{"default": { "description": "HiTab is a dataset for question answering and data-to-text over hierarchical tables. It contains 10,672 samples and 3,597 tables from statistical reports (StatCan, NSF) and Wikipedia (ToTTo). 98.1% of the tables in HiTab are with hierarchies.\n", "citation": "@article{cheng2021hitab,\n title={HiTab: A Hierarchical Table Dataset for Question Answering and Natural Language Generation},\n author={Cheng, Zhoujun and Dong, Haoyu and Wang, Zhiruo and Jia, Ran and Guo, Jiaqi and Gao, Yan and Han, Shi and Lou, Jian-Guang and Zhang, Dongmei},\n journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.06712},\n year={2021}\n}\n", "homepage": "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/publication/hitab-a-hierarchical-table-dataset-for-question-answering-and-natural-language-generation/", "license": "C-UDA 1.0", "features": { "id": { "dtype": "string", "_type": "Value" }, "table_id": { "dtype": "string", "_type": "Value" }, "table_source": { "dtype": "string", "_type": "Value" }, "sentence_id": { "dtype": "string", "_type": "Value" }, "sub_sentence_id": { "dtype": "string", "_type": "Value" }, "sub_sentence": { "dtype": "string", "_type": "Value" }, "question": { "dtype": "string", "_type": "Value" }, "answer": { "dtype": "large_string", "_type": "Value" }, "aggregation": { "dtype": "large_string", "_type": "Value" }, "linked_cells": { "dtype": "large_string", "_type": "Value" }, "answer_formulas": { "dtype": "large_string", "_type": "Value" }, "reference_cells_map": { "dtype": "large_string", "_type": "Value" }, "table_content": { "dtype": "large_string", "_type": "Value" } }, "builder_name": "hitab", "config_name": "default", "version": { "version_str": "2022.2.7", "major": 2022, "minor": 2, "patch": 7 }, "splits": { "train": { "name": "train", "num_bytes": 36419103, "num_examples": 7417, "dataset_name": null }, "validation": { "name": "validation", "num_bytes": 8312699, "num_examples": 1671, "dataset_name": null }, "test": { "name": "test", "num_bytes": 7710891, "num_examples": 1584, "dataset_name": null } }, "download_size": 6462957, "dataset_size": 52442693, "size_in_bytes": 58905650 }}