Re: Dutch WP Music
Hello :confused: Does anyone know a good nederlands White power band???? Or something in that style. Because i have never heard a Dutch White power band. i hope that you come whit many suggestions. Hail victory! I forgot to say something :D I forgot that here in sweden there i live (my mother is dutch living in sweden) their is lots of white power bands and nationalist bands. and my swedish Wn friends here in sweden asked for some dutch Wp music. I have heard a neophyte song (Sieg heil), but is it really neophyte who have done that wp techno track?? Heil victory
Re: Tattoo Thread-Post your WN / WP tattoos here
thats great work brother! Did you have a friend do that? or did you find a shop?
Re: Where has all the respect and knowledge of WN history gone too?????
It's the responsibility of the older generation of WN to educate the younger generations to inherit their cause. White intelligence won't be passed down through passive diffusion. Only an active educational movement can counter act the white guilt infused cannon taught in the modern public education system. Questions of why don't they know are not as useful as how can we change this. I like to recommend books or take as much time as is required to discuss basic philosophy with those who are open to the cause. It's a small part but that's how I can contribute to educating fellow supporters based on where I am in life right now.
Re: Hoelzer Reich fightwear
http://ca.sports.yahoo.com/mma/blog/...urn=mma,207448 Hoelzer Reich fightwear is now banned for all Zuffa/WEC fighters. Saw that coming. I also wonder if KOTC will continue to give fights to Melvin Costa. Strikeforce CEO Scott Coker's official stance is that swastika's will not be displayed at any of their affiliated fights but Costa seems to keep fighting.
Re: We are all the same under the skin ...
Lol, I think you give those lefty liberals too much credit. I doubt most of those equality hippies understand the genetics of humans. I don't think they were ever arguing against the fact that there are MHC I incompatibilities between ethnic groups. We are all the same under the skin is more a metaphorical point they argue that the capability of a human being has no relation to their genetics. You would look pretty stupid telling a liberal Ah HAH! See! Humans have these things called immune systems that will reject organs without compatible MHC's The difference's described here don't really add anything to our understanding of race theory.
Re: We are all the same under the skin ...
We are all the same under the skin is a viewpoint shared by the negro who is too defeated to fight on. In effect, he is acquiescing the known fact that the white (Teutonic) race is the race superior in virtually every regard, with exception to the size of male genitalia. It's ridiculous statements like this one that keep white rights from gaining any credibility. If you look at the genetic code of different groups of Africans you can find numerous traits that make them better adapted to their environment. If anything it's the third world countries (where those with weaker social intelligence die from poverty) where genetic traits for intelligence would be purified. Compare that to the weak socialist societies developed in Europe where laziness is rewarded and allowed to breed. If you don't respect the lesser races for what they truly are, you will never be able to effectively combat them.
Re: My own study!
What do you mean by genetic background. Are you suggesting we get genetic tests done and then mail you our genomes? What part of the genome are you interested in connecting to the body type traits that you will observe? What and how are you trying to correlate human body phenotypes to? I'm a cellular biology major and I have had a hard time finding valid connections between behavioral traits and a body's expressed phenotype. So what exactly is your hypothesis or what are you expecting based on previous work?
Re: My own study!
Similar work has been done, but I dont think to the right extent. Many, lets say liberal, scientists also dismiss the work. Actually I think liberal scientists have pretty solidly proven that race exists and there are ethnic groups with genetic differences. The genetic difference possessed by ethnic groups in Africa is astonishing. They possess absurd genetic diversity. For examples, the differences between two african sub populations can be greater than the differences between whites and asians. With the advent of large databases of highly redundant full human genomes I think the race picture will become more clear. In fact all these genome databases are free and online. If you wanted to study race comparisons you could pick certain traits to focus on and then look for changes among ethnic groups. Good luck on your studies!
The New White Nationalism
*This is not a science essay on race. These writings discuss the philosophical implications of the science of race in relation to White Nationalism. The New White Nationalism White nationalism sits upon a time bomb. Weakness in it’s philsophical groundings the supposed nferiority of blacks leave the movement open to massive damage unless changes in core thought occur. The progress of science, namely large scale bioinformatics, undercuts this pillar of White Nationalism. I focus on blacks due to their historical significance to the predominantly American audience reading this article. Projects analyzing thousands of human genomes from samples across the world lay the base for greater understanding of racial differences. This website ( www.1000genomes.org ) is just one example of the rapidly expanding genome data pools. The conversion over the past decade to a genetic basis of biological research on the molecular level on up to the organismal level will have profound implications to our understanding of race. As genetic referenced chemical pathways of the body link together to form the complete picture of the human system, the true power of environmental factors on human development will be revealed. An oft (mis) quoted statistic is that genetics determines roughly 50% while the environment determines the other 50% of intelligence. A proper statistical break down of this idea reveals the weak basis of a genetic/racial breakdown of predominantly environmentally shaped phenotypes. Imagine that blacks contain 1% less genetic capability to succeed in a specific field. With this logic it would only take a 2% gain in environmental factors for blacks to overcome their genetic differences to become more successful than whites. From a biochemical stand point and preliminary data gained from the sequencing of dozens of human genomes it is an old school white national fantasy to expect that genetic differences to be large enough to justify statements that black make up an inferior race even when given equal circumstances. The new school of White Nationals must draw from only historical and cultural differences between whites and blacks to promote the banishing of other races. Promoting the inherent inferiority of Blacks will be the Pandora’s Box of White Nationalism. If anything the success of black African Immigrants show how vulnerable this grand movement will leave itself once the general public realized the potential blacks have given structured resources. Even more dangerous, African Immigration causes a demographic shift from black Americans to truly “African” Americans with wealth and education combat White Nationalism on an even playing field. Here the U.S. Census Bureau information summarized in wikipedia shows the ability of people with black skin to outperform white’s in terms of obtaining college degrees, SAT scores, and other education standards. “In an analysis of Census Bureau data by the Journal of Blacks in higher education, African immigrants to the United States were found more likely to be college educated than any other immigrant group. African immigrants to the U.S. are also more highly educated than any other native-born ethnic group including white Americans. Some 48.9 percent of all African immigrants hold a college diploma.” Our problems lie in the historical relationship we have with the rapacious black American cultural leeching off the gains provided by white American society. Without change, White Nationalism will waste away. --0rpheus *~_~*~_~*~_~*~_~*~_~*~_~*~_~*~_~*~_~*~_~*~_~*~_~*~ _~*~_~* All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. -Thomas Jefferson
Re: Improving the image of WN - 2nd Amendment Activists
I agree with you. The media certainly does portray the right as violent and hateful.For an issue like gun rights though, I don't think the problem can be solved by having WN's promote their idiology in a more focused manner.Most of the media vitriol against gun ownership comes with the potential for misuse (ironically predominantly by blacks) of guns for public violence.The media argues this public violence infringes on the rights of individuals.Facts can be twisted in any direction depending on the core beliefs of the presenter. The initial presentation has little to do with the final product displayed in the news.
Re: BJJ vs. Dirty Fighting
1st question. Where did you get your BJJ blu ebelt. Your understanding of BJJ seems...off. Agreeing with the points in the above post. For example Forearm crush is an extremely low percentage move. Position over submission. Dirty fighting works both ways. The BJJ guy will be able to get to the better position to more effectively apply dirty moves. Very few people train dirty fighting (ball strikes, biting, gougining) and those who do can't train it 100%. So Dirty Fighting is a tactic that doesn't take much skill or training to execute. This all points back to the fact that the BJJ guy with positional experience can always fight dirty better than the pure dirty fighter
Re: submission wrestling
First off I guess I get confused over whether there is any difference between no-gi Brazilian jiu jitsu and submission wresteling The only difference I can think of is that sometimes in rare circumstances wrestlers are able to out point other brazilian jiu jitsu trained people in a competition setting. Some tournaments that call them self submission wresteling tend to cater more towards wrestlers turned grappelers while gi based federations will hold no-gi tournaments that draw people trained initially in gi. In fact pretty much everyone worth anything in competition started out in gi and then transitioned over once they developed their base. Both are equally important parts of the art. NAGA (north american grappeling association) puts on tournaments across the nation. It's a great lower tier tournament for people wanting tournament experience. For really top level competition the holy grail of no-gi jiu jitsu is ADCC which is an inivitation only grappeling tournament of the best no gi jiu jitsu practictioners in the world. IBJFF which holds the most prestigious gi grappeling tournaments also holds world championships in no-gi that are also extremely prestigious to win in. I've been rolling for about a year now and recently got stomped in my first NAGA competition by wrestlers that used positional control to out point me while I tried for submissions in the gi and no gi division. It was a great experience and showed me a lot of things I can work on to really fill out my game.
Posts not showing
Dear SF Mod team, I was wondering why my posts are not showing up. I have read through all of the FAQ's on this site and, from what I understand, posts shouldn't take longer than a few hours to show up. I clicked the link in the confirmation email and got an email saying my account had been registered. My first post was a thread discussing the philosophy of genetics in the WN movement. I posted this a few days ago The morning at 1:00am I made two posts One post was a response about money saving tips for frugal living. Another post was a response about submissions wrestling tournaments in the US and my own experience in them. It's is now 12 hours later for those two posts and a couple days for that first thread. Is something wrong with my account? I apologize in advance for this lengthy thread but I am just trying to give as many details to the Mod team to help. I think I was following the guidelines of the site, wasn't trying to flame anyone, and wasn't re-posting old content. Thank you for you help. Very new to this site so I'm not sure if I'm doing this right.
Re: Leg kicks in a street fight! and hate crime?
Why make such sweeping statements based on one wannabe Muy Thai thug? A well placed kick COULD have been effective depending on the person throwing it and the circumstance. Would it GENERALLY be effective? Probably not. I think the Gracie Family established very well that if a striker doesn't have a ground game he's like a fish waiting to be shot in a barrel. It's Ironic(concerning your topic) that Sakuraba turned Royce Gracie's leg into a pulp over the course of an hour long fight. I agree that in the vast majority of fights kicks are not going to be effective because out the circumstances involved with a street/bar fight. Close quarter fighting techniques are going to win the day. But in a one on one fight without outside interference striking with kicks can be brutally effective. Just look at Anderson Silva. He's a top 3 pound for pound fighter in the world. Because he has a well developed wrestling and grappeling game, he can strike his opponents into pulvarized meat with whatever strike he wants. Will this work in a bar fight? Do well rounded fighters get in bar fights? Most people who train Muy Thai outside of Thailand if they aren't Dutch seem to be pretty crappy.
Re: Fedor Brett Rogers whos watching???
Does anyone else think of Fedor's right hand as a Stinger missle? The missle is launched and sort of hangs in the air. Then the rockets kick in and BAM it's flying through the air. Then the impact. His fist does the exact same thing. Stinger Missle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbmiAq7pXQE Fedor's fist (posted earlier in thread) http://www.mma-core.com/videos/_Fedo...007654&tid=100
Re: Frugal Living Tips
I don't own a car anymore. I make do with my bike, however this probably won't work for most people's living circumstances. As for grocery's my staple diet is bulk chicken and beef which I eat as a need. For grains I stick to rice and pastas. For vegetables I tend to buy large packs of frozen vegetables which I've found to be excellent value. Since almost all frozen vegetables are picked at peak ripeness and then flash frozen, the quality and taste are quite good compared to how fresh vegetables can get near the end of their life span. I would love to get into an organic farm co-op sort of situation but there is just nothing offered near where I live. You are lucky to have that service offered. It's quite easy for me to eat under 100 dollars a month with this meal plan.
Re: submission wrestling
I love BJJ/SW and Judo I want to take classes but since it`s grown in popularity how do you know the difference between a good school and lousy instructor trying to make a quick buck:confused: BTW in a street fight is it wise to take a fight to the ground? To answer your questions first: If you want to learn BJJ just go check out a school and just observe a class or practice with them for free. Every school should let you try before you buy. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu differs from most other martial arts because competition is important along with belt rank. Just make sure the school you go to has people who are committed towards getting you competition ready and has people who are actively seeking to compete. It means they are willing to test themselves against the best in order to improve. If they are focused on promoting you through belt ranks be warry. This is more of a problem at karate-McDojo type schools. In a street fight however, never go to the ground. In a sanctioned fight BJJ is probably the most fundamental fighting art you can have because once the distance is closed it becomes a submission match. In the street however if you are on the ground you'll get curb stomped. Just don't get in street fights. Knives and Guns come into play and you never know who's carrying. There is also a big difference in the philosophies of catchwrestling and jujitsu.Catchwrestling was made for real fighting .Thats why wrestlers use control and dont fall to their back.Jujitsu was devloped in dojos. Much of modren jujitsu comes from catchwrestling.American catchwrestlers dominated martial arts in the early 1900s. In response to 45ACP you seemed to totally ignore how martial arts cross-pollinate each other. Yes Judo and Catch Wresteling BOTH are foundation bases for the development Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. You neglect to state that BJJ developed a system wholy based on submissions from any position. Judo still focuses mainly on throws landing opponents on their back for positional control. Catch Wrestling still focuses mainly on wrestling opponents into positional control. BJJ however understands that a submission from any position is a win. Just off the top of my head here are wins obtained in MMA recently FROM THE BACK. Fedor Emelienko #1 HW (Sambo) def Mark. Coleman (Wrestling) Armbar Maia(BJJ) def. Sonnen(Wrestler) (traingle) Mousasi (striker) def. Souza (BJJ) (upkick) Shinya Aoki #3 LW (BJJ) def Joachim Hansen(Striker) Armbar But really in the current world of MMA grappling, wrestling, clinch, and standup are all important. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu just has a monopoly on the science of ground fighting in terms of scope and effectiveness.
Re: 14 WORDS in many languages
I would write it like this in Serbian cause i think this is the correct translation: Mi moramo osigurati opstanak naše rase i budućnost naše bele dece! U add this to ur pdf file and keep the old translation.
http://img378.imageshack.us/my.php?i...10247684ad.jpg I made this today, So how do u like it?
Re: Am I a Racist?
drummer I once thought exactly like you about jews and that turned me away years ago.You dont need anyone telling you what to accept or believe you only need to see for yourself.Jews control alot in the world today and people from all races/places know that. 2508
Re: Is there a complete list of songs by Sleipnir?
No but there the best skinhead folk band out there
Re: Maladjusted Friendship
That was actually a nice poem and people can relate to the meaning behind it, good job :)
Re: Texas police shoot and kill 8th grader carrying a pellet gun.
He was a Mexican..
Horrific crime
In a horrific, unbelievable, crime a black man raped an 82 year-old bed-ridden woman in her care home room. A member of staff, at the home in Nottinghamshire, disturbed a naked man attacking the woman in her room at about 0520 BST on Sunday. The intruder, described as black, slim, aged 20-25 with dreadlocks, ran off. Det Insp Sean Anderson said the attack against the 82-year-old stroke victim, “defies belief”. (not unbelievable when you consider the scum our government lets set foot on our shores) Residential home owners and guests were being warned by the police to be extra vigilant, and to close doors and windows at night, until the man is caught. Mr Anderson, who is in charge of the inquiry, said: “It defies belief that someone can sink so low as to attack and sexually abuse a helpless old lady who has had a stroke and who is incapable of defending herself.” He added that it had yet to be established how the offender had entered the premises and that the man was very dangerous and must be caught as soon as possible. The attack took place on the ground floor of the residential care home. A full search of the area was carried out with police officers and dogs but the man was not found.
Clitheroe to get mosque.
Even after the objections of more than 900 people to dissuade the council plus a further 224 people who signed and wrote letters that were deemed racist by the council that they did not have the nerve to be made public, the Conservative-controlled Ribble Valley borough council gave the go-ahead for a chapel to be turned into a mosque. The slow decline of the Mount Zion chapel on Lowergate Street , Clitheroe , featured in the painting “A street in Clitheroe” by LS Lowry , and its change to a mosque is a story that is being replicated throughout Britain. It seems that converting this chapel into a mosque was a step too far. The local paper, the Clitheroe Advertiser and Times, was inundated with letters. Two weeks before the planning committee heard the application, the editor refused to accept any more letters citing “legal issues over content, the length of letters and restrictions on space”. On the day of the vote, more than 150 people attended the council chamber. The chair of the planning committee, Richard Sherras, summed up the council’s dilemma: “We are in a catch-22 situation: we can approve the application and be accused of ignoring the wishes of the majority of the public, or we can refuse the application and be branded racist,” he told the committee. Either way a piece of Britain has been lost.
Islam: Fastest growing religion / Irish: A minority by 2050
The Irish are forecast to become an ethnic minority in our own country by 2050. The fastest growing religion in Ireland is Islam and the Catholic and Protestant churches support it. They, along with the government and the media, are the biggest cheerleaders for the invasion. http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=GCSXS7NEecU The Role of Education in the ‘New Ireland’ - Diarmuid Martin: (pdf) http://www.ireland.com/focus/2008/con ISLAM: Fastest Growing Religion in Ireland http://www.immigrationcontrol.org/new Census: Islam fastest growing religion (pdf) http://www.cso.ie/census/census2006re Archbishop criticises Catholics who pick schools to avoid diversity: http://www.ireland.com/newspaper/fron Martin hits out at parents who send their kids to schools with less foreigners: http://www.independent.ie/national-ne
Re: Prussian Blue in Sweden
The band Prussian Blue will be performing in Sweden in late July. Just a heads up for you all. April Thank you for information Mrs April;) Prussian Blue forever:clink Owen
Re: Solidarité kosovo
It is serious, to help our brothers Serb http://02varvara.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/serbia.jpg
Giant Mosque petition.
http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/2...amosquezh0.jpg The Red-Islamic Alliance is looking for its biggest single advance so far with London’s anti-English Mayor Ken Livingstone pushing hard for the £100 million mega-mosque which one of Britain and Pakistans’ most hardline Islamic sects wants to build next to the Olympic stadium in East London. The London Evening Standard is at present running an opinion poll on whether or not the Super Mosque should be built. Since it is planned to be higher than St. Paul’s Cathedral, will involve tax-payers’ money as well as massive donations from the ultra-fundamentalist Wahhabi regime in Saudi Arabia and will be the biggest symbol so far of the Islamic colonisation of England, the overwhelming majority of ordinary Londoners are against the development. But so far a big behind-the-scenes campaign by Islamic organisations to fiddle the online vote is having its effect. At present (Tuesday lunchtime) a staggering 57% of the nearly 43,000 people who have voted have supported the giant mosque. You can help to redress the balance and to make the anti-Islamification views of the silent majority felt. Please go to the Standard website and add your own ‘No’ vote. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/poll/p...te+now/poll.do
Re: Se convertir à l'islam ou au judaisme? Possible!
http://islam.about.com/library/graph...oon_yellow.gif + http://www.zetetique.ldh.org/images/...e_de_david.png = Cancer
http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/5...muslimsmy4.jpg Comme on le constate dans l’ensemble des pays d’Europe à forte immigration musulmane, les derniers développements de la guerre qui oppose depuis 1948 colons juifs et population palestinienne ont une incidence de plus en plus importante sur la paix civile du Vieux Continent. A Milan, alors que quelque 5000 musulmans défilaient samedi dans le centre de la ville pour protester contre les frappes israéliennes dans la bande de Gaza - brûlant des drapeaux de l’Etat hébreu et arborant des banderoles représentant l’étoile de David surmontée d’une croix gammée -, plusieurs centaines d’entre eux ont fait halte sur la place du Dôme, devant la célèbre cathédrale blanche de Milan, et se sont prosternés en direction de La Mecque. Cette « prière » était dirigée par un imam. Une démonstration de force allochtone qui a provoqué des réactions de rejet parmi la population italienne de souche. « C’est inadmissible ! Où se croient-ils ? » a ainsi protesté une Milanaise devant une caméra de la RAI. La Lega Nord, le mouvement identitaire padan, dénonce une « provocation intolérable » . « Le fait que des extrémistes islamistes aient transformé le parvis du Dôme en mosquée à ciel ouvert constitue une incroyable provocation » , a réagi Mario Borghezio, député européen de la Lega Nord. « La prière à Allah récitée par des milliers de fanatiques musulmans est un acte d’intimidation, une gifle à la ville de Milan, qui doit rester chrétienne » , a-t-il ajouté. Il a expliqué la position de la Lega au micro d’Henri Dubost.
Re: les noirs de montreal nord attaquents
The real reason why…..
..migrant workers are encouraged to Britain ! Migrant workers on a construction site at an NHS hospital have taken home as little as £8.80 for a week’s work. Pay slips showed one man received the wages after rent deductions, a Union of Construction, Allied Trade and Technicians (UCATT) spokesman said. The union said the migrant workers on the team were mostly Lithuanians. Skanska, the firm overseeing the King’s Mill Hospital project in Notts, said the situation has since been resolved. When I first saw the wage slip it was disbelief - to see someone taking home £8.80 for a week’s work Steve Murphy, UCATT spokesman UCATT general secretary Alan Ritchie, who said the workers were denied overtime pay and charged excessive deductions for rent, tools and utility bills, added: “We have been building up a large fact file of abuses of ganged workers. “ This case is the worst we have seen, these workers were virtually destitute. The fact it has occurred on a PFI site, using taxpayers money, is scandalous.” On their web site Skanska or is that skanky, state; At Skanska we are: Proud to be “a little bit different”. Proud of our commitment to health, safety and the environment. Proud to combine our technical know-how and experience with our friendly and caring approach to construction. Proud to care about our clients and the communities we work in.
Re: White Revolution
Don't be offended, but I don't think that women should engage in combat, nor should they dress in that manner. To quote a friend of mine, What's with girls who wear skirts without stockings? They might as well wear a t-shirt that says 'whore'. Calms the friend, you speak like the Muslims:eek::( Owen
Re: L'affaire de l'émission Demain tous Métis ?
YouTube - Love Your Race - Your Race Is Beautiful YouTube - White Pride, World Wide
Re: Afhganistan
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x6h...girouette_news .
Metro Riot
PARIS, March 27, 2007 - French police were forced to evacuate a major Paris subway station on Tuesday after a row over a ticket at the Gare du Nord station descended into a riot. Officers arrested at least nine people and two others were injured when about 100 youths clashed with police at the station, where the mainline Eurostar terminal is a major gateway from Paris to the rest of Europe. Dozens of rioters attacked windows, vending machines and shops in the main hall of the subway station for several hours before police dispersed the crowd late on Tuesday using tear-gas. The trouble started when a 33-year-old without a ticket jumped the barriers in the subway station and was stopped by railway officials, police said. He tried to resist and is accused of injuring two officials. Police patrolling the station intervened and arrested him. However, several young people who witnessed the incident began to gather in protest against what they perceived to be the use of excessive force by police. The passenger was evacuated from the station but the crowd grew. Some began throwing plastic bottles at police and shouted insults at Nicolas Sarkozy, the former interior minister. They also chanted slogans of “police are everywhere, justice is nowhere” and “down with the state, police and bosses”. Police reinforcements soon arrived and by late Tuesday most of the crowd had been forced outside or onto the platforms. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1k...7-gare-du-nord
Re: Juifs?
Marc36, mais tu rêve, personne ici ne suivra une pourriture sioniste de ton espèce, voici une chanson concernant le cancer Juif de ton espèce : Don't go round with the Jews You don't know which danger you'll find On the rail of your life It's so hard to change your direction once you are running Guy, don't trust in the Jews Their identity is not the face you see They show you what they want you to see And then you're compelled to believe, you may not agree But you will never know the truth Don't go round with the Jews You should be afraid of their kind attitude When you're invited to a feast Don't expect to have fun, to be a guest respected and hailed If you are lucky you only have to serve Otherwise you're an instrument to keep their hatred calm You have to keep the peace in their world And receive all their tensions, their apprehensions They don't care if they humiliate you Don't go round with the Jews They use and discard you and use you and kill you slowly in your brain No, there will be no alliance I will never mix my lymph with the blood of the Jews Being part of their system ? No, I prefer a sorrowful death. No, no, don't go round with the Jews Reclaim you independence, reclaim your purity Decode their system They'll suck your blood, they'll use your energy And the fear will lead you to agree They will destroy you... http://farm1.static.flickr.com/54/19...2f4c1ac941.jpg http://img.printfection.com/1/1099/3696469/uT68B.jpg
France want to see the backs of immigrants.
France has said it plans to offer incentives to more immigrants - especially those from Africa - to return home voluntarily. New Immigration Minister Brice Hortefeux said a family with two children would be paid 6,000 euros (£4,068) to return to their country. In 2005-2006, a similar scheme was taken up by some 3,000 families. France is home to about two million immigrants from north and sub-Saharan Africa, according to a 2004 census. “We must increase this measure to help voluntarily return. I am very clearly committed to doing that,” Mr Hortefeux told France’s RFI radio. Mr Hortefeux last week was named immigration minister by newly-elected President Nicolas Sarkozy. Mr Sarkozy has warned that France “is exasperated by uncontrolled immigration”. France was hit by a series of riots in the immigrant-heavy suburbs in 2005.
Re: SOS Racisme à l’agonie
Re: L'eco della battaglia
Onore http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GaETWuIbYCk Owen
Brigitte Bardot Fined for Speech Crime by Paris Court
Brigitte Bardot, 73, who was an international film star in her early career and who has since devoted her life to campaigning for the rights of animals and in favor of a restoration of the French nation, has been convicted by a corrupt court, which has fined her for racism. While prosecutors asked for a two month jail sentence and a fine, Bardot was eventually fined €15.000 and forced to publish news of the conviction in her animal welfare magazine. She also was ordered to pay damages to the watchdog groups which brought the initial complaint. What was Brigitte Bardot’s crime? Asking her elected representatives in 2006 to enforce humane animal slaughter rules, which are already on the books, to curtail vicious Muslim halal practices, which cause needless suffering. Particularly galling is the practice that occurs around the Muslim Eid holiday, when Muslims publicly cut open the throats of sheep and allow them to bleed to death. Courageously, Bardot linked this disgusting and primitive practice to the overall threat imposed on France as a result of Third World immigration. She warned about this population that is destroying us, destroying our country by imposing its acts. The racism charge was brought by civil rights organizations who use their power to selectively persecute nationalists. This is Bardot’s fifth similar conviction, part of an ongoing campaign to shut her up and to chill free speech for others in France. Political correctness and tolerance make petitioning elected officials a literal crime in France, and all across Europe.
In Rotterdam soon a hospital reserved to the Muslim ?
The Netherlands knew these last years their share of tensions and debates on the cohabitation with their strong Moslem population. Rotterdam could see appearing soon a hospital reserved exclusively to the followers of Islam. Rooms distinct on request for the women and the men with practitionars attending from the corresponding sex. Of the personnel trained with the specific needs for the Moslems and Arabic-speaking person as much as possible. Food halal, rooms of prayer and Imams available to any hour of the day If it is due any only to Paul Sturkenboom, Rotterdam will be equipped from here January 2009 with a singular intended private hospital, in priority, at the important Moslem community of the city. “To my knowledge, it will be the only hospital offering of the services fully adapted to the Moslems outside the Moslem world”, underlines the businessman, who says to want to benefit from the “existing hole in the market” of the care of health. The idea makes waves in the multicultural city of 600.000 inhabitants, regarded as a laboratory of integration in the Netherlands. Particularly near the populist elected officials of Leefbaar Rotterdam, who speak about “the hospital of apartheid”. The line formation, founded by Pim Fortuyn, elected islamophobe assassinated in 2002 by an animalist militant, tried with the autumn to make vote for a resolution condemning the project. It was rejected by the coalition of left to the capacity.
They’re not British they’re Pakistanis !
Travel restrictions could be imposed by America on 800,000 ?British? citizens of Pakistani origin because of concerns about terrorism, it emerged yesterday. The move has been prompted by fears that British Muslim men were behind several major bomb plots. On Monday, five men - four with Pakistani backgrounds - were convicted of plotting to attack a shopping centre, a nightclub and other targets with home-made fertiliser bombs. Last summer, MI5 foiled an alleged plot for suicide attacks on transatlantic aircraft. The Americans have been concerned that their principal security risk could actually come from Britain, with whom they operate a visa waiver scheme. Since 2004, Britons travelling to the US do not need a visa if they have a machine-readable passport issued since 1991. Michael Chertoff, the US homeland security secretary, has reportedly told the Government that British Pakistanis should apply for a visa before travelling to America. The Foreign Office said last night any such plan would be resisted although the Americans would be entitled to introduce a new visa regime unilaterally. Last month, Mr Chertoff said that America was vulnerable to Muslim citizens of Britain and other European countries mounting terrorist attacks. Terrorists such as the four July 7 bombers - three of whom were of Pakistani origin - could have used the waiver scheme to enter the US. “We need to build layers of protection and I don’t think we totally want to rely upon the fact that a foreign government is going to know that one of their citizens is suspicious and is going to be coming here,” he said. Bruce Riedel, senior fellow at the American think-tank the Brookings Institution, echoed his concerns. Omar Khyam, the leader of the plotters convicted on Monday, was, he said, “the classic UK-Pakistani connection that al-Qa’eda has focused on since 9/11. His UK passport gives him international nobility. His training at a camp run for Kashmiris by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence agency gives him expertise. Al-Qa’eda gives him direction.” An estimated 400,000 trips a year are made by Britons of Pakistani origin to their ancestral homeland.
Rats deserting sinking ship.
TWO illegal immigrants decided to smuggle themselves out of Britain through Dover to dodge the credit crunch. The pair, from Pakistan, said they had been living in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, but were desperate to flee the UK because they did not like the look of the country’s economic prospects. The immigrants, who have not been named, were caught cowering in the boot of a Ford Mondeo which was driven through border controls at the Port of Dover on March 15 this year. Mohammed Javed, 39, and Arif Mehmood, 34, were spared jail for the swindle after they both admitted attempted people smuggling. The pair each got 120 hours community service and a nine-month suspended jail term. Perhaps during their community service hours the pair could round up some illegals and escort them from the country.
Russian Poll: 84% Say Truth About 9/11 Being Deliberately Hidden
A new poll from a major Russian news outlet reveals that 84% believe that the truth behind the 9/11 attacks is being deliberately hidden by the U.S. government. At time of writing, the poll on the Russia Today website indicates that only 16% of readers feel that the 9/11 Commission report represents the full extent of the evidence as to who carried out the attacks over seven years ago. The 84% figure mirrors almost exactly that of similar polls conducted in 2006 and 2004. The poll comes on the heels of a survey conducted across 17 countries by WorldPublicOpinion.org that revealed less than half of those surveyed believe Al-Qaeda was behind 9/11, with a full 15 per cent believing that the terrorist outrage was directly perpetrated by the U.S. government. A recent New York Times article also covered the fact that it has become conventional wisdom across the middle east that the official 9/11 story is a fraud. Russia Today, one of Russia’s primary news channels also today features a balanced article and video report documenting the activities of the 9/11 truth movement in New York yesterday. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ew97V8d1rvY We Are Change’s Luke Rudkowski, and Infowars reporter Jason Bermas have joined hundreds of other activists in promoting the 9/11 truth movement and raising awareness and much needed aid for sick first responders on the seventh anniversary of the atrocities. The events in New York continue today . The 9/11 truth movement has received much attention in Russia throughout the week with Russian State TV today set to broadcast a feature length documentary that questions the official version of events along with a pre-recorded studio debate on the matter. Up to 30 million Russians will see Giulietto Chiesa’s ZERO, which covers some of the pertinent unanswered questions and inconsistencies surrounding the received reality of 9/11. The figures that consistently emerge from the now voluminous polls, surveys and reports regarding 9/11 from all over the globe represent a blow to debunkers who have attempted to argue that skepticism towards the official 9/11 story is a radical fringe belief. In reality, it is now beyond any doubt that a majority of people believe an explanation other than the official story or at least have suspicions about the official version.
Re: Hotel Stella
Thanks for the videos Owen. Justice pour Julien is a great song, that I first heard not long after I first read about what happened to Julien. I wish I spoke French so I could learn more about the case. It happened about a year ago and seemed very suspicious to me from the moment I heard about it. Does anyone know what the status of the case is? Is the black police officer still on the street? Yes, always:mad: French justice, assassin
80 Congo refugees to hit Ireland’s shores
A month after the announcement of the settlement of Tanzanian refugees in Ireland and while our economy is crashing down, it has been announced today that some 80 refugees from Congo will be resettled in Ireland next year. The families are currently living in refugee camps in the north-western region of Tanzania. Integration minister Conor Lenihan and officials will travel to Tanzania tomorrow to finalise details of the UN-led resettlement move. The refugees are expected to arrive in Ireland in April 2009 and will immediately take part in a six-week orientation programme in Co Mayo to help them adjust to their new lives in Ireland. They will then be resettled in a town which has not yet been disclosed. Ireland accepts about 200 refugees each year under the resettlement programme run by the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). “ Many of these refugees will have spent long years in refugee camps living under stressful conditions and this humanitarian-based programme offers the opportunity for new lives ,” said a spokesman for Mr Lenihan. “ On arrival in Ireland, the refugees have, in general, the same rights as ordinary Irish citizens .” he added
Coming to a town near you !
With almost 4 million people displaced in Iraq, the European Commission is ready to open up its coffers to those EU states willing to host Iraqi refugees. The asylum issue is to be discussed at a two-day meeting of EU justice and interior ministers in Luxembourg, starting on Thursday (19 April), as some member states, particularly Sweden, are struggling with an increasing influx of refugees from war-torn Iraq. “The commission is willing to use new financial instrument as well as the European refugee fund for 2008,” a commission spokesperson said on Wednesday (18 April). Sweden’s reception facilities have been under pressure, as the Scandinavian country is the only one within the 27-nation bloc granting refugee status or other protection to almost all Iraqi asylum seekers. A total of 9,065 Iraqis applied for refugee status there in 2006, compared to 2,330 the previous year. On the other hand, the list of least-welcoming EU states is led by the UK, which has rejected 91 percent out of all the Iraqi requests (1,835) it had received. (I wonder if that’s because Iraqis are blowing up British service personnel on a regular basis?) Brussels said the overall number of Iraqis seeking refuge in the EU was too small to invoke the so-called “temporary protection mechanism” under which all refugees would have to be accepted temporarily, without going through lengthy asylum procedures. The legal tool – designed in response to the 1990 war in the former Yugoslavia - but never used – would force member states to share the burden of refugees, as well as to reduce disparities between their asylum policies. According to the latest UNHCR estimates, there are at least 1.8 million Iraqis displaced internally and up to 2 million in neighbouring countries.
Re: Hôtel Stella
Justice pour Julien ( Live ) YouTube - Hotel Stella - Justice pour Julien ( Live ) Justice pour Julien ( Clip ) YouTube - Hotel Stella - Justice Pour Julien Owen
Too much white and too English
Corby, a small town of the United Kingdom, was deprived by its police headquarters of tens of employment public because its inhabitants are too white and too English. Employment was réattribués at the city close to Leicester, which answers the necessary criteria better on the ethnic minorities This incredible decision was revealed starting from a confidential official letter. Confronted with the loss of the 80 uses of his city, the local deputy had requested an explanation from the administration. The response of the ministry was as follows: the town of Corby has too many white and British inhabitants (of stock). Consequently, it does not satisfy at the request of the government concerning the recruitment of the ethnic minorities: Corby is to 93,7% a town of white British, whereas Leicester is it only to 59,6%. It is the first known case of the kind, but the British deputies prevented that similar operations could take place in all the country: the civils servant are indeed subjected to an enormous pressure on behalf of the ministries to increase the proportion of the ethnic minorities in the public sector. In England, discrimination because of the racial membership is condemned by a law of 2000; BUT this law also authorizes the public organizations to practise positive discrimination. ll is illegal of saying that the stations must be allotted to ethnic minorities, but moving the stations in a given sector is not it
Re: White you tube
My space video : http://www.livevideo.com/0wen :clink
Brigitte Bardot Fined for Speech Crime by Paris Court
Brigitte Bardot, 73, who was an international film star in her early career and who has since devoted her life to campaigning for the rights of animals and in favor of a restoration of the French nation, has been convicted by a corrupt court, which has fined her for racism. While prosecutors asked for a two month jail sentence and a fine, Bardot was eventually fined €15.000 and forced to publish news of the conviction in her animal welfare magazine. She also was ordered to pay damages to the watchdog groups which brought the initial complaint. What was Brigitte Bardot’s crime? Asking her elected representatives in 2006 to enforce humane animal slaughter rules, which are already on the books, to curtail vicious Muslim halal practices, which cause needless suffering. Particularly galling is the practice that occurs around the Muslim Eid holiday, when Muslims publicly cut open the throats of sheep and allow them to bleed to death. Courageously, Bardot linked this disgusting and primitive practice to the overall threat imposed on France as a result of Third World immigration. She warned about this population that is destroying us, destroying our country by imposing its acts. The racism charge was brought by civil rights organizations who use their power to selectively persecute nationalists. This is Bardot’s fifth similar conviction, part of an ongoing campaign to shut her up and to chill free speech for others in France. Political correctness and tolerance make petitioning elected officials a literal crime in France, and all across Europe.
Memorial outrage
http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1...9imagelob6.jpg A MEMORIAL dedicated to fallen police hero Stephen Oake has been wrecked. The granite stone trimmed with gold was erected six months ago outside the Crumpsall flat where the Special Branch officer was stabbed to death by al-Qaeda terrorist Kamel Bourgass during a police raid in 2003. In an attack which will spark outrage, the memorial has now been completely destroyed by vandals. A piece of the stone was still lying in a grass verge close to the scene in Crumpsall Lane this morning (Friday). Police confirmed they are treating the incident as criminal damage and have launched an investigation. Police said the memorial was vandalised on Tuesday evening and pieces of the stone were then removed and thrown into the car park of Cheetham Hill Police Station, just over a mile away. The pieces of stone damaged two marked police cars and another car belonging to an officer at the station in Cheetham Hill Road. No-one was in the cars at the time and there were no injuries. Superintendent Catherine McKay from the North Manchester Division said: “This is a despicable incident which is an affront to Stephen’s family, his friends and his colleagues. “The offenders will have required some form of weapon to exert enough force on the memorial to break off chunks of marble. “The damaged memorial has now been removed out of respect for Stephen’s family. It will be replaced when it has been repaired. “This appalling incident shows a total lack of respect for a man who lost his life trying to protect members of the public across Greater Manchester. “The community in North Manchester has always been very supportive of Stephen’s family and friends following his death and I hope that they come forward with information which will lead us to those responsible for this.” The memorial stone was unveiled as part of a ceremony celebrating DC Oake’s life in September last year. The granite memorial was paid for by Michael Winner’s Police Memorial Trust . Read more about Stephen Oake’ s heroism and the campaign to honour him using the links to the right of this story.
Re: White Revolution
AryanGentleman, I think that you are Muslims, you should learn how to respect the women ;) Owen
Re: White Revolution
Putting women in combat and encouraging them to dress indecently shows a great deal of disrespect for women. Allowing feminism to flourish harms women most of all, because it teaches them that they can be fulfilled by acting like men, which is a lie. The white women are free their choices! ! ! The women are equal to the man, I think that you should respect their choices. Islamic propaganda is not welcome on forum Owen
Brigitte Bardot Fined for Speech Crime by Paris Court
Brigitte Bardot, 73, who was an international film star in her early career and who has since devoted her life to campaigning for the rights of animals and in favor of a restoration of the French nation, has been convicted by a corrupt court, which has fined her for racism. While prosecutors asked for a two month jail sentence and a fine, Bardot was eventually fined €15.000 and forced to publish news of the conviction in her animal welfare magazine. She also was ordered to pay damages to the watchdog groups which brought the initial complaint. What was Brigitte Bardot’s crime? Asking her elected representatives in 2006 to enforce humane animal slaughter rules, which are already on the books, to curtail vicious Muslim halal practices, which cause needless suffering. Particularly galling is the practice that occurs around the Muslim Eid holiday, when Muslims publicly cut open the throats of sheep and allow them to bleed to death. Courageously, Bardot linked this disgusting and primitive practice to the overall threat imposed on France as a result of Third World immigration. She warned about this population that is destroying us, destroying our country by imposing its acts. The racism charge was brought by civil rights organizations who use their power to selectively persecute nationalists. This is Bardot’s fifth similar conviction, part of an ongoing campaign to shut her up and to chill free speech for others in France. Political correctness and tolerance make petitioning elected officials a literal crime in France, and all across Europe.
Re: Owen's Video
YouTube - The Soul of European http://www.livevideo.com/video/857C5...f-europea.aspx
Re: Owen's Pictures
Who is this? Great work btw! Sophia Bush;)
Re: Owen's Pictures
I bet the jews would love to see all of their tv stars in these pics!:D Again owen nice work,I want one with me and my kids.Is that possible??? Sure is Possible ;)
Re: Owen's Pictures
I would use the WPWW logo with a better resolution. Here you have some: and avoid the font comic, profesional designers reject this font as the pest. :) http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:...tes/cheval.jpg
Re: Bruxelles, une jeune fille violée en pleine gare
Source SVP? http://www.nation.be/web/accueil.php3 :rolleyes:
Amsterdam : les écoles devraient faire une place à l’islam, déclare un maire.
http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/5...167515dnk6.jpg Ahmed Marcouch, maire de Slotervaart, banlieue d’Amsterdam, a déclaré que les écoles publiques devraient faire davantage de place à la religion, particulièrement à l’islam. Selon Marcouch, cela permettrait d’éloigner des mosquées l’éducation religieuse. Marcouch veut que le créationnisme soit enseigné aux côtés de l’évolutionnisme. Les écoles musulmanes naissent par « nécessité » car les écoles publiques ne font pas assez de place à la religion. Il pense également que les écoles devraient respecter les coutumes et les fêtes musulmanes. Il dit que les enfants musulmans ne peuvent que difficilement aller dans les écoles publiques, car ils doivent constamment se justifier sur des sujets comme le voile islamique, la douche et la piscine mixtes, et les fêtes. Marcouch déclare qu’à la base un enfant musulman devrait pouvoir fréquenter une école publique sans renoncer à sa religion. Il dit qu’il existe des possibilités légales pour les cours d’éducation religieuse additionnels, mais qu’elles ne sont pas ou peu utilisées. Il dit que ce n’est pas comme apprendre la religion et que ça devrait être fait par un professeur qualifié.
Support the Bishop.
Gone is the voice of reason , gone is the protection of our young! It appears , thanks to our Labour goverment , we are no longer able to protect our young from homosexuals . The Bishop of Hereford is being taken to an employment tribunal by a homosexual who claims he was refused a job as a youth worker because he is homosexual. John Reaney, 41, of north Wales, said he was told after an interview that a job offer was a “formality” but was later summoned to meet the bishop. He claims the Rt Revd Anthony Priddis , pictured , then asked him “humiliating” personal questions about his private life. The diocese said Mr Reaney had never been offered the job. The two-day tribunal is due to begin in Cardiff on Wednesday. Mr Reaney, who has previously worked as a youth worker for the dioceses of Norwich and Chester, says he was interviewed for the job by a panel of eight, including two vicars. He claims he was then phoned to be told he was the unanimous choice for the job and the appointment would be confirmed, subject to approval by the bishop. But when the bishop interviewed him, he claims he was quizzed over his sexual orientation and left in no doubt he would not be offered the job. The Church of England’s policy is that all homosexual staff must remain celibate. Under the employment equality regulations, passed in 2003, it is illegal to discriminate in the workplace against people as a result of their sexual orientation. The law contained an exemption for organised religion and this case is expected to act as a test over whether support staff in the Church of England are included in this. Mr Reaney’s case is being funded by the gay equality organisation Stonewall. A spokeswoman for the Diocese of Hereford said: “John Reaney did not get the job he applied for in the diocese. “He was not offered the job and therefore an offer cannot have been withdrawn. “We expect the same sexual standards of behaviour from support ministers, or lay ministers, as we do of clergy.”
Re: Nous somme des sous chien, parole de rat Houria Bouteldja
Video ici : http://www.dailymotion.com/relevance...e-a-mourir_fun
Man speaks with fork tongue.
Shortly after becoming Premier last June, Mr Brown declared: ‘If you commit a crime, you will be deported. You play by the rules or face the consequences.’ Half of the foreign prisoners released last year were allowed to walk straight back onto Britain’s streets, 4,150 burglars, muggers and other convicts remained in the UK. Many were allowed to stay because of human rights laws or an EU directive making it harder to remove criminals from other European nations. Figures reveal that 8,350 foreign nationals were freed from UK prisons in 2007. But, according to the Home Office, only 4,200 were deported or removed. This figure also includes offenders released in previous years.
Francesca my daughter, my Goddess
Video : YouTube - Francesca my daughter, my Goddess Facebook Page : http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref...8597202?ref=ts http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/9...ceicao116n.jpg http://img192.imageshack.us/img192/1...ceicao121r.jpg
Re: Francesca my daughter, my Goddess
Beautiful 0wen, i wish you and your family all the best!;) Thank You White Visionary ;) http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/126...onceicao67.jpg
Re: Francesca my daughter, my Goddess
Your daughter is gorgeous 0wen. I wish I am lucky enough to one day have a child as precious as this one here. Thank You very much Pantheon Rising ;) http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/628...onceicao14.jpg http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/563...onceicao15.jpg
Re: Le Nouveau Testament brulé à Jérusalem par juifs
http://img355.imageshack.us/img355/1...autidafot0.jpg Plusieurs centaines d’exemplaires du Nouveau Testament ont été brûlés, le 20 mai dernier, par des étudiants religieux juifs à Yehuda, ville israélienne de 34 000 habitants située à l’est de Tel Aviv, près de l’aéroport de Lod. Révélé par Associated Press et repris par le quotidien israélien Haaretz , cet « incident » n’a eu qu’un faible retentissement dans la presse francophone. Interrogé par les journalistes, le maire-adjoint de la ville, Uzi Aharon, a expliqué que des missionnaires étaient récemment venus distribuer des exemplaires du Nouveau Testament et autres matériels religieux dans sa localité. Après avoir reçu des protestations de la part de certains habitants, l’élu, muni d’un haut-parleur, a organisé avec des étudiants religieux juifs la collecte des ouvrages remis. Jetés en tas près d’une synagogue, ceux-ci ont ensuite été brûlés. Le quotidien Maariv soutient que « plusieurs centaines d’étudiants de la “yeshiva” [qui étudient essentiellement le Talmud NdA] y ont pris part » alors que pour Uzi Aharon : « peu y avaient participé » et que lui-même n’était « pas présent ». l’édile minimise l’incident en précisant que « non pas la totalité des Nouveaux Testaments avaient été brûlés, seulement quelques centaines. » Regrettant la destruction des exemplaires, il affirme pourtant : « je ne dénonce pas le fait qu’on ait brûlé ces livres, mais je dénonce ceux qui ont distribué ces livres », car ils incitent à la conversion des Juifs. A la suite de cette affaire, l’avocat Calev Myers, représentant les quelque dix mille juifs messianiques qui reconnaissent Jésus comme leur Sauveur, a demandé sur Army Radio que les jeunes incendiaires soient poursuivis. Bien qu’autorités israéliennes et Juifs orthodoxes voient ces activités missionnaires d’un mauvais œil, beaucoup d’Israéliens disent abhorrer et associer le fait de brûler des livres à des actes commis par les nazis durant la deuxième guerre mondiale. Loin d’être isolé, ce qui s’est passé à Yehuda vient confirmer l’existence de tensions religieuses en Terre Sainte, tensions dont se fait le témoin Haaretz : « En début d’année, le fils d’un éminent missionnaire chrétien fut sérieusement blessé en ouvrant un paquet qui, destiné à sa famille, lui explosa entre les mains. L’an dernier, des individus faisant irruption dans une église de Jérusalem, y ont mis le feu ; 25 ans plus tôt, ce lieu de culte avait déjà été incendié par des extrémistes (sic) juifs orthodoxes. » Plus loin, sous le titre « Les chrétiens de Jérusalem veulent que les juifs cessent de leur cracher dessus », le journal rapporte l’incident suivant : « Après une entrevue avec les autorités de la ville, un pope orthodoxe septuagénaire avait regagné sa voiture. Un vieil homme portant kippa frappa à la vitre et lorsque le religieux la descendit, le passant lui cracha au visage. Le pope ne porta pas plainte, se disant habitué, comme la plupart de ses collègues, à ce genre d’insultes. Parfois pourtant, les réactions sont immédiates. Ce qui fut le cas lorsqu’un “yéshiva” cracha sur la croix portée par un évêque arménien, lors d’une procession. Celui-ci gifla l’étudiant et la relique se brisa. L’évêque Nourhan Manougian exigea l’intervention du ministre de l’Education, questionnant : « Quand a lieu, dans le monde, une attaque contre les juifs, le gouvernement israélien s’insurge, pourquoi donc, lorsque notre religion et notre fierté sont insultées, ne prennent-ils pas de mesure ? » A cela, le jeune homme fut condamné par la cour de Justice de Jérusalem et banni de la Vieille Cité pour une période de 75 ans. » Pour Daniel Rossing, directeur d’un centre de dialogue entre Juifs et Chrétiens, : « ce genre d’incidents se multiplient, preuve d’un climat d’intolérance dans le pays », ajoutant qu’ils sont « plus fréquents là où vivent ensemble juifs et chrétiens, en particulier dans les quartiers juifs et arméniens de Jérusalem et de la Porte de Jaffa ». « Je sais, dit-il, que les chrétiens s’enferment chez eux tout le temps que dure la fête de Purim. » Un dommage collatéral du « Vivre ensemble » ? http://images.shelfari.com/userimage...2272259587.jpg http://modiya.nyu.edu/modiya/bitstre.../4/zionbin.jpg http://www.denistouret.net/constit/sarkosy_israel.jpg
Re: Racisme Anti-Blanc : Cachez ce racisme que je ne saurais voir
http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/4912/100irisheg0.png Voici l'autocollant en question
Giant Mosque petition.
http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/2...amosquezh0.jpg The Red-Islamic Alliance is looking for its biggest single advance so far with London’s anti-English Mayor Ken Livingstone pushing hard for the £100 million mega-mosque which one of Britain and Pakistans’ most hardline Islamic sects wants to build next to the Olympic stadium in East London. The London Evening Standard is at present running an opinion poll on whether or not the Super Mosque should be built. Since it is planned to be higher than St. Paul’s Cathedral, will involve tax-payers’ money as well as massive donations from the ultra-fundamentalist Wahhabi regime in Saudi Arabia and will be the biggest symbol so far of the Islamic colonisation of England, the overwhelming majority of ordinary Londoners are against the development. But so far a big behind-the-scenes campaign by Islamic organisations to fiddle the online vote is having its effect. At present (Tuesday lunchtime) a staggering 57% of the nearly 43,000 people who have voted have supported the giant mosque. You can help to redress the balance and to make the anti-Islamification views of the silent majority felt. Please go to the Standard website and add your own ‘No’ vote. http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/poll/p...te+now/poll.do
Operation Sarkozy : how the CIA placed one of its agents at the presidency of the French Republic
http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:...repression.gif One should judge Nicolas Sarkozy according to his actions, and not according to his personality. Yet when his doings surprise even his own constituents, it is legitimate to take a detailed look at his biography and question the bonds that brought him to power. Thierry Meyssan has decided to write the truth about the French Republic’s president background. All the information included in this article is provable, except for two assertions signalled by the author who alone takes full responsibility. Tired of the overextended presidencies of François Mitterrand and Jacques Chirac, the French elected Nicolas Sarkozy counting on his energy to revitalize their country. They were hoping for a break with years of no-change and ideologies of the past. What they got instead was a break with the very principles which founded the French nation, and have been shocked by this “hyper-president”, seizing every day a new dossier, attracting towards him the right and the left wing, and tearing apart all points of reference to the point of creating a total confusion. Like children who have just made a boo-boo, the French are too busy trying to find excuses for themselves to admit the magnitude of the damages and of their naiveté, and they refuse all the more to see who Nicolas Sarkozy really is, that they realize they should have known since a long time who he was. One must say the man has talents. Like a magician he tricked them. By offering them the spectacle of his private life and posing in People’s magazines, he got them to forget his political history. The aim of this article must be clearly understood. It is not to reproach to M. Sarkozy his family, his friends or his professional ties, but the fact of having hidden those ties from the French who believed, wrongly, they were electing a free man. To understand how a man whom all agree today to view as an agent of the United States and of Israel was able to become the head of the Gaullist party and the president of the French Republic, we must go back in time, very very far back. We must make a long digression in the course of which we will present the protagonists who are today taking their revenge. The family secrets At the end of Second World War, the United States secret services relied on Italo-US godfather, Lucky Luciano, to control the security of American ports and prepare their disembarking in Sicily. The main contacts of Luciano — held at that time at a New York luxury prison — to the US intelligence services went notably through Frank Wisner, Sr. Later, when the “godfather” was liberated and chose to exile in Italy, they operated through his Corsican “Ambassador”, Étienne Léandri. In 1958, worried about a possible victory of the FLN in Algeria which could open the way to Soviet influence in Northern Africa, the United States decided to provoke a military coup d’Etat in France. The operation was jointly organized by the Cia’s Direction of Planning – theoretically lead by Frank Wisner, Sr. – and by NATO. But Wisner had already become senile by that time and it was his successor, Allan Dulles, who supervised the coup. Out of Algeria, French generals organized a Public Salvation Committee which pressured the Parisian civilian authorities to vote full powers to General de Gaulle without having had to use force. Yet, Charles de Gaulle was not the pawn the Anglo-Saxons had believed they could manipulate. In a first phase, he attempted to deal with the colonial contradiction by granting to the overseas territories a large autonomy within the French Union. But it was already too late to save the French empire; the colonized people didn’t believe any longer in the promises of the Metropolitan France and demanded their independence. After victorious but fierce repression against those fighting for independence, de Gaulle decided to face reality, and in a rare show of political wisdom, he granted independence to each colony. This turn about was perceived by most of those who brought him to power as a betrayal. The CIA and NATO supported then all kinds of plots to eliminate him, among which a missed coup and some 40 attempts to murder him. However, certain of his followers approved of his political evolution. Around Charles Pasqua, they created the SAC (Civic action services), a militia to protect him. http://www.voltairenet.org/IMG/jpg/Enigme_Pasqua-2.jpg Pasqua was both a Corsican bandit and a former resistant. He married the daughter of a Canadian bootlegger who made fortune during the prohibition and he directed the Ricard company who, after commercialising absinthe, a forbidden alcohol, won respectability by converting to the sales of another alcohol based on liquorice (anisette). The company continued however to serve as a cover for all sorts of traffics connected to the New York Italian American family of the Genovese (and) that of Lucky Luciano. It is therefore not surprising that Pasqua called on Étienne Léandri (Ambassador of Luciano) to recruit the hands that constituted the Gaullist militia. A third man played an important role in the formation of the SAC, the former body guard of de Gaulle, Achille Peretti, also a Corsican. Thus protected, de Gaulle designs an audacious national independence policy. Even though asserting his belonging to the Atlantic camp, he questions the Anglo-Saxon leadership. He opposes the entry of the United Kingdom into the European common market (1961 and 1967); refuses the deployment of UN helmets into Congo (1961); encourages the Latin American states to become free of US imperialism (speech of Mexico, 1964); kicks NATO out France and withdraws from the Atlantic Alliance’s integrated command (1966); he condemns Israeli expansionism during the Six Day war (1967); supports independence of Quebec (Speech of Montreal 1967), etc. Simultaneously, de Gaulle consolidated the power of France by endowing it with a military industrial-complex including a nuclear deterrent and guarantying its energy provisions. He conveniently distanced the encumbering Corsicans of his entourage by entrusting them with foreign missions. Thus, Étienne Léandri became a leader of the ELF group (today Total), while Charles Pasqua the trusted man of the Francophone heads of State in Africa. Conscious that he could not defy the Anglo-Saxons on all fronts at the same time, De Gaulle allied himself to the Rothschild family, choosing as Prime Minister, Georges Pompidou, who was the fondé de pouvoir of the bank. The two men constituted an efficient tandem, the political audacity of the first never losing sight of the economic realism of the second. When De Gaulle resigned in 1969, Georges Pompidou succeeded him briefly at the Presidency before being taken out by a cancer. The historical Gaullists did not admit his leadership, however, and worried about his anglophile proclivities. They howled treason when Pompidou, supported by the General Secretary of the Élysée, Edouard Balladur, had “perfidious Albion” join the European Common Market. The making of Nicolas Sarkozy That decorum having been put into place, we can now return to our main character, Nicolas Sarkozy. Born in 1955 he is son to a Hungarian catholic nobleman, Pal Sarkösy of Nagy-Bosca, who sought refuge in France after fleeing the Red Army, and to Andree Mallah, a Jewish commoner from Thessalonica. After having three children (Guillaume, Nicolas and François), the couple divorced. Pal Sarkösy of Nagy-Bocsa remarried with an aristocrat, Christine de Ganay, with whom he had two children (Pierre Olivier and Caroline). Nicolas will not be raised by his own parents alone, but will go back and forth within this recomposed family. His mother became the secretary of De Gaulle’s bodyguard, Achille Peretti. The latter, after founding the SAC, pursued a brilliant political career. He was elected Deputy and Mayor of Neuilly sur Seine, the richest residential suburb of the capital, and later President of the National Assembly. Unfortunately, in 1972, Achille Peretti comes under grave accusations. In the United States, Time Magazine reveals the existence of a secret criminal organization « the Corsican Union » which controls a large part of the drug trade between Europe and America, the famous « French connection » which Hollywood popularized on the large screen. Based on parliamentary auditions and on his own investigations, Time names the name of a mafia boss, Jean Venturi, arrested a few years earlier in Canada, who is none other than Charles Pasqua’s commercial delegate at the liquor society Ricard. The names of several families headed by the “Corsican Union” are cited, among which that of the Peretti. Achille denies, but is forced to renounce to the presidency of the National Assembly, and barely escapes a “suicide” In 1977, Pal Sarkösy of Nagy-Bocsa separates from his second wise, Christine de Ganay, who then gets together with the N°2 of the US State Department central administration. She marries him and settles in America with him. The world being very small, as everyone knows, her husband is none other than Frank Wisner, Jr, son of the previous. Junior’s responsibilities at the CIA are unknown, but it is clear that he plays an important role. Nicolas, who remains close to his mother in law, his half brother and his half sister, begins to turn towards the United States where he “benefits” from training programs of the State Department. During that same period, Nicolas Sarkozy adheres to the Gaullist party coming into frequent contact with Charles Pasqua, who was not only a national leader then, but also the head of the party’s Haut de Seine department section. Having finished Law School in 1982 and joined the Barr association, Nicolas Sarkozy married the niece of Achille Peretti. His best man was Charles Pasqua. As a lawyer, Sarkozy defended the interests of his mentors Corsican friends. He bought a property on the Island of Beauty, in Vico, and went as far as envisaging to make his name more “Corsican” by replacing the “y” by an “i”: Sarkozi. The next year, he was elected Mayor of Neuilly sur Seine in replacement of his uncle in law, Achille Peretti, thundered by a heart attack. However, it was not long before Nicolas Sarkozy betrayed his wife, and since 1984, he had a secret liaison with Cecilia, the wife of the most famous entertainer of French television at that time, Jacques Martin, whom he had met while celebrating their marriage, a function he exerted being mayor of Neuilly. That double life lasted five years, before the lovers decided to quit their respective couples in order to build a new home. In 1992, Nicolas was best man in the marriage of Jacques Chirac’s daughter, Claude, with an editorialist of Le Figaro . He couldn’t refrain himself from seducing Claude and having a short liaison with her, while officially living with Cecilia. The cuckold husband committed suicide by absorbing drugs. The break was brutal and without pardon between the Chirac’s and Nicolas Sarkozy. In 1993, the left lost the legislative elections. President François Mitterrand refused to resign and entered into cohabitation with a right wing Prime Minister. Jacques Chirac who ambitioned the presidency, and was thinking at that point of constituting, with Edoaurd Balladur, a couple comparable to that of De Gaulle and Pompidou, refused to be Prime minister and left his post to his “30 year long friend”, Edouard Balladur. In spite of his sulphurous past, Charles Pasqua became Interior Minister. While keeping high hand over Moroccan marijuana trade, he took advantage of his situation to legalize his other activities taking control of casinos, gambling and horse races in francophone Africa. He wove ties with Saudi Arabia and Israel and became an officer of honour to the Mossad. Nicolas Sarkozy on his part, became minister of Budget and spokesman for the government. In Washington, Frank Wisner, Jr. became the successor of Paul Wolfowitz as head of the Political Planning department of the Department of Defense. Nobody noticed at that time the ties to the spokesman of the French government. It is then that tensions similar to those which rocked the Gaullist party 30 years earlier, broke out between the historical Gaullists and the financial right wing, incarnated by Balladur. The new element was that Charles Pasqua and along with him, the young Nicolas Sarkozy, betray Jacques Chirac in order to join the Rothschild current. Mayhem breaks out. The conflict will reach a climax in 1995 when Edouard Balladur ran for president, against his former friend, Jacques Chirac, and was beaten. Foremost, following instructions from London and Washington, the Balladur government opened negotiations for membership status to the European Union and NATO to States of Central and Eastern Europe who had freed from Soviet control. Havoc reigns then in the Gaullist party where the friends of yesterday are ready to kill themselves today. To be able to finance his electoral campaign, Edouard Balladur attempts to grab the secret slush fund of the Gaullist party, hidden in the double deckered accounting of the books of the oil group ELF. The ride through the desert Through out his first mandate, Jacques Chirac keeps Nicolas Sarkozy at arms distance. The man was discrete during his ride through the desert. Discretely, however, he continued to weave ties to the financial circles. In 1996, finally succeeding to bring to conclusion an endless divorce procedure, Nicolas Sarkozy marries Cecilia. Two billionaires were their best men, Martin Bouygues and Bernard Arnaud (the richest man of the country). The final act Way before the Iraqi crisis, Frank Wisner Jr. and his colleagues at the CIA plan the destruction of the Gaullist current and the coming to power of Nicolas Sarkozy. They move in three phases: first, the elimination of the leadership of the Gaullist party and the take over of the party apparatus, then the elimination of his main right wing rival and the securing the nomination to the presidential election for the Gaullist party; finally, the elimination of any serious challenger on the left to make sure that Nicolas would win the presidential election. During years, posthumous revelations by a real estate dealer kept the media on their toes. Before dying from a terminal disease, for reasons which remain unknown, he decided to video tape his confessions and for reasons which are even more obscure, the “cassette” landed in the hands of a Socialist party leader, Dominique Strauss Kahn, who addressed it indirectly to the media. While the confessions of the real estate dealer did not lead to any juridical sanctions, they opened up the Pandora’s Box. The main victim of the series of scandals was Prime Minister Alain Juppé. To protect Chirac, he assumed alone all the penal sanctions. The removal of Juppé from the front lodges opened the way for the take by Sarkozy of the leadership of the Gaullist party. Sarkozy exploited then his position to force Jacques Chirac to take him into the government once again, in spite of their reciprocal hatred. In the end, he became Interior Minister. Mistake ! This post gave him control over the prefects and the internal intelligence apparatus which he used to gain positions of power over the large administrations. He dealt also with Corsican affairs. Prefect Claude Érignac was murdered. Even though nobody claimed it, the murder was immediately interpreted as a challenge by the independentists to the Republic. Following a long hunt, the police managed to arrest a fleeing suspect, Yvan Colonna, son of a Socialist deputy. Caring little about the presumption of innocence, Nicolas Sarkozy announced the arrest, accusing the suspect of being the assassin. The news is too important, a mere two days away from the referendum the minister has organized in Corsica to modify the status of the island. Be as it may, the electors reject the Sarkozy project, who, according to some, favoured mafia interests. While Yvan Colonna was ultimately declared guilty, he always claimed his innocence and no material proof was ever found against him. Strangely, the man preferred to remain totally silent rather than reveal what he actually knew. We reveal here that prefect Érignac was not directly killed by the nationalists, but by a paid killer, immediately exfiltrated towards Angola where he was hired to the security of the Elf group. The mobile of the crime was precisely connected to the previous functions of Érignac, responsible for the African networks at Pasqua’s cooperation ministry. As for Yvan Colonna, he is a personal friend of Nicolas Sarkozy since decades and their children have entertained social relations. A new scandal broke out then: phoney computer listings were circulating falsely accusing several personalities of hiding bank accounts in Luxembourg, at Clearstream. Among the defamed personalities: Nicolas Sarkozy, who filed a suit insinuating that he suspected his right wing rival to the presidency, Dominique de Villepin, to have organized this machination. Sarkozy didn’t hide his intention either to throw him in jail. In reality, the false listings were put in circulation by members of the French American Foundation, of which John Negroponte was the president and Frank Wisner Jr, the administrator. What the judges ignored and which we reveal here is that the listings were fabricated in London by a common office of the CIA and of MI6, Hakluyt and co, of which Frank Wisner is also an administrator. Villepin denied the accusations, but was indicted, assigned to residence and, de facto, eliminated from political life temporarily. The road is thus free on the right wing for Nicolas Sarkozy. It remained for the opposition candidacies to be neutralized. The membership fees to the Socialist party were reduced to a symbolic level in order to attract new activists. Suddenly, thousands of youth take membership cards. Among them, there were at least 10 000 new members who are in reality militants from the “Lambertist” Trotskyite party, (named after its founder Pierre Lambert). This small extreme left group historically served the CIA against the Stalinist communists during the cold war (it is the equivalent of the Social democrats/USA of Max Schatchman, who trained the US neo-conservatives). It is not the first time the “Lambertists” infiltrate the Socialist party. They introduced there two notorious CIA agents : Lionel Jospin (who became Prime minister) and Jean Christophe Cambadelis, the main advisor to Dominique Strauss Kahn. Primaries were organized inside the Socialist party to designate its candidate to the presidential election. Two personalities were competing: Laurent Fabius and Ségolène Royal. Only the first was a danger for Sarkozy. Dominique Strauss Kahn came into the race with the mission to eliminate Fabius at the last moment. Something he did with the help of the votes of the infiltrated “lambertists”, who voted not for him but for Royal. The operation is possible because Strauss Kahn is since long on the pay roll of the United States. Frenchmen ignore that he teaches at Stanford, where he was hired by the prévot Dean of the University, Condoleeza Rice. From the beginning of his term, Nicolas Sarkozy and Condoleeza Rice will thank Strauss Kahn by having him elected to the leadership of the International Monetary fund. First days at the Élysée The evening of the second round of the presidential election, when polling agencies announced his probable victory, Nicolas Sarkozy gave a short speech to the nation from his general campaign quarters. Then, contrary to all custom, he didn’t celebrate with the militants of his party, but went to the Fouquet’s. The famous brasserie at the Champs-Élysées, formerly the place of rendez-vous of the “Corsican union” is today the property of Casino magnate, Dominique Desseigne. It was lent to the elected president to receive his friends and main campaign donors. Some hundred guests crowded there, the richest men of France hobnobbing with the casino bosses. The elected president then offered himself some days of well merited rest. Transported to Malta by a private Falcon 900, he relaxed on the Paloma, a 65 m yacht of his friend Vincent Bollore, a billionaire trained at the Rothschild bank. Finally, Nicolas Sarkozy was inaugurated president of the French Republic. The first decree he signed was not to enact an amnesty, but to authorize the casinos of his friends Desseigne and Partouche to multiply the money machines. He composed his working team and his government. Without surprise, one finds there an ominous casino owner (the minister of Youth and Sports) and the lobbyist of the casinos of his friend Desseigne (who became a spokesman of the “Gaullist party”.) Nicolas Sarkozy relies above all on 4 men : http://www.voltairenet.org/elements/pictos/puce.gif Claude Guéant, secretary general of the Elysée Palace, the former right hand of Charles Pasqua. http://www.voltairenet.org/elements/pictos/puce.gif François Pérol, under-secretary general of the Elysée, an associate manager of the Rothschild bank. http://www.voltairenet.org/elements/pictos/puce.gif Jean-David Lévitte, diplomatic advisor. Son of the former director of the Jewish Agency. French ambassador to the UN, he was removed by Chirac who judged him too close to George Bush. http://www.voltairenet.org/elements/pictos/puce.gif Alain Bauer, the man of the shadows. His name does not appear in the directories. He is in charge of the secret services. Former Grand Master of the French Great Orient (the most important Masonic organization in France) and former N°2 of the United States National Security Agency in Europe. Frank Wisner Jr. who in the meantime was named “special envoy” to President Bush for the independence of Kosovo, insisted that Bernard Kouchner be named minister of Foreign affairs with a double mission priority: the independence of Kosovo and the elimination of France’s Arab policy. Kouchner started his career by participating in the creation of a humanitarian NGO. Thanks to financial support from the National Endowment for Democracy, he took part in operations of Zbigniew Brzezinski in Afghanistan against the soviets, along sides with Oussama Ben Laden and the Karzai brothers. One finds him again in the 90’s working with Alija Izetbegovic in Bosnia Herzegovina. From 1999 to 2001 he was high representatives of the UN to Kosovo. Under the rule of the youngest brother of president Hamid Karzaï, Afghanistan became the first world producer of opium poppies transformed in heroin locally and transported by the US Air force to Camp Bondsteed (Kosovo). There, the men of Hacim Thaci take charge of the drug and distribute it mainly in Europe and accessorily in the United States. The benefits are used to finance the illegal operations of the CIA. Karzai and Thaci are longstanding personal friends of Bernard Kouchner who undoubtedly ignores their criminal activities in spite of all the international reports which have been dedicated to them. To complete his government, Nicolas Sarkozy named Christine Lagarde, minister of the Economy and Finances. All her career was made in the United States where she directed the prestigious law firm Baker and McKenzie. At the Center for international and strategic studies of Dick Cheney, she copresided with Zbigniew Brzezinski a working group which supervised the privatisations in Poland. She organized also an intense lobbying effort for Lockheed Martin against French airplane producer Dassault. New escapade during the summer. Nicolas, Cecilia, their common mistress and their children went on holidays to the United States at Wolfeboro, not far from the property of President Bush. The bill was paid this time by Robert F. Agostinelli, an Italian-New Yorker investment banker, Zionist and a pure brand of neo-conservative who writes in Commentary , the magazine of the American Jewish Committee. The success of Nicolas had impact on his half brother, Pierre Olivier. Under the American name of Oliver, he was named by Frank Carlucci (formerly N°2 of the CIA after having been recruited by Frank Wisner, Sr.) Director of the new investment fund of the Carlyle Group (the common investment firm of the Bush family and Ben Laden). Having become the 5th largest business dealer in the world, he handles the main assets of the sovereign funds of Kuwait and Singapore. The popularity of the President is in a free fall in the polls. One of his communications advisors, Jacques Seguela (also consultant for political communication at the NED where he is in charge of diverse CIA operations in Western Europe and Latin America), proposes to detract the public’s attention with new “people stories”. The announcement of the divorce with Cecilia was publicised by Libération , the paper of his friend Edouard de Rothschild, to cover up the slogans of demonstrators in a day of general strike. Stronger even, the communications agent organized a meeting between the president and the former top model, Carla Bruni. Some days later, her liaison with the president became official and the media hammering covered up once again political criticism. Some weeks later, the third marriage of Nicolas occurred. This time, he chose as best men Mathilde Agostinelle (the wife of Robert) and Nicolas Bazire, a former cabinet director of Edouard Balladur who became assistant manager at the Rothschilds. When will the French use their eyes to see what they have to do ? http://cawa.fr/IMG/jpg/Sarko_Juifs_1.jpg http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:...repression.gif
Re: Prettiest White Actresses/Singers
Michelle Morgan http://www.affection.org/forum/smiley/amoureux.gif http://img115.imageshack.us/img115/1401/mmrm3.jpg http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/208/mm1zn3.jpg http://img79.imageshack.us/img79/3531/mm2vi6.jpg http://www.affection.org/forum/smiley/amoureux.gif
Norways women under attack.
NORWAY; Yet another woman in her 30s was attacked by a black man wielding a knife as she headed for her car in a parking garage in Oslo’s Sagene district. It’s the latest in a series of attacks against women in Oslo in recent months. Three attempted rapes were reported last weekend and police and volunteers had mounted extra patrols this past weekend in the hopes of averting new attacks, most of which have occurred when women were returning home late at night and in each case the attacker was black . Monday’s attack came as a woman was leaving early for work. Police said she was slashed several times by the man’s knife, but she managed to kick him and get away. Her assailant was described as a man of African descent, around 185 centimetres tall and wearing a white hooded sweatshirt under a black jacket. That matches the description of suspects in the earlier reported rape attempts but police said it was too early to link the cases. Police launched a search in the Sagene area early Monday, including the use of specially trained dogs. No arrests had been made by mid-day.
Paris’ Forgetful Mayor
One would think the visit to Paris by the Pope would be considered an important event. Not so, if we judge by the official website of the city of Paris. In the agenda of cultural events you will find the current and future events scheduled in the Capital, for example: the Ramadan vigils, the Ramadan concert and the annual Communist shindig called Fête de l’Humanité (which will take place in Courneuve in Seine-Saint-Denis, and not in Paris). While there is ample information about Ramadan, no mention is made of the Pope’s coming. The conservative blog Le Salon Beige writes : “ You get the point I’m trying to make: there is absolutely nothing on the Pope’s visit this Friday and Saturday. Such silence constitutes misinformation, if only because of the delays the visit of the Holy Father will cause (metro stations closed, streets blocked ), and an injustice considering the treatment reserved for Islam. ” The image above from Mayor Delanoë’s website announces a Ramadan concert on September 13. The Pope will have left for Lourdes by that time. A reminder that the openly gay Delanoë was born in Tunisia. According to his biography his father was an atheist geometrician, his mother a Catholic nurse. His origins are mixed: his father was “Breton” (from Brittany) and Delanoë is said to be a “Breton” name. His mother was at least part Italian. He has been a socialist activist from the beginning of his political career, and espouses vigorously the cause of gay rights and multi-culturalism with a special emphasis on Islam. Paris celebrates Ramadan in a big way, with its mayor often participating. Delanoë’s Catholic background has certainly been discarded in favor of socialism and Islam. Maybe the Mayor doesn’t know the Pope is coming ?
My new video
YouTube - Pride to be Owen
Sursis requis contre l’avocat de SOS Racisme
http://img384.imageshack.us/img384/3...8067200ht9.jpg Sursis requis contre l’avocat de SOS Racisme Le très médiatique avocat Francis Terquem, fondateur de SOS Racisme, grand pourfendeur des violences policières et auteur de quelques pamphlets sur le « coup d’Etat judiciaire », est accusé d’avoir voulu étrangler son ex-épouse, Sylvie Benard, une docteur ès lettres, avec la laisse de leur chien. Cette dernière est en arrêt maladie depuis ce jour, le 2 février. Le parquet a requis hier six mois de prison avec sursis à l’encontre du célèbre avocat, présenté comme un « conjoint violent », mais qui a contesté farouchement les faits. « Les faits sont pourtant établis », rétorque Richard Koplewicz, l’avocat de Sylvie Benard, tout en fustigeant « les calomnies et mensonges » proférés à l’égard de sa cliente, présentée comme une « consommatrice de drogue » par Fodé Sylla, l’ex-président de SOS Racisme et intime du couple, mis hors de cause dans une ténébreuse affaire de trafic de stupéfiants. « Pitoyable, et jusqu’où va-t-on aller ? » lui renvoie l’avocat, qui préfère mettre en avant « la spirale de violences ininterrompue dans le couple depuis octobre 2005 ». Sur le banc de la défense, on évoque aussi la « délatrice d’habitude » qui a aussi déposé plainte contre son employeur pour agression sexuelle et est présentée comme malade et dépressive. Le procureur ne s’en laisse pas conter. Elle voit dans l’avocat, déjà condamné à « six reprises », « un conjoint dans le déni de ses violences », faisant « régner un climat nauséabond à l’audience » et constate la « détresse » de Sylvie Benard. Sèchement, elle a demandé six mois de prison avec sursis, dont dix-huit mois de mise à l’épreuve contre Francis Terquem « en plein drame ». Jugement en délibéré au 26 avril. A la vue de ce nouvel affrontement conjugal, fait de violence, de mensonges, de délation et de haine, on s’autorisera à douter que M. Terquem ait été la personne idéale pour donner des leçons de morale et lancer des anathèmes contre tout ce qui apparaissait pour du supposé racisme Comme dit le proverbe, « quand on veut monter au cocotier, mieux vaut avoir le derrière propre
Posters promote an uprising.
OFFENSIVE flyposters urging “Muslims to rise against British oppression” are upsetting Saltley residents who have been bombarded with radical material for years. The latest batch of propaganda has appeared all over Alum Rock on telephone boxes, bus stops and street lamps. The offending material, which is littering several roads including Alum Rock Road and Coventry Road, has been there for the past two weeks. A Birmingham city council spokesman said: “We take this issue very seriously and are looking into it.” If it was British nationalist propaganda it would have been taken down by now and the group responsible would be facing a prison sentence. The Saltley Gate Peace Group has moved swiftly to condemn the latest batch of propaganda. The group, based at Saltley Methodist Church in Alum Rock Road, has written to West Midlands Police and the city council urging that the controversial posters are ripped down immediately. Although it seems they have waited two weeks to demand this. Adam Yosef, who chairs the SGPG, said: “It brings great distress to residents in Saltley and the wider inner city areas, when communities who have worked so hard over the years to build and regenerate their neighbourhoods, are suddenly faced with the problem of vandalism on such a large scale”. Since when has promoting violence against the Goverment and the British people been downgraded to vandalism? Mr Yosef said similar material had been posted in the past by radical political and religious groups Al-Muhajiroun, Al-Ghurabaa and Hizb-ut-Tahrir. Material dating back to 2003 and 2004 is still on public property.
Russia - L’islam première religion en 2050 ?
http://www.emat-tucson.org/Russia/Pi...RussiaFlag.gif L’islam deviendra probablement la première religion dans la fédération russe en 2050 en raison des forts taux de natalité dans les républiques musulmanes. La communauté musulmane pourrait devenir la plus importante des communautés d’ici le milieu du siècle. Aussi l’islam a-t-il toutes les chances de devenir la religion principale en Russie. L’islam est actuellement la seconde religion au sein de la fédération russe. Il est impossible de fournir des statistiques officielles des musulmans pratiquants ou des pratiquants de quelque autre religion en Russie, car il n’existe pas de recensement ou de statistiques gouvernementales en la matière. Roman Silantyev, islamologue russe, a estimé qu’il y avait seulement entre 7 et 9 millions de musulmans pratiquants en Russie, le reste étant constitué de musulmans par appartenance ethnique. Les communautés musulmanes se concentrent parmi les nationalités minoritaires qui résident entre la mer Noire et la mer Caspienne : Adyguéens, Balkars, Tchétchène, Tcherkesses, Ingouches, Kabardes, Karatchaïs, et de nombreux peuples daguestani. De plus résident dans le bassin de la Volga des populations de Tatars et de Bachkirs, dont beaucoup sont musulmans. http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:...bs/1823-72.jpg http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:...s/no_islam.gif http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:.../AntiIslam.jpg
Memorial outrage.
http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/1...9imagelob6.jpg A MEMORIAL dedicated to fallen police hero Stephen Oake has been wrecked. The granite stone trimmed with gold was erected six months ago outside the Crumpsall flat where the Special Branch officer was stabbed to death by al-Qaeda terrorist Kamel Bourgass during a police raid in 2003. In an attack which will spark outrage, the memorial has now been completely destroyed by vandals. A piece of the stone was still lying in a grass verge close to the scene in Crumpsall Lane this morning (Friday). Police confirmed they are treating the incident as criminal damage and have launched an investigation. Police said the memorial was vandalised on Tuesday evening and pieces of the stone were then removed and thrown into the car park of Cheetham Hill Police Station, just over a mile away. The pieces of stone damaged two marked police cars and another car belonging to an officer at the station in Cheetham Hill Road. No-one was in the cars at the time and there were no injuries. Superintendent Catherine McKay from the North Manchester Division said: “This is a despicable incident which is an affront to Stephen’s family, his friends and his colleagues. “The offenders will have required some form of weapon to exert enough force on the memorial to break off chunks of marble. “The damaged memorial has now been removed out of respect for Stephen’s family. It will be replaced when it has been repaired. “This appalling incident shows a total lack of respect for a man who lost his life trying to protect members of the public across Greater Manchester. “The community in North Manchester has always been very supportive of Stephen’s family and friends following his death and I hope that they come forward with information which will lead us to those responsible for this.” The memorial stone was unveiled as part of a ceremony celebrating DC Oake’s life in September last year. The granite memorial was paid for by Michael Winner’s Police Memorial Trust . Read more about Stephen Oake’ s heroism and the campaign to honour him using the links to the right of this story.
http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/7091/psg339rx8.jpg YouTube - KOP OF BOULOGNE - PARIS YouTube - KOP OF BOULOGNE - PARIS YouTube - All in London in July 2007 YouTube - KOP OF BOULOGNE - PARIS YouTube - KOP OF BOULOGNE YouTube - PSG - April 2, 1986 YouTube - KOP OF BOULOGNE - PARIS YouTube - KOP OF BOULOGNE YouTube - Skinheads Paris - Kop Of Boulogne YouTube - Hooligans PSG YouTube - KOP OF BOULOGNE YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. YouTube - KOP OF BOULOGNE YouTube - Kop Of Boulogne, Nationalist,( Left ) vs Tigris ( Right ) YouTube - Hotel Stella - Justice Pour Julien YouTube - Kop Of Boulogne ( Nationalist ) vs Tigris ( Immigration ) YouTube - Hooligans PSG YouTube - KOB ( nationalist ) vs TIGRIS ( Immigration ) http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2...oliganswz2.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/9881/psg74os9.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/999/psg116dg6.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/6074/psg118ud7.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/2581/psg119lt1.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/6207/psg120nh9.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/7150/psg122lf4.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/631/psg128fq0.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/1663/psg129ei4.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/3167/psg134is9.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/1878/psg136nm5.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/4006/psg111yt4.jpg http://img508.imageshack.us/img508/5103/psg114rq7.jpg
Re: Prettiest White Actresses/Singers
Jessica Stroup http://www.greysanatomyinsider.com/w...ica-stroup.jpg http://www.seriesblog.es/wp-content/...ave_eyes_2.jpg http://cache.daylife.com/imageserve/...kXaYD/340x.jpg http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:...a-stroup-2.jpg http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:...aper5_1024.jpg
Il mio nuovo video
YouTube - Pride to be Owen
https://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php/censure-sin-renvoy-de-charlie-506424.html :rolleyes:
British First Party in Brighton
This weekend British First Party , who intend to stand a candidate in this May’s Council elections , held a demonstration in Brighton . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lR6HRnXhc7I a busy weekend for them as they also visited South Oxhey , Watford , where they held a Day Of Action .
Re: Prettiest White Actresses/Singers
Mandy Moore http://entimg.msn.com/i/gal/MandyMoo...Moore1_400.jpg Alexa Davalos http://www.eulust.com/files/images/A...7o.preview.JPG
Re: Prettiest White Actresses/Singers
Emma Colberti ( France ) http://membres.lycos.fr/syr/chap.jpg http://emmacolberti.free.fr/images/photos/photos34.jpg http://emmacolberti.free.fr/images/d...j2st/j2st0.jpg :clink
The Echo of Battle
Ma nouvelle création http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4Fk0Uamsbo Owen
Metro riot.
PARIS, March 27, 2007 - French police were forced to evacuate a major Paris subway station on Tuesday after a row over a ticket at the Gare du Nord station descended into a riot. Officers arrested at least nine people and two others were injured when about 100 youths clashed with police at the station, where the mainline Eurostar terminal is a major gateway from Paris to the rest of Europe. Dozens of rioters attacked windows, vending machines and shops in the main hall of the subway station for several hours before police dispersed the crowd late on Tuesday using tear-gas. The trouble started when a 33-year-old without a ticket jumped the barriers in the subway station and was stopped by railway officials, police said. He tried to resist and is accused of injuring two officials. Police patrolling the station intervened and arrested him. However, several young people who witnessed the incident began to gather in protest against what they perceived to be the use of excessive force by police. The passenger was evacuated from the station but the crowd grew. Some began throwing plastic bottles at police and shouted insults at Nicolas Sarkozy, the former interior minister. They also chanted slogans of “police are everywhere, justice is nowhere” and “down with the state, police and bosses”. Police reinforcements soon arrived and by late Tuesday most of the crowd had been forced outside or onto the platforms. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1k...7-gare-du-nord
Pot calling kettle black.
http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/1...mattackme7.jpg Detectives are looking for a black woman who spat at a commuter and threatened to throw her onto railway tracks . The Polish woman victim was subjected to a physical and verbal assault at Streatham station after asking the suspect when the next train was due. Police are looking for the , pictured left , African-Caribbean woman of slim build over the attack at 1450 BST on 6 March. Detectives believe the assault may have been witnessed by other commuters. “This incident was particularly nasty in that the suspect spat at the victim and then slapped her before threatening to throw her onto the tracks,” DC Sayeed said. “Given the time of the day police believe other people may have witnessed the assault and we would appeal for anyone who saw the incident to contact police.”
Britain: Sharia law at Muslim college in Nuneaton
http://www.islamisation.fr/media/00/01/725844997.jpg A Muslim college in the Midlands is running the UK’s first official shariah law court. The Muslim Arbitration Tribunal has already used shariah law to decide the outcome of more than 100 civil disputes between Muslims across the UK since it opened its doors last December. The tribunal, which operates alongside the British legal system, was set up by scholars and lawyers at Hijaz College Islamic University in Nuneaton, Warwickshire. In some Muslim countries punishments handed out under the legal system have included beheadings, public floggings and thieves’ hands being chopped off. Faisal Aqtab Siddiqi, a commercial law barrister and head of Hijaz College, who has sat in judgment at a number of the tribunals, said British society was not ready for such punishments. But he added that if society became more ‘civilised’ then those who broke the law should expect to receive the highest degree of punishment. The college opened as an Islamic school for boys in 1994. It teaches Islamic studies and Islamic law alongside a secular education of GCSEs and A Levels. Between 10 and 15 tribunals are held each month in an informal office at the college, which occupies the former stately home, Higham Hall. Islamic scholars and lawyers sitting on the tribunal use only shariah law, derived from several sources including the Koran, to decide a wide range of civil disputes involving issues such as divorce, inheritance, and tenancy. But unlike unofficial shariah courts, which have operated on an ad-hoc basis from UK mosques for some time, the Muslim Arbitration Tribunal does have binding legal status. Its proceedings are operating in tandem with the British legal system, and decisions challenged by the losing party will be upheld by a county court bailiff or high court sheriff. http://adrien13127.com/blog/wp-conte...3/no_islam.gif
Re: Happy New Year - Bonne Année !!!!!!!
Tory MEP encouraging illegals.
An MEP who had expressed fears about a planned welfare centre for migrants in Calais is now backing the facility. Richard Ashworth, Conservative South East MEP, expressed his support after visiting the port and putting questions to the town’s mayor on Tuesday. The mayor of Calais intends to open the centre, which does not have sleeping facilities, later this year. Mr Ashworth had previously said he was concerned the centre would encourage immigrants to try to enter the UK. It is estimated there are between 300 and 1,000 migrants sleeping rough in and around the town every night, five years after the Sangatte refugee camp closed. The new centre has been dubbed “Sangatte 2″ but the Calais mayor says it will be different because it lacks sleeping facilities and will provide only food, showers and information. “The mayor’s office wants the current welfare sites that are spread out around Calais to be brought together in one place,” the mayor’s spokesman Denis Duvot has said. When asked if the plan got his support, Mr Ashworth said: “Yes I think it does because I think that the authorities in Calais find themselves in a totally impossible situation. “They didn’t ask to have these people here.” (The obvious solution is to round them up and deport them but presumably placing them near a convenient entry point into Britain is more convenient and cheaper to France) Dover Labour councillor Ben Barno said the new centre would give a “modicum of human dignity” to rough sleepers in Calais. Mr Barno, who is involved in assisting migrants in Calais, said: “I think we owe it to them and should not get terribly concerned about the centre being a replacement for Sangatte.”
St Foreigners Day
Below are two photos of our recent British Saints Day celebrations top one was taken in Wales and the bottom picture taken in Birmingham , on St Patricks Day , what a state our country is in if these are pictures of typical Welsh and Irish people. http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/912/dscf0028on1.jpg http://img83.imageshack.us/img83/651...427x320ez0.jpg
Re: Lisbon 2 in 20009 Eu bastards
http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:...repression.gif European union officials expect Ireland to cave in and hold a second referendum on the Lisbon Treaty in Autumn 2009. An internal EU briefing paper, entitled ‘The Solution to the Irish Problem’, predicts that officials will accede to the re-run at a meeting of Europe’s leaders on October 15. And there are rumours that French President Nicolas Sarkozy will be back in Dublin before the end of the year with a message for the Irish. The main issues of concern are the composition of the Commission, the corporate tax base, workers’ rights, neutrality and abortion, Micheal Martin said, blatantly omiting to mention immigration despite the recent poll results which showed that a majority of the Irish population wanted restriction on mass immigration . These issues were identified as key issues for Irish voters in the first Lisbon Treaty referendum, in research (that cost Irish taxpayers €163 000) published yesterday by Minister for Foreign Affairs, Micheal Martin. Mr Martin added that the Government would not be putting forward any definitive proposals on how to deal with the result of the Lisbon Referendum at next month’s European Council meeting. Amidst French and German pressure to hold a second vote , Autumn 2009 has emerged as the favoured date ahead of the EU summit on the future of the Lisbon Treaty next month. The Government has refused to rule out a second referendum following the ‘No’ vote in June, but officials insist all options are on the table. A spokesman said the Lisbon debate would now move into the wider political and public domain. He stressed voting behaviour research was only the first of many steps, and that debate on all options would continue in the Oireachtas European Affairs Committee. But the ‘Solution to the Irish Problem’ document — from an influential group of French officials called Les Amis du Traite de Lisbonne or Friends of the Lisbon Treaty — suggests that EU officials have their own ideas on how to proceed. The text is by a senior Paris-based European official called Jean-Guy Giraud — and is regarded as reflecting the view in France, current holder of the EU’s rotating presidency. The second Irish referendum could take place, on this new basis, during Autumn 2009, pushing back the coming into force of the Treaty of Lisbon until 2010 , the document states. Other EU officials have confirmed that the autumn 2009 referendum proposal is gaining ground in informal and formal talks between Brussels oligarchy. This date is the one being mentioned, said a source. Mr Sarkozy yesterday lunched with senior Euro-MPs in Paris to discuss the Lisbon Treaty and other issues. It is clear that the only question over a second referendum for Sarkozy is that of timing , said one MEP after the lunch.
Re: Lisbon 2 in 20009 Eu bastards
French officials have penned an explosive document entitled ‘Solution to the Irish Problem’, in which they say the EU should push Ireland into re-running its referendum next year, opening the way for the treaty to come into force. In return, Europe would offer Dublin a few promises, in a bid to ensure its people vote in favour of the treaty. Critics say it is almost identical to the EU Constitution, rejected by the French and the Dutch in 2005. UK Labour promised British voters a referendum on the constitution - but then reneged on their promise when it was re-fashioned as a treaty. The leaked document predicts that Ireland will cave in at a meeting of Europe’s leaders next month, and agree to hold a second referendum next Autumn. It adds: ‘ The second Irish referendum could take place, on this basis, during Autumn 2009, pushing back the coming into force of the Treaty of Lisbon until 2010 .’ Shadow foreign secretary William Hague said: ‘ It cannot be right for the Irish to be made to vote twice on the renamed EU constitution before the British people are allowed to vote once. ‘ Gordon Brown has cheated British voters of their say. ‘ The right response to the Irish “no” vote is to abandon the Lisbon treaty altogether and call a total halt to the centralisation of power in Brussels. ’ Neil O’Brien, of Open Europe, said: ‘ The EU simply won’t take no for answer. They will make Ireland vote again and again until they are bullied into coming up with the so-called “right” answer. Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party, said: ‘ It’s deja vu all over again. In Europe, yes means yes and no means: “We’ll do it again later ”.
Immigrant worker pushed woman onto live rail.
An immigrant worker accused of pushing a commuter onto a live railway line after a row over smoking on the platform has appeared in court. As an aside,the politically correct BBC Newsnight described him as “a Dartford man” obviously trying to cover up his ethnicity. Ionel Rapisca, of Joyce Green Lane, Dartford, stood before Dartford Magistrates’ Court this morning charged with grievous bodily harm. The 31-year-old is accused of pushing Lin Buchanan on to the track at Farningham Road Station following a dispute on August 6. The 58-year-old suffered a fractured wrist and bruising to her legs in the incident and was lucky not to be killed by the live rail. Rapisca did not enter a plea at the preliminary hearing and has been committed to Maidstone Crown Court for trial on November 5. Until then he will remain on bail with the conditions that he is not allowed to go to Farningham Road station or travel on trains to London Victoria. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v2...9/screen-3.jpg