie seems to already like her. +Emily: Jenny is also happy. She says that the classes are very fun & interesting.",There was a change of English teachers at Annie and Jenny's school. The school was closed for 2 weeks. The new teacher in Canadian native and has a MA in education. +13828682,"Tim: Ready? +Joan: No, no yet, stop pushing me! +Tim: I'm just asking, calm down! +Joan: Sorry, sorry, I'm just too nervous. ","Joan isn't ready and is nervous. Tim isn't pushing her, he's just asking. " +13728833,"Monica: Should we take the shuttle bus at 2? +Rachel: Why 2? +Monica: To avoid being late? +Rachel: LOL. The lecture is at 5pm +Monica: Hmm, too early? +Rachel: I think it's pointless to be there 3 hours earlier +Monica: So what? the next shuttle is at 5.30 +Rachel: We can just take a public bus at about 4 +Monica: ok, as you prefer! ",Rachel and Monica will take a public but at about 4 to get to the lecture at 5 pm. +13862235,"Bella: what's the plan for Sunday? +James: same as always +James: we're starting at 2PM +Bella: what are we playing? +James: we have a new expansion for Isle of Skye +James: that should take around 90 min +James: we can choose the other game later +Bella: alright +Bella: thanks for the info +James: np",Bella and James are meeting to play Isle of Skye and other games on Sunday at 2 pm. +13729625,"Wanda: Have you seen my keys +Ellie: In your bag I thought +Wanda: not here 😨 +Wanda: got them... in my bag...",Wanda lost her keys. They were in her bag. +13680224,"Rob: hi Sue can you work today? +Sue: yes no prob, whats wrong? +Rob: Jane has fallen ill.... +Sue: Again? +Rob: Yes 🤬🤬 +Rob: its getting to be a bit of a habit on a Tuesday +Sue: do you think she has another job? +Rob: I'm not sure but she needs to pick her ideas up or she will need another job!","Sue will work today replacing Jane. Jane frequently calls in sick on Tuesdays. Jane needs to rectify the situation, or she risks being fired." +13829193,"Colin: DUUDE, congrats! +Patrick: Thanks! 😁 +Patrick: She said yes, I'm over the moon! +Colin: Lucky guy 😀",Patrick's girlfriend accepted his proposal. +13682133,"Sam: Hi. Are you home? +Mia: Yes, I'm leaving in 5 min. +Sam: Good. Could you check if I unplugged the iron in my room? +Mia: you did! +Sam: phew. Thanks!",Mia checked that Sam unplugged the iron in his room. +13717185,"Kyle: Who wants to go out for a drink? +Megan: No, sorry, I'm cleaning the house today. +Roseanne: You've always loved cleaning, haven't you? I remember how angry you used to get with your brother for leaving a mess in the kitchen. +Vince: Yeah, she'd always yell at me, even though I was the one in charge when our parents were away. +Kyle: I don't get why it matters so much whether I clean my flat once a week or once a month. No one died from a bit of dust. +Megan: Remind me to never stay at your place :P +Roseanne: I'm somewhere in between. My house is always a mess, but I hate it when it's dirty. +Vince: What's the difference? +Roseanne: I can't stand when there's dust, crumbs on the floor etc., so I clean regularly. But I love it when all my stuff just lies around. When I put everything back on shelves or into cabinets, I keep on getting mad that I have to look for it, get up and take it out, and generally lose so much time. I like to have everything within my reach. +Vince: There's no better wardrobe than the armchair, right? XD +Kyle: I prefer the floor. There's more space on it :D +Megan: Just reading this gives me the creeps. +Kyle: Fine, go back to cleaning, we'll think of you while sharing a beer :D +Roseanne: Hey, I never said I can come. My hubby's away this weekend, so I have no one to leave the kids with ;( +Vince: Take them to Megan's place, they can help her clean :D +Megan: You know what? I don't care. I can watch your kids, Roseanne. Just bring them over. +Roseanne: But are you serious or just mad at us? +Megan: No, I'm serious. I like your kids. And they're nice enough that if I ask them to do something, they actually do it :D +Roseanne: LOL, okay. Actually, I think that when I tell them to go and help aunt Meg with cleaning, they'll think it's fun. +Vince: And when you tell them to clean their own rooms, they say you're a monster? :D +Roseanne: Exactly. But Bill for example always cleans the windows at my parents house. They don't even need to ask anymore, he simply knows it's his job. +Kyle: Do they pay him? :P +Roseanne: Well, sometimes. But still I think he likes doing it. I don't know, maybe it's because no one checks if he did it well, he's just left alone to do his thing, so he feels like a man in the house in a way? +Megan: Tell them I can pay with cookies if they help me. +Roseanne: The famous chocolate cookies? +Megan: Why not? I'm feeling generous today :D +Roseanne: Guys, I think I'm gonna change my mind about that beer. Meg, would you accept one more helper? :D +Megan: You're always welcome! But sorry boys, it's going to be a “girls only” event (except for little Billy). Otherwise my house will never get cleaned today :D","Roseanne wanted to go out for a beer with Kyle and Vince, and leave her kids with Megan. Megan will clean the house and give Roseanne's kids her famous chocolate cookies if they help, what made Roseanne change her mind, and she wants to join them." +13728956-1,"John: hey +John: tell mom i wont be able to attend because of work +Jane: poor mom, and the way she was waiting for you +John: im sorry, its work +Jane: cool, im sure she will understand +John: i hope so +Jane: she will",John wants Jane to tell mother that he won't be there due to his work. +13729958,"Sophie: Whats for dinner mom? +Olivia: Tacos and barritos +Sophie: wowwww! my favourite please keep it ready will be home in 20 mins +Olivia: all is ready dear!!","Sophie is coming home in 20 minutes for the dinner Olivia, her mother, prepared." +13862374,"Stefy: how is you new home - sweet home? +Lena: home but sweet? i'm not sure! +Stefy: have you finish to open all your boxes? +Lena: there is still a full bunch of them in the yard +Stefy: i'll be happy to give you a hand, but i'm a bit far away... +Lena: Kids help me +Stefy: is it bigger than your previous flat? +Lena: it's a house, so it's seem bigger, but there is no built-in closets +Stefy: good opportunity to sort out. +Lena: for sure. But now i'd like to have a rest. I'm fed up +Stefy: enjoy the garden! +Lena: Full south and a big tree in the middle hiding the sun all day. Do you believe it? +Stefy: +Stefy: you and me next month +Lena: yes, a real garden with only flowers and no trees. +Lena: remind me to bring the deckchairs +Stefy: you won't need them? +Lena: i told you: no sun and neighbours a bit too close +Stefy: invite them for tea 🤣 +Lena: no way, they're too old and very noisy. +Lena: i hope they stop making noise at night +Stefy: you should move away... +Lena: it was a mistake to choose this house. But there were no choice😰 +Stefy: keep hope, and think about next month +Stefy: sun, sea, and martini ....",Lena moved in to a new house. Lena's neighbours are old and noisy and Lena is disappointed with her new home. The house does not have built-in closets and there is a big tree in the middle of the garden that is hiding the sun all day. Lena and Stefy will rest at the sea next month. +13727917,"Lilly: HEY Jamie how have you been? +Jamie: Im great! its been so long how are you?"" +Lilly: pretty good, me and my husband just got back from vacation we went to Mexico for the summer it was amazing! what have you been up to lately? +Jamie: ah Mexico! sounds amazing! not to much, being mom driving the boys here and there, job keeps me busy! but summer was great! we just spent the summer the 4 of us and had some family time! +Lilly: thats so nice to here! well the reason I was sending you a message was to see if you like to have lunch sometime this week and check up +Jamie: oh id love too!! do you have something in mind? +Lilly: theres this amazing new Italian place in queens iv been dying to try +Jamie: Italian sounds awesome! how is next Thursday say noon? +Lilly: ahh my girls have dance at 1 and I hate to rush +Jamie: Oh its no problem! how about Monday say noon again? +Lilly: yes money would work great with me! +Jamie: Super! I can't wait to see! its been to long! +Lilly: I know it feels like a life time haha! see you Monday! +Jamie: See you! :)",Lilly and her husband went to Mexico for holiday. Jamie spent vacation with her family. Lilly and Jamie are going to meet on Monday. +13680935,"Michelle: And wthat's the weather? +Monika: Not typical for November. Seems like late September. But it's good to live it everyday alhtough it's quite rare to see all this winter decorations. +Michelle: Here we can see Christmas since last two weeks. But there's no sign of winter nor snow.",Michelle and Monika are talking about the weather at their places. There are no signs of winter yet. +13682355,"Sonja: I can't believe they ejected him from the game. +Elisabeth: that was a dirty hit! +Sonja: C'mon! that kind happens all the time in hockey!",Sonja and Elisabeth discuss a hockey game. +13682170,"Bob: what was the name of that car mechanic you told me yesterday?? +Freddie: Jim's Repairs, it's on Freedom street +Bob: does he have a phone number> +Freddie: ye, but he rarely picks up because he has lots of shit to do - 554 645 387 +Bob: thanks mate, owe you one +Freddie: you bet you do ;)","The car mechanic Jim's Repairs is on Freedom street. His phone number is 554 645 387, but he rarely answers it." +13817283,"Sandra: Hey, are you busy this Friday? +Olivia: hi, no, not really, why? :) +Sandra: Don't laugh at me, but one of my new year resolutions is to learn horse riding. +Olivia: Wow! Are you serious? +Sandra: What do you think? +Olivia: Hm, not sure. It sounds really cool, but isn't it dangerous? +Sandra: Well, it can be, yes, but I don't think it's much more dangerous than driving a car. +Sandra: Accidents happen everywhere. I get your point, I was thinking about it as well. +Olivia: And? Aren't you afraid? +Sandra: A bit, yes, but I always wanted to learn horse riding, so I thought that as soon as it isn't anything that requires me to, I don't know, go abroad or a lot of money, I may at least give it a try. +Olivia: Makes sense. I'm just worried ;) +Sandra: I know <3 Pity though as I wanted you to join me :>... +Olivia: Me?! +Sandra: I booked a slot on Friday afternoon after work. So far I booked only one, but I know there some slots left. +Sandra: Sooo... Do you want to join me? :) +Olivia: What time exactly? +Sandra: We should be there around 5.30, the lesson starts at 6. +Olivia: Hm... It does sound tempting, but I'm scared :D +Sandra: Come on, Ov. You know, it'd be so much more fun if we go together. +Olivia: I feel I'm going to regret it, but ok :P How much is it? +Sandra: 20 quid per hour, you spend there always more around two, but pay only for the riding part.",Sandra has booked a riding lesson for 20£ an hour on Friday. Olivia will join her at 5:30 and the lesson starts at 6. +13728336,"Sam: i just baked a cake, its delicious +Laura: really thats amazing, keep some for me +Sam: offcourse honey just tasted it, we will eat together +Laura: :kisses: +Sam: :kIsses:",Sam baked a cake for Laura so they can eat it together. +13730551,"Rose: I'm going to the airport +Violet: Have a safe flight! +Rose: Thanks! See you in a few days.",Rose and Violet will see each other in a few days. +13727914,"Rosie: I think I forgot my pen at your place yesterday. +Harrison: Which pen actually is it. Green one? +Rosie: No, mine is blue. That might be Gretchen's . She might also be looking for it. +Harrison: Her is a bit far So can't go to her's. Would be outside your home to give you yours. +Rosie: No, you can give me tomorrow at college +Harrison: It's totally okay. I would be passing nearby. So I won't have any problem +Rosie: waiting for you then.",Rosie left her pen at Harrison's place yesterday. Harrison will bring it back to her in a while. +13682115-1,"Isabel: Hello, my name is Isabel, I have received your reservation. I'd like to confirm the details. Please send me a message whenever you are able to confirm your arrival. +Christian: Hi Isabel, thank you for your message, please tell me what kind of information do you need +Isabel: First of all, I need full names of all guests +Isabel: And your passport of ID numbers. I mean the document you are travelling with +Christian: No problem, I will send you photos of our passports this afternoon +Isabel: Thank you. Full names and numbers will be enough for me, I don't think it's safe to send such dcuments by whatsapp +Christian: I think you're right... OK, let me just ask my friends and I will let you know this afternoon. Is it ok? +Isabel: Yes, of course. What time are you arriving in Madrid? +Christian: 21:20 at barajas airport +Isabel: Please let me know when you arrive. The best way to get to the apartment is to take the metro line 8 to the center, then change to line 10 at Nuevos Ministerios, and then line 1 at Tribunal. Your station is Antón Martin. You can call me if you need help. +Christian: Thank you Isabel! How much time do we need to get to the apartment? +Isabel: I think that about 30 minutes. +Christian: We will have to wait for the luggage and get to the station but I really hope we arrive to the center around 22:00... +Isabel: No problem, I will be waiting for you with the keys, I live next door :) +Isabel: Door 14 +Christian: That's great, I will text you when we are at Anton Martin +Isabel: Please tell me how many towels do you need. I will prepare 4 towels in the apartment but you can tell me if you need more. +Christian: Thank you, we will let you know","Christian made a reservation with Isabel and he needs to send her passport details of the guests. Cristian arrives in Madrid at 21:20. It takes 30 minutes to go from the barajas airport to the apartment by metro. The end station is Antón Martin. Isabel lives next door, at number 14." +13731383,"Arthur: Did you pay the gas bill +Linda: yeah I think so +Arthur: well think harder +Arthur: cuz the tech just came in +Arthur: and wants to turn off the gas +Linda: gees! fine I'll check +Linda: +Linda: there +Linda: the confirmation form the bank +Arthur: thanks +Linda: your welcome you ass! +Arthur: sorry panicked!",Arthur panicks if the gas bill is paid as the tech wants to turn off the gas. Linda sent him the bank confirmation. +13680637,"Max: So it seems like we're finally getting ourselves a car. +George: Whoa, for real? Sweet, I know you've wanted one for a while. What make? +Max: Oh, a Toyota. It'll be sooo much more convenient now. Our place isn't really that easy to reach by public transport, there's only one bus and it's like the timetable doesn't exist so you often end up waiting at the stop for ages. +George: Oh man, I remember it used to be like this. I thought things might've changed since the times I used to take the bus to visit you, but I guess not? +Max: Yeah, sadly... but whatever. Now we won't have to rely on them any more, woohoo! +George: Must have been hard to convince Sylvia, no? +Max: She was against it at first but I knew she had to give in eventually. I mean, it'll benefit all of us, after all. +George: Man, you'll be so happy, I'm sure. I know I don't regret it. Nothing beats the comfort and freedom, really. +Max: Yeah, I'm trying to convince her to get a licence, too. I don't want her to feel like I'm only doing this for myself. It would be better if both of us could drive.","Max and Sylvia are getting a Toyota, because they are fed up with public transport. Sylvia was against it at first but she gave in. Max wants her to get a licence so that they both can drive." +13728031,"Sarah: Sarah Palin is on tv +Mariah: Again? +Mariah: what network? +Sarah: NBC +Mariah: Is she going to bet that we can see Russia from Alaska again? xd +Sarah: Hahaha she is a joke +Mariah: Apparently McCain regretted nominating her as +Mariah: the Republican candidate for Vice President +Sarah: I didn't know that! +Mariah: They scoured America for that lady +Sarah: Is she still in Alaska? +Mariah: I think she is. She better not move from there +Sarah: I mean her family is quite nice +Sarah: They appeared on some shows +Mariah: She is the only one in the family that has a political problem with anybody +Mariah: K I am watching her +Mariah: She hasn't changed a bit! +Sarah: She actually looks good 🤣 🤣 🤣 +Sarah: I agree!",Sarah and Mariah gossip about Sarah Palin. +13730261,"Wendy: Hey +Wendy: Have you checked my new tutorial on how to draw eyebrows? +Sheri: Yeah I did and Wow it's fantastic. +Wendy: Thanks. +Wendy: Do you mind sharing it with your friends at school? +Sheri: No I don't +Wendy: Okay thanks. +Sheri: It's nothing trust me.",Wendy created a new tutorial on how to draw eyebrows. Sheri checked it out and thinks it's great. She will share it with her friends at school. +13729810,"Mark: Howdy! +Ben: Yo. +Mark: You comin'? +Ben: Yup. Just getting things done in my home and I'm leaving. +Mark: I'm waiting outside in a car. +Ben: Ok. Give me 2 minutes. +Ben: I need to feed my cats. +Mark: xD",Ben needs 2 minutes to feed his cats and he'll come down to meet Mark in the car. +13829927,"Madeleine: He did it again! +Maxwell: Who, what, what happened +Madeleine: Ross! His leg is broken, AGAIN! +Maxwell: How did it happen, is he alright? +Madeleine: Yes, I’m in the hospital right now, we need to wait for some paper work to be finished +Maxwell: Do you want me to pick you up? +Madeleine: No, I took a car, but it would be great if you tried cooking some dinner, I didn’t have time because all this fuss. +Maxwell: Okay baby, I will figure something out. +Madeleine: We have only froze vegetables and some chicken. +Maxwell: No problem, I’m an expert in doing great dishes out from nothing ;] +Madeleine: Great, thank you.","Ross broke his leg again. Madeleine is in hospital now, waiting for some paperwork. Maxwell will cook some dinner as Madeleine didn't have time. Madeleine took a car, so she doesn't need Maxwell to pick them up from hospital. " +13729241,"kendy: call Kevin +Martial: let me recharge first then i call him +kendy: Ok, but hurry up its kinda urgent the way he sounded. +Martial: ok","Martial will call Kevin urgently, as soon as he recharges. " +13828756,"Galvin: listen btw, do you think I should send them all an email? +Galvin: you know because I'm leaving +Manuel: hmm.. +Manuel: to be honest I don't think it's necessary +Galvin: yeah, I mean they were here for dinner, they could have told me something then 😑 +Manuel: exactly +Manuel: maybe you could just say bye individually :) +Galvin: yes that's a good idea +Galvin: I don't want to make a big deal out of it +Manuel: yeah +Manuel: there is no need to +Manuel: I really don't want you to go though 😢 +Galvin: +Manuel: 😢😢 +Manuel: but I know that you will be fine +Manuel: I know that you will be happier somewhere else :) +Galvin: thanks for your support 🤝 +Manuel: anytime 👍","Galvin is leaving and he will say goodbye to all of them individually, instead of writing e-mails, or making a deal out of it." +13828093,"Brian: where r u m8??? +Gary: Home...? Something the matter? +Brian: wth?? the game +Brian: now +Gary: Wait what +Gary: ... Oh shit I remember now, I'm sorry, be there soon!!",Gary forgot about the game with Brian. He'll be there soon. +13682328,"Madilyn: Hey +Georgia: Hey +Madilyn: How are you ? +Georgia: I'm ok and u? +Madilyn: Good thanks. What's up ? +Georgia: Doing some things according to my thesis. I'm not writing it yet. Just preparing some stuff +Madilyn: Oh ok. Good luck",Georgia is preparing materials for her thesis. +13730727,"Veki: Are they finished their job? +Meki: No, they are playing right now. +Veki: Who is the better? +Meki: Rada is the best, then Radmila and at the end is Gorjana. +Veki: which game they are playing? +Meki: Canasta game. +Veki: do you know to play a Canasta? +Meki: No, I do not like to play cards. +Veki: Why? +Meki: For me, playing a cards is rather losing i nice time. +Veki: Hm. +Meki: It is better to read something actual rom news papers or from some Internet blogs. +Veki: You are right. +Meki: Good bye, I love you. +Veki: I love you too. Good bye. ","Meki is watching Rada, Radmila, and Gorjana play Canasta. Meki prefers reading to playing cards." +13731244,"Collins: Bro I played FIFA 19 for the first time today. +Ben: Really? +Ben: I played it 1 month ago. +Collins: You nerd. +Ben: Stay woke. +Collins: I know you are a pro by now. +Ben: 😂 Once a pro. Always a pro. +Collins: 🤣Okay Mister!!😎",Collins played FIFA 19 for the first time today. Ben played it 1 month ago. +13820980,"Karen: who left all the coffee cups out in the kitchen? 😠 +Shantelle: ME I'm so sorry! my meeting finished late and I had to walk all the social workers downstairs to reception and then shoot off. I forgot all about it, sorry!! +Karen: well, you know what to do!!! 😜 +Shantelle: I know! I will bring in donuts for the office tomorrow! 👍🍩🍩🍩🍩🍩 +Sue: nice!! just invoice the social workers, it's generally their fault meetings overrun! +Shantelle: hahaha quite true, although this time the police woman had quite a bit to say as well... +Karen: no hope getting donuts out of either of those budgets though... +Shantelle: well and with my wages we might have to put up with cheap biscuits... +Karen: I'll take cheap biscuits!! +Sue: me too! +Shantelle: that's a shame Karen, I was hinting at a pay rise! +Karen: that's fine with me, the only thing is, we'd have to let Sue go... +Shantelle: that's ok, more donuts for us... +Sue: can I remind you I am in this chat group? +Sue: and who would deal with the repairs department when I'm gone? you wanna think this through a bit better! +Karen: she has got a point +Shantelle: true. +Shantelle: cheap biscuits and I'll make a round of drinks then? +Karen: perfect! +Sue: lovely! +Shantelle: have a good evening all, see you tomorrow! +Karen: you too! ",Shantelle left the coffee cups in the kitchen and as a remedy will bring biscuits and make a round of drinks in the office tomorrow. +13864842,"Marco: Happy birthday Jacqueline! +Peter: Happy birthday :* +Jacqueline: Thanks <3 +Marco: Are you celebrating today? +Jacqueline: I poured myself a glass of prosecco :D +Jacqueline: Nothing fancy, I have to work early tomorrow +Jacqueline: But I'm organising a small get-together on Saturday +Jacqueline: If you guys want to come +Marco: I'd love to +Peter: Me too! +Jacqueline: Lovely +Jacqueline: Good friends, snacks and drinks +Jacqueline: what else do I need? <3",Today is Jacqueline's birthday. She has to work early tomorrow. She is organizing a small party on Saturday. Marco and Peter will come. +13727599,"Jamie: Never heard of him +Anne: If you're not kidding, are you in for a treat! +Jamie: not kidding, I'm (sad)? to say +Anne: He has a small but pivotal part in Get Out and he's fantastic as the lead in Sorry to Bother You. And while Death Note and The Girl in the Spider's Web aren't particularly good movies, he's good in them. +Jamie: thanks, I'll keep my eyes peeled 👍 +Anne: Watch him in the tv series Atlanta with Danny Glover.",Jamie never heard of him. Ann believes he is a very good actor. Jamie should watch him in Atlanta with Danny Glover. +13681116,"Kate: Hey Tash, are you OK? I hope you're not lost :P +Tash: Hiii yeah I’m fine just walking back from the train station now x +Kate: (Y)",Tash is coming back from the train station now. +13728603,"Erica: that Paul is a smart guy, isn't he? +Rachel: he is at the top of his class +Erica: I'm having trouble in calculus 101, I wonder if he could tutor me +Rachel: I can ask him for you +Erica: I don't want to give him the wrong idea, though +Rachel: the wrong idea? +Rachel: what do you mean? +Erica: I don't want him to think I want to date or anything lol +Rachel: lol i see what you mean +Rachel: some guys are cocky like that :-/ +Erica: I KNOW!! The only thing I want from him is to learn what derivatives are lol XD +Rachel: lol, I don't think he'd get the wrong idea if you were upfront about it +Rachel: just tell him you're having trouble and need help. Period. Nothing more. +Erica: mmm I'm too shy to ask him to tutor me +Erica: maybe I'll just ask the professor for extra credit +Rachel: don't do that! you just need a bit of help +Erica: you know what, i'll start a study group +Rachel: that's a great idea!!! +Erica: yes, it's better than asking a practical stranger to tutor me +Erica: I'll ask around in class to see if anyone is interested in joining the group +Rachel: good luck!","Erica is having trouble with calculus. She doesn't want to ask Paul for help, because she's too shy. Erica will start a study group instead." +13681700,"Gary: Hi I just wanted to thank you for the party last night +Lucy: thank you Gary, it was down to Sue really she organised it +Gary: how do you mange to get everyone there without me knowing +Lucy: Ahh well thats is a secret, id I told you that I wouldn't be able to do it again lol +Gary: well yes but I was thinking about doing something the same for Marjory in the spring it is her 70th +Lucy: yes that would be nice, I thought you were taking her away? +Gary: Yes that has been booked for a while but a little surprise party with family and friends would be sweet dont you think? +Lucy: Do you know what.. the Rococo Gardens are open in the spring and they have a lovely tea room that can be hired out, we can get everyone together for an afternoon tea, you know Marjory doesn't like a drunken mess lol +Gary: you may have a good point +Lucy: think about it +Gary: how would we go about getting everyone there +Lucy: We could get a little coach from town and then you could drive over half hour later for a little spring walk, pop into the tea rooms and we will all be there with tea and cakes +Gary: it would depend on the weahther tho Lucy +Lucy: yes, she wouldn't get in the car if it was raining, no we need something like that but indoors.. what about if I look around? +Gary: yes please will you do that for me +Lucy: of course.. when do you go away and when is her birthday? +Gary: her birthday is the 9th April and we go away on the 15th +Lucy: ok I will see what is around and let you know, we will find something really memorable for her +Gary: yes if you can top what you did for me last night +Lucy: you liked the Elvis theme then? +Gary: Uh Huh lol +Lucy: your funny 😂😂 +Gary: No it made my year really it did xx +Lucy: well thats all we could hope for xx",Gary thanks Lucy for a surprise party which Sue organised. He wants to throw a similar party for Marjory's 70th birthday. Lucy will help him and look for a place to throw a party. +13681501,"Magda: can you take my car today? +Lena: what for? +Magda: i think its broken but my dad thinks its not +Magda: and i want opinion of someone else +Lena: but i dont know anything about cars +Magda: you have driving licence +Magda: so you can feel something +Lena: cant you just take it to service? +Magda: it will cost some money +Lena: but you will be sure +Lena: and they can repair it +Magda: maybe your right +Lena: of course i am :)","Following Lena's advice, Magda will take her car to the service to see if it's broken." +13717241,"Jim: geezus, what room are we having classes in? +Stephanie: 23A +Jim: waaat where the fuck is it +Matt: in the building next door +Jim: ok i'm coming",Jim should go to the class in room 23 A in the building next door. +13729973,"Laura: Heyyy! How's that injury of urs now? ^.^ +Nick: I'm still recovering It'll take some time tho +Laura: Can u walk? +Nick: I cant bend it yet. It hurts. >_< +Laura: How can u resist not playing football for so long? xD +Nick: I don't wanna talk about it -_- +Laura: How did u break your leg again? XD haha +Nick: I did not BREAK it Laura ._. and why are you even laughing +Laura: Hey it is funny tho u know that +Nick: No its not -_- +Laura: Sorry i couldn't resist xD +Nick: yea i know +Laura: u shouldn't have gotten on that motor bike with your friend +Nick: why not? how was i supposed to know we would have an accident? +Laura: u should know its dangerous +Nick: yea like we knew +Laura: u should have known +Nick: you're not making any sense +Laura: i get that alot actually +Nick: hahaha +Laura: well at least i made u laugh +Nick: you sure did",Nick is injured so he can't play football at the moment. It happened when he was riding a bike with a friend. Laura thinks it's funny. +13727891,"Harry: +Harry: That feeling, when you wash your car by yourself working your ass off half of a day +Harry: You feel satisfaction looking at your shining beauty +Harry: And then a group of birds having their fucking convention on electrical cable above, decide to shit on your freshly washed car +Harry: Ruthless fuckers +Pete: Hahahha. Congrats mate. +Pete: Don't worry. When my father washes his car, evertime he's done with it, it starts raining. +Pete: The birds though.... Coid blooded fuckers. +Harry: I feel like shooting them, but I know I would feel totally bad hurting even one of these animals. +Pete: Sympathetic sadist :D Nice combo there :D +Harry: Hahaha.","Harry is very angry, because he had washed his car, and some birds have defecated on it." +13828096,"Phillip: huh, I've just learned something interesting +Ronald: yeah? +Phillip: I got the new laptop cuz my old one couldn't run the newer games +Phillip: and I'm downloading something on Steam now +Phillip: but I had no idea you didn't have to install games on all computers at home +Phillip: turns out you've only gotta download them once and you can just stream them in the same network +Ronald: huh +Ronald: that's new to me too, my PC is enough for me so I haven't really looked into it, I guess? +Phillip: yeah and apparently this means I could play on my old laptop now too +Phillip: because it would be using the new one's resources +Ronald: won't that cause some lag tho? +Ronald: I mean, if it's just streaming and you use the old laptop's keyboard and mouse, I guess it still needs to communicate with the other computer +Ronald: I wonder how well that works +Phillip: yeah, I probably won't be doing that because there isn't much point, I just thought it was interesting",Phillip got a new laptop. He found out you don't need to install games on all computers at home. You just need to download it once and then you can stream them in the network. +13681752,"Martha: hey +Martha: can you do something for me? +Agnes: naturally +Agnes: what do you need? +Martha: can you please prepare your famous soup for the party? +Agnes: oh +Agnes: ofc ",On Martha's request Agnes will prepare her famous soup for the party. +13728925,"Otto: Do you have plans for the summer? +Linn: not yet no +Linn: hven't thought about it +Otto: Wanna go on a cruise with me +Linn: send me the details +Otto: +Linn: looks nice! I'll check if I can get the time off work and let you know +Otto: ok great! ",Otto wants Linn to go on a cruise with him in summer. Linn will let him know. +13829462,"Marge: Your teacher called +Marge: you are grounded! +Ken: why? wtf? +Marge: you failed English! +Ken: shit I didn't even know +Marge: don't bullshit me +Marge: be back by 7!","Ken is not allowed to go out, because he failed English." +13715785,"Marianne: +Marianne: what do you girls think about this dress? is it ok for the wedding? +Cassandre: wow, it's gorgeous! +Eveline: it's really nice, how much is it? Cause I don't see any price +Marianne: 100$ +Cassandre: hm....I guess that's a rather regular price for such an occasion +Eveline: 100$? really? it's really pretty, but I don't think it's worth its price +Marianne: that's why I'm asking you cause I have a dillema +Cassandre: any other suggestions? +Marianne: I have 3 options, but this is my favourite and I can easily afford it +Eveline: well, I guess the decision has already been made, buy it then +Cassandre: yeah, I think the same",Marianne wants to buy a dress for the wedding for 100$. Cassandre thinks it's a regular price but Eveline disagrees. Marianne has 3 options but she wants the one for 100$ as she likes it and can afford it. +13809966,"Rashid: Hi love, just wanted to remind you about the dishwasher repair guy coming today. +Fran: Oh yes, I did remember, what time is he coming? +Rashid: Between 2 and 6pm, they said. +Fran: Can't they narrow it down a bit! I have go pick the kids up. +Rashid: Just ring them with you mobile number and they usually can warn you when they're on their way. Their numbers 222 444, Dudley code. +Fran: Right, thanks babes. I'll sort it now. See you later. Xx",Rashid will call the dishwasher repair company and establish what time exactly they'll be coming. He will also pick up the children. +13727991,"Ellen: What is the deal in Paris??? +Margot: I don't know, why? +Ellen: All the protests. Haven't you seen? +Margot: I don't look at the news, too depressing. LOL! +Ellen: You are ignorant. Next!",There are protests happening in Paris. Margot does not look at the news because she thinks it's depressing. +13728761,"Tom: hey how are you? +Sharan: i am good and you? +Tom: fine thanks, ok .. so i need a favor +Sharan: yes go ahead i will try to do what i can +Tom: so i am planning throw a surprise birthday party for Kate.. +Sharan: wow thats a great, how can i help? +Tom: i dont know all her friends so i need you to invite them all and let them know its a surprise party +Sharan: oh sure thats not something big, i can do that for sure +Tom: thanks a lot +Sharan: my pleasure, is there anything else i can do ? +Tom: hmm.... thanks for asking but i have arranged for everything +Sharan: oh good so send me the party details so i can send those to her friends +Tom: oh yes i would send a e-card have designed with all the details in a while +Sharan: ok i would wait for that. +Tom: and please confirm the no. of guests so i do arrangement accordingly +Sharan: sure i will +Tom: and i dont have to mention that but still you are also invited +Sharan: offcourse :) +Tom: here is the card +Sharan: every nice +Tom: thanks ","Tom will throw a surprise birthday party for Kate but he doesn't know all her friends, so Sharan will invite them. Tom sent Sharan a card with all the details. She will confirm how many guests are coming." +13682363,"Rob: have you seen last game of Suns? +Rob: Marcin Gortat was amazing! +Matt: yeah I know +Matt: this guy is really the future of our club +Matt: but I have heard that he thinks about returning to Poland +Rob: oh no! +Rob: but wait, what can he do there? +Matt: he said he wants to spend some time with family +Matt: and build his own family +Matt: have a baby or so +Rob: can't he do it later? XD +Rob: we have to win whole league +Matt: don't worry, it's just a plan for future +Matt: maybe next year or so ",Rob and Matt are talking about Marcin Gortat. +13827940,"Josh: I’m back. Had to change buses. +Trish: So where was the concert? +Josh: U know the club “Devil’s den”? +Trish: Heard of it. Never been there. +Josh: Well, on weekends they have concerts and on weekdays… oh, I probably shouldn’t say… +Trish: C’mon! Don’t leave me hanging! +Josh: Well, let’s say it’s a place to meet for a particular breed of ppl. +Trish: Particular breed of ppl? What do u mean? +Josh: Ppl who like to hit other ppl. +Trish: Oh, got it. And they’re open about it? +Josh: Yeah, very much. +Trish: But u didn’t get beaten up or anything? +Josh: Nah! Too tough 4 it! +Trish: LOL +Josh: What? +Trish: U? Tough? +Josh: U don’t believe me? +Trish: Not a bit :P +Josh: Lemme prove it to u! Last week I saved a cat! +Trish: My hero! What happened? +Josh: Do u have to ask? +Trish: Sure, ‘cause the parts you’re choosing to omit are always the best bits ;) +Josh: Well, the cat was just on the street… +Trish: And? +Josh: And that’s it! +Trish: Hahahaha! +Josh: I knew u’d laugh! +Trish: Sry! Just hilarious. It’s so qt u try! +Josh: Thanks.","Josh was at the concert in the ""Devil's den"" club. He saved a cat on the street last week." +13682247,"Matt: YOOOO HOW'S LIFE DUDEE +Elle: GREAT!!! YOURS? +Matt: AWESOMESAUCE :D HAPPY DAYS :) i was bored you know +Elle: I figured. What have you been up to? +Matt: Binged watched House of Cards, ate pizza, met up with Martha, slept +Elle: Oh how's things going with Martha? :D +Matt: Not good :( I tried talking to her about Saturday's party... +Elle: Ah :( Wanna talk about it? +Matt: No, thanks - watched anything interesting lately.? +Elle: Yeah, I've recently been hooked on this show called ""Designated Survivor"" - it's really good! +Matt: Haven't heard of it. What's it bout? +Elle: Well basically in America when Congress meets, there's always one person who doesn't attend in case of a terrorist attack (they're the ""designated survivor""). So basically in the show, this guy (played by Kiefer Sutherland) becomes president after an attack, except that he doesn't want to be president. :) It's pretty good. +Matt: Wasn't he the guy from Phone Booth? +Elle: No idea, haven't seen it","Matt has been watching ""House of Cards"", eating pizza, meeting up with Martha and sleeping lately. He tried to talk with Martha about Saturday's party. Elle recommends Matt to watch ""Designated Survivor"". " +13829166,"Willow: Have you heard that Swedish police has found stolen crown jewels from 16th or 17th century??! +Willow: Some idiot threw them into a trash can. :o +Levi: you mean those regalia, which has been stolen last summer?? +Willow: Yes!! +Levi: :o what a crazy world we live in",Swedish police has found crown jewels from the 16th or the 17th century that were stolen last summer. They were thrown into a trash can. +13731190,"Jacob: Have you heard about that girl that has gone missing? +Thomas: The one from our high school, yeah... +Thomas: That's really strange... +Jacob: I knew her +Thomas: Really? +Jacob: She was doing history with me last year +Jacob: But we weren't close +Jacob: Pretty girl, quite shy +Jacob: Rarely talked to anyone +Thomas: What do you think happened to her? +Jacob: I don't know +Jacob: I don't think she escaped +Jacob: I heard she had good contact with her family, they all loved each other","Last year Thomas attended the history classes with the girl that now has gone missing. She was pretty, but quite shy, had good contact with her family." +13728316,"Joy: Hey +Diclarey: Hey +Joy: You love music? +Diclarey: Definitely. +Diclarey: Why ask? +Joy: My playlist is outdated. +Joy: I was wondering if you would share some of your updated albums +Diclarey: Sure. +Diclarey: How should i send you? +Diclarey: Or you will come and copy them directly to your phone. +Joy: I guess I will have to come and copy them +Diclarey: Okay. Just HMU when you arrive. +Joy: Cool.",Diclarey will share some of his updated albums with Joy. Joy will come and copy them directly to his phone. +13730713,"Ben: You know what is the worst thing about me and Hannah spliting up? +Ben: Sleeping alone +Denis: I know maan +Denis: When you are used to sleeping with someone +Denis: And suddenly there's only you in a big bed +Denis: Sadness and despair come to you in high dose +Ben: Yeah. I feel empty inside every time I go to bed. +Denis: Easy man. +Denis: You're a decent guy. +Denis: I'm sure someone will appear in your life very soon. +Ben: Thanks man.",Ben points out sleeping alone as the worst thing about him and Hannah spliting up. +13716443,"Filip: hi travellers, how are you doing? +Jen: hi there! we're great, let me send you some pics +Filip: ok! +Jen: +Filip: exotic! where is it? +Jen: right outside Shanghai +Jen: +Jen: +Filip: what a view! i envy you so much +Jen: i know right? i can't imagine going back home! +Filip: you should enjoy your time there! +Jen: we do!! 100% +Rick: yes, i confirm +Jen: hahah there he is, the loafer! +Rick: i'm on my vacation, give me a break ;P +Filip: what is it about +Rick: i'm doing literary nothing! +Jen: it's true, i even have to ask him to brush his teeth +Filip: hahah i get that! +Rick: this is how you vacay :)",Jen and Rick are on holiday just outside Shanghai. They are enjoying themselves very much. +13863173,"Harvey: Do u need my help with the home assignment? I'm pretty good at maths :) +Joan: that'd be perfect! +Harvey: Send me your answers +Joan: +Harvey: I'm calling you +Joan: ok",Harvey will help Joan with the home assignment. +13612142,"Audrey: Did you see Anne today? +Kate: Yes, why? +Audrey: And? +Kate: What do you mean? +Audrey: You didn’t… notice her dress? +Kate: Oh. I DID. +Audrey: Exactly. Someone needs to tell this poor thing yellow does not make her any good. +Kate: Well, it’s not going to be me. +Audrey: Me neither. But looking at it is a misery.",Anne is wearing a yellow dress today. Neither Audrey nor Kate want to tell her it doesn't make her any good. +13729437,"Beth: Ciao! How r u? +Will: Mornin'. Fine. U? +Beth: Good. About tonight, I have some supplementary work to do and I don't know what time I'll get out of the office +Will: Hm ok. Do you want to meet regardless? +Beth: I'd like to, but I really have no idea when I'm gonna finish work. I don't want to keep you waiting... +Will: Okey. Let's do it this way: u let me know around 7:00 how it's going and we decide. OK? +Beth: Perfect! Thx! +Will: For what? +Beth: 4 being comprehensive. +Will: My pleasure :)",Beth has a lot of work tonight and will inform Will around 7 if she can meet him. +13821332,"Ian: David, are you ok? +David: yes, I am, no worries +David: everybody's writing me today +Jenny: Sure, we're all worried +Jenny: it looks really bad on TV +David: I was very lucky, when the tsunami hit i was inland, so didn't even know what happened +David: I found out from messages that people started sending me asking if I'm ok +Jenny: good, the most imported you're safe +Ian: exactly!",David was safe when the tsunami hit. +13716315,"Angelica: For anyone who won't make the dinner, we could always join for a drink or two afterwards? +Angelica: Ok, maybe three drinks +Helen: Why stop at 3? +Amy: I would be in for a drink afterwards +James: For sure come for drinks! will be in the bar from around 9/9:30 :) +Angelica: Great +James: See you later then!",They are going to meet at the bar for drinks. James will be at the bar after 9 pm. +13862838,"Troy: could u give me the recipe for pancakes? +Ismael: later, k? i'm in a meeting +Troy: sure tx",Troy wants from Ismael a recipe for pancakes. +13828026,"Soph: Hello Tonny, greetings from Mexico! Am on a 5-week drive thru' the Yucatan peninsula and enjoying it immensely. +Soph: +Tonny: Hi Soph, great to hear from you. I remember Yucatan as a fantastic piece of Mexico, much more interesting than the north. What's on your itinerary? +Soph: Started in Cancun, staying in town but visited the peninsula and Isla Mujeres, and now have come to Merida for 10 days or so. Then planning to visit Valladolid, Campeche and maybe Izamal and some other places. Nothing definite yet. +Tonny: Are you driving? Or relying on public transport? +Soph: We've rented a car. Not too expensive in Mexico. +Tonny: We? Are you again with your ""travelling companion""? +Soph: I wouldn't have dared to come here alone! +Tonny: Sure not. So happy trails to you! +Soph: Thanks. Love. Sophie","Soph is on a 5-week holiday in Mexico. She's already visited Cancun and now she is in Merida for approx. 10 days. She is planning to visit Valladolid, Campeche and Izamal. She rented a car and drives through the peninsula with her companion." +13729596,"Vic: Don't like such games. +Natty: Y? +Vic: What's the fun in flying a plane? +Natty: And doing different missions! Like there's one where u have to defend England! +Vic: Still, all the same. U just fly and shoot. Boring. +Natty: Bt then u get to update ur plan, get better gear and deal more damage! Yeah! +Vic: The same with racing games. All u do is drive. Where's the fun in that? +Natty: Racing with other ppl? Getting up in the ranks? +Vic: Nah. Prefer games where u actually have to do something. +Natty: Like what? +Vic: For example - Assassin's Creed Rebellion. :) +Natty: And what do u do there? +Vic: Tons of stuff! U can build ur castle, develop it, battle Templars and get unique characters :) +Natty: Doesn't sound like something 4 me. +Vic: Y? +Natty: Well, I don't like RPGs. +Vic: Bt they're a lot of fun! +Natty: Maybe 4 u.",Natty doesn't like RPGs but Vic thinks they are fun. +13828107,"Jamie: How are you doing with the translation? +Meg: good good +Jamie: need help? +Meg: thanks, I have half of it done already but if I am behind next week I'll let you know ok? +Jamie: sure +Meg: +Meg: thanks <3",Jamie is ready to help Meg with the translation. Meg will let her know next week if she gets behind. +13864653,"Lena: Do you know who discovered vitamins? +Marianna: Casimir Funk, a Polish researcher, I believe +Ted: wasn't he American? +Chris: Wikipedia says Polish-American +Lena: is it important? +Marianna: not really, but you asked +Lena: I asked about the person, not about your Polish nationalism :P +Marianna: hahaha +Lena: you know I don't believe in nationality, all people are brothers +Marianna: I know, it's cute +Lena: no, it's ethical +Lena: and you sound paternalistic +Marianna: sorry","According to Wikipedia, vitamins were discovered by Casimir Funk, a Polish-American researcher." +13611933,"Antony: So, you've got a new job? +Grace: Yeah, I signed my contact last Monday. +Antony: What do you do? +Grace: I'm a secretary. +Antony: Where? +Grace: In town. For an architect. +Antony: Is it a permanent or a temporary job? +Grace: It's permanent. +Antony: That's great! And how are you liking it so far? +Grace: I love it! It's very interesting.",Grace got a permanent job as a secretary for an architect. Grace signed her contract last Monday. Grace loves her new job and finds it interesting. +13729268,"Albert: do you have a twitter account? +Albert: i just created an account and i want to follow you :D +Natasha: i'm not on twitter +Natasha: i'm very paranoid when it comes to personal info online :-/ +Albert: lol i used to be like that but i gave in, lol","Albert has twitter and he wants to follow Natasha. She doesn't have an account, because she isn't a fan of sharing personal information online." +13682086,"Abdul: so did you call your grandparents or not? +Andreas: i did yesterday +Abdul: about time... and what did they say? +Andreas: we can't really go to the lake house this weekend :( they have some friends and family visiting and it will be occupied :/ +Abdul: oh man... seriously?! I already invited the girls! +Andreas: I know bro, I am so sorry, I was really looking forward to it as well +Abdul: that sucks big time +Andreas: i know sorry bro +Abdul: what do you propose we do now? We can't cancel the trip, it will be a disaster :/ +Andreas: how about we book something nearby? We could chip in together for some decent place... +Abdul: are you mad?! You know I am broke :/ and the guys too +Andreas: maybe we should ask Chris? His folks got a lake house just 30 km away +Abdul: do you think he will go for it? +Andreas: HE HAS TO :D",Andreas and Abdul have invited some friends to a lake house this weekend but the plan has to be cancelled. Andreas and Abdul will ask Chris if the party can move to a lake house owned by his family. +13611612,"Michael: Have u finished the buckfast? With whom were u drinking it with? +Heather: With my new housemate Dominic. It's so disgusting. I haven't even finished even one glass. +Michael: Dominic seems to be a cool guy. Don’t force him to drink it. +Heather: Yeah, I really like him +Michael: Where is he from? +Heather: The Netherlands +Michael: Ahhh Dutch. The best. Chill guys. ",Heather was drinking the Buckfast with her new housemate Dominic from the Netherlands. Heather thinks it is disguising. Michael and Heather like Dominic. +13716316,"Ben: Mark is coming back this weekend. +Jana: let's give him a surprise +Blake: What do you have in mind? +Jana: Party at the club perhaps +Ben: sure, he loves dancing +Blake: So do I, let's pick a club. +Jana: This one +Jana: ","Mark is coming back this weekend. Ben, Jana and Blake are going to surprise him with a party at a club." +13681668,"Karen: mum has just told me you have broken your wrist?!! +Jess: yeah.. fortunately it’s the left one +Karen: how did that happen? +Jess: i fell off the ladder while cleaning the cupboards in the kitchen +Karen: jesus christ! you should have asked Tony for help!? +Jess: i did! I asked him several times but got bored waiting +Karen: oh no! you poor thing! +Jess: i was worried it was my whole arm when we rushed to the hospital +Karen: how long are you supposed to have it in plaster? +Jess: for about six weeks +Karen: how’s the pain now? +Jess: it was bad as hell at first but now i can barely feel it +Karen: that’s good. Take care of yourself girl! +Jess: i will don’t worry +Karen: and no more climbing up the ladder! I am serious! I know you! +Jess: ha ha! yes ma’am!",Jess broke her wrist when she fell off the ladder cleaning the cupboards. It will be in plaster for about six weeks. +13680626,"John: Hi, how is your day? +Tom: Good, going to Rome. +John: Nice, by train? +Tom: Yup. +John: How is the weather in Italy? +Tom: In Naples it's very sunny and about 15 degrees. +John: wow, here we have first snow +Tom: oh, must be quite disgusting +John: yes, it's winter +Tom: So maybe you would come over to visit? +John: That would be nice, but I'm so busy at the office now +Tom: Just for a few days, we could make a one day trip to Rome +John: Sounds nice, I'll talk to the people at my office, maybe I could find a replacement +Tom: Nice:) I hope it'll work","Tom is going to Rome by train. It's winter, but the weather in Italy is good. Tim invites John to Italy. John is busy at work but will try to find a replacement." +13731072,"Ada: Ol, so can you go to acro today or no. I'm a little lost 😅 +Olivia: No! I wish :( I have a meeting I have to go to at that time. +Olivia: How was acro? +Ada: I didn't end up going. I chose to head back home. ",Ada and Olivia didn't go to acro today. +13828805,"Scarlet: hey, I just read about your uncle Ben's funeral after the fact, but I hope you're okay :* +Scarlet: If you need anything - tea, chocolate, someone to listen... just know that I'm here and that I'm keeping you in my thoughts and prayers :* +Jude: Thank you so much! For remembering, for your support and your prayers <3 I really felt it these last few days :* +Jude: I'm sorry that I'm only just answering now, but after yesterday I just want to go to sleep. May God bless you for everything! :) +Scarlet: :) But Jude, I mean it - if you need me, I'll be there in a flash +Jude: I know :)","Jude's uncle, Ben died. Scarlet read about the funeral after the fact. " +13813343,"Mattie: Will you call me when dad is at home? +Ross: Sure +Mattie: ty :*",Ross will call Mattie when dad is at home. +13819864,"Oliver: I think I should stop reading the rules after we already played a game +Oliver: found two things we were doing wrong today +Chris: maybe it shows that you should keep reading them +Chris: so what we were doing wrong? +Oliver: first the basic follow-up only gives you temp influence and not the permanent one (so my whole strategy for the day was basically based on a wrong rule :P) +Oliver: and second, you only get the income for the resources you own (tokens on top) and not for everything you have access to +Chris: the map had full symbol drawn for the action so I also thought it was permanent influence +Chris: had no idea about the second one +Emily: the second rule means money would be much more sparse +Oliver: well yes but it gives you a reason to build an already existing building again +Oliver: with the rules we played with there was no sense in doing that +Emily: true +Emily: yet another game we need to play again with the right rules ;) +Oliver: additionally during the vote phase, if there is a draw the first decision is taken by the player with the least amount of points and not the closest to the player initiating the vote +Chris: makes sense +Chris: but I'm not sure about the income phase, it's written that you get income for import +Olivier: well yes but technically the import action is building your own buildings +Oliver: so no matter how you look at it with import you'll always be on top with your token and get the income +Chris: right +Chris: well just like Emily said we need to play this again +Emily: we can always do it during the next meeting +Oliver: as usual I'm up for anything +Oliver: but if we'll play a new game, let me read the rules first :P",Oliver found out that they misunderstood the rules of the game. Emily and Chris think they should play the game again. +13864526,"Misha: Have you bought from this website? +Misha: +Kamil: No... it looks like a Chinese website +Pedro: I've never heard of it +Misha: I want to buy this dress +Misha: +Misha: It looks great +Misha: But I'm not sure about the quality... +Kamil: I wouldn't expect too much... +Pedro: Why don't you check opinions on YT? +Pedro: +Pedro: look at that +Pedro: It looks like a review of your dress +Misha: Indeed thanks :* ",Misha is buying a dress. +13829160,"Amanda: oh no, my phone charger has stopped working +Keith: the cable or the charger itself? +Amanda: dunno, it just won't charge +Keith: can't you ask your sister to lend you hers? +Amanda: but I have an iphone and she has a samsung +Keith: hmm, yeah, but the charger itself should be the same. so if you use your cable with her charger, you could see if it works? +Keith: then at least you'll know which part needs replacing +Amanda: oh, I could do that, yeah +Amanda: should I get the spare part from apple or...? +Keith: idk, I've never had an iphone. I hear not all cables are compatible for some reason but imo you should be able to find a cheaper replacement that should work... their prices are too high +Amanda: uhh... alright, I guess checking what's wrong comes first +Keith: can you do it now? +Amanda: yeah, I'll brb +Keith: k +Amanda: back +Amanda: and it's still not charging :( +Keith: then it must be the cable. or... +Amanda: or?? there's another possibility? +Keith: well, I guess there might be sth wrong with the charging port but that's the worst case scenario +Keith: so let's not think about it yet? +Amanda: I'm a bit worried now but ok :( +Keith: I've found some shop that sells replacement cables +Keith: +Keith: I'd try this one first, see if the phone detects the cable at all +Keith: cuz if it does, then problem solved, if it doesn't... then it might be the port +Keith: but it's cheap enough to give it a try +Amanda: thanks, I'll do that... I hope it'll work, not sure if I can afford a repair :/","Amanda's iPhone is no longer charging. She tried with her sister's charger, but it didn't help. It might be the cable or the charging port. She'll get a cheap replacement cable to check it." +13730149,"Mateo: Duuude pick up ur phone or open the door +Jesse: its 5am in the morning theres a reason i did not answer the phone -_- +Mateo: i just need something +Jesse: im sure it can wait +Mateo: no it can not >>__<< +Jesse: go to hell let me sleep ",Mateo wants Jesse to pick up or open the door. It's 5 AM. Jesse won't oblige as he wants to sleep. +13863244,"Martin: Hi +Sarah: Oh, hi! +Martin: The exam was a disaster +Sarah: Oh +Martin: Yeah, I'm never gonna pass +Sarah: Never say never... how long do you have to wait for the results? +Martin: Until Monday, more or less +Sarah: Ok +Martin: It was mostly a multiple choice thing but it was still difficult as fuck +Sarah: What was the name of the subject again? +Martin: 19th Century European History +Sarah: Ok +Martin: I almost soiled my pants when I saw the questions +Sarah: Marty, please... gross +Martin: Gross but honest :P",Martin's exam was very difficult. He doesn't think he passed it. +13715846,"Alex: Hi there, why don't you visit us at our new place? Friday evening? +Michael: Awesome! so curious to see the apartment! +Michael: where do you exactly live? +Alex: Copernicus st 5/12 +Alex: just be careful +Alex: you can meet some boars on your way :D +Michael: whaaat?! +Michael: real ones?? +Liz: seriously? +Alex: easy mates +Alex: we live close to a forest so it's normal +Alex: but we rarely see them. come on, it's not dangerous :D +Liz: if u say so... +Michael: chill :)",Michael and Liz are going to visit Alex in her new apartment Friday evening. Alex warns them that they might meet boars on the way as she lives close to a forest. +13681632,"Shane: Hey dude, whats up? +Ted: Beer tonight? +Shane: Ayeee, where at? +Ted: At Janes +Shane: Ahhh man u know I hate her ;/ wait, did you… +Ted: how do u think ;>","Ted wants to go drink beer at Jane's, but Shane hates her." +13730187,"Iza: +Monica: OMG +Monica: yesssssss!!! +Iza: I know +Iza: I have been waiting for this for so long! +Monica: me too! +Monica: :D ",Iza has good news. +13818743,"Eva: +Eva: how about this one? +Isabella: Hmm, pretty ok +Megan: Nooooooo..... not your color +Megan: In my opinion:) +Megan: Look for sth in blue, green or grey ..., you always look good in ""cool"" colors:)","Eva's asking for advice, Megan suggests a different, cool colour." +13729277,"Howard: Hi! +Jane: Hi! +Howard: Thought I'd say hello. You're beautiful. +Jane: Thanks. +Howard: I would love to take you out for a romantic dinner to a seaside restaurant. +Jane: Awww! +Howard: What do you say? +Jane: To what? +Howard: To a romantic dinner of course. +Jane: Oh that! Well as long as you don't mind ladies with 8inches of pure hard cock. +Howard: What?!!! +Jane: I'm transitioning. +Howard: What does that mean? +Jane: It means I'm half man half woman. +Howard: You're joking, right? :-) +Jane: No I am not. +Jane: Would you like to see it? +Jane: +Howard: Fuck you, you perv! +Jane: Yes please! LOL",Howard wants to take Jane out for a romantic dinner. Jane is a trans woman and has a penis. Howard doesn't like it. +13821326,"Hanna: Hi everyone +Hanna: Our Aiesec meeting is at 7pm today +Hanna: We had to reschedule it +Mason: Where? +Hanna: Arts 203 +Xavier: I cant at 7 today +Hanna: Thats fine +Hanna: Not your fault",The Aiesec meeting was rescheduled for 7 pm today. It will take place in Arts 203. +13814869,"Ellis: have you just seen Theresa on TV? +Francesca: yeah, what a nightmare +Francesca: our country goes into chaos +Ellis: I'm really curious how all of this ends… +Francesca: ",Theresa was on TV. +13730068,"Anet: when we r going to lunch? +Tish: 2 pm? +Anet: ok, that suits me",Lunch is at 2 pm. +13681573,"Jimmy: Don't come to the bar +Sandy: why? what happened? +Jimmy: remember your ex, Trevor? +Sandy: Yeah...? +Jimmy: He's here with Amy +Sandy: WHAT +Jimmy: Yep, let's just pick another bar +Sandy: couldnt agree more",Jimmy and Sandy are going to go to another bar in order to avoid Trevor. Trevor is Sandy's ex and he is here with Amy. +13681385,"Callum: +Saanvi: Hahahha finally I see ur pic when u smiling widely :) +Callum: Hahaha I've never seen yours too +Saanvi: But I almost always smile. U saw. Me and my friend on the beach +Callum: Now ? +Saanvi: A photo +Callum: No but not a wide smile +Saanvi: Where I'm with my friend on the beach. For me it's a wide one :) My mouth is small hahahahha So I can't make as big smile as urs hahaha +Callum: Hahaha",Callum's picture shows him when he is smiling widely. Callum has never seen Saanvi's picture where Saanvi is smiling widely. +13819920,"Andy: are you ok with 6PM at Mammals? +Barbara: I won't manage, but you can start without me +Peter: too early for me as well +Paul: by 8PM I won't make it +Simone: haha, seems I'm the only one who's ok with it, let's move it to 8PM +Andy: ok, as you prefer, but free drinks end at 7.30 +Barbara: so I would say everybody comes when they can +Andy: right, I'll be there at 6.30, but I may be tipsy at 8 +Simone: tipsy? drunk as a skunk +Andy: I'll do my best to do it smoothly +Paul: we all know you, just enjoy the free drinks ;) +Andy: hahaha +Andy: see you there +Barbara: see you!",Simone suggest to move the meet up at Mammals from 6pm to 8pm as more people are available. As free drinks end at 7.30 the conclusion is for everyone to join Andy and Simone whenever they can after 6. +13829977,"Frank: Cheers, have you got the stuff? +Allan: Half of it. +Frank: How come?! They promised a whole bucket. +Allan: No sweat! More deliveries will be coming later. +Frank: When? +Allan: Dunno. In the afternoon. +Frank: Look, I'm halfway through this bloody painting. +Allan: I'm doing my best buddy. Believe me. +Frank: You'd better fix it. +Frank: ASAP +Allan: Sure mate. Something else. Need to borrow your car. +Frank: Whatever for? +Allan: To fetch your stupid paint. Serious. Mine's broken down. +Frank: When? +Allan: This morning. +Frank: When will you need it?! +Allan: This afternoon.They said they'd get the paint by then. +Frank: Ya golden. Why don't you take a taxi? +Allan: Too expensive. Or will you pay for it? +Frank: 10. OK? +Allan: OK. Fixin' it.",Allan managed to get half a bucket of paint for Frank. He will get more in the afternoon. Allan's car broke down this morning. Frank won't lend him the car but he'll pay for the taxi. +13815216,"Michelle: My boss just accepted the holiday! +Alex: Great news. +Michelle: July 8th-19th +Alex: OK, so now that we have that taken care of, let's find an offer. +Michelle: Are u still fine with Croatia? +Alex: Yup, it was amazing last time, so let's go back and explore more :) +Michelle: What do u think about this travel agency? +Michelle: +Alex: Oh, I'm way ahead of u, I already chose some options. +Michelle: Great! :) +Alex: +Michelle: Let's take the 14 day option. Make the most of it. +Michelle: I'm just debating between the direct flight and the layover in Budapest. +Alex: Let's fly directly. I mean I know it's more expensive, but we saved up all year. +Alex: We'll have more time to ourselves in Croatia on the beach :) +Michelle: OK, u convinced me! :) +Alex: I'll book this offer and wire the money. +Michelle: Thank you love! <3 +Michelle: I'll take care of the currency exchange. +Alex: No problem my dear, we deserve a break! +Alex: 14 days in paradise with u :) +Michelle: <3 see u at home!",Michelle and Alex organized their holiday. They will spend two weeks in Croatia. They will fly there directly. Alex will book the trip. Michelle will exchange the money. +13730673,"Sam: its her birthday .. +Tom: wat +Sam: in 2 days.. its her birthday :3 +Tom: dude dont +Sam: what do you mean +Tom: u know exactly what i mean +Sam: dude im just saying.. +Tom: NO :/ +Sam: WHAT +Tom: u guys havent talked in weeks +Sam: so +Tom: okay do whatever u want +Sam: i am gonna :P +Tom: yeah, i cant stop u ._. ",Sam remembers it's her birthday in 2 days.They haven't speak for weeks. Tom is against. +13727836,"Jackie: Hi love, you OK? +Serena: Yep, college was full on, then I had work, absolutely knackered now! +Jackie: I know what you mean, the store was madness today, lots of difficult customers! +Serena: I'm sure you handled it well, babes! +Jackie: Well, hope so. Just chilling out with a bit of Apprentice on IPlayer. +Serena: Haven't watched it this year, what are the idiots up to? +Jackie: Ooh, it's excellent this time, lots of bitching, backstabbing and foolish choices, cringy puns too! +Serena: Sounds great, might look it up for a laugh! +Jackie: Yeah, good idea! I mean, why did they think that Jetpop would be a good name for an airline, complete with exploding icon for the O in Pop! +Serena: They never did! I bet they lost! +Jackie: Yes, they did indeed! Then there was the one when they decided that Siracha hot sauce was a good idea on top of doughnuts! +Serena: Oh my God, I've got to see that, it sounds bloody terrible! +Jackie: Better get back to it, anyway! Don't overdo it, love! Pop into the shop on the weekend to say Hi. +Serena: Will do! I need some new jeans anyway. Bye love! +Jackie: Bye!",Serena is exhausted after a long day. Jackie is watching Apprentice on IPlayer. Serena hasn't watched it this year. +13828809,"Alex: Do you have any new messages from Kylie? +Ian: Yes, she sent me some photos. +Ian: You want some too? +Alex: Sure :) +Alex: So beautiful.... +Alex: I would like to be there with her… +Ian: Not only u :)",Kylie sent Ian some photos. Ian forwarded the photos to Alex. +13817198,"Reyna: Have Zain invited you in his party? +Odin: Yeah, you? +Reyna: Yes ",Zain has invited Reyna and Odin to his party. +13730948,"Tyler: i found it, FINALLY!! +Orion: ?? +Tyler: the sweatshirt i was looking for +Orion: that Flash tee? +Tyler: yeah :D +Orion: you're not actually gonna order it, right? +Tyler: why was i looking for it online then :/ +Orion: are you kidding me +Tyler: i am not, i like it man +Orion: okay Nerd! +Tyler: i'm not a nerd +Orion: actually you are +Tyler: shut up-_- +Orion: xD",Tyler is going to buy the Flash T-shirt he has been looking for. Orion disapproves of it and thinks it is nerdy. +13862793,"Lily: Why r u so sad? +Sandra: Something's happened? +Lily: Nope, I just feel a bit low today :( +Sandra: Wanna meet today? +Lily: Sure!",Sandra suggested a meeting with Lily to cheer her up. +13716148,"Ethan: You ready to go? +Ann: Yep +Ethan: Ok, let's meet next to the bus station, I'll come for you +Ann: Gr8 :) +Ethan: I will be there within 10min :) So at you house Danny within 20-25min +Danny: OK",Ethan and Ann are meeting next to the bus station. They will be at Danny's in 20-25 minutes. +13730602,"Fran: so how's the new affair going?;) +Sally: hmm +Fran: what happened? +Sally: I'm not sure. I mean everything is fine but there's no chemistry. Maybe there's something wrong with me +Fran: There's nothing wrong with you. Don't let yourself think that. Maybe you just need more time +Sally: It's not like I wanna give up but sometimes I wonder if I should be forcing myself +Fran: Definitely not. But maybe try not to put so much pressure on it +Sally: I just don't understand it. And myself +Fran: You don't have to understand anything :) +Sally: I mean there was definitely a spark at the beginning and now I really don't know what happened and how to get it back +Fran: You probably started thinking too much ;) +Sally: Hahah probably. My head is my worst enemy +Fran: You just met, don't force it. Why would you want chemistry that just dies out after 3 months? Maybe deep down you're looking for something more serious or stable and that's why you actually don't wanna rush it? And you're older now. It's more difficult to fall madly in love when you are not so easily fooled anymore ;) +Sally: I get it. It's not even about falling in love. I just don't get what happened. I mean I can't be in a relationship with absolutely no chemistry at all +Fran: Well it went away so maybe it will come back :D You can't overthink those things. They don't like it ;) +Sally: I probably am overthinking. We had a heart to heart and I feel much better after the talk +Fran: You want soulmates, intellectual connection, and chemistry - that's some high expectations for a new relation. Not everything at once +Sally: Yeah I would but I know I can't have it all +Fran: Of course you can. But some things work better overtime. On the other hand, do NOT force yourself into anything. +Sally: I'm not going to. I guess I've been lucky I found someone who is understanding and wants to discuss things +Fran: Exactly. And once you feel safer, chemistry might come back, because you won't be analyzing and thinking and worrying and pressuring yourself ;) +Sally: You're probably right.",Sally doesn't feel the chemistry in her new relationship anymore. Fran suggests that Sally is overthinking the situation and that Sally should give the relationship some time. +13682087,"Lizzy: can i ask you something? +Sia: ask +Lizzy: i'm going out with Marco and his friends +Lizzy: we will be in a club +Lizzy: and i need a make up inspiration +Sia: what will you wear? +Lizzy: black dress +Sia: so maybe classic smoky? +Lizzy: boring +Sia: smoky with colour accent? +Lizzy: i was thinking about half cut crease +Sia: hmm, maybe +Sia: have you done any before? +Lizzy: no.. +Sia: so maybe something easier? you don't want to screw anything, right? +Lizzy: you're right +Sia: so maybe spotlight? +Sia: just blend a few shades of brown and put some metallic shadow in the middle +Lizzy: which colour do you suggest? +Sia: you have green eyes, so maybe purple? +Lizzy: okay ^^ +Lizzy: thank you :* +Sia: no problem, just remember about blending!",Lizzy with the help of Sia is picking up make up for the night out with Marco and his friends. +13727930,"Michael: Hi, how are you doing? +Betty: Fine. And you? +Michael: Good. Just finished building a cupboard and need a pause. Do you fancy a drink? +Betty: Not today. I'm still working. +Michael: Pity. +Betty: Maybe tomorrow? +Michael: I don't know about tomorrow, cos we're going to install some benches at a school and it might take quite a while. +Betty: I see. +Michael: How about the weekend? +Betty: I'm free on Saturday evening. +Michael: Awsome! Saturday 19:00? +Betty: Great! ",Michael has just finished building a cupboard. Betty is working. Michael is installing benches at a school tomorrow. Betty and Michael will meet for a drink on Saturday at 19:00. +13829076,"Ashley: OMG, did u hear that Karen is on sick leave... :/ +Brianna: Are you joking? :O Again? It's like the 4th time in 3 mths. +Ashley: Yeah & I'm stuck giving the presentation on my own again. +Ashley: But u know, she'll take credit 4 it, when she returns. +Brianna: No way, It's so obvious she's faking it... +Brianna: You should really talk 2 Leanne about this, it's totally unfair.",Karen is on sick leave 4th time in 3 months. Ashley has to give the presentation alone. She thinks Karen is faking the sickness. +13728799,"Mario: Hey, goodnight +Royce: good night, love you💖💋 +Mario: love you too",Royce and Mario love each other and write to say goodnight. +13827908,"Kate: Change of plans!! +Karen: hm? +Kate: We're meeting in Starbucks +Karen: Why? +Kate: Cause otherwise Nancy would be an hour late. +Karen: well, okaaaay +Kate: same time, though. +Karen: OK, thanks for letting me know.","Kate, Karen and Nancy are meeting in Starbucks." +13680540,"Hanna: Hello, I'm contacting you about a product from your store +Gina: Hello Im Gina +Gina: How can I help you? Which product exactly? +Hanna: the frilly white skirt +Hanna: +Gina: yes that is one of our products +Gina: how can I help +Hanna: I was wondering if it's available at your location on 4th street? +Gina: I can check for you, could you please te,ll me what size? +Hanna: a medium +Gina: please wait a minute +Hanna: Ok +Gina: yes a medium is available at that location +Hanna: Thank you! ",Hanna is contacting Gina to ask if the medium sized frilly white skirt from her store is available on the 4th Street. It is. +13680606,"Beryl: Hello guys! How are you doing? We've lost contact for a few months now. Hope you are well. +Anton: A happy hello to you Beryl! Great to hear from you. We are fine, thanks. And yourself? +Beryl: I'm very well indeed. Thank you. Any changes in your setup? +Anton: Not really. SOS. Same Old Soup ;) But we are happy for that. +Beryl: Are you still running your lovely airbnb? +Anton: Oh yes, we are. We had a few months off during summer, our summer, but now bookings start flowing in. Well... Are you planning to visit us? You two are always welcome! +Beryl: You caught me here. I'm vaguely considering going down to Onrus again, most likely in January. What does it look like with vacancies then? +Anton: Perfect! Just give me your dates and I'll keep it booked for you. +Beryl: Would you prefer me to do it via airbnb website or just like this directly with you? +Anton: I think it'll be more advantageous for both of us to do it directly. Do you know exactly when you'll be coming? +Beryl: Not so much. Can I get back to you in 2, 3 days' time? +Anton: ASAP really. As I say we've been receiving bookings daily now. +Beryl: Well, no big deal. I'll be staying in Cape Town for a longer time and am quite flexible in my dates. +Anton: Will you be coming with Tino, if I may ask? +Beryl: No. I am single again. Hurray! So pls make it single occupancy any week in January, Anton. +Anton: Great! 4th till 12th? +Beryl: Very good. I'll call you beforehand from Cape Town. Greetings to you both! +Anton: Take care!",Beryl will be staying in Anton's airbnb in Onrus from 4th January until 12th January. +13865262,"Kate: Remember the fortune-teller I told you about? +Kate: I went to see her +Frank: and are you now afraid to leave your own house? +Kate: No :P +Claire: Wow, exciting! How was it? +Kate: It was weird. You know I thought that she may be a crook, but I wanted to try anyway +Claire: Was it like in the films? She knew your name and everything about you when you walked in? +Kate: Hahaha no, we just talked for the most part. She asked me why I decided to come, etc. +Frank: isn't she supposed to know stuff like that? +Kate: She's a fortune-teller not a wizard :P +Claire: What did she tell you? +Kate: She apparently doesn't see things in the future like... she's watching a film, but in more... symbolic way +Kate: She said she saw shoes, a door, a pair of big men's shoes and one pair of one shoes +Frank: shoes? +Kate: Don't you get it? +Claire: Not really +Kate: I'll meet someone and will have a kid! +Frank: aren't you misinterpreting things? +Claire: Did she tell you that it was what it meant? +Kate: No, she's not supposed +Frank: How much did you pay her? +Kate: 60 +Frank: 60 quid just to hear that she sees shoes! +Kate: Laugh all you want, but I think she's legit, you'll see",Kate went to see a fortune teller and paid 60 quid for the meeting. +13828390,"Max: You have notes from the last lecture +Hugo: I do, why +Max: Broooo send me pictures +Hugo: Again -_- +Max: You know im busy +Hugo: Yea, smoking weed and fuckin girls, that’s what you do +Max: Man my mum is at hospital!!! +Hugo: And you never visit her! +Max: Just gimme the fuckin notes +Hugo: ok but this is the last time +Max: Ill make up for it, be sure",Hugo will send Max notes from the last lecture but it will be the last time he does it. Max's mum is at hospital. +13815434,"Mark: Hey dude, what’s up? +Harry: Nothing much buddy. How’s everything with you? +Mark: All good. Yesterday I went to a 7-star Hotel restaurant. +Harry: Wow, that’s amazing buddy. I missed it. +Mark: It’s not amazing. +Harry: Why, what happened? +Mark: When I was there, I really needed to pass gas. +Harry: And? +Mark: The music was really loud, so I did it. +Harry: And? +Mark: I realized I was listening to my iPod. +Harry: hahaha hahaha","Mark had to break wind, while being in a fancy restaurant. He sought to do it silently. He failed." +13814442,"Gina: Omg I am soooo hungover!!! +Emily: me to... I haven't been able to get out of bed yet +Gina: hahaha +Emily: and I ordered from McDelivery +Gina: I'm going for pizza +Emily: totally worth it, though +Gina: right??? +Emily: ","Gina and Eily are hungover. Gina ordered food from McDonald's, Emily will have a pizza. " +13681460,"Iris: Hi, tell me what will nice as a present for Flo? Perfume or something else? and for you all? any ideas? I'm still in town for 2 days? +Diana: i think the Nina Ricci pink apple. I 'll confirm to you when i'm back home. +Iris: thank. I'll go shopping tomorrow . And for the others? +Diana: Nothing , just a good time spend all together +Iris: Of course, but any useful gadget? and for mum? +Diana: no ideas. She'll tell us that she needs nothing +Iris: what about a small coffee machine like nespresso? There's some not so expensive. +Diana: Good idea. I love very much the honey with sesame seeds, if you find some...and a Brook saddle for his raleigh +Iris: was it some polish honey? and what is a brook saddle???? +Diana: its a very nice brand for saddle, english and expensive - for your brother in law +Iris: some specific design for his humble bottom? and for you? +Diana: I don't know!! and for you? +Iris: i'm thinking about it +Diana: practical question: what have you planned for meals? +Iris: venaison and smoke salmon +Diana: fine, i can bring foie gras and oysters +Diana: a small travel clock for Ted +Iris: Didn't he use his mobile as a clock? +Diana: not very moderne your brother in law!! +Iris: lol +Diana: a cap for FR, with the shape of the chinese one +Iris: ok i 'll try to have a look .","Iris's still in town for 2 days. She's planning to buy the Nina Ricci pink apple for Flo, a small coffee machine for mum, a Brook saddle for her brother in law, a small travel clock for Ted and a cap for FR. She has venaison and smoke salmon planned for meals, Diana will bring foie gras and oysters." +13820171,"Sally: Hiyaaaaa! +Miranda: :D +Ella: Hello my dearest cousins. I haven't sent the invitations yet. I'm afraid you will have organize the hotels on your own. Check airb&b in london, it is very affordable and you can rent it together, as far as i know there are discounts for groups. +Mike: (Y) +Ella: if you have specific Qs please let me know +Miranda: (Y) +Sam: (Y) +Danny: I collected the addresses for you Ella. I checked airb&b last week and found sth 3bedroom apartment for 1500zl with kitchen and bathroom +Miranda: <3 +Sam: file_other and have a look here file_other +Mike: I can see huge interest in taking part in this celebration. I heard with my own ears though from the lady from the post office, that there isn't any city called London only Lądek or Lądek Zdrój. Please check this well so there isn't any unpleasant surprise +Danny: (Y) +Sam: :D +Sally: :P :'D +Doro: :O +Danny: but this is A city in England :P :D +Doro: Sally: I can sponsor the flight for Mike :D +Miranda: :D +Sam: I can take care of the hotel for him file_other +Sally: hahahaha good Mike is secured for now","Sally, Sam, Miranda, Danny and Doro will go to London to visit Ella. Ella cannot organize them hotels for their stay so Danny found an apartment for 1500 PLN on airb&b." +13729605,"Anton: Hey, need you to come back to the office +Eve: What?! It's my day off!!! >:( +Eve: I swear everyt single bloody time I have a free day, something likes this comes up >:( +Eve: Charlotte Bloody fucking Briggs +Anton: Eve... +Eve: oh shut up Trakas - you know as well as I do that she's only doing this to spite me +Eve: it's probably going to turn out to be a paper that needs filing that could have waited till monday... +Eve: or the janitor forgot his keys again and needs someone to let him in +Anton: Actually... I was going to say that I agree with you ;D +Eve: or what was it last time? she needed me to come in to discuss my project, which *again* could have waited +Eve: wait - you do?? +Eve: I thought you were going to say that it's in my head like ast time... +Anton: yeah... I'm sorry about that +Anton: You were right - she is being unfairly biased against you. Honestly, I think you should report this +Eve: And say what? Oh by the way, my boss made me come on Saturday for a coffee run - does that count as office harrassment? +Anton: Nooo... but that paired up with all the other examples AND witnesses like me or Frank, then we might have a solid case on our hands :) Look, it's worth a shot +Eve: *Sigh* +Eve: If you say so... honestly, I'm not convinced. So what does Miss Glorious want with me now? +Anton: She didn't say :/ But I can always try to get you out of there if things get rough +Eve: My hero *swoon* +Eve: But I'm not sure I like the idea of you getting in the crossfires +Anton: Hey, we're partners :) And you've risked your neck enough times for me, it's time to return the favour ;) +Eve: Thanks Anton :D see you in a bit! +Anton: See you ;)","Eve has to come back to the office on her day off. It's probably the fault of Charlotte Briggs, who dislikes Eve and has already done such things out of spite. On Anton's advice, Eve might fill in a complaint against her." +13681481,"Zhe: Good morning, Adam. Is the meeting still on at 2 pm? +Adam: Morning, Zhe. I will confirm it with them, but they didn't cancel. +Zhe: Also please confirm the place, at their office I assume. +Adam: It will certainly be there not here. We should book a taxi as it is impossible to park near them.",Zhe's meeting is set to 2pm. He'll go to other party's office by taxi. +13730701,"Michael: How was you trip to London? +Bella: Fine. I went for a conference +Michael: Cool. Did you present a paper? +Bella: I did. +Michael: Great. How did it go? +Bella: It was ok. I got good feedback. +Michael: Of course you did!",Bella presented a paper at a conference in London. It went well. +13815345,"Mya: What app did you use to make this video +Jace: Tik-Tok +Mya: Can you send me the link +Jace: Sure. Sending 5 min",Jace made a video using Tik-Tok. He will send Mya the link in five minutes. +13681295,"Jojo: Heyhey! I have just come from the interview and they want me (!!!) +Matt: Yay! Of course they do! Have you decided? +Jojo: i wanted to talk to you first :P pick up pls",Jojo has got a job offer and wants Matt's advice before taking a decision. +13680850,"Butch: Wanna be my gf? +Carol: Who r u? +Butch: Butch. I sit behind you in maths. +Carol: U that greasy guy that keeps staring at me? +Butch: Probably me... +Carol: Never talk to me again.",Carol doesn't want to date Butch. +13729446,"Juliette: what time does the party start? +Katie: at 7 +Juliette: OMG, I gotta hurry up!",The party starts at 7. +13865330,"Daniel: Who’s up for jogging tonight? +May: What time? +Sara: When? +Daniel: 6? 7? +May: I finish at 5.30, so 6 can be a bit tricky for me. +Sara: 7 is fine for me. +Daniel: Fine for me too :) +Greg: And me, and me! Where? +Daniel: I usually start at Regent’s Park, see you at 7!","Daniel, Greg and Sara will go jogging together tonight at 7. They'll start at Regent's Park. " +13864441,"Kamil: did you see Suspiria? +Henning: Half, then we stopped 😞 +Kamil: so bad? annoying? boring? +Linda: Just a bit boring. You know that they are all somehow witches +Linda: But it is not clear why you should care 😬 +Henning: And there is no sex. And not so much other action +Kamil: I see. I also know it's not easy to keep your attention +Kamil: you're the cartoon network generation +Henning: Hahaha. This is really not true +Henning: As you know","Henning and Linda watched half of ""Suspiria"". They found it boring. There was no sex in the movie." +13730260,"Lily: Can you please bring my wallet? +Mike: Where is it? I cannot find it anywhere +Lily: Oooops. I have it with me… Sorry!","Lily wanted Mike to bring her her wallet, but it turned out she had it with her." +13731081,"Don: We are having supper at 7 +Don: Marquis +Don: Getting a big table +Don: Marissa and Keith are coming +Jules: Oh nice! +Jules: They live in CQ? +Don: Yea +Don: They have one meal left +Don: Until the end of the term +Jules: I see +Jules: You mean one meal each? +Don: Yes exactly +Jules: K cya later",Don and Jules are having supper at 7. Marissa and Keith are coming too. +13728907,"Andrew: Do you need any help with tomorrow? +Janin: No, I'm okey. But it's sweet of you to ask. Thank you. +Andrew: I know that you're busy, so... +Janin: That's true. I'm acctually quite tried... +Andrew: Say a word and I'll come or help. OK? +Janin: Okey! :) +Andrew: One question: what should I bring? +Janin: Wahtever makes you happen. I'll prepare sth to eat and drink. +Andrew: |;‑)",Janin is going to prepare something to eat and drink for tomorrow. Andrew should bring whatever he wants to. +13730106,"Tania: M. Maclinch invited us for a brunch Halla Gwardi at 1pm? Are you ok? +Galia: bad luck, we can't. +Tania: and what about diner on friday evening? +Galia: bad luck again.. +Tania: pffff!! +Tania: last chance: a drink for Igor's birthday, right now, before Cecilia's diner? +Galia: bingo.. lucky you! I'll be there, Sacha'll join us later, he can't miss it. +Tania: good +Tania: because the Maclinch and Sacha late arrival and knowing that we're all expected at 8:30, i suggest that we report our drink. +Galia: too bad, Sacha is home +Tania: ah, and what about the Levy? +Galia: they'll come, as neighbours...of course +Tania: at least we have Mr Maclinch and Sacha +Galia: give a call to the Levy +Tania: ok +Galia: let us know, i have some fresh drink ready +Galia: and Sacha is ready to come anyway, he can't leave his best friend alone for his birthday! +Tania: great, and the Levy will be there!","Galia can't meet with Tania on a couple of occasions, but can go for a drink right now to celebrate Igor's birthday. Sacha, Mr Maclinch and the Levy will join them later. Tania, Galia, Sacha and Mr Maclinch are expected at Cecilia's dinner at 8:30. " +13680643,"Jenny: Can you pick me up some shopping +Sue: yes of course +Jenny: I am not feeling too well today +Sue: whats wrong? +Jenny: I dont know I couldn't sleep properly all night and I am hot and cold +Sue: ooo sounds horrid have you taken anything +Jenny: yes I have taken some paracetamol +Sue: well I am going to the shops in the next hour what do you need? +Jenny: I need milk bread and eggs please +Sue: shall I get you some flu plus tablets? do you think you are coming down with a cold? +Jenny: yes that might be a good idea +Sue: ok well get yourself back to bed I have a key I will let myself in so take your key out of the door +Jenny: thank you darling x",Jenny is coming down with a cold. Sue is doing grocery shopping for Jenny. +13716680,"Lucy: Who want to bet Eli is gonna lose to Steve? +Eli: Hey! where's your loyalty, Lucy? +Steve: There's no loyalty in bar games, Eli, you should know that. Oh, and I am gonna win +Eli: no freaking way. I will crush you!","Lucy, Eli and Steve are going to participate in a bar game." +13717059,"Lily: sorry, I'll be late. +Lily: stuck in a traffic jam :( +Diana: where are you now? +Lily: main station. It'll take 20 mins, I think:( +Meredith: Im almost there. +Meredith: and you, Diana? +Diana: will get there in 5 mins! +Diana: Can you look for a nice table for us, Mere? +Meredith: sure, I'll have a look. +Lily: thanks! sorry again :*",Lily will be 20 minutes late and Diana - 5 minutes. Meredith will look for a table. +13717095,"Carol: did you see the forecast on channel 11 yesterday?! +Jim: they said there's a huge storm brewing +Josh: yeah, like the biggest one in decades. We went and stocked up on dry goods and water +Beth: Really?? OMG we are completely not ready!! when is it supposed to hit? +Carol: tomorrow night they expect like over 2 inches of rain an hour! it's crazy! +Beth: I have to run to the store and get supplies! I have nothing in the fridge! +Jim: We still need to go too! Don't forget flashlights, batteries and candles in case the power goes out! +Josh: definitely! a couple of years back we ended up sitting in the dark because we completely forgot to get stuff +Beth: OMG you guys are freaking me out!",There's a huge storm coming. Josh is already prepared. Beth and Jim still need to go shopping for the necessary supplies. +13828296,"Finlay: Hey, just to check - we are meeting today, right? :) +Sarah: Yes ;) +Finlay: Okay - see you later! ;)",Sarah and Finlay are meeting today. +13716274,"Marcin: in Poland we actually don't celebrate Halloween and don't do all this dressing up, pumpking curving and so on. +Marcin: on November 1st we just go to the cementary with our families and after that spend time together. +Kate: At least you’re with your family and in the state of reflection +Kate: That can be much better than doing anything „fun” trust me. +Kate: Down the line you understand how important those traditions are as well +Marcin: Sure +Isabel: Wow, that’s so wise lol +Chris: My parents used to tell me Halloween is some haram shit as well loool +Marcin: 😊 +Kate: Naah, thats not lool +Kate: That’s just better to do that then go out and have fun +Isabel: At least you have sth more worthwile to remeber +Isabel: *remember",Halloween is not celebrated in Poland. It is common to go to the cemetery and spend time with family on November 1st. Chris' parents used to tell him that Halloween is haram. Kate doesn't like Halloween tradition. +13716649,"Mark: good morning everyone :) +Mark: baby Maya is here :) +Mark: +Mark: +Keith: Wow! Congratulations to the new family! :) +Mia: ooohh so happy for you!!! welcome Maya! :) +Mia: how is Angie? +Mark: she's ok, a bit tired. she was very brave :) +Carol: Congratulations Mark&Angie, Maya is adorable! Can't wait to meet the little cutie :) +Mark: thank you! Maya was born at 5:20am, everything's fine, she's sleeping now +Mark: just one more. one... +Mark: +Shamala: Welcome to the world Maya - what a beautiful name and a beautiful baby! Congratulations Angie and Mark - well done. Wishing you all th best and if you need parenting advice - don't ask us ;) +Mark: haha ok we won't ask you +Shamala: When are you coming home? +Mark: no idea... I think in 2-3 days if everything's okay +Kazumi: Congrats Mark! So happy for you and so excited! :) lots of love +Nicole: At last! Warmest congratulations to both of you. Angie looks like an A-list movie star! :D +Carol: I know right?! She's amazing you are so lucky Mark :) +Mark: thank you guys, we are very happy now. I'll take care of my girls now, hope to see you soon +Patrick: hey great news bro!!! congratulations! Maya is a cutie +Patrick: let's meet to celebrate! :D +Carol: hahaha I knew it... +Shamala: uhh... so sorry I can't be there with you :(",Angie gave birth to Maya at 5:20 AM. +13730004,"Ben: Did you make an appointment for Oscar? +Evie: No, was I supposed to? +Ben: He needs his new puppy check. +Evie: Oh. Didn't know there was one. +Ben: Yes, and a microchip. +Evie: Okay. +Ben: And to see when he can be neutered. +Evie: Do we have to??? +Ben: Yes, unfortunately. Condition of adoption. +Evie: Aw. Poor guy! +Ben: Has to be done! +Evie: Okay, I'll make it. +Ben: Thanks.","Evie needs to make an appointment with the vet for her puppy, Oscar." +13830099,"Antonio: The games tomorrow +Isiah: I aint goin +Antonio: What whyyy +Isiah: Melanies sick +Antonio: Man you promised, Rachel could stay with her +Isiah: She spends all the time at home I dont wanna leave her with this, there are two other kids, Ant +Antonio: Ehhh I knowwww +Isiah: Sorry +Antonio: Which of the guys would use your ticket, how do ya think +Isiah: Idk theyre all seem to be at work you need to ask +Antonio: I want to go there so baaad +Isiah: Just go alone +Antonio: Its not that fun, I did it once, not cool +Isiah: Your problem bro, I have a fuckin hell here +Antonio: That bad? +Isiah: Mel cryin all the time, Tim and Joe are tired and angry cause of that, Rachel is on fire’ +Antonio: Looool wish you make it and not die xd +Isiah: Yea u can get suicide thoughts here +Antonio: Wish you luck, take care +Isiah: Thanks, btw as Karl, he mentioned ha has a free evening tomorrow +Antonio: Cool I will :D",Isiah can't go to the game tomorrow because Melanie is sick and Rachel has two other kids to take care of. Antonio doesn't want to go to the game alone. He's going to ask Karl to use Isiah's ticket. +13717293,"Eve: Getting ready! +Nancy: Wow! Lovely picture! +Ben: you look awesome girl! +Mark: any special occasion? +Eve: just a party with my work girls +Mark: you look fab! +Eve: thanks! ;) +Tom: have a great party! +Gina: OMG! you look so glam! +Nancy: so jealous i can't go out with u! xxx +Eve: xxx",Eve is going to a party with some girls from her work. Nancy would like to join but she cannot. +13716113,"Billy: wait for me I need 20 minutes +Lily: sure no problem +Harry: ok we'll wait but you buy us a beer for running late +Billy: sure sure +Billy: sorry!","Billy is late, he'll come in 20 minutes. He'll have to buy Lily and Harry a beer as a punishment." +13682090,"Pauline: Wine in the evening? +Crystal: yes, please! +Pauline: sth happened? +Crystal: Hard day in work :/ +Pauline: oh, poor thing. Should I buy sth else? +Crystal: Lots of wine :D +Pauline: got it :)",Crystal and Pauline are drinking some wine this evening. Crystal had a bad day at work. +13681372,"Ben: Hey. How's your day? +Jill: Hey. Quite good. Yours? +Ben: Fine. +Jill: What time are you home? +Ben: About 7 or 8? +Jill: Why so late? +Ben: I'd like to go to the gym after work. +Jill: Great. +Ben: I may do the shopping on my way back. How about that? +Jill: Why not. +Ben: So? What shall I buy? Waiting for the order, boss :-) +Jill: Give me a sec. +Jill: Ok: cereals, wheat flour, butter, cheese spread, broccoli, carrot and washing-up liquid. +Ben: Wow +Jill: Anything wrong? +Ben: A lot. +Jill: You want to be a strong man, don't you? +Ben: Cheeky! +Jill: Love you :-* +Ben: Wait for me with dinner, ok? +Jill: OK +Ben: Love you :-* Even in the gym :-p +Ben: +Jill: You're nuts! See you in the evening :)",After work Ben will go to the gym and do the groceries requested by Jill. He will be home about 7 or 8. +13731352,"Ricky: Hey, guess what? I'm going in for surgery tomorrow +Lucy: What?!? What do you mean? +Ricky: Yeah, the doctor called me last night. It was really weird, he called me in the evening from his private phone +Lucy: Strange… +Lucy: So what happened? +Ricky: He said there was an opening and that he can write me in, but I'd have to let him know on the spot. +Lucy: Wow, I'm so happy for you +Ricky: Remember when they told me 2026 at the hospital +Lucy: Might as well sign up the other knee :) +Ricky: I know, eh +Ricky: Anyway, it's next Thurs in Burlington. +Lucy: Oh, so not in Oakville? That's ok I guess, doesn't matter where as long as the care is ok. +Ricky: yeah, but I'm scared. It's gonna be my first surgery! +Lucy: I'm sure they'll put you under for the whole thing and you'll wake up and it will be over. +Ricky: I know, but the wait and build up before will kill me! +Lucy: It'll be ok, think of your new knee :) +Ricky: Yeah, you're right. +Lucy: Hey, I gotta get back to work. Let's meet for lunch. +Ricky: Ok, text you later, bye +Lucy: bye",Ricky will have his first surgery tomorrow. He was surprised that doctor called him and offered a surgery date so soon as in the hospital he was told to wait until 2026. He will have his knee done in Burlington. Lucy is comforting Ricky. They will meet for lunch later on. +13680318,"Mia: How was your weekend? Did you have some rest? +Ben: Well... no. I'm more tired than before the weekend. +Mia: Did something wrong happen? +Ben: Mum broke her leg. We had to get her to hospital. +Ben: And it was no mean feat. +Mia: I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do for you? +Ben: Thanks... +Ben: We have to get her to retirement home... I can't take it any more. +Mia: What do you mean? Does she fall down often? +Ben: Nope. It's much more complicated. +Ben: But in short, she suffers from demetnia. +Mia: I'm so sorry Ben... :(",Ben is tired because he had to take his mother to hospital after she broke her leg. Ben's mother suffers from dementia. She has become a burden and it is time for her to move to a retirement home. +13819720,"Jim: is it forest school tomorrow? +Nia: only for group 3 and 4, Lindsay is in group 2 +Jim: thanks +Sadie: Jim, Elsa is in group 2 too",Forest school is tomorrow for group 3 and 4. Lindsay and Elsa are in group 2. +13681478,"Linda: these chocolates are amazing! +Julian: i hope you'd like it :) +Linda: thank you very much ;) +Linda: where did you buy it? +Julian: that is my secret +Julian: i can't tell you +Linda: oh please! +Julian: no! +Julian: but i can buy it to you more often :) +Linda: would you be so nice? :* +Julian: of course, everything for you :* +Linda: you are so sweet as these chocolates are! +Linda: <3",Linda loves the chocolates Julian bought for her. +13821158,"Josh: Do you want to go bowling? +Lana: I haven't played for ages! +Lana: That means sure! +Mark: sure thing +Mark: Will you book bowling alley? +Josh: Doing it now +Lana: nice +Josh: tomorrow 8 PM +Mark: sounds great +Josh: let's grab a drink before. +Lana: I know a great place around the corner +Mark: let's meet at my place +Mark: at 6","Josh, Lana and Mark are going to play bowling tomorrow at 8 PM. Before they'll meet at Mark's place at 6." +13820618,"Izzy: Anyone knows where professor Xavier has his duty hours? +Lily: I think on the 2nd floor +Mark: 2nd? I think his office is in statistics department +Lily: So 3rd floor? +Mark: That's my guess, I think to the right from the elevator, but don't know the number +Lily: Just try names on the doors +Izzy: So statistics, 3rd floor, gotcha! +Izzy: You guys are awesome!",Professor Xavier probably holds his duty hours on the 3rd floor in the Statistics Department. +13820205,"Adam: Should we try to climb the mountain tomorrow? +Jasmine: Let me check the weather forecast +Aaron: it is a very nice idea, I would love to leave the city for a day +Jasmine: the forecast is amazing: sunny but not too hot +Adam: so let's try +Aaron: how much time does it take to get to the peak? +Adam: about 4 hours from the first mountain hut +Jasmine: 4-5h I believe, really depends +Adam: right, and there are some truly beautiful views on the way, so we may want to stop sometimes +Aaron: that sounds amazing +Adam: we should leave the city about 7AM I think +Rebecca: I agree, or even 6, so we can start walking at 7 and be on the peak before the hottest hours +Adam: that would be very responsible, but also nice +Aaron: so let's do it!","Adam, Jasmine, Rebecca and Aaron are planning to climb the mountain tomorrow. They'll meet at 6 am. The weather forecast is good for tomorrow, sunny but not too hot." +13680199,"Andy: I had real fun yestarday. Thank you again :-) +Kate: Me too. Thank you. +Andy: Shall we repeat that tomorrow? +Kate: I'd love that :-) +Andy: Great. The same time? +Kate: Yes. That's fine by me. See you at Cleo's.",Andy and Kate had fun yesterday. They will meet each other again tomorrow at Cleo's. +13828424,"Andy: So for today our favourites: Frozen, Mulan and...? Hercules? +Julia: Hm... Could we watch Anastasia? +Andy: Anastasia? I haven't seen that one +Julia: What?! You said you watched all Disney movies +Andy: Because I did +Andy: Ok, now I get it. Anastasia isn't a Disney film +Julia: Really? Then who made it? +Andy: Fox, can you imagine? +Julia: I didn't know that Fox made any animated movies +Andy: We can watch it tonight anyway ;) +Julia: Now we must watch, you have to see it! It's my absolute favourite!","Julia wants to watch her and Andy to watch Anastasia, which is her favourite, tonight. Unlike Frozen, Mulan, and Hercules, it was made by Fox and not Disney." +13829319,"John: Do you have any spare blankets, pillows or basically anything? +Clara: I'm afraid not, why? +John: I'm going to the shelter today, I was just wondering that maybe you have something you can donate +Clara: Unfortunately no, maybe next, ok? I'll my friends as well +John: Great, thanks!","Clara doesn't have any spare blankets, pillows or anything else to donate to the shelter today. She'll ask her friends and she might have something next time." +13715796,"Ali: Bristol Half Marathon! It’s taken me a whole year to sort this out but hope people will enjoy this! +Gina: looking forward to Sunday ;) +Harry: getting ready for it! +Emma: see u there guys! +Emily: it’s gonna be fab +Ali: thanks for your support!","Ali will run the half marathon in Bristol on Sunday. Gina, Harry, Emma and Emily support him." +13716889,"Mike: Can sb approve the pending post?:) +Brian: I can do it +Sarah: Yep :) +Sarah: Done +Brian: You were faster :(((( +Mike: Thx:)","Brian wants to approve Mike's pending post, but Sarah is quicker." +13821046,"Olivia: I am craving for OJ +Jack: Like Orange juice? +Olivia: No you dumb 🙈 +Olivia: Original Joe's +Erik: hahahha 🤣 +Erik: Me too +Olivia: Let's go there tonight +Erik: Np ",Olivia and Erik are craving for Original Joe's. They'll go there tonight +13611638,"Yanny: It won't get better until this guy governs here… +Francesco: I know and it's really bad +Yanny: I don't get it, they should know how to make politics +Francesco: They should but they don't, unfortunately +Yanny: I really loved your place, it's so calm and so beautiful +Francesco: But as you saw, also very poor +Yanny: That's exactly my point! +Francesco: Have you heard that the government wants to give fields in my region to the people who have 3 kids and more? +Yanny: Haha really?! Maybe it's not such a bad idea xD +Francesco: Maybe xD But why would they want to come and live here? There are no jobs! +Yanny: If they come, there'll be more people, more needs, more places to work… Let's think positive! +Francesco: I try but it's not so easy, there were plenty ideas so far and… +Yanny: I know, but you must start with something ;) +Francesco: I like your enthusiasm!",Yanny loves Francesco's place. Francesco thinks it's poor with no jobs. Yanny thinks more people means more places to work. Francesco likes Yanny's enthusiasm. +13681288,"Rayan: bought a new motorcycle. +Greg: U kidding? oh men, send some picture! +Rayan: +Rayan: +Rayan: +Greg: what a beauty... what about the old one? +Rayan: for now I have to do some stuff with the new one before it'll be ready to go, but than I think I will sell the old one :( +Greg: That's a shame... U know what maybe U can sell it to me? +Rayan: reale? U want it? +Greg: I don't know if I could afford it but I've always wanted a bike. +Rayan: U never told me. I didn't thought of the price yet but I think that we'll make a deal. +Greg: oh man, that would be awsome. +Rayan: ok, so drop by my house, maybe tomorrow and we'll talk. +Greg: ok, I'll come after work. See U +Rayan: great, bye.",Rayan bought a new motorcycle and may sell the old one to Greg. +13682499,"Liz: When will the living room drapes be finished? I'm having guests this weekend and it would be nice to see something done by then. Thanks. +Ralph: Apologies for the delay. I will check with the supplier now. +Liz: Thanks. +Ralph: Supplier says the drapes will be finished today but the pillows won't be done until next week. +Liz: Can I still have the drapes by the weekend? +Ralph: It will cost extra to ship them separately from the pillows, but yes, we can split the shipments.",Liz is having her drapes shipped to her separately from the pillows to have the drapes finished by the weekend. +13727545,"Mary: Hi. What are you doing? +Jim: Maryyyy. I'm filling out a job application. +Jim: Could You imagine?!? +Mary: Are you done with school already? +Jim: Neuuu. +Jim: I have one more semester, but it would be great to have a job lined up. +Mary: What are you doing now? How is your day going? +Jim: Quite busy. +Mary: I miss you. We should meet sometime. +Jim: I agree. How about next week? +Mary: Actually, I'll be in town for some Christmas shopping. +Mary: Are you visiting parents this year? +Jim: Great. Our place? Tuesday, 7 p.m.? +Mary: Concrete as always. Settled then. +Jim: Right. +Jim: Yes, I'll be spending all free days ad my parents at a countryside. +Jim: Maybe you'd like to come over? +Mary: Jim, comme on. It's Christmas. You know, I'll be at Marks. +Jim: Yeah, yeah, just asking... +Jim: Ok, so talk to you later. +Jim: Take care. ","Jim has one more semester at school and he is filling out a job application. Mary misses him and she will be in town for some Christmas shopping, so they will meet on Tuesday at 7pm." +13730926,"Jennifer: your doctor appointment is at 7 +Jennifer: remember about it! +Robert: ok",Robert has an appointment at the doctor's at 7. +13864604,"Kate: look at this in the section ""demographics"" +Pete: wow +Jenny: arguably, a dream job! +Ion: I'd apply without a minute of hesitation +Kate: but you know it means living 6 months lonely on a remote island? with piles of canned food +Ion: I know, but the island is a paradise and you surly have some connection - phone or sth +Jenny: you're a robinson crusoe, but you know they would come to pick you one day",The job requires living 6 months lonely on a remote island. +13865386,"Kate: How do you feel about skiing next week? +Misty: Not bad, I have some time +Bob: Skiing, for sure! Count me in +Kate: Should we go same mountain as last time? Conditions are great and they have rooms! +Misty: uu, I love that mountain let's do this +Bob: See you there! call me with room details!","Kate, Misty and Bob will go skiing next week." +13728829,"Jaca: Hi, we are in the Hospital now. +Ostoja: Hi, good. What is going on?. +Jaca: Dača has a first simple overview. +Ostoja: Does the Doctors said something? +Jaca: No, they are preparing Dača for blood extraction, for analyses purposes. +Ostoja: Good. +Jaca: Now, we took a sleeping bed. +Ostoja: Let me see him. +Jaca: +Ostoja: What is he working? +Jaca: He is playing width jigsaw puzzle. +Ostoja: What Doctors thinks? +Jaca: They thinks that will be good. +Ostoja: Ok. +Jaca: Now, they take Dača and he gone to operation. +Ostoja: Ok. +Jaca: They return him from operational room. Doctors said that hi have a high pulse, between 120 and 170. They stop the operation. +Ostoja: Damage, and so much has striven in the preparations. I'm so sorry. +Jaca: Doctors recommend operation in the Institut for ""Mother and children"". +Ostoja: when are you going out? +Jaca: We are waiting hospital leave list. I thinks it will be about two o'clock. +Ostoja: I will be few minutes before in the front of main entrance of the hospital. +Jaca: Ok. We will be in contact. +Ostoja: I am in front of main entrance. + Jaca: Ok, we are coming down.","Daca was supposed to have an operation but he was returned. Doctors recommend Daca and Jaca go to the Institut for ""Mother and children"". Ostoja is waiting for them in front of main entrance." +13611675,"Alice: Good evening, Professor, I apologize for writing to you on Facebook but I thought that it would be the easiest and quickest way to contact you. I would like to ask if there have been any news about tomorrow's classes. Everyone is wondering whether they should come to the university tomorrow or not. Thank you in advance for any information. Kind regards, Alice +Margaret: Good evening, all classes will take place according to schedule tomorrow, so no good news for the students! :) By the way, I would really prefer if students wrote to me on my email address. +Alice: I know, I apologize +Margaret: Ok, just remember in the future. +Alice: It's just we got used to communicating with Dr. Smith via Facebook, he uses it all the time +Margaret: I know, Dr. Smith has a very informal approach, however I happen not to share his views. +Alice: Ok, sorry again, Professor! +Margaret: You know I only answered here because you are older than your fellow students, had it been one of the others I would have told the rascal to send me a proper email message. ;) +Alice: I know, I apologize once again +Margaret: No problem, see you tomorrow! +Alice: Have a nice evening +Margaret: You too. +Alice: Oh and may I ask you one more thing? +Margaret: I feel like I'm being forcibly Dr. Smith-ized here. +Alice: Sorry again... +Margaret: Ok, ok, just ask. +Alice: May I ask you if you have read the second chapter of my thesis? I hope it's good but I'm not sure... +Margaret: I haven't read all of it yet but it's pretty good so far. I will send you more feedback over the weekend, ok? +Alice: Ok, thank you very much, Professor! +Margaret: You're welcome, just use email next time, please. +Alice: I will! Kind regards +Margaret: That sounded strange in a messenger chat, but ok. Yours faithfully! +Alice: Good night, Professor :) +Margaret: Good night, Alice!","Margaret is going to teach her classes tomorrow according to schedule. Margaret prefers that students write her messages on her e-mail address instead of Facebook. Margaret hasn't read the whole 2nd chapter of Alice's thesis yet, but thinks it's good so far. " +13682244,"Heidi: Could you take the things away from the balcony? I forgot about them and it's going to rain today. +Noah: I'll do it as soon as I am back home. +Heidi: And close all the windows in case of a storm. +Noah: of course",Heidi wants Noah to take items away from the balcony and close all the windows. +13820482,"Karen: Guys, I'm taking the bus to Boston at 12.40 +Daniel: Why not a train? +Karen: They're too expensive and not even faster +Matthew: True! +Daniel: What station you're departing from? +Karen: Penn Station +Matthew: ok, I'll be there at 12, let's have a fast lunch together +Karen: ok! 👍",Matthew and Karen will have a quick lunch at the Penn Station at 12.00 before Karen's departure at 12.40. She is going to take a bus to Boston. A bus is cheaper than a train. +13612016,"Sofia: I think my car needs an oil change baby. +David: Do you remember when was the last time you changed it? +Sofia: I think it was when my car had like 30k miles on it. +David: And how many it has now? +Sofia: 45k +David: Then yes, you definitely need an oil change +Sofia: Should I do it at the dealer or a regular body shop? +David: If you have a coupon you can make an appointment with at the dealer. If you don;t have it, it'll be more $$ +Sofia: I do have a 50% coupon sent in the mail. +David: Then go ahead and schedule an appointment, maybe for Saturday that way I can take it if you want. +Sofia: Perfect. I'll give them a call and check Saturday. +David: Sounds good.",Sofia's car needs an oil change. Sofia will make an appointment for Saturday so David can take her car. +13730659,"Yannick: We broke up :( +Ellen: wat??? +Yannick: 😣 +Ellen: Why you guys broke up +Yannick: Basically, we got into a fight +Ellen: Are you OK? +Yannick: well so so +Ellen: I will see u in class",Yannick and his partner got into a fight and broke up. He will see Ellen in the class. +13727804,"Blake: u can take the iron from my room +Neeley: you done? +Blake: yea.. +Neeley: ok",Blake is finished so Neeley can take the iron from his room. +13682444,"Elisabeth: good morning honey +Charles: good morning :* +Elisabeth: do you have plans for evening? +Charles: actually not +Elisabeth: so maybe we can go for a supper? +Charles: i have no money :( +Elisabeth: ok i understand",Elisabeth invited Charles for a supper in the evening. Charles refused because he has no money. +13728410,"Ella: Would you find some time to help me with the assignment? +Charlie: How much time do you need? +Ella: 45 minutes? +Charlie: Can we do it in 30? +Ella: Sure, we’ll speed up! +Charlie: Ok meet you at 7pm",Ella will meet Charlie at & pm so he can help her with the assignment. +13731472,"Jimmy: Hello +Jimmy: Are you through with the proposal? +Cooper: Hello Jimmy. Not yet but I should be done by today +Jimmy: Okay. Are you having any difficulties in drafting it. +Cooper: Yeah kinda. +Cooper: ButIi am trying my best +Jimmy: Fine. But always remember that for it to be accepted, it should be outstanding +Jimmy: And also, write it n a format that is easily readable +Cooper: Sure. But when is the deadline for the submission? +Jimmy: I have no formal information on it but the sooner the better. +Cooper: Yeah. For sure +Jimmy: But also pal if you need any help just contact me +Jimmy: In fact i can come over to your house to see how you are handling it +Cooper: Sure what time? +Jimmy: Around 5pm. But that is if it is fine with you. +Cooper: Definitely besides you are doing me a favor. +Jimmy: It is nothing. That is the least i can do. +Cooper: 😏 +Jimmy: Okay. See you then +Cooper: Cool",Cooper is working on proposal. Jimmy offers his help. He will come over to Cooper's place at 5pm. +13717028,"Lisa: girls what running shoes would you recommend? +Maria: I love my Nike's, i wouldn't change them for anything else +Maria: I have them for 3 years already and they look like new +Marissa: I second that +Marissa: my nike's were the best purchase i made last year +Lisa: okay :D my problem was solved quicker than i expected hahaha",Lisa will buy a pair of Nike's running shoes. +13828613,"Sean: morning! +Sean: sorry I got caught up yesterday +Sean: how are things? +Nadya: hey +Nadya: my neighbours are to loud 😒 +Nadya: my head is pounding +Nadya: I wish I could sleep more +Nadya: I think they have a cleaner that arrives very early.. +Sean: oh man that's bad.. +Nadya: when the baby arrives I will leave all my windows open +Nadya: payback time.. 😈 +Sean: hahahah +Sean: 👏👏👏 +Sean: good idea.. lol +Nadya: have you had breakfast yet? +Sean: no not yet +Sean: I'm going to do some yoga first ❤️ +Nadya: sounds nice +Nadya: +Nadya: my anger levels this am are high +Nadya: 🔥 +Sean: take a deep breath dear and stay calm, that's the best 😉 +Nadya: do you feel that you have advanced through your practise? +Sean: yes a great deal actually +Nadya: great 💜 +Sean: 👏🙏",Nadya has a headache because her neighbours' cleaner is being loud. She is expecting a baby. Sean will have breakfast after he does yoga. +13862705,"Tamara: morning +Tamara: take out the trash please +Felice: keys? +Tamara: keys hang next to umbrella in the hall +Felice: k",Tamara tells Felice to take out the rubbish. The keys hang next to the umbrella in the hall. +13716636,"Tommy: listen guys +Tommy: can you help me with moving next weekend? +Jimmy: you're moving! Where? +Tommy: to the suburbs. +Tommy: I need to move all the furniture and stuff +Ken: ok, I can help you, Sat morning for example +Tommy: thanks, man! +Jimmy: I could come too, for like 2 hours +Tommy: great +Ken: let's start early, like 8 am? +Tommy: great for me. +Jimmy: ok",Tommy is moving to the suburbs and asks Jimmy and Ken for help. Jimmy has got 2 hours on Saturday. They will start at 8 am. +13680710,"Fiona: hey, there's an interesting translator event going on tonight at buch bund. care to go? +Sean: is that that Polish bookstore on Sanderstrasse? whats the event about? +Fiona: the same. its a discussion about translating andrei platonov. +Sean: oh, that should be good. sure, count me in. +Fiona: its in polish and german. you need to let them know in advance that youlll need headphones for the sim. interpretation, so i'll do that now. +Sean: ok, cool. Thanks! +Fiona: np. see you there! +Sean: see you there!","Fiona and Sean are going to a discussion about translating Andrei Platonov tonight. It takes place at a Polish bookstore on Sanderstrasse called ""Buch Bund"". It's in Polish and German. Fiona will let them know that they need headphones for the simultaneous interpretation." +13681725,"Jude: i'll be in warsaw at the beginning of december so we could meet again +Leon: !!! +Leon: at the beginning means...? +Leon: cuz I won't be here during the first weekend +Jude: 10 +Jude: but i think it's a monday, so never mind i guess :D +Leon: yeah monday doesn't really work for me :D +Leon: :< +Jude: oh well next time :d +Leon: yeah...!",Jude is coming to Warsaw on the 10th of December and wants to see Leon. Leon has no time. +13681584,"Phil: Hello Linda! +Phil: Is Ann going to be at your party tomorrow? +Linda: Hi +Linda: She said she'll come but not earlier than after 9 p.m. +Linda: Why are you asking, Phil? +Linda: Is there something I should know? :D +Phil: Yeah +Phil: I think I fell in love with her +Linda: I knew there's something going on between you two :D +Linda: Do you need some help? +Linda: I like you two and it'd be nice to see you together :) +Phil: Thanks Linda +Phil: That really means a lot to me :) +Phil: But I have to do everything myself +Phil: Already got a plan +Linda: You're brave, I'm sure you'll be together :) Can't wait +Phil: Thanks! So see tomorrow. +Linda: Cya :)",Phil is in love with Ann. Linda wants to help match them but Phil wants to do it himself. +13681857,"Esther: I'm at the concert +Bennett: Oh ok +Esther: +Bennett: That's cool. Let me not disturb +Esther: With my flatmate +Bennett: Have fun! +Bennett: :) +Esther: Thnx +Bennett: You look beautiful! +Esther: Thank you!!! +Bennett: You're welcome :) +Esther: :) +Bennett: Have a great night. I'm going to sleep +Esther: The concert is over +Bennett: Got a long fucking drive tomorrow! +Esther: We will go to eat ice cream maybe and we will go home. U will drive? +Bennett: Oh so not going out? Yes I will +Esther: No. I'm at the concert I came here 2,5 h ago. I hope u have a comfortable car at least. How many km u need to drive? +Bennett: Not sleep in with vodka in your blood tonight huh ?haha Yes its pretty comfortable. Nearly 1000 km +Esther: Omg!!! a lot +Bennett: Yes indeed! +Esther: Not sleep in with vodka in your blood tonight huh ? I don't get it +Bennett: I meant no drinking tonight for you ? +Esther: I'm not drinking. Just ice cream",Esther is at the concert with her flatmate. Bennett will drive 1000km tomorrow. He has a comfortable car. +13728265,"Cheryl: Hey, I heard that you're pretty good at math :) +Austin: That depends on who's asking. +Cheryl: I'm from 2nd year. +Austin: I think I have seen you yesterday. +Cheryl: That's right. I didn't have time to come up to you so here I am. +Austin: How can I help you? +Cheryl: I need some math tutoring. +Austin: Okay, I think I can help you.",Austin is pretty good at math and he will be Cheryl's tutor. +13612288,"Heather: Jason! +Jason: What? +Heather: Have you seen Harold's website? +Jason: No, what about it? +Heather: Everything is 50% off!! +Jason: Literally everything? +Heather: Literally everything. +Jason: OMG! +Heather: I know! +Jason: I can finally get those tennis shoes. +Heather: Thank god, I'm sick and tired of listening to you talk about those damned shoes. +Jason: Shut up. +Heather: It's true! +Jason: Whatever. Are you getting something? +Heather: Obviously! I've already added like 3 shirts to the cart and I'm looking for some jeans. +Jason: Wow. +Heather: I know, but I couldn't help myself. +Jason: I can see that. +Heather: Anyway. Are you only getting the shoes? +Jason: I might get something for my mom, actually. +Heather: Oh yeah! It's mother's day next week. +Jason: Exatcly. +Heather: Well, I might as well get mine something too.",Heather informs Jason that Harold's website offers a 50% discount for all the stock. Jason can finally buy tennis shoes and something for his mom. Heather already has 3 shirts on the cart and wants some jeans. +13819471,"Mark: Hey guys +Scott: hello there +Sarah: hi! +Mark: I’m planning my holidays in Europe and I’m wondering which places are worth visiting +Scott: Italy is my no. 1 +Sarah: Spain: Barcelona, Madrid, San Sebastian +Scott: Norway and the Lofoten Islands! +Sarah: Avignon in France is also great! It has an incredible abundance of both historical and cultural attractions 😊 +Mark: Thanks guys 😊 I’ll have to think about it","Mark's wondering which places in Europe should he visit during his holiday. Scott recommends visiting Italy or Norway's Lofoten Islands while Sarah mentions Spain's Barcelona, Madrid and San Sebastian or Avignon in France. " +13728776,"Franklin: Happy birthday you old fart! How does 40 feel? +Vic: Hi bro! Not too bad, thanks for the gift card, by the way. +Franklin: Well, treat yourself mate, you deserve it. Got anything planned? +Vic: Yeah, going out with Manda and few mates. Sorry you can't come too. +Franklin: Well, Chicago is a bit of a trek from Basingstoke! +Vic: You mean the Centre of the Universe, don't you? +Franklin: Its a happening place, that's for sure! What did Manda get you? +Vic: An Experience Day voucher, think I'll do a Brands Hatch test drive in the spring! When you coming home, then? Can you make it at Christmas? +Franklin: Fraid not, US office hours are crazy, only have 2 days off, not like you lazy teachers! +Vic: I'm not even going to lower myself to respond to that one! Any interesting (and desperate!) American women around? +Franklin: One or two. There's one in particular, Ellie, works in the same section as me, we've had a couple of dates, nothing serious. I mean, the Basingstoke accent is such a turn on, isn't it?! +Vic: Not that I've noticed. Well hope it all goes well with you and Ellie. Keep in touch, man! ",Vic is going out with Manda and a few friends for his 40th birthday. Vic will use his Experience Voucher to do a Brands Hatch test drive in spring. Franklin will not be coming home for Christmas because he only has 2 days off. Franklin has a particular interest in Ellie. +13729206,"Tram: Are we taking the bus +Tram: ? +Brody: Idk +Brody: You think it's better? +Tram: Trains aren't running rn +Tram: Or we take the cab +Brody: Nah lets take the bus",Brody and Tram will take the bus. +13730339,"Una: Mom I need a lift +Jean: When? +Una: after practice +Una: can you come pick me up +Jean: sorry can't +Jean: ask your father +Una: ugh fine","Una's mother, Jean, can't pick her up after practice. She should ask her father." +13816309,"Lavender: thanks for going to the wedding with me! +Oliver: Don't mention it! I had a lot of fun +Oliver: And I'm glad I could finally meet your friends, it felt like I already knew them, but I didn't in person +Lavender: wasn't it a little overwhelming? +Oliver: Not at all!",Lavender is grateful Oliver went to the wedding with her. He had a good time and was happy to meet her friends. +13612135,"Chris: Hi there! It IS raining! What shall we do? +Denis: Wait it out I guess. And it doesn't stop before 11, just give up. +Chris: It would be a pity, wouldn't it? +Denis: So what? There's always another time. +Chris: I guess UR right. +Denis: Till later then.","Chris and Denis are waiting until it stops raining. If it doesn't, they will have to change their plans." +13681118,"Thelma: i dont have anything to wear +Louisa: your wardrobe is full of clothes +Thelma: but i have to look wonderful +Louisa: ok i can bring you my red velvet dress +Thelma: really? :O +Thelma: it would be great! +Louisa: no problem ;)",Thelma needs to look amazing so Louisa will get her her red velvet dress. +13612213,"Ben: Hi Mona! Have you found your keys? +Mona: YES On the kitchen table. +Ben: Good. Take care next time. +Mona: I will!",Mona found keys on the kitchen table. +13812684,"Peggy: My mom said I need to lose weight. +Lucy: What?? You look just fine... +Peggy: I know. I’m the princess:-) +Lucy: So what’s this fuss about? +Peggy: Well, she said it’s very unhealthy to weight 137 pounds at my age. +Lucy: Oh, you mum’s exaggerating. +Peggy: As always... ;-) Still.. now I’m just thinking about it. +Lucy: Oh, you know, your mum’s a health nut. +Peggy: Yeah, I know... she’s very health conscious. +Lucy: Well, that’s good. Sometimes:-) +Peggy: So, maybe I really should do something about it. +Lucy: Well, we can go to the Green Staten park for a walk, like every Saturday, just to move a bit? +Peggy: Well, I don’t know, I’ll think about it. It’s getting too cold already... +Lucy: OK, so wait until springtime;-) +Peggy: Don’t be mean, I just don’t want to catch a cold +Lucy: Put on warm clothes then. No excuses. See you on Saturday! +Peggy: OK.",Peggy's mom told her to lose weight. Peggy weights 137 pounds. Lucy does not agree with Peggy's mom. The weather is cold. Lucy and Peggy will go to Green Staten park for a walk on Saturday. +13717036,"Catherine: hi girls, are we still on for jogging this evening? +Phoebe: yes we are :) can't wait +Phoebe: 7 pm at the park? +Stacy: Hi Cathie!! Me too, wanna go to the park together? +Catherine: sure, I will come by at 6:50 +Stacy: ok see you girls!","Catherine, Stacy and Phoebe are going jogging in the park at 6:50 PM." +13717217,"Shanon: Heard something fun happened in mats 2day :) +Sid: Yeah :) +Victor: Y weren't u there? Should've seen it! +Oliver: Depends on the perspective ;) +Shanon: I'm in the mountains. With the old folks. So boring here! +Sid: Sry to hear that. +Oliver: U missed a lot! +Shanon: Bt what? +Victor: Remember our teacher, Mr. McKormick? +Shanon: Yeah, the rly old guy! He's like 40! +Oliver: And he's really creepy. +Sid: That's the one!","Something funny happened in mats today involving the teacher, Mr McKormick. Shanon didn't see it because she's in the mountains with her parents." +13820215,"Carol: Rebeca, what would you recommend to see in Boston? +Rebeca: Harvard for sure, everybody is impressed +Emily: But anything else, any Museums +Rebeca: the Museum of Fine Arts is quite good +Rebeca: but I'm not sure that it's of particular interest for Europeans, especially that they charge 25$ +Carol: really? it's insane +Rebeca: yes, for European standards it is a bit, I guess +Carol: Anyway, thanks! :) +Rebeca: enjoy your stay!",Rebeca recommends Harvard and the Fine Arts museum as sightseeing items in Boston. +13731144,"Luis: I'm turning 18 next month +Tim: I know bruh +Luis: But of all things connected to maturity - alcohol parties, legal porn etc. I'm most concerned about the elections next year +Luis: I'm gonna loose my voting virgninity +Tim: Hahaha. +Tim: Whatever happends, please don't vote for socialists",Luis will be 18 years old next month and he's going to vote in the next year's elections for the first time in his life. Tim suggests Luis not to vote for socialists. +13817584,"Mona: Are u at home? +Lizzy: Yes, why? +Mona: I left my gloves somewhere… +Lizzy: Wait...I'll check it.",Mona has lost her gloves. Lizzy will check if she's left them in her house. +13715955,"Ann Winslet: Below you'll find the promised link to our course folder. It will be regularly updated with new translation content and extra reading. Right now it contains the trailer for ""Buck"", the dialogue list and the VLC installer. I am here in case you have any questions. +Ann Winslet: +Samantha Smith: I have a question. What are those .srt files? +Ann Winslet: Those are subtitles files. You can edit them using Wordpad (""Notatnik""). Please, don't fiddle with the timecodes (unless you know what you're doing). +Leo Staff: Professor, I can’t find anywhere a Mac version of VLC. +Ann Winslet: I hope this helps. +Ann Winslet: +Leo Staff: Thank you!",Ann Winslet has shared the course folder. Ann Winslet has also answered Samantha Smith's question regarding the .srt files and linked the Mac version of VLC for Leo Staff. +13729074-1,"Raymond: mate can you recommend me any notebook under 500 dollars? +Kane: you can't get a good notebook for that price +Raymond: that's a lot for me... and it's just for my parents to use +Kane: what are they going to use it for? +Raymond: photos, videos etc. +Kane: well in my opinion it won't even play full HD videos well, unless you want to get a used one +Raymond: i don't, it's supposed to be a gift +Kane: so maybe if you wait for black friday then you will be able to get some good price +Raymond: can you help me find something on black friday then? +Kane: sure thing, please remind me next week +Raymond: thanks! talk to you soon then :)","Raymond wants to buy a new notebook under $500 as a gift for his parents. According to Kane it's hard to get a good, new notebook for this price. Kane will help Raymond find something on Black Friday." +13611726,"Mum: Did you get that card I posted for your brother? +Sally: Yes mum thanks, it turned up this morning when I was just about to leave for work, I'll ask Simon to fill it in tonight when he gets home x +Mum: Oh good I was getting worried that it had gone missing , you know what the post is like these days +Sally: no its here, stop worrying now, Simon will sort it and take it with him tomoz.. got to go.. l've you spk later xxx +Mum: ok darling have a good day love you too xx",The card that Mum sent to Sally's brother has arrived this morning. Sally will ask Simon to fill it in tonight. +13829853,"Victoria: God I'm really broke, I spent way to much this month 😫 +Victoria: At least we get paid soon.. +Magda: Yeah, don't remind me, I know the feeling +Magda: I just paid my car insurance, I feel robbed 😂 +Victoria: Thankfully mine is paid for the rest of the year 🙏 +Magda: 👌",Magda and Victoria feel broke. +13681536-1,"Patricia: Barry!! Have you heard the news? They released a demo gameplay from Cyberpunk 2077! +Barry: What, really? Where did you see that? +Patricia: +Barry: Holy shit, that's pretty impressive... I was pumped for the game already but now THIS is hype. Whoa. +Patricia: I know, right! I loved Wild Hunt but this is like a completely different level? +Barry: It really is. I guess we'll see when the game gets released but for once the NPCs seemed like real people, even the crowds. They said they'd be working on that and now I'm sold. +Patricia: Yeah, they didn't move awkwardly or anything, it really felt like the world was alive. I can't wait!! +Barry: It's only a shame about the POV... +Patricia: You don't like first-person? +Barry: Well, I guess it's okay at times but I'd prefer over-the-shoulder. They say you can customise everything about your character so I'd kind of like to be able to see my gear because otherwise what's the point. +Patricia: Huh... I actually haven't played first-person much, but I ended up really enjoying it in Morrowind. It felt really immersive and when I switched to third-person view for a moment, it felt strange. +Barry: Well, I'll still be hoping for an option to switch to third-person... +Patricia: I wouldn't really count on that. They seem really committed to their vision and think this is the best choice so people can enjoy the world 100%. +Barry: I'm still not sure but y'know, not gonna hate until it's actually release. It looks really good so far so I'd be happy if they proved me wrong and made me enjoy the POV. +Patricia: I just wish they'd tell us the release date already! +Barry: Hmm, who knows... I think it was supposed to be ready this year, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.",There was a demo gameplay from Cyberpunk 2077 released. Barry and Patricia like it and can't wait to play the game. Barry prefers over-the-shoulder view to first-person. +13828694,"Anthony: Hi Mia! How is the birthday girl? +Mia: old, man, I feel old... +Mia: :( +Anthony: Well I wish you all the happiness in the world and also I've read that women are much happier in their thirties +Mia: Hahaha, where did you read that? :D +Anthony: I'd rather not say. +Mia: <3","Mia feels old in her birthday, but according to Anthony, women are happier in their thirties." +13864564,"Jenny: Has anybody talked to the landlord? +Colin: I haven't... +Sean: me neither +Josh: nope +Jenny: great, he asked us multiple times to call him +Colin: I've been very busy recently +Jenny: everybody is busy, but then you complain that you're afraid he want to get rid of us +Sean: I can call him now +Jenny: now it's too late +Sean: it's 10.30 +Jenny: I think you shouldn't call people after 10PM +Colin: I agree on this +Sean: So I'll call him tomorrow morning",Sean will call the landlord tomorrow morning. +13816091,"Mary: What would you be cooking today? +Hudson: My mother asked me to bring chicken. you? +Mary: Boiled rice +Hudson: OK then see you at dinner. Haha :P ",Hudson's mum asked him to bring chicken. Mary will be cooking boiled rice today. They will see each other at dinner. +13809920,"Jason: Hey Mila, where are you in the world now? +Mila: Yea I'm still alive lol barely surviving ubc +Jason: Are you in business? +Mila: No way!! I'm not Clarisa! lol I am studying food and nutrition +Jason: Wow I am glad you chose that program +Mila: Why? +Jason: I have friends in nutrition. It's not typical Asian major like Econ or Business haha +Mila: that's right! and I'm not good enough to enter those faculty... +Jason: You party a lot? Do you live in residence? ☺️ +Mila: no no no I am still underage. Just renting an apartment. Not living in res +Jason: With Brody? ☺️ +Mila: Haha no, we don't get along anymore but we're good acquaintances +Jason: U like UBC? +Mila: It's a little bit stressful. I assume, just like any other universities +Jason: UBC is big. I am sure you'll be fine +Mila: Are you coming to visit? +Jason: I will be in Vancouver in February +Mila: Let me know when you're here. +Mila: We gotta meet up! ☺️ +Jason: I might stop by Kelowna but I should in in Van like the first week of February +Mila: I am sure I'll be here in feb +Jason: Good luck on your studies and I hope to see ya. +Mila: Yea np. ttyl xd ","Mila's studying food and nutrition at UBC, she's renting an apartment. Jason will be in Vancouver in February, they want to meet." +13682609-1,"Paul Sheehan: Heya Ciaran, do you have time for a coffee b4 heading back? +Ciaran: Yeah, I have about 30 mins. +Paul Sheehan: If your pressed for time, leave it off. I'm stuck in Turners Cross 'til about 1 and Mike has to be back at work at 1:15 today. +Ciaran: Yeah, meeting Mike on Grand Parade. +Ciaran: I have an appointment I need to get to in Clonakilty +Paul Sheehan: Mike messaged me, will be in asap but I know you're under pressure for time so if we don't meet today, I hope you'll accept my accept my apologies! +Ciaran: Hey man it was good meeting up with you today :) +Paul Sheehan: Yeah, it's something we should definitely do more often :smiley: Maybe when you get your gaming room sorted, you might check out World of Warships. +Ciaran: Yeah for sure.","Paul Sheehan tries to get some coffee with Ciaran, but they don't have much time. Ciaran is meeting Mike on Grand Parade and going to Clonakilty. They eventually meet up." +13864795,"Helene: Have you arrived? +Joona: No, the train is late +Laura: we will write you as soon as we've arrived +Helene: great!","Laura and Joona have not arrived yet, because the train is late. As soon as they do, they'll write to Helene." +13680952,"Henry: ur laaaaaaate! +Jess: I know, b there in 5!! +Henry: douchebag!",Jess is 5 minutes late. +13716196,"Penelope: anyone there? +James: yep +Adam: checking in B-) what's up? +Penelope: ok I just had to create a new group because the old one somehow disappeared +James: really? +Penelope: yeah","Penelope created a new group, because the old one disappeared." +13816153,"Grayson: Hey, dad! :) Could you give me a lift to the airport? +Harrison: when? +Grayson: Tomorrow. I have to check in two hours before the flight, so I should be in the airport around 4 pm. +Harrison: i'm at work at this time +Harrison: ask your mother +Harrison: where are you flying to? for how long? +Grayson: I'm going to Spain for 2 weeks. :) +Harrison: have fun and don't forget to send me a postcard :-] +Harrison: don't drink too much +Grayson: Thanks, dad, I won't! :)",Grayson is going to Spain for two weeks and has to be at the airport at about 4 pm tomorrow. Harrison cannot give his son a lift because he is at work then. +13611864,"Evelina: Are you alive Paul? +Paul: Yes. Why? :-) +Evelina: Been trying to reach you the whole morning of your Facetime. +Paul: I had my doctor's appointment at 9 am. I have been feeling some weird stomach pain for the last couple of days. +Evelina: Oh, is no good. How come you haven't told me anything? +Paul: Didn't want to worry you. +Evelina: You should have told me. I could have helped you with something. +Paul: It was not that bad. I have been able to do everything, is just that I was feeling pretty weird. And I could not really at anything. +Evelina: And what did the doctor say? +Paul: He said that is probably some indigestion as I don't have any other symptoms. No fever, vomitting or anything. +Evelina: Ok, that's good. Did he give you any medicine or something? +Paul: He gave me some herbs mix and if that does not help me told me to come back and they will do an ultrasound. +Evelina: Ok. Have you already got the medicine? +Paul: No, not yet. I have been to a couple of pharmacies but they did not have it. +Evelina: Have you tired the one by the Mobil gas station? They are always pretty well equipped. +Paul: No. I haven't been there. Will stop by there in the afternoon. +Evelina: Let me know later if you bought it. If not I will look around too. +Paul: Thanks. I will let you know. And I really appreciate your care. +Evelina: No problem. +Paul: Will keep you posted. +Evelina: Ok. Sounds good.",Evelina tried to FaceTime Paul but Paul has a stomach ache and had to go to see a doctor. The doctor prescribed him some herbal medicine that is difficult to find. If that does not help his indigestion then he has to do an ultrasound. Evelina suggests him to go to a pharmacy by a gas station. +13728333,"Dad: Hey, come home, we need you here for a little while +Mary: I'm at Jedida's place but i'm coming +Dad: Okay then, hurry +Mary: ok",Mary is at Jedida's place. Dad needs her at home. She's coming back. +13682283,"Mary: I can't deal with my husband anymore +Eva: What's wrong? +Mary: He does not know how to communicate +Eva: Have you talked to him? +Mary: No, I just told you that he doesn't know how to communicate +Eva: But if you don't talk to him, he will not know what you expect from him +Mary: I don't have the patience +Eva: If you tell him, he will know what makes you mad +Mary: I am so frustrated, I don't even know how to talk with him +Eva: I understand, but you need to try +Mary: I will need a glass of wine before I will sit down with him +Eva: Fine, open a bottle of wine and wait for a right moment +Mary: It will never come +Eva: Your husband? +Mary: No, the moment +Eva: You are funny. At least try it +Mary: Ok, I will. Thank you for being a good friend","Mary can't deal with her husband because he can't communicate with her and she doesn't have the patience. At Eva's advice, she will drink some wine and wait for the right moment to talk to him." +13862293,"Clément: hey, any new series to recommend? +Joe: man, go watch Bojack Horseman on Netflix! you will love it +Clément: ha, really, a horse? +Joe: well it is depressed ex-Hollywood star... his agent is a cat lol but seriously, it is one of the best written shows ever. +Clément: oh yeah yeah!! now I remember, I saw some memes about it on Instagram ... +Joe: yup it is, I really loved how the characters are so deep, and you can really see yourself in at least one of them. +Joe: my favorite episode is when he goes underwater! maan! these guys are geniuses +Clément: ok ok, I will check it out. +Clément: do you have anything cheerful to recommend? +Joe: humm, let me think... Friends! +Clément: damn man, they have it on Netflix? +Joe: yes! +Clément: perfect to binge-watch! ","Joe recommends to Clément watching Bojack Horseman, a cartoon about a depressed former Hollywood star. And as for something more cheerful - Friends." +13818884,"Barney: Does anyone know where I can buy this kind of bark that orchids grow in? +Lewis: Don't tell me you've taken up gardening :D +Barney: No, I dropped my mum's favorite orchid and now I have to replant it before she comes back. +Lewis: LOL, you're so clumsy! +Judith: Wait, I'll ask my Mum. +Lewis: You can always say it was the cat's fault :P +Barney: Then she'll say it was my fault anyway because I let the cat do it. +Lewis: Do you think she won't notice that you replanted it? +Barney: I hope so :D No, but in all seriousness, I hope that if she sees I did all I could to save it, she won't be that mad. She got that bloody plant from Dad on their 25th anniversary, it means a lot to her. +Judith: I'm back. +Barney: And? +Judith: Mum says to try at The Home Depot. She buys pots for her plants there. +Barney: Thank you! I've already ordered an identical pot from Amazon, but I forgot to order that bark too, and now it's too late to buy it online. Why can't orchids grow in soil like normal plants? +Lewis: Because they're too fancy for that? +Barney: LOL, right :D Okay, thanks for help, guys. And by “guys” I actually mean Judith :P Now I've gotta go to The Home Depot and pray that they have that goddamn bark there...","Barney dropped his mum's favourite orchid and wants to replant it. He needs bark, but doesn't know where to get it. Judith suggests The Home Depot." +13810107,"Simon: Howdy mate! RU done? +Joe: Need half an hour still. +Simon: !? B/C? +Joe: B/C I'm not ready yet FFS! +Simon: Don't get worked up! Just asked. +Joe: I'll text you when done. +Simon: Got it. +Joe: Simon, 10 more mins, ok? +Joe: Simon I'm ready. +Joe: ?? You there? Where RU?? +Simon: Hi mate! I'm in Half Moon. Couldn't wait any longer. +Joe: How the fuck am I gonna to get there now? +Simon: A taxi? +Simon: Joking!! +Joe: You prat! Can never rely on you! +Simon: Look. I've told Masher to pick you up at 7:30. He should be at yours any sec now. +Simon: Joe? Gone yet? +Joe: Nope. Waiting. +Simon: Strange. He should be there by now. Why don't you call him? +Joe: Have already. No answer. +Simon: Holy shit! Here he is. Just ordering a drink at the bar! He must've forgotten. +Simon: Joe I'm so sorry! +Simon: Joe?","Joe is getting ready to go out, Simon has enough of waiting and goes by himself. He sends Masher to pick Joe up at 7.30, but Masher forgets to go." +13864616,"Lena: Guys, are you studying for the geography exam? +Kenny: No, I gave up +Marco: what? why? +Kenny: it's too much, I haven't gone to a single lecture, it's pointless +Milena: me neither, but it's only memorising things +Milena: don't give up so easily! +Kenny: but this Pacific stuff is just crazy, totally abstract +Milena: it's quite interesting +Lena: taking about this! I can't get what's the capital of the Marshall Islands +Milena: Majuro +Lena: other sources say D-U-P +Marco: lol, what's that? +Lena: Delap-Uliga-Djarrit (DUD +Lena: Wikipedia says Majuro, but that the main urban area is D-U-P +Lena: and if you look at the wikipedia site of D-U-P it says that it is the capital +Marco: right! bizarre +Lena: +Milena: I don't understand it either +Kenny: to me it seems that Majuro is the atoll where D-U-P is located +Milena: maybe +Kenny: but I'm not sure...",Kenny gave up studying for the geography exam. Neither he nor Milena went to geography lectures. Milena is trying to memorize geographical names. +13727975,"Peter: Hi! How was your work? +Amy: Hi. Well, the day was weird. +Peter: Y? +Amy: Managing a team is hard! +Peter: I know. What happened? +Amy: Well, there's this Mark. And his attitude is simply horrible. +Peter: What did he do? +Amy: Actually nothing much, but it's the general picture that matters. +Peter: What do you mean? +Amy: That's a long story. +Peter: Don't worry. Got time.","Amy had a weird day at work managing her team. Amy dislikes the attitude of one of her coworkers, Mark." +13862879,"Ilo: meeting at 4pm at Europskii? +Adele: ok +Ilo: is your mum coming? +Adele: no. She said that we should have a look first +Ilo: but did she give you money? +Adele: i've got mine +Ilo: i've seen a very nice one last week +Ilo: long, red and low cut +Adele: did you take a picture? +Ilo: +Adele: so nice , i'd like the same +Ilo: we'll be like twins sisters 😜 +Adele: what about shoes? +Ilo: it will depend of the dress +Adele: I've got my black high heel +Ilo: take them with you",Ilo and Adele will meet at Europskii at 4 pm. Adele's mum will not be joining them. +13828446,"Gil: Tea after work? +Ronda: Maybe a walk this time? +Gil: Splendid idea! ;) +Gil: Sounds really good, let's do it. +Ronda: Meet me at the main entrance at 4:15. ",Ronda and Gil will meet at the main entrance at 4:15 and they'll go for a walk instead of having a tea. +13681013,"Mel: im so tired of this primary season +Angelica: me too. it goes on forever +Mel: yeah, it really takes too much time",Mel and Angelica are tired of this primary season as it lasts too long. +13729541,"Harry: I'm at the store, need anything? +Bridget: Yes! Eggs, milk, cheese and rice. +Harry: No problem. Anything else? +Bridget: Just checked the hall closet, can you get some tp? +Harry: Sure, can do. That it? +Bridget: I'll ask mom if she has a list. +Harry: Fucks sake, I'm not the neighborhood shopper! +Bridget: Well, she's here! +Harry: Sigh. +Bridget: She's fine, but could use some tomato soup and some milk. +Harry: Okay. That's hopefully it? +Bridget: Some apples? +Harry: What kind? You didn't like the ones I got last time. +Bridget: Pink Lady, I don't like those green ones. +Harry: Figures; I like those! +Bridget: Well get both if you'll eat them! +Harry: Yeah, I can take one to work. +Bridget: There you go. +Harry: Okay, checking out. Home soon.","Harry will get some eggs, milk, cheese, rice and toilet paper for Bridget. Bridget's mom needs some tomato soup and some milk. Harry should also get some Pink Lady and green apples. " +13811215,"Zoey: I cant find my shoes +Lucas: I put it behind the cardboard +Zoey: Thanks",Lucas put Zoey's shoes behind the cardboard. +13828000,"Haleema: So are you up for yoga in the park this Saturday? +Haleema: We could follow the routine from this video +Haleema: +Dakkota: Yes! I'm really looking forward to it 😊 +Haleema: I always wanted to do a yoga session in the park +Haleema: Hopefully we won't have a large audience haha +Dakkota: Hahahaha +Dakkota: +Dakkota: Oh who cares, they can join us 🤣 +Haleema: Indeed +Haleema: It's a big park with plenty of open spaces :) +Dakkota: Yoga in the sun, superb 😍 +Haleema: +Dakkota: Hahahaha +Haleema: 😋 +Haleema: Shall we grab a tea and a snack afterwards? +Dakkota: Yes sure, why not! +Haleema: 💗",Haleema and Dakkota are planning to do open-air yoga in the park. They are having a drink and a bite to eat afterwards. +13716768,"Rose: hey! at what time tomorrow? +Rose: +Anna: the screening at 9:15pm looks good? +Zara: nooo that's too late +Anna: you need to be back home before midnight? XD +Zara: -.- +Zara: i'm seeing Jack at 9pm +Anna: Jack <3 ok, you're excused +Zara: 6:30pm? +Anna: fine for me i guess! +Zara: Rose? +Rose: sure, 6:30pm is perfect for me! :)",They are going to the screening at 6:30 pm tomorrow. Zara is going to see Jack at 9 pm. +13728663,"Kierian: Yo the class is cancelled +Kierian: Let's go play basketball +Jana: Im at home hahah +Kierian: 🤬","The class is cancelled and Kierian wants to play basketball, but Jana is at home." +13864701,"Theresa: Do you know Don Fefe? +Mary: no, what is it? +Theresa: a pizza place in Campo di Marte +Alina: it's delicious what they serve there +Theresa: right!? +Theresa: we discovered it last night, why nobody told me before? +Tracy: I did, but you never listen Theresa :P +Theresa: :P","Yesterday Alina and Theresa discovered a new pizza place in Campo di Marte, called Don Fefe." +13864439,"Adrien: I'm at the office, working and waiting for you +Kamil: working on Sunday? +Adrien: I really have a lot of stuff to do these days +Teddy: but will you go with us to the gym? +Adrien: I'm not sure yet +Lara: So should we come to your office? +Adrien: come here, let's have a cup of tea and then we'll decide +Lara: ok","Adrien is at the office on Sunday. Teddy and Lara are going to the gym. Adrien, Lara and Teddy will have a cup of tea at Adrien's office." +13727760,"Oscar: Can we set up a phone call for this afternoon? +Sarah: Today is not good. I'll be in and out of cunt all day. Tomorrow is better. +Sarah: Autocorrect. I meant court. I'm sorry.",Oscar wants to talk with Sarah on the phone today. She's too busy today and suggests tomorrow. +13819758,"Jaime: Guys! Next month is Rebecca's birthday! Gift ideas? +Emily: Oh god, totally forgot, shame on me :x +Patrick: Hm, a trip? +Julia: Cool idea, but I'm pretty sure Rebecca's boss may object... +Patrick: Oh, yeah, right, that guy is such a dick. Book then? +Emily: We got her a book last year. +Jaime: Pretty sure there are more books to read out there, Ems :D +Emily: Hahaha, very funny. Sorry for trying to make all of you more creative :P +Patrick: Do we want to buy one awesome gift or maybe make something like a box with presents? +Julia: I'd prefer a box. +Jaime: One big. +Emily: Hahahaha, this is priceless :D We're on fire. +Patrick: Love to work with you all. So, box? +Jaime: Yeah, sure. So maybe everyone can buy one thing and then we can book a table at Angelo's? +Emily: Cool, but please share what you bought her so we don't double. +Julia: Ok, calling dibs on perfumes. +Patrick: I'll take a risk and buy her a book :P +Emily: I'll call the Angelo's then, and I'm thinking about a ski-jumping voucher... +Jaime: Great! But guys, not peep to Rebecca! It has to be a surprise. +Julia: Roger that! ;) ","Emily will book a table at Angelo's. Emily, Julia, Patrick will buy presents for Rebecca's birthday." +13611819,"Sarah: Are you prepared for a German girl??? +Ronan: Ah I guess I’m happy the Czech guy is coming! This German we had sex in shower and then again in the night, so more than 1 night stand. But I don’t think it’ll happen again. I don’t think I’m that into her +Sarah: Sounds like a growing relationship +Ronan: They are both staying at mine +Sarah: You don't know what do you want first of all +Ronan: Ha no I think I do +Sarah: What do you want? +Ronan: Sometimes I want a relationship. Other times I don’t +Sarah: Oh, ok. So you don't know +Ronan: Meh yeh I guess. But once I find the girl. I’ll know lol +Sarah: Hmm. I've heard that in every 200 ppl you can find a potential partner","A Czech guy and a German girl are both staying at Ronan's place. Ronan and the German girl had sex twice before, but he doesn't consider her a potential partner. Sarah convinces Ronan that he doesn't know what he wants when it comes to sex and relationships." +13681064,"Eddy: Audrey dear, it's about our meeting an Tuesday. Quite unexpectedly we'll be having guest in on that day, some important acquaintances of Marion's. Could we have our meeting on Monday? Otherwise on Wednesday? +Audrey: Oh I see. On Monday we're both in the gym in the afternoon and afterwards, you know, how one feels. And Wednesday we're going with the Meadows to see the Baltus exhibition in Riehen. How about Friday? Or weekend? +Eddy: I've already seen it. It is very much worth seeing! And don't believe the texts about teenage girls. Wait. I have to ask Marion about Friday. +Audrey: Or weekend. +Eddy: Just asked Marion. She thinks Friday will be perfect. +Audrey: The same place the same time? +Eddy: I should think so. +Audrey: Tat ta. Till Friday! +Eddy: Marion says on Fridays they're open as early as 4 pm. So one hours earlier? +Audrey: Would be great but I might come late. Am in the office till 4. +Eddy: How long do you take to cycle to Terra del Fuego? +Audrey: 10 mins? +Eddy: That's nothing! So see you in Terra d. F. at around 4 pm on Friday. +Audrey: Ta ta!","Audrey, Eddy and Marion will meet at Terra del Fuego around 4 pm on Friday. Eddy has seen the Baltus exhibition in Riehen and thinks it is worth seeing. Audrey is planning to see the Balthus exhibition on Wednesday with the Meadows." +13730732,"Caroline: Can you pick up Laura from school today? +Caroline: I need to stay longer at work... +Tom: Ok. What time? +Caroline: 3 p.m. +Tom: Hmm.. I won't make it at 3 p.m. sharp coz I'm still with the clients... +Caroline: so, what time? +Tom: 3.30 if there's no traffic. +Caroline: Ok, that should be fine ;-) +Caroline: Just text her about it, ok? +Tom: No worries!:*",Laura requests Tom picks up Laura from school at 3.30 pm after he finishes his meetings. He will let Laura know beforehand. +13611622,"Dave: Hey kiddo, how are ya? +Brian: Hi! I've been awesome lately, working out a lot, busy at work too +Dave: You have some time for your dad to facetime? +Brian: Sure thing, just let me finish dinner +Dave: oh yeah, bon apetit kid! +Brian: Thanks, I'll call you in 5. +Dave: Sure, I'll be here",Brian has been busy working and working out. Dave is asking him whether he has time to FaceTime him or not. Brian will call him at 5 after having supper. +13680831,"Terry: Hi Meg, are you going with me to visit Jacob in hospital tomorrow? +Megan: Oops, I totally forgot about it! What time do you want to meet? +Terry: 10.30 should be fine. Will you be able to make it? +Megan: Hmm…I have to fix something first but I believe I can make it +Terry: That's really cool! Are we buying him something? +Megan: Let's buy some apples - he loves apples :)",Terry and Megan are meeting at 10:30 tomorrow to visit Jacob at the hospital. They will buy Jacob some apples. +13727700,"Stanley: are you already going there? +Ben: yes we are in tram number 15 +Stanley: ok will jump in on Railway Station stop +Ben: ok see you",Ben is in tram number 15 and Stanley will jump in on Railway Station stop to go there together. +13865382,"Ella: girls, do you think I should buy the dress? +Nina: definitely +Lila: I agree!",Nina and Lila agree that Ella should buy the dress. +13716231,"Emilia: Shit! Cant find my keys:( +Emilia: will be late, sorrrryyy!!! +Meggy: that's quite usual ;) :P +Catherine: dont worry, we'll wait:) +Meggy: :)",Emilia can't find her keys and she will be late for a meeting with Meggy and Catherine. +13729589,"Bartek: Did you know that Vikings are coming back at the end of Nov? +Filip: You serious? +Bartek: Yeah, their fanpage on FB says so +Bartek: Can't wait, I've been dying to see the next episodes +Filip: Maan for me it felt like a minute +Filip: Time's going so fast lately... +Filip: The older I am the faster the live seems to be slipping away +Bartek: You're too busy, need to chill a little, bro :) +Filip: I got no time not to be busy :D Work's filling every spare moment of my life +Filip: But I'm sure I'll find some time for the Vikings! Thanks for reminding me +Bartek: Good for you!",Bartek and Filip can't wait for the new episodes of Vikings at the end of Nov. Filip works a lot but he will find time for the Vikings. +13818728,"Suzie: Anyone knows anything about this research project? We got some info on our email +Mike: I've heard they just need free workforce +Suzie: Meaning? +Cassie: You do they dirty work, go do those interviews, and then they cut yout out +Suzie: For real? +Mike: That's what they did last year +Suzie: Well do you still get some credit? +Mike: yeah, right:D Maybe in some pretty little side notes of side notes",Mike and Cassie make Suzie aware that there are no advantages coming from taking up the research project. +13811119,"Nathan: can i borrow your plaid flannel shirt? +Nathan: i look like a mess and i'm meeting Kaylee in half an hour +Lucas: sure +Lucas: say hi to her from me :)",Lucas will let Nathan wear his plain flannel shirt for Nathan's meeting with Kaylee. +13728340,"Consolata: Hey. +Consolata: Did you buy a new phone? +Agnes: Hey. Yeah I did +Consolata: Which brand? +Agnes: Huawei Y9 2019 +Consolata: How bomb is it? +Agnes: Maybe you see for yourself😊 +Agnes: But you know me. I never disappoint when it comes to technology +Consolata: 😂😂 Hell yeah",Agnes bought a new phone Huawei Y9 2019. +13828995,"Robert: If you don't have time to cook, just boy some snacks. +Rachel: That won't be necessary. I'll bring homemade cookies 😉 +Robert: OK, in that case I am the one who's going to the store 😀 +Rachel: Get me a pack of onion crisps please.","Rachel will bring some homemade cookies. Robert will go to the store, he'll buy onion crisps for Rachel." +13730836,"Monica: bestie +Paulina: bestieee, i miss you +Monica: i miss you too, so much +Paulina: when are you coming? +Monica: i'm not so sure, but before Christmas +Paulina: everyone here misses you, jerrry to tabitha. +Monica: Awwwh, i feel bad +Paulina: please dont, work is work +Monica: tell everyone i'll have a gift for everyone +Paulina: haha, i want the biggest gift. +Monica: haha, anything for my bestie +Paulina: take care boo +Monica: you too +Paulina: i will",Monica is coming before Christmas. Monica feels bad that she can't be with her friends. Monica will bring presents for everyone. +13819818,"Bill: should I bring any of my own games tonight? +Paul: no need, we still have some scenarios left to do +Paul: I doubt we will finish everything today +Valerie: besides there's plenty of games we haven't played yet at the cafe +Bill: true, well that will save me some space in the backpack +Bill: cya later!","Bill, Paul and Valerie are going to play games tonight at the cafe. Bill won't bring his own games tonight, because they still have some scenarios to finish." +13729181,"Martha: Hi Grace +Grace: Hi! I was just thinking of you +Martha: Really? +Martha: What were you thinking? ☺ +Grace: That you owe me 100 quid +Martha: ☹ +Martha: I know… Next week I’m getting paid, I’ll give it back to you.",Martha owes Grace 100 quid and next week Martha will give her money back. +13828770,"Dora: Hi Honey, how are you? +Dora: Did you sleep well? +Ben: Hello Darling :* +Ben: Yes, and you? +Dora: Fine, but didn't get much sleep.. +Ben: Why, what's going on? +Dora: How is your hotel? +Ben: It's really good. And close to the city centre. +Dora: I was working late. +Ben: The bank? +Dora: yep. But it's almost done! +Ben: Great! ","Ben slept well, his hotel is close to the city centre. Dora worked late. " +13730869,"Brian: let me send you the voting link, please vote for sam +Michelle: okay then +Brian: ""m.victoriacontest.com/ vote for Bianca"" +Michelle: Okay then.",Brian sent Michelle a link so she can vote for Sam. +13612046,"Mike: sorry, I’ll be late +John: Why? What happened? +Mike: I missed my bus  I have to wait for another one… +John: Ok, I’ll start the meeting without you +Mike: Thx, I’ll try to be as soon as possible but I don’t want they to wait too long. +John: Sure, They shouldn’t know that we have any problems with stuff +Mike: Hope it won’t last for long, it’s getting worse every day… +John: Don’t worry I found some interesting application. I’ve send them to HR. +Mike: It would be good to find at least 2 new employees +John: That’s right. We can’t do everything by ourselves all the time. +Mike: It’s too much for me! +John: Cheer up! It will be better with every day! +Mike: Hope so… +John: For sure!","Mike is late, because he missed the bus. Mike and John are frustrated, because there's a shortage of employees in their workplace." +13829071,"Matty: Happy Christmas!! :D hope you're enjoying the festivities +Ella: Thanks Matty!! Merry Christmas to you too ;) How are you??? :D +Matty: I'm good thank you just sleepy haha :) how about you? +Matty: How's things going with studying +Ella: Oh dear :P What have you been up to? ;) I'm not that sleepy, even though I did get to bed late :P +Ella: Uni's hard work (no changes there), but I really like my subjects this semester - on of my subjects is Microbiology (so all on bacteria), another is on the Biochemical Pathways to Metabolic Illnesses (basically diabetes and obesity) - so, pretty cool stuff :D +Ella: WHat about you? Are you having fun? +Matty: Sounds interesting I've gotta say. Particularly the bacteria stuff! I've been on a walk today so quite tired from that. And I'm enjoying uni yeah! Very very busy. Starting dissertation stuff soon and had a lot of work for essays +Ella: Did you take any photos whilst on your walk? :D So... what does your dissertation stuff look like? Are you in any Uni groups? +Matty: Got some yeah :) posted one to Facebook. Mine is looking like geography and politics related. Not sure about uni groups? What's your dissertation on if you have to do one? +Ella: We don't really have dissertations... at the end of my third year I'll be writing my degree, so that will be like a slightly longer lab report :) Geography and politics - hmmm... that's a pretty wide topic, I mean, you could talk about Global warming etc. right? +Matty: Aah ok. So the long report is a big part of your degree and counts a lot towards it? +Matty: And it's very wide the topic. Can talk about that yes, can also do social and cultural stuff too in there +Ella: Yeah, basically my grades and my report make up my degree :) Social and cultural stuff... like what? +Matty: Aaah cool :D I have exams too which make mine up haha. Lucky you +Matty: And stuff like social separation and classes and how everything plays into each other and culture is like heritage and what matters to different people +Ella: I meant grades from exams, so I don't know if I'm really that lucky :P That's actually really interesting! So how do you prepare for this? Do you get to interview people? +Matty: Oh right haha. And I have to do loads of reading and prepare some fieldwork. And I likely will have to inerview people yeah. What kind of things do you do in the lab? +Ella: Depends on your field of study - I'm doing Embriology, so I basically conduct experiments on mouse oocytes that should hopefully give some decent results. But other people can grow bacteria on petri dishes if they're doing Microbiology, or study particular fragments of DNA if they're doing Genetics +Ella: It really depends on what you're studying - Biology has a pretty large spectrum, afterall :)",Ella and Matty are both busy with the workload at university. Ella is studying biology and enjoys it very much. Matty is into geography and politics. +13681878,"Andrew: Seen this +Scott: Is it Matt's moto? Wants to sell it? +Andrew: Yup. Wonna buy? +Scott: Dreaming of it. Have no cash.",Matt is selling his motorbike. Scott cannot afford a motorbike. +13716926,"Alex: We gotta commit to some subject for our referrals next week. Any idea? +Mindy: I am opting for inequalities +Greg: inequalities and what? +Mindy: everyone finds himself one and finds some articles, up to date, like from last 30 days +Greg: no way, to little scope of time, how about last 3 months +Alex: Agreed with inequalities, and 3 months, 1 is to short","Alex, Mindy and Greg will prepare a subject about inequalities for their referrals next week. They will look for the articles from the past 3 months." +13728674,"John: hey i'm home alone and i'm not feeling great +Carol: what's wrong?! should i be worried??? +John: i'm just a little nauseous and wamr :-( +Carol: are you sweating? +John: i am :-( +John: i'm sweating a lot +Carol: drink a tall glass or ice water, take an aspiring and wait for me +Carol: i'm on my way :-D +John: thanks for taking care of me",John is feeling sick. Carol is on her way. She will take care of him. +13864962,"Katy: I'm tired, I'll go home soon +Ciara: me too +Mila: I'll join you then","Katy, Ciara and Mila will go home soon." +13729119,"Alaine: Hey +Alaine: Are we still having our date tomorrow? +Alex: Yeah absolutely +Alex: I will pick you up at 8 +Alaine: Okay +Alaine: You are such a gentleman +Alex: Just don't say more😊",Alex and Alaine are having a date tomorrow. Alex will pick Alaine at 8. +13812058,"Khloe: I have already sent the same +Khloe: Waiting for the response +Julian: Hello, Sir +Khloe: Hello +Julian: Which area can you handle? +Khloe: Solid works, AutoCAD, Sketch Up, Adobe Photoshop +Julian: Good to hear that +Khloe: I have been looking for a long term work +Julian: We are also looking for a long term worker +Khloe: I am also good at academic writing +Julian: We only need experts in designing applications +Khloe: Ok well I have told you my majors +Julian: I will ask my manger to contact you +Khloe: When would I be expecting his call? +Julian: Not today, She is on leave +Khloe: Oh I hope he is fine +Julian: Thanks for your concern +Khloe: Ok would be waiting for a call from you. +Julian: We will try to contact ASAP","Khloe is proficient in Solid Works, AutoCAD, Sketch Up, Adobe Photoshop. Julian's manager will call Khloe soon." +13818995,"Will: Do you happen to know if there are any free masters courses for foreigners in Poland? +Max: I'll look it up but tbh i don't think so +Joanna: Yeah no way... unless you get a scholarships, i think it's not doable +Max: I'm pretty sure you could do it for free if you were a EU national +Max: but in your case... yeah it gets a bit more complex +Will: +Will: :( +Joanna: i'll take a look at scholarships for people from your country and get back to you +Will: thanks guys!!","Will wants to know if there are any free masters courses for foreigners in Poland, and Max and Joanna doubt it. Joanna will investigate the scholarships for Polish people and gets back to him." +13682401,"Tim: hangover? +Tom: suprisingly no +Tim: told you, Jagermeister is the best! +Tom: haha true xd",Tim and Tom drank Jagermeister and are not hungover. +13862482,"Kimberly: Hey John, we won't be able to meet with you and Jane next weekend. +John: Hi Kimberly, that's too bad. +John: We were really looking forward to seeing you. +Kimberly: So were we, but my Grandfather passed away... +Kimberly: The funeral is planned for Saturday. +John: Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that. +John: My condolences. +Kimberly: Thanks John. +Kimberly: We're heading to Oshawa on Friday. +Kimberly: Please apologize to Jane. +John: Don't worry about it, please. +John: Just let us know once you've returned and will be feeling ready for a meeting. +John: We will gladly reschedule. +Kimberly: Sounds good. +Kimberly: Take care. +John: You too.",Kimberly will not meet with John and Jane next weekend because her grandmother died. The funeral will be held on Saturday. Kimberly is leaving for Oshawa on Friday. She and John will reschedule their meeting. +13731126,"Ben: Yo? +Jake: Yo. +Ben: Where you at? +Jake: Out. +Ben: Yeah I need your laptop. +Jake: What for? +Ben: Gotta do some work stuff. +Jake: What's with yours? +Ben: It's having that adapter issue, remember? +Jake: Oh. Yeah sure just take it from my room. +Ben: Yeah thanks. And by the way, you're not gonna get it till tomorrow. +Jake: Okay man. +Ben: So you won't get to play DOTA tonight. +Jake: That's fine. +Ben: Okay. Great!","Ben needs Jakes laptop as his has some adapter issues. He will return it tomorrow, so Jake won't be able to play DOTA tonight." +13820158,"Camille: We should leave soon +Sam: how are we going there? +Camille: by bus? +Ahmed: I could take the car of my parents +Camille: that would make everything much easier +Ahmed: But in this case we'd have to wait a few hours, till they come back from the mosque +Camille: How do you think what time you'll have the car? +Ahmed: around 5 I suppose +Camille: ok if we have a car we'll be much faster +Camille: but is it sure? +Ahmed: I've talked to my father and he doesn't see any problem, so I think it is +Camille: perfect! +Ahmed: I'll write you when I have it, but be ready by 4 more or less",Ahmed will take the car of his parents around 5 and will leave with Sam and Camille. +13729648,"Dorothy: Happy anniversary to you and Sarah!! +Dorothy: how many years is it? +Damian: Thanks Dor. It's 17 +Dorothy: Oh wow!!! +Dorothy: What are you doing today? What's Dad and Caleb up to? +Damian: I don't know. We are in Zakopane right now. We spent the night here +Dorothy: Oh nice +Damian: What are you doing? +Dorothy: I have that big camp at church this week. Have to be at church at 7am tomorrow and all day we'll be training volunteers, and then every day for camp at 7am with the kids. I've been working late this past week. +Damian: Oh, boy. Ok, we'll be praying for you. +Dorothy: Thanks. On Thurs. I worked till 9pm, there was so much prep. +Damian: That sucks that the summer is so tough for you now. Kind of ironic when you think about it. When you were a teacher, you had summers off. +Dorothy: hehe... Yeah, I guess I'm working off all those free summers I had. +Damian: What can you do, take care, love you +Dorothy: thanks, love you",Damian and Sarah are in Zakopane to celebrate their 17th anniversary. Dorothy is busy training volunteers and working with kids all day from 7 am till late. +13862571,"Gabriel: Hi Zuza! A week ago there was your birthday and I texted you wishees but just now I realized I sent them on your old phone number... +Gabriel: +Gabriel: so...happy birthday :D! +Zuza: Oh, thank you, Gabriel :) +Gabriel: Sure thing :)","Gabriel texted birthday wishes to Zuza's old phone number, so he wanted to correct his mistake." +13815648,"Kate: Have you applied already? +Nicole: No, not yet, still getting my papers ready +Kate: Do you need any help dear? +Nicole: I think I'm good. Unfortunately, one of my teacher hasn't sent me his evaluation yet ;/ +Kate: It doesn't sound good... Have you called him or emailed him? +Nicole: I did, yes, but he said he didn't have to do it. +Kate: Well, does he know that you don't have much time either? +Nicole: I told him that it's due in three days, I hope he'll make it. +Kate: I'd call him, if I were you. +Kate: How about your personal statement? Do you need me to have a look? +Nicole: If you don't mind, it'd be great :)",Kate is preparing her application papers. She is still waiting for the evaluation paper from one of her teachers. +13731272,"Patrick: Hey Deb, I'm gonna be late, sorry! :( +Debra: No, not again! :( +Debra: +Patrick: there's nothing I can do, see u in the evening +Debra: ",Patrick will be late for a meeting with Debra. He is often late for their meetings. +13728194,"Charlie: i passed the CLO +Kobe: im sure it was eady.. +Kobe: easy* +Charlie: it was not. for me atleast :p +Kobe: so how did you do it +Charlie: i had my phone. i had internet access. xD +Kobe: what?? +Charlie: im serious :D +Kobe: HOW?? +Charlie: well it was so much of an exam pffttt +Kobe: so you were the only one in her office? +Charlie: yea +Charlie: she saw me copy it from my phone xD +Kobe: she DID NOT :D +Charlie: im telling you man XD it was a piece of cake after that +Kobe: im sure it was +Charlie: and then henrique came into the office +Charlie: he had some work stuff +Charlie: and he helped me too xD +Kobe: in front of her?? +Charlie: YESS xD +Kobe: cool xD",Charlie passed the CLO exam and reveals to Kobe that it was possible because he had the Internet access and the person supervising didn't react on Charlie's cheating. Henrique helped Charlie as well. +13820554,"Fred: what time is your flight? +Bill: 8PM +Fred: it's today, right? +Annette: yes, we're on the way to the airport already, thanks for the evening! +Fred: was nice to have you here, kisses +Annette: kisses",Bill and Annette are on their way to the airport. Their flight is at 8 PM. They spent a nice evening with Fred. +13829437,"Steve: Were there any calls for me? +Jim: No, why? +Jim: were you expecting any? +Steve: Not really. Thanks",Steve didn't receive any calls. +13716212,"Esme: let's have a skype call tonight? +Eliza: sure, at what time? +Rose: Sure! +Esme: 8pm i was thinking? +Eliza: cool! +Rose: Perfect! :)","Esme, Eliza and Rose are having a Sype meeting at 8 p.m." +13727679-1,"Tom: Dusan, can you come in for 1 lesson tomorrow at 4-5:30? +Dusan: Ok, it should be fine +Dusan: Can you tell me about the class, no of students, level? +Tom: 4 students, upper intermediate. The course book will be at the reception. +Dusan: Ok, thank you. Can you tell me which book do they use? +Tom: English File +Dusan: Ok +Tom: Thank you, have a good day. +Dusan: Thank you, you too","Tomorrow at 4-5:30, Dusan will take 1 class from Tom. There will be 4 students, the level is upper intermediate and the book, English File, will be at the reception." +13611905,"Melly: Have you read about this earthquake in China yesterday ? +Ron: Yes, it's horrible +Melly: Can't stop thinking bout this. They lost everything +Ron: Don't be so sensitive. You don't know any of them +Melly: Pfff...",Melly is sympathetic towards the victims of yesterday's earthquake in China but Ron is not. +13729754,"Nicholas: hi Natalie :)) how is your car? +Natalie: still in the shop... they said it will take almost a month to fix it +Nicholas: a month? are they mad? +Natalie: well apparently they don't have the right parts on the spot +Nicholas: they are probably getting the original ones from japan to rip you off +Natalie: well i told them i want the originals +Nicholas: for a card that old? Natalie... +Natalie: what? are they that more expensive? +Nicholas: yes they are, and totally not worth it... you should have asked me first :( +Natalie: crap...",It's going to take a month to fix Natalie's car as she asked for original parts. +13611494,"Mary: So, how's Israel? Have you been on the beach? +Kate: It's so expensive! But they say, it's Tel Aviv... Tomorrow we are going to Jerusalem. +Mary: I've heard Israel is expensive, Monica was there on vacation last year, she complained about how pricey it is. Are you going to the Dead Sea before it dies? ahahahha +Kate: ahahhaha yup, in few days.","Mary and Kate discuss how expensive Israel is. Kate is in Tel Aviv now, planning to travel to Jerusalem tomorrow, and to the Dead Sea few days later." +13730858,"Fernand: +Jake: Nice shot +Jake: He hit the net well +Fernand: I know right",Jake likes the video Fernand sent him. +13820680,"Lisa: how about going to Greece this summer? +Matthew: We've actually planned it already with Anthony +Anthony: But you can join us Lisa +Matthew: Yes, sure! +Lisa: so where do you want to go +Matthew: a bit of everything. We want to spend 5 days on Rhodes, then 5 in Crete, 4 in Athens and rent a car and go north to Thessaloniki +Lisa: I like it a lot! +Lisa: A bit of beach, a bit of culture 😍 +Matthew: exactly, that was the plan! +Lisa: and you're flying back from Thessaloniki? +Matthew: Yes +Matthew: But there is a small problem +Lisa: what is it? +Matthew: we're going for 3 days to Athos +Lisa: whatever, I like everything hahah +Matthew: it's a republic of monks, women are not allowed there +Lisa: WHAT? +Anthony: 🤷🏻‍♂ +Lisa: ok, i've google it. It's outrageous in the 21st century +Anthony: sure it is, but what can we do about it? +Lisa: I can stay in Thessaloniki when you're there +Anthony: that's perfect +Lisa: come over to my place tonight, we will discuss the details +Anthony: perfect +Matthew: 👍","Matthew and Anthony are going to Greece this summer. Their itinerary includes 5 days on Rhodes, 5 in Crete, 4 in Athens, and a drive to Thessaloniki. Lisa plans to join them. She will stay in Thessaloniki when they go to a male-only holy retreat in Athos for 3 days. They'll meet tonight at Lisa's." +13727873,"Jeffrey: Helen, I'll be late, pls don't wait for me +Helen: not again! What this time? +Jeffrey: Collins arranged a quick but superimportant meeting +Helen: I'm officially sick of this guy +Jeffrey: so am I… see you in a while ",Jeffrey will be late because of Collins. +13862975,"Owen: Luke +Luke: yeah? +Owen: theres this project +Owen: remember +Owen: i told you about it +Luke: which one +Owen: in Toronto +Luke: this one yep +Owen: i need more volunteers +Luke: they dont pay?? +Owen: nope +Owen: but they give you money back +Owen: reimbursement or sth lol +Luke: for what +Owen: for travel costs and acomodation +Luke: cool +Luke: but still +Luke: working for free 🤔 +Owen: lemme explain oyu +Owen: you +Owen: its about making good memories, meeting people +Owen: and helping those in need +Luke: sounds interesting +Owen: ima send you the booklter +Owen: booklet +Owen: +Luke: thanks +Luke: ill look at it",Owen is looking for volunteers for an unpaid project in Toronto. All associated costs are covered. Luke might consider it. +13681163-1,"Dave: hi darling, you OK? +Mari: yes, but my sister's been here with the twins, Christ! What a pair of hooligans! They'd have ripped off the new wallpaper if I hadn't stopped them. Louise is hopeless! +Dave: yeah, one little thing, I'm driving up to Kidderminster with Sharon tomorrow and I really can't sort out Ethan. Can your mother take him to nursery? +Mari: yeah, sure it'll be ok. I'll ring her now. What is that woman making you do now? +Dave: Well, It's the regional marketing thing for the new campaign I've been working on. Ashley can't go, because of her arm, so Sharon asked me, +Mari: Asked you? Ordered you to do it, more like! Really Dave, you must stand up to that woman. You boss me around when you feel like it! +Dave: that's true! Anyway, Sharon says her balls are on the line with this campaign if it isn't 100% brilliant! +Mari: her balls! The cheek of the woman! It's you who will get it in the neck if it tanks, love. +Dave: No, she wouldn't do that! +Mari: she would! She's unscrupulous! Remember old Gareth, she threw him under the bus! Come on, stand up to her, love! +Dave: Well, I could tell her I want to present the project as I worked on from from the word go. Why should she get all the credit! +Mari: That's the spirit, Dave sweetheart. She's a nasty bully. In fact, I'd have a quiet word with Ian about her. +Dave: Yeah, he knows all her tricks! Gareth complained to him about her, but he didn't have the stomach for a fight. +Mari: Dave, tell Sharon you're in charge tomorrow and then go and see Ian in his office on Friday. +Dave: Thanks love, I don't know what I'd do without you! +Mari: It's what I'm here for, you big soft idiot! +Dave: She's undermined me far too long, it's time I took action! +Mari: I'm so pleased to hear you say that my love! I love you as a man of action! +Dave: I'm always your Action Man! +Mari: Love you xxxxxx +Dave: See you later, gorgeous!","Mari had a visit from her sister with the twins and they were misbehaving. Mari's mother will take Ethan to the nursery tomorrow. Following Mari's advice, Dave will stand up to his boss who has been a bully." +13729189,"Tom: How are you today? +Anita: soso +Tom: why? what happened +Anita: I think we went a bit too far last night +Tom: I'm sorry, I thought you liked it +Anita: I did and this is exactly the problem +Tom: let's talk about it over a cup of coffee +Anita: ok, I'll write you as soon as I'm done at the office ",Anita thinks she and Tom might have crossed some boundaries last night although she liked it. They will talk about it after her work. +13730894,"Nia: Are you still at the camp? +Kate: Yeah, we're not going out in the end. We're just gonna stay here and chill +Nia: Aaah I see, I'll come over just to say hi +Kate: Alrightey :)",Kate is still at the camp. Nia will come and say hi. +13731408,"Sam: did you check Anna's post on insta? +Ron: No ? whats wrong? +Sam: she posted a picture with Harry with the caption 'new love' +Ron: what? but we are still together? +Sam: i thought you guys had a break up? +Ron: hell no! all was good btw us .. we just spoke yesterday +Sam: then i think you need to talk to her!! +Ron: yes definetly.",Anna posted a picture with Harry on Instagram. Ron is surprised by that. +13611637,"Georgia: Hi Linda missed a call from you - what's happening? +Linda: lol just about to send an email :) +Linda: Standby one +Georgia: Ok will read in 10 when back from dog walk +Georgia: Have been without internet for days All good now +Linda: Argggh welcome to our world up here - crappy internet :( +Georgia: NBN being rolled out locally here - fingers crossed +Linda: Ha! Supposed to happen here last month. Still waiting +Georgia: Frustrating +Linda: I know! +Linda: Thing is, I see them working on it up the road whenever I go to Ocean Shores for groceries. But there's only three of them at it +Georgia: they keep putting it back a month +Linda: I'm tempted to shout ""work faster you bastards"" every time I drive past them. But I don't think that's really going to help +Georgia: might +Linda: make me feel better at any rate :)",Georgina missed a call from Linda. Georgina has been without the Internet for days. Georgina and Linda are complaining about NBN. +13864495,"Jane: Howard do you know that our siblings are dating? +Howard: Judy and Andy??? +Zoe: That's news +Jane: I discovered yesterday +Jane: I saw them kissing in front of our house +Jane: Then Judy told me +Howard: I need to ask Andy about it ",Jane and Howard's siblings are dating. +13864429,"Mike: guys, do we have pe today? +Jay: yeah, we do +Mark: really? Smith's not at school, i've heard he called in sick +Jay: but Hayes's here... unfortunately ;/","Mike, Jay and Mark are having PE classes today. Hayes is a substitute for Smith's who has called in sick." +13682254,"Tim: Hi Chris. Are you available around 4pm today? +Chris: Hi there. Sure thing. Why? +Tim: I might need a hand with the new sofa. +Chris: I see. You've bought it, then? +Tim: Yeah. The old one was really cracking and all. +Chris: Sure thing. So you need me at your place at 4? +Tim: Yeah. I can pick you up at 3.30. +Chris: That'd be great. My place? +Tim: Whatever suits you. +Chris: Can you drive me home later? +Tim: Sure. Or I was thinking. Fancy a beer or two? +Chris: Great idea. Same place as usual? +Tim: Nope. The new pub near the uni. The Cave or sth. +Chris: Never heard of it. +Tim: Told ya. A new one. +Chris: Anybody been there? +Tim: Couple of mates. Said it was gr8. Cheap booze, good music and all that. +Chris: Sounds cool. I'm free 2moro so … +Tim: Yeah, me too. +Chris: We'll take a cab I guess? +Tim: Right. Can be dead tired after the sofa. +Chris: Right you are. Gotta go now. See you at 3.30 then. +Tim: Yep. cu then.","Tim will pick up Chris at 3.30 today. Chris will help Tim with a new sofa. Afterwards, they'll go for a beer to the new pub near the university." +13865425,"Jean: dears +Jean: wanna grab a beer? I'd like to go out +Jackie: sure but when? now? +Philip: I can go now :) +Jean: why not, we can go NOW :) +Jackie: sign me up!","Jackie, Jean, and Philip are going out." +13862304,"Lilly: GOAT!! +Samantha: I'm weak +Samantha: hahahah +Lilly: Where did u get that? +Samantha: Sam sent me the link yesterday +Lilly: I've been ghosting him recently +Samantha: :)",Sam has sent the link to Samantha yesterday. Lilly has been ghosting him recently. +13809953,"Lucy: Hi. Are the rollerblades still available? +Hannah: Yes, they are. Are you interested? +Lucy: How much is the delivery? +Hannah: It depends on the company and delivery time. Here's the price list. +Lucy: Thank you. That's most helpful. +Hannah: :-) +Lucy: One more thing. Are the scratches which are shown in the photo the only defects? Is there anything else I should know about the rollerblades? They are supposed to be a present for my niece. I wouldn't like to have a nasty surprise when I get them. +Hannah: Only the scratches. The rest is fine. I may send you some more photos if you wish. Basically, these are good rollerblades. I'm selling them because I got an injury. Otherwise I'd still be using them. +Lucy: I see. Are they good for beginners? +Hannah: Yes. +Lucy: Is it the final price? +Hannah: I'm afraid, it is. This is a really good buy. You won't regret it. +Lucy: It's not about me. It's about my niece. +Hannah: She'll love them. +Lucy: OK. Let me think about it a little more. I'll come back to you in the evening. +Hannah: No problem. +Lucy: If I decide on the purchase today, maybe you will re-think the price? Small discount, perhaps? +Hannah: No, I'm really sorry. I bought them for much much more and they are still in good condition. I can't lower the price any more. +Lucy: Ok. Thank you for now. +Hannah: OK. ","Lucy's buying rollerblades for her niece. They have a few scratches, but are in a good condition and are good for beginners. Hannah won't give Lucy any discount. Lucy will think about buying them." +13680595,"Robin: Dad, can you give me a lift? +Mr. Cheng: Sure. When? +Robin: Tonight to the mall. +Mr. Cheng: No problem. Meeting friends? +Robin: No, just need to buy new jeans. Old ones got ripped. +Mr. Cheng: I'll come with you.",Mr. Cheng will drive Robin to the mall to buy new jeans. +13680416,"Mom: don't be late today! +Kevin: ok, mom +Mom: this is realy important! +Kevin: I know, mom +Mom: wear sth clean not yesterday t-shirt +Kevin: ok, I'll change +Mom: good, I'll wait for u +Kevin: ok, see u",Mom wants Kevin to be on time and war a clean t-shirt today. +13681392,"Zendaya: I will be home at 8 +Phil: ok I will wait with the dinner +Zendaya: thanks :) ",Zendaya will be home at 8. Phil will wait with dinner for her. +13730996,"Gina: Morning! :) +Drake: Good morning to you :) +Gina: How was it yesterday? Good concert? +Drake: Great! I really liked it. +Gina: Good to hear that. And Basia, did she enjoy it? +Drake: I think so. She told me she liked their music and she seemes to be having a good time. +Gina: Cool. I'd have come with you, but I forgot they were coming... +Drake: Really? I though this wasn't your kind of thing. Concerts, I mean. +Gina: That's true, but from time to time, I can go. And I haven't been to any concert for a few years now. +Drake: OK, so next time we're going somewhere, I'll ask you? +Gina: Deal! ",Drake and Basia enjoyed going to a concert yesterday. Drake will ask Gina next time she attends a concert. +13862784,"Beth: I need a coffee NOW... +Beth: +Sandra: 15 minutes +Beth: like... a bucket of coffee +Sandra: you need a breakfast and some fresh air ;) +Sandra: ok let me finish one thing I'll give you a call when I'm ready",Beth is in desperate need for coffee. Sandra suggested a breakfast break. +13811320,"Chris: Check it out, bro :-) +Josh: Oh, man, how did you get it?? +Chris: I’ve just bough it! Brand new Galaxy S9 :-))) +Josh: No way you’re gonna keep it for yourself. Tomorrow at work I’m gonna to see all over it:-) +Chris: I took a day off:-) +Josh: :-((( smart ass. See you on Monday. ",Chris bought a new Galaxy S9. Chris took a day off for tomorrow. Josh wants to see Chris's new phone. +13829503,"Trevor: So, no news? +Amanda: No, not yet. +Trevor: How are you doing? +Amanda: Bad. +Trevor: Want me to come over? +Amanda: Please.",Trevor will come to Amanda's place. +13819490,"Stuart: So, have you decide where are we going tonight? +Warner: we were thinking of this club near the central bus station +Ivor: yep, to be exact, it is here - +Stuart: ahh, I have some bad memories related to this place +Warner: interesting.... let me think +Ivor: isn't it the club where you met this Nataly? +Stuart: I don't want to talk about it... +Warner: so what is your suggestion? +Ivor: Ok there was no question asked +Stuart: It is warm outside, there is no sign that would indicate any change in weather conditions so.... think guys +Warner: so maybe lets ask the rest of the crew if they have any propositions +Ivor: Let's just post on our grup with the plan that is ready +Ivor: otherwise we won't go anywere today","Stuart doesn't want to go to the club near the central bus station tonight, because he experienced something unpleasant in this place. Warner wants to ask the rest of the crew how to spend this evening." +13680753,"Julie: Can you give me some ideas for Christmas movies, please? +Ramsay: Well, there's Home Alone. +Julie: Oh, right! +Ramsay: The Lethal Weapon films all had Christmas in them! +Julie: Not exactly what I mean, but... +Ramsay: How about National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation? That's my favorite! +Julie: Good one! +Ramsay: Nightmare Before Christmas? Or is that Halloween? +Julie: It's both, I think! +Ramsay: True. There are some newer ones, with Tim Allen as Santa. What are they called? +Julie: Oh, the Santa Clause films, right, I think there are three or four? +Ramsay: Yes, I forget how many. +Julie: This is a good start. More than we need probably. Any others? +Ramsay: Well, all the old Rankin Bass stop motion ones like Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and The Year Without a Santa Claus. +Julie: Those are great for the kids, right? +Ramsay: I kind of like them myself! Nostalgia and all that! +Julie: LOL! +Ramsay: I'm sure there are newer ones, I just don't know them. +Julie: I think so too. Christmas with the Kranks, I think, was the chick from the Halloween films? +Ramsay: Now you're getting too modern for me! +Julie: Okay, thanks for the advice! +Ramsay: Enjoy!","Ramsay recommends to Julie the following Christmas movies: Home Alone, The Lethal Weapon, National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, Nightmare Before Christmas, the Santa Clause films with Tim Allen as Santa, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, The Year Without a Santa Claus." +13730541,"Mellery: I have to order flowers for the Johnson funeral. What is my budget? +Paul: That's Johnson in accounts? His mum? +Mellery: Correct. +Paul: About 100 then, please. +Mellery: Okay, no problem. +Paul: When is that service, do you know? +Mellery: The visitation is Wednesday before the service, everything starts at 11 am. +Paul: Okay, will probably do the visitation. See if anyone wants to come along. +Mellery: No problem. +Paul: Have them meet me at my car at 10:30. +Mellery: That should be enough time.","Mellery has to order flowers for the Johnson funeral. The budget is 100. The service starts at 11 am on Wednesday, with the visitation before. Paul and Mellery and the other people will meet at Paul's car at 10.30. " +13812375,"Aric: Good morning Sweetheart! +Ariel: Good morning. +Ariel: Have you picked up the parcel from the post office yesterday? +Aric: No. I didn't manage to get there on time. +Aric: It was already closed when I arrived... +Ariel: Can you do that today? +Aric: I'll try. +Ariel: Listen, I really need that parcel. +Ariel: And it's been lying three days already! +Aric: Okey, okey. +Aric: I'll pick it up today, promised. +Ariel: TQ",Aric didn't pick up the parcel from the post office yesterday because it was closed when he arrived. He will pick it today because Ariel really needs the parcel. +13717140,"Joanne: girls i am taking a few days off next week +Elisabeth: oh you lucky girl!! are you travelling somewhere?:* +Monica: next week? are you sure? :( +Joanne: what's wrong? +Elisabeth: yeah Monica, is something not okay? +Joanne: i am going to spain with my fiancee +Monica: well we have this two big presentations with clients next week... +Joanne: you will do perfect without me Monica, don't worry :) +Elisabeth: exactly, we can handle that honey +Monica: i am not sure... the 3 of us worked on this project, this won't look too good if you are absent +Elisabeth: you worry too much +Monica: maybe, but i think Rachel will feel the same way +Joanne: well i am not cancelling my trip +Monica: i know, i wouldn't dare to ask you, i am just a little worried... +Elisabeth: everything will be fine :* +Joanne: yeah, and if you need anything last minute you can always call me",Joanne is going to Spain with her fiancee next week. She will be absent during the presentation she had prepared with Elisabeth and Monica. Monica is worried and wants her to be there. Joanne offers her help via phone. +13728412,"Maggie: hey david, what's up? +David: nothing much, you? +Maggie: same. hey, i just got a text from nick asking if we wanted to go to comic con with him +David: oh no... it's that time of the year again +Maggie: be honest though, don't you think it would be kind of fun to go? +David: NO! lol i would never go +Maggie: well, i'm thinking of going... +David: REALLY?!?!?! +Maggie: yeah, i think it would be kind of fun +David: i'd never imagine you're into that stuff +Maggie: i'm not into it, but i thought it would be fun to go this year +David: are you planning on dressing up? +Maggie: yup +David: REALLY?!?!? +Maggie: yup, i'll be wonder woman +David: oh man, i kinda wanna go now +Maggie: see? it'll be fun +David: I'm not dressing up, though +Maggie: not even as superman? +David: mmm, that doesn't sound bad +Maggie: i'll call nick to get all the details",Maggie and David will join Nick for the comic con this year. Maggie will dress up as Wonder Woman and David might dress up as Superman. Maggie will call Nick for details. +13828975,"Anne: You have an account with Barclays, right? +Michael: Yeah +Anne: Is it ok? I'm thinking about changing my bank +Michael: Where do you have it now? +Anne: HSBC, they were the only one who actually let me open an account when I arrived to the UK. It's time for a change, especially after all those scandals +Michael: I'm quite happy with Barclays, they don't charge me anything, the service is great and I like the staff +Anne: I wanted to get a credit card, but my request was declined +Michael: What? Really? Barclays offered me a credit card after three months, I think. I didn't take it as I don't need it and I don't want it, but it was never a problem to get one +Anne: See, that's what everyone's telling me, I don't get HSBC's policy +Michael: Don't dwell on it, just close the account and come to Barclays or Nest, I've heard they're ok too",Michael has an account with Barclays. Anne has it in HSBC. At Barclays they don't charge. Anne's credit card request was declined. Michael got his after 3 months. +13819429,"Grace: Girls, I'm in the ballroom, come here +Julia: We're at the table +Marie: food first ☝ +Grace: LOL",Grace summons Julia and Marie to the ballroom but their priority is eating. +13862353,"Angie: hey stupid question +Angie: which name is prettier: Henry or Harry? +Susie: lol why u asking? +Angie: just thinking about the future with Freddie +Angie: can't decide how to name our future baby boy +Angie: lol +Susie: i'd choose Henry +Angie: i thought so too 😁 +Susie: haha",Angie is thinking about her future with Freddie. Angie and Susie both think that Henry would be a prettier name for the future baby boy. +13810500,"Mila: Have you heard from Anna recently? +Wyatt: No. Why? +Mila: I just worry about her. She hasn't contacted anyone since 12th October. +Wyatt: Oh, this doesn't sound good. At all. +Wyatt: Has anyone called the police? +Mila: Not yet. +Mila: I talked to her father and he said that Anna had warned him that she would disappear for a few weeks. +Mila: It turned out that she has some serious health issues and she needed some time alone to figure out, what to do. +Wyatt: Well, then we should respect her wish and leave her alone. +Mila: I'm just afraid she's going to hurt herself. She was so depressed, when I saw her for the last time. +Wyatt: If her family is not concerned, then we shouldn't be either. +Wyatt: Anna must have some hard time, let's give her some space. +Mila: What if she needs support or someone to talk with? +Wyatt: Then she'll call.",Anna hasn't contacted anyone since 12 October. Mila and Wyatt are worried because Anna had some health issues and was depressed when Mila saw her last time. Mila talked to Anna's father and he said Anna warned him she's going to disappear for a few weeks. +13829534-1,"Conrad: hello there +Conrad: did you ask yout mom about the letter? +Donna: wait imma ask her now +Donna: yes, we got it +Donna: was delivered yesterday +Conrad: kk, open it, its an invitation +Donna: it's very old fashioned of you to send wedding invitations by post +Donna: but also romantic +Conrad: you coming? +Donna: yes of course! +Donna: im so happy for you! +Conrad: thanks, see you there",The wedding invitation from Conrad was delivered yesterday. Donna will be there. +13862337,"Louis: Fab! +Fabian: What? +Louis: Is Jane with you? +Fabian: Yep +Louis: Can you ask her if the's been to the post office? +Fabian: Ok, gimme a sec +Louis: Ok +Fabian: Yes, she went there before midday and sent your letter +Louis: Ok, thanks - tell her she's great +Fabian: What was in that envelope again? +Louis: Some stuff I translated from Polish years ago for a web site that they're going to publish in book form now +Fabian: Ok +Louis: They had me check that old translation and I had to change or correct a lot of things +Fabian: How old was that translation? +Louis: I made it in 2012... When I re-read it after many years I was horrified and decided to make a huge number of corrections +Fabian: I understand that perfectly!",Jane went to the post office before midday and sent Louis' letter. In 2012 Louis made a translation from Polish for a website. They are going to publish it in the form of a book now. Louis reread his old translation and made a lot of corrections. +13828077,"Jacob: Hey Ems, how's it going? +Emma: Hi Jacob, good good, can't complain :) +Jacob: You home right now? +Emma: Hm, no, I moved to London a month ago +Jacob: Really? Study? Work? +Emma: Work, my company just opened a branch here +Jacob: and you're the boss? +Emma: I'm the boss.. boss' assistant :D +Jacob: Haha good enough! +Emma: It alright I'd say. What do you do these days? +Jacob: I'm here and there. Traveling a little bit +Emma: and what do you do for living? +Jacob: traveling blog +Emma: shut up!!",Emma moved to London a month ago and works in her company's new branch as the boss's assistant. Jacob writes a travelling blog for a living. +13730915,"Ann: How is ur first day in new job? +Bart: I'm still a little bit confused. +Bart: It's so many things that I don't know…. +Ann: And how about people? +Ann: Any friendly face … :) +Bart: U know, it's my first day. Everyone try to be nice. +Bart: We will see later :P +Ann: You are right ! And what about lunch break? +Ann: Do u know at what time it is? +Bart: At 10:30. +Ann: Ok, I'll be wait at MIke's ok? +Bart: I'm not sure if will have time for lunch today… +Ann: Don't be kidding! You have to eat sth! +Bart: Ok ok, i'll try :) +Ann: And what about Mike? He works in the same department? +Bart: No, he works in IT dep. +Ann: Oh, I see. +Bart: I have to go on training now. See u :* +Ann: Bye :*",Bart is having his first day in the new job and he'll try to go for lunch with Ann. +13811203,"Philip: +Philip: look they published my article! +Jane: wow, great! You'll become a celebrity soon! +Philip: haha, I srsly doubt that! +Philip: but it's so cool to see it printed! +Jane: and in the New Scientist, who would ever think? :D",Philip’s article was published in the New Scientist. +13729091,"Bryson: are you going for a Rammstein concert next july? +Kevin: Rammstein is playing?! +Bryson: yeah, you didn;t know? +Kevin: no, I didn't, fuck... the tickets are probably sold out? +Bryson: I think so +Kevin: crap... +Bryson: I bought mine 2 weeks ago and I spent more than an hour trying to get them, the system was so overloaded +Kevin: i am so mad right now... just checked the ticket site and they are all gone +Bryson: maybe someone will be selling later one, if they can't attend? +Kevin: the price will probably be fucked up though lol +Bryson: yeah but you know it's priceless to be there :D +Kevin: you are right :/",Kevin did not know Rammstein is having a concert next July. Bryson bought his tickets for this concert two weeks ago. Kevin is worried that there are no tickets left. +13864637,"Amanda: The tutorial office is closed +Glesny: Yes we are at a meeting +Kelly: Room 36 +Amanda: I forgot about this meeting +Amanda: I will wait until it's over +Amanda: It's better than coming 1 hour late +Kelly: As you wish +Kelly: Anyways the meeting is almost over +Glesny: No worries, you didn't miss much ","The tutorial office is closed due to a meeting, which Glesny and Kelly are attending. Amanda forgot about it, she will wait until it's over." +13716915,"Richard: Hi guys, I feel horrible today again. I don't think I will come to the party +Susan: Richard, you should go to the doctor with it. +Jessica: I've told him that for a week! +Richard: But what doctor? +Susan: I'd just go just to an internist +Susan: Do you have any pains? +Richard: Not really +Jessica: Go to an internist, tell her/him what's going on and we will all be calmer +Richard: But can you recommend anybody? +Susan: I know a very nice woman in the city centre +Susan: Do you have a private insurance? Does it cover this kind of things? +Richard: It covers everything, but only 80% +Susan: ok, that should not be a lot +Richard: Thanks! +Susan: I'll send you her number as soon as I find it",Richard feels awful again so he won't come to the party. Jessica has told him to go to the doctor's. Richard has a private insurance that covers 80%. Susan will send him her doctor's number. +13811517-1,"Andrea: ok, so tell me what's the plan? +Andrea: what shall I bring with me? +Brian: have you got a tent? +Andrea: yes, but for 2 ppl max. +Brian: ok, so take it. +Brian: Mine is for 3, but it's relatively small so it's better to have one extra. +Andrea: what else do I need? +Brian: nothing special, just regular camping stuff: sleeping bag, pad, food, water +Brian: and sth warm coz it can be cold at night.. +Andrea: ok, so I don't need any climbing stuff? +Andrea: Nope, no climbing this time, just relax:D ","Andrea will take a tent for 2 people and some camping stuff: sleeping bag, pad, water. Brian's tent is for 3 people, but it's relatively small. Brian and Andrea won't need any climbing stuff as they won't be climbing this time." +13729194,"Martin: I'm at the demo. U coming? +Gonzo: I'm already here +Martin: where? +Gonzo: right int he middle +Martin: it's gonna be difficult +Martin: there's a shitload of people here +Gonzo: I know +Gonzo: should we meet later then? +Martin: later when? don't know what time this thing ends +Gonzo: then let's try to meet somewhere. Next to the police line maybe? +Martin: my favorite spot +Gonzo: haha +Gonzo: I don't think there's gonna be trouble +Gonzo: not yet at least +Martin: how do you know +Gonzo: they usually don't start the real deal until 8pm or so +Martin: so we have another 45 min? +Gonzo: more or less",Martin will meet Gonzo later next to the police line. They have another 45 min until the real deal at 8 pm. +13731398,"Mary: It's sad. I cannot trust anyone +Anne: Who disappointed you? +Mary: Erick +Anne: What did he do? +Mary: I told him something confidential +Mary: I especially told him to keep it for himself +Mary: Last week I met Jordan and he asked me about it. +Mary: I thought: how is it possible? +Mary: How does he know about it? +Mary: And then he said that it was Erick that told him. +Anne: What an asshole +Mary: Indeed +Mary: Yesterday I met Cindy and she also raised this issue with me +Mary: Again, Erick told her +Mary: I'm sure now everyone knows +Mary: People talk +Anne: I haven't heard anything compromising about you +Mary: It's not compromising +Mary: I just wanted to keep it a secret",Mary is disappointed that Erick shared her secret with other people. +13865202,"Jack: Whose fault was it? +Marianne: what? the accident? +Jack: yes +Phillip: mine, unfortunately",The accident was Phillip's fault. +13728084,"Edward: Can you give me a hand? +Geraldine: Sure. What do you need? +Edward: I'm looking for a good present for Angie. For her b-day. +Geraldine: I got her a basket of lotions, perfumes, soaps and all that stuff. +Edward: That's a great idea. Shame it's taken ;) do you know what she likes? +Geraldine: Not really, no. I've heard her talking about manga. +Edward: What's that? +Geraldine: Japanese comic books. +Edward: Oh. Did she mention anything specific? +Geraldine: I don't think so. +Edward: Well, thanks anyway. I'll dig into it. +Geraldine: Sure. Whenever. ","Edward wants to buy a birthday present for Angie. Geraldine heard Angie talking about manga, so Edward will dig into the topic." +13862908,"Carter: I dont wanna nag you honey😕 +Carter: But today I slipped on the floor😕 +Grace: Are you okay?😭😭 +Carter: Could you mop it if you dropped something?😼 +Grace: Oops sorry i will keep it in mind(-_-;)",Grace spilled something on the floor and Carter slipped on it. +13680790-1,"Sean: Hi! How is it going? +Louis: hi, everything's fine, you? +Sean: Fine as well. How is Petersburg? +Louis: Strange. Very strange. +Sean: why? +Louis: I mean it's beautiful but people are somehow strange. +Sean: any examples? +Louis: Yesterday I was in an Internet café at there was a guy openly masturbating. +Sean: LOL. Hahaha +Louis: Yes, and nobody said anything. +Sean: How awkward! +Louis: Very, they are also quite cold in general, rarely smile. +Sean: That's so common in Eastern Europe. +Louis: Seems so. +Sean: Anyway, let me know when you're back, I'll be glad to listen to your stories of Russia. +Louis: I will! +Sean: Take care!",Luis thinks that people in Sankt Petersburg are strange. There was a person masturbating in an Internet café. Sean thinks that people in Eastern Europe are generally cold. Sean wants Louis to let him know when he is back to tell him stories about Russia. +13864636,"Mia: We should leave before 3 +Katy: let's wait till 4, if nobody comes then we won't have to be here tomorrow +Jeff: smart!","Mia and Katy will wait until 4. If nobody comes, they won't have to be here tomorrow." +13865410,"Guto: Guys, be careful when talking to Richard +Guto: he's not with Peter anymore +Stephen: oh no, what happened? +Ross: I know, he mentioned it +Ross: but I've no idea why +Han: very unexpected +Ross: he said something like: ""Peter didn't like who I am"" +Han: sad, sounds serious +Stephen: yes, like this realisation you're not accepted by your partner +Guto: so maybe it's good they broke up +Ross: Which does not change the fact that it may be very difficult for them +Guto: how long did they stay together? +Ross: 3 years at least +Guto: right, a piece of life is gone...","Richard and Peter broke up. They were more than 3 years together. Peter didn't accept Richard fully. Stephen, Guto, Ross and Han will be careful when talking to Richard." +13716362,"Tarja: ok guys, when are we meeting? I'm sick of sitting at home +Tom: heeeeeeey it depends cause i'm working +Chelsea: hi!!!! I'm free this week, Saturday maybe? +Jenny: I'm in, but I'm free eiher on Friday or on Saturday +Tarja: when are you working Tom? +Tom: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday +Chelsea: how about Saturday then? just like old times, at my place +Tom: I'm totally in gurl +Jenny: Couldn't be more in :D +Tarja: how about you Chelsea? +Chelsea: I'm in ^^ +Tarja: cool, we're in touch then","Tarja, Tom, Chelsea and Jenny are meeting on Saturday." +13716124,"Tom: Where is the ""Sala del Capitolo"" +Kevin: it's in the main building +Martin: The one with the huge round table +Tom: ok! I know. +Tom: Thx","""Sala del Capitolo"" Tom is looking for is in the main building." +13680997,"Chris: What are your plans now for Halloween? +Chris: Just gonna stay in? +Nick: Yeah +Nick: nothing special +Chris: Fair enough I never used to do anything for Halloween. +Nick: in Poland we actually don't celebrate Halloween and don't do all this dressing up, pumpking curving and so on. +Nick: on November 1st we just go to the cementary with our families and after that spend time together. +Chris: I like it. +Chris: At least you’ll have somethinf worthwile to remember. +Nick: +Nick: Cementary in the night. +Chris: That’s quite surreal. +Chris: Hopefully your future halloweens will be more upbeat lool +Nick: And how was the club yesterday? +Chris: Good night loool +Chris: My friends came back down from the home. +Chris: I went as Arthur. +Nick: What do you mean? +Chris: I changed my name for that night. +Nick: Why is it so? +Chris: I don't know exactly. Sometimes I like changes.",Nick doesn't have any Halloween plans. He explains to Chris that we go to cementary and spend time with our families for November 1st. Chris changed his name for Arthur for the party yesterday. +13727688,"Gina: I can't be bothered to do anything today. +Gina: The weather is dreek. +June: Yeah I looked out the window and thought today can piss right off. +Gina: I thought I'd call in sick and take the day off work. +Gina: Having a Netflix binge on the sofa. +June: Lucky you. I just about managed to drag myself into work. +Gina: Brave. +June: Not sure if it is more brave or stupid. +June: Possibly a bit of both. LOL +Gina: I wish it was spring. Really can't seem to get myself motivated for anything when the outside world looks like this. +June: You're lucky cause you can afford to take the time off. I wish I could. +Gina: Still doesn't make it any better though. +Gina: The winter depression that is. +June: Have you ever tried taking anything for it? +Gina: You mean the usual compendium of prozac or derivatives thereof? +June: Yes. +Gina: Tried. They don't work. +Gina: If anything I'd say they make it worse. +June: Poor you! +Gina: Yeah poor me. I guess I'll just have to wait until March to emerge out of my winter cave. +June: LOL","The weather is awful, which makes Gina and June unhappy. Gina wants to call in sick and stay at home with Netflix, whereas June is already at work. Gina tried taking pills to get rid of the winter depression, but it didn't work so she waits till March comes." +13727878,"Paul: I'm dying here! +Paul: Take me home! +Julia: Boring lecture? +Paul: You don't even now how boring... +Julia: I can imagine. +Julia: 2 more hours and you're done for today. Hang on!",Paul is participating in a very boring lecture. +13862232,"Marty: Hi Becky 🙂 +Marty: It's my birthday tomorrow and I wanted to invite you to my party that will take place in Jameson Bilard Club. +Becky: Hi Martieee 🙂 +Becky: Wooo +Becky: Happy to hear that +Becky: Getting old aren't ya +Marty: Getting old in style 😎 +Becky: What time? +Marty: 7pm, till the morning I hope +Becky: I will be there for sure +Becky: Wouldn't miss it for the world! +Marty: Can't wait to beat you in billiard 😈 +Becky: I'll take it easy on you this time 😇 +Marty: ",Marty invited Becky to his birthday party tomorrow at 7 pm in the Jameson Bilard Club. +13680944,"Brad: hey +Brad: I need your advice +Dom: how can I help you? +Brad: I think my engine doesn't work well +Dom: what do you mean? +Brad: it slows down in random moments +Dom: I will check it in the evening ",Brad needs Dom's help with an engine which slows down in random moments. Dom will check it in the evening. +13809987,"Grace: You like mu curly hairstyle or straight? +Andrew: Straight +Grace: Ok I will come with the curly style tomorrow",Grace will come with curly hair tomorrow. +13730620,"Kelvin: Yow bro. +Kelvin: The crack for FIFA19 Pc is out +John: Oooh yeeaah!! +John: Let me download it. +John: I waited for it for too long. +Kelvin: Me too man. +Kelvin: At least know i don't have to buy a PS4💪 +John: Yeah. Just try and crack the game. +John: If it works, Call me immediately so I can do the same. +Kelvin: Fine. +Kelvin: https://nosteam***** is the link +John: Thanks bro. +Kelvin: Don't thank me. Start the process😜😂",Kelvin will call John to let him know if the crack for FIFA19 works. +13811659,"ALLISON: HI SIS, HOW ARE YOU? +JUAN : WELL, I'M FINE…WHAT ABOUT YOU? +ALLISON : I AM FINE TOO…I HEARD YOU ARE TRAVELLING? +JUAN: OH YEAH! I AM GOING TO TRAVEL TO BRAZIL. +ALLISON: IS IT YOUR FIRST VISIT IN THAT COUNTRY? +JUAN: NO, THE LAST YEAR I WORKED IN A CAR'S FACTORY AS MECHANIC IN THIS COUNTRY. +ALLISON: THAT WAS INCREDIBLE. HOW IS YOUR FAMILY +JUAN : THEY ARE I THE PINK OF THEIR HEALTH +ALLISON: GIVE MY KIND REGARDS TO THEM +JUAN : YEAH THEY KEEP ASKING ME ABOUT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY +ALLISON: WAIT A MOMENT!, DO YOU REMEMBER TO MYSISTER LARISSA? +JUAN: YES…!! +ALLISON: SHE SAID ME THAT YOU DANCED VERY BAD IN HER LAST BIRTHDAY PARTY! +JUAN: OH.! I DON'T BELIEVE YOU, BECAUSE SHE ASKED ME TO DANCED WITH HER, AND SHE SAIDME THAT IDANCED VERY WELL…! +ALLISON: JAJAJA, IT'S VERY FUNNY!!!!! WELL, I WOULD LIKE SEE YOU IN HER NEXT BIRTHDAY PARTY +JUAN : OH NO I HAVE RUSH TO AIRPORT +ALLISON : DO YOU HAVE FLIGHT TODAY? +JUAN : YES AT 3:00 PM SHARP +JUAN: OK! ALLISON TAKE CARE, SEE YOU SOON. +ALLISON : BYE…………!","Juan is going to travel to Brazil. Hew went there last year already, working as a mechanic in a car factory. Now Juan needs to rush to the airport, his flight is at 3.00 pm." +13728224,"Joan: Hey, I'll be back around 6.30. You? +Alex: I'll come back earlier and cook. What do you think? +Joan: Yeah, sounds great to be honest +Joan: I've had a tough day at work +Alex: No worries. I'll see you soon +Joan: Yep. Thanks","Alex will cook today. Joan is grateful for that, because she had a tough and long day at work." +13814978,"Jeremy: Mum ru there? +Jeremy: mum? +Judith: yeah what's up, I've got 5 minutes +Jeremy: Can Russel and Clint come in the evening to watch the game? +Judith: I'm sorry babe but granny and grandpa are coming, did you forget? +Jeremy: yes, I did :( +Judith: but they could come tomorrow then +Jeremy: the game is today :( +Jeremy: never mind, we'll meet up next week then +Judith: ",Jeremy wants to invite Russel and Clint to his home to watch a game. He can't. He doesn't remeber his grandparents are coming. +13865299,"Jack: My head's killing me +Mary: poor you :( +Sarah: take an aspirin +Jack: I'm allergic, I don't know what I should take +Mary: Try ibuprofen, join us when you feel better!",Jack has a headache. He is allergic to aspirin. +13862738,"Fala: Rafal needs braces to straighten out his teeth +Evline: Why? Mostly in his age people don't need braces +Fala: His pangs are sharpy, when you see him you saw them, right? +Fala: I thought it is genetic but it turned out that his other teeth are not in place and he didn't use his fangs +Fala: That's why +Fala: He asked the dentists if there is any other way not to have braces but all of the dentist he met said the same thing +Fala: First braces to support and his teeth in place for 2 and half years +Fala: And after that additionally the other one for 1 and half years +Fala: He said +Evline: That sounds like long time. +Evline: And it must be uncomfortable +Fala: That's what I was thinking about.. +Fala: And it costs a lot +Fala: 2000 dollars and + +Evline: Dentists make money everywhere +Fala: And I became worried about my teeth +Evline: Your teeth? +Fala: Cause I feel a bit pain in my teeth +Evline: Then why didn't you go and check them? +Fala: Cause it is scary +Fala: Mum, you should regularly go to the dentist +Evline: Well I have not that many days left to live +Fala: What are you talking about ? Life starts from 60's",Rafal needs expensive braces for his teeth. Fala is worried about her dental health but is scared to go to the dentist. +13611872,"Alice: Hi Joanna! How's things? +Joanna: I'm ok, spring is coming. +Joanna: how about you? +Joanna: I have some news about you from Mariusz, about work. +Alice: yeah, its shitty... +Alice: I work for tmf now +Joanna: again :( +Joanna: I heard +Alice: I saw the new office last week. +Alice: it's horrible. Very big open space.. +Joanna: yeah, Mariusz told me. +Joanna: but I have another student for you. My best friend. +Joanna: and I also would like to come back to our standard lessons on Tue mornings. +Alice: yeah, that would be cool!",Alice is complaining about her new workplace. Joanna has another student for Alice and she wants to continue learning on Tuesday mornings. +13717100,"Gregory: have you seen the new game of thrones episode yet? +Matthew: yeah, it was so bad +Bart: no spoilers!!! come on!!!! +Matthew: we are not saying anything +Mike: i've seen it, if it comes in this direction the whole season is gonna suck +Bart: dude i just said something +Gregory: chill mate, it's not that we talk about any details +Mike: yeah, we can give you spoilers if you want :D +Matthew: hahaha don't be mean boys","Gregory asks Matthew, Bart and Mike if they have seen the new Game of Thrones episode. Matthew and Mike have seen it and didn't like it. Bart asks them not to give any spoilers." +13819250,"Judy: Have you been to the Polonia Club +Ken: Yes. Great restaurant +Lia: Good Polish food 🙌",According to Ken and Lia Polonia Club serves good Polish food. +13727619,"Mercy: Griffins and Golgoy +Jughead: haha, youve played the game +Mercy: it just finished installing +Jughead: haha, better play, its so cool +Mercy: yeah, i bet +Jughead: let me know when you launch +Mercy: yeah, i will +Jughead: cool",Mercy has just downloaded Griffins and Golgoy game. She'll play it. +13809937,"Bentley: Are you coming home anytime soon? +June: I'm afraid, I am not. +Bentley: So when are you planning to visit us? +June: I will come home for Christmas, but I will stay only 2 days... +Bentley: Only 2 days? But why? +Bentley: You haven't been here since holidays. +June: I'm no longer a student. I've gotta work. +June: It's the end of school life. :( +Bentley: I'm sorry to hear that. +Bentley: Do you have any preferences concerning food? +June: I'm vegan, so I won't eat any meat or anything of animal origin. +June: In addition, I haven't been eating sweets for a month now and I want to stay sugar-free. +Bentley: OMG, you resign from so many delicious foods! +Bentley: So what do you eat? Stones and grass? +June: Yeah, exactly. That's all I eat. +June: I really hate this question. I eat many delicious things and I don't consider it as resignation. +Bentley: Okay, I respect your choice! Eat and do whatever you want. :) +June: Thanks.","June'll come home for Christmas, but only for 2 days as she's no longer a student and needs to work. She's vegan and doesn't eat sweets." +13728347,"Marion: Hi! Just came back from my holidays :) +Robert: Oh, so cool! Where were you? +Marion: Greece! +Robert: I envy you! Always wanted to go there! What did you see? +Marion: Well, we went to Athens for a week to do some sightseeing and then for another week to Crete. +Robert: How was Athens? +Marion: Pretty crowded, but nice. +Robert: Surely you can say more ;) +Marion: We visited some museums, some archaeological sites and of course the Acropolis! +Robert: Did you like what you saw? +Marion: Oh, very much! We're actually thinking about going back there next year :) +Robert: Hmm, I think I'll come with you ;) +Marion: That would be fun :) +Robert: Ik ;) and what about Crete? +Marion: What about it? +Robert: What did you do there? +Marion: That was more of a resting place for us. Lying in the sun, swimming in the see, partying all nite. +Robert: Partying? You? I didn't think you were a party animal ;) +Marion: I'm not. :P I just liked the atmosphere and the ppl. +Robert: Take any photos? ;) +Marion: Sure! Lots and lots! +Robert: Show me then :) +Marion: +Robert: Oh that's so beautiful! Did you change you skin colour?! +Marion: What?! +Robert: UR so evenly brown! ;) +Marion: ROTFL +Robert: And in the third pic, who's that? +Marion: Oh, we met her on one party and instantly became friends! +Robert: I have to go to Greece...",Marion enjoyed her holidays in Greece. Marion wants to go back there next year and Robert will go with her. +13730493,"Kate: 25 minutes and I'm home +Jim: Great. U hungry? +Kate: I could eat a horse :D +Jim: Sandwiches and tea will be ready. +Kate: Love U! +Jim: I know :D +Kate: Haha +Kate: I'm getting into a bus +Kate: On my way now :D +Jim: C Ya",Kate is on her way home and she'll get there in 25 minutes. Jim is making sandwiches and tea. +13681997,"Karl: Hi, Sharon. +Sharon: Hi, Karl. +Karl: Do we have any plans for the weekend? +Sharon: Not that I know about. +Karl: I was thinking, that we'll go somewhere this time. +Sharon: Any particular place? +Karl: I was hoping you might come up with something. +Sharon: Indeed. I hear they have diamonds on sale this weekend in Dubai. What do you say, Karl?",Karl and Sharon are talking about plans for the weekend. +13828782,"Abraham: I'm home!! 🙂 +Daniela: Yay! +Daniela: All ok then? Found any bugs? 😅 +Abraham: I found one huge one 😩 +Daniela: No way!!! +Daniela: 😭😭😭 +Abraham: I just vacuumed the whole place 😂😂 +Daniela: Hahaha +Daniela: Good luck 😜 +Abraham: Thanks again for a great weekend!!",Abraham has just returned from a weekend with Daniela. He found a big bug in his flat and had to vacuum the entire place. +13728940,"Anna: I am so fed up with the carpet +Chay: What happened? +Anna: Nothing much, I am just really fed up with the carpet. +Chay: Any particular carpet? +Anna: No, just my carpet, pretty much anywhere in the house. +Chay: Colour/texture/cleanliness? anything in particular? +Anna: all of the above +Chay: Gosh, you sound fed up indeed. +Chay: What are you going to do about this? Move out? Replace carpets? +Anna: I was thinking I could maybe drink a lot of wine and then I won't be fed up anymore. +Chay: That could work. Definitely cheapest option. +Chay: Do you need help? drinking? +Anna: Always! Bring some wine! +Chay: Was this a really cunning trick to make me come over with wine? +Anna: Yeah I can't be bothered to go to the shop and need an excuse! +Chay: Chapeau! +Chay: ","Anna complained about her carpet, which was an excuse to invite Chay over with wine." +13715835,"Michaela: So what do you guys think about the association idea? +Ron: I might be lacking the context here +Michaela: Basically we were thinking of turning the club into an official association, so it's easier to get funds for events for example +Jessie: I'm torn actually - I get why it would help with funds, cooperation with other institutions and such, but I researched it and it involves quite a bit of paperwork. +Steve: And someone to take care of it permanently, cause it doesn't end at setting up the association - you have to do it every year. +Michaela: These are exactly the kind of things that I wanted to discuss with you. Do we have anyone willing to take care of the paperwork? Doesn't have to be one person. +Steve: Frankly, I don't see anyone doing this - we all have jobs, barely have time for meetings sometimes and it's a ton of responsibility +Ron: The question is - do the profits of being an association surpass the costs - like the amount of time and work we put into it? There are also some financial costs, are there? +Michaela: yeah, like a small fee when you set it up, but nothing more really. +Jessie: so what do we get from it really? +Michaela: maybe the cost of a rubber stamp. +Michaela: for example here are subsidies the city gives out every year, but to apply you need to be a formal association +Ron: and there was this time when that community center refused to work with us, because we weren't an association +Jessie: I think there were two times we were rejected cause of that actually +Michaela: I recall two as well +Steve: but do we truly need those subsidies? We've worked for almost 4 years without them and for me that was the beauty of it - that you can organize events without spending tons of money on it, just with collective effort. +Steve: I'm just afraid we're gonna lose this sense of an informal get-together, it's all just gonna turn into a business and will create tensions between us. I've seen it happen to clubs like ours +Ron: it's not necessarily going to happen to us and we could make some better events with more funding +Michaela: association is not a business, we're not gonna start selling things. It's just about access to the possibilities that's we're denied right now cause we're not a formal association +Jessie: well... I could help out with the paperwork, but not alone. I'd say 2 more people would be enough to make this work +Michaela: as this was my idea, I can help too, just a matter of dividing our work properly +Ron: I can't take up additional responsibilities right now with all that's been going on, so I won't be able to help, buy if y'all agree it's a good idea, I'm going to support it +Michaela: Steve? +Steve: I don't know man, I like things the way they are right now +Michaela: Ok, maybe it's better to talk about this in person. Is Monday after the meeting ok for you all? +Steve: yup, I can stay a bit longer +Jessie: Fine by me +Ron: as well","Michaela proposed turning the club into an official association, which involves additional responsibilities, but also gives new possibilities. Jessie is not sure, but might help with the paperwork. Steve is oppose to the idea. Michaela, Jessie, Steve and Ron will discuss it in person on Monday. " +13813366,"Amy: What is important in life? +Laura: Sex and money +Amy: If you have money you can always have sex +Amy: I think love is more important +Amy: You cannot buy it +Laura: Naah, love makes you suffer +Laura: I don’t want to suffer anymore. I want to be a rich bitch who gets amazing orgasms for breakfast. ","For Laura, sex and money are most important in life. In Anna's opinion, love is more important." +13820041,"Ian: Are you in Catania right now? +John: We're both here, in the same house we were last year +Johnny: lovely as always +John: nice!",John and Johnny are in the same house in Catania as last year. +13818736,"Oleg: Hey +Oleg: So I am doing a presentation +Oleg: And just realized that we have to be in pairs +Oleg: Anyone doesn't have a pair yet? +Annie: Oh I dont +Annie: you know what to present? +Oleg: Yeah +Oleg: I have that environmental case +Oleg: With Ellen Brockovich +Annie: this is a nice one +Paul: I don't have a pair either +Annie: Too late Paul xd +Annie: I will be with you Oleg +Oleg: Okay +Paul: ☹️","Oleg has a presentation on Ellen Brockovich and doesn't have a pair. Annie volunteers. Paul does too, but he's too late." +13810372,"Stephanie: I heard that Angela is pregnant!!! +Helen: Yes +Stephanie: Tell me more ;-) +Helen: My mother has all the important information I’m sure she will be happy to share it ;-) +Stephanie: Is it a new love? Did she want it? Is the father of the baby happy about it? Do they want to be together? +Stephanie: I’m sure your mother doesn’t know the answer to these questions… +Helen: At the beginning it was shocking news but now they are both very happy waiting for the baby. I’ve never seen Angela so happy. +Stephanie: Nice. +Stephanie: And how about the father? Does she have a good relationship with him? Does she feel that he’s the right guy? +Helen: She never complained. +Helen: And how about you? +Helen: How was your Christmas? +Helen: Do you have any plans for the New Year’s Eve?",Angela is pregnant and Stephanie wants more information. +13828221,"Liam: timebreak? +Oliver: in the lobby in 10 minutes. +Liam: hurry up! i'm fed up... +Oliver: finishing my paper!",Liam and Oliver will meet in the hall in 10 minutes to have a break. +13829539,"Bruce: How are you, Deb? +Bruce: Maybe that's not the best thing to ask but... I'm worried about you +Debra: Hi, Bruce +Debra: Yeah, I'm... so-and-so, I've had better days +Bruce: /hug +Debra: /hug +Debra: It's just that... mum is still unemployed and so am I, I'm trying to find something but it's not that easy +Debra: I have no job experience and they usually want that... +Bruce: Ah :( +Bruce: That's so stupid, really, coz where are you supposed to get experience if everyone wants you to have experience already +Debra: Yeah... +Debra: Mum isn't in the best shape either, dad's death really took a toll on her and she's not young any more, so I don't know if she'll be able to find anything +Debra: Sometimes everything feels really hopeless... +Debra: Sorry, I'm not the best person to talk to these days +Bruce: What are you talking about?? It's fine, I know you've been going through a rough patch +Bruce: I wrote coz I really wanted to know how you've been, you don't have to force yourself to act happy +Debra: Thanks, Bruce +Debra: I'm not sure I can express how much I appreciate the fact that you're here for me +Bruce: Don't mention it +Debra: No, it's a big thing to me... Actually, not too many people have talked to me recently, so I was a little lonely +Debra: I think I might cry, I'm sorry +Bruce: Oh no, please don't cry :( I'm here +Debra: I know... it's not entirely bad tears, it's also because I'm happy I have you +Debra: I'm just kind of emotional +Bruce: /hug +Debra: Thank you, really +Bruce: You know you can call me any time, don't you +Debra: Yeah... +Debra: I think I should eat something... thanks for writing to me, I'm feeling a little better now",Debra and her mother are still unemployed. Debra's mother is depressed after her father's death. Debra is grateful to Bruce for his concern. +13865236,"Amanda: Claudette is such a bitch!! +Lillian: What did she do? +Petra: You didn't see the pictures??? +Petra: I thought everyone got them... +Amanda: +Amanda: +Amanda: +Amanda: And this one is the best: +Amanda: +Lillian: OMG +Lillian: Is that Thomas? +Amanda: Himself... +Lillian: This is so wrong +Lillian: How did you get these pictures?? +Lillian: They are VERY intimate +Amanda: Dunno everybody is passing them around +Lillian: I don't like it at all +Amanda: But she's a bitch she deserves it +Lillian: Why? +Lillian: Nobody deserves to be exposed like that +Lillian: And Thomas?? Nobody calls him a bitch +Lillian: After all, Thomas is the one who is in a relationship and was caught having sex with her +Amanda: She seduced him +Lillian: He should think with his brain and not only with his dick","Amanda sent intimate photos of Thomas and Claudette having sex to Lillian and Petra. People are passing the pictures around. Thomas is in a relationship. Claudette seduced him, according to Amanda. " +13716167,"Mia: Do you like Josh? +Diane: All the girls at school like him. +Shirley: And he definitely likes YOU <3 +Mia: Me? +Shirley: Are you blind or you're pretending to be blind? +Mia: I mean he's cute. But I don't think he looks at me like that... +Diane: He even told Roger that Mia is the hottest chick at Bromley High.",Josh is interested in Mia. +13814113,"Paul: Hi +Barry: :) Hi, wow so fast :P my friends asked me to ask in the BRRN to find someone who could help us... We would need a linker team and I guess 2-5 cleaner teams... I'll put in contact with the organisers +Paul: Ok. And i Have already Polish rep for you. Not brrn but trusted",Barry needs a linker team and 2-5 cleaning teams. Paul has a Polish rep for him. +13728855,"Ryan: hey yo +Isaac: what's up man +Ryan: i need a programming related project asap +Isaac: what's the rush +Ryan: it's the teacher. she wants it now +Isaac: what do you mean she wants it now +Ryan: yeah i forgot to submit it before the due date +Isaac: typical you xD +Ryan: yeah i don't really have the time to joke around +Isaac: should've thought that earlier man XD XD +Ryan: okay now cm'on +Isaac: okay okay, what do you want +Ryan: a simple coding project +Isaac: i have a game developed from the last semester +Ryan: is it hard +Isaac: dude you need to learn it anyways for the viva, right +Ryan: yeah okay +Isaac: i've mailed you the file +Ryan: thanks man, i owe you one +Isaac: you owe me alot +Ryan: hey friends don't keep count XD +Isaac: there you go +Ryan: okay ttyl +Isaac: alright cool",Ryan forgot to submit a programming project before the due date. Ryan's teacher demands he deliver the project now. Isaac sends Ryan a game he developed last semester. +13820116,"Tom: who's going to be at the party tonight +Peter: I'm staying home +Chris: me neither +Mary: I haven't really decided yet",Tom wonders who is going to the party tonight. +13680283,"Jill: hey, are you awake? +Ed: yeah, just barely +Jill: can you make sure Liam is awake? he needs to get to school earlier than usual today for band practice. +Ed: oh, really? OK. +Jill: yes, sorry, I forgot to tell you last night +Ed: hes up. do they have a concert coming up? +Jill: yes, the Monday before Thanksgiving. +Ed: odd. he didnt mentioned anything +Jill: well you two usually arent home at the same time. he probably forgot +Ed: true. i hope i can make the concert. i'll probably have to leave town that week for work. +Jill: yeah, that would be a pity if you couldnt. they have a really neat jazz number on the program +Ed: what time are getting out of work tonite? +Jill: hopefully by 7. +Ed: i was thinking of going to that french bistro by Dupont Circle +Jill: Bistro du Coin? that place is great. +Ed: thats the one. I really like their onion soup. +Jill: me too. alright, i'll let you know when I'm finishing up at work. +Ed: ok, I'll go check on Liam +Jill: thanks. have a good day! +Ed: you too!","Ed has just woken up. Liam is awake and needs to get to school earlier for band practice. The band has a concert soon. Ed didn't know that. Ed is leaving town for work that week and might not make it to the concert. Ed and Jill consider eating out, when Jill finishes work. " +13682454,"Lenny: In case you haven't found out yet: tonight at 21:45 a new series of ""Grey Zone"" comes on BBC4. +Papa: Hi Lennie, thank you. But it's so late. Is it one or two installments? +Lenny: One. +Papa: OK, I can cope with it. +Lenny: Have fun!","Tonight at 21:45 the series of ""Grey Zone"" airs on BBC4 in one installment." +13728241,"Brandon: Hey RU coming tonight? +Brandon: I'm gonna prepare your favourite salad :D +Nicole: that's relly tempting but… +Nicole: +Brandon: holy shit, what happened to you? +Nicole: I was walking up to the car when I slipped +Brandon: I'm so sorry :( +Nicole: I'm waiting to see the doctor now +Nicole: So have fun, without me :( +Brandon: poor you, keep me informed :***** +Nicole: I will",Nicole can't come to Brandon tonight. Nicole needs to see a doctor because she slipped when she was walking up to the car. +13681512,"Ida: where's everett this weekend? +Karol: he's at his familys place for Christmas. theyre doing it early this year cuz of other commitments. +Ida: interesting. i was going to text him about something, but i think it can wait. +Karol: oh? +Ida: were organizing a party at work 4 a colleague who is leaving the company, but we can talk about it Monday. +Karol: gotcha +Ida: what are u doing right now? +Karol: watching some football. kindofa boring game. u? +Ida: i need to go pick up some things at the store. Andrzej's brother and his family are coming to dinner tonight. +Karol: oh nice. tell andrzej i said hi. +Ida: will do! +Karol: ttyl +Ida: later!","Everett went home for Christmas, so Ida needs to wait until Monday to have a chat with him. Karol is watching a football game. Ida is going to the store, because she's hosting Andrzej's family tonight." +13819081,"Peter: Yo, we’re coming over to Warsaw for this weekend. Could we crash on your couch for 2 nights? +Alex: Hell yeah! +Jen: Thanks, we really appreciate it :) +Alex: But we ARE going to party +Peter: I was hoping so +Jen: Noo, not like last time, please! +Alex: Sorry not sorry +Peter: It’s gonna be lit! +Alex: Btw, what brings you to the capital? +Peter: We need to go to Ikea on Saturday to grab some stuff for the apartment +Alex: How do you like living in the new place? +Jen: It’s really nice and comfortable <3 and we are finally by ourselves +Peter: But the neighbours suck... +Alex: Haha how come? +Peter: Making noise complaints all the time +Alex: Bullshit! +Peter: I know +Jen: How about you just stop making so much noise? +Peter: Me? Never! +Alex: Haha I missed that. See you guys on Saturday!",Peter and Jen are coming to Warsaw for the weekend to buy some things for the new apartment. They will stay at Alex's place and have a party. Jen and Peter like their new apartment but their neighbours complain about them making too much noise. They'll come on Saturday. +13815423,"Theo: guess what +Theo: I met Brian Richardson on the street +Ella: omg, how is he? +Ella: I remember that in high school everyone made fun of him +Theo: he was really fat then +Elle: and he didn't like to be in the spotlight +Theo: well he changed, I assure you! +Theo: +Elle: Is that him?! He's so handsome! :D +Theo: and he's a nice guy too, we had a lovely chat +Elle: ",Theo met Brian Richardson. Brian grew up to be handsome. He is also a pleasant man now. +13864543,"Jack: What a weather! +Olivia: Horrible! +Thomas: Cold and rainy ",It is cold and rainy. +13810025,"Lily: Professor Davis, could you please borrow me the book you talked about on your last lecture? There is only one copy of it in the library and someone has already borrowed it. +Charlie: Hello, Lily! I am afraid I cannot help you - I do not own a copy of this book, I borrowed it form professor Roberts myself. +Lily: Thank you, I will ask professor Roberts than. +Charlie: Lily, have you submitted your paper? I cannot find it. +Lily: Yes, I have or at least I think I have. I will check it. +Lily: Professor Davis, I am so sorry, I was certain that I have done this. Could I submit my paper now? +Charlie: Yes, of course. :) +Lily: Thank you! +Lily: +Charlie: You are welcome! Could you please remind your classmates to do the same? So far I have received only ten papers.. +Lily: Yes, of course, I will do this. +Charlie: Thank you, Lily! By the way I have already read your paper. It is very well written and you made some really good points - it is an A+ work! :) +Lily: Thank you, Professor Davis! And once again thank you letting me submit it after the deadline. +Charlie: It is not a big deal. :) Nevertheless I would be really glad, if the rest of the students sent their papers to me soon.","Lily asks her professor to borrow her a book he recommended, but he doesn't have a copy. He reminds her to submit her paper she thought she submitted. Lily gets A+ and Charlie asks her to remind other students to submit their work." +13862501,"Fran: +Les: Awwww babe, you're so gorgeous <3 +Fran: +Fran: And here? ;) +Les: Incredible <3 <3 <3 You're so sexy and I love you so much <3 +Fran: I love you too ;) <3",Les sent Fran photos of herself. +13728287,"Eva: i think i'm allergic to my roommate's cat +Maria: why? +Eva: i'm itchy all the time :-( +Maria: you should try an antihistamine +Maria: they work for all kinds of allergies +Eva: i'll give it a try",Eva thinks she's allergic to her roommate's cat. Maria recommends Eva trying an antihistamine. +13611580,"Joshua: just seen the heritage +Noah: oh yeah? and what do you think? +Joshua: i'm really disappointed actually ;/ +Joshua: ofc the reviews were all wonderful, but yeah... +Noah: so, rather shitty? +Joshua: yeah i think so, boring as fuck +Noah: heh, the modern horrors... +Joshua: yep... back in the day... +Noah: :D +Joshua: xd","Joshua watched the heritage. He is disappointed with it. Despite the positive reviews, he finds the horror boring." +13681742,"Harry: did you see tracey at the weekend? +Mike: yes she was a mess +Harry: was she how come? +Mike: too much to drink mate +Harry: she needs to knock that on the head +Mike: I tried to tell her but she just got mouthy with me +Harry: She was going out with that julie and her fella as far as I knew +Mike: well yeah that was the problem I think +Mike: that julies fella tried it on with tracey and julie kicked off with her +Harry: oh right +Mike: she was right pissed off when I saw her +Harry: what time was that then +Mike: bout 11ish +Harry: she wasnt in when I called at 1 or she wasnt answering prob asleep +Mike: did u see her today? +Harry: yes she is quiet so was wondering why, now I know +Mike: dont say nothing to her +Harry: no I wont she will tell me if she wants +Mike: she prob will later +Harry: unless she was encouraging it lol +Mike: nah dont think she was she was proper upset about it that julie took his side +Harry: that julie is a proper twat anyways +Mike: yeah I know her from old I told trace to stay away from her +Harry: I'll call ya later and let you know +Mike: ok mate","Tracey seems to be very upset, because she was hurt by Julie. Harry wants to talk to her, but only if Julie starts the conversation. Mike knew that Julie was not a good person. Harry will inform Mike if he managed to talk to Tracey later on." +13716949,"Greg: What was your worst Christmas present you remember from your childhood? +Kelly: i got a beautiful toy kitchen that broke the very next day! :( +Greg: i feel you! Got a robot that broke a week later. +Bill: stamps! wasn't even interested in collecting them but my granddad was :) +Kelly: sounds awful! +Freddie: i asked for a teddy bear from a tv advert but got one which was totally different.. +Kelly: you mean Alfie the Bear?! +Freddie: did you get it? +Kelly: NO! They kept convincing me the one that i got is even better! :( i was so disappointed! +Sarah: asked for a guitar and got one but it was a toy guitar you couldn't even play properly +Greg: i feel so sorry for all of us! haha!","The worst childhood gift that Kelly ever got was a kitchen toy that broke very quickly, Greg's robot borke in a week, for Bill the worst gift were stamps. Freddie got a different teddy better than requested. Sarah got a toy guitar instead of a real one." +13828212,"Chris: do u think Tim will come with us to the concert? +Ben: don't know? Why don't u ask him? +Chris: he doesn't want to speak to me!! +Ben: why? +Chris: that's an old story.. from last year +Ben: you'd better solve that soon. Go and talk to him! +Chris: are u sure? +Ben: of course! and if he doesn't, just send him a mail with your apologies +Chris: I have to think about it. So who's coming tonight? +Ben: I and Simon. May be Tim +Chris: ok see u","Tim doesn't speak to Chris. Ben, Simon, Chris, and probably Tom, are going to the concert tonight." +13812959,"Angelo: the worst is when I put my glasses somewhere and then I start looking for them +Angelo: ""if only i had my glasses, I could find my glasses"" +Catherine: I only have a minor corrective prescription +Catherine: They didnt tell me it tho... but its minor +Catherine: Im bad at distance vision, so near sighted? +Angelo: yeah +Angelo: I wanted to wear lenses, but I also have astigmatism +Angelo: in one eye it's so minor I don't need a special lens +Catherine: Baw :c +Angelo: but in the other I can't go around it and I just couldn't stop feeling the lens on my eye, so it's a no for me +Catherine: >_< +Angelo: but this made me discover that I also had a problem with... what's it called +Catherine: The shape of your eye? +Angelo: accommodation +Catherine: Ah +Angelo: I didn't notice it that much until I tried contact lenses +Catherine: Ah, yeah. I cant even do contacts, I hate things in my eyes",Catherine is short-sighted. Angelo has astigmatism and accommodative dysfunction. Both of them can't wear lenses. +13817874,"Aiden: Are you free now? +Silvia: 5 mins please +Aiden: k",Silvia will be free in 5 minutes. +13727747,"Winston: Can you provide me with any details? +Bruno: I’m not sure what you mean. +Winston: The KPR project. +Bruno: Oh of course, I’ll send them to you via e-mail ASAP. +Winston: Thank you, I hope I can help you with that. +Bruno: From what the manager told me, you have quite a lot of experience with such matters so I really think you’ll make a good job  +Winston: Thank you, I hope so.",Bruno will send the details concerning the KPR project to Winston via e-mail. Winston will help Bruno. +13862223,"Brie: Ralph, I'd like to pick up keys of Katie's flat today +Ralph: Hi, I have a couple of her things and need to take my stuff as well +Brie: I'll get your stuff. I hope to manage before 15:30 +Ralph: I am not planning to leave home +Ralph: So whenever you pass by",Brie will be at Ralph's at 3:30 pm to pick up the keys to Katie's apartment. +13829602,"Davey: Hi Deborah, I can't find the basement key! Any idea? +Deborah: None. Pockets? +Davey: Yours? +Deborah: :‑P",Davey is searching for the basement key. +13682021,"Josef: join me today +Bryan: where? +Josef: i will be selling my products in the old town +Bryan: oh, wow +Josef: yeah, there is a market of local products and i go there with my cheese +Bryan: so i will help ypu +Josef: you dont need to i just want you to be there with me :)",Josef will be selling his cheese at a market in the old town and wants Bryan to join him. +13821363,"Turkay: Greetings from sunny Baku +Turkay: +Jenny: how beautiful! thanks a lot, greetings from Rome +Tom: Are you in Azerbaijan right now? +Turkay: Yes, I'm staying here till September +Amanda: it seems a big city in the pic +Turkay: oh yes, it is quite big +Amanda: how many people live there? +Turkay: more than 2 millions +Amanda: wow, that's more than most capital cities in Europe +Turkay: it is. You should visit me here +Amanda: That's a nice idea. I'll check the flights today and let you know +Turkay: amazing! ",Turkay is staying in Azerbaijan until September. Amanda considers visiting him. +13681705,"Max: hey, you're still up or tonight? +Jake: shit, just wanted to text you +Jake: have to work late +Jake: also got an email from my supervisor I should change smth in a chapter +Jake: so sorry :( so wanted to go out tonight +Max: don't sweat it. next time, man :) +Austin: next week maybe? +Max: sure, down for the same thing every week xD +Austin: no shit :D","Jake and Max were supposed to meet tonight. Jake is working overtime, so he doesn't have time. They're going to meet next week. " +13828763,"Tabitha: how's it going? already on your way or not yet? +Sylvia: i've just returned from the gym +Sylvia: i'm grabbing my suitcase and i'm coming +Tabitha: ok!",Sylvia has returned from the gym and she's coming to Tabitha. +13821551,"Fanny: +Kate: oh, congrats +Gwendoline: I got Slytherin :O +Kate: :O +Fanny: what did you get Kate? +Kate: gimmie a sec +Kate: Gryffindor as well +Fanny: we're in the same house <3 +Gwendoline: So I'm your mortal enemy now or what? :( +Fanny: nah, I'm sure there were precedents of gryffindor-slytherin friendship +Kate: How did you get that result anyway? +Gwendoline: i marked some answers about persuasion and being smart and sneaky and stuff like that +Fanny: classic slytherin :D +Gwendoline: I'll just do the quiz again :P +Kate: Do as you please, but you can't escape your slytherinness :P +Gwendoline: yeah, yeah","Gwendoline, Kate and Fanny completed the Sorting Hat quiz. Gwendoline belongs to Slytherin, Kate and Fanny to Gryffindor. Even though girls should be mortal enemies, they are going to remain friends." +13819876,"William: guys, my parents will be staying at our place this Sunday +Ron: +William: the common area must be crystal clear or my mom will go batshit insane +Emily: don't worry, we'll unfuck it +Ron: chill dude we'll clean up +William: thx",William's parents will be visiting him this Saturday. Emily and Ron will clean up the common area. +13682109,"Amy: Hi, Mark. +Mark: Hi, Amy. +Amy: Do you think it's time to change tyres? +Mark: Up to you. You may wait a little. +Amy: I'm going away next week. Will you find some slot this week. Any time. +Mark: Thursday. 4.30pm +Amy: Sign me in, please. +Mark: Done. +Amy: Thank you. +Mark: Only the company car? +Amy: Yes. Jim will take care of his car himself. He'll contact you. I don't know his schedule. +Mark: Ok. Tell him that it's getting busy. +Amy: I know. That's why I want to have it done now. Before everyone wakes up to do that. +Mark: Good idea. Like that :-) +Amy: :-) +Amy: See you Thursday. +Mark: See you.","Mark signed Amy for changing tires in the company's car on Thursday, 4.30 pm. Jim will contact Mark later." +13829797,"Adam: It's so boring here…. +Mandy: Still at class? +Adam: Yes. +Adam: -_-",Adam feels class is boring. +13864861,"Chuck: Guys, are you up? +Nelly: I've just woken up +Nelly: still tired after the tracking +Simon: me too +Chuck: finally! +Nelly: you were up at 6? +Chuck: I couldn't sleep +Chuck: when are we meeting and where should we hike today? +Graham: gosh, I'm still in bad, not sure if I'm able to do anything today +Nelly: Chuck! what are you taking?! +Nelly: where does this energy come from? +Chuck: hahah, I just didn't drink last night +Nelly: I had 2 beers only +Chuck: I think one beer is 30 min longer sleep +Simon: bullshit","Chuck, Nelly and Simon had a party last night. Chuck didn't drink any alcohol and now he's full of energy and wants to meet the others for hiking, They are not very willing, though." +13731221,"Michael: I saw this video clip and I thought of you! +Betty: Haha, really? +Michael: Yeah! So what's new? +Betty: Nothing much! When are me finally gonna meet?? +Michael: You're the busy one! I don't know... Friday? Saturday? +Betty: None is good for me, lol :D +Michael: So what else is new -.- +Betty: c'mon, we'll figure sth out. Give me a sec. +Michael: Maybe Monday after work? +Betty: That's actually perfect, but I've got another meeting at 8 pm so we'll only have around 3 hours. +Michael: Oh, so I won't be the event of the day, bummer... +Betty: You're THE event of EVERY day, so five it a break :D +Michael: You're right. I'm fabulous. +Betty: haha you are. OK, I'm writing it down. +Michael: OK, call you on Sunday to discuss the details. +Betty: kk ;* ciao",Michael and Betty are planning to meet. They have not seen each other for a long time. Betty is often the busy one. They agreed to finally meet on Monday afternoon. They will discuss the details on Sunday. +13680210,"Ahmed: Bianca +Bianca: hey Ahmed +Ahmed: hey, remember to switch off the laptop after you finish up with it +Bianca: yeah, cant forget +Ahmed: ok then, see you then at the statistics class +Bianca: book some space for me if you get there first +Ahmed: okay then, the same applies to you also +Bianca: ok then",Ahmed reminds Bianca to turn off the laptop when she finishes using it. They will see each other at the satistics class. +13612126,"Julie: What time was my appointment with you again sorry I deleted your text by mistake +Sarah: hiya Julie, it was booked for 3.30 this afternoon, is that still ok? +Julie: yes thats fine I will see you then +Sarah: lovely see you later",Julie accidentally deleted the text with timing of her appointment with Sarah. Sarah confirms it's booked for 3.30. That's fine for Julie. +13729340,"Tom: U OK? +Alex: Yeah, pretty good. U? +Tom: +Alex: hahaha so a hangover, huh? +Tom: Don’t tell me you’re surprised! Vodka was my middle name yesterday. +Alex: What can I say? Friday, baby! +Tom: So much fun, though +Alex: Yeah, you definitely had fun +Tom: :P +Alex: Especially when you called Erica a fat ass +Tom: I did WHAT? +Alex: in her face +Tom: noooo +Alex: seriously, man +Tom: I can't believe it +Alex: HAHA I'm messing with you +Tom: you prick... +Alex: I knew you wouldnt remember much +Tom: Yeah, that I would've remembered +Alex: haha",Tom and Alex had fun last night. They drank a lot and Tom has a hangover now. +13813433-1,"Hannah: how fucking dare you +Emma: uhhhhh what I do? +Hannah: what do u mean what did I do?? bitch you told max +Emma: told max what?? +Hannah: don't play stupid +Emma: im not!!!! what the fuck are you talking about?? +Hannah: you told max I hooked up with Will +Emma: what no I didn't tell him +Hannah: YOU DID Max text me and said "" what did you do with Will? Emma said you guys hooked up at the party?"" +Emma: well he is lying because I didn't tell him +Hannah: HOW could he know?? no body knew but you and Will +Emma: I have no idea +Hannah: whatever you wanna lie I don't care fuck you ",Hannah cheated on Max with Will. Hannah blames Emma she told Max about it. Emma did not tell him that although Max claims he knows it from Emma. +13820120,"Rush: how did u get back home? +Royce: taxi. 10 quid +Bert: you should've called me. i was up till l8 +Royce: shite had no idea",Bert was up late and could've picked up Royce. +13828634,"Johnny: Why didn't you show up yesterday? +Dave: Had to stay longer at work. +Dave: Did I miss something? +Johnny: Not really, the usual stuff. +Johnny: Played some games, drank some beer... +Dave: Much more interesting than fixing yet another broken formula in Excel. +Johnny: Sure was. +Dave: What about next weekend? Any change of plans? +Johnny: No, everyone confirmed they'll be there. +Dave: Great!","Johnny and they played games and drank beer. Dave had to stay longer at work yesterday and he did not show up. Dave is enthusiastic about next week, because everyone confirmed that they will be there." +13681030,"Charles: Hi! Would you like to go to the opera next month. +Carol: Anything in particular? +Charles: Carmen +Carol: I've always wanted to see it! Let's go +Charles: Are you ready to pay a bit more for better seats? +Carol: in this case I am. +Charles: Ok, I'll book them and let you know. +Carol: ok",Charles will book tickets for Carmen for himself and Carol. +13829894,"Sarah: Did you know that Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom got engaged? +Lucy: Yes, CNN writes about it +Sarah: They got engaged on the Valentine's day +Lucy: It's gonna be the second marriage for both. They started dating in 2016 :) +Lucy: Great!",Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom got engaged on Valentine's Day. They started dating in 2016. It's gonna be the second marriage for both. +13862950,"Gergana: +Gergana: You should have a look at this podcast. The guy is really nice and very well spoken :) +Alexia: Thanks honey I will +Alexia: I will listen to it this weekend 🙂 +Gergana: They talk about his life growing up +Gergana: What he did to help himself feel better +Gergana: He changed his whole diet +Alexia: Oh wow +Alexia: How long is it? +Gergana: About 1 hour :) +Alexia: Ok ;)",Alexia will listen to the podcast this weekend. +13816222,"George: dude can u pick me up +Will: where r u? +George: home my car broke down and I have to get to work I could really use the help +Will: no problem man! I will leave now and be there in like 10min +George: you're amazing! thank you I owe you a beer! +Will: nah its no problem but ill take the beer! +George: hahah oh coures! +Will: ok leaving now +George: great ",George's car has broken down. In 10 minutes Will will give him a lift to work. +13821566,"Harry: Any plans for the weekend? +Ella: I was going to visit my parents, but they are coming here +Vicky: I am staying home, feeling kinda sick +Harry: Ella, wanna go for a movie then? +Ella: I'll let you know, my parents are kinda first in line:P","Harry would like to go for a movie with Ella, but she's not sure if she can. Ella is meeting her parents." +13730404,"Joseph: I think I might be your brother. +Leo: Are you insane? +Joseph: I've just discovered something. But it's better to talk in person. ",Joseph and Leo will talk in person. +13821768,"Erica: Guys, we want to sell our car finally, if you know anybody who could be interested, let me know, please +Tom: How old is it? It's Renault laguna, right? +Erica: yes, it's 1999 +Barry: it's really old +Heather: but good for youngsters I think +Erica: I agree, because it's very safe and reliable, that's why we've used it so long +Erica: there is only one disadvantage - it burns a lot of gas +Tom: sure, it's normal, like all old cars",Erica wants to sell her Renault laguna from 1999. +13828362,"Zoe: Hi! I've seen you're interested in Design STH event? +Gracie: Hi, yes! Wanna come with? +Zoe: You going there alone? +Gracie: No, with my bestie. would be cool to have bigger team and get creative 😀 +Zoe: Sounds awesome 😊 +Gracie: Come to my house and we'll go together. If you're free, we can go grab something to eat afterwards. +Zoe: Sure, why not. I never say no to food. +Gracie: TRUE! +Zoe: I gotta go. See you soon! +Gracie: Cya",Zoe will go with Gracie and her bestie to Design STH event. She will come to Gracie's house and they'll go together. Afterwards they'll have something to eat. +13829400,"Coco: Noah, they cut water off, you knew about it? +Noah: strange :) no info downstairs? +Coco: do u have a nuber to admin. Dunno yet +Noah: there are numbers downstairs. check it out if you can plz +Coco: ok +Noah: if not please call admins +Coco: ok +Noah: thanks a lot +Coco: did u shower in the morning? :P +Noah: yeah, u didnt make it? heh +Coco: yeah i used bathroom, but didnt shower yet :'(((( +Noah: getting interesting :D +Coco: godddd... what a drama.. :P until they finish +Noah: ah yeah now i remember i saw a big puddle around the block, this is it +Coco: no good they inform the very same day +Noah: the pipe exploded or sth +Coco: or its a failure +Noah: at night +Coco: probably yeah",Water is cut off due to some failure. That's why Coco didn't take a shower in the morning. +13727665,"Luke: I'm running 15 min late. +Jane: We're here waiting for you. +Luke: I know. +Luke: I'm really sorry. +Jane: When you get here just come to reception and ask for Jane. +Jane: I'll come down and get you. +Luke: OK +Luke: I'm here now. +Luke: Having problems finding you. +Luke: Which building is it? +Jane: Go right down the drive. We're in the 4th building on the left. +Luke: The one with the large Philips sign out the front? +Jane: Yes. That'll be us. +Jane: Are you outside? +Luke: Yes. I'm in the blue van. +Jane: I think I can see you from the window. +Jane: Will go down to reception to meet you. +Luke: Thanks. +Luke: Much appreciated!",Luke is 15 minutes late. Jane and others are waiting for him in the 4th building. Jane is in the blue van. +13612081,"Liam: how’s the witcher? +John: i’ve lost myself in side quests, but man, the game is addictive +Liam: tell me about it… what lvl? +John: 15 +Liam: not bad, but have you left Valen already? +John: I’m about to do it… I’m going crazy from the music +Liam: yeah, then you really have to move… have you seen Henry Cavill as Geralt? +John: yes, I’ve seen him, man, and it’s awful… he looks like Legolas 😕 +Liam: fake hair +John: and where is his beard? +Liam: he didn’t have one in the books +John: but I hope he didn’t look like prince of mirkwood in the books +Liam: luckily not, and I really hope they’ll do sth about it",John plays The Witcher and he enjoys it. John and Liam don't like Henry Cavill as Geralt. +13863144,"Orion: I miss him :( +Cordelia: Need i remind you that he cheated on you? You deserve alot better than some stupid asshole! +Orion: ...what? oh, right noo - im talking about my rat... he died +Cordelia: SMITHERS IS DEAD???!!!!! NOOOOOOOO :'( +Cordelia: D: +Orion: the funeral was lovely sniff",Orion is grieving after the death of her rat. +13681494,"Frank: Made myself tuna salad for lunch! +Bhati: Yum! How do you make yours? +Frank: Lots of crunch with celery, carrots and onion. A dab of low fat mayo. Lots of black pepper and a tiny bit of hot sauce! +Bhati: Wow, that does sound good. Do you eat it on bread? +Frank: Nope, just crackers if I have them or on lettuce. Trying to cut carbs. +Bhati: Oof, I love bread too much to think about cutting carbs! +Frank: It's not so bad. Helps keep the weight down. +Bhati: You're doing something right, you look great! +Frank: Aw shucks!",Frank made tuna salad for lunch himself. +13811603,"Saqib : the date went lit <3 +Haris : did she enjoy? +Saqib : Yeah man she kissed me too +Haris : OMG I cant image you guys together +Saqib : Yeah it is real +Haris : I am coming to your home now.",Saqib went on a successful date. Haris is going to visit Saqib. +13729494,"Hope: I didn't get that job. +Josie: Oh, no! I'm so sorry, Hope! +Hope: My life sucks... +Josie: Don't think like that! +Josie: It may be tough now, but good things will come. +Josie: You can project your thoughts into the world. +Josie: Just visualize good things. +Hope: OK, I will try... +Hope: It won't hurt me, I guess. +Josie: I keep my figers crossed for you all the time. +Josie: Maybe this job wasn't for you for some reason?",Hope didn't get that job. Josie keeps her fingers crossed for Hope all the time. +13680749,"Victor: Do you want to go to a concert with me? +Aaron: What concert? +Victor: It's a band called Disperse. They are playing a small show this Thursday. +Aaron: What kind of music is it? +Victor: It's kind of like mellow rock. +Aaron: Where are they playing. +Victor: It's a small club near the muzeum. +Aaron: Cool. Would anyone else be going with us? +Victor: Yeah, I think Roman is coming, and Mark has already confirmed. +Aaron: It's been ages since I've seen a good show. +Victor: It's good to get out once in a while to see how others play. These guys are real professionals too. The guitarist is supposed to be something else! +Aaron: So I guess Roman will be happy, eh? +Victor: Yeah, he's drooling over it already! :) +Aaron: Ok, so how are we buying the tickets, everyone buys their own? +Victor: Basically, yeah. Just do a search, and you'll find 'em. +Aaron: Cool. +Victor: Show starts at 7:30, but let's meet out front at 7. Roman is making some kind of sign. +Aaron: A sign? +Victor: Yeah, just give him a call and he'll tell you all about it. +Aaron: :) Should be fun.",Victor is going on a concert with his friends and asks Aaron to come. Everyone buys their own tickets.The concert starts at 7:30 and they will meet outside at 7. Aaron should call Roman. +13819677,"Carl: Hey guys, how about inviting me to dinner one of those days? 😹 +Evelyn: LOL SURE THING. When would you like to be invited? +Carl: I'll let you choose +Evelyn: ha ha ha that's kind of you... Let me see... Would Thursday work for you? @Marek and for you? 😂 +Marek: Thursday dinner at my place - sounds good. We might just as well invite Barbara, if you guys are ok with it (?) +Evelyn: Yeah, sure +Carl: Go for it. I'll call her asap AND bring some wine +Evelyn: Splendid +Marek: Well then, looking forward to it. What will we be cooking? 😅 +Evelyn: We'll sort something out... just tell Barbara to bring dessert 😂 +Carl: lol I will. Hope she does accept the invitation he he +Evelyn: So do I 🌈🎂🌈","Carl, Evelyn and Marek are going to have a dinner on Thursday at Marek's place. Carl will invite Barbara." +13814873,"Betty: Running late! Missed my bus :( +Harriet: will you make it? I will leave your ticket with the attendant +Betty: ok, should make it, cu",Betty will be late. Harriet will leave her ticket with the attendant. +13728164,"Eva: Jim, meet me in my office. +Jim: Everything alright ma'am.. +Eva: There are new clients that needs to be provided with details of our policy +Jim: Sure ma'am .. I am coming in 10 mins.. +Eva: Kindly bring two of your colleagues with you.. +Jim: Ok ma'am .. I am bring Michael and Alan... +Eva: Just make sure that they are well familiar with our policy.. +Jim: Don't worry ma'am",Jim will bring Michael and Alan to Eva's office. They will discuss details of their policy with new clients. +13828571,"Mack: +Mack: Isn't it lovely +Hakim: Amazing indeed +Hakim: Looks nice and warm +Mack: Yes the weather is changing +Mack: It's perfect as I have a lot of washing to do 😂 +Hakim: Have you spoken to the landlord yet? +Mack: Yes I plan to, but next week +Mack: I have more time next week +Mack: There are many things that I need to sort out +Hakim: Does it feel better to know that you have some extra time to think? +Mack: Yes it does! +Mack: It's better this way, rather than being stressed out +Hakim: I'm sure +Hakim: These things take time +Hakim: When you are here I want us to go to that Italian restaurant +Mack: Which one? +Hakim: The one we went to just you and me +Mack: Ah yes ok :) +Mack: I liked that place a lot +Mack: The food was delicious :)",Mack will speak to the landlord next week. Hakim wants to go to the Italian restaurant with Mack. +13611976,"Linda: Why did you have a vinyl copy of Random Acces Memories shipped to my address? +Dave: Who said I did that? +Linda: Well, it arrived today and it has your name on it, care of me. +Dave: Oh yeah, I forgot. It's been a busy week. +Linda: OK. Going back to my question: why? +Dave: The mailman and I have had some disagreements lately. ",Linda got a vinyl copy of Random Acces Memories shipped to her address. Dave has had a disagreement with the mailman lately. +13729556,"King: hey i heard you had an accident +Jake: yea it was a small one +King: a SMALL ONE? i heard you guys hit in a road blocker xD +Jake: i know xD +King: so? are you alright +Jake: i've been better +King: i saw Ben, he was okay.. apart from that scar on his face +Jake: yea that's bad +King: so what about you +Jake: i injured my knee, it'ss take some time to recover +King: oww","Jake and Ben had an accident, they hit in a road blocker. Jake injured his knee and Ben has a scar on his face. " +13682108,"Nat: i have seen your jewelery +Kate: oh +Nat: i think its gorgeous +Kate: thx :) +Nat: can you make something for me? +Kate: ofc :) +Kate: but i need some time +Nat: of course, no problem",Nat wants Kate to make some jewelery for her. +13812614,"Doug: I just saw what you posted. +Jessica: You mean the photo? +Doug: Yes, the photo. +Doug: I would like you to take it down. +Jessica: Huh? Why? Is there something wrong? +Doug: I may get into trouble because of it, so... +Jessica: Uhm. It's just a selfie in a cafe. +Doug: Yeah, for you, but my girlfriend will may think differently. So please take it down. +Jessica: Damn, ok, I didn't know. Seems a bit too much for me, but ok.",Jessica posted a selfie with Doug. Doug's partner may get jealous. Doug asks Jessica to delete it. She complies. +13730355,"Gavyn: I can’t pick up kids from school today. +Shyla: You’re kidding, right? +Gavyn: No, the Japanese came here earlier, I have a meeting. +Shyla: Oh god, ok, I’ll call my mum. +Gavyn: I’m sorry, it’s not my fault :(",Gavyn can't pick the kids from school today as the Japanese came for a meeting earlier. Shyla will call her mom. +13731327,"Frank: i owe you one btw! +Judy: haha, you owe me two😜 +Frank: okay then, two dates it is. haha +Judy: lol",Frank owes Judy two dates. +13864966,"Lene: Are you going for a pizza tonight? +Jeff: Yes! that was the plan, right? +Joona: It is the plan +Ian: where? +Lene: I like the sweet, little Italian place at the corner +Lene: but in 5 we will make it full +Jeff: but I think they will be happy +Lene: ok!","Lene, Jeff, Joona and Ian will eat pizza at a small Italian place at the corner." +13611722,"Linda: Happy birthday Mom!!! +Patricia: Thank you sweetheart. +Linda: You are the best mom in the world. I love you!",Linda wishes happy birthday to her Mom Patricia and calls her the best mom in the world. +13818776,"Hannah: Sorry guys. +Hannah: I missed the party, because I had to help my parents. +Gerard: Are they ok? +Hannah: Sure thing +John: No worries +John: There will be other opportunities :-)) +Hannah: I'm looking forward to it! +Gerard: There will be a good event around the corner. +John: It's good to know",Hannah missed the party because she had to help her parents. There are new events coming. +13729254-1,"Veronica: heyo, I sent you the files by wetransfer +Erica: cool, thx! +Veronica: let me know if they work ok +Erica: yup +Erica: hey, the video file has some artifacts at the beginning +Veronica: what? +Veronica: +Veronica: i watched it through before sending :-/ +Veronica: oooh, ok I see now +Erica: yeah, could you please reexport it? +Veronica: yup, on it +Veronica: give me 30 min +Veronica: sorry :-/ +Erica: it's ok, good thing we caught it now ;) +Veronica: :-D",Veronica sent Erica a video via WeTransfer. There are some artifacts in the video. Veronica has to reupload it. +13729102,"Mark: What time is the breakfast? +Susanne: 8-11 a.m. +Mark: What time will you be going? +Susanne: As soon as they open.",Susanne will have breakfast at 8 am. +13828545,"James: What shouldl I get her? +Tim: who? +James: gees Mary my girlfirend +Tim: Am I really the person you should be asking? +James: oh come on it's her birthday on Sat +Tim: ask Sandy +Tim: I honestly am not the right person to ask this +James: ugh fine!","Mary's birthday is on Saturday. Her boyfriend, James, is looking for gift ideas. Tim suggests that he ask Sandy." +13729579,"Jess: How many miles did you run today? +Carter: Just a couple. I just run 30 minutes. Don't care how far. +Jess: Don't you try to beat your time and distance? +Carter: Nah. Just run to run. +Jess: Oh. +Carter: Why? How far did you? +Jess: Almost 4! +Carter: 4K? +Jess: Miles! +Carter: Wow!",Carter ran 30 minutes today. Jess ran almost 4 miles. +13862234,"Julia: I'm sick +Julia: for the second time this month +Gary: My poor Julia. What is going on this time? +Julia: angina +Gary: Are you taking any antibiotic? +Julia: Yes... but I'm sick and tired of being ill +Gary: Take a rest and everything's gonna to be ok!","Julia has an angina. She is ill for the second time this month, which upsets her." +13716272,"Trisha: lol i threw my Farsi notes away by accident xd anyone here kind enough to send me theirs?^^ +Rob: last night must've been fun for you Trish :D +Rob: mine are useless. complete mess. tried to catch up but still a lot is missing. +Trisha: ok, thanks anyway :) +Zach: all i have :) +Trisha: +Zach: a huge mess is what's going on with the conjugation of the word ""to want"" so don't sweat it xd +Trisha: my notes were also messy as heck from what I remember haha",Zach sent Trisha notes as she threw away hers mistakenly. +13865465,"Alice: Did you know that Amy had an abortion? +Wendy: Yes +Robert: Yes, she talks about it openly ",Amy had an abortion. +13865426,"Noemi: I liked your perfume today, Alicia +Alicia: Thanks I bought it recently +Alicia: It's Chloe +Marlene: One of my favourite scents 😍",Noemi and Marlene think Alicia was wearing nice perfume today. +13813586,"Joanna: Hi stranger +Joanna: how are you? +Joanna: whatcha doing for Christmas? +Alexandra: Hey +Alexandra: sorry I haven't been writing +Alexandra: I've been swamped with work :( +Alexandra: I have a crazy deadline and very little time to do everything +Alexandra: I'm probably not gonna be able to come visit :( +Joanna: oh no! +Joanna: it's been so long since you've been here +Joanna: :( +Alexandra: I know :( +Alexandra: but I only have 24-26.12 off +Alexandra: and I work 27-30.12 and I'll likely go in on NYE for a few hours as well +Alexandra: it's just too far for too short a time +Joanna: I guess I understand +Joanna: but we miss you here +Alexandra: maybe I'll be able to come at Easter +Alexandra: and I will definitely visit in the summer +Joanna: you know our home is always open to you hon <3 +Alexandra: thanks cuz <3 ","Alexandra is too busy to visit her relatives during Christmas. She has a lot of work, only 3 days off and the town is far away. She may come at Easter and will definitely come in the summer. Joanna misses Alexandra." +13820929,"Cassandra: Hiya, is anyone interested in a playdate today or tomorrow? Sammy has been asking for her friends since the holiday started and we have not plans for the next couple of days yet. Anyone up for meeting up? xxx +Amelia: we're out with family I'm afraid... x +Lindsay: oh bless her! We are busy today but can meet tomorrow pm? Park maybe? +Helen: tom is the same! tomorrow sounds great! picnic and play int he park? +Cassandra: good idea guys, she'll be so chuffed! xxx +Helen: so will Tom! quite cute how they miss their little friends!! +Lindsay: I know, Elsa has been asking too! +Cassandra: 11.30? +Helen: yeah cool! +Lindsay: we will join you after lunch, we are swimming in the morning. +Helen: I didn't know swimming lessons carried on in the holidays? +Lindsay: I didn't either, but they called yesterday to remind me, luckily. I'm a bloody sieve +Helen: I better check ours then... +Cassandra: see you tomorrow!! xxxx +Helen: see you +Lindsay: x","Cassandra, Sammy, Lindsay, Tom and Helen are going to meet tomorrow in the park for a playdate. Most of them agree on 11.30 and Lindsay will join them after lunch. She has swimming lessons in the morning." +13862479,"Gaby: Hi, did you get the money? +David: you mean for december? +Gaby: yes +David: not yet :( did you? +Gaby: no :( whats going on??? +David: no idea, did you ask Dev?",Gaby and David have not received their December salary yet. David suggests asking Dev about the situation. +13862210,"Albert: I can't wait for the new season of American Gods to come out +Jeffrey: Yep, me too, too bad it's not Netflix and it won't be possible to binge watch it properly +Albert: Yep, a weekly schedule kinda sucks +Jeffrey: These streaming apps are turning us into spoiled kids XD +Albert: Yeah XD +Jeffrey: Anyway I hope the new season is as great as the first one even without the original showrunners +Albert: Yep, it's a risky situation +Jeffrey: We just have to wait and see +Albert: Yep",Albert and Jeffrey are waiting for the new season of American Gods. They wish it was released on Netflix. +13829292,"Kate: Ugh.. Betty... +Kate: u there? +Betty: Sure, what up +Kate: I think I wanna drop out. +Betty: LOL, what? +Kate: I hate it here, they know nothing about design... +Betty: Gosh, u're unbelievable! +Kate: What? +Betty: Just give it a chance, would ya +Kate: +Betty: ",Kate and Betty are at a design event. Kate doesn't like it and she wants to leave. +13731000,"Reggie: Need to redecorate my room. +Kris: Need help with that? +Reggie: Sure, if u've got time. +Kris: Saturday? +Reggie: Fine by me :) +Kris: CU then! +Reggie: W8! Can u help me pick out a colour? +Kris: What colour were u thinking about? +Reggie: Green. +Kris: Any of these? +Reggie: The last one! I'll take the last one. +Kris: All right. I'll order it online.",Kris will help Reggie decorate his room on Saturday. He chooses the last photo as the best colour. +13682491,"Mark: +Jake: that's a sweet ride, but not my budget unfortunately :( +Mark: that's what i thought looking at your post +Jake: yeah :( +Mark: it doesn't hurt to ask though +Jake: maybe I will consider getting a loan hahaha, well actually this model was one of my favorites +Mark: cool, well I took a loan for new one because I needed something safer, bigger +Jake: if you will sell it for less than 10k I will be there tomorrow :D hahaha +Mark: haha, wife won't allow me xD +Jake: you will probably get a lot of offers like this anyways :P +Mark: for sure, so far some people called in the last 2 weeks but noone is seriously interested +Jake: it looks really nice so it will definitely sell soon +Mark: hope so +Jake: they are quite popular so don't worry",Jake is in financial difficulties. Mark is selling his car for more than 10k. Mark's car looks really nice and is a popular model so should be easy to sell. +13682014,"Tony: Is the boss in? +Claire: Not yet. +Tony: Could let me know when he comes, please? +Claire: Of course. +Tony: Thank you.",The boss isn't in yet. Claire will let Tony know when he comes. +13811994,"Ron: Hey Paula! +Paula: Hi Ron;-) +Ron: any plans for NYE? +Paula: yep, my sis is coming to visit me :D +Ron: will u go to a club or to a nice house party? +Paula: no, we gonna stay at home, drink some cheap wine and puke at midnight +Ron: yh..lovely.. +Paula: what about you? +Ron: I'm going to Hashaba. +Ron: The entrance is free and it's a relatively cheap place +Ron: if you change yr mind, u r most welcome ;-) +Paula: thx +Paula: I'll to talk my sis +Ron: let me know if u wanna join. +Ron: I'll put u on the list then. +Paula: ok, thx +Paula: need to go now, bye +Ron: bye ;-)",Paula's sister will visit her for New Year's Eve and they will stay at home. Ron is going to Hashaba and invites Paula and her sister. +13828335,"Ralph: ready to go to the movies? +Ralph: i'll pick you up in half and hour +Chris: do you mind if i smuggle my own snacks? +Ralph: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA +Chris: you're so cheap",Ralph and Chris are going to the movie. Ralph will pick up Chris in half an hour. He will bring his own snacks. +13680766,"Rita: didn't take breakfast with me, is there sth in the cafeteria? +Lina: blee, the food there is awfull, I will give u a sandwich +Rita: really? thanks! +Lina: sure, have 2 of them :)",Lina will give Rita one of her 2 sandwiches. +13680928,"Bob: Tomorrow is the panel :/ +Alice: Everything will be fine. You have great ideas! +Bob: No, I haven't done anything yet, it's going to be a disaster. +Alice: You still have the whole afternoon, keep your chin up! +Bob: Thanks, but I really don't know what to tell them. +Alice: Focus on one aspect, and take a position, do not be afraid of a discussion +Bob: what aspect? +Alice: Maybe on class? +Bob: or gender... or race. +Alice: Sure, class is always the most difficult and controversial +Bob: But maybe this is the point - to provoke people? +Alice: Exactly! Do not be afraid, the worst is to be mediocre. +Bob: Do you think I should talk more generally or give some examples? +Alice: I think you should give as short an introduction as possible +Bob: And what then? +Alice: Then get to your examples, things from your research! +Bob: I am not sure. +Alice: Of course, they are the best, the most original and new. That's what you're about! +Bob: Maybe you're right +Alice: And fuck the theory! Nobody cares +Bob: Hahaha, ok, will you read my outline? +Alice: Sure, I'll be honoured +Bob: Thanks!",Bob and Alice discuss the panel which will take place tomorrow. Bob asks Alice's advice on what to talk about. +13682368,"Bunny: hi +Albert: hi honey +Bunny: can you come here now? +Albert: is there anything wrong? +Bunny: no +Bunny: i just miss you so much :) +Albert: oh you scared me to death +Bunny: im sorry.. +Albert: its fine +Albert: i can be there at 8 +Bunny: thank you +Albert: i miss you too :* +Bunny: so be sooner <3",Bunny and Albert are going to meet at 8. +13727582,"Bob: Hello Lucas, I'm writing in regards to your post on the Freelancers FB group. +Bob: I would like to apply for the position of Social Media Manager at your company. +Lucy: Hi Bob, thanks for reaching out! +Lucy: What made you interested in applying with us? +Bob: I have 4 years experience in social media management for several small companies in the area. +Bob: I feel that I would be a good fit for your company. +Lucy: That sounds great. Do you have a CV that I could read over? +Bob: Yes, I do, and an online portfolio as well. +Bob: Should I send it here over messenger? +Lucy: Please send it to my email: lucy@socialmediacompany.com +Bob: Thank you, I will send it over right away. +Lucy: You're welcome, Bob. +Lucy: I will look over your CV and HR will be in touch with you about setting up an interview. +Bob: That's great! Thank you Lucy and I look forward to meeting you.",Bob wants to apply for the position of Social Media Manager at Lukas's company. Bob has worked in social media management for several small companies. Lucy wants Bob to send his CV to lucy@socialmediacompany.com. HR will contact Bob. +13682474,"Karson: Hey +Finley: Hi +Karson: What's up ? +Finley: Nothing much and u? +Karson: Making dinner +Finley: What are you preparing? +Karson: Spaghetti +Finley: Nice. When will u cook for me? :) +Karson: When you come visit me +Finley: Hehe. U a pilot, steal a plane and come here +Karson: Not possible +Finley: Haha +Karson: I'll get shot down before even getting anywhere +Finley: Just joking +Karson: I know +Finley: :) +Karson: Good night +Finley: Already? Ok.. good night. Sweet dreams +Karson: Yes already I have work early tomorrow. Thanks you too +Finley: Okie ;)",Karson is making spaghetti for dinner. Finley wants to meet but this won't happen soon. +13829562,"Rafal: happy birthay !!!1!1!oneone!! +Beata: thank you :D I thought you forgot! +Rafal: how could I forget you had your birthday 4 days ago +Beata: yeah, I still expect some presents xD",Beata's birthday was 4 days ago. +13680781,"Monica: Carl, can I drop in after work for w moment? +Carl: Sure, no problem. Something happened? +Monica: No, I just want to give you back this summer holiday brochure you lend us on Monday. +Carl: Oh, good, have you found something? +Monica: Yeah, this last minute offer in Spain you’ve recommended sounds nice. +Carl: I’m happy to hear that. +Monica: I’ll tell you more when we meet. +Carl: Nice, I’ll be home at 5. +Monica: Ok, I should drop ca. 5.30. See you! +Carl: See you!",Monica will drop in to give back a summer holiday brochure that Carl lend them. She is interested in a last minute offer in Spain. Carl will be home at 5. Monica should drop around 5.30. +13729922,"Greta: Miriam, I have called mobile cell phone, no answer. +Miriam: Oh, hello dear, everything ok with the Watsons? +Greta: Not really, it is mother, Carol, she is always following me when I clean house, I am so parannoyed. +Miriam: Do you mean paranoid, dear? Well, we must sort this out. I will ring her! +Greta: Oh, what will you to her say? +Miriam: I will simply tell her that all my au pairs have excellent references and have been thoroughly checked for criminal records etc. +Greta: I am worried! +Miriam: I will also say that her shadowing you constantly is making you upset and uncomfortable. +Greta: That is true! But I do not want to leave kids, all is well from behavoirs of Carol. +Miriam: Now, don't worry dear, I will contact Carol and sort it all out! +Greta: You are Angel, Miriam!","Greta is working as an au pair at the Watson family. The mother, Carol, is following her all the time which makes her uncomfortable. Miriam will talk to Carol." +13716694,"Agnes: Hey, what's up boyz? :) +Agnes: You called me some time ago +Josh: Hi, we're on our way to the resort +Mark: The views are fantastic +Mark: +Josh: +Agnes: How is the trip? +Mark: Heavy traffic, but it's ok +Josh: And we stopped at McDonald's twice :) :) +Agnes: Naughty! ;) +Mark: We'll be there in an hour +Mark: Will call you then +Agnes: Okay +Agnes: Have a safe trip!",Mark and Josh are on their way to the resort. Agnes wishes them a safe trip. +13818385,"April: Hi Archi, r u working tmr? +April: I'm planning to go for a bike ride. +April: Do u want to join in? +Archibald: Hi April! +Archibald: I'd love to, but I have a funeral to attend to. +April: Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know. +April: R u ok? +Archibald: Yes, I'm fine. It's my aunt's funeral. +April: I'm sorry to hear it. +Archibald: Well, not really my aunt. Just a friend of the family. +April: I understand. +April: Were u close? +Archibald: No. I saw her once every two or three years. +Archibald: But she was close with my father and I'm taking him to the funeral. +April: I see. +Archibald: What time did you plan to go biking? +April: I thought around noon. +Archibald: If you wait until 1 o'clock, I could join you :) +April: Ok, I'd like that! +Archibald: Cool. Usual meeting point? +April: Yes! :) +Archibald: See you then! +April: :)",April wants Archibald to join her for a bike ride tomorrow. He is taking his father to a family friend's funeral and will only by available after 1 pm. April will meet him then at their usual meeting spot. +13728291,"Jody: I hate ironing! +Lynn: Me too! +Jody: Especially shirts! +Lynn: I know, that's a pain in the neck! +Jody: My hubby uses like 5 shirts a week! And all I do is iron them! +Lynn: Can't he do it himself? +Jody: Wouldn't even let him near an iron! +Lynn: Why not? +Jody: Well, mostly because the last time he did ironing, he burnt my favourite shirt and two of his own. +Lynn: How did he manage to do that? +Jody: Have no idea. Suppose he left the iron on the shirts and forgot to unplug it, but will never know. +Lynn: Have you tried an ironing machine? +Jody: Yes, I have an iron at home. Don't need to borrow it from the neighbour. +Lynn: No, like this: +Jody: What's this? +Lynn: An ironing machine. Useful with shirts, T-shirts and similar. +Jody: So, how does it work? +Lynn: Not sure. Probably hot air goes through and pushes the material out so that it also irons it. +Jody: Sounds too good to be true. +Lynn: But it isn't! I have a similar one and it actually works! +Jody: Rly? Can I come over someday and judge for myself? +Lynn: Sure! I'm doing the laundry tonight. If you have time tomorrow, pop in for a quick coffee ;) +Jody: Sure will! Thanks! +Lynn: No problem! Hope it makes your life easier :) +Jody: If it works as advertised, surely will! +Lynn: Believe me! It does! +Jody: Tomorrow around 2:00? +Lynn: Sure. Will be waiting. +Jody: See you then. +Lynn: Bye.","Jody hates ironing, especially her husband's shirts. She irons them because last time he did it, he burnt her favourite shirt and two of his own. Lynn suggests buying an ironing machine. Jody will visit her tomorrow around 2:00 to see how it works." +13681523,"Roy: Please see the link to this week's topic and instructions +Anna: Thank you! If you could please offer your edits and comments on last week's topic, I can get started. +Roy: Sure, do you have the link? +Anna: Sure, sorry: +Roy: Thanks! +Anna: FYI, I'll be out of the office this Thursday and Friday if we could get things done early? +Roy: Sure, no problem. I'll look at this now. +Anna: Thank you so much! +Roy: Of course!","Anna won't be in the office this Thursday and Friday, so Roy is going to offer his edits and comments on the last week's topic now." +13729450,"Mary: What time we should be at home? +Nina: I think about 8.15. +Nina: Just after Mike, why? +Mary: Nancy wants to visit us.",Mary and Nina have to be home at about 8.15. +13612007,"Gregory: Wanna go to the movies? +Paul: Why not, what movie? +Gregory: Climax? +Paul: oh, I've seen it already...","Gregory wants to go with Paul to see the movie ""Climax"", but Paul has already seen the movie." +13730524,"Stacy: What flavor do you want if they don't have vanilla? +George: They always have vanilla, stupid! +Stacy: I can forget your ice cream altogether, asshole! +George: Rocky Road! +Stacy: Okay. Was that hard?",George wants vanilla ice cream. Stacy might not get them for George as he's mean. +13828794,"Harvey: do you really wanna go to that skiing resort? +Harvey: you are aware it is a three hour drive to get there right? +Harvey: that's a loooooooong drive! +Carol: i know i know +Carol: and since i'm not doing any of the driving i'll pay for the gas :-D +Harvey: that's a very generous thing to go +Carol: and snacks!!! :-) +Harvey: thank you very much! +Carol: how do you feel about going tomorrow? +Harvey: tomorrow is saturday and i work every other saturday +Harvey: and i need to work tomorrow :-( +Harvey: let's either do it on sunday or next saturday +Carol: next saturday works out better for me +Carol: do you mind if i invite jon and amanda to tag alon? +Harvey: of course not!!! i like them a lot! +Carol: they've never been skiing before +Carol: it will be a new experience for all of us +Harvey: except for me! i've been skiing since i was a child +Carol: really? i thought you'd never done it +Harvey: i grew up in the snow and used to ski all the time +Harvey: i also used to play hockey and skate +Carol: that sounds like fun +Harvey: we can do all that next week!",Harvey and Carol are going skiing next Saturday because Harvey has to work this week. The resort is three hours away. Harvey will drive and Carol will pay for gas and snacks. Jon and Amanda might join them. Nobody except Harvey has skied before. He knows how to play hockey and skate too. +13716280,"Jan: Guys... the landlord has just published her review of us. It's I-N-S-A-N-E +Emma: Give me a sec +Ricardo: FUCK +Emma: I especially like the bit about Janek being ""sombre"" and ""exceptionally rude"" +Jan: omg was I? +Emma: Hmmmm well, I bet it's one of these cultural differences... As a Spaniard she probably expected you to become her best friend and have a friendly chat about the weather... Instead, you greeted her enumerating all the faults of the apartment (which I would also do, but I understand if it was too much for her). +Jan: Well then, I'll write to her and apologise, perhaps she'll change the review? +Emma: I doubt it, but you can try if you have a moment to spare. Again, I don't really think you've done anything wrong, but upon some consideration, she might have misunderstood our non-Spanish behaviour +Jan: Yeah, I think you're right. Also, I assume this thing about cigarette fags all over the balcony is yet another delusion of hers? +Emma: Fuuuck. I actually might have left some... I was so tired in the morning I didn't even think about that. I'm so sorry guys 😭 +Jan: Well, it looks like we deserve the shitty review and there's not much we can do about it, can we? +Ricardo: Hmmm, yeah, you might be right. In any case it's only one negative review by a silly old woman, I don't really think it'll ruin our lives +Jan: I feel like it'll totally ruin mine 💩 +Emma: Change your name to Juan as I've been suggesting for years +Jan: 😂 +Ricardo: When life gives you lemons, change your name to Juan +Emma: And your life will be much fun lalalalaaaa 🎵 +Jan: AAAAAAAAAAAA 🙉🙉🙉","Jan's, Emma's and Ricardo's landlord published a bad review about them. " +13828383,"Jill: Did you do your homework for tomorrow? +Ashley: Sure. +Jill: Can I copy it? +Ashley: Y? +Jill: Going out with my parents tonight and won't have time to do it. +Ashley: Sure here's the picture. ",Ashley let Jill copy her homework for tomorrow. Jill's going out with her parents tonight and won't have time to do it herself. +13731476,"Sebastian: +Sebastian: I found this gold on youtube. +Sebastian: Reminds me of time when there was no youtube only custom webpages with different weird funny stuff +Mike: Hahaaha. I remember it. Thank you for giving me a chance to go back in time :D +Mike: LOL it's great!",Sebastian sent to Mike a funny video on youtube. +13730161,"Aisha: I woke up at 6 +Vicky: Why so early? +Aisha: Benefits of having a little baby ...",Aisha woke up at 6 because of her baby. +13728488,"Terry: Can I borrow your kayak +Gina: Sure when do you need it? +Terry: this weekend +Gina: ok well come by and pick it up on Friday +Terry: can I pick it up on Thursday? +Gina: Sure come by around 6",Terry is borrowing Gina his kayak for the weekend. She will pick it up around 6 on Thursday. +13865476,"Claire: I’m so stressed :((( +Vince: Me too… I’m still revising +Nate: I hope it will be easy +Paula: What’re you revising? You can’t learn a language in one evening +Vince: Thanks for this, I feel much more confident now +Paula: It’s a language test, you either understand it or you don’t +Claire: I’m worried they will give a weird subject or that I will be too far away and won’t hear the recording +Nate: Me too... I listened to all the recordings in the book, but I don't think I'm ready +Paula: You're all ready, just stop panicking +Vince: I just want it to be over +Claire: Yeah... :( +Paula: You're acting like it's the end of the world ;) +Paula: Vince, go to bed, you need to have a clear head tomorrow +Claire: I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight. Where should we meet tomorrow? +Nate: I'll wait for you at the entrance",Vince is revising for the language test which is scheduled for tomorrow. Nate will wait for Vince and Claire at the entrance before the test. +13828478,"Charles: how much are you paying for your gym? +Jane: I have a membership, open with 24/7 access +Charles: Ok, same as I, how much is it? +Jane: 50 quid per month +Jane: But there's a swimming pool +Charles: I knew it! my gym is a total rip-off +Jane: How much are you paying? +Charles: 80! But I don't have a pool +Jane: bit much, I think","Jane pays 50 GBP for her monthly gym membership with a swimming pool available. Charles pays 80 with no pool, which he finds expensive." +13731068,"Wendy: I broke mum’s vase ;[ +Brenda: Soo we’re fucked, what now? +Wendy: It’s not completely destroyed, but there’s a huge scratch +Brenda: Just put it back and turn it so that they can’t see it +Wendy: omg +Brenda: Just do it, they’ll realize it later! then well pretend we don’t know anything +Wendy: haha ok xd",Wendy broke her mom's vase. She and Brenda will pretend they don't know anything. +13821584,"Corbin: make sure to bring ID with you +Buck: no worries +Donald: okey dokey",Corbin reminds Buck and Donald to bring their IDs. +13730081,"Roxanne: What happened yesterday? +Matt: Nothing, I just left because I felt bad. +Roxanne: Oh, OK, are you better now? +Matt: Yeah, but can't talk right now. +Roxanne: Sure, take care",Matt left yesterday because he felt bad. He's better now. +13829252,"Carrie: How was it? :D +Carrie: Or is it still going? ;> +Olivia: yes +Carrie: whoah, good! +Olivia: no +Olivia: 30 +Carrie: Waiting for more, you got me curious +Olivia: Jesus, I thought it'll never end +Carrie: That bad? +Olivia: It wasn't awful if that's what you're asking, but... I don't know, I didn't feel anything? +Carrie: I understand, it happens +Carrie: But will meet again? +Olivia: He texted me already and wants to meet +Carrie: He must have liked you then! That's good +Olivia: No if I don't like him... And I kind of think I don't. He was nice and all, but... +Carrie: You don't fancy him? +Olivia: :( it's so shallow... I feel really bad about it +Carrie: I think you shouldn't - what guy would say the same? We both know they wouldn't talk to a girl they don't find pretty so don't beat yourself about it +Olivia: Thanks dear +Olivia: What should I do? He asked me out again +Carrie: I’d give him another chance. Sometimes there are no sparkles in the beginning +Carrie: But you said you like talking to him +Olivia: Yeah, he’s nice, I’m not sure if not too nice ;) +Carrie: Hahaha, we sure are from the same family +Olivia: I said I’d go out with him again +Olivia: Ok, he suggested we can go to the cinema again… +Carrie: Very creative indeed :D +Olivia: Maybe I’m weird, but come on, I don’t feel like going any more. +Carrie: Eh… Go out with him once more and if you’re bored again just tell him no.",Olivia went on a date. She doesn't know if she wants to continue this relationship. He invited Olivia to the cinema again. +13862980,"Caitlin: Hey, Could you tell Erica that I'm not going tonight? Thanks Caity x +Laura: its david tonight :L ill tell him though :) <3 +Caitlin: cheers! +Laura: ;)",Laura will inform David that Caitlin is not coming tonight. +13729079,"Robert: Would you like to go to the Opera? +Madeline: wow, why not? +Robert: any preferences? +Madeline: I've no idea what they're playing these days. +Robert: There is some Tchaikovsky +Madeline: no, it's very banal, for children +Madeline: do they have anything more contemporary? +Robert: I think Shostakovich +Madeline: That's way better +Robert: and Szymanowski +Robert: Do you know him +Madeline: I've heard of him, I believe he was Ukrainian +Robert: Apparently Polish, the opera is called ""King Roger"" +Madeline: Let's try it, something new +Robert: Ok, I'll book it!","Robert and Madeline are going to the Opera to see ""King Roger"" by Szymanowski." +13611951,"Rob: Hey Joe, are you coming in to work today? +Joe: Oh shit, slept in. +Rob: hehe +Joe: I'll be there in 20 min. +Rob: Don't sweat it, I'll cover for you. Hopefully, the boss doesn't come into the warehouse before you come. +Joe: Ok, thanks. I can't believe my stupid alarm didn't go off! +Rob: No prob, see ya when you get here","Joe slept in, because alarm didn't ring. He's late for work." +13727580,"Sundy: thanks for your email, we're very happy that you're coming to stay with us this summer. What time are you arriving in Ironwood? +Sally: at 3:40 pm +Sundy: could you send us your flight number. We'll all meet you at the airport. Can you send us your mobile too? +Sally: thanks so much. I'm looking forward to meet you +Sundy: Is there anything special you would like to do or see? +Sally: no thanks, i'll be happy to spend time with your family and live your family life",Sally is arriving in Ironwood at 3:40. This summer she will spend time with Sundy's family. +13716213,"Alfie: fuck this weather +Muhammad: perfect for a drink +Riley: 1000% what muhammad said +Riley: :D +Alfie: hah. you can always find the positives :D +Muhammad: at your service ;)",The weather is bad. +13809948,"Kim: Hey Ben, I see you are online today. +Ben: Hey +Kim: You are offly quite this days did you know that? +Ben: Nothing just having a downtime. +Kim: What’s that got on your post? +Ben: I think an internet place is look for programmers, Am I reading this right?? +Kim: Let me see,.. You are right. +Ben: Umhh.. +Kim: What are doing tonight Ben, pizza with coke ? Like we did it last time? +Ben: Oh no no we have got do that again for sure, do you mind if I get a rain check? +Kim: Sure, So, will I see you tonight. +Ben: I will give you a call. +Kim: I'll be waiting..",Ben posted a job advert for programmers. Ben will call Kim if he wants to meet tonight for pizza and coke. +13829449,"Mary: hello, could I have those capsules?. Whats the address? +Lisa: Hi, I'm at home write now. So come by , Green Square 12 +Mary: OK, ill be around 8pm, whats the flat nr? +Lisa: it is not my flat so Iam not allowed to forward that, but i will wait outside, second entrance. message me when your there +Mary: dont have net on my phone i will just wait outside at 8 +Lisa: this is my nr 123456789 +Mary: ok see you +Lisa: (Y)",Mary will pick up capsules from Lisa at Green Square 12 at 8 pm. Lisa will be waiting outside. +13680738,"Giny: do we have rice? +Riley: nope, it's finished +Giny: fuck! +Giny: ok, I'll buy",Giny and Riley don't have any rice left. Giny will buy some. +13594102-1,"Steve: Good morning! Ready to go? +Anton: Morning, boss. Give me a few more secs. +Steve: Or minutes :) +Anton: A quarter of an hour will do. +Steve: But no longer please! +Anton: Thxs. +Steve: CU",Steve is picking Anton up. Anton is running late. +13716022,"Anne: 10 p.m. in front of the mall? +Caroline: 10:30??? I'm finishing work at 10... +Hannah: 10:30 is fine for me. +Anne: OK!! See you then :D","Anne, Caroline and Hannah are going to meet in front of the mall at 10:30." +13810350,"Rose: omg, you won't believe it +Rose: I don't believe it XD +Connor: what happened? +Rose: Mark and Monica got engaged! +Connor: haha, no way! She has achieved the impossible XD +Rose: ",Rose is telling Connor about Mark and Monica's engagement. +13865249,"Mark: +Mark: greetings from the Alps!! +Brandy: wow!! +Brandy: your first day? +Abigail: amazing! +Mark: well first on the slope +Mark: we arrived yesterday but were too exhausted to ski ;) +Abigail: awesome, seriously! send some more pics!! ;) +Mark: ok, will try;)","Mark is in the Alps, it's his first day skiing today." +13864462,"Terry: How is the holidays going? +Alina: hmm, the island is beautiful but we have to come back earlier +Terry: why? What happened? +Peter: My grandmother died last night +Terry: I am so sorry! +Peter: We expected it, she had been seek for a few weeks +Peter: but it's never easy, of course +Paul: I am very upset to read it. +Paul: Do you need any help? +Peter: not really, we've just spent a lot of money on the flights back +Paul: when are you arriving? I can pick you up from the airport +Paul: that's really nice, thank you! +Paul: we're landing tomorrow at 11.30PM +Paul: ok, I'll be there! +Alina: thanks a lot!",Alina and Peter have to come back from holidays earlier. Peter's grandmother died last night. Alina will pick them up from the airport tomorrow at 11.30 PM. +13611874,"Nora: Are you going to go shopping this afternoon ? +Simon: Yes, of course, someone must do it... +Nora: Stop complaining, last time it was my turn! +Simon: OK, OK, why are you asking ? +Nora: Do you remember to buy goat cheese ? +Simon: Yes, it was for the recipe you found in Cosmopolitan ? +Nora: Yes, baked chicken breast with curried zucchini and goat cheese +Simon: Mmmh, sounds great +Nora: Don't forget also to buy my shampoo, I've finished last one yesterday +Simon: OK, it is the peach-scented one ? +Nora: No, the vanilla-scented, peach smelled awful +Simon: OK. Can you check in the fridge how many yogurts we still have ? +Nora: Wait a second... 5 +Simon: OK, I'll buy 10 more +Nora: I've also seen we almost don't have ham anymore +Simon: Yes, I've noticed also, I wanted to buy some. Did you like the Italian smoked sausage ? +Nora: It was good but expensive +Simon: Yes, but I was thinking about buying 2 or 3 oz +Nora: OK, good idea. See you tonight +Simon: See you!","Simon is going to buy groceries (yogurts, goat cheese and the Italian smoked sausage) and a shampoo for Nora. Nora nad Simon are seeing each other tonight." +13716872,"Keira: just look what I've made! +Keira: +Lucinda: hmm, looks yummy! What is it? +Keira: Its called American hash +Bella: nice nice! +Bella: how did you make it? +Keira: sweet potatoes, onions, kale, tons of garlic. +Keira: fry for about 20 mins, and then add some parmesan and eggs. +Keira: we absolutely loved it! +Lucinda: I will try once, it doesnt look too complicated +Lucinda: Im not too good at cooking ;) +Keira: Im sure it'll be easy enough for you! :)",Keira has prepared a dish called American hash. +13821192,"Garth: Who wants pizza then? +Lilly: me +Oliver: same +Lynn: me too +Riley: no, thanks, I've already eaten. +Garth: Ok, noted","Lilly, Oliver and Lynn want to eat pizza. Riley's already eaten. Garth's noted it." +13682522-1,"Dorothy: Honey, don't go into the garage +Peter: Why not? +Dorothy: there are all those spare knick knacks there +Peter: Oh, you're right. +Dorothy: I have to get rid of them +Peter: But the car is small, maybe I'll fit it anyways? +Dorothy: you can try, hun, I'm just warning you :D +Peter: OK, thx. +Dorothy: are we leaving the minute you're back? +Peter: Noooo, i need to take a shower first +Dorothy: OK +Peter: What time do we have to be there? +Dorothy: 7 sharp +Peter: OK, we'll manage +Dorothy: kk, wanna eat something before we leave? +Peter: I'm staaaarving +Dorothy: OK, i'll wrap sth up for ya, but be quick!! +Peter: YOU'RE THE BEST! +Dorothy: yeah, I know... +Peter: and modest :D +Dorothy: shut up and drive :D","Peter and Dorothy have to be there at 7, but when Peter arrives he wants to take a shower and eat something. There's little room in the garage to park." +13611809,"Kate: What do you want for dinner? +Gina: Didn't think of it, yet +Kate: Maybe spaghetti? +Gina: Yes, I love it",Gina wants spaghetti for dinner. +13830058,"Sandra: Hi, Una. Got a minute? +Una: I sure do. +Sandra: Could you help me out with something? +Una: No problem. What is it. +Sandra: I think it could be best if you came over. +Una: OK. But what d'you need? +Sandra: I'd rather talk about it in person. +Una: C'mon. What's the secret? +Una: Should I bring any tools:) +Sandra: Una=)! Just come over, pls. +Una: So you're not gonna tell? +Sandra: I'll tell, when you're here. +Una: Fine. Be there in no time:)","Una will come to Sandra, because Sandra needs her help. " +13681264,"Maria: Where are we meeting? +Leo: Nora wanted that we meet at the library +Maria: And then go to eat together? +Leo: I think so. +Maria: It's pointless, tell her we will meet at the restaurant +Leo: Why? +Maria: I won't go to the library to pick up Nora, from my place it's 30 minutes by car, it's stupid +Leo: Ok, right. So at the restaurant at 8pm? +Maria: Exactly!","Maria and Leo were supposed to meet at the library at Nora's request, but they are all meeting at the restaurant at 8pm instead." +13682570,"Andrew: You know what? My boss is... it's beyond words +Charlie: What happened? +Andrew: She said that a friend of her son's is coming to her son's birthday party +Charlie: So what? +Andrew: Well, she said that it's a good and democratic thing to invite a boy from a ""poor"" family to the party +Charlie: How nice and generous of her... sorry, need to puke +Andrew: But that's not everything, she said that she doesn't want the other boy's mother to prepare a cake or any other food because ""she will use low quality products from the supermarket"" +Charlie: Jeez, rich people are insane sometimes +Andrew: Insane indeed...","Andrew's boss said a friend of her son's, who is from a poor family, is coming to her son's birthday party, but she doesn't want the boy's mother to prepare any food because it will be low quality." +13864744,"Jim: Hi guys, anyone has a CC Adobe account? +Daniel: I think Stella does. Stella? +Stella: I did, but I'm not using it any more so I stopped paying, sorry :( +Jim: Oh, ok, thank though. I need for one of my projects +Stella: Sorry, but I don't know anyone who could share their credentials with you",Jim needs an access to a CC Adobe account for his project. Stella's not using it anymore and she doesn't know anyone who could give Jim their credentials. +13680722,"George: Ben, are you going to our choir rehearsal tomorrow? +Ben: Actually I don't feel reall well... +George: That's not good. What is going on? +Ben: I've got a runny nose and my voice isn't well too +George: You better stay at home +Ben: But at Saturday is our performance... +George: Don't worry I'll exuse you +Ben: Don't you think conductor will be angry if I didn't show up? +George: When you're sick you have to stay home +George: We need you more at Saturday than tomorrow +Ben: Okay so tell him I'll be practising at home +George: Will you be okay until Saturady? +Ben: I'll do everything, I promise","Ben is sick and won't come to the choir rehearsal tomorrow, he'll do his best to be at the performance on Saturday. George will excuse him before the conductor." +13829893,"Kerry: She said no +Guy: WHAT hows that possible +Guy: I’m sorry man +Kerry: She said she’d had doubts for some time etc +Guy: I’m sorry, you wanna come over tonight?",She said no to Kerry. +13865286,"Elena: Have you read about the British teenager that escaped to Syria in 2015? +Kim: no, but I remember the case +Elena: +Andreas: there was a similar case in Austria at the beginning of the war +Andreas: but, honestly, I cannot relate to their problems +Andreas: so much naivety and stupidity +Jeff: So she wants to come back now? +Elena: apparently +Elena: but she also have no regrets +Kim: I think it's dangerous +Elena: that's what the ministry replied +Elena: that she's ideologically dangerous and could even radicalise others +Kim: she said that she saw beheaded bodies and it did not ""faze her at all"" +Elena: insane +Elena: although I'm very sorry reading the story how her children died of malnutrition +Kim: but if she had stayed in the UK, her children wouldn't have had suffer this fate +Elena: it's a good point +Elena: she brought it upon herself +Jeff: but maybe she has changed her mind, she was only a child when she left +Elena: also true...",A British teenager escaped to Syria in 2015. +13862260,"Meg: So, I've got a new job. +Al: Really?! Congratulations! +Al: Where, what, how? +Meg: But I won't take it. +Al: Ah, why not? +Al: Is it the one you said they wouldn't give you good money? +Meg: Well, I came to the conclusion that'd be just a short-sighted remedy for my problems. +Meg: I need to keep searching with some plan. +Al: But was it also an interactive agency? +Meg: No, marketing department at a publishing house giving out materials for teachers. +Meg: It wouldn't be any progress for me. It'd a step back in fact. +Al: Alright, I see, but are you sure-sure? +Meg: Yes, I am, I need something more challenging, something I really want to do in life. +Al: That's the trickiest part...",Meg got a job but she's quite unsatisfied with it. She sees it as a step back and needs something more challenging. +13681310,"Diana: I heard you had your tooth removed. +Neal: yes, it hurts like hell, btw how do you know? +Diana: Your brother told me that +Neal: oh... he never keeps his mouth shut :P +Diana: He didn't do anything wrong. +Neal: I know, just kidding",Neal's brother told Diana that Neal had a tooth removed. +13828703,"Mom: Honey, are you coming down? We’re going out! +Alex: Why, Mom? It’s Sunday! +Mom: Exactly, Honey, IT IS Sunday ;-) +Alex: So? +Mom: You know what that means. +Alex: I forgot. +Mom: Sunday means we go to church. +Alex: Oh, yeah. You bet we go +Mom: Don’t push it. Put on the coat, let’s go. +Alex: But why? +Mom: To show respect to God and others. +Alex: I'm glad Sunday is only once a week. +Mom: I hope God didn't hear that. +Alex: He'll forgive me +Mom: I know He will;-)",Mom wants Alex to go to church with her. +13819535,"Carol: where are the car keys? +Mindy: I don't know mom, I didn't drive today +Pater: damn, I have them with me, forgot to take them out;/ +Carol: very nice... ordering dinner tonight then, your cost kiddos",Carol is looking for the car keys. Mindy wasn't driving today. Pater has taken the keys with him on accident. +13727965,"Leo: I'll be late, sorry mate +Nathan: no worries, everything all right? +Leo: Got in a fight with michel. +Nathan: oh +Leo: the usual. I need a beer +Nathan: Let me know when you're nearby, I will order one for you +Leo: Cool!","Leo will be late, he got into a fight with Michel. Nathan will order a beer for him." +13680590,"Jack: Hello teacher! Are we meeting in the evening? +John: We are, what time? +Jack: 20? +John: Ok :)",John is Jack's teacher. They are supposed to meet in the evening at 20 o'clock. +13729910-1,"Will: +Damian: That's hilarious, where did he learn that? +Will: blatantly takes after his dad 🤣 🤣 +Damian: that's epic! +Damian: is that in your garden? +Will: yeah we have had it done up +Damian: looks great, is that the new pool? +Will: it's one of those temporary pools. I can't face the hassle of a hole in the garden... +Damian: clever +Damian: Did you get a good deal from that Jack guy in the end? +Will: yeah he sorted me right out, decent bloke as well +Damian: can I have his details? My parents are wanting to have their garden done +Will: defo +Will: +Will: hold on +Will: +Will: that's the one +Will: he's best with his mobile +Damian: Cool I'll pass it on, thanks dude +Will: no worries",Will has had his garden done up and has put a temporary pool there. Will is satisfied with the work Jack has done in his garden. Damian's parents want similar work done in their garden. Will passes Jack's contact information to Damian at his request. +13864777,"Hillary: Have you seen the news? +George: Yeah +Jerry: That's insane +Jerry: Incredibly cold +Hillary: They said over 20 people died so far +George: As usual in these kind of circumstances +George: The most vulnerable people are affected the most +Jerry: That's so sad +Hillary: I'm not leaving the house +Hillary: I've never experienced so low temperatures +George: Me neither +Jerry: Stay warm guys ",It's incredibly cold outside. It's said that over 20 people died so far beause of low temperature. Hillary and George have never experienced such temperatures before. +13728268,"Pete: People are awesome +Pete: I've just watched a youtube vid that shows incredible stunts ppl do +Pete: Free fall, skiing with kite and other frickin' acrobatic stunts +Jake: Some ppl just luv adrenaline +Jake: But they also need some talent +Pete: I envy them these abilities and money to accomplish their dreams...",Pete watched a youtube video where people show incredible tricks and he envies them the talent and money. +13862819,"Francis: Hey +Francis: Listen, I need a favor. +Reynold: What is it? +Francis: Some time ago Clarissa and I decided to renovate our house. +Reynold: Oh I get it now 😆 +Francis: You might know where am I going with this. +Francis: I do most of the work by myself, but I need someone to help me with heating installations. +Reynold: Gas or electric heating systems? +Francis: Gas +Francis: Not for free of course. What do you say? +Reynold: I'm only free on the weekends, this will take three days tops. +Reynold: I can come on Friday evening and see what ya have there. +Francis: You can stay at my house for the whole weekend if you wish. +Reynold: Great. Should be all done on Sunday evening. +Francis: That would be the best. +Francis: Can I call you now? +Reynold: Call me at 6, I'm still at work. +Francis: Alright, I'll call you at 6 and we'll talk details. +Reynold: Sounds good. +Francis: Thank you Reynold. Your help will be much appreciated. +Reynold: Alrighty, bye for now.",Francis asked Reynold for help with installing the gas heating. He will be working all weekend. They will discuss the details at 6 o'clock. +13611607,"Amanda: Hun, are you still at the mall? +Nick: Yep. +Amanda: Can you buy some bread? +Nick: Wholegrain? +Amanda: My boy <3 +Nick: You're always on diet! +Amanda: Well, the summer is coming, I need to get in shape! +Nick: Oh, come on, you look great! +Amanda: You know that it's not true, I had terrible thighs... +Nick: I love your full body, my sweet doughnut! +Amanda: Shut up! +Nick: Come on, I'm joking. +Amanda: Well, it's not funny, you'd better stop! +Nick: Okay okay, just don't get angry... +Amanda: Oh, and some avocados, please! +Nick: Roger that!",Nick is at the mall and is going to buy bread and avocados for Amanda. Amanda thinks she's not in shape. Nick disagrees. +13829136,"Ethan: forgot the flat number +Ethan: again. 354? +Jared: 377 :D +Ethan: XD",Ethan forgot Jared's flat number again. It's 377. +13862812,"Nick: There must be a conspiracy going on +Bruce: Wtf? +Nick: I didn't pass the exam again +Bruce: Fffffuuuuuuuuu +Nick: Just kidding, I got a B+ +Bruce: Hahahah, ok! You conspiracy dickhead XD",Nick got a B+ on his test. +13729965,"Isaac: Hello. +Ivy: Hey +Isaac: Are we still going to the motor show? +Ivy: Why not? +Isaac: Okay. Just wanted to confirm",Ivy and Isaac are going to a motor show. +13729568,"Todd: +Julia: What's that? +Todd: This was on my apt door. Who the f is behind this? +Julia: Looks like Photoshop +Todd: It's not +Julia: Someone saw and sent you that? Weird. Shenanigans. +Todd: Tiffany found it +Julia: Cleaning Tiffany? +Todd: Yep +Julia: You found her! Saints be praised, she lives. Still super strange. Suppose there's no cameras that could help, eh? +Todd: Nah, I don't have any like that. We've got enough bloody cameras in the building. Definitely very odd. +Julia: Sorry that happened. +Todd: Thanks. Not a biggie but still. Why would someone do that? +Julia: Weird prank? Got the wrong door? +Todd: Perhaps. Do you have a camera outside yours? +Julia: I think there's on in the hall that catches my door. Never actually had to pull any tapes so not sure if it even works +Todd: I see. I'm about to drop a couple hammers on the BoD and mgmt ahead of the meeting. Will copy all to FB. +Julia: Oh yay! Give me notice so I can prepare popcorn first +Todd: Definitely! ",Todd found a photo on his door. Todd and Julia are going to watch tapes from the cameras in the hall to find out who's behind this. +13830049,"Jasper: Where r u? +Jada: I'm in Islington +Jada: I'm waiting to start one of my sessions +Jada: Later on I also have two sessions in a private clinic +Jasper: That sounds good +Jada: However I'm not in the mood today, I'm feeling quite tired +Jasper: Doctor on call 😉 +Jada: I'm actually never really in the mood for the sessions at the clinics, they tend to be more tiring +Jada: I feel drained out afterwards. I do enjoy the work, but it isn't easy +Jasper: Yes, I can imagine, it must be pretty exhausting +Jada: I actually took on the extra sessions for the extra money +Jasper: Well that's a good thing, there is no harm in that :) +Jada: Ok love, gtg 😘",Jada's in Islington waiting to start his session. After that he has two sessions in a private clinic. +13612072,"Milo: Hi Man, you going footie tonight. +Dan: yeah mate. See you there? +Milo: nah, got to go to dentists, braces. +Dan: cool, I'll tell Matt. Ok? +Milo: thanks man",Dan is joining a football game tonight. Milo can't join as he goes to a dentist. Dan will inform Matt. +13828135,"Abigail: Are you online? +Abigail: I need to ask you something +Ava: Yeah, I'm here +Abigail: Do you remember when you came with me to the education centre? +Abigail: I received a letter from them today, but I'm not understanding it. Do you think you can help me? +Ava: Yes, sure +Ava: Send me a photo of the letter and I'll take a look +Abigail: I'm worried that they may have rejected my application :/ +Ava: I don't think so. They need volunteers, so I'm sure its positive news! +Abigail: Yeah, that's true :) +Abigail: +Ava: Ok, they are just informing you that they need a copy of your ID, before you can start working 😉 +Ava: We can go together tomorrow 😃 +Abigail: Really?? I'm so happy 😁😁 That's really great news!! Thank you!!! 😘😘","Abigail received a letter from the education centre. They accepted her application, but Abigail must deliver a copy of her ID, before she starts working for them. Abigail and Ava will go to the education centre tomorrow." +13865467,"Peter: Did you get the tickets? +Amanda: To the Harry Potter formal hall? yes!!! +Olivier: Me too +Peter: The tickets are sold out now +Amanda: Did you get yours? +Peter: No... +Peter: I'll try to get one second hand +Peter: People tend to resign last minute ",Amanda and Olivier managed to get the tickets to the Harry Potter formal hall. Peter didn't get a ticket and they are sold out now. +13863092,"Patrick: I'm sure that they'll ask you a question why you're applying for this specific position +Patrick: You know, they want to know your motivation +James: Hmm... but I have no bloody idea... +Patrick: Think about it, please +Patrick: I want you to get that fucking job! +James: Why would you apply for the position of a Sales Person? +Patrick: because: +Patrick: I like working with people +Patrick: I like advising people +Patrick: I like selling things +Patrick: You want to get that job! +James: +Patrick: I see you're in a good mood. +Patrick: Think about your motivation. They're paying lots of money. +James: I'm thinking about it but nothing comes to my mind +Patrick: I'll loose my temper in a moment +James: Calm down, bro +Patrick: I've found some interesting ideas in the web +James: Good. Now learn them by heart! +Patrick: :)",James is applying for a sales position and is looking for tips how to do well at an interview. +13730283,"Helena: Hi Wanda, how is Uni going? +Wanda: Pretty well, but the deadlines are doing my head in, so much fucking work! +Helena: I see you've started swearing like a typical student! My language got really bad last year! +Wanda: Yeah, I remember! I was shocked, but everyone does it here! +Helena: Here too, only with Scottish accent as well, it did take me a few months to get used to it! +Wanda: You're a lot braver than me, I only went about 15 miles to Leeds. +Helena: Yep, you didn't move out of West Yorks even! +Wanda: Well, I prefer it! I can even go and work in the petrol station till 10pm and pop home on the late train if I want to, saves me food money to have a day or two of home cooking, plus it's a lot nicer. +Helena: I know what you mean! I can't be arsed to peel veg and stuff like that, I exist on take aways and convenience micro meals, not good! +Wanda: Have you got I to the famous Scottish deep fried Mars bar craze? +Helena: 🤣I have had one, but Edinburgh is a bit posher than Glasgow where it's more popular. Do like square sausage and cloutie dumpling, though! +Wanda: You'll have to initiate me into these delicacies when I come visit. +Helena: You bet! When can you make it? +Wanda: Well, I have two days off lectures at the end of next week and I can swap my shifts around if I do it tomorrow. I reckon I can train it up next Thurs if that suits you. +Helena: Should be fine! I have got lectures Friday mind, you could try a bit of sightseeing, perhaps? +Wanda: I would love to see the Castle and the National Art Gallery, have a wee look round too, hen! +Helena: Don't start trying to act all Scottish, you sassenach! +Wanda: Not sure what that means, but you're a Yorkshire lass too and you do it! +Helena: Yes, but I'm an adopted Scottish person now. I'd really like to stay on here, maybe do a PGCE. +Wanda: You a teacher! You haven't got the bloody patience to deal with kids all day! +Helena: Maybe, but it's an idea I've been toying with, convey my passion for history to the young! +Wanda: Hopefully, the young will share your enthusiasm! +Helena: Well, we'll see, still got over a year to decide! +Wanda: Think about it carefully, my sister teaches Geography over in Brighouse, as you know. She's only been doing it 3 years and she feels burnt out at the end of term! +Helena: Oh yeah, forgot about that! Anyway, keep me posted about next weekend, can't wait to see you if you can manage it! +Wanda: Me too, bye Chuck! +Helena: Bye 😗!",Wanda's uni is going pretty well. She studies in Leeds. She's going to visit Helena next Thursday. Helena is considering becoming a history teacher. +13864542,"Kate: Just broke the tap :( +John: You did what? +Fiona: Well done Kate +Kate: Do you know any good plumbers? I’m sinking +John: Call Mr. Johnston 0 7700 900932",Kate broke the tap and is looking for a plumber. John recommended to call Mr. Johnston at 0 7700 900932. +13865210,"Paulina: we're approaching the town +Amy: where are you? +Jesus: waiting at the platform, no worries",Paulina and Amy are reaching the town. Jesus is waiting at the platform. +13716847,"Ingmar: hi guys I'll be visiting London this week so please give me some recommendations on restaurants and places that locals like +Kevin: I'm not going out much but my favorite place is Dino's pizza place at Bottom Alley 50 +Miranda: Soho is great but it's expensive as fuck +Xiao: Mimi Creperie is mindblowing, especially if you love French sweets +Ingmar: cool thx","Ingmar is going to London this week and asks about the restaurants he could visit. Kevin, Miranda and Xiao recommend him some places." +13828084,"Adam: Do u know where Mary is? +Lizzy: She went to library with Carl. +Adam: Oh, I see… +Adam: Thx!",Mary went to the library with Carl. +13682483,"Kelly: don't forget the present 4 Crystal tomo +Hayley: I wont +Kelly: good :)",Hayley has to remember to take a present for Crystal tomorrow. +13680114,"Pam: Milton, do you know maybe how is the process of getting a Belarusian visa? +Milton: this is quite an annoying process. +Pam: oh no! +Milton: Do you want to go there for business or touristically? +Pam: I wanted to search for my family roots. +Milton: Wow! that's interesting! +Pam: My grandmother was born not far from Minsk. +Milton: So you would do some private research/ +Pam: I guess so +Milton: Then I would check better on the internet. I was there only for 4 days 10 years ago. +Pam: Do you remember any problems? +Milton: Oh yes, it's a very corrupted system that one has to deals with. Bribes, strange arrangements, feeling of insecurity. +Pam: Sounds very bad. +Milton: But google it. It may have changed since. +Pam: I will. Thanks. +Milton: Good luck!","Pam wants to visit Belarus to research her family history. Milton was in Belarus for several days 10 years ago and remembers the process of obtaining a Belarusian visa as being very annoying. On Milton's advice, Pam will research the visa procedures online." +13717056,"Miriam: Hey there! It was so nice to go to see you guys yesterday +Brad: Indeed, I had a very good time +Hope: The pleasure is mine. What are you up to today? +Brad: Working. Can you believe yesterday I was a happy person? +Hope: No +Miriam: Omg seriously! You work on Sundays?!!! 😱 +Brad: Yeah... Some researchers don't know how to organise their time and they end up working extra hours and weekends. These are the disadvantages of being your own boss - and being shit at it +Miriam: Oh lol so sorry for you +Brad: I'll try and feed on the positive memories from yesterday. We should hang out soon! +Hope: Oh totally! +Miriam: Ofc, I'll be happy to see you guys soon. Meanwhile, I wish Brad a fruitful Sunday! 🌟 +Brad: Thanksssss 💙","Miriam, Hope and Brad had good time yesterday. Brad is working today even though it's Sunday as he's disorganized. They all wants to meet soon." +13681025,"Adrian: mardi gras is coming up tomorrow, are you ready? +Ciara: No! i havent even bought a costume. wheres a good place? +Adrian: Mardi Gras Spot on 2812 Toulouse St. is really good. +Ciara: thanks, i'll see what i can pick up. you got everything u need? +Adrian: yeah, got my costume a few weeks ago. this is my favorite time of the year. +Ciara: mine too. always tons of fun +Adrian: absolutely",Ciara is going to buy her costume for Mardi Gras at a shop called Mardi Gras Spot on Adrian's recommendation. +13730124,"Craig: What you up do now, feel like coming over? +Ursula: Maybe, what are you doing tonight? +Craig: Nothing much, feeling a bit lonely, keep me company? +Ursula: I know exactly what lonely means here! Actually, I was thinking of popping round later! +Craig: You read my mind, then! How's Brad? +Ursula: Well, he's gone back, if that's what you mean. Won't see him now for a while, if he decides to come and see me when he's home. Where's Jennie these days? +Craig: She's touring, as usual. They have asked her if she wants to go on the cruise ship like a couple of years ago, she is considering it. +Ursula: Shall I bring over a take away or a bottle of wine? +Craig: No need, pizzas ordered and I'm well stocked with wine, as usual! +Ursula: Great, I'll pop over then, give me 15 mins. +Craig: Use your key, so I don't have to come down to let you in! +Ursula: OK, sounds great. Hope you've cleaned that bathroom, not like the other night! I was frightened to go in there, I was afraid I'd catch something nasty! +Craig: Well, I cleaned it earlier, when I got home, just in case you stayed over. +Ursula: Hmm, you were very sure I'd come, then! +Craig: You don't have to, or just come and get a taxi back later. +Ursula: No, I like coming over and I really like staying! 🤗 +Craig: That's ok then, cos I like you staying over too! +Ursula: Right, I'll just grab a few bits and I'll be there asap. +Craig: Cool! Can't wait!😚",Ursula will come over to Craig in 15 minutes. Brad has gone back. Jennie is touring. Craig will have pizzas and wine. Craig has cleaned the bathroom earlier. +13612173,"Lizzy: hi love 😗 i’m stopping by a shopping centre in a moment 😊 any ideas for the ideal Christmas present for Toby yet? +Mark: hi love 😗 no, not yet, but i’m certain Santa won’t be bringing him an s9 or the newest alienware 😉 maybe look for something inexpensive? +Lizzy: easier said than done………….",Mark is helping Lizzy to find a Christmas gift for Toby. He is suggesting her to look for an inexpensive gift. +13728577,"Lucy: I don't know where my phone is could you call me? +Sam: calling +Lucy: got it, thanks!",Sam called Lucy to help her find her phone. +13830033,"Oliver: Mia, could you check if I left my umbrella at your place? can't find it anywhere +Mia: the one with the weird ""sun"" logo? +Mia: I was wondering who it was +Oliver: yes it's mine :) could you bring it to the meeting tomorrow? +Mia: sure, will do +Oliver: great! see you tomorrow!",Oliver left his umbrella at Mia's. She will bring it to the meeting tomorrow. +13611914,"Emma: Hey it was fun right? +George: Yes, certainly.... but why you came so late. you missed andy's song. +Emma: I know :(but still i had a lot of fun. +George: yes.. will plan again +Emma: yes pleaseeeeee","Emma was late and missed Andy's song, but she still had fun." +13730675,"Arthur: +Arthur: Guy wants to change his birth date claiming that he feels younger than 69 +Arthur: He said that people can change their gender, change their name, so he wanted to change his age. +Jake: WTF is happening to humanity +Jake: It's like giant civilization crisis is happening and we can't do anything to stop it +Arthur: I'm losing faith in mankind",Arthur comments a guy wanting to change his birth date and Jake is surprised by this piece of news. +13729612,"Danicka: Hey we don't have candles for Patrick's bday party +Jensen: Oh +Jensen: I have some at home +Jensen: How many do we need +Danicka: 25 +Jensen: I am pretty sure I have more than that +Danicka: Wanna bring em? +Jensen: Np 😇 +Danicka: Thanks!! 😇😇😇",Jensen will bring Danicka 25 candles for Patrick's birthday party. +13829608,"Vanessa: Jesus Christ Jordan +Vanessa: How many times do I need to tell you that we segregate waste at this home +Vanessa: How difficult putting your empty bottle in the right bin can be? +Jordan: k mum, won't happen again +Jordan: sorry",Jordan didn't put the bottle in the right bin. +13828131,"Anne: +Nick: Wow, what's that? +Anne: You remember the curry wurst you brought me from Berlin? +Nick: Yeah, how was it? +Anne: Frankly? I've just thrown it away and used the jar as a pot for this lovely hyacinth! +Nick: You're not only creative, but also have green fingers, wow!",Anne didn't eat the curry wurst Nick brought her from Berlin. She disposed of it and used the jar as a flower pot. +13865377,"Marlene: Are you going to the ball? +Maria: the June Ball? +Marlene: yes +Jennifer: I will, sure! +Maria: me too",Maria and Jennifer are going to the June Ball. +13716893,"Tom: is the meeting at 8? +Ann: No, it's at 6.30 +Jacob: Ann, it's been moved to 8! +Ann: Sorry, didn't know! +Tom: Thx!",Tom is not sure when the meeting starts. It's been moved to 8. +13612278,"Holly: Do you know where is the classroom for biology +Edward: I think it was room nr 209 +Holly: You mean, the one on second floor at the end of the corridor? +Edward: Yes, next to the room where we had English last time +Holly: When Simons was sick last Friday? +Edward: Yes, we had class with Powell instead of Simons and we were in room 208, next to 209, where you will have biology right now +Holly: It's clear, thanks. I have to run now, class will begin in 5 minuts","Holly's biology class will be in room 209, starting in 5 minutes." +13594143-1,"Patricia: Hey did you watch me pull out the plug of the heater before I left? +Niall: Where to check it? I'm still here. +Patricia: Oh, ok. The electric heater at my desk. Check if it is turned off. Why are you there still? +Niall: Ok, I'll just load the dishwasher, and I'll check it. +Patricia: Thanks :) +Niall: This report has to be sent on Monday. And I wouldn't do everything in the morning. But no worries, I'm done. +Patricia: Ok. Is the heater off? +Niall: Yes +Patricia: So you are going to go and relax now, right? +Niall: Yup. I'm gonna do nothing :) +Patricia: Good.",Patricia asks Niall to check if she'd turn off the heater. Niall is working on a report due on Monday. The heater is off. Patricia reminds Niall to relax. +13820373,"Veronica: Jason and I broke up. +Madeline: Yeey! Well done! Finally 👏 +Veronica: Are you kidding? You can’t imagine how sad I am 😭 +Kendall: Don’t be. He was a total asshole 😕. We need to celebrate it! I’m so happy for you 🍺🍺",Jason and Veronica broke up. +13731474,"Tim: Hi Bart, how are you? +Bart: I'm good, thank you. +Tim: Just came back from trekking. I recently changed my phone, don't have all my contact yet. Sorry, but I don't know this number :) +Bart: It's Bart from Krakow :) +Tim: Alright, nice to hear from you. How are you? :) +Bart: I came back from Bulgaria yesterday. +Tim: Oh, nice. Thanks for the pics. I texted you last week because I was going to the north of Poland and I was considering whether to stop in Wroclaw to meet up with you +Bart: Oh, would be great. +Tim: I had no internet in the mountains. +Bart: Are you back in Krakow now? +Tim: I'm back now, but I'm leaving for Canada tomorrow for 3 weeks. +Bart: I would be delighted if you visited me. Give me a shout whenever you are close to Wroclaw. Hopefully, we can meet up next time. +Tim: Sure, no problem :) Take care +Bart: Bye","Tim has recently changed his phone. He is back in Krakow, leaving for Canada in 3 weeks. Bart has just come from Bulgaria. He lives in Wroclaw and wants Tim to visit him." +13681289,"Lisha: Hey, my computer's dead. +Rasha: What happened? +Lisha: don't know, one second I was working and then I got a blue screen and it said ""dumping memory"" +Rasha: Can't be good. I know they do repairs at those big box electronic stores, you can try there. +Lisha: I don't wanna pay an arm and a leg, though. Know any local mom and pop shops? +Rasha: There's a little electronics shop near my house, but I don't know if they repair computers. +Lisha: What's it called? +Rasha: I don't know. T&T or something. The next time I head out, I'll check for you. Or better yet, I'll drop in and ask them. +Lisha: Cool, thx a ton. Can you do it today? I'm in dire need... +Rasha: Yeah, sure. I'm going shopping in a bit, so I'll call you and let you know. +Lisha: Alright! In the meantime, can I borrow your computer :) +Rasha: Yeah, I don't really need it. You want me to bring it to school? The only thing is that it's quite slow. +Lisha: That'd be great. I don't care. I'm just gonna be using Word. I have to write that report on aboriginals. +Rasha: I finished that last week. You wanna see mine? Don't copy, though :) +Lisha: :-o I wouldn't dare +Rasha: :) +Lisha: See ya, I'll call you in a bit and let you know about that store. +Rasha: Thanks, you're a life saver (like always) +Lisha: You can buy me lunch tomorrow :) +Rasha: My pleasure",Lisha's computer appears to be broken. Rasha will check if the electronics shop in her area can help. Rasha will lend Lisha her computer. Lisha needs it to finish her report on aboriginals. +13865269,"John: Toby's mother died this morning +Martha: oh no! +Andrew: Did he manage to see her before? +John: I don't know, I don't want to disturb him now +Kian: right +Kian: what happened to his mother actually? +John: she was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago +Kian: what kind of cancer? +John: breast +Kian: I thought it's easy to treat nowadays +John: it seems it was kind of mistake of doctors +John: she noticed a lump some time ago but they said it was not malignant +John: then suddenly it changed +John: and attacked other organs +Martha: this story scares me +Martha: how can one trust doctors after listening to it? +Kian: exactly +John: yes, the diagnostics these days are much better than they used to be +John: but still not perfect",Toby's mother died this morning. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer a few weeks ago. +13864772,"Karen: Get downstairs, dinner's ready! +Jim: Coming! +Vanessa: I'm eating out today mum +Karen: Tell dad to come downstairs!",Jim and his dad are supposed to come downstairs for dinner that Karen's cooked. Vanessa's eating out today. +13681717,"Nigel: Hey, I just saw this bookstore named after a Reventlow book? +Hannah: Oh, you mean ""Buchladen zur schwankenden Weltkugel""? +Nigel: Yeah, that's the one. Have you been? +Hannah: No, its always closed when I'm in the neighorhood. I'm usually on Kastanienallee for the nightlife. +Nigel: It seems pretty neat. +Hannah: Yeah, I've taken a look at their website. +Nigel: Do u want to go check it out tomorrow? Its not too far from us after all. +Hannah: OK. I have the day off, but need to get my hair done at 11 am. Maybe in the early afternoon? +Nigel: that suits me. I have to meet Tristan for brunch anyway. +Hannah: Oh, he's back in town? I thought he moved? +Nigel: he did, but he missed being away. Got bored of Bielefeld real quick. +Hannah: Oh... +Nigel: Not really his scene... +Hannah: Did he go back to working at the shoe store? +Nigel: Yeah, they missed having him there. He's their number 1 salesman. +Hannah: Hes not still dating Lydia, right? +Nigel: Oh gosh, that was ages ago. +Hannah: I thought so. +Nigel: Yep, well see you tomorrow then? +Hannah: Sure. I'll let u know when I'm ready 2 meet.",Nigel and Hannah are going to the bookstore in Kastanienallee after Nigel has brunch with Tristan and Hannah has her hair done. +13829401,"Sandy: Hi, I'm ordering cosmetics rn, do you need anything? If yes we can split the delivery costs. +Esther: Sure, I wanted this aloe vera cream, remember? +Sandy: This one? +Sandy: +Esther: Yes please +Sandy: Ok",Sandy is ordering cosmetics and she will take the Aloe Vera cream for Esther. +13818984-1,"Cheryl: So what's about the car? +Ariana: Should we book it now? +Cheryl: They are going only to be more expensive if we wait +Logan: but I'm not sure for how many days we should book it +Cheryl: we're staying there for 2 weeks, right? +Cheryl: so we can just rent it for the whole period +Logan: but I thought we would go for a few days to Reunion +Cheryl: Right, I forgot +Ariana: so I don't know how to rent it +Cheryl: it's a bit difficult indeed, maybe we could discuss it at my place tonight? +Cheryl: over a beer? +Ariana: good idea, I'm free at 8 +Logan: me too +Cheryl: ok!","Cheryl, Ariana, and Logan need to rent a car when they travel but are unsure about the duration because they also want to go to Reunion for a few days. They will have drinks and decide tonight, at Cheryl's place." +13828829,"Peter: What are you taking? +Nathan: Oh, I've got some old backpack that isn't too bad +Nathan: it's a lowe alpine so they have a life long warranty +Peter: It's the same with Gregory +Peter: high five! +Nathan: +Peter: Oh, I can't wait!! +Nathan: Yeah, me neither... +Nathan: ",Nathan is taking a lowe alpine. +13829978,"Joshua: +Joshua: look at him! +Nelson: is that a rat or sth? +Joshua: you've never seen a possum before? +Nelson: no +Joshua: possums are great +Nelson: what's so great about mutated rats? +Joshua: lol +Joshua: they eat lice and are cute +Nelson: yeah, eating lice is super cute +Joshua: are you scared of them? +Nelson: grossed out +Joshua: but they are not rodents +Nelson: where did you take this photo btw? +Joshua: at my backyard +Nelson: how come I never saw them then? +Joshua: they are nocturnal +Nelson: you seem to know a lot about them +Nelson: +Joshua: it would be stranger to see animal every year and not know anything about it +Nelson: fair point +Nelson: well, looks like I won't be hanging out there at night then +Joshua: ",Joshua found a possum in his backyard. +13728910,"Tom: Little bit of rain +Tom: Wiem from office i am working for last 2 days +Tom: View +Tom: Internet is very bad here so upload might take long time +Tom: Ok. I will send more materials from Ireland. in a week time +Vicki Ellen: Cool! +Tom: +Tom: Vicki there is a thing outside game totally I would like to talk with you after my return +Tom: +Tom: Are you OK to try that with me? +Vicki Ellen: I am really happy to talk to you any time +Vicki Ellen: About anything +Tom: There is product I would like to sell in UK +Tom: It is moisture meter for olmost any material which is similar to grain. But main focus is farmers and grain +Tom: Product is in Poland on the market for almost 20 years +Tom: And I want to go for Europe +Tom: This is brief info +Tom: Asonik.pl +Vicki Ellen: Oh interestingly it's my father's old business +Tom: Website. Will be rebuild by end of september +Vicki Ellen: Grain +Vicki Ellen: Cool yeah let's talk about it +Tom: And on that website look for moisture meter +Tom: +Tom: This is my purpose of presence in India +Tom: But not only that +Tom: I will get back to that topic in couple of days. To tell you what I might need help with +Vicki Ellen: No problem",Internet connection is bad where Tom is. Tom will send more materials from Ireland in a week. Tom wants to sell a moisture meter for grain-like materials in the UK that is already available in Poland. Tom might need Vicki Ellen's help. Grain is Vicki Ellen's father's old business. Tom visited India. +13730889,"George: Hey sorry, I don't have any service here and I was out of wifi +Ana: I thought somebody robbed you! +George: Haha! noo, just crappy service. At the airport now. TTYL +Ana: Ok, have a good flight! ",George was not able to contact Ana on his phone earlier. He has better signal now at the airport. +13864724,"George: Fun fact time XD +George: IQ decreases by 20% after a 2-week holiday +Pete: lol +Matt: haha wonder what happens after a gap year xD +Pete: ",IQ decreases by 20% after a 2-week holiday. +13611768,"Henry: omg i've just seen the prettiest girl <3 +Joseph: <3 again XD +Henry: tall, skinny, about 23 i guess +Henry: brown eyes, brown hair, looking kinda sad +Joseph: oh that reminds me of someone... +Henry: yep <3<3 +Joseph: will you ever get over her? :P +Henry: nope -.- +Joseph: sigh...",Henry has seen a pretty girl. +13611772,"Aj: Hey you, wats up? u comin to petes do on saturday? +Sally: Hiya sweetie, long time no hear.. yes I was thinking about it, yu def going? May be worth making an appearance lol xx +Aj: I wasnt sure if was or not but seeing as u may go, i think i will, it will be good to catch up... I got that new job I was talking about last time we met thats y ive not been around much.. they got me runnin all over town like a mad man lol +Sally: sounds like normal to me hun xxx +Aj: cheeky lol",Aj and Sally are discussing the upcoming party at pete's and Aj is considering if he should go; he also tells Sally about his new job. +13821737,"Chris: I am at work and I don't think my phone is updating properly... The Cowboys are beating the Saints? +Chad: Correct +Sue: But the Cowboys are doing their best to fuck it up +Luis: Well they are trying their best to blow it +Daniel: Defense has played great +Mark: Two and half minutes left. Just fumbled in the red zone +Chad: Defense doesn't include Gregory +Chris: Fuck I shouldn't have asked I jinxed them +Luis: BALLGAME! Michael Irvin is my soul animal +Chris: And cocaine is Michael Irvin's soul animal +Mark: Lmao. Synergy",The Cowboys are winning against Saints. +13828357,"Beatrix: hi Carol, did someone get a flu with fever and dry cough ? +Carol: yes, Erik and Mark were ill this week. But it wasn't influenza, luckily +Beatrix: did you give them paracetamol? +Carol: yes of course, every 4 hours +Beatrix: and that's all? +Carol: no you have to drink a lot, tea and honey is good +Beatrix: Sarah doesn't like honey. +Carol: you may give her tea and lemon, that's good too for the throat +Beatrix: still i'm worried because the fever is high +Carol: try to alternate paracetamol and ibuprofen, every 4 hours +Beatrix: are you sure i can? +Carol: yes do that for 24 hours, if she's not better tomorrow, you may call your doc. +Beatrix: that's the point, he's on vacation till next week. +Carol: i'm sure Sarah will recover soon +Beatrix: hope so, i have a big meeting in two days in Dublin , i really have to go. +Carol: good luck and let me know if you need some help +Beatrix: sure, thanks","Sarah has a flu with fever and dry cough, so Beatrix asks Carol for advice on what treatment to use. Erik and Mark were also ill last week and Carol gave them paracetamol and a lot of tea and honey. Beatrix's doctor is on vacation till next week and Beatrix has a big meeting in Dublin in two days. " +13820903,"Joona: Let me know as soon as you've landed! +Mary: We're here! +Joona: Welcome to Finland! +Tom: so white, how beautiful!",Mary and Tom have just landed in Finland. It's white and beautiful there. +13716529,"Luca: Almost there +Stanley: Get me some bottled water please +Jenson: And some beers +Luca: No shops on the way anymore, sorry +Stanley: Damn ok",Luca has almost arrived so he can't buy the water and beer Stanley and Jenson ask him for. +13730475,"Jean: How's your grandma? +Sienna: a little better +Jean: that's good news! +Sienna: yeah but the doctors say she can't live alone +Jean: What are you gonna do? +Sienna: My mum is probably gonna move in with her +Jean: always better to have someone from the family +Sienna: I know but still it's just temporary cause she needs to get back to work +Jean: and then? +Sienna: I am gonna help but I need to work to, well I guess I need to start looking for some help +Jean: there is a huge market for these services so it should be no problem +Sienna: I'd rather have someone recommended still +Jean: I will let you know when I hear of sth :* +Sienna: thanks.",Sienna's mum is probably gonna move in with her grandma as she can't live alone. Sienna is gonna help too but they need some help. Jean will let her know if she hears of someone. +13716858,"Noel: Well, Pump Truck got her nickname from her huge boobs! +Patrick: Believe me! They were enormous! +Noel: Sigh... +Morgan: Guys! +Patrick: Sry! +Noel: Still. She was among the first to develop huge boobs. +Miranda: So? +Patrick: Oh, you don't get it! Horny boys, hormones, sex in the air and these boobs... +Louise: I see some of us haven't changed ;) +Noel: And everyone, well every guy, wanted to see them. Not just through the shirt. +Patrick: So one time, some guys crawled into the girls' locker room and took a photo of her... naked! +Noel: Still have it! +Patrick: Send me l8r? +Noel: Sure! +Morgan: Guys! Ur awful! +Patrick: Sry.",Pump Truck got her nickname for her big breasts. One guy crawled into the girl's locker room and took a a photo of her naked. +13821505,"Agnieszka: Kinga is annoying me +Edyta: She can't shut the fck up at work +Matt: There's nothing we can do about that +Matt: The leader likes her +Edyta: That's why she made her our second coordinator +Matt: Is it time to get the hell outta here? +Agnieszka: I think its time to look for another job xd +Archie: Kinga is annoying +Archie: I agree +Archie: I can barely stand her +Matt: Let's go for a smoke +Agnieszka: I haven't eaten anything +Edyta: Let's go grab some food and we'll have a smoosh a boosh 😆 +Archie: hahahha xd 😆 ","Kinga, a second coordinator, annoys Agnieszka, Edyta, Matt and Archie. Matt and Agnieszka are thinking of leaving their workplace. Matt is going to smoke. Edyta and Agnieszka are about to get some food." +13728149,"Tyler: What the fuck is going on with this weather?! +Tyler: I just came home +Tyler: The visibility outside is close to 0 +Tyler: Fog is so thick I can't see 5 meters in front of me. +Will: Yeah I know :/ My flight has been deleyed and I'm stuck at the aiport. +Tyler: Go get a drink. It's not illegal there you know :) +Will: I think you're right. Gonna grab some beer or 2 :) +Tyler: That's my man! +Will: Hahaha! +Tyler: Since I'm home and I'm not going anywhere with this kind of shit outside, I will accompany you. Cheers! +Will: Haha! Cheers!",Will got stuck at the airport because of the fog. His flight was delayed. +13828916,"Amy: listen +Amy: maybe we'll throw Julie a surprise b-day party? +Jessica: Cool idea! +Jessica: on her actual birthday? +Amy: let's see in the calendar +Amy: it's Wednesday, so it might be difficult to get people to come +Jessica: So maybe Saturday before her birthday? +Amy: why not! +Amy: +Jessica: OK, now, where? +Amy: her fav Maxican restaurant? +Jessica: not a bad idea, but how would we get her there? +Amy: We might tell her we're just gonna meet there the three of us +Jessica: and since it's a few days before her b-day, she shouldn't get suspicious! +Amy: Exactly :) +Jessica: OK, now the worst part would be the guest list +Jessica: I hate doing it, I always forget someone and they get mad at me +Amy: we can ask John for help, I'm sure he know better who is her crowd right now +Jessica: yeah, why not +Amy: OK, brb, I'm gonna write to him +Jessica: okay, great","Amy and Jessica are planning a surprise birthday party for Julie, whose birthday is on Wednesday. The party will take place on Saturday at Julia's favourite Mexican place. John will assist with making the guest list." +13611730,"Jack: Good morning. Have you talked to someone about buying the ""soap"" for dishes and sponge? Please write it in the group. Everyone will see it. +Isabella: I talked to them yesterday +Jack: All of them? +Isabella: I met the guys and talked to them. Eva after all is never home +Jack: all of the people in the house ignore my msgs on fb 😐 Eva almost doesn't live here. I mean guys +Isabella: Yep +Jack: What did they say? +Isabella: I talked to them yesterday +Jack: Because e.g. Michael doesn't give a shit +Isabella: Didn't he buy things last time? +Jack: He doesn't give a shit about anything and leaves dirty dishes. I bought all stuff last time! Soup and ""Finish"" to the dishwasher +Isabella: Ok, I will talk to him too then 👍 +Jack: Can u write to them to buy the things today? Please. All people gonna see that. It's only me writing there +Isabella: I actually prefer talking.. +Jack: All the others don't give a shit. Not even a single reaction. And ignoring as we see because people leave mess in the kitchen.Talk to them but please, please write there as well. If not it was pointless making the group. As except for me every one doesn't give a fuck and ignore my msg there which is rude.",Isabella talked to the guys about buying the washing up liquid and sponge yesterday. Jack is annoyed with people making mess in the kitchen. Jack wants Isabella to talk to the others and to write it in the group for everyone to see. +13716577,"Jay: hey hey, looking forward to the trip, woot woot! +Sandra: yeah!!! it's gonna be a blast! quick question: does anyone have an extra sleeping bag we can borrow? we realised too late we are missing one lol! +Jay: oh damn, sorry, we don't have any! +Paul: Sandra, we have a spare one, will bring it, don't worry! +Sandra: thanks a lot!!!! promise will be super careful! +Paul: no probs, happy to share :) +Jay: if not, you can always just sleep closer to the fire! +Sandra: haha knowing my luck, I would wake up to the smell of my burning hair!",Paul will lend his sleeping bag to Sandra. +13829904,"Harry: we're on our way but Jane forgot your book +Katie: No worries, next time +Harry: where should we get off? +Katie: change to piccadilly and get off at Finsbury Park, then take W7 to Muswell Hill +Harry: thanks! how long does it take? +Katie: with traffic up to 40 min ;/","Harry and Jane are on their way but they forgot Katie's book. They will change to Piccadilly and get off at Finsbury Park, then take W7 to Muswell Hill. It will take up to 40 minutes. " +13716137,"Tiffany: Who's Elon Musk? +Blair: You know nothin', John Snow. +Dale: Srsly? Never heard of him? +Tiffany: Nope, sorry. +Dale: He set up PayPal, Tesla and SpaceX. +Blair: He wants to go to the moon. He's creating the first passenger shuttle to the moon. +Tiffany: Rly? :) How much is the ticket? +Dale: Depends. Currently around $ 35 mil. +Tiffany: What? +Blair: Rly. Unfortunately, that kinda cash doesn't fit into my piggy bank. +Dale: Bt the good news is that you'll be able to watch it using VR! +Tiffany: How?! +Blair: Apparently they're going to stream the whole thing in HD via their satellites. +Tiffany: Wow! Amazing! When? +Dale: No one really knows. When they finally build the shuttle and set off, but the date is not known for now. +Tiffany: Shame. Maybe until then I'll manage to buy myself this VR headset ;) +Blair: You really should! If not for work, you can always use it for pleasure :) +Dale: Just don't play horror games. You'll get a heart attack. +Tiffany: Really that scary? +Dale: Tried it once. Nevermind the money. I'm not doing it again. +Blair: Someone got scared? ;) +Dale: But all other games are fine. And the experiences are unspeakable! +Blair: I do confirm that. When you put on the headset it's a little awkward at first, but when you forget about it, virtual reality becomes reality. +Tiffany: Where can I buy this? +Dale: The easiest way? Online. +Blair: Remeber, it's not cheap. +Dale: There you go. +Tiffany: Cheap is not the word that best describes it. +Blair: But it's worth it ;)","Elon Musk set up PayPal, Tesla and SpaceX and is s creating the first passenger shuttle to the moon. The tickets cost around $ 35 million, but the event is going to be streamed in HD via satelites. The date is yet unknown. Tiffany wants to buy a VR headset." +13821865,"Stanley: Need a driver, anybody available at 7 pm? +Albert: Direction? +Stanley: Warsaw, Reymonta Street +Alexander: I can give you a lift but you must be ready at 5 pm. What do you say? +Stanley: Sure, I'll find some place to stay for a couple of hours until my friend arrives. +Alexander: All right, we have a deal at 5.",Alexander will give Stanley a lift to Reymonta Street at 5 pm. +13813308,"Mike: back at the office? +Paul: I still have one day of freedom left :D +Mike: good for you!! +Mike: than I won't bother you with office gossip :P +Paul: spill!! +Mike: Josh is leaving at the end of the month +Paul: wuuuuuuuuuuuut +Mike: no one expected that +Mike: People thought he would get promoted rather than fired +Paul: he was fired?!?! +Mike: yeah +Paul: thought he just left +Mike: oh now, there's a mistery to it, too +Paul: interesting",Paul has last day off work. Josh got fired although everyone thought he'd get promoted. +13810152,"Jeff: You know Kayla's birthday is like this friday, right? +Tom: Shit. Totally forgot. What are we gonna do? +Jeff: I wonder if it's too late to order something on-line +Tom: I guess if we do it today there's a chance it's gonna come by then. Do you have anything specific in mind? +Jeff: Well, I remember she mentioned this jewelry producer she likes. It's nothing too fancy here +Tom: okaay, I guess it's affordable if we split. +Jeff: but I don't know shit about jewelry and there's just so many kinds +Tom: Lemme ask Rachel, maybe she'll have some ideas +Jeff: ok +Tom: So she says she likes the ones with the orchid theme and it might be Kayla's style too. +Jeff: cool, so you wanna go with the necklace or something else? +Tom: Rachel says necklace is fine +Jeff: ok, necklace it is. I can buy it, you just pay me back when we meet or sth +Tom: ok, if they have some sort of extra fast delivery, I'd choose that. +Jeff: may cost more, though +Tom: I know, but if we've already decided on this, let's make sure it comes on time +Jeff: fine by me",Jeff and Tom will buy an orchid theme necklace online for Kayla's birthday this Friday. They'll pay extra for fast delivery. +13730156,"Sue: Are you going to the gym tonight? +Alex: Yes. Feeling fat. U? +Sue: Definitely. +Alex: We r lazy buggers! +Sue: Yes! +Alex: I haven't run for ages. +Sue: I never run. Too hard! +Alex: It's good for weight loss. +Sue: Too hard on the knees.",Alex and Sue are going to the gym tonight. Alex hasn't run in a while. Sue never runs as it's too hard on the knees. +13715999,"Judyta: Can you tell me girls where can I buy a drying rack? +Ida: Have you checked Tesco? +Judyta: No, I thought that it's better to ask around first :) +Judyta: Had no idea that I can get sth like this in Tesco +Ida: Actually, is seems that they have everything there +Ida: I'm always like overwhelmed when I get into there +Judyta: Yeah, me too. And those crowds of people every time... +Judyta: That's why I don't like doing shopping there. +Marta: Hey there! +Marta: Good news, I've got a spare drying rack in my apartment! +Judyta: What are you saying?! +Judyta: I'm takin' it! How much do you want for it? +Marta: I don't want money from you. Just come and take it. That'll be one less thing in this already full flat +Ida: So, Judyta, maybe I could pick you up and we'll go to Marta together? +Ida: We could talk about things by the way :) +Marta: Yeah, brilliant idea! I want to see both of you here! +Judyta: Wow, everything's turned out so nice :) +Judyta: Let's do this","Judyta is looking for a drying rack. Ida suggests Tesco, but neither of them is a great fan of shopping there. Marta has a spare drying rack so Judyta is going to take it from her. Ida is going to pick her up to talk about different things." +13611398,"Shein: Get me that blasted file asap!!!! +Pitt: ASIC +Shein: Msg in your in-tray. +Pitt: L8R +Shein: KK",Shein needs the file immediately. +13820882,"Simon:8 sharp at my place?? +Tom: Ok +Andrew: Fine with me","Tom, Andrew and Simon are meeting at 8 at Simon's place." +13680596,"Rob: can you man the calls today +Sue: fine all day? +Rob: well I have the meeting in Plymouth so will probably be out of the office most of the day +Sue: ok thats fine, what time is the meeting? +Rob: need to be in the centre of Plymouth for about 11.30 +Sue: no worries.. let me know how you get on +Rob: will do should be a good little job ongoing +Sue: great will we get Graham Mason on that? +Rob: yes I think so we can start after the new yer","Rob has a meeting in Plymouth at 11.30 and asks Sue to man the calls today. Rob expects a good job, engage Graham Mason in the job and start it after the New Year. " +13716785,"Dan: Will you call the plumber finally? +Jess: Who? +Brian: No, he's talkin about me, my friends is one +Jess: Oh, ok +Jess: But what's wrong? +Dan: One of the pipes blew up yesterday +Jess: WHAT? and I got to know about this just now? +Dan: Chill, we got it covered right away, happened in front of our eyes, nothing was flooded +Jess: Thank god! We would be so screwed +Brian: Well we don't have hot water for now so it gotta be fixed ASAP +Jess: O shit! I gotta date today +Jess: Can you fix it today???? +Dan: We are working on it girl:D +Jess: Please no jokes k?:D +Brian: I got it, he's gonna fix it by 8pm +Jess: shoot that's a long shot, but I might make it +Dan: Just tell him what happened +Brian: Sure, he'll understand +Jess: Well I might just reschedule +Brian: Oh come on, just don't take a shower:D like guys would +Jess: Well, that's why you guys are alone",Brian will call the plumber to come and fix the broken pipe today by 8 pm. Jess is going on a date and she needs to shower before or reschedule. +13829900,"Ann: Hey +Ann: :) +Tom: Hi, how are you? +Tom: We have not spoken for a long time. +Ann: I'm sorry, I've had a lot of work cause I've moved to Lublin. +Tom: Really? I did not know. +Tom: Send me your new address",Ann's had a lot of work because she moved to Lublin. +13728411,"Adam: Are you going on a trip? +Tom: Yes, tomorrow. +Adam: Where? +Tom: To Mount Rush. +Adam: Do you want to go with us. +Tom: No thanks.",Tom is going on a trip to Mount Rush tomorrow. +13717305,"Ben: Hello! As I wrote to u i am visiting sebastian this weekend in Warsaw. Tomorrow we go to a concert. During the day i would be more than happy to meet you somewghere. +Miley: Hi! We could grab a beer in the evening, before your concert. When it starts exactly? +Ben: first band starts at 7pm. +John: I have a free afternoon +Ben: sounds good. I will talk to sebastian. concert will be at the Voice. Where r we goin to meet? Some ideas? +Miley: Bonnie and Clyde? +Ben: ok, it's close to the voice. i'll ask sebastian if we manage to be there at 5 +John: we already have sam plans for the evening, so we won't manage to meet you then +Miley: so what do you propose? +Sarah: guys, don't count me when it comes to this weekend... ;( +John: I can meet you at 5 but not for long +Ben: so maybe let's meet earlier, at 4ish so John could stay longer with us +Miley: deal!",Ben is visiting Sebastian in Warsaw this weekend. Tomorrow at 7 pm they will go to a concert to the Voice. Before it they will meet with Miley and John at Bonnie and Clyde at 4 pm. +13829175-1,"Michael: I received an offer from the provider +Frank: And? What are they're offering? Anything interesting? +Michael: Not really, that's the problem ;/ +Michael: I wanted to change my phone for something better with better camera, but they're offering same models +Frank: What about the prices? +Michael: They offer a few bundles and packages, most of them are for new clients though... +Frank: Huh, typically, it's better to be a new client then an old one. +Frank: I'd advise you to cancel the deal and then sign a new one a new client. +Michael: Can I do it? +Frank: Of course you can!",Michael isn't happy with the offer that he received from his provider. They're offering the same phone models. There are better deals for new clients. Frank's advice is to cancel the deal and sign a new contract. +13809923,"Dylan: so did you enjoy our Xmas party at the office yesterday? +Dylan: +Maya: well, after I got tipsy, yes immensely XD +Dylan: haha sme here +Maya: the food was pretty tasty though +Dylan: I didn't eat that much :P +Maya: and did you see that our boss and Silvia were dancing? +Dylan: I wouldn't call it dancing, rather groping XD +Maya: haha, it got intense at some point, true :D +Dylan: I bet they felt awkward the next day +Maya: yeah I noticed that they avoided each other :D +Dylan: ah at least there is some life here in the office! +Dylan: otherwise we would bore ourselves to death! +Maya: ",Dylan and Maya enjoyed the office Christmas party. The boss and Silvia made fools of themselves. +13821459,"Rodney: Hey, we had to cancel workshops with Kika. If you paid already we can return the money or we can put you on the list for the next date which is 3-4.11. Which option do you choose, and does the new date fit you? +Mela: file_gif +Justine: Oooo, I will be probably still on the cementary tour ;) +Monica: I'm away for the long weekend :( +Rodney: please note 1-2.12 in you calendars, it will be the last workshops with Kika this year","Rodney informs that the workshop with Kika is cancelled, but he offers Mela, Justin and Monica to come on 3-4.11 instead. Justin and Monica have other plans. Rodney announces that the last workshop this year will be held in December." +13728015,"Hayden: I am so sad +Hayden: ABC isnt renewing Nashville +Boe: That show was good +Boe: Did they finish season 5? +Hayden: They did +Boe: I havent finished season 4 +Hayden: It only gets better +Boe: You finished the entire show? +Hayden: Yes xd +Hayden: 😜 😝 +Boe: Wow +Boe: Well done +Hayden: thx sir","ABC will not renew ""Nashville"". Season 5 was completed, however." +13811982,"Betty: Are you going to the Chistnas Party? +Freda: No, I don't think so - it's too cold! +Betty: What's that got to do with it? +Freda: It's cold so I would rather stay inside!! HAHA!! +Betty: Go on, you should come. It will be fun! +Freda: I am not keen on most of the people at work so why spend time with them when I don't have to!! +Betty: Because it would be fun! +Freda: Really! +Betty: Yes outside work people are different! +Freda: There may not be any tickets left +Betty: There are!! I checked +Betty: Shall I get you one? +Freda: I have nothing to wear! +Betty: Yes you have!! Go on buy a ticket - it will be fun! +Freda: Ok, you have persuaded me! Let's hope you are right! +Betty: Yeah!!!!",Freda is going to the Christmas Party. +13728972,"Daniel: Hi Ben. Are you going to Rachel’s party? +Ben: No. She didn’t invite me. +Daniel: Seriously? +Daniel: I thought you were close +Ben: Not anymore apparently +Daniel: I’m sorry to hear that +Ben: Well, I’m not sorry +Ben: To be honest, it’s better without her +Daniel: You seemed to be a perfect couple +Ben: Trust me, we weren’t +Ben: Rachel has some serious issues +Ben: I’m glad it’s over +Ben: This relationship was sucking all my energy","Ben is not going to Rachel’s party, because she didn't invite him. He's glad that the relationship with Rachel has ended." +13811002,"Keira: +Keira: i'm sitting next to this dude for the next three hours!! +Evan: what a beautiful classic manspread! :D +Keira: he's almost doing a split >:( +Evan: just kick him or something :p +Keira: he looks like this kind of guy who would kick me back :d +Evan: well, that's unfortunate :D",Keira is sitting next to a man who's doing a huge manspread. +13815894,"Saanvi: Are you awake? +Konnor: Yeah +Saanvi: What pet would you like to have tomorrow? +Konnor: I want to have a cat +Saanvi: I am thinking to buy a German boxer +Konnor: Nice choice +Saanvi: We would also need to take care of their food :/ +Konnor: Dont worry, I have a friend +Saanvi: Wht about her? +Konnor: She has a lot of pets so we can ask her for advice +Saanvi: That would work +Konnor: Hmm +Saanvi: Ok see you tomorrow then +Konnor: See ya <3","Saanvi is thinking of getting a dog and Konnor about getting a cat. Konnor's friend has a lot of pets, so they will ask her for advice." +13821695,"Kieran: Who's up for an early sesh tomorrow? 630? +Luke: Kieran, I’m up for tomorrow +Gery: I’m in +David: Probably in +Kieran: Come back with a definite and I'll give you an emoji +David: +Kieran: haha +Daniel: I can bring a camera +Summer: Dan PLEASE +Daniel: :) +Summer: We were saying you should have been there today :( +Daniel: I seen some of your pics, they look great. And it looks like you guys had a really good day :) +Gery: YAS!","Kieran, Luke, Gery, David and Daniel are up for an early sesh tomorrow at 6.30." +13682327-1,"Frank: Cheers mate, got the stuff? +Allan: Half of it. +Frank: How come?! They promised. Bastards. +Allan: No sweat! Will come later. +Frank: When? +Allan: Dunno. Later. +Frank: WTF??? +Allan: I'm doing my best buddy. Believe me. +Frank: You'd better fix it. +Frank: ASAP +Allan: Sure mate. Something else. Need more dough. +Frank: Kidding ROTFL +Allan: Serious.The price gone up. +Frank: Have none left. +Allan: Then you gonna get none more. +Frank: I'll kill ya! +Allan: Calm down mate. Only 30 more. +Frank: 30!! Can get 20. +Allan: Ya golden mate. No discussing prices with them. +Frank: Get me whatever for 20. +Allan: Fixin' it.","Frank wants his stuff, but Allan has got only half of it, because the price was raised. Frank has got only 20 to pay. He wants Allan to get as much as he can for it." +13682333,"Jo: I’m going to the super market, do you need anything ? +Meg: too late :P you are back! +Jo: haha",Joe is going to the supermarket and offers to get something for Meg. +13816708,"Henry: Daniel! Merry Christmas, my friend! +Daniel: Merry Christmas to you! I hope you'll enjoy this day. +Henry: Thank you really much. How's it going there? +Daniel: I'm fine, I'm heading to Tasmania tomorrow. +Daniel: Currently in Melbourne. +Daniel: +Daniel: Oh, and the best one +Daniel: +Henry: Wow! Such a nice pic! Were you at a zoo? +Daniel: Sort of. It's called something like wildlife park or wildlife sanctuary here.",It's Christmas time. Daniel is in Melbourne and going to Tasmania tomorrow. He sends Henry pictures from a wildlife sanctuary he went to. +13828961,"Leah: Hey babe, how was the trip? :) +Wilson: It's alright - I've just entered my room +Wilson: +Wilson: There was some turbulence on the flight, but nothing serious ;) +Leah: Sweet! Looks like they're really pampering you. +Wilson: Yeah, seems that way :) +Wilson: Although tomorrow we'll be spending the entire day on the pitch so I don't know if I'll get to enjoy it as much as I would like. +Leah: Well make the most of it love :) +Wilson: I was actually thinking that maybe you'ld like to come back here with me :) I could show you the sights, tell you what knowledge I've gleamed from the locals ;) +Leah: That sounds really nice actually. I've always wanted to go to Barcelona with a hot guy on my arm ;) +Wilson: Don't worry, I'll be your arm candy any time :P +Leah: Oh please - you'll be much more than that. I'm counting on you to be my personal masseuse and to carry my luggage. +Wilson: My girlfriend - the diva. +Leah: ;)",Wilson took a flight and now he has just entered his room. Tomorrow Wilson is spending all the day on the pitch. Leah will come to Barcelona. +13680467,"Leu: How are you? Any new development about the house? +Luisa: Hello my dear! Sadly not. No news at all regarding the house :(( We'll be sitting on it till the end of our lives! +Leu: That can't be. It is such a fantastic property. In such an incredibly beautiful estate. It's a matter of time. +Luisa: That's what we thought last spring when we put it on the market. +Leu: It took me 2 years to sell my flat back in Poland. +Luisa: Oh well... Wait and see. The last prospective buyers we had, 5 weeks back, were so enthusiastic we'd thought we're done. They said ours was shortlisted, their favourite in Ballito, but they still wanted to check another estate. And that was it. She didn't even bother to phone, just sent me a minimal message. Bill got so frustrated that he drank himself stiff that night. +Leu: He does it from time to time, doesn't he? +Luisa: From time to time? Regularly!!! Can't you remember?! +Leu: Not quite. Never saw him really tight. +Luisa: Cause you used to leave before his evening was over. I'm seriously worried about his health, to tell you the truth. It's just every day that he tipples. +Leu: As if slowly killing himself with liquor. +Luisa: He doesn't care. He says he's got his life behind him. +Leu: But it is terrible. How can you cope with it? +Luisa: I stopped to care too. It is his life. If he wants to put a quicker end to it, it's up to him. Look I cannot do anything about it. What hide bottles? Just don't want to have an invalid in my house one day. +Leu: Therapy? +Luisa: Gimme a break! Can you imagine Bill attending an AA therapy like a good boy! I can't. +Leu: Nor can I. +Luisa: We even stopped talking about his drinking problem long ago. When he started, just after and because of his early retirement, I thought I'd better refrain from commenting because he's so depressed. But then it was worse and worse... Now it's too late. +Leu: Poor Luisa, poor Bill. It is so sad. But you are tough Luisa. You are so incredibly tough and strong and even-tempered, I'd say. +Luisa: Yes, I am. That keeps me sane. I don't worry if I can't change it. To a degree... +Leu: Right you are! ""The beach scape changes every month as tides bring in tons of sand and cover the rocks making the beach appear totally different."" Do you remember? +Luisa: ""Then the rocks are laid bare as the tide pulls away the sand. Such is life.""",Luisa has had no luck selling her house yet. It took Leu 2 year to sell his apartment. Bill has a drinking problem. Luisa has stopped trying to help Bill. +13829006,"Joel: hey how was the meeting? +Gloria: he +Gloria: you know what, i couldn't stay till the end +Gloria: I was leaving at around 12 and we had only done a, b and c +Joel: shit... +Gloria: yeah, i heard they finished past 6pm +Joel: wow +Joel: do what did you agree on? +Gloria: well we'd have to sit down +Gloria: and i'd tell you everything with details +Gloria: but in general the new deal is quite good for us +Joel: ok, tomorrow? +Gloria: ok, i'll email you my calendar +Gloria: and we'll find a window;) +Joel: ok great","Gloria didn't stay till the end of the meeting. She left at 12. They did a, b and c. They finished at 6 pm. Joel and Gloria will meet tomorrow and she'll tell him about the details of the deal. She'll email him her calendar to set the meeting." +13728662,"Una: Hey what was the name of that place we went to? +Vera: which place? +Vera: we go to a lot of places lol +Una: the tea shop +Vera: Fine Tea room on 5th street +Una: thanks +Vera: going there? +Una: no just making a list of places for an office party +Vera: ok but we should go there again +Una: Sunday? +Vera: ok! ",Una has added Fine Tea room on 5th street to a list of places for an office party. Una and Vera will go there on Sunday. +13681943,"Felis: my cat is amazing +Felis: he woke me up at 3 am +Felis: he started to purr and wanted to be pet +Felis: I pet him a few times but I was tired +Felis: so I stopped and fall asleep again +Felis: so he opened my wardrobe and started to pull out my all sweaters :@ +Craig: ","Felis' cat woke him up at 3 am. Felis petted him a little, but fell asleep again. The cat opened his wardrobe and started to pull out his clothes. " +13830029,"Caroline: do u think professor mulligan would be willing to write a recommendation leter for me? +Amira: i don't know +Amira: he's got dozens and dozens of students each semester +Amira: he probably doesn't even know who you are :-/ +Caroline: mmm... you are right, i'm still going to ask him anyway",Caroline is going to ask professor mulligan to write her a recommendation letter. +13810209,"Lillianne: My brother met a new girl online +Alan: Good for him. The other one wasn’t that great +Lillianne: Indeed. Maybe this one will be better +Alan: I hope +Lillianne: But he doesn’t know how to handle girls +Alan: Why? What did he do? +Lillianne: He only met her a few times and already gave her a super expensive gift +Alan: What??? +Lillianne: He has money and he compensates other things like that +Lillianne: But deep inside he’s very insecure +Alan: That’s not a good start of any relationship +Alan: Maybe you should talk to him +Lillianne: I tried but he’s so sensitive +Lillianne: It’s hard to tell him anything without hurting him",Lillianne's brother met a new girl online and both her and Alan hope she'll be better than the other one. Lillianne's brother gave the new girl a very expensive gift even though he met her only a few times. He's rich and insecure deep inside. She tried to talk to him but he's sensitive. +13731164,"Carol: hi michelle, can you recommend a good politics blog? +Michelle: hiya carol!!! +Michelle: i don't read any politic blogs :-( +Carol: really?? +Carol: why? +Michelle: they're all biased :-/ +Carol: i know +Carol: that's why i was hoping you knew of a good one +Michelle: with what's happening in the world i've been keeping out of the news +Carol: i've tried to do that but i just can't +Carol: i need to know what's happening in the world +Michelle: i know what you mean +Michelle: i used to be like that, but i just can't take it anymore, lol +Michelle: i just read what i wrote, i sound so dramatic!! hahaha +Carol: lol, you're ok, i know what you mean ;-) +Michelle: danny reads loads of blogs every day +Michelle: i'll tell him to text you with the best ones later today +Carol: thanks michelle!!!","Michelle can't recommend any politics blog to Carol. According to her, all of them are biased. Michelle will tell Danny to send the best blogs to Carol later today." +13829038,"Ethan: Hey, I'm thinking of buying a smartwatch. +Ben: Hey, why do you need it? +Ethan: I want to have the step tracker. +Ben: Don't you have the app in you phone? +Ethan: I do, but I don't always have my phone with me, so the final outcome isn't accurate. +Ben: Yeah, I get your point. +Ben: They have a wide offer @ Best Buy. +Ethan: I'll look into it.","Ethan will look for a smartwatch on Best Buy, as he needs a step tracker." +13862421,"Janine: I'm sorry for my kids but these places are not for me, so boooring... +Janine: I'm doing this for them but... hoping that nobody is expecting me to have fun ;) ;) +Mike: hahaha totally understandable +Janine: +Janine: +Janine: At least they seem like it's the time of their lives :') :') :') +Mike: Is that Zoe??? +Mike: In blue dress +Janine: Yep +Mike: Wow she's taller than Jacob? +Janine: Almost! +Janine: She's 6 +Mike: This smile says ""trouble"" hahaha +Mike: In a couple of years ;) +Janine: Oh yeah, she has a ""boyfriend"" already +Janine: And he's not the first one :O +Mike: Ha ha ha you can't blame genetics ;) +Janine: Come on, I had my first boyfriend when I was... +Janine: Erm... +Janine: Okay, six, but the world was different! ;) +Mike: She has two big brothers and her dad is a soldier +Mike: How much safer can you get? ;) +Janine: I don't know... So far it seems she's in charge here ;)",Janine has sent some photos of her children having fun to Mike. Her daughter Zoe is taller than Jacob and has a boyfriend at the age of 6. Janine also had a boyfriend at 6. +13864504,"Sandra: Help! +Sandra: Little one has a diarrhoea :( +Mark: oh dear +Karen: Take him to the hospital +Rita: Hospital? Because of a diarrhoea? +Sandra: My sister's going to kill me +Karen: How old is he? 4? +Sandra: Yeah +Rita: Calm down, you need to keep him hydrated +Mark: Give him some pills +Sandra: I did, he's drinking and I gave him pills but they're not working +Rita: Give him one more, sometimes it doesn't work from the beginning +Karen: If it doesn't stop you should go to the hospital +Sandra: oh god +Sandra: he's vomiting now +Mark: you sure it's not stomach flu? +Sandra: don't even say that +Sandra: I'm going to the hospital",Sandra takes care of a 4 year old. He has diarrhea and is vomiting. She gave him pills and water. They are going to the hospital. +13716916,"Lee: Any of you going to the gym tonight? +Sam: What time? +Lee: About 9 pm? +Tom: I can't +Sam: Why? +Tom: I'm working +Lee: Can't finish that in the morning? +Tom: No... +Sam: Ok, so I'll be there before 9 +Lee: Ok, CU","Lee and Sam are going to the gym about 9 pm, but Tom can't as he's working." +13810180,"Kate: I talked to the agent, fittings on Saturday, set on Monday. Can i give them your number? +Mark: Im not gonna make it this weekend. But thanks. Next time for sure ;) +Kate: on Saturday it is only fittings, takes at best half an hour and off you went","Fitting is on Saturday and set on Monday. Mark won't make it this weekend, but Kate informs him the fitting takes only half an hour." +13829629,"Claire: +Claire: FATM just released a new single! You need to check it out! +Sophia: Wow! Amazing! Give me a minute +Claire: Let me know when you're done, can't wait for your opinion +Sophia: i'm done +Sophia: and dead +Sophia: it was magnificent +Claire: It is, right?! I love her so much <3 +Sophia: It's amazing, because... it's different, but I knew it was her from the very beginning +Claire: Exactly! her music really is divine, peaceful and powerful at the same time +Sophia: When's the album coming out? +Claire: hm, not sure, probably next year +Sophia: I hope she's going to keep the style of this single +Claire: me too, I want her to grow etc., but at the same time I'm afraid she's going to experiment too much +Sophia: same thing happened with Mumford and Sons, can't listen to them any more :(",FATM released a new single. Sophia and Claire like it very much. +13862525,"Julie: Hey there, do u no people who speak English and German? +Rosy: Hmm… maybe, but he’s now away on holidays +Julie: Look, I’m looking for people to work at my company +Julie: This is what we offer: +Julie: Support for your career and competences development – learning from colleagues, courses and trainings, allowing you to boost your skills and become #BEFUTUREPROOF; using foreign language and new technology solutions daily, cooperating with various Clients; CSR activities and rich social life – Book Club, International Cuisine Club, Runners Club, family events, cultural meetings, photography classes, climbing, soccer, swimming; full work comfort – private medical care, life insurance, access to MyBenefit platform +Rosy: Can you send me the detailed description of the job offer? +Julie: Sure +Julie: +Rosy: I’ll forward the job offer to Mike +Julie: Thanks Rosie +Rosy: No problem! I think that he’s gonna like it 😊","Rosy will forward Julie's job offer to Mike, who speaks English and German." +13821623,"Will: How was St Patrick’s Day David? +Theresa: David is a proud Irishman 🍀 I’m sure he did his best to celebrate it well. +David: Oh man! What a fun weekend! Everyone was off today to recover. +David: Theresa, I’m so disappointed you were not with us. +Will: Haha nice! +Theresa: Next year, I promise. +David: But I can’t wait to drink with the King! +Will: Haha, as far as I know, the king is ready! +David: Does Amsterdam celebrate it? +Will: St Patrick’s? Nooo +Will: It’s something restricted to your culture, I believe +David: Yea but a lot of places celebrate. Irish everywhere u know 😉 +David: Just not in Amsterdam 😜 +Will: Actually, maybe the Irish pubs in Amsterdam organized some events +Will: But we Dutch people always skip the Irish pubs +Theresa: Why? Don’t you like Guinness? 🍺 +Will: Only dick in the pubs, no women 😘","David celebrated St Patrick’s Day during the weekend. David is getting ready for King's Day in Amsterdam. People in Amsterdam do not celebrate St Patrick’s Day. Will doesn't go to Irish pubs in Amsterdam, because there are no women inside them." +13716606,"Richard: What should we buy for Przemek? +Tommy: For his birthday? +Andrew: A book about photography? +Richard: A great idea! +Andrew: i'll buy it, just collect the money",Andrew will buy a book of photography for Przemek's birthday. +13865083,"Fred: I quit my job so I would be happy if you could share my fb post and ask around +Kathy: if you need any endorsement or whatever I can help +Selma: where do you want to work now? +Fred: UX designer or dev op +Fred: I quit because of mobbing to I'd love to have good working environment for a change +Selma: I'll ask around +Kathy: sorry to hear that +Kathy: I remember you complaining about him but I didn't know how bad he was +Fred: bad enough to make me cry in public +Selma: that's terrible! +Kathy: you should rest and relax after experiences like that +Fred: I will +Fred: my holidays start on Friday +Kathy: good +Selma: call us when you'll have time to hang out +Fred: I will +Kathy: if I'll find anything cool I'll let you know +Fred: thanks",Fred quit his job because of mobbing. Kathy and Selma will ask around for a job for him. +13814247,"Olivia: Do you like playing cards? +Noah: I havent played ever :/ +Olivia: You can tell me someone who can help? +Noah: Yeah Ethan knows much about cards +Olivia: wow, What kind of games does he know how to play? +Noah: idk you can directly talk to him +Olivia: Sure +Noah: Should I give you his number? +Olivia: No I already have? +Noah: K +Olivia: Do you want to learn how to play? +Noah: Yeah I would love to +Olivia: Come at Jacob's place this weekend",Noah has never played the cards. Ethan knows his cards. Olivia will call him. Noah also wants to learn how to play cards. Olivia invites him to Jacob's place. +13680856,"Christine: omg, omg check this out +Joan: :D finally! I was really starting to believe she's not gonna make another record. +Christine: I'm hyping so much right now +Joan: me too. That concert gains another meaning now as well. She's probably gonna play some new songs. +Christine: Definitely! Btw isn't it about time to arrange those train tickets we were talking about? +Joan: I don't know. The concert is still 6 months away. Isn't it a bit too early? +Christine: There's no such thing as too early, my dear ;) plus we can also consider some other modes of transportation +Joan: thought we agreed the train is our best option +Christine: okay, let me look into it and I'll let you know what I find.","Christine and Joan are elated, because she broke another record. They want to book train tickets for the concert that is 6 months away." +13730321,"Timothy: Hey +Timothy: Do you have Kev's number? +Timothy: If you have kindly share. +Stephanie: Hey +Stephanie: Yeah it is 8767****** +Timothy: Thanks +Stephanie: You are welcome",Stephanie shared Kev's number with Timothy. +13727907,"Ron: Hey Alice, wanna go grab a coffee?? +Alice: Yeah sure. +Ron: Get ready . I will be at your house in 5 mins. +Alice: Great!",Ron and Alice will go for a coffee in 5 minutes. +13681704,"Bud: What's the score? +Buzz: 1:0 +Bud: Yeyy, great, be there in 5 +Buzz: Okey do you want me to order you a beer? +Bud: yes, thanks! +Buzz: We are sitting on the far right +Bud: Ok +Buzz: You know what? let me know when you're near we can smoke +Bud: Sure!",Bud is meeting up Buzz to watch the game. +13729421,"Keith: We have a few servings of fish extra from this morning if you want to join and chip in let me know, first come first serve +Alex: I WANT IT +Keith: I know +Keith: But you're here alrady, I'm asking the others +Alex: I'LL EAT EVERYTHING +Keith: Shut up! +Alex: NO +Keith: No more fish for ya",Alex wants to eat all extra fish but Keith refuses him. +13611464,"Phil: You have forgotten the shopping list on the table!!! +Boris: Sh... I'm just about to get a trolley. +Phil: No worries. I'll key it all in for you now. +Boris: No! +Phil: Better call you? +Boris: Wait a sec. +Phil: What's up? +Boris: Sorry. Had to get inside. +Boris: It's the stuff for the curry, wine and fruit salad things, right? +Phil: And veggie burgers for Mom, Jordan's breakfast cereals for me + plain yogurt and mangoes for lassie. +Boris: Aye, aye! +Phil: And as much of it as possible organic. +Boris: Got it!","Boris is shopping but he forgot the shopping list. He's got to buy ingredients for curry and fruit salad, as well as wine, vegetable burgers, cereals, plain yogurt and mangoes." +13612187,"Sebastian: How many days until end of school year ? +Marta: 53 days +Sebastian: So many days ? Looking forward to the holidays ! +Marta: You still have some time to buy your swimming suit :)","Marta says there are 53 days until the end of a school year, and Sebastian is disappointed." +13830043,"Steve: hi, what do you think about this display? +Steve: +Bill: hi! let me check +Bill: never had the chance to use it personally but the parameters looks fine +Bill: just remember that if you have a GeForce card it will not work with FreeSync +Steve: is that a problem? +Bill: it will work as a display, you just won't be able to activate this technology +Bill: I did found something more worrying +Bill: there's lots of reviews about frequent bad pixels in this model and issues with the power supply +Steve: ok, thanks for the info +Steve: I found another one +Steve: +Bill: the reviews for this one look much better and the parameters are similar to the previous one +Bill: the only reported issue are faded colors but that's always a subjective matter +Bill: from those two I would definitely choose the second one +Steve: ok, great :) +Steve: I'll order it +Bill: I don't remember what card you have at the moment +Bill: so just make sure you'll be able to connect it properly +Steve: I will +Steve: thanks for your help +Bill: no problem",Steve will order the second display. He needs to make sure he can connect his card to it. +13820786,"Ray: It was awesome, thank you all! +Amy: <3 +Garry: Thank youuuu, it was so much fun. I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer. Hugs for everyone :D +Amy: (Y) +Paula: I agree with Garry. It short yet intense :D it was so good to see everyone, and you Amy. Again happy happy birthday, NOT relatively good as Artie wrote hahaha +Amy: :D +Kris: We also had so much fun :D Thank you so much :D it was super cool to get to know Amy's friends :) P.S. standing ovation for choral performances :) +Amy: <3 +Rory: I also wanna thank you Amy. Unfotunately, ""boogers"" didn't allow us to stay longer. +Amy: :D +Paula: Did you catch a cold rory? haha :D","Amy's birthday party gets great feedback from Ray, Garry, Paula, Kris and Rory. Some people like Rory or Garry had to leave earlier." +13829628,"Nina: Hi 😊 +Nina: How was that yoga class? +Sarah: Oh hi :) Sorry I just came back, stayed longer to strech a bit more. +Sarah: In general I enjoyed it. Our new instructor took it easy and I was a bit bored. But I love the atmosphere there. +Nina: Not challenging enough? +Sarah: Well, you know me, if I'm not sweating it's not a good training 😄 +Sarah: I've heard you wanted to start moving. Join me next time! +Nina: I was hoping you'd ask me 😁 I wanna give it a try. +Sarah: Cool. +Sarah: It's either mondays 6pm, or thursdays at 7. +Nina: You can choose, both days work for me. +Sarah: Good. Then we go mondays AND thursdays! 😜 +Nina: Are you trying to kill me?? +Sarah: Drama queen. 😘 You'll be fine! +Nina: OK, so what do I need? +Sarah: For yoga class? A lot of determination haha +Sarah: Comfy clothes, water and a towel +Nina: How about shoes? +Sarah: No shoes. Unless you wanna run away hahaha +Nina: I see you're in a good mood. I hope to feel the same way after! +Sarah: Sorry. I'm sure we'll have a lot of fun! +Nina: Thanks +Sarah: No worries","Sarah was at a yoga class today. She stayed longer to stretch. The new instructor's exercises were easy for Sarah. Nina and Sarah will go to yoga together on Mondays at 6 PM and on Thursdays at 7. Nina should take comfortable clothes, water and a towel for her first class." +13594107-1,"Mike: How was your week at work? +Joanne: I had many business meetings, what about you? +Mike: Mine was crazy with many conference calls to clients. +Joanne: I know the feeling when you say crazy. +Mike: You say you had business meeting, you mean with clients or colleagues? +Joanne: Both actually. +Mike: My meetings were all realted to KPI's and the future growth of our company. +Joanne: Ha, ha, these meetings. +Mike: My company is growing so rapidly and we need new staff. +Joanne: I can always recommend some friends for your company. +Mike: That would be great Joanne. +Joanne: Just send me some vacant jobs and I'll ask around. +Mike: Will do, totally appreciate your kindness. +Joanne: Anytime.","Both Mike and Joanne had a busy week at work. Mike's company is growing and they need new staff. Joanne can recommend some friends for Mike's company, they arranged that Mike would send her info on vacant jobs." +13829535,"Joanna: check this out +Monica: ? +Joanna: +Monica: what's that? +Joanna: we're having a video conference... +Joanna: she's switched on her webcam... +Joanna: and she's posing like a fucking model hahaha +Monica: lol, what?! +Joanna: She's twirling her hair like all the time +Joanna: licking her lips +Joanna: lowering her head so that it looks sexier +Monica: God, she's one damn attention whore isn't she +Joanna: don't get me started +Monica: how old is she again? +Joanna: thirty something... +Monica: shouldn't it has passed already? +Joanna: Maybe it's some sort of a middle age crisis. +Monica: touche! +Joanna: get me out of here! +Monica: get a grip! +Monica: ang get me more photos, that's sooooo funny +Joanna: Cause you don't have to hold your breath, i wanna laugh sooo hard +Monica: +Joanna: EXACTLY!",Joanna is having a video conference with her. She's trying to look attractive during the conference. She's over thirty. Joanna and Monica find her behavior funny. +13717143,"Jeanne: There's no worse thing than pineapple on pizza, if you agree, raise your (virtual) hand :D +Vanessa: Definitely! Pizza is just not meant to have fruit topping. +Clive: I've eaten pizza with chocolate and bananas. It was delicious! +Vanessa: WOW, really? +Jeanne: Usually I like everything that involves chocolate, but I'm not sure if I'd try something like that. +Vanessa: Yeah, it's simply too much... +Jaimie: IMO it's not even pizza anymore. It's more like a pie. +Clive: Hey, Jaimie, I remember you ordering Hawaiian pizza :P +Jaimie: Yup, I'm fine with pineapple, maybe even some cranberry, but only if there's also enough cheese and meat to counterbalance it. Who the hell makes sweet pizza? +Vanessa: The world is full of weird people after all... ;)",Neither Jeanne nor Vanessa fancy pineapple on pizza. Clive has enjoyed one with chocolate and bananas. Jaimie is fine with pineapple or cranberries if there's something to counterbalance it. +13816439,"Beth: What are you wearing tomorrow? +Sammy: idk should I dress fancy?? +Beth: it's new year's eve +Sammy: I know but it's just the six of us eating soup in my place +Beth: don't tell me you are gonna wear tracksuits +Sammy: well now I am not! +Beth: haha I'll wear a casual dress +Sammy: okay fine me too",Beth and Sammy will wear casual dresses to New Year's Eve dinner. +13715828,"Graham: Saturday at 4 pm I was hit by some piece of sh*t! Tesco car park Black Rd. Any witnesses? +Oliver: Are you ok?! +Graham: i'm fine just want him to pay for what he has done!!! +Oliver: happy you are not hurt! +Rob: report it to the police! +Graham: they said they can't help unless i have witnesses +Emma: OMG! that's awful! so hard to believe! +Rob: that's crazy! +Tina: sorry about your car! +Emily: awful experience! take care! x",Saturday at 4 pm Graham had a car accident on the Tesco car park on Black Road. He is looking for witnesses to report to the police and prove it was the other driver's fault. +13863127,"Krystal: oh i miss Cuba +Mikayla: me too ;( +Krystal: maybe we could go again next year +Mikayla: we definitely should! i'll go and check out fisrt minute trips straight away;D +Krystal: haaha ok :D let me know if you find sth +Mikayla: u got it!!",Krystal and Mikayla want to go to Cuba again. Mikayla will look for first minute trips. +13611688,"Tom: We're all in Spoons. Wanna join? +Jessica: Sure! I'll be there around 10! +Tom: We're on the dance floor. You cannot miss us! LOL +Jessica: What??? I'm on my way!!!!",Tom and others are in Spoons on the dance floor. Jessica will join around 10. +13728113,"Lowe: just give me 2 minutes and i'll be out +Shaw: dude it's been half an hour now +Lowe: i know, i was stuck with the work +Shaw: are you done now? +Lowe: yeah just let me get ready, 2 minutes +Shaw: alright but hurry up +Lowe: yeah +Shaw: everyone's waiting for us there +Lowe: everybody's there already? +Shaw: what do you mean already, it's been 15 minutes past the time we discussed +Lowe: oh shit, completely lost track of time +Shaw: now come on +Lowe: yeah i'm out",Lowe is late because of work. Shaw is waiting and getting impatient. Lowe's finally coming. +13820760,"Ria: we won the petition! +Ben: Fantastic! +Lars: Great news, well done! +Holly: awesome!","Ben, Lars and Holly are happy for Ria who won the petition." +13828789,"Betty: How did the date go? +Karen: Oh it was lovely! I had soooo much fun +Karen: I didn't expect Nick to be so creative! +Betty: Where did you go? +Karen: To a thrift store! We picked outfits for each other and it was surprisingly fun :D +Betty: That sounds like a cool idea!","Karen had a great date with Nick. He took her to a thrift store, where they chose clothes for each other." +13717301,"Steven: Hello, kids. It's time to start the annual mission “GIFT FOR MUM”! +Margaret: Dad, can't we just meet in the garage like a normal family? +Steven: Nope, Mum can hear us there, she won't hear us on Facebook! +Harry: Unless she just steals your phone... +Lesley: Hey, let's just get it over with, okay? +Steven: See, that's the spirit! +Harry: Dad, Lesley simply has basketball in two hours and wants you to give her a lift :P +Lesley: You little snitch! +Steven: Calm down, kids, no one leaves this house until we decide what to get Mum on her birthday. +Lesley: But Dad! +Steven: Don't “Dad” me. Think! +Margaret: No worries, your awesome big sister is here :D Mum was interested in this food processor: +Harry: You want to buy Mum a kitchen appliance? +Steven: What's wrong with that? Last Christmas I got her an iron. +Lesley: Yeah, a great way to suggest her we see her as our servant :P +Margaret: Hey, that was mean! +Harry: Any other ideas? +Lesley: What about a spa break? +Steven: I like the idea. But isn't it too expensive? +Margaret: No, actually prices are quite varied, depending on what exactly is included in the offer. Give me a sec. +Harry: Are we giving her mud baths? XD +Margaret: Moron. +Steven: Maggie, don't be mean to your brother. +Margaret: OK, OK. Look at this offer . Or this one . +Lesley: I like the second one better. +Steven: I have no idea what all these things even mean, so I'll have to trust you on this one, girls. +Harry: What, no mud baths?! +Steven: Harold, one more word and you'll be washing my car tonight. And there's a lot of mud on it. +Margaret: Okay, the second one then. If no one objects, I'll take care of it. Just give me the money :D",Steven wants to discuss with his children a gift for Mum's birthday. Margaret suggests a food processor. Lesley mentions a spa break. Harry laughs at their suggestions. They will buy a spa break. +13716430,"Max: Din anyone actually watch this the video? +Max: +Allen: Research shows that long term cannabis use ( via smoke inhalation ) produces NO noticeable long term consequences - whereas tobacco use leads to COPD ect. But cannabis causes more inflammation of the lungs and increase symptoms such as wheeziness and shortness of breath. But these subside when cannabis smoking ceases. +Jeremy: Wrong, it wasn't long term use, but rather an ""occasional low cumulative"", which could be something like smoking once or twice a month. +Max: Tom You didn’t watch the video. +Tom: I was just about to complain, then i saw your post. Thanks. ;) +Jason: I like how he doesn't mention the fact that most people smoking spliffs will probably be using tobacco in them as well pretty much everybody I know who smokes weed put tobacco in them and they smoke cigarettes as well. +Daniel: Short attention span 😊 +Max: Daniel probably from pot 🤷‍♂️ +Max: Jason he does - rewatch the end man. He doesn’t specifically say combing the two , but he says one usually precedes the other. +David: Jason, I used to smoke baccy avec hashish but no longer, and I know only one person out of billions who still smokes weed with tobacco. +Rawiri: Jason Hollis yuck...why even??? +Tom: I know that a joint is bigger than a roach, so is a spliff bigger than a joint? +David: I don’t believe there is a size relationship between names of roll-ups (except for the roach which is a mostly smoked roll-up). I say that the names began as code words for an illegal item at that time. Some spliffs may be big some joints be small... +Ken: Allen So quit smoking it and no inflammation which we all know that inflammation is the number one cause of all other health issues. +Tom: BTW Seeing it's still illegal at a federal level, I'd like to know where such studies were conducted legally. Propaganda. Keep gobbling those opiate based pills, they're fine +Brian: this is only stating the harms of smoking cannabis. It's not saying cannabis is harmful... there are other ways to use it without turning to opiates. +Ken: Really? Putting smoke in your lungs is bad for your respiratory system.....shocker. oil....edibles...many ways to enjoy and get relief from chronic pain and or what ever you need to get on with it. +Mark: Cannabis does not have a bad affect on the lungs!! +Virginia: MJ users will not believe anything bad. They think it is right up there with kale and swiss chard!",Max and his friends watched the video about cannabis. Allen believes that long term use has no consequences according to the research. Jeremy explains it wasn't long term use but rather an occasional use. Mark reckons they don't affect the lungs. Virginia thinks MJ users won't believe anything bad. +13728928,"Nora: Hi mum, look at these photos +Harper: ?? +Nora: they are loading +Harper: how? +Nora: I am sending them but they haven't gone through to you +Harper: Okay so I will check later +Nora: Mum it's just 5 seconds +Harper: Okay +Nora: :* +Harper: I don't see anything +Nora: JUST A SECOND MUM +Harper: Oh, there is something!! It's blurred but I see it!! +Nora: Try opening it +Harper: My pretty girl!!! You look lovely!!",Nora is sending her photos to Harper. +13728011,"Gary: Yo, did you see that brawl in front of a supermarket because of that Black Friday madness :P ? +Paul: Black Friday? Bro, we don’t live in the States haha. What happened? +Gary: That happened… The security wouldn’t open the mall until 9am and the crowd went out of control. +Paul: Haha, that must have been funny and scary at the same time. Also embarrassing. +Gary: Yeah, I would never take part in such crap People go mad over a 10% discount on a TV, that had its price risen a week ago. +Paul: Haha, that’s right. I guess the only winners are those, who were smart enough not to do shopping today +Gary: Well said. So, we going for a beer at 8pm? +Paul: Yup, don’t come late, clown :)",People became agressive when the security refused to open the supermarket before 9 am on Black Friday. Gary and Paul are glad they didn't go shopping. They are going for a beer at 8 pm. +13815462,"Natalie: so, how was it? +Dylan: what? +Natalie: you said you were going to a barbershop for the first time! +Natalie: so...? are you looking fresh and fabulous? :D +Dylan: you tell me ;) +Dylan: +Natalie: OMG WOW +Natalie: you're such a snack! +Dylan: thanks! :) +Dylan: i'm not even gonna deny it... i do look great :D +Natalie: was it expensive? +Dylan: not really considering that the barber not only took care of my hair and beard, but also removed my unibrow and hair on my nose +Natalie: hmm, could you try to convince Ian to go to a barber? maybe he'd give it a go, if he saw the effect +Natalie: i want him to get rid of his unibrow so bad... +Dylan: i haven't notice, that he has one +Natalie: yes, he does and i absolutely hate it +Natalie: so, could you talk to him? +Dylan: erm, that would be awkward +Dylan: 'dude, you need to do something with your eyebrows... they look weird...' +Dylan: i mean, come on +Natalie: ok,ok, i get it","Dylan went to a barbershop for the first time. The barber tidied Dylan's facial hair, brows and nose hair. Natalie hates Ian's unibrow. Dylan won't talk to him about it." +13716738,"Sam: This one next time gang? +Jennifer: Yes! +Lucy: You trying to kill me! Half marathon.. +Lucy: Maybe if I can walk atleast half and talk all day 😂 +Sam: Half a mile Lucy! Easy!! +Jennifer: Sounds like no running all obstacles, perfect 🤣 +Becky: Am up for it! Xx +Nicola: Can go out in Leeds after 😏 +Becky: OMG 😊","Sam, Jennifer and Becky want to do a half marathon. Lucy is hesitating." +13730816,"Ed: do you have the tickets?? +Shane: +Ed: cool, thats our favorite row +Shane: i know now hurryyy!! +Ed: okay okay +Shane: cool +Ed: hey wait, what if the teacher asks me +Shane: tell him you're going to the restroom +Ed: with my bag? -_- +Shane: shitt +Ed: what if we pick up my bag after the movie +Shane: i don't know, what if someone sees us +Ed: what if someone sees us at the movies -_- +Shane: oh just come on don't be a baby +Ed: i swear if we get caught im putting this all on you +Shane: WHAT?? .. yeah okay who am i kidding +Ed: yeah xD +Shane: okay now come on we have 10 minutes till the show starts +Ed: okay yeah",Ed is going to leave his class to see a film with Shane. He needs to lie to the teacher. The film starts in 10 minutes. Shane got the tickets. +13819018,"Tom: check out what I found for the family history project +Rod: who's this? +Jake: Is it like your grandpa or something? +Tom: Yes! My dad's dad, the one I've never met. He died in Vietnam. +Rod: Damn, how many medals does he have? +Tom: Not an expert on medal, but he got one for bravery in Vietnam, not sure how it's called. +Jake: Isn't it the medal of honor? +Tom: Nah, that's like the highest one you can get and it's awarded by the president. He got something else. +Rod: Purple Heart? +Tom: yeah, he got that, but that's cause he died in combat. Either way it's a cool addition to the project. +Jake: true",Tom is working on the family history project and is showing Rod and Jake a photo of his grandpa who died in Vietnam. He got Purple Heart and many other medals. +13682540,"Cinthia: im already at home +Cinthia: where are you? +Danielle: trafic jam ",Danielle is stuck in traffic jam. +13864562,"Lucy: I put the schedule for next term in your pigeon holes +Victor: Thanks Lucy +Claudio: Thank you dear! ",Lucy put the schedule for next time in Victor's and Claudio's pigeon hole. +13680741,"Bruno: So do you have a lot of classes at the uni there? Every day? +Elisa: Not really, my timetable is quite flexible and have got lots of free time !! +Bruno: cool. and do you have any job as well? +Elisa: I have got 1 hour on monday, 2 hours on tuesday and 1 hour on thursday, and then 2 hours of tutoral on wednesday, and 1 more hour of tutorial on monday afternoon , and only the tutorials are compulsory, the rest i can listen to the power point slides at home as all my classes are recorded +Bruno: oh really 😀 ? so it seems kind of easy +Elisa: Yah, I have got a job aberdeen exibition and conference Center, and they pay me very well 🙈 Yeaah, its really nice, although we have many big reports to do +Bruno: oh nice!",Elisa doesn't have that many classes at uni and she has a job at Aberdeen exhibition and conference Center. +13864838,"Peter: Do you think a cat can be allergic? +Alice: Hahahaha, Peter, of course they can! :D +Harry: My sister’s cat is allergic to eggs, can you believe it? +Peter: Damn, Daphne’s scratching herself all the time. +Alice: Get her to the vet. +Harry: Are you still up for drinks tomorrow? +Peter: Yeah, why wouldn’t I be? :D +Alice: Where are we meeting then? +Harry: Barney’s? +Peter: Oh no, not again. +Alice: … The Mudd? +Peter: Join you after the vet, keep your fingers crossed!","Harry's sister's cat is allergic to eggs. Peter's cat, Daphne is scratching herself a lot. Alice, Peter and Harry are meeting at The Mudd tomorrow. Peter will go to the vet with his cat before." +13862291,"Robert: If you don't have time to cook, just buy some snacks. +Rachel: That won't be necessary. I'll bring homemade cookies 😉 +Robert: OK, in that case I am the one who's going to the store 😀 +Rachel: Get me a pack of onion crisps please.",Rachel brings homemade cookies and Robert goes shopping. Rachel wants him to buy a pack of onion crisps. +13729330,"Jacob: Hey Margaret , I heard you had a car accident today.. Is everything allright?? +Margaret: yeah, you heard it right.. +Jacob: OH God!! Are you safe?? +Margaret: Yes yeas i am safe.. its just little scratches on the forehead.. +Jacob: oh dear lord! ThanK God ! you are safe.. +Margaret: Thank you... :thumbs +Jacob: stay safe.. and drink a lot of water.. Take good care of your health +Margaret: yeah I will. Dont worry :smile",Margaret had a car accident today. She was slightly injured. +13729661,"Hank: Mom were out of ice cream +Fay: Is this your way of asking for more? +Hank: Mom please! +Fay: you have money you can go to the store +Hank: yeah but youre going anyway +Fay: and you wonder why your sister is our favourite",Hank asks Fay to buy ice-cream. +13681537,"Corey: Did you miss me ? +Miley: Yes... +Corey: So cute <3",Miley missed Corey. +13730758,"Harry: Hey Emily, i have heard something about you. +Emily: Don't play games with me. I know you haven't heard anything. +Harry: I swear , i am not bluffing. +Emily: Yes you are. +Harry: Okay let me put it this way; What were you doing in Prof. Greg's office today? +Emily: Don't you say.. You too know about this. +Harry: Yes I know and not only me, the whole class knows. +Emily: OMG. +Harry: What is wrong with you?? +Emily: I swear it will not happen again. +Harry: But still, you must not increased your marks in the absence of professor. +Emily: I know but it happened.. I swear it will not happen again. +Harry: Go and say sorry to prof. Greg tomorrow. He didn't expect this from you. +Emily: Yes, I will",Harry has heard that Emily was in Prof. Greg's office today. The whole class knows she was there. Emily is surprised that the whole class knows. Emily has changed her marks. Emily will apologise to Prof. Greg tomorrow. Emily will not do that again. +13828153,"Sindey: so, you have your breakthrough +Rose: meaning? +Sindey: yanick invited me for a beer ;> +Rose: aaaa itll be hot :D +Sindey: like hell o.O ;* +Rose: how it happened +Sindey: we’re just talkin after a history class and then he goes hey maybe you wanna grab a beer together +Rose: aaawesome, finally!! +Sindey: yea I was losing hope tbh +Rose: me too xd well you need to be ready, when? +Sindey: Friday +Rose: a whole night for you ;PP its two days! +Sindey: yea its like wtf im gonna wear +Rose: you need to be hot but classy ;d +Sindey: classy just to fuck him later, yea +Rose: lol I thought its not only about it +Sindey: cmon, ya know how I am recently, I have a thing for him but thats it +Rose: huh well see, the guy is a heartbreaker! +Sindey: he better watch himself I can break not only his heart +Rose: XP",Yanick and Sindey were talking after a history class. Yanick invited Sindey for a beer on Friday. +13862715,"Brigitte: Helene will come next Thursday, as David would be away. +Laure: Her bed is waiting for her! +Brigitte: she has a sport meeting at 7pm, so she'll be there at 8:30pm +Laure: ok. Good luck to you",Helene will come next Thursday at 8:30 pm after her sport meeting. Her bed will be waiting for her. +13730171,"Pete: Hi man, how's work going? +Sayed: Deadly boring! Can't wait till I finish at 6! +Pete: You working on your own again, where's Barry these days? +Sayed: He quit, the bastard! At least we could have a coffee together or a chat while we were patrolling round. +Pete: You getting any more pay cos you're on your own? +Sayed: Yep, extra 50p per hour, big bucks, eh😁? +Pete: It's better than nowt! How's Meera? +Sayed: She's good, guess what, though, she's on nights too for a while! +Pete: At least you're seeing each other, then, that's good! +Sayed: Well yes, but we're too knackered to do much more than sleep! She has a meal at the hospital, so I have to make my own stuff mostly. We're both eating crap most of the time! +Pete: Not good, mate, but a least you're getting a bit of exercise walking around. +Sayed: I'm playing on my phone at the minute, but I'm going to have to shift to get to my next call. See you man! +Pete: See you at the match Sunday? +Sayed: Yeah, great stuff! Bye!","Barry quit, so Sayed is working alone and he is bored. Sayed got a pay rise of 50p. Meera works on nights as well now. Pete and Sayed are going to the match on Sunday." +13828401,"Alison: hey 😚 +Carole: hi there 😚 +Alison: whats new? are you and Jake getting along? +Carole: yes, it's awesome 😎 never been with the guy that cares so much +Alison: im so happy for you +Alison: +Carole: hes such a sweetheart +Alison: send me his pic, I judge haha +Carole: +Alison: im jealous now, hes a hottie +Carole: ikr!😉",Casole is happy with Jake. Alison thinks he's a hottie. +13819789,"William: hi guys, how are you doing? +Georg: good, you? +William: as well +William: good that you're on-line, I wanted to ask you sth, but also the others +Georg: what is it about? +William: Vienna! I may move to Austria soon +William: My boss asked me yesterday if I wanted to move there for at least a year +Nancy: great! So you'd join us here! +Joan: new meat in town! :P +William: haha not so sure yet though +Joan: why? +William: I was once in Vienna for like 10 days but how is it to live there? +Georg: c'mon +Georg: it's always at the top of the most liveable cities in the world! +William: wow! impressive, I think it's an answers ;)",William was offered to work in Vienna for at least a year. +13729766,"Hans: i have a photo xD +Gary: THAT photo?? +Hans: yess xD +Gary: cool xD +Hans: ikr ",Hans has that photo. +13862345,"Gabby: Hey my munchkin +Gabby: What are you up too? +Henry: Preparing for a meeting later on +Gabby: With the staff from Germany? +Henry: Yeah, we showed them around the new facilities this morning +Gabby: Were they happy? +Henry: Yes they seemed pleased with the work, thank god +Gabby: Good +Gabby: Call me later on when you finish! +Henry: I will 😘",Henry is preparing himself for a meeting that he will have later on with the staff from Germany. They were pleased with the work they saw while visiting the new facilities this morning. +13811475,"Rose: Dad, I forgot the keys +Rose: Will you be home in the afternoon? +Steven: No, but Grandma will be coming in a few so she can open the door for you just fine. +Rose: Oh thank goodness +Steven: I've found your keys and put them in the basket. +Rose: Thanks, I feel so stupid. I'll be careful next time.",Rose forgot the keys but she will be able to come home because her grandmother will open the door for her in the afternoon. Steven found her keys. +13681112,"Mia: soup today? +Mira: but no tomato soup please +Mia: ok, so maybe onion soup +Mira: sounds better :)",Mira and Mia agree on onion soup today. +13729706,"George: You coming out for a few rounds this Friday night? +John: I wish I could mate but the missus insists we must spend 'quality time' together. Family responsibilities and all that. +George: I understand but it would be good if she let you out now and again to have a few beers with your mates. +John: Yeah it would. +George: How is the family life going? +John: Could be better. +George: Meaning...? +John: Missus wants me to spend more time with the kids and to spend time with her. It's either one or the other since I can't see how I can do both. +John: So we end up fighting the whole time. +John: Thought that this is family time thing is supposed to be fun instead it is stressful and annoying. +John: Sometimes I think that I'm not cut out for the family life. +George: Sounds like you're not really enjoying it. I can fully relate. This is why I stay single and made sure to get the snip. +John: Don't get me wrong I DO love my kids but all the extra pressure from the wife doesn't help. She doesn't know what she bloody wants. +John: Whatever I do is not good enough. Can't win. Ugh! +George: Women! I could never work them out! +John: I thought I could but now I'm not so sure. +George: Maybe a break on Friday night might be a good idea. Help you to clear your head. +John: Yeah, I think you're right... I'll think about it. +George: Right-O! Let me know when you decide. Hopefully catch up with you on Friday night.",John and Missus keeps fighting as she wants him to spend more time with their family. John will let George know about Friday night. +13821416,"Carter: any plans for the weekend? +Farrah: not much. gym today. housework 2moro +Wilder: same here. guess its time preaper for xmas season. u? +Carter: sad sad sad. that will be a boring weekend boys",Farrah and Wilder do not have any interesting plans for the weekend. Carter is disappointed. +13864409,"Justin: +Abraham: The Flying Pig? +Paula: No way! I'm also here! ",Justin and Paula are at The Flying Pig. +13716549,"Mark: Hey guys! Any cat ppl here? +Mat: Nah. I'm a dog person! +Anna: I <3 cats! +Mark: Anna, y do u like cats? +Anna: They're so cute and fluffy <3 +Mat: Yeah, and malicious! +Anna: No, they're not! +Mat: Lemme tell you something! I don't like cats. But every time I visit someone who has a cat, the bloody things comes to me and wants me to pet it. +Mark: Heard that's a sign of a good person. +Anna: Me too. +Mat: A person who's good in cat fur, for sure! +Mark: Do you have a cat, Anna? +Anna: Sure, 2. Fluffy and Butters :) +Mat: U named ur cats Fluffy and Butters? They must be so happy ;) +Anna: And what's ur dogs name? +Mat: Count :) +Mark: I know a word that's similar, but won't say it out loud ;) +Anna: Lol +Mat: Shut it, Mark! It's from Count of Monte Christo! +Anna: Never read it. What's it about? +Mark: Srsly?! That's one of my faves. +Mat: It's an adventure novel based in the 19th century. Napoleonic times I think. +Anna: Ah... It's old. I don't like such books. I prefer something about love and passion. +Mark: There's a lot of that in this book ;) +Anna: Rly? +Mat: Oh sure! The main character is falsely accused of something a couple of days before getting married. +Anna: And then what happens? +Mark: He gets thrown into jail and plots revenge on the ppl who destroyed his happiness! +Anna: Oh my! That's interesting! I'll have to read it someday!","Mat named his dog after one of his favorite novels, Count of Monte Chris to. Mark recommends the novel and Anna is keen to read it. She has 2 cats, Fluffy and Butters. " +13728700,"Jonathan: Hi +Monica: hey how are you +Jonathan: Im good and you +Jonathan: I've been wondering if the field trip is mandatory +Monica: It is +Monica: she will take attendance +Jonathan: Oh no xd +Monica: So yea, everyone is going haha +Monica: Apparently, she's giving additional marks for coming +Jonathan: I am struggling in that class\ +Monica: oh no +Jonathan: So I guess I have to impress her +Jonathan: So that I can pass the class +Monica: I tell you +Monica: Just go +Monica: there will be group work and she will mark it +Monica: So we can get you covered hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 +Jonathan: Right on, thanks much +Monica: see u there! ","The field trip is mandatory. Monica and Jonathan participate, because there are additional marks to pass the class." +13727738,"Andy: U going to COMM345? +Mason: Im not going 😛 +Andy: Why? +Mason: Feeling sick +Andy: Ugh",Mason won't go to COMM345 because he is sick. +13828942,"Dean: How did the party go after I left? +Sam: omg man +Sam: it was wiiiiiiiiiiiiild +Dean: did you go out? +Sam: we stayed in a little longer +Sam: and then went to a club +Dean: which one? +Sam: club 55? +Dean: it is wild :D +Sam: Amanda left after 20 minutes with some guy who looked exactly like her ex whom she claims she's over +Dean: :D +Sam: the rest of us dance and drunk a lot a lot +Sam: I met someone too +Sam: but, get that, she puked all over my shoes when we where leaving :D +Dean: classy +Sam: +Dean: Dude you're sick +Dean: did you steal bang her +Sam: you know I did","Dean left the party early and didn't join Sam, Amanda, and others at Club 55. Amanda shortly left the club with a stranger. Sam had sex with a girl who threw up on his shoes." +13730875,"Derek: hey +Derek: yo?? +Derek: ??? +Danny: let me sleep for once +Derek: :/",Danny would like to be left to sleep. +13828752,"Alan: Hi there! :) +John: Hi, what's up? +Alan: Nothing much. I've heard you and Tim were apartment hunting the other day :) You guys moving together? :) +John: Lol, no :D +John: He just lives super close and I thought it was a cool idea to have someone else to go with me :) +John: The lady who owns the place actually have us a strange look :) She looked super old fashioned so you know what she must have been thinking :D +Alan: Yeah, I can imagine :) +John: And we thought it would be funny not to explain anything. But she actually was very polite and never said anything. +Alan: That's a good sign actually :) +John: Well, the flat is a typical rental, so she must have seen some stuff :) +Alan: Yeah, I can imagine :) +Alan: Anyway, how's the apartment? +John: Well, decent would be the best word to describe it. +John: the rooms are old, haven't been renovated in quite some time +John: The kitchen is OK - no luxurious stuff but quite nice looking. And there is a dishwasher :) +Alan: Always a plus - I can't imagine living without one now :) +John: The bathroom has been renovated recently - so it's new and in this kind of rental-basic style +John: In general, if I were buying it for myself it would need a serious overhaul, but as a rental should be ok +Alan: So what's stopping you? You don't seem all that enthusiastic +John: The rent is rather high so I would expect a bit more for that money +Alan: Well, then try to negotiate, if she's been renting it already for some time then she knows the game :) You always set the price higher in case you find someone who would be willing to pay it :) +John: Yeah, that's a good idea +Alan: And let me know how it went. Would be good to have all the gang closer :) +John: yeah, that would be cool :) Will let you know! ","Tim accompanied John with looking for the apartment the other day. They checked out one flat, which turned out to be decent, but the rent was too high. Following Alan's advice, John will negotiate the rent with flat owner." +13820236,"James: I’m going to see a game after work. +Mary: Ok. We will leave you some food for later. +Patrick: I'm also going to see the game! +James: I'll be in Granta +Patrick: Me too!",James and Patrick are going to see the game in Granta. +13821111,"Tom: Is anybody going to Milan these days? +Jill: I may go on Monday +Jill: why? +Tom: I need to leave some documents at the university but it doesn't make sense to go there only for that +Nora: I'll be there tomorrow +Nora: So I can take them for you +Tom: Perfect! +Nora: but you have to bring them to my place +Nora: could you? +Tom: sure, I can be at your place in 15min +Nora: good, that would be great, i've to wake up early +Tom: ok, I'll copy them in the city and come over +Tom: so it may take 20-30min, is that ok? +Nora: sure!",Tom needs to leave some documents at the university in Milan. Nora will be there tomorrow so she'll take them for him. He's just going to copy them in the city and he'll be at her place in 20-30mins. +13681113,"Mary: Do you think Gill will turn up? +Anna: No. I wouldn't if I were her. I'd be too embarrassed. +Mary: Me too. But you never know with her. +Anna: We'll see. +Mary: It's going to be an interesting party. +Anna: :-p",Gill might surprise Mary and Anna and show up for the party. +13681675,"Ross: Hey, are you home did you went on a walk with the dog? +Matt: Yes, just went with her two minutes ago +Ross: Great, thanks, I'll be late today +Matt: No worries, see you then ",Matt has already walked the dog. +13812304,"Paula: hey, it was a great time I spent there, really nice experience. +Paula: Do you have, by chance, the names of the bands? +Paula: Not that important though +Tim: atually these were not bands but just single pple, but l8er I can give u their fbs. +Tim: really nice meeting u2, let's jam more often! +Paula: Definitely! +Paula: once I'm back in town, I'll let u know;-) +Tim: always welcome +Paula: thx, we're in touch",Paula enjoyed jamming with Paul. Paul will send her Facebook profiles of the other people that played. +13715760,"Amanda: what are you cooking tonight? need some ideas! x +Harry: not cooking ordering pizza ;) +Victoria: shepherd's pie +Jim: beef casserole +Lily: roasted chicken + veggies & potatoes +Harry: delicious! +Amanda: any vegetarian dishes tonight? +Victoria: you can replace lamb with lentils +Amanda: sounds interesting i never tried that +Jim: yeah, we use lentils, beans, chickpeas as well they are nutritious and satisfying +Greg: i'm cooking macaroni cauliflower cheese! my favourite! +Tom: we're having veggie chilli! yum yum! but it's gonna be takeaway! +Amanda: is there meat in it? +Tom: No, just lots of veggies and beans +Amanda: i'm gonna try to cook it myself!","Amanda is looking for meal ideas for tonight. Harry is ordering food, Victoria, Jim, Lilly and Greg are cooking various meals. Tom is getting vegetarian chili. Amanda will try to make it herself. " +13680690,"Sean: Jess, where are you??? Mum and dad are getting worried +Jess: Soorry, took the wrong bus then my phone died. I'm at Mia's place +Sean: Okay, I'll let them know. Want me to pick you up? +Jess: Nah, I'll be home in 20 min :)",Jess is at Mia's place now and will arrive home in 20 minutes. +13862721,"Ruth: HI girl, how long are you staying at your parent's? +Samantha: hey, another week, till sunday, why? +Ruth: I wanted you to go with me to Vertigo, it's a jazz dance club. +Samantha: sounds interesting +Ruth: On 20th they organize a ""Classy night"". +Samantha: what? +Ruth: You know, acting like a lady, with a champagne in your hand, listening to jazz music. +Samantha: hmm not sure I'd be a good company +Samantha: and im coming back on 20th, but will probably need to rest +Ruth: Oh I understand. +Ruth: Maybe next time!","Samantha will stay at her parents' house until Sunday. She will likely be too tired to join ""Classy Night"" at Vertigo jazz club with Ruth on the 20th." +13829278,"Caroline: wanna go shopping on Mon? +Alex: actually that sounds great +Alex: need new shoes +Caroline: great! I'll call you up on Sun!",Caroline and Alex are going to go shopping on Monday. Alex needs new shoes. Caroline will call her up on Sunday. +13810047,"John: Hey Michael, have you seen my register? +Michael: What does it look like? +John: It got a picture of Messi on its cover. +Michael: Yeah i remember. I have seen this register. +John: Where? +Michael: I saw it with Ava. +John: Oh yeah i remember . She waned to copy notes. +Michael: There you go. Problem solved.",John is asking Michael about his register. It is Ava who has it. +13829809,"Nicole: Do you love me? +Paul: Sure I do!! <3 +Nicole: Just checking ;) ;*",Paul loves Nicole. +13864640,"Frank: I've got an interview! +Tom: Wow well done! Where? +Susan: Whoop whoop!!! +Frank: Goldmans Sachs bro #swag +Susan: hahahaha +Tom: wow fancy! when? +Frank: Thursday at 6 pm. +Susan: Damn Frank, we're going to the theatre on Thursday +Frank: this Thursday? +Susan: Yes, this Thursday... it starts at 7 +Tom: Can you reschedule? +Frank: an interview with Goldman Sachs? After 5 months of recruitment process? +Tom: shit +Susan: well, yeah, shit, one ticket is 80 quid +Frank: maybe you can sell them? +Susan: I don't know about you, but I'm going +Susan: Jesus Frank how difficult it is to remember one date","Frank has an interview with Goldmans Sachs on Thursday at 6 pm. He was supposed to go to the theatre with Susan then, but he forgot about it." +13829355,"Alex: Hi, Rich. +Rich: Hi, Alex. +Alex: I just received your letter. +Rich: Oh, good. That was quick! +Alex: Yeah. +Alex: Well, I read it. +Rich: And? +Alex: In general, it's what we spoke about. +Rich: That's what I thought. +Alex: However, we need to discuss a few points. +Rich: Sure, Alex. +Rich: I just wanted to get the thing moving. +Alex: I understand, but we need to meet. +Rich: No problem. My office or yours? +Alex: What do you think if we'll just meet for lunch? +Rich: Won't hurt:) +Alex: How about this Indian place on Main Street? +Rich: I always eat too much in there. But what the hell. +Rich: Let's do it. +Alex: Tomorrow 1 pm? +Rich: I'll skip breakfast and be there:-)",Alex has just received Rich's letter. They will meet at the Indian place on Main Street at 1 pm tomorrow to discuss a few points. +13829472,"Mary: +Mary: you like it? +Adam: What is it? +Mary: Our new curtains: D +Adam: :D:D:D +Adam: We do not have windows yet and you have bought curtains? +Mary: I know, but I love it so much that I could not resist.",Mary bought new curtains. +13828760,"Gibson: +Camdyn: +Gibson: +Gibson: +Gibson: I added him as a friend +Camdyn: Ok, let me know if u find anything ",Gibson added him as a friend. +13827985,"Alex: busy? +Teddy: not really, was going to play CS +Alex: want to shoot some hoops? +Alex: Benji called and they gathering guys atm +Teddy: haven't played ball in ages +Alex: not a problem +Alex: we'll be taking it easy anyway +Teddy: when they plan to start? +Alex: not sure +Alex: waiting for Benji to call me again +Alex: but should be within the next hour +Teddy: ok +Teddy: let me know when you'll have more info +Teddy: if it's not too late I can go +Alex: great, I'll let you know as soon as I have the info",Alex and Teddy may go play basketball if Benji gathers the team. +13680428,"Udo: I'll be in 20 minutes +James: whaaat? you were supposed to be at 6 +Udo: ... +James: lol u messed up hours again :D +Udo: OK so I'll go shopping first +James: Visit me at 5.30 then :D",Udo was supposed to visit James at 6. He came earlier as he mixed up the hours. James offers that Udo can come at 5:30 instead. +13813607,"Sam: Timmy load the dishwasher please +Timmy: but dad it's Monica's turn!!!! +Sam: no it isn't why are you lying? +Timmy: that's not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!",Timmy has to load the dishwasher although he does not want to. +13730041,"Ellen: How are you? how is America treating you? +Tony: it's fine only food is sometimes crap +Ellen: sometimes? +Tony: some food is in fact good, but for example bread can be unbearable +Ellen: really? +Tony: the worst is the cheapest +Ellen: is it toast bread? +Tony: yes, it tastes like cardboard +Ellen: I know, but you can surely get different kinds of bread +Tony: sure, ciabatta etc +Ellen: because there is everything in New York, the whole world in one city +Tony: hahah, it's true indeed +Tony: there is even a shop with Finnish food close to my place +Ellen: how cute! +Tony: so I can't really complain","Tony is doing fine in America, but finds some foods disgusting. He especially dislikes the cheapest kinds of bread. Ellen points out that in New York there's a variety of food options to choose from. There's a shop with Finnish food close to Tony's place. " +13717160,"Mags: Hey, how is Jo? Has she come back? +Ann: She came back last night. +Ann: She's good, thanks +Sophie: Good news. +Ann: :)",Jo came back last night and she's fine. +13828027,"Henry: Are you coming to the pub with us tonight? +Dorothy: Where are you going? +Henry: don't know, i'll ask +Henry: Apparently the Irish pub. +Dorothy: meh +Henry: C'mon, it's gonna be fun! +Henry: And if u don't like the pub, I can suggest some other place to the guys? +Dorothy: I don't know +Henry: Where'd u like to go? +Dorothy: don't know. Don't want to go out at all... +Henry: Okey, fine. If u change your mind, u know where to fine us. Okey? +Dorothy: fine",Henry is going to the Irish pub with others tonight. Dorothy doesn't want to go out. +13810137,"Sam: +Dorothy: Who is that? +Sam: That's Tom from my morning English literature +Dorothy: Yummy +Sam: Right? +Dorothy: I'd date him +Sam: +Dorothy: No... +Sam: Yes!!!!!!!!!! +Dorothy: Is that really him? Shirtless? +Sam: indeed-o :D +Dorothy: So what's the plan? +Sam: Oh you know, acting casually, looking glamorous :P +Dorothy: +Sam: Hahahaha +Dorothy: +Sam: LOL +Dorothy: I just hope he doesn't have some lame girlfriend +Sam: I did a basic facebook research and it seems like his miraculously single +Dorothy: he's* +Sam: you nerd +Dorothy: :*",Dorothy wants to date Tom from Sam's English literature. Sam sent her Tom's photo. He's single. +13864451,"Steve: They revealed the line-up! +Andrew: Wow! For Glastonbury?! +Steve: yeah man +Steve: +Gabe: This is lit +Rachel: RADIOHEAD +Rachel: OH MY FUCKING GOD +Rachel: *screeeaaaam* +Steve: Hahaha +Gabe: it didn't have such a good line-up in a long time +Andrew: +Andrew: get tickets guys, NOW",Line-up for Glastonbury has been revealed. Radiohead is going to play. +13611869,"Helen: Oh hey there. How do you like Morocco ? +Josh: It's cool. We are on the way to Tanger +Helen: Have fun and take care of Youssef. Don’t let him drive too fast lol",Josh has fun in Morocco. He's on the way to Tanger. +13611467,"George: Hi girl. How are you? Do you remember when is the essay deadline? +Jenny: Hi. It's the end of November. +George: And how many words should we write? I lost my notes. +Jenny: 10000 words as usual. +George: right :P Thanks a lot!",George a Jenny have a 10000 word essay to write by the end of November. +13819097,"Julie: Have you seen last SNL episode? +Tim: hahaha I have +Julie: I laughed my ass off +Tim: Damon did marvelous job +Grace: don't spoil! I am in the middle of watching it +Tim: hahaha this fragment with +Grace: what did I asked you for!! +Tim: oops sorry! I didn't see! shutting up",Julie and Tim have already watched last SNL episode. Grace is watching it. +13717350,"Tom: Guys, you've been recently to Agrigento, right? +Peter: Yes, we were +Tom: Can you recommend any good place to eat? +Charles: I remember a little bar not far from the main street, the one with a pedestrian zone +Tom: Great! I think I'm here at the moment +Charles: let me just check the name on google maps +Peter: The name was ""aPutia Bottega Siciliana"" +Charles: exactly! in ""Vicolo Salemi"" +Tom: Thanks a lot! +Charles: Enjoy! They have also amazing wines there!",Peter and Charles have been to Agrigento recently. Tom is visiting the town now. Peter and Charles recommended Tom a restaurant aPutia Bottega Siciliana. Tom is there. +13681300,"Doris: Hello Jill, my ultra-fit sister, 3 years my senior, had a heart attack early on Tuesday morning. I visited her in hospital the past 2 days and she mending well. She has had 2 stents fitted. +Jill: Oh Doris! So sorry! But good news she is on the mend. Miracles of medicine. +Doris: This has given the family a great shock as she was so well. She walked a 21 km marathon on Sunday. +Jill: Did she strain her heart during the walk? +Doris: We don't know, but there is also sign of an injury a long while ago. It worries me that there was no warning. +Jill: It is worrying that we can't see what's getting weaker within us. No warnings as you say. How does she take it emotionally? +Doris: She is quite strong. +Jill: Good! You too I hope? +Doris: Yes, absolutely. +Jill: Keep it up! Where is she? +Doris: Pietermaritzburg +Jill: How long do you have to drive there? +Doris: 1.5 hours off peak traffic. +Jill: Not so bad. Will you be driving to see her soon? +Doris: Dunno yet. Her condition is stable. She's got her husband and 3 children around her. But I may go and stay with her when she's back home. +Jill: To help with the household? +Doris: Exactly. But it may be that they'll first send her for recuperation somewhere. +Jill: They usually do after a serious operation, don't they? +Doris: That would be very good for her indeed. Also mentally. She's strong but her body may need a rest. We'll see! +Jill: I'll keep fingers crossed for you! Both of you. +Doris: Thx Jill. You never know what helps :)) +Jill: Take care my friend! +Doris: You too.","Doris' sister had a heart attack on Tuesday and is recovering in hospital after having 2 stents fitted. Generally the sister is very fit, she walked a 21 km marathon on Sunday. She's in Pietermaritzburg, with her husband and 3 children around. Doris may stay with her and help once she's back home. " +13810118,"Owen: hey, hows your apartment search going? +Monica: not so good. not getting many responses. +Owen: i'm sorry. did you try that website I sent u? +Monica: yeah, i did. no luck, but i'll keep trying. +Owen: have you ever tried one of those websites where you can go and meet potential roommates at organized events? +Monica: yes, i went to a couple. I met some nice people there, but things didnt work out in the end. +Owen: oh man. well, I'll keep my ears open for you. +Monica: thanks. how are things working out at your new place? +Owen: good. roommates havent been here that much so Ive mostly been alone. they often go home after work or leave town for the weekend +Monica: i see. +Owen: yeah. do you want to come over and take a look at the apartment some time? I can make dinner. +Monica: Sure, Id love to. +Owen: When would be a good time? +Monica: I'm free thursday night. +Owen: OK, cool. thats a good time for me. +Monica: great. want me to bring anything? +Owen: I should be fine, thanks. Feel free to bring something to drink, but I have some wine and beer here already. +Monica: cool. alright, I'll see you thursday then. +Owen: see you then!","Monica's looking for an apartment, but can't find anything. She'll visit Owen in his new place Thursday night, Owen'll make dinner." +13829549,"Cailin: +Emory: where r u? +Cailin: +Cailin: a friends place +Cailin: such a cute dog 😍 +Emory: I'm watching the X Factor",Cailin is at a friend's place. +13864418,"Patricia: The rowing practice is cancelled! +Kate: Why? +Lindsey: What a shame... +Lindsey: I was really looking forward +Patricia: I just got this email +Patricia: +Kate: I also got it +Kate: I just saw it now +Patricia: Few of the members have injuries, some are sick +Patricia: And we cannot row without so many people absent +Kate: It must be also the time of the year +Kate: Lots of people are sick +Kate: Even in my college +Kate: It's insane",The rowing practice is cancelled. A few members have injuries and some are sick. People are sick in Kate's college. +13680574,"Paula: hey babes! +Erin: hey sweetie <3 +Paula: are you coming to thanksgiving dinner? +Erin: no, I can't :( +Paula: nooooo +Erin: +Paula: why? +Erin: I've got work on Friday :/ won't make it :( +Paula: that sucks so much :( +Erin: I will see you at Christmas! +Paula: you better not bail on me again :* +Erin: I promise <3",Erin is not coming to a thanksgiving dinner as she has to work on Friday. Erin declares to meet Paula at Christmas. +13730582,"Bella: Edward, What is the theme for tomorrow's farewell party?? +Edward: I think its ""Gatsby"".. +Bella: WOW!!! It must be the idea of Michael.. +Edward: You guessed it right .. It was Michael","The theme for tomorrow's farewell party is ""Gatsby"". It was Michael's idea." +13862549,"Marc: don't think i can come tday +Rafael: u mean the gym +Marc: yeah +Rafael: why? +Marc: after yesterday i'm soooo sore +Marc: soooooooooo sooooreee +Rafael: lol +Rafael: sounds like a good training:D +Rafael: +Marc: yeah especially after a break +Rafael: ok so u going on tue? +Marc: yeah i should be fine by then +Rafael: ok +Marc: will let u know mon eve +Rafael: ok","Marc overdid his training after a break yesterday and is too sore to go to the gym today. If fine by Tuesday, he will let Rafael know about it on Monday evening." +13611904,"Roc: I spy with my little eye +Will: Who is this? +Roc: It's Roc! +Will: I'm sorry, but I think you got the wrong number. +Roc: Oops, really sorry. +Will: No problem :)",Roc got the wrong number. +13717085,"Eleonor: ok gals where do we meet up next Sunday? +Patricia: I'm out, my mother in law has bday :C +Tasha: oh fuck so you'll spend Sunday with Cercei then +Betty: I want to meet up next to Palladium cinema +Eleonor: ok so we'll meet up (minus Pat) at Jeff's bar +Tasha: are u serious? bar? do you want to seduce a bald 40 yr old divorcee? +Patricia: lol +Patricia: looks I'll be missing out a lot +Betty: isn't Gloria a bald 40 yr old divorcee too? +Eleonor: hahahaha +Patricia: LOL +Tasha: +Betty: let's meet up in that French place, it's not cheap but c'mon it's SO worth it +Tasha: agreed +Eleonor: ok +Patricia: if she dies before Sunday I'll come too +Eleonor: lol","Eleonor, Tasha and Betty are going to meet at the French place next Sunday. Patricia will not join them because it is the birthday of her mother in law. Patricia profoundly dislikes her mother in law." +13821137,"Ashley: This one is mostly for the ladies (but certainly open to the men of the tribe, too!!).....Some of us had talked about an eyebrow skillshare and since I plan to reshape and dye/tint my eyebrows in the next few days, it seems like the perfect time to get moving on this. We can discuss eyebrow/face geometry, brow mapping, how to tint/dye them (should you wish to, I have brown and black dye with me and I welcome you to use it), and how to fill them in with makeup. Let me know if you would like to join! +Gerardo: Yall can clean my eyebrows if u need a pair to practice on +Ashley: If you are curious how my passion for eyebrows began, it was because I was formerly the program manager overseeing the implementation of a program designed to help individuals going through cancer regain self-confidence through beauty techniques - with a heavy emphasis on drawing on new eyebrows. +Anna: +Ashley: Gery, fully expect you to attend this skillshare now that you have offered yourself up. +Gerardo: A man is nothing without his word. U can count on it.","Ashley is organizing a skillshare where she'll talk about eyebrow/face geometry, brow mapping and how to tint/dye them. Gerardo offered his eyebrows for them to practice on." +13818813,"Patricia: Hello, here's the fair-trade brand I've been talking about +Elle: Oh, thanks! +Florence: Looks great! +Patricia: I'm glad, I hope you enjoy it. The quality's really great and knowing where it came from makes it easier to spend the extra dollar ;) +Elle: I'll look into it :) +Florence: Thx",Patricia recommends a fair-trade brand she talked about to Florence and Elle. +13829953,"Dia: Hi Paps, just landed in Frankfurt. Everything's fine. +Dad: Great! Hope you have some warm things with you :-) to put on. +Dia: The same ones I had on when we were leaving.But it's ok, as we don't have to go out at all. Only from the station to a taxi in FR. We'll manage. +Dad: Great. We'll phone in the evening. +Dia: Si señor.",Dia has just landed in Frankfurt. Dad will call her in the evening. +13730174,"Alex: You owe me $100 +Sam: Tomorrow I'll give it back +Alex: This is what you said one week ago....",Alex wants his $100 back from Sam. +13811437,"Julie: We have been waiting for you for half n hour +Saul: I am on the way +Julie: Hurry up, Its already too late +Saul: I would be there in 10 mins max +Julie: Where are you right now? +Saul: Just passed the starbucks. Almost There +Julie: K ","Julie and the others have been waiting for Saul for half an hour. He is on his way, juast passed the Starbucks and will be there in 10 mins max. " +13819419,"Lisa: Guys, are you at the Sunshine Coast? +Kate: Yes, going to the beach right now +Tim: it's amazing here +Lisa: I know, but I have some bad news +Lisa: There is an invasion of jellyfish on the coast +Lisa: we've had more than 1000 people seeking treatment for bluebottle stings today +Tim: oh no, do you think we should stay home? +Lisa: I think you can consider it, or at least be very careful +Tim: ok, thanks!",Kate and Tim're going to the Sunshine Coast now and Lisa warns them that the place is dangerous due to the invasion of jellyfish on the coast. +13729964,"Anna: Hi Carmen, how are you? Did You came back from your holidays? We're waiting for Your respond re project scheduling to confirm dates; Please respond to our last emails, many thx, Anna +Carmen: Yes, sorry +Carmen: I will remind Oscar the dates/ I'm waiting for his reply, but he was attending two meetings +Anna: Ok :) +Anna: Waiting only for Your confirmation and we'll have final dates +Carmen: ",Anna is waiting for Carmen's response regarding project scheduling. Carmen is going to confirm the dates later. +13680329,"Fran: need some rest +Megan: why is that? +Fran: 2 much work +Megan: it'll be a long weekend now +Fran: I know, can't wait :) +Megan: me 2, maybe you'll get your rest +Fran: hope so :)",Fran has too much work and needs some rest. A long weekend is coming. +13611821,"Chris: I'm on my way +Peter: ok great +Chris: are we goiing straight there? +Peter: yes - is that ok? +Chris: yes I've brought a jumper as it might be cole +Peter: that's a good point! I better go and change +Chris: I've got some sparklers too +Peter: Brilliant!! +Peter: I had forgotten all about them and the kids love them +Chris: is Tracy coming? +Peter: Not sure yet - she said she might but think it depends on her son's dad +Chris: I hope so. She's really funny. +Peter: True, but think that her son's dad is a bit of a nightmare..... +Chris: Shame. She's a great lass +Peter: Are you after her? +Chris: Well I would like to take her out, but not sure how the land lies +Peter: As far as I know she's single +Chris: And her ex? +Peter: Ancient history +Chris: mmmm interesting +Peter: If she comes you can chat to her tonight +Chris: yes wish me look if she does +Peter: Ok let me change my clother - see you soon +Chris: Bye for now ","Chris and Peter are going to a party. Chris is bringing sparklers. He'd like Tracy to come, but Peter's not sure if she will. Chris would like to date her." +13829423,"Carla: I've got it... +Diego: what? +Carla: my date for graduation. Hope you're coming +Diego: if you tell me when... +Carla: oups sorry. June 4th +Diego: we've got time. +Carla: of course, but you have to book your plane +Diego: i still don't know, and it's quite expensive +Carla: that's why you have to book it right now. Please tell me you'll come +Diego: i'd love to for sure +Carla: come, come, please +Diego: ok, i'll have a look and tell you. +Carla: you could stay home for the week, my roommate won't be there. +Diego: didn't you tell me your parents would come? +Carla: yes they will, but they've got friends they could stay with. +Diego: what was the company you flew with when you came last month? +Carla: aeromexico was the cheapest at that time, but check with delta +Diego: i think there is some flight comparison websites and also some apps. +Carla: i only know the canadian one +Diego: don't worry i'll find out +Carla: ok ! i've to leave you. tell me soon +Diego: i will. good night",Carla's date for graduation is on June 4th. Diego will try to come then. +13727710,"Gita: Hello, this is Beti's Mum Gita, I wanted to ask if you were going on the school trip? +Bev: Hi Gita, yes, Milo wants me to come, he's a bit nervous going away from home or school still. +Gita: Yes, Beti is the same, they are still only 4 or 5 after all. +Bev: I know, still so young! It will help the teachers and TAs anyway, they have a lot to cope with! +Gita: I know, I could never do their job! I work part time as a music teacher, going round schools. +Bev: Oh really? I am in Marks, part time too, love it there! +Gita: Yes, it really helps to do some sort of work doesn't it! I could never manage full time, though. +Bev: Oh, I know, Gita. My sister's in management and she doesn't see her kids from 6.30am to 6.30pm every day! She is a high flier, but she does miss them. She does do lots with them on the weekend, though. +Gita: Yes, but children need time to just be at home and play or just be with family, not galavanting around all the time! +Bev: I agree 100%! Is Beti looking forward to feeding the lambs and seeing the baby animals on the farm, Milo is very excited. +Gita: Oh yes! She loves animals, we have a few pets at home. +Bev: Well, we only have fish, they are pretty but not very interesting! +Gita: Suppose you're right! What time do we have to be at school on Wednesday? +Bev: Quite early, I think about 7.45, the bus leaves at 8 and we get to Holly Farm about 10, I think. +Gita: Hope the rain keeps off, especially if it's outdoors. I'll check their website. +Bev: Yes, good idea. Anyway, see you Weds, Gita! +Gita: Bye, Bev!",Bev is going on the school trip with her son. Gita is going on the school trip with her daughter. Bev's sister rarely sees her children during the week because of her job. Gita has a few pets at home. The mothers with their children have to be at school at 7.45 to not miss the bus. +13829261,"Julia: Greg just texted me +Robert: ugh, delete him already +Julia: He's saying he's sorry +Robert: damn girl, delete the bastard +Julia: it's not that simple, you know it +Robert: No Julia, it is pretty simple +Robert: go and delete him +Julia: But he apologised, ok? He's never done it before +Robert: srsly? +Robert: do I need to remind you he cheated on you? +Robert: Julia I'm not going through this again with you +Julia: People change, I do believe it, maybe he changed. He apologised +Robert: and that's it? That' ok? how's different from two other times? +Julia: i told you - he apologised! he's sorry, he wants to meet +Robert: don't, honey, really. We've been through this +Julia: I know, but it's not easy. I think I love him +Robert: i know you do, but you need to be strong. do you want to come over? +Julia: no, thank you love, but i have to get up early tomorrow +Robert: ok, you should go to sleep then +Julia: what about Greg? +Robert: don't text him, he's using you, he cheated on you three times now +Julia: I think he has a problem, it may be a medical condition +Robert: a notorious twat? yeah, it might be +Robert: you do want what you want but remember I warned you +Julia: what if he’s the only guy that’ll ever like me? +Robert: ok, now this is pure self-hating bullshit +Robert: don’t text him +Julia: putting my phone away",Greg cheated on Julia. He apologises to her. Robert tells Julia not to meet Greg. +13680226,"Marry: I broke my nail ;( +Tina: oh, no! +Marry: u know I have that party tomorrow!!! +Tina: I know, let me think... +Tina: I got it!. My sister friend is a cosmetitian, maybe she 'll help +Marry: anyone will be good, I'm desperate! +Tina: I'll call her and let u know, ok? +Marry: ok, I'll wait, but hurry!",Marry broke her nail and has a party tomorrow. Tina will call a cosmetician that she knows and let Marry know if she can help. +13862383,"Paige: I asked them to wait and send the declaration later +Paige: Even end of March if it's possible +Maddy: What did they say? +Paige: They want to close it asap cause Lisa is afraid she forgets about it later +Paige: But I can remind her in a couple of weeks +Paige: It's my responsibility after all +Maddy: But does it really matter? I mean the declaration +Maddy: I think the deadline for payment is 31 March anyway +Paige: I'm not sure, that's what I asked her +Paige: Hope she confirms",Paige wants to have the declaration sent later. Lisa wants to send it soon. The deadline for payment is 31 March. +dev_0,"#Person1#: Hello, how are you doing today? +#Person2#: I ' Ve been having trouble breathing lately. +#Person1#: Have you had any type of cold lately? +#Person2#: No, I haven ' t had a cold. I just have a heavy feeling in my chest when I try to breathe. +#Person1#: Do you have any allergies that you know of? +#Person2#: No, I don ' t have any allergies that I know of. +#Person1#: Does this happen all the time or mostly when you are active? +#Person2#: It happens a lot when I work out. +#Person1#: I am going to send you to a pulmonary specialist who can run tests on you for asthma. +#Person2#: Thank you for your help, doctor.",#Person2# has trouble breathing. The doctor asks #Person2# about it and will send #Person2# to a pulmonary specialist. +dev_1,"#Person1#: Hey Jimmy. Let's go workout later today. +#Person2#: Sure. What time do you want to go? +#Person1#: How about at 3:30? +#Person2#: That sounds good. Today we work on Legs and forearm. +#Person1#: Hey. I just played basketball earlier, so my legs are a little sore. Let's work out on arms and stomach today. +#Person2#: I'm on a weekly schedule. You're messing everything up. +#Person1#: C'mon. We're only switching two days. You can do legs on Friday. +#Person2#: Aright. I'll meet you at the gym at 3:30 then.",#Person1# invites Jimmy to go workout and persuades him into working out on arms and stomach. +dev_2,"#Person1#: I need to stop eating such unhealthy foods. +#Person2#: I know what you mean. I've started eating better myself. +#Person1#: What foods do you eat now? +#Person2#: I tend to stick to fruits, vegetables, and chicken. +#Person1#: Those are the only things you eat? +#Person2#: That's basically what I eat. +#Person1#: Why aren't you eating anything else? +#Person2#: Well, fruits and vegetables are very healthy. +#Person1#: And the chicken? +#Person2#: It's really healthy to eat when you bake it. +#Person1#: I guess that does sound a lot healthier.","#Person1# plans to stop eating unhealthy foods, and #Person2# shares #Person2#'s healthy recipe with #Person1#." +dev_3,"#Person1#: Do you believe in UFOs? +#Person2#: Of course, they are out there. +#Person1#: But I never saw them. +#Person2#: Are you stupid? They are called UFOs, so not everybody can see them. +#Person1#: You mean that you can them. +#Person2#: That's right. I can see them in my dreams. +#Person1#: They come to the earth? +#Person2#: No. Their task is to send the aliens here from the outer space. +#Person1#: Aliens from the outer space? Do you talk to them? What do they look like? +#Person2#: OK, OK, one by one, please! They look like robots, but they can speak. Their mission is to make friends with human beings. +#Person1#: That means that you talk to them? In which language? +#Person2#: Of course in English, they learn English on Mars too. +#Person1#: Wow. Sounds fantastic!",#Person2# believes in UFOs and can see them in dreams. #Person1# asks #Person2# about UFOs and aliens in #Person2#'s dreams and finds #Person2#'s dreams fantastic. +dev_4,"#Person1#: Did you go to school today? +#Person2#: Of course. Did you? +#Person1#: I didn't want to, so I didn't. +#Person2#: That's sad, but have you gone to the movies recently? +#Person1#: That's a switch. +#Person2#: I'm serious, have you? +#Person1#: No, I haven't. Why? +#Person2#: I really want to go to the movies this weekend. +#Person1#: So go then. +#Person2#: I really don't want to go by myself. +#Person1#: Well anyway, do you plan on going to school tomorrow? +#Person2#: No, I think I'm going to go to the movies.",#Person1# didn't go to school today. #Person2# wants to skip class tomorrow to go to the movies. +dev_5,"#Person1#: Honey, I think you should quit smoking. +#Person2#: Why? You said I was hot when smoking. +#Person1#: But I want you to be fit. +#Person2#: Smoking is killing. I know. +#Person1#: Check out this article. It says smoking can lead to lung cancer. +#Person2#: I don't believe it. +#Person1#: But you know that smoking does harm to health, right? +#Person2#: Of course I know it, but you know it's hard to quit smoking. . . +#Person1#: Stop beating around the bush. Will you quit or not? +#Person2#: Yes, ma'am. Whatever you say.",#Person1# asks #Person2# to quit smoking for health. #Person2# thinks it's hard but agrees. +dev_6,"#Person1#: Excuse me, Mr. White? I just need you to sign these before I leave. +#Person2#: Sure, Sherry. Sorry to have kept you waiting. If you hadn't told me, I probably would have just forgotten all about them. +#Person1#: That's my job, sir. Just one more signature here, please. +#Person2#: There you are.",Sherry reminds Mr. White to sign. +dev_7,"#Person1#: Hey, Karen. Look like you got some sun this weekend. +#Person2#: Yeah? I guess so. I spent the weekend at beach. +#Person1#: That's great. Where did you stay? +#Person2#: Some friends of my parents live out there, and they invited me there. +#Person1#: So, what did you do out there? I mean besides bask in the sun, obviously. +#Person2#: I jogged up and down the beach and played volleyball. You know I never realized how hard it is to run on sand. I couldn't get through a whole game before I had to sit down. +#Person1#: Not to mention cooler. Did you go swimming? +#Person2#: I wanted to, but the water is too cold, and I just wetted in up to my knees. +#Person1#: It all sounds so relaxing. I wish I could get away to the beach like that. +#Person2#: It looks like you could use it. Don't tell me you spent the weekend in the library again.",#Person1# asks Karen where Karen stayed and how Karen spent the weekend at the beach. #Person1# thinks it's relaxing and wishes to go there. +dev_8,"#Person1#: How do you usually spend your leisure time? I mean, do you have any special interests out of your job? +#Person2#: Of course. You see, almost everyone has some kind of hobby +#Person1#: Yeah, you're quite right and what's your hobby? +#Person2#: I like taking photos out of door. +#Person1#: Oh, photography, It's really a good hobby. +#Person2#: Yes, I usually develop and print all my own photos. +#Person1#: You yourself have a photo studio? +#Person2#: Yes, simple as it is. It does work.",#Person1# asks about #Person2#'s hobbies. #Person2# likes photography and has a photo studio. +dev_9,"#Person1#: have you ever seen Bill Gate's home on the internet? +#Person2#: no. what's it like? +#Person1#: it's got its own library, theatre, swimming pool, and a guest house. The house itself has about ten different rooms that are all hooked up to computers so you can get things done in each room through. +#Person2#: would you want to live there? +#Person1#: I think his house is fantastic, but I wouldn't want to live there. You would have to hire one or two people to clean all the rooms in the house, plus a few people to take care of the gardens. +#Person2#: what's your dream home like then? +#Person1#: my dream home is actually just a small cottage in a quite village in England. +#Person2#: would you want to buy an old cottage or build a new one yourself? +#Person1#: old homes are great because they've got character. I think that's important. +#Person2#: it that why you wear second-hand cloths as well? Because they've got character? +#Person1#: no, that's just because I don't have enough money to buy new cloths all the time! +#Person2#: I see. If you lived in an old house, would it be decorated in a modern way? +#Person1#: no, I'd definitely try to restore it to its original state. I love to imagine what it'd be like to live in another time in history and living in a house decorated like it would have been 200 years a",#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Bill Gate's home. #Person1# thinks it's fantastic but wouldn't want to live there. #Person2# asks about #Person1#'s dream house. #Person1# wants to live in a small and old cottage for its character. +dev_10,"#Person1#: I am tired of everything in my life. +#Person2#: What? How happy you life is! I do envy you. +#Person1#: You don't know that I have been over-protected by my mother these years. I am really about to leave the family and spread my wings. +#Person2#: Maybe you are right.",#Person1# feels tired because of #Person1#'s mother's over-protection. +dev_11,"#Person1#: There are advertisements everywhere here in hong kong. The city is so bright at night, with all the neon signs. +#Person2#: I like it. It makes the city feel alive. I like all the different colors and I like the billboards with eye-catching pictures and slogans. +#Person1#: I think that there are too many of them. I think that companies spend far too much money on advertising. They should have lower prices instead. Then they would see more. +#Person2#: I see your point, but if companies didn't spend money on advertising, no one would hear about their products. I agree that some form of advertising can be annoying. I don't like it when people try to give you leaflets with information about products you have no intention of buying. +#Person1#: I really hate receiving spam. I also dislike having to listen to advertisements and jingles when they are broadcast in stores or on the subway. +#Person2#: Yes, that annoys me too. With billboards, you can look away, but with broadcasts, you can't avoid them. I like the way that advertising agencies use comedy in their campaign. +#Person1#: I like that too. I don't like the way that advertising campaign often tell you if you don't buy a certain product, you're not cool or modern or efficient or something. +#Person2#: That kind of advertising seems to be very common with brand name products. They are always trying to maintain brand loyalty.","#Person1# and #Person2# talk about advertisements in Hong Kong. #Person2# likes the billboards, while #Person1# thinks there're too many advertisements. They both hate leaflets and broadcasts but like the way that advertising agencies use comedy in their campaign." +dev_12,"#Person1#: Hi, Mr. Zhang. What's wrong? You don't look so happy. How was your date? +#Person2#: I was turned down again. It's frustrating. I guess you'Ve got to teach me some skills. +#Person1#: Me? I'm even less experienced than you are. +#Person2#: At least you know what American women generally like in a man. +#Person1#: Believe it or not, I guess American women like a man in good shape, which Chinese women may not care about so much. That's my honest opinion. I know you have been trying very hard. +#Person2#: American men are naturally taller than Chinese men. So even if I exercise, there aren't many chances. +#Person1#: No, that's not true. I'Ve met two American women who were married to Chinese. But those Chinese look very strong and healthy. So if you exercise more often, I bet it will surely be easier for you to date American girls. How old is Jacky Chan? He's small and short. But I bet he can have any American woman he wants. +#Person2#: You know, that's going to be a tremendous change for me. Because I never exercise. +#Person1#: Why don't you try then? Even if it doesn't help you find an American girl, you could still have a stronger and healthier body. You won't lose anything by doing that.",Mr. Zhang was turned down again and asks #Person1# to teach some skills. #Person1# thinks American women like a man in good shape and suggests Mr. Zhang try to exercise. +dev_13,"#Person1#: What sports do you think women excel at most? +#Person2#: I think women excel in every sport except the ones that are taboo for us to join in, like football. +#Person1#: I mean which ones are they better at than men? +#Person2#: Why do you care? Women and men are different all around. I don't think they can be compared. +#Person1#: That's a good point. Let me change my question. What sports do women like best? +#Person2#: Well, I know some women who love golf and I know others who love contact sports. +#Person1#: Are you saying that women can't be generally categorized? +#Person2#: Are you suggesting that anyone can be?",#Person1# asks #Person2# what sports women excel at and is better than men. #Person2# thinks men and women could not be compared. +dev_14,"#Person1#: Is there a city where it's always warm? +#Person2#: Yes, there are many cities where it's almost always warm. San Diego, for example. +#Person1#: Are there any other cities where it's always hot? +#Person2#: Many. Most of the cities in the southern part of the United States are hot all year. +#Person1#: But why do so many people live there? +#Person2#: Most people grow accustomed to the climate, but there are many others who complain about it all the time. +#Person1#: Are there any cities where it rains a lot? +#Person2#: Several. Two good examples are Seattle, in the state of Washington, and Portland, Oregon. +#Person1#: Tell us about some cold cities. +#Person2#: In the north there are many cities which are very cold in the winter. Boston and Chicago are two of them. +#Person1#: Is it always cold in Chicago and Boston? +#Person2#: Oh, no. On the contrary, there are many beautiful days, especially in the spring and fall.","#Person1# wants to know the cities where it's always warm, hot, rains a lot, and cold respectively, and #Person2# tells #Person1# these cities accordingly." +dev_15,"#Person1#: Julia, I would like to have a word with you. Have a seat. +#Person2#: Thank you. +#Person1#: According to your performance, I decided to give you a salary increase. From next month, there will be a 2, 000 yuan raise to your salary. Although your first raise might not sound considerable, the company believes that with your ability, sooner or later you'll get a better raise. +#Person2#: Thank you very much. Mr. George. As a newcomer, I understand that you have your consideration and I am satisfied with the raise. +#Person1#: I think you deserved this. +#Person2#: Thank you again. I'll keep doing my best.","Mr. George decides to give Julia a salary increase according to her performance, and Julia feels satisfied." +dev_16,"#Person1#: I'm afraid it's bad news for you. You haven't got the position. +#Person2#: Oh, no! I can't have failed. Are you sure? +#Person1#: I'm afraid so. I'm terribly sorry. +#Person2#: It sucks. But Arden told me he's satisfied with my qualifications and experience. +#Person1#: He's the only one of the several to decide this. +#Person2#: How am I going to face the fellows in our office? They thought I would be promoted. They must be waiting for my good news. +#Person1#: I don't think the thing can be that serious. You should face the result. Besides, I don't think the position is the best for you. +#Person2#: But I lost the chance. +#Person1#: Keep working hard, and then you will get another chance of promotion someday.",#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person2# hasn't got the position. #Person2# feels disappointed and #Person1# encourages #Person2# to keep working hard. +dev_17,"#Person1#: Hello, Sara are you finished packing yet? Do you need a hand? +#Person2#: Thanks. Dad, but I can manage it myself. +#Person1#: Make sure you have your ID card. You will need it while you travel. +#Person2#: Yes, I know. The problem is that I can't find it. Where did you put it? +#Person1#: All your important documents and certificates should be in the desk drawer. +#Person2#: Oh, yes, here it is. +#Person1#: Sara? +#Person2#: What's up? +#Person1#: Did you buy a map? Traveling can be really inconvenient without one, and you could even wind up lost +#Person2#: No. Dad. We have a tour guide. +#Person1#: Also, take these pills in case you have any airsickness, and take some cold medicine, too. How about some band-aids? +#Person2#: No, I won't get sick. I promise. Ok. I've finished. Bye, Dad. See you! +#Person1#: Take care, dear! Be careful! Oh Sara, wait a minute! You forget your raincoat and umbrella. +#Person2#: Dad, that's all right. I don't think it will rain. And it doesn't make any sense to take that many things on a trip. Besides I like to travel light. Bye!",#Person1# reminds Sara of several items to pack for the trip. Sara decides not to take them except her ID card because she likes to travel light. +dev_18,"#Person1#: Can I help you, ma'am. +#Person2#: Yes, will you keep our bags until 6 p. m. ? +#Person1#: Are you all our guests? +#Person2#: Yes, we checked out just now. +#Person1#: Please fill in this form. +#Person2#: Is this all right? +#Person1#: So you are leaving this evening. We keep your bags until 6 p. m. Here's your tag. +#Person2#: Thanks a lot.",#Person2# asks for #Person1#'s help to keep the bags until 6 p.m. +dev_19,"#Person1#: sorry, Brad. But you are going to have to re-do this. +#Person2#: What's the problem, Ms. Murphy? +#Person1#: It's badly organized. I can't present this to the board. +#Person2#: I'm sorry. Ms. Murphy. I'll re-work it. Can I give it back to you this afternoon?",Ms. Murphy asks Brad to re-do the work badly organized. +dev_20,"#Person1#: Did you know that drinking beer helps you sing better? +#Person2#: Are you sure? How do you know? +#Person1#: Well, usually people think I'm a terrible singer, but after we all have a few beers, they say I sound a lot better! +#Person2#: Well, I heard that if you drink enough beer, you can speak foreign languages better. . . +#Person1#: Then after a few beers, you'll be singing in Taiwanese? +#Person2#: Maybe. . .","#Person1# says drinking beer helps sing better, but #Person2# heard it helps speaking foreign languages." +dev_21,"#Person1#: Good afternoon, Miss Qi. +#Person2#: Good afternoon. It's very nice to see you again. +#Person1#: How are you feeling today? +#Person2#: I'm much better. The stomachache is gone, and the doctor is about to give me another endoscope examination to see whether the ulcer has healed. +#Person1#: That's good. Well, these are for you. I hope you will like them. +#Person2#: How beautiful they are! Thank you so much. +#Person1#: I've also brought some magazines for you. I hope they'll keep you from getting bored while you're in the hospital. +#Person2#: You're so thoughtful! +#Person1#: It's time for me to leave. I hope you will recover soon. See you later. +#Person2#: Thank you for coming. Good - bye.",#Person1# visits Miss Qi in the hospital and brings some magazines to keep her from getting bored. +dev_22,"#Person1#: Amy, you don't look so well. What happened? +#Person2#: Yes. I feel terrible. I have been coughing for the whole morning. +#Person1#: Do you feel anything else? +#Person2#: Yes. I feel chilly and sluggish. +#Person1#: Have you had similar feelings before? +#Person2#: No. This is my first day abroad. I am not sure what is wrong with me. +#Person1#: Don't worry. I believe you are just not agreeing with the local climate. I will get you some medicine. You will be alright after a good rest. +#Person2#: Thank you very much.",Amy feels terrible. #Person1# thinks she's not agreeing with the local climate and will get her some medicine. +dev_23,"#Person1#: Would you like to order now, madam? +#Person2#: Yes, please. I'd like the steak and mushrooms. +#Person1#: How would you like your steak, rare, medium, or well-done? +#Person2#: I'd like it well done, please. +#Person1#: What kind of potatoes would like to go with that, mushed, boiled, or baked? +#Person2#: I think i have bake potatoes. And i now have ice tea with lemon on the side, please. +#Person1#: Good, and would you care for soup or salad to start with? +#Person2#: I'd like cream onion soup please. +#Person1#: Will you have dessert to be, madam? +#Person2#: I want to skip desert. That is all, thank you. +#Person1#: OK, I'll be with you in a moment.","#Person1# helps #Person2# order a well-done steak, mushrooms, baked potatoes, ice tea, and soup." +dev_24,"#Person1#: I've been working hard for a whole year. I really need a break. +#Person2#: That's true. You need to take some time off to relax. +#Person1#: You said it. I'm looking forward to my annual vacation. +#Person2#: When are you going to take your vacation? +#Person1#: Later this month. I can't wait! +#Person2#: I really envy you. You know I'm not taking my vacation until December.","#Person1# will take an annual vacation, but #Person2# cannot take it until December." +dev_25,"#Person1#: Waiter, get me rag, please. I have just spilled my wine. +#Person2#: Let me help you. +#Person1#: Thank you. Please bring me some paper napkins. +#Person2#: Here you are. +#Person1#: I think I should be more careful next time.",#Person1# spilled the wine and asks #Person2# for rags. +dev_26,"#Person1#: What's wrong with you? +#Person2#: I'm trying to send the instruction book by E-mail, but I failed many, many times. And there is something wrong with the net maybe. It's so slow. +#Person1#: Well, maybe the net is slow now. Try it again. +#Person2#: I am used to editing with Word 2003, and there are many pictures in the book. +#Person1#: It's beyond question. You can save it the same as a document. +#Person2#: I merely know how to send the direct letter. But I am not familiar with the attachment. +#Person1#: It's the same as usual. The only difference lies in that you need to paste the book as an attachment. +#Person2#: Can I mail the book if it is a large file? +#Person1#: There are limitations to the capacity of an E-mail. Commonly it's no more than 4 MB. +#Person2#: What if it exceeds the capacity? +#Person1#: You can divide it into several documents to mail. Or you can download the mentioned software from the warning.",#Person2# failed to send the instruction book by E-mail. #Person1# helps and teaches #Person2# how to do it. +dev_27,"#Person1#: Bill, will you be free at noon? +#Person2#: Yes. What can I do for you? +#Person1#: We need a new filing cabinet in the office. Could you go downtown with me after lunch? +#Person2#: All right. Have you got an idea about what type to buy? +#Person1#: Yes, the same as the one we have. And we also need some small articles in the office, such as pens, clips, erasers and sticky notes. +#Person2#: Can you remember them all? +#Person1#: Susan has already given me a list of all the stationery which we need to buy.",#Person1# invites Bill to buy office supplies which Susan has listed for #Person1#. +dev_28,"#Person1#: Do you know anything about health food? +#Person2#: It is so popular among people to preserve health now, so I read some books about health food. +#Person1#: Can you give me some examples? +#Person2#: Drinking warm and fresh water in the morning on wakening up is one of ways to keep healthy. +#Person1#: Really? Why we must have warm and fresh water? +#Person2#: Warm water can be good for your stomach, which is empty at that moment. And freshness can keep the water active to clean your digest system. +#Person1#: Anything else? +#Person2#: Yogurt, because it has protein, vitamins and it is acidic. If you drink it everyday, your stomach will be more comfortable.",#Person1# asks #Person2# about health food and concrete examples. #Person2# lists warm and fresh water and yogurt and explains the reason. +dev_29,"#Person1#: The bridegroom looks a bit nervous. +#Person2#: On this occasion, most people do. +#Person1#: Oh, they are playing the wedding March. Here they come. +#Person2#: She is a beautiful bride. +#Person1#: I am so happy for them. +#Person2#: Are you crying? +#Person1#: Yes, I always cry at weddings. +#Person2#: Harris and Anne are perfect for each other. +#Person1#: Yes, they are. +#Person2#: You and Tom also make a great couple. +#Person1#: In fact, we are beginning to make preparations. +#Person2#: For the wedding? +#Person1#: No, no, for the engagement. +#Person2#: Try to catch this bouquet then.","#Person1# and #Person2# are touched by the wedding, and #Person1# says #Person1# and Tom are preparing for their engagement." +dev_30,"#Person1#: We've been cramming for tomorrow's history exam since early this morning. What do you say we take a break and listen to some music, okay? +#Person2#: Now that you mention it, I'm getting a little bumed-out from studying nonstop, too. Listening to some music for a while would suit me just fine. +#Person1#: While you're picking out a record to play, I'll grab a couple of beers out of the refrigerator. +#Person2#: You sure have a lot of discs here. +#Person1#: Yeah, I've got everything from rock n'roll to the latest new - wave stuff. +#Person2#: To tell you the truth, I'm strictly into classical music. You don't happen to have any Bach or Mozart, do you? +#Person1#: Sorry, my taste in music doesn't go back any further than the 1960's. Music written before then is just history to me. +#Person2#: Well, speaking of history, let's get back to the books. We'Ve got an exam tomorrow, remember?","#Person1# and #Person2# are preparing for the history exam. #Person1# suggests taking a break to listen to some music, but they have different music tastes. Then they get back to books." +dev_31,"#Person1#: Excuse me. Have you got any books on genetic engineering? I've looked for them everywhere, but I can't find any. +#Person2#: I'm not sure if we've got any now. Books of that kind are on this shelf. Well, I'm afraid we've sold out. +#Person1#: What a pity! I should have come earlier. +#Person2#: Come some time next week if you like. I think we'll have got some by then. +#Person1#: Ok, I will.",#Person1# wants books on genetic engineering. #Person2# says they're sold out and asks #Person1# to come next week. +dev_32,"#Person1#: Excuse me. Does this bus go to the National Library of China? +#Person2#: Yes, there are three stops left. +#Person1#: How long is the ride? +#Person2#: Well, you will get there in about a quarter of an hour if the traffic isn't too heavy. +#Person1#: Thank you. Would you please let me know when we get to the stop? I'm a stranger here. +#Person2#: Sure, madam. I'll remind you.",#Person1# asks #Person2# to remind her when they get to the stop. +dev_33,"#Person1#: How are you, Mrs. Brandon? +#Person2#: Pretty good. How are you doing? +#Person1#: Not so good. I lost my job today. +#Person2#: I'm sorry to hear that. +#Person1#: How are your students doing? +#Person2#: They are very nervous about their final test. +#Person1#: I remember you gave our class a hard final test in my first year of college. Many of us failed. But I really learned a lot from you. You see, I can speak very good English. +#Person2#: Thank you for saying so.",#Person1# lost the job but is grateful for Mrs. Brandon from who #Person1# learned a lot. +dev_34,"#Person1#: Good afternoon, Dr. Anderson's office. +#Person2#: Hello, my name is John Keat, and I was hoping I could come in today to see the doctor. +#Person1#: Are you a patient of Dr. Anderson? +#Person2#: Well, no. I'm at a convention from Mexico and the manager of the hotel where I'm staying suggested that I call you. +#Person1#: Well, I see. What seems to be the problem? +#Person2#: Well, I got this ringing in my ears. It's so terrible that I can hardly hear people talking now. +#Person1#: Are you in any pain or is there any fluid? +#Person2#: No discharge, just a slight earache. +#Person1#: Does the pain happen all the time, or once in a while. +#Person2#: It has been aching for two days and it's never stopped. I thought it might be due to my flying in the air, and after some rest it'll be all gone. But who knows it's getting worse. I need to see the doctor. +#Person1#: The doctor will be busy at the hospital until this evening. The earliest you could see him would be tomorrow morning at ten. +#Person2#: The time is good for me. I'll come in then if that's okay. +#Person1#: That will be fine; in the meantime you should try to take it easy. Don't press your ear and don't have water in when you take a shower. +#Person2#: Do I have to bring something when I'm seeing the doctor, since I have never seen a doctor in Canada. +#Person1#: For foreign visitors, I guess you may bring your passport for the hospital registration. +#Person2#: Yes, I will. Thank you for your help. +#Person1#: Thanks for calling. See you.","John Keat comes to Dr. Anderson's office and describes his earache to #Person1#. John Keat wants to see the doctor, but #Person1# says the doctor will be busy until this evening. #Person1# tells John to come tomorrow at ten with his passport." +dev_35,"#Person1#: The hike will last for 2 hours. We'll start at sea level and then climb up a few hills. Are you ready? +#Person2#: I sure am. The one-hour yoga class this morning really made me full of energy. I'm feeling so good. I bet I can race you up those hills. +#Person1#: That won't be necessary. We want to take our time to enjoy the sights along the way. We'll point out certain plants, some of the insects, and watch out for possible snakes. +#Person2#: Snakes? Uh, I definitely will be racing you up the hill! +#Person1#: Not to worry. Nature is a wonderful thing. We are all meant to enjoy it together - snakes, spiders, trees, and us humans.","#Person1# and #Person2# plans to hike. #Person2# wants to race #Person1#, but #Person1# thinks they should enjoy the sights along the way." +dev_36,"#Person1#: Anne, thanks so much for introducing me to Caroline! Our first date went so well. I'm so excited to be in love right now. +#Person2#: I'm just glad to see you so happy, Gary! +#Person1#: I want to climb the highest mountain and shout, Caroline, will you marry me?! +#Person2#: Wow, you'd better not. Before you ask her to marry you, maybe you should ask her out on a second date. Only one date is not enough for you to know each other well.","Gary thanks Anne for introducing him to Caroline, and Anne suggests a second date." +dev_37,"#Person1#: Can I help you? +#Person2#: Yes. Are there any spare rooms here? +#Person1#: Would you be interested in a three-bedroom flat? I have a few now. +#Person2#: That might be more rooms than I need. I don't have much furniture.",#Person1# suggests a three-bedroom flat. #Person2# wants fewer rooms. +dev_38,"#Person1#: Sound and Vision, Administrative Department, Eve Wheeler speaking. Can I help you? +#Person2#: Good afternoon, madam. This is John Cruise. I wish to register a complaint about my video recorder. +#Person1#: I see. I hope I can be of some help. Can you explain what the problem is, please? +#Person2#: Well, the recorder has severely damaged two quite valuable tapes of mine. And you guaranteed that this machine is the best there. I hope you understand that a simple repair is just not enough. I demand compensation for the lost tapes as well. +#Person1#: I'm sorry. That's all very unfortunate. I'm sure something can be done. I will put you through to our legal consulant, Mrs. Schroder. One moment, please. (dialing sound...) Hello, Mr. Cruise? Thank you for waiting. I'm awfully sorry, but Mrs. Schroder is having a meeting right now. Could she call you back later this afternoon? +#Person2#: I hope you're not trying to get rid of me. +#Person1#: Not at all, sir. I have noted your complaint and I will urge Mrs. Schroder to call you back as soon as possible. Could I have your phone number, please? +#Person2#: Yes. It's 0181 945 8719. +#Person1#: Thank you very much. Goodbye.",John Cruise calls Eve to register a complaint about his video recorder and explains what the problem is. Eve promises to urge their legal consultant to call him back. +dev_39,"#Person1#: Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the Rainbow Restaurant from here? +#Person2#: Drive two blocks and turn left. Continue on until you reach Heath Street and turn right. Then turn left at the second stop light. You can't miss it.",#Person1# asks #Person2# the way to the Rainbow Restaurant. +dev_40,"#Person1#: Adam, could you show me around the school? +#Person2#: No problem. +#Person1#: What's the tallest building? +#Person2#: You mean the white building near the playground? +#Person1#: Yes. +#Person2#: That is the library. And it has more than 1, 000, 000 books. +#Person1#: What's the building to the south of the library? +#Person2#: You know, our school is divided into two parts, the junior high school and the senior high school. That is the new classroom building for our senior high school. +#Person1#: Is there a swimming pool in your school? +#Person2#: Yes. There is a large swimming pool, but it is only available in summer. +#Person1#: I do envy you. And I hope I can enter your school one day. +#Person2#: I believe that you can make your dream come true. ",#Person1# asks Adam to show #Person1# around the school. #Person1# envies Adam and hopes to enter Adam's school one day. +dev_41,"#Person1#: Excuse me. I'm a stranger here and lost my way. +#Person2#: Can I help you? +#Person1#: Sure. Can I get to the central department stall this way? +#Person2#: uh... Yes. Turn right, then take the second turning on your left. +#Person1#: Is it far? +#Person2#: It's about fifteen minutes' walk. That's all. +#Person1#: And do you know where the national bank is? +#Person2#: Yes. It's on this street. Keep walking for two blocks and it's on the corner on the right. +#Person1#: Thanks very much. +#Person2#: You are welcome. Good luck. +#Person1#: Thank you. I won't miss it. ",#Person1# lost the way and asks #Person2# for the way to the central department stall and the national bank. +dev_42,"#Person1#: Some people pile on their agonise and try to seek other's sympathy by telling them how miserable they are. +#Person2#: Yeah. They take the advantage of other people's hospitality and generosity. +#Person1#: I was fooled once. A lady told me she needed some money to keep the pot boiling. So I gave her some money and bailed her out of the situation. But later I learned that she had lied to me. +#Person2#: You are still wet behind the ears. You should have seen through her. +#Person1#: Nothing rang a bell. ",#Person1# and #Person2# talk about people taking advantage of other's hospitality and generosity. #Person1# shares #Person1#'s own experience. +dev_43,"#Person1#: I'm looking for a pan I can use in my kitchen. +#Person2#: What size pan were you thinking of? +#Person1#: I've already got a small pan. I need a big one. +#Person2#: Well, this one might work for you. +#Person1#: Oh, no, that's way too heavy a pan for me. +#Person2#: Here, lift this aluminum pan. It's the same size. +#Person1#: Yes, it's very lightweight. But I don't want this aluminum handle. +#Person2#: Here's a similar aluminum pan. But it has a heat-resistant handle. +#Person1#: Oh, this feels very nice. It's perfect. I'll take it. +#Person2#: I knew we'd find the right pan sooner or later. How would you like to pay? +#Person1#: Cash. But first, I need a lid for this pan. +#Person2#: Oh, no problem. Here's the lid that comes with the pan. ","#Person1# wants a pan, and #Person2# recommends a big aluminum pan with a heat-resistant handle and a lid. #Person1# pays for it by cash." +dev_44,"#Person1#: Come in, come in! +#Person2#: Hi, Gary, what happened? I was waiting for you at the theater. Why didn't you meet me there? +#Person1#: I thought we were supposed to meet here. +#Person2#: Don't you know our movie starts at seven? And we were going to meet at the theater at five to seven. Then it doesn't make sense to meet at the apartment. +#Person1#: I'm sorry. We must have misunderstood each other. +#Person2#: Why don't you try to be clearer about your intentions? +#Person1#: You're right. I am sorry. Let's go and watch the movie. +#Person2#: It's okay. I don't want to go now. We've already missed ten minutes of the movie. I don't want to see a movie without watching the beginning. ","#Person2# and Gary misunderstood each other, so they missed the beginning of the movie. Gary apologizes, but #Person2# doesn't want to see the movie anymore." +dev_45,"#Person1#: Good morning, I'm Daniel. I'm applying for the positon of manager. +#Person2#: Yes. Sit down, please. How did you learn about our company? +#Person1#: I got to know your company through such famous brands as LUX, LIPTON and WALLS. After making a customer survey, I was glad to find out how your products are appreciated by millions of Chinese. +#Person2#: Why would you like to work with us? +#Person1#: It's the job I'm interested in. And your company is the best-known. Although I don't have much experience as a manager, the job description you sent to me was very interesting. It's a job I've been dreaming of and I feel suited to fill it. +#Person2#: Oh, really? Would you transfer to another company if it is not what you expected? +#Person1#: I don't think so. As the saying goes, A great oak needs deep roots. I'm really interested in this job. +#Person2#: That's fine. Thanks for coming to see us. I hope to be able to let you know about the job within the week. ","Daniel applies for the position of manager, and #Person2# interviews Daniel. Daniel talks about how he learned about the company and why he'd like to work here." +dev_46,"#Person1#: What's wrong with you, Lucy? +#Person2#: Our dog Rusty is lost. Someone left the backyard gate open and he got out. My daughter is so upset right now. +#Person1#: Have you called the local dog shelters? +#Person2#: Well, they haven't seen him. They said they would call me if they find our dog, but I don't expect miracles. It's 2 days and... +#Person1#: We can always look for miracles. Does he have any identification on him? +#Person2#: He's wearing his sweater. He's brown with white spots and... Sorry, 'm not thinking straight. You know, he's a big part of our family. We got him when he was a little puppy. I'm just worried he was stolen or is injured somewhere. +#Person1#: I understand. I used to pet dogs, too. Let's walk around the neighborhood. Hey, look! There he is. +#Person2#: Rusty! Come here boy! Oh, Glenn, I can't thank you enough. I owe you a big favor.",Lucy's dog Rusty was lost. Glenn asks Lucy about Rusty's identification and helps Lucy find Rusty when they walk around the neighborhood. +dev_47,"#Person1#: Oh, Patrick. I can't get this phone to work. Can you help me? +#Person2#: Are you trying to make a call? +#Person1#: Yes, I just got it and I can't get the thing to work. +#Person2#: Let me see. OK, you turn it on. +#Person1#: I didn't turn it on. +#Person2#: No, see you wait for the screen to light up. Then you enter the phone number and press the C button, right here. Got it? +#Person1#: OK. I've got it. Ha! It's ringing. Hi, baby, it's me. Listen, I'm going to be a little late. I'm still at work in the office. OK? I'll be back by about 6:00.",#Person1# asks Patrick to help make a call. Patrick tells #Person1# how to use the phone and get through successfully. +dev_48,"#Person1#: May I help you? +#Person2#: Yes, I'd like to book 3 seats to Calgary, Canada on a flight, leaving sometime before next Sunday. +#Person1#: Economy class? +#Person2#: Yes. +#Person1#: One way or round trip? +#Person2#: One way. +#Person1#: There aren't any direct flight, sir. You will have to change in Vancouver. +#Person2#: That's alright. +#Person1#: There is a Canadian Airlines flight 30 leaving Beijing next Friday at 10 o'clock am. It has 3 seats available. Will that be alright? +#Person2#: That's fine. +#Person1#: Your name, please. +#Person2#: BASIL, Basil. How much is the ticket? +#Person1#: $580 for one.","#Person1# helps Basil book three seats of economy class to Calgary, Canada on a flight next Sunday." +dev_49,"#Person1#: Hong, it seems like you really struggle to learn English, is this level too hard for you? +#Person2#: I don't know. I think it's just boring. I don't like the workbooks because the lessons talk about baby things. I'm not a little child. I want to learn something more exciting. +#Person1#: Hmm, I have an idea that you'll like. This week, you can do a special project for class. +#Person2#: Oh, what's that? +#Person1#: I want you to watch some YouTube videos of people speaking in different English accents. I'll send you the links for the ones you should watch, they're very funny. One person does about 30 different accents in 10 minutes. +#Person2#: Wow, that's great, but, won't it be harder for me to learn English if I'm listening to so many different ways of speaking the language? +#Person1#: It shouldn't, this is just a fun project to help you get more interested in the lessons. There is a more serious side to it, though. I want you to write a one page essay about the videos and tell the class about your project on Friday. You can show some of the videos during your presentation too if you like. I think the whole class will benefit from this. +#Person2#: I can't wait to get started. Thank you, Miss Winters.",Hong thinks learning English is boring and wants something more exciting. So Miss Winters asks Hong to do a special project for the class to get more interested in the lessons. +dev_50,"#Person1#: Have any plans for the weekend, Tom? +#Person2#: Yeah, I ' m going for a hike in the southern Rocky Mountains. +#Person1#: Oh, do you go hiking often? +#Person2#: I go as much as I can. I love hiking because you can really get in touch with nature. +#Person1#: It would be nice to get out of the city. Do you want some company? +#Person2#: Sure. But, it will be a long hike, 30 miles in three days. Have you been hiking before? +#Person1#: Yeah, I go a lot too. I saw a bear and a mountain lion on my last hike. +#Person2#: Wow! You must have been pretty far away from the city. +#Person1#: Yeah, my friend and I hiked in a very wild part of the national forest. +#Person2#: Well, bring him along too. We ' ll have a great time this weekend. +#Person1#: Thanks, I ' ll ask him.",#Person1# asks Tom about his weekend plan and whether he needs a company. Tom is going for a hike and invites #Person1# and #Person1#'s friend to go together. +dev_51,"#Person1#: I've got an idea. Let's make this game even more interesting. +#Person2#: How? Do you want to play strip-trivia or something? +#Person1#: Well, if you want to! Seriously, though, let's make a bet. +#Person2#: Why don't we just make it a friendly game? +#Person1#: Don't be such a chicken! Whoever loses has to treat everyone to a movie.","#Person2# wants to play the game friendly, but #Person1# wants to make a bet." +dev_52,"#Person1#: Here is your spicy diced chicken with peanuts, sir. +#Person2#: Thank you. It looks very attractive. +#Person1#: I would advise you to enjoy the dish while it is hot. +#Person2#: Tasty and tender! It must be one of the famous local dishes. +#Person1#: Yes. It's a traditional dish. +#Person2#: And it must be very particular in cooking. +#Person1#: You are right, sir. To prepare it, a Sichuan food chef first fries some chilli until they turn reddish brown, and then puts diced chicken breast meat into the pot with other condiments and peanuts. That's why the dish has a bright colour. +#Person2#: I see. +#Person1#: Enjoy yourself, sir.",#Person2# likes his spicy diced chicken with peanuts very much. #Person1# tells him how to cook it. +dev_53,"#Person1#: So what's wrong with the drain? +#Person2#: It's clogged and water won't go down. +#Person1#: Let me take a look. You know why? It's clogged with hair. No wonder water won't go down. +#Person2#: Well, I guess people who lived here before didn't clean the bathtub. +#Person1#: You're darn right! +#Person2#: What should I do now? +#Person1#: Don't worry. I'Ve got some acid here. It will help dissolve the hair down there. +#Person2#: Ur, it stinks! +#Person1#: Now you know you have to clean your bathtub every time when you use it.",#Person1# helps #Person2# to dissolve the hair that clogs the drain and tells #Person2# to clean the bathtub. +dev_54,"#Person1#: Can you effect shipment during September? +#Person2#: I don't think we can make it. +#Person1#: Then when at the earliest can we expect the shipment? +#Person2#: By the middle of October. +#Person1#: It's too late. You see, in our market October is the season for the kind of commodity. So the goods must be shipped before October or we won't be ready for the season. +#Person2#: Well, considering our long standing good business relationship, we'll try hard to negotiate with our manufacturers for an earlier delivery. +#Person1#: Thanks. Then may I suggest that you put down in the contract'shipment on September 15 or earlier'? +#Person2#: Let me see. Now the workers will have to work on three shifts for it. Well, we can manage it on 20th September. That's the best we can do. +#Person1#: Oh, that's very considerate of you. I'lI take your word for it.",#Person1# requests for earlier shipment to catch the season. #Person2# finally agrees to manage it on 20th September. +dev_55,"#Person1#: Mr. Brown, are your children always kicking up a row like this? I cannot concentrate on my paper. +#Person2#: Sorry, Mr. Black. I'm trying to make them quiet. +#Person1#: I'm afraid if the noise goes on, I shall have no alternative but to leave. +#Person2#: Sorry, sir. Believe me, everything will be all right.",Mr. Black complains about the children's noise to Mr. Brown. +dev_56,"#Person1#: I don't understand why some parents keep beefing and complaining about their daughters not being able to follow suit. +#Person2#: Yeah. Li Na's mother has been building a fire under her since her neighbour's daughter got married with a Canadian. She's almost driving Li Na crazy. +#Person1#: If I were Li Na, I would ask her if she had done that. +#Person2#: She is as meek as a lamb. She never goes against anyone or anything. She's as good as gold, you know?",#Person1# and #Person2# talk about Li Na who is pressed by her mother for marriage. +dev_57,"#Person1#: How do you like these dishes? +#Person2#: Fine, they are colorful and tasty. +#Person1#: Did you enjoy your dinner? +#Person2#: Yes, I did. I have never tasted anything like this. +#Person1#: Would you like some more rice? +#Person2#: No, thanks. I'm full. +#Person1#: Another piece of meat pie? +#Person2#: No, thanks. I'm on diet. +#Person1#: How about the dessert? +#Person2#: Ice cream, please.",#Person2# enjoyed the dinner and asks #Person1# for ice cream as dessert. +dev_58,"#Person1#: This place serves good breakfasts, don't you think? +#Person2#: Yes. But I'm not used to eating American-style breakfast. +#Person1#: What are you planning to do today? +#Person2#: I saw yesterday that they rent windsurfers at the beach. I want to rent one. +#Person1#: Have you done windsurfing before? +#Person2#: No, but it looks fun. I always wanted to try it. +#Person1#: Can you take a little advice from a friend? +#Person2#: Sure. What? +#Person1#: Don't waste your money. Windsurfing is very hard. And it will be windy today. They will charge you fifty dollars for a half-hour, and you won't be able to windsurf. You will fall and fall and fall. +#Person2#: But I always wanted to try it. +#Person1#: Yes, but it takes a long time to learn. You would spend a thousand dollars to learn it on a rental windsurfer. +#Person2#: Well, I will see. How was your day at the office?",#Person2# wants to try windsurfing but is stopped by #Person1# who thinks it's hard and will cost a lot. +dev_59,"#Person1#: Ben, what are you doing? +#Person2#: Well, I would say that I'm just drifting - - here, in the pool. +#Person1#: Why? +#Person2#: Well, it's very comfortable just to drift here. +#Person1#: Have you thought about graduate school? +#Person2#: No. +#Person1#: Would you mind telling me then, what were those four years of college for? What was the point of all that hard work? +#Person2#: You got me. +#Person1#: Now listen, Ben. Look, I think it's a very good thing that a young man, after he's done some very good work, should have a chance to relax and enjoy himself, and lie around, and drink beer and so on. But after a few weeks I believe that person should want to take some stock in himself and his situation and start to think about getting off his ass.",#Person1# tells Ben that a young man should actively prepare for himself and his situation after relaxation. +dev_60,"#Person1#: The stepmother was very wicked. She couldn't stand a happy smile on the boy's face. +#Person2#: And? +#Person1#: And she did her best to pull out the thorn in her flesh and the boy lost whatever made him happy. +#Person2#: Poor child!",#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the wicked stepmother. +dev_61,"#Person1#: Well, no one could survive without water, but you see pollution has been making more and more water unable for drinking. +#Person2#: Yeah. Water pollution has for a long time been a major concern among the environmental issues. +#Person1#: But what are the sources of water pollution? +#Person2#: They could generally be divided into two categories +#Person1#: Well, direct ones are the pollution directly from factories, refineries waste treatment plants etc. , aren't they? +#Person2#: Yeah. They are emitted directly into urban water supplies. +#Person1#: But what about the indirect ones? +#Person2#: Indirect sources include contaminants that enter the water supply from soils or groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rainwater. +#Person1#: I see. For the sake of us all, we should be an active participator in the prevention of it. +#Person2#: Sure. It's an issue asking for everyone's participation.",#Person1# and #Person2# talk about water pollution and its direct and indirect sources. They agree they should be an active participator in the prevention of it. +dev_62,"#Person1#: I'm not sure, is this our stop? +#Person2#: Yeah, get off the bus. +#Person1#: Do you have any idea where we are? +#Person2#: I'm really not sure. +#Person1#: This can't be the right stop. +#Person2#: I don't think this is right. +#Person1#: We got off too early, didn't we? +#Person2#: Yeah, we did get off too early. +#Person1#: I should've just stayed on the bus. +#Person2#: I messed up. +#Person1#: Great, we have to walk now. +#Person2#: You want to wait for the next bus?",#Person1# and #Person2# get off the bus too early due to #Person2#'s mistake. +dev_63,"#Person1#: OK, now let's go on to talk about initial deposits. +#Person2#: Good idea. How much do I need to deposit? +#Person1#: For Agreement Savings, we ask for 100, 000 RMB. +#Person2#: And how do I withdraw if I need to? +#Person1#: You can use a Type A Agreement Savings Account the same was as a Settlement Account. +#Person2#: I'm sorry, refresh my mind. What's different about a Type B Account? +#Person1#: With a Type B Account, it cannot be directly involved in any transaction and it cannot be applied to any external withdrawal service.",#Person1# tells #Person2# about the deposit amount and how to withdraw it. +dev_64,"#Person1#: To which gate do I need to go to catch connecting flight 101 to New York City? +#Person2#: Go to gate 18. The plane is now boarding. You must hurry. +#Person1#: Show me the fastest way to get there. +#Person2#: Instead of walking, you can take this shuttle to get you there faster. +#Person1#: Do you think the plane will leave without me? +#Person2#: No, I'll call the attendants at the gate. I will tell them you're on your way. +#Person1#: Thank you so much. I would really appreciate that. +#Person2#: You are welcome. Have a safe trip.",#Person2# asks #Person1# to take the shuttle to catch the plane and will call the attendants at the gate. +dev_65,"#Person1#: Uh. . . that's Greek to me. +#Person2#: That means they have tapered legs. +#Person1#: Well, mine are baggy. They're the kind of pants you can lounge around in. +#Person2#: Mine are, too. +#Person1#: So maybe we should go out after all. +#Person2#: Yeah. Let's just lounge around!",#Person1# and #Person2# think their pants are comfortable to lounge around. +dev_66,"#Person1#: Excuse me, madam. Is this seat taken? +#Person2#: No. +#Person1#: Do you mind my sharing the same table with you? +#Person2#: Of course not. There are so many people here today. +#Person1#: Yes. I can't even find a seat.",#Person1# wants to share the seat. #Person2# agrees. +dev_67,"#Person1#: Wangfujing Grand Hotels. How can I help you? +#Person2#: Do you have any rooms available next Saturday and Sunday night? +#Person1#: Could you hold the line, please? I will check out our room availability for those days. . . Yes. we have a few vacancies next weekend. We have double rooms, suites and deluxe suites in Japanese, Roman. French and presidential styles, which one do you like best? +#Person2#: A double room, please. +#Person1#: OK. Could I have your name, please? +#Person2#: My name is Monica Cellar. +#Person1#: OK, Ms. Monica. I've reserved a double room for you next Saturday and Sunday night. We will see you then! +#Person2#: Thank you.",Monica calls the reception to make a room reservation for next Saturday and Sunday nights and #Person1# helps her. +dev_68,"#Person1#: We can offer you a 5 % discount. +#Person2#: Your price is rather out of line, much higher than we expected. We can't buy with your offer. +#Person1#: Well, what do you suggest then? How about 8 %? +#Person2#: When we say your prices are much too high, we don't mean the are higher only by 2 or 3 percent. If we are to place an order with you. I think a discount of about 15 % would be sufficient. +#Person1#: What? You want to drive me bankrupt! You can't expect us to make such a large reduction. +#Person2#: There's no point in making a counter offer because the gap is too great. +#Person1#: How about lo %? This price is already a little tight, our profit margin is not that large. +#Person2#: Ok. I can settle for that.","#Person1# offers a discount but #Person2# is not satisfied. After negotiation, they agree on a 10% discount." +dev_69,"#Person1#: You are seemingly upset. What's behind you? +#Person2#: Arden wants to have a trademark for our new series of products registered. But I have no idea on the registering process. +#Person1#: That's not as complicated as you suppose. +#Person2#: Is it so easy? I never experienced this. Can you tell me something about it? +#Person1#: It is known that there is a time limit for trademarks. And we should not have a similar trademark with the one in the same field. +#Person2#: Based on what you said, does it mean that we can not have a trademark like 'genova', right? +#Person1#: Correct. And our country follows the priority of use principle. +#Person2#: Can you tell something about the preparation for the register? +#Person1#: Some relative documents will be needed and the fee may be quite dear. So you need to learn more about the process and regulations about this issue.",#Person2# is upset because #Person2# doesn't know the registering process of a trademark. #Person1# gives #Person2# some tips and suggests #Person2# learn more about this issue. +dev_70,"#Person1#: your mp3 looks so cool. Where did you get it? +#Person2#: I bought it online. +#Person1#: really? Do you often shop online? +#Person2#: yes. I buy most of my daily necessities online. +#Person1#: I've never tried E-shopping. Is it better than shopping at an actual store? +#Person2#: yes, much better. You can log in a website, browse through many items and categories comfortably at home, order the goods, pay by credit or debit card, and the goods will be delivered to your home. +#Person1#: sounds good, and I don't have to queue up at the cashier. +#Person2#: and you can still go ' window shopping ' just like in a real shopping mall. +#Person1#: well, are there any other advantages? +#Person2#: yes, most of the shops are closed at 22 or even earlier, but the internet operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and can be accessed anywhere. +#Person1#: are there many choices of online shopping? +#Person2#: sure. You can buy almost anything you can think of. +#Person1#: perhaps I should have a try.",#Person2# bought an MP3 online but #Person1# never tried e-shopping. #Person2# tells #Person1# about the advantages of shopping online. #Person1# thinks #Person1# should have a try. +dev_71,"#Person1#: OK, Mr. Wang. Thank you very much for coming to the airport to see us off. Your great country and your hospitality have left a very deep impression on all of us and your working attitude and your way of doing business have changed my opinions about Chinese people. +#Person2#: Really? I'm glad to hear that. +#Person1#: That's true. And this trip has been a very productive one for us. +#Person2#: Thank you again for your visit. We are looking forward to your reply. +#Person1#: Believe me, Mr. Wang. I'll do my best to promote the transaction. +#Person2#: We are happy that we have established business relations. I really hope that we'll have more business to do and more opportunities to meet each other. +#Person1#: It's very kind of you to say so. +#Person2#: You are very nice and helpful. Hope to see you again. +#Person1#: I think we will have opportunities to meet each other in the future. +#Person2#: OK, I think it's time for you to check in. If you run into any difficulty, we'll be here to assist you immediately. +#Person1#: Fine. Thank you very much. Bye-bye. +#Person2#: Goodbye.",Mr. Wang sees #Person1# off at the airport and they share good expectations of their business relationship. +dev_72,"#Person1#: Hello. +#Person2#: Hello. Is there anything I can do for you? +#Person1#: Yes, please. I'd like to open a savings account. Would you please give me some advice? +#Person2#: Certainly, I'll be very happy to help you. Usually we offer current or fixed accounts for individuals. +#Person1#: What's the difference between the two? +#Person2#: If you open a fixed account, the interest rate is higher. +#Person1#: Then how about the current account? +#Person2#: You may withdraw the money at any time. You just need to present your deposit book. +#Person1#: Thank you for your help. I think I'll open a current account. +#Person2#: OK. Do you have your ID card on you? +#Person1#: Yes. +#Person2#: Good. Everything is done. Here is your deposit book and ID card. +#Person1#: Thank you very much. +#Person2#: It's my pleasure.",#Person2# helps #Person1# open a savings account and explains the differences between current and fixed accounts. +dev_73,"#Person1#: There have been too many unplanned shutdowns over the past few months. We'll have to make a few changes to the way we operate. We need to reduce our downtime. +#Person2#: I agree, but the maintenance team is fully stretched dealing with problems. We don't have time to carry out any preventive maintenance. +#Person1#: We need to establish routine maintenance procedures. It costs us too much in lost production if we wait until something breaks down before we fix it.",#Person1# proposes to build maintenance procedures to reduce lost production during downtime. +dev_74,"#Person1#: Excuse me, I'm afraid you've parked in the wrong spot. +#Person2#: Oh, really? Isn't this spot C408? +#Person1#: No, it's D408, my parking space. I have already paid for it. +#Person2#: I'm sorry, I must have been confused. I had thought it's C section, but actually it's D section. I'll move my car right away. +#Person1#: It's no big deal. Thank you.","#Person1# asks #Person2#, who parked in #Person1#'s spot, to move the car away." +dev_75,"#Person1#: Why don't you watch where you're going? +#Person2#: Me? You're the one who pulled out in front of me! +#Person1#: There was plenty of room for me to pull out. You didn't have to stay in the lane you were in. +#Person2#: Hey, listen. I had every right to stay in the lane I was in. You were supposed to wait until I passed to pull out. And anyhow, you didn't give me any time to change lanes. All of a sudden--BANG--there you are right in front of me. +#Person1#: I think my arm is broken. +#Person2#: Sorry about your arm, but it serves you right. You need to learn how to drive. You're lucky you didn't get killed. And I'm lucky to be alive too. +#Person1#: Listen, let's just wait until the police get here. Then we can decide whose fault this accident was. +#Person2#: Fine with me. I know the laws of the road. I'm not worried. +#Person1#: I have a cell phone in my car. Now it's probably on the floor on the passenger side. Why don't you get it for me, and then I can call the police? +#Person2#: Alright. +#Person1#: It doesn't work. It looks like it's broken. I need to get to a hospital. You should drive me there. +#Person2#: Oh, yeah? It's better if we make a police report first. Then you can go to the hospital. +#Person1#: Damn it! I'm injured here. We could wait all day for the police. +#Person2#: Well, you'll just have to wait. I'm not going to move my car until the police arrive. I'll go into one of those houses over there and use their phone. Don't worry. You'll get to the hospital in time. +#Person1#: It really hurts. +#Person2#: Yes, maybe it does. But if you're going to drive like you did just now, you will have to get used to a little physical pain. You know what I mean? +#Person1#: To hell with you. The accident was your fault. +#Person2#: I'm afraid it wasn't. And when the police get here, you will also see that it wasn't. But enough of this bickering. I'm going to go find a phone. Don't move that arm while I'm gone. Alright? +#Person1#: To hell with you.","A car accident happens because #Person1# pulls out in front of #Person2#'s car. #Person1#'s arm and the cell phone were broken, so #Person2# needs to find a phone to call the police to decide whose fault this accident was." +dev_76,"#Person1#: I hear a businessman is building a dog park in our city. +#Person2#: Really? What for? +#Person1#: Obviously because there's a law against having dogs in the streets. +#Person2#: Does it mean that dogs have to stay at home all the time? +#Person1#: Sounds pretty cruel, right? Maybe a dog park is a good idea. +#Person2#: Maybe they should just allow people to walk their dogs in the streets. +#Person1#: But then streets could be a mess. +#Person2#: Couldn't people clean up after their dogs? +#Person1#: Would they?",#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the dog park. +dev_77,"#Person1#: Hi Kevin! +#Person2#: Hi Laura, long time no see! What have you been up to lately? +#Person1#: Not much. I can assure you. And you? +#Person2#: Much the same except I do have some big news. +#Person1#: Come on. This suspense is killing me. +#Person2#: No, really, what have you been doing these past few weeks? The last time I saw you, you were looking for a new job. +#Person1#: Well, that's not exactly true. I was thinking about changing jobs. Luckily, they offered me a new position in the accounting department. +#Person2#: A step up in the big business world. +#Person1#: I wouldn't exaggerate, but I am pleased. I had been hoping to get a promotion for a while. So when it finally came through, I was relieved. Actually, that's why I was looking for a new job. I just didn't want to work there anymore if they weren't going to recognize my efforts. +#Person2#: Right, sometimes you can do your best and it seems like the others don't know you exist. I hope the money's better. +#Person1#: I got a reasonable raise, now enough about me. I'm dying to hear your news. +#Person2#: I am getting married. +#Person1#: No, you said you'd never get married. +#Person2#: That was then and this is now. You've got to meet Andrea, she's great! +#Person1#: This is all news to me. I didn't even know you were dating. +#Person2#: We weren't. We've just been dating for two weeks now. +#Person1#: And you getting married? +#Person2#: I know. I can't help it. I just know she's the one. +#Person1#: Well, congratulations! That's fantastic! +#Person2#: Thanks, I'm glad to hear you feel way.",Laura and Kevin meet each other after a long time and share their personal latest news. Laura got a job promotion and an increase in wage while Kevin got married to Andrea after dating for 2 weeks. +dev_78,"#Person1#: Where were you yesterday? +#Person2#: I was at home asleep. +#Person1#: Asleep! I thought that you had to take an exam. +#Person2#: I was sick. I had a fever. I couldn't get out of bed. +#Person1#: You still look a little sick. You couldn't go back to bed. +#Person2#: I'm going now. I just came here to speak to my professor. +#Person1#: What did he tell you? +#Person2#: He said that I'd be able to take a make-up. +#Person1#: Well, that's all right then. Are you going straight home? +#Person2#: I have to stop at the drugstore on the way. I need some aspirin. +#Person1#: Do you think that you should walk that far? +#Person2#: I have to walk. I didn't bring my car. 1 didn't think I'd be able to drive today. +#Person1#: Well, take care of yourself. +#Person2#: OK. Thanks.","Being sick, #Person2# didn't take the exam but can do a make-up. #Person2# finished a talk with the professor and is on the home." +dev_79,"#Person1#: What a great day! Hey, Tom, do you want to go to the beach this weekend? +#Person2#: Yeah, that is a great idea. Maybe Sara would like to come along with us. +#Person1#: I doubt it. +#Person2#: Why? You are kidding! You know, she loves watching the sea. +#Person1#: But yesterday afternoon she told me that she would go home this Saturday. +#Person2#: What happened? +#Person1#: She said that her mother was ill and stayed in the hospital, and therefore she wanted to go home to see her. +#Person2#: I am sorry to hear that. Well, What do you think? Should we take some food? +#Person1#: That sounds great. Maybe we could have a picnic on the beach. Then let's take some sandwiches, chips, and uh... some salad as well. +#Person2#: We should also take some drinks like Coke and beer. +#Person1#: Good. In addition, we had better pack beach towels and sun cream. +#Person2#: OK. Please don't forget to give me a call and let's go down together.","#Person1# invites #Person2# to the beach at the weekend as Sara, whose mom is ill, cannot go. They list some food, drink, and other belongings to take." +dev_80,"#Person1#: Yes, I'd like to report a theft. +#Person2#: Okay. Can you tell me exactly what happened. +#Person1#: Well, I was walking home from work two days ago, enjoying the nature all around me ... the birds, the frogs, the flowing stream ... [Okay, Okay] when this woman knocked me right off my feet, grabbed my stuff, and ran off through the trees. [Hmm]. I was so surprised by the ordeal that I didn't go after her. +#Person2#: Yeah. Can you describe the woman for me? +#Person1#: Yeah. He was about a hundred and ninety centimeters tall ... +#Person2#: Wait. You said a woman robbed you. +#Person1#: Well, I'm not really sure. [Hmm]. You see, the person was wearing a white and black polka dot dress, a light red sweater over it, and she ... or he ... was wearing a pair of basketball shoes. +#Person2#: Humm. What else can you tell me? +#Person1#: Okay. Like I said, the person was about 190 centimeters tall, heavy build, with long wavy hair. She ... or he ... was probably in his or her late 30's. I didn't get a good look at the person's face, but well ... uh .... +#Person2#: What? Was there something else? +#Person1#: Well, the person ... had a beard. +#Person2#: Ah! What was, uh, taken ... exactly? +#Person1#: Well, just my left shoe. Bizarre, isn't it? +#Person2#: Ah. The 'bearded woman' has struck again! +#Person1#: The 'bearded woman'? +#Person2#: Yeah. It's this man who dresses up like a woman and, for some unknown reason, removes the left shoe from his victims. He's really quite harmless, though, and he usually returns the shoe to the crime scene a couple of days later. +#Person1#: Hey, he can keep my shoe, and I'll just take off my left shoe every time I walk through the park.",#Person1# reports a theft to a policeman. #Person1# describes the appearance of the thief and the policeman recognizes the bearded woman who often removes the victim's left shoe and returns after days. +dev_81,"#Person1#: I don't know what Jim's got to grumble about. My work load has doubled in the past year and I still manage. He is not doing anything different from when he arrived, as far as I can see. +#Person2#: Yeah, but he's not as energetic as you are. Well, no one is. But the boss doesn't blame me when I get a bit behind. He is very understanding with me. But with Jim, he goes on and on. +#Person1#: I haven't noticed it. But you're probably right. I wonder why he does it.",#Person1# doesn't understand why Jim grumbles. #Person2# thinks he's not as energetic as #Person1# is and the boss is not understanding with him. #Person1# wonders why. +dev_82,"#Person1#: I'd like to find a job. +#Person2#: We have several part-time jobs available here, Would you like to look through the list? +#Person1#: Yes, thank you. I'd like to apply for the job at the computer center. +#Person2#: Please fill out the form.",#Person1# wants to find a job at the computer center. +dev_83,"#Person1#: What did the boss say to you? +#Person2#: He asked me to beef up in the work. +#Person1#: Yeah. You look so unhappy recently. What's the matter. +#Person2#: Nothing, thanks. I am just not in the mood these days. ",The boss asks the unhappy #Person2# to beef up in the job. +dev_84,"#Person1#: I'll always remember my college days. +#Person2#: Oh yeah? +#Person1#: It was one of the best times in my life. It was tough, but I made it. I became a college graduate. +#Person2#: How did you feel when you graduated? +#Person1#: It was a pround day for me. My family attend the graduation ceremony. I was so nervous. I couldn't find my cap and gown, but all worked out in the end. +#Person2#: What did you do after graduation? +#Person1#: I was planning to attend gradate school, but then I was offered a good job doing marketing, so I changed my mind. +#Person2#: Sounds like you're happy with your decision. +#Person1#: I sure am. So what about you? How did you feel when you graduated? +#Person2#: It was also a proud day for me, but I also felt like a kind of loss that day. +#Person1#: How could it be? +#Person2#: While seeing others going to work or continue their study, I didn't know what I would do. +#Person1#: You didn't have an offer? +#Person2#: I had one, but I didn't like the job very much. I wanted to attend graduate school, but I was afraid it would be too tough. +#Person1#: I think you lack in the power of decision. Once you make your decision, don't be overtaken by misgivings and fear. Just go full steam ahead! ",#Person1# and #Person2# share their feelings about the graduation day and different plans after graduation. #Person1# encourages #Person2# to have more power on a decision. +dev_85,"#Person1#: hey Jayden, I was wondering if you could do me a favor. +#Person2#: that depends. What is it? +#Person1#: it's kind of a big favor. I'm absolutely flat broke, and I owe my landlady $200. she's given me until Friday to give it to her, but I don't get paid until next Monday. Do you think you could loanm +#Person2#: I'd love to help you out, but I'm a bit short on cash this month as well. I had to get a new engine put into my car, and that ate up my savings. +#Person1#: if you can't give me the full amount, a fraction of it would still help. I'll pay you back on Monday. I promise. +#Person2#: let's see, I've got about $50 to get me through the weekend. I can only spare about $20. I would give you more if I had it, I just don't have much money to my name right now. +#Person1#: thanks a lot Jayden. Every little bit will help. Tell you what, if you aren't doing anything tonight, why don't you come over and have dinner at my place. +#Person2#: that'd be great. Thanks! What time should I come over? +#Person1#: how about at 6 pm? +#Person2#: see you then! ",#Person1# owes the landlord $200 and wants to borrow some from Jayden who is tight on cash as well. Jayden only lends #Person1# $20 and #Person1# will come over at 6 pm. +dev_86,"#Person1#: How old are you? +#Person2#: Nine . . . but I'll be ten on May 1st. When is your birthday? +#Person1#: I'm older than you! I'll be ten on April 14th. +#Person2#: Are you going to have a birthday party? +#Person1#: Maybe. I'll have to ask my mother. ",#Person1# and #Person2# talk about their birthday. +dev_87,"#Person1#: this party rocks! +#Person2#: you said it. Good beer, good music, and on top of that, there are so many hot girls here! +#Person1#: I'm with you on that. Check out that one over there. I think I'm in love! +#Person2#: well, she's alright, but not really my cup of tea. What about the blond with the red dress? +#Person1#: oh, that's Janice. She's just new in town. You have a thing for blonds, eh? +#Person2#: yeah! She could do anything she wants to me! +#Person1#: I bet. Why not go over and talk to her? She's really nice. +#Person2#: I don't think so. I get so nervous talking to girls. I always put my foot in my mouth, scare her off, and end up looking like a real fool. Besides, she is way out of my league. +#Person1#: come on! Man up! You'll never know until you try. +#Person2#: okay okay, just let me have another cup of beers to get my head in the game. +#Person1#: all right. But I think you ought to move soon. +#Person2#: why? +#Person1#: I can see five other guys eying her up. +#Person2#: okay, here I go! +#Person1#: good luck! ","#Person1# and #Person2# see a blond, but #Person2# is nervous talking with girls. After #Person1#'s encouragement and another cup of beer, #Person2# decides to talk to the blond." +dev_88,"#Person1#: Mary? Are you still there? +#Person2#: Yes. What do you want? +#Person1#: Did your bid win? +#Person2#: What do you care, dork? +#Person1#: Hey! I'm trying to be nice, and you still want to fight! Did you get the statue or not? +#Person2#: You mean fat boy? +#Person1#: Sorry. I take that back. I mean the copper Buddha you wanted. ",#Person1# asks Mary the result of the bid not very nicely so Mary doesn't want to answer. +dev_89,"#Person1#: Good morning! +#Person2#: Good morning, Gav! Did you sleep well last night? +#Person1#: I slept like a baby. I fell asleep right away last night, didn't wake up once, and didn't have any nightmares! +#Person2#: That's great news! You look much more relaxed than you did yesterday. +#Person1#: I feel much better, but I'm still worried about something. +#Person2#: What's that? +#Person1#: Well, I have to drive to school for a meeting this morning, and I'm going to end up getting stuck in rush-hour traffic. +#Person2#: That's annoying, but nothing to worry about. +#Person1#: For me, traffic jams are quite stressful, because I'm pretty impatient. How can I prevent myself from getting stressed if I get stuck in a traffic jam? +#Person2#: Just breathe deeply when you feel yourself getting upset. +#Person1#: Ok, I'll try that. +#Person2#: Is there anything else bothering you? +#Person1#: Just one more thing. A school called me this morning to see if I could teach a few classes this weekend and I don't know what to do. +#Person2#: Do you have any other plans this weekend? +#Person1#: I'm supposed to work on a paper that'd due on Monday. +#Person2#: Try not to take on more than you can handle. +#Person1#: You're right. I probably should just work on my paper. Thanks! ",Gav had a good sleep last night but worries about the traffic jam and classes to teach. #Person2# asks Gav's plan for the weekend and #Person2# gives the suggestions when Gav feels upset. +dev_90,"#Person1#: I don't think the teacher had a right to say that. The teacher was wrong to have accused her in front of the whole class. +#Person2#: You've got to be joking! It's the teacher's right to say anything wants, and if she saw Myra cheating, she certainly had the right to say so. +#Person1#: I agree she had the right to say something, but I feel she should have done it privately. +#Person2#: You're right. If I were the teacher, I wouldn't have done that. ",Both #Person1# and #Person2# think the teacher should say to Myra privately if she saw Myra cheating. +dev_91,"#Person1#: Listen, Karen, I need your help. I don't know anyone here yet. +#Person2#: I'm glad to help you. What's wrong? +#Person1#: My mother-in-law just went into the hospital in L. A. Hank and I will be flying there tonight. +#Person2#: I'm sorry to hear it. What's wrong with her? +#Person1#: Doctors aren't sure yet. But the real problem is Suzy. She has a bad cold, and we don't want to take her with us. But we don't know who can stay with her. +#Person2#: You need a babysitter. +#Person1#: Yes, I'd ask Jill, the girl I've had before, but I need someone overnight. Maybe even for two nights. +#Person2#: I could have Suzy stay at my place. +#Person1#: I don't want to do that to you, Karen. +#Person2#: Why not? +#Person1#: Your own kids would get Suzy's cold. I think it would be better to have a good babysitter here. But I don't know who to ask. I need someone more mature than Jill. It might even be for two or three days. +#Person2#: I know who we can ask. There is a girl I know, Sara Ralston. She is 17, and she will usually take this kind of job. I know her from my church, and I trust her completely. +#Person1#: I'd like to talk with her. This is short notice, I know. But Hank and I are leaving tonight. +#Person2#: I'll get you her number. I hope she can do it. She is very responsible. +#Person1#: I'm glad you know someone. I knew you would be the best person to ask about this. I don't want to insult Jill or her mother. I think Jill maybe could do it. But I'd rather have someone a little older. +#Person2#: I'll go home and get Sara's number. I'll call her first myself. +#Person1#: Great. Then call me and let me know if she's free. ","#Person1# asks Karen for help to find a mature babysitter for two or three days because #Person1# will fly to L.A. to see #Person1#'s mother-in-law in the hospital and has to leave Suzy, who has a cold, at home. Karen recommends Sara who is mature and responsible, and she will contact her." +dev_92,"#Person1#: Anna just email to say that the managers meeting is put off till next Monday. Will you have everything ready by then, Sabrina? Hey Sabrina, what's wrong? +#Person2#: I'm so worried. I haven't heard from my sister for 2 weeks. +#Person1#: How often do you call each other? +#Person2#: Normally at least once a week. But she's now a volunteer teacher in a mountain village in Africa. I can only write her. +#Person1#: The Mail can be really slow sometimes. I'm sure you'll hear from her soon. +#Person2#: I hope so. +#Person1#: You know the saying 'no news is good news'. If something were wrong, someone would have called you. +#Person2#: Maybe you're right. Thanks, Jason.",Sabrina is worried about her sister because she hasn't heard from her sister for 2 weeks. #Person1# comforts her. +dev_93,"#Person1#: Hi, there. I think I'm coming down with something. I need some medicine to get me through the next few days. +#Person2#: Wow, you look terrible. What's going on? +#Person1#: Well, my throat hurts. My nose has been running and I have a bad cough. It could just be cold, but I don't know for sure. +#Person2#: You should take some cold medicine and get some rest. You don't look well. +#Person1#: I have a very important job and I can't miss any work. So, give me something strong. +#Person2#: All right. But if you have the flu, only rest will help. If you're still sick in 3 days, you should go see a doctor. +#Person1#: Thanks for your help.",#Person1# asks #Person2# for some strong medicine to get through the important days. #Person2# agrees but still suggests #Person1# see a doctor. +dev_94,"#Person1#: There is only 20 minutes left. I've got an appointment. I'm meeting a friend in the City of Westminster at 9:00 AM. I hope not to miss it. +#Person2#: Well, I'm going there, too. I can give you a lift if you like. +#Person1#: Could you really? That would be kind. +#Person2#: Where are you meeting your friend? +#Person1#: Near the park. But if you can drop me at an underground station that will be fine. +#Person2#: The park's not far out of my way. I'll take you there. +#Person1#: That's very kind of you.",#Person2# will give #Person1# a lift to meet a friend. +dev_95,"#Person1#: How was your summer trip? +#Person2#: It was great. My friend and I travelled throughout India. +#Person1#: Sounds hot! How did you get along without studying the local language? +#Person2#: Most People there speak English. But there were some remote places in the mountains where we had to learn a few words to communicate. Usually it was easy. One time, though, it got a little awkward. I was asking a baker for some bread and I said 'I want money' instead of 'I want bread'. The words for money and bread were so similar that I got them mixed up. +#Person1#: How did the baker react? +#Person2#: He looked a little scared but my friend quickly cleared up the confusion. We ended up becoming friends with the guy and he introduced us to more young people. Whenever we told the story of our meeting, it would make everyone laugh.",#Person2# tells #Person1# about a funny experience about language confusion during the summer trip in India. +dev_96,"#Person1#: So, now ,have you been asked for an interview, yet? +#Person2#: Yes, I already have an interview schedule with the manager on Wednesday. +#Person1#: Oh, that's the day after tomorrow, congratulations. Where will the interview be held? +#Person2#: In a building which is very close to where you work, we can meet up then, and I'll tell you about it over some coffee.",#Person2# has an interview schedule on Wednesday and will tell #Person1# about it over coffee. +dev_97,"#Person1#: I've been wondering how to start running. I want to run a marathon and I know you're a good runner. +#Person2#: Well, you need to start out slowly. See if you can run a mile without stopping and then start increasing your distance. +#Person1#: OK, do you think I should run on a running machine at the gym or outside? +#Person2#: Well, it depends on what you like. Running inside is nice, because you can stay at a steady speed. But outside is nice too, because you're surrounded by nature and fresh air. +#Person1#: Maybe I'll try running outside first and see how it feels.",#Person1# wants to start a marathon and #Person2# gives #Person1# some suggestions. +dev_98,"#Person1#: So Izek, is there a Christian church nearby? +#Person2#: There is one, just 2 blocks from here, on the west end of the Ivy Street. So are you a Christian if you don't mind me asking? +#Person1#: No. It's just I'm doing this essay about the influence of Christian religion on western cultures. So I just want to do some research personally. +#Person2#: I see. Actually, one of the priests in that church is my cousin. I can arrange a meeting between you 2 if you like. +#Person1#: Really? That would be great. Thank you so much. +#Person2#: It's OK. I'm glad I could be of some help to my new working partner.",#Person1# wants to research Christian and Izek helps to arrange a meeting with the priest. +dev_99,"#Person1#: Well, it's a nice room. Hmm... is there anything that I should know? +#Person2#: Well. I don't allow the cat to go upstairs at all, and I don't allow people to smoke in the bedrooms. +#Person1#: Oh, I agree with that. I don't smoke anyway. +#Person2#: And I don't allow people to stick pictures up on the walls. +#Person1#: Oh, I see. Can I use small nails or something? +#Person2#: Oh yes, something like that is quite acceptable, and there just two more things if you don't mind. If you go out, would you please remember to close the window? +#Person1#: Right. I'll do that. +#Person2#: And there is the kettle. When you boil it, could you please put it on the floor? +#Person1#: Alright. I'll do that then.",#Person2# tells #Person1# some matters needing attention when #Person1# lives in the room. +dev_100,"#Person1#: Excuse me, sir. You can't park here. +#Person2#: I am just waiting for my friends. It won't be long. +#Person1#: Sir, the curb here is not for parking. +#Person2#: But I didn't see the sign, Ma ' am. +#Person1#: There is a sign at the corner of the street. When you turned in here, you should have seen it. +#Person2#: I didn't see it. +#Person1#: I am sorry, sir. I have to give you a ticket. You can appeal to the court within 14 days. You will avoid paying the fine if you can prove that you are not at fault.","#Person2# didn't see the sign and parks at a no-parking area, so #Person1# gives #Person2# a ticket." +dev_101,"#Person1#: That China-gown of Tang-Dynasty style is so beautiful. Would you show it to me, please? +#Person2#: Absolutely. Here it is. +#Person1#: Could I try it on? +#Person2#: Please do, the fitting-room is over there. +#Person1#: It feels a little tight around the waist. Do you have a bigger one? +#Person2#: I'm sorry. We don't have this color in your size. We have some green ones in your size. Would you please have a look at this green one? +#Person1#: OK. How much does it cost? +#Person2#: It's 486 yuan.",#Person1# tries on a little tight China-gown at a store and buys one with #Person2#'s assistance. +dev_102,"#Person1#: Hello, I brought a lap-top computer with me. Do you know how can I use the internet in my room? +#Person2#: Well, right now, we can't afford internet use in the rooms. But you can go to the web bar in our hotel. It's on the 12 floor. +#Person1#: Thank you. I think I will go there.",#Person2# tells #Person1# the place to use the internet. +dev_103,"#Person1#: Can I have a look at that digital camera please? +#Person2#: Yes of course. This is a really good one actually. +#Person1#: How much does it cost? +#Person2#: This one is 1500 yuan. +#Person1#: It looks pretty good. I think I'll take it. +#Person2#: Would you like anything else? +#Person1#: That's all thank you.",#Person1# buys a camera with #Person2#'s assistance. +dev_104,"#Person1#: we really were lucky. We got the last available table for two---and we didn't even have a reservation! Did you see the long lines behind us? +#Person2#: yeah, I'm glad that we didn't have to wait long. I'm starving! +#Person1#: let's take a look at the menu so we can order. Do you want to choose an appetizer for us to share? +#Person2#: what would you rather have, samosas or poppadoms? +#Person1#: I heard that one of their specialities is the samosa. +#Person2#: well, let's get a plate of those then. +#Person1#: sounds good. What are you going to have for your main course? +#Person2#: I think I might have a dahl. +#Person1#: what's in a dahl? +#Person2#: it's got chickpeas and vegetables in a spicy curry sauce with rice. +#Person1#: that sounds nice. Do you want to share some kebabs as well? +#Person2#: ok. How about some lamb kebabs? +#Person1#: that's my favourite. Do you want to have some wine or beer? +#Person2#: I think I'll have a beer. +#Person1#: ok, shall I flag down the waitress? +#Person2#: I wouldn't recommend it. I think we should wait until she comes round. +#Person1#: you're right. That might seem a bit rude. It's a good thing I've got you with me! +#Person2#: what would you do without me?","#Person1# and #Person2# are discussing what to eat at a popular restaurant, and they decide to order until the waitress comes around." +dev_105,"#Person1#: You went out on a date last night, didn't you? +#Person2#: Yes, I did, but Linda stood me up. She didn't keep the date for the first time. +#Person1#: How come? +#Person2#: I don't know. +#Person1#: Why don't you phone her for a date again? +#Person2#: I did phone her this morning, but she hung up on me. I think she is going to walk out on me. +#Person1#: Don't jump to conclusions. Look at the bright side, try to make another date again. +#Person2#: I will. Thanks for your advice.",#Person1# advises #Person2# to make another date when #Person2# was stood up by Linda. +dev_106,"#Person1#: Excuse me. This chicken doesn't taste right to me. +#Person2#: What seems to be the problem? +#Person1#: How should I know? It's just kind of cold in the middle. It just doesn't taste right. Do you want to try it? +#Person2#: Well, let me get that out of your way. Would you like to order something else from the menu? Or I could bring you another order of chicken if you'd like. +#Person1#: Another one? I don't want another one. Give me something simple. You've got steak, right? +#Person2#: Yes, we do. How would you like it cooked? +#Person1#: Half done.",#Person1# complains to #Person2# about the chicken #Person1# ordered and wants to change for steak. +dev_107,"#Person1#: Will you be joining Billy and I at the Bar? +#Person2#: Which one will you be going to? +#Person1#: We are going to try the new one that opened up on 17th Street. +#Person2#: Sure, I've been meaning to visit that place myself. +#Person1#: I want to stop off at my apartment to get changed so I should be there by 9 pm. +#Person2#: OK, can I bring a date with me? +#Person1#: Certainly. But if there are going to be four of us, I had better make reservations. +#Person2#: Yes. that is a very good idea. It would be a shame if we could not find a place to sit. +#Person1#: Then I'II make reservations for 9 pm for a party of four. +#Person2#: I'll be there. Oh, is there a cover charge at the bar? +#Person1#: Not that I know of. Why do you ask? +#Person2#: I want to make sure I bring enough money for my date and I. +#Person1#: I hear the drinks and food there are moderately priced. You should be fine. +#Person2#: One last question. Is there a dress code there? +#Person1#: No, its very casual there. Leave your jacket and tie at home. +#Person2#: Perfect. I wanted to have a casual evening tonight. +#Person1#: I'll see you there at 9pm. +#Person2#: Okay. See you then.","#Person1# invites #Person2# to the bar. #Person2# concerns about the available seat, cover charge, and dressing code. #Person1# explains to #Person2#." +dev_108,"#Person1#: ABC Rent-a-Car. May I help you? +#Person2#: I would like to rent a car. What kind of car do you have? +#Person1#: We have Volkswagen, Pinto, Plymouth and Datsun. +#Person2#: What is the rate? +#Person1#: Twenty dollars per day for Volkswagen, Pinto and Datsun, and twenty-seven dollars for Plymouth. +#Person2#: How about mileage and gas? +#Person1#: There is no charge for mileage. And fill up the gas when you return the car to us as it is not included. +#Person2#: OK. I'll try a Pinto. I want to rent a car for one week. +#Person1#: All right, sir. May I have your driver's license? +#Person2#: Here you are.",#Person2# asks #Person1# about the information on renting a car and then rents one. +dev_109,"#Person1#: When in Rome, do as the Romans do, they say. +#Person2#: What do you mean? +#Person1#: Roman is living in Rome, of course. And go to work by car, or bus, or on foot. +#Person2#: I think the Romans do what everyone else does. +#Person1#: Certainly. +#Person2#: And Roman really loves life. He knows how to enjoy himself. +#Person1#: Not always. But they like good meal. +#Person2#: Really? +#Person1#: How can I go there to have a taste? +#Person2#: By air of course.",#Person1# and #Person2# discuss Roman's lifestyle and good food. +dev_110,"#Person1#: Jenny, you look terrible. What's eating you? +#Person2#: Don't brother me! +#Person1#: Hey, Chillon, I'm just trying to help. +#Person2#: Sorry, Sally, it's not your fault. +#Person1#: So, what's the problem? +#Person2#: I drew a blank on ~ about the test. +#Person1#: No kidding! Didn't you study for it? +#Person2#: Yeah, but nothing was clear during the test. +#Person1#: That's too bad, anyway, I'm sure things will turn around next master. +#Person2#: I'm thinking of dropping out. +#Person1#: You can't do that, Jenny! +#Person2#: I'm dead serious about this, Sally. +#Person1#: Come on, let's talk about it.",Jenny did a poor job in the test and is thinking of dropping out. Sally comforts Jenny. +dev_111,"#Person1#: You honestly believe the world's improving every year? +#Person2#: Yes, I do. I think that science is making us wiser. What do you think? +#Person1#: I don't think you're right there. +#Person2#: I believe industry is making us wealthier. +#Person1#: I don't believe that. +#Person2#: And in my opinion, medicine is making us healthier. +#Person1#: I agree with you in the sense. But we're all more miserable than ever, aren't we? +#Person2#: I don't agree with you. I maintain that we're healthier, wealthier and wiser than we were a hundred years ago. +#Person1#: That's your opinion not mine.","#Person2# believes people now are healthier, wealthier and wiser while #Person1# doesn't." +dev_112,"#Person1#: Hey Mike. I forgot about registration. I'm a day late, so all the classes are mostly full. What do you think I should do? +#Person2#: You're screwed. You can't do anything about that. You have to hope that you get some classes that will be useful. +#Person1#: Do you think going to the registration building will help at all? +#Person2#: No. They will tell you the same thing in a worse way. +#Person1#: Did you register yet? +#Person2#: Of course. Registering for classes is not something you want to miss. +#Person1#: What classes do you think are still open? +#Person2#: Well, I know psychology 101 is a big class, so there will always be seats in that class. You can also get into Sociology. +#Person1#: That's helpful. Thanks. But what do you think about philosophy. I wanted to take that class this semester. +#Person2#: I took that class last year. The professor is really cool, so if you go to his office, you can have him sign a card that will let you in even if the class is full. +#Person1#: He does that? +#Person2#: I guess that's because so many people drop out of that class. +#Person1#: That makes sense. I think I'll do that. Thanks for all the help. +#Person2#: No problem, man.","#Person1# forgot about class registration, so #Person1# asks Mike for advice. Mike recommends #Person1# to get into psychology, sociology and philosophy. #Person1# thanks Mike for his help." +dev_113,"#Person1#: Hi Mary, how's it going? +#Person2#: well, last night I had a big argument with Ann. +#Person1#: terrible. It must be something serious. You two are such close friends. +#Person2#: now that I look back at it, it wasn't that big a deal. I shouldn't have lost my temper. +#Person1#: really? What happened? +#Person2#: it's just we've been planning to go the beach for a while, and we decided we could both make it this weekend. Then out of nowhere she called me up, said her boyfriend had made plans and that she leaves. +#Person1#: that's pretty harsh. +#Person2#: I know, but I was so upset. I mean, come on! Does she have to do everything her boyfriend says? +#Person1#: you know she probably feels just as bad. +#Person2#: well, I think I was being a little selfish myself. I know they don't get to see each other very often. +#Person1#: well, in that case I guess maybe you can be more understanding. You shouldn't let a trivial thing like this stand in the way of your friendship. After all you can go to the beach anytime you want. +#Person2#: yeah, I'll call her later to patch things up.",Mary had an argument with Ann who didn't meet her as planned due to Ann's boyfriend. #Person1# comforts Mary. Mary decides to call Ann to patch things up. +dev_114,"#Person1#: Hello, Neal. How are you? +#Person2#: I'm fine, thanks. And you? +#Person1#: Very well, thanks. Nice to see you again. I haven't seen you for a long time. What have you been doing lately? +#Person2#: Oh, nothing much really. I went to Singapore to study for a period. +#Person1#: Wow, that's great. What have you been studying? +#Person2#: Natural language processing. +#Person1#: Oh, that's hard. I've been studying for my exams. My school exams will begin next month. +#Person2#: Really? Good luck for them. +#Person1#: Thanks. And how are your parents? +#Person2#: They're both very well, thanks. +#Person1#: Where are you going now? +#Person2#: I'm going to read some paper and then attend a seminar. Why don't you come with me? +#Person1#: I can't. I have to meet my supervisor. +#Person2#: Well ,it's been nice talking to you. +#Person1#: Good bye. See you again sometime.",Neal and #Person1# haven't see each other for a while. Neal went to study aboard and #Person1# has been studying for exams. Neal is going to study and #Person1# is going to meet #Person1#'s supervisor. +dev_115,"#Person1#: Susan, Is the manager in this office? +#Person2#: Yes. But he is meeting a client. +#Person1#: Oh, that's too bad. I just got a phone call saying that my wife is now in the hospital. She is going to deliver a baby. I must take the day off to go to the hospital. May I talk to him to ask for leave? +#Person2#: I am afraid not, but I think I could convey your leave to him after the client goes. +#Person1#: Oh, that's very kind of you. Thank you very much. I've got to go.",#Person1# has to ask for leave because #Person1#'s wife is in the hospital. Susan will convey #Person1#'s leave to the manager. +dev_116,"#Person1#: I'm looking for a pan I can use in my kitchen. +#Person2#: What size pan were you thinking of? +#Person1#: I've already got a small pan. I need a big one. +#Person2#: Well, this one might work for you. +#Person1#: Oh, no, that's way too heavy a pan for me. +#Person2#: Here, lift this aluminum pan. It's the same size. +#Person1#: Yes, it's very lightweight. But I don't want this aluminum handle. +#Person2#: Here's a similar aluminum pan. But it has a heat-resistant handle. +#Person1#: Oh, this feels very nice. It's perfect. I'll take it. +#Person2#: I knew we'd find the right pan sooner or later. How would you like to pay? +#Person1#: Cash. But first, I need a lid for this pan. +#Person2#: Oh, no problem. Here's the lid that comes with the pan.",#Person1# wants to buy a pan and chooses a satisfying one with #Person2#'s assistance. +dev_117,"#Person1#: ABC Company, my name is Lucy. How can I help you? +#Person2#: Hello, Lucy, this is Monica. I'm calling for the accountant position. I saw the information about the vacancy on your company's website. Is it still available? +#Person1#: Thank you for your interest. The position is still available. Have you already sent your CV to us? +#Person2#: No, not yet. First, I want to check about the availability and see if you could give more information. +#Person1#: It is quite urgent for us to fill this position now and I would like to stress that English is a must because of the international contacts and most likely traveling abroad very soon. If all these is not problem for you, I recommend you to mention these in your cover letter and send it to me directly. +#Person2#: The notification period of my current job is not that long and I'm quite profession to English and I am happy with the traveling abroad as I'm good dealing with the people from other cultures. It makes the whole job even more interesting. I will send my resume to you still this week.",Monica calls ABC company to check the availability of the accountant position. Lucy introduces the requirements of the job and Monica will send the resume. +dev_118,"#Person1#: This is 911. +#Person2#: Send an ambulance fast! My husband is having a heart attack! +#Person1#: Slow down and tell me your address. +#Person2#: I live on 1177 Oak lane in Smithfield. Oh, hurry, I don't know what to do! +#Person1#: An ambulance is on its way right now. They should be there any minute. Are you close to him right now? +#Person2#: yes, yes, he's right here by me. +#Person1#: Is he breathing? +#Person2#: Yes, he's breathing, but he's not conscious! Oh, please hurry!",#Person2# calls #Person1# to send an ambulance because #Person2#'s husband is having a heart attack. +dev_119,"#Person1#: Can I help you? +#Person2#: Yes. When is the next train to New York City? +#Person1#: Let me see. . . the train to New York City. . . here it is. . . daily except Sunday at ten thirty, twelve twenty and fifteen ten. +#Person2#: Aren't there any trains before ten thirty? +#Person1#: Sorry, not before ten thirty. +#Person2#: Then one to New York at ten thirty. +#Person1#: One way or round trip? +#Person2#: One way. +#Person1#: A soft seat or hard one? +#Person2#: How much is a soft? +#Person1#: 15 dollars. And for a hard one, only 6 dollars. +#Person2#: Then one hard seat, please. +#Person1#: OK. Here is your change. The train leaves on platform 8.",#Person2# buys a one-way hard-seat train ticket to New York City with #Person1#'s assistance. +dev_120,"#Person1#: Can you believe that Obama is our new President? +#Person2#: I'm so happy about that. +#Person1#: Did you vote for him? +#Person2#: I sure did. How about you? +#Person1#: I voted for him. +#Person2#: I have complete confidence in our new President. +#Person1#: Is that right? +#Person2#: I know he will help change America. +#Person1#: I hope so, because America needs a change. +#Person2#: I feel like things are already changing, because he was elected. +#Person1#: I agree with you completely. +#Person2#: I'm not worried about our country now that it's in his hands.",Both #Person1# and #Person2# voted for Obama and believe he will change America. +dev_121,"#Person1#: How do I know if I qualify for unemployment benefits? +#Person2#: Are you working fewer hours than you used to work? +#Person1#: I got laid off. +#Person2#: You usually qualify if you got laid off or are working a lot fewer hours. +#Person1#: Do all jobs provide unemployment? +#Person2#: Most jobs provide unemployment, but some don't. +#Person1#: Do you think that my job pays unemployment? +#Person2#: You can call your unemployment office, and they can check for you. +#Person1#: Will I be able to collect a lot of money on unemployment? +#Person2#: There is a formula to determine the amount based on how much you earned. They will let you know when you file your claim.",#Person1# consults #Person2# about unemployment benefits. #Person2# suggests calling the unemployment office to check the formula. +dev_122,"#Person1#: have you read the feature article about Oprah Winfrey in this magazine? +#Person2#: no, what's it about? +#Person1#: apparently, she's being given an award for donating so much money to charity. +#Person2#: she's very generous with her money. I think that's because she was poor when she was young. +#Person1#: I heard that she's one of the wealthiest women in the world. +#Person2#: I'd believe it. She owns magazines, television shows and she has a huge fan base. +#Person1#: you know ; I heard that she was opening a school for underprivileged girls in Africa. +#Person2#: did they mention that in the article? +#Person1#: yes, she's not only building the school, but is also using her own money for the upkeep of the school and to pay the teachers a fair salary. +#Person2#: that's really commendable. I think more celebrities should use their money to help people like Oprah has. +#Person1#: I agree. So many celebrities waste their money on sports cars, expensive clothing, and luxurious hotels. +#Person2#: it's amazing how much money they can spend. I heard Britney Spears once spent $ 24, 000 a night on a hotel room! +#Person1#: what a waste. It's good to see some stars that are more concerned with charity than status symbols.",#Person1# talks about Oprah Winfrey with #Person2# and they think highly of Oprah Winfrey because she is concerned with charity rather than status symbols. +dev_123,"#Person1#: Thank you for your interest in this job. You'll be hearing from us. Send the next applicant in on your way out, please. +#Person2#: Thank you very much for offering me this opportunity. +#Person1#: It has been pleasant talking with you. +#Person2#: I have enjoyed talking with you too. Thank you. +#Person1#: May I call you at your home about our final decision? +#Person2#: Yes, please. My telephone number is 367 - 1314. You can call me between four and six in the afternoon. +#Person1#: We'll get in touch with you by next Wednesday. Thank you for your interest in this job. +#Person2#: Thank you for your interview.",#Person2# finishes the job interview and gives #Person1# #Person2#'s telephone number to be informed of the result. +dev_124,"#Person1#: Dental clinic. This is Mr. Adams. +#Person2#: Hi. My name's David Johnson. I'd like to make an appointment. +#Person1#: All right, David. Is this for a checkup or a cleaning? +#Person2#: A checkup. I think I have a bad cavity. Half the side of my head hurts. +#Person1#: What tooth is giving you pain? +#Person2#: One of the back ones. +#Person1#: Let me see. . . We can see you this afternoon if you can come in at four thirty.",#Person2# calls #Person1# to make an appointment for a checkup. +dev_125,"#Person1#: Have you moved into your new house yet, Michael? +#Person2#: We just moved in yesterday, actually. +#Person1#: So, what do you think about the place? Are you glad that you moved in? +#Person2#: It's great! Unfortunately, we're going to spend a fortune doing everything up. +#Person1#: How old is the house then? +#Person2#: It's about 200 years old. It has a lot of history! +#Person1#: Sounds fascinating. Where is your new house located? +#Person2#: It's just off of the ring road. +#Person1#: Do you have a big yard? +#Person2#: It's bigger than our last one. I've got flowers in the front, and fruits, vegetables and a fish pond in the back. +#Person1#: Is your house well-lit? +#Person2#: Oh, yes. Our windows let plenty of natural light in. They've also got wonderful views of the park behind our house. +#Person1#: How many rooms does your house have? +#Person2#: Right now, there are three bedrooms, two barrooms, a kitchen, a sitting room, a dining room, and a living room. We're hoping to add on a green room and a guest bedroom. In fact, when the guest bedroom is ready, you should come and stay with us for a weekend. +#Person1#: I'd be up for that!","#Person1# and #Person2# talk about #Person2#'s new house which has a long history, a big yard and many rooms. #Person2# invites #Person1# to come and stay when the guest bedroom is ready. #Person1# is willing to go." +dev_126,"#Person1#: Good afternoon. +#Person2#: Good afternoon. Can I help you? +#Person1#: I've got this important letter to send to Hainan. Can I send it by registered mail? +#Person2#: Certainly. +#Person1#: How much will I have to pay? +#Person2#: Two yuan, please. +#Person1#: Here are the letter and the money. +#Person2#: Wait a moment. It seems that your letter is overweight. Let me weight it. +#Person1#: Is it overweight? +#Person2#: I'm afraid it is. So you will have to pay two yuan extra. The total charge is four yuan. +#Person1#: All right. Here is the money. +#Person2#: Here are the stamps and your receipt. +#Person1#: What shall I do with the receipt? +#Person2#: You can keep it until the addressee tells you that the letter has been delivered. It is the proof that you sent the letter if it fails to arrive. +#Person1#: Thank you. +#Person2#: Not at all.",#Person2# helps #Person1# send an important letter to Hainan by registered email. #Person2# asks #Person1# to keep the receipt until the letter is delivered. +dev_127,"#Person1#: Now we have settled the terms of payment. Is it possible to effect shipment during September? +#Person2#: I don't think we can. +#Person1#: Then when is the earliest we can expect shipment? +#Person2#: By the middle of October, I think. +#Person1#: That's too late. You see, November is the season for this commodity in our market, and our Customs formalities are rather complicated. +#Person2#: I understand. +#Person1#: Besides, the flow through the marketing channels and the red tape involved take at least a couple of weeks. Thus, after shipment it will be four to five weeks altogether before the goods can reach our retailers. The goods must therefore be shipped before October ; otherwise we won't be in time for the selling season. +#Person2#: But our factories are fully committed for the third quarter. In fact, many of our clients are placing orders for delivery in the fourth quarter. +#Person1#: Mr. Brown, you certainly realize that the time of delivery is a matter of great importance to us. If we place our goods on the market at a time when all other importers have already sold their goods at profitable prices, we shall lose out. +#Person2#: I see your point. However, we have done more business this year than any of the previous years. I am very sorry to say that we cannot advance the time of delivery. +#Person1#: That's too bad, but I sincerely hope you will give our request your special consideration. +#Person2#: You may take it from me that the last thing we want to do is to disappoint an old customer like you. But the fact remains that our manufacturers have a heavy backlog on their hands. +#Person1#: But can't you find some way to get round your producers for an earlier delivery? Make a special effort, please. A timely delivery means a lot to us. +#Person2#: All right. We'll get in touch with our producers and see what they have to say.","#Person1# thinks the earliest shipment #Person2# can provide is too late and requests #Person2# to advance the time of delivery. #Person2# refuses due to several specific reasons, but finally #Person2# is persuaded to contact the producers to see if they can help." +dev_128,"#Person1#: I have a good feeling about this house. +#Person2#: Yes, I liked it the first moment I pulled up to it. +#Person1#: I love the paint job! +#Person2#: If you like the outside, you are going to really love the inside. +#Person1#: What a beautiful home! +#Person2#: You'll notice that the window treatments, carpeting, and drapes are all new. +#Person1#: I like the way the blinds give you privacy from the street. +#Person2#: Follow me into the kitchen. You will love it. +#Person1#: I love that they put a wine storage area in the kitchen. +#Person2#: The best part is the bedroom and attached bathroom. +#Person1#: I love the relaxing colors in the tile and floor covering! +#Person2#: Let's take a few pictures so that we can remember what we like about this home.",#Person1# and #Person2# come to see a house and they both have good impressions of this house. +dev_129,"#Person1#: What is your favorite kind of music? +#Person2#: I listen to various types of music. +#Person1#: What genres? +#Person2#: I enjoy listening to both Rock and R & B. +#Person1#: What interests you in that type of music? +#Person2#: I enjoy the different types of instruments that they use. +#Person1#: That is a perfect reason to like a certain kind of music. +#Person2#: That's exactly what I think too.",#Person1# asks #Person2# the favorite music genres and why #Person2# loves them. +dev_130,"#Person1#: Good afternoon, how can I help you? +#Person2#: Someone has stolen my gold necklace. +#Person1#: I am sorry to hear about that. Would you mind coming with me to my office and tell me exactly what happened here? +#Person2#: Of course not. +#Person1#: Are you sure that it isn't somewhere in your room? +#Person2#: Yes, I've looked everywhere in my room and I can't find it. +#Person1#: Ok, when and where did you last see it? +#Person2#: Last night on the dresser. I took it off before I went to the shower, and forgot to put it back on after the shower. And this morning I left the hotel in a hurry without wearing it. +#Person1#: Are you sure you didn't wear it this morning? +#Person2#: Yes, I am positive. +#Person1#: Did you remember to lock your door before you left then? +#Person2#: Yes, I think I did. It has to be one of your maids who took it. I want my necklace back. +#Person1#: Well, I understand how you feel, and we will try to do our best to help you. But first please allow me to send one of the housemaids to your room to look for it again thoroughly, just in case it's still in there. If she finds it, we will all be happy. If she doesn't, we will turn the whole matter to the police. But I must say that the hotel can't be held responsible for your loss. You should have locked your gold necklace away at the hotel's safety box. If you had read your key card carefully, you would have realized that we specially warned you to do so. +#Person2#: That just isn't good enough. Cet me your general manager. I want to speak to him now. +#Person1#: I am sorry, ma'am. Our general manager is not in town. But I'd be more than glad to get you our assistant manager, if you like. But I am afraid that he will say the same thing. We have very clear instructions about valuables and we must follow them. And now if you will excuse me, I'll go and find our assistant manager for you.","#Person2# claims that her necklace has been stolen. #Person1# asks #Person2# about some details. #Person1# suggests sending one housemaid to look for it again thoroughly. If she doesn't find it, they will turn the case to the police, but the hotel will not be responsible for #Person2#'s loss. #Person2# is not satisfied with the answer and wants to speak to the general manager. #Person1# refuses." +dev_131,"#Person1#: What seems to be the problem? +#Person2#: I have a really bad toothache! My cheek is swollen and I can't eat anything. +#Person1#: Let's have a look. Mmmm. This doesn't look too good. I think we may have to pull out your wisdom tooth. It's pressing against your molars and that's one of the reasons you are experiencing so much pain +#Person2#: When you pull my tooth will you also have to extract the nerve and the root? +#Person1#: First we will take some x-rays and see what we're dealing with. I also noticed a small cavity up front here, so you are going to need a filling. +#Person2#: I guess that's what I get for not flossing or brushing my teeth three times a day. +#Person1#: It could be that, or maybe you are eating too many sweets. In any case, I'll administer an anesthetic and you won't feel a thing!",#Person2# is having a bad toothache. #Person1# checks #Person2#'s teeth and suggests pulling out the wisdom tooth. +dev_132,"#Person1#: Right, well, in the studio this morning, for our interview spot is Peter Wilson. Peter works for Green Peace. So, Peter, welcome. +#Person2#: Thanks a lot. It's good to be here. +#Person1#: Great! Now, Peter, perhaps you can tell us something about Green Peace and your job there. +#Person2#: Sure. Well, I'll start by telling you roughly what Green Peace is all about. I actually work in London for the Green Peace organization. We've been going for a few decades and we're a non-violent, non-political organization. We're involved in anti-nuclear activity, conservation and protection of animals and protection and support of our eco-system. I'm the action organizer and arrange any protests. +#Person1#: Right! A pretty important role, Peter. What sort of protest would you organize? +#Person2#: Well, recently we've been involved in anti-nuclear campaigns. I've personally arranged for the demonstration against radioactive waste dumping in the Atlantic Ocean. We've got a few small Green Peace boats that we harass the dumping ship with. +#Person1#: Say? Hold on, Peter. I thought you said your organization was non-violent. What do you mean by 'harass'? +#Person2#: Well, we circle round and round the ships and get in the way when they try to dump the drums of nuclear waste in the sea. We talk to the men and try to change, you know, yell at them to stop. We generally make ourselves as much of a nuisance as possible. +#Person1#: Well, people may think differently of your methods, but there's no doubt you're doing a great job. Keep it up and good luck. And thanks for talking with us.",#Person1# interviews Peter Wilson who is the action organizer of Green Peace organization. #Person1# asks Peter to introduce to the audience what Green Peace is and what work it does. Peter also introduces detailed anti-nuclear campaigns. +dev_133,"#Person1#: My hand still hurts from the fall on the ice yesterday. I wonder if I broke something. +#Person2#: I'm no doctor, but it's not black and blue or anything. Maybe you just need to rest it for a few days.",#Person1#'s hand hurts and #Person2# advises #Person1# to rest. +dev_134,"#Person1#: Good morning. May I help yon? +#Person2#: I'd like to rent a car, please. +#Person1#: Okay. Full-size, mid-size, or compact, madam? +#Person2#: Compact is OK. What's the rate? +#Person1#: 78 dollars a day. +#Person2#: And I'd like to have insurance just in case. +#Person1#: If you want full coverage insurance, it will be 8 dollars per day. +#Person2#: All right, I'll take that, too. +#Person1#: Here is our brochure, madam. Er... compact... OK. Please choose a model in this section. +#Person2#: How about this one? +#Person1#: All right. How many days would you like to use it? +#Person2#: Just one day. +#Person1#: May I see your driver's license, please? +#Person2#: Is an international driving license fine? +#Person1#: Yes, it is. Thank you. Please fill in this form.",#Person2# rents a compact car with full coverage insurance. #Person1# asks #Person2# to show the driver's license. +dev_135,"#Person1#: Maria, I know you've arrived here only recently. Can you tell me if there is anything that has surprised you about British people? +#Person2#: People here are more serious than that in Spain. Spanish people are lazy but fun to be with. Also, before I came to England, people told me that the English are very polite. It is known internationally. But I don't think it is true. Using words like please, thank you, sorry, and excuse me is one thing, but real politeness is more than that, I think.",#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# thinks it surprising that English is more serious and less polite than expected. +dev_136,"#Person1#: Hello. +#Person2#: Hello, dad? +#Person1#: Yes... Mary! How are you? Anything wrong? +#Person2#: Oh, no. I just wanted to call and see how you and mom are. It's been quite a while since I saw you last time. +#Person1#: Oh, we're both fine. Your mother is down at the new shopping center shopping. +#Person2#: For a new dress? +#Person1#: No, for shoes this time, I think. How's David? +#Person2#: He's fine. He likes his work and was given a raise last month by Mr. Smith. We are all pretty pleased about that. +#Person1#: Yes, I think you should be. And how are the children? +#Person2#: Well, George's home from school today. It's nothing serious, just a bad cold. And. it's his birthday, too! +#Person1#: Oh, I thought his birthday was May 24th. +#Person2#: No. April 24th. +#Person1#: Well, that's too bad. Tell him we'll send him a present. +#Person2#: All right. Diane's still taking dancing lessons. +#Person1#: She must be pretty good by now. How about Tom? +#Person2#: He's OK, too. He's having a part-time job at a garage now. +#Person1#: Well, it's certainly good to hear your voice. +#Person2#: OK, dad. Nice talking to you and give Morn our love. +#Person1#: All right. Good-bye.",Mary calls her dad to check if everything is fine at home. Mary also tells her dad how her family members have been doing. +dev_137,"#Person1#: Did you see today's newspaper? That building over there in Centerville was just struck by lightning for the fourth time. +#Person2#: I'm not surprised. If the conditions for lightning to strike are right one time, they might be as good another time. +#Person1#: Well, I don't take any chances. If I'm caught in a thunderstorm, I will look for a building or a closed car. Also, I was told that if you're stuck outdoors, the best thing you can do is to keep yourself close to the ground and avoid bodies of water. +#Person2#: To tell you the truth, even when I'm at home, I don't take baths or showers during a thunderstorm. And I don't use anything that works electrically. Maybe I'm too anxious. +#Person1#: I wouldn't say that. According to the article, lightning starts thousands of fires every year in the United States alone. Hundreds of people are injured or even killed. I think you're just being sensible.",#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about what they would do and what they wouldn't do if caught in a thunderstorm. +dev_138,"#Person1#: Good morning, Lucy. Can I help you? +#Person2#: Good morning, sir. I'd like to talk with you about my studies for a minute, if I may. +#Person1#: Certainly, come in and have a seat. +#Person2#: Thank you. I have a record of my studies for last year. Would you like to see it? +#Person1#: Yes, let me see now. You are studying mathematics, aren't you?. +#Person2#: Yes, I am. But I'd like to apply for admission to the engineering college next year. +#Person1#: I see. Have you asked your parents for their advice about this? +#Person2#: Yes, I have. They think it is a good idea. +#Person1#: Well, your record here has been very good. I don't think you will have much trouble. +#Person2#: I hope not. Anyway, I am going to apply. And I'd like to ask you to write a recommendation for me, if it is not too much trouble. +#Person1#: No trouble at all. I'd be glad to do it. Is there anything else? +#Person2#: No, sir. I think that is all. Thank you very much. +#Person1#: All right, Lucy. Good luck to you. +#Person2#: Thank you, Good-bye.",Lucy is going to apply for the engineering college. She asks #Person1# to see her study record and write a recommendation for her. #Person1# agrees. +dev_139,"#Person1#: Hi. I think I'm sitting next to you. Seat 35B. +#Person2#: Oh,sorry. I'll just move my things. Hold on a minute. +#Person1#: Thanks. Phwoo...I've been waiting in departure for ages. +#Person2#: Mmm...The flight was delayed leaving Beijing. Security checks, you know. +#Person1#: Yeah. Same here. +#Person2#: Are you going to London, then? +#Person1#: Yes. I'm going to the LSE to do a master's degree in International Relations. +#Person2#: Really? That sounds interesting. You must be really clever. +#Person1#: So are you going to London too? +#Person2#: Well actually, I'm going to the University of Middlesex to do Business Studies. +#Person1#: That sounds interesting. +#Person2#: Well actually, it's my parents who want me to do Business Studies. I'd rather study Philosophy, but my dad wants me to take over the family business. He thinks Business Studies will make me rich. +#Person1#: Well, nobody wants to be poor...ah, here's the drinks trolley. What would you like? +#Person2#: A Coke, please,I'm sorry...I don't know your name... +#Person1#: Oh, sorry. I forgot...Ali.",#Person1# sits next to #Person2# on the plane. They talk about why they are going to London. +dev_140,"#Person1#: I'm sure it will be wet when we arrive. +#Person2#: Yes. I dare say it will be. +#Person1#: It will be Sunday so I expected everything will be closed. +#Person2#: No. I don't think that's possible. Some places are sure to be open. +#Person1#: But the bank should be closed so we shouldn't to be able to get any money. +#Person2#: Mmm, you may be right. +#Person1#: Do you think we'll need our overcoats? +#Person2#: No. We couldn't possibly. +#Person1#: Why not? +#Person2#: It will be summer. So it will be hot. +#Person1#: Is that very likely in England? +#Person2#: Yes. It could happen. ",#Person1# talks with #Person2# about what the situation will be when they arrive in England. +dev_141,"#Person1#: Are you an art aficionado? +#Person2#: Not really. I like going to an art exhibition once or twice a year. I hardly know anything about art or sculpture. You are a true art lover, aren't you? +#Person1#: I love going to art galleries, particularly when one is holding an exhibition of abstract art. +#Person2#: I never understand the meaning of those painting. They are too abstract for me. I didn't pay much attention in art class at school. +#Person1#: Art isn't for everyone. I'm going to an exhibition tomorrow at the national gallery. It's an exhibition of greek and roman sculpture. +#Person2#: I like sculpture, especially that from ancient rome or Greece. What time are you thinking of going? I'd love to go with you. +#Person1#: I thought I'd have an early lunch and go immediately afterwards. Does that sound ok to you? Bus 51 goes directly there. +#Person2#: That sounds fine. What time shall we meet at the bus stop? +#Person1#: Let's meet at 12 thirty. it will probably take us three or four hours to see all of the exhibits. ",#Person1# is an art aficionado. #Person2# doesn't appreciate paintings but enjoys sculptures. They decide to go to an exhibition of greek and roman sculpture together. +dev_142,"#Person1#: Let's call it a day. +#Person2#: It's nice to go home earlier once in a while. But it's the evening rush. +#Person1#: It's hard to commute a long way. +#Person2#: Sure it is. I really hate to get caught in a traffic jam. ",Both #Person1# and #Person2# hate the evening rush. +dev_143,"#Person1#: Can anyone tell me where I can buy the ingredients to make Chinese food? +#Person2#: There is a supermarket in Kensington High Street. I'll come and give you a hand. +#Person1#: That is good of you. Here, take one of these trolleys. What do you want exactly? +#Person2#: I'm after things to stuff dumplings with, like Chinese cabbage +#Person1#: The fruit and vegetables are over there. +#Person2#: Pork. Where's the meat counter? +#Person1#: Over there. ",#Person2# helps #Person1# find the ingredients to make Chinese food. +dev_144,"#Person1#: Excuse me. Do you think I can get there in time to catch the 11:30 train? +#Person2#: Well, let me see. Now it's 11:00 sharp. It's a long way to go. If I take the shortest route, we may come across a traffic jam. If I take a less heavy route, it will save us 10 or more minutes, but you'll have to pay more. Which do you prefer? +#Person1#: Are you sure that I can get there in time if we take the less heavy route? +#Person2#: Generally speaking, we can if we go at this speed and nothing unexpected happens. +#Person1#: How much more do I have to pay? +#Person2#: Compared to the shortest route, you may pay around 5 Euro more. +#Person1#: That's acceptable. No one wants to miss a train. +#Person2#: OK. . . Here we are. We'll turn left at this cross. To go straight ahead is the shortest route. +#Person1#: Thank you! ",#Person1# agrees with #Person2#'s suggestion to pay extra 5 euros to take a less heavy route to catch the train. +dev_145,"#Person1#: Nice to see you again, Mike. How was your trip to China? +#Person2#: It was great. I flew to Beijing with my wife last month and I stayed there for 3 days. There were so many things to see and so many places of interest to visit in Beijing that we really couldn't decide whether to leave or stay. +#Person1#: Have you visited other places in China? +#Person2#: Yes, then we visited Shanghai and Nanjing, each city for 2 days. Finally we paid a visit to Guilin, where we spent 3 days. They were so beautiful that we were deeply impressed by these cities. +#Person1#: Sounds great.",Mike talks with #Person1# about his enjoyable trip to China. +dev_146,"#Person1#: That concludes the Consumer Report for tonight. Let's go over now to Jerry Ryan and find out what's happening in the world of sports. Jerry? +#Person2#: Thanks, Sarah. And good evening, sports fans. It was an exciting day in world soccer. Mexico defeated France 7 to 6 in the close game that offered spectators plenty of excitement. The game between Canada and Argentina ended in a tie, 3 to 3. And in a game that still in progress, Italy is leading Haiti 2 to 1, with 30 minutes left to go.",#Person1# asks #Person2# to tell the audience about the world soccer event. +dev_147,"#Person1#: Hello, I work for Sunny Tour Holidays. And I'm interviewing people about their Holidays. Would you mind answering a few questions for our survey? +#Person2#: No, not at all. +#Person1#: Thanks a lot. First, could you tell me about travel arrangements for your last holidays? Did you experience any difficulties in your journey? +#Person2#: Well, our plane didn't take off on time. It was delayed 5 hours. So we didn't get to Lhasa until 4:00 in the morning, and we were very tired when we got there. But we managed to book a car at the airport through a car rental platform. And it dropped us off at the hotel in time around 7:00 o'clock for breakfast, so that was alright. +#Person1#: And how was the hotel? +#Person2#: Well, we were a little disappointed with the room, but the Patella Palace was just a stone thrown away. +#Person1#: And how important are holidays to you? +#Person2#: Oh, we always look forward to going on a holiday. We always make sure we can get away at least once a year.","#Person1# interviews #Person2# about travel arrangements, hotels, and attitude towards the holiday." +dev_148,"#Person1#: Hi, Bill. Can you tell me how it happened? +#Person2#: Sure. I was climbing the mountain in Nuremberg. Suddenly, the weather became really bad. There was lots of snow and we couldn't see anything. We got lossed. Well, we spent 4 days on the mountain. The temperature was 20 degrees below 0. We didn't have any equipment or food. +#Person1#: So what happened? I guess somebody found you, right? +#Person2#: Yes. But we were very sick. I couldn't move my legs because of the cold. I spent 2 months in the hospital. The doctors removed my legs. +#Person1#: Right, so you lost your legs, but you want to try your best to stay active. +#Person2#: That's right. In fact, I decided to make some new legs for myself. I realized that no one has to be physically disabled. We can use modern technology to help. +#Person1#: And you built the new legs. Can you go mountain climbing again? +#Person2#: Yes, I can. In fact, these are better than climbing shoes. The spring design means they're much more powerful.","Bill tells #Person1# his legs were removed because of a terrible accident in the mountain, but he built a new leg and now he can go mountain climbing again." +dev_149,"#Person1#: Good afternoon, sir. +#Person2#: Good afternoon. We want a table for 4. +#Person1#: This way, please. It's near the window, so you'll have a good view. Sit down, please. +#Person2#: Thank you. Do you serve good Chinese food? +#Person1#: Yes, sir. We serve Chinese food of various styles, such as Hunan food, Sichuan food and Zhejiang food. The first two are a bit hot. Do you want to have a try? +#Person2#: No, we like food that tastes a bit sweet. +#Person1#: Then Zhejiang food will suit you. Here is the menu, and I'll bring some free juice for you.","#Person2# goes to a Chinese restaurant. Due to #Person2#'s taste, Zhejiang food is recommended by #Person1#." +dev_150,"#Person1#: May I come in, Mr. Sun? +#Person2#: I ' d rather you didn ' t, Miss Yang. I ' m very busy now. +#Person1#: Can I try later then? +#Person2#: Yes, of course. +#Person1#: Is it all right for me to come in now, Mr. Sun? +#Person2#: Well, uh... I ' m still pretty busy, but... all right. Come in. What can I do for you? +#Person1#: Do you mind if I sit down? +#Person2#: Not at all. Take a seat. Now what can I do for you? +#Person1#: I want to leave the department. Do you think I could put info a transfer? +#Person2#: Yes. But why should you want to do that? +#Person1#: Do you mind if I speak frankly? +#Person2#: Not at all. Go ahead. +#Person1#: Well. You see, I don ' t like the office. I don ' t like the staff. And I ' m afraid of you. And I don ' t want to go one. So may I put info a transfer? +#Person2#: Yes. I ' d be delighted if you did.",Miss Yang wants to put in for a transfer and explains her reasons. Mr. Sun agrees. +dev_151,"#Person1#: Hello, I'd like to reserve a hotel room. +#Person2#: That should be no problem. May I have your full name, please? +#Person1#: My name is John Sandals. +#Person2#: Hello, Mr. Sandals. My name is Michelle. What days do you need that reservation, sir? +#Person1#: I'm planning to visit New York from Friday, April 14 until Monday, April 17. +#Person2#: Our room rates recently went up. Is that okay with you, Mr. Sandals? +#Person1#: How much per night are we talking about? +#Person2#: Each night will be $ 308. +#Person1#: That price is perfectly acceptable. +#Person2#: Wonderful! Do you prefer a smoking or nonsmoking room? +#Person1#: Nonsmoking, please. +#Person2#: Next question, Is a queen-size bed okay? +#Person1#: That sounds fine. +#Person2#: Okay, Mr. Sandals. Your reservation is in our computer. All we need now is a phone number. +#Person1#: Certainly. My phone number is 626-555-1739. +#Person2#: Thank you, Mr. Sandals. We look forward to seeing you in New York!",Michelle helps John Sandals book a non-smoking room with a queen-size bed from April 14th to April 17th. +dev_152,"#Person1#: Hello, Sir. So, you are back? +#Person2#: Yes, hello again. I would like to know the exact difference between Dividend Deposit and Dividend Participated Deposit. +#Person1#: That's pretty easy to explain. With the Deposit, the interest is fixed, but the Dividend of each policy will be transferred automatically into your bank account by the end of each year. The longer the term, the higher the Dividend you earn. This is because it is calculated at the Compound Interest Rate. +#Person2#: And I can purchase that here? +#Person1#: Yes. And if you already have a Current Account with us, the Insurance Premium can be paid through it, which saves all of us a lot of hassle.",#Person1# explains the exact difference between Dividend Deposit and Dividend Participated Deposit and the purchase process to #Person2#. +dev_153,"#Person1#: I think I may rent this apartment from you. +#Person2#: That's great to hear. +#Person1#: How much are you looking to rent it for? +#Person2#: For each month you would have to pay $ 1050. +#Person1#: That is too expensive. +#Person2#: I don't think that is too much for rent. +#Person1#: How does $ 850 a month sound to you? +#Person2#: That's not enough. +#Person1#: That's the best that I can do. +#Person2#: $ 850 a month is not enough money. +#Person1#: Would you please reconsider? +#Person2#: That's my final offer. Take it or leave it.",#Person1# wants to rent an apartment from #Person2#. They negotiate over the rent but can't reach an agreement. +dev_154,"#Person1#: So the company decided to cancel your trip to Hong Kong? +#Person2#: Yes, The SARS epidemic is not under effective control yet. So I'd better not risk it. +#Person1#: Maybe it's a good things. If you don't have to go to Hong Kong, you can take a break and take things easy for a while. +#Person2#: You are right. Maybe we should work out a fitness plan and start to do more exercise. Sitting around in the office all day is no way of keeping fit. +#Person1#: That's a good idea. Let's see if we can get more people in this plan. There isn't much business these days anyway, so I think many people will be interested.",#Person2#'s trip to Hong Kong is canceled because of the SARS epidemic. #Person2# decides to exercise instead. #Person1# thinks it's a good idea. +dev_155,"#Person1#: I want to get on the bus already. +#Person2#: It just isn't on time today. +#Person1#: It was supposed to be here thirty minutes ago. +#Person2#: I think it'll be here pretty soon. +#Person1#: I need to get to work, so it better. +#Person2#: I really do hate public transportation. +#Person1#: I agree, it's just never on time. +#Person2#: That's right. +#Person1#: I also hate having to stand at a bus stop in all kinds of weather. +#Person2#: Oh, that's the worst. +#Person1#: We need to get a car. +#Person2#: I completely agree with that.",#Person1# and #Person2# have been waiting for the bus for a long time. They agree they need to get a car. +dev_156,"#Person1#: You have been here for how long? Four months now? +#Person2#: Yeah, about. +#Person1#: Do you know Chinese better now? +#Person2#: Oh, definitely. I remember, when I first arrived in Guangzhou, my girlfriend was haggling with a sales clerk over the price of a mobile phone. +#Person1#: Oh, yeah. Many Chinese like to bargain. It happens almost everywhere. +#Person2#: I mean, I understand that. But the speed of the conversation got faster and faster, until it seemed to me that they would fight. My perception of the tone was that it was a violent shouting match. The truth was that it was a perfectly normal conversation. +#Person1#: A shouting match? You're so funny. You must be exaggerating. I don't believe it. +#Person2#: I am not exaggerating at all. I'm telling you the truth. That was how I felt at that time. +#Person1#: Yes, perhaps. Chinese usually don't notice that sort of thing. Maybe it's quite natural to us. +#Person2#: Yes, absolutely true.",#Person2# felt that his girlfriend's bargaining with a sales cleck in Chinese sounded like a shouting match. #Person1# thinks he must be exaggerating. +dev_157,"#Person1#: Hmm, what should I wear today? +#Person2#: Come on, you think about what to wear almost every day. There are thousands of clothes in your wardrobe. +#Person1#: Well, haven't you ever heard people say that there is always one piece of clothes missing from a woman's wardrobe? +#Person2#: I have and I can prove that is 100 % true for you. +#Person1#: Loving to look beautiful is women's nature. In fact, I am thinking about going to my favorite clothing shop today. +#Person2#: No kidding! Again? ! You just went shopping yesterday. You really are a shopaholic. +#Person1#: Well, I need to change the shoes I bought from Nasi. They are too small. I want to ask them whether they come in a larger size. +#Person2#: OK. Do you have the receipt with you? I think they will ask you to show them the receipt first.",#Person2# is resigned to #Person1#'s thinking about #Person1#'s wearing every day. #Person1# will go to Nasi to change shoes as they are too small. #Person2# reminds #Person1# to bring the receipt. +dev_158,"#Person1#: Good morning. Phyllis Seymour speaking. +#Person2#: Hi, Ms. Seymour? It's Allan Parker. I'Ve been waiting to call you and thank you for all your help last week. +#Person1#: Thank you very much, Mr. Parker. But, that is my job. +#Person2#: Well, I want to let your boss know that she'd better hold on to you! You're a hard worker!",Allan Parker calls Phyllis Seymour to thank her for her help. +dev_159,"#Person1#: Well, Mike, nowadays there's much talk about nanometer. But what on earth is it? +#Person2#: Nanometer is a length scale. It's one billionth of a meter, roughly ten times the size of an individual atom. +#Person1#: Hmm. . . it's hard to figure out the exact size, I'm afraid. +#Person2#: Well, let's make it this way. For comparison, 10 NM is 1000 times smaller than the diameter of a human hair. There are as many nanometers in an inch as there are inches in 400 miles. +#Person1#: I see. Thank you.",Mike explains the concept of nanometer to #Person1#. #Person1# understands it. +dev_160,"#Person1#: I heard that ben is forming his own band. +#Person2#: It will be a rock and roll band probably. He's a very good guitarist. +#Person1#: Can you play a musical instrument? If you can, he might ask you to join the band. +#Person2#: I can play drums, but I haven't played for a while. I'm not sure I'd be good enough to play in a band. +#Person1#: I wish I could play a musical instrument. I love music. +#Person2#: Nowadays, you can be a DJ. You can mix dance music. You don't need to be able to play music instrument or thing. +#Person1#: I love to try it, but the instrument is expensive and it was still need to take a lot of practice. +#Person2#: You know, you could probably get a computer program that would help you. You already have a computer, so you could use that to help you mix some music. +#Person1#: That's a great idea. I'll search for some information on the internet. If it's possible to do, the internet will have some information about it.",#Person2# can play drums but hasn't played for a while. #Person1# loves music but can't play any musical instrument. #Person2# suggests #Person1# be a DJ and mix dance music with #Person1#'s computer. +dev_161,"#Person1#: Where can I buy textbooks? +#Person2#: First, you need to have the list of books for your class. Do you have that? +#Person1#: Yes, I have that. +#Person2#: Well, when you have that, you can take it over to the bookstore. Can you find it? +#Person1#: No, I don't know where the bookstore is. +#Person2#: Just pass the gym and it's the first door on your left. Were you aware that you can also turn in your old textbooks for money? +#Person1#: Really? How can I do that? +#Person2#: Take your used textbooks with you and give them to the representative near the entrance. He will pay you for them. Are you going today? +#Person1#: No, I can't make it today. +#Person2#: I could help you with buying your books if you meet me there at 1 +#Person1#: No, thanks. I'm good. +#Person2#: I'll see you later then. Have a great day!",#Person2# tells #Person1# where to buy textbooks and how to turn in #Person1#'s old textbooks for money. +dev_162,"#Person1#: I'm going to try sky diving this weekend. +#Person2#: I wouldn't do it if I were you. +#Person1#: It's sounds like fun. +#Person2#: It's very dangerous, you know. +#Person1#: I want to try something exciting. +#Person2#: It's an easy way to get hurt, let me tell you. +#Person1#: I'll tell you all about it next Monday. +#Person2#: Well, take care of yourself, and don't say I didn't warn you.",#Person1# will try sky diving this weekend. #Person2# warns #Person1# it's dangerous. +dev_163,"#Person1#: So, Emily, how was your day? +#Person2#: I don't think you really want to hear about it. +#Person1#: It can't have been that bad. Go on and tell me about it. +#Person2#: To be honest, it was horrible! My manager is such a pain in the neck! +#Person1#: Why? What happened? +#Person2#: Well, he made quite a few mistakes on the monthly report and when his supervisor found them, my manager blamed them on me! +#Person1#: That's not very fair. What did you do? +#Person2#: There wasn't really anything that I could do. There's always been a lot of bad blood between my manager and myself. If I had said anything, he would have fired me for sure. +#Person1#: Does he treat everyone in your department like this? +#Person2#: He treats everyone pretty badly, but the way he treats me really takes the cake! +#Person1#: Do you have any idea why he treats you worse than the others? +#Person2#: I really have no idea. All I know is that the thought of him really curls my hair! +#Person1#: Is there anyone else you can talk to about it at your company? +#Person2#: Not really. I'm hoping to live with it for a while until I get a promotion. +#Person1#: That's very sensible. It sounds like you have a good head on your shoulders. +#Person2#: I try to be sensible about it, but it's not very easy. Sometimes you just have to grin and bear it. +#Person1#: That's so true. When you have a taste for success, you can't let dishonest people like your manager get in the way.","Emily tells #Person1# that she had a bad day because her manager blamed his mistakes on her. Emily says her manager treats everyone, especially her, badly, but she hopes to live with it for a while until she gets a promotion. #Person1# thinks Emily is sensible." +dev_164,"#Person1#: I came to this lab to have my blood drawn. +#Person2#: You are in the right place. Roll up your left sleeve and have a seat. +#Person1#: What am I being tested for? +#Person2#: Your doctor wants to know what your white blood cell count is. +#Person1#: What does my white blood cell count tell him? +#Person2#: Usually if your white count is off, the doctor suspects an infection. +#Person1#: How much will it hurt? +#Person2#: It is only a pin prick. I have to put this tourniquet on your arm to make the vein easier to find. +#Person1#: Is that my blood going into that tube? +#Person2#: That blood that just filled the tube is all that I needed. Thanks for coming in!",#Person2# is drawing #Person1#'s blood as the doctor wants to know #Person1#'s white blood cell count. +dev_165,"#Person1#: Do you have this design with only one breast pocket? +#Person2#: Let me see. Oh, we have the design but not the same color as this one. +#Person1#: It's a pity. I'm afraid that's too loud for me. Thank you. +#Person2#: You're welcome.",#Person1# wants to buy a specific design with one breast pocket but #Person2# doesn't one. +dev_166,"#Person1#: May I be of any help? +#Person2#: Yes. Show me the sweaters, please. +#Person1#: What style? +#Person2#: Well, could you bring me all the styles of pullovers? I am not quite sure which one I will buy. +#Person1#: Ok. Here are the ones, turtleneck pullover, crewneck pullover, V-neck pullover and cowl-neck pullover.",#Person2# asks #Person1# to show #Person2# all the styles of pullovers. +dev_167,"#Person1#: What is your salary now? +#Person2#: My present pay is RMB 3, 000 yuan each month. +#Person1#: What's your expected salary? +#Person2#: What is important to me is the job and the people who I will be working with, so regarding salary, I leave it to you and I am sure that you will make me a fair offer. +#Person1#: I can offer you 5, 000 yuan per month. Raises are given after three months'probation period according to your performance. Is this satisfactory? +#Person2#: Yes, it is quite satisfactory. I accept it. +#Person1#: Any question about the work? +#Person2#: To whom should I report? +#Person1#: The general manager of your section. +#Person2#: What are the benefits? +#Person1#: We'll offer that on holidays. +#Person2#: I would like to know if there would be any opportunity to work abroad in the future? +#Person1#: Yes, we have inspection abroad. +#Person2#: Thank you. Then I think it's time for us to sign a letter of intent. +#Person1#: Okay.",#Person2# is satisfied with the monthly salary proposed by #Person1# and asks some questions about the work. +dev_168,"#Person1#: Let's do something really nice for our family this Christmas. +#Person2#: What did you have in mind? +#Person1#: I don't know yet. +#Person2#: I just know I want to get out of the mindless gift trap. +#Person1#: I know what you mean. +#Person2#: I want to give a gift that is really meaningful. +#Person1#: Or do something that shows we have spent time thinking about them. +#Person2#: Or what only we are able to give them.",#Person1# and #Person2# are planning to do something really nice for their family this Christmas. +dev_169,"#Person1#: What's up, how are you? +#Person2#: I'm splendid. How about yourself? +#Person1#: Could be better. +#Person2#: So, have you been on the bus very long? +#Person1#: I got on about fifteen minutes ago. +#Person2#: How often do you ride the bus? +#Person1#: I usually just drive. +#Person2#: You have your own vehicle? +#Person1#: Yes, I have my own car. +#Person2#: So then, why don't you drive it? +#Person1#: I'm waiting for our President to lower the gas prices. +#Person2#: Smart.",#Person1# takes the bus these days because of the high gas prices. +dev_170,"#Person1#: Liz, do you have a minute? +#Person2#: Yes, of course. What is it? +#Person1#: I need you to help me set up for my presentation Thursday morning. +#Person2#: Okay, what should I do? +#Person1#: Well, it isn't at this office. It's over at the Dayton Street office. Have you been there before? +#Person2#: Yes, of course. I have to go there every Tuesday. +#Person1#: Good. So you will have no trouble finding it. +#Person2#: What's the presentation about? +#Person1#: I will talk about developing sales through our website. All the branch heads will be there, and most of the staff. +#Person2#: Will you need anything special for the presentation? +#Person1#: Well, I need the display monitor. But Tom can set that up for me on Wednesday. I will need you to help with everything else. +#Person2#: I suppose you need the whiteboard set up.",#Person1# asks Liz to help #Person1# set up for #Person1#'s presentation Thursday morning at the Dayton Street office. Liz agrees and asks about #Person1#'s needs. +dev_171,"#Person1#: Welcome back, Sir. I trust the materials were helpful to you? +#Person2#: Indeed. I've decided to go for the Petty Consumer Loan. That is, if my credit rating is satisfactory. +#Person1#: Your credit is fine, Sir. Now, tell me, what is it that you need the loan for? +#Person2#: I've just bought a second hand apartment and I'm looking to do some renovations. You know, a bit of decorating, some new furniture, nothing flashy. +#Person1#: I see. And what loan amount are you expecting? +#Person2#: It says here that the maximum is 20, 000 RMB. Is that flexible? +#Person1#: I'm sorry, Sir. The maximum we can lend you on this type of loan is 20, 000 RMB, with no exceptions. +#Person2#: Well, 20, 000 RMB, it'll have to be then. +#Person1#: I need some documentation from you. Such as your resident permit, your occupation and salary details and I already have your credit details here. +#Person2#: Everything is right here. If that's all in order, just let me know where I sign.","#Person2# wants to go for the Petty Consumer Loan for the renovations of his apartment. #Person1# says the maximum they can lend #Person2# is 20,000 RMB and #Person2# accepts it." +dev_172,"#Person1#: What made you decide on this type of occupation? +#Person2#: Oh, to tell you the truth, I love the sky. When I was a child, I imagined flying into the blue sky some day. Now, I think the day has come. My dream will come true. And I like travelling very much and I enjoy working with people. +#Person1#: Can you make yourself understood in English without too much difficulty? +#Person2#: Yes, I think I am quite fluent in English. I got the certificate of the Secondary English Training last month. +#Person1#: Do you know what the responsibilities are for a stewardess? +#Person2#: The main responsibility of the stewardess is to make the passengers relaxed and happy during the flight. And good service is also important. +#Person1#: Are you in good health? +#Person2#: I just had a complete physical examination and I am in top condition. +#Person1#: Have you had any nursing experience? +#Person2#: Yes, I have two years of nursing experience, and now I am working as a nurse in a hospital. +#Person1#: How tall are you? What about your eyesight? +#Person2#: My height is one meter and sixty-eight centimeters. I've never had any vision problems. +#Person1#: What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses? +#Person2#: One of my strengths is my friendliness and open-minded attitude and also I think I have a warm personality. But sometimes, I find it is hard to tell others when I don't like what they are doing. +#Person1#: If a passenger can't understand what you say, what should you do? +#Person2#: I'll try to speak in another language or I'll try my best to use gestures and draw pictures.","#Person1# is interviewing #Person2# who wants to get a job as a stewardess. #Person1# asks #Person2# about #Person2#'s motivation, English level, health condition, nursing experience, height, eyesight, strengths, weaknesses, etc." +dev_173,"#Person1#: So Vicky, how long have you held your present position? +#Person2#: I've been a secretary for two years, before that I was at university. +#Person1#: And how do you like working for IBM? +#Person2#: It's challenging, I feel I have learned a lot. +#Person1#: What's strength do you bring to the job? +#Person2#: I get along well with people, and I enjoy working with others. +#Person1#: That's good. We always need team players here.",Vicky tells #Person1# she has been a secretary for two years in IBM and feels she has learned a lot. Vicky enjoys teamwork. +dev_174,"#Person1#: What kind of personality do you think you have? +#Person2#: I am very active and energetic. I approach things enthusiastically and I don't like leaving them half done. +#Person1#: Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? +#Person2#: I am quite outgoing, I think. I enjoy mixing and doing things with other people. +#Person1#: What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy? +#Person2#: I maintain that the most important thing is having good friends. A person can't live all by himself. A friend in need is a friend indeed. So the more really close friends I have, the happier I am. +#Person1#: Do you have any friend you would call really close ones? +#Person2#: Yes, I would call three of my former classmates really close friends. We often get together and talk with each other. Whenever I counter difficulties, they are always ready to give me a hand. +#Person1#: What kind of people would you like to work with? +#Person2#: People who are honest, dedicated to their work and have integrity. +#Person1#: What kind of people you find hard to work with? +#Person2#: Slacker and those who violate working principles.","#Person2# thinks #Person2# is active, energetic, and outgoing. #Person2# values friendship very much and tells #Person1# about #Person2#'s close friends. #Person2# likes to work with people who are honest, dedicated, and have integrity and finds it hard to work with slackers and those who violate working principles." +dev_175,"#Person1#: How do you think a manager should react to an employee's unsatisfactory work? +#Person2#: If I were a manager, I would have a private talk with this employee to figure out the reasons. It is very important to have this one-to-one discussion in an unthreatening situation without any distraction. +#Person1#: Exactly, I overheard a manager scold his employee in the elevator this morning, they were from the company on the 12th floor, I guess. They were only three of us in the elevator, I felt very embarrassed to be in the middle of them. +#Person2#: Well, I guess the employee would feel more embarrassed and probably angry. Anyway, it is not wise at all to give a harsh time to your employee in front of others, especially strangers. +#Person1#: Sure, no matter what happened, they should wait to discuss in their office and find the solution in a positive way.",#Person1# and #Person2# agree that a manager should discuss an employee's unsatisfactory work one-to-one in a positive way. +dev_176,"#Person1#: Hello. Do you know how I can find a room to rent? +#Person2#: There is so much information and I advise to read newspaper. +#Person1#: Will that work? +#Person2#: Yes, of course. If you like the room, call the landlord and confirm the information of the room. +#Person1#: Good idea. Thank you.",#Person2# suggests #Person1# read the newspaper for renting information. +dev_177,"#Person1#: I'd like two tickets for the movie on Friday, please. +#Person2#: For which movie, madam? +#Person1#: Oh, that's right. Dark and Stormy Night. +#Person2#: I'm sorry, that show is sold out. +#Person1#: Well, how about Saturday or Sunday? +#Person2#: Yes madam, we do have tickets available for that movie on those days. +#Person1#: Are there any seats left for the middle row for Saturday? +#Person2#: Yes, but they are not next to each other. +#Person1#: Oh, that's a pity. We prefer to sit together. +#Person2#: In that case, we still have some seats together in the front or at the back. +#Person1#: The front row sounds good. How much are the tickets? +#Person2#: 25 dollars in total. +#Person1#: Ok, I'll take them.",#Person2# helps #Person1# book two tickets for Dark and Stormy Night on Saturday. The seats are next to each other and in the front row. +dev_178,"#Person1#: Hi, there! Did you have any questions about our bikes? +#Person2#: Yeah. Do you work on bicycles in addition to selling them? +#Person1#: Oh, yes, we can handle any repairs you may need. +#Person2#: That's great, but what I need is not exactly a repair. My cousin gave me a road bike, but I'm not tall enough to ride it. Can you put smaller wheels on it? +#Person1#: We could do that, but I wouldn't recommend it, because you would have to use your legs more to go the same distance. You'd be better off buying a bike that's the right size for you. +#Person2#: I was afraid you'd say that. You see, my cousin's bike is a very expensive model. It's a really nice bike. +#Person1#: Have you considered trading the bike in? We do buy and sell used bikes, and I can give you a fair price for any trade-in. +#Person2#: Really? That would be great! How much can you give me for the bike? +#Person1#: If it's in good shape, probably at least 50% of its original value. +#Person2#: Terrific! If you're here tomorrow, I'll bring it in then. +#Person1#: OK.","#Person1# can help #Person2# who wants to put smaller wheels on the bike given by #Person2#'s cousin, but #Person1# recommends #Person2# to sell this bike and buy a suitable one." +dev_179,"#Person1#: Help me decide on which type of hotel room to book. +#Person2#: I want the one with a bed. +#Person1#: Very funny. We have a choice of different views, and each one is a different price. For instance, a room with a city view is 175 a night. +#Person2#: 175 a night?! That's highway robbery! +#Person1#: If you think that's too steep, there are a few other options. We can get a courtyard room with no view for 120 a night or a room with an obstructed or peek-a-boo ocean views for 130 a night. +#Person2#: I don't really care which type of room we get as long as we don't end up with a room on the ground floor. I don't like having people walking back and forth outside my window all night. +#Person1#: Okay, I can request a room on an upper floor. You really don't have a preference? +#Person2#: No, not really. +#Person1#: There is a penthouse room for 400 a night. +#Person2#: What?! For that price, I'd better get a view of the Eiffel Tower, the Parthenon, and the Great Wall of China!",#Person1# needs #Person2#'s suggestion on booking a hotel room. #Person2# is shocked by those expensive choices. #Person2# just wants a room on an upper floor at a reasonable price. +dev_180,"#Person1#: Holiday Travel! What can I do for you? +#Person2#: Hello! I'd like to book a flight to Berlin for the 23rd this month. +#Person1#: OK. Let me see what's available. And when will you be returning? +#Person2#: Er, well, I'd like to catch a return flight on the 29th. Oh, and I'd like the cheapest seat possible. +#Person1#: OK, let me see. Hmm... the ticket price is much lower if you leave one day earlier. +#Person2#: I see. How much is it for one day earlier? +#Person1#: It's only 980 dollars. +#Person2#: All right. Then I'll take that flight. +#Person1#: OK. That's flight BA 7101, from Salt Lake City to New York Kennedy Airport. Then Flight BA 2701 from Kennedy Airport to Berlin. The first flight leaves Salt Lake City at 10:00 am, and arrives in New York at 4:15 pm. Then the 2nd flight leaves Kennedy Airport at 5:45 pm. You'll arrive in Berlin at 8:30 am the next day. +#Person2#: All right. Thanks.",#Person1# helps #Person2# book a flight from Salt Lake City to Berlin for the 22nd this month and a return flight on the 29th. +dev_181,"#Person1#: The walls in your room were dull and lifeless, so I covered them with these prints. +#Person2#: Oh, I like this one. Where did you buy it? +#Person1#: At the Museum of Modern Art in New York. The Art History Department recently organized a special museum tour there. +#Person2#: Is this a copy of something in the museum collection? +#Person1#: Yes, it's a print of a painting by Georgia O'Keefe called 'Lake George Window'. +#Person2#: It looks more like a photograph. Is the Art History Department planning another museum tour? +#Person1#: Yes, the next one is a special exhibit of European painters at the Museum of Find Out In Boston. I think I will sign up for that one. Maybe I will even come back with prints to cover the bare walls of my room.",#Person1# covers the walls in #Person2#'s room with the prints #Person1# bought during a museum tour. #Person1# is planning to sign up for the next museum tour. +dev_182,"#Person1#: How much freedom do your parents give you? +#Person2#: Quite a lot. I mean I'm allowed out most evenings. Weekdays, I have to be back by 9:30. But on weekends I can stay out till 11:00. +#Person1#: What about money? Do you have any pocket money? +#Person2#: Yes, my parents give me two pounds a week. +#Person1#: Is there anything you'd like to do which your parents won't let you? +#Person2#: Yes, I want to go on holidays this coming summer with my boyfriend, but they say I have to wait till I am 17. +#Person1#: Do you think that's unfair? +#Person2#: I don't know...he is very responsible, my boyfriend, even my parents think so and I don't see how a year or two is going to make much difference.","#Person2#'s parents allow #Person2# out most evenings and give #Person2# pocket money weekly, but they don't allow #Person2# to travel with #Person2#'s boyfriend before #Person2#'s 17." +dev_183,"#Person1#: You're going to wear out the computer's keyboard! +#Person2#: Oh, hi. +#Person1#: Do you have any idea what time it is? +#Person2#: About ten or ten-thirty? +#Person1#: It's nearly midnight. +#Person2#: Really? I didn't know it was so late. +#Person1#: Don't you have an early class to teach tomorrow morning? +#Person2#: Yes, at seven o'clock. My commuter class, the students who go to work right after their lesson. +#Person1#: Then you ought to go to bed. What are you writing, anyway? +#Person2#: An article I hope I can sell. +#Person1#: Oh, another of your newspaper pieces? What's this one about? +#Person2#: Do you remember the trip I took last month? +#Person1#: The one up to the Amazon? +#Person2#: Well, that's what I'm writing about-the new highway and the changes it's making in the Amazon valley. +#Person1#: It should be interesting. +#Person2#: It is. I guess that's why I forgot all about the time. +#Person1#: How many articles have you sold now? +#Person2#: About a dozen so far. +#Person1#: What kind of newspapers buy them? +#Person2#: The papers that carry a lot of foreign news. They usually appear in the big Sunday editions where they need a lot of background stories to help fill up the space between the ads. +#Person1#: Is there any future in it? +#Person2#: I hope so. There's a chance I may sell this article to a news service. +#Person1#: Then your story would be published in several papers, wouldn't it? +#Person2#: That's the idea. And I might even be able to do other stories on a regular basis. +#Person1#: That would be great.",#Person1# reminds #Person2# who is typing an article about #Person2#'s trip up to the Amazon last month that it's late at night. #Person2# hopes to sell the article to a news service and then #Person2# might be able to do other stories regularly. +dev_184,"#Person1#: Have you heard that the boss of the law office where Rick works wants him to fly to Brazil and do a month's work there? +#Person2#: That's nice. He will love it because everything will be paid for, such as air travel, meals, hotel...and this is his first time to get out of the States. +#Person1#: Indeed. You won't believe how much he is looking forward to it, and how much his little sister admires him! He's going to enjoy lying on the beaches when work is done, and he promised to buy his sister gifts. +#Person2#: Who else is going besides him? +#Person1#: He's going alone. +#Person2#: When will he be leaving? +#Person1#: He was told about it three days ago, and I think he'll leave in a week.",#Person1# tells #Person2# Rick will fly to Brazil in a week and do a month's work there. Rick is going alone and everything will be paid for. +dev_185,"#Person1#: Hi young lady. How may I help you? +#Person2#: Well, ... yeah. I'm looking for a Father's Day gift. +#Person1#: Okay. How about getting your father a new wallet? +#Person2#: Hmm. How much is that wallet? +#Person1#: Huh ... which one? +#Person2#: The black one. +#Person1#: Oh. It's only $40.95. +#Person2#: Huh? That's too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper one? +#Person1#: Hmm. How about this brown leather one? +#Person2#: Umm... I don't think my father will like the design on the outside, and it doesn't have a place to put pictures. How much is it anyway? +#Person1#: It's $25.99. +#Person2#: Humm. I don't have that much money. +#Person1#: Okay. How much money do you have to spend? +#Person2#: I'm not sure [money falling on the table]. Probably about ten dollars or so. I've been helping my mom around the house for the past week to earn some money. This is all I have. +#Person1#: Hmm. How about this tie? +#Person2#: That's real pretty, but the price tag says $13.99, and I know I don't have that much money. +#Person1#: Well, let's just say the tie went on sale. How about $5.00. What do you say? +#Person2#: Oh, thanks. I'll take it.","#Person2# is looking for a Father's Day gift, but she only has $10 or so even though she has been helping with housework for the past week to earn money. #Person1# sells a tie worth $13.99 to her at the price of $5." +dev_186,"#Person1#: Shall we share a taxi? +#Person2#: Where are you heading now? +#Person1#: I want to go back to my college on the Huanghe road. It is very close to your house. +#Person2#: Is that the university next to the Teachers' College? +#Person1#: That's the one. +#Person2#: You mean we'll share the taxi? +#Person1#: Yeah. If we share the cab, it'll be cheaper. Besides that your Chinese is better than mine. The drivers usually have difficulty understanding me even though I practice my pronunciation carefully. +#Person2#: Well. Don't worry about it, I will be happy to share the taxi with you. ",#Person1# wants to share a taxi with #Person2# because it's cheaper and #Person2#'s Chinese is better. #Person2# agrees. +dev_187,"#Person1#: Um. . . where are my utensils? +#Person2#: You eat with your hands. Pick up the bread and use it like a spoon to scoop up the food. +#Person3#: This dish, Zilbo, has lamb and potatoes. +#Person1#: Mmm! This is really good! Can you pass the honey wine? So, Clyde, what do you study? +#Person2#: International law and business. My family runs its own firm. +#Person3#: Clyde wants to be the first black president. +#Person2#: WILL be the first black president. I take Ronald Reagan as my role model. ","#Person1#, Clyde, and #Person3# have a meal together and Clyde mentions his wish to be the first black president." +dev_188,"#Person1#: I would like to have a custom-made skirt. +#Person2#: May I take your size? +#Person1#: OK. I want it a bit close around the waist. +#Person2#: No problem. +#Person1#: How long will it take? +#Person2#: About a week. +#Person1#: What's the charge for the tailoring? +#Person2#: 20 yuan for a skirt. ",#Person1# wants a custom-made skirt from #Person2#. +dev_189,"#Person1#: Isabelle, you know I'm not interested in fame. +#Person2#: Well, you don't seem to be interested in getting a real job, either. +#Person1#: You know I'm interested in teaching. I'm looking for jazz students. . . +#Person2#: Yeah, and every high school student in town is banging on your door, right? +#Person1#: I know they're out there. I'll find them. +#Person2#: You're such a dreamer! You think that you can spread the word of jazz in an underpass? ",Isabelle thinks #Person1# is a dreamer because #Person1# doesn't do real things. +dev_190,"#Person1#: Are you studying here? +#Person2#: Yes, I am studying in Eastern Asian language department. +#Person1#: What are you major in? +#Person2#: I major in Japanese. +#Person1#: What do you think of the literature course. +#Person2#: Its very helpful. The course has let me into a world of literature. I read so many great literatures. ",#Person2# majors in Japanese and thinks the literature course is helpful. +dev_191,"#Person1#: I came to this lab to have my blood drawn. +#Person2#: You are in the right place. Roll up your left sleeve and have a seat. +#Person1#: What am I being tested for? +#Person2#: Your doctor wants to know what your white blood cell count is. +#Person1#: What does my white blood cell count tell him? +#Person2#: Usually if your white count is off, the doctor suspects an infection. +#Person1#: How much will it hurt? +#Person2#: It is only a pin prick. I have to put this tourniquet on your arm to make the vein easier to find. +#Person1#: Is that my blood going into that tube? +#Person2#: That blood that just filled the tube is all that I needed. Thanks for coming in! ",#Person2# is drawing #Person1#'s blood because the doctor wants to know #Person1#'s white blood cell count. +dev_192,"#Person1#: Do you know what is the most special event in Kentucky? +#Person2#: The world class horses or the Hollywood stars? +#Person1#: Well, it's the hats. The hat parade! +#Person2#: Wonderful! Are there many different kinds of hats in the hat parade? +#Person1#: Yes, it's all about hats. The hats are not only a fashion tradition in the southern part of America, they are also said to be good luck. +#Person2#: When does the hat parade take place? +#Person1#: It takes place on the first Saturday in May each year. It's the most exciting day in Kentucky.",#Person1# introduces the hat parade which is the most special event in Kentucky to #Person2#. +dev_193,"#Person1#: Excuse me, Miss Ames, can I ask you something? +#Person2#: Sure, John. Ask me anything. +#Person1#: OK, would you please oil your door? +#Person2#: What? +#Person1#: You always come home so late. And whenever you open the front door, it makes a lot of noise. +#Person2#: What do you mean late? I come back around 11:00. That's not late at all. +#Person1#: Well, you spend hours after that going in and out, in and out, until my head feels ready to burst. +#Person2#: Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. I'll see what I can do with the door this weekend. +#Person1#: Thank you so much, Miss Ames. You're the kindest lady in the world.",John wants Miss Ames to oil her door because the door is noisy. Miss Ames agrees. +dev_194,"#Person1#: Now, Mark, you're from Canada? +#Person2#: That's right. +#Person1#: Where is it actually that you grew up? +#Person2#: I was born in Montreal and I lived there for 4 years. The first 4 years, but uh, I grew up in Calgary in Alberta. +#Person1#: Ok, so what was your childhood like? Were you into nature or sports? +#Person2#: When I was young. I was into books. I was a big reader. I used to go to the library with my mother. +#Person1#: Ok, so when was your first trip abroad? Where did you go? +#Person2#: The first big trip I took abroad was when I was 14. I went to Liverpool that time. Where my mother is from and Wales and Scotland on the 5 or 6 trips after that.",Mark was born in Montreal and grew up in Calgary. He was a big reader when he was young. His first trip abroad was to Liverpool when he was 14. +dev_195,"#Person1#: Hi, David. How was your day? +#Person2#: Don't ask, it was terrible. +#Person1#: You poor thing. What on earth happened? +#Person2#: Well, at about 11 o'clock this morning, I was skateboarding in the park. +#Person1#: Oh, yes? Did you see Tony there? +#Person2#: No. Luckily, I didn't see anyone I know. +#Person1#: What do you mean 'luckily'? +#Person2#: To start with, I wasn't looking where I was going and I fell off my skateboard. I landed in a pool. I was really dirty. +#Person1#: Oh, no. What did you do? +#Person2#: Well, I was getting on the bus to come home, when the driver shouted at me. He didn't let me on the bus because I was wet and dirty. And I didn't have any money for a taxi. I walked all the way home. +#Person1#: Oh, dear...",David tells #Person1# about his terrible day. David fell off his skateboard and landed in a pool this morning and had to walk all the way home. +dev_196,"#Person1#: You look upset. Are you OK, Tommy? +#Person2#: I'm fine, mom. It's just your cellphone. You lent it to me this morning. +#Person1#: Yes, is something wrong with it? No, don't tell me you dropped and broke it. +#Person2#: No, I was texting Jack outside a store and somebody ran past and grabbed it. +#Person1#: You mean someone stole my phone? +#Person2#: I am afraid so. Everything just happened so suddenly. I was too shocked. +#Person1#: So you didn't see who it was? +#Person2#: No. It was someone in a white shirt. But there's a camera on the entrance. It might have got a shot of the thief's face. +#Person1#: You've reported it then? +#Person2#: Well, not yet. But I will tomorrow. +#Person1#: Turn to a policeman nearby right now. I'll have a look at the insurance and see if it's covered. +#Person2#: OK, I will.",The cellphone of Tommy's mom was stolen when Tommy was using it. His mom asked him to report it to the policeman right now. +dev_197,"#Person1#: I like this table, it looks very strong. Do you think it will look good in your new house? +#Person2#: I don't think so. My new house is by the beach. I want something that looks like it belongs by the beach. +#Person1#: What about this one? It looks good. +#Person2#: It's too dark. I want something light, like the color of sand. +#Person1#: You're very picky. This one? +#Person2#: No, it looks too weak, and it's way too dark. +#Person1#: Alright then, how about this table? It's strong and light. +#Person2#: Um... Maybe, I'll have to think about it. It also has to be big enough. +#Person1#: There's no way to please you.",#Person1# and #Person2# are looking for a table for #Person2#'s new house. #Person1# thinks #Person2# is picky. +dev_198,"#Person1#: Hello Mabel Hotel. What can I do for you? +#Person2#: Hello, this is George Damon. Our company will be having a sales meeting in January, and we need to book a room for about 200 people. Does your hotel have something that can accommodate that number? +#Person1#: Yes sir, we have a couple of rooms for groups of that size. +#Person2#: Good, we'll need chairs, a stage and a projection screen. +#Person1#: Then I would suggest room 13. +#Person2#: Well, I don't like the room number. +#Person1#: Oh, sorry sir, room 19 and room 26 are also available. +#Person2#: I prefer something ending with nine. +#Person1#: I see, I'll reserve that for you right now.","#Person1# helps George Damon reserve a room with chairs, a stage, and a projection screen for George's company's meeting." +dev_199,"#Person1#: So, to start with, I want to talk about a very successful invention, the bicycle. Why? Do you know what the main advantages of bikes are? +#Person2#: They don't cost much? +#Person1#: Yes, and they're not complicated. +#Person2#: They're easy to use. Yeah? +#Person1#: Not easy when you're going uphill. Let's say simple. +#Person2#: OK. Yeah. They're cheap to run. They don't often breakdown. They're safe. +#Person1#: Well, they're not too dangerous, so a successful invention for all those reasons. And with modern bikes, we have a good example of using the latest materials for a design that's over 100 years old.","#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the main advantages of a successful invention, the bicycle." +dev_200,"#Person1#: Hi, Sam. I want to buy a pet. Do you have any ideas? +#Person2#: You really should go to Rachel's pet store. +#Person1#: why? anything special there? +#Person2#: it's more than special. You can find as many kinds of animals as you can put a name to and more. +#Person1#: Oh, really? are there any snakes? +#Person2#: snakes? there are even rodents and monkeys! it's a world of exotic pets. +#Person1#: that's terrific. I can't wait to check it out. +#Person2#: Hang on. are you sure you want to keep a non-traditional pet? +#Person1#: why not? it's so cool. +#Person2#: but it will pose a risk to your health. +#Person1#: pardon? +#Person2#: i mean, most reptiles carry some harmful bacteria. they are likely to cause immune system problems. +#Person1#: well, I didn't realize that. +#Person2#: I don't believe it's a good choice to keep those pets, especially for families with young children. +#Person1#: oh, I should have thought of my brother's baby girl. Maybe I'll just have a dog instead of an exotic pet. +#Person2#: yes, good luck, Maria.","Maria wants to buy a pet, and Sam suggests going to Rachel's pet store. Maria wants to keep a snake, but Sam persuades her not to keep non-traditional pets for health concerns." +dev_201,"#Person1#: How many years have you done business with China? +#Person2#: Let me see, about five years, we established our business relationship with Hua Mei of China Import & Export Corporation in 2003. +#Person1#: Do you have any difficulties in doing business in China? You know the Chinese economic legislation is still incomplete? +#Person2#: I don't think I have any problem with our Chinese partners. They have always followed the contract strictly. We can do business directly with the corporation. As I mentioned before, the Chinese government is trying very hard to perfect its law. Its commercial legislation provides legal protection for foreign companies. +#Person1#: Well, it's known that the Sino-American relation is in a dilemma. Does it influence your business in China? +#Person2#: Actually not at present. But we are afraid it will. You know policies influence business to some extent. I hope our government will not be influenced by some extremists. China is really a large market. We don't want to lose it. +#Person1#: Thank you. +#Person2#: You're welcome.",#Person1# interviews #Person2# several questions about #Person2#'s business with China. #Person2# says #Person2#'s business is protected by law and the Sino-American relation hasn't influenced the business from now. +dev_202,"#Person1#: Kate, can we change the channel? +#Person2#: Why? +#Person1#: This channel has so many advertisements, and it doesn't have any good TV programs. +#Person2#: OK. You can change it. +#Person1#: What about this one? Do you like this program? +#Person2#: No, I think it is very boring. Can you change it to Channel Twelve, please? +#Person1#: Yes. Oh, it's a talk show. +#Person2#: Yeah, it's very funny. Have you ever watched it before? +#Person1#: No, I haven't. This is my first time to watch it. +#Person2#: I'm sure you will like it.","#Person1# asks Kate's permission to change the channel, and Kate recommends a talk show to #Person1#." +dev_203,"#Person1#: Could I have my bill, please? +#Person2#: Certainly, sir. +#Person1#: I'm afraid there's been a mistake. +#Person2#: I'm sorry, sir. What seems to be the trouble? +#Person1#: I believe you have charged me twice for the same thing. Look, the figure of 6. 5 dollar appears here, then again here. +#Person2#: I'll just go and check it for you, sir.","#Person1# finds a mistake on the bill, and #Person2# will check it." +dev_204,"#Person1#: how are you doing, Christopher? +#Person2#: to be honest, I'm really fed up with work at the moment. I need a break! +#Person1#: are you doing anything this weekend? +#Person2#: I have to work on Saturday all day! I really hate my job! +#Person1#: are you available on Sunday? +#Person2#: yes, that's my only day off until Thursday. +#Person1#: ok, well, my friends and I are planning on going to the beach on Sunday. We tend to leave around noon whenever we go anywhere, so you could still sleep in. Do you want to come with us? +#Person2#: that'd be fantastic! Which beach are you going to? +#Person1#: it's a quiet beach just about an hour outside of the city. +#Person2#: what should I bring with me? +#Person1#: we've got plenty of inflatables, but if you want to sit on a chair, you'll have to bring your own sunlounger. +#Person2#: I can just use my beach towel. I love lazing around in the sun. +#Person1#: do you like surfing? +#Person2#: I've actually never tried. Do you have a surfboard? +#Person1#: we've got a few. I can teach you how to surf on Sunday. It'll be fun! +#Person2#: I can't wait! It sounds like we're going to have a great time. How much money should I bring? +#Person1#: you'll just need roughly $ 10 for food and gas money. My friend is driving, so we usually all chip in a few dollars for gas money. +#Person2#: ok, where and when should I meet you? +#Person1#: we'll pick you up at your place at noon. Be there or be square!","Chrisopher's fed up with work and wants a break, so #Person1# invites him to go to the beach on Sunday. Christopher will bring his beach towel, and #Person1# will teach him how to surf since Christopher never tried." +dev_205,"#Person1#: Doris, Helen Mall is having a big sale this weekend. Do you wanna go? +#Person2#: Don't feel like it. I'm broke. +#Person1#: Well, we can still do some window shopping, can we? +#Person2#: Just look around? Nah, that ' s boring. +#Person1#: I'll go by myself then.","#Person1# invites Doris to a sale, but Doris refuses." +dev_206,"#Person1#: I need help with the office party. +#Person2#: Yes, of course. We could split it. What part would you like to do, the food or the entertainment? +#Person1#: I have no idea what the entertainment should be. +#Person2#: Let's make sure we are on the same page. Do we want a formal or informal gathering? +#Person1#: Let's make it a formal affair. +#Person2#: Yes, that would be best. Now, for food should we have Chinese or American food? +#Person1#: American food would be the best choice. +#Person2#: That would be great. What kind of music would you like, a band or recorded music? +#Person1#: We should bring in a really good DJ. +#Person2#: That works for me. Let's see what we can each do about planning our part and meet again on Friday.","#Person2# helps #Person1# to prepare for the party. They decide the style, food, and music and will plan it in detail on Friday." +dev_207,"#Person1#: I am here to get my prescription filled. +#Person2#: Your prescription will be ready in twenty minutes. +#Person1#: Do you ever deliver prescriptions by mail? +#Person2#: Yes, in fact, you can renew this prescription over the Internet and have it delivered to your home. +#Person1#: How should I take this medication? +#Person2#: You should take it twice a day. +#Person1#: Should I avoid alcohol with this medication? +#Person2#: You need something in your stomach when you take it. Don't drink alcohol with this medication. +#Person1#: Should I expect any side effects? +#Person2#: Sometimes you might feel dizzy, but that isn't common.",#Person1# comes to #Person2# to get #Person1#'s prescription filled. #Person1# also asks #Person2# how to take the medication. +dev_208,"#Person1#: Mom, can I watch TV? +#Person2#: No more today, honey. +#Person1#: Alright, Mom. Should I turn off the TV right now? +#Person2#: Yes, honey. Go to your room, and take out your book. It's your reading time now. +#Person1#: Mom, where is the remote? I can't find it. +#Person2#: Just go to read. I will find it, honey.","Mom asks #Person1# to read, and she'll turn off the TV." +dev_209,"#Person1#: Is there a problem, officer? +#Person2#: I stopped you for driving through a red light. +#Person1#: Did I really? +#Person2#: You didn't know? +#Person1#: I had no idea that I ran it. +#Person2#: Don't you know that yellow means slow down? +#Person1#: Yes, madam. +#Person2#: Why'd you speed up instead? +#Person1#: I really have no excuse, madam. +#Person2#: I'll have to write you a ticket. +#Person1#: I understand, and I am very sorry. +#Person2#: Here's your ticket.",#Person2# writes #Person1# a ticket for driving through a red light. +dev_210,"#Person1#: Has Alan shown up yet? +#Person2#: Nope. I guess something might have come up. +#Person1#: I wonder what happened. +#Person2#: I don't know. I hope it's nothing serious. +#Person1#: Last week his sister was admitted to the hospital. +#Person2#: Oh? What happened? +#Person1#: His sister had a car accident last week. +#Person2#: Is she fine now? +#Person1#: She is still in a coma. +#Person2#: Oh, poor Alan! His sister is the only one he has left since his parents died last year.",Alan's sister had a car accident last week. #Person1# and #Person2# are worried about Alan. +dev_211,"#Person1#: Hello, John. How are you? +#Person2#: I'm fine, thanks. And you? +#Person1#: Very well, thanks. Nice to see you again. I haven't seen you for a long time. What have you been doing lately? +#Person2#: Oh, nothing much really. And how is everything with you? +#Person1#: Fine, thanks. I've been busy lately. +#Person2#: What have you been doing? +#Person1#: I've been studying for my exams. My school exams will begin next month. +#Person2#: Really? Good luck for them. +#Person1#: Thanks. And how are your parents? +#Person2#: They're both very well, thanks. +#Person1#: Where are you going now? +#Person2#: I'm going to do some shopping. Why don't you come with me? +#Person1#: I can't. I have to meet someone. +#Person2#: It's been nice talking to you. +#Person1#: Good-bye. See you again sometime.","#Person1# greets John and his parents. Then John invites #Person1# to go shopping, but #Person1# has to meet someone." +dev_212,"#Person1#: Vince, I think one of your programmers is spying on us for WebTracker. +#Person2#: Pardon? +#Person1#: I won't say who, because I'm not sure yet. But I'll know soon. +#Person2#: Zina, I hope you're not scheming to make Elvin look bad. +#Person1#: It isn't Elvin. +#Person2#: Dave then? Dave is a spy for WebTracker? You can't be serious. +#Person1#: Loan me that tape recorder you have. And don't say anything to anyone until I come back.",Zina suspects one of Vince's programmer is a spy. Vince can't believe it. +dev_213,"#Person1#: Well, it's too bad that we like different kinds of movies. Maybe we're just different kinds of people. +#Person2#: Yeah it's too bad. . . but actually I think I know what to do. +#Person1#: What's that? +#Person2#: We can go to a horror movie, and I'll hold your hand so you don't get scared. +#Person1#: You mean. . . like on a second date? +#Person2#: Of course! Or are you still too scared! +#Person1#: No way! That sounds great!","#Person2# suggests going to a horror movie next on the second date, and #Person1# agrees." +dev_214,"#Person1#: could we possibly discuss my salary some time? +#Person2#: sure. +#Person1#: first of all, I want you to know that I really like working for this company. Do you think I'm doing a good job here? +#Person2#: well, you are a very hard-worker. +#Person1#: I try very hard. The problem is, my salary just isn't enough to live on. Now that I have a wife and a child to support, we hardly have enough money for food and rent. +#Person2#: there are trying times for everyone. What do you propose? +#Person1#: I could really use a 5 % rise. +#Person2#: that's quite a bit. If I give you a raise, I'm going to have to give everyone a raise. +#Person1#: listen, if you give me a raise, I'll take on extra responsibilities. +#Person2#: that sounds reasonable. How about this, from now on, you can be responsible for scheduling. That means that if you can't find someone to cover a shift, then you'll have to do it. +#Person1#: that's fine. Do I get over-time for any extra hours that I work? +#Person2#: of course. It's be against the law if we didn't. +#Person1#: that sounds good to me. I really appreciate it. +#Person2#: you are welcome. Come in early tomorrow and I'll show you how to do the scheduling.","#Person1# asks #Person2# for a salary raise and proposes a 5% rise. #Person2# thinks if #Person1# takes on extra responsibilities for scheduling, the rise will be reasonable." +dev_215,"#Person1#: Did you enjoy that new movie? +#Person2#: That movie's just a lot of noise, same as Simon. +#Person1#: Oh, what happened, Carole? +#Person2#: I had to go by myself, he couldn't make it. +#Person1#: What? I met him just before I took off from Kitty's, he said he was coming. +#Person2#: Kitty's? He sure gets around, doesn't he? +#Person1#: Looks like it. So how did he handle it to? +#Person2#: His excuse was familiar. He said his car died again. +#Person1#: I think that's a bunch of nonsense. It seemed ok to me. +#Person2#: I know. Last week he gave me a lie about being too busy. +#Person1#: Doesn't sound promising. +#Person2#: Well, I think it's the time to pull the plug. +#Person1#: If you want I'll let him know if I run into him. +#Person2#: Thanks anyway, but I'll do it, Rebecca. Let's get the class.","Carole tells Rebecca about Simon's lie and Rebecca wants to help, but Carole decides to handle him herself." +dev_216,"#Person1#: Excuse me, sir? +#Person2#: Yes? +#Person1#: I'm afraid you can't smoke here. +#Person2#: Why not? +#Person1#: Can't you see the notes here? +#Person2#: I'm sorry. I can't. What does the note say. +#Person1#: It says'No smoking'. +#Person2#: Sorry, I'm very near sighted.",#Person1# tells #Person2# not to smoke here. +dev_217,"#Person1#: I'm so hungry. Shall we go eat now, Rick? +#Person2#: sure. Where do you want to go? Are you in the mood for anything in particular? +#Person1#: how about some dumplings? I just can't get enough of them. +#Person2#: dumplings again? ! Oh, Amy, let's try something new! +#Person1#: well, what do you have in mind? +#Person2#: how about the Mongolian hot pot? +#Person1#: oh, it's too spicy for me. Don't you remember last time when I tasted the lamb? It was so spicy my eyes teared up! +#Person2#: maybe we can try Yuanyang pot this time. You can choose the non-spicy soup base. +#Person1#: sounds great. Do they serve noodles? I am in the mood for some tasty noodles as well. +#Person2#: yes. The sliced noodles they offer are among the most authentic Shanti cuisines. +#Person1#: great. Let's go! +#Person2#: wait a minute. Let me throw on a sweater.","Amy wants dumplings, but Rick wants a hot pot. They finally decide to try Yuanyang pot and have some noodles." +dev_218,"#Person1#: Mom! How can I help with the washing up? +#Person2#: You peel the onions and wash them, then chop them. +#Person1#: OK! Then what can I do after I finish it? +#Person2#: Let me see. Wash the cabbage over there. +#Person1#: OK, got it. +#Person2#: What is your father doing now? +#Person1#: Reading newspaper on the couch. +#Person2#: How about Daniel? +#Person1#: Staying with Ultraman, of course. You know he likes it very much. +#Person2#: Be careful of the peeler. Don't cut your fingers. +#Person1#: I will. +#Person2#: OK, we've finished. Can you get your father and brother? +#Person1#: OK!",#Person1#'s helping Mom with the meal. Mom asks #Person1# what Dad and Daniel are doing. +dev_219,"#Person1#: Oh, Ralph, I heard it is very dangerous traveling in space. Disasters have happened before. If the spaceship were out of order. . . +#Person2#: You should be optimistic about this. Things have taken a good turn. You should remember that less than two centuries ago the dangers of train travel seemed similarly terrible. +#Person1#: But is it possible that travelers could be hit by meteors? +#Person2#: It's once in blue moon. +#Person1#: What do you think is the real danger man faced in space? +#Person2#: The main one is radiation. There are two sorts of radiation man must fear in space. The first is radiation from the sun, and this is particularly dangerous when the sun is very active and explosions are occurring on its surface. The second, less harmful, comes from the so-called Van Allen Belts.",Ralph is more optimistic than #Person1# about traveling in space. Ralph thinks the real danger is radiation and Van Allen Belts. +dev_220,"#Person1#: What do you think of this coffee table? +#Person2#: It's nice, but it doesn't match the color of our room. +#Person1#: How about this one? +#Person2#: Oh no, this type gets dirty very easily and it's difficult to clean. +#Person1#: Alright, let's look at some others. +#Person2#: Look, this one matches our room and it's inexpensive. +#Person1#: Moreover, it's easy to clean, right? You are really lazy.",#Person1# and #Person2# are choosing a coffee table for their room. +dev_221,"#Person1#: Welcome. May I help you? +#Person2#: Yes, I want an eye-shadow. +#Person1#: We have different colours of eye-shadow. May I know what colour you usually wear? +#Person2#: Purple. But today, I'm thinking of buying one in a bright colour. +#Person1#: Yes, I see. How do you like this one? +#Person2#: May I have a try? +#Person1#: Certainly. +#Person2#: It's still too dark. Any brighter colours? +#Person1#: Not from this brand, I'm afraid. +#Person2#: What about other brands? +#Person1#: How about this one? +#Person2#: Oh, that's the very thing I need.","#Person2# wants an eye-shadow in a bright color, and #Person1# helps #Person2# choose one that #Person2#'s satisfied." +dev_222,"#Person1#: I was really glad to hear about your award, congratulations! +#Person2#: Thanks. Actually, I was really surprised. I mean there were a lot of qualified people out there. +#Person1#: You'Ve been working there for so long with so much sacrifice. You definitely deserve it. +#Person2#: Thanks a lot. I expect to see your name nominated pretty soon too. You'Ve been doing some great work.","#Person1# congratulates #Person2#'s award, and #Person2# encourages #Person1#." +dev_223,"#Person1#: I haven't received my credit card bill yet. +#Person2#: Which credit card are you speaking of? +#Person1#: My Master Card. +#Person2#: We sent that bill out a couple of weeks ago. +#Person1#: I never got it. +#Person2#: Your bill was mailed already. +#Person1#: What am I going to do since I haven't received the bill? +#Person2#: If you haven't gotten it yet, then you should probably take that up with your post office. +#Person1#: Can I get an extension on my bill if it does happen to be the post office's fault? +#Person2#: If that's the case, you will need to provide proof of their mistake. +#Person1#: Thanks for everything. +#Person2#: Don't mention it. Call back if you have any more questions.","#Person1# hasn't received credit card bills, and #Person2# suggests #Person1# should take that up with #Person1#'s post office." +dev_224,"#Person1#: Excuse me. I want to pay the bill. +#Person2#: Please wait till your name is called. OK. Your bill includes the doctor's fee and the cost for a 3 - day supply of medicine. It comes to one hundred yuan. +#Person1#: Here you are. +#Person2#: Good. Here is the receipt. The dispensary is over there. . . By the way, will this be covered by your insurance from work? +#Person1#: No, I'll e paying for myself, but I have private medical insurance. +#Person2#: In that case, I'll give you a certificate, so you can get it reimbursed. +#Person1#: Thanks a lot. +#Person2#: Don't lose this receipt, because insurance companies are very difficult about helping when they don't have the right paperwork.",#Person1# pays the bill with #Person2#'s assistance. #Person2# reminds #Person1# to keep the receipt for insurance. +dev_225,"#Person1#: I finally found an apartment that I want to rent. +#Person2#: Where did you see it? +#Person1#: I saw it in this ad for apartments in today's newspaper. +#Person2#: You found an apartment in the ads? +#Person1#: I really did, but what's so great about it is that it's really affordable. +#Person2#: Tell me about the apartment. +#Person1#: Well, most importantly the apartment is beautiful. +#Person2#: How much is the rent for the apartment? +#Person1#: The rent is $ 725 each month. +#Person2#: That's pretty cheap for out here. +#Person1#: That's what I said when I found out how much the rent was. +#Person2#: Congratulations on the new apartment.",#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# finds an beautiful and affordable apartment in the newspape +dev_226,"#Person1#: May I help you? +#Person2#: Yes. I'd like to send this parcel to Changchun. +#Person1#: How do you want to send it? +#Person2#: I guess I'll send it by airmail. +#Person1#: Is there anything valuable? +#Person2#: No, there are only some vases. +#Person1#: They are fragile articles. They must be packed in a proper strong box. Your light cardboard box won't do. +#Person2#: Have you got boxes for sale? +#Person1#: Yes. +#Person2#: Is it all right this time? +#Person1#: Yes. Now fill in two customs declarations and one despatch note in English. You'll have to take your parcel to the next window for examination when you have completed the forms. +#Person2#: OK. +#Person1#: Have you written down your return address? +#Person2#: Yes, I have.",#Person2# plans to send the parcel of vases to Changchun by airmail. #Person1# suggests #Person2# pack the fragile articles in a proper strong box. +dev_227,"#Person1#: What about the working hours? +#Person2#: Working conditions are very relaxed. You may work whatever hours you want, provided you get your job done properly. +#Person1#: I like flexible hours. +#Person2#: Would you mind changing the position or working place you've applied for? +#Person1#: No, I don't.",#Person1# asks #Person2# the working hours of the position. +dev_228,"#Person1#: An exhibition of Picasso's paintings is being held. Do you want to go with me? +#Person2#: How can I miss it! But with the bus drivers on strike and taxis so expensive, we have no choice but to take the subway. If only we had a car.",#Person1# invites #Person2# to an exhibition. #Person2#'ll take the subway there. +dev_229,"#Person1#: The day I turned thirty, I turned on the computer. I went into the over- thirty room for a joke. And he was there. And we started chatting. +#Person2#: About what? +#Person1#: Books, music, how much we both love New York. Nothing really meaningful. Yet a good way to pass time. +#Person2#: How come? +#Person1#: We don't talk about anything personal. We made a rule about that. I don't know his name, what he does, or exactly where he lives. So it will be really easy to stop seeing him, because I'm not.",#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# chatted with a man online but nothing personal when #Person1# turned thirty. +dev_230,"#Person1#: I understand how you feel, sir. But there simply isn't any room. The person who received your reservation call must have forgotten to write it down. I'm afraid it was just a mistake. She is new, you know. +#Person2#: Just a mistake? Do you realize that I've invited some very important people to dinner? It could cause me to lose an important business partner. +#Person1#: I'm sorry, sir. I suggest you call them and explain the problem. I'm sure you'll find several other very good restaurants around here. +#Person2#: I can't get in touch with them now. They are probably on their way at this very minute. Surely you could fit one more table in. +#Person1#: Not unless you'd like me to put you in the hall, sir. +#Person2#: Well, that's better than nothing.",#Person1# apologizes to #Person2# for the reservation mistake. #Person2# is angry but agrees to eat in the hall finally. +dev_231,"#Person1#: So, what seems to be the problem, Bobby? +#Person2#: Dr. Cardano, I woke up in the middle of the night with a terrible pain in my right foot. +#Person1#: Did you cut yourself or knock it against something? +#Person2#: No. It just started hurting all of a sudden. +#Person1#: Can you describe the pain for me? Is it a sharp pain that comes and goes? Or is it a constant, dull pain that doesn't really ever go away? +#Person2#: I suppose it's more like the first one. But it's definitely difficult to walk, so it's not really going away, either. +#Person1#: Let me see those feet, Bobby. +#Person2#: Do you want me to take off both socks? +#Person1#: Yes, I'd like to compare your right and left foot. Ah, the right foot is pretty red, and it looks bigger than the left one. It also feels warmer. +#Person2#: What does it mean, doctor? +#Person1#: Well, I don't know for sure. It could be one of a couple of things. I'm going to send you up to the lab to get some blood tests. Check in to the lab on the third floor. I'm sending them some instructions. Come back down here as soon as it's finished. +#Person2#: OK. I need to use the restroom first. Can you tell me where that is? +#Person1#: Go downstairs to the first floor. It's right next to the elevators. +#Person2#: Thanks.","Bobby tells Dr. Cardano that he had a sharp pain in his right foot. +After seeing his right foot, Dr. Cardano decides to send him up to the lab on the third floor to get some blood tests." +dev_232,"#Person1#: Hi, Sally. +#Person2#: Hello, Tom. How are you? +#Person1#: I'm fine. Where are you going? +#Person2#: Oh, I'm on my way home from work. +#Person1#: I didn't know you had a job. +#Person2#: Yeh. I work part-time at a supermarket. +#Person1#: What do you do there? +#Person2#: I work in the produce section. Trimming and wrapping fresh fruit and vegetables. I also stock shelves. Sometimes when it really gets busy, work at the check-out counter. Have you got a job, Tom? +#Person1#: Yeh. I do yard work for people. You know, cutting grass, raking leaves. pulling weeds, things like that. +#Person2#: I'd like doing that. It must be nice to work outdoors. +#Person1#: Sometimes it is. Except when it rains or snows or gets too hot or too cold or... +#Person2#: Ha. Ha. I think every job has its shortcomings. There are times when get pretty tired of carrying things around at my job. But a job's a job Gotta earn money for school. +#Person1#: Me, too. Tuition is sure high, isn't it? Well, I'd better get going. I've got to plant some trees for my neighbours this afternoon. +#Person2#: Well, don't work too hard. Holding down a job, going to class, studying. Sometimes it can become too much for one person. Take it easy. +#Person1#: You, too. It was great seeing you. Sally!","Sally and Tom talk about their job. Sally works part-time in a supermarket, while Tom does yard work for people. They both agree that every job has its shortcomings but they need to work to earn money for school." +dev_233,"#Person1#: Susan, Did you know the four ugliest women in ancient China? +#Person2#: No, I only know four great beauties of China. +#Person1#: There were some famous ugly women in history. +#Person2#: Yeah? Were they famous because of the ugliness? +#Person1#: Though they were ugly, they had great virtue. +#Person2#: Then who were they? +#Person1#: Mo Mu, Zhong Lichun, Meng Guang and Ruan Nv. They were well respected. +#Person2#: It seems that the inner beauty is also important. +#Person1#: Sometimes the inner beauty is more beautiful. ",#Person1# introduced the four ugliest women who had great virtue in ancient China to Susan. +dev_234,"#Person1#: Argh. . . I feel terrible, I keep sneezing and my eyes are all watery, what's wrong with me? +#Person2#: Wow, you're not dying are you, it looks like you have a cold, you should take some medicine. +#Person1#: I don't think it's a cold, I feel fine if I move a few feet away from my desk. +#Person2#: Maybe we should put you into quarantine, ha ha, jokes aside, I think you might have an allergy. +#Person1#: An allergy? I never thought about that, I don't think I'm allergic to pollen though and I'm desensitized to bee stings after being stung so many times, Hmm. . . +#Person2#: Ow! Why did you chuck that peanut at me? +#Person1#: Just checking if you're allergic to peanuts, I guess not. +#Person2#: Not funny! I could have gone into Anaphylactic Shock. +#Person1#: Okay, my bad, how about dust? This office is full of it. +#Person2#: Yes the whole is office is dusty yet I only feel affected near our desks! +#Person3#: Meow meow meow. +#Person1#: You brought your cat into the office? ! +#Person2#: Yes, it's Mr. Snuffle's birthday today, I didn't want him to be alone on his special day! +#Person1#: ACHOO! Argh, put it away, ACHOO! +#Person2#: I guess we found the problem, your allergic to cats! ","#Person1# feels terrible, and #Person2# thinks #Person1# might get an allergy. #Person2# tries to find out what triggers that, and it turns out that #Person1# is allergic to #Person2#'s cat." +dev_235,"#Person1#: Ghost will be on at six thirty. It's already six fifteen now. Hurry up. +#Person2#: You'd been hanging around before left home. Well, now, you are urging me for the movie. This has been fun! +#Person1#: Don't be upset. I am just afraid of missing the movie. It is your favorite. +#Person2#: In short, you become more and more impatient with me after wedding. +#Person1#: Why do you think so?? +#Person2#: Every time I complain about the domestic chores with you, you just don't listen. +#Person1#: Nothing of the sort! +#Person2#: Don't interrupt me! In addition, every time I need your advice, you just say, it's up to you. +#Person1#: Maybe I was busy with my work at that time, so I felt a little bored. +#Person2#: You mean, I am not busy with my work? +#Person1#: Honey, don't get me wrong. I don't know how to explain. But I really have eyes only for you and our children. +#Person2#: Do you still love me? +#Person1#: Honey, maybe sometimes I seem careless, but I take great care to cooking breakfast every morning. That shows how much I love you. +#Person2#: Oh, honey, that's enough. Our love story is more touching than the Ghost. +#Person1#: Let's go to see the movie. It's time to begin. ","#Person2# thinks #Person1# is impatient and might not love #Person2# anymore, but #Person1# reassures #Person2# and they will watch the movie together." +dev_236,"#Person1#: I need a pan. +#Person2#: Okay. Do you have a particular size in mind? +#Person1#: Well, the bigger the better, I think. +#Person2#: Look at this one. It's our biggest pan. +#Person1#: Yes, that is big enough, but it's too heavy for me. +#Person2#: Okay, we have the same thing in aluminum. +#Person1#: Oh, this is nice and light. But it has an aluminum handle. +#Person2#: Try this one. Same aluminum pan, but with a heat-resistant bamboo handle. +#Person1#: Oh, yes. This is very nice. I'll take this one. +#Person2#: That's a good choice. How do you want to pay for it? +#Person1#: Cash. Oh, I almost forgot. I need a lid, too. +#Person2#: I'm so sorry. A lid comes with the pan. Here it is. ",#Person2# helps #Person1# to choose a big aluminum pan with a heat-resistant bamboo handle and a lid. +dev_237,"#Person1#: Lily, do you know Lizzy? +#Person2#: Lizzy who? +#Person1#: Lizzy smith. +#Person2#: Of course I do. +#Person1#: Then, Do you know her younger sister? +#Person2#: You mean Mary? +#Person1#: Yes. +#Person2#: Sure. I know her elder sister Sue and younger sister Mary. +#Person1#: Oh, not bad. Then do you know her mother? +#Person2#: Yes, certainly. I know her mother and father, and brother and sisters, too. +#Person1#: That sounds terrific. +#Person2#: Why do you ask me these questions? +#Person1#: I just want to visit the family some day. ",#Person1# asks Lily about Lizzy's family because #Person1# wants to pay a visit. +dev_238,"#Person1#: The Johnsons are on their way back. You remember them, don't you? +#Person2#: Johnson? I can't place them. +#Person1#: We met them in Bermuda last May. +#Person2#: They've completely slipped my mind. +#Person1#: The couple with the dogs-think back. +#Person2#: No, I don't recall a thing about them. +#Person1#: Well, I've invited them for brunch. +#Person2#: Hmm, I must be getting absent-minded. ",#Person1# helps #Person2# to recall the Johnsons but fails. +dev_239,"#Person1#: Hello. Capital Hotel. May I help you? +#Person2#: Yes, unlikely my flight will be 2 hours due to the fog. Would you please keep my reservation? +#Person1#: Sure. May I have your name please? +#Person2#: Lincoln. That's L-I-N-C-O-L-N. Thank you. ",#Person1# helps Lincoln to keep the reservation. +dev_240,"#Person1#: May I take your order now, sir? +#Person2#: Yes, please. I'd like to start with a chef's salad. +#Person1#: Chef's salad for starter. And what would you like to have for the main course? +#Person2#: I'll have steak. +#Person1#: How would you like your steak done? +#Person2#: Medium. +#Person1#: And what would you like to go with your steak? +#Person2#: Peas and carrots. +#Person1#: Potatoes? +#Person2#: Boiled. +#Person1#: Thank you. ",#Person1# helps #Person2# order the starter and main course. +dev_241,"#Person1#: Would you hurry up? We're late. +#Person2#: I know, I'm coming. +#Person1#: Our flight leaves in less than 2 hours. Come on. +#Person2#: But I can't find my wallet. +#Person1#: If you hadn't overslept, we wouldn't be so stressed out right now. +#Person2#: I'm sorry. I didn't hear my alarm. It's not like I did it on purpose. It's not my fault. +#Person1#: Well, it's definitely not my fault. +#Person2#: Damn it. I can't find it. Do you see my wallet anywhere? It's made of brown leather. +#Person1#: Did you check your pockets? +#Person2#: Of course I did. I'm not that dumb. Oh, wait a second. Oh, here it is. +#Person1#: Why am I not surprised? OK, put on your shoes and let's get out of here. +#Person2#: Yeah, yeah. Say why don't we take the express train to the airport? It will be faster than a taxi. +#Person1#: Are you kidding me? A taxi will be way faster. We don't have time to argue about this. Let's just grab the first cab when we get downstairs. +#Person2#: OK, OK. +#Person1#: What is it now? +#Person2#: I can't find my keys.","#Person1# asks #Person2# to hurry up, but #Person2# can't find the wallet. #Person1# complains but #Person2# doesn't think it's #Person2#'s fault. When they are about to take the taxi, #Person2# can't find the keys." +dev_242,"#Person1#: Have you been watching the Euro 2012 football tournament? +#Person2#: Just a bit. Have you? +#Person1#: Of course. I really started to like football since I came to London. Just think a year ago I was still in Montreal and didn't know a thing about it. +#Person2#: Well, I'm from New Jersey. Americans aren't so into football, either. Actually we call it soccer. When Americans say football, what we mean is American rules football. I've been here 2 years now, and I still get confused when people call soccer football. +#Person1#: Oh, that's right. For you Americans football means the sport where those big guys wear helmets and violently run into each other. +#Person2#: Yeah, Americans prefer watching sports that are fast like basketball. I think basketball players are some of the greatest athletes on earth. What they can do just amazes me. But when I watch a soccer match, I just get board. There aren't enough goals. +#Person1#: Well, I see what you're saying. But there's so much more to soccer as you call it than goals. There are a lot of strategies involved. And in a tournament like Euro 2012, it's fascinating to see how the different countries have different styles of playing.","#Person1# and #Person2# talk about the differences between American football and soccer. #Person2# thinks soccer is boring, but #Person1# disagrees." +dev_243,"#Person1#: Is that the Park Hotel? Reservation desk, please. +#Person2#: Reservation desk. May I help you? +#Person1#: Yes, please. I'm phoning from the airport here in Los Angeles. I'd like to reserve a single room for tonight. +#Person2#: Alright, sir. That's a single room with a bath? +#Person1#: That's right. How much will that be? +#Person2#: Our singles began at 45 per night, sir. +#Person1#: Good. In that case, I'll take a room, please. +#Person2#: Your name, please. +#Person1#: My name is Tony Chan. T-O-N-Y. +#Person2#: Thank you, Mr. Chan. When will you be arriving? +#Person1#: I'm arriving very soon. I'm waiting for a taxi to the hotel. +#Person2#: Right, sir. We'll hold your room for you until 9:00 PM.",Tony calls #Person2# from the airport to reserve a single room. #Person2# tells him the price and will hold the room until 9:00 PM. +dev_244,"#Person1#: Hello is that Phil Taylor? +#Person2#: Speaking. +#Person1#: Hi Phil. I'm a Reporter for the Sun. I'm calling to ask you a few questions about the fire. Can you tell me how it happened? +#Person2#: Sure. Well it was 2 days ago on November the tenth about 11:00 PM. I decided to fry some chips so I used quite a lot of oil. I was deep frying. Uhm the oil finally got hot enough, so I put the chips in and then my mom rang. +#Person1#: Ah. +#Person2#: We started talking and I completely forgot about the chips. After the call. I just went back to my living room. +#Person1#: Oh no. +#Person2#: Yes, I watch TV for about 20 minutes and the next thing I knew there was the smell of smoke in someone was shouting fire fire. I immediately realized it was my chips. I rushed out of the room. The kitchen was next door. Well, there were flames all over one wall. +#Person1#: What did you do? +#Person2#: Well, I grabbed some blankets from my bed and ran to the kitchen to throw them over the flames. By that time, my neighbors had already called the fire Department. The firefighters arrived, I think within about 10 minutes and put the fire out very quickly. +#Person1#: So what was the damage. +#Person2#: Well. I'll have to replace the cooker completely. Besides, I have to have 2 kitchen units and one wall repaired.","#Person1# asks Phil Taylor about the fire. Taylor says that he forgot the chips in the pan, which caused the fire. Then he took action fast and the Fire Department put out the fire." +dev_245,"#Person1#: Good morning. You have reached the Monterrey Bay in. +#Person2#: Good morning, sir. I'm calling to cancel a reservation. +#Person1#: Alright. What are the dates for that reservation? +#Person2#: They are January twenty nineth through February 1. +#Person1#: OK. Would you like to book a room for another day? We are having a special deal in March if you book a room for 2 days. You get the third day for free. +#Person2#: No, sir. I've started a new job recently so I won't have anytime off for at least 6 months. +#Person1#: I see. Well, I do hope you consider our hotel when you get some vacation time so that will be $280 returned to you. Would you like me to put it back on your visa? +#Person2#: Yes, thank you, sir.",#Person2# tells #Person1# that #Person2# has found a new job and wants to cancel the hotel reservation. #Person1# will return the money. +dev_246,"#Person1#: Thanks for coming in today. Please have a seat. Tell me a little bit about yourself. Why do you think you are qualified for this job? +#Person2#: I've worked as a music teacher my whole life, mainly with children. And now I'm ready for a change, because I love music so much. I think working at a radio station would be perfect for me. +#Person1#: The duties of this job include answering the phones and sending emails. How are you with both of those things? +#Person2#: I'm experienced in sending emails and I'm also fairly confident on the phone. When I was a teenager, I worked at a TV station answering phone calls. So this is probably pretty similar. +#Person1#: We also have some early mornings here in the studio. Sometimes you'll have to be here around 4:00 or 5:00 AM? How do you feel about that? +#Person2#: I'm an early riser, so that's easy for me. It also means less traffic, which I'm always a fan of. +#Person1#: Do you have references I can call? +#Person2#: Yes, I have a list to give you. Two are people I worked with at my last job, and one is an old graduate school professor of mine. +#Person1#: Great! Well, I think that's it. I'll give you a call back in the next few days to let you know our decision. +#Person2#: Thank you so much.","#Person2# applies for a job at a radio station. #Person1# interviews #Person2# about #Person2#'s working experience, abilities, and references. After #Person2# answering these questions, #Person1# tells #Person2# to wait for the result." +dev_247,"#Person1#: Oh, what a beautiful cat! What do you think? +#Person2#: I think I'd rather get a dog. Dogs are more faithful than cats. +#Person1#: Yes, but there so much work. Would you be willing to walk it every single day and clean up after it? +#Person2#: We'd have to invest a lot of money in a cage or a fish tank, and I don't really know how to take care of a bird or a fish. +#Person1#: well. We're obviously not ready to get a pet yet. +#Person2#: Yeah, you're right. Let's go grab some coffee and talk about it.","#Person1# likes cats, but #Person2# prefers dogs. They're not ready to get a pet for now." +dev_248,"#Person1#: Darling, has our TV set been repaired? +#Person2#: Not yet. They say they are still working on it. +#Person1#: Oh, it's a long day without any TV. Have you paid the internet bill? +#Person2#: Sorry, I totaly forgot. I will do it tomorrow. +#Person1#: Oh dear. Think up something for us to do tonight, will you? +#Person2#: Is there anything good on at the cinema tonight? +#Person1#: Pass me the newspaper. Thanks. There is a Western on at the Maple Theater. +#Person2#: John Wayne again? No. What else? +#Person1#: There is a war movie on at the Silver Star Theater. But you don't usually like war movies, do you? +#Person2#: No. Not really. +#Person1#: Wait, there is a film at the Globe Theatre named The Killer. +#Person2#: You know, I'd like to see a film that will cheer me up and help me relax. I don't want to see something frightened. +#Person1#: Then what about the comedy Three Men and a Lady. +#Person2#: That sounds like it could be funny. When and where is it on? +#Person1#: The Bay theater at... Oh, at 7:30. +#Person2#: Just 30 minutes from now. Come on. Let's hurry.","#Person1# and #Person2# can't use TV or the Internet so they decided to watch a movie. After a discussion, they are going to watch Three Men and a Lady." +dev_249,"#Person1#: So what made you decide to become a cameraman? +#Person2#: Well, I didn't watch TV much, so it wasn't that. I had an uncle Who was a film actor, but I hardly saw him. One day I wandered into a library and picked up the biography of a famous cameraman. I loved it and knew then what I wanted to do. +#Person1#: And you've won several prizes for your work? +#Person2#: Just one actually. It wasn't like winning a prize for a popular movie or for a special TV advertisement. It was a video for a school program about the development of the cinema. +#Person1#: So what about plans for the future? Is Hollywood calling? +#Person2#: Well, I'm less interested in working with famous film stars than with students and film academy actually. They got skills that the ordinary person with no training doesn't have but they haven't been affected by success. +#Person1#: What do you like best about your job? +#Person2#: Well, doing interesting work you see the world but your job is and always in wonderful places and you have lots of chances to get to know some interesting actors and directors. That has to be the best bit from my point of view.","#Person1# asks #Person2# about #Person2#'s career as a cameraman. #Person2# tells #Person1# about why #Person2# chose this job, #Person2#'s prizes, future plan, and favorite part of the job." +dev_250,"#Person1#: Mrs. Wang, would you give us an idea of the price you regard as workable? +#Person2#: As I said before, your price is so high that we find it difficult to make a bid. We hope you will take the initiative and bridge the gap. +#Person1#: Just to comply, we're ready to reduce the price by 5 percent. I hope this concession of ours will get the ball rolling. +#Person2#: So do we. Certainly it's a step forward on your side. But the gap is still too wide. +#Person1#: The ball is in your court, Mrs.Wang. What price would you suggest? +#Person2#: To make your offer workable, I think you should take another step down as big as the one you've just taken. +#Person1#: That won't do. You see, our profit margin is very narrow. It simply can't stand such a big cut. +#Person2#: I hate to disappoint you, Mr. Brown, but if that's the case, we have no alternative but to cover our requirements elsewhere. Do think it over, please. We sincerely hope our discussion will come to a successful conclusion. +#Person1#: Well, I'm not authorized to agree to such a big reduction. Would you mind waiting a day or two, until I get a reply from the home office? +#Person2#: Not at all. Shall we meet again, say, on Friday morning? +#Person1#: Good. Friday morning at 9.",Mrs. Wang thinks Mr. Brown's price is so high. Mr. Brown agrees to offer a 5% reduction but Mrs. Wang asks for another same reduction. Mr. Brown will have to wait for a reply from the home office. He requests to meet with Mrs. Wang again. +dev_251,"#Person1#: There are many art craft items in this shop. I suggest you take your time, and you might find something you like. +#Person2#: That's what I am going to do. +#Person1#: If you have any problem, please come to me. +#Person2#: I surely will. How much is this wood carving? +#Person1#: You are an expert on it. That wood carving is very rare. But I'm so sorry. that is not for sell. +#Person2#: That's OK. Is anything else recommended? +#Person1#: Do you have any special request? +#Person2#: I'd like to see some traditional arts. +#Person1#: So that means you are shopping for presents? +#Person2#: Yes, I'm just here to pick out some special presents for my foreign friends. +#Person1#: Actually, I think the paper-cuts is OK, because it is easy to carry and foreign friends are also interested in it. They think that is a miracle. +#Person2#: Sounds good. I'll take paper-cut. +#Person1#: I have collected different kinds of paper-cuts all over the country, you can pick the one you like best. +#Person2#: You collect them yourself? I think that you are just doing the wholesale. +#Person1#: As a matter of fact, I open the shop because I'm interested in the arts. I spent lots of time doing research on the folk art of our country. +#Person2#: Wow, you are the expert on it.",#Person2# comes to an art shop to buy presents for #Person2#' s foreign friends. #Person1# recommends the paper-cuts which #Person2# thinks great. #Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# has collected them on #Person1#'s own and #Person2# admires #Person1# as an expert. +dev_252,"#Person1#: can you squeeze me in sometime today? +#Person2#: That ' s a big order, Jane. I am really swamped. +#Person1#: I know what you ' re saying, but I have to go over the books with you before I go see our tax guy. +#Person2#: Right. Okay, let me see what I can do. How about 1:30 right after my lunch meeting? It won ' t take more than a half hour, will it?",#Person2#'s very busy but Jane has to go over the books with #Person2#. #Person2# suggests meeting at 1:30 pm. +dev_253,"#Person1#: What can I do for you today? +#Person2#: I need to buy a new refrigerator today. +#Person1#: Were you looking at a particular refrigerator? +#Person2#: I like that Kenmore refrigerator. +#Person1#: This particular refrigerator is a very good choice. +#Person2#: Tell me about it. +#Person1#: Not only is it affordable, but it comes with all the appliances. +#Person2#: What are the appliances. +#Person1#: It has an ice maker, water dispenser, and plenty of room on the inside. +#Person2#: I'd like to see it for myself. +#Person1#: Go right ahead. +#Person2#: I like what I see.",#Person2# picks the Kenmore refrigerator. #Person1# strongly recommends this one and introduces it. #Person2# likes it after seeing. +dev_254,"#Person1#: Well, known, Jim, I'm... I'm pretty much in favour of your computers, I think computers teach kids to think, because they require logical thoughts. +#Person2#: But I... I don't agree with thatbecause computers weaken kids'ability to thinkbecause kids don't learn basic skills. +#Person1#: What do you mean? +#Person2#: They can't spell, they can't add, they can't subtract, they even don't remember any more. that's because they rely on gadgets. +#Person1#: That's not the gadgets. Creating programmes is stimulate thoughts. It engages their imagination and sharpen their mind.",#Person1# thinks computers are beneficial to kids but Jim thinks the opposite. +dev_255,"#Person1#: Look, George, There's the Great Wall. +#Person2#: I see. It's on top of the hills. +#Person1#: Yeah, it stretches over for thousands of miles. +#Person2#: I know. It's a major symbol of China. +#Person1#: Where can we climb it? +#Person2#: Do we have any choices? +#Person1#: Well, we could take the cable car. +#Person2#: Ah. . . let's just climb. It's more fun, I think. +#Person1#: Okay. Let's go. +#Person2#: Well, that was tough. +#Person1#: But we made it. +#Person2#: This looks great. When was it built? +#Person1#: It was first built about twenty-five hundred years ago. +#Person2#: That's remarkable. +#Person1#: There are so many ancient relics in China.",George suggests climbing the Great Wall instead of taking the cable car. They reach the top and admire the long history of the Great Wall. +dev_256,"#Person1#: Hi, is this the Bread and Cheese Deli? +#Person2#: Yes, ma'am. How may I help you? +#Person1#: I need to place an order for a couple of sandwiches and drinks. Can you deliver? +#Person2#: Yes, we do deliveries for orders over $ 15, ma'am.",#Person1# orders a delivery of sandwiches and drinks from the Bread and Cheese Deli. +dev_257,"#Person1#: Good morning. Could you tell me the times of trains to London, please? +#Person2#: Yes. There are trains at 7:59, 9:18, and 10:32. +#Person1#: What time does the 7:59 train get to London? +#Person2#: At 9:36. +#Person1#: What about coming back? I'd like to come back at about 7 p. m. +#Person2#: There's one at 7:10 p. m. and the next one is at 7:40 p. m. +#Person1#: Mmm, how much is a return ticket? +#Person2#: If you get on before 4 p. m. or after 6 p. m. , there is a saver return which is 9 pounds. An ordinary return is 16 pounds. +#Person1#: An ordinary return, please.","#Person1# asks #Person2# about the times of trains to and back from London, then #Person1# purchases an ordinary return." +dev_258,"#Person1#: What's your plan for your future? +#Person2#: I'd like to work in a law firm to enrich my experience and put what I've learned into practice. +#Person1#: Have you had any previous experience? +#Person2#: Well. During the college years, I worked as a trainee every summer at lawyer's offices. Does that count? +#Person1#: Of course it counts. What kind of work did you do there? +#Person2#: I did clerical stuff and ran errands. +#Person1#: In this office, we encourage full attendance by offering a bonus. If you take any leaves, we'll deduct money from your salary. +#Person2#: May I know about the office hours? +#Person1#: Office hours are nine to five-thirty. One hour for lunch. Do you have any questions? +#Person2#: Er, may I know how much I will be paid monthly? +#Person1#: We'll give you about 3000 to start. There'll be a trial period of three month. After six months, we'll have a job performance review and consider giving you a raise. +#Person2#: When will I know your decision? +#Person1#: I'll call you in a day or two, did you write down your phone number on your resume? +#Person2#: Yes, I did. Can you call after 7 p. m. ? I'm usually out in the daytime. +#Person1#: All right. Good-bye. +#Person2#: Good-bye.","#Person2# tells #Person1# about #Person2#'s future plans, past work experience and inquires #Person1# about office hours and salary. #Person1#'ll inform #Person2# of the decision in a day or two by phone." +dev_259,"#Person1#: But how did you know I was working for WebTracker? +#Person2#: When I was in LA, I met the WebTracker sales rep. +#Person1#: He couldn't have told you. Only a few people at WebTracker know about me. +#Person2#: The sales rep had a green note pad just like yours. He said everybody at WebTracker used them. +#Person1#: I can't believe it. I can't believe I fell into your trap. +#Person2#: We both may be snakes, Dave, but I'm just better at it. Among the snakes, I'm the sneakiest.",Dave feels surprised that #Person2# can infer he was working for WebTracker work. +dev_260,"#Person1#: Last weekend I didn't want to go out either, so I stayed at home and played video games by myself. It was really fun! +#Person2#: Oh yeah, that sounds pretty cool, I guess. . . +#Person1#: Yeah, I'm really into video games. In fact, all my friends are on the Internet. I've never met any of them in the real world. +#Person2#: Oh really. . . well you must be very popular on the Internet. But it's true that it's nice to do some things in the comfort of your own home.",#Person1# enjoyed playing video games at home last weekend. #Person2# thinks it's nice to do something at one's own home. +dev_261,"#Person1#: The summers are so great here! Not hot at all. I love the cooling breezes, the clear air, all the greenery. +#Person2#: This really has been a wonderful holiday for us. Shall we take a walk around the pond or into those woods for a while? +#Person1#: Let's do both! Are we in a rush or anything +#Person2#: No, not really. I had thought we'd stay in Hamburg tonight, but we can't unless we rush it. Let's stay in Bremen instead. Tomorrow we can have lunch in Hamburg, then check into a hostel in Copenhagen and have dinner there. +#Person1#: Sounds fine to me. Whatever, let's enjoy this pond first. +#Person2#: Sure. We can walk around to that path that leads into the woods there. Hey, look! There are some wild ducks over there in the reeds. +#Person1#: I see them! Wow! How do you know they're wild? +#Person2#: I used to go hunting with my uncle, that's how. +#Person1#: They're neat. Now Let's take that path into the woods and see what we can see. . .","#Person1# and #Person2# are enjoying a pond. #Person1# and #Person2# had planned to stay in Hamburg tonight, but they decide to stay in Bremen since they are not in a rush." +dev_262,"#Person1#: is this seat taken? +#Person2#: no. please sit down. +#Person1#: thanks. +#Person2#: are you also going to Beijing? +#Person1#: yes, on a business trip. How about you? +#Person2#: I'm taking a vacation to visit a friend there. Have you ever been there before? +#Person1#: yes, I went there once last summer. +#Person2#: really? What did you think? +#Person1#: I think it is amazing. You can enjoy both the traditional Chinese culture as well as the vitality of a modern cosmopolitan city. The only thing I didn't enjoy was the subway. +#Person2#: was it that crowded? +#Person1#: yes. There were always so many people. After taking the subway during the rush hour, you'll envy sardines in their cans. +#Person2#: oh, maybe I can take the bus or even rent a car. +#Person1#: that's a good idea. Wish you a great vacation! +#Person2#: thank you very much!",#Person1# and #Person2# meet on the train to Beijing. #Person1#'s on a business trip while #Person2#'s on vacation. #Person1# went to Beijing once and shares #Person2# with #Person1#'s experience. +dev_263,"#Person1#: You look tired. +#Person2#: Yeah, I've been working so much overtime lately. +#Person1#: Really? How come? +#Person2#: My boss gave me a big project. I had to have it finished by this morning. It was so difficult. +#Person1#: You shouldn't work so hard. +#Person2#: I know, but hard work pays off. You know. +#Person1#: What do you mean? +#Person2#: Maybe now I'll get that promotion I was hoping for.",#Person2# looks tired because #Person2#'s been working overtime lately hoping for a promotion. +dev_264,"#Person1#: What do you like to do in your spare time? +#Person2#: I am a girl of many interests. I like dance, chess, collecting stamps, travelling and taking photos. +#Person1#: What kind of dance do you like? +#Person2#: I like rumba and tango. +#Person1#: Great. I am not interested in Chinese chess. It is too difficult for me. +#Person2#: You can learn Chinese checkers or military chess. Both of them are much easier. +#Person1#: OK, I will try. As for stamp, don't you think it is an expensive hobby? +#Person2#: Yes, it is. But it is full of fun and knowledge. What about you, what do you like to do as hobby? +#Person1#: I like gardening. I take care of them everyday. I like those flowers and the swing in my garden. If the weather is nice, I would like to lie on the lawn. +#Person2#: Sounds pleasant.","#Person1# and #Person2# talk about their hobbies. #Person2# likes to dance, chess, collect stamps. #Person1# enjoys gardening." +dev_265,"#Person1#: Have a nice weekend! +#Person2#: Thanks. You too! +#Person1#: Do you have any plans? +#Person2#: Well, my family's away and I can't afford to do much. What about you? +#Person1#: Oh, I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet.",#Person1# and #Person2# have no weekend plans yet. +dev_266,"#Person1#: Which of the two do you think is better? I mean, what's the difference between them? +#Person2#: Well. . . this one costs more, but it has a much better sound. This part of it is made of wood, not plastic. And there's a tone control, too. +#Person1#: I only want it for the kitchen. I like to listen to the news at breakfast time. +#Person2#: Hmm. . . well, the other one is good for the money. It's much cheaper. We sell clot of them and all our customers are satisfied with them. +#Person1#: Hmm. . . I'd like the cheaper one, please. Can I pay by cheque? +#Person2#: Certainly.",The shop assistant helps #Person1# compare two products. #Person1# decides to buy the cheaper one by cheque. +dev_267,"#Person1#: Come here! I can see the tall camphor trees from here. +#Person2#: Yes, we can also see some yew trees. +#Person1#: This is a great botanical garden in the city. +#Person2#: Listen to the sound of nature! It's like music. +#Person1#: Yeah, I agree. It makes you feel really good. +#Person2#: What are those. Miss Liu? +#Person1#: Do you mean the red flowers? They are peony flowers? +#Person2#: The red and yellow peony flowers are so beautiful. +#Person1#: Yes, you like them very much. right? +#Person2#: Sure. I'm going to take more pictures today. +#Person1#: I can help you with it +#Person2#: You are so kind. Thanks.",Miss Liu and #Person2# are visiting a botanical garden. #Person2# enjoys it and Miss Liu offers to help #Person2# with taking pictures. +dev_268,"#Person1#: Well, that's all for the interview. Thank you for your interest in this job. +#Person2#: You are welcome. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to interview me. +#Person1#: May I call you about our final decision? +#Person2#: Yes, please. My telephone number is 2974-5328, and you can call me at any time in the daytime. +#Person1#: We will get in touch with you by the end of next week. +#Person2#: Great. I will look forward to hearing from you. And do I need the second interview? +#Person1#: We'll notify you if necessary. Goodbye. +#Person2#: Goodbye.",The interview ends. #Person1# asks for #Person2#'s telephone number to inform #Person2# about the final decision. +dev_269,"#Person1#: Hello, John, please invite all our clients to the conference next week. +#Person2#: How should I get their contact info. +#Person1#: Get the clients'contact info from my Rolodex. +#Person2#: Where should I put them up? +#Person1#: How about the Holiday Inn? +#Person2#: The clients like the Shangri-La Hotel more. +#Person1#: Well, the client is always right. +#Person2#: What else would I prepare, Sir? +#Person1#: Please print out the meeting agenda for me to look over. +#Person2#: Certainly. +#Person1#: And make sure to return my Rolodex to my desk when you are done with it. +#Person2#: Of course. I'm on it",#Person1# assigns John to invite all clients to the conference next week and print out the meeting agenda. +dev_270,"#Person1#: About my driving test, did I do well? +#Person2#: You did a fabulous job. +#Person1#: Are you telling me that I passed the test? +#Person2#: That's what I'm telling you. +#Person1#: What did I mess up on? +#Person2#: You did mess up a little on one thing. +#Person1#: Tell me. +#Person2#: You had a little trouble on your parallel parking. +#Person1#: That's not easy for me. +#Person2#: That's something that you really need to work on. +#Person1#: Am I still going to get my license? +#Person2#: You're still going to get it.",#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person1# passed the driving test and points out #Person1#'s shortcoming on parallel parking. +dev_271,"#Person1#: How much is the admission fee for a student? +#Person2#: We offer a reduction of 50 % and comes to $ 10. +#Person1#: Here you are. Where is the museum guide? +#Person2#: Well, here you are. +#Person1#: Is it free? +#Person2#: Of course.",#Person1# buys a student ticket and gets a museum guide with #Person2#'s assistance. +dev_272,"#Person1#: Excuse me, could you tell me which bus I should take to go to the railway station? +#Person2#: I think you'd better take the No. 16 bus. It can take you right there. +#Person1#: How often dose this bus go there? +#Person2#: Every fifteen minutes. +#Person1#: I really can't wait that long. Are there any other buses that can take me there? +#Person2#: The No. 2 bus also goes to the railway station. You may take it. +#Person1#: Where can I find the bus? +#Person2#: The bus stop is not far from here. Go straight on and you can easily find it. +#Person1#: Thanks a lot. +#Person2#: You are welcome.","#Person2# tells #Person1# the No. 16 bus goes to the railway station, but the interval is too long that #Person1# can't wait, so #Person2# suggests the No. 2 bus." +dev_273,"#Person1#: Are we supposed to get off right here? +#Person2#: I think so ; hurry up and get off. +#Person1#: Where are we? +#Person2#: I don't know. +#Person1#: You said this was the right stop. +#Person2#: I think I was wrong. +#Person1#: Did we get off the bus too early? +#Person2#: I don't know ; it kind of looks like we did. +#Person1#: Why did you tell me to get off? +#Person2#: I'm sorry. I thought this was our stop. +#Person1#: I really don't feel like walking. +#Person2#: We could always wait for the next bus to come.",#Person2# made #Person1# and #Person2# get off the bus too early. #Person1# blames #Person2# and #Person2# apologizes. +dev_274,"#Person1#: I saw your ad in The New York Times. I am seriously considering one of the apartments listed in it. +#Person2#: We are happy to help you. May I know which one it is? +#Person1#: The two-bedroom apartment on 38th east street. +#Person2#: Oh, it is conveniently located, isn't it? +#Person1#: That's why I think it may suit my needs. +#Person2#: I believe it will. It comes furnished. You can move in immediately after the lease is signed. +#Person1#: The ad says the rent would be 840 dollars per month. Is it true? +#Person2#: Yes. But not including the utilities. +#Person1#: Will it possible for me to rent the apartment on a month-by-month basis? +#Person2#: I believe that can be arranged. But there should be a refundable security deposit, you know. +#Person1#: Oh, that's no problem.","#Person1# inquiries #Person2# about a two-bedroom apartment listed in the ad. #Person2# and #Person1# discuss the location, furniture, and payment." +dev_275,"#Person1#: Excuse me, this is my first time on a plane. How do I check in? +#Person2#: May I see your ticket, please? +#Person1#: Yes. Here you are. +#Person2#: You can get a boarding pass at that counter. Do you have anything to check in? +#Person1#: No, I only have a handbag. +#Person2#: Then you could wait in the departure area after going through security. +#Person1#: Is that all? +#Person2#: Yeah, I think so. It is very simple. +#Person1#: I see. Thank you very much.",It's #Person1#'s first time on a plane. #Person2# tells #Person1# how to check in. +dev_276,"#Person1#: What are your career goals, Miss Li? +#Person2#: Let me see, I would like to work my way up to a senior management position with a company such as yours. +#Person1#: Great! It sounds like you might be a good fit. As you know, we're one of the largest brokerage houses in the world. Our daily work is quite hectic, and we are looking for an assistant who can keep us organized. . . help keep the engines running smoothly, so to speak. Our hours are long, but the overtime pay is good. . . sort of makes up for the long hours. +#Person2#: What would a typical day be like for me here? +#Person1#: Well, that's the problem. We never seem to have 'typical' days, but you'd spend about 30 % of your time on the computer. There would also be a lot of telephone time, setting up appointment, and taking care of a lot of support work. +#Person2#: Oh, yes, I do. My present job is similar in that respect, and I think I'm doing a good job.",Miss Li tells #Person1# about her career goals. #Person1# introduces #Person1#'s company and tells Miss Li about the daily schedule in #Person1#'s company. +dev_277,"#Person1#: I would like high speed internet installed in my house. +#Person2#: You have to make an appointment before we can come out and install it. +#Person1#: I'd like to make an appointment right now. +#Person2#: What day are you available? +#Person1#: I would like to have it done this Friday. +#Person2#: Three o'clock is the only time we can come in. +#Person1#: Is it possible for someone to come a little earlier? +#Person2#: I'm sorry, but that's our only available time. +#Person1#: How about Saturday? +#Person2#: We're completely open on Saturday. +#Person1#: Can you come over at 11 +#Person2#: That'll be fine.",#Person1# wants to have high-speed internet installed and makes an appointment with #Person2# for Saturday at 11. +dev_278,"#Person1#: Do you know how late it is? +#Person2#: My fault. I didn't realize what time it was. +#Person1#: I hope you don't think that excuse lets you off the hook. +#Person2#: Not really. I'm telling the truth. +#Person1#: Haven't I asked you to call if you're going to be home late? +#Person2#: This is true, but it must've slipped my mind. +#Person1#: Regardless, all you had to do was give a call. +#Person2#: I know. I should've called. +#Person1#: Come home late one more time, and you'll find your stuff outside. +#Person2#: You want to throw me out over this? +#Person1#: That's right, maybe then you'll respect my rules. +#Person2#: That's fine, because if I leave, then your rules won't matter.",#Person1#'s angry that #Person2# gets home late without a call. #Person1# threats to throw #Person2# out if #Person2# comes home late again. #Person2# gets unhappy with #Person1#. +dev_279,"#Person1#: This is awful! It's like drinking saltwater! It's like drowning in the ocean! +#Person2#: Don't be so dramatic. You're such a baby. Now sit down and finish your soup. +#Person1#: OK, OK. +#Person2#: And when we get back from the doctor's, you'll gargle again. +#Person1#: Maybe I'll run away first. +#Person2#: Well, the only free food on the streets is from a soup kitchen, and their soup isn't as tasty as mine!",#Person1# doesn't like #Person2#'s salty soup but #Person2# forces #Person1# to drink. +dev_280,"#Person1#: I like chess better than xiangqi. And you? +#Person2#: For my part, xiangqi. Maybe it's because my girlfriend is Chinese. +#Person1#: I think chess is more reasonable. You see, each side has eight pawns, a larger number than that of the soldiers in xiangqi. A true battle should be like that. Soldiers should outnumber the commanders. +#Person2#: Quite right. And unlike the soldiers in xiangqi, the pawns in chess can promote once they reach the furthest rank. It is very agreeable to grant merits to people with good performance. +#Person1#: Correct! Another contrast is the rules for the general and the king. It seems the general or marshal in xiangqi is much too incompetent. They are required to stay in the palace, waiting to be checked and fleeing for life under the cover of the guards. Look at the king in chess, he is much more capable. +#Person2#: Yeah, and though the king in chess doesn't have bodyguards, he has a queen who is the most powerful piece. I think this demonstrates the relatively higher social status of aristocratic women in medieval Europe than in China. +#Person1#: There's another distinctive contrast. Both board games use a total of 32 pieces, but xiangqi is played on a 9 - by - 9 board, bigger than the 8 - by - 8 board used in chess. +#Person2#: You mean, xiangqi pieces are allowed a larger space in which to move around? +#Person1#: Sure. On a chessboard, fire is much more intensive. It has a smaller board, while those bigger pieces-chariots, horses and bishops-can cover longer distances.","#Person1# and #Person2# discuss the differences between chess and xiangqi. Both of them think chess is more reasonable than xiangqi in certain rules, but #Person1# think xiangqi has a larger space in which to move around." +dev_281,"#Person1#: Well, this is a pleasant surprise. It seems to me we ran into each other here last week too. +#Person2#: You and I must have the same idea. The only way to beat the crowds when you do the grocery shopping on Saturday is to be here when they open at 9:00 o'clock sharp!",#Person1# and #Person2# run into each other again at the grocery. +dev_282,"#Person1#: John, shall we go to Sun Store? I have decided to buy that Murrberry handbag. Anyway,I'm not carrying this one to Mary's wedding. +#Person2#: But, Jane, why not rent one with Handbag Hire? Instead of $ 990,pay $ 50,and you have it for a whole week. +#Person1#: Sounds great, but I never knew I can rent a handbag. +#Person2#: Handbag Hire is a new business. It was founded two months ago. Its collection covers many designer handbags. +#Person1#: So... for the price of one Murrberry, I can use a different bag each week for twenty weeks? +#Person2#: Absolutely. And if you like one of them, you can choose to buy it at a discounted rate. Of course the price varies by age and condition. For example, a $ 1500 Murrberry bag can sell for just $750. +#Person1#: Great, but how do I rent? By telephone? Or in person? +#Person2#: Either. And more conveniently, it accepts online orders. +#Person1#: I'll do it on line now. I still have one more question. Mary's wedding is next Saturday. There are only five days left. Do I have enough time? +#Person2#: Don't worry. It promises that customers receive their orders by post within two days. Three more days to go. +#Person1#: Oh, I'd better order one right now.","Jane wants to buy that Murrberry handbag to carry to Mary's wedding, but John suggests renting one with Handbag Hire and tells her about the service in detail. Jane is pleased to have a try." +dev_283,"#Person1#: Excuse me. Is this seat taken? +#Person2#: No. it's not taken. +#Person1#: Oh. thank you. +#Person2#: Oh. let me help you with this. +#Person1#: Oh. thank you. +#Person2#: Do you want to sit by the window? +#Person1#: No. no. no. I like the aisle seat better. You can sit by the window. +#Person2#: My name is Mike Gerard Hogan. Pleased to meet you. +#Person1#: I'm Elsa Tobin. How do you do? +#Person2#: Do you live in New York? +#Person1#: No. no. I'm from Florida. +#Person2#: I am, too. But didn't you just get on? +#Person1#: No, no. I just changed my seat. A man next to me was smoking, and smoke really bothers me.",Elsa Tobin changed her seat and comes to sit next to Mike Gerard Hogan who is sitting by the window. +dev_284,"#Person1#: Dear audiences, today we'll talk about divorce and its effect on children. Our guest is Jennifer Benzes. Thank you for coming, Jennifer. Do you mind saying something about your divorce? +#Person2#: No. I got divorced years ago. Even worse, I got divorced when I had small children. +#Person1#: Have you thought of the effect divorce may have on your children? Their needs can be forgotten as parents are struggling to re-establish their lives. +#Person2#: Of course, we have. We are definitely more aware of the impact on children. After all we are not famous people who trade spouses like shoes. For most of us divorce is not entered into lightly. We all suffer. Anyway, we try to comfort our children. +#Person1#: How? +#Person2#: We tell them we love them and will always do. +#Person1#: You haven't thought of saving the marriage? +#Person2#: Yes, we have. We would do anything to spare our children pain. But you know, fixing a marriage is not like changing a tire. Family conflicts may take hold like a cancer. +#Person1#: Then divorce is the only way to get rid of it. +#Person2#: It's true with me. Others may succeed in fixing. +#Person1#: Yet most people believe a hard marriage is better for children than a divorce. According to a recent poll, more people today think parents should stay together for the sake of the children What do you think? +#Person2#: I think the cost of staying together is worse than the benefits. Parents quarreling and fighting all day may do more harm to their children. +#Person1#: What do you want society to do for you? +#Person2#: Understand us, not curse us. More importantly, they should help us share the loss and build a better future.",Jennifer Benzes is sharing her divorce and its impact on her children with the audience. She thinks fixing a marriage isn't better for children though most people think the opposite and she wants society to understand them instead of cursing them. +dev_285,"#Person1#: Tina, are you coming to band practice this week? Our show is this Friday...only two days away! +#Person2#: Yes, I'm coming tonight. I didn't come last week because my guitar was broken. +#Person1#: Did you fix your guitar? My sister has a new guitar you can probably borrow if your guitar is still broken. +#Person2#: Thanks, but I can only play music on my guitar because it's a left-handed guitar...it's for people who use their left hands for most things. I fixed my guitar on Monday night. +#Person1#: Why didn't you fix it sooner? We only have two days until our show. +#Person2#: I've been so busy this month! I have to work at the grocery store and watch my little sister until my mom comes home from work.",Tina didn't come to band practice last week because her guitar was broken. #Person1# blames her for not fixing the guitar sooner but Tina has been too busy this month. +dev_286,"#Person1#: So, you finally got your doctorate in genetics. Well done! +#Person2#: Thanks. Now, I have to find a job. +#Person1#: What are you thinking of doing? +#Person2#: I'd like to conduct some scientific research into genes. It would be wonderful to make a medical breakthrough. +#Person1#: There must be several private companies that are interested in employing someone like you. You could do some research for a university. There's a lot of discussion about genetics nowadays. Someone wit +#Person2#: Many companies and universities investing resources in genetics, because there are so many possibilities. Few people know where next discoveries will be made. +#Person1#: Well, I hope scientists don't decode to make a clone of me in the future! I wouldn't like to be the subject of an experiment. ",#Person2# got a doctorate in genetic and wants to find a job conducting genetic research. #Person1# suggests working for private companies and universities. +dev_287,"#Person1#: While you are thinking about what you might like to order for dinner, would you like to order your drinks? +#Person2#: Can you tell me where your wine list is? +#Person1#: The wine list is posted right there on the board. +#Person2#: Can we order a mixed drink in this restaurant? +#Person1#: Yes, we have a wide selection of mixed drinks available from our bar. +#Person2#: Do you have any house specials that you could recommend? +#Person1#: Our most popular drinks are our Cuervo Gold margaritas. +#Person2#: That sounds like a good choice for me. May I have one, please? +#Person1#: Can I bring that to you on the rocks, or would you like it blended? +#Person2#: Please bring it to me on the rocks. +#Person1#: Salt or no salt? +#Person2#: I would like it with no salt, please. ",#Person2# orders Cuervo Gold margaritas under #Person1#'s recommendation and asks #Person1# to bring it on the rocks with no salt. +dev_288,"#Person1#: How do you feel about teaching my friend how to read? +#Person2#: How old is your friend and why doesn't he know how to read? +#Person1#: He's 78 and he's a new emigrant from South America and he's never been to school. +#Person2#: Does he even know how to speak English? +#Person1#: No. But I thought that you could start with reading and then go from there. +#Person2#: That was very thoughtful of you to volunteer me. +#Person1#: Come on. You're great at teaching and I know you will love him. He's adorable! +#Person2#: Oh, all right. Have him come over here for dinner. But you get to make dinner! ",#Person1# volunteers #Person2# to teach a 78-year-old illiterate American how to read. #Person2# thinks it challenging but agrees on the condition that #Person1# makes dinner. +dev_289,"#Person1#: Veronica, wait! Come on, honey, get back in the car. Let's talk it over, okay? +#Person2#: No! I'm tired of your lies! I don't know who you are anymore! +#Person1#: Veronica. It's me, the man that has and always will love you. I'm sorry that I've lied to you. Believe me, it's been so hard for me as well, and time and again, I've thought of coming clean. But, I couldn't put you or my mission at risk. It's all over now. My assignment is complete and now I have to go back to India. +#Person2#: What? Are you kidding? Is there anything else I should know before I never see you again? How could you deceive me like that? +#Person1#: Yes. . . Veronica. . . I know that this isn't the best time and that you probably hate me right now but, I want to be completely forthright with you. I know deep in my heart that you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Veronica. . . will you marry me? Come with me to India,baby, I can't make up for everything that's happened, but I can promise you my undying love. I will be the most devoted husband, and I will cherish you always. +#Person2#: Steven. . . I can't just leave everything at the drop of a hat! With everything t hat has happened between us, I just don't know you any more. I just can't build a relationship on a foundation of lies. I do love you but. . . I can't go with you. I'm sorry. . . I love you. . . +#Person3#: This is the last call for flight eight one five from Los Angeles to Hyderabad. +#Person4#: I'm sorry , sir, we can't wait any longer you must board the plane. Are you waiting for someone? +#Person1#: I was but, I don't think she is coming. . . ","Steven lied to Veronica because of his mission. Veronica feels so deceived that she doesn't believe Steven anymore. Steven asks Veronica to move to India together and marry him but Veronica refuses. At last, Veronica doesn't appear at the airport when Steven's going to board the plane from Los Angeles to Hyderabad." +dev_290,"#Person1#: I was told to come to you to get a chest X-ray. +#Person2#: No problem. Just take your clothes off from the waist up and put the gown on, with the opening in the back. +#Person1#: Then what should I do? +#Person2#: You will stand over here up against this plate. +#Person1#: Should I just stand naturally? +#Person2#: You will raise your arms up shoulder high. +#Person1#: Is this all right? +#Person2#: Yes, you are doing great. +#Person1#: Where will you be going? +#Person2#: I need to stand behind this shield. Now you will take a deep breath, hold it, and let it out. +#Person1#: Is that it? +#Person2#: That's it. You can get dressed when the film is developed. ",#Person1# gets a chest X-ray step by step under #Person2#'s guidance. +dev_291,"#Person1#: Oh, man. Nobody can stand this kind of burning heat. +#Person2#: Tell me about it. You can't even stay in the sun for 5 minutes. +#Person1#: You'll be dried up like a dried plant. +#Person2#: I like your humor, Mark. Anyway I guess this afternoon, there is nothing we can do but stay home. +#Person1#: I guess so. I don't want to be taken to the hospital. +#Person2#: You want my advice? Drink a lot of liquids and avoid the worst heat. +#Person1#: Yeah, you're right. Go to drink a lot of fluids. Do you have any beer? +#Person2#: Yes, do you want Coors Light or Corona? +#Person1#: Corona, please.","Mark complains about the burning heat. #Person2# suggests drinking lots of liquids, so they will drink beer." +dev_292,"#Person1#: Oh, heavens, I look terrible. +#Person2#: Come on. I'm sure it's not that bad. Can I come in and take a look, honey? +#Person1#: Absolutely not. This shirt looked pretty nice on the shelf. But on my fat body, it looks terrible. +#Person2#: I thought you like the styles from the eighties. +#Person1#: I like good eighties styles. Not bad eighties styles. +#Person2#: I never knew that you could divide it up like that. I just thought all eighties styles were good. +#Person1#: Very funny. Look, can we just get out of here please? Let's just try to find a more modern store where they might actually have something that doesn't make me look like some huge cartoon animal from the zoo. +#Person2#: It's all up to you.",#Person1# thinks the shirt looks terrible on #Person1#. #Person2# thought #Person1# likes the eighties styles but #Person1# likes good eighties styles. #Person1# decides to find a more modern store. +dev_293,"#Person1#: I heard something terrible happen to your son last weekend. +#Person2#: Yes, my family went swimming with Mr. Henry and his son last Saturday. When we got there, my wife and I started looking for a nice spot near the pool. My son ran off by himself and went over to the pool. The next thing we knew, he was in the water. +#Person1#: Can he swim? +#Person2#: No, he can't. We told him to stay in the shallow part of the pool, but he slipped into the deep part of the pool by accident. +#Person1#: That's horrible. Did anyone notice what was happening? +#Person2#: Yes, lucklily Henry was nearby and immediately realized that he was drowning. Henry has taken some swimming lessons. So he knew right away that my son was in danger. +#Person1#: You must have been in shock when you found out what was happening. +#Person2#: Yes, we were so frightened. We'd originally planned to swim there for an hour, but after that, we left in a hurry.",#Person2# tells #Person1# about the terrible accident last weekend. #Person2# went swimming with Mr. Henry. #Person2#'s son who couldn't swim drowned in the pool and Mr. Henry saved him. +dev_294,"#Person1#: How is your mother feeling these days? +#Person2#: Much better, thanks. She'll be back home in a few days. +#Person1#: That's wonderful. When will you be back at your job? +#Person2#: I think I'll need a week to take care of her and do some cleaning. +#Person1#: Why don't you hire someone to do it? You'll be able to work and also have more free time. +#Person2#: I prefer to do it myself. +#Person1#: You're a kind and thoughtful man. I admire you very much. +#Person2#: I'm just a regular son.","#Person1# inquires about #Person2#'s mother and suggests hiring someone to take care of her, but #Person2# insists on doing it by himself." +dev_295,"#Person1#: My car doesn't always start in the morning and it often makes me late for work. I think I'd better buy a new car. +#Person2#: Gina you should go to Jimmy's garage. I take my car there all the time. They have 20 years of experience and they are especially good at repairing older cars. +#Person1#: Thank you, the last time I took my car to a garage. They didn't really settle the problem. +#Person2#: Well, you should call and make an appointment now. They do a good job. They are usually not busy after 6:00 o'clock.",Gina's car doesn't always start in the morning. #Person2# suggests Gina take her car to Jimmy's garage for repairs. +dev_296,"#Person1#: What about taking a tour around Cambridge today? +#Person2#: I did that with a friend yesterday. +#Person1#: But didn't you say you would go to the London Eye yesterday? +#Person2#: My friend had already been there, so I changed my plan. Today I want to see some modern art work. +#Person1#: If so, you can go to Tate Modern. It's a museum with a collection of international artwork from the nineteen hundreds. +#Person2#: Do many people visit it? +#Person1#: Yes, it's very popular. But don't worry, it's usually not crowded on weekdays. If you go tomorrow though, there're maybe a lot of people.","#Person1# suggests visiting Cambridge, but #Person2# went there yesterday. #Person2# wants to see some modern artwork so #Person1# recommends Tate Modern." +dev_297,"#Person1#: How are you Mrs. Brandon? +#Person2#: Pretty good. How are you doing? +#Person1#: Not so good. I just lost my job today. +#Person2#: I'm sorry to hear that. +#Person1#: How are your students doing? +#Person2#: They're very nervous about the final. +#Person1#: I remember you gave our class a hard final exam in my first year of college, many of us failed, but I really learned a lot from you and it must worked because I can speak very good English now. +#Person2#: I'm so glad to hear that.",#Person1# tells Mrs. Brandon #Person1# lost the job today. #Person1# recalls the final exam Mrs. Brandom gave #Person1# in the past. +dev_298,"#Person1#: You look tired. What time did you get up? +#Person2#: Hmm...I got up at 11:30 AM. I'm having brunch now. +#Person1#: Oh, so late. What time did you go to bed last night? +#Person2#: 2:00 AM. +#Person1#: Oh, so late. What did you do? +#Person2#: I played computer games. I have been so absorbed in it that I forgot the time. I'm always crazy about playing the game. It's a pain in the neck to cut down playing the game. +#Person1#: Maybe you should find some important things to do instead. If you were busy in other things, you would have no time to play it. +#Person2#: Hmm...Good idea. I'll try it from tomorrow. Thank you very much. Really nice speaking to you. +#Person1#: You, too. See you later. +#Person2#: See you.",#Person2# stayed up and got up late because #Person2# has been addicted to computer games. #Person1# suggests #Person2# find other things to do. +dev_299,"#Person1#: Why don't you have some of my cake Sue? I made it just for this party. +#Person2#: Sorry Bill, I'm not into cakes at the moment. I thought you knew about my diet. +#Person1#: On your birthday? Surely you can eat whatever you want on your birthday, you can start your diet tomorrow. And anyway, you look great. +#Person2#: Well, thanks Bill, I am not on a diet to lose weight, actually. My doctor told me to stop eating certain foods. I'm trying to avoid being allergic to something. +#Person1#: I didn't know food could help with that. I also noticed you didn't eat any of the sandwiches Jill brought. +#Person2#: Yeah, and you and Tom and Sharon all brought different cakes. I'm dying to try them. +#Person1#: Why don't I go get you a salad? I'm sure you'll feel better if you eat something? +#Person2#: All right, it's the only thing here I can eat what I really wanted some hot soup. +#Person1#: Why don't I go and get some soup from the restaurant across the street for you? +#Person2#: That's awfully nice of you, but I'm enjoying my party, maybe we could go afterwards. +#Person1#: Ok, you go back in the house and chat with the guests. And I'll call the restaurant and tell them will be there in a few hours.",Sue doesn't eat Bill's cake because she's trying to avoid being allergic to something by rejecting certain foods. Sue can only have salad at the party and she wants some hot soap. Bill suggests going to the restaurant to get some soup after the party. +dev_300,"#Person1#: Let's go over this plan again. +#Person2#: From Vancouver, we bike along the border all the way to Winnipeg. +#Person1#: And that is mostly flat, right? +#Person2#: Relatively, once we're out of Alberta, anyway. Then it's hills again in Aitoba. +#Person1#: And from Winnipeg we go around the lakes through Toronto, right? +#Person2#: That's right. And up in to Quebec. And that's where we stop. +#Person1#: It doesn't sound like that much when we go over the plan but that's a long, long ride. +#Person2#: Are you ready for the cross country of a lifetime?",#Person1# and #Person2# go over their plan of riding from Vancouver to Winnipeg. +dev_301,"#Person1#: I see myself as being honest, diligent, persevering and creative. And I have a strong sense of responsibility. +#Person2#: How about your psychological resilience? +#Person1#: I think I can work well under pressure, if necessary. +#Person2#: How would you deal with those who are not easy to get along with? +#Person1#: I will just be sincere and friendly to others, and I believe they will treat me the same way. +#Person2#: You seem to be a kind-hearted lady. +#Person1#: Thank you. I simply believe the goodness of human nature. +#Person2#: Please tell me your weaknesses if you can. +#Person1#: I should admit that sometimes I care too much about the details. I am always in pursuit of perfection.","#Person2# interviews #Person1#. #Person1# tells #Person2# her self-assessment of personality, psychological resilience, and weakness." +dev_302,"#Person1#: Do you think we should travel by bus or by train? +#Person2#: It's a difficult choice.The train is a little faster, but much more expensive. +#Person1#: We could face delays if we travel by bus, thanks to traffic jams. +#Person2#: Buses are more cramps and you can't walk around. +#Person1#: That's true.But I feel that I see more when I travel by bus. +#Person2#: Really? I think you see more traveling by train. +#Person1#: So which form of transport do you prefer to use? +#Person2#: I prefer going by train, even though it costs more. +#Person1#: Ok, then we'll go by train. I'm sure we'll have a good journey.Shall we go to the station and buy the tickets? +#Person2#: The trains aren't usually full.We can get them on the day we travel.We should buy return tickets, because they are much cheaper than getting 2 singles. +#Person1#: We should take a packed lunch on the journey.The food they sell on the trains is always expensive.",#Person1# and #Person2# talk about whether to travel by bus or by train. They finally choose to go by train as it is more convenient and arrives on time though it costs more. +dev_303,"#Person1#: Ahhchooo! +#Person2#: You've been sneezing a lot lately. Are you sick or something? +#Person1#: No. Every spring time around April, I'm stricken with allergies. +#Person2#: I never have seasonal allergies. +#Person1#: Consider yourself lucky. +#Person2#: What are all the symptoms? +#Person1#: Well, as you just saw, I sneeze a lot. Also, my nose becomes very runny, my throat sometimes itches, and my eyes start to water. +#Person2#: That doesn't sound good. +#Person1#: No, it's not. So you don't have any type of allergies? +#Person2#: Well, I have a severe allergic reaction to alcohol. It runs in the family. +#Person1#: Everyone to some extent is allergic to alcohol. +#Person2#: I get it pretty bad. My whole face turns red, including my ears. My eyes become bloodshot, and I start to itch all over my body. +#Person1#: That's pretty bad. +#Person2#: But that doesn't stop me from drinking. Ahahah.","#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# has seasonal allergies and describes the symptoms of sneezing, runny nose, itchy throat, and watery eyes. #Person2# says #Person2# has a severe allergic reaction to alcohol." +dev_304,"#Person1#: Let's have a look at the map first. +#Person2#: All right. Wukesong stop is quite a few stops from here. +#Person1#: Let's buy some tickets. +#Person2#: The train is coming. There are a lot of people waiting here. let's stand in a better position to get on the train +#Person1#: Well, it's not as crowded as we expected, is it? +#Person2#: No, but it will be soon. Look, there're two empty seats over there. Let's get them.",#Person1# and #Person2# are taking a train to the Wukesong stop. The train is not crowded by now so they get two seats. +dev_305,"#Person1#: what happened? Why didn't he win? +#Person2#: didn't you hear? He was disqualified. +#Person1#: how did that happen? He's so talented! I thought he had a great chance of winning a gold medal! +#Person2#: if he didn't have any drug problems, he would have won. +#Person1#: what? What kind of drugs was he using? +#Person2#: he was taking steroids to make him stronger and faster. +#Person1#: I thought that all athletes were supposed to be regularly tested for drugs. +#Person2#: they are. The reason why they didn't disqualify him until after the race is because the results from the text only came back afterwards. +#Person1#: that's so disappointing. I don't know why top athletes would feel the need to take drugs. +#Person2#: I don't think it's right, but I can understand why they might. Imagine how much pressure there would be to win for your country! +#Person1#: regardless of how much pressure you're under, there's never a good reason to take drugs. +#Person2#: I agree. Hopefully with the new regulations, fewer athletes will try to cheat with drugs. +#Person1#: let's hope so.","#Person2# tells #Person1# a talented athlete did not win because of drug problems. #Person2# and #Person1# discuss the reason why the player was disqualified until after the race, and the reason why the player took drugs." +dev_306,"#Person1#: Is there anything worth watching on another channel? +#Person2#: I think there ' s a Western on. +#Person1#: Do you mind if we watch it. I ' d really like to see it. +#Person2#: Well, I really wanted to see the football game. +#Person1#: Football game? Ok, and you know what comes on next? +#Person2#: I believe there ' s a sitcom. +#Person1#: Are you interested in watching it? +#Person2#: Let me look in the TV Guide first. +#Person1#: Oh, I am sorry. What's on Channel 2 at 10 pm? +#Person2#: If I remember correctly, it's a quiz show. +#Person1#: Do you want to watch it? +#Person2#: Let's watch it together.",#Person1# and #Person2# want to watch different channels and they finally decide to watch a quiz show together. +dev_307,"#Person1#: How long will you stay in New York? +#Person2#: Just tor three days. I won't need these luggages. CouId I put them here? +#Person1#: I am sorry. If you have here more than 24 hours between connecting flights, we can't check your luggage through London. +#Person2#: Well, maybe I can put them in the airport storage there. +#Person1#: That's right. It's over there.",#Person2# says #Person1# cannot put the luggage here. #Person2# will put them in the airport storage. +dev_308,"#Person1#: Do you have spare time tonight? +#Person2#: What's the matter? +#Person1#: There will be a live show of football tonight. +#Person2#: What teams are playing tonight? +#Person1#: AC Milan versus Real Madrid. +#Person2#: That will be a tough match, right? +#Person1#: Absolutely. +#Person2#: What are we waiting for? It's already 7 pm now. Let's buy some drinks and desserts now. +#Person1#: Great idea! Here we go!",#Person1# invites #Person2# to watch the football match together tonight. +dev_309,"#Person1#: I would love to rent this apartment. +#Person2#: I'm happy to hear you say that. +#Person1#: How much are you asking for every month? +#Person2#: I'm renting this apartment out for $ 1050 a month. +#Person1#: That is quite a lot of money for just one month. +#Person2#: That is a fair price. +#Person1#: What do you say to $ 850 a month? +#Person2#: That's no good. +#Person1#: It's either $ 850 or nothing at all. +#Person2#: I won't go any lower than $ 1050. +#Person1#: Could you please go lower? +#Person2#: That's the best I can do.",#Person1# wants to rent #Person2#'s apartment for $850 a month. #Person2# says the price cannot go lower than $1050. +dev_310,"#Person1#: what are you listening to? Is that Beethoven or Mozart? +#Person2#: it's Beethoven. Do you like it? +#Person1#: I think Beethoven's music is incredible. I've heard that listening to it can make you more intelligent, too. Do you believe that? +#Person2#: I don't know about that, but I do think that it helps people relax. +#Person1#: what other kind of music do you listen to? +#Person2#: actually, I mostly just listen classical music. What about you? +#Person1#: to be honest, I think classical music is too complicated for me. +#Person2#: what kind of music do you prefer then? +#Person1#: I like pop music. Do you? +#Person2#: not really. I don't think pop music has much depth. +#Person1#: I see what you mean. I think that's way I like it so much. +#Person2#: how long have you been in to pop music, then? +#Person1#: I've always been into it. Have you always liked classical music? +#Person2#: not really. When I was little, we didn't really listen to music at all. +#Person1#: so, how did you become interested in it? +#Person2#: well, when I was about 10 years old, I started playing the piano. I think that's how it all started. +#Person1#: do you still play piano? +#Person2#: yes, it's one of my hobbies.",#Person1# tells #Person2# Beethoven's music makes people more intelligent but #Person2# thinks it helps people relax. Then #Person1# and #Person2# exchange the preference of music type and #Person1# asks #Person2# how did #Person2# become interested in pop music. +dev_311,"#Person1#: Welcome to Perfect Getaway Tours. How can I help you? +#Person2#: I would like to plan a surprise getaway for me and my wife. +#Person1#: Very well, we have a couple of different options such as beaches, the wilderness, the countryside or even going to a spa for the weekend. +#Person2#: I think something in the countryside would be nice. +#Person1#: Perfect! This package includes round-trip flights to New Hampshire. A free airport pick - up is included. Our VIP limousine will pick you up and provide you with complimentary champagne and finger +#Person2#: Sounds good! What is the hotel that we will be staying at like? +#Person1#: That is the best part. Your hotel is actually an old country villa that has been restored and refurbished to accommodate a maximum of that is guests. You will enjoy an intimate and private time in this +#Person2#: Wow! This sounds like something my wife would really enjoy! Are there any outdoor activities we can take part in? +#Person1#: Of course! The hotel has a stable with beautiful stallions for a very romantic horseback ride along the country trail. You can also go fishing to the nearby lake or visit the local vineyard. +#Person2#: I'm sold! I want to book this trip. I don't care what it costs! Money is no object!",#Person2# wants to plan a surprising getaway for his wife and him. #Person1# offers several options and #Person2# chooses to go to the countryside. Then #Person1# introduces the hotel and outdoor activities to him. +dev_312,"#Person1#: Hi! Wang Mei. Come and have a look at my new dress. +#Person2#: Oh! What a beautiful dress! It fits you so well. You look so charming in the dress. +#Person1#: Thank you for saying so. +#Person2#: Where did you buy it? +#Person1#: I bought it in a store near my school. +#Person2#: How much is it? +#Person1#: It's only thirty yuan. +#Person2#: It's so cheap. I'll buy one, too. +#Person1#: I'll go together with you.",#Person1# shows Wang Mei her new dress. Wang Mei thinks it's beautiful and wants to buy one. +dev_313,"#Person1#: Will you be done doing my hair soon? +#Person2#: Give me a little while longer. +#Person1#: How much time do you need? +#Person2#: There you go. How do you like it? +#Person1#: I think it looks gorgeous. +#Person2#: You think it looks nice? +#Person1#: I honestly think it looks great. +#Person2#: Thanks. I'm glad that I did a good job. +#Person1#: How much is it for my hair? +#Person2#: Just give me $ 55. +#Person1#: Thanks for doing such a good job. +#Person2#: No problem, girl friend. I'll see you next time.",#Person2# has done doing #Person1#'s hair. #Person1# is satisfied with it. +dev_314,"#Person1#: Ahh. . . What a fine day! I do feel like an outdoor exercise. +#Person2#: How about taking a walk in the park? +#Person1#: OK. It's delightful to have a walk in the park with the air so fresh. +#Person2#: Oh, it's so quiet here. We have the park to ourselves, only you and me! +#Person1#: Don't you see many people over there? Just on your left. +#Person2#: Oh, I see them. Some are doing Taijiquan, some are performing swordplay, some are practising the Chinese Wushu. +#Person1#: A growing keep-fit fever is sweeping over China.",#Person1# and #Person2# are having a walk in the park and talking about people doing different types of exercises. +dev_315,"#Person1#: Are you studying here? +#Person2#: Yes, I am studying in Eastern Asian language department. +#Person1#: What are you majoring in? +#Person2#: I major in Japanese. +#Person1#: What do you think of the literature course? +#Person2#: It's very helpful. The course has let me into a new world of literature. I read so many great literatures.",#Person1# asks #Person2#'s major and #Person2#'s thinkings on a literature course. +dev_316,"#Person1#: I'm so excited! We have two weeks off! What are you going to do? +#Person2#: I'm not sure. I guess I'll just stay at home. Maybe I'll catch up on my reading. What about you? Any plans? +#Person1#: Well, my parents have rented a condominium in Florida. I'm going to take long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming. +#Person2#: Sounds great! +#Person1#: Say, why don't you come with us? We have plenty of room. +#Person2#: Do you mean it? I'd love to!",#Person1# and #Person2# have two weeks off. #Person2# may stay at home. #Person1# invites #Person2# to join #Person1#'s family trip to Florida. +dev_317,"#Person1#: Hi, come on in. Can I take your coat? +#Person2#: Sure, thanks. I brought you a bottle of wine as well. +#Person1#: You're the first guest to arrive. I'll just put your coat away and then I'll get you something to drink. +#Person2#: Should I take my shoes off? +#Person1#: Whatever you prefer. +#Person2#: This is a very nice place. How long have you been living here now? +#Person1#: Just over three weeks. Would you like a drink? +#Person2#: Sure, what do you have? +#Person1#: I've got white wine, red wine, gin and tonics, ginger ale, lemonade, orange juice, and sprite. +#Person2#: I'll have a glass of red wine please. +#Person1#: One glass of red wine coming up! +#Person2#: So how many people are coming for the dinner tonight? +#Person1#: There's just going to be 6 of us tonight. +#Person2#: Oh, I thought there were going to be eight. who isn't coming? +#Person1#: Marcia and Paul called to cancel at the last moment. Paul was running late and Marcia wasn't feeling well. +#Person2#: That's too bad. They're such good company. +#Person1#: I think there's someone at the door. Excuse me while I go and get that.",#Person1# is hosting a dinner and #Person2# is the first to arrive. #Person1# offers #Person2# a glass of red wine and tells #Person2# two of their friends called to cancel. #Person2# thinks it's a pity. +dev_318,"#Person1#: I don't know about you, but I'm famished. Are you interested in getting a bite to eat? +#Person2#: That sounds great. I'm absolutely starving! What kind of food are you in the mood for? +#Person1#: I'd love something spicy. Maybe we could get some Sichuan Hotpot. +#Person2#: You're a woman after my own heart. I don't know many people who can handle spicy food. Are you sure you are up for hotpot. +#Person1#: Sure. If I could, I would eat hotpot every day! +#Person2#: Ok, you're really all eyes when it comes to talking about food, aren't you? +#Person1#: Well, let's stop dragging our feet and find a Sichuan Hotpot restaurant for dinner! +#Person2#: Let me think about it for a minute. Let's see. . . oh the name of the restaurant is on the tip of my tongue! Give me a second and it'll come to me. +#Person1#: Well. . . ? Have you thought of it yet? +#Person2#: No. . . +#Person1#: Never mind. There's an authentic tasting hotpot restaurant not far from the China World Trade Towers on Chang An Street. Have you been there? +#Person2#: That's it! That's the one I was thinking of! I told you I'd remember it! +#Person1#: You really have a bid head, don't you!",#Person1# and #Person2# are starving and want to eat something. #Person1# prefers to eat Sichuan hotpot and so does #Person2#. Then they decide to go to an authentic tasting hotpot restaurant they like on Chang An Street. +dev_319,"#Person1#: Thanks for coming in today, did you have any trouble finding us? Please take a seat. +#Person2#: Thank you. +#Person1#: So, let's get started. tell me a bit about your educational background. +#Person2#: Sure! Well, I graduated with honors from Chesterton University with a major in Business Administration, with a specialization in Information Management, and I minored in psychology. I chose this course of study for two reasons. I wanted to gain some practical, marketable skills, which the information management track provided, and I also feel that interpersonal skills are essential for professional success, hence the minor in psychology. +#Person1#: Interesting. And, your postgraduate studies? +#Person2#: Well, I am really passionate about consumer behavior, so I pursued a master's in that area. I also strive to keep my professional skills current, so I continuously attend seminars and conferences related management and customer service. +#Person1#: Very good. Now, tell me a little bit about your work experience. I see here that you previously worked at Oracle. +#Person2#: Yeah, I worked as their customer support manager, which brought me a breadth of experience in both client care, and process management. I supervised and coordinated the customer support team as well as implemented new strategies to achieve better customer satisfaction. +#Person1#: Interesting. . . +#Person2#: Yes, in this position I was able to make some pretty significant contributions to the overall success of the company. With the different initiatives that we implemented, we lowered our churn rate to about five percent, which had a direct impact on revenue.",#Person1# interviews #Person2#. #Person2# introduces the educational background of undergraduate and postgraduate studies and previous work experience at Oracle to #Person1#. #Person2# also tells #Person1# #Person2# can make significant contributions to the overall success of the company. +dev_320,"#Person1#: Hello, Is this room service? +#Person2#: Yes, May I help you? +#Person1#: This is the room 1425, we asked for the room service an hour ago. +#Person2#: we are very sorry to cause you a lot of inconvenience. +#Person1#: What's the matter? +#Person2#: We're rather busy right now. It will take another 15minutes +#Person1#: Is it really going to take that long, will you rush the order? +#Person2#: I'm afraid it will take 15 minutes at most. +#Person1#: ha, well, we have no choice.",#Person1# calls #Person2# for room service. #Person2# apologizes for the inconvenience and tells #Person1# the service won't be available until 15 minutes later. +dev_321,"#Person1#: Excuse me, sir. Didn't you see the red light? +#Person2#: Oh, I thought I could make a right turn on red here. +#Person1#: No, sir. The sign says No Turn on Red. +#Person2#: Oh, I guess I didn't see it. +#Person1#: I am sorry, sir. But may I see your driver's license and insurance policy, PLS? I have to give you a ticket. +#Person2#: Here they are. +#Person1#: Sign here, PLS. You can appeal to the court within 14 days. This slip has all the information you need. Pls drive safely, sir. +#Person2#: Thank you, Ma'am.","#Person2# made a wrong turn on red. #Person1# checks #Person2#'s driver's license and insurance policy, and gives #Person2# a ticket." +dev_322,"#Person1#: What are you waiting for? Get on that bus quickly. +#Person2#: But where do I get a ticket? +#Person1#: On the bus. The driver collects the fares. You'll have to take your luggage on board. +#Person2#: Oh, I wish I didn't have so much to carry.",#Person1# urges #Person2# to get on the bus. +dev_323,"#Person1#: Excuse me. I'm your new neighbor, Jack. I just moved in. +#Person2#: Oh. Yes? +#Person1#: I'm looking for a grocery store. Are there any around here? +#Person2#: Yes, there are some on Pine Street. +#Person1#: OK. And is there a laundromat near here? +#Person2#: Well, I think there's one across from the shopping center. +#Person1#: Thank you. +#Person2#: By the way, there's a barber shop in the shopping center, too. +#Person1#: A barber shop? !","#Person2# tells #Person1# the location of a grocery store, a laundromat, and a barber shop." +dev_324,"#Person1#: I don't understand why you always look so happy, so energetic. It seems like you'Ve got good news everyday. +#Person2#: Really? Do I look happy all the time? +#Person1#: All I know is you look quite differently from other teachers. +#Person2#: Oh, do you know why? Actually, it's easy. Because I always exercise. My exercise, I think, is very hard. I often feel very good after conquering these difficulties. I feel alive! +#Person1#: Oh, I know. I saw you doing pull-ups one time on the campus 5 and some students trying to imitate you. +#Person2#: Yeah, they are doing it for fun. Seldom would people like my exercise. It's difficult and boring. +#Person1#: It's true. Many students do the exercise when they have to. We have P. E. once a week. +#Person2#: But I think Chinese students need to exercise more. Besides exercise will help them learn new things better. Don't students want to have a good memory? +#Person1#: Of course. I didn't know that. I only know exercise makes bodies stronger. I should take some exercise then. Do you have any suggestions? +#Person2#: Well, do what you like to do. It can be anything. Jogging, doing aerobics, going bicycling, and playing ping-pong. Absolutely anything. Doing three or more workouts a week is good for you. But remember to do some stretches first. +#Person1#: Oh, I know. Thank you.",#Person1# thinks #Person2# is different from other teachers as #Person2# always looks happy and energetic. #Person2# shares with #Person1# that doing exercise helps people keep a good memory and make people stronger. +dev_325,"#Person1#: Is there anything I can do for you? +#Person2#: Yes, I joined your group of bus tour this morning. You promised the journey will last 3 hours and we will visit 15 sightseeing spots. +#Person1#: Yes, sir. We promised that. +#Person2#: But have 2 - hour journey. +#Person1#: Really? I am sorry, sir. We will look into this matter. Would you please wait a moment here?",#Person1# apologizes and will look into an empty promise of a journey for #Person2#. +dev_326,"#Person1#: Can I help you, sir? +#Person2#: Yes, what sort of warranty comes with this stereo? +#Person1#: Well, our store offers a 90 - Day return policy and the manufacturer offers a one-year warranty on any factory defects. +#Person2#: What conditions are there on the store policy? +#Person1#: We'll give you your money back as long as the stereo is returned in the original packaging and with a receipt. +#Person2#: O. K. How do I get the manufacturer's warranty? +#Person1#: Just send in the warranty card with a copy of your receipt. +#Person2#: All right, those sound good. I'll take it. +#Person1#: Very well, I can ring you up over here, sir.","#Person1# asks #Person2# the sort of warranty comes with the stereo, the conditions of the store policy, and how to get the manufacturer's warranty." +dev_327,"#Person1#: I have to do some shopping. +#Person2#: What are you going to look for? +#Person1#: I'm trying to buy a new bedroom set. +#Person2#: What store are you going to? +#Person1#: I'm not sure. +#Person2#: You don't know? +#Person1#: I have no idea where to find one. +#Person2#: Would you like me to tell you where I got mine. +#Person1#: I would appreciate that. +#Person2#: I went to get mine from IKEA. +#Person1#: Is the furniture at IKEA cheap? +#Person2#: They're not cheap, but neither is their furniture.",#Person1# wants to buy a new bedroom set but doesn't know where to buy. #Person2# recommends IKEA. +dev_328,"#Person1#: What's the matter with me, Doctor? I feel so tired these days. +#Person2#: It's your blood pressure, I'm afraid. It's far too high. +#Person1#: And what's the cause of that? +#Person2#: Overwork-amongst other things. You can't work 24 hours a day. You'Ve got to slow down. +#Person1#: But I can't just slow down. +#Person2#: You've got to, I'm afraid. And look at this. You weigh 200 stones. That's too much for a man of your size. +#Person1#: You mean I've got to lose weight? +#Person2#: Yes. You've got to cut down on bread and potatoes and take more exercise.",#Person2# is diagnosing #Person1# that #Person1# feels tired is due to high blood pressure and suggesting #Person1# slow down and lose weight. +dev_329,"#Person1#: We will carry out the order when the purchase order gets here. +#Person2#: Good. And because this is our initial order, and your products is so new, we would like to make a deal with you. +#Person1#: Well, actually in most cases we don't talk about special deals, but since this one is so new I will listen to what you have to say. +#Person2#: We want to make this a trial order. If we can sell all the products in two months, we will pay for them ; if not, we will send them back to you. +#Person1#: I can't agree to that. My company will have to pay for both sending them and bringing them back. +#Person2#: We promise that if the products are sold out in two months, we will place a repeat order right away, at the same quality. +#Person1#: OK, I agree. But the repeat order can't have the same terms.",#Person2# is arguing with #Person1# about making a trial order because the products are so new. #Person1# refuses at first but finally agrees. +dev_330,"#Person1#: Hi, Martin. How are you? +#Person2#: Fine, but busy. We've got some exams next week, remember? +#Person1#: I know. How much work did you do last night? +#Person2#: None. I went to the cinema. What about you? +#Person1#: I had no time last night. It was my sister's birthday, so we all went out to dinner. +#Person2#: Have you done any work this morning? +#Person1#: Some, but not a lot. Anyway, I rang to ask you something. Do you know where my physics book is? +#Person2#: I've got no idea, but you can borrow mine if you want. +#Person1#: Thanks. +#Person2#: Let's meet outside Natbank in High Street at lunch time. I'll bring my physics book to you. +#Person1#: Good idea. I'm very worried about the physics exam. Have you got any old exam papers? I'd really like to look through them. +#Person2#: I haven't, but my brother's got some. I'll bring them with me at lunch time. +#Person1#: Wonderful! See you at 12:30. OK?",#Person1# calls Martin and discusses the exams next week. Then #Person1# asks Martin about #Person1#'s physics book which Martin says #Person1# could borrow his. They will meet at lunch to exchange the book and old exam papers. +dev_331,"#Person1#: Hello, my name's David Parker. I'm calling about the apartment advertised in the paper. Can you tell me something about it? +#Person2#: Yes, it's a one-bedroom apartment, with a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a balcony. +#Person1#: Where is it located? +#Person2#: It's on Montreal Road. +#Person1#: Is it furnished? +#Person2#: Yes, it is furnished with sofas, a dining table, chairs and some appliances. +#Person1#: How much is the rent? +#Person2#: It's five hundred dollars per month, including utilities. +#Person1#: You mean gas, electricity and heat? +#Person2#: Yes, that's right. +#Person1#: Is there anything like management fee or parking fee? +#Person2#: The management fee is included in the rent. But parking is fifty dollars a month. +#Person1#: Can I come and have a look at it today? +#Person2#: Yes, how about one o'clock this afternoon? +#Person1#: One o'clock sounds fine. See you then. +#Person2#: See you.","David Paker calls #Person2# to ask about the location, facilities, and price of the advertised apartment. David will have a look at it at one o'clock this afternoon." +dev_332,"#Person1#: Hello, Barbara, welcome back. You look great. +#Person2#: Rod, it's lovely to see you again. +#Person1#: How was your trip? +#Person2#: Fine but tiring. Milan was interesting, it's bigger than I expected, noisier and dirtier, too. +#Person1#: And Florence, what did you think of Florence? +#Person2#: Well, I didn't go there. Have you been there? +#Person1#: No, I've never been to Italy. I'd really like to go to Roma. Well, the cars are in the car park. Is this all your luggage? +#Person2#: Yes, but the suitcase is very heavy. +#Person1#: Barbara, what's in it? Books or stones? +#Person2#: Just 20 pairs of shoes.",#Person1# is asking Barbara about her trip and what is in Barbara's suitcase. +dev_333,"#Person1#: I'm really mad at Mom and Dad. +#Person2#: Why? What did they do? +#Person1#: I asked them for a leather jacket for my birthday, and they just got me this ugly raincoat. +#Person2#: Oh, come on! It's a beautiful raincoat. +#Person1#: I don't care! I wanted a leather jacket. I tried on Bill's, and I looked great in it. +#Person2#: You know a leather jacket is expensive. Maybe they didn't have enough money. +#Person1#: I want to return it and get a leather jacket! All my friends have leather jackets. +#Person2#: They don't all have leather jackets. +#Person1#: Anyway, on your birthday Mom and Dad gave you what you asked for! +#Person2#: That's true, but all I asked for was a pair of new jeans! +#Person1#: I hate this raincoat. +#Person2#: All right, how much is a leather jacket? +#Person1#: If I return this raincoat, I only need another $ 50. +#Person2#: OK. I'll lend you the $ 50, but you have to pay me back. +#Person1#: Great! I'll pay you back, sis!","#Person1# is dissatisfied with the raincoat as a birthday present but wants a leather jacket. #Person1# will return the raincoat and buy a jacket, #Person2# will lend #Person1# another $50." +dev_334,"#Person1#: Hey. Can you give me a hand with the groceries? And I told you I could do the shopping. +#Person2#: Wow! Do we really need all this stuff? Let me see that receipt. +#Person1#: Hey, I only bought the essentials. +#Person2#: Okay. Let's see. Dog food. Twenty-four dollars and seventy cents ($24.70)? We don't even have a dog! +#Person1#: Well, it WAS going to be a surprise, but look in the back of the truck. +#Person2#: What? +#Person1#: Ah, ha, hah. Speechless. I knew you'd love him. +#Person2#: That thing? That dog's as big as a horse. He probably eats like one, too. +#Person1#: Ah, but he's sure friendly. And someone was giving him away at the supermarket, and I... I... I couldn't let that poor thing pass another day without a loving home. +#Person2#: Whatever. Where was I? Eighteen dollars and nineteen cents ($18.19) for twenty-four cans of tomato juice? You don't even like that stuff! +#Person1#: Ahhhh. Not yet. I've decided to change my eating habits. +#Person2#: Right. +#Person1#: You'll see, you'll see. +#Person2#: Okay. Let's see. Three eighty-four ($3.84) for a box of chocolate cookies and twelve fifty-six ($12.56) for a case of soft drinks. +#Person1#: Yeah! +#Person2#: Changing your eating habits, huh? Do you really think that cookies are some type of diet food? +#Person1#: Hey, I'll just eat a cookie or two every other hour. In fact, they're a great source of carbohydrates for energy. And, you see, the tomato juice and cookies kind of, you know, cancel each other out. +#Person2#: Oh brother. I can't believe what I'm hearing. Let's see. Where was I? A carton of eggs, two fifty ($2.50) for a gallon of milk, three cans of tuna. Okay. [Yeah.] And finally two steaks for eight fourteen ($8.14). Now, something worth enjoying. I'll get the grill started. +#Person1#: Oh, we... w... well. The steaks are for Herbert. +#Person2#: Herbert. Who's Herbert? +#Person1#: Uh, he's the dog. +#Person2#: No! +#Person1#: You see, the previous owner said that he's kind of... he's somewhat picky about what he eats. +#Person2#: No! +#Person1#: And the steaks might help him adjust. +#Person2#: Absolutely not! +#Person1#: No, no, no, and the steaks might help him adjust to his new home. Hey, what are you doing? Oh, no. Why did you throw the steaks out on the ground outside? +#Person2#: Well, now, you and Herbert can get to know each other better. I'm going out to eat by myself. +#Person1#: Ughh.",#Person2# looks at #Person1#'s shopping receipt and is angry that there are so many things for a dog but few things for #Person2#. #Person1# wants to take a dog called Herbert home. And #Person2# is angrier when #Person2# finds the steaks are for Herbet but not #Person2#. +dev_335,"#Person1#: Err. what about the next two days? +#Person2#: Let me see. Tomorrow at 8:30 a.m. in the meeting room, meet managers from 4 departments. At lunch, host Mr. Turner from the MG Company. Nothing special in the afternoon and evening. You can have a good rest. +#Person1#: Mmm, not bad. +#Person2#: But the day after tomorrow you'll have a busy day. Visit the products exhibition in the morning, have a quick lunch, and attend your management classes at 1:30 through to 5:00. Don't forget the party at the Century Palace at 6:00. The whole of your family are going. +#Person1#: What a day!",#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person1#'s working schedule for the following two days. +dev_336,"#Person1#: That's my alarm. I have an appointment back at the hotel at eleven o'clock. +#Person2#: Is it eleven already? +#Person1#: No, no. Actually, it's 10:30. I set my watch half an hour fast. +#Person2#: You're never late, are you? +#Person1#: Never. I can't be!",#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1#'s alarm is ringing for an appointment at 11. +dev_337,"#Person1#: Excuse me, I'd like to make a suit of this material. +#Person2#: Well, sir. Can I take your measurements first? +#Person1#: Yes. Should I take off my coat? +#Person2#: That'll be helpful. All right, thank you. +#Person1#: Please make a single-breasted. +#Person2#: No, problem. If you'll wait one moment, I'll make out your receipt. +#Person1#: How much does it cost? +#Person2#: Let me see, with padding and lining cloth, it comes to 357 dollars altogether. +#Person1#: All right. When can I get it? +#Person2#: In two weeks. +#Person1#: Thank you. ","#Person1# wants to make a single-breasted suit. #Person2# measures #Person1#'s size, and tells the price is 357 dollars." +dev_338,"#Person1#: did you go to university? +#Person2#: yes, I graguated with a BA in English from Qingdao Uinversity. +#Person1#: when did you graduate? +#Person2#: just a few years ago. What about you? +#Person1#: I just graduated from high school. +#Person2#: are you planning on going to university? +#Person1#: I'd like to get a BA, but I don't know where I should go. +#Person2#: have you applied anywhere yet? +#Person1#: yes, I've applied to four universities and have been accepted into all of them. +#Person2#: congratulations! Which one is the cheapest? +#Person1#: the tuition is the same for all of them. +#Person2#: which one has the most interesting course? +#Person1#: I think the course at Leeds University is interesting, but I think the one at Manchester University would be more practical. +#Person2#: where would you like to be located? +#Person1#: I'd really like to be in London, but it's the most expensive city in England to live in, so I don't know if I can afford to live there. +#Person2#: have you applied for grants or financial aid of some sort? +#Person1#: not yet. +#Person2#: I think you should do that soon. It will help you make a decision about the school you go to. +#Person1#: that's a good idea. +#Person2#: good luck! ",#Person2# congratulates #Person1# for receiving four university offers and asks #Person1# which one is preferred. #Person2# suggests #Person1# apply for financial aid. +dev_339,"#Person1#: Have you read the new rules about using cell phone at work? +#Person2#: Yes, not bad. Like turn your cell phone ringer off and find a private place to make calls which it's showing your respect to your co-workers. +#Person1#: Well, but for this one, don't bring your cell phone to meetings, I think it is not reasonable. What if there are some important calls? +#Person2#: Well, this one is not compulsory. It is just suggestion. +#Person1#: I didn't pay attention to that. ",#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about the new rules of using a cellphone at work. +dev_340,"#Person1#: Hi! Is that the new laptop you brought last week? It looks very nice. +#Person2#: Yes, it is. Thanks. I'm just surfing on the internet. +#Person1#: Here? In this cafe? How can you do that? +#Person2#: This cafe offers a wireless internet connection. That means I can get on the net for free while I'm here. Of course , I have to buy a cup of coffee! +#Person1#: That's great. Can you do it anywhere? +#Person2#: No. you can only do it when the cafe offers a wireless connection. There are only about 10 or 12 places that offer it in this city. +#Person1#: So, what programes do you have on your laptop? +#Person2#: I've got all the usual ones for word processing and then I have a few for creating and editing photographs. +#Person1#: I know you are keen on photography. It's very useful for you to be able to download photos from your digital camera. Then you attach the picture files to emails and send them to anyone, anywhere, at anytime! +#Person2#: It's wonderful, isn't it? Would you like to see some photos that I look recently? ","#Person2# tells #Person1# the new laptop's functions, photography program, and how to surf the Internet in the cafe by using the wireless." +dev_341,"#Person1#: Are there any interesting stories in the newspaper today? +#Person2#: There are a few stories about natural disasters. There is a massive forest fire in Australia. It covers several square kilometers of land has destroyed many more square kilometers. +#Person1#: Was it caused accidentally or naturally? Sometimes it gets so hot that fires begin naturally in Australia and Africa. +#Person2#: Nobody knows at the moment, but it has been very hot there recently. The drought in Africa is causing starvation. Millions of people have migrated to try and find food. +#Person1#: What is the international community doing to help? +#Person2#: The European union has sent several plants with relief supplies. Several countries have sent soldiers to distribute food and medical supplies. Refugee camps have been set up across the region. +#Person1#: How many countries have been affected? +#Person2#: Six have been seriously affected, but the refugees are also migrating to several surrounding countries. +#Person1#: I saw on the tv yesterday that there has been another earthquake in Iran. +#Person2#: Yes. There have been a few there recently. They say that this one was not a big quake. The Iranians are dealing with it on their own. They have purchased some special equipment to find people buried under rubble. +#Person1#: Does the newspaper say anything about casualties? +#Person2#: So far, less than 20 people have died, but over 100 are in hospital. ","#Person2# tells #Person1# the news of natural disasters reported in today's newspaper, including the massive forest fire in Australia, the starvation in Africa, an earthquake in Iran, and the help of the international community in Australia and Africa." +dev_342,"#Person1#: Are you ready to order, sir? +#Person2#: Yes. I'll have the beef stew for starters and my wife would like tomato soup. +#Person1#: One beef stew and one tomato soup. What would you like for the main course? +#Person2#: I'll have the Cayenne Pepper Steak and my wife would like the Fried Trout with mashed potatoes. +#Person1#: I'm afraid the trout is off. +#Person2#: Oh dear. Err. . . What else do you recommend? +#Person1#: The sole is very good. +#Person2#: OK. I'll have that. Do you have any coleslaw? +#Person1#: No, I'm sorry, we don't. +#Person2#: Just give me a small mixed salad then. Same for me. +#Person1#: Certainly. Would you like something to drink? +#Person2#: Yes, please. May I see the wine list? +#Person1#: Certainly. Here you are. +#Person2#: A bottle of Chablis 99, please. +#Person1#: Excellent choice! ",#Person1# serves #Person2# and his wife in the restaurant. #Person2# orders some courses and drinks recommended by #Person1#. +dev_343,"#Person1#: Ah, that's the forth ad that appears suddenly on my computer screen since I started working on my paper. +#Person2#: You can buy an app that will stop those ads. +#Person1#: I can't afford to buy some fancy $10 software just so I can write my paper. +#Person2#: It's not that expensive. It's $1 per month. +#Person1#: So that's $12 a year. +#Person2#: Is it going to take you a whole year to finish that essay? +#Person1#: Well, no, Harriet. It'll be done in 3 weeks. But I'll be doing school work on this computer for 4 years before I graduate. +#Person2#: I think it's worth it, John. And if you spend $30, you don't have to pay the monthly cost. +#Person1#: $30 for 4 years? +#Person2#: No, you pay once and you can use it forever.",John is distracted by the ads that appeared on the computer screen. Harriet recommends John to buy an app at a reasonable price to stop the ads. +dev_344,"#Person1#: Thank you. The tea smells good. What is it called? +#Person2#: It's called Tie Guanyin, and is a kind of Wulong tea. +#Person1#: I've heard this name before, but I could never understand the tea classification. +#Person2#: It's confusing and there is no agreement on it. Generally speaking, there are 4 kinds of tea based on processing methods. They're green tea, black tea, Wulong tea and scented tea. +#Person1#: It is said that different kinds of tea have different health benefits, isn't it? +#Person2#: Yes, it is. But there are also considerations of time and personal health. For example, green tea is good in summer. It seems to drive away the heat and bring a feeling of relaxation. However, pregnant women should not drink it. +#Person1#: There seems to be a lot to know about tea. You must tell me more about tea culture in the future. +#Person2#: Sure, I'll be glad to.","#Person2# shares knowledge of different teas with #Person1#, including the classification based on processing methods and their health benefits." +dev_345,"#Person1#: What time is it? We're going to be late! +#Person2#: It's a quarter after 7. We're on time. Don't panic. +#Person1#: But I thought we had to be at the restaurant by 7:30 for the surprise party, we will never make it there with all this evening traffic. +#Person2#: Sure, we will. Rush hour is almost over. Anyway, the party starts at 30 minutes later, but I do need help with directions. Can you call the restaurant and ask them where we park our car?",#Person1# and #Person2# are going to a party but late. #Person2# needs #Person1#'s help with directions. +dev_346,"#Person1#: I saw a beautiful fish in the market the other day, it was orange and blue. I'm thinking of buying some next Sunday. +#Person2#: Where would you keep them? +#Person1#: In that round bottle over there. +#Person2#: It's a bit small, isn't it? +#Person1#: So are the fish. +#Person2#: I think you should get a tank if you want to keep fish. +#Person1#: Really? +#Person2#: Yes, you should never keep fish in a small round bottle. They don't get enough air. I suggest we go shopping together and look for a nice tank. +#Person1#: That might be quite expensive. +#Person2#: Check the prices before you buy one and you ought to put a few large rocks in the tank. Fish love swimming around the rocks and through holes in them. +#Person1#: Is there anything else that I ought to get? +#Person2#: Yes, you need to get some underwater plants, for one thing they keep the water clean, also they make the tank look much prettier.","#Person2# tells #Person1# things that should be prepared for keeping fish, including a tank, some rocks, and underwater plants." +dev_347,"#Person1#: Hi, Mary. +#Person2#: Oh, hi. Sorry, but you are? +#Person1#: Peter, Peter Parker from your math class. +#Person2#: Oh, Peter, how are you? +#Person1#: Fine, thanks. Actually I'm working on our assignment and I can't seem to figure out the last problem. And the teaching assistant is out of town. So I was wondering if you could help me. +#Person2#: You mean like now? I have swimming practice in a few minutes. And then I have to study for a biology exam. I could meet you right after dinner. +#Person1#: Ah, that's bad for me. I have a meeting for the Torch. +#Person2#: The what? +#Person1#: The Torch, you know, the campus literary magazine. It comes out once a month. +#Person2#: Oh, sorry. I just got transferred here a month ago. +#Person1#: I'll give you a copy of our magazine. So anyway, what about tomorrow? After lunch, baby? +#Person2#: OK. See you around then.",Peter has problems with his assignment and turns to Mary for help. They will meet tomorrow after lunch. +dev_348,"#Person1#: Hi Joe, many people in our Department or leaving for Thanksgiving. What are you going to do? +#Person2#: I think I'll just stay at home. I may see some friends and watch a few DVDs and I probably would go to the auto a car show. What about you Alexia? What's your plan? +#Person1#: I am going to do some traveling with my family. +#Person2#: Oh? Where to? +#Person1#: Toronto and on our way we're going to visit my aunt Betty in Kingston. +#Person2#: That's exciting. How long do you plan to stay? +#Person1#: 2 days. I have a get together party with my college friends in Toronto. Oh, I'm afraid I've got to go now. My husband is waiting for me and we'll have to pick up Daniel from school. Have a nice holiday, Joe. +#Person2#: Thank you. You too.",Alexia and Joe are talking about their plans for the Thanksgiving holiday. Joe will stay at home while Alexia will travel with her family. +dev_349,"#Person1#: Lisa, hi! +#Person2#: Hi, Net! +#Person1#: Don't you usually drive to work? +#Person2#: Usually, but not in bad weather. +#Person1#: Why is that? +#Person2#: The traffic gets a lot worse when it rains or snows. +#Person1#: I always take the train. It's a lot faster for me than driving. +#Person2#: It's faster for me, too. But the time isn't always convenient. +#Person1#: Yeah, but think of all the things you can do on the train. +#Person2#: Read a book or the newspaper. +#Person1#: Or answer my email. No thanks. My work day is long enough already.",Lisa and Net talk about how they go to work in bad weather. +dev_350,"#Person1#: Hello, how can I help you today? +#Person2#: I'd like to withdraw some money from my account. +#Person1#: Please fill out this slip stating how much you wish to withdraw. +#Person2#: Well, actually, it's quite a substantial amount. Here's my Bank Book. Will that cause a problem? +#Person1#: On your account there is no limit to over the counter withdrawals, it won't cause a problem. Here's your money, 10, 000 RMB. Please count it before you leave. +#Person2#: Yes, that seems to be all in order. Thanks very much.","#Person1# helps #Person2# withdraw 10,000 RMB from #Person2#'s account." +dev_351,"#Person1#: I can ' t make out anything, the words are too light. I thought they have already changed the toner cartridge this month. +#Person2#: It seems not or somebody has recently received a large fax. +#Person1#: Ok, no problem. We do it ourselves. +#Person2#: Do you know how to do it? I am not so good at machine things. I will have somebody do it as soon as possible. +#Person1#: Check with somebody from the IT department. They are anyway in charge of the office electronic equipment.",The toner cartridge seems to have run out. #Person1# suggests #Person2# ask someone from the IT department to change it. +dev_352,"#Person1#: Welcome to China, Mr. Smith. +#Person2#: Thank you. So pleasant to meet you here! +#Person1#: I heard that you are interested in our silk skirts and new style of coats. +#Person2#: Yes, I've brought a list of your recent products with me. We'd like to import some of your latest clothes for the second half of this year. We're ready to place an order with you. +#Person1#: Great! B, most of the items listed are available this year. I hope we can come to an agreement and sign the contracts, so as to enable our timely delivery. +#Person2#: That sounds good. But I have a proposal now. +#Person1#: What's the proposal? +#Person2#: Both of our two parties were involved in the discussion previously. Shall we also allow some of our clients to join us? +#Person1#: Good idea! In this way, our clients ' needs will be met and disagreements between the two parties avoided. +#Person2#: Sounds like we have the same idea.",Mr. Smith comes to China to place a clothes order with #Person1#. They decide to have some of their clients to join the discussion. +dev_353,"#Person1#: Hello, who is speaking, please? +#Person2#: Hello, Mr. Stern. This is Hao Bo from the International Travel Agency. I have made the plane reservations for you. +#Person1#: Oh, good. Let me get a pencil and take down the information. Well, go ahead, please. +#Person2#: Okay. You'll be travelling on Northwest Airlines, flight number 222. +#Person1#: What time does it leave? +#Person2#: It departs Guangzhou at 10:30 on the morning of July 10. +#Person1#: That is good. +#Person2#: You want to fly first class. Is that correct, Mr. Stern? +#Person1#: That's right. +#Person2#: Well, I have got you three first class tickets and I have reserved your seats. Your seat numbers are 8A, 8B and 8C. +#Person1#: Those are in the non-smoking section, aren't they? +#Person2#: Yes, they are. I have charged the tickets to your credit card. They are 630 dollars each, so It is 1890 dollars for all three. +#Person1#: Fine, thank you very much. +#Person2#: One more thing. Could you give me the names of the people you'll be travelling with? +#Person1#: Sure. They are my kids, Alex and Kathy Stern. +#Person2#: All right. You're all set. Have a nice flight. +#Person1#: Thanks.",Hao Bo phones Mr. Stern to give information about his plane reservation and ask for the names of the other travelers. +dev_354,"#Person1#: Cigarette? +#Person2#: Oh, uh. . . Thanks. Henry, do you have a light? +#Person1#: Sorry, here. +#Person2#: Thanks. Lovely day. Pity I'm on duty. +#Person1#: I'll stand in with you if you like. I'Ve got nothing else to do. +#Person2#: Oh, no. I couldn't possibly.",Henry offers #Person2# a cigarette and gives #Person2# a light. +dev_355,"#Person1#: If you go out recently you will find some people riding scooters in high streets and back lanes. +#Person2#: Yes. The German engineer would never dreamed that the hand - supported scooter he invented several years ago to solve his traffic problems would become so fashionable in the Occident within a few years and even spread to Japan and China. +#Person1#: Looking at the'five sense organs'of a scooter, it can be said as delicate and agile. To pull the T-shaped pole and make it vertical with the flat board and then pull it vertically, adjust its height suitable to you and you may use it. +#Person2#: Small and exquisite in size, easy to operate, foldable and easy to carry are its charms. +#Person1#: Your two hands hold the pole, stand on the board, the other foot steps back against the ground and controls well the balance of the body, then you can ride in the air. It has a feeling of surfing. You need not let other people teach you. Your fear will disappear quickly.","#Person1# and #Person2# are discussing the scooter that has become so fashionable worldwide and its origin, usage mode, and merits." +dev_356,"#Person1#: It's nice and bright today, isn't it? +#Person2#: Yeah. The autumn is marvelous here. +#Person1#: How about winter? +#Person2#: That's a hard time. The air is cold and damp, and the road is often icy. +#Person1#: It's boring, right? +#Person2#: Sure. +#Person1#: Do you get much rain during the summer? +#Person2#: Plenty. We never worry about lack of rainwater in our area. +#Person1#: So you should bring an umbrella often. +#Person2#: That's right.",#Person2# tells #Person1# about the weather in #Person2#'s area. +dev_357,"#Person1#: Adam. I'm sorry. +#Person2#: Where have you been, Alice, you're over an hour late. +#Person1#: Yes, But I couldn't help it. I was late getting off work for a start and then I miss the bus. The bus I did catch that stuck in the traffic jam. It was one thing after another. +#Person2#: why ere you getting off work so late? The office close at six, doesn't it? +#Person1#: Yes. But those are the rush in that moment. And my boss ask me to do some urgent letters. +#Person2#: Didn't you tell him you have an appointment? +#Person1#: Well, no. I thought I ' Ve finish in five minutes. and I didn't want to be difficult about just few minutes, if I hadn't been missing the bus and in the traffic I wouldn't have been so late. I'm sorry. +#Person2#: Well. You're here.",Alice is over an hour late for the appointment with Adam. She explains the reason for her lateness and apologizes. +dev_358,"#Person1#: Look! There are playing The Matrix today. +#Person2#: You are right, look at the crowd. Do you think we will be able to get tickets? +#Person1#: I don't know. If we can't, we can buy from ticket scalpers. +#Person2#: No way. I'd rather go to another movie house. +#Person1#: Come on. We are already here. Besides, I really wanna see this picture. +#Person2#: All right. Let's see when the next movie is playing? +#Person1#: Seven thirty. There is only 10 minutes left and look at the long line! +#Person2#: Shall we take a chance? +#Person1#: Yeah, let's do so. +#Person2#: It's moving so slow. +#Person1#: What can you expect with this crowd? I am praying that no one will cut in the line. +#Person2#: I don't think anyone will. +#Person1#: I hope not. We are getting closer. . two more. . . one more. . . it's our turn.","#Person1# suggests buying movie tickets from scalpers but #Person2# rejects the idea, so they wait in the long line and it's finally their turn." +dev_359,"#Person1#: What can I do for you today? +#Person2#: I need to return a book. +#Person1#: Can I do anything else for you? +#Person2#: I want to check this magazine out. +#Person1#: We don't allow people to check out magazines. +#Person2#: Why not? +#Person1#: It's just a policy of ours. +#Person2#: So what am I allowed to check out? +#Person1#: You may check out books or videos. +#Person2#: I need to check out this magazine. +#Person1#: You will have to just read it in the library. +#Person2#: That doesn't make any sense.",#Person2# wants to check out a magazine but #Person1# tells #Person2# it's not allowed. #Person2# thinks it's unreasonable. +dev_360,"#Person1#: Hey, Mary, nice to see you again. I heard you're going back home to the U. S. . +#Person2#: Yes. I'm leaving tomorrow. I came here just because I want to say good-bye to you. +#Person1#: You're so thoughtful. Wish you a good trip home. And we'll miss you. +#Person2#: I'll miss you too, my friends.",Mary comes to say good-bye to #Person1# before going back to the U.S.. +dev_361,"#Person1#: Trina, will you marry me? +#Person2#: Yes! Yes! And yes! Jared, of course I'll marry you! +#Person1#: Oh, Babe, I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you! I can't wait for all the adventures we're going to have, for all the fights and the laughter. I can't wait to grow old and wrinkly with you. +#Person2#: Oh, Jared! I can't wait for our wedding! I hope you don't mind, but I'Ve already chosen a date! Six months from now in the summer! Melissa saw you buying the ring last month so I'Ve had plenty of time to start planning! +#Person1#: She what? +#Person2#: Oh don't worry, sweetie, I didn't know when you were going to propose. It was still a nice surprise! As I was saying, I'Ve got it all planned out. There's almost nothing left to do! I wrote up our guest list and we will have roughly four hundred guests attending. +#Person1#: Four hundred? +#Person2#: No need to sweat it. My parents agreed to pay for most of the wedding, which is going to be low-budget anyway. So roughly four hundred people, which means that the hall at Northwoods Heights will be our reception venue. I thought it would be nice if we had the wedding at your parents'church and my uncle of course would be officiating. We'll meet with him soon for some pre-wedding counseling. The music for the wedding ceremony was a no-brainer. My step-sister and her string quartet will take care of that. My cousin will be the official photographer. I thought it would also be nice if his daughter could sing a solo. Did you know that she's going to be a professional opera singer? +#Person1#: Ah. . . +#Person2#: And then of course the ladies at the church would love to be our caterers for the banquet and we'll get the Youth Group to serve us. I was thinking that your friend's band could be our entertainment for the night. though they might have to tone it down a bit. Or we could hire a DJ. Your sister's husband could get us a discount with that company that does the decor at weddings. what's their name again? I was thinking that we could have an island paradise-themed wedding and our theme color would be a soothing blue like Aquamarine. And there will be a huge seashell on the wall behind the podium where we'll make our toasts! What do you think of small packages of drink mixes for our wedding favors? Who else am I missing? Oh, your uncle could be our florist and his wife could make our wedding cake! +#Person1#: Wow. +#Person2#: See? It's going to be wonderful! Oh this wedding is going to be everything I ever dreamed of. +#Person1#: If I survive the next six months.","Trina accepts Jared's proposal. Then, Jared is astonished to know that Trina already knew from Melissa who saw him buying the ring that he was planning this. Trina has chosen a date and has made a list of four hundred guests and she tells Jared about her arrangements in an ecstasy. Jared finds it hard to get through." +dev_362,"#Person1#: Are you alright, Ethan? You don't seem to be as cheerful as you normally are. +#Person2#: To be honest, Ava, I've just had a really bad day. +#Person1#: What happened? +#Person2#: First, I slept through my alarm and ended up two hours late to work. +#Person1#: What did your boss say? +#Person2#: He told me that if I showed up late one more time, he'd fire me. He's so mean! +#Person1#: That's horrible. Was that the first time you'd shown up late to work? +#Person2#: That was my second time. The first time, I was in a car accident. +#Person1#: Is your boss Chinese? +#Person2#: No, he's from Australia. Before I met him, I thought Australians were supposed to be relaxed and easy-going. I had no idea he'd be so fussy about things. +#Person1#: What are you going to do? +#Person2#: I think I'm going to look for another job. I need to find a boss that is a bit more sensitive and optimistic than my current boss. +#Person1#: That sounds like a sensible plan. Do you want me to help you with your job search? +#Person2#: That's very generous of you. Thanks for the offer. +#Person1#: Don't mention it. That's what friends are for!",Ethan is not cheerful because his boss threats to fire him if he shows up late one more time. Ethan will look for another job with a more sensitive and optimistic boss. Ava offers to help him with it. +dev_363,"#Person1#: So, Monica, what do you feel like doing this afternoon? +#Person2#: Actually, I had a perfect plan for this afternoon, but it is totally ruined by the sand storm. I woke up this morning and found it was sunny. So I called Lucy and asked her to go shopping with me. We were going to look for a new purse. Now it turned out to be like this. Neither of us wants to go to outside anymore. +#Person1#: That's too bad. I hate sand storms too. It can be worse than any kind of bad weather. +#Person2#: What's wrong with climate? Anyway, I think the sand storm happens more frequently these days than the years before. Can't people do something to stop it? +#Person1#: It is not an easy job. The government is working on it. Lots of trees have been planted in the north of the capital. Also, methods of generating rain are being used by the government to fight against the drought. But of course, it will not work overnight. So, have you come out with a new plan for today? +#Person2#: My new plan is to wait for the end of the sand storm and clean my apartment.",Monica had to give up her shopping plan with Lucy because of the sand storm. #Person1# tells her the government is working to try to stop the sand storm by planting trees. +dev_364,"#Person1#: Elaine's back from school. I think it might be a nice gesture if you asked her out. I suppose she's not good enough for you, is that it? +#Person2#: Look, Elaine Robinson and I do not get along. +#Person1#: How do you know? You haven't seen her since high school. I guess your evenings, whatever you do with them, are just too valuable. +#Person2#: That has nothing to do with it. . . +#Person1#: I guess I'll just have to tell Mr. Robinson that you're too busy every evening, doing God knows what. . . God don't go on like this. If you absolutely refuse to take her out. . . +#Person2#: I do. +#Person1#: Then I will simply have to invite all the Robinson's over for dinner on Thursday.","#Person1# tells #Person2# to ask Elaine Robinson out but #Person2# refuses, so #Person1# resorts to inviting the Robinson's over for dinner." +dev_365,"#Person1#: Helen, you must be excited at going to America to study. +#Person2#: Yeah, I've been looking forward to it for ages. +#Person1#: What do your classmates think of it? +#Person2#: They give me a lot of congratulations. +#Person1#: How long will you study there. +#Person2#: Oh, maybe three years. I will study and get the master degree first. Then I will decide whether I will stay there or come back. +#Person1#: Which university will you go to? +#Person2#: Chicago University. My major is Economics. +#Person1#: Good luck! +#Person2#: Thank you!",Helen is going to Chicago University to study Economics for three years. #Person1# wishes her good luck. +dev_366,"#Person1#: Hi charles, I want you know that I finally found an apartment in Haitian. +#Person2#: You did? that is great! +#Person1#: Yeah, I am having a party this saturday night, a sort of house warming, and i want to invite you. are you busy? +#Person2#: No I am free, I will be there, what time the thing starting? +#Person1#: Around seven. +#Person2#: Ok, great, should I bring anything? +#Person1#: No, but thanks for offering, actually could you bring some fold-up chairs for people if you have any? I am afraid not everyone's going to have a seat, do you have any? +#Person2#: sure, I will be happy to bring a few, what is the address? +#Person1#: Don't worry, I will come to pick you up at about 6 thirty. +#Person2#: Got it.",#Person1# invites Charles to #Person1#'s house-warming party. Charles will bring some fold-up chairs for #Person1#. +dev_367,"#Person1#: Good morning. May I help you, sir? +#Person2#: Yes. I want to make a remittance to New Delhi. +#Person1#: Do you want an international money order or a banker's draft? +#Person2#: I'd like a banker's draft please. It's not really urgent.",#Person2# makes a remittance to New Delhi by banker's draft with #Person1#'s assistance. +dev_368,"#Person1#: How do I use the powder? +#Person2#: Please dissolve the powder in hot water. Soak your hand or foot in it for 20 minutes twice a day. +#Person1#: How do I use the eye-drop and ointment? +#Person2#: Put the eye-drop into your right eye 4 - - 6 times a day, 1 - - 2 drops each time. Squeeze a bit of the ointment on your eyelid every night. +#Person1#: Well, I see. Thanks. +#Person2#: You're welcome.","#Person2# tells #Person1# how to use the powder, the eye-drop, and the ointment." +dev_369,"#Person1#: I bought it. I got a watch, too. The company that sells this car has a car club. +#Person2#: Where you can buy lots of paraphernalia? +#Person1#: Yeah, and meet other drivers of the same car! +#Person2#: Cool! +#Person1#: I know girls love this kind of car. Look, it's got a sunroof! Imagine. . . a cool, starry night. . . +#Person2#: So, you're going to use Sarah's car to go cruising for chicks? +#Person1#: No. I borrowed it to go shopping.",#Person1# shows #Person2# a car and tells #Person2# #Person1# borrowed Sarah's car to go shopping. +dev_370,"#Person1#: Excuse me, could I have a menu please? +#Person2#: Here you are. +#Person1#: I want to try the local specialty. Can you recommend me some? +#Person2#: Sure. I think filet steak will be a good choice. It's the best local food. +#Person1#: Fine, bring us double.",#Person1# wants to try local food and orders double filet steak under #Person2#'s recommendation. +dev_371,"#Person1#: Front Desk, may I help you? +#Person2#: Yes, I'd like to move to another room. +#Person1#: Is there anything uncomfortable in your room? +#Person2#: Yes. The air-conditioner in this room doesn't work. +#Person1#: May I have your room number, sir? +#Person2#: Wang Wei. Room 1212. +#Person1#: OK. Mr. Wang, may I send a room attendant to check it for you first? +#Person2#: All right. +#Person1#: ( 15 minutes later ) Mr. Wang, we are deeply sorry for the inconvenience. The maintenance might last for a long time, may I offer you another room? +#Person2#: Yes. No problem.",#Person1# helps Mr. Wang move to another room because the maintenance of the air-conditioner in Mr. Wang's room might last for a long time. +dev_372,"#Person1#: How many foreign languages can you speak? +#Person2#: Only English. +#Person1#: What do you think of your English? +#Person2#: I have passed CET - 6 and I am proficient in reading and translating foreign materials. I have rich translating experience because I used to be an English translator. +#Person1#: Can you speak English fluently? +#Person2#: I have received an oral English training and I can communicate with others fluently. +#Person1#: Did you take TOEFL or GRE? +#Person2#: Yes, I did. I got 600 in TOEFL and 2, 300 in GRE. +#Person1#: When did you begin to learn English? +#Person2#: I started to learn English when I was in primary school. +#Person1#: Do you think your English is good enough to do office work? +#Person2#: The amount of English I know enables me to do general desk work. I believe the amount of English I know is sufficient to work in a South Korea firm.","#Person2# shows #Person2#'s proficiency in English translation, spoken English, and English tests. #Person2# believes #Person2#'s English is sufficient to do office work in a South Korean firm." +dev_373,"#Person1#: How much will our order from your factory be? +#Person2#: I'll be happy to get back to you with an estimate in the next few days. +#Person1#: I'm afraid I can't wait that long. Can your office at least provide me with a ballpark figure? +#Person2#: Well, I would need an idea of how large your order would be. About how many units would you need? +#Person1#: Just give me an estimated figure for an order of 100 units. +#Person2#: Please give me a few minute to calculate. . . Our asking price should be about $ 100 per unit with an order of 100. Is that price acceptable to you? +#Person1#: Your estimated is seems a little high to me, we're willing to pay $ 80 per unit. +#Person2#: Would an order of only 100 units, it'll be difficult to work within that kind of budget. Maybe if you were ordering 500 units or more units, we might be able to work something out.",#Person1# asks #Person2# for an estimated price for #Person1#'s order of 100 units and #Person1# thinks it's a little high. #Person2# tells #Person1# they can work something out if #Person1# orders more units. +dev_374,"#Person1#: Hello, is this house keeper? +#Person2#: Yes, Madam, may I help you? +#Person1#: This room 117, and we have just checked in. +#Person2#: Yes? +#Person1#: Our room hasn't been cleaned up yet. So would you send one of your house keepers to clean up our room. +#Person2#: Oh, yes. Madam, we'll come right away then. Your room number and your name, please? +#Person1#: Our room number is 117 and my name is Terry Chen. +#Person2#: Thank you, would you hang up and wait?",Terry Chen in Room 117 calls the housekeeper for a clean-up of her room. +dev_375,"#Person1#: I really want to go to China for vacation, but I can't find a cheap plane ticket. +#Person2#: Have you tried the Internet? +#Person1#: No, not yet. Can you find a good price there? +#Person2#: Wow, you really live in the Stone Age, Mom. +#Person1#: Well, you don't have to be mean. How do I do it? +#Person2#: Go to www. yahoo. com and click on Travel and tickets. There are about a billion sites to look at. +#Person1#: Ok, thanks. I'll let you know what I find. +#Person2#: All right. +#Person1#: I'll look for a ticket for you, too. Thanks!","#Person2# tells mom how to find a cheap plane ticket to China on the Internet. Mom'll buy a ticket for #Person2#, too." +dev_376,"#Person1#: Do you have any shoes like these? +#Person2#: What size? +#Person1#: Size five. +#Person2#: What colour? +#Person1#: Black. +#Person2#: I'm sorry. We don't haven any. +#Person1#: But my sister bought this pair last month. +#Person2#: Did she buy them here? +#Person1#: No, she bought them in the U. S. +#Person2#: We had some shoes like those a month ago, but we don't have any now. +#Person1#: Can you get a pair for me please? +#Person2#: I'm afraid that I can't. They were in fashion last year and the year before last. But they're not in fashion this year. These shoes are in fashion now. +#Person1#: They look very uncomfortable. +#Person2#: They are very uncomfortable. But women always wear uncomfortable shoes!",The shoes #Person1# wants to buy are out of stock. #Person2# recommends other shoes that are fashionable but uncomfortable. +dev_377,"#Person1#: That is the most boring, typical gift in the world! +#Person2#: I know. But this year I want to get him an interesting tie. Like this one. +#Person1#: That's not exactly a conversation piece. It's so plain. +#Person2#: It's perfect! It's a Dilbert tie! +#Person1#: The diagonal black and red stripes are really conservative though. . . +#Person2#: But watch this. . . it bends upwards, just like Dilbert's tie. There's a wire inside. +#Person1#: A fly-away tie! What a riot!",#Person1# dislikes #Person2#'s idea of getting a tie for someone. #Person2# then shows #Person1# the tie and #Person1# starts to think it's cool. +dev_378,"#Person1#: Passport, please! +#Person2#: Here you are. +#Person1#: Are you Chinese? +#Person2#: Yes, I am. +#Person1#: Where in China are you from? +#Person2#: Fujisan Province. +#Person1#: There are a lot of people from China visiting right now. +#Person2#: It's not surprising. Our school year just ended, and a lot of Chinese are on vacation. +#Person1#: How long do you plan to stay? +#Person2#: About half a month. +#Person1#: All right. Here's your passport. Welcome to Australia. +#Person2#: Thank you.",#Person1# checks #Person2#'s passport and asks about #Person2#'s intention and plan of visiting Australia. +dev_379,"#Person1#: Can I help you? +#Person2#: Yes. How much are these T-shirts? +#Person1#: They are 12 dollars 50 cents each. +#Person2#: I like the green one, but it isn't big enough. Have you got a larger size? +#Person1#: Just a minute. No. I'm sorry. We haven't. What about the black one? +#Person2#: No, it's too dark. I prefer something lighter, yellow or pink. +#Person1#: How about the pink one? +#Person2#: Yes, that's nice. I'll take it. +#Person1#: That's 12 dollars 50 cents then please. +#Person2#: Here you are.",#Person2# buys a pink T-shirt for $12.5 with #Person1#'s help. +dev_380,"#Person1#: May I help you? +#Person2#: Yes, I want to buy some shoes to replace the ones I am wearing. +#Person1#: What's wrong with them? +#Person2#: They are too old and shabby. +#Person1#: I can see they are simply worn out. Would you like the same color? +#Person2#: Yes. +#Person1#: How about this light brown pair? +#Person2#: Yes, I'll try them on. +#Person1#: They certainly look charming. +#Person2#: The trouble is they feel uncomfortable. +#Person1#: Then try on another pair of the similar style. +#Person2#: They are much better. Do you have them in red'? +#Person1#: Yes. Would you like both pairs? +#Person2#: Yes, if they don't cost too much. +#Person1#: Oh, no. they don't. The second pair is half price. Shall I put them both in the box for you? +#Person2#: Just the red and the old ones. I'll wear the new brown pair home.",#Person2# buys two pairs of shoes in a similar style to #Person2#'s old shoes with #Person1#'s assistance. +dev_381,"#Person1#: What I should remind you is that your boy is sometimes 25 minutes late for the class. +#Person2#: Really? But he always tells me that he usually arrives ten minutes early for the class. This time he is surely to get punished.",#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person2#'s son is sometimes late for the class. #Person2# then realizes #Person2#'s son is lying and will punish him. +dev_382,"#Person1#: Good morning. What seems to be the problem? +#Person2#: Good morning, Mrs. Brown. I have a cough and a fever and I feel very tired all the time. +#Person1#: And how long have you been feeling like this? +#Person2#: Three days now. +#Person1#: Let me have a look. Open your mouth please. Wider please. Now say AHH. +#Person2#: AHHH. +#Person1#: Now take your shirt off please. Breathe in-Breathe out-OK, you can put your shirt back on now. +#Person2#: What seems to be the problem? Do I suffer from bird flu or is there something wrong with my lung? +#Person1#: Oh, no. Don't be so nervous. You just have a bad cold. Do you work in an air-conditioned office? +#Person2#: Yes, I do. +#Person1#: I thought so. I see many people who work in air-conditioned offices. It's the air conditioning, you see. It's really not very good for your health. +#Person2#: So what would you suggest, doctor? +#Person1#: I suggest you get out of the office as regularly as possible. Walk around, and get some fresh air. That will help. You also need to get more exercise. Do you play any sports? +#Person2#: I sometimes play tennis in summer, but to be honest, I'm too busy to get regular exercise. +#Person1#: Then I suggest you try playing more often. Say once a week. +#Person2#: OK, no problem. Thank you doctor. Bye. +#Person1#: Bye.",Mrs. Brown gives #Person2# a physical check and diagnoses that #Person2# has a bad cold. Mrs. Brown suggests #Person2# get out of the air-conditioned offices as regularly as possible and do more exercise. +dev_383,"#Person1#: Hi, David. Haven't seen you for ages. How are you getting along with your work? +#Person2#: Hi, Susan. Not so well as expected. I've left my position. I can't bear the rudeness of my boss any longer. +#Person1#: What are you going to do then? +#Person2#: No idea. Anyway, I've got to think about it seriously. And you? +#Person1#: I've been very successful as a dancer. I like this kind of life. It is so exciting. +#Person2#: You can't do it for ever. +#Person1#: No, but I've decided to open a dance school once I've moved to the top. A lot of young dancers need better training, don't they? +#Person2#: That's a wonderful idea.",David has left his position because of his rude boss. Susan becomes a successful dancer and plans to open a dance school. +dev_384,"#Person1#: How are you doing today? +#Person2#: I'm doing great. What about you? +#Person1#: I'm absolutely lovely, thank you. +#Person2#: Everything's been good with you? +#Person1#: I haven't been better. How about yourself? +#Person2#: I started school recently. +#Person1#: Where are you going to school? +#Person2#: I'm going to PCC. +#Person1#: How do you like it so far? +#Person2#: I like it so far. My classes are pretty good right now. +#Person1#: I wish you luck. +#Person2#: Thanks a lot. ",#Person1# and #Person2# exchange greetings. #Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2#'s going to PCC and #Person2# likes the classes there. +dev_385,"#Person1#: What kind of car is best for me? +#Person2#: For you, I would recommend this one here. +#Person1#: The compact? Why do you think that one is better than the others? +#Person2#: This automobile is just right for your needs because not only is it compact for ease in city driving, but also, it has many safety features. I know that as a parent, you are concerned about safety in driving your kids to and from school. +#Person1#: That's true. What kind of safety features are we talking about? +#Person2#: This model features anti-lock brakes, airbags on both driver and passenger sides, and impact collision design. But that's not all. This car isn't only safe but it's also very economical. +#Person1#: You mean it has a cheaper price than similar models? +#Person2#: Yes, this price is very affordable, but driving this car you'll also notice a significant annual saving in gas consumption. The main attraction for this model is the fuel economy. +#Person1#: With the cost of gasoline these days, that is a big plus. I think this model may be just what I'm looking for. +#Person2#: Why don't you take it for a test drive, and think it over. ",#Person2# recommends the compact to #Person1# and introduces its features. #Person1# is satisfied with the price and then #Person2# suggests #Person1# have a test drive and think it over. +dev_386,"#Person1#: Have you ever been involved in the auditing work? +#Person2#: Yes,I have. I was employed by the financial section of the university ever since I graduated. I worked there for 3 years. Then I had worked in a bank for 3 years. +#Person1#: How long did it take you to become an auditor? +#Person2#: Very short time. I became an auditor within three months. ",#Person2# tells #Person1# about #Person2#'s auditory experience. +dev_387,"#Person1#: Nice dress. How do I look? Be honest. +#Person2#: Hmm... you look too dressed up. How about this purple top and these jeans? +#Person1#: Well, that top is a little too tight, and those jeans aren't dressy enough. And I don't feel comfortable with that. What do you think, Vicky? You've been very quiet up to now. +#Person3#: Be confident. Wear styles you're going to be comfortable in. ",#Person1#'s asking for opinions about #Person1#'s dressing. #Person2# thinks #Person1# looks too dressed up while Vicky thinks #Person1# should be confident. +dev_388,"#Person1#: Whew! I had to wait for almost an hour to get to the front of the line. +#Person2#: You have much patience. +#Person1#: Wow! Your calligraphy is very beautiful. It was worth the wait! +#Person2#: Thank you. Today I'm writing a kind of poem called a Chinese couplet. +#Person1#: What does it say? +#Person2#: This is an especially famous one. It says 'May the passing days bring you health and longevity. May this season of renewal find you basked in riches.' +#Person1#: That's very nice. Is it for sale? +#Person2#: No. I never sell my artwork. +#Person1#: Really? Then what do you do with it? +#Person2#: I give it away. Here, this one is for you. +#Person1#: Wow! Really? Are you sure? Now I'll have a lucky year! +#Person2#: Remember, real luck must be created (by) yourself, and then it cannot be given or taken away. . . ",#Person1# waited for a long time to see #Person2#'s beautiful calligraphy. #Person2# today is writing a Chinese couplet and gives it away to #Person1#. #Person1#'s thrilled. +dev_389,"#Person1#: They got a divorce at last. +#Person2#: It's inenvitable. Their love wasbuilt on the sand, and this is why their marriage has landed on the rocks. +#Person1#: You said it. Love buit on the sand will soon be on the rocks. +#Person2#: That give us a good lesson. ",#Person1# and #Person2# learn that love built on the sand will soon be on the rocks from someone's divorce. +dev_390,"#Person1#: Most of our customers are foreigners. How many foreign languages can you speak, Elizabeth? +#Person2#: Two. French and Spanish. +#Person1#: And how well can you speak them? +#Person2#: Well, French was my best subject at school. I can read and write it pretty well. +#Person1#: And how about your Spanish? +#Person2#: Well, it's not as good as my French. I can speak it reasonably well, but my written Spanish isn't very good. +#Person1#: I see. Well, we have a lot of Spanish customers, but you wouldn't need to write any Spanish here. +#Person2#: In that case, I'm fit for the position I think. ","Elizabeth can speak French well. Since #Person1# has many Spanish customers, Elizabeth thinks she's fit for the position." +dev_391,"#Person1#: Ah, where am I? +#Person2#: Excuse me, do you need any help? +#Person1#: I want to go to the Science Museum. But I've been lost for the past few hours, and I can't use these ticket machines. +#Person2#: Uh, well, just press this button of the ticket machine, then, get on the train at platform number four. +#Person1#: All right, oh, and how often do the trains come around this time of day? +#Person2#: Usually they come about every 6 minutes. +#Person1#: Ok, and where do I get off the train? +#Person2#: Get off at State Street Station, 3 stops from here. +#Person1#: Ok, I got it, thanks for your help. +#Person2#: No problem. Good luck.",#Person2# tells #Person1# how to use the ticket machine and how to get to the Science Museum. +dev_392,"#Person1#: Have you got the list of who is coming to the party? +#Person2#: Yes, I do. And I've told them to keep the date secrett. John hates that kind of thing. Do you remember when he found out that we bought him a birthday cake last year and that surprised Christmas party? He was angry. But this is different. Getting married is special and we've known him and Anna for years. +#Person1#: Everyone's looking forward to it. I'll pick you up from the office and will go there together, shall we? +#Person2#: That'll be fine, thanks.",#Person1# and #Person2# are preparing a secret party for John and Anna who are getting married. +dev_393,"#Person1#: Excuse me, could you tell me where the nearest post office is? +#Person2#: Yes, walk down this road and then turn left when you get to the third crossing. You will see it not far ahead of you. +#Person1#: Thank you. Could you give me more information? +#Person2#: Of course. When you turn left, you will see a five-star hotel with a tea shop on the left. The post office is just next to it. It's a three-storey building. +#Person1#: How long will it take to get there if I walk? +#Person2#: About 30 minutes? +#Person1#: Oh, that's too long. +#Person2#: Uh, well, you can take bus 232 or get a taxi there. +#Person1#: I think getting a taxi might be better. Thanks a lot. +#Person2#: You are welcome.","#Person2# tells #Person1# how to get to the nearest post office. Since it will 30 minutes if #Person1# walks, #Person1# decides to take a taxi." +dev_394,"#Person1#: I'm planning to go to Canada on vacation. +#Person2#: What places are you going to visit? +#Person1#: First, I'll spend a few days in Vancouver. Then I'll take a train through the Rocky Mountains. +#Person2#: Oh, you're riding through the Rocky Mountains. That's really exciting. +#Person1#: Then I'll fly to Toronto and take a bus to Niagara Falls. I will take a boat under that huge waterfall. +#Person2#: Wow, that's wonderful. You're so lucky! +#Person1#: Well, I hope I don't get seasick. I'll finish my trip in Nova Scotia. I'd like to bike around some small fishing villages. +#Person2#: Have a great time and take lots of pictures!",#Person1# tells #Person2# about #Person1#'s vacation plan to Canada. +dev_395,"#Person1#: You are not happy, are you? +#Person2#: No. +#Person1#: What makes you unhappy? +#Person2#: My parents. +#Person1#: Why? I guess they must love you very much. +#Person2#: But they always want me to do what they wish, regardless of my feeling, just because I'm the only child in the family! +#Person1#: Oh, I see. There is a generation gap between your parents and you. +#Person2#: What is it? Generation gap? +#Person1#: It refers to a lack of understanding between parents and child. +#Person2#: That's true, I don't think they understand me. +#Person1#: But have you ever tried to understand them? +#Person2#: Maybe not much.",#Person2# is unhappy because #Person2#'s parents always want #Person2# to do what they wish regardless of #Person2#'s feelings. #Person1# thinks it's due to a generation gap. +dev_396,"#Person1#: Hi Joe. How was your trip? +#Person2#: Great, my brother and I went to a lakeside house with my uncle and aunt. +#Person1#: How did you get there? +#Person2#: My dad volunteered to drive us, fine by me, as I love long car journeys, but he found it tiring. Anyway, I had been wondering how so many of us would fit into the house with a lot of luggage. I need my own quiet place sometimes, so that I can think and read. +#Person1#: Oh, terrible. +#Person2#: But it wasn't an issue in the end, as we had comfortable bedrooms to spare. The only real problem was how far we were from the local shop. Getting there turned out to be the job of my brother and me, on bicycles.",Joe tells #Person1# about his trip to a lakeside house with his brother. +dev_397,"#Person1#: Hello, reservation desk. How can I help you? +#Person2#: I'd like to book a room. +#Person1#: And what kind of room would you like ma'am? And we got single rooms, double rooms, standard rooms, sweets and Delux sweets. +#Person2#: What's the rate for a standard room? +#Person1#: $79 a night. +#Person2#: I'd like a standard room. +#Person1#: What date would you check in ma'am? +#Person2#: December twenty-third, please. +#Person1#: How long do you plan to stay? +#Person2#: Four days. +#Person1#: Could you give me your name and phone number? +#Person2#: Nancy Brown, my phone number is 7096785634, Nancy Brown. +#Person1#: Thanks, what time will you arrive? +#Person2#: Around 3:00 PM. +#Person1#: Very good, your reservation confirmation number is NB 13579. Thank you for booking in our hotel. Can I help you with anything else today? +#Person2#: No, that's it. Thank you very much.",#Person1# helps Nancy book a standard room and asks for her personal information. +dev_398,"#Person1#: Excuse me, do you think I can return these gloves? +#Person2#: What's the problem with them? +#Person1#: They're too small. +#Person2#: Didn't you try them on before you bought them? +#Person1#: Well, as a matter of fact, I received them as a gift. +#Person2#: OK, I see. I'm afraid I can't give you a cash return, but you can change them. +#Person1#: I believe you sell these gloves for $29.95. +#Person2#: Yes, I'll take the gloves of the same price for you to choose. +#Person1#: But that pair looks nice. May I have a try? +#Person2#: It's for $35.25. If you like to take that pair, you'll pay some extra money. +#Person1#: OK, I will.",#Person1# wants to return a pair of gloves but #Person2# tells #Person1# can only change them. #Person1# chooses a more expensive pair for which #Person1# will pay extra money. +dev_399,"#Person1#: My program is a course in automotive repair. We teach people from the age of 16 through to adults. We're located on a high school campus. It's vocational, which means that we train people in specific skills that they could use in a job. +#Person2#: I like classes, because it's more like the real world than when you're sitting there reading a textbook, not knowing what you're going to be using it for. +#Person1#: Today's a work day. So when I go back into the shop, I have all my students working on a project. First, Jack is going to get the air tools out and jack up a car. He's going to take a tyre off that car with the air impact. Every student is an individual that comes into my program. All of them think that they're going to be able to fix their own cars. They all have it as a goal that they're going to get out of the program. And then, as part of my introduction to the class, I'll let them know some of the other things that they'll all get, which include consumer understanding of how the car works. +#Person2#: OK. I'll register for this course today. Can I join now?",#Person1# introduces #Person1#'s course in automotive repair to #Person2# and tells #Person2# what they do on a work day. #Person2#'s interested and will register for the course. +dev_400,"#Person1#: We need to take the accounts system offline to carry out the upgrade. But don't worry, it won't cause too much inconvenience. We're going to do it over the weekend. +#Person2#: How long will the system be down for? +#Person1#: We'll be taking everything offline in about two hours ' time. It'll be down for a minimum of twelve hours. If everything goes according to plan, it should be up again by 6 pm on Saturday. +#Person2#: That's fine. We've allowed forty-eight hours to be on the safe side.",#Person1# tells #Person2# they need to take the accounts system offline to carry out the upgrade. #Person2# asks the offline time and agrees. +dev_401,"#Person1#: Excuse me. I need to refill this prescription. +#Person2#: It says on the bottle here that you can have two refills. +#Person1#: Yes, I need to refill it today. +#Person2#: Alright. I'm sorry, Miss. According to our file, this prescription has already been refilled twice. +#Person1#: I was worried about that. I couldn't remember if I had it refilled twice yet or not. +#Person2#: Well, it looks like you have.You will need to see your doctor to get a new prescription. +#Person1#: Listen. This is an emergency. I tried to call my doctor, but he is out of town. So I can't see him in time. I need this medicine. It is for skin condition. I've run out.Can you just refill it once more? +#Person2#: I'm sorry, Miss. We can't do it. We must follow the prescription.And this prescription has run out. +#Person1#: But I need it. Please. Refill it for me just this once. I can go to the doctor around ten days from now. Then I'll have another prescription. +#Person2#: Miss, I understand your problem.But it is against the law for us to sell certain medicines without a prescription.It ' s the law. I can't do anything about it.We never sell medicine unless we have a proper prescription. Never. +#Person1#: But I have a prescription. I just need more of it. +#Person2#: A prescription must be valid. It cannot be an expired prescription. I'm sorry, Miss. It's the law.You will have to find another doctor who will prescribe this for you. +#Person1#: Oh, it will be so expensive! I have a special medical plan, and I can only see one doctor.It will cost me a lot of money to see another doctor. +#Person2#: Miss, I just can't help you on this. I'm a pharmacist, not a doctor. And there are other customers I need to help now. I know it is frustrating when this happens.But there is nothing I can do about it. I'm sorry. +#Person1#: This is ridiculous! In Taiwan, it is much easier to get medicine when I need it. +#Person2#: Maybe that's true. I don't know.But I'm sure in Taiwan you have prescriptions too.",#Person1# asks #Person2# to refill a prescription but #Person2# refuses her because it has been refilled twice. #Person1# insists as it's an emergency. #Person2# says it's illegal to sell medicine without a valid prescription and suggests #Person1# see another doctor. #Person2# says it's expensive to see a new doctor and thinks it is ridiculous as it's much easier to get medicine in Taiwan. +dev_402,"#Person1#: Do you consider yourself a good mother? +#Person2#: Yes, I'm a very good mother and successful career woman. +#Person1#: How can you manage to do both? I mean, it is so hard to be a working mother. +#Person2#: I think the most important thing is that you should be nice to yourself, like keeping housework simple, spending money on things that make life easier, buying yourself things you like, and so on. You can only be nice to others when you can be nice to yourself. +#Person1#: Does your husband feel the same? +#Person2#: Yes. He is very understanding and supportive.",#Person2# shares to #Person2# how to manage to be a good mother and a successful career woman. +dev_403,"#Person1#: Why do you think you are qualified for this position? +#Person2#: I have four years study in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and it has given me a solid theory foundation. Moreover, I have worked at CAB Company for 4 years and got a lot of practical experience. +#Person1#: Great. Then what's your technical post title now? +#Person2#: I am a senior mechanical design engineer. +#Person1#: Do you take the original certificate with you? +#Person2#: Yes. Here it is. +#Person1#: Can you briefly tell me about one of your designs? +#Person2#: Of course, I designed a more powerful gasoline engine, which greatly increased the speed of limousines.","#Person2# is interviewed by #Person1# and provides a qualification, a technical post title, an original certificate, and one of #Person2#'s designs." +dev_404,"#Person1#: Taxi! Taxi! +#Person2#: Where to, sir? +#Person1#: I'd like to go to the railway station please. +#Person2#: Please hop in. +#Person1#: Is it a long run to the station? +#Person2#: It'll take about 20 minutes. +#Person1#: The streets are heavy with traffic at this time of a day, are they? +#Person2#: Yes, they are. +#Person1#: Is it the rush hour? +#Person2#: Yes, it is. Are you in a hurry, sir? +#Person1#: No, I'm not. Would you please drive slowly and carefully? +#Person2#: Yes, sir.","#Person1# takes #Person2#'s taxi to the railway station. As #Person1# is not rush, #Person2# will drive slowly and carefully." +dev_405,"#Person1#: Look at the catalogue, John. I think I want to get this red blouse +#Person2#: Don't you have one like this in blue? +#Person1#: Yah, but it doesn't have a red one. +#Person2#: Do you need every color in the rainbow? +#Person1#: Yes! +#Person2#: Ze ze ze. . . Women!",#Person1# wants to get a red blouse though she has another one in blue. +dev_406,"#Person1#: What's your favorite hobby? +#Person2#: I'd like reading books best. +#Person1#: What kinds of books do you like to read? +#Person2#: Literature and economy. +#Person1#: By the way, would you like to see movies? +#Person2#: That's OK. +#Person1#: What do you do in your spare time? +#Person2#: I like to play golf, play badminton or crack jokes. +#Person1#: I just like to sleep like a lazy cat. +#Person2#: That's a bad habit.",#Person1# and #Person2# talk about their hobbies and spare-time entertainments. +dev_407,"#Person1#: Is this seat taken? +#Person2#: No. Please sit down. +#Person1#: Thanks. +#Person2#: Are you also going to Beijing? +#Person1#: Yes, on a business trip. How about Yuu? +#Person2#: I'm taking a vacation to visit a friend there. Have you ever been there before? +#Person1#: Yes, I Went there once last summer. +#Person2#: Really? What did you think? +#Person1#: I think it is amazing. You can enjoy both the traditional Chinese culture as well as the vitality of a modern cosmopolitan city. The only thing I didn't enjoy was the subway. +#Person2#: Was it that crowded? +#Person1#: Yes. These were always so many people. After taking the subway during the rush hour, you'll envy sardines in their cans. +#Person2#: Oh, maybe I can take the bus or even rent a car. +#Person1#: That's a good idea. Wish you a great vacation! +#Person2#: Thank you very much!",#Person1# and #Person2# are going to Beijing. #Person1# recalls the last trip if Beijing that #Person1# enjoyed the traditional culture and the vitality of Beijing but not the subway. +dev_408,"#Person1#: Irene! I heard you were on a date last night! So, how how did it go? I want all the juicy details! +#Person2#: Um. . . well, actually, we had a fantastic time last night. He was. . . amazing! +#Person1#: Okay, now you really have to fill me in. What's he like? +#Person2#: He's really good looking. he's quite tall, around 61, he's in his early thirties, and he's got the most beautiful dark brown eyes. . . +#Person1#: He sounds hot! What does he do for a living? +#Person2#: You know what, this is the best part. David is a junior investment banker at Fortune Bank, so he's got a great career path ahead of him! +#Person1#: Hold on a sec, his name is David? +#Person2#: Yeah? +#Person1#: That's my brother!","Irene tells #Person1# her dating partner David's appearance, height, weight, age, and job. #Person1# finds that David is #Person1#'s brother." +dev_409,"#Person1#: I think that show biz stars have a really easy life. They have lots of money, so they can buy almost anything they want. They're famous, so everyone loves them. +#Person2#: I think they must have horrible lives. All the paparazzi take photos of them wherever they go and whatever they do. They must get sick of it. +#Person1#: I bet they love it really. Sure, they complain about it, but that just gets them more publicity, doesn't it? +#Person2#: I think that few of the show biz stars want any publicity for themselves. They only want it for their films. +#Person1#: No way! They want publicity for themselves, so that they get invited to make more films, go to lots of cocktail parties, and even make albums! They have such an easy life. They don't even pay for drinks when they go to a cocktail party. +#Person2#: Show biz stars have plenty of expenses. That's why they need so much money. They need million of dollars to buy big, seclude houses and wonderful dresses. I bet most show biz stars would prefer to wear jeans and a t-shirt, but they can't because their managers force them to wear clothes they don't like. +#Person1#: I don't understand how you can have any sympathy for show biz stars. They're overpaid, over-ambitious, and over-adored. +#Person2#: I think you should give them some credit. They're very talented people and they deserve all the money they earn. They even donate money to charity to help people who are less fortunate than themselves. +#Person1#: Come on! They only do that to get even more publicity for their films and themselves.","#Person1# and #Person2# hold different views on show biz stars. #Person1# thinks they have an easy life, they love publicity to get them more films and social activities, they are overpaid, over-ambitious, and over-adored. But #Person2# shows sympathy to show biz stars and thinks #Person1# should give them some credit." +dev_410,"#Person1#: What do you want to do tomorrow night? +#Person2#: What--is tomorrow night something special? +#Person1#: It's Friday. We should go party. +#Person2#: I don't need to drink every weekend. I could be happy just staying home, you know. +#Person1#: Okay. Stay home Sunday. But Friday we should go out dancing. +#Person2#: Do you feel like dancing? +#Person1#: Yes? Why not? +#Person2#: Alright. At least that's better than sitting in a bar with your alcoholic friends. +#Person1#: They aren't alcoholic! +#Person2#: No, maybe they're not. But they're close. +#Person1#: So where should we go? +#Person2#: Let's go to the Latin Club. I think they will have a Brazilian band there this weekend. Maybe it's Friday night. +#Person1#: You always want to go to the Latin Club. I don't know those dance steps. I'd rather go to the New Bar. +#Person2#: The New Bar is all techno music on Friday night. You really want to dance to that? +#Person1#: It's not all techno music. It's not a special techno night. +#Person2#: No. But they play techno all the time. It drives me crazy after forty minutes. And anyhow, if we go to the Latin Club you could actually learn some Latin dance steps. At the New Bar you'll just shake yourself around for an hour. And then you'll get sick of stand you'll want to go get drunk somewhere where the drinks are cheaper. I know you. +#Person1#: It's fine with me if we go to the Latin Club. I like Latin Music. The only thing I never want to do again is listen to country rock. What was that bar called? +#Person2#: Oh. You mean Jerry's, over on the east side. That wasn't my idea going there. +#Person1#: No. It was that friend of yours, Melissa. Her and all her lousy country music Cds. Yecch! +#Person2#: It's true. I would never go there again either. Country music is a nightmare. So is it the Latin Club? +#Person1#: Yes. You have to teach me the samba, and the tango, and whatever else they do. +#Person2#: Well, it seems you'll have to learn some Spanish too, won't you? +#Person1#: Maybe.","#Person1# and #Person2# discuss where to go on Friday night. #Person1# likes to dance and go to new bars but #Person2# wants to go to the Latin Club. They both hate Melissa's country rock and agree to go to the Latin Club. #Person1# wants to #Person2# teaches #Person1# the samba, tango, and Spanish." +dev_411,"#Person1#: My mom is three years older than my dad, and they are like night and day. My mom is 5 footsweet and very nice, and very caring, and very cute, everybody tells her how young she looks, and how she resembles my sister, perhaps. My father is very much completely opposite that. He is a very bi 4, on a good day, 5 foot 2, I think in real life, and she is very nice. +#Person2#: When is the last time you talked to you parents? +#Person1#: I talked to them probably about two weeks ago. Yeah, everything is going well. +#Person2#: Are you going to see them soon? +#Person1#: I am going to go home after the holidays and we're going to have a Christmas kind of in January or February. Yeah, depending on when my brother can come in. +#Person2#: OK. And who are you more like, your mother or your father? +#Person1#: I think I have traits of both, actually. I look more like my mother.","#Person1# tells #Person2# the traits of #Person1#'s parents. #Person2# asks when #Person1# will see them, #Person1# thinks the time depends on #Person1#'s brother's schedule. #Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1# looks more like #Person1#'s mother." +dev_412,"#Person1#: Has the game started yet? +#Person2#: Yeah, about 5 minutes ago. +#Person1#: Who's winning? +#Person2#: The Bulls, of course! +#Person1#: What! That wasn't a foul! C'mon, ref! +#Person2#: Don't worry, Shan always screws up free throws. +#Person1#: You were right! He didn't make the shot! +#Person2#: That was a great shot! A three pointer, yeah! +#Person1#: Did you see that? He traveled and the ref didn't call it! +#Person2#: This ref needs glasses. Hey ref, open your eyes! I can't believe he didn't see that! +#Person1#: Okay. . . end of the first quarter. . . Alright, I'm gonna make a beer run.",#Person1# and #Person2# are watching a game and they are not satisfied with the referee. +dev_413,"#Person1#: How do you use an ATM card, billy? +#Person2#: It's easy grandpa. Insert you card into the machine here. Then wait a moment. Ok. Now you enter your PIN. It should have four numbers. +#Person1#: Oh yes. I've got it written down here. Just a minute. +#Person2#: You really shouldn't write it down. You should memorize it. You can change it to a more convenient number if you like. +#Person1#: Ok, I've entered my PIN. There are several options on the screen. I guess I just choose which service I want, don't I? +#Person2#: Yes. Choose the service you need to use. If you choose to withdraw money, the machine will ask you how much you want. +#Person1#: I can just enter the amount using the keys, right? +#Person2#: That's right. Give the machine a moment to process you request. Then take your money. +#Person1#: These machines aren't very difficult to use. In fact, I quite like them. They are much faster than dealing with a band clerk.",Billy teaches his grandpa to use an ATM card. The grandpa thinks it's not difficult to use these machines and it's faster than dealing with the bank clerk. +dev_414,"#Person1#: How are you doing? +#Person2#: I'm pretty good, you? +#Person1#: I'm awesome. +#Person2#: How long have you been on the bus? +#Person1#: I've been on here for like, 15 minutes. +#Person2#: Do you catch this bus a lot? +#Person1#: Not much, I have a car. +#Person2#: So, you have your own car? +#Person1#: I sure do. +#Person2#: Then, why are you on the bus with me? +#Person1#: I'm waiting till our President gets out of office, and the gas prices go down. +#Person2#: That's good thinking.",#Person1# and #Person2# are taking on a bus. #Person1# doesn't drive #Person1#'s car because of the President and the gas price. +dev_415,"#Person1#: May I take your order? +#Person2#: What's the specialty of the house? +#Person1#: The baked fish in tomato sauce is pretty good. +#Person2#: I like fish. Please bring me an order of that. +#Person1#: Do you want some dessert? +#Person2#: Apple pie, please. +#Person1#: Single or double? +#Person2#: Make it two.",#Person1# helps #Person2# ordering a baked fish and two apple pies. +dev_416,"#Person1#: Can I help you? +#Person2#: I'm looking for a Sharp DVD Player. +#Person1#: Sure. Any particular model? +#Person2#: Yes. The DS102 series. +#Person1#: Oh, I'm afraid we've sold out of those. They were really popular. +#Person2#: Will you be getting more in. +#Person1#: Yes. But not for about 2 weeks.",#Person2#'s looking for a DVD Player but #Person1# says it's not in stock for about two weeks. +dev_417,"#Person1#: Your total comes to $ 36. 78. +#Person2#: Put it on my VISA. +#Person1#: There's a problem with your card. +#Person2#: What's wrong with it? +#Person1#: I believe it was declined. +#Person2#: You're kidding me! +#Person1#: Do you have another card I could try? +#Person2#: I only have one card. +#Person1#: Do you have cash, perhaps? +#Person2#: I don't have any cash on me. +#Person1#: You're not going to be able to take these items today. +#Person2#: I'll be back tomorrow.",#Person2# wants to pay with VISA but #Person2# says it was declined. #Person1# will be back tomorrow. +dev_418,"#Person1#: Good afternoon, Ma'am, My name is Mike and I am selling subscriptions to all sorts of periodicals. +#Person2#: No, thank you, I am not interested. +#Person1#: Please ma'am, if you could spare five minutes of your time, I am sure we could find something that interests you! +#Person2#: I wish I could, but I have to walk the dog and finish cooking so if you would excuse me. +#Person1#: We have a great variety of magazines all about cooking! This one for example, is a bi monthly publication with recipes from all over the world! +#Person2#: Wow, that would be kind of useful, do you have any other cooking magazines? +#Person1#: Sure do! This one is a quarterly publication, but each issue has over 200 color pages of recipes and also many home decorating ideas! +#Person2#: Wow, this is nice! Ok, sign me up for both publications. +#Person1#: You mentioned you have a dog, most pet owners sign up for this weekly newsletter that has information on dog care, pet shops and even pet sitters! +#Person2#: That is exactly what I needed! What else do you have? +#Person1#: Well, I also have. . .","#Person2# first rejects Mike's magazine subscriptions because #Person2# is busy and not interested, but agrees and signs two cooking magazines and one magazine about pets after Mike's recommendations." +dev_419,"#Person1#: I have found it quite different here from China since I came to the United States. +#Person2#: What's the difference? +#Person1#: Some friends of mine took me to the mall to go shopping. It was so big. I think I could get lost if I went there alone. +#Person2#: You must have bought many things in the mall? +#Person1#: Not really many. I was told that on weekends there were always the flea markets, so I decided to come to the flea market to buy a bargain. +#Person2#: It's wise to do it. The Americans have the habit of selling their junk when they are moving to another place, so they usually display all the things they want to sell in their gardens at the weekend. And many things they are selling still look quite new and they are also very useful. +#Person1#: I have heard about it while in China. it is called a ' yard sale '. I didn't have any idea of that until today when I came here to the big ' yard sale '. +#Person2#: You must have got many useful things for your new apartment.",#Person1# expresses to #Person2# the difference between the malls in China and the United States. #Person2# tells #Person1# the Americans have a habit of selling still new and useful things when moving and thinks it is similar to the yard sale in China. +dev_420,"#Person1#: Hi dude, you look upset, what's up? +#Person2#: Haven't been sleeping well recently. +#Person1#: What's the problem? +#Person2#: Every night my roommates watch the Korean soap operas till mid-night. I am not a big fan of Korean shows and I don't know how to tell them to stop without hurting their feelings. +#Person1#: Well, you can simply tell them you want to sleep, or make an agreement for a time when the room should quiet down. +#Person2#: Yeah, I know, but I find these sorts of things hard to say. They won't like it if I tell them to turn off the TV. Now I just hope the show will end soon. +#Person1#: I understand. I used to live in a dorm with four people. I was great in some aspects. We always went out and and had fun together. But on the other hand, when I wanted some quiet time, and people kept talking and laughing aloud, it was torturous. For me a room to myself, even a small one, is ideal. Though I don't mind sharing an apartment with somebody. +#Person2#: Yeah, I crave my own space. I just get so tiredhaving people around me all the time. We all need our private space. But I also think interpersonal skills very important. Living in a dorm means you have to learn to be considerate of others, otherwise nobody is going to have a good time.",#Person2# is disturbed by roommates late at night and doesn't know how to stop them euphemistically. #Person1# advises #Person2# to tell them about it or make an agreement for keeping quiet. They both think having private rooms and sharing rooms have different advantages. +dev_421,"#Person1#: Are you going to vote this Tuesday? +#Person2#: Yes, I am, and I am so excited. +#Person1#: Have you figured out who you're going to vote for? +#Person2#: I love my candidate. +#Person1#: Why is that? +#Person2#: My candidate is probably the most intelligent. +#Person1#: Is that right? +#Person2#: I also agree with all his policies. +#Person1#: That's great! +#Person2#: I know he's going to be the next President. +#Person1#: Hopefully, he will be. +#Person2#: I can't wait to vote.",#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# wants to vote for the candidate for his intelligence and policies. +dev_422,"#Person1#: I wonder if you could help me find something for my daughter. +#Person2#: Do you think she'd like a laptop? +#Person1#: I think that would be perfect. +#Person2#: A Mac is something most people appreciate. +#Person1#: In fact, she prefers Macs. How much is one? +#Person2#: Our 15 - inch Pro will cost you only $ 2, 100. +#Person1#: She's going to be so happy. Let me have one. +#Person2#: You've made a good decision. How would you like to pay? +#Person1#: I'll pay for it with my VISA. +#Person2#: It's all yours after you sign here, please. +#Person1#: Are there any extras that she needs? +#Person2#: This is good to go. If she wants accessories, just visit us again. +#Person1#: You've been so helpful. Thank you. +#Person2#: Have a nice day, and thank you for shopping here.",#Person1# recommends #Person2# to buy a Mac for #Person2#'s daughter. #Person2# buys a Mac using VISA. #Person1# asks #Person2# to come back if #Person2#'s daughter needs accessories. +dev_423,"#Person1#: What is the proper way to handle a napkin at dinner? +#Person2#: Ordinarily, as soon as you are seated, you put your napkin on your lap. +#Person1#: How about at a formal dinner? +#Person2#: At a formal dinner, you wait for your hostess to put hers on her lap first.",#Person1# asks #Person2# how to handle a napkin at different dinners. +dev_424,"#Person1#: I want to rent skis and boots. +#Person2#: Here you are. Have a nice stay here. +#Person1#: Thank you. I am a learner so can you tell me where I can find a ski instructor? +#Person2#: We will find you one. Wait a moment. +#Person1#: Thank you very much.",#Person2# is helping #Person1# renting skis and boots and finding an instructor. +dev_425,"#Person1#: There's a lot of traffic on the street. Is this the shopping district? +#Person2#: Yes, it is. There are a lot of stores, office buildings, and theatres near here. +#Person1#: What is the largest building on the left? +#Person2#: That's a department store. It sells clothing, furniture, food-almost everything. +#Person1#: Do you buy everything in the same store? That's very handy, isn't it? It saves a lot of time. I need some clothes. +#Person2#: There's a men's clothing store next to the bank building on the right. There are also some good stores on Lincoln Street. +#Person1#: That's a beautiful theatre on the corner. What do all the signs in front of it mean? +#Person2#: There's a new play there tonight. The building next to the theatre is a hotel. +#Person1#: Is that the post office across the street? +#Person2#: No, it's just three blocks straight ahead.","#Person2# introduces a department store, a clothing store next to the bank building, a theatre with signs of a new play, a hotel, and a post office." +dev_426,"#Person1#: The service is really slow here. I've been trying to get the waiter's attention for the last ten minutes. +#Person2#: I hope he takes our order soon. Otherwise I'll be late for my class at two o'clock. +#Person1#: Me, too. I have a class at 2 as well. +#Person2#: I've noticed you have a math book. Do you like the summer school here? +#Person1#: It's pretty good. I think I've learned a lot. +#Person2#: Yeah, I only wish the class were a little smaller, but I like my teachers a lot. They are very kind and patient. +#Person1#: I see. By the way, where are you from? +#Person2#: I'm from Boston. How about you? +#Person1#: I'm from Washington DC. I'm only staying here for three more weeks. Then I'll go to Columbia University in New York. +#Person2#: On, here comes the waiter. It seems we are going to get served after all. +#Person1#: Good, I'm starving","#Person1# and #Person2# are waiting to order. They introduce each other as the summer school's students, the places they come from, and their experience with summer school." +dev_427,"#Person1#: What do you like most about your new job? +#Person2#: Well, I get better paid and the distance between work and home is shorter. But the best part is that they have training programs to improve our work skills. And they run partly on company time, usually from four to six on Wednesdays and Fridays. +#Person1#: That sounds great. I wish my company did that. +#Person2#: It really, is a good thing. And even though the company has to pay for the training, it's worth it in the long run. Because with a greater understanding of the computer programs I use every day, I do my daily tasks more quickly and effectively.",#Person2# tells #Person1# the best part of the new job is the training programs. #Person1# hopes #Person1#'s company did so. #Person2# thinks it's a good thing in the long run. +dev_428,"#Person1#: Hi, Wendy. +#Person2#: Oh, Johnny. How are you doing, busy? +#Person1#: No, not at all. I've been a couch potato lately, killing time by watching TV. Oh, by the way, did you hear the news? +#Person2#: No. What is it? +#Person1#: They are going to turn the city square into an amusement park. +#Person2#: Wonderful! I'm glad that big ugly things will be gone. +#Person1#: You really are? In my opinion, the square is 100 times better than an amusement park. +#Person2#: I don't see why. +#Person1#: The square is a symbol of our city and it is a nice place to have a walk for everybody. +#Person2#: Well, I don't know if that huge and boring thing can be our symbol, but I know for sure the city has tens of parks where you can take a nice walk. +#Person1#: I know what you mean, but don't you think that we will no longer have peace and quiet once the amusement park opens? +#Person2#: Does that matter? To me, more importantly, the amusement park means employment. +#Person1#: So what? +#Person2#: Income. If you have income, you have money to spend, and in turn, it'll create more jobs.","Johnny tells Wendy the city square will be turned into an amusement park. Johnny thinks they will lose their city's symbol and a quiet place for a walk, but Wendy thinks the park will create more income and jobs." +dev_429,"#Person1#: Dad! +#Person2#: Yeah, Micky. +#Person1#: Can I have a really good snack? +#Person2#: Uh, I don't know. I thinks it's ... uh ... what time's it? I think it's going on dinner. +#Person1#: Uh, it's three thirty. +#Person2#: Three thirty. Uh ... We'd better wait. [Why, Dad?] Well, what kind of snack do you want? +#Person1#: Candy? +#Person2#: No, candy is out. Oh, how about some broccoli? [No!] Uh, carrots? [No!] Well, what else can you suggest? +#Person1#: Candy. +#Person2#: Candy. No, I don't think ... I think You'd better wait. +#Person1#: A sandwich? A spinach sandwich? +#Person2#: Spinach sandwich? Spinach sandwich! When did you start liking spinach? +#Person1#: Uh, today. +#Person2#: Well, what about a small sandwich? [Okay] Okay, I'll whip it up in a minute. Play with your toys while you're waiting for it.","Micky asks Dad for some candy as a snack before dinner, but Dad refuses. They finally agree on having a small sandwich." +dev_430,"#Person1#: Our flight will be delayed by 6 hours. That means it won't be leaving until 3:30 in the afternoon. +#Person2#: What shall we do in the meantime? +#Person1#: Let's find some seats in the quiet part of the terminal to take a nap. +#Person2#: Good idea. I am pretty tired.",#Person1# tells #Person2# their flight is delayed and suggests taking a nap. +dev_431,"#Person1#: May I help you? +#Person2#: Yes. I'm looking for a green dress. +#Person1#: What size do you wear? These dresses are on sale. +#Person2#: I wear size 32. This one looks nice. Where may I try it on? +#Person1#: Come this way. Here's the dressing room. +#Person2#: How does it look? +#Person1#: It looks nice. And it's not expensive. +#Person2#: How much is it? +#Person1#: It's only $20. +#Person2#: I'll take it. ",#Person1# recommends a dress for #Person2#. #Person2# tries it and buys it. +dev_432,"#Person1#: Can I help you, sir? +#Person2#: I want to find a book called Gone with the Wind. But I can't find it. +#Person1#: Let me give you a hand. The author is. . . +#Person2#: Margaret Mitchell. +#Person1#: Oh, yes. Here it is. +#Person2#: Thank you very much. I have been looking for it for a long time. Is this the latest edition? +#Person1#: Yes, we have both the paperback and hardcover. which would you want to buy? +#Person2#: How about the price of the hardcover? +#Person1#: It's $25. +#Person2#: A little bit expensive, but I will buy one. This is $25 , here you are. ",#Person2# buys a hardcover of Gone with the Wind for $25 with #Person1#'s help. +dev_433,"#Person1#: Excuse me, Sir, do you know what time it is? +#Person2#: Oh, it's almost eleven twenty. +#Person1#: Thank you. +#Person2#: You're welcome. The rain is quite heavy, isn't it? +#Person1#: Yeah. I was in a hurry and I forgot my umbrella today. +#Person2#: I have one. We could share it. Which way are you going? +#Person1#: Oh, that's very kind of you. I am going to the Garden Hotel. +#Person2#: I am going there, too. We can walk together. +#Person1#: Sure. ","It rains heavily, #Person2# shares an umbrella with #Person1#, and they go to the Garden Hotel." +dev_434,"#Person1#: Hi Mary, how's it going? +#Person2#: Well, last night I had a big argument with Ann. +#Person1#: Terrible. It must be something serious. You two are such close friends. +#Person2#: Now that I look back at it, it wasn't that big a deal. I shouldn't have lost my temper. +#Person1#: Really? What happened? +#Person2#: It's just we've been planning to go the beach for a while, and we decided we could both make it this weekend. Then out of nowhere she called me up, said her boyfriend had made plans and that she need to cancel the trip. I was so angry when she told me that I said she didn't care about our friendship at all. +#Person1#: That's pretty harsh. +#Person2#: I know, but I was so upset. I mean, come on! Does she have to do everything her boyfriend says? +#Person1#: You know she probably feels just as bad. +#Person2#: Well, I think I was being a little selfish myself. I know they don't get to see each other very often. +#Person1#: Well, in that case I guess maybe you can be more understanding. You shouldn't let a trivial thing like this stand in the way of your friendship. After all you can go to the beach anytime you want. +#Person2#: Yeah, I'll call later to patch things up. ",Mary argued with Ann yesterday because Ann needed to cancel their trip and went to her boyfriend's plan. #Person1# tells Mary to be more understanding. Mary will call later to patch things up. +dev_435,"#Person1#: Jenny, what's wrong with you? Why do you keep weeping like that? +#Person2#: Mary told me that she had seen you with John last night. I got to know the fact that you are playing the field. +#Person1#: Honey, cross my heart, I'v never looked at another woman since the first day I set my eyes on you! Believe me, that's the truth. ",Jenny thinks #Person1# is playing the field. #Person1# declares love to Jenny. +dev_436,"#Person1#: Lieb! How are you doing these day? +#Person2#: Hi! I am busy with my new cat. Do you want to see a picture of her? +#Person2#: What? You have had a cat! Show me the pictures please! +#Person1#: See, she is only 3 month. +#Person2#: Yes, I can tell. Look how small she is. She's really cute.",Lieb has a small cat and shows the pictures to #Person2#. +dev_437,"#Person1#: You're so witty. . . +#Person2#: So why is the face tilted to the right? +#Person1#: This watch is supposed to be worn on your left hand. +#Person2#: So it's not as convenient for left-handed people? +#Person1#: It's better for right-handed people like me. See, I don't even have to move my arm to see the time. +#Person2#: I'm left-handed. You bought that watch so that I won't borrow it. . . +#Person1#: Bingo! ","#Person1# buys a watch that is convenient for right-handed people, so left-handed #Person2# won't borrow it." +dev_438,"#Person1#: I heard Rose is pregnant. I hope it'll be a boy this time. +#Person2#: I hope so, too. Rose and her husband have been wanting a boy so much. +#Person1#: After three baby girls in a row, Rose is under a lot of pressure from her in-laws. They want a boy in the worst way now. +#Person2#: But baby girls are just as good and just as fun as baby boys. +#Person1#: I agree with you, but you know how old-fashioned the elders are. ",#Person1# and #Person2# are talking about Rose's pregnancy and that Rose is under pressure from the old-fashioned elders. +dev_439,"#Person1#: My friend finally dumped her boyfriend, and she's sworn she's going to abstain until she finds the right man to marry . +#Person2#: After going through an episode like that I'm not surprised . How's her headspace? +#Person1#: She's doing great , she's getting her confidence back, and her self-esteem, has improved drastically. She's very happy. +#Person2#: I'm proud of you for standing by her. I think you've helped make a big difference in her life. +#Person1#: Do you have any plans for next Sunday evening? +#Person2#: No, why? +#Person1#: My friend, who had the mishap, wants to take us to dinner to show her gratitude for helping her. +#Person2#: She doesn't need to do that, I didn't do anything. +#Person1#: She feels you gave me the freedom to be able to assist her and she appreciates that. Come on, Let's indulge her. ",#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person1#'s friend finally dumped her boyfriend. They both stand by her and she invites them to have dinner to show gratitude for helping her. +dev_440,"#Person1#: Susan has got the cancer of stomach. +#Person2#: How terrible! This is quite unexpected! +#Person1#: Yesterday when I went to hospital to see her, you cannot imagine how greatly surprised when I saw her. +#Person3#: What happened? +#Person2#: Because of atomic cocktail and other medicines, all of them have the side effect. she has lost all her hair. ",#Person1# tells #Person2# Susan got stomach cancer and she has lost all her hair. +dev_441,"#Person1#: The sun is up! Time for all the campers to rise. Time to get paddling. +#Person2#: Oh, no! No more paddling! My arms are sore! +#Person1#: Do not worry. Today will be easier. +#Person2#: Beth, what date is today? +#Person1#: Today is Saturday. +#Person2#: What is the date today? +#Person1#: Today is July 4th. +#Person2#: Oh, i almost forgot. Today is my mom's birthday. +#Person1#: Call her on my cell phone. Wish her 'Happy Birthday!'. Tell her you are out exploring the great American wilderness. Tell her I said she is lucky to be born on Independence Day. +#Person2#: Thanks! I will do that! When is your birthday? +#Person1#: It is December 25th. +#Person2#: Wow! What a lucky girl! Your birthday is on Christmas Day. +#Person1#: Yes, I am lucky. I was born on Christ's birthday. Maybe that is why I usually go to church on Sundays. When is your birthday? +#Person2#: April 2nd. I missed being a target of a lot of jokes by one day. I guess I am lucky, too! +#Person1#: That is true! Here, have some Granola for breakfast. +#Person2#: Thanks. +#Person1#: After eating , we will take down our tent. Then we will pack everything into the canoe, We can shove off by 6 +#Person2#: I guess so. +#Person1#: How about going for swim around 10 +#Person2#: That should work out great. You are miracle worker! You have got me awake and motivated. +#Person1#: Happy Independence Day! ",#Person1# asks #Person2# to go paddling but #Person2# remembers today is #Person2#'s mother's birthday. #Person1# suggests #Person2# call her and wish her happy birthday and tells her #Person2# is out. Then they talk about their birthdays and later schedule. +dev_442,"#Person1#: May I have my bill, please? +#Person2#: That's $20 in all. +#Person1#: Well, I am afraid you have made a mistake. Would you check it again, please? +#Person2#: Let me see. I am terribty sorry, sir. That should be $18. +#Person1#: It doesn't matter. ",#Person1# points out a mistake on #Person1#'s bill. +dev_443,"#Person1#: Hi, Mary. You look pale today. What's the matter with you? +#Person2#: I think I've caught a cold. Now I'm aching all over. +#Person1#: You'd better take some medicine and have a good rest. I hope you'll be yourself pretty soon. +#Person2#: Thank you. I suppose I should go to see a doctor. ",Mary gets cold. #Person1# hopes Mary gets better soon. +dev_444,"#Person1#: Do you want to hear a funny joke? +#Person2#: OK. Are you sure it's funny, though? +#Person1#: Well, you'll see. +#Person2#: OK. +#Person1#: OK, an Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman were going on a trip across the desert, and they could only take one thing with them. +#Person2#: I see. +#Person1#: So they met up at the start of the journey and showed each other their equipment. +#Person2#: Oh, that's funny! +#Person1#: Hang on, I haven't finished yet. +#Person2#: Oh, sorry. +#Person1#: Well, as I was saying, they showed each other what they had decided to bring. The Englishman had brought some water. 'If we get thirsty, we'll have something to drink, ' he said. The Scotsman brought a map. 'If we get lost, we'll be able to find our way. ' The Irishman had brought a car door. +#Person2#: A car door? You mean just one car door? +#Person1#: Yep. A car door. 'Why the door? ' the others asked him. 'Well, ' he said, 'If it gets hot, we can open the window. ' Do you get it? +#Person2#: Well... ","#Person1# tells #Person2# a cold joke about an Englishman, a Scotsman, and an Irishman taking some water, a map, and a car door on a trip across the desert." +dev_445,"#Person1#: I'm now at the airport to meet Mr. Dale, who is arriving at 3:00 PM. There will be some calls for me while I'm away. So please take a message. +#Person2#: Certainly. What time will you be back? +#Person1#: Well, if the plane arrives on time, and then I'll be back around 5:30 PM. +#Person2#: If there is some urgent business, how can I reach you? +#Person1#: I'll call it again. Just to make sure. +#Person2#: All right.",#Person1# asks #Person2# to take a message if there are calls for #Person1#. +dev_446,"#Person1#: Adam, I'm sorry. +#Person2#: But, where have you been, Alice? Here over an hour late. +#Person1#: Yes, but I couldn't help it. I was late getting off work and then I missed the bus. The bus I did catch got caught in a traffic jam. It was one thing after another. +#Person2#: But, why did you get off work so late? The office closes at 6, doesn't it? +#Person1#: Yes, but there's a rash on at the moment in my boss asked me to work on some urgent letters. +#Person2#: But didn't you tell him you had an appointment? +#Person1#: Well. No, I thought I'd finish in about 5 minutes. If it hadn't been for missing the bus and the traffic, I wouldn't have been so late. I'm sorry! +#Person2#: Well, near here, and that's the main thing. Though you were late for the movie, we can have dinner together. +#Person1#: Thank you. I won't be late again.",Alice explains to Adam she's late for the movie because of missing the bus and catching in a traffic jam. Adam thinks they can still have dinner together. +dev_447,"#Person1#: What's up? +#Person2#: It's taking notes in class. Ever since I hurt my hand, my writing's been slower. And if I push too hard, it gets really painful. +#Person1#: Maybe you could just borrow someone else's notes and photo copy them or something. It'll help take the stress off your hands. Trying to keep up with the lectures on the board. +#Person2#: That seems simple enough, though I'm not too sure about it. +#Person1#: Maybe you could just bring a tape recorder to class. You could try and sit at the front or near the professor, so that the sound will be clear enough to listen to afterwards. You can borrow my recorder if you want. +#Person2#: You're really helpful.",#Person2# has trouble taking notes because of hurting hands. #Person1# suggests #Person2# photo copy someone else's notes or record the classes. +dev_448,"#Person1#: Oh no, is it almost 7:00 AM? Why didn't my alarm work? +#Person2#: What's wrong? Your class starts at 8:00 AM, you have plenty of time, don't you? +#Person1#: No, today is my school field trip. I need to be at school by 7:15 AM. +#Person2#: Oh yeah, that's right. You asked me to pack your lunch box last night. +#Person1#: Can you drive me there right now, mom? I would be late if I took the bus. +#Person2#: Sorry, sweetie. I haven't taken a shower or gotten dressed, I need at least 20 minutes. +#Person1#: No way, I will be in big trouble. +#Person2#: Oh, lookout the window, seems like Mrs. Anderson will drive her son Billy to school right now. How about you go with them? Billy is your best friend. I'm sure Mrs. Anderson wouldn't mind taking you with them, right? +#Person1#: You're brilliant, mom.",#Person1#'s clock didn't alarm and will be late for the school field trip. #Person2# suggests #Person1# taking Mrs. Anderson's ride. +dev_449,"#Person1#: Is there any place in the hotel where we can amuse ourselves? +#Person2#: If you want to take a walk, you can go to the garden. It is very relaxing there. +#Person1#: That sounds good. But is that the only place to go? +#Person2#: No, sir, there is a Recreation Center on the ground floor. You can play table tennis and go bowling. +#Person1#: I don't plan to play sports. I'd like a place to relax myself. +#Person2#: Yes, sir. There is a music teahouse where you can enjoy both classical music and modern music while having some Chinese tea or other drinks. +#Person1#: Oh, great! Thank you very much. +#Person2#: It's a pleasure.","#Person1# asks #Person2# the places for amusement. #Person2# recommends the garden for taking a walk, a Recreation Center for playing sports, and a music teahouse for enjoying music and drinks." +dev_450,"#Person1#: David, we have been doing business for three years, haven't we? +#Person2#: Yes, I'm glad we've had very pleasant cooperation in the previous years. And your achievement for promoting our clothes was great in the three years. +#Person1#: So, I wish to apply for the sole agency of your product in our local market. If you give us the agency, that will be more substantial for our cooperation. +#Person2#: To be frank, you are not the only one who applies for an agent for us in your country. I'd like to know some ideas of terms on which you would be willing to operate as our agent. +#Person1#: As we are a well-established company, we are very familiar with the customers ' needs. Besides, we can make full use of our good connections with the wholesalers and retailers here and develop a good market for your products if appointed as your agent. +#Person2#: Sounds reasonable. I will tell my boss about you agent application. Another question, what do you think is the minimum annual sales you can guarantee? +#Person1#: To be on the safe side, and for garment of all materials, sizes, and styles, I think the amount will be 50, 000 pieces a year. +#Person2#: Well. As our sole agency, you will neither handle the same or similar products of other origins nor re-export our goods to any other area outside your own. +#Person1#: No, certainly not.","After three years of cooperation, #Person1# applies for the sole agency of David's company's product in the local market. #Person1# tells David about #Person1#'s company's advantages and the minimum annual sales they can guarantee and promises to follow the sole agency's principles." +dev_451,"#Person1#: Excuse me. Could you please tell me how to get to the nearest cinema? +#Person2#: Turn left at the second light. You can't miss it. +#Person1#: Will it take me long to get there? +#Person2#: No. It's not far at all. +#Person1#: Thank you very much. +#Person2#: That's all right. Have a good day.",#Person2# shows #Person1# the way to the nearest cinema. +dev_452,"#Person1#: Merry Christmas, Bill. +#Person2#: Merry Christmas, Jina. +#Person1#: What are you doing there on the computer? +#Person2#: Come have a look, I received many beautiful e-cards. They are from my friends, all over the world. Christmas wishes for all my friends. +#Person1#: That's pretty interesting. Did you get one from Haven? The reason I ask is that I am looking for her number. +#Person2#: Sorry, I don't have it. But I do have her Email. You want me to sent it to you? +#Person1#: Yeah, that would be great. Thanks. +#Person2#: No worries. I just for her card. And you can get her from Email. I would really like to talk to her again. I kind of miss her a little this days. +#Person1#: Thanks million. +#Person2#: My pleasure.",Bill received Christmas e-cards from his friends. Jina asks for Haven's number. Bill offers Haven's email instead. +dev_453,"#Person1#: Do you remember what the ratings of movies stand for? +#Person2#: Yes, G stands for General Audiences, PG means Parental Guidance suggested, R is restricted to audiences under 18 and X means explicit content. +#Person1#: Does anyone pay any attention to those ratings anymore? +#Person2#: Remember when we were kids? Theaters wouldn't let kids in to PG moves without a parent. +#Person1#: I remember that I never saw an X moves even displayed. +#Person2#: Now with video rentals it's all a personal matter. +#Person1#: Yea, I never see theaters turn people away for their age anymore either. +#Person2#: Now we have to make a choice about what we will see and what we won't.","#Person1# and #Person2# agree that no theater pays attention to the ratings of movies anymore. Now with video rentals, it's all a personal matter." +dev_454,"#Person1#: Good afternoon. Is there a vacant room here? +#Person2#: What do you want, a single or a double one? +#Person1#: A single, preferably with a bath. +#Person2#: How long do you intend to stay? +#Person1#: For four days or so. +#Person2#: We have one single room on the fifth floor. +#Person1#: I hope it's quiet. I hate noise. +#Person2#: It's very quiet, sir. +#Person1#: How much does it cost per day? +#Person2#: It's 150 yuan per day including a 10 % service charge. +#Person1#: All right. I'll take the room. +#Person2#: Would you please fill in the registration form? +#Person1#: OK. +#Person2#: As a hotel policy, we require one day's room charge as a deposit for guests without reservation. +#Person1#: No problem. Here you are. +#Person2#: Your room number is 505. This is your key. The bellboy will help you with the baggage.",#Person2# helps #Person1# get a quiet single room without reservation and pay the deposit. +dev_455,"#Person1#: What seems to be the problem? +#Person2#: Oh, my God! It's my stomach. It's killing me! +#Person1#: Where does it hurt the most? +#Person2#: Right here! It hurts right here! +#Person1#: How long has it felt like this? +#Person2#: I felt OK when I woke up, and then, suddenly, I had this really sharp pain. +#Person1#: Do you have a history of stomach pain? +#Person2#: No, and I haven't done anything out of the ordinary. +#Person1#: Well, I think that we are going to have to get you to an emergency room right away. +#Person2#: Thank you for helping me.",#Person1# decides to get #Person2# to an emergency room as #Person2# has acute stomachache without a history of stomach pain. +dev_456,"#Person1#: Wow, Is winter always this cold in Taiwan? +#Person2#: Not really. It's much warmer usually. Your are not used to cold weather? +#Person1#: No, I am from south California. This is my first real winter. +#Person2#: Well, You'd better get some more warm clothes. +#Person1#: What's the temperature today anyway? +#Person2#: I would say it's about 5 degree Celsius.","#Person1#, as a Californian, thinks Taiwan's winter is cold. #Person2# suggests #Person1# get some more warm clothes." +dev_457,"#Person1#: Are you ready to order, sir? +#Person2#: Yes. Can you show me the menu, please? +#Person1#: Of course. Here you are. +#Person2#: Then, what's special tonight? +#Person1#: Our seafood is fresh. I recommend shrimp with garlic. +#Person2#: All right. We'll have some seafood and vegetables.",#Person1# helps #Person2# order some seafood and vegetables. +dev_458,"#Person1#: Craig, what do you do for work? +#Person2#: I'm still a student. +#Person1#: What school do you go to? +#Person2#: Boston University. +#Person1#: That's a good school. What do you study? +#Person2#: I'm studying English, math, and history. My major is English. +#Person1#: How long have you been studying English? +#Person2#: More than six years. +#Person1#: That's a long time. +#Person2#: Yeah, I started to learn English when I was in high school. +#Person1#: No wonder your English is so good. +#Person2#: Actually, it's not that good. I can read but I can't speak very well. I haven't had a lot of chance to practice. +#Person1#: I see. Talking with other people is very important. +#Person2#: Yes, but I still don't have many friends here yet. +#Person1#: I'm having a party tonight at my apartment. You should come. +#Person2#: Oh thanks for inviting me. I'd love to come.","Craig has years of English learning experience, but he can't speak English well due to a lack of practice. #Person1# invites Craig to a party tonight." +dev_459,"#Person1#: B, what's in your hand? +#Person2#: Sunday papers. I usually read them after coming back home from our company. +#Person1#: Why do you read them? +#Person2#: As you know, I am a sports fan. And these papers are famous for their sports section. So I will feel relaxed after grasping some information I am interested in. +#Person1#: I got your meaning. Reading is your own solution to solve pressure from busy tasks. +#Person2#: Correct! What about you, Fred? +#Person1#: I often go to the bar near our dorm when I am overtired. I am crazy for drinking wines with special taste. +#Person2#: Don't overdo it. +#Person1#: Shall we have a drink someday? +#Person2#: I get drunk easily.",B solves pressure by reading sports information while Fred goes to the bar when he's overtired. +dev_460,"#Person1#: Don't have some relation with him. You know, he is not a kind man. +#Person2#: Yeah. Sometimes I just cannot accept his behavior. +#Person1#: If you attack him, be sure you'll get a Roland for an Oliver. +#Person2#: OK, it's better to be far away from him.",#Person1# asks #Person2# to be far away from a man. #Person2# agrees. +dev_461,"#Person1#: Thank you so much. I can't take this. +#Person2#: She will insist. It's a rosary. She has millions of them. Take it. +#Person1#: What did she mean just now about raising pigs? +#Person2#: Oh! My grandmother used to say ' raising the pigs, raising the kids '. . . at least you can eat the pigs. ' +#Person1#: Haha. I get it. That's funny. Your cousin's a real sarcastic lady. +#Person2#: She likes to complain about her macho husband and her 'bambinos', but she loves them all dearly.",#Person1# thinks #Person2#'s cousin is a sarcastic but fun lady. +dev_462,"#Person1#: OK, Dead Man. If this doesn't start your engine, nothing will. +#Person2#: Thank you. Hey, do you know how espresso got its name? +#Person1#: No, I don't. +#Person2#: It's because of the way the steam and boiling water are pressed through the coffee. Es-PRESS-o, get it? +#Person1#: Uh, are you sure about that? I thought espresso was an Italian word.",#Person1# and #Person2# hold different ideas about how espresso got its name. +dev_463,"#Person1#: Are you busy with your work? +#Person2#: Yes. What about you? +#Person1#: Yes, I'm very busy, too. Sometimes I work overtime. +#Person2#: Then your salary must be high. +#Person1#: Just so so. But we can travel twice every year. +#Person2#: Is this time one of them? +#Person1#: Yes, we won't travel again until October. +#Person2#: Really? We have only one chance every year.",#Person1# and #Person2# talk about their busy work and their welfare of traveling. +dev_464,"#Person1#: Is this the A housing office? +#Person2#: Yes, it is. Are you looking for housing for this semester? +#Person1#: I was hoping to get into something on campus, but my friend told me that everything is full. +#Person2#: It is, but I can put you on a waiting list, if you would like. +#Person1#: Please. And in the mean time, can I look at apartments available in the area from this office? +#Person2#: Yes, here is a catalog that is put out every year with locations that meet campus requirements for As. +#Person1#: Who do I talk to if I want I to see some of them? +#Person2#: The individual landlord's numbers are next to each entry. You can call them with any questions you may have.",#Person1# wants to live on campus. #Person2# puts #Person1# on a waiting list and gives #Person1# a catalog with locations that meet campus requirements. +dev_465,"#Person1#: I was just about to go to bed when the telephone rang last night. +#Person2#: Who was it? +#Person1#: Kate. She said she was too excited to go to sleep. +#Person2#: She never cares about others. +#Person1#: It's true. Guess what we were talking about last night. +#Person2#: Her new boyfriend, right? +#Person1#: Yeah, how do you know about that? +#Person2#: I was also interrupted by her last week because of such a thing.",Both #Person1# and #Person2# have been interrupted by Kate to talk about Kate's new boyfriend. +dev_466,"#Person1#: Are the galaxies in the universe moving through space? +#Person2#: No, the galaxies sit more or less passively in the space around them. But not too much. As the space between galaxies expands, it carries the galaxies further apart - like raisins in an expanding dough. +#Person1#: But I heard that our Milky way galaxy may one day collide with a neighboring galaxy. If galaxies are moving apart from each other, how can they collide? +#Person2#: Well, the universe is a chaotic place, and the gravity from one galaxy, or from a group of galaxies, may disturb the motion of its near neighbors, causing them to collide. However, on average, when you compare two large enough chunks of space, the galaxies in one are moving away from the galaxies in the other. +#Person1#: Wow, you're really informative. Thanks a lot. +#Person2#: You're welcome.",#Person2# answers #Person1#'s questions of whether the galaxies in the universe are moving through space and how the galaxies collide. #Person1# thinks #Person2# is informative. +dev_467,"#Person1#: There are so many record players here. That is hard to choose. +#Person2#: Look at this one. It has a radio and cassette player and built in speakers. +#Person1#: I'd rather get one with separated speakers. They give a clear sound. +#Person2#: Yes, but we shouldn't get any thing too big. Remember it has to fit in with our living room furniture. +#Person1#: That's right. Now this one looks alright? It's a detached or do you prefer this one? It's Sony. +#Person2#: Let's have the salesmen for a demonstration.",#Person1# and #Person2# want to choose a record player. #Person2# suggests consulting a salesman. +dev_468,"#Person1#: You are married to a foreigner, huh? So what's it like? +#Person2#: Well, the first year of our marriage, we had great difficulty getting along. The things that are important to me are not important to him. We had a lot of conflicts. +#Person1#: Yeah, I know what you mean. The first year of any marriage is difficult for all couples, not to mention two people from different cultures. +#Person2#: And now we have a two-year-old boy. We're very happy that he's healthy and smart. +#Person1#: Oh, so he's half Chinese and half American. That's unusual. What languages does he speak, then? +#Person2#: Right now he speaks mostly Chinese, and he can say a few English words. But he will learn. +#Person1#: What does he look like? Can people tell? +#Person2#: Yes, people surely can. He's whiter than the Chinese kids, and his hair is a little blonde. My husband says his eyes are very Chinese though.",#Person2# tells #Person1# the first year of #Person2#'s marriage with a foreigner was difficult. #Person2# also talks about her son. +dev_469,"#Person1#: When were you born may I ask? +#Person2#: On 20th May 1963. +#Person1#: Do you know what it was according to the lunar calendar? +#Person2#: 27th day of the fourth month. +#Person1#: By the way, could you tell me when the film will begin? +#Person2#: It will begin at five thirty. +#Person1#: I am frigid I can't be there on time. +#Person2#: You can see it tomorrow. +#Person1#: I don't want to miss it today. +#Person2#: See you. +#Person1#: See you.",#Person1# asks #Person2# about #Person2#'s birthday and the starting time of the film. +dev_470,"#Person1#: Harry, do you like the opera? +#Person2#: No, not really. +#Person1#: Why is that? It is called real art. +#Person2#: Well, it's very expensive and they're usually singing in another language. That kind of gets on my nerves. +#Person1#: Yeah, that makes sense.",Harry tells #Person1# why Harry doesn't like the opera. +dev_471,"#Person1#: This little wooden stick is called a tee. +#Person2#: What do you do with it? +#Person1#: For the first drive, put the golf ball on the tee, and push the tee into the ground. +#Person2#: Okay. +#Person1#: Pick up a wood and hold it like this, interlocking your fingers. +#Person2#: OK. +#Person1#: Position yourself, swinging the club, watch the ball and hit it as hard as you can. +#Person2#: Hey! +#Person1#: Not too bad. The goal is to get the ball into the hole with as few hits as possible. +#Person2#: Got it.",#Person1# teaches #Person2# to play golf. +dev_472,"#Person1#: Mary, do you remember when we met? +#Person2#: I won't ever forget it! I was sitting in the cafeteria all by myself. . . +#Person1#: And I came up and asked to sit by you. . . +#Person2#: Oh, it seems like it was just yesterday.",Mary and #Person1# recall the first time they met. +dev_473,"#Person1#: Did you enjoy your weekend at the highland hotel? I heard it's and excellent place to stay and has good facilities. +#Person2#: I had a wonderful time. The rooms are not very big, but they are well furnished. The restaurant is excellent and reasonably priced. There's a sauna and a Jacuzzi. +#Person1#: Do they have a swimming pool? +#Person2#: No, they don't. they have a beauty parlor, but I didn't go there. +#Person1#: What's the service like? +#Person2#: It's very good. Check in and check out at the reception only took a few minutes. The wait staff is very good. A waiter recommended their baked fish, which tasted wonderful. The hotel was quite full, so I'd suggest making a reservation if you intend to go there. The hotel offers a discount at the weekends. +#Person1#: It sounds perfect. Did you have any complaints at all? +#Person2#: There was a problem with the internet access, so I couldn't check my email, but I didn't complain about it to the management. +#Person1#: I suppose you were happy to forget about the outside world. +#Person2#: Yes, I was. Here's their business card. +#Person1#: Thanks. Was there a mina bar in the room? +#Person2#: No, there wasn't. There is a bar on the ground floor and of course you can buy drinks in the restaurant to go with your meal. +#Person1#: One of the things I dislike about hotels is that everyone expects tips. +#Person2#: I know. At the inland hotel, they have an interesting policy. When you check out, you put some money in a special box at reception. Each evening, the money in the box is shared equally by the hotel staff.","#Person2# enjoys #Person2#'s weekend at the highland hotel because of the hotel's excellent and reasonably priced restaurant and good service. #Person2# introduces the hotel's facilities, weekend discount, and its interesting tip policy and suggests #Person1# make a reservation in advance." +dev_474,"#Person1#: Excuse me. May I see that laptop for a moment? +#Person2#: Sure. You mean this one? +#Person1#: No, the one on the left. Yes, that's the one. . . . Thank you. +#Person2#: It's a state-of-the-art piece of equipment, sir. With a gigantic 16. 1 USGA TFT screen, 2. 8 Ghz mobile processor, generous 512 MB RAM, removable 80 GB hard drive, convenient CD-RW / DVD combo drive, stunning fast graphics board with 64 MB DDR DRAM, dual battery capability, integrated Fast Ethernet card, IEEE 1394 digital interface and eight USB ports, it has all the power of a desktop computer packed into an ultra-slim notebook! +#Person1#: That's impressive! What's the sale price? +#Person2#: The regular price is $ 2980. 00, but until December the 31st it's on sale for just $ 2, 699. 00.",#Person2# introduces a laptop to #Person1#. #Person1# is impressed and asks #Person2# about the sale price. +dev_475,"#Person1#: Good morning. I'm thinking about buying some new furniture for my living room. Could you help me? +#Person2#: Certainly. As you can see, we have several three-piece suites on sale. Feel free to sit down and test how comfortable they are. +#Person1#: I came to your store yesterday and have come back today to make a final decision. I think I like the black leather suite. It's on sale, isn't it. +#Person2#: Yes. The price has been reduced by 50 %. It's a real bargain. +#Person1#: I'll take it. I also need to improve the lighting in my living room. Do you have any suggestions? +#Person2#: Those floor lamps are very nice and you can vary the brightness according to whether you're reading or watching tv. How big is your living room? +#Person1#: It's quite large. It's about 40 square meters. +#Person2#: I'd suggest you buy two. That allows you to change the brightness of the room better. +#Person1#: OK. I like the design of this lamps. I also need some cushion covers. I'll just browse through those ones over there.",#Person2# assists #Person1# to buy new furniture for #Person1#'s living room. #Person1# decides to take a black leather suite and two floor lamps. #Person1# then wants to browse through some cushion covers. +dev_476,"#Person1#: Can you help me with my timesheet? +#Person2#: Sure! I can help you. Do you know where the timesheets are kept? +#Person1#: No, I don't know where to find one. +#Person2#: Well, once you get one off the shelf over there, you first put your name on it. OK? +#Person1#: Yes, I can do that. +#Person2#: Now you have to fill in the hours in the blanks and total the hours for the week. Do you know how to use military time? +#Person1#: No, I don't know what that is. +#Person2#: OK, so we just start counting hours at midnight and record it. Show all minutes as a dot and then write how many minutes. OK? +#Person1#: Yes, I understand how to do this. +#Person2#: After you total your hours, make sure you sign it and turn it in to your supervisor. +#Person1#: That was easy! +#Person2#: Good luck and let me know if you need any help later on.","#Person2# helps #Person1# find a timesheet and teaches #Person1# to total hours, sign it, and turn it to the supervisor." +dev_477,"#Person1#: What did you say your stop was? +#Person2#: Fifth Avenue. +#Person1#: Oh, then you should have gotten off at the last stop. +#Person2#: I should have? +#Person1#: But don't worry. You can get off at the next stop and walk back. It's not far.","#Person1# tells #Person2# #Person2# missed #Person2#'s stop, but it's not far to walk back." +dev_478,"#Person1#: You two are so health-conscious! +#Person2#: Well, we try! Here, I just made some carrot juice. Would you like a glass? +#Person1#: Why not! Before you know it, I'll be heading off to the mountains to stand on my head! +#Person2#: You don't have to go to the mountains! I stand on my head during my yoga routine every morning! +#Person1#: Thanks for the carrot juice, Mrs. Schmidt. I've got to run to class! +#Person2#: Have a good day at school! See you tonight!",#Person1# thinks Mrs. Schmidt is so health-conscious. They share their own ways to stand on their heads. +dev_479,"#Person1#: Did your meal meet with your approval? +#Person2#: Our meal was absolutely perfect! +#Person1#: How about a dessert to top off that wonderful meal? +#Person2#: Dessert sounds perfect, but I would like to split something with my friends. +#Person1#: On this evening's dessert list, we have chocolate mousse cake, homemade fresh strawberry shortcake, and a spicy rum apple crisp. +#Person2#: I think that the apple crisp would be wonderful. +#Person1#: One dessert will serve two, so would you like to split a second one? +#Person2#: We would also like a piece of chocolate mousse cake. Could you bring us four dessert forks, please? +#Person1#: How about some coffee and tea as well? +#Person2#: We are all tea drinkers. Please bring us four teas. +#Person1#: I will prepare your desserts and have someone bring you your drinks right away. +#Person2#: The hot drinks first would be great. Thanks!","#Person1# recommends #Person2# to order desserts. #Person2# orders an apple crisp, a piece of chocolate mousse cake, and hot tea." +dev_480,"#Person1#: Good afternoon, madam. How can I help you? +#Person2#: Well, I am a little bit out of shape. I think I should get some exercise to keep fit. what kind of service do you offer? +#Person1#: First of all, we'll tailor a work-out plan according to your physical conditions and your personal needs. +#Person2#: How can you get that done? +#Person1#: Well, we give each of our customers a qualified personal trainer. The trainer will give you a fitness assessment and then come up with the work-out plan. +#Person2#: What else? +#Person1#: Since everyone is different, your personal trainer will help you find out all the exercise equipments that are suitable for you fitness level. Then you'll be taught all the necessary techniques to use these equipments and achieve your goal. +#Person2#: Sounds pretty good. How much do you charge? +#Person1#: That depends. We offer membership for one month, half a year and one year. +#Person2#: Perhaps one month. I'll just have a try at first. +#Person1#: Wise decision. that is 400 yuan. You'll find it's totally worth it. +#Person2#: OK, I'll take it.",#Person2# wants to keep fit. #Person1# introduces their customer-made work-out services to her. The woman finally chooses the membership for one month for a try. +dev_481,"#Person1#: Well Rebecca, is there anything else you need to know for now? +#Person2#: I don't think so, Mr. Parsons. I think you have covered all the main points for me. +#Person1#: Okay well listen, here is my business card with my mobile number. If any other questions spring to mind don't hesitate to contact me. Of course you can also call Miss Childs too. +#Person2#: Great. Rmm, when can I expect to hear from you? +#Person1#: Well, we are finishing the shortlist interviews tomorrow, so we will certainly have a decision made by early next week. Miss Childs will call you to discuss more on Monday or Tuesday. How does that so +#Person2#: That sounds perfect. Thank you very much for taking the time to speak to me Mr. Parsons. +#Person1#: The pleasure's all mine, Rebecca. +#Person2#: I hope to hear from you very soon. +#Person1#: Absolutely. Thanks for coming Rebecca. Goodbye.",Mr. Parsons gives Rebecca his business card after the interview and tells Rebecca the decision will be made by early next week and Miss Childs will contact Rebecca. +dev_482,"#Person1#: Welcome, young man. No offence, but I haven't seen you here before. +#Person2#: Of course, this is my first time here. My Mom has a membership here. Here is the card. +#Person1#: Okay then. You are the younger customer here ever. +#Person2#: It's not so wise that you do not explore the children's market. +#Person1#: It's the marketing's fault, I suppose. What do you want to do? +#Person2#: Well, I want to become just like Bruce Lee. What should I do? +#Person1#: That's a long way to go, I'm afraid. First of all, you gotta grow up. +#Person2#: I am still young. And I'm growing every minute. +#Person1#: Sure. Then what about trying the treadmill or the skipping rope. +#Person2#: I love running. Anything else? +#Person1#: Please change your clothes first! +#Person2#: I'm perfect with my clothes. And I do not have anything else with me. +#Person1#: Sorry, but no jeans here. +#Person2#: Oh, that's the only place where jeans are not popular. I'd better just go home.","#Person2#, a young customer, wants to become just like Bruce Lee. #Person1# suggests trying the treadmill or the skipping rope, but #Person2# leaves because #Person1# asks #Person2# change #Person2#'s clothes first." +dev_483,"#Person1#: Hello,this is Susan speaking. Is Mr. Brown in, please? +#Person2#: Yes, speaking. +#Person1#: Hi,Mr. Brown. Your son Ted missed the school trip this morning. Do you know why? +#Person2#: Yes. He got up a bit late this morning. He missed the school bus. +#Person1#: Why did he get up late? Didn't he have a clock? +#Person2#: The clock didn't work this morning. I worked overtime till midnight at home last night, so I got up late,too. It was already nine o'clock when I woke him up. +#Person1#: Well,why did he wake up at such a late hour? Did he go to bed late last night? +#Person2#: Yes. He didn't go to bed until 11:00 pm. +#Person1#: Why didn't you ask him to go to bed early? +#Person2#: He's a 'night owl'. He can't fall asleep before 11:00 pm. +#Person1#: You should really change his sleeping habits. Otherwise it will happen again. +#Person2#: I will. Thank you for calling, Susan.",Susan calls Mr. Brown to ask why Ted missed the school trip. She suggests Mr. Brown change Ted's sleeping habits. +dev_484,"#Person1#: So what do you think you are going to do when you graduate, John? +#Person2#: I'm not sure. My dad says I should work in information technology. You know something with computers. +#Person1#: Is that what your dad does? +#Person2#: Not really. He is an engineer. +#Person1#: How about you? What are you interested in doing? +#Person2#: Well. I'm interested in medicine. I'd love to be a doctor. +#Person1#: Yeah, what subject are you good at? +#Person2#: Math is my best subject. And I'm also pretty good at science.",John wants to be a doctor after graduation while his dad wants him to work in information technology. +dev_485,"#Person1#: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? +#Person2#: Good morning. have a reservation for a single room with a bath here. +#Person1#: May I have your name, sir, please? +#Person2#: Bradley, John Bradley. +#Person1#: Just a moment, sir, while I look through our list. Yes, we do have a reservation for you, Mr. Bradley. Would you please fill out this form while I prepare your key card for you? +#Person2#: OK. Can I borrow your pen for a minute, please? +#Person1#: Sure. Here you are. +#Person2#: What should I fill in under Room Number? +#Person1#: You can just skip that. I'll put in the room number for you later on. +#Person2#: Here you are. I think I've filled in everything correctly. +#Person1#: Let me see...name, address, nationality, forwarding address, passport number, place of issue, signature and date of departure. Oh, here, sir. You forgot to put in the date of your departure. Here let me fill it in for you. You are leaving on...? +#Person2#: October 24th. +#Person1#: Now everything's in order. And here is your key, Mr. Bradley. Your room number is 1020. It is on the 10th floor and the daily rate is $90. Here is your key card with all the information on your booking, the hotel services and the hotel rules and regulations on it. Please make sure that you have it with you all the time, as you need to show it when you sign for your meals and drinks in the restaurants and the bars. You also need to show it when you collect your key from the Information Desk. +#Person2#: OK. I'll take good care of it. +#Person1#: And now if you are ready, Mr. Bradley, I'll call the bell-boy and he'll take you to your room. +#Person2#: Yes, please.","#Person1# assists Mr. Bradley to fill out a form to check-in. #Person1# tells Mr. Bradley his room number, reminds Mr. Bradley to always carry the multifunctional key card, and then calls a bell-boy to help Mr. Bradley." +dev_486,"#Person1#: Pardon me. Are you familiar with this neighborhood? +#Person2#: Well, I should be. I've lived here all my life. What are you looking for? +#Person1#: The Post Office. +#Person2#: Well, the nearest one is about a mile away. +#Person1#: Oh. Well, I guess I could send a letter. +#Person2#: There's a mail box up the street. Have you already got a stamp on that letter? +#Person1#: Yes, I have to register it. How do I walk to the post office from here? +#Person2#: Go up this street until you get to the main street. Then turn right and walk about four blocks or so. +#Person1#: Thank you for your help. +#Person2#: The post office entrance is inside a building complex with some other offices. +#Person1#: I'm sure I'll find it. If I get lost, I'll ask again. +#Person2#: There's an American flag out front, and a sign: The U.S. Post Office. +#Person1#: Thanks again. Bye.",#Person1# asks #Person2# about the location of the post office. #Person2# tells #Person1# the nearest one and how to get there. +dev_487,"#Person1#: Welcome. Last month big leap in new job, some 300, 000 plus, is a huge increase over what the country has seen in the past 6 months when the average growth has been just 75, 000 new jobs a month. For a closer look at what's happening, we turn to Lisa Lynch, an economics professor at Tofts University. Lisa Lynch, when you look at these numbers, do you think job creation is on the rise? +#Person2#: It certainly is. It was a great report. It indicates that the job market, broadly speaking, has turned the corner after 3 very long, lean years. I think we are going to see improvement. It's not only the March gain. It was gain in January and February. They were both revised higher, and moreover, the job gains were very broadly-based across many industries. It was a very positive report. +#Person1#: What do you see in the numbers? Who's getting the new jobs? +#Person2#: As I mentioned, when we looked at the numbers, 'we are seeing employment across the board in all sectors, with one important exception, and that's in manufacturing. Well, we do not have any job loss in manufacturing sector for the first time in 44 months. We did not see pick up in the manufacturing sector, but we saw restaurant and hotel workers being added on. We saw workers in supermarket being added on. Part of that reflects the settlement of the grocery stores strike out California. We saw workers in the health care sector and hospitals being added on. We saw business services adding employees. So in general, with the very important exception of manufacturing, we are seeing job growth across all of these different types of occupations.","#Person1# interviews Lisa Lynch about her opinion on the big leap in new jobs created last month. Lisa says the report is positive because it shows the job market's improvement after three lean years. All industries including catering, health care, and services experience positive growth, except for manufacturing which has neither job loss nor picking up." +dev_488,"#Person1#: I'd like to add some Chinese traditional elements in the decoration of my new house. +#Person2#: That's great! I like this style very much. And I think if you want to embody the Chinese elements, you should use the red color. It is the most representative color in China, and sometimes it is called 'Chinese Red'. +#Person1#: Oh, yes, I agree with you. And as for the door and the windows, I also like to use lattice. I think it is the most important elements of Chinese decorating. +#Person2#: Yes. I think you have a good understanding of the Chinese style. And I suggest you'd better hang two Chinese landscape paintings. +#Person1#: Oh. That's a good idea. I will buy them in the afternoon. And I'd like to paint the walls again and buy a new sofa. +#Person2#: What color do you want to paint? +#Person1#: I don't know exactly, but I'd like to use fresh colors. I think these colors look vivid. +#Person2#: What about the sofa? +#Person1#: I have no idea about it.",#Person1# wants to add some Chinese traditional elements in the decoration of #Person1#'s new house. #Person2# gives #Person1# some suggestions. #Person1# hasn't decided on the sofa and the color of the wall yet. +dev_489,"#Person1#: What's going on between you and Charlie? Did you have a fight or something? +#Person2#: No, but I can't stand him anymore. He is the worst roommate I've ever had. He never cleans up after himself and he is always listening to loud music when I try to get some sleep. +#Person1#: Why don't you have a heart-to-heart talk with him? +#Person2#: I've tried, but it didn't work. Maybe you can talk to him. After all, you are his good friend.","#Person2# complains about #Person2#'s roommate, Charlie, to #Person1# and asks #Person1# to talk to Charlie." +dev_490,"#Person1#: Tom, I married Julia last month. Have you already known it? +#Person2#: No, I haven't. I'm so surprised at the news. +#Person1#: Indeed, we got married too soon. +#Person2#: Congratulations. But have you heard the proverb that if one gets married too hurriedly one may regret it for a long time? +#Person1#: Yes. However, I believe that marriage comes by destiny. I knew I would marry Julia when I met her at the first time. +#Person2#: How's your married life? +#Person1#: We're happy together now. +#Person2#: I have to say you're a well-matched couple. +#Person1#: Thank you! ",#Person1# tells Tom he and Julia got married hurriedly but they are happy. +dev_491,"#Person1#: Have you ever seen Bill Gate's home on the internet? +#Person2#: No. what's it like? +#Person1#: It's got its own library, theatre, swimming pool, and a guest house. The house itself has about ten different rooms that are all hooked up to computers so you can get things done in each room through a remote control. It's also located near the sea, so he can park his boats next to his house. It's absolutely amazing! +#Person2#: Would you want to live there? +#Person1#: I think his house is fantastic, but I wouldn't want to live there. You would have to hire one or two people to clean all the rooms in the house, plus a few people to take care of the gardens, and probably an au pair or two to take care of the children. It's just too big of a place to take care of on your own. +#Person2#: What's your dreamhome like then? +#Person1#: My dream home is actually just a small cottage in a quiet village in England. +#Person2#: Would you want to buy an old cottage or build a new one yourself? +#Person1#: Old homes are great because they've got character. I think that's important. +#Person2#: Is that why you wear second-hand clothes as well? Because they've got character? +#Person1#: No, that's just because I don't have enough money to buy new cloths all the time! +#Person2#: I see. If you lived in an old house, would it be decorated in a modern way? +#Person1#: No, I'd definitely try to restore it to its original state. I love to imagine what it'd be like to live in another time in history and living in a house decorated like it would have been 200 years ago would be a great way to feed my imagination even more! ","#Person1# tells #Person2# what Bill Gate's home like. It's got its own library, theatre, swimming pool, and a guest house. #Person1# doesn't want to live there because it's too big to take care of by one person. #Person1# prefers old cottages in a quiet village in England because they've got characters." +dev_492,"#Person1#: What can I do for you, sir? +#Person2#: What have you got this morning? +#Person1#: Fruit juice, cakes and refreshments, and everything. +#Person2#: I'd like to have a glass of tomato juice, please. +#Person1#: Any cereal, sir? +#Person2#: Yes, a dish of cream of wheat. +#Person1#: And eggs? +#Person2#: Yes, bacon and eggs with buttered toast. I like my bacon very crisp. +#Person1#: How do you want your eggs? +#Person2#: Fried, please. +#Person1#: Anything more, sir? +#Person2#: No, that's enough. T hank you. ","#Person2# orders tomato juice, a dish of cream of wheat, crisp bacon, and fried eggs." +dev_493,"#Person1#: Excuse me, is there a table for 8 right now? +#Person2#: Let me see. . . I am sorry the tables you want are booked. +#Person1#: Well, since there are some small square tables, could we put two tables together? +#Person2#: No problem, sir. Let me help you. ",#Person2# helps #Person1# put two tables together to make it for 8 people. +dev_494,"#Person1#: I am totally fed up with my boss. He has crossed the line one too many times with his sexist comments. This time I am really going to report him for sexual harassment. +#Person2#: What happened? Did your boss say something to offend you at work? +#Person1#: He constantly lets inappropriate things slip out, referring to the women employees as girls or calling us sweetheart or darling. I doubt any of my male colleagues would stand for such treatment. +#Person2#: Don't you think you are overreacting a little? Calling you by nicknames shouldn't be so bad... +#Person1#: You're missing the point. It's about respect. He treats us with such a patronizing attitude, as if we are not equal or not as serious as our male co-workers. It's his attitude that needs to be changed, not just his words. +#Person2#: That's what you get for working in a male-dominated field. I think you'll find that most male bosses in your industry are already conditioned to treat females in this way. You probably won't be able to change him. ",#Person1# complains to #Person2# about her boss's sexist comments. #Person1# is going to report him for sexual harassment. #Person2# thinks #Person1# is overreacting and she can't change her boss. +dev_495,"#Person1#: Now that it's the new year, I've decided to turn over a new leaf. +#Person2#: Yeah? You finally decided to wipe the slate clean? +#Person1#: You got it! I have a new job, I'm living in a new city, with new friends! This is my opportunity to make some small changes in the way I live my life. +#Person2#: So what are you going to do? Take up an art class or something? +#Person1#: Well, first of all, I've decided to stop smoking. It's not that I'm pinching pennies or anything, it's just that I've been smoking since I was sixteen, and I think it's time to stop. +#Person2#: I'm with you on that one. Anything else you're planning on doing? +#Person1#: One last thing, I've decided to come out of the closet. +#Person2#: It's about time! ",#Person1# decides to stop smoking and come out of the closet in the new year. #Person2# supports #Person1#. +dev_496,"#Person1#: You married Joe, didn't you? +#Person2#: Joe? I don't know what you mean. +#Person1#: I remember you are in love. +#Person2#: Oh, I took a shine to him when we met for the first time. But it comes and goes. +#Person1#: It's Greek to me. ",#Person1# thought #Person2# married Joe. #Person2# denies. +dev_497,"#Person1#: How can I help you mam? +#Person2#: I was hoping you could look at my car today for the past few weeks. It has been making very strange noises. +#Person1#: What kinds of noises? +#Person2#: It sounds as if something is being damaged in the wheels. It only happens when I'm slowing down. +#Person1#: Wow, it sounds like you need new brakes.You'll have to leave the car with us until tomorrow. +#Person2#: Gosh, I was thinking you'd be able to get it back to me this afternoon. +#Person1#: Unfortunately, we need to order the parts and we can't get started until they arrive. If I order them now, they'll be here this afternoon or tomorrow morning at the latest. +#Person2#: I see. Well, why don't I just bring my car back in the morning? There is a show I really want to see downtown tonight. +#Person1#: I don't think that's a good idea. You're risking your life by driving this car. If I were you I'd check the bus schedule.",#Person2#'s car makes noises. #Person1# thinks it needs new brakes but #Person1# can't get it fixed until tomorrow. #Person2# wants to drive to a show tonight; #Person1# suggests #Person2# take a bus. +dev_498,"#Person1#: Hello, Amazon's customer service. How can I help you? +#Person2#: Hello, it's the book I got from your website yesterday when I was reading it. I found that one page is missing, page 53. +#Person1#: I see. May I have your order number, sir? +#Person2#: It's B113. Dash 7423935. +#Person1#: OK. Let me check. It's the paper bag night of the Hunter written by RA Salvatore you bought on our web 10 days ago, which is on October thirteenth, right? +#Person2#: Yes. +#Person1#: Well, we might need you to take a photo of the missing part of this book and upload it to the customer service page of our website. And when the problem is confirmed, we will send you a new book in 2 days. +#Person2#: OK. Then what should I do with the old book? Should I send it back to you or something? +#Person1#: That won't be necessary, sir. You can keep it if you like. Is there anything more I can help you with? +#Person2#: No, thanks. +#Person1#: You are welcome, sir. Have a nice day.",#Person2# calls Amazon's customer service because one page is missing in the book he got from Amazon. #Person1# says they will send him a new book after the problem is confirmed. +dev_499,"#Person1#: I can't believe it's almost summer. +#Person2#: Yeah, I know. The year went really fast. +#Person1#: What are you going to do this summer vacation? +#Person2#: I'm going to work for a company. +#Person1#: A company? What's that? What do you do? +#Person2#: We help at parties. Our company prepares and serves the food, and usually another company provides the music. +#Person1#: I didn't know you could cook. +#Person2#: I don't have to cook. I'm only an assistant. +#Person1#: When do you start? +#Person2#: Tomorrow. We're helping a birthday party. Then a big family get together. +#Person1#: So, what exactly do you do? +#Person2#: Before the party starts, I help set everything up. You know, bring the food in and arrange the tables, make sure it looks nice. +#Person1#: Sounds pretty easy. +#Person2#: That's only the first part. During the party, I have to serve food and drinks to the guests. +#Person1#: Well, at least you get to meet people. +#Person2#: Yeah, and after the party is finished, I help clean up. +#Person1#: Yuck, I hate to wash dishes. +#Person2#: Oh, I don't wash dishes. Someone else does. I just put everything in the truck. +#Person1#: That's not so bad. Sounds like a cool job.",#Person2# tells #Person1# #Person2# is going to work for a company helping at parties during the summer vacation. #Person1# thinks that's a cool job.