--- license: agpl-3.0 --- # CoVaxBD CoVaxBD: Bangla-English code-mixed, a sentiment-annotated corpus of Facebook comments ## Sentiment Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccination in Bangla Language with Code-Mixed Text from Social Media If you use this dataset for your research, please cite our [paper](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/10088478). ``` @INPROCEEDINGS{KHAN10088478, author={Khan, Mahamudur Rahaman and Nawsad Rahmatullah, S.M. and Islam, Md Fuadul and Kamal, Abu Raihan Mostofa and Hossain, Md Azam}, booktitle={2022 12th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE)}, title={Sentiment Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccination in Bangla Language with Code-Mixed Text from Social Media}, year={2022}, pages={76-79}, doi={10.1109/ICECE57408.2022.10088478}} ```