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Zeppos as its leader?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.leadership ?k .\n?k ns:organization.leadership.person ns:m.02vymvp . \n?c ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2505", + "webqsp_question": "what is vanderbilt university mascot" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_ed31f9dd431831dbd32a06b958c7c97c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:12:26", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and is the country that contains Goi\u00c3\u00a1s", + "question": "What country borders Bolivia and contains Goi\u00c3\u00a1s?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: 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+ "question": "Which professional athletes who began their careers in or before 2007 did the Cleveland Browns draft?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:sports.pro_athlete.career_start ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2007\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-453_2326103f221042f024262b19814ee9d3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kenya Shilling" + ], + "answer": "Kenyan shilling", + "answer_id": "m.05yxpb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kenya", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:29:53", + "machine_question": "what currency do they accept in the country that has the national anthem Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu", + 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[ + { + "aliases": [ + "Simpson College, main campus", + "Simpson College, Indianola", + "Simpson" + ], + "answer": "Simpson College", + "answer_id": "m.01xssh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Iowa State University, Ames", + "Iowa State University, main campus", + "Iowa State", + "ISU" + ], + "answer": "Iowa State University", + "answer_id": "m.03v6t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "george washington carver", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:38:25", + "machine_question": "where did the person education institution is Minneapolis High School go to collage", + "question": "What college did the President who attended Minneapolis High School go to?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.076fk5z . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution 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"WebQTrn-2873_143c89d70679c3e5257c93d8e2bc4c67", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:49:15", + "machine_question": "where does hector camacho live and the location time zone is UTC\u00e2\u0088\u009205:00", + "question": "Where does Hector Camacho live, where the location time zone is UTC\u00e2\u0088\u009205:00?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0lxcw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0lxcw ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02_37z . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2873", + "webqsp_question": "where does hector camacho live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1508_872253e47dd6ddaa213ff31eeda8783b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Georgetown", + "Georgetown University, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown University", + "answer_id": "m.0pspl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:30:06", + "machine_question": "when did bill clinton go to college and the location time zone is Eastern Time Zone", + "question": "What college did Bill Clinton attend that is in Eastern Time Zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0157m)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0157m ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y 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"answer_id": "m.0h734p8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Vauxhall", + "answer_id": "m.0j68wwy" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "HSV", + "answer_id": "m.0j6nb27" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "General Motors", + "answer_id": "m.0j726ql" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "GMC", + "answer_id": "m.0j72pxm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pontiac", + "answer_id": "m.0xmf42g" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Terex", + "answer_id": "m.0xmqcwb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "gm", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:14:19", + "machine_question": "what other cars does the organiztion leadership has a person named Carl-Peter Forster make", + "question": "What cars are made my the company who has a leader named Carl-Peter Forster?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.leadership ?k .\n?k ns:organization.leadership.person ns:m.0g2003 . \n?c ns:automotive.company.make_s ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.02ht342 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-860", + "webqsp_question": "what other cars does gm make" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2505_ac82b6d5645072d4ce73abb6e57a55d5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Vanderbilt University Mr. Commodore", + "answer_id": "m.05k6hxh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "vanderbilt university", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:03:35", + "machine_question": "what is the education institution has a grad student named Thomas R. 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?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.team_mascot ns:m.035sw4 . \n?c ns:base.schemastaging.sports_team_extra.training_ground ?y .\n?y ns:base.schemastaging.team_training_ground_relationship.facility ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-811", + "webqsp_question": "where is the phillies spring training stadium" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2631_770d8b533fd2f564cf8401e6727b03f6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Turkey", + "T\u00fcrkiye", + "Turkiye" + ], + "answer": "Turkey", + "answer_id": "m.01znc_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:21:05", + "machine_question": "what countries are the mediterranean and is the country that contains Zonguldak Province", + "question": "What country in Mediterranean that has Zonguldak Province?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04swx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04swx ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.01nbgn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2631", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are the mediterranean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1638_85f381b8012b4def553954906bc9fafb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Nederlandse taal", + "Nederlands", + "Hollands", + "Dutch" + ], + "answer": "Dutch Language", + "answer_id": "m.02bv9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "German, Standard Language", + "Deutsch", + "German", + "Tedesco", + "High German", + "Hochdeutsch", + "German, Standard" + ], + "answer": "German Language", + "answer_id": "m.04306rv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Francais", + "Fran\u00e7ais", + "French", + "French language" + ], + "answer": "French", + "answer_id": "m.064_8sq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "belgium", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:42:54", + "machine_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in the country capital is City of Brussels", + "question": "People from the country with the capital Brussels speak what languages?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.capital ns:m.02rnbv . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1638", + "webqsp_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in belgium" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1819_9be8c18e016b713cbb7f7feb6badebc7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Protestant" + ], + "answer": "Protestantism", + "answer_id": "m.05sfs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T06:04:24", + "machine_question": "what religion does canada follow and the religion text is The Bible", + "question": "What religion does Canada follow with a religious text called The Bible?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.texts ns:m.015j7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1819", + "webqsp_question": "what religion does canada follow" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_21286e9775945dae1c8dd9dd06228073", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:35:05", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and held his govermental position from before 2007-05-16", + "question": "Who is the leader of France in 2012 who held the governmental position prior to 5-16-2007?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2007-05-16\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1441_bb949340bcc140182ac61775c7ccc0e9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Malaga" + ], + "answer": "M\u00e1laga", + "answer_id": "m.01978d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Madrid, Spain", + "Villa de Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.056_y" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "l'Hexagone", + "R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise", + "French Republic" + ], + "answer": "France", + "answer_id": "m.0f8l9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "picasso", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:21:18", + "machine_question": "where all did the illustrator of the book Feu de joie live", + "question": "Where was the home of the illustrator of \"Feu de Joie\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.illustrator.books_illustrated ns:m.0678xv0 . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1441", + "webqsp_question": "where all did picasso live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1137_cc64b3264c8839a0cbd15502632b2302", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ill", + "Land of Lincoln", + "IL", + "IL, Ill." + ], + "answer": "Illinois", + "answer_id": "m.03v0t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:47:11", + "machine_question": "where is the illinois river on a map and is the us state that has a capital named Springfield", + "question": "What US state has a capital named Springfield and also the Illinois River?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0j1qb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0j1qb ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.us_state.capital ns:m.0ftxc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1137", + "webqsp_question": "where is the illinois river on a map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-426_0642f30e974b46ce4bcdb74f0546d0f7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:28:46", + "machine_question": "where is giza pyramids located and is the location that appointed Hosni Mubarak to govermental position", + "question": "Where are the Giza Pyramids located that appointed Hosni Mubarak to a governmental position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0dnps . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-426", + "webqsp_question": "where is giza pyramids located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1503_8e4ffbb924cdcf9393c9cfa849b3a31c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cuban peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p2z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Chavito" + ], + "answer": "Cuban convertible peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p6c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cuba", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:27:02", + "machine_question": "what kind of currency does the country that has the national anthem La Bayamesa use", + "question": "What currency is used in the country with national anthem La Bayamesa?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.01lg5j . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1503", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of currency does cuba use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_ae76bd88c3f0e3053710b519d4dfdce1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hellenic Republic", + "Hellas" + ], + "answer": "Greece", + "answer_id": "m.035qy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T19:58:00", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and contains the wine regions that produces Retsina wine style", + "question": "What EU countries contain the wine regions that produces Retsina wine style?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:wine.wine_region.wine_styles ns:m.01jg9j . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-577_c4cb89dfae8793bedbe134ad40d07af9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic" + ], + "answer": "Democratic republic", + "answer_id": "m.0fpgmpz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chile", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:45:35", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the currency used in the country is Chilean peso have today", + "question": "What form of government is used in the country that uses Chilean Peso?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.0172zs . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-233_dd11343b9c28a21731d2ce4bbdc2630d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Madaglashti", + "Badakhshi", + "Farsi, Eastern", + "Eastern Farsi", + "Dari", + "Persian", + "Tajik", + "Farsi", + "Parsi", + "Afghan Persian" + ], + "answer": "Farsi, Eastern Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hwl5z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pushto", + "Pushto language", + "Pashto", + "Pukhto" + ], + "answer": "Pashto language", + "answer_id": "m.0swlx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "afghanistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:03:48", + "machine_question": "what language people speak in the currency used in the country is Afghan afghani", + "question": "In the country where the currency is the Afghan afghani, what languages do people speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.019vxc . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-233", + "webqsp_question": "what language people speak in afghanistan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1819_f20d37026a54a0ce5789e0e93e43c619", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islam", + "answer_id": "m.0flw86" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T06:04:24", + "machine_question": "what religion does canada follow and the religion place of worship is B\u00c3\u00bcy\u00c3\u00bck Selimiye Mosque", + "question": "The Buyuk Selimiye Mosque is a place of worship in which religion observed in Canada?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.places_of_worship ns:m.010282jt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1819", + "webqsp_question": "what religion does canada follow" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3517_729a7d1cb0dc9ea34d745db1f1115860", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Black", + "answer_id": "m.019sc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cardinal", + "answer_id": "m.03wkwg" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "White", + "answer_id": "m.083jv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "arizona cardinals", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:07:51", + "machine_question": "what color are the the team has a team moscot named Big Red uniforms", + "question": "What color are the uniforms of the team whose mascot is \"Big Red\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.team_mascot ns:m.09l_z4 . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.colors ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3517", + "webqsp_question": "what color are the arizona cardinals uniforms" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_9f014aea6b14b01d363d2e5368a31a92", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SC", + "Palmetto State" + ], + "answer": "South Carolina", + "answer_id": "m.06yxd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Richland County / Columbia city", + "Columbia, South Carolina", + "Columbia, SC" + ], + "answer": "Columbia", + "answer_id": "m.0fv_t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "usc", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:25:17", + "machine_question": "where is the education institution has a sports team named South Carolina Gamecocks men's basketball from", + "question": "Where is the college with the team South Carolina Gamecocks men's basketball team located in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.educational_institution.sports_teams ns:m.03cqzts . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_a197bfc944cba32fc63d251430968bba", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jeffrey Kalei Faine" + ], + "answer": "Jeff Faine", + "answer_id": "m.0bdv4h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:18:56", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the pro athelete who started hist career on 2002", + "question": "Who was the pro athlete who started his career in 2002 and was drafted by the Cleveland Browns?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:sports.pro_athlete.career_start \"2002\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1011_77a80913f273f84d5431ba5c10f06452", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:31:15", + "machine_question": "where do they speak tibetan and is the co2 emiisions per capita was once 1965 metric ton", + "question": "What Tebetan-speaking country's CO2 emissions per capita were once 1965 metric ton?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.064r7fk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.064r7fk ns:language.human_language.main_country ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.co2_emissions_per_capita ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_metric_ton.date \"1965\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1011", + "webqsp_question": "where do they speak tibetan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2986_7d597672bb1b1cb0108d5715c4104a0c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pats", + "The Patsies" + ], + "answer": "New England Patriots", + "answer_id": "m.05g3b" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:59:20", + "machine_question": "who has tom brady played for and is the team won the 1997 AFC Championship Game championship", + "question": "What team that won the 1997 AFC Championship Game championship did Tom Brady play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xyt7)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xyt7 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.0100z7d3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2986", + "webqsp_question": "who has tom brady played for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1538_481fe7d9bd6a924b41c0af0b09cd079b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazil Football Team", + "Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "Brazil Men's National Football Team", + "Brazil Mens Soccer Team", + "Brazil Mens National Soccer Team", + "Brazil Men's Football Team", + "Brazil Mens Football Team", + "Brazil Men's National Soccer Team", + "Brazil National Soccer Team", + "Brazil Mens National Football Team", + "Brazil national football", + "Brazil Soccer Team", + "Brazil Men's Soccer Team" + ], + "answer": "Brazil national football team", + "answer_id": "m.01352_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:29:29", + "machine_question": "what team is ronaldinho on and is the team won the 1994 FIFA World Cup championship", + "question": "The team that won the '94 FIFA World Cup and has Ronaldinho on it is who?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02lfw5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02lfw5 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.012xwf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1538", + "webqsp_question": "what team is ronaldinho on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-531_75e46121bded1ab4f276d4ec24bb366e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:40:46", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in australia and is the religion types of places of worship include Chapel", + "question": "What religion is found in Australia whose place of worship includes chapels?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.types_of_places_of_worship ns:m.0173tc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-531", + "webqsp_question": "what religions are found in australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-952_ec7528be7f50b81ea016cbd47cd1d382", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "alaska", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:27:54", + "machine_question": "what country does the location that appointed Sean Parnell to govermental position belong to", + "question": "The location that appointed Sean Parnell to govermental position belongs to what country?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.027rrck . \n?c ns:base.biblioness.bibs_location.country ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-952", + "webqsp_question": "what country does alaska belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1043_f28cae218eb0a1bbbb715bb473d90951", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Republic", + "answer_id": "m.06cx9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mali", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:33:43", + "machine_question": "what kind of government is the country that has the national anthem Le Mali", + "question": "What is the government type where \"Le Mali\" is the national anthem?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.04p2d4 . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1043", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government is mali" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-222_825d80818e786d05cdd19cdf05863ba8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Afrique" + ], + "answer": "Africa", + "answer_id": "m.0dg3n1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "seychelles", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:01:49", + "machine_question": "where is the the country that has the national anthem Koste Seselwa on world map", + "question": "Where is the country whose national anthem is \"Koste Seselwa\" located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.067174 . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-222", + "webqsp_question": "where is the seychelles on world map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_17ab26ed58b7a4fca4de0f3561f610c6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tajikistan", + "answer_id": "m.07dvs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:03:52", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and is the location that appointed Emomali Rahmon to govermental position", + "question": "What country bordering China appointed Emomali Rahmon to a governmental position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d05w3)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d05w3 ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0230bc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-504_d2aef4ecb09bef9772b1862c9853f3a9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1994 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9cq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1995 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9k6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "houston rockets", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:37:55", + "machine_question": "when did the the team won the 1994 NBA Finals championship win the championship", + "question": "When did the champion of the 1994 NBA Finals win the championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.08x9cq . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-504", + "webqsp_question": "when did the houston rockets win the championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2711_4dbb23937c062d0f3a3496d2fbf26a12", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:29:44", + "machine_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe and the religion place of worship is St. Mary's Cathedral, Batticaloa", + "question": "What Eastern Europe main religion worshipers also attend St. Mary's Cathedral, in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\n ns:m.09b69 ns:location.location.contains ?y1 . # Eastern Europe\n ?y1 ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp . # Country\n ?y1 ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:religion.religion.places_of_worship ns:m.0100k8_q . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_c4a4d1b444e9f0b28e960a3c1f7717ac", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic Republic of Nepal", + "Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal" + ], + "answer": "Nepal", + "answer_id": "m.016zwt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Vietnam", + "Viet nam", + "Socialist Republic of Vietnam", + "Annam" + ], + "answer": "Vietnam", + "answer_id": "m.01crd5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nippon-koku", + "JPN", + "\u042f\u043f\u043e\u043d\u0438\u044f", + "JAP", + "Nihon", + "Dai-Nippon", + "Nippon", + "NTSC J", + "Japan", + "State of Japan", + "Land of the Rising Sun", + "Nihon-koku" + ], + "answer": "Japan", + "answer_id": "m.03_3d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bharat Ganrajya", + "Hindustan", + "Bharat", + "Republic of India", + "The Republic of India" + ], + "answer": "India", + "answer_id": "m.03rk0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lao People's Democratic Republic", + "\ub77c\uc624\uc2a4" + ], + "answer": "Laos", + "answer_id": "m.04hhv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mongolia", + "answer_id": "m.04w8f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Burma", + "\u30df\u30e3\u30f3\u30de\u30fc\u9023\u90a6\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Myanmar (Burma)", + "Republic of the Union of Myanmar" + ], + "answer": "Myanmar", + "answer_id": "m.04xn_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", + "DPRK" + ], + "answer": "North Korea", + "answer_id": "m.05b7q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federation of Pakistan", + "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" + ], + "answer": "Pakistan", + "answer_id": "m.05sb1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Russian Federation", + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u044f" + ], + "answer": "Russia", + "answer_id": "m.06bnz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "ROC", + "Chinese Taipei", + "Taiwan, Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "Taiwan", + "answer_id": "m.06f32" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bhutan", + "answer_id": "m.07bxhl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tajikistan", + "answer_id": "m.07dvs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Afganistan", + "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" + ], + "answer": "Afghanistan", + "answer_id": "m.0jdd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kirgisistan" + ], + "answer": "Kyrgyzstan", + "answer_id": "m.0jt3tjf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:03:52", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with the location that appointed National People's Congress to govermental position", + "question": "Which 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anthem National Anthem of Russia currency", + "question": "What is the currency of the country with the national anthem called \"National Anthem of Russia\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.01ptxd . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3772", + "webqsp_question": "what do you call russian currency" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_ba718d6ea1b061cf21c3d7d03ef2110c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mali", + "answer_id": "m.04v09" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:31:53", + "machine_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through and is the location that appointed Dioncounda Traor\u00c3\u00a9 to govermental position", + "question": "Which countries does the Niger River flow through, where the location that appointed Dioncounda Traor\u00c3\u00a9 to a governmental position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.02z9bpp . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_66283d7fe9052de93e2fa6ba89144e3e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:41:49", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and the religious leader is Sviatoslav Shevchuk", + "question": "Which country with the religious leader Sviatoslav Shevchuk does Russia border?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.leader ns:m.0gjbf2p . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2411_d722227a6d3fbe0525658c0afef7e182", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1949 BAA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.0ct81k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "lakers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:53:13", + "machine_question": "what year did the organiztion leadership has a person named Jeanie Buss win their first championship", + "question": "Organization leader Jeanie Buss won their first championship in what year?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.leadership ?k .\n?k ns:organization.leadership.person ns:m.0r4zj_6 . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.start_date ?sk0 .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:datetime(?sk0)\nLIMIT 1\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2411", + "webqsp_question": "what year did lakers win their first championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1386_5661a3ace5606e76b4346efd691bb009", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Malignant neoplasm" + ], + "answer": "Cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0qcr0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:12:39", + "machine_question": 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DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.083tk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.083tk ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.capital ns:m.02m77 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3363", + "webqsp_question": "where people speak welsh" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-408_37e7e25202838c08eca7f37ad587ff95", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "George F. 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"aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:32:48", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and is the us state that has a capital named Tallahassee", + "question": "What State with Tallahassee where Sam Shepard live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.us_state.capital ns:m.0ftvz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_d8ad18dc5786fa56df080b3575f35942", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SC", + "Palmetto State" + ], + "answer": "South Carolina", + "answer_id": "m.06yxd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Richland County / Columbia city", + "Columbia, South Carolina", + "Columbia, SC" + ], + "answer": "Columbia", + "answer_id": "m.0fv_t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "usc", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:25:17", + "machine_question": "where is the education institution has a sports team named South Carolina Gamecocks football from", + "question": "Where is the college with the South Carolina Gamecocks football team located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.educational_institution.sports_teams ns:m.03by3qq . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_ba962455c2b91117ad6d46cc4b6fc8df", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "UT", + "Beehive State" + ], + "answer": "Utah", + "answer_id": "m.07srw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:32:48", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and is the us state that has a capital named Salt Lake City", + "question": "Salt Lake City is the capital of which US State where Sam Shepard lives?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != 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"2018-02-12T22:09:44", + "machine_question": "who runs the location that appointed National People's Congress to govermental position 2011", + "question": "The location that appointed the National People's Congress to govermental position in 2011 is run by whom?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0c3xm . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1355", + "webqsp_question": "who runs china 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_43af4daddf93f884aa6724b4a78111a1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portuguese Republic" + ], + "answer": "Portugal", + "answer_id": "m.05r4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T19:58:00", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and contains the wine regions that produces Lancers wine style", + "question": "Which of the EU countries, includes the wine regions that produce Lancers wine style version?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:wine.wine_region.wine_styles ns:m.0c4r71 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2631_fb65618c1d531bfa92f98b3a349e83c0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Turkey", + "T\u00fcrkiye", + "Turkiye" + ], + "answer": "Turkey", + "answer_id": "m.01znc_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:21:05", + "machine_question": "what countries are the mediterranean and the currency used in the country is Turkish lira", + "question": "What Mediterranean country uses the Turkish lira as its currency?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04swx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04swx ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp 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+ "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_f0338423ac85dff4ce46692606d27a09", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:43:24", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and the country capital is Kiev", + "question": "Which country that borders Skovakia is Kiev the capital of?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.capital ns:m.02sn34 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": 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langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.organization ns:m.05cx56 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_21ca1d6edc5a012358fa509ec10b19d4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Peru", + "answer_id": "m.016wzw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Peru", + "answer_id": "m.016wzw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Peru", + "answer_id": "m.016wzw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Peru", + "answer_id": "m.016wzw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:12:26", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and is the location that appointed Ollanta Humala to govermental 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"conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:14:25", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and the location time zone is Bras\u00c3\u00adlia Time Zone", + "question": "What country bordering Argentina is in the Brasilia Time Zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jgd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.0jy1pqp . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1819_75e46121bded1ab4f276d4ec24bb366e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T06:04:24", + "machine_question": "what religion does canada follow and is the religion types of places of worship include Chapel", + "question": "Which religion in Canada uses a Chapel as a place of worship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.types_of_places_of_worship ns:m.0173tc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1819", + "webqsp_question": "what religion does canada follow" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2736_af0a37b13a66138a543af50c2ac24bb8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Siwa", + "Siwi", + "Oasis Berber", + "Sioua", + "Zenati" + ], + "answer": "Siwi Language", + "answer_id": "m.012zfy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High Arabic", + "Fasih", + "Modern Literary Arabic", + "Arabic, Standard", + "Al Arabiya", + "Al Fus-ha" + 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"compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:42:48", + "machine_question": "what currency does the country imports from Zimbabwe have", + "question": "Which currency is used in the country that imports products from Zimbabwe?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.statistical_region.places_imported_from ?k .\n?k ns:location.imports_and_exports.imported_from ns:m.088q4 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2808", + "webqsp_question": "what currency does south africa have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3475_6cb1331b7de4eccf0c4d3f78f17c7ad8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Old Continent" + ], + "answer": "Europe", + "answer_id": "m.02j9z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "danish", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:00:59", + "machine_question": "where is the 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+ "question": "What state if the sports franchise that has Steely McBeam as a team mascot located in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.team_mascot ns:m.02x0cyj . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-395", + "webqsp_question": "what state is the steelers from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_3b521e4133132fe5c032a9946f9616c9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Azerbaijan", + "Az\u0259rbaycan Respublikas\u0131" + ], + "answer": "Azerbaijan", + "answer_id": "m.0jhd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:41:49", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and the country capital is Baku", + "question": "Which countries does Russia border, which country has the capital of Baku?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT 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"sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0hq8pc2 . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0f2y0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who plays anakin skywalker in star wars 1" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_581337ace77f1d6de899249790a7682b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Royal Palace of Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Royal Palace of Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.04m3yk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:32:41", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in madrid and is the structure construction started in 1734", + "question": "What structure which began construction in 1734 is a sight to see in Madrid?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT 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ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.03plfd . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-836_6a27420dcf0528ae017dd74e40cfd38a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islam", + "answer_id": "m.0flw86" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:07:43", + "machine_question": "what are the major religions in uk and the religion organiztion is Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath", + "question": "What major UK religion has a religious organization named Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.organizations ns:m.010ffmhn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-836", + "webqsp_question": "what are the major religions in uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2603_91f127c23f486209aa47c683c94d7b8d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hungarian Language", + "Magyar", + "Hungarian" + ], + "answer": "Hungarian language", + "answer_id": "m.02ztjwg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hungarian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:18:39", + "machine_question": "what do the country that contains N\u00c3\u00b3gr\u00c3\u00a1d County people speak", + "question": "What is the spoken language in the country with N\u00c3\u00b3gr\u00c3\u00a1d County?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.01z0_l . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2603", + "webqsp_question": "what do hungarian people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2385_af23d59657b602d37dfea3c82307085d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Henry Sr." + ], + "answer": "Henry Ford", + "answer_id": "m.03gxm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ford motor company", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:51:13", + "machine_question": "who invented the the child organization is Ford Mexico Holdings Inc", + "question": "Who is the company that owns Ford Mexico Holdings Inc?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.child ?k .\n?k ns:organization.organization_relationship.child ns:m.09mr097 . \n?c ns:organization.organization.founders ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2385", + "webqsp_question": "who invented the ford motor company" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1819_7bd6b37d01a372aa5af2a8d5ef53d827", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islam", + "answer_id": "m.0flw86" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T06:04:24", + "machine_question": "what religion does canada follow and the relgion sacred site is Jerusalem", + "question": "Which religion do people in Canada follow, where the religious sacred site is in Jerusalem?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.sacred_sites ns:m.0430_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1819", + "webqsp_question": "what religion does canada follow" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_67a80b4bbc34f34c815f1c90890d17fd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:41:49", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and the religious leader is Filaret", + "question": "What nation bordering Russia has a religious leader named Filaret?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.leader ns:m.05cxfq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-801_f4440609f5cecb091bf8e86adb47be25", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": 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+ ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:50:39", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona and is the structure construction started in latest", + "question": "What place to visit in Barcelona has a structure that was constructed last?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f62)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f62 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.construction_started ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1178", + "webqsp_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1441_0fa6de9f0673eb4f7bf3120f89f5bd44", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "l'Hexagone", + "R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise", + "French Republic" + ], + "answer": "France", + "answer_id": "m.0f8l9c" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "l'Hexagone", + "R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise", + "French Republic" + ], + "answer": "France", + "answer_id": "m.0f8l9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:21:18", + "machine_question": "where all did picasso live and is the location that appointed Georges Pompidou to govermental position", + "question": "Where did Picasso live that appointed Georges Pompidou to a governmental position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.060_7)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.060_7 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.01lbpj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1441", + "webqsp_question": "where all did picasso live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2798_afa15f6b9dc58ac550f7e43be659229c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "2004 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.07p0zz" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1990 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9rj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1989 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9tm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "detroit pistons", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "what year did the sports team owner is Tom Gores win the championship", + "question": "Team owner Tom Gores won the Championship in what year?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.professional_sports_team.owner_s ns:m.0dftcf . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2798", + "webqsp_question": "what year did detroit pistons win the championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1792_3a156e581e05697e24d08678adfc1862", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "United Kingdom, with Dependencies and Territories", + "answer_id": "m.0hzc9md" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:59:59", + "machine_question": "where is midlothian scotland and is the country that contains Pitcairn Islands", + "question": "What country is both home to Midlothian Scotland and the Pitcairn Islands?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.011w8v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.011w8v ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.05vd5 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1792", + "webqsp_question": "where is midlothian scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_ec8e1de161a301bf213a1d49ca575dfb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:41:49", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and the country capital is Beijing", + "question": "Which country with a capital of Beijing does Russia border?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.capital ns:m.01914 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-321_ac67410188d0f2258139a3c84773885e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "La Internacia Lingvo", + "La Lingvo Internacia", + "Esperanto" + ], + "answer": "Esperanto Language", + "answer_id": "m.02jcw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Loglang" + ], + "answer": "Lojban", + "answer_id": "m.04gd7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "australia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:15:37", + "machine_question": "what do people in the location time zone is Central Western Time Zone speak", + "question": "What language do people in the Central Western Time Zone speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.0y498v7 . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-321", + "webqsp_question": "what do people in australia speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-321_91486f8ce518ad60645488b0b298ff11", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "La Internacia Lingvo", + "La Lingvo Internacia", + "Esperanto" + ], + "answer": "Esperanto Language", + "answer_id": "m.02jcw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Loglang" + ], + "answer": "Lojban", + "answer_id": "m.04gd7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "australia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:15:37", + "machine_question": "what do people in the location time zone is Heard and McDonald Islands\u00c2\u00a0Time Zone speak", + "question": "What langagues are spoken by people who live in the Heard and MCDonals Islands time zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.0y49btq . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-321", + "webqsp_question": "what do people in australia speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-400_ecabe9a3fb01aad9253431aab39beff3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bay State", + "MA", + "US-MA", + "The Old Colony State", + "Mass", + "The Codfish State", + "Commonwealth of Massachusetts", + "Mass." + ], + "answer": "Massachusetts", + "answer_id": "m.05k7sb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "harvard college", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:21:24", + "machine_question": "what state is the education institution has a grad student named Sampson Salter Blowers located", + "question": "What state is the college that Sampson Salter Blowers is a grad student of located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.educational_institution.students_graduates ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.student ns:m.01fhpn . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.0kpys4 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-400", + "webqsp_question": "what state is harvard college located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-970_816e7ccdc2194bd1e9a1b413e97ae4ac", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military dictatorship", + "answer_id": "m.012qkq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military junta", + "answer_id": "m.025s5c_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary" + ], + "answer": "Parliamentary republic", + "answer_id": "m.0glnsx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "fiji", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:28:13", + "machine_question": "what type of government does the country capital is Suva have", + "question": "What types of government is present in the country whose capital is Suva?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.capital ns:m.0bsl6 . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-970", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government does fiji have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2505_f5debef35c97e79690f1282a59e3d9b4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Vanderbilt University Mr. Commodore", + "answer_id": "m.05k6hxh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "vanderbilt university", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:03:35", + "machine_question": "what is the child organization is Peabody College mascot", + "question": "What is the mascot of the child organization of Peabody College?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.child ?k .\n?k ns:organization.organization_relationship.child ns:m.03wj1k . \n?c ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2505", + "webqsp_question": "what is vanderbilt university mascot" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1508_6a84ab6bb16c8ec640608733b4177366", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Yale University, main campus", + "Yale University", + "Yale University, New Haven", + "YU", + "Yale" + ], + "answer": "University Yale", + "answer_id": "m.08815" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:30:06", + "machine_question": "when did bill clinton go to college and is the educational institution with the mascot Yale University Handsome Dan", + "question": "Which university where Bill Clinton was educated has a mascot with the moniker Handsome Dan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0157m)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0157m ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ns:m.05ty1h . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-833_c4a4d1b444e9f0b28e960a3c1f7717ac", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:13:35", + "machine_question": "what is the main language used in the location that appointed National People's Congress to govermental position", + "question": "What lngague is used in the country where the National People's Congress is a part of the government?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0c3xm . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-833", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main language used in china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-49_e3a22cba0456ddd577c24f15f7a689c1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Imam Mahdi" + ], + "answer": "Mahdi", + "answer_id": "m.019vqj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tawhid", + "answer_id": "m.01bbmp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Muhammad" + ], + "answer": "Prophets in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.024b22" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Predestination in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.025w817" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Entering Heaven alive", + "answer_id": "m.02wvcg4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Monotheism", + "answer_id": "m.04xy3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic view of angels", + "answer_id": "m.0698fs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Qiyamah", + "answer_id": "m.06rvp0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sharia", + "answer_id": "m.074hw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dajjal" + ], + "answer": "Masih ad-Dajjal", + "answer_id": "m.07bfrc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic holy books", + "answer_id": "m.07r6vw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "God in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.09kb_2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "\u1e6c\u016bb\u0101", + "answer_id": "m.0hr6vbp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "islamic", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:42:18", + "machine_question": "what did the the religion belief is Sharia people believe in", + "question": "What does the Sharia religion believe in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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govermental position from the earliest and influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2346_82c47c7560603b9f2bf6641c4008d9e2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin dialects" + ], + "answer": "Mandarin Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.03115z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Taiwanese Mandarin", + "answer_id": "m.09q16b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Xinminhua", + "Kek", + "Hakka", + "Ke", + "Hokka", + "Tu Guangdonghua", + "Kehia", + "Hakka Chinese", + "Khek", + "Majiahua", + "Kechia", + "Chinese, Hakka", + "Kejia" + ], + "answer": "Chinese, Hakka Language", + "answer_id": "m.0dxj6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Taiwanese language", + "Taiwanese" + ], + "answer": "Taiwanese Hokkien", + "answer_id": "m.0g1jw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "taiwan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:48:10", + "machine_question": "what does the country that has the national anthem National Anthem of the Republic of China people speak", + "question": "What spoken languages are used in the country with national anthem of the Republic of China?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.01k05y . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2346", + "webqsp_question": "what does taiwan people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_0a36951f40775635fef652961006564d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SC", + "Palmetto State" + ], + "answer": "South Carolina", + "answer_id": "m.06yxd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Richland County / Columbia city", + "Columbia, South Carolina", + "Columbia, SC" + ], + "answer": "Columbia", + "answer_id": "m.0fv_t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "usc", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:25:17", + "machine_question": "where is the child organization is University of South Carolina Beaufort from", + "question": "From where is the University of South Carolina Beaufort Child Organization?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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ns:sports.sports_championship_event.championship ns:m.05nblxt .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-696", + "webqsp_question": "when did juventus win the champions league" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1109_39789ea4a11e50dadf674ef60a421392", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisian dinar", + "answer_id": "m.04z4ml" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tunisia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:44:48", + "machine_question": "what is the currency used in the currency used in the country is Tunisian dinar", + "question": "What type of money is used in the country where the currency is the Tusnian dinar?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.04z4ml . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1109", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency used in tunisia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-811_1482ab86d83de94e48919e8281e4f92c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bright House Field", + "answer_id": "m.066c5m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "phillies", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:11:56", + "machine_question": "where is the the team won the 2008 National League Championship Series championship spring training stadium", + "question": "Where is the spring training stadium of the team that won the 2008 National League Championship Series championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.04f7kvl . \n?c ns:base.schemastaging.sports_team_extra.training_ground ?y .\n?y ns:base.schemastaging.team_training_ground_relationship.facility ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-811", + "webqsp_question": "where is the phillies spring training stadium" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_79314f0b438b19332dd773dc37e69466", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kellen Boswell Winslow, Jr.", + "Shash", + "Kellen Boswell Winslow", + "Kellen Winslow" + ], + "answer": "Kellen Winslow II", + "answer_id": "m.03tt9p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:18:56", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the player started his career on 2004", + "question": "Which player that started in 2004 was drafted by the Cleveland Browns?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:sports.pro_athlete.sports_played_professionally ?c .\n?c ns:sports.pro_sports_played.career_start \"2004\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2238_29ea71f7455033b5b4a420dfdc201d44", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Phins", + "The Fish", + "The Fins" + ], + "answer": "Miami Dolphins", + "answer_id": "m.04vn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:37:21", + "machine_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011 and is the team has a team moscot named T.D.", + "question": "What team with mascot named T.D. did Reggie Bush play for in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.team_mascot ns:m.02qrgwz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2238", + "webqsp_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-784_9495f0be10a5bc18b35d47a78603f464", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Qwest Field", + "Qwest Field, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "CenturyLink Field", + "answer_id": "m.01db_j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "seattle seahawks", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:09:04", + "machine_question": "where do the the team has a team moscot named Seattle Seahawks Blitz play", + "question": "Where does the team play with the Seattle Seahawks Blitz mascot?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT 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ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.01hfll . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2711_a57061e7792a90ec7474f5e74b02daa0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Protestant" + ], + "answer": "Protestantism", + "answer_id": "m.05sfs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:29:44", + "machine_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe and the religion organiztion is Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregations", + "question": "What main Eastern European religion has a religious organization named Heritage Netherlands Reformed Congregations?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\n ns:m.09b69 ns:location.location.contains ?y1 . # Eastern Europe\n ?y1 ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp . # Country\n ?y1 ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:religion.religion.organizations ns:m.010gnbvm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_cdeea0df1ba29e1feb9aee2f0e455ade", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SC", + "Palmetto State" + ], + "answer": "South Carolina", + "answer_id": "m.06yxd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Richland County / Columbia city", + "Columbia, South Carolina", + "Columbia, SC" + ], + "answer": "Columbia", + "answer_id": "m.0fv_t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "usc", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:25:17", + "machine_question": "where is the educational institution newspaper is The Daily Gamecock from", + "question": "The Daily Gamecock newspaper is from an educational institution located where?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.educational_institution.newspaper ns:m.0bft_l . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3395_22e6676885a371ef71f21fc9d47d4a87", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary" + ], + "answer": "Parliamentary republic", + "answer_id": "m.0glnsx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mongolia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:50:09", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the country that contains \u00c3\u0096mn\u00c3\u00b6govi Province", + "question": "Which system of government does the country that includes the \u00c3\u0096mn\u00c3\u00b6govi Province, utilize?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.02q_xc . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3395", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does mongolia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_dfb6c97ac9bf2f0ac07f27dd80f9edc2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Germany", + "Bundesrepublik Deutschland", + "BRD", + "Deutschland" + ], + "answer": "Germany", + "answer_id": "m.0345h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T19:58:00", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and is the location contains and airport that server Nijmegen", + "question": "What EU country contains an airport that serves Nijmegen?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.contains ?c .\n?c ns:aviation.airport.serves ns:m.05g2b . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_143c89d70679c3e5257c93d8e2bc4c67", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Peru", + "answer_id": "m.016wzw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:12:26", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and the location time zone is UTC\u00e2\u0088\u009205:00", + "question": "What country in the UTC-05:00 time zone borders Bolivia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02_37z . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-836_e9f1e2cf7477772e46c8a5c03ad79514", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jewish" + ], + "answer": "Judaism", + "answer_id": "m.03_gx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:07:43", + "machine_question": "what are the major religions in uk and the relgion sacred site is Safed", + "question": "What religion in UK has a sacred site named Safed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.sacred_sites ns:m.01vtnc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-836", + "webqsp_question": "what are the major religions in uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3287_3af45c10df6a62128f14f2c662a7480b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Swedish krona", + "answer_id": "m.0485n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sweden", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:34:14", + "machine_question": "what is the currency of the country that has the national anthem Du gamla, Du fria called", + "question": "What kind of money does the country with the nation antem Du gamla, Du fria use?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.0m6w8 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3287", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency of sweden called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_5f5d6f79ae3ba0b8301eb8eac6e1f24c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Woodland Park Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.02dxmq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:06:41", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and is the zoo that opened on earliest", + "question": "What zoo opened earliest and is fun to do in Seattle, WA?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:zoos.zoo.opened ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-531_89edf96a303451c5ed92ef344d69e7c3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:40:46", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in australia and the religion text is Book of Nehemiah", + "question": "What religion practiced in Australia has as one of its holy texts the Book of Nehemiah?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.texts ns:m.01dfl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-531", + "webqsp_question": "what religions are found in australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-504_49842e208a5dd584154dd0a96881bc05", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1994 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9cq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1995 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9k6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "houston rockets", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:37:55", + "machine_question": "when did the the basket ball team head coach is Kevin McHale win the championship", + "question": "In what seasons did the NBA team coached by Kevin McHale win the championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:basketball.basketball_team.head_coach ns:m.04b87b . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-504", + "webqsp_question": "when did the houston rockets win the championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_b6623c502b1f77df6ee7354cd19973a7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:32:48", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and is the location that appointed Jeb Bush to govermental position", + "question": "What American southern State does Sam Shepard and Jeb Bush call home?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.019x9z . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1109_ce9e63f584bb125ed3c24497c166ea83", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisian dinar", + "answer_id": "m.04z4ml" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tunisia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:44:48", + "machine_question": "what is the currency used in the country that contains Tunis", + "question": "The nation where Tunis is located used which money as its currency?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.0ftn8 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1109", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency used in tunisia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2095_8f00c2959923258d4289c1c8ce58a26c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "belize", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:23:17", + "machine_question": "what continent is the country that has the national anthem Land of the Free located in", + "question": "What continent is home to the country that has an anthem that contains the phrase \"Land of the Free\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.01fvj1 . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2095", + "webqsp_question": "what continent is belize located in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_bb55aa21fb7ee9be4cc3125053f73b3d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seljuk Empire", + "answer_id": "m.02z62v1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:55:49", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and the country capital is Ray", + "question": "What country, with the capital of Ray, speaks Arabic?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.capital ns:m.01ct0j . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_39e53634d37e4d7c4204a9d647b38f93", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "State of Israel" + ], + "answer": "Israel", + "answer_id": "m.03spz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:55:49", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and the religious leader is Ovadia Yosef", + "question": "What country speaks Arabic and has religious leader Ovadia Yosef.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.leader ns:m.02qmnw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-908_5767c6c35740616389bfe509174b0e23", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Film actress", + "Movie actress", + "Movie actor", + "Actress", + "Film actor", + "Theatre Actor" + ], + "answer": "Actor", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh1q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "james dean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:19:48", + "machine_question": "who is the person who once lived in Cholame", + "question": "What person lived doncce in Cholame?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?k .\n?k ns:people.place_lived.location ns:m.077v0v . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-908", + "webqsp_question": "who is james dean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2401_15c47379c7578b2dd4e0975d032f85d5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukrainian Hrivna" + ], + "answer": "Ukrainian hryvnia", + "answer_id": "m.035qkb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ukraine", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:52:39", + "machine_question": "what money is used in the religious leader is Filaret", + "question": "In the nation that has Filaret as a religious leader, what form of currency is used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?k .\n?k ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.leader ns:m.05cxfq . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2401", + "webqsp_question": "what money is used in ukraine" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_7d0f17238fcb0a1f0ecaae99f80bfe9f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:19:57", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and is the tv show Two and a Half Men was filmed there", + "question": "What is the location where Bob Dylan live and where the show Two and a Half Men takes place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_location.tv_shows_filmed_here ns:m.01vnbh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_643d56fb701c4177a2abcd64511ce635", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Featherdale Wildlife" + ], + "answer": "Featherdale Wildlife Park", + "answer_id": "m.0j65cht" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:02:40", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the zoo that opened on earliest", + "question": "What zoo that opened earliest is there to see in Sydney, Australia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:zoos.zoo.opened ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2181_6b1c0c0fb24a34937f450fdc16a3387b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "John Harbaugh", + "answer_id": "m.0c2fvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ravens", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:32:26", + "machine_question": "who is the the sports team with the fight song Seven Nation Army coach", + "question": "Who is the coach of the team with the fight song \"Seven Nation Army\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) 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"machine_question": "what is the holy book in the religion place of worship is Beiyue Temple", + "question": "What holy books are used at the Beiyue Temple?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.places_of_worship ns:m.05zvb8f . \n?c ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_11520b18cf9c2b95db81644ad23cdfdc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SC", + "Palmetto State" + ], + "answer": "South Carolina", + "answer_id": "m.06yxd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Richland County / Columbia city", + "Columbia, South Carolina", + "Columbia, SC" + ], + "answer": "Columbia", + "answer_id": "m.0fv_t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "usc", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:25:17", + "machine_question": "where is the educational institution with the mascot University of South Carolina Cocky from", + "question": "Where is the educational institution with the mascot University of South Carolina Cocky located in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ns:m.05k6b3s . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_209dc96af55c6a84e51503b7e7f1b2a2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Iraq", + "answer_id": "m.0d05q4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:26:13", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and the country capital is Baghdad", + "question": "Of the people who speak Arabic, in which country is the capital is Baghdad?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.capital ns:m.01fqm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3176_c1e7b07d03c64591e05f8667754d3264", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "2003 AFC Championship Game", + "answer_id": "m.0_gt_px" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "raiders", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:24:20", + "machine_question": "when is the last time the the team won the Super Bowl XVIII championship won a championship", + "question": "When did the team that won the Super Bowl XVIII championship win a Championship last?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.076s5 . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.end_date ?sk0 .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:datetime(?sk0))\nLIMIT 1\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3176", + "webqsp_question": "when is the last time the raiders won a championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_5497b8789d7747fc2dd7579c832e0ce8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Germany", + "Bundesrepublik Deutschland", + "FRG" + ], + "answer": "West Germany", + "answer_id": "m.082fr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:50:20", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and the country capital is Bonn", + "question": "Which german 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OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.064r7fk ns:language.human_language.main_country ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.0110_1rf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1011", + "webqsp_question": "where do they speak tibetan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1735_027a80918c3d4fa41fe6acb267115bf3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Aruban florin", + "answer_id": "m.08s1k3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "aruba", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:46:05", + "machine_question": "what currency can you use in the location that appointed Beatrix of the Netherlands to govermental position", + "question": "What kind of money is spent in the nation where Beatrix of the Netherlands was selected to hold a political job?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0ktnm . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1735", + "webqsp_question": "what currency can you use in aruba" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2601_2df35e04a45a79af00f76793740840a1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Minnesota Vikings", + "answer_id": "m.051q5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:18:15", + "machine_question": "who did warren moon play for and is the sports team with the fight song Skol, Vikings", + "question": "Who did Warren Moon play for whose fight song was \"Skol, Vikings\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01b0dl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01b0dl ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.fight_song ns:m.095v49 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2601", + "webqsp_question": "who did warren moon play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1503_4089d6d7ba86121ff285b80865682a7c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cuban peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p2z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Chavito" + ], + "answer": "Cuban convertible peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p6c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cuba", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:27:02", + "machine_question": "what kind of currency does the country that contains Santiago de Cuba Province use", + "question": "What type of currency is used in the country with . Santiago de Cuba Province?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.01rj4t . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1503", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of currency does cuba use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2401_f21a9d4b1e98d5b7e3c57e4b34448cfb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukrainian Hrivna" + ], + "answer": "Ukrainian hryvnia", + "answer_id": "m.035qkb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ukraine", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:52:39", + "machine_question": "what money is used in the country that has the national anthem Shche ne vmerla Ukraina", + "question": "What type of currency is used in the country with national anthem Shche ne vmerla Ukraina?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER 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ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0h2n386 . \n?c ns:film.film.featured_film_locations ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-983", + "webqsp_question": "where in oregon was stand by me filmed" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2411_2ad6219c3c23110637eefed1b9e1e870", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1949 BAA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.0ct81k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "lakers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:53:13", + "machine_question": "what year did the team won the 2009 NBA Finals championship win their first championship", + "question": "In what year was the winner of the 2009 NBA Finals' first championship win?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.04gg8b0 . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.start_date ?sk0 .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:datetime(?sk0)\nLIMIT 1\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2411", + "webqsp_question": "what year did lakers win their first championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-275_12214188878adf79aec0d51957fbbc5e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u30b3\u30ed\u30f3\u30d3\u30a2\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Republic of Colombia" + ], + "answer": "Colombia", + "answer_id": "m.01ls2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shakira", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:10:51", + "machine_question": "where is she from the artist had a concert tour named Tour Anfibio", + "question": "Where is the artist from who had the concert tour Anfibio?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.artist.concert_tours ns:m.09ncdd . \n?c ns:music.artist.origin ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-275", + "webqsp_question": "where is she from shakira" + }, + { + "ID": 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"WebQTrn-909_8c6b952c6bd963f0ece4e401c9eb731a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "Hennepin County / Minneapolis city" + ], + "answer": "Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Duluth, Minnesota", + "St. Louis County / Duluth city" + ], + "answer": "Duluth", + "answer_id": "m.0h1k6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "St. Louis County / Hibbing city", + "Hibbing, Minnesota" + ], + "answer": "Hibbing", + "answer_id": "m.0wjjx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:19:57", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and the location time zone is Central Time Zone", + "question": "What did Bob Dylan live in the Central Time Zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02fqwt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-836_33335d298ed09243d0a1f54336cf4333", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sikhism", + "answer_id": "m.06yyp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:07:43", + "machine_question": "what are the major religions in uk and the relgion sacred site is Harmandir Sahib", + "question": "What religion with the sacred site Harmandir Sahib is in the UK?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.sacred_sites ns:m.02l7zq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-836", + "webqsp_question": "what are the major religions in uk" + 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+ "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Anglican" + ], + "answer": "Anglicanism", + "answer_id": "m.0n2g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:40:46", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in australia and the religion text is The Bible", + "question": "What religions that use The Bible are found in Australia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.texts ns:m.015j7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-531", + "webqsp_question": "what religions are found in australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2411_6a69589b94f4e404c1a535c0a309d10f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1949 BAA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.0ct81k" + 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"compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:43:24", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and the religious organization leadeship is Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate", + "question": "Which country whose religious organization is led by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate borders Slovakia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.organization ns:m.05cx56 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-775_25e0b5afad301efabe261c0f22f4840a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Urbis, Manchester" + ], + "answer": "Urbis", + "answer_id": "m.02w89p" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:07:36", + "machine_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids and is the museum that was established in 2002", + "question": "What museum established in 2002 is good to visit with kids in Manchester?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.052bw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.052bw ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.museum.established \"2002\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-775", + "webqsp_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-426_e44e4a761ad7f797bf362304d0bd6628", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:28:46", + "machine_question": "where is giza pyramids located and is the location that appointed Mohamed Morsi to govermental position", + "question": "Which country has Mohamed Morsi in a government post and is the location of the Giza Pyramids?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0gy0m9w . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-426", + "webqsp_question": "where is giza pyramids located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1430_df1aa3f279cd680ac5334efd15d423af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq", + "answer_id": "m.01j5_1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "pakistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:17:21", + "machine_question": "who was the president of the country that contains Balochistan, Pakistan in 1980", + "question": "The country that contains Balochistan, Pakistan had what President in 1980?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.01hf6 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"1980-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"1980-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1430", + "webqsp_question": "who was the president of pakistan in 1980" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-696_b0448755d2cc78a0f4bd153f38386725", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1996 UEFA Champions League Final", + "answer_id": "m.02pt_57" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "juventus", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:00:52", + "machine_question": "when did the organiztion leadership has a person named Giuseppe Marotta win the champions league", + "question": "When did the team that led by Giuseppe Marotta win the champions league?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.leadership ?k .\n?k ns:organization.leadership.person ns:m.0h62s2c . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_championship_event.championship ns:m.05nblxt .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-696", + "webqsp_question": "when did juventus win the champions league" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2401_1ad2d84ababa47e6d24a8dd6eb2b7943", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukrainian Hrivna" + ], + "answer": "Ukrainian hryvnia", + "answer_id": "m.035qkb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ukraine", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:52:39", + "machine_question": "what money is used in the religious organization leadeship is Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church", + "question": "What is the currency where the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church is a religious organization leadership?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?k .\n?k ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.organization ns:m.02cd38 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2401", + "webqsp_question": "what money is used in ukraine" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2513_a623ff8f34a29832660354c2dd350431", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Manchester United", + "Manchester United Football Club", + "Man Utd", + "Manchester United FC", + "Newton Heath LYR Football Club", + "Man United", + "The Red Devils" + ], + "answer": "Manchester United F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.050fh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:04:27", + "machine_question": "who has won the most fa cup and is the team has a team moscot named Fred the red", + "question": "What team has the mascot named Fred the Red and won the most FA cup?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count)\n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n {\n SELECT (MAX(?count) AS ?maxCount)\n WHERE {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count) \n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n }\n FILTER (?maxCount = ?count)?x ns:sports.sports_team.team_mascot ns:m.02nsyh9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2513", + "webqsp_question": "who has won the most fa cup" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2601_201314aa8824d0802c2f9a8e22c55848", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Seahawks", + "answer_id": "m.070xg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:18:15", + "machine_question": "who did warren moon play for and the sports team owner is Paul G. 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"WebQTrn-2095", + "webqsp_question": "what continent is belize located in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_d5e0e45e88fb57381243c8121bbfc8fa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Hunger Games", + "answer_id": "m.0gkz15s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Catching Fire", + "The Hunger Games 2" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire", + "answer_id": "m.0n40qmp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay \u2013 Part 1" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1", + "answer_id": "m.0ngvsvk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:08:08", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and is the film has a charcter named Primrose Everdeen", + "question": "What movie with character Primrose Everdeen did Liam Hemsworth play in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR 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Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:45:18", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and held his govermental position from before 1861-03-04", + "question": "Who held his governmental position from before April 4, 1861 and influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1861-03-04\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3271_0fa727f3b282196eb1097410b4be6818", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Aymara" + ], + "answer": "Aymara language", + "answer_id": "m.01y5tq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mapuche", + "Mapudungu", + "Mapudungun", + "Araucano", + "Maputongo" + ], + "answer": "Mapudungun Language", + "answer_id": "m.01zn1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Easter Island", + "Pascuense", + "Rapa Nui" + ], + "answer": "Rapa Nui Language", + "answer_id": "m.0565hv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Puquina" + ], + "answer": "Puquina Language", + "answer_id": "m.09_sxt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chilean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:33:22", + "machine_question": "what does the location that appointed Michelle Bachelet to govermental position people speak", + "question": "People from the location that 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"question": "What is the name of the mascot of the Yale Bulldogs Men's Basketball team?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.educational_institution.sports_teams ns:m.05h0hlp . \n?c ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1108", + "webqsp_question": "what is yale university mascot" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2401_e9de608a162453baa77b7972ae3beb40", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukrainian Hrivna" + ], + "answer": "Ukrainian hryvnia", + "answer_id": "m.035qkb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ukraine", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:52:39", + "machine_question": "what money is used in the country that contains Kiev", + "question": "Which currency is utilized in the country, that includes the location Kiev?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != 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.\n?k ns:organization.leadership.person ns:m.0y6y815 . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_championship_event.championship ns:m.05nblxt .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-696", + "webqsp_question": "when did juventus win the champions league" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1976_37e1f4ebb42c3e46c152713ea6f353f7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "En Avant de Guingamp", + "answer_id": "m.05nwfr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T06:24:21", + "machine_question": "what team did drogba play for and is the team won the 2014 Coupe de France Final championship", + "question": "What team did Drogba play for that won the 2014 Coupe de France Final championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_y2f)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_y2f ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y 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Miller, Jr.", + "Steve Miller", + "Robert Stevens Miller", + "Robert Steve Miller" + ], + "answer": "Robert S. Miller", + "answer_id": "m.03bqbv6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "James Press", + "Jim Press" + ], + "answer": "James E. Press", + "answer_id": "m.03wxn4s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Robert James Eaton" + ], + "answer": "Robert J. Eaton", + "answer_id": "m.03wy5t7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Robert Lutz", + "Robert A. Lutz", + "Robert Anthony Lutz", + "Robert Anthony \"Bob\" Lutz" + ], + "answer": "Bob Lutz", + "answer_id": "m.045gvw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Peter Alden Magowan" + ], + "answer": "Peter A. 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ns:m.06x2z0 . \n?c ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1108", + "webqsp_question": "what is yale university mascot" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2711_75e46121bded1ab4f276d4ec24bb366e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:29:44", + "machine_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe and is the religion types of places of worship include Chapel", + "question": "What main religion with places of worship called Chapels is in Eastern Europe?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\n ns:m.09b69 ns:location.location.contains ?y1 . # Eastern Europe\n ?y1 ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp . # Country\n ?y1 ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:religion.religion.types_of_places_of_worship ns:m.0173tc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_00f1d445181c61921e43df20b69c409a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:56:19", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and is the film has a charcter named CIC Gunner", + "question": "What movie was Rihanna in with a chracter named CIC Gunner?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.starring ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0bxt0hv . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-836_75e46121bded1ab4f276d4ec24bb366e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:07:43", + "machine_question": "what are the major religions in uk and is the religion types of places of worship include Chapel", + "question": "What major religion is in the UK that worships in a chapel?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.types_of_places_of_worship ns:m.0173tc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-836", + "webqsp_question": "what are the major 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"WebQTrn-531_31c94b951f3d708ac503327d7979da93", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Buddhist" + ], + "answer": "Buddhism", + "answer_id": "m.092bf5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:40:46", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in australia and the religion place of worship is Candi Laras", + "question": "What Australian religion has a place of worship named Candi Laras?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.places_of_worship ns:g.122hpl76 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-531", + "webqsp_question": "what religions are found in australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-936_fbc00606aeee83f54cd0fe454a3d90f3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Athens", + "answer_id": "m.0n2z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:25:53", + "machine_question": "where were greek temples built and is the city that hosted 1896 Summer Olympics", + "question": "Which city hosted the 1896 summer olympics and was historically known for Greek Temples?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\tns:m.03f34_ ns:architecture.building_function.buildings ?y .\n\t?y ns:travel.tourist_attraction.near_travel_destination ?x .?x ns:olympics.olympic_host_city.olympics_hosted ns:m.0c_tl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-936", + "webqsp_question": "where were greek temples built" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1508_38e2c66cd9baaea4d3958decc8cb6b6c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Yale University, main campus", + "Yale University", + "Yale University, New Haven", + "YU", + "Yale" + ], + "answer": "University Yale", + "answer_id": "m.08815" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:30:06", + "machine_question": "when did bill clinton go to college and the educational institution newspaper is Yale Daily News", + "question": "What college did Bill Clinton attend that has newspaper Yale Daily News?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0157m)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0157m ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.educational_institution.newspaper ns:m.031v8g . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-263_eb6be9ba3dfa705df906a60a2baf1801", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kingdom of Great Britain", + "answer_id": "m.014tss" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:09:35", + "machine_question": "what country did james cook come from and the country capital is Edinburgh", + "question": "Which country, which has the capital of Edinburgh, was home to James Cook?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_j8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_j8 ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.capital ns:m.02m77 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-263", + "webqsp_question": "what country did james cook come from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_c347ec428b9ea88040fb00f78ac12cd2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Wild Life Sydney", + "answer_id": "m.0261k3j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:02:40", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the zoo that opened on after 1972", + "question": "What zoo in 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ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.contains ?c .\n?c ns:location.mailing_address.citytown ns:m.02_wp3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_0415f406246ee6468d7eb40867780498", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Centennial State", + "Colo", + "CO" + ], + "answer": "Colorado", + "answer_id": "m.01n4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:08:58", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and is the us state that has a capital named Denver", + "question": "Denver is the capital of which US state that has a Downtown Littleton?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0g8lsf)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0g8lsf ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.us_state.capital ns:m.02cl1 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_78a9d4a3887dcf949f3fd8d3b2d7b39d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Las Vegas, Nevada", + "Vegas", + "Sin City", + "Clark County / Las Vegas city" + ], + "answer": "Las Vegas", + "answer_id": "m.0cv3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:52:28", + "machine_question": "where does joey king live and is the tv show The Stand was filmed there", + "question": "In what city was the TV show The Stand filmed and where Joey King lived?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03yk4pb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03yk4pb ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_location.tv_shows_filmed_here ns:m.09fc83 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king 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ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n }\n FILTER (?maxCount = ?count)?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.0266flf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2513", + "webqsp_question": "who has won the most fa cup" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_52deecbffa5c67b0c724c84174c5e019", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East 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"WebQTest-1311_e035ac8c57448c613a5a03d129f2bce1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "W. 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"compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:44:43", + "machine_question": "what is the organiztion leadership has a person named Rick Levin mascot", + "question": "Rick Levin is part of the organization with which mascot?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.leadership ?k .\n?k ns:organization.leadership.person ns:m.02bvmk . \n?c ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1108", + "webqsp_question": "what is yale university mascot" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-49_81c61082f456be82a6dae73b7e492b2a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Imam Mahdi" + ], + "answer": "Mahdi", + "answer_id": "m.019vqj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tawhid", + "answer_id": "m.01bbmp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Muhammad" + ], + "answer": "Prophets in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.024b22" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Predestination in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.025w817" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Entering Heaven alive", + "answer_id": "m.02wvcg4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Monotheism", + "answer_id": "m.04xy3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic view of angels", + "answer_id": "m.0698fs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Qiyamah", + "answer_id": "m.06rvp0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sharia", + "answer_id": "m.074hw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dajjal" + ], + "answer": "Masih ad-Dajjal", + "answer_id": "m.07bfrc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic holy books", + "answer_id": "m.07r6vw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "God in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.09kb_2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "\u1e6c\u016bb\u0101", + "answer_id": "m.0hr6vbp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "islamic", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:42:18", + "machine_question": "what did the the 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"question": "What EU country has Ward, Castleknock?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.010f9zv5 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1430_02f2af97cb5db83b44d0d04b4a78b8f7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq", + "answer_id": "m.01j5_1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "pakistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:17:21", + "machine_question": "who was the president of the currency used in the country is Pakistani rupee in 1980", + "question": "Who was the president in 1980 of the nation that uses the Pakistani repuu as money?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: 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ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.major_field_of_study ns:m.0dgy0ln . \n?c ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2682_b5ec08428dccdfafa93460691c25abd4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jerry the Minion", + "answer_id": "m.084jfdt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jemaine clement", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:26:42", + "machine_question": "who does the person education institution is Makoura College play in despicable me", + "question": "The person who is from Makoura College played which character on Despicable Me?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.04gps1c . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.06zkfsy .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2682", + "webqsp_question": "who does jemaine clement play in despicable me" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-504_c7e1b4c99873c80def2ecc3d7eef27bf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1994 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9cq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1995 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9k6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "houston rockets", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:37:55", + "machine_question": "when did the the team won the 1995 NBA Finals championship win the championship", + "question": "In what years has the team that won the 1995 NBA Finals win Championships?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.08x9k6 . \n?c 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"machine_question": "what is the us state that has a capital named Frankfort state slogan", + "question": "WHat is the state slogan of the US state that has a capital of Frankfort?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.us_state.capital ns:m.0fvvg . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?y .\n?y ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ?x .\n?y ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.Kind_of_symbol ns:m.0j749 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1121", + "webqsp_question": "what is kentucky state slogan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1792_7a35a165d19535e9759b092094ece8a1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "United Kingdom, with Dependencies and Territories", + "answer_id": "m.0hzc9md" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:59:59", + "machine_question": 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"question": "Which state has Jim Edgar as a government member and includes the Ilinois River as a landmark?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0j1qb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0j1qb ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.031t9z . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1137", + "webqsp_question": "where is the illinois river on a map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2611_162e0e450fa8156ecb9927c4aa6d5b78", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:19:29", + "machine_question": "when was samuel pepys and is the location that appointed National People's Congress to govermental position", + "question": "What National People's Congress location appointed Samuel Pepys to a governmental position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06xxc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06xxc ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0c3xm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2611", + "webqsp_question": "when was samuel pepys" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_a9b18d079f29555cbd1e1740c7d6e40e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Belarus", + "Respublika Belarus\u2019", + "Bellarussiya", + "Bielaru\u015b" + ], + "answer": "Belarus", + "answer_id": "m.0163v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": "Estonia", + "answer_id": "m.02kmm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + }, + { + 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"WebQTest-823_33e218389f51ddc009fd64547c2037a1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + "answer_id": "m.0jgd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + "answer_id": "m.0jgd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:12:26", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and the religious leader is Pope Francis", + "question": "What country with religious leader Pope Francis does Bolivia border?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.leader ns:m.05ngt2 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_10aa3b0c992e4e6f4cf624c6c38c727f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guam", + "answer_id": "m.034tl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:32:48", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and the country capital is Hag\u00c3\u00a5t\u00c3\u00b1a", + "question": "What country with the capital of Hag\u00c3\u00a5t\u00c3\u00b1a is where Sam Shepard lives?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.country.capital ns:m.01qmmt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3385_a8baf5a1ce19a8ce940f0ca3994027bb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brain tumour", + "Brain Tumors" + ], + "answer": "Brain tumor", + "answer_id": "m.09969" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Malignant neoplasm" + ], + "answer": "Cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0qcr0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "susan atkins", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:49:12", + "machine_question": "what did the person who once lived in Cambrian Park, California die of", + "question": "What was the cause of death of the person who once lived in Cambrian Park, California?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER 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Mikulski", + "Barbara Ann Mikulski" + ], + "answer": "Barbara Mikulski", + "answer_id": "m.0206nm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:24:54", + "machine_question": "who are the current maryland senators and held his govermental position from 1987-01-03", + "question": "Which current Maryland Senators held their governmental position from January 1, 1987?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04rrd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04rrd ns:government.political_district.representatives ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.07t58 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from \"1987-01-03\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1481", + "webqsp_question": "who are the current maryland senators" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1109_eb17109e1b07d486a58cf13dab5f7151", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisian dinar", + "answer_id": "m.04z4ml" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tunisia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:44:48", + "machine_question": "what is the currency used in the country that has the national anthem Humat al-Hima", + "question": "What is the currency used in the country with national anthem Humat al-Hima?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != 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"sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0crtw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0crtw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:medicine.notable_person_with_medical_condition.condition ns:m.014wq_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1418", + "webqsp_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-733_89670933168c3f4e5195a241f9d46e76", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vietnamese \u0111\u1ed3ng (Remonetized)" + ], + "answer": "Vietnamese dong", + "answer_id": "m.03ksl6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "vietnam", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:03:22", + "machine_question": "what currency should you take to the country that has the national anthem Ti\u00e1\u00ba\u00bfn Qu\u00c3\u00a2n Ca", + "question": "Which type of currency should you take to the country that has the national anthem, 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ns:sports.competitor_competition_relationship.competitors ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1631", + "webqsp_question": "who are the famous athletes in kenya" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-49_5664110c14c11cbfe165fc3cd86c8845", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Imam Mahdi" + ], + "answer": "Mahdi", + "answer_id": "m.019vqj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tawhid", + "answer_id": "m.01bbmp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Muhammad" + ], + "answer": "Prophets in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.024b22" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Predestination in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.025w817" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Entering Heaven alive", + "answer_id": "m.02wvcg4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Monotheism", + "answer_id": "m.04xy3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic view of angels", + "answer_id": "m.0698fs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Qiyamah", + "answer_id": "m.06rvp0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sharia", + "answer_id": "m.074hw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dajjal" + ], + "answer": "Masih ad-Dajjal", + "answer_id": "m.07bfrc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic holy books", + "answer_id": "m.07r6vw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "God in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.09kb_2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "\u1e6c\u016bb\u0101", + "answer_id": "m.0hr6vbp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "islamic", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:42:18", + "machine_question": "what did the the religion types of places of worship include Masjid Hamza, Valley Stream people believe in", + "question": "Which religions are practiced by those who worship in Masjid Hamza and Valley Stream?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.types_of_places_of_worship ns:m.0pc5qwj . \n?c ns:religion.religion.beliefs ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-49", + "webqsp_question": "what did the islamic people believe in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_b29f05247d8bace580362572c5c491c0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Magyarorsz\u00e1g", + "Hungary, Europe" + ], + "answer": "Hungary", + "answer_id": "m.03gj2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T19:58:00", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and the currency used in the country is Hungarian forint", + "question": "What are European Union country used the Hungarian forint as its main currency?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.01hfll . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_00e7160f1c3799ddd3b5f82d970ad400", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:45:18", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and held his govermental position from before 1847-03-04", + "question": "Which man who held a post in the government since 1847-03-04 influenced the poetry of Walt Whitman?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1847-03-04\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-652_0221fbe445d2329cd914c556d410ebfe", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mexicans", + "Mexican" + ], + "answer": "Mexicans", + "answer_id": "m.09k5jvk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Italian-American" + ], + "answer": "Italian American", + "answer_id": "m.0xnvg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "selena gomez", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:55:31", + "machine_question": "what kind of hispanic is the artist had a concert tour named Stars Dance Tour", + "question": "What was the ethnicity of the Hispanic artist who went on a tour titled the Stars Dance Tour?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.artist.concert_tours ns:m.0t52yjt . \n?c ns:people.person.ethnicity ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-652", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of hispanic is selena gomez" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2631_682800b1263c4a6d5b650e4196fc2b7d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Principality of Monaco", + "Monte Carlo" + ], + "answer": "Monaco", + "answer_id": "m.04w58" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom of Spain", + "Espa\u00f1a", + "Furija" + ], + "answer": "Spain", + "answer_id": "m.06mkj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "l'Hexagone", + "R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise", + "French Republic" + ], + "answer": "France", + "answer_id": "m.0f8l9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:21:05", + "machine_question": "what countries are the mediterranean and the location time zone is Central European Time Zone", + "question": "What Mediterranean countries that locate in the Central European Time Zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04swx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04swx ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02llzg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2631", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are the mediterranean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-836_31702484b07d87096be4da15bf70f5d6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jewish" + ], + "answer": "Judaism", + "answer_id": "m.03_gx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:07:43", + "machine_question": "what are the major religions in uk and the religion notable figure is Eve", + "question": "What major UK Religion has a notable 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"answer_id": "m.03_3d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bharat Ganrajya", + "Hindustan", + "Bharat", + "Republic of India", + "The Republic of India" + ], + "answer": "India", + "answer_id": "m.03rk0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lao People's Democratic Republic", + "\ub77c\uc624\uc2a4" + ], + "answer": "Laos", + "answer_id": "m.04hhv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mongolia", + "answer_id": "m.04w8f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Burma", + "\u30df\u30e3\u30f3\u30de\u30fc\u9023\u90a6\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Myanmar (Burma)", + "Republic of the Union of Myanmar" + ], + "answer": "Myanmar", + "answer_id": "m.04xn_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", + "DPRK" + ], + "answer": "North Korea", + "answer_id": "m.05b7q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federation of Pakistan", + "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" + ], + "answer": "Pakistan", + "answer_id": "m.05sb1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Russian 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"answer_id": "m.048dyk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Portuguese", + "Portugese", + "Portuguese language", + "Portugu\u00eas" + ], + "answer": "Portuguese Language", + "answer_id": "m.05zjd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Arawak", + "answer_id": "m.0hc2x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "guyana", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:28:14", + "machine_question": "what does the currency used in the country is Guyanese dollar speak", + "question": "What dialects are spoken in the nation where the Guyanese dollar is used for money?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_used 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ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.0_gt_mg . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.league ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_participation.league ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-418", + "webqsp_question": "what league are the indianapolis colts in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3190_ac67410188d0f2258139a3c84773885e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "AUD" + ], + "answer": "Australian dollar", + "answer_id": "m.0kz1h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "australia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:27:15", + "machine_question": "what money system does the location time zone is Central Western Time Zone use", + "question": "What is the currency used in the region that has the time zone Central Western Time Zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.0y498v7 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3190", + "webqsp_question": "what money system does australia use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_ed31f9dd431831dbd32a06b958c7c97c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:14:25", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and is the country that contains Goi\u00c3\u00a1s", + "question": "Which countries includes the region of Goias and shares a border with Argentina?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jgd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x 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ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.capital ns:m.01hy_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1311_00000db2aed357d111f3bcf6d5b2ba9e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-Le-Duc", + "Eug\u00e8ne Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc", + "Euge\u0300ne-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc", + "Eugene Viollet-le-Duc" + ], + "answer": "Eug\u00e8ne Viollet-le-Duc", + "answer_id": "m.02mpv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "W. 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Hartwell is a grad student located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.educational_institution.students_graduates ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.student ns:m.010gnfqt . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.0kpys4 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-400", + "webqsp_question": "what state is harvard college located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_9525c101d70976ef2a3819a6d0048ab6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hogle Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.0h231z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:18:28", + "machine_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah and is the zoo that opened on 1931-08-01", + "question": "What zoo that opened August 1, 1931 is there to see in Salt Lake City Utah?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT 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?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:religion.religion.sacred_sites ns:m.0430_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1011_ec8e1de161a301bf213a1d49ca575dfb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:31:15", + "machine_question": "where do they speak tibetan and the country capital is Beijing", + "question": "What country, whose capital is Beijing, speaks Tibetan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.064r7fk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.064r7fk ns:language.human_language.main_country ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.capital ns:m.01914 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1011", + "webqsp_question": "where do 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"m.03fnrc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El Submarino Amarillo" + ], + "answer": "Villarreal CF", + "answer_id": "m.03tck1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Villarreal CF B", + "answer_id": "m.04f1glf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Recreativo de Huelva", + "answer_id": "m.0ksy_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Arsenal", + "The Gunners", + "Woolwich Arsenal", + "Arsenal Gunners", + "Dial Square", + "Arsenal", + "Arsenal Football Club", + "Arsenal FC" + ], + "answer": "Arsenal F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.0xbm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "santi cazorla", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:51:58", + "machine_question": "what club did the person who once lived in Llanera, Asturias play for", + "question": "What football club have the famous ahtlete from Llanera Asturias play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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+ "webqsp_question": "what currency does jamaica accept" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1793_0fe2ee1f56e6c9e99eea39af139f1d2a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Arsenal", + "The Gunners", + "Woolwich Arsenal", + "Arsenal Gunners", + "Dial Square", + "Arsenal", + "Arsenal Football Club", + "Arsenal FC" + ], + "answer": "Arsenal F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.0xbm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:51:58", + "machine_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for and is the team won the 2014 FA Cup Final championship", + "question": "Which football club that won the 2014 FA Cup Final championship did Santi Cazoria play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0264yjz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0264yjz ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships 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"answer": "Islamic holy books", + "answer_id": "m.07r6vw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "God in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.09kb_2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "\u1e6c\u016bb\u0101", + "answer_id": "m.0hr6vbp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "islamic", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:42:18", + "machine_question": "what did the the religion organiztion is Progressive Dawoodi Bohra people believe in", + "question": "Who are the deities of the Progressive Dawoodi Bohra?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.organizations ns:m.09sxls . \n?c ns:religion.religion.beliefs ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-49", + "webqsp_question": "what did the islamic people believe in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_56cf05bd5b41e04f4358490ed3e81619", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles, California, USA", + 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ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"2007-05-16\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2808_a7cd8cc592cd49fdae044561d5c57dc8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Rand" + ], + "answer": "South African rand", + "answer_id": "m.01rmbs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "south africa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:42:48", + "machine_question": "what currency does the country that 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"Which eu country appointed Charles Haughey as a government leader?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.012s1x . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_020f93c678f201a55199a0c40d829467", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Tillicum" + ], + "answer": "Tillicum Village", + "answer_id": "m.04n53vb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:06:41", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and the location time zone is Pacific Time Zone", + "question": "What fun things are there to do in Seattle, Washington in the Pacific Time Zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02lcqs . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1191_ce3e9343c58fe17ff16310b96b875877", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bahamian Dialect", + "Bahamas Creole English", + "Bahamian Creole English" + ], + "answer": "Bahamas Creole English Language", + "answer_id": "m.026qjbs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bahamas", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:52:48", + "machine_question": "what 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\nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.capital ns:m.0fs44 . \n?c ns:location.country.capital ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1005", + "webqsp_question": "what is capital city of morocco" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1441_e6a542ce7b518b8f58626e3e75d72732", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "l'Hexagone", + "R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise", + "French Republic" + ], + "answer": "France", + "answer_id": "m.0f8l9c" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "l'Hexagone", + "R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise", + "French Republic" + ], + "answer": "France", + "answer_id": "m.0f8l9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:21:18", + "machine_question": "where all did picasso live and is the location that appointed Louis-Eug\u00c3\u00a8ne Cavaignac to govermental position", + "question": "Where did Picasso live that appointed 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vacation", + "question": "Where can you go to vacation in the US with a capital named Tallahassee?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.us_state.capital ns:m.0ftvz . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1631_9396c36eb48f3766317ace57b036e523", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vivian Jepkemoi Cheruiyot", + "Pocket Rocket" + ], + "answer": "Vivian Cheruiyot", + "answer_id": "m.027_5gh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sylvia Jebiwott Kibet", + "answer_id": "m.02ph7jd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Caroline Kilel", + "answer_id": "m.02pmyt8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Linet Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03c3vs2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Moses Ndiema Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03ymk4s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ezekiel Kemboi Cheboi" + ], + "answer": "Ezekiel Kemboi", + "answer_id": "m.040dvn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "David Lekuta Rudisha" + ], + "answer": "David Rudisha", + "answer_id": "m.043p_rf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mercy Cherono", + "answer_id": "m.04f2_5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Abel Kirui", + "answer_id": "m.05f87n1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Milcah Chemos Cheywa", + "answer_id": "m.07k63fx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Emmanuel Kipchirchir Mutai", + "answer_id": "m.07kht_3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Geoffrey Mutai", + "answer_id": "m.0bmk3qk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eldoret Express", + "Janeth Jepkosgei Busienei" + ], + "answer": "Janeth Jepkosgei", + "answer_id": "m.0c5z5s" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Alfred Kirwa Yego", + "answer_id": "m.0gh9nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Richard Mateelong", + "answer_id": "m.0gy4g9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + 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"composition_answer": "adolf hitler", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:18:38", + "machine_question": "where was the person education institution is Bundesrealgymnasium Linz died", + "question": "Where was the place of death of the person who attended Bundesrealgymnasium Linz?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.01064kcx . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3647", + "webqsp_question": "where was adolf hitler died" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-701_5ad03d9a9f67e00b093c6da1ecde5619", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New Orleans Saints", + "answer_id": "m.05g3v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:01:15", + "machine_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011 and is the team won the Super Bowl XLIV championship", + "question": "What team that won the Super Bowl XLIV championship was Reggie Bush in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.04_0gs . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-701", + "webqsp_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-300_8d301ba3f2a6a79337929dd43bb19a35", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Near East", + "answer_id": "m.01ffbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ottoman empire", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:12:09", + "machine_question": "where is the the country that has the national anthem Imperial anthems of the Ottoman Empire located", + "question": "Where is the country with Imperial national Anthems of the Ottoman Empire located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.070xtc . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-300", + "webqsp_question": "where is the ottoman empire located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_635f92c7aef5d820133b2cf3337a73e3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Russian Federation", + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u044f" + ], + "answer": "Russia", + "answer_id": "m.06bnz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:03:52", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and is the country that contains Republic of Crimea", + "question": "What other country shares a border with china contains a disputed territory named the Republic of Crimea?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d05w3)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d05w3 ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.0100sl5y . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1109_2e7451388c28574ff15f0b12612d6d6a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisian dinar", + "answer_id": "m.04z4ml" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tunisia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:44:48", + "machine_question": "what is the currency used in the country that contains Kef Governorate", + "question": "What is the currency used where Kef Governorate is?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.0cybnm . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1109", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency used in tunisia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2711_5b52c9e057d0f0e6704f0b264e864dfc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:29:44", + "machine_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe and is the religion types of places of worship include Church", + "question": "What Eastern Europe religion has places of worship named Churches?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\n ns:m.09b69 ns:location.location.contains ?y1 . # Eastern Europe\n ?y1 ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp . # Country\n ?y1 ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:religion.religion.types_of_places_of_worship ns:m.01wb7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-300_ea7dac5c26e1805d15c2eaaf761a24b0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Near East", + "answer_id": "m.01ffbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ottoman empire", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:12:09", + "machine_question": "where is the the currency used in the country is Ottoman lira located", + "question": "What geographic region is the country that used the Ottoman Lira used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.0gkypk3 . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-300", + "webqsp_question": "where is the ottoman empire located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1108_364446427f880293576a4c5ee0fa13ad", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Yale University Handsome Dan", + "answer_id": "m.05ty1h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "yale university", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:44:43", + "machine_question": "what is the child organization is Jonathan Edwards College mascot", + "question": "What is the mascot of the child organization of 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Division, Fiji have", + "question": "What type of government does Northern Division, Fiji have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.067fgs . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-970", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government does fiji have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-970_821649f5484ad212f1edca2748f67c11", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military dictatorship", + "answer_id": "m.012qkq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military junta", + "answer_id": "m.025s5c_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary" + ], + "answer": "Parliamentary republic", + "answer_id": "m.0glnsx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "fiji", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:28:13", + "machine_question": "what type of government does the country that contains Central Division, Fiji have", + "question": "What form of government does the country that has Central Division, Fiji have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.06xb9f . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-970", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government does fiji have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-983_7bb3762d89a96ae20e23b2c38166d2e6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Oreg", + "Beaver State", + "OR" + ], + "answer": "Oregon", + "answer_id": "m.05kj_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "stand by me", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:29:12", + "machine_question": "where in oregon was the film has a charcter named Billy Tessio filmed", + "question": "What part of Oregon was the movie with a character named Billy Tessio filmed in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0h5r39d . \n?c ns:film.film.featured_film_locations ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-983", + "webqsp_question": "where in oregon was stand by me filmed" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-531_eab10d256bdc3a16f2e31279f9e311c3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islam", + "answer_id": "m.0flw86" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:40:46", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in australia and the religion notable figure is Ali", + "question": "What religion in Australia that the notable figure is Ali?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.notable_figures ns:m.024c1p . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-531", + "webqsp_question": "what religions are found in australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_30f41f81fd258148ae2f78c4b5d81684", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + "answer_id": "m.0jgd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:12:26", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and the currency used in the country is Argentine peso", + "question": "What country using the Argentenian Peso does Bolivia border?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.024nzm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_39e53634d37e4d7c4204a9d647b38f93", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "State of Israel" + ], + "answer": "Israel", + "answer_id": "m.03spz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:26:13", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and the religious leader is Ovadia Yosef", + "question": "Where are people with religious leader Ovadia Yosef who speak Arabic from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.leader ns:m.02qmnw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1809_8c6b952c6bd963f0ece4e401c9eb731a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TN", + "Tenn", + "Volunteer State" + ], + "answer": "Tennessee", + "answer_id": "m.07h34" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:53:30", + "machine_question": "where was the battle of shiloh and the location time zone is Central Time Zone", + "question": "What location had the battle of Shiloh and in the Central Time Zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0127mr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0127mr ns:time.event.locations ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02fqwt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1809", + "webqsp_question": "where was the battle of 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ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.09nqf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-577_5a7f5c1dfeaddda67fda5178c6c27e16", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic" + ], + "answer": "Democratic republic", + "answer_id": "m.0fpgmpz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chile", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:45:35", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the country that contains Tarapac\u00c3\u00a1 Region have today", + "question": "The country that contains Tarapac\u00c3\u00a1 Region has what type of government today?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.05bpcc . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2944_af331f33579006dfcc57fbac05c58c9c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:56:04", + "machine_question": "what country is the person who once lived in White House from", + "question": "What country is the person that lived in the White House from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?k .\n?k ns:people.place_lived.location ns:m.081sq . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2944", + "webqsp_question": "what country is barack obama from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-395_993bf41507919333b3a87058c5072363", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Allegheny County / Pittsburgh city", + "Pgh", + "Pittsburgh, PA", + "Pittsburg [Pa.", + "Iron City", + "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania", + "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania" + ], + "answer": "Pittsburgh", + "answer_id": "m.068p2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "steelers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:25:13", + "machine_question": "what state is the the sports team with the fight song Renegade from", + "question": "What 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'' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:zoos.zoo.opened ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2006\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1804_2812a2ab1956a727e0eb2765f0a65dbf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Netherlands", + "Nederlands", + "Holland", + "Nederland", + "Hollanti" + ], + "answer": "Netherlands", + "answer_id": "m.059j2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:53:20", + "machine_question": "what countries are part of nato and is the country that contains Friesland", + "question": "What country that contains Friesland is a part of NATO?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059dn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059dn ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.02_vs . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1804", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are part of nato" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2095_5458ae90188e82c41556e93243c2b112", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "belize", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:23:17", + "machine_question": "what continent is the currency used in the country is Belize dollar located in", + "question": "In what continent is the country with Belize dollar located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.02bwg4 . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2095", + "webqsp_question": "what continent is belize located in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1680_d794c34dc342db62dd4f4d7c4d666197", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "1983 World" + ], + "answer": "1983 World Series", + "answer_id": "m.046_p6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "orioles", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:47:44", + "machine_question": "when was the last time the the team won the 1970 World Series championship won the world series", + "question": "Which World Series is the most recent one won by the baseball club that earned the 1970 World Series Championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.04jg7y . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.end_date ?sk0 .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:datetime(?sk0))\nLIMIT 1\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1680", + "webqsp_question": "when was the last time the orioles won the world series" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_81bcd31f4543403774b83eaa26c377cd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", + "DPRK" + ], + "answer": "North Korea", + "answer_id": "m.05b7q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:03:52", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and the location time zone is Korea Time Zone", + "question": "What are bordering country of China that is in Korea Time Zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d05w3)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d05w3 ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.019zjx . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + 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})\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.04_0gs . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2238", + "webqsp_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_872253e47dd6ddaa213ff31eeda8783b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, USA", + "Empire City", + "City of New York", + "New York City, New York", + "New-York", + "\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e8\u30fc\u30af\u5e02", + "Gotham", + "New York", + "New York, NY", + "The Melting Pot", + "Richmond County / New York city", + "NYC", + "The Big Apple", + "New York, N.Y.", + "New York, New York", + "The Capital of the World" + ], + "answer": "New York City", + "answer_id": "m.02_286" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:19:57", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and the location time zone is Eastern Time Zone", + "question": "Which city situated in the Eastern Time Zone did Bob Dylan make residence in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02hcv8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_d0de322a69826b3e02425663b30d33a8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:35:05", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and held his govermental position from 1997-06-12", + "question": "Who held his governmental position from June 12, 1997 and was the leader of France in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from \"1997-06-12\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2108_581ac098af1edbcc3d96a126843bb703", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Heather", + "answer_id": "m.0cg926d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "avril lavigne", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:23:43", + "machine_question": "who does the artist had a concert tour named The Best Damn World Tour play in over the hedge", + "question": "What character does the artist of the concert tour The Best Damn World Tour play in the film Over the Hedge?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.artist.concert_tours ns:m.0j_7jl6 . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.080_x_ .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2108", + "webqsp_question": "who does avril lavigne play in over the hedge" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-836_be64d515debe3029f7c0fb2af05bfe7e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:07:43", + "machine_question": "what are the major religions in uk and the religion belief is Virgin birth of Jesus", + "question": "What major UK religion believes in the Virgin birth of Jesus?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.beliefs ns:m.012lvl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-836", + "webqsp_question": "what are the major religions in uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1949_d952e8e8b8f0da8fa51e38b5560ed7b6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri General Assembly", + "answer_id": "m.02zxrn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Court of Appeals", + "answer_id": "m.03qj7vv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Senate", + "answer_id": "m.0694qd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri House of Representatives", + "answer_id": "m.069kvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:10:54", + "machine_question": "what is the legislature of the us state that has a capital named Jefferson City called", + "question": "What are the ruling bodies in the US state whose capital is named Jefferson City?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER 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+ "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3385_872a42aeb6cf1d69167c241e06567a35", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brain tumour", + "Brain Tumors" + ], + "answer": "Brain tumor", + "answer_id": "m.09969" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Malignant neoplasm" + ], + "answer": "Cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0qcr0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "susan atkins", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:49:12", + "machine_question": "what did the person education institution is Los Banos High School die of", + "question": "What is the cause of death of the famous person who attended Los Banos High School?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.03d0lht . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3385", + "webqsp_question": "what did susan atkins die of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-310_2e6d98fb779ac3b63a5dd2688034c0c9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Costa Rican colon" + ], + "answer": "Costa Rican col\u00f3n", + "answer_id": "m.04wccn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "costa rica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:13:09", + "machine_question": "what kind of money should i take to the country that has the national anthem Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera", + "question": "What is the currency used in the country with the national anthem Noble Patria, Tu Hermosa Bandera?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.01lg46 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-310", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of money should i take to costa rica" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_312e7744cd3da05c0034e0d4529b5e87", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "John Cahill Lawless" + ], + "answer": "Jack Lawless", + "answer_id": "m.0417yh9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The High Flier", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Joseph Jonas", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Joe", + "JJ", + "Joseph Adam Jonas", + "DJ Danger" + ], + "answer": "Joe Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04cr6qv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SOS dancer", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Paul Kevin Jonas", + "Paul Kevin Jonas II", + "Paul Jonas II", + "K2", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Kev", + "Kevin Jonas II" + ], + "answer": "Kevin Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04d_mtq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nicholas Jonas", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Nick J.", + "Nicholas Jerry Jonas", + "Nick", + "The Jonas Brothers", + "Mr. President" + ], + "answer": "Nick Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04f7c55" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jonas brothers", + 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\"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.014nkh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1538", + "webqsp_question": "what team is ronaldinho on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1861_3a38e415c12808302abb9d102df32556", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "greenland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:59:17", + "machine_question": "what continent is the country capital is Nuuk apart of", + "question": "In what continent is the country with the capital of Nuuk located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.capital ns:m.0d_1m . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mh .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1861", + "webqsp_question": "what continent is greenland apart of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1819_bd004b3ecd13b726a483f1e9772d276d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islam", + "answer_id": "m.0flw86" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T06:04:24", + "machine_question": "what religion does canada follow and the religion belief is Mahdi", + "question": "What Canadian religion has a religious belief named Mahdi?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.beliefs ns:m.019vqj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1819", + "webqsp_question": "what religion 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"WebQTrn-1447_b55e2c7b1a9a7c68d17483bb6228b03f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kellen Boswell Winslow, Jr.", + "Shash", + "Kellen Boswell Winslow", + "Kellen Winslow" + ], + "answer": "Kellen Winslow II", + "answer_id": "m.03tt9p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Trent Richardson", + "answer_id": "m.076vn8w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Brayden Tyler Quinn", + "brady_quinn" + ], + "answer": "Brady Quinn", + "answer_id": "m.08gf9t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jeffrey Kalei Faine" + ], + "answer": "Jeff Faine", + "answer_id": "m.0bdv4h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kamerion Wimbley", + "answer_id": "m.0cwfp6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Ryan Miller", + "answer_id": "m.0dljy80" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Joseph Thomas" + ], + "answer": "Joe Thomas", + "answer_id": "m.0fjtlw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Justin Gilbert", + "answer_id": 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"answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Vanderbilt University Mr. Commodore", + "answer_id": "m.05k6hxh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "vanderbilt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:20:40", + "machine_question": "what is the education institution has a sports team named Vanderbilt Commodores baseball 's mascot", + "question": "What is the Vanderbilt Commodores baseball teams mascot?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.educational_institution.sports_teams ns:m.03yj08v . \n?c ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-921", + "webqsp_question": "what is vanderbilt 's mascot" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1976_1e97bdc467a8d88bce77f64fd9a9a595", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Galatasaray A.\u015e.", + "Cimbom", + "Galatasaray SK", + "Avrupa Fatihi", + "Galatasaray Anonim 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"WebQTrn-2798_6b994ca102354097a85e176fb8c708fb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "2004 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.07p0zz" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1990 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9rj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1989 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9tm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "detroit pistons", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "what year did the team won the 2004 NBA Finals championship win the championship", + "question": "In which years did the basketball team that claimed victory in the 2004 NBA Finals claim the championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.07p0zz . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2798", + "webqsp_question": "what year did detroit 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(COUNT(?x) as ?count) \n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n }\n FILTER (?maxCount = ?count)?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.0107yw1k . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2513", + "webqsp_question": "who has won the most fa cup" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2401_50b710c35a760f79c490a695314e6c74", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukrainian Hrivna" + ], + "answer": "Ukrainian hryvnia", + "answer_id": "m.035qkb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ukraine", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:52:39", + "machine_question": "what money is used in the religious leader is Sviatoslav Shevchuk", + "question": "What kind of money is used where the religious leader is Sviatoslav Shevchuk?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?k .\n?k ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.leader ns:m.0gjbf2p . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2401", + "webqsp_question": "what money is used in ukraine" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-421_fb8571f22e28938b9912ddcf1124edb1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "H", + "Hayden Christiansen", + "Den" + ], + "answer": "Hayden Christensen", + "answer_id": "m.0f276" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "revenge of the sith", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:26:51", + "machine_question": "who voiced darth vader in the film has a charcter named Senator Bana Breemu", + "question": "Who did the voice for Darth Vader in the film with character named Senator Bana Breemu?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0gzk5tq . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0f2y0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-421", + "webqsp_question": "who voiced darth vader in revenge of the sith" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2458_f53b7962c4dfca88044f3c0a89ac0290", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "costa rica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:59:10", + "machine_question": "which continent is the country that contains Puntarenas Province located", + "question": "What is the continent that has the Puntarenas Province within its borders?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.02p71s . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2458", + "webqsp_question": "which continent is costa rica located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-441_f48019bbd11999c3779c7b90b60350e3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Canucks", + "The Reds", + "The National Reds", + "Canada national football team", + "Canada men's national soccer" + ], + "answer": "Canada men's national soccer team", + "answer_id": "m.035tjy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:29:24", + "machine_question": "what sports do they do in canada and is the team won the 2000 CONCACAF Gold Cup Final championship", + "question": "What Canadian team won the 2000 CONCACAF Gold Cup Final?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:sports.sports_team_location.teams ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.010x4pf8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-441", + "webqsp_question": "what sports do they do in canada" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_d29e4cb9b978726fc273cc9c50666d91", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" + ], + "answer": "Saudi Arabia", + "answer_id": "m.01z215" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:55:49", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and the currency used in the country is Saudi riyal", + "question": "What Arabic-speaking country uses the Saudi Riyal currency?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.02d1cm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1081_b0169639ff9b79386fb174d6d68395b9", + "answers": [ + { + 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"webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_a53f1e3e6c308b366d6b220f33d19384", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Iraq", + "answer_id": "m.0d05q4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:26:13", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and is the location that appointed Fuad Masum to govermental position", + "question": "Where are people that speak Arabic and is the location where Fuad Masum was appointed to a governmental position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.011bzky3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-426_48414fac64ceef2f167ad6de42efe07d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:28:46", + "machine_question": "where is giza pyramids located and is the co2 emiisions per capita was once 2010 metric ton", + "question": "Also the location where the CO2 emissions per capita was once 2010 metric tons, where are the Giza Pyramids?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.co2_emissions_per_capita ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_metric_ton.date \"2010\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-426", + "webqsp_question": 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"Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East of the Uruguay", + "Eastern Republic of Uruguay", + "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" + ], + "answer": "Uruguay", + "answer_id": "m.07twz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:14:25", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and the country capital is Montevideo", + "question": "Montevideo is capital of what Argentina-bordering country?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jgd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.capital ns:m.09jp3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1591_f627c1bb9cdbcf6a029c816631a982b2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "international lawyer", + "Barrister", + "Attorney", + "Counsel", + "Solicitor" + ], + "answer": "Lawyer", + "answer_id": "m.04gc2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pol\u00edtico" + ], + "answer": "Politician", + "answer_id": "m.0fj9f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Law professor", + "answer_id": "m.0fz465" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:38:20", + "machine_question": "what was the person education institution is Noelani Elementary School 's former occupation", + "question": "What jobs did the person who attended Noelani Elementary School used to hold?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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"WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1441_73034f8d2a1824c3cc551dd3459605ab", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Malaga" + ], + "answer": "M\u00e1laga", + "answer_id": "m.01978d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Madrid, Spain", + "Villa de Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.056_y" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "l'Hexagone", + "R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise", + "French Republic" + ], + "answer": "France", + "answer_id": "m.0f8l9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "picasso", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:21:18", + "machine_question": "where all did the illustrator of the book De m\u00c3\u00a9moire d'homme: Po\u00c3\u00a8me live", + "question": "Which places were the home of the person who illustrated the book De m\u00c3\u00a9moire d'homme?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 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Walsh School of Foreign Service, main campus", + "Georgetown School of Foreign Service" + ], + "answer": "Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service", + "answer_id": "m.02ckl3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Universitas Oxoniensis", + "Oxford University" + ], + "answer": "University of Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.07tgn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Yale University, main campus", + "Yale University", + "Yale University, New Haven", + "YU", + "Yale" + ], + "answer": "University Yale", + "answer_id": "m.08815" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Georgetown", + "Georgetown University, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown University", + "answer_id": "m.0pspl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "University College, Oxford, main campus", + "Univ.", + "The Master and Fellows of the College of the Great Hall of the University of Oxford" + ], + "answer": "University College, Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.0ymf1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bill clinton", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:30:06", + "machine_question": "when did the person education institution is St. John's Catholic Elementary School go to college", + "question": "Where did the person who went to St. John's Catholic Elementary School attend college?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.0jwh_hy . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1005_6f3062ab208eb6bb7e5fa09dff250b90", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rabat", + "answer_id": "m.0fs44" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "morocco", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:31:01", + "machine_question": "what is capital city of the country that has the national anthem Cherifian Anthem", + "question": "What is the capital of the country with the Cherifian National Anthem?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.05_ph4 . \n?c ns:location.country.capital ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1005", + "webqsp_question": "what is capital city of morocco" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1475_b155f4b7ff2b27d5917b70a20ef7d278", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guitar", + "answer_id": "m.0342h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Slide guitar", + "answer_id": "m.06w7v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "johnny depp", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:26:00", + "machine_question": "what type of guitar does the person education institution is Henry D. 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ns:education.education.institution ns:m.08g1sy . \n?c ns:visual_art.visual_artist.associated_periods_or_movements ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3768", + "webqsp_question": "what art movement does vincent van gogh belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2631_a1edafe051cb7bc171f2beb523d3a90c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "l'Hexagone", + "R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise", + "French Republic" + ], + "answer": "France", + "answer_id": "m.0f8l9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:21:05", + "machine_question": "what countries are the mediterranean and the currency used in the country is CFP franc", + "question": "What Mediterranean country that uses CFP Franc?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04swx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04swx ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x 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.\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.educational_institution.sports_teams ns:m.027jjlh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-806_e44e4a761ad7f797bf362304d0bd6628", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:02:16", + "machine_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located and is the location that appointed Mohamed Morsi to govermental position", + "question": "What country has Mohamed Morsi as a governmental member and is home to the Pyramids of Giza?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0gy0m9w . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-806", + "webqsp_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-49_c4a7c8067a237e9818e6386d79aec7f0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Imam Mahdi" + ], + "answer": "Mahdi", + "answer_id": "m.019vqj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tawhid", + "answer_id": "m.01bbmp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Muhammad" + ], + "answer": "Prophets in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.024b22" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Predestination in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.025w817" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Entering Heaven alive", + "answer_id": "m.02wvcg4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Monotheism", + "answer_id": "m.04xy3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic view of angels", + "answer_id": "m.0698fs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + 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ns:m.04f668n . \n?c ns:religion.religion.beliefs ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-49", + "webqsp_question": "what did the islamic people believe in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-936_a725d13be16116bdc37bf5dd852e35b1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Olympia, Pisa", + "Olympia, Greece" + ], + "answer": "Olympia", + "answer_id": "m.01swlf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Ku\u015fadas\u0131", + "answer_id": "m.04ygm3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Athens", + "answer_id": "m.0n2z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:25:53", + "machine_question": "where were greek temples built and the location time zone is Eastern European Time Zone", + "question": "Where were Greek Temples built in the Eastern European Time Zone?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\tns:m.03f34_ ns:architecture.building_function.buildings ?y .\n\t?y 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}, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1861_3f7f8a908bd1ff6d3ddd85ecda107dc1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "greenland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:59:17", + "machine_question": "what continent is the country that has the national anthem Nunarput utoqqarsuanngoravit apart of", + "question": "What continent does the country with national anthem Nunarpututoqqarsuanngoravit located in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.01d55j . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mh .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1861", + "webqsp_question": "what continent is greenland apart of" + }, + { + "ID": 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DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.060_7)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.060_7 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02llzg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1441", + "webqsp_question": "where all did picasso live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2181_d95da5fb8a16d81fe56cd4ce00843254", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "John Harbaugh", + "answer_id": "m.0c2fvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ravens", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:32:26", + "machine_question": "who is the the sports team with the fight song The Baltimore Fight Song coach", + "question": "Who is the coach of the team whose fight song is \"The Baltimore Fight Song\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0cc883w . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1804", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are part of nato" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1043_eec6e85230efd93129314975f8c596fc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Republic", + "answer_id": "m.06cx9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mali", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:33:43", + "machine_question": "what kind of government is the location that appointed Ibrahim Boubacar Ke\u00c3\u00afta to govermental position", + "question": 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"sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.capital ns:m.0fw4v . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2686", + "webqsp_question": "what type of currency is used in puerto rico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-395_365a098580db25b4bb178c4ed81bd460", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Allegheny County / Pittsburgh city", + "Pgh", + "Pittsburgh, PA", + "Pittsburg [Pa.", + "Iron City", + "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania", + "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania" + ], + "answer": "Pittsburgh", + "answer_id": "m.068p2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "steelers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:25:13", + "machine_question": "what state is the the team won the 2009 AFC Championship Game championship from", + "question": "The 2009 AFC Championship winners are from which state?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT 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Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera located", + "question": "Which continent is in the country, that has the national anthem, Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera located at?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.01lg46 . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2458", + "webqsp_question": "which continent is costa rica located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-860_517a459373d8ffa483b99cb4f518af60", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "GM Korea", + "answer_id": "m.0_knrlq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Geo", + "answer_id": "m.02_ty_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "La Salle" + ], + "answer": "LaSalle", + "answer_id": "m.02mz1s" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Acadian", + "answer_id": "m.03h0wb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hummer", + "answer_id": "m.03qyv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Oakland Motor Car Company", + "answer_id": "m.056d3_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "GM Segway", + "PUMA", + "P.U.M.A." + ], + "answer": "GM PUMA", + "answer_id": "m.05pv27x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Buick", + "answer_id": "m.0blvz" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Oldsmobile", + "answer_id": "m.0dppm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Holden", + "answer_id": "m.0h734p8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Vauxhall", + "answer_id": "m.0j68wwy" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "HSV", + "answer_id": "m.0j6nb27" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "General Motors", + "answer_id": "m.0j726ql" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "GMC", + "answer_id": "m.0j72pxm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pontiac", + "answer_id": "m.0xmf42g" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Terex", + "answer_id": "m.0xmqcwb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "gm", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:14:19", + "machine_question": "what other cars does the child organization is General Motors Commercial Corp make", + "question": "What other cards does General Motors Commercial Corp make?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.child ?k .\n?k ns:organization.organization_relationship.child ns:m.09m51hn . \n?c ns:automotive.company.make_s ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.02ht342 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-860", + "webqsp_question": "what other cars does gm make" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-806_48414fac64ceef2f167ad6de42efe07d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:02:16", + "machine_question": "where are the 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"answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic" + ], + "answer": "Democratic republic", + "answer_id": "m.0fpgmpz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chile", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:45:35", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the country capital is Santiago have today", + "question": "What form of government does the country with the capital named Santiago have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.capital ns:m.0dlqv . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_74c5edd9a79d51772446ff4746bd318f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic Republic of Nepal", + "Federal Democratic Republic of 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"1990 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9rj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1989 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9tm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "detroit pistons", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "what year did the organiztion leadership has a person named Stan Van Gundy win the championship", + "question": "In what year did the organization with Stan Van Gundy with the Championships?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.leadership ?k .\n?k ns:organization.leadership.person ns:m.0692k9 . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2798", + "webqsp_question": "what year did detroit pistons win the championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2385_b3c7ed0e5e959bc5d766e859d67dbbc0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Henry Sr." + ], + 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John Warner", + "Senator John Warner", + "John William Warner KBE" + ], + "answer": "John Warner", + "answer_id": "m.01w8b5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:12:04", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and held his govermental position from 1979-01-02", + "question": "Which celebrity held a governmental position and political office on January 2nd 1979 and was once married to Liz Taylor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from \"1979-01-02\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, 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"Qiyamah", + "answer_id": "m.06rvp0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sharia", + "answer_id": "m.074hw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dajjal" + ], + "answer": "Masih ad-Dajjal", + "answer_id": "m.07bfrc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic holy books", + "answer_id": "m.07r6vw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "God in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.09kb_2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "\u1e6c\u016bb\u0101", + "answer_id": "m.0hr6vbp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "islamic", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:42:18", + "machine_question": "what did the the religion notable figure is Ali people believe in", + "question": "What do the religion whose notable figure is Ali believe in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.notable_figures ns:m.024c1p . \n?c ns:religion.religion.beliefs ?x .\n}\n", + 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ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.construction_started ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1900\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1178", + "webqsp_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-472_f085fa4c2b6c7af6fd1f07e269a418de", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:33:48", + "machine_question": "what team did ronaldo play for in 2003 and is the team won the 1956 Peque\u00c3\u00b1a Copa del Mundo de Clubes championship", + "question": "What European FIFA team did Ronaldo play for in 2003 also won the 1956 Peque\u00c3\u00b1a Copa del Mundo de Clubes championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0hhqw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0hhqw ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2003-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2003-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.011q6011 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-472", + "webqsp_question": "what team did ronaldo play for in 2003" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_66283d7fe9052de93e2fa6ba89144e3e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:43:24", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and the religious leader is Sviatoslav Shevchuk", + "question": "What country with religious leader Sviatoslav Shevchuk borders Slovakia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.leader ns:m.0gjbf2p . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2238_afaa230ae73fd90c8458e9e2a3a30e22", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Phins", + "The Fish", + "The Fins" + ], + "answer": "Miami 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ns:sports.professional_sports_team.owner_s ns:m.015z4j . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2238", + "webqsp_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2936_4f9cca38036a7e37d77a5296de517b1f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summer", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:54:42", + "machine_question": "what type of cancer did the artist had a concert tour named Crayons Tour died from", + "question": "What type of cancer did the artist who had a concert tour called the Crayons Tour die from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.artist.concert_tours ns:m.0bmjcsq . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:people.cause_of_death.parent_cause_of_death ns:m.0qcr0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2936", + "webqsp_question": "what type of cancer did donna summer died from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1481_f55f5f22cee36c69790b029711d00a6d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Barbara A. 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\"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1987-01-03\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1481", + "webqsp_question": "who are the current maryland senators" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_380d57299109c7ae18f10e52204fc0c3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": "Estonia", + "answer_id": "m.02kmm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lettland", + "Republic of Latvia" + ], + "answer": "Latvia", + "answer_id": "m.04g5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:41:49", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and the currency used in the country is Euro", + "question": "What country bordering Russia uses the Euro as currency?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.02l6h . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1212_eaa7a9f669e0d6d5caf732fd225ff411", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:54:36", + "machine_question": "what political system does the location that appointed Vladimir Putin to govermental position use", + "question": "What is the type of political system where Vladimir Putin holds a government position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.08193 . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1212", + "webqsp_question": "what political system does russia use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1109_ec42fc1e16ded282a29e0441166755f4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisian dinar", + "answer_id": "m.04z4ml" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tunisia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:44:48", + "machine_question": "what is the currency used in the location that appointed Mehdi Jomaa to govermental position", + "question": "The country that appointed Mehdi Jomaa to governmental position uses what currency?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0zmqb17 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1109", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency used in tunisia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_b4ae7897b99465887b3e5c37c392fce6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Master Chuang", + "Chuang Tsu", + "Zhuangzi.", + "Chuang Tzu", + "Zhuangzi", + "Chuang Tse", + "Zhuang Zhou", + "Chouang-Dsi" + ], + "answer": "Zhuang Zhou", + "answer_id": "m.0164zy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tao Teh King", + "Dao De Jing" + ], + "answer": "Tao Te Ching", + "answer_id": "m.02czn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Y\u00ec J\u012bng", + "Zhouyi", + "Classic of Changes", + "Book of Changes" + ], + "answer": "I Ching", + "answer_id": "m.03ydb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Daozang", + "answer_id": "m.05blr4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "taoism", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:27:31", + "machine_question": "what is the holy book in the religion place of worship is Zhi Nan Temple", + "question": "The religion at the Zhi Nan Temple uses what type of holy book?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.places_of_worship ns:m.0260jdk . \n?c ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1782_f4440609f5cecb091bf8e86adb47be25", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "North Sudan", + "Republic of the Sudan", + "Jumh\u016br\u012byat as-S\u016bd\u0101n" + ], + "answer": "Sudan", + "answer_id": "m.06tw8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:59:50", + "machine_question": "where does the country that has the national anthem Bilady, Bilady, Bilady export to", + "question": "The country that has the national anthem Bilady, Bilady, Bilady exports to what country?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.0d9nj_ . \n?c ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?y .\n?y ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1782", + "webqsp_question": "where does egypt export to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1819_09020cbb000c86fda5910ec084690246", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islam", + "answer_id": "m.0flw86" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T06:04:24", + "machine_question": "what religion does canada follow and the relgion sacred site is Mecca", + "question": "What Canadian religion has a sacred site named Mecca?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.sacred_sites ns:m.058wp . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1819", + "webqsp_question": "what religion does canada follow" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1108_52aab68ebe2b9271ebcd3e67b1fc33e0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Yale University Handsome Dan", + "answer_id": "m.05ty1h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "yale university", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:44:43", + "machine_question": "what is the education institution has a sports team named Yale Bulldogs football mascot", + "question": "What is the mascot of the college with the Yale Bulldogs football team?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.educational_institution.sports_teams ns:m.0dr_zdy . \n?c ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1108", + "webqsp_question": "what is yale university mascot" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_bdacf138255062db67423400f77d711a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Peru", + "answer_id": "m.016wzw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + "answer_id": "m.0jgd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bolivia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:12:26", + "machine_question": "what does the country capital is Sucre border", + "question": "What countries border the country whose capital is Sucre?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.capital ns:m.0bt6c . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2631_0652d8b1cb95848c9630860c92e38e6f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom of Spain", + "Espa\u00f1a", + "Furija" + ], + "answer": "Spain", + "answer_id": "m.06mkj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:21:05", + "machine_question": "what countries are the mediterranean and the location time zone is Western European Time Zone", + "question": "What country is a part of the mediterranian region and is a part of the Western European Time zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04swx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04swx ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02q_y6 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2631", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are the mediterranean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-836_5b52c9e057d0f0e6704f0b264e864dfc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:07:43", + "machine_question": "what are the major religions in uk and is the religion types of places of worship include Church", + "question": "Of all the major religions in the UK, which religion has a place of worship that includes the location, called the Church?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.types_of_places_of_worship ns:m.01wb7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-836", + "webqsp_question": "what are the major religions in uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_87a97603ab7b9746d95dbf745fc66d70", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:50:20", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and is the location that appointed Milo\u00c5\u00a1 Zeman to govermental position", + "question": "What German speaking country that has Milo\u00c5\u00a1 Zeman as a government official?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != 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ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1351", + "webqsp_question": "what city was barack obama born in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3772_a9b18d079f29555cbd1e1740c7d6e40e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "rouble" + ], + "answer": "Russian ruble", + "answer_id": "m.01hy_q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:35:56", + "machine_question": "what do you call the country that contains Krasnodar Krai currency", + "question": "Which country's currency is the Krasnodar Krai?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.02dw2c . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3772", + "webqsp_question": "what do you call russian currency" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3475_20c0eba253c55529f9842b40b5a54ac5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Old Continent" + ], + "answer": "Europe", + "answer_id": "m.02j9z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "danish", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:00:59", + "machine_question": "where is the location that appointed Helle Thorning-Schmidt to govermental position located", + "question": "What is the region where Helle Thorning-Schmidt was placed into a governmental position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.05rn5r . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3475", + "webqsp_question": "where is danish located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3390_d14abf7768bdbdaa66897780b56dace1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Alois Hitler, Sr.", + "Alois Schicklgruber", + "Alois H\u00fcttler", + "Alois Hiedler", + "Alois Huettler" + ], + "answer": "Alois Hitler", + "answer_id": "m.02p0d7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Klara Hitler", + "answer_id": "m.0321wy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hitler", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:49:47", + "machine_question": "what were the person education institution is BRG Steyr 's parents names", + "question": "What are the parents name of the famous person who went to BRG Steyr?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.01064jg9 . \n?c ns:people.person.parents ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3390", + "webqsp_question": "what were hitler 's parents names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-784_395b21b08e465b8c159e7c913b06be6e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Qwest Field", + "Qwest Field, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "CenturyLink Field", + "answer_id": "m.01db_j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "seattle seahawks", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:09:04", + "machine_question": "where do the the sports team owner is Paul G. Allen Family Foundation play", + "question": "Where does the team owned by Paul G. 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langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.organization ns:m.02cd38 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-147_03440079c49742324442f6183c81e4be", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill Haslam", + "Mayor Bill Haslam", + "William Edward Haslam", + "William Haslam", + "William Edward \"Bill\" Haslam" + ], + "answer": "William Haslam", + "answer_id": "m.04mp6v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tennessee", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:50:06", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the us state that has a capital named Nashville", + "question": "Who is the governor of the state in the US whose capital is located in Nashville?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.us_state.capital ns:m.05jbn . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-147", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of tennessee" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2808_f362abad7b6bfb65226e7318d8bfd31f", + "answers": [ + { + 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"1990 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9rj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1989 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9tm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "detroit pistons", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "what year did the team won the 1989 NBA Finals championship win the championship", + "question": "In what other years did the team that won the 1989 NBA Finals win Championships?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.08x9tm . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2798", + "webqsp_question": "what year did detroit pistons win the championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_71550f233e235825483f2bdb07be8e35", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": 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"answer_id": "m.0hddw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:02:40", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and the location time zone is Australian Eastern Time Zone", + "question": "What is there to see in the Australian Eastern Time Zone in Sydney, Australia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.0y497_m . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_c071c552853eb739a0ff0c67bb9ed366", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Belarus", + "Respublika Belarus\u2019", + "Bellarussiya", + "Bielaru\u015b" + ], + "answer": "Belarus", + "answer_id": "m.0163v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": "Estonia", + "answer_id": "m.02kmm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lettland", + "Republic of Latvia" + ], + "answer": "Latvia", + "answer_id": "m.04g5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mongolia", + "answer_id": "m.04w8f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Norge", + "Kingdom of Norway" + ], + "answer": "Norway", + "answer_id": "m.05b4w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", + "DPRK" + ], + "answer": "North Korea", + "answer_id": "m.05b7q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Polska", + "Republic of Poland" + ], + "answer": "Poland", + "answer_id": "m.05qhw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + 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ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.08wdkk . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-531_ac67410188d0f2258139a3c84773885e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Buddhist" + ], + "answer": "Buddhism", + "answer_id": "m.092bf5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islam", + "answer_id": "m.0flw86" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Anglican" + ], + "answer": "Anglicanism", + "answer_id": "m.0n2g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "australia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:40:46", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in the location time zone is Central Western Time Zone", + "question": "Which religions are practiced in the time zone that is known as the Central Western Time Zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.0y498v7 . \n?c ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-531", + "webqsp_question": "what religions are found in australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2948_7a6f53fd5aca1b595bb228bf8a4b0932", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mystery Woman", + "Carrie Frances Fisher" + ], + "answer": "Carrie Fisher", + "answer_id": "m.01tnbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:56:10", + "machine_question": "who played princess leia in star wars movies and is the person notable with the medical condition Bipolar disorder", + "question": "Which actress is 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college did Jerry Spinelli attend that publishes The Temple News?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05djw1)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05djw1 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.educational_institution.newspaper ns:m.03cq17y . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2525", + "webqsp_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3319_c29c8a9dab6a2024bba77927922a0d3d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Frances Gayne", + "Baby Gumm", + "Alice Gumm", + "Gracie Gumm", + "Marie Gumm", + "Frances Gumm", + "Judy", + "Miss Show Business", + "Joots", + "Frances Ethel Gumm", + "The Garland Sisters" + ], + "answer": "Judy Garland", + "answer_id": "m.0g10g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "wizard of oz", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:39:11", + "machine_question": "who played dorothy in the film the film has a charcter named Lollipop Guild Member #7", + "question": "Who played Dorothy in the movie that has a character named the Lollipop Guild Member #7?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0yj6h0t . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.020hj1 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3319", + "webqsp_question": "who played dorothy in the film wizard of oz" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2736_f4440609f5cecb091bf8e86adb47be25", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Siwa", + "Siwi", + "Oasis Berber", + "Sioua", + "Zenati" + ], + "answer": "Siwi Language", + "answer_id": "m.012zfy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High Arabic", + "Fasih", + "Modern Literary Arabic", + "Arabic, Standard", + "Al Arabiya", + "Al Fus-ha" + ], + "answer": "Modern Standard Arabic", + "answer_id": "m.025rvv7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Arabic, Egyptian Spoken", + "Lower Egypt Arabic", + "Arabic, Egyptian Spoken Language", + "Normal Egyptian Arabic", + "Massry" + ], + "answer": "Egyptian Arabic", + "answer_id": "m.02hx2cr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sa`idi", + "Upper Egypt Arabic", + "Sa\nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.0d9nj_ . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2736", + "webqsp_question": "what languages do people speak in egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_3e5734c6c04b02fcd1d3b1bc442f9fea", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Woodland Park Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.02dxmq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:06:41", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and is the zoo that opened on 1899", + "question": "What zoo that opened in 1899 is a fun thing to do in Seattle, WA?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:zoos.zoo.opened \"1899\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2986_9b86e2bc2abcb309153a6aad38dfa081", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pats", + "The Patsies" + ], + "answer": "New England Patriots", + "answer_id": "m.05g3b" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:59:20", + "machine_question": "who has tom brady played for and is the team has a team moscot named Pat Patriot", + "question": "Who has Tom Brady played for, where the team has a mascot called, Pat Patriot?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xyt7)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xyt7 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.team_mascot ns:m.027jtgg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2986", + "webqsp_question": "who has tom brady played for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1804_d4f167187dff4ae9cc84124971e18f1a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Germany", + "Bundesrepublik Deutschland", + "BRD", + "Deutschland" + ], + "answer": "Germany", + "answer_id": "m.0345h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:53:20", + "machine_question": "what countries are part of nato and is the location contains and airport that server Kleve (district)", + "question": "What NATO countries contain the airport that serves Kleve (district)?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059dn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059dn ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.contains ?c .\n?c ns:aviation.airport.serves ns:m.01b98m . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1804", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are part of nato" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-701_5b8b366c8ef5ec649d2740a3232bd846", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Phins", + "The Fish", + "The Fins" + ], + "answer": "Miami Dolphins", + "answer_id": "m.04vn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:01:15", + "machine_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011 and the sports team owner is Jimmy Buffett", + "question": "What team is owned by Jimmy Buffett and in 2011 was the team which Reggie Bush was a part of?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.professional_sports_team.owner_s ns:m.0168cl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-701", + "webqsp_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3507_1021d4ffb7640e15b969107e18bb7b29", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee, CBE, CStJ", + "Cristopher Lee", + "Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee", + "Chris Lee", + "Chris", + "Sir Christopher Lee", + "Christopher Frank Carandini Lee" + ], + "answer": "Christopher Lee", + "answer_id": "m.0f0kz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "lord of the rings", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:06:44", + "machine_question": "who plays saruman in the film has a charcter named King of Men", + "question": "Who is the actor that played Saruman in the film with a character named King of Men?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0y53pqk . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0g3fs .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3507", + "webqsp_question": "who plays saruman in lord of the rings" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-418_0d1fac8801614cb30f72c3cab3b21e29", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "NFL" + ], + "answer": "National Football League", + "answer_id": "m.059yj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "AFC South", + "answer_id": "m.068g_2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "AFC" + ], + "answer": "American Football Conference", + "answer_id": "m.0hh4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "indianapolis colts", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:28:26", + "machine_question": "what league are the the team has a team moscot named Indianapolis Colts Blue in", + "question": "The team with the mascot named Indianapolis Colts Blue is part of what league?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.team_mascot ns:m.0272cxc . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.league ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_participation.league ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-418", + "webqsp_question": "what league are the indianapolis colts in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_1861a491c907c8708c9baf304d8dc61c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Woodland Park Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.02dxmq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:06:41", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and is the zoo that opened on before 1977-05-20", + "question": "What zoo opened on May 20, 1977 in is a fun thing to do in Seattle, WA?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:zoos.zoo.opened ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1977-05-20\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_058203c22235854bf96557ab2b7c383e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guam", + "answer_id": "m.034tl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:32:48", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and the location time zone is Chamorro Time Zone", + "question": "In what Chamorro Time Zone country does Sam Shepard live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.027wjl3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_ba40191f4fd53be3111628e5e044244e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Belarus", + "Respublika Belarus\u2019", + "Bellarussiya", + "Bielaru\u015b" + ], + "answer": "Belarus", + "answer_id": "m.0163v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": "Estonia", + "answer_id": "m.02kmm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lettland", + "Republic of Latvia" + ], + "answer": "Latvia", + "answer_id": "m.04g5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mongolia", + "answer_id": "m.04w8f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Norge", + "Kingdom of Norway" + ], + "answer": "Norway", + "answer_id": "m.05b4w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", + "DPRK" + ], + "answer": "North Korea", + "answer_id": "m.05b7q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Polska", + "Republic of Poland" + ], + "answer": "Poland", + "answer_id": "m.05qhw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Georgia" + ], + "answer": "Georgia", + "answer_id": "m.0d0kn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Azerbaijan", + "Az\u0259rbaycan Respublikas\u0131" + ], + "answer": "Azerbaijan", + "answer_id": "m.0jhd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:41:49", + "machine_question": "which countries does the country that contains Moscow border", + "question": "The country Moscow is from borders what other countries?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.04swd . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-531_be64d515debe3029f7c0fb2af05bfe7e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:40:46", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in 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"question": "What is the mascot of the school where Ryan Rote is a grad student?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.educational_institution.students_graduates ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.student ns:m.0ch4g6y . \n?c ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2505", + "webqsp_question": "what is vanderbilt university mascot" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-531_843715b5d1b0569540e0316e66763a38", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Buddhist" + ], + "answer": "Buddhism", + "answer_id": "m.092bf5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:40:46", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in australia and the relgion sacred site is Kushinagar", + "question": "What religion with the sacred site of Kushinagar is found in Australia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.sacred_sites ns:m.01h0lq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-531", + "webqsp_question": "what religions are found in australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1793_b877830ca3434c2aa28d75ebf2cdc911", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Arsenal", + "The Gunners", + "Woolwich Arsenal", + "Arsenal Gunners", + "Dial Square", + "Arsenal", + "Arsenal Football Club", + "Arsenal FC" + ], + "answer": "Arsenal F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.0xbm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:51:58", + "machine_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for and the sports team owner is Farhad Moshiri", + "question": "What English Premier League Club did Santi Cazorla play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0264yjz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0264yjz ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.professional_sports_team.owner_s ns:m.02z3_sy . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1793", + "webqsp_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-836_9a69191735636d5c80ee0a6dd1153086", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jewish" + ], + "answer": "Judaism", + "answer_id": "m.03_gx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:07:43", + "machine_question": "what are the major religions in uk and the religion place of worship is Yanina Synagogue", + "question": "What major religion in the UK has a place of worship named Yanina Synagogue?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.places_of_worship ns:g.123852dg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-836", + "webqsp_question": "what are the major religions in uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-426_3e551709e23323cde0a42d5bb41f9d50", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:28:46", + "machine_question": "where is giza pyramids located and the country capital is Cairo", + "question": "Where are the Giza Pyramids located where the capital is Cairo?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.capital ns:m.01w2v . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-426", + "webqsp_question": "where is giza pyramids located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-648_744a496b907e407b16bc5d7c197dc3f0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Asia", + "answer_id": "m.0j0k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "israel", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:51:37", + "machine_question": "what continent does the religious leader is Ovadia Yosef belong to", + "question": "What continent does the leader Ovadia Yosef live in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?k .\n?k ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.leader ns:m.02qmnw . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-648", + "webqsp_question": "what continent does israel belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1373_e223dff7ad33c427ed190d079cdfc2e0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomea", + "Finnish" + ], + "answer": "Finnish Language", + "answer_id": "m.01gp_d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saame", + "Anar", + "Inari \"Lappish\"", + "Lapp", + "Saam", + "Finnish Lapp", + "Samic", + "S\u00e1mi", + "Saami, Inari" + ], + "answer": "Saami, Inari Language", + "answer_id": "m.02lpg6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saami, North", + "Saame", + "Northern Lappish", + "Lapp", + "Norwegian Lapp", + "Norwegian Saami", + "Northern Lapp", + "Same", + "Sami, Northern", + "Samic", + "Saami", + "Davvin", + "Northern Saami" + ], + "answer": "Saami, North Language", + "answer_id": "m.04d36l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Swedish", + "Ruotsi", + "Svenska" + ], + "answer": "Swedish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06mp7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "finland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:11:22", + "machine_question": "what language do you speak in the country that contains Rovaniemi", + "question": "What languages are spoken in the country whch includes Rovaniemi?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.015nb0 . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1373", + "webqsp_question": "what language do you speak in finland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-577_0fa727f3b282196eb1097410b4be6818", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic" + ], + "answer": "Democratic republic", + "answer_id": "m.0fpgmpz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chile", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:45:35", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the location that appointed Michelle Bachelet to govermental position have today", + "question": "What type of government does that area where Michelle Bachelet is in a governmental position have currently?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.03wws_ . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-648_7322a2a4d46bf36b95bfab4418c9a32b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Asia", + "answer_id": "m.0j0k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "israel", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:51:37", + "machine_question": "what continent does the country that contains Northern District belong to", + "question": "On what continent would you find the nation in which you'd find the Northern District?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.01vz6b . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-648", + "webqsp_question": "what continent does israel belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-833_74c5edd9a79d51772446ff4746bd318f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:13:35", + "machine_question": "what is the main language used in the currency used in the country is Renminbi", + "question": "What is th main language of the country who uses the Renminbi?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.0hn4_ . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-833", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main language used in china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_c0228581809788c617b45f1c43535436", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Master Chuang", + "Chuang Tsu", + "Zhuangzi.", + "Chuang Tzu", + "Zhuangzi", + "Chuang Tse", + "Zhuang Zhou", + "Chouang-Dsi" + ], + "answer": "Zhuang Zhou", + "answer_id": "m.0164zy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tao Teh King", + "Dao De Jing" + ], + "answer": "Tao Te Ching", + "answer_id": "m.02czn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Y\u00ec J\u012bng", + "Zhouyi", + "Classic of Changes", + "Book of Changes" + ], + "answer": "I Ching", + "answer_id": "m.03ydb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Daozang", + "answer_id": "m.05blr4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "taoism", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:27:31", + "machine_question": "what is the holy book in the religion text is Zhuang Zhou", + "question": "What holy book is used in the religion Zhuang Zhou?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.texts ns:m.0164zy . \n?c ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1977_f085fa4c2b6c7af6fd1f07e269a418de", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:12:58", + "machine_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for and is the team won the 1956 Peque\u00c3\u00b1a Copa del Mundo de Clubes championship", + "question": "What team won the 1956 Peque\u00c3\u00b1a Copa del Mundo de Clubes championship and Cristiano Ronald plays for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02xt6q)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02xt6q ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.011q6011 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1977", + "webqsp_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2947_27ac7493ad4f509aaa5fc06ba44c887f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Femowen", + "Arwen Evenstar", + "Arwen Undomiel" + ], + "answer": "Arwen", + "answer_id": "m.0h1b6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "liv tyler", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:56:09", + "machine_question": "what character did the person education institution is Breakwater School play in lord of the 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country that contains Khentii Province", + "question": "What type of government is used in the country with Khentil Province?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.03cfmy . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3395", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does mongolia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2181_c4e06c3a9e4b4f10bd1ae97f1742c198", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "John Harbaugh", + "answer_id": "m.0c2fvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ravens", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:32:26", + "machine_question": "who is the the team won the 2013 AFC Championship Game championship coach", + "question": "The head coach of the football organization that claimed victory in the 2013 AFC Championship game is which man?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.0_gtz8t . \n?c ns:american_football.football_team.current_head_coach ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2181", + "webqsp_question": "who is the ravens coach" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-531_4dbb23937c062d0f3a3496d2fbf26a12", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:40:46", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in australia and the religion place of worship is St. Mary's Cathedral, Batticaloa", + "question": "What religion founded in Australia that worship at St. Mary Cathedral, Batticaloa?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER 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"question": "Which institution with a newspaper called DIG Baton Rouge was attended by David Duke?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bpjk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bpjk ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.educational_institution.newspaper ns:m.02qkhjv . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1907", + "webqsp_question": "where did david duke go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2095_07bc2732f3f01630b27a86518ac7a539", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "belize", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:23:17", + "machine_question": "what continent is the country that contains Stann Creek District located in", + "question": "The country that contains Stann Creek District is 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ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02hcv8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1688_f5d1c7b978519e6d5b63a5e436979572", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "H", + "Hayden Christiansen", + "Den" + ], + "answer": "Hayden Christensen", + "answer_id": "m.0f276" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "episode iii", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:42:50", + "machine_question": "who was the voice of darth vader in the film has a charcter named Baron Papanoida", + "question": "Who was the voice of Darth Vader in the film with a character named Baron Papanoida?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.02nwmq1 . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0f2y0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1688", + "webqsp_question": "who was the voice of darth vader in episode iii" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_20af9091779e273294302583a6881ae5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jonathan Paul Manziel", + "Johnny Football", + "Johnny Cleveland" + ], + "answer": "Johnny Manziel", + "answer_id": "m.0n45_f7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:18:56", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the player started his career on latest", + "question": "Who is the player that started his career the latest that was drafted by the Cleveland Browns?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:sports.pro_athlete.sports_played_professionally ?c .\n?c ns:sports.pro_sports_played.career_start ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_ce0d4e864020f94cb6ba262eb64a975e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:12:26", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and the country capital is Bras\u00c3\u00adlia", + "question": "What is the bordering country of Bolivia that has the capital city Brasilia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.capital ns:m.01hy_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1643_eb6befb7ee2dab9dcc75fd2db4a56f96", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bradford Claude Dourif", + "Bradford Claude \"Brad\" Dourif", + "Brad" + ], + "answer": "Brad Dourif", + "answer_id": "m.02bfmn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Edon Gross" + ], + "answer": "Edan Gross", + "answer_id": "m.03czqtb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "John Paul Salapatek" + ], + "answer": "John Franklin", + "answer_id": "m.06hw0m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "child 's play", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:43:04", + "machine_question": "who does the voice for chucky in the film has a charcter named Bellevue Patient #2", + "question": "Who voiced Chucky in the movie that includes a character called Bellevue Patient #2?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT 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"2018-02-13T01:24:20", + "machine_question": "when is the last time the the team won the Super Bowl XI championship won a championship", + "question": "What year of the AFC Championship game was Super Bowl XI?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.076ps . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.end_date ?sk0 .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:datetime(?sk0))\nLIMIT 1\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3176", + "webqsp_question": "when is the last time the raiders won a championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_95b2730c82a9a0ee8d6beee93341f32a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:43:24", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and the 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"composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:03:48", + "machine_question": "what language people speak in the country imports from Pakistan", + "question": "What language is spoken in the country that imports from Pakistan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.statistical_region.places_imported_from ?k .\n?k ns:location.imports_and_exports.imported_from ns:m.05sb1 . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-233", + "webqsp_question": "what language people speak in afghanistan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1108_4bffb57e0efa4cce450c5d126898d1c0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Yale University Handsome Dan", + "answer_id": "m.05ty1h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "yale university", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:44:43", + "machine_question": "what is the education institution has a grad student named Thomas R. 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Gold mascot attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.educational_institution.students_graduates ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.student ns:m.026p6rx . \n?c ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1108", + "webqsp_question": "what is yale university mascot" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_3a627cb875a24b19213af0b9a1cf8999", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:45:18", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and held his govermental position from 1834-12-01", + "question": "Who influenced Whitman's poetry that held his government position form 12-1-1834?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from \"1834-12-01\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1688_fb8571f22e28938b9912ddcf1124edb1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "H", + "Hayden Christiansen", + "Den" + ], + "answer": "Hayden Christensen", + "answer_id": "m.0f276" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "episode iii", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:42:50", + "machine_question": "who was the voice of darth vader in the film has a charcter named Senator Bana Breemu", + "question": "Who did the voice for Darth Vader in the film with a character named Senator Bana Breemu?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0gzk5tq . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0f2y0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1688", + "webqsp_question": "who was the voice of darth vader in episode iii" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-426_906ad6be7bec9d208f4dde4f7721c261", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:28:46", + "machine_question": "where is giza pyramids located and is the co2 emiisions per capita was once 2009 metric ton", + "question": "Where were the co2 emissions per capita once 2009 metric ton and where the Giza Pyramids are located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.co2_emissions_per_capita ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_metric_ton.date \"2009\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-426", + "webqsp_question": "where is giza pyramids located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-334_31c0517566464392211d42810b20d4ee", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Marylin Monroe", + "Marilyn Monroe Miller", + "The Blonde Bombshell", + "Norma Jeane DiMaggio", + "MM", + "Norma Jeane Baker", + "Norma Jeane 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"WebQTrn-441_6e9bdd13cf26c4cc7b9e2263fa13f957", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Canadian Ice Hockey Team", + "Canada National Men's Hockey Team", + "Canada Ice Hockey Team" + ], + "answer": "Canadian National Men's Hockey Team", + "answer_id": "m.037qf6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:29:24", + "machine_question": "what sports do they do in canada and is the team won the 1931 World Ice Hockey Championships championship", + "question": "Which team won the 1931 World Ice Hockey Championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:sports.sports_team_location.teams ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.0274b40 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-441", + "webqsp_question": "what sports do they do in canada" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2108_6ad8b2652f0778ce6b9877c6070d9d4f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Heather", + "answer_id": "m.0cg926d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "avril lavigne", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:23:43", + "machine_question": "who does the person education institution is Napanee District Secondary School play in over the hedge", + "question": "Which character does the actress who went to Napanee District Secondary School play in \"Over the Hedge\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.027lvlb . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.080_x_ .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2108", + "webqsp_question": "who does avril lavigne play in over the hedge" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2798_f2313ead2f7bbd1954331626395d95af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "2004 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.07p0zz" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1990 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9rj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1989 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9tm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "detroit pistons", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "what year did the basket ball team head coach is Stan Van Gundy win the championship", + "question": "Which championship did the basketball team coached by Stan Van Gundy win?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:basketball.basketball_team.head_coach ns:m.0692k9 . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2798", + "webqsp_question": "what year did detroit pistons win the championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-49_a3af159c0a6db13e6a3cff4cfca99f5c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Imam Mahdi" + ], + "answer": "Mahdi", + "answer_id": "m.019vqj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tawhid", + "answer_id": "m.01bbmp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Muhammad" + ], + "answer": "Prophets in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.024b22" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Predestination in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.025w817" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Entering Heaven alive", + "answer_id": "m.02wvcg4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Monotheism", + "answer_id": "m.04xy3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic view of angels", + "answer_id": "m.0698fs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Qiyamah", + "answer_id": "m.06rvp0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sharia", + "answer_id": "m.074hw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dajjal" + ], + "answer": "Masih ad-Dajjal", + "answer_id": "m.07bfrc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic holy books", + "answer_id": "m.07r6vw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "God in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.09kb_2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "\u1e6c\u016bb\u0101", + "answer_id": "m.0hr6vbp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "islamic", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:42:18", + "machine_question": "what did the the religion organiztion is Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath people believe in", + "question": "What does the Tamil Nadu Thowheed Jamath religion believe in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.organizations ns:m.010ffmhn . \n?c ns:religion.religion.beliefs ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-49", + "webqsp_question": "what did the islamic people believe in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-639_df815e2033151192a5ac902cfa7fd158", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ingolstadt, Germany" + ], + "answer": "Ingolstadt", + "answer_id": "m.01dky4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "audi", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:50:41", + "machine_question": "where do the child organization is Audi India come from", + "question": "What city is the child company of Audi India located in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.child ?k .\n?k ns:organization.organization_relationship.child ns:m.0ch13r8 . \n?c ns:organization.organization.headquarters ?y .\n?y ns:location.mailing_address.citytown ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-639", + "webqsp_question": "where do audi come from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1680_d7d7c089b523d505cbe8b2bba8e56544", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "1983 World" + ], + "answer": "1983 World Series", + "answer_id": "m.046_p6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "orioles", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:47:44", + "machine_question": "when was the last time the the sports team owner is Peter Angelos won the world series", + "question": "Team owner Peter Angelos' sports team last won the World Series in what year?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.professional_sports_team.owner_s ns:m.070x3g . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.end_date ?sk0 .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:datetime(?sk0))\nLIMIT 1\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1680", + "webqsp_question": "when was the last time the orioles won the world series" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2711_1e0388191a72a37e771ce0d18d75b7cc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jewish" + ], + "answer": "Judaism", + "answer_id": "m.03_gx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:29:44", + "machine_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe and the religion belief is Divine simplicity", + "question": "What main religion which believes in Divine simplicity is in Eastern Europe?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\n ns:m.09b69 ns:location.location.contains ?y1 . # Eastern Europe\n ?y1 ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp . # Country\n ?y1 ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:religion.religion.beliefs ns:m.017tgt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_7c8622d65f5329dc98f2808bc8d428fe", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom of Bahrain" + ], + "answer": "Bahrain", + "answer_id": "m.0161c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:26:13", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and is the country 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city in Georgia is a child in if they attend Haynes Bridge Middle School?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.076jtck . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.containedby ns:m.0d0x8 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3695", + "webqsp_question": "where in georgia does usher live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-769_1d1c28cc9c5f4e83f9f932e3615e2391", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Termini Station" + ], + "answer": "Roma Termini railway station", + "answer_id": "m.02683tb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "rome", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:06:19", + "machine_question": "which is the main train station in the city that hosted 1960 Summer Olympics", + "question": "Which train station serves the city that was host to the 1960 Summer Olympics?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:olympics.olympic_host_city.olympics_hosted ns:m.0lbd9 . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.how_to_get_here ?y .\n?y ns:travel.transportation.transport_terminus ?x .\n?y ns:travel.transportation.mode_of_transportation ns:m.07jdr .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-769", + "webqsp_question": "which is the main train station in rome" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1948_74c5edd9a79d51772446ff4746bd318f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u80e1\u9326\u6fe4", + "Jintao Hu", + "Hu Jin Tao", + "\u80e1\u9526\u6d9b" + ], + "answer": "Hu Jintao", + "answer_id": "m.013my_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:10:13", + "machine_question": "who is the current president of the currency used in the country is Renminbi 2010", + "question": "The country with the currency Renminbi had whom as President in 2010?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.0hn4_ . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2010-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2010-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1948", + "webqsp_question": "who is the current president of china 2010" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-921_f5debef35c97e79690f1282a59e3d9b4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Vanderbilt University Mr. Commodore", + "answer_id": "m.05k6hxh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "vanderbilt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:20:40", + "machine_question": "what is the child organization is Peabody College 's mascot", + "question": "Peabody College's mascot is part of the child organization?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.child ?k .\n?k ns:organization.organization_relationship.child ns:m.03wj1k . \n?c ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-921", + "webqsp_question": "what is vanderbilt 's mascot" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3364_dba6851aba28a6b102c5a9ca472dae5a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Underland Chronicles Book Three", + "answer_id": "m.04t448_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gregor and the Code of Claw", + "answer_id": "m.04t448h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "FIRE PROOF", + "answer_id": "m.04t44bh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane", + "answer_id": "m.0dsx8l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "suzanne collins", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:46:02", + "machine_question": "what children 's books did the person who once lived in Conneticut wrote", + "question": "What children's books were written by a notable person who once lived in Connecticut?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?k .\n?k ns:people.place_lived.location ns:m.0xghz3 . \n?c ns:book.author.works_written ?x .\n?x ns:book.book.genre ns:m.0dwly .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3364", + "webqsp_question": "what children 's books did suzanne collins wrote" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-314_c0b3d21c5ef9f771037e114dcf71df14", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Circumcision", + "answer_id": "m.01zky" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Monotheism", + "answer_id": "m.04xy3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "abrahamic", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:14:09", + "machine_question": "what do the religion belief is End time religions have in common", + "question": "What are the common beliefs of the religions that believe in the End times?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.beliefs ns:m.019ddk . \n?c ns:religion.religion.practices ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-314", + "webqsp_question": "what do abrahamic religions have in common" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-784_d26df923e473be97aa92099f79546c25", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Qwest Field", + "Qwest Field, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "CenturyLink Field", + "answer_id": "m.01db_j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "seattle seahawks", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:09:04", + "machine_question": "where do the the team won the 2014 NFC Championship Game championship play", + "question": "What stadium is home to the team that won the 2014 NFC championship.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 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"webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3772", + "webqsp_question": "what do you call russian currency" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-652_3d4de9e606791f90459662711e32921d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mexicans", + "Mexican" + ], + "answer": "Mexicans", + "answer_id": "m.09k5jvk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Italian-American" + ], + "answer": "Italian American", + "answer_id": "m.0xnvg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "selena gomez", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:55:31", + "machine_question": "what kind of hispanic is the person education institution is Danny Jones Middle School", + "question": "What ethnic background is the famous person who went to Danny Jones Middle School?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.076ftz0 . \n?c ns:people.person.ethnicity ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-652", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of hispanic is selena gomez" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_8e8fe09f93ee5b85b5bd88a4a48536e9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Rock Camp Rules" + ], + "answer": "Camp Rock", + "answer_id": "m.02w4by3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "CR2", + "Camp Rock 2" + ], + "answer": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam", + "answer_id": "m.080b54x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:37:21", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and is the film has a charcter named Jason Gray", + "question": "Of the movies that Alyson Stoner acts in, which film has a character called, Jason Gray?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.starring ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:g.11dyhvgv2 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_9d64e7810a63ccf5da208a09840437af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The End of the World", + "The Apocalypse" + ], + "answer": "This Is the End", + "answer_id": "m.0hz4j2j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Happy Smekday!" + ], + "answer": "Home", + "answer_id": "m.0mwfph8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "rihanna", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:56:19", + "machine_question": "what movie did the artist had a concert tour named Last Girl on Earth play in", + "question": "The artist who had concert tour named Last Girl on Earth played in what movies?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.artist.concert_tours ns:m.09ghb6b . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-334_42588c6fd3d30a777953bbaf2b4079b9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Judith Campbell", + "Judith Eileen Katherine Immoor", + "Judith Katherine Inmoor", + "Judith Campbell Exner", + "judith_exner", + "Judith Eileen Katherine Inmoor Exner", + "Judy Campbell" + ], + "answer": "Judith Exner", + "answer_id": "m.04n4r6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Marylin Monroe", + "Marilyn Monroe Miller", + "The Blonde Bombshell", + "Norma Jeane DiMaggio", + "MM", + "Norma Jeane Baker", + "Norma Jeane Dougherty", + "Merilin Monro", + "Marliyn Monroe", + "Jean Norman", + "Norma Jeane Mortenson", + "Norma Jeane Mortensen" + ], + "answer": "Marilyn Monroe", + "answer_id": "m.04wqr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "john kennedy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:18:32", + "machine_question": "who did the person education institution is Edward Devotion School have affairs with", + "question": "Who did the famous person who went to Edward Devotion School have an affair with?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.0ccg42 . \n?c ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?y .\n?y ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.celebrity ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-334", + "webqsp_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2494_471b83eade9707a4dba68e201bf29d73", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "the (big) smoke", + "The Great Wen", + "London, England", + "Londres", + "Capital of Great Britain" + ], + "answer": "London", + "answer_id": "m.04jpl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:02:55", + "machine_question": "where did roger moore live and the location time zone is Greenwich Mean Time Zone", + "question": "What location in the Greenwich Mean timezone did Roger Moore live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.017lqp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.017lqp ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.03bdv . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2494", + "webqsp_question": "where did roger moore live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1364_8fc54c19ba8054ce7257f8ccac2c5b91", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scotland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:12:31", + "machine_question": "what do they speak in the country that has the national anthem Flower of Scotland", + "question": "What languages are spoken in the country that uses Flower of Scotland as their anthem?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.07s05 . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1364", + "webqsp_question": "what do they speak in scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_409cb410e28722300e98fd5b40e46c00", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krzyk 4", + "Klyksm4s", + "Sikoly 4.", + "Ciglik 4", + "Kivili 4", + "Skrik 4", + "Vrisak 4", + "Scream 4: Next Generation", + "Tze'aka 4", + "Vr\u00edskot 4", + "\u00d6skri\u00f0 4", + "Gritos 4", + "Scre4m: Grita de Nuevo", + "\u041a\u0440\u0438\u043a 4", + "Klyksmas 4", + "P\u00e2nico 4", + "Scre4m" + ], + "answer": "Scream 4", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhdbl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:32:39", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and is the film has a charcter named Sidney Prescott", + "question": "What film with character named Sidney Prescott has Lucy Hale played in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.starring ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:m.025t3kn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_fd4af67e486088044c9d079dcb71151f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brayden Tyler Quinn", + "brady_quinn" + ], + "answer": "Brady Quinn", + "answer_id": "m.08gf9t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Joseph Thomas" + ], + "answer": "Joe Thomas", + "answer_id": "m.0fjtlw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Johnny Manziel", + "answer_id": "m.0cwfp6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jonathan Paul Manziel", + "Johnny Football", + "Johnny Cleveland" + ], + "answer": "Kamerion Wimbley", + "answer_id": "m.0n45_f7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:18:56", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the player started his career on after 2004", + "question": "Which player player started his career after 2004 and was the Cleveland Browns draft ?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:sports.pro_athlete.sports_played_professionally ?c .\n?c ns:sports.pro_sports_played.career_start ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"2004\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_38215da8258b9b99bd1fbab9a71969c5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "", + "answer_id": "g.121xqqc4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Zion National" + ], + "answer": "Zion National Park", + "answer_id": "m.01626x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Days of '47 Parade", + "answer_id": "m.0268k69" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Discovery Gateway", + "answer_id": "m.02x5d6c" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Church History" + ], + "answer": "Church History Museum", + "answer_id": "m.02z2sd8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Salt Lake Temple", + "answer_id": "m.034zn4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Temple Square", + "answer_id": "m.034zsf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mr. & Mrs. George T. 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?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0c3xm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1011", + "webqsp_question": "where do they speak tibetan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1641_723ad981dc68e3cfe82e7134c8ca8fdb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "4th & King, San Francisco" + ], + "answer": "San Francisco 4th and King Street Station", + "answer_id": "m.02r817z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "san francisco", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:39:00", + "machine_question": "what is the name of the main train station in the location that appointed Gavin Newsom to govermental position", + "question": "Gavin Newsom was placed in a government post in the location where which train station is the main one?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0cmxq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-263", + "webqsp_question": "what country did james cook come from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_25f464b6b3713c19efb9c670dd758f65", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:14:25", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and is the location that appointed Michelle Bachelet to govermental position", + "question": "What country that borders Argentina does Michelle Bachelet hold a government positon in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER 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ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.leader ns:m.0w343p9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1638_c8b99bb380a7f157039bdf6c7b8df764", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Nederlandse taal", + "Nederlands", + "Hollands", + "Dutch" + ], + "answer": "Dutch Language", + "answer_id": "m.02bv9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "German, Standard Language", + "Deutsch", + "German", + "Tedesco", + "High German", + "Hochdeutsch", + "German, Standard" + ], + "answer": "German Language", + "answer_id": "m.04306rv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Francais", + "Fran\u00e7ais", + "French", + "French language" + ], + "answer": "French", + "answer_id": "m.064_8sq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "belgium", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:42:54", + "machine_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in the country that has the national anthem Braban\u00c3\u00a7onne", + "question": "Poeple from the country that has the national anthem Braban\u00c3\u00a7onne most commonly speak what language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.098tx . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1638", + "webqsp_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in belgium" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_d08336daa754523cf13934359b794632", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Belgique", + "Belgi\u00eb", + "Kingdom of Belgium" + ], + "answer": "Belgium", + "answer_id": "m.0154j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:50:20", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and the country capital is Brussels", + "question": "Which nation has a capital of Brussels and includes German as a language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.capital ns:m.0177z . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1724_29293caad3c7a1f2b18401fea297a9d1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "124th FA Cup" + ], + "answer": "2004\u201305 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.03ntmq0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "FA Cup 1992-93" + ], + "answer": "1992\u201393 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.03qp0n6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "FA Cup 2002-03" + ], + "answer": "2002\u201303 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.03wbzvj" + }, + { + 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tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert", + "answer_id": "m.03ck042" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sonic the Hedgehog", + "answer_id": "m.042w0v2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High School Musical 2: Sing It All Or Nothing!" + ], + "answer": "High School Musical 2", + "answer_id": "m.0bc5ny" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lola", + "LOL: Laughing Out Loud", + "LOL", + "LOL - Pazza del mio migliore amico", + "Summer. 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"answer_id": "m.0blvz" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Oldsmobile", + "answer_id": "m.0dppm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Holden", + "answer_id": "m.0h734p8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Vauxhall", + "answer_id": "m.0j68wwy" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "HSV", + "answer_id": "m.0j6nb27" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "General Motors", + "answer_id": "m.0j726ql" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "GMC", + "answer_id": "m.0j72pxm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pontiac", + "answer_id": "m.0xmf42g" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Terex", + "answer_id": "m.0xmqcwb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "gm", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:14:19", + "machine_question": "what other cars does the child organization is GMETR Trade Receivables LLC make", + "question": "What kinds of cars are made by the company that owns GMETR Trade Receivables LLC?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT 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\nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.076nd . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2238", + "webqsp_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-531_9e9cb002d14371c39a1118c60dd7c1af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Anglican" + ], + "answer": "Anglicanism", + "answer_id": "m.0n2g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:40:46", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in australia and the religion notable figure is Richard Hooker", + "question": "What religion whose notable figure is Richard Hooker is found in Australia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.notable_figures ns:m.027drxh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-531", + "webqsp_question": "what religions are found in australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_682800b1263c4a6d5b650e4196fc2b7d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo del Prado, Madrid", + "Prado Museum" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.01hlq3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Parque Warner Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.06nd2f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza Mayor, Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0cd2rc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:32:41", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in madrid and the location time zone is Central European Time Zone", + "question": "What Central European Time Zone sights are there to see in Madrid?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.056_y)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 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ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.career_start \"2003\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1441", + "webqsp_question": "where all did picasso live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_fd1177ac0eaa780f0745249e5b424b48", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:41:49", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and is the location that appointed Viktor Yanukovych to govermental position", + "question": "What country that appointed Viktor Yanukovych to governmental position does Russia border?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.023115 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_0345a97dbf60947ca0cbf206c0bbba50", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo del Prado, Madrid", + "Prado Museum" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.01hlq3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:32:41", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in madrid and is the museum that was established in 1819", + "question": "What museum established in 1819 is tehre to see in Madrid?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.056_y)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.056_y ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions 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Pfister's organization is location in what state?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.leadership ?k .\n?k ns:organization.leadership.person ns:m.0ztp4d9 . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.0kpys4 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-400", + "webqsp_question": "what state is harvard college located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1680_5f797b78d674502fb6ec9dfe332fc2f4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "1983 World" + ], + "answer": "1983 World Series", + "answer_id": "m.046_p6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "orioles", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:47:44", + "machine_question": "when was the last time the the team has a team moscot named The Oriole Bird won the world series", + "question": "When was the last World Series won by the team whose mascot is The Oriole Bird?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.team_mascot ns:m.052tmns . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.end_date ?sk0 .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:datetime(?sk0))\nLIMIT 1\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1680", + "webqsp_question": "when was the last time the orioles won the world series" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2986_703f0d57fbd687d165efec7136053589", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pats", + "The Patsies" + ], + "answer": "New England Patriots", + "answer_id": "m.05g3b" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:59:20", + "machine_question": "who has tom brady played for and is the sports team with the fight song I'm Shipping Up to Boston", + "question": "What team does Tom Brady play for that has the fight song I'm Shipping Up to Boston?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xyt7)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xyt7 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.fight_song ns:m.02pjx3n . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2986", + "webqsp_question": "who has tom brady played for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-810_cfcb8ee843e79059ec902e53426d5d04", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Albanian" + ], + "answer": "Albanian language", + "answer_id": "m.012v8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Graecae", + "Neo-hellenic", + "Greek", + "Greco", + "Modern Greek (1453-)", + "Romaic", + "Grec", + "Ellinika" + ], + "answer": "Greek Language", + "answer_id": "m.0349s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "greece", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:11:55", + "machine_question": "what language do people from the location that appointed Antonis Samaras to govermental position speak", + "question": "People from the location that appointed Antonis Samaras to governmental position speak what languages?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.054q0_ . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-810", + "webqsp_question": "what language do people from greece speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_ed91094011a7ed86f00a7c9992bac104", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Miley Cyrus: Tongue Tied", + "answer_id": "m.010ls0tb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Hana Montana: filmas", + "Hannah Montana - The Movie", + "Hannah Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hanna Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hannah Montana: I tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert", + "answer_id": "m.03ck042" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sonic the Hedgehog", + "answer_id": "m.042w0v2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High School Musical 2: Sing It All Or Nothing!" + ], + "answer": "High School Musical 2", + "answer_id": "m.0bc5ny" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lola", + "LOL: Laughing Out Loud", + "LOL", + "LOL - Pazza del mio migliore amico", + "Summer. Classmates. Love", + "L.O.L." + ], + "answer": "LOL", + "answer_id": "m.0cmddrx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Radio Disney Party Jams: The Concert", + "answer_id": "m.0crsmk2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The World According to Miley Cyrus", + "answer_id": "m.0cs2t3x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "So Undercover", + "answer_id": "m.0g56xqy" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Family Bond", + "answer_id": "m.0swngjg" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rock Mafia Presents: The Big Bang", + "answer_id": "m.0w1x037" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "miley cyrus", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:40:26", + "machine_question": "what movies did the artist had a concert tour named Bangerz Tour play in", + "question": "What movies was the artist who had the \"Bangerz Tour\" in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.artist.concert_tours ns:m.0yt2qtw . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-801_f87f28f0d42904ea62dcab41fb65f3f1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Provisional government", + "answer_id": "m.02tz3y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:11:23", + "machine_question": "what kind of government is the location that appointed Anwar Sadat to govermental position", + "question": "What is the governmental system where Anwar Sadat was named to a governmental role?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0d58h . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-801", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government is egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1804_a725d13be16116bdc37bf5dd852e35b1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Bulgaria" + ], + "answer": "Bulgaria", + "answer_id": "m.015qh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:53:20", + "machine_question": "what countries are part of nato and the location time zone is Eastern European Time Zone", + "question": "What country, in the Eastern European Time Zone, is part of NATO?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059dn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059dn ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.03plfd . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1804", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are part of nato" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1948_c4a4d1b444e9f0b28e960a3c1f7717ac", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u80e1\u9326\u6fe4", + "Jintao Hu", + "Hu Jin Tao", + "\u80e1\u9526\u6d9b" + ], + "answer": "Hu Jintao", + "answer_id": "m.013my_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:10:13", + "machine_question": "who is the current president of the location that appointed National People's Congress to govermental position 2010", + "question": "Who is the 2010 president of the location that has the National Peoples Congress?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0c3xm . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2010-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2010-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1948", + "webqsp_question": "who is the current president of china 2010" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_04befa743ad92aa3b24107af4d2acbaa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + "answer_id": "m.0jgd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:12:26", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and the religious organization leadeship is Society of Jesus", + "question": "What country bordering Bolivia has a religious organization named Society of Jesus?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.organization ns:m.04399 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-408_5950a843dde12f9a82fd2901df123e25", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "George F. 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}, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Trent Richardson", + "answer_id": "m.076vn8w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Brayden Tyler Quinn", + "brady_quinn" + ], + "answer": "Brady Quinn", + "answer_id": "m.08gf9t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jeffrey Kalei Faine" + ], + "answer": "Jeff Faine", + "answer_id": "m.0bdv4h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kamerion Wimbley", + "answer_id": "m.0cwfp6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Ryan Miller", + "answer_id": "m.0dljy80" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Joseph Thomas" + ], + "answer": "Joe Thomas", + "answer_id": "m.0fjtlw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Justin Gilbert", + "answer_id": "m.0h_5dlc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jonathan Paul Manziel", + "Johnny Football", + "Johnny Cleveland" + ], + "answer": "Johnny Manziel", + "answer_id": "m.0n45_f7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Terrance West", + "answer_id": "m.0xnbrpw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cleveland browns", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:18:56", + "machine_question": "who did the the sports team with the fight song Hi-O-Hi-O for Cleveland draft", + "question": "Which players were drafted by the sports team whose fight song is Hi-O Hi-O for Cleveland?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.fight_song ns:m.0hn47l4 . \n?c ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1430_3164a91af354214b30395962c44a1fdd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq", + "answer_id": "m.01j5_1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "pakistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:17:21", + "machine_question": "who was the president of the country capital is Islamabad in 1980", + "question": "Who held the office of president in 1980 in the country that has Islamabad as its capital?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.capital ns:m.0dhd5 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"1980-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"1980-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1430", + "webqsp_question": "who was the president of pakistan in 1980" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_b8fcbc1a2e57b5acae3686daffa467f1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "UT", + "Beehive State" + ], + "answer": "Utah", + "answer_id": "m.07srw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:32:48", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and is the tv show Dr Fubalous was filmed there", + "question": "Where was the TV show \"Dr. Fubalous\" filmed and where Sam Shepard lives?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:tv.tv_location.tv_shows_filmed_here ns:m.0k3br6q . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_25fe3a8b83c90579605d24520b565578", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "State of Israel" + ], + "answer": "Israel", + "answer_id": "m.03spz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:55:49", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and is the tv show Zola Levitt Presents was filmed there", + "question": "In what Arabic-speaking country was the TV show Zola Levitt Presents filmed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_location.tv_shows_filmed_here ns:m.07chkxq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1735_95b24bc694e4f25ee245363103278c6f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Aruban florin", + "answer_id": "m.08s1k3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "aruba", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:46:05", + "machine_question": "what currency can you use in the country that has the national anthem Aruba Dushi Tera", + "question": "What money is used where \"Arubia Dushi Tera\" is the national anthem?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.01j1sl . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1735", + "webqsp_question": "what currency can you use in aruba" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-421_f5d1c7b978519e6d5b63a5e436979572", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "H", + "Hayden Christiansen", + "Den" + ], + "answer": "Hayden Christensen", + "answer_id": "m.0f276" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "revenge of the sith", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:26:51", + "machine_question": "who voiced darth vader in the film has a charcter named Baron Papanoida", + "question": "In the movie that has a character named Baron Papanoida, what was the voice od Darth Vader?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.02nwmq1 . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0f2y0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-421", + "webqsp_question": "who voiced darth vader in revenge of the sith" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1191_c2ff19afb275737b0309f11e46a2d691", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bahamian Dialect", + "Bahamas Creole English", + "Bahamian Creole English" + ], + "answer": "Bahamas Creole English Language", + "answer_id": "m.026qjbs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bahamas", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:52:48", + "machine_question": "what language do people speak in the the country that has the national anthem March On, Bahamaland", + "question": "What is the language of the country whose national anthem is \"March On, Bahamanland\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) 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ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:g.11xgqbdrw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-408_cbf8e530928cbb43e83996e62999aabb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "George F. 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Charles Airport", + "answer_id": "m.02zrg2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "st lucia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:22:55", + "machine_question": "what airport is closest to sandals grande in the country that contains Vieux Fort Quarter", + "question": "Which airport is closest to Sandals Grande, in the country that includes the location Vieux Fort Quarter?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.03myjt . \n?c ns:location.location.nearby_airports ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-408", + "webqsp_question": "what airport is closest to sandals grande in st lucia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_370aa5ca6dbd186f792953ea1c32a56b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jack Smith", + "answer_id": "m.07kwmh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:46:50", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and is the person notable with the medical condition HIV/AIDS", + "question": "Who had HIV/AIDS and influenced Andy Warhol's work?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:medicine.notable_person_with_medical_condition.condition ns:m.0d19y2 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1804_dfb6c97ac9bf2f0ac07f27dd80f9edc2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Germany", + "Bundesrepublik Deutschland", + "BRD", + "Deutschland" + ], + "answer": "Germany", + "answer_id": "m.0345h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:53:20", + "machine_question": "what countries are part of nato and is the location contains and airport that server Nijmegen", + "question": "What NATO country contains the airport that serves Nijmegen?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059dn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059dn ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.contains ?c .\n?c ns:aviation.airport.serves ns:m.05g2b . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1804", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are part of nato" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_7cb966116dddf0946ff3a4e2b07c15f9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:35:05", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and held his govermental position from 1983-04-14", + "question": "Who held his governmental position from April 14, 1983 and was the leader of France in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from \"1983-04-14\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_267ae9de665fb47937adb7566bf147ab", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Needle", + "Space Needle, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Space Needle", + "answer_id": "m.01k7v7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:06:41", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and is the tv show The Night Strangler was filmed there", + "question": "What funs things are there to do in Seattle where the TV show The Night Strangler was filmed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_location.tv_shows_filmed_here ns:m.076tkvz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_6cdd814a9c551d0e878a6ca6d7434940", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "D\u00e4nemark", + "Kingdom of Denmark", + "Kongeriget Danmark", + "\u4e39\u9ea6" + ], + "answer": "Denmark", + "answer_id": "m.0k6nt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:50:20", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and is the country that contains Aarhus County", + "question": "What country contains Aarhus County and has German spoken in it?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.0125rc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2401_5d066fa0939d708dab176e819188e151", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukrainian Hrivna" + ], + "answer": "Ukrainian hryvnia", + "answer_id": "m.035qkb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ukraine", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:52:39", + "machine_question": "what money is used in the country that contains Cherkasy Oblast", + "question": "What form of currency is used in the country where Cherkasy Oblast is located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.02h81c . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2401", + "webqsp_question": "what money is used in 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ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.organizations ns:m.010ffmhn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1819", + "webqsp_question": "what religion does canada follow" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1631_8c50e30ac5163e6dabfc999a7129a4ea", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vivian Jepkemoi Cheruiyot", + "Pocket Rocket" + ], + "answer": "Vivian Cheruiyot", + "answer_id": "m.027_5gh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sylvia Jebiwott Kibet", + "answer_id": "m.02ph7jd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Caroline Kilel", + "answer_id": "m.02pmyt8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Linet Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03c3vs2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Moses Ndiema Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03ymk4s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ezekiel Kemboi Cheboi" + ], + "answer": "Ezekiel Kemboi", + "answer_id": "m.040dvn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "David Lekuta Rudisha" + ], + "answer": "David Rudisha", + "answer_id": "m.043p_rf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mercy Cherono", + "answer_id": "m.04f2_5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Abel Kirui", + "answer_id": "m.05f87n1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Milcah Chemos Cheywa", + "answer_id": "m.07k63fx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Emmanuel Kipchirchir Mutai", + "answer_id": "m.07kht_3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Geoffrey Mutai", + "answer_id": "m.0bmk3qk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eldoret Express", + "Janeth Jepkosgei Busienei" + ], + "answer": "Janeth Jepkosgei", + "answer_id": "m.0c5z5s" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Alfred Kirwa Yego", + "answer_id": "m.0gh9nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Richard Mateelong", + "answer_id": "m.0gy4g9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Josphat Bett Kipkoech", + "answer_id": "m.0jwvqdm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kenya", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:38:19", + "machine_question": "who are the famous athletes in the country that contains 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"webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1575", + "webqsp_question": "what products and\\/or services does google offer customers" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-836_2628f11e5d50a222dad0130ac27bc270", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hindu" + ], + "answer": "Hinduism", + "answer_id": "m.03j6c" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sikhism", + "answer_id": "m.06yyp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:07:43", + "machine_question": "what are the major religions in uk and the religion belief is Sa\u00e1\u00b9\u0083s\u00c4\u0081ra", + "question": "What major religion in the UK that believes in Sa\u00e1\u00b9\u0083s\u00c4\u0081ra?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.beliefs ns:m.017kx3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-836", + "webqsp_question": "what are the major religions in uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1081_0b51041e86d915ba7ff96b1239b273c4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Iowa State University, Ames", + "Iowa State University, main campus", + "Iowa State", + "ISU" + ], + "answer": "Iowa State University", + "answer_id": "m.03v6t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:38:25", + "machine_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage and is the educational institution with the mascot Cy the Cardinal", + "question": "What college has a mascot cy the cardinal and includes George Washington Carver as an employee.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03djm)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03djm ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ns:m.04dz3xs . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1081", + "webqsp_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1631_2326103f221042f024262b19814ee9d3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vivian Jepkemoi Cheruiyot", + "Pocket Rocket" + ], + "answer": "Vivian Cheruiyot", + "answer_id": "m.027_5gh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sylvia Jebiwott Kibet", + "answer_id": "m.02ph7jd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Caroline Kilel", + "answer_id": "m.02pmyt8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Linet Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03c3vs2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Moses Ndiema Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03ymk4s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ezekiel Kemboi Cheboi" + ], + "answer": "Ezekiel Kemboi", + "answer_id": "m.040dvn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "David Lekuta Rudisha" + ], + "answer": "David Rudisha", + "answer_id": "m.043p_rf" + }, + { 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"I Ching", + "answer_id": "m.03ydb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Daozang", + "answer_id": "m.05blr4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "taoism", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:27:31", + "machine_question": "what is the holy book in the religion notable figure is Zhang Jue", + "question": "What holy book is written by notable religious figure Zhang Jue?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.notable_figures ns:m.02gjv7 . \n?c ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2611_ec8e1de161a301bf213a1d49ca575dfb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:19:29", + "machine_question": "when was samuel pepys and the country capital is Beijing", + "question": "What country has the capital city of Beijing?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06xxc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06xxc ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.capital ns:m.01914 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2611", + "webqsp_question": "when was samuel pepys" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_9a184219cbe6d126b4339cd15a195116", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Master Chuang", + "Chuang Tsu", + "Zhuangzi.", + "Chuang Tzu", + "Zhuangzi", + "Chuang Tse", + "Zhuang Zhou", + "Chouang-Dsi" + ], + "answer": "Zhuang Zhou", + "answer_id": "m.0164zy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tao Teh King", + "Dao De Jing" + ], + "answer": "Tao Te Ching", + "answer_id": "m.02czn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Y\u00ec J\u012bng", + "Zhouyi", + "Classic of Changes", + "Book 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"comparative", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:50:39", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona and is the structure construction started in after 1882", + "question": "What structure constructed after 1882 is a good place to visit in Barcelona?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f62)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f62 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.construction_started ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1882\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1178", + "webqsp_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1011_6e736323c3e16bac23de623fb097682c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:31:15", + "machine_question": "where do they speak tibetan and is the country that contains Gansu", + "question": "What country that contains Gansu is where they speak Tibetan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.064r7fk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.064r7fk ns:language.human_language.main_country ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.013y46 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1011", + "webqsp_question": "where do they speak tibetan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1274_d06dbd0655055a17ab87b42b6b706ce4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Cambridge School of Weston Inc" + ], + "answer": "The Cambridge School of Weston", + "answer_id": "m.06b84v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:59:47", + "machine_question": "where did helen keller go to school and is the educational institution with the mascot Griffin", + "question": 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+ "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_location.tv_shows_filmed_here ns:m.0jkvl5n . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-833", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main language used in china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_d08336daa754523cf13934359b794632", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Belgique", + "Belgi\u00eb", + "Kingdom of Belgium" + ], + "answer": "Belgium", + "answer_id": "m.0154j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T19:58:00", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and the country capital is Brussels", + "question": "Which of the European Union countries, where the country capital is the location of Brussels?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR 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Morris" + ], + "answer": "William Morris", + "answer_id": "m.08304" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "antoni gaudi", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:04:32", + "machine_question": "what was the architect that desinged Casa Vicens inspired by", + "question": "What inspired the architect who designed Casa Vicens?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:architecture.architect.structures_designed ns:m.0422md . \n?c ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1311", + "webqsp_question": "what was antoni gaudi inspired by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_d4a0a500d38547fd07119abecd617b4c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:35:05", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and held his govermental position from earliest", + "question": "Who held his governmental position from earliest and was leader of France in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_95ea250e110996ab57443187056ec7e3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:45:18", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the person notable with the medical condition Strabismus", + "question": "Who is the person with Strabismus condition that influenced Whitman's peotry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:medicine.notable_person_with_medical_condition.condition ns:m.02s645 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-701_d99e2c7456806016b31d24a2fab13faf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Phins", + "The Fish", + "The Fins" + ], + "answer": "Miami Dolphins", + "answer_id": "m.04vn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:01:15", + "machine_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011 and is the team won the Super Bowl VII championship", + "question": "Which football organization that claimed victory in Super Bowl VII did Reggie Bush play for in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.076nd . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-701", + "webqsp_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2525_405c8b5bd83551a50c45836241923cca", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TU", + "Temple", + "Temple University, Philadelphia" + ], + "answer": "Temple University", + "answer_id": "m.01jt2w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:05:21", + "machine_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college and is the education institution has a sports team named Temple Owls men's basketball", + "question": "Where did Jerry Spinelli attend college, where the education institution has a sports team titled, Temple Owls men's basketball team?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05djw1)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05djw1 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.educational_institution.sports_teams ns:m.03yfq3l . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2525", + "webqsp_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2798_396fb95abab62a5ce0481081f7096633", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "2004 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.07p0zz" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1990 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9rj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1989 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9tm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "detroit pistons", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "what year did the team has a team moscot named Hooper win the championship", + "question": "What years did the team with mascot named Hooper win the championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.team_mascot ns:m.0cw50b . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2798", + "webqsp_question": "what year did detroit pistons win the championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-426_ae64704cb347aa76764b4232059b8823", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:28:46", + "machine_question": "where is giza pyramids located and is the country that contains Cairo Governorate", + "question": "Cairo Governorate is in which country where the Giza Pyramids are located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.023syc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-426", + "webqsp_question": "where is giza pyramids located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2289_427154ed6cec1794077a6c077c4a4b93", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Charlottesville city", + "Hoo-Ville", + "Charlottesville, VA", + "C-Ville", + "Charlottesville, Virginia", + "Charlottesville city / Charlottesville city" + ], + "answer": "Charlottesville", + "answer_id": "m.0mp3l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "thomas jefferson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:43:12", + "machine_question": "what place did the architect that desinged Poplar Forest died", + "question": "What place did the architect that designed Poplar Forest die?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:architecture.architect.structures_designed ns:m.02kpf3 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2289", + "webqsp_question": "what place did thomas jefferson died" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_7149a547c983ad3e96bc013d20fb1f40", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:45:18", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the person notable with the medical condition Smallpox", + "question": "What person notable with the medical condition Smallpox influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:medicine.notable_person_with_medical_condition.condition ns:m.06vr2 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1036_bc814d72f169b435afd21e2317dc1a4d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jamaican English", + "answer_id": "m.01428y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jamaica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:32:49", + "machine_question": "what is the dominant language spoken in the country that has the national anthem Jamaica, Land We Love", + "question": "What is the main spoken language in the country with national anthem Jamaica, Land We love?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.01f58t . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1036", + "webqsp_question": "what is the dominant language spoken in jamaica" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3507_449d8290843c01e97977a25b49daeddf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee, CBE, CStJ", + "Cristopher Lee", + "Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee", + "Chris Lee", + "Chris", + "Sir Christopher Lee", + "Christopher Frank Carandini Lee" + ], + "answer": "Christopher Lee", + "answer_id": "m.0f0kz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "lord of the rings", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:06:44", + "machine_question": "who plays saruman in the film has a charcter named Cute Hobbit Child #3", + "question": "In the film with the character named Cute Hobbit Child #3, who plays Saruman?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0y53pbn . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0g3fs .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3507", + "webqsp_question": "who plays saruman in lord of the rings" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_3f48cee98f5b375df6caec153943ecc0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "D\u00e4nemark", + "Kingdom of Denmark", + "Kongeriget Danmark", + "\u4e39\u9ea6" + ], + "answer": "Denmark", + "answer_id": "m.0k6nt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:50:20", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and the currency used in the country is Danish krone", + "question": "What nation in which German is spoken uses the Danish krone as its currency?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.01j9nc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-531_d3301dedbdcb2d171a75be1631e8cec5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Buddhist" + ], + "answer": "Buddhism", + "answer_id": "m.092bf5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:40:46", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in australia and the relgion sacred site is Lumbini", + "question": "What religion, with a sacred site in Lumbini, is found in Australia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.sacred_sites ns:m.01c_w6 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-531", + "webqsp_question": "what religions are found in australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_c0d237bd131a29f88728e7f7fac4418f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + "answer_id": "m.0jgd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:12:26", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and the religious organization leadeship is Eastern Catholic Churches", + "question": "What country bordering Bolivia that follows Eastern Catholic Churches?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.organization ns:m.01fgks . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-404_498797c759f6119ac48af1f70b11e2c1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "drowned" + ], + "answer": "Drowning", + "answer_id": "m.01g27f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Atherosclerotic heart disease", + "Coronary disease", + "Coronary Artery disorder", + "Coronary heart disorder" + ], + "answer": "Coronary artery disease", + "answer_id": "m.01s1m" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cocaine overdose", + "answer_id": "m.02nx6jb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "whitney houston", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:22:28", + "machine_question": "what killed the artist had a concert tour named I'm Your Baby Tonight World Tour", + "question": "What are the cause of death of the artist that went on tour I'm your 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langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.beliefs ns:m.012lvl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1819", + "webqsp_question": "what religion does canada follow" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-310_6137d442d446712c83821b5d4d7ce909", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Costa Rican colon" + ], + "answer": "Costa Rican col\u00f3n", + "answer_id": "m.04wccn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "costa rica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:13:09", + "machine_question": "what kind of money should i take to the currency used in the country is Costa Rican col\u00c3\u00b3n", + "question": "What is the currency used in the country of Costa Rica?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.04wccn . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-310", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of money should i take to costa rica" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1011_8bb7d66ca88065797304bb757065954e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:31:15", + "machine_question": "where do they speak tibetan and is the tv show The Bride with White Hair was filmed there", + "question": "What Tibetan-speaking country is where the TV show The Bride with White Hair was filmed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.064r7fk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.064r7fk ns:language.human_language.main_country ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_location.tv_shows_filmed_here ns:m.0jkvl5n . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1011", + "webqsp_question": "where do they speak tibetan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2711_31702484b07d87096be4da15bf70f5d6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jewish" + ], + "answer": "Judaism", + "answer_id": "m.03_gx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:29:44", + "machine_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe and the religion notable figure is Eve", + "question": "Which religion has Eve as a notable figure and is one of the main rleigion in the Eastern European region?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\n ns:m.09b69 ns:location.location.contains ?y1 . # Eastern Europe\n ?y1 ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp . # Country\n ?y1 ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:religion.religion.notable_figures ns:m.025t1rz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-701_29ea71f7455033b5b4a420dfdc201d44", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Phins", + "The Fish", + "The Fins" + ], + "answer": "Miami Dolphins", + "answer_id": "m.04vn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:01:15", + "machine_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011 and is the team has a team moscot named T.D.", + "question": "What team with moscot named T.D. did Reggie Bush play for in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.team_mascot ns:m.02qrgwz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-701", + "webqsp_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_2eeceefff91513b8905438220dfa0af7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:10:28", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and is the us state that has a capital named Topeka", + "question": "What US State has a capital named Topeka and where Laura Ingalls Wilder lived?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01bt87)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.us_state.capital ns:m.0ftyc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3271_cd2a8c46c7872f3823f42c32e37aaff2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Aymara" + ], + "answer": "Aymara language", + "answer_id": "m.01y5tq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mapuche", + "Mapudungu", + "Mapudungun", + "Araucano", + "Maputongo" + ], + "answer": "Mapudungun Language", + "answer_id": "m.01zn1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Easter Island", + "Pascuense", + "Rapa Nui" + ], + "answer": "Rapa Nui Language", + "answer_id": "m.0565hv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Puquina" + ], + "answer": "Puquina Language", + "answer_id": "m.09_sxt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chilean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:33:22", + "machine_question": "what does the country that has the national anthem National Anthem of Chile people speak", + "question": "What spoken languages are used in the country with National Anthem of Chile?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.01p52 . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3271", + "webqsp_question": "what does chilean people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2711_be64d515debe3029f7c0fb2af05bfe7e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:29:44", + "machine_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe and the religion belief is Virgin birth of Jesus", + "question": "What is the religion that believe in Virgin birth of Jesus?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\n ns:m.09b69 ns:location.location.contains ?y1 . # Eastern Europe\n ?y1 ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp . # Country\n ?y1 ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:religion.religion.beliefs ns:m.012lvl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2542_02d1f6ec36ba71b57446ee036b476072", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gama, Federal District", + "answer_id": "m.05mxlfq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:06:35", + "machine_question": "where does kaka live and the location time zone is UTC\u00e2\u0088\u009203:00", + "question": "Where does Kaka live with the time zone of UTC- 03:00?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04qv66)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04qv66 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.071qnz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2542", + "webqsp_question": "where does kaka live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1362_ecf74b22fdffc9655aa5128a68cb4dbd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richard L Scott", + "Richard Lynn Scott" + ], + "answer": "Rick Scott", + "answer_id": "m.0btx2g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:12:20", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the location that appointed Jeb Bush to govermental position", + "question": "The location that appointed Jeb Bush to governmental position has who as State Governor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.019x9z . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1362", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of florida" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1809_bdcd98c0611466c328e29d4234cc8d3d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TN", + "Tenn", + "Volunteer State" + ], + "answer": "Tennessee", + "answer_id": "m.07h34" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:53:30", + "machine_question": "where was the battle of shiloh and is the us state that has a capital named Nashville", + "question": "Which state whose capital city is Nashville is where the Battle of Shiloh occurred?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0127mr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0127mr ns:time.event.locations ?x .\n?x ns:location.us_state.capital ns:m.05jbn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1809", + "webqsp_question": "where was the battle of shiloh" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_51a13988b79b50bce6d43b2e2d8c5293", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:35:05", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and held his govermental position from after 1983-04-14", + "question": "Which man was France's leader in 2012 and took his post in the government after 1983-04-14?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1983-04-14\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_53fa50559ec52976eb1f02fc6bd5ae76", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:40:26", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and is the film has a charcter named Theresa Russo", + "question": "What movie with character Theresa Russo did Miley Cyrus play in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.starring ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:g.121sxjvg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2601_96b4ef75cad08d1c7213c761f9c0c65f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Washington Huskies Mens Football", + "UW Huskies Men's Football", + "UW Huskies Football", + "UW Huskies Mens Football", + "University of Washington Men's Football", + "Washington Football", + "Washington Huskies Men's Football", + "University of Washington Huskies Men's Football", + "Washington Mens Football", + "Washington Huskies Mens Football", + "Washington Men's Football", + "University of Washington Football", + "Washington Huskies Football", + "University of Washington Mens Football", + "University of Washington Huskies Football" + ], + "answer": "Washington Huskies football", + "answer_id": "m.0fgg8c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:18:15", + "machine_question": "who did warren moon play for and is the 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"PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.0_gt_qt . \n?c ns:american_football.football_team.current_head_coach ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2181", + "webqsp_question": "who is the ravens coach" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1109_11ff41d4e7a4786018b253237538ceb3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisian dinar", + "answer_id": "m.04z4ml" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tunisia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:44:48", + "machine_question": "what is the currency used in the location that appointed Moncef Marzouki to govermental position", + "question": "What is the type of currency used where Moncef Marzouki holds a government position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0g9zy6b . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1109", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency used in tunisia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_9119d20c9a4acc567737acf2229b0c61", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:45:18", + "machine_question": "what influenced 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Springs High", + "Hot Springs High School, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Hot Springs High School", + "answer_id": "m.0crpbj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bill clinton", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T19:40:13", + "machine_question": "what high school did president the person education institution is St. John's Catholic Elementary School attend", + "question": "What high school was attended by the President who went to education institution St. John's Catholic Elementary School?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.0jwh_hy . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hn6 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-23", + "webqsp_question": "what high school did president bill clinton 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ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.011pxy48 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1977", + "webqsp_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1418_83a4afa1a6b8a3afe1dd27a0544d6092", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill", + "The Shat", + "Bill Shatner", + "William Shanter", + "William Schattner", + "Billy", + "Fear of Pop", + "William Alan Shatner" + ], + "answer": "William Shatner", + "answer_id": "m.084m3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:15:32", + "machine_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek and is the person notable with the medical condition Tinnitus", + "question": "Who portrayed Captain Kirk in Star Trek and has Tinnitus?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0crtw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0crtw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:medicine.notable_person_with_medical_condition.condition ns:m.0pv6y . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1418", + "webqsp_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-810_6c814f2ef8a8f703137524a5ecf17ba4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Albanian" + ], + "answer": "Albanian language", + "answer_id": "m.012v8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Graecae", + "Neo-hellenic", + "Greek", + "Greco", + "Modern Greek (1453-)", + "Romaic", + "Grec", + "Ellinika" + ], + "answer": "Greek Language", + "answer_id": "m.0349s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "greece", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:11:55", + "machine_question": "what language do people from contains the wine regions that produces Retsina wine style speak", + "question": "What language is spoken in the regions that produce Retsina wine?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:wine.wine_region.wine_styles ns:m.01jg9j . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-810", + "webqsp_question": "what language do people from greece speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1481_cd955248f17320574362989da2bb7904", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Barbara A. 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ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1481", + "webqsp_question": "who are the current maryland senators" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-49_1b40ec5e2970a33a86dc1df10b72db1c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Imam Mahdi" + ], + "answer": "Mahdi", + "answer_id": "m.019vqj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tawhid", + "answer_id": "m.01bbmp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Muhammad" + ], + "answer": "Prophets in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.024b22" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Predestination in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.025w817" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Entering Heaven alive", + "answer_id": "m.02wvcg4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Monotheism", + "answer_id": "m.04xy3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic view of angels", + "answer_id": "m.0698fs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Qiyamah", + "answer_id": "m.06rvp0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sharia", + "answer_id": "m.074hw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dajjal" + ], + "answer": "Masih ad-Dajjal", + "answer_id": "m.07bfrc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic holy books", + "answer_id": "m.07r6vw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "God in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.09kb_2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "\u1e6c\u016bb\u0101", + "answer_id": "m.0hr6vbp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "islamic", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:42:18", + "machine_question": "what did the the religion belief is God in Islam people believe in", + "question": "What are some of the belifes of the people who worship the God of Islam?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER 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?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.professional_sports_team.owner_s ns:m.0168cl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2238", + "webqsp_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_872253e47dd6ddaa213ff31eeda8783b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dominion of Canada", + "Canuckistan" + ], + "answer": "Canada", + "answer_id": "m.0d060g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:26:13", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and the location time zone is Eastern Time Zone", + "question": "Where do people speak Arabic in 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"answer_id": "m.0swlx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "afghanistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:03:48", + "machine_question": "what language people speak in the major exports industry Fruit and Tree Nut Farming", + "question": "What language is spoken where Fruit and Tree Nut Farming is the major export?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.statistical_region.major_exports ?k .\n?k ns:location.imports_exports_by_industry.industry ns:m.03q9v6s . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-233", + "webqsp_question": "what language people speak in afghanistan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1819_89edf96a303451c5ed92ef344d69e7c3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Protestant" + ], + "answer": "Protestantism", + "answer_id": "m.05sfs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + 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"compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:43:24", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and the religious leader is Filaret", + "question": "What country with religious leader Filaret borders Slovakia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.leader ns:m.05cxfq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2808_8e61961460fedca4bf65496541f8566b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Rand" + ], + "answer": "South African rand", + "answer_id": "m.01rmbs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "south africa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:06:34", + "machine_question": "what currency does the country where Nama Language is spoken have", + "question": "When I visit the country where Nama is a spoken language, what kind of money should I take with me?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.02hwn8h . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2808", + "webqsp_question": "what currency does south africa have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-237_80df01c70b12c484b452df65432b4939", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Businesswoman", + "Business person", + "Businessman" + ], + "answer": "Businessperson", + "answer_id": "m.012t_z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Film actress", + "Movie actress", + "Movie actor", + "Actress", + "Film actor", + "Theatre Actor" + ], + "answer": "Actor", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh1q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Filmmaker" + ], + "answer": "Film director", + "answer_id": "m.02jknp" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guitarist", + "answer_id": "m.039v1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Musical Artist", + "Instrumentalist" + ], + "answer": "Musician", + "answer_id": "m.09jwl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Vocalist" + ], + "answer": "Singer", + "answer_id": "m.09l65" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rapper", + "answer_id": "m.0hpcdn2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Songwriter", + "answer_id": "m.0nbcg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "fred durst", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:14:03", + "machine_question": "what did the artist which recorded The Incredible do", + "question": "What jobs did the artist who recorded \"The Incredible\" hold?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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"composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does the country where Tsakhur Language is spoken border", + "question": "What are the bordering countries of the country where the Tsakhur language is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.027bj_4 . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2525_41e198b13100b76e2979d829fa763d3b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Johns Hopkins University, main campus", + "Johns Hopkins", + "JHU", + "Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore" + ], + "answer": "Johns Hopkins 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\"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1914\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1538", + "webqsp_question": "what team is ronaldinho on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3737_62f6f27ea9125432c4e16ea623392f35", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hamilton County / Jasper city", + "Jasper, Florida" + ], + "answer": "Jasper", + "answer_id": "m.0rkvq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "art smith", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:31:51", + "machine_question": "where is the artist aword nominated for Back to the Table from", + "question": "What is the hometown of the actor nominated for \"Back to the Table?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.06gvjj1 . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3737", + "webqsp_question": "where is art smith from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2095_a5947bae31785f6c1e25820dc714fe5f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "belize", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:16:46", + "machine_question": "what continent is the country where Belize Brewing Co. Belikin Beer beer is made located in", + "question": "On which continent, is the country, where Belize Brewing Co. Belikin Beer, is produced?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqdqq . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2095", + "webqsp_question": "what continent is belize located in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-801_d32e0126efe42fc1ea253a65d28aa444", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:45:26", + "machine_question": "what kind of government is egypt and is the form of government of Burkina Faso", + "question": "Burkina Faso is what kind of government that's also used in Egypt?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02k54)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02k54 ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ns:m.01699 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-801", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government is egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3281_6f91b128b3ff3663ab0fb24cb4bfd1b2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jamaican dollar", + "answer_id": "m.04xc2m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jamaica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:17:01", + "machine_question": "what currency does the country where Jamaican English is spoken accept", + "question": "What is the currency used in the country with the language Jamaican English?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.01428y . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3281", + "webqsp_question": "what currency does jamaica accept" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_5ed883a2a7fbd88fbfec10d53d7225d5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Luna Park Sydney", + "answer_id": "m.040sd3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the amusement park with the Big Dipper ride", + "question": "What amusement park is located in sydney Australia and includes the big dipper ride as part of the entertainment?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:amusement_parks.park.rides ns:m.0c36nc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1351_7478e17a7cd155f218c821899d42a755", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Honolulu, Hawaii", + "Honolulu County / Honolulu CDP", + "Honolulu CDP" + ], + "answer": "Honolulu", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh0_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:32:42", + "machine_question": "what city was the public speaker which spoke about Education reform born in", + "question": "What city is the birthplace of the public speaker who spoke about education reform?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speech_topic ns:m.02mdg . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1351", + "webqsp_question": "what city was barack obama born in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2150_6691869a9820fe9aa6634435db076e3a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Belize", + "answer_id": "m.0164b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Guatemala." + ], + "answer": "Guatemala", + "answer_id": "m.0345_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 countries does the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Luis Echeverr\u00c3\u00ada border", + "question": "What three countries border the governmental jurisdiction where Luis Echeverria holds governmental office?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR 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langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059rby ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:kg.object_profile.prominent_type ns:location.location . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-548", + "webqsp_question": "where is new york in the map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1508_cf1f2c9047282b2629738498032e0141", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University College, Oxford, main campus", + "Univ.", + "The Master and Fellows of the College of the Great Hall of the University of Oxford" + ], + "answer": "University College, Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.0ymf1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:48:47", + "machine_question": "when did bill clinton go to college and is the university that has number of postgraduates 221", + "question": "What university with 221 postgraduates did Bill Clinton attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0157m)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0157m ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_postgraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"221\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_179b358fd4db2b454708a6448ec682de", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The End of the World", + "The Apocalypse" + ], + "answer": "This Is the End", + "answer_id": "m.0hz4j2j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Happy Smekday!" + ], + "answer": "Home", + "answer_id": "m.0mwfph8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "rihanna", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did the artist which recorded If I Never See Your Face Again (remix edit) play in", + "question": "In what movie did the artist who recorded \"If I Never See Your Face Again (remix edit)\" play?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0f_n666 . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3772_2cb97dc9d778b69fd832740909b026a9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "rouble" + ], + "answer": "Russian ruble", + "answer_id": "m.01hy_q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:40:47", + "machine_question": "what do you call the place where breed Vyatka horse originated in currency", + "question": "What is the currency used in the country of origin for the Vyatka horse?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE 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ns:film.film.edited_by ns:m.027mj3l . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2282_9b73451e7abb46b6e10eb4bb1cee3558", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Milton Ernest Rauschenberg" + ], + "answer": "Robert Rauschenberg", + "answer_id": "m.01sj_s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:42:06", + "machine_question": "what influenced roy lichtenstein artwork and was also a peer of Merce Cunningham", + "question": "Who was a peer of Merce Cunningham that influenced Roy Lichtenstein?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0gcgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0gcgd ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.peers ?c .\n?c ns:influence.peer_relationship.peers ns:m.01vhhf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2282", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced roy lichtenstein artwork" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2386_ba562292d572f872db7d913a8d401e8e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Racing driver" + ], + "answer": "Race car driver", + "answer_id": "m.02h6nn_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ayrton senna", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:55:21", + "machine_question": "what is the subject of the film A Star Named Ayrton Senna", + "question": "What does the subject of the film \"A Star Named Ayrton Senna\" do?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0ngntdm . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2386", + "webqsp_question": "what is ayrton senna" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1871_ef0862827cfcebdc3733734f32cf5470", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chinese", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:46:49", + "machine_question": "what language do the country where Harbin Beer beer is made", + "question": "What language is spoken in the country where Harbin beer is made?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqmxs . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1871", + "webqsp_question": "what language do chinese" + }, + { + "ID": 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Warner", + "John William Warner", + "Sen. John Warner", + "Senator John Warner", + "John William Warner KBE" + ], + "answer": "John Warner", + "answer_id": "m.01w8b5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Michael Charles Gauntlett Wilding", + "The \"gentle\" Wilding", + "Michael Wilding Sr." + ], + "answer": "Michael Wilding", + "answer_id": "m.02h__m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Conrad Nicholson Hilton, Jr.", + "Nicky", + "Conrad Nicholson \"Nicky\" Hilton, Jr.", + "Conrad Nicholson Hilton Jr." + ], + "answer": "Conrad Hilton, Jr.", + "answer_id": "m.02j06h" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Toat", + "Michael \"Mike\" Todd", + "Michael Todd", + "Avrom Hirsch Goldbogen" + ], + "answer": "Mike Todd", + "answer_id": "m.063v2l" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Larry Fortensky", + "answer_id": "m.0bhgvg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dick", + "Richard Burton, CBE", + "Richard Jenkins", + "Rich", + "Burton", + "Richard Walter Jenkins" + ], + "answer": "Richard Burton", + "answer_id": "m.0cg9f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "liz taylor", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was the topic of the image Elizabeth Taylor married too", + "question": "Who was married to the person who is the subject of the image Elizabeth Taylor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.02bly4l . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2513_45ed6d1f6f6f198db8ac5bf0e3fb9443", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Arsenal", + "The Gunners", + "Woolwich Arsenal", + "Arsenal Gunners", + "Dial Square", + "Arsenal", + "Arsenal Football Club", + "Arsenal FC" + ], + "answer": "Arsenal F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.0xbm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:13:18", + "machine_question": "who has won the most fa cup and is the sports team was founded in 1886", + "question": "What sports team that was founded in 1886 has earned the highest number of FA Cups?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count)\n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n {\n SELECT (MAX(?count) AS ?maxCount)\n WHERE {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count) \n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n }\n FILTER (?maxCount = ?count)?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded \"1886\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2513", + "webqsp_question": "who has won the most fa cup" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_6063afa5a2c491ade5bf293d70662078", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song", + "A Cinderella Story 3" + ], + "answer": "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song", + "answer_id": "m.0gky0pl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and had a prequel named Another Cinderella Story", + "question": "WHat movie was preceeded by another Cinderalla story and feature Lucy Hale?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.prequel ns:m.03h2kkl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_d62f690d7cdbff34371e3ad8576ccc96", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Magyarorsz\u00e1g", + "Hungary, Europe" + ], + "answer": "Hungary", + "answer_id": "m.03gj2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and the country calling code is less than 43", + "question": "Which country has the a calling code less than 43 and borders Slovakia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 43) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-237_0f598fd7eade8b3b56e0f15709c3a828", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Businesswoman", + "Business person", + "Businessman" + ], + "answer": "Businessperson", + "answer_id": "m.012t_z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Film actress", + "Movie actress", + "Movie actor", + "Actress", + "Film actor", + "Theatre Actor" + ], + "answer": "Actor", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh1q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Filmmaker" + ], + "answer": "Film director", + "answer_id": "m.02jknp" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guitarist", + "answer_id": "m.039v1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Musical Artist", + "Instrumentalist" + ], + "answer": "Musician", + "answer_id": "m.09jwl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Vocalist" + ], + "answer": "Singer", + "answer_id": "m.09l65" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rapper", + "answer_id": "m.0hpcdn2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Songwriter", + "answer_id": "m.0nbcg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "fred durst", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:14:03", + "machine_question": "what did the actor that played in the film Limp Bizkit: Rock in the Park 2001 do", + "question": "What is the job of the actor that played in \"Limp Bizkit: Rock in the Park 2001\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0crry5z . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-237", + "webqsp_question": "what did fred durst do" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1684_bd02035bdbaf79653d4a4c59082795cc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ovide", + "Publius Ovidius Naso" + ], + "answer": "Ovid", + "answer_id": "m.09fdm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:15:54", + "machine_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing and who died in Constan\u00c8\u009ba", + "question": "Who influenced William Shakespeare to begin writing, that died in Constan\u00c8\u009ba?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.081k8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.081k8 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ns:m.01nc62 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1684", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-442_7848b647561d34bc30601641852c18bc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lamar Hunt", + "answer_id": "m.01wtr5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:12:51", + "machine_question": "who was the first leader of the afl and the person's date of death is earliest", + "question": "Who was the first leader of the AFL that died the earliest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0ysy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0ysy ns:organization.organization.founders ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.date_of_death ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-442", + "webqsp_question": "who was the first leader of the afl" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_547702831c207c3c0a12c286b40abaf5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cut Bank", + "answer_id": "m.0wk4knj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and with debut in 2014 Los Angeles Film Festival", + "question": "What films featuring Liam Hemsworth debuted at the 2014 Los Angeles Film Festival?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.film_regional_debut_venue ns:m.0107kdh0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_77a88aa3e5cf1d2eff0643fb72915dae", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", + "answer_id": "m.03176f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and is the film that was released earliest", + "question": "In the Harry Potter film series, which one was recorded the earliest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2513_392c03e3233f99c8691ba2979af7e16e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Manchester United", + "Manchester United Football Club", + "Man Utd", + "Manchester United FC", + "Newton Heath LYR Football Club", + "Man United", + "The Red Devils" + ], + "answer": "Manchester United F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.050fh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:13:18", + "machine_question": "who has won the most fa cup and sports team that play in Old Trafford, Greater Manchester", + "question": "Which team from Old Trafford, Greater Manchester has won the most FA cups?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count)\n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n {\n SELECT (MAX(?count) AS ?maxCount)\n WHERE {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count) \n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n }\n FILTER (?maxCount = ?count)?x ns:sports.sports_team.location ns:m.07cd78 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2513", + "webqsp_question": "who has won the most fa cup" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1684_0ebd3ef6e83087e9bc8fdfa64684531a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Saint Thomas More", + "Sir Thomas More" + ], + "answer": "Thomas More", + "answer_id": "m.07hl9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:15:54", + "machine_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing and was influenced by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola", + "question": "Who influenced Shakespeare and Giovanni Pico della Mirandola?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.081k8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.081k8 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ns:m.013w_3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1684", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-472_b0094ac3e430c221dbdb67d6e4b9a570", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:53:15", + "machine_question": "what team did ronaldo play for in 2003 and is the sports team was founded before 1914", + "question": "Which sports team founded prior to 1914 Ronaldo play for in 2003?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != 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"2017-10-26T03:42:23", + "machine_question": "where is usc from and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted after 1939", + "question": "What state that's symbol was adapted after 1939 is where USC is?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03tw2s)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03tw2s ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1939\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-196_c093231fe2a83541cf05e721b6fad5b5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:06:34", + "machine_question": "what language do navajo people speak and is the language Daedalus", + "question": "What Daedalus language do the Navajo people speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.08k5jg)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.08k5jg ns:people.ethnicity.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.where_spoken ns:g.113qbfr8j . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-196", + "webqsp_question": "what language do navajo people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-976_0905baa0fa13b3cccb2412c790242849", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mysophobia", + "answer_id": "m.026k8yn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "joan crawford", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:35:49", + "machine_question": "what was wrong with the actor that played the character Della Chappell", + "question": "What illness did the actor who played the 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(!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.netflix_id ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_9e23cfd67cc478f1dd0942be05f97881", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles, California, USA", + "LA", + "Los Angeles, California", + "Los Angeles, USA", + "City of Angels", + "L.A.", + "Los Angeles County / Los Angeles city", + "Los Angeles, CA" + ], + "answer": "Los Angeles", + "answer_id": "m.030qb3t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does joey king live and the location GNIS feature ID is largest", + "question": "Where does Joey King live with the largest GNIS feature ID?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER 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langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04swx ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code \"90\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2631", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are the mediterranean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1462_4e2a785b515c8024dd42f5a9bc60760b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vice President of the United States Joe Biden", + "Senator Joseph Biden", + "Joseph R. Biden, Jr.", + "Joseph Biden", + "Vice President Joe Biden", + "Big-hearted Joe", + "Sen Joseph Biden", + "Sen. Joe Biden", + "Sen Joe Biden", + "Joseph Robinette Biden", + "Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.", + "Sen. Joseph Biden", + "Senator Joe Biden" + ], + "answer": "Joe Biden", + "answer_id": "m.012gx2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:38:53", + "machine_question": "who is running for vice president with the politician that held the government position Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness 2012", + "question": "In 2012, who ran for Vice President with the politician who held the governmental position Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0dq_h2 . \n?c ns:government.us_president.vice_president ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1462", + "webqsp_question": "who is running for vice president with barack obama 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-766_898715ba1fa29c6272f296ea6afa9e6b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "City And Borough Of Liverpool" + ], + "answer": "Liverpool", + "answer_id": "m.04lh6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "liz mcclarnon", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:57:02", + "machine_question": "where does the artist which recorded Imagine (feat. 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Liz McClarnon), live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0dxgby0 . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-766", + "webqsp_question": "where does liz mcclarnon live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_f4eec5df40716dff213f544715fde501", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "State of Israel" + ], + "answer": "Bahrain", + "answer_id": "m.03spz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Emirates", + "UAE" + ], + "answer": "Israel", + "answer_id": "m.0j1z8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fourth Governorate", + "Elhodeidah", + "Al Jawf", + "Almuhafazaharrabiah", + "Qadaalhudaydah", + "Hodeidah", + "Al Hudaydah", + "Governorate Al Jawf", + "El-Hodeidah", + "Shabwah", + "Governorate Number Four", + "El-\u1e24odeidah", + "Mu\u1e29\u0101faz\u0327At Shabwah", + "\u2018Adan", + "Qada' Al Hudaydah", + "Muhafazat Al Jawf", + "`Adan", + "Balad\u012byat \u2018Adan", + "Al Mu\u1e29\u0101faz\u0327Ah Ar R\u0101bi\u2018Ah", + "Adan", + "Muhafazat Shabwah", + "Aden", + "Qa\u1e11\u0101\u2019 Al \u1e28udaydah", + "Baladiyat `Adan", + "Iv", + "Baladiyatadan", + "Al Muhafazah Ar Rabi`Ah", + "Hodeida", + "Al \u1e28udaydah", + "Mu\u1e29\u0101faz\u0327At Al Jawf" + ], + "answer": "Oman", + "answer_id": "m.01z88t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u0633\u0644\u0637\u0646\u0629 \u0639\u064f\u0645\u0627\u0646\u200e", + "Sultanate of Oman", + "\u0639\u064f\u0645\u0627\u0646" + ], + "answer": "Qatar", + "answer_id": "m.05l8y" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom of Bahrain" + ], + "answer": "United Arab Emirates", + "answer_id": "m.0161c" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dawlat Qa\u1e6dar", + "State of Qatar" + ], + "answer": "Yemen", + "answer_id": "m.0697s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:09:09", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and the country calling code is greater than 966", + "question": "Whence are the people who speak Arabic that are countries with a country calling code higher than 966?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 966) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_4d0737ddab4b6998b1490a127e25eb43", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and the location GNIS feature ID is largest", + "question": "Where does Bob Dylan live that has the largest GNIS feature ID?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_2febacb3c783b84086cec1db4ae7470a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The End of the World", + "The Apocalypse" + ], + "answer": "This Is the End", + "answer_id": "m.0hz4j2j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Happy Smekday!" + ], + "answer": "Home", + "answer_id": "m.0mwfph8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "rihanna", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did was nominee of the World Music Award for World's Best Selling Barbadian Artist award play in", + "question": "What movies did the nominee of the World Music Award for the World's bestselling Barbadian Artist play in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.0y82ry5 . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1632_92ebb0c3c6772ffa6ec4e6e82aa92961", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, New York City" + ], + "answer": "Verrazano\u2013Narrows Bridge", + "answer_id": "m.01q6lq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Staten Island Childrens Museum", + "Staten Island Children's" + ], + "answer": "Staten Island Children's Museum", + "answer_id": "m.02r7jcf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Voorlezer's House", + "answer_id": "m.02z0qbn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences", + "Staten Island" + ], + "answer": "Staten Island Museum", + "answer_id": "m.02zt_l" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Staten Island Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.02zw2b" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Stephens-Black House", + "answer_id": "m.04jd3v3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Third County Courthouse", + "answer_id": "m.04n4tlq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Snug Harbor Cultural Center" + ], + "answer": "Snug Harbor Cultural Center and Botanical Garden", + "answer_id": "m.06k8z8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Christopher House", + "answer_id": "m.0ch45b0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "staten island new york", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:14:20", + "machine_question": "what to see in the area in which the newspaper Staten Island Register is circulated", + "question": "What is there to see in the place where the newspaper \"The Staten island Register\" is circulated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.09jdx8 . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1632", + "webqsp_question": "what to see in staten island new york" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-263_f5d13799dbaa074d1390f2c6983d1eca", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.K.", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland", + "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", + "Britain", + "Great Britain", + "GBR", + "GB", + "UK", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" + ], + "answer": "United Kingdom", + "answer_id": "m.07ssc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:46:15", + "machine_question": "what country did james cook come from and contains Seven Sisters Road", + "question": "What country is James Cook from that has the Seven Sisters Road?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_j8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_j8 ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.contains ns:g.1ym82p_35 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-263", + "webqsp_question": "what country did james cook come from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_c420aae07cd666c7631a018b9d6facfd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "S Dak", + "Mount Rushmore State", + "SD" + ], + "answer": "South Dakota", + "answer_id": "m.06mz5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted before 1909", + "question": "What home of Sam Shepard adapted its governmental jurisdiction location symbol prior to 1909?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1909\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1782_f4f38507bbec5d30bec54c8c8dd9a72b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "North Sudan", + "Republic of the Sudan", + "Jumh\u016br\u012byat as-S\u016bd\u0101n" + ], + "answer": "Sudan", + "answer_id": "m.06tw8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:01", + "machine_question": "where does where the government Government of Egypt is located export to", + "question": "To whom does the Government of Egypt export goods?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.05z01q3 . \n?c ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?y .\n?y ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1782", + "webqsp_question": "where does egypt export to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_31168173e6508681beae4dd3fe350bc8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisia", + "answer_id": "m.07fj_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and is the city that Jos\u00c3\u00a9e Contreras was born in", + "question": "Where is the Arabic language, that is the city that Jos\u00c3\u00a9e Contreras was born in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:influence.peer_relationship.peers ns:m.0_ynq56 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_05a66aa234332bd52fe7c8a7f307f81d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mr. & Mrs. George T. Hansen Planetarium", + "Space Science" + ], + "answer": "Salt Lake City Public Library", + "answer_id": "m.048fms" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:31:32", + "machine_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah and is the structure opened latest", + "question": "Which structure opened most recently in Salt Lake City, Utah?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f2r6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f2r6 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1405", + "webqsp_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1373_4fbf4d02b4a7640cd562c91182e18f3c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomea", + "Finnish" + ], + "answer": "Finnish Language", + "answer_id": "m.01gp_d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saame", + "Anar", + "Inari \"Lappish\"", + "Lapp", + "Saam", + "Finnish Lapp", + "Samic", + "S\u00e1mi", + "Saami, Inari" + ], + "answer": "Saami, Inari Language", + "answer_id": "m.02lpg6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saami, North", + "Saame", + "Northern Lappish", + "Lapp", + "Norwegian Lapp", + "Norwegian Saami", + "Northern Lapp", + "Same", + "Sami, Northern", + "Samic", + "Saami", + "Davvin", + "Northern Saami" + ], + "answer": "Saami, North Language", + "answer_id": "m.04d36l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Swedish", + "Ruotsi", + "Svenska" + ], + "answer": "Swedish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06mp7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "finland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:36:38", + "machine_question": "what language do you speak in the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Parliament of Finland", + "question": "What languages are spoken in the governmental jurisdiction where there's a governmental body called Parliament of Finland?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.01d_pf . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1373", + "webqsp_question": "what language do you speak in finland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1462_e56e856592a9a57b9e331b718adc1b75", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vice President of the United States Joe Biden", + "Senator Joseph Biden", + "Joseph R. Biden, Jr.", + "Joseph Biden", + "Vice President Joe Biden", + "Big-hearted Joe", + "Sen Joseph Biden", + "Sen. Joe Biden", + "Sen Joe Biden", + "Joseph Robinette Biden", + "Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.", + "Sen. Joseph Biden", + "Senator Joe Biden" + ], + "answer": "Joe Biden", + "answer_id": "m.012gx2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:38:53", + "machine_question": "who is running for vice president with the author who published editions for The Audacity of Hope 2012", + "question": "Who's running for vice president in 2012, with the author who published The Audacity of Hope?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04vcd_5 . \n?c ns:government.us_president.vice_president ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1462", + "webqsp_question": "who is running for vice president with barack obama 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_b3447802bbcce11019011593b6b726d4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Old Ultimo Powerhouse", + "Powerhouse" + ], + "answer": "Powerhouse Museum", + "answer_id": "m.02x7mq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the exhibition venue that opened on 1999-12-07", + "question": "What is there to visit in Sydney, Australia where the exhibition venue opened on 7 December 1999?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:exhibitions.exhibition_venue.exhibitions_at_this_venue ?c .\n?c ns:exhibitions.exhibition_run.opened_on \"1999-12-07\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_f6d5a66e0346f8c53cc135683d165d8e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "John Cahill Lawless" + ], + "answer": "Jack Lawless", + "answer_id": "m.0417yh9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The High Flier", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Joseph Jonas", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Joe", + "JJ", + "Joseph Adam Jonas", + "DJ Danger" + ], + "answer": "Joe Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04cr6qv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SOS dancer", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Paul Kevin Jonas", + "Paul Kevin Jonas II", + "Paul Jonas II", + "K2", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Kev", + "Kevin Jonas II" + ], + "answer": "Kevin Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04d_mtq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nicholas Jonas", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Nick J.", + "Nicholas Jerry Jonas", + "Nick", + "The Jonas Brothers", + "Mr. President" + ], + "answer": "Nick Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04f7c55" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jonas brothers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:16:16", + "machine_question": "what is the artist aword nominated for Burnin' Up names", + "question": "What are the names of the band that was nominated for \"Burnin' Up\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0mxnyc_ . \n?c ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-470", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonas brothers names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_a90c08a839ac4d0ac22ebbf436bb578b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "So Undercover", + "answer_id": "m.0g56xqy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and that was directed by Tom Vaughan", + "question": "What movie directed by Tom Vaughan was Miley Cyrus in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.directed_by ns:m.02z02cx . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-786_1e35d41dc541e412a2d8358fe4a03e63", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "january_jones", + "January Jones Scott", + "January Kristen Jones", + "Jones, January" + ], + "answer": "January Jones", + "answer_id": "m.03v1jf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:58:37", + "machine_question": "who played emma frost and is the actor that played the character Elenore", + "question": "Who played Emma Frost, and also played the character Elenore?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.033pl2)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.033pl2 ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:m.05t1xzn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-786", + "webqsp_question": "who played emma frost" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2494_5b573f80266bd26dcb156e73956f772a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "the (big) smoke", + "The Great Wen", + "London, England", + "Londres", + "Capital of Great Britain" + ], + "answer": "London", + "answer_id": "m.04jpl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Holsworthy, Devon" + ], + "answer": "Holsworthy", + "answer_id": "m.062m9r" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Stockwell, London" + ], + "answer": "Stockwell", + "answer_id": "m.0nc84" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "roger moore", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:11:12", + "machine_question": "where did the actor that played the character Tab Lazenby live", + "question": "Where did the actor that played Tab Lazenby live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0cln3j1 . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2494", + "webqsp_question": "where did roger moore live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1976_28019fb0bcf8c61f9b32d35e4501e533", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "En Avant de Guingamp", + "answer_id": "m.0690ct" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ivory Coast national football" + ], + "answer": "Ivory Coast national football team", + "answer_id": "m.04kd5d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ivory Coast Mens Soccer Team", + "Ivory Coast Football Team", + "Ivory Coast Men's National Football Team", + "Ivory Coast National Soccer Team", + "\u00c9l\u00e9phants", + "Ivory Coast Men's National Soccer Team", + "Ivory Coast Mens National Soccer Team", + "Ivory Coast Men's Soccer Team", + "Ivory Coast Mens Football Team", + "Ivory Coast Men's Football Team", + "Les \u00c9l\u00e9phants", + "Ivory Coast Mens National Football Team", + "Ivory Coast National Football Team", + "Cote d'Ivoire national football team", + "Ivory Coast Soccer Team" + ], + "answer": "Le Mans FC", + "answer_id": "m.040pyq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Galatasaray S.K.", + "answer_id": "m.05nwfr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Galatasaray A.\u015e.", + "Cimbom", + "Galatasaray SK", + "Avrupa Fatihi", + "Galatasaray Anonim \u015eirketi", + "Aslan", + "Gala", + "Sar\u0131 K\u0131rm\u0131z\u0131l\u0131lar", + "Galata-Serai Football Club", + "Galatasaray Spor Kul\u00fcb\u00fc", + "Galatasaray" + ], + "answer": "Shanghai Greenland Shenhua F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.06zpgb2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T12:10:53", + "machine_question": "what team did drogba play for and is the sports team was founded after 1905-03-10", + "question": "Founded after 03-10-1905, what sports team did Drogba play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_y2f)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_y2f ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1905-03-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1976", + "webqsp_question": "what team did drogba play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1036_d7e8df643be12236c5608a0ff935e93d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jamaican English", + "answer_id": "m.01428y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jamaica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:20:19", + "machine_question": "what is the dominant language spoken in the country where Desnoes & Geddes Red Stripe Lager beer is made", + "question": "What is the dominant spoken language in the country that produces Desnoes & Geddes Red Stripe Lager beer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqqqw . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1036", + "webqsp_question": "what is the dominant language spoken in jamaica" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-96_330bc467cf8862ebd90947814e43f5f0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Levin", + "Susan Nicole Levin", + "Susan Levin", + "Susan Nicole Downey" + ], + "answer": "Susan Downey", + "answer_id": "m.05p2qsc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "robert downey jr", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:13:43", + "machine_question": "who is the actor that played in the film How to Talk to Girls wife", + "question": "Who is the wife of the actor who played in the movie \"How to Talk to Girls\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0gxttnx . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.gender ns:m.02zsn .\n?y ns:people.marriage.from ?sk0 .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:datetime(?sk0))\nLIMIT 1\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-96", + "webqsp_question": "who is robert downey jr wife" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1475_d308486ebfad93a99cf9618ca1c17603", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guitar", + "answer_id": "m.0342h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Slide guitar", + "answer_id": "m.06w7v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "johnny depp", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:43:52", + "machine_question": "what type of guitar does the composer of Sands Theme play", + "question": "The composer of Sands Theme plays what type of guitar?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.0bb4_4n . \n?c ns:music.group_member.instruments_played ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1475", + "webqsp_question": "what type of guitar does johnny depp play" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-324_87feb43d4b743e2f0172e00f50bfada2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln 1861 presidential inauguration", + "answer_id": "m.05brd51" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln 1865 presidential inauguration", + "answer_id": "m.05brd5c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "abraham lincoln", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:54:47", + "machine_question": "what date was the person that said \"Seriously, I do not think I fit for the presidency.\" inaugurated", + "question": "What inauguration did the person that said \"Seriously, I do not think I fit for the presidency.\" participate in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048jc3k . \n?c ns:base.inaugurations.inauguration_speaker.inauguration ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-324", + "webqsp_question": "what date was abraham lincoln inaugurated" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1871_05d28aa0a61e386be88f662f8efa90d8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chinese", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:46:49", + "machine_question": "what language do the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Wu Xiaoling", + "question": "What language is spoken in the country where a government office holder is named Wu Xiaoling?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.04g702_ . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1871", + "webqsp_question": "what language do chinese" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_1416afff7c8d4b7f69676dca651a2f7c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and the population number is 12045", + "question": "In which city with a population of 12045 did Bob Dylan resided?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number \"12045\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_c5a09aa8eccef1ecd06fba618147139e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Waldo Emerson Ralph", + "Waldo Ralph Emerson" + ], + "answer": "Ralph Waldo Emerson", + "answer_id": "m.06jkm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and was influenced by Adam Mickiewicz", + "question": "Who influenced Whitman's poetry and was, in turn, influenced by Adam Mickiewicz?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ns:m.014vzx . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1987_574c09c69db94cf53f8dedf8301ebf89", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sacramento County", + "answer_id": "m.0bxqq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sacramento", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:03:42", + "machine_question": "what county is the area in which the newspaper Sacramento News & Review is circulated located in", + "question": "What county is the area where the newspaper \"Sacramento News & Review\" circulates in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.09s47h . \n?c ns:location.hud_county_place.county ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1987", + "webqsp_question": "what county is sacramento located in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_c76b8888fa736cd7c22356292f5e0811", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kvikmyndin Grettir", + "Garfield - Der Film", + "Garfield - O Filme", + "Gustaf", + "Garfield ve filmu", + "Pusur", + "Karvinen elokuva", + "Garfield: il film", + "Filmen om Gustaf", + "Garfield, le film", + "Garfield: La pel\u00edcula" + ], + "answer": "Garfield: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.01yzvd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and that had a sequel named Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties", + "question": "What movie stars actress Alyson Stoner and is a prequel to Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.sequel ns:m.091937 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_f453310148ae3dc5ccbcd7b4cb42a857", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2", + "answer_id": "m.02qrr8j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and is the film that was released earliest", + "question": "What is the oldest film that Lucy Hale starred in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-324_56b2d43ab0c98530f6e34ea737aa0455", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln 1865 presidential inauguration", + "answer_id": "m.05brd5c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:54:47", + "machine_question": "what date was abraham lincoln inaugurated and is the event ended latest", + "question": "During which year was Abraham Lincoln last inaugurated as President?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0gzh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0gzh ns:base.inaugurations.inauguration_speaker.inauguration ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.end_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-324", + "webqsp_question": "what date was abraham lincoln inaugurated" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2259_8256a6d056e02e4baafa214d341be43e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fox Group" + ], + "answer": "21st Century Fox", + "answer_id": "m.0n_hqj6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:38:44", + "machine_question": "what does rupert murdoch own 2012 and the organiztion founding date is latest", + "question": "What organization Rupert Murdoch owned in 2012 had the most recent founding date?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06hrk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06hrk ns:organization.organization_founder.organizations_founded ?x .\n?x ns:organization.organization.date_founded ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2259", + "webqsp_question": "what does rupert murdoch own 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2597_e2633d0ba6ea2a1c452a4ab16b07e0a1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Central Standard Time", + "Central Time", + "Central Daylight Time", + "Central Standard Time Zone" + ], + "answer": "Central Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02fqwt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:31:41", + "machine_question": "what time zone am i in the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Missouri Attorney General", + "question": "If I'm in the governmental jurisdiction where the government includes a position called Missouri Attorney General, what time zone am I in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.02vknkt . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2597", + "webqsp_question": "what time zone am i in missouri" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_034d1c91e1d96aaf00bfeee245b1ecbf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and ended governmental position latest", + "question": "Which person who ended their government position most recently was the leader of France in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_ba55edfa12d41ddbc3d2a9fca81c5259", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Centennial State", + "Colo", + "CO" + ], + "answer": "Colorado", + "answer_id": "m.01n4w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Centennial State", + "Colo", + "CO" + ], + "answer": "Colorado", + "answer_id": "m.01n4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:56:45", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and is the governmental jurisdiction that has the government position tiitle Secretary of State of Colorado", + "question": "What state includes the Secretary of State of Colorado as a prt of their government and feature downtown Littleton as a city?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0g8lsf)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0g8lsf ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.04n6djp . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_88008a173208d6bf18d32a35d477bfd2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Art", + "Seattle Art Museum Downtown" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332j6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and who also wrote A community of collectors", + "question": "What place to see in Seattle, WA wrote \"A Community of Collectors\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:book.author.works_written ns:m.067td89 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-577_3771bfa9dc45de4216d5a1671bc91713", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Arkansas, main campus", + "University of Arkansas, Fayetteville", + "U of A" + ], + "answer": "University of Arkansas", + "answer_id": "m.01rc6f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:12:34", + "machine_question": "where did derek fisher go to college and is the university that has number of undergraduates greater than 15835", + "question": "What university has more than 15,835 undergraduates and is the university Derek Fisher attended?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04lvwk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04lvwk ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_undergraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 15835) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-577", + "webqsp_question": "where did derek fisher go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_630cd9911728df18f1f4875397784a0c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + "answer_id": "m.0jgd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and number of people in the country's army is 101100", + "question": "What neighbor of Bolivia has a standing army of 101100 people?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"101100\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_b4158787d22a2b56c7dd3c6e41bb9947", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and contains a neighborhood named Inwood", + "question": "What is the location near Inwood where Sam Shepard live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.place_with_neighborhoods.neighborhoods ns:m.011sj6 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_8632ca063cf9f5cf9260f82da8ac9014", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "John Cahill Lawless" + ], + "answer": "Jack Lawless", + "answer_id": "m.0417yh9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The High Flier", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Joseph Jonas", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Joe", + "JJ", + "Joseph Adam Jonas", + "DJ Danger" + ], + "answer": "Joe Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04cr6qv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SOS dancer", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Paul Kevin Jonas", + "Paul Kevin Jonas II", + "Paul Jonas II", + "K2", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Kev", + "Kevin Jonas II" + ], + "answer": "Kevin Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04d_mtq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nicholas Jonas", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Nick J.", + "Nicholas Jerry Jonas", + "Nick", + "The Jonas Brothers", + "Mr. President" + ], + "answer": "Nick Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04f7c55" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jonas brothers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:16:16", + "machine_question": "what is the topic of the image The Jonas Brothers with singer Celine Dion names", + "question": "What are the names of the subjects in the image \"The Jonas Brothers with Singer Celine Dion?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.04xy018 . \n?c ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-470", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonas brothers names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-404_00fd411e4d141998cf1b6108493cf24d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "drowned" + ], + "answer": "Drowning", + "answer_id": "m.01g27f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Atherosclerotic heart disease", + "Coronary disease", + "Coronary Artery disorder", + "Coronary heart disorder" + ], + "answer": "Coronary artery disease", + "answer_id": "m.01s1m" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cocaine overdose", + "answer_id": "m.02nx6jb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "whitney houston", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:05:16", + "machine_question": "what killed the actor that played the character Rachel Marron", + "question": "What caused the actor who played Rachel Marron to pass away?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0h5r5pz . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-404", + "webqsp_question": "what killed whitney houston" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2094_f2a7d06a884604c253940bf5d5d1852e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Lee County / Tupelo city", + "Tupelo, Mississippi" + ], + "answer": "Tupelo", + "answer_id": "m.0wqwj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "elvis presley", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:16:41", + "machine_question": "what city did the actor that played the character Guy Lambert grew up in", + "question": "In what city did the actor who portrayed the character Guy Lambert grow up?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0w0plsg . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2094", + "webqsp_question": "what city did 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.\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_undergraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1907", + "webqsp_question": "where did david duke go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_67da366de4eced8eb404bac12f2c7630", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Afganistan", + "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" + ], + "answer": "Afghanistan", + "answer_id": "m.0jdd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and the ISO numeric of the country is 004", + "question": "Which country with an ISO numeric of 004 shares a border with China?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d05w3)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d05w3 ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric \"004\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2150_60631e574fcda74eeb2d16d9b4dd8701", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Belize", + "answer_id": "m.0164b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Guatemala." + ], + "answer": "Guatemala", + "answer_id": "m.0345_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 countries does the country where Chicomuceltec Language is spoken border", + "question": "What three countries border the nation where Chicomuceltec Language is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.0czdxk . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2150", + "webqsp_question": "what 3 countries does mexico border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-577_6c6204ce9934521d82b4a8b6325424f2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic" + ], + "answer": "Democratic republic", + "answer_id": "m.0fpgmpz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chile", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:34:45", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Minister Secretary-General of the Presidency have today", + "question": "What is the form of government found in the country with government position title Minister secretary-General of the Presidency?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.0104wly3 . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_ab7950cab6c0ff35ce9aa6b41d98c2db", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "l'Hexagone", + "R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise", + "French Republic" + ], + "answer": "France", + "answer_id": "m.0f8l9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and is the governmental jurisdiction that held the legislative session of the First Valls Government", + "question": "In which EU country is the government that held the legislative session of the First Valls Government?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.legislative_sessions ns:m.0105s275 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_edb8e611b4e0e2819b94cdf92374370e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The High Flier", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Joseph Jonas", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Joe", + "JJ", + "Joseph Adam Jonas", + "DJ Danger" + ], + "answer": "Joe Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04cr6qv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The High Flier", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Joseph Jonas", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Joe", + "JJ", + "Joseph Adam Jonas", + "DJ Danger" + ], + "answer": "Joe Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04cr6qv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:16:16", + "machine_question": "what is jonas brothers names and is the actor that played the character Shane Gray", + "question": "What Jonas Brother played the character Shane Gray?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0cbm64)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0cbm64 ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:g.11dyj3mky . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-470", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonas brothers names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3695_eb340e22edbe24f5d3cf5797e71d79b1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The A", + "Atlanta, Georgia", + "A-Town", + "Atlanta, GA", + "The ATL", + "Fulton County / Atlanta city" + ], + "answer": "Atlanta", + "answer_id": "m.013yq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "usher", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:25:06", + "machine_question": "where in georgia does the artist which recorded Party Ain't Over live", + "question": "Which part of Georgia does that artist that recorded \"Party Ain't Over\" live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE 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"compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:32:35", + "machine_question": "what do the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Prime Minister of Hungary people speak", + "question": "What language is spoken in the governmental jurisdiction where the government includes the position Prime Minister of Hungary?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.0j6tpbb . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2603", + "webqsp_question": "what do hungarian people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3681_cda6013796133b642699b64c9bf34572", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Felipe Calderon", + "Felipe de Jes\u00fas Calder\u00f3n Hinojosa", + "President Felipe 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<= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3681", + "webqsp_question": "who is mexico 's president right now 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2238_985dab73caf2edd26a7186e2fcdef01b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New Orleans Saints", + "answer_id": "m.05g3v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:35:15", + "machine_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011 and has an organization headquarters located in the citytown Metairie", + "question": "Which NFL franchise is headquartered in Metairie and had Reggie Bush as a team member in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:organization.organization.headquarters ?c .\n?c ns:location.mailing_address.citytown ns:m.01_gvm3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2238", + "webqsp_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2736_3b676cf5603d91ac09fd09d3697b68fb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Siwa", + "Siwi", + "Oasis Berber", + "Sioua", + "Zenati" + ], + "answer": "Siwi Language", + "answer_id": "m.012zfy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High Arabic", + "Fasih", + "Modern Literary Arabic", + "Arabic, Standard", + "Al Arabiya", + "Al Fus-ha" + ], + "answer": "Modern Standard Arabic", + "answer_id": "m.025rvv7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Arabic, Egyptian Spoken", + "Lower Egypt Arabic", + "Arabic, Egyptian Spoken Language", + "Normal Egyptian Arabic", + "Massry" + ], + "answer": "Egyptian Arabic", + "answer_id": "m.02hx2cr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sa`idi", + "Upper Egypt Arabic", + "Sa\nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.05f4_4z . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2736", + "webqsp_question": "what languages do people speak in egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1871_e265c12ea7f5db03d7c05768cb86ec90", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chinese", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:46:49", + "machine_question": "what language do the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named State Council of the People's Republic of China", + "question": "Which language is spoken at the location, that has a governmental body called, State Council of the People's Republic of China?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.0c3y2 . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1871", + "webqsp_question": "what language do chinese" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_6d6397851ab3e395d5072f8c1d4380e4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guinea", + "answer_id": "m.03676" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through and the population number is 10046967", + "question": "What nation has a population of 10046967 and has the Niger river as one of it;s bodies of water?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number \"10046967\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2801_18e9be40bbe4c1383b905b4f4091dc57", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Film actress", + "Movie actress", + "Movie actor", + "Actress", + "Film actor", + "Theatre Actor" + ], + "answer": "Actor", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh1q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Religious minister", + "Minister of religion" + ], + "answer": "Minister", + "answer_id": "m.0377kt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Model", + "answer_id": "m.0d1pc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Voice talent", + "\u0410\u043a\u0442\u0451\u0440 \u043e\u0437\u0432\u0443\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", + "Voice actress", + "Voice-over artist", + "Voice over artist", + "Voice artist", + "Voice Director" + ], + "answer": "Voice Actor", + "answer_id": "m.0np9r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ellen bernstein", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:05:52", + "machine_question": "who is the actor that played the character Sara Goldfarb", + "question": "Which actor played the character named Sara Goldfarb?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.02nwlgz . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2801", + "webqsp_question": "who is ellen bernstein" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3271_9dd9cd027e4fb356ec7f48576c94b9a8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:16:31", + "machine_question": "what does chilean people speak and is the language Sesame Street", + "question": "What language do Chilean people speak that is used on Sesame Street?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01p1v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01p1v ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.where_spoken ns:m.0hz__lj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3271", + "webqsp_question": "what does chilean people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1481_2bb1d5893a5cbcf8f49dd2bcc8af8c95", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Barbara A. Mikulski", + "Barbara Ann Mikulski" + ], + "answer": "Barbara Mikulski", + "answer_id": "m.0206nm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:55:16", + "machine_question": "who are the current maryland senators and is the politician that held his/her government position until 1987-01-03", + "question": "Which Maryland senator, held their government position, until January 3,1987?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04rrd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04rrd ns:government.political_district.representatives ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.07t58 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to \"1987-01-03\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1481", + "webqsp_question": "who are the current maryland senators" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_474436fc8deb2f86460da3fc533fe136", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic Republic of Nepal", + "Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal" + ], + "answer": "Nepal", + "answer_id": "m.016zwt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Vietnam", + "Viet nam", + "Socialist Republic of Vietnam", + "Annam" + ], + "answer": "Vietnam", + "answer_id": "m.01crd5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nippon-koku", + "JPN", + "\u042f\u043f\u043e\u043d\u0438\u044f", + "JAP", + "Nihon", + "Dai-Nippon", + "Nippon", + "NTSC J", + "Japan", + "State of Japan", + "Land of the Rising Sun", + "Nihon-koku" + ], + "answer": "Japan", + "answer_id": "m.03_3d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bharat Ganrajya", + "Hindustan", + "Bharat", + "Republic of India", + "The Republic of India" + ], + "answer": "India", + "answer_id": "m.03rk0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lao People's Democratic Republic", + "\ub77c\uc624\uc2a4" + ], + "answer": "Laos", + "answer_id": "m.04hhv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mongolia", + "answer_id": "m.04w8f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Burma", + "\u30df\u30e3\u30f3\u30de\u30fc\u9023\u90a6\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Myanmar (Burma)", + "Republic of the Union of Myanmar" + ], + "answer": "Myanmar", + "answer_id": "m.04xn_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", + "DPRK" + ], + "answer": "North Korea", + "answer_id": "m.05b7q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federation of Pakistan", + "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" + ], + "answer": "Pakistan", + "answer_id": "m.05sb1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Russian Federation", + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u044f" + ], + "answer": "Russia", + "answer_id": "m.06bnz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "ROC", + "Chinese Taipei", + "Taiwan, Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "Taiwan", + "answer_id": "m.06f32" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bhutan", + "answer_id": "m.07bxhl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tajikistan", + "answer_id": "m.07dvs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Afganistan", + "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" + ], + "answer": "Afghanistan", + "answer_id": "m.0jdd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kirgisistan" + ], + "answer": "Kyrgyzstan", + "answer_id": "m.0jt3tjf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with the area in which the newspaper Legal Daily is circulated", + "question": "Which countries, share a border with the location, in which the newspaper, Legal Daily, is circulated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.08d3jj . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_4113aede1f017d18f13a198d67c8acae", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sydney Harbour Bridge", + "answer_id": "m.0701q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the structure opened earliest", + "question": "What structure in Sydney, Australia open earliest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1976_71b362b8a4ed4c3bf8a49365c167cb6d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Les Phoc\u00e9ens", + "OM", + "l'OM", + "Olympique Marseille" + ], + "answer": "Olympique de Marseille", + "answer_id": "m.02gys2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T12:10:53", + "machine_question": "what team did drogba play for and is the sports team was founded earliest", + "question": "What team did Drogba play for that was founded the earliest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_y2f)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_y2f ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1976", + "webqsp_question": "what team did drogba play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3287_f1f681af525c09c55b3b0e283c6ec055", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Swedish krona", + "answer_id": "m.0485n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sweden", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:17:44", + "machine_question": "what is the currency of where the currency Swedish riksdaler is used called", + "question": "What is the name of the currency used where the Swedish riksdaler is used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_formerly_used ns:m.01bkbx . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3287", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency of sweden called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-472_bc5cf8cd59582d4a1c8f4c416c010e71", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazil Football Team", + "Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "Brazil Men's National Football Team", + "Brazil Mens Soccer Team", + "Brazil Mens National Soccer Team", + "Brazil Men's Football Team", + "Brazil Mens Football Team", + "Brazil Men's National Soccer Team", + "Brazil National Soccer Team", + "Brazil Mens National Football Team", + "Brazil national football", + "Brazil Soccer Team", + "Brazil Men's Soccer Team" + ], + "answer": "Brazil national football team", + "answer_id": "m.01352_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:53:15", + "machine_question": "what team did ronaldo play for in 2003 and the sports team arena stadium is Maracan\u00c3\u00a3 Stadium", + "question": "What team did Ronaldo play for in 2003 used the Maracan\u00c3\u00a3 Stadium as their arena?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0hhqw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0hhqw ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2003-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2003-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.01qv4y . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-472", + "webqsp_question": "what team did ronaldo play for in 2003" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2494_12a8120ebbe8094300976a263cbfc8ab", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "the (big) smoke", + "The Great Wen", + "London, England", + "Londres", + "Capital of Great Britain" + ], + "answer": "London", + "answer_id": "m.04jpl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Holsworthy, Devon" + ], + "answer": "Holsworthy", + "answer_id": "m.062m9r" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Stockwell, London" + ], + "answer": "Stockwell", + "answer_id": "m.0nc84" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "roger moore", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:11:12", + "machine_question": "where did the actor that played in the film The Fiction Makers live", + "question": "In which city, did the actor that is in the movie, The Fiction Makers, live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0dl6kb9 . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2494", + "webqsp_question": "where did roger moore live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2808_b48708c5870889e3e906da76a87ec92d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Rand" + ], + "answer": "South African rand", + "answer_id": "m.01rmbs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "south africa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:06:34", + "machine_question": "what currency does the location where the film \"The Last Leprechaun\" takes place have", + "question": "What currency do they use at the location where \"The Last Leprechaun\" takes place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.04j21rw . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2808", + "webqsp_question": "what currency does south africa have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_0cf1031fcb74817dc13720bf87a54fc7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East of the Uruguay", + "Eastern Republic of Uruguay", + "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" + ], + "answer": "Uruguay", + "answer_id": "m.07twz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and the country calling code is greater than 591", + "question": "What countries neighboring Argentina have a country calling code higher than 591?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jgd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 591) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_cacb594d9e84c4a7ada7c798e08e57d6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Shake-speare", + "William 'Budd' Shakespeare", + "The Bard of Avon", + "Will Shakespeare", + "William Shakespare", + "Shakspere", + "England's national poet", + "The Bard", + "William Shaxper", + "Shaxper", + "Shakespeare", + "William Shake-speare", + "Budd", + "William Shakspere", + "William Shaksper", + "W. Shakespeare", + "Shaksper" + ], + "answer": "William Shakespeare", + "answer_id": "m.081k8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by and is the person that said \"...O brave new world, That has such people in't!\"", + "question": "Who said \"...O brave new world, That has such people in't!\" that influenced Arthur Miller?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yfp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yfp ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.02hylh0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1173", + "webqsp_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-838_1418776dad84ad8bbc9f1562114bc7a5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portugal Mens Football Team", + "Portugal National Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's Football Team", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Portugal National Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Soccer Team", + "Portugal's national football team", + "Selec\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Os Navegadores", + "Portugal Mens Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's National Soccer Team", + "Portugal national football", + "A Selec\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Seleccao das Quinas", + "Portugal Men's Soccer Team", + "Portugal Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Football Team", + "Portugal Soccer Team", + "The Navigators", + "Portugal Men's National Football Team" + ], + "answer": "Portugal national football team", + "answer_id": "m.02rqxc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cristiano ronaldo", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:49:38", + "machine_question": "what team does the actor that played in the film Golden Shoes play for 2011", + "question": "Which team did the actor from \"Golden Shoes\" play on in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0w1rrm1 . \n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-838", + "webqsp_question": "what team does cristiano ronaldo play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-954_b9c2b038c9725c5c5b6ee1cb234de5be", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Fresco", + "answer_id": "m.02_3k" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Painting", + "answer_id": "m.05qdh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "the school of athens", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:33:11", + "machine_question": "what medium is the topic of the image Escola de atenas - vaticano", + "question": "What is the medium of the work \"Escola de atenas - vaticano?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.0cpcjt9 . \n?c ns:visual_art.artwork.art_form ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-954", + "webqsp_question": "what medium is the school of athens" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_055ae4f2a469d90b0120eeccfe13e846", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker bell 4", + "Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods", + "Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker Bell: A Winter Story" + ], + "answer": "Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings", + "answer_id": "m.0crfwmx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and is the movie that Mae Whitman played in", + "question": "Which movie did Lucy Hale star in alongside Mae Whitman?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.starring ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.013vdl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1005_3267a0a50ded7935b79be2c299d2f800", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rabat", + "answer_id": "m.0fs44" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "morocco", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:17:12", + "machine_question": "what is capital city of the country where Brasseries de Maroc Casablanca beer is made", + "question": "The capital city of the country, where the Brasseries de Maroc Casablanca beer is manufactured?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dq9c9 . \n?c ns:location.country.capital ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1005", + "webqsp_question": "what is capital city of morocco" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_a8879695f97255d5d6869487ff36be17", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dawlat Qa\u1e6dar", + "State of Qatar" + ], + "answer": "Qatar", + "answer_id": "m.0697s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and that was ruled by Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani", + "question": "What Arabic-speaking nation was ruled by Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:royalty.kingdom.rulers ns:m.01r7hx . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_8880884172395f9aedf8d116c1aef94d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and country that its currency of nomianl gdp per capita is United States Dollar", + "question": "What country borders Slovakia and has the United States Dollar as its currency of nominal GDP per capita?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.gdp_nominal_per_capita ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_money_value.currency ns:m.09nqf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_21e505801d82f3ddc564d92191a60afd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Melissa & Joey", + "answer_id": "m.0b6kw6d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and the tv program \"tvrage_id\" is largest", + "question": "Which of the tv shows on which Joey Lawrence played has the largest \"tvrage_id\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.tvrage_id ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1529_58e9566abd822ef6687a4e1a0a22926c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:00:02", + "machine_question": "what does guyana speak and is the language found in the fictional universe The Tortall Universe", + "question": "What language is shared by both Guyana and the fictional universe The Tortall Universe?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.034m8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.034m8 ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.02k6v6k . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1529", + "webqsp_question": "what does guyana speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-577_7f36f7ebaa2370a85d5f2f0ba39ca66f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Arkansas, main campus", + "University of Arkansas, Fayetteville", + "U of A" + ], + "answer": "University of Arkansas", + "answer_id": "m.01rc6f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:12:34", + "machine_question": "where did derek fisher go to college and the organiztion founding date is earliest", + "question": "Where did Derek Fisher go to school with the earliest founding date?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04lvwk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04lvwk ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:organization.organization.date_founded ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-577", + "webqsp_question": "where did derek fisher go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1819_f3518e7c28ab856cf7e4795c229cc993", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Protestant" + ], + "answer": "Protestantism", + "answer_id": "m.05sfs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:38:50", + "machine_question": "what religion does canada follow and the religion of which Huldrych Zwingli is a founding figure", + "question": "What religion in which Huldrych Zwingil is a founding figure is the faith widely practiced in Canada?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.founding_figures ns:m.03jp4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1819", + "webqsp_question": "what religion does canada follow" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_b10bde702bb6c68ce3cdced85d5aff02", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and film casting director was Cathy Sandrich", + "question": "What films has Liam Hemsworth acted in and whose casting director was Cathy Sandrich?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_casting_director ns:m.093vwj4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_fbb250d577dae6a4255a0a693c10fb6d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic Republic of Nepal", + "Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal" + ], + "answer": "Nepal", + "answer_id": "m.016zwt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Vietnam", + "Viet nam", + "Socialist Republic of Vietnam", + "Annam" + ], + "answer": "Vietnam", + "answer_id": "m.01crd5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nippon-koku", + "JPN", + "\u042f\u043f\u043e\u043d\u0438\u044f", + "JAP", + "Nihon", + "Dai-Nippon", + "Nippon", + "NTSC J", + "Japan", + "State of Japan", + "Land of the Rising Sun", + "Nihon-koku" + ], + "answer": "Japan", + "answer_id": "m.03_3d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bharat Ganrajya", + "Hindustan", + "Bharat", + "Republic of India", + "The Republic of India" + ], + "answer": "India", + "answer_id": "m.03rk0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lao People's Democratic Republic", + "\ub77c\uc624\uc2a4" + ], + "answer": "Laos", + "answer_id": "m.04hhv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mongolia", + "answer_id": "m.04w8f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Burma", + "\u30df\u30e3\u30f3\u30de\u30fc\u9023\u90a6\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Myanmar (Burma)", + "Republic of the Union of Myanmar" + ], + "answer": "Myanmar", + "answer_id": "m.04xn_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", + "DPRK" + ], + "answer": "North Korea", + "answer_id": "m.05b7q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federation of Pakistan", + "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" + ], + "answer": "Pakistan", + "answer_id": "m.05sb1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Russian Federation", + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u044f" + ], + "answer": "Russia", + "answer_id": "m.06bnz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "ROC", + "Chinese Taipei", + "Taiwan, Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "Taiwan", + "answer_id": "m.06f32" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bhutan", + "answer_id": "m.07bxhl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tajikistan", + "answer_id": "m.07dvs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + 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Belton located", + "question": "What county does political office holder Jerry T. Belton reside in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.04gxb26 . \n?c ns:location.hud_county_place.county ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1920", + "webqsp_question": "where is chowchilla located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2306_b9fcc0a94cf54b955bf68d9f57645ab6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Koran", + "Coran", + "Qur\u2019\u0101n", + "Al-Qur\u2019\u0101n" + ], + "answer": "Quran", + "answer_id": "m.096tx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:45:38", + "machine_question": "what is the name of the sacred text of islam and that is in the genre of Religion", + "question": "In the realm of religion, what is the name of the sacred text of Islam?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0flw86)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0flw86 ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n?x ns:book.book.genre ns:m.06bvp . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2306", + "webqsp_question": "what is the name of the sacred text of islam" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_b53622798fb1c77182818116211fd78d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, USA", + "Empire City", + "City of New York", + "New York City, New York", + "New-York", + "\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e8\u30fc\u30af\u5e02", + "Gotham", + "New York", + "New York, NY", + "The Melting Pot", + "Richmond County / New York city", + "NYC", + "The Big Apple", + "New York, N.Y.", + "New York, New York", + "The Capital of the World" + ], + "answer": "New York City", + "answer_id": "m.02_286" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and is the location where Nathan O. 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Kaplan\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3563_826423d37d41eab28018360bdb9d3a7b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dry Tortugas National" + ], + "answer": "Dry Tortugas National Park", + "answer_id": "m.02zjt1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Legoland Florida, Winter Haven" + ], + "answer": "Legoland Florida", + "answer_id": "m.0b6d60t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Downey" + ], + "answer": "Downey Park", + "answer_id": "m.0dl60w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Westfield Westland" + ], + "answer": "Westland Mall", + "answer_id": "m.0n53kv5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:09:48", + "machine_question": "where to go in the state that held the United States Senate election in Florida, 2010 for vacation", + "question": "Where should I go in the state that held the 2010 United States Senate election, in Florida, for vacation?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_district.elections ns:m.0521sch . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-196_58e9566abd822ef6687a4e1a0a22926c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:06:34", + "machine_question": "what language do navajo people speak and is the language found in the fictional universe The Tortall Universe", + "question": "What language do the Navajo people and the fictional Tortall Universe have in common?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.08k5jg)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.08k5jg ns:people.ethnicity.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.02k6v6k . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-196", + "webqsp_question": "what language do navajo people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1109_883da0e7d1446f3840d84fcf37cf2145", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisian dinar", + "answer_id": "m.04z4ml" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tunisia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:58:02", + "machine_question": "what is the currency used in the location where the film \"Red Satin\" takes place", + "question": "What currency is used in the setting of \"Red Satin?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:g.1213ts_l . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1109", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency used in tunisia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1920_b65e794bdc92c33b860854c74d7941d4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madera County", + "answer_id": "m.0l2gz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chowchilla", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:52:59", + "machine_question": "where is the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Chowchilla City Council Member located", + "question": "Which county has the position title of Chowchilla City Council Member?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.04gw_7y . \n?c ns:location.hud_county_place.county ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1920", + "webqsp_question": "where is chowchilla located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_0d934d5e6aac7556c3df469e54e6a96a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Henrik Johan Ibsen", + "The Father of Modern Drama", + "the father of realism", + "Hendrik Ibsen", + "Ibsen", + "Henrik Ibs\u00e9n", + "Henryk Ibsen", + "Enrique Ibsen", + "H. Ibsen" + ], + "answer": "Henrik Ibsen", + "answer_id": "m.03pm9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sofokles", + "Sophokles", + "Sophocles Dexion" + ], + "answer": "Sophocles", + "answer_id": "m.06pzl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Shake-speare", + "William 'Budd' Shakespeare", + "The Bard of Avon", + "Will Shakespeare", + "William Shakespare", + "Shakspere", + "England's national poet", + "The Bard", + "William Shaxper", + "Shaxper", + "Shakespeare", + "William Shake-speare", + "Budd", + "William Shakspere", + "William Shaksper", + "W. Shakespeare", + "Shaksper" + ], + "answer": "William Shakespeare", + "answer_id": "m.081k8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "arthur miller", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was the author who published editions for Death of a salesman influenced by", + "question": "Who was the author that published \"Death of a Salesman\" influenced by?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.059d0gr . \n?c ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1173", + "webqsp_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_db823e53be1138fba81bb96a197175b9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Blossom", + "answer_id": "m.0g0tw9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Melissa & Joey", + "answer_id": "m.02xwgb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gimme a Break!", + "answer_id": "m.036y7h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Brotherly Love", + "answer_id": "m.0b6kw6d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and is the tv program has number of searson greater than 1", + "question": "What TV show with more than one season was Joey Lawrence in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.number_of_seasons ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 1) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_dea38577dc62de7675415718be1c9286", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sen John Warner", + "John W. 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[], + "answer": "Kingdom of Great Britain", + "answer_id": "m.014tss" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:33:33", + "machine_question": "where people speak welsh and is the country that has Norn Language as a spoken language", + "question": "What country speaks Welsh and uses the Norn language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.083tk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.083tk ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.05k1n . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3363", + "webqsp_question": "where people speak welsh" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2808_8ff2dc88b692bb2c0c25d40127e0a566", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Rand" + ], + "answer": "South African rand", + "answer_id": "m.01rmbs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "south africa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:06:34", + "machine_question": "what currency does the place where breed Dorper originated in have", + "question": "Which currency is used in the country where the Dorper breed originated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:g.121fx07g . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2808", + "webqsp_question": "what currency does south africa have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3563_cf55d9591eb3d3add7dc45f8927c77ee", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dry Tortugas National" + ], + "answer": "Dry Tortugas National Park", + "answer_id": "m.02zjt1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Legoland Florida, Winter Haven" + ], + "answer": "Legoland Florida", + "answer_id": "m.0b6d60t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Downey" + ], + "answer": "Downey Park", + "answer_id": "m.0dl60w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Westfield Westland" + ], + "answer": "Westland Mall", + "answer_id": "m.0n53kv5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:09:48", + "machine_question": "where to go in the location where the film \"Catching Trouble\" takes place for vacation", + "question": "What is there to do at the place where the movie \"Catching Trouble\" takes place for vacation?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0g4mxn4 . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1522_02af631ca21ce9327ed8698a0256ab42", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin", + "answer_id": "m.04t22yt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Reluctant Mr. Darwin", + "answer_id": "m.04w2xy1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin", + "answer_id": "m.04w3np9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin and the Darwinian revolution", + "answer_id": "m.04wfcd6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin on Trial", + "answer_id": "m.050mcx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin and His Great Discovery", + "answer_id": "m.0fhpn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:59:37", + "machine_question": "what is the work of charles darwin and is about Natural history", + "question": "What works by Charles Darwin are about natural history?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01lwx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01lwx ns:book.book_subject.works ?x .\n?x ns:book.written_work.subjects ns:m.01664_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1522", + "webqsp_question": "what is the work of charles darwin" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1871_a885d769cf6ba8e3eb791b1961dc3c25", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chinese", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:46:49", + "machine_question": "what language do the area in which the newspaper Reference News is circulated", + "question": "What language is spoken in the area where the newspaper \"Reference News\" is circulated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.08fgv5 . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1871", + "webqsp_question": "what language do chinese" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_2cb97dc9d778b69fd832740909b026a9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Belarus", + "Respublika Belarus\u2019", + "Bellarussiya", + "Bielaru\u015b" + ], + "answer": "Belarus", + "answer_id": "m.0163v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": "Estonia", + "answer_id": "m.02kmm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lettland", + "Republic of Latvia" + ], + "answer": "Latvia", + "answer_id": "m.04g5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + 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"composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does the place where breed Vyatka horse originated in border", + "question": "What countries border the birthplace of the Vyatka horse breed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.06ddh9 . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1804_4afc4c42cf5d16a6b4efff290c4cbe15", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Bulgaria" + ], + "answer": "Bulgaria", + "answer_id": "m.015qh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:36", + "machine_question": "what 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newspaper Daily Nation is circulated", + "question": "What currency is used in the area where the Daily Nation newspaper is distributed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.07m5gq . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-453", + "webqsp_question": "what currency do they accept in kenya" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1418_21f529a213e4a40853042c47d18eedbe", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Piney", + "Christopher Whitelaw \"Chris\" Pine", + "Peen\u00e8", + "Pinewood", + "the new Harrison Ford", + "Christopher Whitelaw Pine" + ], + "answer": "Chris Pine", + "answer_id": "m.0c6g1l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek and who died on 1980-08-26", + "question": "Who died on 08-26-1980 who played Captain Kirk in \"Star Trek\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0crtw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0crtw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.date_of_birth \"1980-08-26\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1418", + "webqsp_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_b89a9b7273268ece64bf2e2dc38c53a4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Needle", + "Space Needle, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Space Needle", + "answer_id": "m.01k7v7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "L.C. Smith Building" + ], + "answer": "Smith Tower", + "answer_id": "m.01r0v3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Woodland Park Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.02dxmq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pike Place Market, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Pike Place Market", + "answer_id": "m.02k953" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Museum of Flight", + "answer_id": "m.02kl80" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pacific Science" + ], + "answer": "Pacific Science Center", + "answer_id": "m.02ks_p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Electric Company Georgetown Steam Plant", + "Georgetown Steam Plant, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown Steam Plant", + "answer_id": "m.02rp3lq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Aquarium", + "answer_id": "m.02xg6w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Asian Art" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Asian Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03325p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Frye Art" + ], + "answer": "Frye Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332cl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Art", + "Seattle Art Museum Downtown" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332j6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Henry Art Gallery", + "answer_id": "m.035pqt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nordic Heritage" + ], + "answer": "Nordic Heritage Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03t00j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tillicum" + ], + "answer": "Tillicum Village", + "answer_id": "m.04n53vb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Great Wheel", + "answer_id": "m.0k2k2n2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SIFF" + ], + "answer": "Seattle International Film Festival", + "answer_id": "m.0prqs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "EMP Museum", + "Experience Music Project", + "Seattle Center: Experience Music Project", + "EMP|SFM", + "Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame" + ], + "answer": "Experience Music Project Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0pxmn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Garden of Remembrance", + "answer_id": "m.0y657tp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "seattle wa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in where the government Government and politics of Seattle is located", + "question": "What are some known attractions in the area under the jursidiction where the government of Seattle is located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.05cm6g . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2631_56fc3d324b31062278669012623dcabc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Turkey", + "T\u00fcrkiye", + "Turkiye" + ], + "answer": "Turkey", + "answer_id": "m.01znc_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:36:12", + "machine_question": "what countries are the mediterranean and the location's emissions per capita in dated metric ton is 0.600921", + "question": "What country is in the mediterranean and has emissions per capita in dated metric ton of 0.600921?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04swx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04swx ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.co2_emissions_per_capita ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_metric_ton.number \"0.600921\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2631", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are the mediterranean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-73_89e002ff7250ffeee9ef6f385a7a0658", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom" + ], + "answer": "Monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.04szc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:32", + "machine_question": "what form of government was practiced in sparta and in locations where Ant\u00c3\u00a3o Martins Homem was born in", + "question": "What form of government is used in Sparta where Ant\u00c3\u00a3o Martins Homem was born?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.09472)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.09472 ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ?c .\n?c ns:location.location.people_born_here ns:g.122wbmv4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-73", + "webqsp_question": "what form of government was practiced in sparta" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1418_fe61394117742d2cc898606ef627d80a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill", + "The Shat", + "Bill Shatner", + "William Shanter", + "William Schattner", + "Billy", + "Fear of Pop", + "William Alan Shatner" + ], + "answer": "William Shatner", + "answer_id": "m.084m3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek and was an award nominee in the 30th TCA Awards ceremony", + "question": "Who was an award nominee in the 30th TCA Awards and played Captain Kirk in Star Trek?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0crtw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0crtw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.ceremony ns:m.010p_06v . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1418", + "webqsp_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1732_b1480ece997f1874ffe1e798158242f9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Wurzburg", + "University of W\u00fcrzburg, main campus" + ], + "answer": "University of W\u00fcrzburg", + "answer_id": "m.03563j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:20:09", + "machine_question": "where did theodor schwann get his education and is the university that has number of postgraduates smallest", + "question": "What university with the lowest number of postgraduates did Theodor Schwann attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.040000)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.040000 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_postgraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1732", + "webqsp_question": "where did theodor schwann get his education" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3271_2d34b2062aa20befeaba755890a936d0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mapuche", + "Mapudungu", + "Mapudungun", + "Araucano", + "Maputongo" + ], + "answer": "Mapudungun Language", + "answer_id": "m.01zn1j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:16:31", + "machine_question": "what does chilean people speak and that has initials arn", + "question": "What language with the initials arn do Chilean people speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01p1v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01p1v ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.iso_639_3_code \"arn\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3271", + "webqsp_question": "what does chilean people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1915_d11d8731a4c96e15f1feef1f7515ff97", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hawaii-Aleutian Time" + ], + "answer": "Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02lctm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hawaii", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:52:46", + "machine_question": "what is time zone in the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named David M. Louie", + "question": "What is the timezone where David M. Louie is a government office holder?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.0g56924 . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1915", + "webqsp_question": "what is time zone in hawaii" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_3a1fed3385c962defb2d47b9ce0720b0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and ended governmental position latest", + "question": "What influencer of Whitman's poetry was the last to end their governmental position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1804_29d62c66b3b2bc4938023788455b5bc7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Netherlands", + "Nederlands", + "Holland", + "Nederland", + "Hollanti" + ], + "answer": "Netherlands", + "answer_id": "m.059j2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:36", + "machine_question": "what countries are part of nato and produce the beer Grolsch", + "question": "What NATO member nation produces the beer Grolsch?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059dn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059dn ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.02nvpkg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1804", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are part of nato" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_956b0d9a7b66719e1666cf4a5bae9d5a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician that end tenure latest", + "question": "Which politician who influenced the poetry of Walt Whitman ended their tenure last?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.to ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3772_c304fd0564b819c2863dfebd8391dea1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "rouble" + ], + "answer": "Russian ruble", + "answer_id": "m.01hy_q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:40:47", + "machine_question": "what do you call the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Government of Russia currency", + "question": "What is the currency of the jurisdiction with the governing body called the government of Russia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.02ps5qq . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3772", + "webqsp_question": "what do you call russian currency" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1274_75e404b7b1c7c53e745bc5ffea846b59", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Cambridge School of Weston Inc" + ], + "answer": "The Cambridge School of Weston", + "answer_id": "m.06b84v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:20:15", + "machine_question": "where did helen keller go to school and the organiztion founding date is after 1879", + "question": "What school Helen Keller attended has an organizational founding date later than 1879?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03ppx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03ppx ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:organization.organization.date_founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1879\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1274", + "webqsp_question": "where did helen keller go to school" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2282_ea2ebb70f3bbf125f6abc008b4b71344", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Allan Kaprow", + "answer_id": "m.04187y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:42:06", + "machine_question": "what influenced roy lichtenstein artwork and the person's date of death is earliest", + "question": "Of those that influenced Roy Lichtenstein's artwork, with the earliest person's date of death?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0gcgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0gcgd ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.date_of_death ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2282", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced roy lichtenstein artwork" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1109_ff1c5d0353929864558b4525e67aa548", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisian dinar", + "answer_id": "m.04z4ml" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tunisia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:58:02", + "machine_question": "what is the currency used in the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Zine El Abidine Ben Ali", + "question": "What is the currency used at the location, that has governmental office holder with the name, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.022nys . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1109", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency used in tunisia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2150_6513ed680ff824d0f6c8473f03134ac8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Belize", + "answer_id": "m.0164b" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 countries does mexico border and the country calling code is 501", + "question": "What 3 countries with the calling code 501 border Mexico?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0b90_r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0b90_r ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code \"501\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2150", + "webqsp_question": "what 3 countries does mexico border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_1e133adb06c94e7093cef55735631078", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Magyarorsz\u00e1g", + "Hungary, Europe" + ], + "answer": "Hungary", + "answer_id": "m.03gj2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and that was ruled by Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor", + "question": "What bordering country to Slovakia that was ruled by Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:royalty.kingdom.rulers ns:m.01301y . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_bd80e8091548249374dbd3544ac342b3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and has an official symbol of In God we trust", + "question": "What state with an official symbol of \"In God We Trust\" does Sam Shepard live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.01vzlt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1005_69bcd525167836f8b61c8bd6f124d27e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rabat", + "answer_id": "m.0fs44" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "morocco", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:17:12", + "machine_question": "what is capital city of the location where the film \"Kundun\" takes place", + "question": "What's the capital city of the place where Kundun was filmed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.05dy7p . \n?c ns:location.country.capital ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1005", + "webqsp_question": "what is capital city of morocco" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2995_cd3eceb1d75a56a308aa0154aca64389", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Chief Justice of the United States", + "answer_id": "m.07szk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "supreme court", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:31:15", + "machine_question": "what is a judge in the court in which Samuel Chase serves as a judge called", + "question": "What is a judge in the court in which Samuel Chase serves is called?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court.judges ?k .\n?k ns:law.judicial_tenure.judge ns:m.01mpt9 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_body.offices_positions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2995", + "webqsp_question": "what is a judge in the supreme court called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_baa56f61144644731c17f3d326a0a1ba", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sorority Wars", + "answer_id": "m.0b6q30j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and in which costumes where designed by Antoinette Messam", + "question": "Which film in which Lucy Hale appeared featured costumes designed by Antoinette Messam?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.costume_design_by ns:m.05spd9c . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1430_58bcef961a48d836ae7f4d180b98f3a5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq", + "answer_id": "m.01j5_1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "pakistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:44:14", + "machine_question": "who was the president of the place where breed Gull Dong originated in in 1980", + "question": "Who was the president of the location in 1980 , where the breed Gull Dong originated at?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.027y_l4 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"1980-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"1980-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1430", + "webqsp_question": "who was the president of pakistan in 1980" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3363_9ed0d6bc4c0a2357c322a706a7972b01", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kingdom of Great Britain", + "answer_id": "m.014tss" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:33:33", + "machine_question": "where people speak welsh and that was ruled by George III of the United Kingdom", + "question": "In which country formerly ruled by George III of the United Kingdom is Welsh spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.083tk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.083tk ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:royalty.kingdom.rulers ns:m.0bk4s . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3363", + "webqsp_question": "where people speak welsh" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-838_b6077507bbaab84d25fcd56dde6347d7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portugal Mens Football Team", 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], + "composition_answer": "minneapolis mn", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:00:40", + "machine_question": "what county is the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Mayor of Minneapolis in", + "question": "What county is the place that has position The Mayor of Minneapolis located in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.0k1c1dr . \n?c ns:location.hud_county_place.county ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1534", + "webqsp_question": "what county is minneapolis mn in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-472_34a2160642ab46f973754880759665f8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazil Football Team", + "Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "Brazil Men's National Football Team", + "Brazil 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in the movie \"Teleton 2011\" played for in 2003?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0pbvzxb . \n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2003-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2003-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-472", + "webqsp_question": "what team did ronaldo play for in 2003" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1475_f48754b3e63aba1e88727e56a14afae8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guitar", + "answer_id": "m.0342h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Slide guitar", + "answer_id": "m.06w7v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "johnny depp", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:43:52", + "machine_question": "what type of guitar does the artist which recorded American Dreamers play", + "question": "Which type of guitar, does the artist, that recorded American Dreamers play?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0245lzz . \n?c ns:music.group_member.instruments_played ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1475", + "webqsp_question": "what type of guitar does johnny depp play" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2686_d3a350fc31cc0fa0443dba4ac10515b5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "USD", + "$", + "US Dollar", + "US $", + "US Currency", + "US$", + "Federal Reserve Note", + "American Dollar", + "Greenback" + ], + "answer": "United States Dollar", + "answer_id": "m.09nqf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "puerto rico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:44:36", + "machine_question": "what type of currency is used in where the government Government of Puerto Rico is located", + "question": "What type of money is used in the country that is led by the Government of Puerto Rico?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.0ktgx . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2686", + "webqsp_question": "what type of currency is used in puerto rico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_0335a1cf2a2ee90e69a84fc8c2db0bfb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SC", + "Palmetto State" + ], + "answer": "South Carolina", + "answer_id": "m.06yxd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:42:23", + "machine_question": "where is usc from and has an official symbol of Spotted salamander", + "question": "What state has official symbol of Spotted Salamander and University of South Carolina?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03tw2s)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03tw2s ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.021p8m . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3475_ee0846a1d115bdd5408f2aef3542ab79", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Old Continent" + ], + "answer": "Europe", + "answer_id": "m.02j9z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "danish", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:53:29", + "machine_question": "where is the country where THY 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"webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1948", + "webqsp_question": "who is the current president of china 2010" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-577_5a204e73c296666f7074739bbf34307c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Arkansas, main campus", + "University of Arkansas, Fayetteville", + "U of A" + ], + "answer": "University of Arkansas", + "answer_id": "m.01rc6f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:12:34", + "machine_question": "where did derek fisher go to college and is the university that has number of postgraduates 3777", + "question": "Where did Derek Fisher go to school that has 3777 postgraduates?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04lvwk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04lvwk ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_postgraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"3777\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-577", + "webqsp_question": "where did derek fisher go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_d14b0fb81ffe51a1a9d49edc2e26c5bc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Azerbaijan", + "Az\u0259rbaycan Respublikas\u0131" + ], + "answer": "Azerbaijan", + "answer_id": "m.0jhd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and the ISO numeric of the country is less than 112", + "question": "Which country does Russia border, and has an ISO numeric of is less than 112 for the country?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 112) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_ca0429e8f663cb008b2fcfe4f153ff61", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2", + "answer_id": "m.02qrr8j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and is the film that was released before 2008-11-18", + "question": "What film featuring Lucy Hale was released prior to 18 November 2008?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2008-11-18\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_b1431a337b61d185014a2b93da54f365", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and the ISO numeric of the country is largest", + "question": "What country with the highest ISO numeric borders Slovakia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_22837422e25cf0a05cb0efba9aa80402", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Happy Smekday!" + ], + "answer": "Home", + "answer_id": "m.0mwfph8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and involves organization National Film Board of Canada", + "question": "Which film starring Rhianna involved the National Film Board of Canada?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ?c .\n?c ns:organization.organization_sector.organizations_in_this_sector ns:m.014l4w . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1418_534881cac6fab0c5000c0f2f7a4d1bf5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill", + "The Shat", + "Bill Shatner", + "William Shanter", + "William Schattner", + "Billy", + "Fear of Pop", + "William Alan Shatner" + ], + "answer": "William Shatner", + "answer_id": "m.084m3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek and is the actor that played the character Cmdr. 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Buck Murdoch?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0crtw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0crtw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:m.02nw9x1 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1418", + "webqsp_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2238_995227fc5dda25d790a913ba7ce06ae5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Phins", + "The Fish", + "The Fins" + ], + "answer": "Miami Dolphins", + "answer_id": "m.04vn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:35:15", + "machine_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011 and is the sports team was founded before 1967", + "question": "What Florida Football Team founded prior to 1967 is associated with Reggie Bush circa 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1967\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2238", + "webqsp_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2947_2e99899b5df19ef093090cc1957a4833", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Femowen", + "Arwen Evenstar", + "Arwen Undomiel" + ], + "answer": "Arwen", + "answer_id": "m.0h1b6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "liv tyler", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:37", + "machine_question": "what character did the actor that played the character Pamela Abbott play in lord of the rings", + "question": "Who did the actress that played the character Pamela Abbott play in \"Lord of the Rings\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.04hdt3x . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.017gl1 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2947", + "webqsp_question": "what character did liv tyler play in lord of the rings" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_d3db1d9ee6141b3c28a84d22629a8647", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sydney Opera" + ], + "answer": "Sydney Opera House", + "answer_id": "m.06_nm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and location with the street address Bennelong Point", + "question": "What should I go see in Sydney Australia that's located on Bennelong Point?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.street_address ?c .\n?c ns:location.mailing_address.street_address \"Bennelong Point\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_8ac6c46f2be80c22d4a59df16f1de752", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Expendables II" + ], + "answer": "The Expendables 2", + "answer_id": "m.0gffmn8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and with debut in Buenos Aires", + "question": "What movie starring Liam Hemsworth debut in Buenos Aires?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.film_regional_debut_venue ns:m.01ly5m . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1472_49e701f7e2f280457335458592967e9e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\"Stone Cold\" Steve", + "Stephen Burton", + "Jack Stephen Burton" + ], + "answer": "Steve Burton", + "answer_id": "m.035n85" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:52:44", + "machine_question": "who is playing jason morgan on general hospital and that was born in Indianapolis", + "question": "What actor born in Indianapolis plays Jason Morgan on General Hospital?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0358x_)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0358x_ ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ns:m.0b4nb8 .\n?x ns:people.person.place_of_birth ns:m.0ftxw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1472", + "webqsp_question": "who is playing jason morgan on general hospital" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2774_c9376472c73ec3b81359b14a66d26c53", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New jack swing", + "answer_id": "m.021_z5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "Modern R&B" + ], + "answer": "Contemporary R&B", + "answer_id": "m.025sc50" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Disco music" + ], + "answer": "Disco", + "answer_id": "m.026z9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Motown Sound", + "answer_id": "m.02bqnt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Electronic" + ], + "answer": "Electronic music", + "answer_id": "m.02lkt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dance-pop", + "answer_id": "m.02lnbg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Adult contemporary" + ], + "answer": "Adult contemporary music", + "answer_id": "m.02vjzr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Funk music" + ], + "answer": "Funk", + "answer_id": "m.02x8m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Post Disco" + ], + "answer": "Post-disco", + "answer_id": "m.03c34yl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pop rock", + "answer_id": "m.05bt6j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pop", + "pop" + ], + "answer": "Pop music", + "answer_id": "m.064t9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u05e8\u05d5\u05e7", + "Rock" + ], + "answer": "Rock music", + "answer_id": "m.06by7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "RnB" + ], + "answer": "Rhythm and blues", + "answer_id": "m.06j6l" + 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"aliases": [ + "Bill Haslam", + "Mayor Bill Haslam", + "William Edward Haslam", + "William Haslam", + "William Edward \"Bill\" Haslam" + ], + "answer": "William Haslam", + "answer_id": "m.04mp6v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tennessee", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:59:21", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of where the government Government of Tennessee is located", + "question": "Who's the state governor of where Government of Tennessee is located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.0cm8kyf . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-147", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of tennessee" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-652_b803f7cb1ed033efb84cf19de9fa09eb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mexicans", + "Mexican" + ], + "answer": "Mexicans", + "answer_id": "m.09k5jvk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Italian-American" + ], + "answer": "Italian American", + "answer_id": "m.0xnvg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "selena gomez", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:22:27", + "machine_question": "what kind of hispanic is the actor that played in the film Arwin!", + "question": "What type of Hispanic is the actor who 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langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.thetvdb_id \"72143\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-408_2d05b76188fee2590cc3e68d4d795a84", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "George F. 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"webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1871_fbb250d577dae6a4255a0a693c10fb6d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chinese", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:46:49", + "machine_question": "what language do the country where Guangzhou Zhu Jiang Brewery Co.Ltd. 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over artist", + "Voice artist", + "Voice Director" + ], + "answer": "Voice Actor", + "answer_id": "m.0np9r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ellen bernstein", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:05:52", + "machine_question": "who is the artist aword nominated for Flowers in the Attic", + "question": "Who was the artist, that was nominated for an award , for Flowers in the Attic?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0_8bzym . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2801", + "webqsp_question": "who is ellen bernstein" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_67f5f717564163742ca2588b7e186fd8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and is the administrative division in the country of United States of America", + "question": "In what state did Laura Ingalls Wilder live in the United States?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01bt87)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.administrative_division.country ns:m.09c7w0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1684_74fbcc210241f5049a97274c4fa43026", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Chaucer" + ], + "answer": "Geoffrey Chaucer", + "answer_id": "m.03b_m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:15:54", + "machine_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing and was buried in Westminster Abbey", + "question": "What person who influenced William Shakespeare to start writing was buried in Westminster Abbey?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.081k8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.081k8 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_burial ns:m.0bvqq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1684", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_40c4288896adffe97901ff78149912e5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "S Dak", + "Mount Rushmore State", + "SD" + ], + "answer": "South Dakota", + "answer_id": "m.06mz5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and has an official symbol of Ring-necked Pheasant", + "question": "What is the state that has a Ring-necked pheasant as its official symbol is also the residence of Sam Shepard?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.01bx84 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam 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Clinton attend", + "question": "Which high school did the President who wrote the State of the Union Addresses of William J. Clinton attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04vs2vl . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hn6 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-23", + "webqsp_question": "what high school did president bill clinton attend" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1871_0f7ed9d5620cd27daca9903c682529bf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chinese", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:46:49", + "machine_question": "what language do the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Zeng Peiyan", + "question": "Which language is spoken at the location, that has a governmental office holder called, Zeng Peiyan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.09d14c . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1871", + "webqsp_question": "what language do chinese" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_953ef5b4a2a21c26fcb05016f8e0f35c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and is the country that has an internet top level domain of py", + "question": "What nation has an internet top level domain of py and is bordered by Bolivia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.internet_tld ns:m.04l3yx . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2774_ff0e5e7d97a818e7daf6e85cd11b453c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New jack swing", + "answer_id": "m.021_z5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "Modern R&B" + ], + "answer": "Contemporary R&B", + "answer_id": "m.025sc50" + }, + { + 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"answer_id": "m.0xbm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:13:18", + "machine_question": "who has won the most fa cup and is the sports team was founded latest", + "question": "Which sports team was the latest founded, and has won the most FA cups?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count)\n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n {\n SELECT (MAX(?count) AS ?maxCount)\n WHERE {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count) \n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n }\n FILTER (?maxCount = ?count)?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2513", + "webqsp_question": "who has won the most fa cup" + }, + { + "ID": 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"composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:31:15", + "machine_question": "what is a judge in the court where judges with the title Chief Justice of the United States serve called", + "question": "What is the title of a judge in the court that has a Chief Justice of the United States?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court.judges ?k .\n?k ns:law.judicial_tenure.title ns:m.07szk . \n?c ns:government.governmental_body.offices_positions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2995", + "webqsp_question": "what is a judge in the supreme court called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2108_6463b5d4d186708788ca7b34de172f89", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Heather", + "answer_id": "m.0cg926d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "avril lavigne", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:17:34", + "machine_question": "who does the artist 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[ + "State of Israel" + ], + "answer": "Israel", + "answer_id": "m.03spz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "State of Israel" + ], + "answer": "Israel", + "answer_id": "m.03spz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Syrian Arab Republic" + ], + "answer": "Syria", + "answer_id": "m.06vbd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Syrian Arab Republic" + ], + "answer": "Syria", + "answer_id": "m.06vbd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Iraq", + "answer_id": "m.0d05q4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Iraq", + "answer_id": "m.0d05q4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and a military combatant which was involved in the military conflict of the Six-Day War", + "question": "Which country speaks the Arabic language, and was involved in the military conflict of the Six-Day War?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:military.military_combatant.casualties ?c .\n?c ns:military.casualties.military_conflict ns:m.0784z . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_229ad21bde59a69d52825593bbe35131", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East of the Uruguay", + "Eastern Republic of Uruguay", + "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" + ], + "answer": "Uruguay", + "answer_id": "m.07twz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "argentina", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border the country where Otro Mundo Golden Ale beer is made", + "question": "What countries neighbor the country that's home of Otro Mundo Golden Ale beer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqq99 . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_5c386ec362c900f6c7cb32d468b934db", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, USA", + "Empire City", + "City of New York", + "New York City, New York", + "New-York", + "\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e8\u30fc\u30af\u5e02", + "Gotham", + "New York", + "New York, NY", + "The Melting Pot", + "Richmond County / New York city", + "NYC", + "The Big Apple", + "New York, N.Y.", + "New York, New York", + "The Capital of the World" + ], + "answer": "New York City", + "answer_id": "m.02_286" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "Hennepin County / Minneapolis city" + ], + "answer": "Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Duluth, Minnesota", + "St. Louis County / Duluth city" + ], + "answer": "Duluth", + "answer_id": "m.0h1k6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "St. Louis County / Hibbing city", + "Hibbing, Minnesota" + ], + "answer": "Hibbing", + "answer_id": "m.0wjjx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bob dylan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did the subject of the film I'm Not There live", + "question": "Where did the subject of the movie \"I'm Not There\" live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0djlxb . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1792_ffdbb02b4add48ef853f39e580229071", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Scotia" + ], + "answer": "Scotland", + "answer_id": "m.06q1r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:16", + "machine_question": "where is midlothian scotland and is the government with official symbol of Animal emblem", + "question": "Where is midlothian Scotland located, and the government with an official symbol of an animal emblem?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.011w8v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.011w8v ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.Kind_of_symbol ns:m.04624m5 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1792", + "webqsp_question": "where is midlothian scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_6b6f19d9abc98d7eda3c6da9a66f1176", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East of the Uruguay", + "Eastern Republic of Uruguay", + "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" + ], + "answer": "Uruguay", + "answer_id": "m.07twz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "argentina", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border the place where breed Cordoba Fighting Dog originated in", + "question": "Which countries border the location where the Cordoba Fighting Dog breed originated at?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.07mfhs . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-334_0ab198918959e0a63172be1705632a9c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Judith Campbell", + "Judith Eileen Katherine Immoor", + "Judith Katherine Inmoor", + "Judith Campbell Exner", + "judith_exner", + "Judith Eileen Katherine Inmoor Exner", + "Judy Campbell" + ], + "answer": "Judith Exner", + "answer_id": "m.04n4r6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Marylin Monroe", + "Marilyn Monroe Miller", + "The Blonde Bombshell", + "Norma Jeane DiMaggio", + "MM", + "Norma Jeane Baker", + "Norma Jeane Dougherty", + "Merilin Monro", + "Marliyn Monroe", + "Jean Norman", + "Norma Jeane Mortenson", + "Norma Jeane Mortensen" + ], + "answer": "Marilyn Monroe", + "answer_id": "m.04wqr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "john kennedy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:34:09", + "machine_question": "who did the person that said \"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.\" have affairs with", + "question": "With whom did the person who said \"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names\" have affairs?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048kbz9 . \n?c ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?y .\n?y ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.celebrity ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-334", + "webqsp_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2238_338afd0cf5d79634a87f2153fc9847ce", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Phins", + "The Fish", + "The Fins" + ], + "answer": "Miami Dolphins", + "answer_id": "m.04vn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:35:15", + "machine_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011 and has a Free safety on its sports team roster", + "question": "Which team with a free safety on the roster did Reggie Bush play for in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.roster ?c .\n?c ns:sports.sports_team_roster.position ns:m.06v_1l3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2238", + "webqsp_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_33d04cfe92d79a2489293e56ff1910c3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter et le Prince de sang-m\u00eal\u00e9", + "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: An IMAX 3D Experience", + "HP and the HBP", + "The Half-Blood Prince" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", + "answer_id": "m.03hxsv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Incident on 57th Street" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", + "answer_id": "m.031778" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter si Pocalul de Foc", + "O Harry Potter kai to kypelo tis fotias", + "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The IMAX Experience", + "The Goblet of Fire", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to honoo no goburetto", + "Harry Potter i Plameni pehar", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u043a\u0443\u0431\u043e\u043a \u043e\u0433\u043d\u044f", + "Harry Potter och Den flammande b\u00e4garen", + "Harry Potter et la coupe de feu", + "Harry Potter in ognjeni kelih", + "Harry Potter og eldbikarinn", + "Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch", + "Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco", + "Harry Potter og flammernes pokal", + "Harry Potter e o C\u00e1lice de Fogo", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a t\u0171z serlege", + "Harry Potter en de vuurbeker", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00e1 casa", + "Harry Potter ja liekehtiv\u00e4 pikari", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00fd poh\u00e1r", + "Hari Poter i vatreni pehar", + "Haris Poteris ir ugnies taure", + "Harry Potter og ildbegeret", + "Harry Potter y el c\u00e1liz de fuego", + "Harry Potter ve ates kadehi", + "Harry Potter i Czara Ognia", + "Harry Potter ja tulepeeker", + "Harry Potter i el calze de foc" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", + "answer_id": "m.031786" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: The IMAX Experience" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", + "answer_id": "m.03177r" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter und der Orden des Ph\u00f6nix", + "The Order of the Phoenix", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixuv r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter i Zakon Feniksa", + "Harry Potter ve z\u00fcmr\u00fcd\u00fcanka yoldasligi", + "Tip Top", + "Harry Potter i red Feniksa", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixov r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: The IMAX Experience", + "Harry Potter og F\u00f8nixordenen", + "Harry Potter e a Ordem da F\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a F\u0151nix rendje", + "Harii Pott\u00e2 to fushich\u00f4 no kishidan", + "Harry Potter och Fenixorden", + "Harry Potter en de orde van de Feniks", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u041e\u0440\u0434\u0435\u043d \u0424\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0430", + "Harry Potter in Feniksov red", + "Harry Potter et l'ordre du Ph\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter i l'orde del F\u00e8nix", + "Harry Potter si Ordinul Phoenix", + "Harry Potter e l'ordine della Fenice", + "Harry Potter y la orden del F\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter ja F\u00f6\u00f6niksi ordu", + "Harry Potter ja Feeniksin kilta", + "Harry Potter og F\u00f8niksordenen", + "Harry Potter e a Ordem da F\u00eanix", + "O Harry Potter kai to Tagma tou Foinika", + "Haris Poteris ir Fenikso brolija", + "\u0425\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u044a\u0440 \u0438 \u043e\u0440\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044a\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0444\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0430", + "Hari Poter I red Feniksa" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", + "answer_id": "m.031hcx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", + "answer_id": "m.03176f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and is the film that was released before 2010-11-11", + "question": "Which of the Harry Potter movies were released prior to 11 November 2010?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2010-11-11\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-823_310b28c49d3b267572f43e05ba704989", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Michigan State University, East Lansing", + "MSU", + "Michigan State", + "Michigan State University, main 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(Emmanuel Radnitzky)", + "Manny", + "Emmanuel Radnitzky", + "The Estate of Man Ray" + ], + "answer": "Man Ray", + "answer_id": "m.0gskj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and produced the film Le Retour \u00c3\u00a0 la Raison", + "question": "Which producer of the movie \"Le Retour \u00c3\u00a0 la Raison\" inspired the art of Andy Warhol?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:film.producer.film ns:m.02qjqcc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_27b6836662f302330a7cc840afc5cd5c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jedediah Cleishbotham", + "Malachi Malagrowther", + "Scott, Sir Walter" + ], + "answer": "Walter Scott", + "answer_id": "m.06y8v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "G.W.F. Hegel", + "G W F Hegel", + "Hegel", + "G. W. F. Hegel" + ], + "answer": "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", + "answer_id": "m.039n1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and the person's date of death is before 1849-10-07", + "question": "Who influenced Whitman 's poetry, who's date of death is before October 7,1849?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.date_of_death ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1849-10-07\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3287_8e073158ca3487012b97809530d41815", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Swedish krona", + "answer_id": "m.0485n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sweden", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:17:44", + "machine_question": "what is the currency of the country where J\u00c3\u00a4mtlands Bryggeri Hell beer is made called", + "question": "What type of money is used int he country of origin for J\u00c3\u00a4mtlands Bryggeri Hell beer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqssy . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3287", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency of sweden called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_c55ccf5445d560b373944df6540f9b31", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Belarus", + "Respublika Belarus\u2019", + "Bellarussiya", + "Bielaru\u015b" + ], + "answer": "Belarus", + "answer_id": "m.0163v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": 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"answer_id": "m.07t21" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Georgia" + ], + "answer": "Georgia", + "answer_id": "m.0d0kn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Azerbaijan", + "Az\u0259rbaycan Respublikas\u0131" + ], + "answer": "Azerbaijan", + "answer_id": "m.0jhd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does the place where breed Samoyed originated in border", + "question": "Which countries border the location where the Samoyed breed started?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.017lg8 . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_28b7c366a3eb8e89cfe46ed74213b504", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Palau de la Musica Catalana", + "Palace of Catalan Music" + ], + "answer": "Palau de la M\u00fasica Catalana", + "answer_id": "m.0qlm2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:42", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona and is the structure opened in 1908", + "question": "Which edifice opened in 1908 is a place to see in Barcelona?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f62)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f62 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened \"1908\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1178", + 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"WebQTest-1792_2d1366ebc1bb582f8e6fb26b1b6d39f2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Scotia" + ], + "answer": "Scotland", + "answer_id": "m.06q1r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:16", + "machine_question": "where is midlothian scotland and has an official symbol of Unicorn", + "question": "What country uses the unicorn as an official symbol and includes the city of Midlothian?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.011w8v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.011w8v ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.0bvpg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1792", + "webqsp_question": "where is midlothian scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2631_180060fd1874843fe0d02ce86d373fb4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic 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ns:film.film.costume_design_by ns:m.03bqnqw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-96_9c6dd981c2823cd2e2988501b66b0140", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Levin", + "Susan Nicole Levin", + "Susan Levin", + "Susan Nicole Downey" + ], + "answer": "Susan Downey", + "answer_id": "m.05p2qsc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "robert downey jr", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:13:43", + "machine_question": "who is the actor that played in the film Yucatan wife", + "question": "In the movie Yucatan wife, who played the actor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0b6ngss . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.gender ns:m.02zsn .\n?y 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"machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and the person's date of death is after 1984-08-25", + "question": "What artist passed away after 1984-08-25 and was said to have influenced Andy Warhol's work?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.date_of_death ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1984-08-25\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1386_694ba0d66587aa136e7fd4a307d955a1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Malignant neoplasm" + ], + "answer": "Cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0qcr0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:38:11", + "machine_question": "what did the composer of If You Walkin' Alone die from", + "question": "What was the cause of death of the composer of \"If You Walkin' Alone?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.0vv0x88 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1386", + "webqsp_question": "what did donna summers die from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1631_ff983e0d67fea27a2bfdb13ba7c06bcc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vivian Jepkemoi Cheruiyot", + "Pocket Rocket" + ], + "answer": "Vivian Cheruiyot", + "answer_id": "m.027_5gh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sylvia Jebiwott Kibet", + "answer_id": "m.02ph7jd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Caroline Kilel", + "answer_id": "m.02pmyt8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Linet Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03c3vs2" 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"Richard Mateelong", + "answer_id": "m.0gy4g9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Josphat Bett Kipkoech", + "answer_id": "m.0jwvqdm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kenya", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:14:13", + "machine_question": "who are the famous athletes in the country where Kenya Breweries Tusker Premium Lager beer is made", + "question": "What famous athletes come from the country where Kenya Breweries Tusker Premium Lager beer is produced?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqps7 . \n?c ns:sports.sport_country.athletic_performances ?y .\n?y ns:sports.competitor_competition_relationship.competitors ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1631", + "webqsp_question": "who are the famous athletes in kenya" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2207_3d7a829d2a3dd8e55caa0f65f7e1638a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Queen Lillian", + "answer_id": "m.047tlfw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "julie andrews", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:31:17", + "machine_question": "who did the actor that played the character Judith Farrow play in shrek", + "question": "Judith Farrow that was in Shrek, played which character?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0h07twd . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.02lk60 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2207", + "webqsp_question": "who did julie andrews play in shrek" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-334_3a40921ae6042ff93cc654f727b80209", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Judith Campbell", + "Judith Eileen Katherine Immoor", + "Judith Katherine 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'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0_jd323 . \n?c ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?y .\n?y ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.celebrity ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-334", + "webqsp_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1082_b1087f9b282a0f4f6d45e0a6239fce66", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The A", + "Atlanta, Georgia", + "A-Town", + "Atlanta, GA", + "The ATL", + "Fulton County / Atlanta city" + ], + "answer": "Atlanta", + "answer_id": "m.013yq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "dwight howard", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:53:03", + "machine_question": "where was the actor that played in the film High School Phenoms born", + "question": "What city was the birthplace of the Actor known for playing in the ovie High School Phenoms?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0crsn14 . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1082", + "webqsp_question": "where was dwight howard born" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_dd937a8c61f5fef97450167818d682c7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "O.FO.F.W.W.", + "Wilde Oscar", + "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde", + "Oskar Uayld", + "Wills Wilde", + "Osc\u00e0r", + "Grey Crow", + "The infamous St. Oscar of Oxford", + "Sebastian Melmoth", + "Oscar Wilde ", + "C.3.3.", + "Fingal O'Flahertie Wills", + "Oscar O'Flahertie Wills Wilde" + ], + "answer": "Oscar Wilde", + "answer_id": "m.05np2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the person that said \"I am not young enough to know everything.\"", + "question": "What influencer of Whitnam's poetry is the person who said, \"I am not young enough to know everything\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.02k7m5y . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-275_957d9f8461bac883abc22df1b82b82e1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u30b3\u30ed\u30f3\u30d3\u30a2\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Republic of Colombia" + ], + "answer": "Colombia", + "answer_id": "m.01ls2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shakira", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:49:18", + "machine_question": "where is she from the artist aword nominated for Live from Paris", + "question": "Whence is the artist nominated for awards for \"Live from Paris\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE 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langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.059cjcr . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:base.biblioness.bibs_location.loc_type ?sk0 .\nFILTER (str(?sk0) = \"City\")\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1121", + "webqsp_question": "in what city did machiavelli live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1137_730f73e6218e68ad4aab794f4556003c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ill", + "Land of Lincoln", + "IL", + "IL, Ill." + ], + "answer": "Illinois", + "answer_id": "m.03v0t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:41:47", + "machine_question": "where is the illinois river on a map and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted earliest", + "question": "What state through which the Illinois river flows adapted its official symbol first?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0j1qb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0j1qb ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1137", + "webqsp_question": "where is the illinois river on a map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_ad0b8b2df51fda957d4f1eaac3225768", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hellenic Republic", + "Hellas" + ], + "answer": "Greece", + "answer_id": "m.035qy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and the country calling code is smallest", + "question": "What EU country has the smallest calling code?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1782_eacad512118512366a932ffd59ad4578", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "North Sudan", + "Republic of the Sudan", + "Jumh\u016br\u012byat as-S\u016bd\u0101n" + ], + "answer": "Sudan", + "answer_id": "m.06tw8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:01", + "machine_question": "where does the country where Egyptian Arabic is spoken export to", + "question": "To what country does the country where Egyptian Arabic is spoken export?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.02hx2cr . \n?c ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?y .\n?y ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1782", + "webqsp_question": "where does egypt export to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_5c80029d6011cf6f375265af0e45829e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Stillwater, Minnesota", + "Washington County / Stillwater city" + ], + "answer": "Stillwater", + "answer_id": "m.0wmtg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and is the location of film Fargo", + "question": "Where is the location of the film \"Fargo\" and is where Sam Shepard lives?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.011yhm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1430_aeeb97e6fae76197337049504671401d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq", + "answer_id": "m.01j5_1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "pakistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:44:14", + "machine_question": "who was the president of the country where Seraiki Language is spoken in 1980", + "question": "Who was the president of the country where the Seraiki language is spoken in 1980?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: 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"answer": "Sylvia Jebiwott Kibet", + "answer_id": "m.02ph7jd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Caroline Kilel", + "answer_id": "m.02pmyt8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Linet Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03c3vs2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Moses Ndiema Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03ymk4s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ezekiel Kemboi Cheboi" + ], + "answer": "Ezekiel Kemboi", + "answer_id": "m.040dvn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "David Lekuta Rudisha" + ], + "answer": "David Rudisha", + "answer_id": "m.043p_rf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mercy Cherono", + "answer_id": "m.04f2_5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Abel Kirui", + "answer_id": "m.05f87n1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Milcah Chemos Cheywa", + "answer_id": "m.07k63fx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Emmanuel Kipchirchir Mutai", + "answer_id": "m.07kht_3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Geoffrey Mutai", + "answer_id": "m.0bmk3qk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eldoret Express", + "Janeth Jepkosgei Busienei" + ], + "answer": "Janeth Jepkosgei", + "answer_id": "m.0c5z5s" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Alfred Kirwa Yego", + "answer_id": "m.0gh9nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Richard Mateelong", + "answer_id": "m.0gy4g9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Josphat Bett Kipkoech", + "answer_id": "m.0jwvqdm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kenya", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:14:13", + "machine_question": "who are the famous athletes in the area in which the newspaper Daily Nation is circulated", + "question": "What are the names of the famous athletes in the region where the Daily Nation newspaper is distributed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.07m5gq . \n?c ns:sports.sport_country.athletic_performances ?y .\n?y ns:sports.competitor_competition_relationship.competitors ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1631", + "webqsp_question": "who are the famous athletes in kenya" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_99bf04ac03742750603ea5f84b580642", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and is the country that has Rusyn Language as a spoken language", + "question": "Of the countries in the world that speak German, which country has the Rusyn Language as a spoken language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.013hyy . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_8628b36b9788a185f028e89c35be53df", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lettland", + "Republic of Latvia" + ], + "answer": "Estonia", + "answer_id": "m.04g5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Croatie", + "Croacia", + "Republika Hrvatska", + "Hirvatistan", + "Hrvatska", + "Republic of Croatia", + "Kroatien", + "Croatia/Hrvatska", + "ISO 3166-1:HR", + "Croazia", + "Hravatska", + "Cro\u00e1cia", + "Kroatia", + "Crotaia" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.01pj7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Slovensko", + "The Slovak Republic" + ], + "answer": "Slovenia", + "answer_id": "m.06npd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Latvia", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Slovenia", + "Repubblica di Slovenia", + "Slovania" + ], + "answer": "Slovakia", + "answer_id": "m.06t8v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": "Croatia", + "answer_id": "m.02kmm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and the country calling code is greater than 359", + "question": "Which countries have a EU calling code great than 359?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 359) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_40bec45d5ae2615a6c92326480da6c0c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guinea", + "answer_id": "m.03676" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through and is the country that has an iso alpha 3 of GIN", + "question": "What country through which the Niger flows is the country with an ISO alpha-3 of GIN?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_alpha_3 \"GIN\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2050_17dce559f069bbd76f045192423e1ce0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:11:05", + "machine_question": "what is the language used in indonesia and is the language found in the fictional universe Buffyverse", + "question": "What language is used in Indonesia and is found in the fictional universe Buffyverse?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03ryn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03ryn ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.02s3gw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2050", + "webqsp_question": "what is the language used in indonesia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1732_b59fc3a57768df2a02d4e7627164c3f1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Wurzburg", + "University of W\u00fcrzburg, main campus" + ], + "answer": "University of W\u00fcrzburg", + "answer_id": "m.03563j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:20:09", + "machine_question": "where did theodor schwann get his education and is the university that has number of undergraduates 22128", + "question": "What university has 22128 undergraduates and inlcudes Theodor Schwann as an alumni?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.040000)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.040000 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_undergraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"22128\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1732", + "webqsp_question": "where did theodor schwann get his education" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_670e5ac8bf5cdf7dbdf3fec5a019de0e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and produce the beer Lvivske", + "question": "What country bordering Slovakia that produces the beer Lvivske?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.0408z7m . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1977_deb498674439879541db12bd74b06368", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portugal Mens Football Team", + "Portugal National Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's Football Team", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Portugal 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"machine_question": "what art movement does the person that said \"A good picture is equivalent to a good deed.\" belong to", + "question": "What art movement does the person that said \"A good picture is equivalent to a good deed.\" belong to?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048hbpf . \n?c ns:visual_art.visual_artist.associated_periods_or_movements ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3768", + "webqsp_question": "what art movement does vincent van gogh belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1804_575c571e952aa7e899cec6394726444f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Bulgaria" + ], + "answer": "Bulgaria", + "answer_id": "m.015qh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:36", + "machine_question": "what countries are part of nato and is the country that has an 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"aliases": [], + "answer": "Right to die", + "answer_id": "m.020f6w" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Assisted suicide", + "answer_id": "m.03bwz9y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "dr jack kevorkian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:05", + "machine_question": "what did the subject of the film You Don't Know Jack do", + "question": "What films did the subject of the film You don't Know Jack star in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0bbvw51 . \n?c ns:base.activism.activist.area_of_activism ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-822", + "webqsp_question": "what did dr jack kevorkian do" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3708_dab3dafbf0aaebd5814af04ff7597e2f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pamphleteer", + "answer_id": "m.02449y" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Novelist", + "answer_id": "m.02xhgwq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Priestess" + ], + "answer": "Priest", + "answer_id": "m.05xjb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Poet", + "answer_id": "m.05z96" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jonathan swift", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:19", + "machine_question": "what is the person that said \"The most positive men are the most credulous.\" famous for", + "question": "What was the occuipation of the person who quoted \"The most positive men are the most credulous.\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048fm_k . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3708", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonathan swift famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1338_70c25602b543787dd9d19ac3821ea5eb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fortepiano", + "Pianoforte" + ], + "answer": "Piano", + "answer_id": "m.05r5c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:30:21", + "machine_question": "what musical instruments did duke ellington play and that was featured in the album If I Was a River", + "question": "What musical instruments featured on the album \"If I Was a River\" are played by Duke Ellington?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdlj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdlj ns:music.group_member.instruments_played ?x .\n?x ns:music.genre.albums ns:m.012cf4dq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1338", + "webqsp_question": "what musical instruments did duke ellington play" + }, + { + "ID": 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ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id \"1652699\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1361_05d1c838fdb244947dc2d5adf1f4f4d9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mexican peso", + "answer_id": "m.012ts8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:02", + "machine_question": "what currency should take to the country that its coat of arms is Coat of arms of Mexico", + "question": "What currency is spent in the country the has the coat of arms of Mexico?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:symbols.coat_of_arms_bearer.coat_of_arms_used ?k .\n?k ns:symbols.armorial_grant.coat_of_arms ns:m.02wkvz . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1361", + "webqsp_question": "what currency should take to mexico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-496_e399519f24e247f9e5d9f36ab13bf6be", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Teacher", + "answer_id": "m.01d30f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Philosopher", + "answer_id": "m.02h6fbs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Theoretical Physicist", + "answer_id": "m.02ktm6n" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mathematician", + "answer_id": "m.04s2z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Physicist", + "answer_id": "m.05snw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Scientist", + "answer_id": "m.06q2q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "einstein", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:22:37", + "machine_question": "what did the subject of the film I.Q. do", + "question": "What was the profession of the subject of the film \"I.Q.\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.074fx1 . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-496", + "webqsp_question": "what did einstein do" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_a4466a30da1cdc626ffecd134fd0829f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "france", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Secretary of State for Human Rights of France 2012", + "question": "Who was the leader of the country that has the position title Secretary of State for Human Rights of France in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.063tf66 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_15a0067c4a6eb819232fc74c5daac57d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Experience Music Project", + "Seattle Art Museum Downtown" + ], + "answer": "Experience Music Project Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332j6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "EMP Museum", + "Seattle Art", + "Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame", + "Experience Music Project", + "Seattle Center: Experience Music Project", + "EMP|SFM" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0pxmn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and is the exhibition venue that opened before 2008-10-24", + "question": "What venues opened before 2008 in Seattle, WA that have fun things to do?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:exhibitions.exhibition_venue.exhibitions_at_this_venue ?c .\n?c ns:exhibitions.exhibition_run.opened_on ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2008-10-24\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_e977c7b2d0ee4c19cd73bfe69665f56e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, USA", + "Empire City", + "City of New York", + "New York City, New York", + "New-York", + "\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e8\u30fc\u30af\u5e02", + "Gotham", + "New York", + "New York, NY", + "The Melting Pot", + "Richmond County / New York city", + "NYC", + "The Big Apple", + "New York, N.Y.", + "New York, New York", + "The Capital of the World" + ], + "answer": "New York City", + "answer_id": "m.02_286" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and a location where a Honorary Degree was born", + "question": "What is the location where a Honorary Degree was established and Bob Dylan resides?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:type.object.type ns:education.honorary_degree . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1311_e920e31a99d6b7dfbeef110668d3103d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "W. 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"", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and that was released on 2008-08-06", + "question": "Which movie released on 08/06/2008 did Lucy Hale star in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.initial_release_date \"2008-08-06\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-147_bc773abc8f0b9a287764fe1e8917b116", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill Haslam", + "Mayor Bill Haslam", + "William Edward Haslam", + "William Haslam", + "William Edward \"Bill\" Haslam" + ], + "answer": "William Haslam", + "answer_id": "m.04mp6v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tennessee", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:59:21", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Tennessee House of Representatives", + "question": "Who is the governor in the state with the Tennessee House of Representatives?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.03nhss . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) 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"m.0bydgq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "helen keller", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:20:15", + "machine_question": "where did the person that said \"The welfare of each is bound up in the welfare of all.\" go to school", + "question": "What school did the person that said \"The welfare of each is bound up in the welfare of all.\" attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048bzld . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1274", + "webqsp_question": "where did helen keller go to school" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_22e80914601e1fbea573e3618225179f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisia", + "answer_id": "m.07fj_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of South Africa", + "Republiek van Suid-Afrika" + ], + "answer": "South Africa", + "answer_id": "m.0hzlz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and a location where a Peer Relationship was born", + "question": "Where is Arabic spoken and is also the place where a Peer Relationship was born?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:type.object.type ns:influence.peer_relationship . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-801_3a8152d581de19d1b839f3822e9392e3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Provisional government", + "answer_id": "m.02tz3y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:45:26", + "machine_question": "what kind of government is the country where El Gouna Beverage Co. 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"2017-10-25T21:46:15", + "machine_question": "what country did james cook come from and that was ruled by George III of the United Kingdom", + "question": "What country did James Cook come from that was ruled by George the III?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_j8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_j8 ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n?x ns:royalty.kingdom.rulers ns:m.0bk4s . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-263", + "webqsp_question": "what country did james cook come from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1137_67f5f717564163742ca2588b7e186fd8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ill", + "Land of Lincoln", + "IL", + "IL, Ill." + ], + "answer": "Illinois", + "answer_id": "m.03v0t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:41:47", + "machine_question": "where is the illinois river on a map and is the administrative division in the country 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?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0g8n81t . \n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.jurisdiction_of_office ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2693", + "webqsp_question": "what state was ronald reagan governor of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_d2c3d59ce6554cb0f44d1ba2fa9de17d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Henrik Johan Ibsen", + "The Father of Modern Drama", + "the father of realism", + "Hendrik Ibsen", + "Ibsen", + "Henrik Ibs\u00e9n", + "Henryk Ibsen", + "Enrique Ibsen", + "H. Ibsen" + ], + "answer": "Henrik Ibsen", + "answer_id": "m.03pm9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by and was buried in V\u00c3\u00a5r Frelsers gravlund", + "question": "What person buried in V\u00c3\u00a5r Frelsers gravlund was an influence on Arthur Miller?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yfp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yfp ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_burial ns:m.05y2vr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1173", + "webqsp_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1793_b894a6b959414cfd8717244e171ef52f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Arsenal", + "The Gunners", + "Woolwich Arsenal", + "Arsenal Gunners", + "Dial Square", + "Arsenal", + "Arsenal Football 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"answer": "Rabat", + "answer_id": "m.0fs44" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "morocco", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:17:12", + "machine_question": "what is capital city of the location where the film \"Mary Mother of Christ\" takes place", + "question": "What is the capital city of the place where the movie \"Mary Mother of Christ\" take place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0bbxxnq . \n?c ns:location.country.capital ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1005", + "webqsp_question": "what is capital city of morocco" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1529_2fc79d4429d98a2025b65ba9df1401bc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Makuxi", + "Macusi", + "Macushi", + "Makusi", + "Makushi", + "Teweya", + "Teueia", + "Macussi" + ], + "answer": "Macushi Language", + "answer_id": "m.026ztd1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wapitxana", + "Wapichana", + "Wapisiana", + "Wapishiana", + "Wapixiana", + "Uapixana", + "Wapixi\u00e1na", + "Wapichan", + "Wapisana", + "Wapishana", + "Vapidiana", + "Wapixana", + "Wapishshiana" + ], + "answer": "Wapishana Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hwv5d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ingariko", + "Patamona language", + "Eremagok", + "Kapon", + "Patamona" + ], + "answer": "Patamona Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxg9j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kalinya", + "Carib", + "Carib language", + "Maraworno", + "Kali'na", + "Kalihna", + "Galib\u00ed", + "Galibi", + "Caribe", + "Marworno", + "Cari\u00f1a" + ], + "answer": "Carib Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxgv4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Warrau", + "Warau", + "Guarauno", + "Warao", + "Guarao" + ], + "answer": "Warao Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxhnv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Uaieue", + "Ouayeone", + "Waiwai", + "Uaiuai", + "Parukota" + ], + "answer": "Waiwai Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxq7p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Waic\u00e1", + "Acawayo", + "Akawaio", + "Ingarik\u00f3", + "Acahuayo", + "Akawai", + "Kapon", + "Acewaio" + ], + "answer": "Akawaio Language", + "answer_id": "m.048dyk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Portuguese", + "Portugese", + "Portuguese language", + "Portugu\u00eas" + ], + "answer": "Portuguese Language", + "answer_id": "m.05zjd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Arawak", + "answer_id": "m.0hc2x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "guyana", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:00:02", + "machine_question": "what does the area in which the newspaper Kaieteur News is 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"answer_id": "m.0bydgq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "helen keller", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:20:15", + "machine_question": "where did the subject of the film The Miracle Worker go to school", + "question": "Where did the subject of the film, The Miracle Worker, attended school?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.02r7rth . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1274", + "webqsp_question": "where did helen keller go to school" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1508_2730cb4e433dbb0319fd49ed0b3ee60b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Yale Law School, main campus", + "Yale Law School, New Haven", + "Yale Law" + ], + "answer": "Yale Law School", + "answer_id": "m.02bq1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, main campus", + "Georgetown School of Foreign Service" + ], + "answer": "Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service", + "answer_id": "m.02ckl3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "University College, Oxford, main campus", + "Univ.", + "The Master and Fellows of the College of the Great Hall of the University of Oxford" + ], + "answer": "University College, Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.0ymf1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:48:47", + "machine_question": "when did bill clinton go to college and is the university that has number of postgraduates less than 691", + "question": "What colleges with number of postgraduates less than 691 did Bill Clinton attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0157m)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0157m ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_postgraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 691) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2774_aff3e39b596cc9fdc91a44241ff6928d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New jack swing", + "answer_id": "m.021_z5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "Modern R&B" + ], + "answer": "Contemporary R&B", + "answer_id": "m.025sc50" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Disco music" + ], + "answer": "Disco", + "answer_id": "m.026z9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Motown Sound", + "answer_id": "m.02bqnt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Electronic" + ], + "answer": "Electronic music", + "answer_id": "m.02lkt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dance-pop", + "answer_id": "m.02lnbg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Adult contemporary" + ], + "answer": "Adult contemporary music", + "answer_id": "m.02vjzr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Funk music" + ], + "answer": "Funk", + "answer_id": "m.02x8m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Post Disco" + ], + "answer": "Post-disco", + "answer_id": "m.03c34yl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pop rock", + "answer_id": "m.05bt6j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pop", + "pop" + ], + "answer": "Pop music", + "answer_id": "m.064t9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u05e8\u05d5\u05e7", + "Rock" + ], + "answer": "Rock music", + "answer_id": "m.06by7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "RnB" + ], + "answer": "Rhythm and blues", + "answer_id": "m.06j6l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dance" + ], + "answer": "Dance music", + "answer_id": "m.0ggx5q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Soul" + ], + "answer": "Soul music", + "answer_id": "m.0gywn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "michael jackson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:03:15", + "machine_question": "what kind of music did the subject of the film Gone Too Soon sing", + "question": "What type of music did the character of Gone Too Soon sing?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0bh74w0 . \n?c ns:music.artist.genre ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2774", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of music did michael jackson sing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_5e35390104ff9cdc50d99cb875ca339e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension", + "Phineas e Ferb: Atrav\u00e9s da 2\u00aa Dimens\u00e3o", + "Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension in Fabulous 2D", + "Disney Phineas und Ferb der Film - Quer durch die 2. Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension - In Fabulous 2D", + "Phineas y Ferb: A trav\u00e9s de la 2\u00aa Dimensi\u00f3n" + ], + "answer": "Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "answer_id": "m.0bh9n8g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and that was producted by Brad Lewis", + "question": "What movie produced by Brad Lewis did Alyson Stoner starred in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.executive_produced_by ns:m.02qs34s . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_eab08fa7396bcb265913fcca849befec", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Afganistan", + "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" + ], + "answer": "Afghanistan", + "answer_id": "m.0jdd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and is subject of the film Buddha Collapsed Out of Shame", + "question": "What country that is the subject of the film \"Buddha Collapsed Out of Shame\" shares a border with China?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d05w3)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d05w3 ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.04p2jxm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2458_dd6338c62a1b06497b7bb0979aa5e17a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "costa rica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:06:06", + "machine_question": "which continent is the country where Limonese Creole is spoken located", + "question": "On which continent is Limonese Creole spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.06k02z . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2458", + "webqsp_question": "which continent is costa rica located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1462_88427e4cf8c94effb8217cddfd827261", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vice President of the United States Joe Biden", + "Senator Joseph Biden", + "Joseph R. 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Joseph Biden", + "Senator Joe Biden" + ], + "answer": "Joe Biden", + "answer_id": "m.012gx2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:38:53", + "machine_question": "who is running for vice president with the author who published editions for Dreams from My Father 2012", + "question": "Who ran for Vice-President in 2012 with the author of \"Dreams From My Father\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.028xzkj . \n?c ns:government.us_president.vice_president ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1462", + "webqsp_question": "who is running for vice president with barack obama 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2177_75e404b7b1c7c53e745bc5ffea846b59", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Concord Academy", + "answer_id": "m.0bf5w5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:27:02", + "machine_question": "where did caroline kennedy go to school and the organiztion founding date is after 1879", + "question": "Where did Caroline Kennedy go to school, that was founded after 1879?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01y603)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01y603 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:organization.organization.date_founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1879\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2177", + "webqsp_question": "where did caroline kennedy go to school" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1538_bc5cf8cd59582d4a1c8f4c416c010e71", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazil Football Team", + "Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "Brazil Men's National Football Team", + "Brazil Mens Soccer Team", + "Brazil Mens National Soccer Team", + "Brazil Men's Football Team", + "Brazil Mens Football Team", + "Brazil Men's National Soccer Team", + "Brazil National Soccer Team", + "Brazil Mens National Football Team", + "Brazil national football", + "Brazil Soccer Team", + "Brazil Men's Soccer Team" + ], + "answer": "Brazil national football team", + "answer_id": "m.01352_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:01:47", + "machine_question": "what team is ronaldinho on and the sports team arena stadium is Maracan\u00c3\u00a3 Stadium", + "question": "Who is the sports team that uses the Maracana Stadium who Ronaldinho plays for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02lfw5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02lfw5 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.01qv4y . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1538", + "webqsp_question": "what team is ronaldinho on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_58407e0979437ba0ea90b2a3c213d976", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Duchamp, Marcel", + "Henri-Robert-Marcel Duchamp", + "R. 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"2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and that was producted by Dan Cohen", + "question": "What movie was produced by Dan Cohen and features Liam Hemsworth as an actor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.produced_by ns:m.0110_m4q . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_0ecce0d98acb3299023e1f43f972ec12", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and was nominated an award with the describtion \"based on the boardgame by Hasbro\"", + "question": "Which award nominated film starring Rhianna was described as \"Based on the boardgame by Hasbro?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominated_work.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.notes_description \"based on the boardgame by Hasbro\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1744_f45432d0570ab865aa714bc91d2fcf21", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Selected letters", + "answer_id": "m.0cr818f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Final harvest", + "answer_id": "m.0cr8dz3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The selected poems of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.0cr82lv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Selected poetry of Emily 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], + "composition_answer": "james dean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:01", + "machine_question": "who is the topic of the image Junction of highways 46 and 41", + "question": "Who is the subject of the image \"junction of highways 46 and 41?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.04pn__4 . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-908", + "webqsp_question": "who is james dean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_b73f7f8008a42698750c156fb360ba10", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and is the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Skylar Peak", + "question": "Where did Bob Dylan live, at the location that has a governmental office holder called, Skylar Peak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.0101fq3x . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_59e79afbb7a5fa2e6325e6c06b3c6c67", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "John Cahill Lawless" + ], + "answer": "Jack Lawless", + "answer_id": "m.0417yh9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:16:16", + "machine_question": "what is jonas brothers names and who died on 1987-09-20", + "question": "Which member of the Jonas Brothers, died on September 20 ,1987?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0cbm64)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0cbm64 ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.date_of_birth \"1987-09-20\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-470", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonas brothers names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1977_fbac0d7b6fd3ab4248a4d7ccf4b91fe1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:02:02", + "machine_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for and was an award nominee in the 2003 Laureus World Sports Awards ceremony", + "question": "Who does Cristiano Ronaldo play for that was a nominee at the 2003 Laureus World Sports Awards ceremony?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02xt6q)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02xt6q ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.ceremony ns:m.0yqd2t8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1977", + "webqsp_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_87460bf17e29c445a270424ee7c886ce", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and the ISO numeric of the country is smallest", + "question": "Which European country has the smallest ISO number?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\n}\nORDER 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John Warner", + "Senator John Warner", + "John William Warner KBE" + ], + "answer": "John Warner", + "answer_id": "m.01w8b5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Michael Charles Gauntlett Wilding", + "The \"gentle\" Wilding", + "Michael Wilding Sr." + ], + "answer": "Michael Wilding", + "answer_id": "m.02h__m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Conrad Nicholson Hilton, Jr.", + "Nicky", + "Conrad Nicholson \"Nicky\" Hilton, Jr.", + "Conrad Nicholson Hilton Jr." + ], + "answer": "Conrad Hilton, Jr.", + "answer_id": "m.02j06h" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Toat", + "Michael \"Mike\" Todd", + "Michael Todd", + "Avrom Hirsch Goldbogen" + ], + "answer": "Mike Todd", + "answer_id": "m.063v2l" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Larry Fortensky", + "answer_id": "m.0bhgvg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dick", + "Richard Burton, CBE", + "Richard Jenkins", + "Rich", + "Burton", + "Richard Walter Jenkins" + ], + "answer": "Richard Burton", + "answer_id": "m.0cg9f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "liz taylor", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was the actor that played the character Louise Durant married too", + "question": "Who were the husbands of the actor that played the character Louis Durant?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0cf61c2 . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_9e704e8a5814ef82282f41b7fa504de1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brayden Tyler Quinn", + "brady_quinn" + ], + "answer": "Brady Quinn", + "answer_id": "m.08gf9t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kellen Boswell Winslow, Jr.", + "Shash", + "Kellen Boswell Winslow", + "Kellen Winslow" + ], + "answer": "Kellen Winslow II", + "answer_id": "m.03tt9p" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the football player that has touchdown statistics less than 5", + "question": "Who did the Cleveland Browns draft, and has a touchdown statistic of less than 5?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:american_football.football_player.receiving ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.player_receiving_statistics.touchdowns ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 5) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-263_ee3a4cf1b41134d3de9fc57eb4cc5833", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kingdom of Great Britain", + "answer_id": "m.014tss" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:46:15", + "machine_question": "what country did james cook come from and is the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named British War Office", + "question": "What country, that James Cook comes from, has the governmental body of the British War Office?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_j8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_j8 ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.01p4l9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-263", + "webqsp_question": "what country did james cook come from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_f47b500c09f6ca1fbb4178ddd8e3de9b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia", + "Vatican" + ], + "answer": "Vatican City", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Principality of Liechtenstein", + "F\u00fcrstentum Liechtenstein" + ], + "answer": "Liechtenstein", + "answer_id": "m.04j53" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "State of the Vatican City", + "Vatican City, Rome", + "Holy See" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.07ytt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and the country calling code is greater than 357", + "question": "Which German speaking countries have a calling code larger than 357?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 357) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_0802d2258d4eea2e05a86579567091fb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krzyk 4", + "Klyksm4s", + "Sikoly 4.", + "Ciglik 4", + "Kivili 4", + "Skrik 4", + "Vrisak 4", + "Scream 4: Next Generation", + "Tze'aka 4", + "Vr\u00edskot 4", + "\u00d6skri\u00f0 4", + "Gritos 4", + "Scre4m: Grita de Nuevo", + "\u041a\u0440\u0438\u043a 4", + "Klyksmas 4", + "P\u00e2nico 4", + "Scre4m" + ], + "answer": "Scream 4", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhdbl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and that the story was written by Kevin Williamson", + "question": "What movie written by 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?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.061s_ . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"1980-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"1980-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1430", + "webqsp_question": "who was the president of pakistan in 1980" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-833_ea7ebebfb3a25c8e83b4bbfdda67d52d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:49:30", + "machine_question": "what is the main language used in the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named State Administration of Foreign Exchange", + "question": "What is the main language spoken in the place where the State Administration of Foreign Exchange is located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.02639ym . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-833", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main language used in china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1503_02adfd9dcf9414fc268fb6ddf6bd9e24", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cuban peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p2z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Chavito" + ], + "answer": "Cuban convertible peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p6c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cuba", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:58:12", + "machine_question": "what kind of currency does the country where Lucumi Language is spoken use", + "question": "Which two classes of currency does the country where Lucumi Language is spoken utilize?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.02hwhd2 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1503", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of currency does cuba use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2631_754f6765b8bc026cd8b13352359d0756", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Turkey", + "T\u00fcrkiye", + "Turkiye" + ], + "answer": "Turkey", + "answer_id": "m.01znc_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:36:12", + "machine_question": "what countries are the mediterranean and the ISO numeric of the country is largest", + "question": "Of the countries in the Mediterranean, which has the largest ISO numeric?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04swx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04swx ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2631", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are the mediterranean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3364_1e0ab1f8416d25428da8c1da8b723791", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Underland Chronicles Book Three", + "answer_id": "m.04t448_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gregor and the Code of Claw", + "answer_id": "m.04t448h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "FIRE PROOF", + "answer_id": "m.04t44bh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane", + "answer_id": "m.0dsx8l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "suzanne collins", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:33:34", + "machine_question": "what children 's books did the author who published editions for Gregor and the Marks of Secret wrote", + "question": "What books for kids were written by the 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"compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:14:46", + "machine_question": "where did the author who published editions for Maniac Magee go to college", + "question": "What college was attended by the author that published the Maniac Magee?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04v7y22 . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2525", + "webqsp_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2603_1f6312c932a9b3d942576ddba7dbad5f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hungarian Language", + "Magyar", + "Hungarian" + ], + "answer": "Hungarian language", + "answer_id": "m.02ztjwg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hungarian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:32:35", + "machine_question": "what do the area in which the newspaper Fordulat is circulated people speak", + "question": "What is the spoken language in the country where the newspaper Fordulat is circulated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.02s_z97 . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2603", + "webqsp_question": "what do hungarian people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1351_e56e856592a9a57b9e331b718adc1b75", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Honolulu, Hawaii", + "Honolulu County / Honolulu CDP", + "Honolulu CDP" + ], + "answer": "Honolulu", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh0_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:32:42", + "machine_question": "what 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Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension - In Fabulous 2D", + "Phineas y Ferb: A trav\u00e9s de la 2\u00aa Dimensi\u00f3n" + ], + "answer": "Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "answer_id": "m.0bh9n8g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Surprise" + ], + "answer": "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Surprise Party", + "answer_id": "m.0bnns7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Yin Yang Yo! The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.0by1x51" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Little Engine That Could", + "answer_id": "m.0gj8r0x" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song", + "A Cinderella Story 3" + ], + "answer": "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song", + "answer_id": "m.0gky0pl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Buddies", + "answer_id": "m.0wq4q7j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Step Up 5", + "Sokis hip-hopo ritmu. 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"m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scotland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:22:24", + "machine_question": "what do they speak in the place where breed Scottish Fold originated in", + "question": "What language is spoken in the place where the Scottish Fold breed originated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.012jh9 . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1364", + "webqsp_question": "what do they speak in scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1949_caa13f8f977f6e71cc4ca3d314a359b2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri General Assembly", + "answer_id": "m.02zxrn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Court of Appeals", + "answer_id": "m.03qj7vv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Senate", + "answer_id": "m.0694qd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri House of Representatives", + "answer_id": "m.069kvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:59:12", + "machine_question": "what is the legislature of the government with official symbol of State Aquatic Animal called", + "question": "What state legislative department has the Aquatic Animal symbol?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.Kind_of_symbol ns:m.04yk_7z . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government_bodies ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1949", + "webqsp_question": "what is the legislature of missouri called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1631_85a41f299d5adf76ded983dabf1e0350", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vivian Jepkemoi Cheruiyot", + "Pocket Rocket" + ], + "answer": "Vivian Cheruiyot", + "answer_id": "m.027_5gh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sylvia Jebiwott Kibet", + "answer_id": "m.02ph7jd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Caroline Kilel", + "answer_id": "m.02pmyt8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Linet Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03c3vs2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Moses Ndiema Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03ymk4s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ezekiel Kemboi Cheboi" + ], + "answer": "Ezekiel Kemboi", + "answer_id": "m.040dvn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "David Lekuta Rudisha" + ], + "answer": "David Rudisha", + "answer_id": "m.043p_rf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mercy Cherono", + "answer_id": "m.04f2_5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Abel Kirui", + "answer_id": "m.05f87n1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Milcah Chemos Cheywa", + "answer_id": "m.07k63fx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Emmanuel Kipchirchir Mutai", + "answer_id": "m.07kht_3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Geoffrey Mutai", + "answer_id": "m.0bmk3qk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eldoret Express", + "Janeth Jepkosgei Busienei" + ], + "answer": "Janeth Jepkosgei", + "answer_id": "m.0c5z5s" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Alfred Kirwa Yego", + "answer_id": "m.0gh9nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Richard Mateelong", + "answer_id": "m.0gy4g9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Josphat Bett Kipkoech", + "answer_id": "m.0jwvqdm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kenya", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:14:13", + "machine_question": "who are the famous athletes in the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Raila Odinga", + "question": "Who are some famous athletes in the governmental jurisdiction where Ralia Odinga holds a governmental office?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.08cggg . \n?c ns:sports.sport_country.athletic_performances ?y .\n?y ns:sports.competitor_competition_relationship.competitors ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1631", + "webqsp_question": "who are the famous athletes in kenya" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1503_a406df76513fc1faf79c5a2950933ae9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cuban peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p2z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Chavito" + ], + "answer": "Cuban convertible peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p6c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cuba", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:58:12", + "machine_question": "what kind of currency does the country where Cerveceria Bucanero Mayabe beer is made use", + "question": "In the country where Cerveceria Bucanero Mayabe beer is made is brewed, what form of currency is used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqhcc . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1503", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of currency does cuba use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_a66b32159d18e8f48cf6ba26889eeeaa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "A bostonian", + "Henri Le Rennet", + "Edgar Allan Po\u00eb", + "Edgar Allen Poe", + "Edgar Poe", + "Edgar A. Perry", + "Edgar A. Po\u00eb", + "E.A. Poe", + "Poe", + "Edgar A. Poe" + ], + "answer": "Edgar Allan Poe", + "answer_id": "m.02lt8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "G.W.F. Hegel", + "G W F Hegel", + "Hegel", + "G. W. F. Hegel" + ], + "answer": "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", + "answer_id": "m.039n1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "O.FO.F.W.W.", + "Wilde Oscar", + "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde", + "Oskar Uayld", + "Wills Wilde", + "Osc\u00e0r", + "Grey Crow", + "The infamous St. Oscar of Oxford", + "Sebastian Melmoth", + "Oscar Wilde ", + "C.3.3.", + "Fingal O'Flahertie Wills", + "Oscar O'Flahertie Wills Wilde" + ], + "answer": "Oscar Wilde", + "answer_id": "m.05np2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Waldo Emerson Ralph", + "Waldo Ralph Emerson" + ], + "answer": "Ralph Waldo Emerson", + "answer_id": "m.06jkm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jedediah Cleishbotham", + "Malachi Malagrowther", + "Scott, Sir Walter" + ], + "answer": "Walter Scott", + "answer_id": "m.06y8v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Henry Thoreau", + "Thoreau, Henry David", + "Thoreau" + ], + "answer": "Henry David Thoreau", + "answer_id": "m.0bwx3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "whitman", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced the author who published editions for Leaves of grass 's poetry", + "question": "What was the influence behind the poetry of the author of \"Leaves of Grass\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04v18ql . \n?c ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3695_a9f5d9963be81c067775c93a75d8d9a2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The A", + "Atlanta, Georgia", + "A-Town", + "Atlanta, GA", + "The ATL", + "Fulton County / Atlanta city" + ], + "answer": "Atlanta", + "answer_id": "m.013yq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "usher", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:25:06", + "machine_question": "where in georgia does the composer of Intro-Lude 8701 live", + "question": "In Georgia, where does the composer of \"Intro-Lude 8701\" live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.0zm0hz_ . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.containedby ns:m.0d0x8 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3695", + "webqsp_question": "where in georgia does usher live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-270_3f76d491e90682cc29e3de2546e1f9c5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary monarchy" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.01q20" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:24:01", + "machine_question": "what kind of monarchy does japan have and in locations where Baldur von Schirach was born in", + "question": "What kind of monarchy is practiced in Japan in the birthplace of Baldur von Schirach?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_3d)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_3d ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ?c .\n?c ns:location.location.people_born_here ns:m.0143sn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-270", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of monarchy does japan have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1386_49aabf6f01e1da7cc187816796202768", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Malignant neoplasm" + ], + "answer": "Cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0qcr0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:38:11", + "machine_question": "what did the actor that played in the film Donna Summer: Live and More Encore die from", + "question": "What was the cause of death for the performer in the film \"Donna Summer: Live and More Encore?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0crxkj8 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1386", + "webqsp_question": "what did donna summers die from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_8adfc9dd1970531487f18b78942a6051", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Electric Company Georgetown Steam Plant", + "Georgetown Steam Plant, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown Steam Plant", + "answer_id": "m.02rp3lq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and is the structure opened earliest", + "question": "What is the oldest structure opened in Seattle, Washington where there are fun things to do?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1148_99ee63c5a72fe12e9e999df463101ea3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TU", + "University of Tulsa, main campus" + ], + "answer": "University of Tulsa", + "answer_id": "m.07w3r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "se hinton", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:43:44", + "machine_question": "what college did the author who published editions for The outsiders go", + "question": "Which University did the author who published editions of The outsiders attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04v8p__ . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1148", + "webqsp_question": "what college did se hinton go" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_89eddedbc0f193e77afb8fa5241c334d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and is the country that has Pinhalzinho, Santa Catarina as a second level devision", + "question": "What country has Pinhalzinho, Santa Catalina as a second level division and shares a border with Argentina?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != 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ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 661145) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_fff9f28afb4539bf7c1bb88141df18ba", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richland County / Columbia city", + "Columbia, South Carolina", + "Columbia, SC" + ], + "answer": "South Carolina", + "answer_id": "m.0fv_t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SC", + "Palmetto State" + ], + "answer": "Columbia", + "answer_id": "m.06yxd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:42:23", + "machine_question": "where is usc from and the population number is less than 3412097", + "question": "Where is USC at, where the population is less than 3,412,097?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03tw2s)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03tw2s ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 3412097) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_8eb62ff1339e3af751cf49248b4afcf8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "EMP Museum", + "Experience Music Project", + "Seattle Center: Experience Music Project", + "EMP|SFM", + "Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame" + ], + "answer": "Experience Music Project Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0pxmn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and location with the street address 325 Fifth Ave. N", + "question": "What are fun things to do in Seattle, WA, with 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that ended his/her government position before 2007-03-26", + "question": "Which politician was leading France as of 2012 and ended their last government psoition until 2007-03-26?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2007-03-26\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2207_53d78200041f2c84c9db497bbd37ffca", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Queen Lillian", + "answer_id": "m.047tlfw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "julie andrews", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:31:17", + "machine_question": "who did the author who published editions for The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles play in shrek", + "question": "Who did the author of \"The Last of the Really Great Whangdoodles\" play in \"Shrek\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.028ybbg . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.02lk60 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2207", + "webqsp_question": "who did julie andrews play in shrek" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_02296b747c5cf5be1bed9ffffcab93f4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Seat of San Lorenzo de El Escorial" + ], + "answer": "El Escorial", + "answer_id": "m.01bc9m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo del Prado, Madrid", + "Prado Museum" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.01hlq3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia", + "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda, Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.01jcyh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Summercase", + "answer_id": "m.02r9yg7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Festimad", + "answer_id": "m.03chy63" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Buen Retiro" + ], + "answer": "Buen Retiro Park", + "answer_id": "m.03rmzx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Royal Palace of Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Royal Palace of Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.04m3yk" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Almudena Cathedral", + "answer_id": "m.053llq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Sorolla", + "Sorolla" + ], + "answer": "Sorolla Museum", + "answer_id": "m.05bvn8g" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza de Cibeles", + "answer_id": "m.06_l58" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Arena", + "answer_id": "m.06cgmf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Paseo del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.06j2nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Parque Warner Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.06nd2f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Thyssen-Bornemisza" + ], + "answer": "Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum", + "answer_id": "m.073z19" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Temple of Debod", + "answer_id": "m.07f__f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Puerta del Sol", + "answer_id": "m.07mpc7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Gran Via" + ], + "answer": "Gran V\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.09s07b" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Marathon", + "answer_id": "m.0bwg9f0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza Mayor, Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0cd2rc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "La Vaguada", + "answer_id": "m.0fphvtq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo de Lazaro Galdiano" + ], + "answer": "Museum of L\u00e1zaro Galdiano", + "answer_id": "m.0h3lmf1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Palace of la Bolsa de Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0h3tjjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "madrid", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Pedro S\u00c3\u00a1nchez", + "question": "What are some sights to see in the area where Pedro Sanchez is a governmental office holder?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER 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"Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch", + "Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco", + "Harry Potter og flammernes pokal", + "Harry Potter e o C\u00e1lice de Fogo", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a t\u0171z serlege", + "Harry Potter en de vuurbeker", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00e1 casa", + "Harry Potter ja liekehtiv\u00e4 pikari", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00fd poh\u00e1r", + "Hari Poter i vatreni pehar", + "Haris Poteris ir ugnies taure", + "Harry Potter og ildbegeret", + "Harry Potter y el c\u00e1liz de fuego", + "Harry Potter ve ates kadehi", + "Harry Potter i Czara Ognia", + "Harry Potter ja tulepeeker", + "Harry Potter i el calze de foc" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", + "answer_id": "m.031786" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and film casting director was Mary Selway", + "question": "Which was the earliest film in the 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+ "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07gvx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07gvx ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ns:m.01rll . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_70d60d89645ca457b0db95faca47e4bf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sydney Opera" + ], + "answer": "Sydney Opera House", + "answer_id": "m.06_nm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and the venue capacity is 5738", + "question": "What's there to see in Sydney, Australia, with the venue capacity of 5738?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.venue.capacity \"5738\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-63_05c34363c7c7069cc48ec78f1b85ffee", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Alexander Sacha Simon Gervasi" + ], + "answer": "Sacha Gervasi", + "answer_id": "m.08f647" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and was executive produce of Anvil! The Story of Anvil", + "question": "Who is the member of the band Bush that was the executive producer of Anvil! The Story of Anvil?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01727v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01727v ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:film.producer.films_executive_produced ns:m.07s3cgn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_a6da51fcd89e451b7c9eaccc1b7690bf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Belarus", + "Respublika Belarus\u2019", + "Bellarussiya", + "Bielaru\u015b" + ], + "answer": "Belarus", + "answer_id": "m.0163v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": "Estonia", + "answer_id": "m.02kmm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lettland", + "Republic of Latvia" + ], + "answer": "Latvia", + "answer_id": "m.04g5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mongolia", + "answer_id": "m.04w8f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Norge", + "Kingdom of Norway" + ], + "answer": "Norway", + "answer_id": "m.05b4w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", + "DPRK" + ], + "answer": "North Korea", + "answer_id": "m.05b7q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Polska", + "Republic of Poland" + ], + "answer": "Poland", + "answer_id": "m.05qhw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Georgia" + ], + "answer": "Georgia", + "answer_id": "m.0d0kn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Azerbaijan", + "Az\u0259rbaycan Respublikas\u0131" + ], + "answer": "Azerbaijan", + "answer_id": "m.0jhd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Yury Chaika border", + "question": "What countries does the country that has a government officer holder named Yury Chaika border?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.0kshns . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1542_4ca9e3f852006d80efe21d4adb406497", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom" + ], + "answer": "Monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.04szc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:02:53", + "machine_question": "what type of government did sparta greece have and that was featured in the work I, the Sun", + "question": "Which type of government, which was practiced in Sparta, Greece, was also featured in \"I, the Sun?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.09472)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.09472 ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:book.book_subject.works ns:m.0cjbm2f . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1542", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government did sparta greece have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_5f5da3e1d4ca7df9f19ce3fdfc5790e2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kvikmyndin Grettir", + "Garfield - Der Film", + "Garfield - O Filme", + "Gustaf", + "Garfield ve filmu", + "Pusur", + "Karvinen elokuva", + "Garfield: il film", + "Filmen om Gustaf", + "Garfield, le film", + "Garfield: La pel\u00edcula" + ], + "answer": "Garfield: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.01yzvd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Christmas Wishes", + "answer_id": "m.026k503" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kung Fu Magoo", + "answer_id": "m.09v9fw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension", + "Phineas e Ferb: Atrav\u00e9s da 2\u00aa Dimens\u00e3o", + "Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension in Fabulous 2D", + "Disney Phineas und Ferb der Film - Quer durch die 2. Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension - In Fabulous 2D", + "Phineas y Ferb: A trav\u00e9s de la 2\u00aa Dimensi\u00f3n" + ], + "answer": "Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "answer_id": "m.0bh9n8g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Surprise" + ], + "answer": "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Surprise Party", + "answer_id": "m.0bnns7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Little Engine That Could", + "answer_id": "m.0gj8r0x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and involves organization toonexplainers", + "question": "What Alyson Stoner movies involve the organization toonexplainers?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ?c .\n?c ns:organization.organization_sector.organizations_in_this_sector ns:m.010lbn79 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_6e02facf99e087495c22ca1292b368e0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and is the country that has an iso 3166-1 alpha-3 of CL", + "question": "What neighboring country of Bolivia has an ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 of CL?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x 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"WebQTest-1011_fcac38ca8195024e02b9deff1b38ee0f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:17:39", + "machine_question": "where do they speak tibetan and produce the beer Harbin Beer", + "question": "What country brews Harbin beer and uses Tibetan as a language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.064r7fk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.064r7fk ns:language.human_language.main_country ?x .\n?x ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqmxs . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1011", + "webqsp_question": "where do they speak tibetan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_0b10be04df39049e5122937dea8174e0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + } + ], + 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"m.03qj7vv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Senate", + "answer_id": "m.0694qd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri House of Representatives", + "answer_id": "m.069kvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:59:12", + "machine_question": "what is the legislature of the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Governor of Missouri called", + "question": "What is the legislature called in the governmental jurisdiction where the government includes the position Governor of Missouri?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.04kmtmt . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government_bodies ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1949", + "webqsp_question": "what is the legislature of missouri called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_cd1ca7de1c2bd1d5d04c8c4a806241fb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and in which the event 2007 Gotham Screen Film Festival & Screenplay Contest took place", + "question": "In which city did Sam Shepard live, that the 2007 Gotham Screen Film Festival & Screenplay Contest, occurred?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.location.events ns:m.010cvmjx . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2282_4ecc9b3685ce784389fbc1cbaf69ca58", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Allan Kaprow", + "answer_id": "m.04187y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:42:06", + "machine_question": "what influenced roy lichtenstein artwork and the person's date of death is before 2008-05-12", + "question": "What influencer of Roy Lichtenstein's artwork passed away prior to 12 May 2008?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0gcgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0gcgd ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.date_of_death ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2008-05-12\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2282", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced roy lichtenstein artwork" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_e28bbb9313b4cb679ad8a3bd535efe40", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.0w1x037" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lola", + "LOL: Laughing Out Loud", + "LOL", + "LOL - Pazza del mio migliore amico", + "Summer. Classmates. Love", + "L.O.L." + ], + "answer": "Rock Mafia Presents: The Big Bang", + "answer_id": "m.0cmddrx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High School Musical 2: Sing It All Or Nothing!" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.0bc5ny" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.03ck042" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "LOL", + "answer_id": "m.0cs2t3x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.0swngjg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Family Bond", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.0g56xqy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The World According to Miley Cyrus", + "answer_id": "m.0crsmk2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "So Undercover", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Radio Disney Party Jams: The Concert", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Hana Montana: filmas", + "Hannah Montana - The Movie", + "Hannah Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hanna Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hannah Montana: I tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "High School Musical 2", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and is the film was released before 2014-05-01", + "question": "Which three movies did Miley Cyrus act in, that were released before 2014-05-01?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT 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'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.02z5h0 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3287", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency of sweden called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1212_3594eec2da1975b582d92306cb550b04", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:12:29", + "machine_question": "what political system does the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Leonid Lebedev use", + "question": "Which political system, does the location that has a governmental office holder called Leonid Lebedev, utilize?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.0gj3lkh . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1212", + "webqsp_question": "what political system does russia use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2401_c057d4ccdd7e7fba90365312ac638b6a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukrainian Hrivna" + ], + "answer": "Ukrainian hryvnia", + "answer_id": "m.035qkb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ukraine", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:57:19", + "machine_question": "what money is used in the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Sergij Arbuzov", + "question": "What currency is used in the governmental jurisdiction in which Sergij Arbuzov holds a 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"2017-10-26T01:59:12", + "machine_question": "what is the legislature of the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Sandy Crawford called", + "question": "What's the legislature called ,of the location that has a governmental office holder called, Sandy Crawford?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.0t_frm1 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government_bodies ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1949", + "webqsp_question": "what is the legislature of missouri called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_7ca9a8a41caa3634b454484965413fd3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Tao Teh King", + "Dao De Jing" + ], + "answer": "Tao Te Ching", + "answer_id": "m.02czn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:21", + "machine_question": "what is the holy book in taoism and is about Philosophy", + "question": "What book about philosophy is the holy book in Taoism?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07gvx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07gvx ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n?x ns:book.written_work.subjects ns:m.037mh8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1782_839fa68cda37e890bb3eed45714fcc43", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "North Sudan", + "Republic of the Sudan", + "Jumh\u016br\u012byat as-S\u016bd\u0101n" + ], + "answer": "Sudan", + "answer_id": "m.06tw8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:01", + "machine_question": "where does the place where breed Chausie 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"webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_cf72f5d0a6ad971f47c7df0c80ba3eec", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krzyk 4", + "Klyksm4s", + "Sikoly 4.", + "Ciglik 4", + "Kivili 4", + "Skrik 4", + "Vrisak 4", + "Scream 4: Next Generation", + "Tze'aka 4", + "Vr\u00edskot 4", + "\u00d6skri\u00f0 4", + "Gritos 4", + "Scre4m: Grita de Nuevo", + "\u041a\u0440\u0438\u043a 4", + "Klyksmas 4", + "P\u00e2nico 4", + "Scre4m" + ], + "answer": "Scream 4", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhdbl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and cinematography was by Peter Deming", + "question": "What Lucy Hale film had Peter Deming serving as cinematographer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.cinematography ns:m.02rp0m4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1508_ae7b9e5b9a9f933eea0c2546ff4b9fb9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Yale Law School, main campus", + "Yale Law School, New Haven", + "Yale Law" + ], + "answer": "Yale Law School", + "answer_id": "m.02bq1j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:48:47", + "machine_question": "when did bill clinton go to college and is the publisher of the periodical journal Yale Journal of International Law", + "question": "What university that publishes the Yale Journal of International Law did Bill Clinton attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0157m)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0157m ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:book.periodical_publisher.periodicals_published ?c .\n?c ns:book.periodical_publisher_period.periodical ns:m.03wfj_d . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1809_59db881c0cb63d28d1d637b34f6cd564", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TN", + "Tenn", + "Volunteer State" + ], + "answer": "Tennessee", + "answer_id": "m.07h34" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:50", + "machine_question": "where was the battle of shiloh and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted latest", + "question": "Where was the location of the Battle of Shiloh that had a symbol that was adapted the most recently?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0127mr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0127mr ns:time.event.locations ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1809", + "webqsp_question": "where was the battle of shiloh" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2177_2f5629419ed7bd49d8317341e5a51575", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Columbia Law", + "Columbia Law School, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Columbia Law School", + "answer_id": "m.01n951" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:27:02", + "machine_question": "where did caroline kennedy go to school and is the university that has number of postgraduates 1267", + "question": "What university has 1267 postgraduates and includes Caroline Kennedy as an alumni?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01y603)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) 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OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.universe ns:m.0c09_k8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_eace2a2c8574e2eb531b6a69c1ea2c30", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and is the film was released earliest", + "question": "What was the earliest movie Rihanna played in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.initial_release_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-426_910cb777774c109bb5c84bd6c5e9f3ee", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:45:54", + "machine_question": "where is giza pyramids located and is the country that has an internet top level domain of Masr", + "question": "What country uses the masr internet domain and is known fo the Giza Pyramids?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.internet_tld ns:m.0bm9brf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-426", + "webqsp_question": "where is giza pyramids located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3390_1c26ecc9be7f4784feabb866b55875d3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Klara Hitler", + "answer_id": "m.0321wy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:38:24", + "machine_question": "what were hitler 's parents names and died from Breast cancer", + "question": "Which of Hitler's parents, died of breast cancer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07_m9_)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07_m9_ ns:people.person.parents ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ns:m.0j8hd . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3390", + "webqsp_question": "what were hitler 's parents names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2346_8af071db2e2ba1de581a9a5e907c40ad", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin dialects" + ], + "answer": "Mandarin Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.03115z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Taiwanese Mandarin", + "answer_id": "m.09q16b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Xinminhua", + "Kek", + "Hakka", + "Ke", + "Hokka", + "Tu Guangdonghua", + "Kehia", + "Hakka Chinese", + "Khek", + "Majiahua", + "Kechia", + "Chinese, Hakka", + "Kejia" + ], + "answer": "Chinese, Hakka Language", + "answer_id": "m.0dxj6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Taiwanese language", + "Taiwanese" + ], + "answer": "Taiwanese Hokkien", + "answer_id": "m.0g1jw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "taiwan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:51:18", + "machine_question": "what does the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Chiang Kai-shek people speak", + "question": "What language is spoken in the country where Chiang Kai-shek is an office holder?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.01_4z . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2346", + "webqsp_question": "what does taiwan people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_d4365c56c0eda71b0415a72b7a925955", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, USA", + "Empire City", + "City of New York", + "New York City, New York", + "New-York", + "\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e8\u30fc\u30af\u5e02", + "Gotham", + "New York", + "New York, NY", + "The Melting Pot", + "Richmond County / New York city", + "NYC", + "The Big Apple", + "New York, N.Y.", + "New York, New York", + "The Capital of the World" + ], + "answer": "New York City", + "answer_id": "m.02_286" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "Hennepin County / Minneapolis city" + ], + "answer": "Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Duluth, Minnesota", + "St. Louis County / Duluth city" + ], + "answer": "Duluth", + "answer_id": "m.0h1k6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "St. Louis County / Hibbing city", + "Hibbing, Minnesota" + ], + "answer": "Hibbing", + "answer_id": "m.0wjjx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bob dylan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did the author who published editions for The Definitive Bob Dylan Songbook (Bob Dylan) (Bob Dylan) live", + "question": "Where did the author that published, The Definitive Bob Dylan Songbook, live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04v5ypp . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2611_2155aecca07f01c80e58bdbe610a45b0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:33:41", + "machine_question": "when was samuel pepys and in which the fictional character Fei Long was born", + "question": "Where is the birth country of Samuel Pepys and the fictional character Fei Long?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06xxc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06xxc ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.fictional_characters_born_here ns:m.045qd5 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2611", + "webqsp_question": "when was samuel pepys" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2325_3ec496c94ff4f83167e7d83479fa7082", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ryan Rodney Reynolds", + "Champ Nightengale" + ], + "answer": "Ryan Reynolds", + "answer_id": "m.036hf4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scarlett johansson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:48:21", + "machine_question": "who did the artist aword nominated for A Love Song for Bobby Long married", + "question": "Who is married to the nominee for \"A Love Song for Bobby Long?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.04gcw8 . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2325", + "webqsp_question": 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\nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3695", + "webqsp_question": "where in georgia does usher live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-638_17dce559f069bbd76f045192423e1ce0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:20:35", + "machine_question": "what languages are there in japan and is the language found in the fictional universe Buffyverse", + "question": "What language is in Japan that is also found in the fictional universe Buffyverse?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_3d)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_3d ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.02s3gw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-638", + "webqsp_question": "what languages are there in japan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_12ea164334adaa0b6bc7a59ec6b12906", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Benin", + "answer_id": "m.0164v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through and is the country that has an iso 3166-1 alpha-3 of BJ", + "question": "What country has an ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 of BJ and has the Niger River flow through it?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso3166_1_alpha2 \"BJ\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1792_f68b826136dea7d910f01719ad343c29", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Scotia" + ], + "answer": "Scotland", + "answer_id": "m.06q1r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:16", + "machine_question": "where is midlothian scotland and where Leigh Manson was born", + "question": "Which country, containing Midlothian Scotland, is the birthplace of Leigh Manson?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.011w8v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.011w8v ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ns:m.0100pd2f . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1792", + "webqsp_question": "where is midlothian scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_0701f45f0c4f93e3bf3fb6d0b299c2a2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Nigeria" + ], + "answer": "Nigeria", + "answer_id": "m.05cgv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through and is the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named House of Representatives", + "question": "What country has a house of representatives as a part of their goverment and includes the Niger river as a body of water?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.09ryyj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3475_d6b399b7abccfea2d7204210d458e552", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Old Continent" + ], + "answer": "Europe", + "answer_id": "m.02j9z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "danish", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:53:29", + "machine_question": "where is the area in which the newspaper Berlingske is circulated located", + "question": "What continent includes the area which circulates the Berlingske newspaper?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.050_0_ . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3475", + "webqsp_question": "where is danish located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_bcd35b5829f976cfda507a30a847dc9f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter et le Prince de sang-m\u00eal\u00e9", + "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: An IMAX 3D Experience", + "HP and the HBP", + "The Half-Blood Prince" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", + "answer_id": "m.03hxsv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and that had a sequel named Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I", + "question": "Which Harry Potter movie had a sequel called \"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.sequel ns:m.02pth35 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1782_8b3815ec57389b13892dd5abb108cc4e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "North Sudan", + "Republic of the Sudan", + "Jumh\u016br\u012byat as-S\u016bd\u0101n" + ], + "answer": "Sudan", + "answer_id": "m.06tw8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:01", + "machine_question": "where does the location that contains Gebel Elba export to", + "question": "Where does the place that contains Gebel Elba export to>?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.location.partially_contains ns:m.026cy73 . \n?c ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?y .\n?y ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1782", + "webqsp_question": "where does egypt export to" + 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+ { + "ID": "WebQTest-426_5b4ebc4b735eb503dac0b45813008929", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:45:54", + "machine_question": "where is giza pyramids located and the ISO numeric of the country is 818", + "question": "What country has the ISO numeric 818 and is where the Giza Pyramids are located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric \"818\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-426", + "webqsp_question": "where is giza pyramids located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_a50d1fcc2af34ea70e11e095d0eb3f9d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bulldog", + "Capote, Truman", + "Truman Garcia Capote", + "Mr. 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"", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:34:09", + "machine_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with and was buried in Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery", + "question": "Who had an affair with John Kennedy and was buried in Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d3k14)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d3k14 ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?y .\n?y ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.celebrity ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_burial ns:m.018mm4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-334", + "webqsp_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-810_e6b6120a77b1be628b4de47653fbd86f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Albanian" + ], + "answer": "Albanian language", + "answer_id": "m.012v8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:46:20", + "machine_question": "what language do people from greece speak and that has initials sq", + "question": "What language with the initials sq do people from Greece speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.035qy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.035qy ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.iso_639_1_code \"sq\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-810", + "webqsp_question": "what language do people from greece speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-324_80bc69215f6fdb6c93a8cc8494b116e9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln 1861 presidential inauguration", + "answer_id": "m.05brd51" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln 1865 presidential inauguration", + "answer_id": "m.05brd5c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "abraham lincoln", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:54:47", + "machine_question": "what date was the subject of the film Young Mr. Lincoln inaugurated", + "question": "What are the dates when the subject of the film Young Mr. Lincoln inaugurated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.03fy0j . \n?c ns:base.inaugurations.inauguration_speaker.inauguration ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-324", + "webqsp_question": "what date was abraham lincoln inaugurated" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_f4911e93c40f00f8c256e3ccf42422c1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Hunger Games", + "answer_id": "m.0gkz15s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and is the film was released to the 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"WebQTest-1405_ea7c900335f84b2850f4cee7ebb7e18f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Salt Lake Temple", + "answer_id": "m.034zn4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Trolley Square", + "answer_id": "m.04p9dd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:31:32", + "machine_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah and is the structure opened before 2003-02-08", + "question": "What building opened beofre 2003-02-08 and is located in Salt Lake City Utah?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f2r6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f2r6 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2003-02-08\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1405", + "webqsp_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah" + }, + { + "ID": 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3", + "Sokak Dansi 3D", + "Dansul dragostei 3D", + "Step Up 3", + "Step Up 3D: I nea diastasi", + "Sexy Dance 3: The Battle 3D", + "Ela Dan\u00e7a, Eu Dan\u00e7o 3" + ], + "answer": "Step Up 3D", + "answer_id": "m.064016d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and that had a sequel named Step Up Revolution", + "question": "Which movie does Alyson Stoner act in, that had a sequel called, Step Up Revolution?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.sequel ns:m.0gtxj2q . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-2018_f10cb70b140431936408af941020534a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sailor", + "answer_id": "m.016wtf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Novelist", + "answer_id": "m.02xhgwq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Rep\u00f3rter" + ], + "answer": "Journalist", + "answer_id": "m.0d8qb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "television writer", + "Scriptwriter", + "scenarist", + "tv writer", + "script writer", + "film writer" + ], + "answer": "Screenwriter", + "answer_id": "m.0dxtg" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Essayist", + "answer_id": "m.0f1hr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jack london", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T12:20:03", + "machine_question": "what did the author who published editions for The Sea-Wolf (Dove Ultimate Classics) do for a living", + "question": "What jobs did the author of \"The Sea-Wolf (Dove Ultimate Classics)\" hold?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04vf6hg . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-2018", + "webqsp_question": "what did jack london do for a living" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_73ea404abd5544ea2aa819d425f619f4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and in which costumes where designed by Patricia Field", + "question": "What movie is Miley Cyrus in where the costumes were designed by Patricia Field?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.costume_design_by ns:m.02drsz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_045969785f7fbeae3f75f65c8bd51784", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guam", + "answer_id": "m.034tl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fort Sheridan, Illinois", + "Fort Sheridan Historic District" + ], + "answer": "Fort Sheridan", + "answer_id": "m.035r6b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "S Dak", + "Mount Rushmore State", + "SD" + ], + "answer": "South Dakota", + "answer_id": "m.06mz5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "UT", + "Beehive State" + ], + "answer": "Utah", + "answer_id": "m.07srw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / South Pasadena city", + "South Pasadena, California" + ], + "answer": "South Pasadena", + "answer_id": "m.0r0_5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Duarte city", + "Duarte, California" + ], + "answer": "Duarte", + "answer_id": "m.0r06n" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Stillwater, Minnesota", + "Washington County / Stillwater city" + ], + "answer": "Stillwater", + "answer_id": "m.0wmtg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sam shepard", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does the artist aword nominated for Fool for Love live", + "question": "Where does the artist nominated for awards for \"Fool for Love\" make their home?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0g6zk7 . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3390_549761eca9c4f858651ea00f4f9c4abc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Alois Hitler, Sr.", + "Alois Schicklgruber", + "Alois H\u00fcttler", + "Alois Hiedler", + "Alois Huettler" + ], + "answer": "Alois Hitler", + "answer_id": "m.02p0d7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Klara Hitler", + "answer_id": "m.0321wy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hitler", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:38:24", + "machine_question": "what were the 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ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0nf3642 . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.080_x_ .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2108", + "webqsp_question": "who does avril lavigne play in over the hedge" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_60dd1a9b9dd527ef07c3e897159936d4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and is the film was released earliest", + "question": "What was the earliest movie Miley Cyrus played in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR 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Viskas arba nieko" + ], + "answer": "Step Up: All In", + "answer_id": "m.0ztfxbv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and is the film that was released latest", + "question": "Which of Alyson Stoner's movies was released last?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1373_143eff730b4a4151ec8de93c060f5bbd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Swedish", + "Ruotsi", + "Svenska" + ], + "answer": "Swedish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06mp7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:36:38", + "machine_question": "what language do you speak in finland and that has initials sv", + "question": "When I go to Finland, what language with the initials sv do I need to learn before I go?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02vzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02vzc ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.iso_639_1_code \"sv\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1373", + "webqsp_question": "what language do you speak in finland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1373_f43a0e344efe5ad942a22ed8b4a21949", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomea", + "Finnish" + ], + "answer": "Finnish Language", + "answer_id": "m.01gp_d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saame", + "Anar", + "Inari \"Lappish\"", + "Lapp", + "Saam", + "Finnish Lapp", + "Samic", + "S\u00e1mi", + "Saami, Inari" + ], + "answer": "Saami, Inari Language", + "answer_id": "m.02lpg6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saami, North", + "Saame", + "Northern Lappish", + "Lapp", + "Norwegian Lapp", + "Norwegian Saami", + "Northern Lapp", + "Same", + "Sami, Northern", + "Samic", + "Saami", + "Davvin", + "Northern Saami" + ], + "answer": "Saami, North Language", + "answer_id": "m.04d36l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Swedish", + "Ruotsi", + "Svenska" + ], + "answer": "Swedish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06mp7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "finland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:36:38", + "machine_question": "what language do you speak in the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Prime Minister of Finland", + "question": "What language is spoken where there is a position title of the Prime Minister of Finland?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER 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political appointer that had the title Director for Multilateral Affairs 's former occupation", + "question": "What were the former occupations of the political appointee who held the title Director for Multilateral Affairs?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.05ftbwf . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1591", + "webqsp_question": "what was obama 's former occupation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3064_e00c391d243d235d71cb1b5040e0ae1a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Province D' Ontario", + "ON", + "Province D\u2019 Ontario", + "Province Of Ontario" + ], + "answer": "Ontario", + "answer_id": "m.05kr_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "toronto", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:42:33", + "machine_question": "what province is the area in which the newspaper Now is circulated canada located in", + "question": "What province in Canada is in the location where the newspaper Now is circulated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.042d0t . \n?c ns:base.biblioness.bibs_location.state ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3064", + "webqsp_question": "what province is toronto canada located in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-638_58e9566abd822ef6687a4e1a0a22926c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:20:35", + "machine_question": "what languages are there in japan and is the language found in the fictional universe The Tortall Universe", + "question": "Which languages are spoken in Japan, and is found in the fictional universe, The Tortall Universe?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_3d)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_3d ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.02k6v6k . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-638", + "webqsp_question": "what languages are there in japan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1221_49e5e8dfd7342a352b63fea5c7941dbb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U of F", + "UF", + "University of Florida, Gainesville", + "University of Florida, Gainsville" + ], + "answer": "University of Florida", + "answer_id": "m.0j_sncb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "joakim noah", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:54:07", + "machine_question": "what college did the actor that played in the film 2006 NCAA Men's Basketball Championship", + "question": "What college did the person who played in the \"2006 NCAA Men's Basketball Championship\" go to?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0crtm3b . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1221", + "webqsp_question": "what college did joakim noah" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1809_1e39086cfa66c472cf21d733a496a962", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hardin County", + "answer_id": "m.0mtch" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:50", + "machine_question": "where was the battle of shiloh and the population number is 18754", + "question": "What county with population of 18754 did the Battle of Shiloh occur?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0127mr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0127mr ns:time.event.locations ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number \"18754\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1809", + "webqsp_question": "where was the battle of shiloh" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1430_a5440fa35cfed6c3f75a320e0f6f88c1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq", + "answer_id": "m.01j5_1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "pakistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:44:14", + "machine_question": "who was the president of the place that has the following courts Supreme Court of Pakistan in 1980", + "question": "Who was the president in 1980, of the location, that includes the Supreme Court of Pakistan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court_jurisdiction_area.courts ns:m.03gbf_ . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"1980-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"1980-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1430", + "webqsp_question": "who was the president of pakistan in 1980" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_0907650c2f3bdb7dac0659c134a7547d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and is the country that has an iso 3166-1 alpha-3 of AT", + "question": "Which European Country has an ISO of 3166-1 alpha-3 of AT?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso3166_1_alpha2 \"AT\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3563_9487e838df9b0506222c1535ebc5f18d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Westfield Westland" + ], + "answer": "Westland Mall", + "answer_id": "m.0n53kv5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:09:48", + "machine_question": "where to go in florida for vacation and location with the street address 1675 W 49th Street", + "question": "What fun place in Florida at the street address 1675 W. 49th St. should I visit when I'm there on vacation?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02xry)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02xry ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.street_address ?c .\n?c ns:location.mailing_address.street_address \"1675 W 49th Street\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_f2c1157528d187412332275a6e131272", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Douglas County", + "answer_id": "m.0flbm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:56:45", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and the population number is smallest", + "question": "In what place with the lowest population is Downtown Littleton?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0g8lsf)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0g8lsf ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_6c09ef08de494f4ec17e0f749dc86e63", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter si Pocalul de Foc", + "O Harry Potter kai to kypelo tis fotias", + "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The IMAX Experience", + "The Goblet of Fire", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to honoo no goburetto", + "Harry Potter i Plameni pehar", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u043a\u0443\u0431\u043e\u043a \u043e\u0433\u043d\u044f", + "Harry Potter och Den flammande b\u00e4garen", + "Harry Potter et la coupe de feu", + "Harry Potter in ognjeni kelih", + "Harry Potter og eldbikarinn", + "Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch", + "Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco", + "Harry Potter og flammernes pokal", + "Harry Potter e o C\u00e1lice de Fogo", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a t\u0171z serlege", + "Harry Potter en de vuurbeker", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00e1 casa", + "Harry Potter ja liekehtiv\u00e4 pikari", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00fd poh\u00e1r", + "Hari Poter i vatreni pehar", + "Haris Poteris ir ugnies taure", + "Harry Potter og ildbegeret", + "Harry Potter y el c\u00e1liz de fuego", + "Harry Potter ve ates kadehi", + "Harry Potter i Czara Ognia", + "Harry Potter ja tulepeeker", + "Harry Potter i el calze de foc" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", + "answer_id": "m.031786" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter und der Orden des Ph\u00f6nix", + "The Order of the Phoenix", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixuv r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter i Zakon Feniksa", + "Harry Potter ve z\u00fcmr\u00fcd\u00fcanka yoldasligi", + "Tip Top", + "Harry Potter i red Feniksa", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixov r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: The IMAX Experience", + "Harry Potter og F\u00f8nixordenen", + "Harry Potter e a Ordem da F\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a F\u0151nix rendje", + "Harii Pott\u00e2 to fushich\u00f4 no kishidan", + "Harry Potter och Fenixorden", + "Harry Potter en de orde van de Feniks", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u041e\u0440\u0434\u0435\u043d \u0424\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0430", + "Harry Potter in Feniksov red", + "Harry Potter et l'ordre du Ph\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter i l'orde del F\u00e8nix", + "Harry Potter si Ordinul Phoenix", + "Harry Potter e l'ordine della Fenice", + "Harry Potter y la orden del F\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter ja F\u00f6\u00f6niksi ordu", + "Harry Potter ja Feeniksin kilta", + "Harry Potter og F\u00f8niksordenen", + "Harry Potter e a Ordem da F\u00eanix", + "O Harry Potter kai to Tagma tou Foinika", + "Haris Poteris ir Fenikso brolija", + "\u0425\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u044a\u0440 \u0438 \u043e\u0440\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044a\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0444\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0430", + "Hari Poter I red Feniksa" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", + "answer_id": "m.031hcx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter et le Prince de sang-m\u00eal\u00e9", + "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: An IMAX 3D Experience", + "HP and the HBP", + "The Half-Blood Prince" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", + "answer_id": "m.03hxsv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and it's genre is Family Adventures", + "question": "Which Harry Potter movies are considered part of the family adventure genre?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:media_common.netflix_title.netflix_genres ns:m.0cq22p4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_c408965bb9785d0e7ef74a83af101821", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen", + "answer_id": "m.02bqvs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen 2", + "answer_id": "m.066b_n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and movie that was part of the Cheaper by the Dozen film series", + "question": "Which movies does Alyson Stoner act in, that was part of the Cheaper by the Dozen film series?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_series ns:m.0w_sn9f . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-472_8b60d7264558869b5cef5f60dbc41a87", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:53:15", + "machine_question": "what team did ronaldo play for in 2003 and the sports team arena stadium is Santiago Bernab\u00c3\u00a9u Stadium", + "question": "What team that plays in the Santiago Bernabeu Stadium did Ronaldo play for in 2003?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0hhqw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0hhqw ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2003-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2003-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.01gxlt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-472", + "webqsp_question": "what team did ronaldo play for in 2003" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_ceb9c183a12b34e822eadb1a50ade97f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and the country calling code is largest", + "question": "Which country with the largest calling coder borders Slovakia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3475_5fb8a0654bd627fd3eaed296aa6b52db", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Old Continent" + ], + "answer": "Europe", + "answer_id": "m.02j9z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "danish", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:53:29", + "machine_question": "where is the location which contains the second level division H\u00c3\u00b8je-Taastrup Municipality located", + "question": "Where is second level division H\u00c3\u00b8je-Taastrup Municipality located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.012hg3 . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3475", + "webqsp_question": "where is danish located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-334_25b93a193187b9239e73072d745ece7b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Marylin Monroe", + "Marilyn Monroe Miller", + "The Blonde Bombshell", + "Norma Jeane DiMaggio", + "MM", + "Norma Jeane Baker", + "Norma Jeane Dougherty", + "Merilin Monro", + "Marliyn Monroe", + "Jean Norman", + "Norma Jeane Mortenson", + "Norma Jeane Mortensen" + ], + "answer": "Marilyn Monroe", + "answer_id": "m.04wqr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:34:09", + "machine_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with and who was Pentecostalism", + "question": "Who was a Pentecostal who John Kennedy had an affair with?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d3k14)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d3k14 ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?y .\n?y ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.celebrity ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.religion ns:m.05w5d . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-334", + "webqsp_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3466_0ab198918959e0a63172be1705632a9c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dallas, Texas", + "Dallas, TX", + "Rockwall County / Dallas city" + ], + "answer": "Dallas", + "answer_id": "m.0f2rq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kennedy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:52:50", + "machine_question": "in which city was president the person that said \"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.\" killed", + "question": "What city was the President who said \"Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.\" killed in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048kbz9 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3466", + "webqsp_question": "in which city was president kennedy 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"WebQTrn-686_11437778f17f15cd21ab8da41c85cc12", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The End of the World", + "The Apocalypse" + ], + "answer": "This Is the End", + "answer_id": "m.0hz4j2j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and is the film that was released latest", + "question": "What movie featuring Rihanna was released last?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_b6b080705fe027212d8f7015a6c37325", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "Hennepin County / Minneapolis city" + ], + "answer": "Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and contains a neighborhood named Bryant", + "question": "In what city containing the Bryant neighborhood did Bob Dylan live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.place_with_neighborhoods.neighborhoods ns:m.025v2tc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-733_b9ee95e24e0e6221b48124d421dd5648", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vietnamese \u0111\u1ed3ng (Remonetized)" + ], + "answer": "Vietnamese dong", + "answer_id": "m.03ksl6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "vietnam", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:33:33", + "machine_question": "what currency should you take to the country where BGI Lager Beer beer is made", + "question": "What type of currency is needed in the country that makes BGI Lager Beer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqr8c . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-733", + "webqsp_question": "what currency should you take to vietnam" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_5c7b955707baedfe3856d7aed72e139e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richland County / Columbia city", + "Columbia, South Carolina", + "Columbia, SC" + ], + "answer": "Columbia", + "answer_id": "m.0fv_t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:42:23", + "machine_question": "where is usc from and is the place that a person with the birth date 1981-04-04 was born", + "question": "What placed features a person with the birthdate of 1981-04-04 and is where USC is from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03tw2s)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03tw2s ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:people.person.date_of_birth \"1981-04-04\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2948_620f1d0935614587053246e31079ff69", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mystery Woman", + "Carrie Frances Fisher" + ], + "answer": "Carrie Fisher", + "answer_id": "m.01tnbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:38", + "machine_question": "who played princess leia in star wars movies and is the actor that played the character Marie", + "question": "Who was the actor, that played Princess Leia, in the Star Wars movies, and also played the character, Marie?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0ddqw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0ddqw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0528809 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2948", + "webqsp_question": "who played princess leia in star wars movies" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2873_bb52935122b51a39f54c11fea3cae7c8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:15:52", + "machine_question": "where does hector camacho live and the population number is largest", + "question": "What area with the largest population does Hector Camacho live in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0lxcw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0lxcw ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2873", + "webqsp_question": "where does hector camacho live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2926_e0781ce6ee283851f8bf3a5c386c764f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "John Hinckley Jr.", + "answer_id": "m.01gfrc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ronald reagan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:22:25", + "machine_question": "who did the political appointer that had the title United States Ambassador to Lesotho get shot by", + "question": "Who shot the United States Ambassador to Lesotho?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.027c0bd . \n?c ns:user.dfhuynh.default_domain.assassinated_person.assassination ?y .\n?y ns:user.dfhuynh.default_domain.assassination.assassin ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2926", + "webqsp_question": "who did ronald reagan get shot by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3281_d7e8df643be12236c5608a0ff935e93d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jamaican dollar", + "answer_id": "m.04xc2m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jamaica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:17:01", + "machine_question": "what currency does the country where Desnoes & Geddes Red Stripe Lager beer is made accept", + "question": "What currency is used in the nation the brews Desnoes & Geddes Red Stripe Lager beer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqqqw . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3281", + "webqsp_question": "what currency does jamaica accept" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3475_25860d92ec8ed0f325c75bf9b1deeb3a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Old Continent" + ], + "answer": "Europe", + "answer_id": "m.02j9z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "danish", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:53:29", + "machine_question": "where is the country where Faxe Premium beer is made located", + "question": "What continent is the country where Faxes Premium beer is made in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqnrn . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3475", + "webqsp_question": "where is danish located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2611_d6409e0352b9f0bfb308515caf5262de", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:33:41", + "machine_question": "when was samuel pepys and the country calling code is 86", + "question": "Which country has a calling code of 86 and was the home of Samuel Pepys?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06xxc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06xxc ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code \"86\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2611", + "webqsp_question": "when was samuel pepys" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-496_f5b637352abc7d29727acaf5f06655d1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Teacher", + "answer_id": "m.01d30f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Philosopher", + "answer_id": "m.02h6fbs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Theoretical Physicist", + "answer_id": "m.02ktm6n" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mathematician", + "answer_id": "m.04s2z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Physicist", + "answer_id": "m.05snw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Scientist", + "answer_id": "m.06q2q" + 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+ "aliases": [ + "Fox Inc", + "FOX Television Network", + "Fox Broadcasting Company" + ], + "answer": "FOX", + "answer_id": "m.0cjdk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:38:44", + "machine_question": "what does rupert murdoch own 2012 and was an award nominee in the 11th Satellite Awards ceremony", + "question": "What award nominee in the 11th Satellite Awards ceremony was owned in 2012 by Rupert Murdoch?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06hrk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06hrk ns:organization.organization_founder.organizations_founded ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.ceremony ns:m.0275n3y . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2259", + "webqsp_question": "what does rupert murdoch own 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_202f613c6797086ffe6e14f137764bea", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Happy Smekday!" + ], + "answer": "Home", + "answer_id": "m.0mwfph8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and is they music was by Stargate", + "question": "What movie was Rihanna in that had music by Stargate?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.music ns:m.057xg2r . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-786_3ff2809feeaebbb3358629bc2b5f1654", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "january_jones", + "January Jones Scott", + "January Kristen Jones", + "Jones, January" + ], + "answer": "January Jones", + "answer_id": "m.03v1jf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:58:37", + "machine_question": "who played emma frost and is the actor that played the character Claire", + "question": "Who played Emma Frost and the character Claire?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.033pl2)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.033pl2 ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0bm6bjr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-786", + "webqsp_question": "who played emma frost" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-775_bef04d535055ee5b810b7ff34d87e298", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Manchester City Art Gallery", + "Manchester City Art Gallery." + ], + "answer": "Manchester Art Gallery", + "answer_id": "m.0383jm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:39:48", + "machine_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids and is the exhibition venue that opened on 2006-06-23", + "question": "When my kids and I hit Manchester this weekend, what exhibition venue that opened on 23 June 2006 should we visit?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.052bw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.052bw ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:exhibitions.exhibition_venue.exhibitions_at_this_venue ?c .\n?c ns:exhibitions.exhibition_run.opened_on \"2006-06-23\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-775", + "webqsp_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_20039cea3e71165d66cb27763b880253", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", + "answer_id": "m.03176f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and that was edited by Richard Francis-Bruce", + "question": "Which Harry Potter movies were edited by Richard Francis-Bruce?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.edited_by ns:m.09v9m0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_61e8d71fcb156b763646e79cdf70eea1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Touko Laaksonen", + "Tom" + ], + "answer": "Tom of Finland", + "answer_id": "m.024hjy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and is subject of the film Daddy and the Muscle Academy", + "question": "Who was the subject of the film \"Daddy and the Muscle Academy\" and influenced Andy Warhol's work?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0bf2l2g . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_88e00458cad669a0d01644cdd6029157", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Belgique", + "Belgi\u00eb", + "Kingdom of Belgium" + ], + "answer": "Belgium", + "answer_id": "m.0154j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and the country calling code is 32", + "question": "What country speaks German and has a calling code of 32?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code \"32\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1364_81e20c90b256e50f1bf105644be110a9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scotland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:22:24", + "machine_question": "what do they speak in the country where British English is spoken", + "question": "What language is spoken in the country where British English is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != 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ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1961\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2601", + "webqsp_question": "who did warren moon play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3346_50b6889f37145cced4336327b42dcb8e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Zabeel Saray", + "answer_id": "m.0q40862" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:29:14", + "machine_question": "what are the places to see in dubai and is the structure opened after 2010-01-04", + "question": "What's a great place to see in Dubai that opened its doors later than 4 January 2010?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f08r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f08r ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"2010-01-04\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3346", + "webqsp_question": "what are the places to see in dubai" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_69ef46e08a6277d51eb4fa176804d316", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen 2", + "answer_id": "m.066b_n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and that was edited by Christopher Greenbury", + "question": "What movie was Alyson Stoner in that was edited by Christopher Greenbury?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.edited_by ns:m.02rgdqr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2631_f5d448e0962e3fb33491d5e6697b30f7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Turkey", + "T\u00fcrkiye", + "Turkiye" + ], + "answer": "Turkey", + "answer_id": "m.01znc_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:36:12", + "machine_question": "what countries are the mediterranean and number of people in the country's army is largest", + "question": "What Mediterranean country has the largest army?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04swx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04swx ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2631", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are the mediterranean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_a39c411e5be5ab2d1e3dee0267a6b0eb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and number of people in the country's army is 107000", + "question": "Which country bordering Slovakia has 107000 people in its army?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"107000\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_1d8dc3712549a35c33f9d651df515e93", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sonny Boy", + "Edwin John Tisch", + "Edwin John Fisher", + "Private Eddie Fisher", + "Edwin John \"Eddie\" Fisher" + ], + "answer": "Eddie Fisher", + "answer_id": "m.01tj5w5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and the person's date of death is latest", + "question": "Who was Liz Taylor married do that died the most recently?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.date_of_death ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_dd3a4f1b7a8714b2250bfd037c0ce602", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Wright County / Mansfield city", + "Mansfield, Missouri" + ], + "answer": "Mansfield", + "answer_id": "m.0x14p" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and is the country that has a county named Wright County", + "question": "Where is Wright County the home of Laura Ingalls Wilder located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01bt87)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.hud_county_place.county ns:m.0nd9y . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_e12c930fa07dfba5a0fc3f9d71dd9800", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, USA", + "Empire City", + "City of New York", + "New York City, New York", + "New-York", + "\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e8\u30fc\u30af\u5e02", + "Gotham", + "New York", + "New York, NY", + "The Melting Pot", + "Richmond County / New York city", + "NYC", + "The Big Apple", + "New York, N.Y.", + "New York, New York", + "The Capital of the World" + ], + "answer": "New York City", + "answer_id": "m.02_286" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "Hennepin County / Minneapolis city" + ], + "answer": "Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Duluth, Minnesota", + "St. Louis County / Duluth city" + ], + "answer": "Duluth", + "answer_id": "m.0h1k6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "St. Louis County / Hibbing city", + "Hibbing, Minnesota" + ], + "answer": "Hibbing", + "answer_id": "m.0wjjx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bob dylan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did the composer of Country Pie live", + "question": "In what cities did the composer of \"Country Pie\" reside?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.0zjwptn . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1361_4d5eab1706e2b7dedc4af89682ff67a2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mexican peso", + "answer_id": "m.012ts8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:02", + "machine_question": "what currency should take to the country where Pur\u00c3\u00a9pecha language is spoken", + "question": "What currency is used in the country where Pur\u00c3\u00a9pecha is a spoken language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.0gnknr . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1361", + "webqsp_question": "what currency should take to mexico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3346_aefe657244dd50438badf5d4fa73945c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Beach Hotel", + "answer_id": "m.027tlcs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:29:14", + "machine_question": "what are the places to see in dubai and location with the street address Jumeirah Road", + "question": "What place is there to see in Dubai on Jumeirah Road?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f08r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f08r ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.street_address ?c .\n?c ns:location.mailing_address.street_address \"Jumeirah Road\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3346", + "webqsp_question": "what are the places to see in dubai" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-243_795a73033e05acd1cf12a23f49e99f1b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Photography", + "answer_id": "m.05wkw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:41:40", + "machine_question": "what style of art is salvador dali and invented by Nic\u00c3\u00a9phore Ni\u00c3\u00a9pce", + "question": "Nicephore Niecpe created what style of art that was later used by Salvador Dali?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.09_xn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.09_xn ns:visual_art.visual_artist.art_forms ?x .\n?x ns:law.invention.inventor ns:m.0120zd . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-243", + "webqsp_question": "what style of art is salvador dali" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_20dd19ced12227b367c0d50ebad22502", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jack Smith", + "answer_id": "m.07kwmh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and is the actor that played the character Orpheus", + "question": "What actor who portrayed the character Orpheus influenced Andy Warhol's work?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:m.011n8_qj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_9ed16b21d503fd4af6b40a54b3c12908", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Centennial State", + "Colo", + "CO" + ], + "answer": "Colorado", + "answer_id": "m.01n4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:56:45", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and is the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Clarence Morley", + "question": "Where is Downtown Littleton and also where there is a governmental office holder named Clarence Morley?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0g8lsf)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0g8lsf ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.025zdqz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1732_dcdbff8e7e905c44a5af5a674912c9a9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Humboldt University of Berlin, main campus", + "HU-Berlin", + "Humboldt-Universit\u00e4t zu Berlin" + ], + "answer": "Humboldt University of Berlin", + "answer_id": "m.01stzp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:20:09", + "machine_question": "where did theodor schwann get his education and is the university that has number of postgraduates largest", + "question": "Where did Theodor Schwann go to school with the largest number of postgraduates?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.040000)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR 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"PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.034m8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.034m8 ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.main_country ns:m.014tss . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1529", + "webqsp_question": "what does guyana speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1632_6d28a31faa6c1d9b95ff4774ce7c04e6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, New York City" + ], + "answer": "Verrazano\u2013Narrows Bridge", + "answer_id": "m.01q6lq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:14:20", + "machine_question": "what to see in staten island new york and is the structure opened latest", + "question": "What's the latest opened building, that is something to see, and visit, in Staten Island,NY?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0y62n)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = 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(!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-638_db24dc739b7b00cdab7cf3d825975aed", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "La Internacia Lingvo", + "La Lingvo Internacia", + "Esperanto" + ], + "answer": "Esperanto Language", + "answer_id": "m.02jcw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:20:35", + "machine_question": "what languages are there in japan and invented by L. L. Zamenhof", + "question": "What language was invented by L. L. Zamenhof and is used in Japan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_3d)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_3d ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:law.invention.inventor ns:m.04lns . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-638", + "webqsp_question": "what languages are there in japan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1121_c4013ee704411335d82361eee6eaa23b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Cradle of the Renaissance", + "Florence, Italy", + "Firenze", + "Athens of the Middle Ages" + ], + "answer": "Florence", + "answer_id": "m.031y2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "machiavelli", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:59:35", + "machine_question": "in what city did the person that said \"Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil.\" live", + "question": "In what city did the person who stated \"Hatred is gained as much by good works as by evil.\" reside?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048jj2_ . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:base.biblioness.bibs_location.loc_type ?sk0 .\nFILTER (str(?sk0) = \"City\")\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1121", + "webqsp_question": "in what city did machiavelli live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-577_9d35b529d6dfa034e55c683b53f707c1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic" + ], + "answer": "Democratic republic", + "answer_id": "m.0fpgmpz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chile", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:34:45", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the country where Rapa Nui Language is spoken have today", + "question": "Which type of government, does the country where Rapa Nui language is spoken, have currently?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.0565hv . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_140de5b9cf3cecdb019dcdc20300579f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and export to Sierra Leone", + "question": "What country bordering Argentina exports to Sierra Leone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jgd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?c .\n?c ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ns:m.06s_2 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1793_8df543a977cf8e7f362482a73cab35d0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Arsenal", + "The Gunners", + "Woolwich Arsenal", + "Arsenal Gunners", + "Dial Square", + "Arsenal", + "Arsenal Football Club", + "Arsenal FC" + ], + "answer": "Arsenal F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.0xbm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:34:59", + "machine_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for and is the sports team was founded earliest", + "question": "What sports team which was founded earliest did Santi Cazorla play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0264yjz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0264yjz ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1793", + "webqsp_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1212_ca1d9e583e040b7f2f6103a9f44cd53b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:12:29", + "machine_question": "what political system does the country that its coat of arms is Coat of arms of Russia use", + "question": "Which political system does the country that has its own Coat of arms of Russia utilize?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:symbols.coat_of_arms_bearer.coat_of_arms_used ?k .\n?k ns:symbols.armorial_grant.coat_of_arms ns:m.04c96n . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1212", + "webqsp_question": "what political system does russia use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-233_b0e1a46b580ab69854c6fbb55524d3f7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Madaglashti", + "Badakhshi", + "Farsi, Eastern", + "Eastern Farsi", + "Dari", + "Persian", + "Tajik", + "Farsi", + "Parsi", + "Afghan Persian" + ], + "answer": "Farsi, Eastern Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hwl5z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pushto", + "Pushto language", + "Pashto", + "Pukhto" + ], + "answer": "Pashto language", + "answer_id": "m.0swlx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "afghanistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:38:01", + "machine_question": "what language people speak in the place where Farsi, Eastern Language language is spoken", + "question": "What languages are spoken in the place where Farsi and Eastern Language are spoken languages?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.02hwl5z . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-233", + "webqsp_question": "what language people speak in afghanistan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2944_88427e4cf8c94effb8217cddfd827261", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:28", + "machine_question": "what country is the author who published editions for Dreams from My Father from", + "question": "Where is the author of \"Dreams From My Father\" from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.028xzkj . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2944", + "webqsp_question": "what country is barack obama from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_739cb11f9587d0d40e3be78ffb5416db", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and hold a position in United States House of Representatives", + "question": "Who influenced Whitman's poetry and was also in the United States House of Representatives?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.0b3wk . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2873_720f43eec78fddd01957e98aca29e29f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:15:52", + "machine_question": "where does hector camacho live and contains a neighborhood named Hell's Kitchen", + "question": "Where does Hector Camacho live that contains the neighborhood Hell's Kitchen?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT 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"machine_question": "what continent does the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Israeli Ministry of Defense belong to", + "question": "On what continent would you find the governmental jurisdiction that includes the governmental body Israeli Ministry of Defense?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.08_p2h . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-648", + "webqsp_question": "what continent does israel belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_1fe5ba922b1850a6fc32b2c3917d02c6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SOS dancer", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Paul Kevin Jonas", + "Paul Kevin Jonas II", + "Paul Jonas II", + "K2", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Kev", + "Kevin Jonas II" + ], + "answer": "Kevin Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04d_mtq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:16:16", + "machine_question": "what is jonas brothers names and was nominee of the Teen Choice Award for Choice TV Male Reality Star award", + "question": "Which Jonas brother was nominated for a Teen Choice Award for TV Male Reality Star?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0cbm64)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0cbm64 ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.0whfs54 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-470", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonas brothers names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1816_675e2a842506fdbbcf3ccdec8f51cee3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kevin Swanson", + "answer_id": "g.120yrd_6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Carter Pewterschmidt", + "answer_id": "g.12245v14" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Glenn Quagmire", + "answer_id": "m.01sxhc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Thomas Feargal Tucker" + ], + "answer": "Tom Tucker", + "answer_id": "m.026q0lb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mickey McFinnegan", + "answer_id": "m.028b1c8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Stewart Gilligan Griffin" + ], + "answer": "Stewie Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.02m29p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jehovah", + "Yahveh", + "Father God", + "God the Father", + "Almighty", + "The Lord", + "The Almighty", + "Voice of God", + "Supreme Being", + "God Almighty" + ], + "answer": "God", + "answer_id": "m.02nw87f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Peter L\u00f6wenbr\u00e4u Griffin" + ], + "answer": "Peter Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.03n6jv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Griffin's dog" + ], + "answer": "Brian Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.03pcvr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kool-Aid Man" + ], + "answer": "Kool-aid Guy", + "answer_id": "m.05sr4_d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Captain Seamus" + ], + "answer": "Seamus", + "answer_id": "m.05sr4_s" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jasper", + "answer_id": "m.05sr4x5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dr. Hartman" + ], + "answer": "Dr. Elmer Hartman", + "answer_id": "m.05sr4zg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nathaniel Griffin" + ], + "answer": "Nate Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.05srj40" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jake Tucker", + "answer_id": "m.05ss3k_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "family guy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:37:04", + "machine_question": "what part does seth macfarlane play in the tv program that has the theme song Family Guy Theme Song", + "question": "Who does Seth Mcfarlane voice in the tv program whose theme song is Family Guy Theme Song?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 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ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code \"1\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2944_4e2a785b515c8024dd42f5a9bc60760b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:28", + "machine_question": "what country is the politician that held the government position Under 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nominee of the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role award", + "question": "What nominee for the BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role voiced Chucky in \"Child's Play\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02mkzj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02mkzj ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.06jpdm .\n?y ns:film.performance.special_performance_type ns:m.02nsjvf .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.02mkzj .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.027dtxw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1643", + "webqsp_question": "who does the voice for chucky in child 's play" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2601_046b26216c66e08d2b528b971292e4e6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Minnesota Vikings", + "answer_id": "m.051q5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:32:03", + "machine_question": "who did warren moon play for and has a Return specialist on its sports team roster", + "question": "Which NFL team includes a return specialist on the roster and once has Warren Moon as a quarterback?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01b0dl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01b0dl ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.roster ?c .\n?c ns:sports.sports_team_roster.position ns:m.03h42s4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2601", + "webqsp_question": "who did warren moon play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2150_473c0dd1e422495b8fa57aa6c3f25cc3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Belize", + "answer_id": "m.0164b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Guatemala." + ], + "answer": "Guatemala", + "answer_id": "m.0345_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + 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"answer_id": "m.04p9dd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mr. & Mrs. George T. 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DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.film_release_distribution_medium ns:m.02nxhr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2108_27a3b20f7d1aebfeea7ca284d80cceb5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Heather", + "answer_id": "m.0cg926d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "avril lavigne", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:17:34", + "machine_question": "who does the artist which recorded Cheers (Drink to That) play in over the hedge", + "question": "Who did the artist who recorded \"Cheers (Drink to That)\" play in \"Over the Hedge?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR 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"Plauto" + ], + "answer": "Plautus", + "answer_id": "m.060yy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus" + ], + "answer": "Plutarch", + "answer_id": "m.063_9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saint Thomas More", + "Sir Thomas More" + ], + "answer": "Thomas More", + "answer_id": "m.07hl9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Publius Terentius Afer" + ], + "answer": "Terence", + "answer_id": "m.07km7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Virgilio", + "Publius Maro", + "Vergil", + "Publio Virgilio", + "Publius Vergilius Maro", + "Verg\u012blijs" + ], + "answer": "Virgil", + "answer_id": "m.07yhg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ovide", + "Publius Ovidius Naso" + ], + "answer": "Ovid", + "answer_id": "m.09fdm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Michel Montaigne", + "Michel Eyquem de Montaigne" + ], + "answer": "Michel de Montaigne", + "answer_id": "m.0c2cl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Thomas Kyd", + "answer_id": "m.0c5h0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seneca", + "S\u00e9n\u00e8que", + "L SENECA", + "Lucius 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"composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and has a religious organization leadership since 1973", + "question": "What country speaks Arabic and has had a religious leadership since 1973?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.start_date \"1973\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_00e985cb0647bae82592566097064735", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Belgique", + "Belgi\u00eb", + "Kingdom of Belgium" + ], + "answer": "Belgium", + "answer_id": "m.0154j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of 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+ "question": "What kind of currency is used in the country where Obolon Zhigul beer is brewed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqw00 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2401", + "webqsp_question": "what money is used in ukraine" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3364_4eb308c561fb1dd4e29aa889f1b6219a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Underland Chronicles Book Three", + "answer_id": "m.04t448_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gregor and the Code of Claw", + "answer_id": "m.04t448h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "FIRE PROOF", + "answer_id": "m.04t44bh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane", + "answer_id": "m.0dsx8l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "suzanne collins", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:33:34", + "machine_question": "what children 's books did the artist aword nominated for Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods wrote", + "question": "What children's books were written by the artist who was nominated for awards for \"Gregor and the Curse of the Warmbloods\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0dsx98 . \n?c ns:book.author.works_written ?x .\n?x ns:book.book.genre ns:m.0dwly .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3364", + "webqsp_question": "what children 's books did suzanne collins wrote" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2458_792c6a28d066368131e18e276748ccac", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "costa rica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:06:06", + "machine_question": "which continent is the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Luis Fishman Zonzinski located", + "question": "On which continent does Luis Fishman Zonzinkski hold a governmental position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.0b6gsfk . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2458", + "webqsp_question": "which continent is costa rica located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3271_20f08f012745c0876649db86bc922a96", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Aymara" + ], + "answer": "Aymara language", + "answer_id": "m.01y5tq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mapuche", + "Mapudungu", + "Mapudungun", + "Araucano", + "Maputongo" + ], + "answer": "Mapudungun Language", + "answer_id": "m.01zn1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Easter Island", + "Pascuense", + "Rapa Nui" + ], + "answer": "Rapa Nui Language", + "answer_id": "m.0565hv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Puquina" + ], + "answer": "Puquina Language", + "answer_id": "m.09_sxt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chilean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:16:31", + "machine_question": "what does the country where Mapudungun Language is spoken people speak", + "question": "What is the spoken languages in the country where Mapudungan language is used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.01zn1j . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3271", + "webqsp_question": "what does chilean people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2948_cbfdb60946eadac33d0eeae46626914b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mystery Woman", + "Carrie Frances Fisher" + ], + "answer": "Carrie Fisher", + "answer_id": "m.01tnbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:38", + "machine_question": "who played princess leia in star wars movies and that work as Playwright", + "question": "What is the name of the playwright who played Princess Leia in the Star Wars movies?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0ddqw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0ddqw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.profession 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ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 3100) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1732", + "webqsp_question": "where did theodor schwann get his education" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2513_528b2e40069f2066c242ec8db8c6ce7b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Arsenal", + "The Gunners", + "Woolwich Arsenal", + "Arsenal Gunners", + "Dial Square", + "Arsenal", + "Arsenal Football Club", + "Arsenal FC" + ], + "answer": "Arsenal F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.0xbm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:13:18", + "machine_question": "who has won the most fa cup and sports team that play in London", + "question": "Which team that plays in London has won the most FA Cups?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count)\n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n {\n SELECT (MAX(?count) AS ?maxCount)\n WHERE {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count) \n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n }\n FILTER (?maxCount = ?count)?x ns:sports.sports_team.location ns:m.04jpl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2513", + "webqsp_question": "who has won the most fa cup" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2808_c7bb9c3abfbe8b83db0a87b1347bfaaf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Rand" + ], + "answer": "South African rand", + "answer_id": "m.01rmbs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "south africa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:06:34", + "machine_question": "what currency does the place where breed Boerboel originated in have", + "question": "What money is used in the country where the Boerboel breed originated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 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"answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2", + "answer_id": "m.02qrr8j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and cinematography was by Jim Denault", + "question": "What Lucy Hale work featured cinematography by Jim Denault?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.cinematography ns:m.0jw8rt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1508_204a20b4c312334be608f02c0e40c208", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Georgetown", + "Yale University, New Haven", + "Yale University, main campus", + "Yale University", + "Yale", + "YU" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown University", + "answer_id": "m.08815" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Georgetown University, main campus" + ], + "answer": "University Yale", + "answer_id": "m.0pspl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "University College, Oxford, main campus", + "Univ.", + "The Master and Fellows of the College of the Great Hall of the University of Oxford" + ], + "answer": "University College, Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.0ymf1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:48:47", + "machine_question": "when did bill clinton go to college and the organiztion founding date is before 1843", + "question": "What college Bill Clinton attended had an organizational founding date prior to 1843?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0157m)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0157m ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:organization.organization.date_founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1843\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1101_693b01b24a8f9603a580d83fd80d39c1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Civil rights activist", + "answer_id": "m.010b8yqs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pastor", + "answer_id": "m.01fhsb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Religious minister", + "Minister of religion" + ], + "answer": "Minister", + "answer_id": "m.0377kt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Humanitarian", + "answer_id": "m.065qmpf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Clergy", + "answer_id": "m.0db79" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "martin luther king jr", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:33:54", + "machine_question": "who is the person that said \"Nothing pains some people more than having to think.\" facts", + "question": "Who's the person that said, \"Nothing pains some people more than having to think.\" ?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048fymc . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1101", + "webqsp_question": "who is martin luther king jr facts" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-651_8520ca90bd1e650edf1dbcad90336227", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u20ac", + "EUR" + ], + "answer": "Euro", + "answer_id": "m.02l6h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "germany", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:22:23", + "machine_question": "what is the currency of the country thar has the airline V Bird now", + "question": "What currency is used in the country which contains the airline V Bird?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.location.contains ?k .\n?k ns:aviation.airport.hub_for ns:m.05zbq0 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-651", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency of germany now" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_a12c79b18fdb59d074fd8a71efd70bbd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted earliest", + "question": "Of the states that were hoem to Laura Ingalls during her lifetime, which had the earliest adapted state symbol?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01bt87)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_1447130d73c390ebac9f67f1b95db94e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles, California, USA", + "LA", + "Los Angeles, California", + "Los Angeles, USA", + "City of Angels", + "L.A.", + "Los Angeles County / Los Angeles city", + "Los Angeles, CA" + ], + "answer": "Los Angeles", + "answer_id": "m.030qb3t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Las Vegas, Nevada", + "Vegas", + "Sin City", + "Clark County / Las Vegas city" + ], + "answer": "Las Vegas", + "answer_id": "m.0cv3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "joey king", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does the topic of the image Joey King 2010 live", + "question": "Where does the person in the image Joey King 2010 live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.0h0dxzs . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_885eb8bdb55dee38945b53efa1c7e8cc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker bell 4", + "Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods", + "Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker Bell: A Winter Story" + ], + "answer": "Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings", + "answer_id": "m.0crfwmx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and that had a sequel named Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy", + "question": "What else has Lucy Hale played in that has a sequel named Tinker Bell and the Pirate Fairy?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.sequel ns:m.0wy9btn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_89e154e26f746e4643c168d384871ffc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort - Partie 1", + "Harry Potter va Bao Boi Tu Than: Phan 1", + "Harry Potter a Dary smrti I", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte: Parte 1", + "The Deathly Hallows", + "Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 1. del", + "Harry Potter veotzarot hamavet - helek 1", + "Harry Potter und die Heiligt\u00fcmer des Todes - Teil 1", + "Harii Pott\u00e2 to shi no hih\u00f4 part 1", + "Harry Potter ve \u00d6l\u00fcm Yadig\u00e2rlari: B\u00f6l\u00fcm 1", + "Harry Potter ja surma v\u00e4gised: Osa 1", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dsregalierne - del 1", + "Harry Potter i darovi smrti 1. dio", + "Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea I" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows \u2013 Part 2", + "answer_id": "m.02pth35" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: The IMAX Experience" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I", + "answer_id": "m.03177r" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Incident on 57th Street" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", + "answer_id": "m.031778" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 3D", + "Harry Potter i insygnia smierci: Czesc II", + "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to shi no hih\u00f4: Part 2", + "\u0425\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u044a\u0440 \u0438 \u0434\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u0441\u043c\u044a\u0440\u0442\u0442\u0430: \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442 2", + "Harry Potter und die Heiligt\u00fcmer des Todes - Teil 2", + "Hari Poter i relikviite na smrtta: 2 del", + "Harri Potter i Smertel'ni Relikviji: Chastyna 2", + "Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea II", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte - Parte 2", + "Hari Poter i Relikvije Smrti: II deo", + "\u039f \u03a7\u03ac\u03c1\u03b9 \u03a0\u03cc\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1 \u03ba\u03b1\u03b9 \u03bf\u03b9 \u039a\u03bb\u03ae\u03c1\u03bf\u03b9 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u0398\u03b1\u03bd\u03ac\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5: \u039c\u03ad\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2 2\u03bf", + "Harry Potter ja kuoleman varjelukset: osa 2", + "Harry Potter 7-2", + "Harry Potter e i doni della morte: Parte II", + "Harry Potter i darovi smrti 2. dio", + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort: 2\u00e8me partie", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte 2", + "Harry Potter 7-2 (3D)", + "Harry Potter a dary smrti II", + "Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 2. del", + "Harry Potter e as Rel\u00edquias da Morte: Parte 2", + "Harry Potter ve \u00d6l\u00fcm Yadig\u00e2rlari: B\u00f6l\u00fcm 2", + "Harry Potter ja surma v\u00e4gised: Osa 2", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a Hal\u00e1l erekly\u00e9i 2. r\u00e9sz", + "Harry Potter e os Talism\u00e3s da Morte: Parte 2", + "O Harry Potter kai oi kliroi tou Thanatou: Meros 2o", + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort - 2\u00e8me partie", + "Harry Potter a relikvie smrti: c\u00e1st 2", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dsregalierne - del 2", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte 3D (2\u00aa Parte)", + "Haris Poteris ir mirties relikvijos - 2 dalis", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte: Parte 2", + "Harry Potter veotzarot hamavet - helek 2", + "Harry Potter og dau\u00f0adj\u00e1snin - 2. hluti", + "Haeri Poteowa jugeumui seongmul - 2bu", + "\u0446\u042e\u041f\u041f\u0401 \u043e\u041d\u0420\u0420\u0415\u041f \u0420\u042e \u044f\u041b\u0415\u041f\u0420\u0415\u041a\u042d\u041c\u0401 \u043f\u0415\u041a\u0401\u0419\u0411\u0401\u00a9: \u0412\u042e\u042f\u0420\u0425\u041c\u042e 2", + "Harry Potter och d\u00f6dsrelikerna, del 2", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dstalismanene - del 2", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u0414\u0430\u0440\u044b \u0441\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0438: \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c II", + "Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian Bagian ke-2" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", + "answer_id": "m.0gvsynb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and is the film that was released after 2010-11-11", + "question": "What are the names of Harry Potter movies in order that were released after 11-11-2010?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"2010-11-11\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3772_fa8f88d710c648ea3f156896e37217aa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "rouble" + ], + "answer": "Russian ruble", + "answer_id": "m.01hy_q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:40:47", + "machine_question": "what do you call the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Federation Council currency", + "question": "What currency is used in the governmental jurisdiction where there's a governmental body called Federation Council?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.04nr3z . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3772", + "webqsp_question": "what do you call russian currency" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-583_693b01b24a8f9603a580d83fd80d39c1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "BU", + "Boston" + ], + "answer": "Boston University", + "answer_id": "m.0gl5_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "martin luther king jr", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:13:00", + "machine_question": "what school did the person that said \"Nothing pains some people more than having to think.\" received his doctorate degree from", + "question": "From which university did the person who said Nothing pains some people more than having to think.\" receive his doctorate?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048fymc . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?y ns:education.education.degree ns:m.04zx3q1 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-583", + "webqsp_question": "what school did martin luther king jr received his doctorate degree from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_46418acae743f1c9d86b5257147c544f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jonathan Paul Manziel", + "Johnny Football", + "Johnny Cleveland" + ], + "answer": "Johnny Manziel", + "answer_id": "m.0n45_f7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and was nominee of the Best Male College Athlete ESPY Award award", + "question": "Who was drafted Cleveland Browns and as also a nominee of the Best Male College Athlete ESPY Award?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.02qh61s . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1853_a9ecbcb9949efdea38224a384e0a238d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Daredevil", + "Stunt actor" + ], + "answer": "Stunt Performer", + "answer_id": "m.01tkqy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:50:07", + "machine_question": "what made richard hammond famous and is subject of the film The Stunt Man", + "question": "What job title is focused on during the film \"the stunt man\" and is what Richard Hammond was known for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02508x)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02508x ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.015wq4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1853", + "webqsp_question": "what made richard hammond famous" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1359_7589b1affd814308df08f9c7d5fffce0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Weston", + "Weston Cage", + "Arcane", + "Weston Coppola" + ], + "answer": "Weston Coppola Cage", + "answer_id": "m.0gfhlgk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:20:27", + "machine_question": "what did nicolas cage name his son and is the actor that played the character Vladimir", + "question": "What is the name of the son of Nicolas Cage who 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ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:people.cause_of_death.parent_cause_of_death ns:m.0qcr0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2936", + "webqsp_question": "what type of cancer did donna summer died from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1080_4cf42a228736d88b8b60df18490cd6c6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "appendiceal cancer" + ], + "answer": "Appendix cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0fb2z2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "audrey hepburn", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:52:54", + "machine_question": "what cancer did the artist aword nominated for Gardens of the World with Audrey Hepburn died of", + "question": "What type of cancer killed the artist who was nominated with Audrey Hepburn for awards for \"Gardens of the World\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k 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"question": "What college David Duke attended is the university with more than 5085 postgraduate students enrolled?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bpjk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bpjk ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_postgraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 5185) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1907", + "webqsp_question": "where did david duke go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2401_cdbcc6b35919272e53e514bfd6285ea8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukrainian Hrivna" + ], + "answer": "Ukrainian hryvnia", + "answer_id": "m.035qkb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ukraine", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:57:19", + "machine_question": "what money is used in the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Acting Prime Minister of Ukraine", + "question": "What currency is used in the jurisdiction of the Acting Prime Minister of Ukraine?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.010rf0pj . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2401", + "webqsp_question": "what money is used in ukraine" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2458_2945752f3c92dbdddaf2ae179c5f6e12", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "costa rica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:06:06", + "machine_question": "which continent is the location which contains the second level division Cartago located", + "question": "What continent is the country that inlcudes Cartago located in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.02w26dy . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2458", + "webqsp_question": "which continent is costa rica located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_ea7ebebfb3a25c8e83b4bbfdda67d52d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic Republic of Nepal", + "Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal" + ], + "answer": "Nepal", + "answer_id": "m.016zwt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Vietnam", + "Viet nam", + "Socialist Republic of Vietnam", + "Annam" + ], + "answer": "Vietnam", + "answer_id": "m.01crd5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nippon-koku", + "JPN", + "\u042f\u043f\u043e\u043d\u0438\u044f", + "JAP", + "Nihon", + "Dai-Nippon", + "Nippon", + "NTSC J", + "Japan", + "State of Japan", + "Land of the Rising Sun", + "Nihon-koku" + ], + "answer": "Japan", + "answer_id": "m.03_3d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bharat Ganrajya", + "Hindustan", + "Bharat", + "Republic of India", + "The Republic of India" + ], + "answer": "India", + "answer_id": "m.03rk0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lao People's Democratic Republic", + "\ub77c\uc624\uc2a4" + ], + "answer": "Laos", + "answer_id": "m.04hhv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mongolia", + "answer_id": "m.04w8f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Burma", + "\u30df\u30e3\u30f3\u30de\u30fc\u9023\u90a6\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Myanmar (Burma)", + "Republic of the Union of Myanmar" + ], + "answer": "Myanmar", + "answer_id": "m.04xn_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", + "DPRK" + ], + "answer": "North Korea", + "answer_id": "m.05b7q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federation of 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State Administration of Foreign Exchange", + "question": "Which countries border the country that has a State Administration of Foreign Exchange?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.02639ym . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_3287162d74131d96548b3171adc2bc65", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2", + "answer_id": "m.02qrr8j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and that the story was written by Ann Brashares", + "question": "What story written by Ann Brashares has Lucy Hale been in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.story_by ns:m.06js1c . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_5cb49417d744150fabe3bf8a60f0625e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and is the topic that the speaker Alexander Mintz talked about", + "question": "What country speaks German and was the subject Alexander Mintz talked about?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:event.speech_topic.speeches_or_presentations_on_this_topic ?c .\n?c ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speaker_s ns:m.08ngt5v . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2601_338afd0cf5d79634a87f2153fc9847ce", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kansas City Chiefs", + "answer_id": "m.0487_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kansas City Chiefs", + "answer_id": "m.0487_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Seahawks", + "answer_id": "m.070xg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:32:03", + "machine_question": "who did warren moon play for and has a Free safety on its sports team roster", + "question": "What NFL teams current have a free safety on the roster and once had Warren Moon playing for them?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01b0dl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01b0dl ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.roster ?c .\n?c ns:sports.sports_team_roster.position ns:m.06v_1l3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2601", + "webqsp_question": "who did warren moon play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2682_810d66d2ff2173ce13d5391dd2b192b1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jerry the Minion", + "answer_id": "m.084jfdt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jemaine clement", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:44:09", + "machine_question": "who does the actor that played the character Jerry the Minion play in despicable me", + "question": "What character did the actor that played the Jerry the Minion play in Despicable Me?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.084jfdt . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.06zkfsy .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2682", + "webqsp_question": "who does jemaine clement play in despicable me" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-806_a8f6d102edb28bcc5d8d1a8a2e4f68a3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:59:15", + "machine_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located and export to Sudan", + "question": "What country export to Sudan and has the Pyramids of Giza?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?c .\n?c ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ns:m.06tw8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-806", + "webqsp_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-775_4838d90f30cb4b101d0af787ba929a05", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Imperial War Museum North", + "answer_id": "m.02lv55" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:39:48", + "machine_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids and is the structure opened latest", + "question": "What is there to do this weekend in Manchester with children, and is the latest structure that has opened?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.052bw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.052bw ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-775", + "webqsp_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1191_58e9566abd822ef6687a4e1a0a22926c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:49:41", + "machine_question": "what language do people speak in the bahamas and is the language found in the fictional universe The Tortall Universe", + "question": "What language is spoken in the Bahamas and is found in the fictional universe The 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"answer": "Dance-pop", + "answer_id": "m.02lnbg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Adult contemporary" + ], + "answer": "Adult contemporary music", + "answer_id": "m.02vjzr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Funk music" + ], + "answer": "Funk", + "answer_id": "m.02x8m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Post Disco" + ], + "answer": "Post-disco", + "answer_id": "m.03c34yl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pop rock", + "answer_id": "m.05bt6j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pop", + "pop" + ], + "answer": "Pop music", + "answer_id": "m.064t9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u05e8\u05d5\u05e7", + "Rock" + ], + "answer": "Rock music", + "answer_id": "m.06by7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "RnB" + ], + "answer": "Rhythm and blues", + "answer_id": "m.06j6l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dance" + ], + "answer": "Dance music", + "answer_id": "m.0ggx5q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Soul" + ], + "answer": "Soul music", + "answer_id": "m.0gywn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "michael jackson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:03:15", + "machine_question": "what kind of music did the artist which recorded Thrillerstep sing", + "question": "The artist who recorded Thrillerstep recorded what type of music?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0qdfs1s . \n?c ns:music.artist.genre ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2774", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of music did michael jackson sing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_d91bbd79bad5746ac64981cd00e1c39e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria", + "People's Democratic Republic of Algeria" + ], + "answer": "Algeria", + "answer_id": "m.0h3y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:09:09", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and is the 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United States Senate special election in Missouri, 2002 called", + "question": "What's the legislature of the state that held the United States Senate special election in Missouri, in 2002 called?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_district.elections ns:m.03wb2kt . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government_bodies ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1949", + "webqsp_question": "what is the legislature of missouri called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1362_cf55d9591eb3d3add7dc45f8927c77ee", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richard L Scott", + "Richard Lynn Scott" + ], + "answer": "Rick Scott", + "answer_id": "m.0btx2g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:58", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the location where the film \"Catching Trouble\" takes place", + "question": "Who's the state governor of the location, where the movie,\"Catching Trouble\" occurs?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0g4mxn4 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1362", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of florida" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2494_bcac365c713ffbe38eae3883f5657320", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "the (big) smoke", + "The Great Wen", + "London, England", + "Londres", + "Capital of Great Britain" + ], + "answer": "London", + "answer_id": "m.04jpl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:11:12", + "machine_question": "where did roger moore live and where Bertram Vere Dean was born", + "question": "What was the name of the city where Bertram Vere Dean was born and where Roger Moore lived?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.017lqp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.017lqp ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ns:g.11b6c9p4k9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2494", + "webqsp_question": "where did roger moore live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-810_625df54cc64b9a3383407af99190cb04", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Graecae", + "Neo-hellenic", + "Greek", + "Greco", + "Modern Greek (1453-)", + "Romaic", + "Grec", + "Ellinika" + ], + "answer": "Greek Language", + "answer_id": "m.0349s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:46:20", + "machine_question": "what language do people from greece speak and that has initials el", + "question": "What language with initials el that is spoken in Greece?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.035qy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.035qy ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.iso_639_1_code \"el\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-810", + "webqsp_question": "what language do people from greece speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2873_29dcdbf33c29eb80d1c5450e7d993b3b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:15:52", + "machine_question": "where does hector camacho live and the population number is 1426006", + "question": "What city has a population of 1426006 and has Hector Camacho as a resident?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0lxcw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0lxcw ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number \"1426006\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2873", + "webqsp_question": "where does hector camacho live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_f8ff28faee4bc8cbfeefa4ef271747c8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, USA", + "Empire City", + "City of New York", + "New York City, New York", + "New-York", + "\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e8\u30fc\u30af\u5e02", + "Gotham", + "New York", + "New York, NY", + "The Melting Pot", + "Richmond County / New York city", + "NYC", + "The Big Apple", + "New York, N.Y.", + "New York, New York", + "The Capital of the World" + ], + "answer": "New York City", + "answer_id": "m.02_286" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "Hennepin County / Minneapolis city" + ], + "answer": "Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Duluth, Minnesota", + "St. Louis County / Duluth city" + ], + "answer": "Duluth", + "answer_id": "m.0h1k6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "St. Louis County / Hibbing city", + "Hibbing, Minnesota" + ], + "answer": "Hibbing", + "answer_id": "m.0wjjx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bob dylan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did the author who published editions for Tarantula live", + "question": "Where did the author of \"Tarantula\" live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04v_2lf . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1907_aee7a4725f67e4801cc0daf7c2c70366", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College", + "Louisiana State", + "Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College", + "Baton Rouge Louisiana State University", + "LSU", + "Louisiana State University, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Louisiana State University", + "answer_id": "m.01pl14" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:52:17", + "machine_question": "where did david duke go to college and is the university that has number of undergraduates largest", + "question": "What did David Duke go to college that has the largest number of undergraduates?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bpjk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bpjk ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_undergraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1907", + "webqsp_question": "where did david duke go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-334_675e2a842506fdbbcf3ccdec8f51cee3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Stewie", + "Seth Woodbury MacFarlane" + ], + "answer": "Seth MacFarlane", + "answer_id": "m.021yw7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "family guy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:56:04", + "machine_question": "who is the voice of stewie griffin from the tv program that has the theme song Family Guy Theme Song", + "question": "Who's the voice of Stewie Griffin from the TV program, with the Family Guy Theme Song?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_program.theme_song ns:m.0n9cghm . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ns:m.02m29p .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.special_performance_type ns:m.02nsjvf .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-334", + "webqsp_question": "who is the voice of stewie griffin from family guy" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_e1866ddb432fa90359080d98900d0cfc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "John Cahill Lawless" + ], + "answer": "Jack Lawless", + "answer_id": "m.0417yh9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The High Flier", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Joseph Jonas", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Joe", + "JJ", + "Joseph Adam Jonas", + "DJ Danger" + ], + "answer": "Joe Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04cr6qv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SOS dancer", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Paul Kevin Jonas", + "Paul Kevin Jonas II", + "Paul Jonas II", + "K2", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Kev", + "Kevin Jonas II" + ], + "answer": "Kevin Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04d_mtq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nicholas Jonas", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Nick J.", + "Nicholas Jerry Jonas", + "Nick", + "The Jonas Brothers", + "Mr. President" + ], + "answer": "Nick Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04f7c55" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jonas brothers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:16:16", + "machine_question": "what is the artist which recorded We Got the Party names", + "question": "What are the names of the artists who recorded \"We Got the Party?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0drcy0f . \n?c ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-470", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonas brothers names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-970_1d0905b3e9859648af3e5bfc67aff5fb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military dictatorship", + "answer_id": "m.012qkq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military junta", + "answer_id": "m.025s5c_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary" + ], + "answer": "Parliamentary republic", + "answer_id": "m.0glnsx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "fiji", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:35:11", + "machine_question": "what type of government does the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Jona Senilagakali have", + "question": "What is the government type of the jurisdiction with an office holder named Jona Senilagakali?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.026yt53 . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-970", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government does fiji have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2597_f2cb91b890fcdd34a58cc7acaa348572", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Central Standard Time", + "Central Time", + "Central Daylight Time", + "Central Standard Time Zone" + ], + "answer": "Central Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02fqwt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:31:41", + "machine_question": "what time zone am i in has an official symbol of Three-toed box turtle", + "question": "What time zone is the place that has the Three-toed box turtle as the official symbol in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.0ct5c_ . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2597", + "webqsp_question": "what time zone am i in missouri" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1081_8d31485ca7edaf1db12d784819495652", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Iowa State University, Ames", + "Iowa State University, main campus", + "Iowa State", + "ISU" + ], + "answer": "Iowa State University", + "answer_id": "m.03v6t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:29:02", + "machine_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage and is the university that has number of postgraduates greater than 5544", + "question": "What university did George Washington Carver attend that has number of postgraduates greater than 5544?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03djm)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03djm ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_postgraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 5544) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1081", + "webqsp_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_ae97d7d0086825837dbaf07686807223", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and the ISO numeric of the country is smallest", + "question": "Which country with the smallest ISO number borders Argentina?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jgd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_1e4764ff55ab8f12224011a317b5a653", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bhutan", + "answer_id": "m.07bxhl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and number of people in the country's army is smallest", + "question": "What country that borders china has the smallest number of people in it's army?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d05w3)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d05w3 ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_c2932d5a7a3a13924ed71b37907da8bf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and served in political party Rally for the Republic", + "question": "Who was a leader of France in 2012, that's in the political party, Rally for the Republic?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.party ns:m.01vv1h . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_f2ce62151fe03667f4e125bb38ec16eb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and held a position until 1865-03-03", + "question": "Who influenced the poetry of Walt Whitman and held a position until 3 March 1865?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to \"1865-03-03\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3507_d3fc0639dd0fb7532c9267728d4304a1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee, CBE, CStJ", + "Cristopher Lee", + "Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee", + "Chris Lee", + "Chris", + "Sir Christopher Lee", + "Christopher Frank Carandini Lee" + ], + "answer": "Christopher Lee", + "answer_id": "m.0f0kz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "lord of the rings", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:01:32", + "machine_question": "who plays saruman in the movie that Jonathan Jordan played in", + "question": "in the movie in which Jonathan Jordan played, who plays Saruman?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.0y53fxr . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0g3fs .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3507", + "webqsp_question": "who plays saruman in lord of the rings" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-648_fa2f7731ddb5e1a327b2e49b9fe9c9c5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Asia", + "answer_id": "m.0j0k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "israel", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:43:36", + "machine_question": "what continent does the country where Maccabee beer is made belong to", + "question": "On which continent is the country of origin for Maccabee beer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqjjl . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-648", + "webqsp_question": "what continent does israel belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1351_4e2a785b515c8024dd42f5a9bc60760b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Honolulu, Hawaii", + "Honolulu County / Honolulu CDP", + "Honolulu CDP" + ], + "answer": "Honolulu", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh0_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:32:42", + "machine_question": "what city was the politician that held 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"2017-10-26T08:13:00", + "machine_question": "what school did the artist which recorded Freedom Dub received his doctorate degree from", + "question": "From which school did the artist who recorded Freedom Dub get a doctorate degree?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.016bsl4 . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?y ns:education.education.degree ns:m.04zx3q1 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-583", + "webqsp_question": "what school did martin luther king jr received his doctorate degree from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2494_a3bf1b5dc1bc8ed897afc2c5a6371f51", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "the (big) smoke", + "The Great Wen", + "London, England", + "Londres", + "Capital of Great Britain" + ], + "answer": "London", + "answer_id": "m.04jpl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:11:12", + "machine_question": "where did roger moore live and is the place that a person with the birth date 1945-04-15 was born", + "question": "Where did Roger Moore live, the place that a person with the birth date 1945-04-15 was born?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.017lqp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.017lqp ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:people.person.date_of_birth \"1945-04-15\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2494", + "webqsp_question": "where did roger moore live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2010_27f6987805010183edbeba6b91a3cafd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Western art music", + "Classical" + ], + "answer": "Classical music", + "answer_id": "m.0ggq0m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:06:12", + "machine_question": "what music did antonio vivaldi compose and that was featured in the album Epica", + "question": "Which type of music did Antonio Vivaldi compose, that was featured in the album, Epica?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0pth)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0pth ns:music.artist.genre ?x .\n?x ns:music.genre.albums ns:m.010rcgyt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2010", + "webqsp_question": "what music did antonio vivaldi compose" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_57158866904a45fc733c95d7132257fc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles, California, USA", + "LA", + "Los Angeles, California", + "Los Angeles, USA", + "City of Angels", + "L.A.", + "Los Angeles County / Los Angeles city", + "Los Angeles, CA" + ], + "answer": "Los Angeles", + "answer_id": "m.030qb3t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Las Vegas, Nevada", + "Vegas", + "Sin City", + "Clark County / Las Vegas city" + ], + "answer": "Las Vegas", + "answer_id": "m.0cv3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "joey king", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does the topic of the image JOEYYY live", + "question": "Where does the person who the image \"JOEYYY\" is about live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.0czl8bw . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_b10bde702bb6c68ce3cdced85d5aff02", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and film casting director was Cathy Sandrich", + "question": "Miley Cyrus played in what movie that Cathy Sandrich was a casting director for.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_casting_director ns:m.093vwj4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1976_53fc460627d215d4452aa242a346ee84", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Chelsea London", + "The Pensioners", + "Chelsea Football Club", + "Chelsea fc", + "Blue Lions", + "The Blues", + "Chelsea" + ], + "answer": "Chelsea F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.023fb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T12:10:53", + "machine_question": "what team did drogba play for and the sports team arena stadium is Stamford Bridge", + "question": "Which team that plays in Stamford Bridge did Drogba play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_y2f)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_y2f ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.0314gb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1976", + "webqsp_question": "what team did drogba play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2736_eacad512118512366a932ffd59ad4578", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Siwa", + "Siwi", + "Oasis Berber", + "Sioua", + "Zenati" + ], + "answer": "Siwi Language", + "answer_id": "m.012zfy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High Arabic", + "Fasih", + "Modern Literary Arabic", + "Arabic, Standard", + "Al Arabiya", + "Al Fus-ha" + ], + "answer": "Modern Standard Arabic", + "answer_id": "m.025rvv7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Arabic, Egyptian Spoken", + "Lower Egypt Arabic", + "Arabic, Egyptian Spoken Language", + "Normal Egyptian Arabic", + "Massry" + ], + "answer": "Egyptian Arabic", + "answer_id": "m.02hx2cr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sa`idi", + "Upper Egypt Arabic", + "Sa\nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.02hx2cr . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2736", + "webqsp_question": "what languages do people 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"what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1684_96b96eb3db06ada08f957c292390a433", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Seneca", + "S\u00e9n\u00e8que", + "L SENECA", + "Lucius Annaeus Seneca", + "Lucius Seneca" + ], + "answer": "Seneca the Younger", + "answer_id": "m.0j_8y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:15:54", + "machine_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing and died from Exsanguination", + "question": "Which influencer of William Shakespeare died of exsanguination?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.081k8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.081k8 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ns:m.02yftg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1684", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1809_75abf87bc494c1e19b18281eaf0f143e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TN", + "Tenn", + "Volunteer State" + ], + "answer": "Tennessee", + "answer_id": "m.07h34" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:50", + "machine_question": "where was the battle of shiloh and its currency is United States Dollar", + "question": "In which country, did the Battle of Shiloh occur, where its currency is the United States Dollar?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0127mr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0127mr ns:time.event.locations ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.gdp_nominal ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_money_value.currency ns:m.09nqf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1809", + "webqsp_question": "where was the battle of shiloh" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_e724ba65624a1fb242c4e41b47cc93af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Belgique", + "Belgi\u00eb", + "Kingdom of Belgium" + ], + "answer": "Belgium", + "answer_id": "m.0154j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and has an official symbol of Leo Belgicus", + "question": "What country has a symbol of Leo Belgicus and is part of the EU?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.0fczzj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_7e0a9b05b43e888a672c7f1d2a9e094d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dick", + "Richard Burton, CBE", + "Richard Jenkins", + "Rich", + "Burton", + "Richard Walter Jenkins" + ], + "answer": "Richard Burton", + "answer_id": "m.0cg9f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dick", + "Richard Burton, CBE", + "Richard Jenkins", + "Rich", + "Burton", + "Richard Walter Jenkins" + ], + "answer": "Richard Burton", + "answer_id": "m.0cg9f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dick", + "Richard Burton, CBE", + "Richard Jenkins", + "Rich", + "Burton", + "Richard Walter Jenkins" + ], + "answer": "Richard Burton", + "answer_id": "m.0cg9f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dick", + "Richard Burton, CBE", + "Richard Jenkins", + "Rich", + "Burton", + "Richard Walter Jenkins" + ], + "answer": "Richard Burton", + "answer_id": "m.0cg9f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dick", + "Richard Burton, CBE", + "Richard Jenkins", + "Rich", + "Burton", + "Richard Walter Jenkins" + ], + "answer": "Richard Burton", + "answer_id": "m.0cg9f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and was nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Motion Picture \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Drama award", + "question": "Who was Liz Taylor's husband that was nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best Actor \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Motion Picture \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Drama award?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.019f92 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_479332275fb2963324885cad3ea4e15e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker bell 4", + "Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods", + "Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker Bell: A Winter Story" + ], + "answer": "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song", + "answer_id": "m.0crfwmx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sorority Wars", + "answer_id": "m.0bq4q22" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song", + "A Cinderella Story 3" + ], + "answer": "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2", + "answer_id": "m.0gky0pl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Scream 4", + "answer_id": "m.02qrr8j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Krzyk 4", + "Klyksm4s", + "Sikoly 4.", + "Ciglik 4", + "Kivili 4", + "Skrik 4", + "Vrisak 4", + "Scream 4: Next Generation", + "Tze'aka 4", + "Vr\u00edskot 4", + "\u00d6skri\u00f0 4", + "Gritos 4", + "Scre4m: Grita de Nuevo", + "\u041a\u0440\u0438\u043a 4", + "Klyksmas 4", + "P\u00e2nico 4", + "Scre4m" + ], + "answer": "Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhdbl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Killer 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"composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and which is from Mexico", + "question": "Which movie does Alyson Stoner act in, that is from Mexico?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.country ns:m.0b90_r . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-806_af19ebf5f0e50cf51f4d149d51326eaa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:59:15", + "machine_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located and number 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"2017-10-25T22:12:50", + "machine_question": "what sports do they do in canada and is the sports team was founded earliest", + "question": "Which sports team, was the earliest founded in Canada?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:sports.sports_team_location.teams ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-441", + "webqsp_question": "what sports do they do in canada" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2936_ffef8e9812a1ba730308eb606944b3b0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summer", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:22:47", + "machine_question": "what type of cancer did the artist aword nominated for Hot Stuff died from", + "question": "Which type of cancer, did the artist that was award nominated for Hot Stuff, die from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.014brgq . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:people.cause_of_death.parent_cause_of_death ns:m.0qcr0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2936", + "webqsp_question": "what type of cancer did donna summer died from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-321_58e9566abd822ef6687a4e1a0a22926c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:32:07", + "machine_question": "what do people in australia speak and is the language found in the fictional universe The Tortall Universe", + "question": "What language do Australians speak and is it spoken in the fictional Tortall Universe?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.02k6v6k . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-321", + "webqsp_question": "what do people in australia speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_5bf6906c26a34660ad81a9e0506d36fc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East of the Uruguay", + "Eastern Republic of Uruguay", + "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" + ], + "answer": "Uruguay", + "answer_id": "m.07twz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "argentina", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border the location where the film \"La hora de la siesta\" takes place", + "question": "What countries border the setting of \"La hora de la siesta?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0qsdlx5 . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_2ff9497c1fe9180f619fd85729e4ad96", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krzyk 4", + "Klyksm4s", + "Sikoly 4.", + "Ciglik 4", + "Kivili 4", + "Skrik 4", + "Vrisak 4", + "Scream 4: Next Generation", + "Tze'aka 4", + "Vr\u00edskot 4", + "\u00d6skri\u00f0 4", + "Gritos 4", + "Scre4m: Grita de Nuevo", + "\u041a\u0440\u0438\u043a 4", + "Klyksmas 4", + "P\u00e2nico 4", + "Scre4m" + ], + "answer": "Scream 4", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhdbl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and that was directed by Gerald Sullivan", + "question": "What Lucy Hale work was directed by Gerald Sullivan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_art_direction_by ns:m.098l_2r . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_66fd2ddbb895bc9a64c4d0b0e160c13a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician started governmental position after 1861-03-07", + "question": "Who influenced Whitman's poetry that started his governmental position after March 7, 1861?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1861-03-07\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3439_517213d6df3aaeb128372262abdc5694", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bsl", + "British Sign" + ], + "answer": "British Sign Language", + "answer_id": "m.0ct8m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:47:37", + "machine_question": "what dialects are spoken in the uk and that has initials bfi", + "question": "What dialect with the initials BFI is used in the UK?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.iso_639_3_code \"bfi\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3439", + "webqsp_question": "what dialects are spoken in the uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-174_4a83063d62dadd02b497548d965098ac", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Valdosta State University, main campus", + "VSU", + "Valdosta State" + ], + "answer": "Valdosta State University", + "answer_id": "m.032371" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "pauley perrette", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:24:02", + "machine_question": "where did the actor that played in the film The Singularity is Near go to college", + "question": "Where did the actor go to college that starred in the film \"The Singularity\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0g9qgpf . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-174", + "webqsp_question": "where did pauley perrette go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_ab3df3acea94d14f912dab2c2e13c8af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen", + "answer_id": "m.02bqvs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen 2", + "answer_id": "m.066b_n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and that the story was written by Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Jr.", + "question": "What movie's story was written by Frank Bunker Gilbreth, Jr and was played in by Alyson Stoner?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.story_by ns:m.03hl30t . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_86a02abd6fa0079a30374920d37c1fcc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Step Up 5", + "Sokis hip-hopo ritmu. Viskas arba nieko" + ], + "answer": "Step Up: All In", + "answer_id": "m.0ztfxbv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and a film that Racquel Roper was a crew member of", + "question": "What movie that Raquel Roper was a crew member of did Alyson Stoner play in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.other_crew ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.010l2046 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_9270934b78084dda8ad24b83f3653715", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and produce the beer Kunstmann", + "question": "What neighbor of Bolivia is the place where the beer Kunstmann is made?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.03qh4fs . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_b11130a15ecd39ba201d7798a184fda1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "D\u00e4nemark", + "Kingdom of Denmark", + "Kongeriget Danmark", + "\u4e39\u9ea6" + ], + "answer": "Denmark", + "answer_id": "m.0k6nt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and is the country that has Lejre Municipality as a second level devision", + "question": "Which country with Lejre Municipality as a second level decision speak german?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.010v_j8w . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1793_1f3f7417b06d43f14600e1091c60a934", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "La Furia", + "Spain Mens National Football Team", + "Spain Mens Soccer Team", + "Spain Soccer Team", + "Spain Men's Football Team", + "Spain national football", + "Spain Football Team", + "Spain Men's National Soccer Team", + "Spain Mens National Soccer Team", + "Spain National Soccer Team", + "La Roja", + "Spain National Football Team", + "La Furia Roja", + "Spain Mens Football Team", + "Spain Men's Soccer Team", + "Spain Men's National Football Team" + ], + "answer": "Spain national football team", + "answer_id": "m.02w64f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:34:59", + "machine_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for and was an award nominee in the 2013 Laureus World Sports Awards ceremony", + "question": "Which sports club did Santi Cazorla play for that was nominated for an award at the 2013 Laureus World Sports Awards Ceremony?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0264yjz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0264yjz ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.ceremony ns:m.0yqd30x . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1793", + "webqsp_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1373_315d183132eed6557c9f2a5b8267bc2a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomea", + "Finnish" + ], + "answer": "Finnish Language", + "answer_id": "m.01gp_d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saame", + "Anar", + "Inari \"Lappish\"", + "Lapp", + "Saam", + "Finnish Lapp", + "Samic", + "S\u00e1mi", + "Saami, Inari" + ], + "answer": "Saami, Inari Language", + "answer_id": "m.02lpg6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saami, North", + "Saame", + "Northern Lappish", + "Lapp", + "Norwegian Lapp", + "Norwegian Saami", + "Northern Lapp", + "Same", + "Sami, Northern", + "Samic", + "Saami", + "Davvin", + "Northern Saami" + ], + "answer": "Saami, North Language", + "answer_id": "m.04d36l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Swedish", + "Ruotsi", + "Svenska" + ], + "answer": "Swedish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06mp7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "finland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:36:38", + "machine_question": "what language do you speak in the country where Saami, Inari Language is spoken", + "question": "What languages are spoken in the country where Saami and Inari are spoken languages?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.02lpg6 . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1373", + "webqsp_question": "what language do you speak in finland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_cdbf0280e4161982be4acbf66888d93b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East of the Uruguay", + "Eastern Republic of Uruguay", + "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" + ], + "answer": "Uruguay", + "answer_id": "m.07twz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and number of people in the country's army is less than 319000", + "question": "What neighbors of Argentina have fewer than 319000 people in their army?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jgd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 319000) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2759_cab1228be4e8c16ee35a67b7ac63b264", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mountain Standard Time Zone", + "Mountain Time" + ], + "answer": "Mountain Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02hczc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:00:40", + "machine_question": "what times is it in texas and locations near Strathmore (D.J. Murray) Airport", + "question": "What time zone is in the location near Strathmore (DJ Murray) Airport in Texas?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07b_l)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07b_l ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n?x ns:time.time_zone.locations_in_this_time_zone ?c .\n?c ns:location.location.nearby_airports ns:m.09slsk . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2759", + "webqsp_question": "what times is it in texas" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_5108577c7d962fd122e31547fb1b5f47", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Blossom", + "answer_id": "m.0g0tw9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Melissa & Joey", + "answer_id": "m.02xwgb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gimme a Break!", + "answer_id": "m.036y7h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Brotherly Love", + "answer_id": "m.0b6kw6d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and is the tv program has number of episodes greater than 19", + "question": "What tv program with more than 19 episodes did Joey Lawrence play on?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.number_of_episodes ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 19) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_e6c853d4970e86ca6be7864439c10d15", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1", + "answer_id": "m.0gkz15s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Expendables II" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2", + "answer_id": "m.0gffmn8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay \u2013 Part 1" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games", + "answer_id": "m.0ngvsvk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay \u2013 Part 2" + ], + "answer": "The Expendables 2", + "answer_id": "m.0ngvtb_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.0gxtt3_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Timeless", + "answer_id": "m.0lcw1gn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Paranoia", + "answer_id": "m.0wk4knj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Empire State", + "answer_id": "m.0hz6697" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "Cut Bank", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "AWOL" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire", + "answer_id": "m.0gxtt2w" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Arabian Nights", + "answer_id": "m.0k9390g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Catching Fire", + "The Hunger Games 2" + ], + "answer": "Love and Honor", + "answer_id": "m.0n40qmp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and is the film was released after 2009-08-27", + "question": "What movies released after 2009-08-27 is Liam Hemsworth in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.initial_release_date ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"2009-08-27\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-521_7dca44747aed3d7e0e79730cca521bd5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Les Invalides, Paris" + ], + "answer": "Les Invalides", + "answer_id": "m.0gxqj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "napoleon", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:26:03", + "machine_question": "where is the person that said \"The most dangerous moment comes with victory.\" buried", + "question": "Where is the burial place of the person who said \"The most dangerous moment comes with victory.\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048c84l . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_burial ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-521", + "webqsp_question": "where is napoleon buried" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-243_0907a42c800b94ef39badf9017aa811a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Drawing", + "answer_id": "m.02csf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:41:40", + "machine_question": "what style of art is salvador dali and that was featured in the work I LOVE MISTAKES", + "question": "What type of Art is used in the work \"I Love mistakes and was used often by Salvador Dali?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.09_xn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.09_xn ns:visual_art.visual_artist.art_forms ?x .\n?x ns:book.book_subject.works ns:m.012mbz6f . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-243", + "webqsp_question": "what style of art is salvador dali" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3346_356e5fcae4488c66e3121365acb5f22f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Universal Studios Dubailand", + "answer_id": "m.02qyvdt" + } + ], + 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"m.0165v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East of the Uruguay", + "Eastern Republic of Uruguay", + "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" + ], + "answer": "Uruguay", + "answer_id": "m.07twz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and the population number is less than 188134315", + "question": "What country bordering Argentina has population less than 188134315?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jgd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 188134315) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-577_ca1508e2ef993ab45c97cfdacb149658", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic" + ], + "answer": "Democratic republic", + "answer_id": "m.0fpgmpz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chile", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:34:45", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Augusto Pinochet have today", + "question": "What form of government is used in the governmental jurisdiction where Augusto Pinochet holds a governmental office?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.014d3 . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-775_d2ef317dd341a5cae9572ada15bd7e7c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Urbis, Manchester" + ], + "answer": "Urbis", + "answer_id": "m.02w89p" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:39:48", + "machine_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids and location with the street address Exchange Square", + "question": "What is a popular kids attraction in Manchester England that is located on Exchange square?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.052bw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.052bw ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.street_address ?c .\n?c ns:location.mailing_address.street_address \"Exchange Square\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-775", + "webqsp_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-200_5e069d0a86508cb1cfbb61365efb4d70", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "UC Davis", + "UCD", + "University of California, Davis Campus", + "U.C.Davis" + ], + "answer": "University of California, Davis", + "answer_id": "m.07vht" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kevjumba", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:32:09", + "machine_question": "what college did the actor that played in the film Hang Loose", + "question": "What university was attended by the actor from the film \"Hang Loose\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0ngs7vk . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:education.educational_institution.school_type ns:m.05jxkf .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-200", + "webqsp_question": "what college did kevjumba" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1977_8b60d7264558869b5cef5f60dbc41a87", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:02:02", + "machine_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for and the sports team arena stadium is Santiago Bernab\u00c3\u00a9u Stadium", + "question": "What sports team that plays its home games at Santiago Bernab\u00c3\u00a9u Stadium has Cristiano Ronaldo on its roster?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02xt6q)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02xt6q ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.01gxlt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1977", + "webqsp_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-801_839fa68cda37e890bb3eed45714fcc43", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Provisional government", + "answer_id": "m.02tz3y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:45:26", + "machine_question": "what kind of government is the place where breed Chausie originated in", + "question": "What form of government is used in the place where the Chausie breed originated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.03_27x . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-801", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government is egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-453_02cc1a8d1ad24ce69fbe2d3d0e3a97ce", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kenya Shilling" + ], + "answer": "Kenyan shilling", + "answer_id": "m.05yxpb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kenya", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:13:29", + "machine_question": "what currency do they accept in where the currency East African shilling is used", + "question": "What is the money of the country that circulates the East African shilling?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_formerly_used ns:m.06c6b6 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-453", + "webqsp_question": "what currency do they accept in kenya" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_4b42daedda8e7ca6a8a032eaea0fe7e4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Catching Fire", + "The Hunger Games 2" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire", + "answer_id": "m.0n40qmp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and features the song Atlas", + "question": "What movie featuring the song \"Atlas\" does Liam Hemsworth play in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.featured_song ns:m.0w_4dy9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other 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"composition_answer": "chile", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:34:45", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Chamber of Deputies of Chile have today", + "question": "What form of government is used in the governmental jurisdiction that includes a governmental body called Chamber of Deputies of Chile?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.03599n . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2542_11a5331d844fbb039ac6e921b6900292", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gama, Federal 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"webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2542", + "webqsp_question": "where does kaka live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_0b10be04df39049e5122937dea8174e0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and is the country that has an iso alpha 3 of CHL", + "question": "What country that borders Bolivia has the ISO Alpha 3 of CHL?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_alpha_3 \"CHL\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2108_e852443b88aebb56535c3fb8390109ca", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Heather", + "answer_id": "m.0cg926d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "avril lavigne", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:17:34", + "machine_question": "who does the person who wrote the lyrics for \"Unwanted\" play in over the hedge", + "question": "In the movie over the hedge what character is played by the person who wrote the song \"Unwanted\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0wfw_hx . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.080_x_ .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2108", + "webqsp_question": "who does avril lavigne play in over the hedge" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-766_2592f44615f8660ce7d239049b70592d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "City And Borough Of Liverpool" + ], + "answer": "Liverpool", + "answer_id": "m.04lh6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "liz mcclarnon", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:57:02", + "machine_question": "where does the topic of the image Liz McClarnon in concert in Poland (2005) live", + "question": "Where does the main performer of \"Liz McClarnon in concert Poland (2005)\" live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.02cbxzy . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) 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\"2011-08-26\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-985", + "webqsp_question": "what did writers of the harlem renaissance write about" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-310_02afa48afcaa1d6de81f7d0aaf1a59f7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Costa Rican colon" + ], + "answer": "Costa Rican col\u00f3n", + "answer_id": "m.04wccn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "costa rica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:28:43", + "machine_question": "what kind of money should i take to the location which contains the second level division La Uni\u00c3\u00b3n", + "question": "What currency is used in the location that contains the second level division La Union?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.02w280h . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-310", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of money should i take to costa rica" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2346_6c2120798d319c791853abc05842e88c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin dialects" + ], + "answer": "Mandarin Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.03115z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Taiwanese Mandarin", + "answer_id": "m.09q16b" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:51:18", + "machine_question": "what does taiwan people speak and that has initials cmn", + "question": "What language with initials CMN is spoken in Taiwan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06f32)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06f32 ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.iso_639_3_code \"cmn\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2346", + "webqsp_question": "what does taiwan people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1212_79ee4c5d31170a2a4638a4fa603f0b52", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:12:29", + "machine_question": "what political system does the area in which the newspaper Zhivoye Dyelo is circulated use", + "question": "What political system does the place where the \"Zhivoye Dyelo\" newspaper circulates have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.02v_csk . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1212", + "webqsp_question": "what political system does russia use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3708_85aebddc295c70e32f206115c0a25fdd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pamphleteer", + "answer_id": "m.02449y" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Novelist", + "answer_id": "m.02xhgwq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Priestess" + ], + "answer": "Priest", + "answer_id": "m.05xjb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Poet", + "answer_id": "m.05z96" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jonathan swift", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:19", + "machine_question": "what is the person that said \"Invention is the talent of youth, as judgment is of age.\" famous for", + "question": "What made the person who said \"Invention is the 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+ "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.02bpz84 . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:base.aareas.schema.administrative_area.administrative_area_type ns:m.0hzjmlj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-417", + "webqsp_question": "in which province is johannesburg" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_3292f63a138417b163f905180b6ec177", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "La Pedrera", + "Casa Mila" + ], + "answer": "Casa Mil\u00e0", + "answer_id": "m.0nw8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:42", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona and is the structure opened in 1910-12", + "question": "Of the places to visit in Barcelona, which structures opened around 1910/12?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != 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"compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:38:44", + "machine_question": "what does rupert murdoch own 2012 and the organiztion founding date is earliest", + "question": "What organization that Rupert Murdoch owned in 2012 has the earliest founding date?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06hrk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06hrk ns:organization.organization_founder.organizations_founded ?x .\n?x ns:organization.organization.date_founded ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2259", + "webqsp_question": "what does rupert murdoch own 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_e3df29c3681285ee04694fd75621716f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and the ISO numeric of the country is less than 076", + "question": "What country borders Argentina and has an ISO numeric of lower than 076?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jgd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 076) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_36666c0866d605443ab66fe61ef43d16", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country 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"machine_question": "what province is the location where the film \"Saw V\" takes place canada located in", + "question": "In which province, is the location where the movie, \"Saw V\" , occurs in Canada?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.03d243x . \n?c ns:base.biblioness.bibs_location.state ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3064", + "webqsp_question": "what province is toronto canada located in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_9b3e7d4b0dea8af8bcb572e90bd6d0fb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of South Africa", + "Republiek van Suid-Afrika" + ], + "answer": "South Africa", + "answer_id": "m.0hzlz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:09:09", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and is the governmental jurisdiction that has the government position tiitle Minister of Women in the Presidency", + "question": "What country that has a Minister of Women in the Presidency do people speak Arabic?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.010pkksv . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3681_4d5eab1706e2b7dedc4af89682ff67a2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Felipe Calderon", + "Felipe de Jes\u00fas Calder\u00f3n Hinojosa", + "President Felipe Calderon" + ], + "answer": "Felipe Calder\u00f3n", + "answer_id": "m.06bbbt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:22:36", + "machine_question": "who is the country where Pur\u00c3\u00a9pecha language is spoken 's president right now 2011", + "question": "Who is the 2011 president of the country that speaks the Purepecha language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.0gnknr . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3681", + "webqsp_question": "who is mexico 's president right now 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_af65fd059bfafea614fc158d24fe4509", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and cinematography was by Philippe Rousselot", + "question": "What movie did Miley Cyrus play in where Philippe Rousselot did the cinematography for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.cinematography ns:m.03cx282 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-638_c093231fe2a83541cf05e721b6fad5b5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:20:35", + "machine_question": "what languages are there in japan and is the language Daedalus", + "question": "What Daedalus language is spoken in Japan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_3d)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_3d ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.where_spoken ns:g.113qbfr8j . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-638", + "webqsp_question": "what languages are there in japan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-233_a1813672f79dbb10259a470ea77a0870", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Madaglashti", + "Badakhshi", + "Farsi, Eastern", + "Eastern Farsi", + "Dari", + "Persian", + "Tajik", + "Farsi", + "Parsi", + "Afghan Persian" + ], + "answer": "Farsi, Eastern Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hwl5z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pushto", + "Pushto language", + "Pashto", + "Pukhto" + ], + "answer": "Pashto language", + "answer_id": "m.0swlx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "afghanistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:38:01", + "machine_question": "what language people speak in the place where breed Kuchi originated in", + "question": "What are the languages spoken in the place where Kuchi originated from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.0gt7nx . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-233", + "webqsp_question": "what language people speak in afghanistan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_c35bb2084b90397ffa56c11337d33c31", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Seat of San Lorenzo de El Escorial" + ], + "answer": "El Escorial", + "answer_id": "m.01bc9m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo del Prado, Madrid", + "Prado Museum" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.01hlq3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia", + "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda, Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.01jcyh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Summercase", + "answer_id": "m.02r9yg7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Festimad", + "answer_id": "m.03chy63" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Buen Retiro" + ], + "answer": "Buen Retiro Park", + "answer_id": "m.03rmzx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Royal Palace of Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Royal Palace of Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.04m3yk" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Almudena Cathedral", + "answer_id": "m.053llq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Sorolla", + "Sorolla" + ], + "answer": "Sorolla Museum", + "answer_id": "m.05bvn8g" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza de Cibeles", + "answer_id": "m.06_l58" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Arena", + "answer_id": "m.06cgmf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Paseo del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.06j2nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Parque Warner Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.06nd2f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Thyssen-Bornemisza" + ], + "answer": "Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum", + "answer_id": "m.073z19" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Temple of Debod", + "answer_id": "m.07f__f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Puerta del Sol", + "answer_id": "m.07mpc7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Gran Via" + ], + "answer": "Gran V\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.09s07b" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Marathon", + "answer_id": "m.0bwg9f0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza Mayor, Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0cd2rc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "La Vaguada", + "answer_id": "m.0fphvtq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo de Lazaro Galdiano" + ], + "answer": "Museum of L\u00e1zaro Galdiano", + "answer_id": "m.0h3lmf1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Palace of la Bolsa de Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0h3tjjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "madrid", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in the political district with the governmental body Gobierno de la Comunidad de Madrid", + "question": "What tourist attractions can be seen in the region governed by the governmental body Gobierno de la Comunidad de Madrid?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_district.representatives ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.0c1cct8 . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1481_0e39f66c6fc07e486a39a8de2a59f022", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Barbara A. 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\"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1481", + "webqsp_question": "who are the current maryland senators" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_79cb88fae452ddbfd463bb15a6dd9146", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Peru", + "answer_id": "m.016wzw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + "answer_id": "m.0jgd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bolivia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does where the government Government of Bolivia is located border", + "question": "What borders the country that has the Government of Bolivia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.0chty9c . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2944_402552b61d68fcf116111585da32583b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:28", + "machine_question": "what country is the person that said \"A good GI bill would increase the recruit pool.\" from", + "question": "What country is the birthplace of the person who said, \"A good GI bill would increase the recruit pool\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.045m6gm . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2944", + "webqsp_question": "what country is barack obama from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1430_5fe237448800c2adeef96477ec9d4f71", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq", + "answer_id": "m.01j5_1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "pakistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:44:14", + "machine_question": "who was the president of the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1980", + "question": "Who was the president in 1980 of the place that has the governmental body called the Pakistani Ministry of Foreign Affairs?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.02z4kv0 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"1980-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"1980-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1430", + "webqsp_question": "who was the president of pakistan in 1980" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_87deda135e48fdbc80ef86a95018f5c9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker bell 4", + "Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods", + "Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker Bell: A Winter Story" + ], + "answer": "Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings", + "answer_id": "m.0crfwmx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what 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"compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and film casting director was Nancy Nayor", + "question": "What Lucy Hale movie had Nancy Nayor as the film casting director?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_casting_director ns:m.09lbwc3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_658c3010a12e95ddde9dbfa9877a7fb7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Centennial State", + "Colo", + "CO" + ], + "answer": "Colorado", + "answer_id": "m.01n4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:56:45", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and is the place 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"compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:16:42", + "machine_question": "what countries did the person that said \"He speaks to Me as if I was a public meeting.\" reign over", + "question": "What countries does the person who said \"He speaks to Me as if I was a public meeting\" rule?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048cxkm . \n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.jurisdiction_of_office ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-116", + "webqsp_question": "what countries did queen victoria reign over" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2597_16044e3b13118db04cd6ac080c5ac7fc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Central Standard Time", + "Central Time", + "Central Daylight Time", + "Central Standard Time Zone" + ], + "answer": "Central Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02fqwt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:31:41", + "machine_question": "what time zone am i in the state that held the United States Senate election in Missouri, 1994", + "question": "If a person is in the state where the 1994 MIssouri US senate election was held, which time zone were they in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_district.elections ns:m.05q6yp2 . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2597", + "webqsp_question": "what time zone am i in missouri" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3363_ee3a4cf1b41134d3de9fc57eb4cc5833", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kingdom of Great Britain", + "answer_id": "m.014tss" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:33:33", + "machine_question": "where people speak welsh and is the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named British War Office", + "question": "Where do the people speak Welsh, and has a governmental body named the British War Office?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.083tk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.083tk ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.01p4l9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3363", + "webqsp_question": "where people speak welsh" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-701_b3739a5ca0b1d127fe46f94a14f4e470", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New Orleans Saints", + "answer_id": "m.05g3v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:30:15", + "machine_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011 and is the sports team was founded in 1967", + "question": "What team founded in 1987 did Reggie Bush play for in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded \"1967\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-701", + "webqsp_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3695_cebb1c84612c9b2deacb95a6f5603ea7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The A", + "Atlanta, Georgia", + "A-Town", + "Atlanta, GA", + "The ATL", + "Fulton County / Atlanta city" + ], + "answer": "Atlanta", + "answer_id": "m.013yq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "usher", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:25:06", + "machine_question": "where in georgia does the artist aword nominated for Looking 4 Myself live", + "question": "Where in Georgia does the artist nominated for awards for \"Looking 4 Myself\" live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0jk_q0c . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.containedby ns:m.0d0x8 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3695", + "webqsp_question": "where in georgia does usher live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2458_7e386deae563f6bc0093c448343b6807", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "costa rica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:06:06", + "machine_question": "which continent is the location where the film \"The Carbon Collective\" takes place located", + "question": "On what continent would you find the location where the movie \"The Carbon Collective\" is set?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0v3g_bj . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2458", + "webqsp_question": "which continent is costa rica located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1383_b750f328d84c9317e1ad186c38c59c53", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u00cdslenska", + "Icelandic", + "Islenska" + ], + "answer": "Icelandic Language", + "answer_id": "m.01gmkg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "iceland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:39", + "machine_question": "what language does people in the location where the film \"Noi the Albino\" takes place speak", + "question": "What language is spoken in the country where the movie \"Noi the Albino\" was filmed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0b5yzp . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1383", + "webqsp_question": "what language does people in iceland speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2936_49aabf6f01e1da7cc187816796202768", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summer", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:22:47", + "machine_question": "what type of cancer did the actor that played in the film Donna Summer: Live and More Encore died from", + "question": "What kind of cancer did the actor who starred in \"Donna Summer: Live and More Encore\" die from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0crxkj8 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:people.cause_of_death.parent_cause_of_death ns:m.0qcr0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2936", + "webqsp_question": "what type of cancer did donna summer died from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_388b1d333bb7c998d61ef17c7698f000", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician that end tenure before 1865", + "question": "What politician who influenced Whitman's poetry ended their tenure prior to 1865?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.to ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1865\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2603_4333154b1e8d5234c071c0315f98402c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hungarian Language", + "Magyar", + "Hungarian" + ], + "answer": "Hungarian language", + "answer_id": "m.02ztjwg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hungarian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:32:35", + "machine_question": "what do the country where Hungarian Sign Language is spoken people speak", + "question": "What is the spoken language in the country where Hungarian Sign Language is used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.08p454 . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2603", + "webqsp_question": "what do hungarian people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_9f2c654fc0dac663362c6d1aebc99b56", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Needle", + "Space Needle, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Space Needle", + "answer_id": "m.01k7v7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "L.C. Smith Building" + ], + "answer": "Smith Tower", + "answer_id": "m.01r0v3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Woodland Park Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.02dxmq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pike Place Market, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Pike Place Market", + "answer_id": "m.02k953" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Museum of Flight", + "answer_id": "m.02kl80" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pacific Science" + ], + "answer": "Pacific Science Center", + "answer_id": "m.02ks_p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Electric Company Georgetown Steam Plant", + "Georgetown Steam Plant, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown Steam Plant", + "answer_id": "m.02rp3lq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Aquarium", + "answer_id": "m.02xg6w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Asian Art" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Asian Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03325p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Frye Art" + ], + "answer": "Frye Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332cl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Art", + "Seattle Art Museum Downtown" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332j6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Henry Art Gallery", + "answer_id": "m.035pqt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nordic Heritage" + ], + "answer": "Nordic Heritage Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03t00j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tillicum" + ], + "answer": "Tillicum Village", + "answer_id": "m.04n53vb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Great Wheel", + "answer_id": "m.0k2k2n2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SIFF" + ], + "answer": "Seattle International Film Festival", + "answer_id": "m.0prqs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "EMP Museum", + "Experience Music Project", + "Seattle Center: Experience Music Project", + "EMP|SFM", + "Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame" + ], + "answer": "Experience Music Project Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0pxmn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Garden of Remembrance", + "answer_id": "m.0y657tp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "seattle wa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in the location where the film \"Singles\" takes place", + "question": "What are attractions in the location of the film \"Singles\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.02rw6c . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1081_95b07beeed9361c80ad734e1ef7b3728", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Simpson College, main campus", + "Simpson College, Indianola", + "Simpson" + ], + "answer": "Simpson College", + "answer_id": "m.01xssh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:29:02", + "machine_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage and the organiztion founding date is after 1858", + "question": "Which university attended by George Washington Carver was founded after 1858?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03djm)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03djm ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:organization.organization.date_founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1858\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1081", + "webqsp_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1370_ac58dde2a9a27704de508ef3ede7a9e1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "City of Light", + "Lutetia Parisiorum", + "La Ville-Lumi\u00e8re", + "Lutetia", + "Paris-France", + "Paname", + "La Ville des Lumi\u00e8res", + "\u5df4\u9ece", + "The City of Love", + "Ville Lumi\u00e8re", + "Lutetia of the Parisii", + "Paris, France" + ], + "answer": "Paris", + "answer_id": "m.05qtj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "thomas hobbes", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:22:50", + "machine_question": "where did the author who published editions for Leviathan (Audio Classics Series) live", + "question": "Where was the home of the author of \"Leviathan (Audio Classics Series)?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04v1l4j . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1370", + "webqsp_question": "where did thomas hobbes live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_bc9d994afa57df43a980b18e9600b5b2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Niger", + "answer_id": "m.0164v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Niger" + ], + "answer": "Benin", + "answer_id": "m.05cc1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through and the population number is less than 3345501", + "question": "What country has a polulation of less than 3345501 and has the niger river flowing through it.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 3345501) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1108_2f44df9b9211fc307738101f5dbe2ba5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Yale University 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+ ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:45:26", + "machine_question": "what kind of government is the country where Egyptian Arabic is spoken", + "question": "What system of government exists where Egyptian Arabic is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.02hx2cr . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-801", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government is egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-638_e720f6c51fa9762bbf53cde50a3a8542", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "La Internacia Lingvo", + "La Lingvo Internacia", + "Esperanto" + ], + "answer": "Esperanto Language", + "answer_id": "m.02jcw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:20:35", + "machine_question": "what languages are there in japan and that has initials eo", + "question": "What language with the initials \"EO\" is used in Japan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_3d)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_3d ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.iso_639_1_code \"eo\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-638", + "webqsp_question": "what languages are there in japan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_22ff473bd92096fae9bcf1717840afd1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Conrad Nicholson Hilton, Jr.", + "Nicky", + "Conrad Nicholson \"Nicky\" Hilton, Jr.", + "Conrad Nicholson Hilton Jr." + ], + "answer": "Conrad Hilton, Jr.", + "answer_id": "m.02j06h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and was buried in Holy Cross 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title of Acting Governor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03tw2s)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03tw2s ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.03wm7b . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-116_0bfbd59037ef05d6a41290d91814c1bb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.K.", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland", + "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", + "Britain", + "Great Britain", + "GBR", + "GB", + "UK", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" + ], + "answer": "United Kingdom", + "answer_id": "m.07ssc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "queen victoria", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:16:42", + "machine_question": "what countries did the subject of the film Sixty Glorious Years reign over", + "question": "What is the country that is depicted in the film Sixty Glorious Years?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0b6fw81 . \n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.jurisdiction_of_office ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-116", + "webqsp_question": "what countries did queen victoria reign over" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_e706039609465777e91555cd85cb9521", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen", + "answer_id": "m.02bqvs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and that was edited by George Folsey, Jr.", + "question": "Which film featuring Alyson Stoner was edited by George Folsey, Jr.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.edited_by ns:m.05c00qy . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_d143a0d2ccfb5f6d8b211dc5c9405543", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sydney Harbour Bridge", + "answer_id": "m.0701q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the structure opened in 1932-03-19", + "question": "What structure that opened on 19 March 1932 is a great place to visit in Sydney, Australia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: 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}, + { + "aliases": [ + "Cobrin, Spencer" + ], + "answer": "Spencer Cobrin", + "answer_id": "m.01wrrdk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Parsons, Dave" + ], + "answer": "Dave Parsons", + "answer_id": "m.03d_qbn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Alexander Sacha Simon Gervasi" + ], + "answer": "Sacha Gervasi", + "answer_id": "m.08f647" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sasha Puttnam", + "Sacha Putnam", + "Putnam, Sacha", + "Alexander Puttnam", + "Alexander David Puttnam", + "Sasha Putnam", + "Puttnam, Sacha" + ], + "answer": "Sacha Puttnam", + "answer_id": "m.0h88bb2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Corey Britz", + "answer_id": "m.0j1v9tm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Amir", + "answer_id": "m.0zdb8q6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bush", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band the artist aword nominated for Machinehead", + "question": "What artists were members of the band that recieved a nominated for the 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"answer": "Akawaio Language", + "answer_id": "m.048dyk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Portuguese", + "Portugese", + "Portuguese language", + "Portugu\u00eas" + ], + "answer": "Portuguese Language", + "answer_id": "m.05zjd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Arawak", + "answer_id": "m.0hc2x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "guyana", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:00:02", + "machine_question": "what does the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Janet Jagan speak", + "question": "What do they speak at the place where there is a governmental office holder named Janet Jagan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR 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with the smallest population is resided in by Joey King?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03yk4pb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03yk4pb ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_1ea94c2000270f46241efdb639cdc83c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sorority Wars", + "answer_id": "m.0b6q30j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and that was directed by James Hayman", + "question": "What movie directed by James Haymen did Lucy Hale star in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER 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"m.02vjzr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Funk music" + ], + "answer": "Funk", + "answer_id": "m.02x8m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Post Disco" + ], + "answer": "Post-disco", + "answer_id": "m.03c34yl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pop rock", + "answer_id": "m.05bt6j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pop", + "pop" + ], + "answer": "Pop music", + "answer_id": "m.064t9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u05e8\u05d5\u05e7", + "Rock" + ], + "answer": "Rock music", + "answer_id": "m.06by7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "RnB" + ], + "answer": "Rhythm and blues", + "answer_id": "m.06j6l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dance" + ], + "answer": "Dance music", + "answer_id": "m.0ggx5q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Soul" + ], + "answer": "Soul music", + "answer_id": "m.0gywn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "michael jackson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:03:15", + "machine_question": "what kind of music did the person who wrote the lyrics for \"Heal the World\" sing", + "question": "What is the type of music sung by the artist of \"Heal the World\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.09bqc6 . \n?c ns:music.artist.genre ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2774", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of music did michael jackson sing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_1e84fe0749fa5e8059c25f71ac1629b4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and number of people in the country's army is largest", + "question": "What neighbor of Argentina is the country with the highest number of 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"question": "What is the state slogan of the state whic held the 2008 Kentucky state Senator election?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_district.elections ns:m.02qjjkg . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?y .\n?y ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ?x .\n?y ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.Kind_of_symbol ns:m.0j749 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1121", + "webqsp_question": "what is kentucky state slogan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_ae2a0626e306806345c62c8c4f6c53f1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dominion of Canada", + "Canuckistan" + ], + "answer": "Canada", + "answer_id": "m.0d060g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and in which the event 2002 December solstice took place", + "question": "In which country is Arabic spoken where the 2002 December solstice took place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.events ns:m.0102yq_6 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_658abe56c296bf853b5513365036e258", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: The IMAX Experience" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", + "answer_id": "m.03177r" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter si Pocalul de Foc", + "O Harry Potter kai to kypelo tis fotias", + "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The IMAX Experience", + "The Goblet of Fire", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to honoo no goburetto", + "Harry Potter i Plameni pehar", + 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"m.031786" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter und der Orden des Ph\u00f6nix", + "The Order of the Phoenix", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixuv r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter i Zakon Feniksa", + "Harry Potter ve z\u00fcmr\u00fcd\u00fcanka yoldasligi", + "Tip Top", + "Harry Potter i red Feniksa", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixov r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: The IMAX Experience", + "Harry Potter og F\u00f8nixordenen", + "Harry Potter e a Ordem da F\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a F\u0151nix rendje", + "Harii Pott\u00e2 to fushich\u00f4 no kishidan", + "Harry Potter och Fenixorden", + "Harry Potter en de orde van de Feniks", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u041e\u0440\u0434\u0435\u043d \u0424\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0430", + "Harry Potter in Feniksov red", + "Harry Potter et l'ordre du Ph\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter i l'orde del F\u00e8nix", + "Harry Potter si Ordinul Phoenix", + "Harry Potter e l'ordine della 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Hegel" + ], + "answer": "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", + "answer_id": "m.039n1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and was also a peer of Friedrich H\u00c3\u00b6lderlin", + "question": "Which peer of Friedrich H\u00c3\u00b6lderlin inspired the work of Walt Whitman?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.peers ?c .\n?c ns:influence.peer_relationship.peers ns:m.015m4_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1183_70ed864999bbfb2ef5cc5a7e674881ef", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Pisa, main campus" + ], + "answer": "University of Pisa", + "answer_id": "m.02bbyw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "galileo", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:07:56", + "machine_question": "where did the author who published editions for Two New Sciences go to school", + "question": "Where did the author of \"Two New Sciences\" go to school?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04v1kdw . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1183", + "webqsp_question": "where did galileo go to school" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_135c576c85060d076311cb5bbd9b68b0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and was decorated by Nancy Haigh", + "question": "What movie featuring Miley Cyrus was decorated by Nancy Haigh?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_set_decoration_by ns:m.03cb3nx . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_da5f6afb91d1bbe3f283829b281fe01b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic Republic of Nepal", + "Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal" + ], + "answer": "Nepal", + "answer_id": "m.016zwt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and the location's emissions per capita in dated metric ton is 0.008282", + "question": "Of the countries that share a border with China, which country has an emissions per capita in metric ton of 0.008282?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d05w3)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d05w3 ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.co2_emissions_per_capita ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_metric_ton.number \"0.008282\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-426_4d55bb861b17489ec6c5c4fda313c108", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab 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Stone", + "answer_id": "m.03176f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and that was directed by Simon Lamont", + "question": "Which movie within the Harry Potter series was directed by Simon Lamont?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_art_direction_by ns:m.09b7mx7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2682_b0432eef01ce2c1224dfeb69280d0683", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jerry the Minion", + "answer_id": "m.084jfdt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jemaine clement", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:44:09", + "machine_question": "who does the artist aword nominated for Gentlemen Broncos play in despicable me", + "question": "What character in Despicable Me is played by the nominee for Gentlemen Broncos?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.056g0th . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.06zkfsy .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2682", + "webqsp_question": "who does jemaine clement play in despicable me" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-2015_5bf6906c26a34660ad81a9e0506d36fc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Representative democracy", + "answer_id": "m.0drnm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "argentina", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T12:19:39", + "machine_question": "what type of government does the location where the film \"La hora de la siesta\" takes place have today", + "question": "What type of governmental system is currently run in the place where the movie \"La hora de la siesta\" occurs?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0qsdlx5 . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-2015", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government does argentina have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1643_c6ee04ca3a7fe8a645572408eb770276", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "John Paul Salapatek" + ], + "answer": "John Franklin", + "answer_id": "m.06hw0m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:08:19", + "machine_question": "who does the voice for chucky in child 's play and who died on 1959-06-16", + "question": "What voice of Chucky in the movie \"Child's Play\" passed away on 16 May 1959?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02mkzj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02mkzj ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.06jpdm .\n?y ns:film.performance.special_performance_type ns:m.02nsjvf .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.02mkzj .\n?x ns:people.person.date_of_birth \"1959-06-16\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1643", + "webqsp_question": "who does the voice for chucky in child 's play" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-954_5672a9650f634269b9015275a0eae762", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Fresco", + "answer_id": "m.02_3k" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Painting", + "answer_id": "m.05qdh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "the school of athens", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:33:11", + "machine_question": "what medium is the topic of the image View of the Stanza della Segnatura", + "question": "Which medium is utilized in the topic of the image, View of the Stanza della Segnatura?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.04s9rfp . \n?c ns:visual_art.artwork.art_form ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-954", + "webqsp_question": "what medium is the school of athens" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_9e3eec4b739647c6d4661794bec3344d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East of the Uruguay", + "Eastern Republic of Uruguay", + "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" + ], + "answer": "Uruguay", + "answer_id": "m.07twz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "argentina", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border the country where Guaran\u00c3\u00ad language is spoken", + "question": "What other countries are bordering the country where Guarani is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.02w_hsv . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3563_4586c2906f53dbe595db2210da8a3b1e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dry Tortugas National" + ], + "answer": "Dry Tortugas National Park", + "answer_id": "m.02zjt1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Legoland Florida, Winter Haven" + ], + "answer": "Legoland Florida", + "answer_id": "m.0b6d60t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Downey" + ], + "answer": "Downey Park", + "answer_id": "m.0dl60w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Westfield Westland" + ], + "answer": "Westland Mall", + "answer_id": "m.0n53kv5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:09:48", + "machine_question": "where to go in the location where the film \"Blood Widow\" takes place for vacation", + "question": "Where should I go on my vacation in the place where the movie \"Blood Widow\" is set?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.010l1wlv . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-324_c4965c0149340bcfe2620c82edcf5638", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln 1861 presidential inauguration", + "answer_id": "m.05brd51" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:54:47", + "machine_question": "what date was abraham lincoln inaugurated and is the event ended before 1865-03-04", + "question": "At what event that ended prior to 4 March 1865 was Abraham Lincoln inaugurated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0gzh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0gzh ns:base.inaugurations.inauguration_speaker.inauguration ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.end_date ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1865-03-04\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-324", + "webqsp_question": "what date was abraham lincoln inaugurated" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3271_0b65dea73fbce4f9f616eb5f69e9aa73", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Easter Island", + "Pascuense", + "Rapa Nui" + ], + "answer": "Rapa Nui Language", + "answer_id": "m.0565hv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:16:31", + "machine_question": "what does chilean people speak and belongs to the Polynesian languages language family", + "question": "What language do Chilean people speak that belongs to the Polynesian language family?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01p1v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01p1v ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.language_family ns:m.015lcb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3271", + "webqsp_question": "what does chilean people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3768_8a8aa5a27888d61d1c054ca3953285a6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Post-Impressionism", + "answer_id": "m.015xrq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "vincent van gogh", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:39:28", + "machine_question": "what art movement does the person that said \"The best way to know God is to love many things.\" belong to", + "question": "What art movement practiced by the person that said \"The best way to know God is to love many things.\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048gsbc . \n?c ns:visual_art.visual_artist.associated_periods_or_movements ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3768", + "webqsp_question": "what art movement does vincent van gogh belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1792_17d7eeafda441772a5f053e4b1104c66", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Scotia" + ], + "answer": "Scotland", + "answer_id": "m.06q1r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:16", + "machine_question": "where is midlothian scotland and export to Germany", + "question": "What location of Midlothian, Scotland exports to Germany?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.011w8v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.011w8v ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?c .\n?c ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ns:m.0345h . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1792", + "webqsp_question": "where is midlothian scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1536_49e567b7faaa40c62e7322de05102c3c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Henry VIII", + "Henry Tudor", + "King Henry VIII of England" + ], + "answer": "Henry VIII of England", + "answer_id": "m.03p77" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "queen elizabeth 1", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:01:01", + "machine_question": "who is the subject of the film The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex father", + "question": "Who is the topic of the movie,The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex, father?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT 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ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 973) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_b9b879060be6df6cb7cd937a7996f9d9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and number of people in the country's army is greater than 319000", + "question": "What country borders Argentina and has an army greater than 319,000?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jgd ns:location.location.adjoin_s 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Team", + "Portugal Mens National Football Team", + "Portugal Soccer Team", + "The Navigators", + "Portugal Men's National Football Team" + ], + "answer": "Portugal national football team", + "answer_id": "m.02rqxc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cristiano ronaldo", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:02:02", + "machine_question": "who does the subject of the film Golden Shoes play for", + "question": "For what teams did the person portrayed in \"Golden Shoes\" play?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0w1rrm1 . \n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1977", + "webqsp_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_94fa484609e681ec18604fcae937af56", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Russian Federation", + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u044f" + ], + "answer": "Russia", + "answer_id": "m.06bnz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and a military combatant which was involved in the military conflict of the Battle of Kulikovo", + "question": "Which other countries share a border with China, and a combatant that was involved in the military conflict, Battle of Kulikovo?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d05w3)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d05w3 ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:military.military_combatant.casualties ?c .\n?c ns:military.casualties.military_conflict ns:m.01975w . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-681_5695ca4f419be6893364dd4c5b3cd4c9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jerzy Karol Buzek" + ], + "answer": "Jerzy Buzek", + "answer_id": "m.036y38" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "european union", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:27:11", + "machine_question": "who is the president of the the place that has the following courts Court of Justice of the European Union 2012", + "question": "Who was the president in 2012 of the location where you'd find the Court of Justice of the European Union?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court_jurisdiction_area.courts ns:m.09gbtd0 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.039h0j .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-681", + "webqsp_question": "who is the president of the european union 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3488_03cf6abd16a825e4e4a6a01fb3f41f80", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Astrologist" + ], + "answer": "Astrologer", + "answer_id": "m.025rxky" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mathematician", + "answer_id": "m.04s2z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Physicist", + "answer_id": "m.05snw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Scientist", + "answer_id": "m.06q2q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "astronomer" + ], + "answer": "Astronomer", + "answer_id": "m.0h9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "galileo galilei", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:56:44", + "machine_question": "who is the author who published editions for Sidereus Nuncius 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and in which costumes where designed by Colleen Atwood", + "question": "For which Miley Cyrus film did Colleen Atwood design the costumes?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.costume_design_by ns:m.03mfqm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1148_85916ec94a9f581ac4e0cb0cb51d84ea", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TU", + "University of Tulsa, main campus" + ], + "answer": "University of Tulsa", + "answer_id": "m.07w3r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "se hinton", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:43:44", + "machine_question": "what college did the author who published editions for That was then, this is now go", + "question": "What University did the author who published editions for, That was then, this is now, attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04v9kn8 . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1148", + "webqsp_question": "what college did se hinton go" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1475_87b3a84b3f13c48baa6a6f1aac2148bc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guitar", + "answer_id": "m.0342h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Slide guitar", + "answer_id": "m.06w7v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "johnny depp", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:43:52", + "machine_question": "what type of guitar does the artist which recorded Hollywood Affair play", + "question": "What kind of guitar does the 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"answer_id": "m.03cn0v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:29:14", + "machine_question": "what are the places to see in dubai and is the structure opened after 1997", + "question": "Which structures opened after 1997 are the best to see in Dubai?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f08r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f08r ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1997\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3346", + "webqsp_question": "what are the places to see in dubai" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2494_9e9233e016c980617758cbbbbc6c374e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "the (big) smoke", + "The Great Wen", + "London, England", + "Londres", + "Capital of Great Britain" + ], + "answer": "London", + "answer_id": "m.04jpl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Holsworthy, Devon" + ], + "answer": "Holsworthy", + "answer_id": "m.062m9r" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Stockwell, London" + ], + "answer": "Stockwell", + "answer_id": "m.0nc84" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "roger moore", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:11:12", + "machine_question": "where did the actor that played in the film Secret KGB UFO Files live", + "question": "Where did the actor who played in the movie \"Secret KGB UFO Files\" live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0crrjq_ . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2494", + "webqsp_question": "where did roger moore live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_963f10fbb72072fc718bd8cc3e0ec12d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and that was written by Danny Kallis", + "question": "What movie starring Miley Cyrus that was written by Danny Kallis?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.written_by ns:m.026q0k9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_04aee1e47b5fa8da3fc142f690f85334", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richland County / Columbia city", + "Columbia, South Carolina", + "Columbia, SC" + ], + "answer": "Columbia", + "answer_id": "m.0fv_t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:42:23", + "machine_question": "where is usc from and location where a footbal player with the player id greg-jones-jonesgr03 was born", + "question": "What location of USC is the birthplace of a football player with the player id greg-jones-jonesgr03?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03tw2s)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03tw2s ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.football_player.footballdb_id \"greg-jones-jonesgr03\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-648_9440ac3bd6d8053ca4d553da408a7cb0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Asia", + "answer_id": "m.0j0k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "israel", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:43:36", + "machine_question": "what continent does where the currency Old Israeli shekel is used belong to", + "question": "On which continent is the Old Israeli sheckel accepted as currency?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_formerly_used ns:m.090krt . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-648", + "webqsp_question": "what continent does israel belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1976_eb64a1e549224e7ae7a75675a3aa78be", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Galatasaray A.\u015e.", + "Cimbom", + "Galatasaray SK", + "Avrupa Fatihi", + "Galatasaray Anonim \u015eirketi", + "Aslan", + "Gala", + "Sar\u0131 K\u0131rm\u0131z\u0131l\u0131lar", + "Galata-Serai Football Club", + "Galatasaray Spor Kul\u00fcb\u00fc", + "Galatasaray" + ], + "answer": "Galatasaray S.K.", + "answer_id": "m.06zpgb2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T12:10:53", + "machine_question": "what team did drogba play for and the sports team arena stadium is T\u00c3\u00bcrk Telekom Arena", + "question": "What sports team that plays at T\u00c3\u00bcrk Telekom Arena had Drogba on its roster?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_y2f)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_y2f ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.02vx9by . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1976", + "webqsp_question": "what team did drogba play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-442_ade734803aa90931641d9f89cedf866d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lamar Hunt", + "answer_id": "m.01wtr5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:12:51", + "machine_question": "who was the first leader of the afl and who died in Dallas", + "question": "Who died in Dallas and was the first leader of the AFL?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0ysy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0ysy ns:organization.organization.founders ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ns:m.0f2rq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-442", + "webqsp_question": "who was the first leader of the afl" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-384_da1053265eb094eabfcd3dd771d6bb4c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Poet", + "answer_id": "m.05z96" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bard", + "answer_id": "m.0knj1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "robert burns", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:42:45", + "machine_question": "what was the composer of We Hail Thee Carolina famous for", + "question": "What artistic endeavors made the composer of \"We Hail Thee Carolina\" famous?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.03cfgkr . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-384", + "webqsp_question": "what was robert burns famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_4982d29236a4ba64c2f0439d263f23aa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" + ], + "answer": "Luxembourg", + "answer_id": "m.04g61" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and number of people in the country's army is smallest", + "question": "Which EU country has the smallest army?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1804_92ce8bb22fffee7806eec2e6d8446849", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Netherlands", + "Nederlands", + "Holland", + "Nederland", + "Hollanti" + ], + "answer": "Netherlands", + "answer_id": "m.059j2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:36", + "machine_question": "what countries are part of nato and produce the beer Grolsch Blonde", + "question": "What country, that is a part of NATO, produces Grolsch Blonde beer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059dn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059dn ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dq9tz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1804", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are part of nato" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_5d99a91f07812e8d9c6bcd12347f5e36", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "St. Louis County / Hibbing city", + "Hibbing, Minnesota" + ], + "answer": "Hibbing", + "answer_id": "m.0wjjx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Duluth", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Duluth, Minnesota", + "St. Louis County / Duluth city" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0h1k6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and the location GNIS feature ID is greater than 655030", + "question": "What GNIS feature ID over 655030 location did Bob Dylan live in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 655030) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_dd9813281934463d55e5452175212740", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Denmark", + "answer_id": "m.01ppq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "D\u00e4nemark", + "Kingdom of Denmark", + "Kongeriget Danmark", + "\u4e39\u9ea6" + ], + "answer": "Luxembourg", + "answer_id": "m.0k6nt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" + ], + "answer": "Switzerland", + "answer_id": "m.04g61" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "La Suisse", + "Helvetia", + "Svizzera", + "Svizra", + "Schweiz", + "Swiss Confederation" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.06mzp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Belgium", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Belgique", + "Belgi\u00eb", + "Kingdom of Belgium" + ], + "answer": "Cyprus", + "answer_id": "m.0154j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and number of people in the country's army is less than 39200", + "question": "What countries have a standing army of less than 39200 and include German as one of their languages?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 39200) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3563_2483c132c4213e9473c2e10644005625", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dry Tortugas National" + ], + "answer": "Dry Tortugas National Park", + "answer_id": "m.02zjt1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Legoland Florida, Winter Haven" + ], + "answer": "Legoland Florida", + "answer_id": "m.0b6d60t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Downey" + ], + "answer": "Downey Park", + "answer_id": "m.0dl60w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Westfield Westland" + ], + "answer": "Westland Mall", + "answer_id": "m.0n53kv5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:09:48", + "machine_question": "where to go in has an official symbol of Orange blossom for vacation", + "question": "Where to go on vacation to the place that has an official symbol of the orange blossom?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.0jkzdcj . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-404_a15616e0fe214498a348b5ad6934d511", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "drowned" + ], + "answer": "Drowning", + "answer_id": "m.01g27f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Atherosclerotic heart disease", + "Coronary disease", + "Coronary Artery disorder", + "Coronary heart disorder" + ], + "answer": "Coronary artery disease", + "answer_id": "m.01s1m" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cocaine overdose", + "answer_id": "m.02nx6jb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "whitney houston", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:05:16", + "machine_question": "what killed the subject of the film Whitney Houston - I Will Always: Unauthorized", + "question": "What killed the subject of the movie \"Whitney Houston- I Will Always: Unauthorized\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.012vsnwl . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-404", + "webqsp_question": "what killed whitney houston" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-417_a5b6e77ba18097f2957a8a47edbed6a0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pwv", + "Province Of Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging", + "Gauteng, South Africa", + "Provinceofpretoriawitwatersrandvereeniging", + "Gauteng Province" + ], + "answer": "Gauteng", + "answer_id": "m.01t05t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "johannesburg", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:09:19", + "machine_question": "in which province is the location where the film \"The Bang Bang Club\" takes place", + "question": "In which province, is the location where the movie, \"The Bang Bang Club\" , occurs?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0crtsl1 . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:base.aareas.schema.administrative_area.administrative_area_type ns:m.0hzjmlj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-417", + "webqsp_question": "in which province is johannesburg" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_65e7de970f6844e8520d7785799ec19e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen 2", + "answer_id": "m.066b_n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and is they music was by John Debney", + "question": "Which film, had music by John Dbney and featured Alyson Stoner as an actress.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.music ns:m.01mkn_d . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1036_9eeb2f38ee223b499967ac117f641e3b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jamaican English", + "answer_id": "m.01428y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jamaica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:20:19", + "machine_question": "what is the dominant language spoken in the country where Red Stripe beer is made", + "question": "what is the main language spoken in the country that makes Red Stripe beer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.031j7l . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1036", + "webqsp_question": "what is the dominant language spoken in jamaica" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-677_1ac1b2406aaf19b72874d7ea4f403314", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Banjo", + "answer_id": "m.018j2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Contrabass" + ], + "answer": "Bass guitar", + "answer_id": "m.018vs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Harmonica", + "answer_id": "m.03qjg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saxophone player" + ], + "answer": "Saxophone", + "answer_id": "m.06ncr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "traverso flute", + "querfl\u00f6te", + "flute traversi\u00e8re", + "flute" + ], + "answer": "Flute", + "answer_id": "m.0l14j_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "percussion", + "Percussion instruments", + "Percussion instrument" + ], + "answer": "Percussion", + "answer_id": "m.0l14md" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bela fleck", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:49:10", + "machine_question": "what instrument does the artist which recorded Sleep to Dream Her play", + "question": "Which instrument does the artist which recorded, Sleep to Dream Her, play?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0lmmzd . \n?c ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.role ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-677", + "webqsp_question": "what instrument does bela fleck play" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3563_23fe30e368e38acc43075ece504fe7c0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dry Tortugas National" + ], + "answer": "Dry Tortugas National Park", + "answer_id": "m.02zjt1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Legoland Florida, Winter Haven" + ], + "answer": "Legoland Florida", + "answer_id": "m.0b6d60t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Downey" + ], + "answer": "Downey Park", + "answer_id": "m.0dl60w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Westfield Westland" + ], + "answer": "Westland Mall", + "answer_id": "m.0n53kv5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:09:48", + "machine_question": "where to go in the place in which the fictional character Asst. District Atty. Miguel Prado lived for vacation", + "question": "When I visit fictional character Asst. District Atty. Miguel Prado's vacation home, what all should I visit when I'm there?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.characters_that_have_lived_here ns:g.120lwj6t . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_67f5f717564163742ca2588b7e186fd8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Centennial State", + "Colo", + "CO" + ], + "answer": "Colorado", + "answer_id": "m.01n4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:56:45", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and is the administrative division in the country of United States of America", + "question": "What administrative division of the nation United States of America is the location of downtown Littleton?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0g8lsf)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0g8lsf ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.administrative_division.country ns:m.09c7w0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_63dbe5ef0ef08523c2d30ce16872396b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sofokles", + "Sophokles", + "Sophocles Dexion" + ], + "answer": "Sophocles", + "answer_id": "m.06pzl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by and who also wrote Oedipus at Colonus", + "question": "What author of \"Oedipus at Colonus\" influenced Arthur Miller?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yfp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yfp ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:book.author.works_written ns:m.014z8d . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1173", + "webqsp_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_6f8e8f058666b40fc2b22e7c560898af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Waldo Emerson Ralph", + "Waldo Ralph Emerson" + ], + "answer": "Ralph Waldo Emerson", + "answer_id": "m.06jkm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Henry Thoreau", + "Thoreau, Henry David", + "Thoreau" + ], + "answer": "Henry David Thoreau", + "answer_id": "m.0bwx3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "O.FO.F.W.W.", + "Wilde Oscar", + "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde", + "Oskar Uayld", + "Wills Wilde", + "Osc\u00e0r", + "Grey Crow", + "The infamous St. Oscar of Oxford", + "Sebastian Melmoth", + "Oscar Wilde ", + "C.3.3.", + "Fingal O'Flahertie Wills", + "Oscar O'Flahertie Wills Wilde" + ], + "answer": "Oscar Wilde", + "answer_id": "m.05np2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and the person's date of death is after 1849-10-07", + "question": "Who died after October 7, 1849 and influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.date_of_death ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1849-10-07\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_5cb985cdc688d29d689477d1aa1134c3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of South Africa", + "Republiek van Suid-Afrika" + ], + "answer": "South Africa", + "answer_id": "m.0hzlz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and export to Angola", + "question": "Of the countries in the world that speak German, which exports to Angola?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?c .\n?c ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ns:m.0j4b . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1819_c6f4bf30214b3ec4105072a0f0c5f893", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Protestant" + ], + "answer": "Protestantism", + "answer_id": "m.05sfs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:38:50", + "machine_question": "what religion does canada follow and the religion of which John Calvin is a founding figure", + "question": "What religion has John Calvin as a founding figure and is practiced in Canada?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.founding_figures ns:m.041yl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1819", + "webqsp_question": "what religion does canada follow" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1361_a4ddba5c32029f9ddbc62e1f994f4146", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mexican peso", + "answer_id": "m.012ts8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:02", + "machine_question": "what currency should take to the place where breed Mexican Hairless Dog originated in", + "question": "What currency do they have in the place where the breed the Mexican Hairless Dog originated in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.01k9j2 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1361", + "webqsp_question": "what currency should take to mexico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_05a49eb00f9fa7d509fc776493d05b8c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East of the Uruguay", + "Eastern Republic of Uruguay", + "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" + ], + "answer": "Uruguay", + "answer_id": "m.07twz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "argentina", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border the country where Quechuan languages is spoken", + "question": "What nations border the country where the Quechuan languags are used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.03d9kg . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_87460bf17e29c445a270424ee7c886ce", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and the ISO numeric of the country is smallest", + "question": "What German speaking country has the lowest ISO numeric number?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-147_1ea47d20e7599a246b03c33fb0804ca5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill Haslam", + "Mayor Bill Haslam", + "William Edward Haslam", + "William Haslam", + "William Edward \"Bill\" Haslam" + ], + "answer": "William Haslam", + "answer_id": "m.04mp6v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tennessee", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:59:21", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the area in which the newspaper Brownlow's Whig is circulated", + "question": "Who is the Governor of the state of circulation for Brownlow's Whig?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.01wcvc . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-147", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of tennessee" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3495_3f76d491e90682cc29e3de2546e1f9c5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary monarchy" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.01q20" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:58:02", + "machine_question": "what sort of government does canada have and in locations where Baldur von Schirach was born in", + "question": "What political system does Canada use in the location where Baldur von Schirach was born?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ?c .\n?c ns:location.location.people_born_here ns:m.0143sn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3495", + "webqsp_question": "what sort of government does canada have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-806_0701f45f0c4f93e3bf3fb6d0b299c2a2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:59:15", + "machine_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located and is the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named House of Representatives", + "question": "What country had the House or repsentaives as part of their government and is where the pyramids of giza are located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.065mt4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-806", + "webqsp_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_2f965374667bed23fdd8d2da7247ec8c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and is the film was released to the distribution medium Television", + "question": "What movies was Miley Cyrus in that was released on television?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.film_release_distribution_medium ns:m.07c52 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_7763719bdd42d5fc4ae4caa4f2769430", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "O.FO.F.W.W.", + "Wilde Oscar", + "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde", + "Oskar Uayld", + "Wills Wilde", + "Osc\u00e0r", + "Grey Crow", + "The infamous St. Oscar of Oxford", + "Sebastian Melmoth", + "Oscar Wilde ", + "C.3.3.", + "Fingal O'Flahertie Wills", + "Oscar O'Flahertie Wills Wilde" + ], + "answer": "Oscar Wilde", + "answer_id": "m.05np2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and was influenced by William Godwin", + "question": "Who influenced Whitman 's poetry, that was influenced by William 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"Northern Saami" + ], + "answer": "Saami, North Language", + "answer_id": "m.04d36l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:36:38", + "machine_question": "what language do you speak in finland and belongs to the Finno-Ugric languages language family", + "question": "What dialects spoken in Finland belong to the Finno-Ugric language family?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02vzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02vzc ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.language_family ns:m.02xhk . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1373", + "webqsp_question": "what language do you speak in finland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1418_945f4cb70e7ce620f9e90c62263c370d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Piney", + "Christopher Whitelaw \"Chris\" Pine", + "Peen\u00e8", + "Pinewood", + "the new Harrison Ford", + "Christopher Whitelaw Pine" + ], + "answer": "Chris Pine", + "answer_id": "m.0c6g1l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Piney", + "Christopher Whitelaw \"Chris\" Pine", + "Peen\u00e8", + "Pinewood", + "the new Harrison Ford", + "Christopher Whitelaw Pine" + ], + "answer": "Chris Pine", + "answer_id": "m.0c6g1l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek and is the actor that played in the film Star Trek 3", + "question": "What actor featured in the movie Star Trek 3 played the role of Captain Kirk?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0crtw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0crtw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.film ns:m.010kk6fr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1418", + "webqsp_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_624863c14790c937da9c49cd6e810df5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fourth Governorate", + "Elhodeidah", + "Al Jawf", + "Almuhafazaharrabiah", + "Qadaalhudaydah", + "Hodeidah", + "Al Hudaydah", + "Governorate Al Jawf", + "El-Hodeidah", + "Shabwah", + "Governorate Number Four", + "El-\u1e24odeidah", + "Mu\u1e29\u0101faz\u0327At Shabwah", + "\u2018Adan", + "Qada' Al Hudaydah", + "Muhafazat Al Jawf", + "`Adan", + "Balad\u012byat \u2018Adan", + "Al Mu\u1e29\u0101faz\u0327Ah Ar R\u0101bi\u2018Ah", + "Adan", + "Muhafazat Shabwah", + "Aden", + "Qa\u1e11\u0101\u2019 Al \u1e28udaydah", + "Baladiyat `Adan", + "Iv", + "Baladiyatadan", + "Al Muhafazah Ar Rabi`Ah", + "Hodeida", + "Al \u1e28udaydah", + "Mu\u1e29\u0101faz\u0327At Al Jawf" + ], + "answer": "Yemen", + "answer_id": "m.01z88t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fourth Governorate", + "Elhodeidah", + "Al Jawf", + "Almuhafazaharrabiah", + "Qadaalhudaydah", 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ns:visual_art.visual_artist.associated_periods_or_movements ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3768", + "webqsp_question": "what art movement does vincent van gogh belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-408_003bf2a591ad03696bb3de8743741ff8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "George F. 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+ "answer": "Teacher", + "answer_id": "m.01d30f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Choreographer", + "answer_id": "m.02h6n_q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Film actress", + "Movie actress", + "Movie actor", + "Actress", + "Film actor", + "Theatre Actor" + ], + "answer": "Actor", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh1q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ellen albertini dow", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:31:33", + "machine_question": "who is the actor that played the character Choir Nun #1", + "question": "What jobs has the actor who played Choir Nun #1 had?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0hgyxn7 . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2998", + "webqsp_question": "who is ellen albertini dow" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2936_b355e80c8422a5c1e8e503c46f3e9940", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summer", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:22:47", + "machine_question": "what type of cancer did the composer of My Baby Understands died from", + "question": "Which cancer did the artist of \"My Baby Understands\" die from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.0_jwv1v . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:people.cause_of_death.parent_cause_of_death ns:m.0qcr0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2936", + "webqsp_question": "what type of cancer did donna summer died from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1359_8d7168bb778d9fc51f7b0659dedac7a9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Weston", + "Weston Cage", + 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bell 4", + "Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods", + "Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker Bell: A Winter Story" + ], + "answer": "Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings", + "answer_id": "m.0crfwmx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and involves organization toonexplainers", + "question": "What was Lucy Hale in that involved the organization called the Toon Explainers?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ?c .\n?c ns:organization.organization_sector.organizations_in_this_sector ns:m.010lbn79 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_78dfd565f934be0bcd427c239795b8a8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Emirates", + "UAE" + ], + "answer": "Turkey", + "answer_id": "m.0j1z8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fourth Governorate", + "Elhodeidah", + "Al Jawf", + "Almuhafazaharrabiah", + "Qadaalhudaydah", + "Hodeidah", + "Al Hudaydah", + "Governorate Al Jawf", + "El-Hodeidah", + "Shabwah", + "Governorate Number Four", + "El-\u1e24odeidah", + "Mu\u1e29\u0101faz\u0327At Shabwah", + "\u2018Adan", + "Qada' Al Hudaydah", + "Muhafazat Al Jawf", + "`Adan", + "Balad\u012byat \u2018Adan", + "Al Mu\u1e29\u0101faz\u0327Ah Ar R\u0101bi\u2018Ah", + "Adan", + "Muhafazat Shabwah", + "Aden", + "Qa\u1e11\u0101\u2019 Al \u1e28udaydah", + "Baladiyat `Adan", + "Iv", + "Baladiyatadan", + "Al Muhafazah Ar Rabi`Ah", + "Hodeida", + "Al \u1e28udaydah", + "Mu\u1e29\u0101faz\u0327At Al Jawf" + ], + "answer": "South Africa", + "answer_id": "m.01z88t" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.07fj_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Turkey", + "T\u00fcrkiye", + "Turkiye" + ], + "answer": "United Arab Emirates", + "answer_id": "m.01znc_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of South Africa", + "Republiek van Suid-Afrika" + ], + "answer": "Tanzania", + "answer_id": "m.0hzlz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Syrian Arab Republic" + ], + "answer": "Sudan", + "answer_id": "m.06vbd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "North Sudan", + "Republic of the Sudan", + "Jumh\u016br\u012byat as-S\u016bd\u0101n" + ], + "answer": "Tunisia", + "answer_id": "m.06tw8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania", + "United Republic of Tanzania" + ], + "answer": "Syria", + "answer_id": "m.07dzf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Yemen", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:09:09", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and the ISO numeric of the country is greater than 682", + "question": "What country with an ISO numeric greater than 682 do people speak Arabic?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 682) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1871_008508d0bbe905ba355ced93a6435841", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chinese", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:46:49", + "machine_question": "what language do the location where the film \"The Runaway Troupe of the Cartesian Theater\" takes place", + "question": "Which languages are spoken in the location that is the setting of the film \"The Runaway Troupe of the Cartesian Theater\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0xn1_v_ . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1871", + "webqsp_question": "what language do chinese" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_1ac8ccb9cd6f48d856dfcad7600bf7f6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and number of people in the country's army is greater than 713480", + "question": "What nation has an army or more than 713480 people and borders the country of Bolivia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 713480) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1853_79036cf1ec3513ec0a18989849b0fee0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Host", + "TV Host", + "Television presenter", + "TV presenter" + ], + "answer": "Presenter", + "answer_id": "m.015cjr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Daredevil", + "Stunt actor" + ], + "answer": "Stunt Performer", + "answer_id": "m.01tkqy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Producer", + "TV Producer" + ], + "answer": "Television producer", + "answer_id": "m.03gjzk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Radio presenter", + "Radio host" + ], + "answer": "Radio personality", + "answer_id": "m.08z956" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Rep\u00f3rter" + ], + "answer": "Journalist", + "answer_id": "m.0d8qb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "television writer", + "Scriptwriter", + "scenarist", + "tv writer", + "script writer", + "film writer" + ], + "answer": "Screenwriter", + "answer_id": "m.0dxtg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Voice talent", + "\u0410\u043a\u0442\u0451\u0440 \u043e\u0437\u0432\u0443\u0447\u0438\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u044f", + "Voice actress", + "Voice-over artist", + "Voice over artist", + "Voice artist", + "Voice Director" + ], + "answer": "Voice Actor", + "answer_id": "m.0np9r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "richard hammond", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:50:07", + "machine_question": "what made the actor that played in the film Scragg 'n' Bones famous", + "question": "What made the actor who played in \"Scragg 'n' Bones\" famous?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.05zng0w . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1853", + "webqsp_question": "what made richard hammond famous" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1732_7959c8b1e8edcc0eaa0613869392e735", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Wurzburg", + "University of W\u00fcrzburg, main campus" + ], + "answer": "University of W\u00fcrzburg", + "answer_id": "m.03563j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:20:09", + "machine_question": "where did theodor schwann get his education and is the university that has number of undergraduates largest", + "question": "Where did Theodor Schwann obtain his education, and is the university, that has the largest number of undergraduates?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.040000)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.040000 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_undergraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1732", + "webqsp_question": "where did theodor schwann get his education" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_66f333632cff60192fc0f45b8ae12a70", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort - Partie 1", + "Harry Potter va Bao Boi Tu Than: Phan 1", + "Harry Potter a Dary smrti I", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte: Parte 1", + "The Deathly Hallows", + "Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 1. del", + "Harry Potter veotzarot hamavet - helek 1", + "Harry Potter und die Heiligt\u00fcmer des Todes - Teil 1", + "Harii Pott\u00e2 to shi no hih\u00f4 part 1", + "Harry Potter ve \u00d6l\u00fcm Yadig\u00e2rlari: B\u00f6l\u00fcm 1", + "Harry Potter ja surma v\u00e4gised: Osa 1", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dsregalierne - del 1", + "Harry Potter i darovi smrti 1. dio", + "Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea I" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I", + "answer_id": "m.02pth35" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 3D", + "Harry Potter i insygnia smierci: Czesc II", + "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to shi no hih\u00f4: 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las reliquias de la muerte 2", + "Harry Potter 7-2 (3D)", + "Harry Potter a dary smrti II", + "Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 2. del", + "Harry Potter e as Rel\u00edquias da Morte: Parte 2", + "Harry Potter ve \u00d6l\u00fcm Yadig\u00e2rlari: B\u00f6l\u00fcm 2", + "Harry Potter ja surma v\u00e4gised: Osa 2", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a Hal\u00e1l erekly\u00e9i 2. r\u00e9sz", + "Harry Potter e os Talism\u00e3s da Morte: Parte 2", + "O Harry Potter kai oi kliroi tou Thanatou: Meros 2o", + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort - 2\u00e8me partie", + "Harry Potter a relikvie smrti: c\u00e1st 2", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dsregalierne - del 2", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte 3D (2\u00aa Parte)", + "Haris Poteris ir mirties relikvijos - 2 dalis", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte: Parte 2", + "Harry Potter veotzarot hamavet - helek 2", + "Harry Potter og dau\u00f0adj\u00e1snin - 2. hluti", + "Haeri Poteowa jugeumui seongmul - 2bu", + 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K. Rowling", + "question": "What is the order of Harry Potter films produced by JK Rowling?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.produced_by ns:m.042xh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2986_de4b1995e2a58277eeb6f8880ab0320e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pats", + "The Patsies" + ], + "answer": "New England Patriots", + "answer_id": "m.05g3b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Michigan Men's Football", + "Michigan Mens Football", + "University of Michigan Men's Football", + "Michigan Wolverines Men's Football", + "University of Michigan Wolverines Mens Football", + "University of MIchigan Mens Football", + "University of Michigan Wolverines Men's Football", + "Michigan Football", + "Michigan Wolverines Mens Football", + "Michigan Wolverines Football", + "University of Michigan Football", + "University of Michigan Wolverines Football" + ], + "answer": "Michigan Wolverines football", + "answer_id": "m.0fsb_6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tom brady", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:28:43", + "machine_question": "who has the actor that played in the film NFL: Super Bowl XXXIX played for", + "question": "Who was the actor that played in the film, NFL: Super Bowl XXXIX play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0djbckc . \n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2986", + "webqsp_question": "who has tom brady played for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1081_be0361ca09dc4ecb3e4eb5ca7d29c379", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Iowa State University, Ames", + "Iowa State University, main campus", + "Iowa State", + "ISU" + ], + "answer": "Iowa State University", + "answer_id": "m.03v6t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:29:02", + "machine_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage and is the university that has number of postgraduates 5296", + "question": "What college with postgraduates of 5296 did did George Washington Carver attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03djm)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03djm ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_postgraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"5296\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1081", + "webqsp_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_27f67d3e7d67ca8faf416cc3b77f2a70", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician held thier governmental position since 1861-03-05", + "question": "Which person who gained a government position on 03-05-1861 influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": 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ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.directed_by ns:m.02q_25q . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2798_beb5507aba5b006b3b2e0598989448c8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1989 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9tm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:05:12", + "machine_question": "what year did detroit pistons win the championship and the sports championship results were 4 - 0", + "question": "What year did the Detroit Pistons with the championship where the results were 4 to 0?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jm8l)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jm8l ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x 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"composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does the country where Pauserna Language is spoken border", + "question": "What countries does the nation that uses the Pauserna language border?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.02hxsl0 . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3271_b352385481a660e410c383fc45d816be", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Aymara" + ], + "answer": "Aymara language", + "answer_id": "m.01y5tq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mapuche", + "Mapudungu", + "Mapudungun", + "Araucano", + "Maputongo" + ], + "answer": "Mapudungun Language", + "answer_id": "m.01zn1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Easter Island", + "Pascuense", + "Rapa Nui" + ], + "answer": "Rapa Nui Language", + "answer_id": "m.0565hv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Puquina" + ], + "answer": "Puquina Language", + "answer_id": "m.09_sxt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chilean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:16:31", + "machine_question": "what does the area in which the newspaper Aurora de Chile is circulated people speak", + "question": "Which three languages are spoken in which the newspaper Aurora de Chile is circulated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.03gqdfr . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3271", + "webqsp_question": "what does chilean people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2597_c05ba7f6600ce087c4c50e00c89ff285", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Central Standard Time", + "Central Time", + "Central Daylight Time", + "Central Standard Time Zone" + ], + "answer": "Central Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02fqwt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:31:41", + "machine_question": "what time zone am i in the place that has the following courts Missouri Court of Appeals", + "question": "Which time zone is in the state that houses the Missouri Court of Appeals?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court_jurisdiction_area.courts ns:m.03qj7vv . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2597", + "webqsp_question": "what time zone am i in missouri" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_794a77c4295934af27944fe8af53b07e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + "answer_id": "m.0jgd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and that has a GDP deflator change of rate -0.05", + "question": "Which country borders Bolivia and has a GDP deflator change rate of -0.05?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.gdp_deflator_change ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_percentage.rate \"-0.05\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_68f54a261ab05197d0ddd6cc48b21939", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "A bostonian", + "Henri Le Rennet", + "Edgar Allan Po\u00eb", + "Edgar Allen Poe", + "Edgar Poe", + "Edgar A. 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Hegel" + ], + "answer": "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", + "answer_id": "m.039n1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "O.FO.F.W.W.", + "Wilde Oscar", + "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde", + "Oskar Uayld", + "Wills Wilde", + "Osc\u00e0r", + "Grey Crow", + "The infamous St. Oscar of Oxford", + "Sebastian Melmoth", + "Oscar Wilde ", + "C.3.3.", + "Fingal O'Flahertie Wills", + "Oscar O'Flahertie Wills Wilde" + ], + "answer": "Oscar Wilde", + "answer_id": "m.05np2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Waldo Emerson Ralph", + "Waldo Ralph Emerson" + ], + "answer": "Ralph Waldo Emerson", + "answer_id": "m.06jkm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jedediah Cleishbotham", + "Malachi Malagrowther", + "Scott, Sir Walter" + ], + "answer": "Walter Scott", + "answer_id": "m.06y8v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Henry Thoreau", + "Thoreau, Henry David", + "Thoreau" + ], + "answer": "Henry David Thoreau", + "answer_id": "m.0bwx3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "whitman", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced the person that said \"Henceforth I ask not good fortune. I myself am good fortune.\" 's poetry", + "question": "Who influence the poetry of the person who said \"Henceforth I ask not good fortune. I myself am good fortune.\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048dnsb . \n?c ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3475_1ad460cd0410838a2d94b2dd7bd93efe", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Old Continent" + ], + "answer": "Europe", + "answer_id": "m.02j9z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "danish", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:53:29", + "machine_question": "where is the country where Faroese is spoken located", + "question": "In what country is Faroese spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.02hrcqd . 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ns:type.object.name \"Joan Claridge\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2494", + "webqsp_question": "where did roger moore live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2686_66d78e979f974fc3b0cc043967ca25d8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "USD", + "$", + "US Dollar", + "US $", + "US Currency", + "US$", + "Federal Reserve Note", + "American Dollar", + "Greenback" + ], + "answer": "United States Dollar", + "answer_id": "m.09nqf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "puerto rico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:44:36", + "machine_question": "what type of currency is used in the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Puerto Rico Cabinet", + "question": "What is the currency used in the jurisdiction with the governmental body called the Puerto Rico Cabinet?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.0ndhknm . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2686", + "webqsp_question": "what type of currency is used in puerto rico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_45a71163e7876e1ca8b7c88e38999705", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Happy Smekday!" + ], + "answer": "Home", + "answer_id": "m.0mwfph8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and is of genere Cartoon pornography", + "question": "Which movie is of a Cartoon pornography genre, in which Rihanna acted?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ?c .\n?c ns:media_common.media_genre.child_genres ns:m.08phz7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1191_d50834f94faf4fc329933bfc896be576", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bahamian Dialect", + "Bahamas Creole English", + "Bahamian Creole English" + ], + "answer": "Bahamas Creole English Language", + "answer_id": "m.026qjbs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bahamas", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:49:41", + "machine_question": "what language do people speak in the the location where the film \"Speed 2: Cruise Control\" takes place", + "question": "In the film \"Speed 2: Cruise Control\", what language do the people speak where the movie takes place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT 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"aliases": [ + "Holsworthy, Devon" + ], + "answer": "Holsworthy", + "answer_id": "m.062m9r" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Stockwell, London" + ], + "answer": "Stockwell", + "answer_id": "m.0nc84" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "roger moore", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:11:12", + "machine_question": "where did the actor that played the character Soldier in Paddington Caf\u00c3\u00a9 live", + "question": "Where did the actor that played the character Solider in Paddington Cafe live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0h0xks6 . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2494", + "webqsp_question": "where did roger moore live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2631_2d8fef2b9b8111356744e6492e8ceb1e", + "answers": [ 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"WebQTrn-2631", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are the mediterranean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1508_d585a4c2e04a9cd40dd5ec98e2456515", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Yale Law School, main campus", + "Yale Law School, New Haven", + "Yale Law" + ], + "answer": "Yale Law School", + "answer_id": "m.02bq1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, main campus", + "Georgetown School of Foreign Service" + ], + "answer": "Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service", + "answer_id": "m.02ckl3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Universitas Oxoniensis", + "Oxford University" + ], + "answer": "University of Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.07tgn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Yale University, main campus", + "Yale University", + "Yale University, New Haven", + "YU", + "Yale" + ], + "answer": "University Yale", + "answer_id": "m.08815" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Georgetown", + "Georgetown University, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown University", + "answer_id": "m.0pspl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "University College, Oxford, main campus", + "Univ.", + "The Master and Fellows of the College of the Great Hall of the University of Oxford" + ], + "answer": "University College, Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.0ymf1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bill clinton", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:48:47", + "machine_question": "when did the actor that played in the film Bill Clinton: His Life go to college", + "question": "Where did the actor that was in \"Bill Clinton: His Life\" go to college?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0cs716d . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1011_100d26462424e7b393fa19be729008e2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:17:39", + "machine_question": "where do they speak tibetan and is the country that has Standard Chinese as an official language", + "question": "Of the locations, where the Tibetan language is spoken, which country has Standard Chinese, as an official language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.064r7fk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.064r7fk ns:language.human_language.main_country ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.0653m . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1011", + "webqsp_question": "where do they speak tibetan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2177_339c68ffaa89a4ae552f380371410eeb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Columbia Law", + "Columbia Law School, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Columbia Law School", + "answer_id": "m.01n951" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:27:02", + "machine_question": "where did caroline kennedy go to school and is the university that has number of postgraduates smallest", + "question": "What university attended by Caroline Kennedy has the smallest population of postgraduates?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01y603)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01y603 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_postgraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2177", + "webqsp_question": "where did caroline kennedy go to school" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1472_0c0042c3d29aa60e6d2afb89c35ab8f4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Billy J. Miller", + "B.J. Miller", + "William John Miller II", + "B.J.", + "William John Miller" + ], + "answer": "Billy Miller", + "answer_id": "m.03chntm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:52:44", + "machine_question": "who is playing jason morgan on general hospital and is a TV Actor", + "question": "Which TV actor plays Jason Morgan on \"General Hospital\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0358x_)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0358x_ ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ns:m.0b4nb8 .\n?x ns:kg.object_profile.prominent_type ns:tv.tv_actor . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1472", + "webqsp_question": "who is playing jason morgan on general hospital" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-472_deb498674439879541db12bd74b06368", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazil Football Team", + "Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "Brazil Men's National Football Team", + "Brazil Mens Soccer Team", + "Brazil Mens National Soccer Team", + "Brazil Men's Football Team", + "Brazil Mens Football Team", + "Brazil Men's National Soccer Team", + "Brazil National Soccer Team", + "Brazil Mens National Football Team", + "Brazil national football", + "Brazil Soccer Team", + "Brazil Men's Soccer Team" + ], + "answer": "Brazil national football team", + "answer_id": "m.01352_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:53:15", + "machine_question": "what team did ronaldo play for in 2003 and is the sports team was founded after 1902-03-06", + "question": "What team, founded after March 6, 1902, did Ronaldo play for in 2003?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0hhqw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0hhqw ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2003-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2003-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1902-03-06\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-472", + "webqsp_question": "what team did ronaldo play for in 2003" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_2c54a8a164c48118d2d795d40312e675", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Shake-speare", + "William 'Budd' Shakespeare", + "The Bard of Avon", + "Will Shakespeare", + "William Shakespare", + "Shakspere", + "England's national poet", + "The Bard", + "William Shaxper", + "Shaxper", + "Shakespeare", + "William Shake-speare", + "Budd", + "William Shakspere", + "William Shaksper", + "W. Shakespeare", + "Shaksper" + ], + "answer": "William Shakespeare", + "answer_id": "m.081k8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by and is subject of the film Shakespeare in Love", + "question": "What is the primary focues of the film, Shakespeare in love and was an influencer to Arthur Miller?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yfp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yfp ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0m313 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1173", + "webqsp_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2736_6ca8cba7511811830a04cd64a8a4cf77", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Siwa", + "Siwi", + "Oasis Berber", + "Sioua", + "Zenati" + ], + "answer": "Siwi Language", + "answer_id": "m.012zfy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High Arabic", + "Fasih", + "Modern Literary Arabic", + "Arabic, Standard", + "Al Arabiya", + "Al Fus-ha" + ], + "answer": "Modern Standard Arabic", + "answer_id": "m.025rvv7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Arabic, Egyptian Spoken", + "Lower Egypt Arabic", + "Arabic, Egyptian Spoken Language", + "Normal Egyptian Arabic", + "Massry" + ], + "answer": "Egyptian Arabic", + "answer_id": "m.02hx2cr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sa`idi", + "Upper Egypt Arabic", + "Sa\nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.0229mb . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2736", + "webqsp_question": "what languages do people speak in egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1351_b50634fcb022c0a649341ed319148244", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Honolulu, Hawaii", + "Honolulu County / Honolulu CDP", + "Honolulu CDP" + ], + "answer": "Honolulu", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh0_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:32:42", + "machine_question": "what city was the politician that held the government position Undersecretary born in", + "question": "In what city was the politician who was Undersecretary born?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0cq0r_ . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1351", + "webqsp_question": "what city was barack obama born in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3695_2f2279ce174896b5fc6452d332130159", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The A", + "Atlanta, Georgia", + "A-Town", + "Atlanta, GA", + "The ATL", + "Fulton County / Atlanta city" + ], + "answer": "Atlanta", + "answer_id": "m.013yq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "usher", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:25:06", + "machine_question": "where in georgia does the artist aword nominated for U Don't Have to Call live", + "question": "Where in Georgia, does the artist that is award nominated for, U Don't Have to Call live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0m0ktt . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.containedby ns:m.0d0x8 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3695", + "webqsp_question": "where in georgia does usher live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-275_faae751f31fbd659ef866c7252c19019", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u30b3\u30ed\u30f3\u30d3\u30a2\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Republic of Colombia" + ], + "answer": "Colombia", + "answer_id": "m.01ls2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shakira", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:49:18", + "machine_question": "where is she from the artist which recorded Mi verdad", + "question": "What is the homeland of the artist who recorded \"Mi Verdad\"/?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0135pww1 . \n?c ns:music.artist.origin ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-275", + "webqsp_question": "where is she from shakira" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-648_ae0ef655e304be3e017fd9cd4955fd62", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Asia", + "answer_id": "m.0j0k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "israel", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:43:36", + "machine_question": "what continent does the location where the film \"Defamation\" takes place belong to", + "question": "In which continent, is the location where the movie, \"Defamation\", occurs?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.05sqd0p . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-648", + "webqsp_question": "what continent does israel belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_7084416ab9f72f1f1f8fc3ce7871ee4a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hana Montana: filmas", + "Hannah Montana - The Movie", + "Hannah Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hanna Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hannah Montana: I tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and that is 102.0 minutes long", + "question": "What movie starring Miley Cyrus that are at least 102 minutes long?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.runtime ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_cut.runtime \"102.0\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1732_c69a77857fbc0f6ad517e93425f73fe6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Wurzburg", + "University of W\u00fcrzburg, main campus" + ], + "answer": "University of W\u00fcrzburg", + "answer_id": "m.03563j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:20:09", + "machine_question": "where did theodor schwann get his education and is the university that has number of postgraduates less than 10857", + "question": "What university and with number of postgraduates less than 10857 that Theodor Schwann attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.040000)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.040000 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_postgraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 10857) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1732", + "webqsp_question": "where did theodor schwann get his education" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_322cda126c8bda629988810b25ac3384", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "A bostonian", + "Henri Le Rennet", + "Edgar Allan Po\u00eb", + "Edgar Allen Poe", + "Edgar Poe", + "Edgar A. Perry", + "Edgar A. Po\u00eb", + "E.A. Poe", + "Poe", + "Edgar A. Poe" + ], + "answer": "Edgar Allan Poe", + "answer_id": "m.02lt8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and influenced Dashiell Hammett", + "question": "Who influenced Dashiell Hammett and Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.influenced ns:m.012cph . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_8b842c146c5225e52cafb7b9c5161fe7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krzyk 4", + "Klyksm4s", + "Sikoly 4.", + "Ciglik 4", + "Kivili 4", + "Skrik 4", + "Vrisak 4", + "Scream 4: Next Generation", + "Tze'aka 4", + "Vr\u00edskot 4", + "\u00d6skri\u00f0 4", + "Gritos 4", + "Scre4m: Grita de Nuevo", + "\u041a\u0440\u0438\u043a 4", + "Klyksmas 4", + "P\u00e2nico 4", + "Scre4m" + ], + "answer": "Scream 4", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhdbl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and that was edited by Peter McNulty", + "question": "What movie was Lucy Hale in that was edited by Peter McNulty?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.edited_by ns:m.0b_rgxq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2686_0d687761b846c1953128cc668b6a5285", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "USD", + "$", + "US Dollar", + "US $", + "US Currency", + "US$", + "Federal 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+ "answer": "Run of the House", + "answer_id": "m.026_g9w" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Blossom", + "answer_id": "m.02xwgb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gimme a Break!", + "answer_id": "m.036y7h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Melissa & Joey", + "answer_id": "m.0b6kw6d" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Brotherly Love", + "answer_id": "m.0g0tw9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bow", + "answer_id": "m.0lc1qx5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "joey lawrence", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did the actor that played the character Louie 'Pipes' Pepitone play on", + "question": "Which show did the actor appear on who played Louis 'Pipes' Pepitone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0h184cd . \n?c ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_9c6b9a118a7fc4b6af0fd0ed067f433b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and is the politician that started tenure before 2002", + "question": "Which politician that started their tenure before 2002 was the 2012 leader of France?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2002\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_63a1097a2aa9a0c659516b2010be4704", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Peru", + "answer_id": "m.016wzw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + "answer_id": "m.0jgd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bolivia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does the country where Cerveza Nacional Pace\u00c3\u00b1a beer is made border", + "question": "Which countries border ,where the Cerveza Nacional Pace\u00c3\u00b1a beer is manufactured?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqt74 . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_ac7b7c95fe0355f5d4c15bfc961f6e1e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Expendables 2", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ghost Ship" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games", + "answer_id": "m.06_vszc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Expendables II" + ], + "answer": "Triangle", + "answer_id": "m.0gffmn8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.0gkz15s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and the film netflix_id is greater than 70095135", + "question": "What movies has Liam Hemsworth been in that has a Netflix ID greater than 70095135?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.netflix_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 70095135) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_7b370e7ac17bdbde1f9e5b82df501d75", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / South Pasadena city", + "South Pasadena, California" + ], + "answer": "South Pasadena", + "answer_id": "m.0r0_5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Duarte city", + "Duarte, California" + ], + "answer": "Duarte", + "answer_id": "m.0r06n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and is the country that has a county named Los Angeles County", + "question": "Where is Sam Shepard's home that is in the county of Los Angeles?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.hud_county_place.county ns:m.0kpys . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_559bfeaececb1c8dddd1d6bb245c608f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and ended governmental position before 2012-05-16", + "question": "What French leader in 2012 ended their governmental tenure prior to 16 May 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2012-05-16\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2693_1d0ff6c917a0f064ebbfa4dd0ba6138b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "California, USA", + "Calif", + "CA", + "Golden State" + ], + "answer": "California", + "answer_id": "m.01n7q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ronald reagan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:45:47", + "machine_question": "what state was the actor that played the character Cmdr. Casey Abbott governor of", + "question": "In what state did the actor who played the character Cmdr. Casey Abbott serve as governor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0t4xg8x . \n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.jurisdiction_of_office ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2693", + "webqsp_question": "what state was ronald reagan governor of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-640_65674f64f1b2591ff554121c598de76a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Clippersi", + "Lob City", + "San Diego Clippers" + ], + "answer": "Los Angeles Clippers", + "answer_id": "m.0jmjr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chris paul", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:42:01", + "machine_question": "what team is the topic of the image chris-paul.jpg on", + "question": "What 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"superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through and the country calling code is smallest", + "question": "What country with the smallest calling code does the Niger River flow through?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_774800570524cfa60e44ba5d6c56a02c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hana Montana: filmas", + "Hannah Montana - The Movie", + "Hannah Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hanna Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hannah Montana: I tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert", + "answer_id": "m.03ck042" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and that was producted by the company Walt Disney Pictures", + "question": "Which movies did Miley Cyrus act in, that was produced by Walt Disney Pictures?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.production_companies ns:m.01795t . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_2d1b3281901d58b4a22bcd2813f5d587", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krzyk 4", + "Klyksm4s", + "Sikoly 4.", + "Ciglik 4", + "Kivili 4", + "Skrik 4", + "Vrisak 4", + "Scream 4: Next Generation", + "Tze'aka 4", + "Vr\u00edskot 4", + "\u00d6skri\u00f0 4", + "Gritos 4", + "Scre4m: Grita de Nuevo", + "\u041a\u0440\u0438\u043a 4", + "Klyksmas 4", + "P\u00e2nico 4", + "Scre4m" + ], + "answer": "Scream 4", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhdbl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and a film that Greg Steele was a crew member of", + "question": "What film featuring Lucy Hale had Greg Steele as a crew member?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.other_crew ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.08zq7qq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1364_65beab0c832b9d8f1ba4c1c12c35efac", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scotland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:22:24", + "machine_question": "what do they speak in the location where the film \"Starting Over\" takes place", + "question": "What language is spoken in the location of the movie \"Starting Over\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.05mtcr6 . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1364", + "webqsp_question": "what do they speak in scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_6a78e06c703d9f893423642a48c72550", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and is the place in which Baxter Building is", + "question": "What city is home to both Sam Shepard and the Baxter building?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.contains ns:m.0ny_d . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1948_ef0862827cfcebdc3733734f32cf5470", + 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ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2010-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2010-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1948", + "webqsp_question": "who is the current president of china 2010" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1684_48744f8a5f847cbeffa2cb4d801e2b62", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Seneca", + "S\u00e9n\u00e8que", + "L SENECA", + "Lucius Annaeus Seneca", + "Lucius Seneca" + ], + "answer": "Seneca the Younger", + "answer_id": "m.0j_8y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:15:54", + "machine_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing and is the person that said \"The sun also shines on the wicked.\"", + "question": "What influencer of William Shakespeare said \"The sun also shines on the widked\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.081k8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.081k8 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048bsfm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1684", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1274_8fe5ec39e992465249b6b75c971057ed", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Perkins School for the Blind", + "answer_id": "m.01h4dd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Radcliffe College, Cambridge", + "Radcliffe", + "Radcliffe College, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Radcliffe College", + "answer_id": "m.01k7xz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Cambridge School of Weston Inc" + ], + "answer": "The Cambridge School of Weston", + "answer_id": "m.06b84v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Wright-Humason School for the Deaf", + "answer_id": "m.07tr9z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Horace Mann School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing", + "answer_id": "m.0bydgq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "helen keller", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:20:15", + "machine_question": "where did the person that said \"College isn't the place to go for ideas.\" go to school", + "question": "Where did the person that stated, \"College isn't the place to go for ideas.\", attend school?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048f8ng . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1274", + "webqsp_question": "where did helen keller go to school" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-908_cf09fbcfb35d55a7def173e04eea3c9f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Film actress", + "Movie actress", + "Movie actor", + "Actress", + "Film actor", + "Theatre Actor" + ], + "answer": "Actor", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh1q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "james dean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:01", + "machine_question": "who is the actor that played the character Cal Trask", + "question": "What is the occupation of the person that played the character Cal Trask?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.02nwdkl . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-908", + "webqsp_question": "who is james dean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_173e74dfb85e6c30223472d15ac9b18e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Centennial State", + "Colo", + "CO" + ], + "answer": "Colorado", + "answer_id": "m.01n4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:56:45", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted after 1899", + "question": "What location of downtown Littleton has a governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted later than 1899?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0g8lsf)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0g8lsf ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1899\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3364_8a5f781d6c4da2f9365fccb46810029a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Underland Chronicles Book Three", + "answer_id": "m.04t448_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gregor and the Code of Claw", + "answer_id": "m.04t448h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "FIRE PROOF", + "answer_id": "m.04t44bh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane", + "answer_id": "m.0dsx8l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "suzanne collins", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:33:34", + "machine_question": "what children 's books did the artist aword nominated for Gregor the Overlander wrote", + "question": "What children's books were written by the \"Gregor the Overlander\" award nominated artist?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0cqsxs . \n?c ns:book.author.works_written ?x .\n?x ns:book.book.genre ns:m.0dwly .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3364", + "webqsp_question": "what children 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ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?y .\n?y ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.celebrity ?x .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0_tmnx0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-334", + "webqsp_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-701_e9661d83f03c048fff1f0242254f4df4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New Orleans Saints", + "answer_id": "m.05g3v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:30:15", + "machine_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011 and is the sports team was founded after 1966", + "question": "Which team founded after 1966 did Reggie Bush play on in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1966\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-701", + "webqsp_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1752_7908752e63d4926a1c38cc60236acad1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Novelist", + "answer_id": "m.02xhgwq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Poet", + "answer_id": "m.05z96" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "f . scott fitzgerald", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:23:14", + "machine_question": "what did f. scott fitzgerald do", + "question": "What was F. 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DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059_w)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059_w ns:people.ethnicity.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.02s3gw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2625", + "webqsp_question": "what language do native american indians speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_4889053d40122cc03294c33b454b43dd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guam", + "answer_id": "m.034tl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fort Sheridan, Illinois", + "Fort Sheridan Historic District" + ], + "answer": "Fort Sheridan", + "answer_id": "m.035r6b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "S Dak", + "Mount Rushmore State", + "SD" + ], + "answer": "South Dakota", + "answer_id": "m.06mz5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "UT", + "Beehive State" + ], + "answer": "Utah", + "answer_id": "m.07srw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / South Pasadena city", + "South Pasadena, California" + ], + "answer": "South Pasadena", + "answer_id": "m.0r0_5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Duarte city", + "Duarte, California" + ], + "answer": "Duarte", + "answer_id": "m.0r06n" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Stillwater, Minnesota", + "Washington County / Stillwater city" + ], + "answer": "Stillwater", + "answer_id": "m.0wmtg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sam shepard", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does the person who wrote the lyrics for \"If You Were Still Around\" live", + "question": "where does the person who wrote the lyrics for \"If You Were Still Around\" lived?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR 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in and that was written by Evan Goldberg", + "question": "What movie featuring Rihanna was written by Evan Goldberg?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.written_by ns:m.0fz3fn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2282_72e2ccbb73ae0b635a3850c3638f3a3d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jasper Johns, Jr." + ], + "answer": "Jasper Johns", + "answer_id": "m.0gcjf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:42:06", + "machine_question": "what influenced roy lichtenstein artwork and influenced John Ashbery", + "question": "Who influenced Roy Lichtenstein artwork, as well as John Ashbery?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE 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ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.0c8p_3 . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mh .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1861", + "webqsp_question": "what continent is greenland apart of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_a307a35c5bfc564332bd0807b7eade4f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Alice Upside Down", + "answer_id": "m.047f43s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and that was producted by Chip Rosenbloom", + "question": "What film was produced by Chip Rosenbloom and features Alyson Stoner as an actress?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.produced_by ns:m.03nnt2s . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1109_fa72f671cfcc9ed0800125af6f55fa2f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisian dinar", + "answer_id": "m.04z4ml" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tunisia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:58:02", + "machine_question": "what is the currency used in the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Head of Government of Tunisia", + "question": "What is the currency used in the government where an official holds the title Head of Government of Tunisia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.075z_v . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1109", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency used in tunisia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2948_e3d15d3ce1fabd6504b68dd80f880a20", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mystery Woman", + "Carrie Frances Fisher" + ], + "answer": "Carrie Fisher", + "answer_id": "m.01tnbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:38", + "machine_question": "who played princess leia in star wars movies and is the actor that played in the film Star Wars Holiday Special", + "question": "Who played Princess Leia in the \"Star Wars\" movies and also played in the film \"Star Wars Holiday Special\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0ddqw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0ddqw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0199wf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2948", + "webqsp_question": "who played princess leia in star wars movies" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1684_1e6d4aefe769586d47767d86ffdd20b5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Lucian of Samosata", + "of Samosata Lucian" + ], + "answer": "Lucian", + "answer_id": "m.01612m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mercury", + "Kit Marlowe", + "Marcarde", + "The Muses' Darling", + "Kit" + ], + "answer": "Christopher Marlowe", + "answer_id": "m.01r7z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Edmund Spenser", + "answer_id": "m.02lqj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Chaucer" + ], + "answer": "Geoffrey Chaucer", + "answer_id": "m.03b_m" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "John Pory", + "answer_id": "m.03cdqxx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Titus Maccius Plautus", + "Plauto" + ], + "answer": "Plautus", + "answer_id": "m.060yy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus" + ], + "answer": "Plutarch", + "answer_id": "m.063_9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saint Thomas More", + "Sir Thomas More" + ], + "answer": "Thomas More", + "answer_id": "m.07hl9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Publius Terentius Afer" + ], + "answer": "Terence", + "answer_id": "m.07km7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Virgilio", + "Publius Maro", + "Vergil", + "Publio Virgilio", + "Publius Vergilius Maro", + "Verg\u012blijs" + ], + "answer": "Virgil", + "answer_id": "m.07yhg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ovide", + "Publius Ovidius Naso" + ], + "answer": "Ovid", + "answer_id": "m.09fdm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Michel Montaigne", + "Michel Eyquem de Montaigne" + ], + "answer": "Michel de Montaigne", + "answer_id": "m.0c2cl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Thomas Kyd", + "answer_id": "m.0c5h0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seneca", + "S\u00e9n\u00e8que", + "L SENECA", + "Lucius Annaeus Seneca", + "Lucius Seneca" + ], + "answer": "Seneca the Younger", + "answer_id": "m.0j_8y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "william shakespeare", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:15:54", + "machine_question": "what influenced the person who wrote the lyrics for \"Four Old English Songs, No. 3: Who Is Sylvia?\" to start writing", + "question": "Who influenced the writer of \"Four Old English Songs, No. 3: Who is Sylvia\" to write?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0zkflnh . \n?c ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1684", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_744214122b0c0bc16d15148a12f86211", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The End of the World", + "The Apocalypse" + ], + "answer": "This Is the End", + "answer_id": "m.0hz4j2j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and that was producted by Jay Baruchel", + "question": "What movie produced by Jay Baruchel did Rihanna play in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.executive_produced_by ns:m.05wjnt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_b67a5de5751daa9c45d246a08b193e21", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and is the film that was released before 2012-04-19", + "question": "In which movie did Rihanna act in, that was released before 2012-04-19?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2012-04-19\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-801_602d3e74c7063895f149a8f44b9e406f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Provisional government", + "answer_id": "m.02tz3y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:45:26", + "machine_question": "what kind of government is the country where Domari Language is spoken", + "question": "What system of government is used where Domari is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.0c4chg . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-801", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government is egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_a4893d5c4b8b9020161de820ec44c58a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen", + "answer_id": "m.02bqvs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and the film netflix_id is smallest", + "question": "Which film starring Alyson Stoner has the smallest Netflix ID?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.netflix_id ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-417_b294cd58dae56d12e1e7c05500350d16", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pwv", + "Province Of Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging", + "Gauteng, South Africa", + "Provinceofpretoriawitwatersrandvereeniging", + "Gauteng Province" + ], + "answer": "Gauteng", + "answer_id": "m.01t05t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "johannesburg", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:09:19", + "machine_question": "in which province is the location where the film \"District 9\" takes place", + "question": "What province does the movie \"District 9\" take place in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0581vn8 . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:base.aareas.schema.administrative_area.administrative_area_type ns:m.0hzjmlj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-417", + "webqsp_question": "in which province is johannesburg" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_8c8315dbd0ad98b1ea762553f6a6f567", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "CR2", + "Camp Rock 2" + ], + "answer": "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song", + "answer_id": "m.080b54x" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song", + "A Cinderella Story 3" + ], + "answer": "The Little Engine That Could", + "answer_id": "m.0gky0pl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension", + "Phineas e Ferb: Atrav\u00e9s da 2\u00aa Dimens\u00e3o", + "Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension in Fabulous 2D", + "Disney Phineas und Ferb der Film - Quer durch die 2. Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension - In Fabulous 2D", + "Phineas y Ferb: A trav\u00e9s de la 2\u00aa Dimensi\u00f3n" + ], + "answer": "Super Buddies", + "answer_id": "m.0bh9n8g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Rock Camp Rules" + ], + "answer": "Step Up 3D", + "answer_id": "m.02w4by3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Alyson Stoner Project" + ], + "answer": "Alyson Stoner Project", + "answer_id": "m.04crzpz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Surprise" + ], + "answer": "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Surprise Party", + "answer_id": "m.066b_n" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Christmas Wishes", + "answer_id": "m.047f43s" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam", + "answer_id": "m.09v9fw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen 2", + "answer_id": "m.0gj8r0x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "answer_id": "m.0by1x51" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Step Up", + "answer_id": "m.026k503" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u0428\u0430\u0433 \u0432\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434 3D", + "Let's Dance 3", + "Sokak Dansi 3D", + "Dansul dragostei 3D", + "Step Up 3", + "Step Up 3D: I nea diastasi", + "Sexy Dance 3: The Battle 3D", + "Ela Dan\u00e7a, Eu Dan\u00e7o 3" + ], + "answer": "Alice Upside Down", + "answer_id": "m.064016d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Step Up (Bailando)", + "Step up - Camino a la fama", + "Step up - Sta vimata tou pathous", + "Let's Dance", + "Music High", + "Sexy Dance" + ], + "answer": "Yin Yang Yo! The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.0b73wst" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kung Fu Magoo", + "answer_id": "m.0bnns7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Camp Rock", + "answer_id": "m.0wq4q7j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Step Up 5", + "Sokis hip-hopo ritmu. 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"donna summer", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:22:47", + "machine_question": "what type of cancer did the actor that played the character Nicole Sims died from", + "question": "What kind of cancer killed the actor who portrayed Nicole Sims?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0hhh559 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:people.cause_of_death.parent_cause_of_death ns:m.0qcr0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2936", + "webqsp_question": "what type of cancer did donna summer died from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_65e7de970f6844e8520d7785799ec19e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hana Montana: filmas", + "Hannah Montana - The Movie", + "Hannah Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hanna Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hannah Montana: I tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and is they music was by John Debney", + "question": "What Miley Cyrus movie that the music work was done by John Debney?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.music ns:m.01mkn_d . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2035_5c35c39edfb945ff0ed776bf64921bb8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Shawnee Mission West High" + ], + "answer": "Shawnee Mission West High School", + "answer_id": "m.0fxmd0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "paul rudd", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:09:51", + "machine_question": "where did the actor that played the character George Gergenblatt go to high school", + "question": "What high school did the actor who portrayed George Gergenblatt attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0z46188 . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hn6 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2035", + "webqsp_question": "where did paul rudd go to high school" + }, + { + "ID": 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"Harvard University, Cambridge" + ], + "answer": "Harvard College", + "answer_id": "m.03ksy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Columbia Law", + "Harvard College, main campus", + "Harvard College, Cambridge" + ], + "answer": "Columbia Law School", + "answer_id": "m.01mpwj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Columbia Law School, main campus", + "Harvard" + ], + "answer": "Harvard University", + "answer_id": "m.01n951" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:27:02", + "machine_question": "where did caroline kennedy go to school and the organiztion founding date is before 1879", + "question": "Where did Caroline Kennedy attend university, and the founding date is before 1879?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01y603)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01y603 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:organization.organization.date_founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1879\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2177", + "webqsp_question": "where did caroline kennedy go to school" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-147_647ac3c83b4a37e3c4b6b86a3b1c0bd0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill Haslam", + "Mayor Bill Haslam", + "William Edward Haslam", + "William Haslam", + "William Edward \"Bill\" Haslam" + ], + "answer": "William Haslam", + "answer_id": "m.04mp6v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tennessee", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:59:21", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Tennessee Department of Agriculture", + "question": "Who serves as governor in the political division where there's a governmental body called Tennessee Department of Agriculture?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.0cm8gsm . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-147", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of tennessee" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3563_e511509bda00918a2bacad4106357461", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Westfield Westland" + ], + "answer": "Westland Mall", + "answer_id": "m.0n53kv5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:09:48", + "machine_question": "where to go in florida for vacation and is the structure opened in 1971", + "question": "What attraction opened in 1971 and is located in the state of Florida?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02xry)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02xry ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened \"1971\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-775_6a41a5701e4e1ae90345757c100f8458", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Manchester" + ], + "answer": "Manchester Museum", + "answer_id": "m.039s65" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Manchester City Art Gallery", + "Manchester City Art Gallery." + ], + "answer": "Manchester Art Gallery", + "answer_id": "m.0383jm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:39:48", + "machine_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids and is the exhibition venue that opened before 2008-05-24", + "question": "If I take my kids to Manchester this weekend, what exhibition venues that opened prior to 24 May 2008 should we visit?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.052bw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.052bw ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:exhibitions.exhibition_venue.exhibitions_at_this_venue ?c .\n?c ns:exhibitions.exhibition_run.opened_on ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2008-05-24\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-775", + "webqsp_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_0d1a0cade1b36ef4b0e60edd9af0bda2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and the country calling code is largest", + "question": "Of the countries than share a border with Bolivia, which has the highest calling code number?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2386_9704ffc42b8f90b61b8ec9e33d550189", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Racing driver" + ], + "answer": "Race car driver", + "answer_id": "m.02h6nn_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ayrton senna", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:55:21", + "machine_question": "what is the subject of the film Senna", + "question": "What is the subject of the film \"Senna\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0g4pl7z . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2386", + "webqsp_question": "what is ayrton senna" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3772_f81b2d3ee250e8503f128923a79d3c5a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "rouble" + ], + "answer": "Russian ruble", + "answer_id": "m.01hy_q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:40:47", + "machine_question": "what do you call the country where Tsakhur Language is spoken currency", + "question": "What currency is used in the country where the Tsakhur Language is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.027bj_4 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3772", + "webqsp_question": "what do you call russian currency" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2108_acc6d2d37e15db911023be3a597053e9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Heather", + "answer_id": "m.0cg926d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "avril lavigne", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:17:34", + "machine_question": "who does the person who wrote the lyrics for \"Stop Standing There\" play in over the hedge", + "question": "In \"Over the Hedge,\" what character is played by the lyricist for \"Stop Standing There\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0zxgdd1 . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.080_x_ .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2108", + "webqsp_question": "who does avril lavigne play in over the hedge" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2289_0c7551db44b6d2583576d357a3a39de7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Charlottesville city", + "Hoo-Ville", + "Charlottesville, VA", + "C-Ville", + "Charlottesville, Virginia", + "Charlottesville city / Charlottesville city" + ], + "answer": "Charlottesville", + "answer_id": "m.0mp3l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "thomas jefferson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:43:20", + "machine_question": "what place did the composer of Declaration of Independence died", + "question": "Where did the composer of the Declaration of Independence die?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.0_74lgq . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2289", + "webqsp_question": "what place did thomas jefferson died" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_c52b8288acc32814941b28504a047884", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter si Pocalul de Foc", + "O Harry Potter kai to kypelo tis fotias", + "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The IMAX Experience", + "The Goblet of Fire", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to honoo no goburetto", + "Harry Potter i Plameni pehar", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u043a\u0443\u0431\u043e\u043a \u043e\u0433\u043d\u044f", + "Harry Potter och Den flammande b\u00e4garen", + "Harry Potter et la coupe de feu", + "Harry Potter in ognjeni kelih", + "Harry Potter og eldbikarinn", + "Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch", + "Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco", + "Harry Potter og flammernes pokal", + "Harry Potter e o C\u00e1lice de Fogo", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a t\u0171z serlege", + "Harry Potter en de vuurbeker", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00e1 casa", + "Harry Potter ja liekehtiv\u00e4 pikari", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00fd poh\u00e1r", + "Hari Poter i vatreni pehar", + "Haris Poteris ir ugnies taure", + "Harry Potter og ildbegeret", + "Harry Potter y el c\u00e1liz de fuego", + "Harry Potter ve ates kadehi", + "Harry Potter i Czara Ognia", + "Harry Potter ja tulepeeker", + "Harry Potter i el calze de foc" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", + "answer_id": "m.031786" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and that was directed by Mike Newell", + "question": "Which Harry Potter movie was directed by Mike Newell?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.directed_by ns:m.03dpdl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_2b331bd984ee8971df426cc51b58ebe1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "L.C. 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"composition_answer": "hungarian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:32:35", + "machine_question": "what do the country where Dreher Classic beer is made people speak", + "question": "What do people speak in the country where Dreher Classic beer is made?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dq9n8 . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2603", + "webqsp_question": "what do hungarian people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-531_70f21a0d91b6aca7d65d945faedfc815", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Buddhist" + ], + "answer": "Buddhism", + "answer_id": "m.092bf5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:28:34", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in australia and the religon where the deities is \"Acala\"", + "question": "Which religion with the deity \"Acala\" can be found in Australia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.deities ns:m.02lxg9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-531", + "webqsp_question": "what religions are found in australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2693_87e0084d38db8372b243b8cb17e3d47a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "California, USA", + "Calif", + "CA", + "Golden State" + ], + "answer": "California", + "answer_id": "m.01n7q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ronald reagan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:45:47", + "machine_question": "what state was the actor that played in the film Recognition of the Japanese Zero Fighter governor of", + "question": "In what state did the actor who played in the film \"Recognition of the Japanese Zero Fighter\" the governor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.03gvmg3 . \n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.jurisdiction_of_office ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2693", + "webqsp_question": "what state was ronald reagan governor of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_8522c7ba5c04db4b2c8c8b6b4cc8ad84", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Persia", + "Islamic Republic of Iran" + ], + "answer": "Iran", + "answer_id": "m.03shp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:09:09", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and is the country that has Azerbaijani language as a spoken language", + "question": "What Arabic-speaking country also has Azerbaijani as a spoken language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.01bcw_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3395_671a2d760f367a29ce3d61131e74fe03", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary" + ], + "answer": "Parliamentary republic", + "answer_id": "m.0glnsx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:38:53", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does mongolia and is the form of government of Bulgaria", + "question": "What kind of government does 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"where does joey king live and is the location where John Sciarra was born", + "question": "What home of Joey King is the birthplace of John Sciarra?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03yk4pb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03yk4pb ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:type.object.name \"John Sciarra\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-243_1850cb4e0c708d3845e64207d8573af0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Drawing", + "answer_id": "m.02csf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Painting", + "answer_id": "m.05qdh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Photography", + "answer_id": "m.05wkw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sculpture", + "answer_id": "m.06msq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "salvador 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"composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:41:47", + "machine_question": "where is the illinois river on a map and is the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Government of Illinois", + "question": "Where is the Illinois River located in the place that has the Government of Illinois?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0j1qb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0j1qb ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.072nky . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1137", + "webqsp_question": "where is the illinois river on a map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_752de0c1c7d6703a5ff882bc9ea8df42", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Larry Fortensky", + "answer_id": "m.0bhgvg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and who was Protestantism", + "question": "Which one of Liz Taylor's husbands also practiced Protestantism?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:people.person.religion ns:m.05sfs . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-275_fb065589170c61c882ee01d2774440af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u30b3\u30ed\u30f3\u30d3\u30a2\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Republic of Colombia" + ], + "answer": "Colombia", + "answer_id": "m.01ls2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shakira", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:49:18", + "machine_question": "where is she from the artist aword nominated for Laundry Service", + "question": "What country did the artist award nominated for Laundry Service came from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.01hwn8l . \n?c ns:music.artist.origin ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-275", + "webqsp_question": "where is she from shakira" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2686_cd753b408c8dbbd45a30bfd1f5214b3b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "USD", + "$", + "US Dollar", + "US $", + "US Currency", + "US$", + "Federal Reserve Note", + "American Dollar", + "Greenback" + ], + "answer": "United States Dollar", + "answer_id": "m.09nqf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "puerto rico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:44:36", + "machine_question": "what type of currency is used in the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Senate of Puerto Rico", + "question": "What currency is used in the governmental jurisdiction where there's a governmental body called Senate of Puerto Rico?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.041wfs . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2686", + "webqsp_question": "what type of currency is used in puerto rico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_86e83d5df47a58e75dff906ab518fee9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the football player that has passing attempts statistics smallest", + "question": "Who did the Cleveland Browns draft, the player who has the smallest amount of passing attempts?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:american_football.football_player.passing ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.player_passing_statistics.attempts ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2998_23a7523e518b3721523dd89e6358a1fd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Teacher", + "answer_id": "m.01d30f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Choreographer", + "answer_id": "m.02h6n_q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Film actress", + "Movie actress", + "Movie actor", + "Actress", + "Film actor", + "Theatre Actor" + ], + "answer": "Actor", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh1q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ellen albertini dow", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:31:33", + "machine_question": "who is the actor that played the character Mrs. MacKenzie", + "question": "Who played the character \"Mrs. MacKenzie?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0vblj9p . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2998", + "webqsp_question": "who is ellen albertini dow" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-426_d6ec196c170d33318da6ba4171fa032f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:45:54", + "machine_question": "where is giza pyramids located and where George Michel Serkeis was born", + "question": "What location of the Giza pyramids is the birthplace of George Michel Serkeis?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ns:g.11b74nx985 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-426", + "webqsp_question": "where is giza pyramids located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_4b157048f9957d3f62e9c47ee6024355", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Nigeria" + ], + "answer": "Nigeria", + "answer_id": "m.05cgv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through and number of people in the country's army is largest", + "question": "What country does the Niger River flow through that has the largest army?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_3142182a89e513604c163e66fc283c67", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art", + "answer_id": "m.0cgk4g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:42", + "machine_question": "what are some 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+ "Alexander David Puttnam", + "Sasha Putnam", + "Puttnam, Sacha" + ], + "answer": "Sacha Puttnam", + "answer_id": "m.0h88bb2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and that work as Actor", + "question": "What members of the band Bush work as actors?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01727v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01727v ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.profession ns:m.02hrh1q . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_ec5e1d0c335ea3ad9f9d6325aa524733", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tajikistan", + "answer_id": "m.07dvs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and the ISO numeric of the country is largest", + "question": "Which country with the largest ISO number borders China?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d05w3)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d05w3 ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1782_602d3e74c7063895f149a8f44b9e406f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "North Sudan", + "Republic of the Sudan", + "Jumh\u016br\u012byat as-S\u016bd\u0101n" + ], + "answer": "Sudan", + "answer_id": "m.06tw8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:01", + "machine_question": "where does the country where Domari Language is spoken export to", + "question": "Which country exports, to where the Domari Language is spoken ?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.0c4chg . \n?c ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?y .\n?y ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1782", + "webqsp_question": "where does egypt export to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_4b33a15a649725e68577962ae37fabc3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SAMO", + "Jean Michel Basquiat" + ], + "answer": "Jean-Michel Basquiat", + "answer_id": "m.041st" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what 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"sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0gy2qyq . \n?c ns:medicine.notable_person_with_medical_condition.condition ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-976", + "webqsp_question": "what was wrong with joan crawford" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-810_5ff5b8826574b331ba342518d1c1bb34", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Albanian" + ], + "answer": "Albanian language", + "answer_id": "m.012v8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Graecae", + "Neo-hellenic", + "Greek", + "Greco", + "Modern Greek (1453-)", + "Romaic", + "Grec", + "Ellinika" + ], + "answer": "Greek Language", + "answer_id": "m.0349s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "greece", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:46:20", + "machine_question": "what language do people from the place where breed Molossus originated in speak", + "question": 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Smith Building" + ], + "answer": "Smith Tower", + "answer_id": "m.01r0v3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Woodland Park Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.02dxmq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pike Place Market, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Pike Place Market", + "answer_id": "m.02k953" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Museum of Flight", + "answer_id": "m.02kl80" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pacific Science" + ], + "answer": "Pacific Science Center", + "answer_id": "m.02ks_p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Electric Company Georgetown Steam Plant", + "Georgetown Steam Plant, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown Steam Plant", + "answer_id": "m.02rp3lq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Aquarium", + "answer_id": "m.02xg6w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Asian Art" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Asian Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03325p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Frye Art" + ], + "answer": "Frye Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332cl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Art", + "Seattle Art Museum Downtown" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332j6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Henry Art Gallery", + "answer_id": "m.035pqt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nordic Heritage" + ], + "answer": "Nordic Heritage Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03t00j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tillicum" + ], + "answer": "Tillicum Village", + "answer_id": "m.04n53vb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Great Wheel", + "answer_id": "m.0k2k2n2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SIFF" + ], + "answer": "Seattle International Film Festival", + "answer_id": "m.0prqs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "EMP Museum", + "Experience Music Project", + "Seattle Center: Experience Music Project", + "EMP|SFM", + "Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame" + ], + "answer": "Experience Music Project Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0pxmn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Garden of Remembrance", + "answer_id": "m.0y657tp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "seattle wa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in the area in which the newspaper The Stranger is circulated", + "question": "What are attractions to visit in the area where \"The Stranger\" newspaper is circulated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.02qp3f . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2764_781f99260ced34338adb38df6f0a4f7a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" + ], + "answer": "Saudi Arabia", + "answer_id": "m.01z215" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bin laden", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:00:46", + "machine_question": "what country was the subject of the film On the Trail of Bin Liden from", + "question": "What country was the birthplace of the person about whom the film \"On the Trail of Bin Liden\" was written?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0vb05gv . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2764", + "webqsp_question": "what country was bin laden from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_9b9b953bf3d29e3e18a55ad8d159b4cc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and was decorated by Larry Dias", + "question": "Which movie decorated by Larry Dias did Rihanna 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{\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.05z01q3 . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-801", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government is egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_8c8814a300faca7881c1b3c5655fc9a0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and contains Palmas", + "question": "In which Bolivian border country is Palmas?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.contains ns:g.119pfvqwb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1386_b355e80c8422a5c1e8e503c46f3e9940", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Malignant neoplasm" + ], + "answer": "Cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0qcr0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:38:11", + "machine_question": "what did the composer of My Baby Understands die from", + "question": "What caused the death of the artist of \"My Baby Understands\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.0_jwv1v . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1386", + "webqsp_question": "what did donna summers die from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_6ff1c284ecbcdc8f091d95d704050ed0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Miley Cyrus: Tongue Tied", + "answer_id": "m.010ls0tb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Hana Montana: filmas", + "Hannah Montana - The Movie", + "Hannah Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hanna Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hannah Montana: I tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert", + "answer_id": "m.03ck042" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sonic the Hedgehog", + "answer_id": "m.042w0v2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High School Musical 2: Sing It All Or Nothing!" + ], + "answer": "High School Musical 2", + "answer_id": "m.0bc5ny" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lola", + "LOL: Laughing Out Loud", + "LOL", + "LOL - Pazza del mio migliore amico", + "Summer. 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"answer": "The Moon Under Water, Manchester", + "answer_id": "m.030lpl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester" + ], + "answer": "Manchester Cathedral", + "answer_id": "m.0383g6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:39:48", + "machine_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids and is the structure opened before 2002-06-27", + "question": "If I take my kids to Manchester this weekend, what structures that opened prior to 27 June 2002 should we visit?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.052bw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.052bw ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2002-06-27\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-775", + "webqsp_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-638_fd6e419f422eb640f1195f506522023e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:20:35", + "machine_question": "what languages are there in japan and that its main speaking country is Kingdom of Great Britain", + "question": "What language that is mainly spoken in the Kingdom of Great Britain is spoke in Japan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_3d)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_3d ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.main_country ns:m.014tss . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-638", + "webqsp_question": "what languages are there in japan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-976_b6578c445d3619b9dc301bb2a2739286", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mysophobia", + "answer_id": "m.026k8yn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "joan crawford", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:35:49", + "machine_question": "what was wrong with the artist aword nominated for Possessed", + "question": "What condition did the artist award nominated for Possessed have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.01937g . \n?c ns:medicine.notable_person_with_medical_condition.condition ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-976", + "webqsp_question": "what was wrong with joan crawford" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3708_8d8a89d2b3c70cf221c515e27f633b5b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Priestess" + ], + "answer": "Priest", + "answer_id": "m.05xjb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:19", + "machine_question": "what is jonathan swift famous for and he did it until the year 1849", + "question": "What work did Jonathan Swift do until 1849 that made him famous?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_dj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_dj ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_title.leaders ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.end_date \"1849\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3708", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonathan swift famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1732_2cab9ad36ae89d0762bb7b30e74a7e32", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universit\u00e4t Bonn", + "University of Bonn, main campus" + ], + "answer": "University of Bonn", + "answer_id": "m.0m7yh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:20:09", + "machine_question": "where did theodor schwann get his education and the organiztion founding date is latest", + "question": "What college with the latest founding date did Theodore Schwann attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.040000)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.040000 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:organization.organization.date_founded ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1732", + "webqsp_question": "where did theodor schwann get his education" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_b8a1d65166f9513ab33c2715636250d5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SC", + "Palmetto State" + ], + "answer": "South Carolina", + "answer_id": "m.06yxd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:42:23", + "machine_question": "where is usc from and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted on 1948", + "question": "What home of USC has a location symbol of the governmental location that was adapted in 1948?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03tw2s)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03tw2s ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted \"1948\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_840dcbfc7da3a9d9c732cd4a7ddb4dfc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Hungary", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + 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"2017-10-26T04:06:34", + "machine_question": "what currency does the location where the film \"The Quarry\" takes place have", + "question": "What is the currency used in the country where the movie \"The Quarry\" takes place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.04j320g . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2808", + "webqsp_question": "what currency does south africa have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1212_f81b2d3ee250e8503f128923a79d3c5a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:12:29", + "machine_question": "what political system does the country where Tsakhur Language is spoken use", + "question": "What is the political system in the country that speaks Tsakhur?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.027bj_4 . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1212", + "webqsp_question": "what political system does russia use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1508_11ec6edb4a5549d8a8ce1f2117fe3368", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Yale Law School, main campus", + "Yale Law School, New Haven", + "Yale Law" + ], + "answer": "Yale Law School", + "answer_id": "m.02bq1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, main campus", + "Georgetown School of Foreign Service" + ], + "answer": "Edmund A. 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Clinton go to college", + "question": "Where did the author who published the State of the Union Addresses of William J. Clinton attend college?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04vs2vl . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1043_dda0c617176c6105c75850c2e3d70b99", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Republic", + "answer_id": "m.06cx9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mali", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:22:09", + "machine_question": "what kind of government is the place where breed Azawakh originated in", + "question": "Which system of government, is utilized at the location, where the breed Azawakh, originated at?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.011lh . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1043", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government is mali" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1920_0551ec77ef8451b897ba04252c8607d0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madera County", + "answer_id": "m.0l2gz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chowchilla", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:52:59", + "machine_question": "where is the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Jim Kopshever located", + "question": "Where is the place where the governmental office 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near, Tulsa International Airport?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07b_l)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07b_l ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n?x ns:time.time_zone.locations_in_this_time_zone ?c .\n?c ns:location.location.nearby_airports ns:m.01qgx3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1563", + "webqsp_question": "what timezone is the state of texas" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1684_178b00c59ff861e39f290bdd87bbf6e7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Virgilio", + "Publius Maro", + "Vergil", + "Publio Virgilio", + "Publius Vergilius Maro", + "Verg\u012blijs" + ], + "answer": "Virgil", + "answer_id": "m.07yhg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:15:54", + "machine_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing and was also a peer of Horace", + "question": "Who was a peer of Horace and was an influence on 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disappointment.\" famous for", + "question": "Which occupation, was the person that stated, \"Suspense is worst than disappointment.\", famous for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048hm2_ . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-384", + "webqsp_question": "what was robert burns famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_30163b87ad0fd3b1f72d4819acb49cdd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Catching Fire", + "The Hunger Games 2" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire", + "answer_id": "m.0n40qmp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and that was directed by Adam Davis", + "question": "What movie directed by Adam Davis did Liam Hemsworth play in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_art_direction_by ns:m.095qvvm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-775_e3a7b7d1e25a83a621defe4140dbf26d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Old Trafford", + "answer_id": "m.030lpl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:39:48", + "machine_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids and the venue capacity is 75731", + "question": "To what place in Manchester with a venue capacity of 75731 should I take my kids this weekend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.052bw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR 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ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 704) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-453_85a41f299d5adf76ded983dabf1e0350", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kenya Shilling" + ], + "answer": "Kenyan shilling", + "answer_id": "m.05yxpb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kenya", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:13:29", + "machine_question": "what currency do they accept in the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Raila Odinga", + "question": "What currency is used where Raila Odinga holds government office?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k 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Reina Sof\u00eda, Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.01jcyh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Summercase", + "answer_id": "m.02r9yg7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Festimad", + "answer_id": "m.03chy63" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Buen Retiro" + ], + "answer": "Buen Retiro Park", + "answer_id": "m.03rmzx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Royal Palace of Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Royal Palace of Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.04m3yk" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Almudena Cathedral", + "answer_id": "m.053llq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Sorolla", + "Sorolla" + ], + "answer": "Sorolla Museum", + "answer_id": "m.05bvn8g" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza de Cibeles", + "answer_id": "m.06_l58" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Arena", + "answer_id": "m.06cgmf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Paseo del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.06j2nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Parque Warner Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.06nd2f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Thyssen-Bornemisza" + ], + "answer": "Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum", + "answer_id": "m.073z19" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Temple of Debod", + "answer_id": "m.07f__f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Puerta del Sol", + "answer_id": "m.07mpc7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Gran Via" + ], + "answer": "Gran V\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.09s07b" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Marathon", + "answer_id": "m.0bwg9f0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza Mayor, Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0cd2rc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "La Vaguada", + "answer_id": "m.0fphvtq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo de Lazaro Galdiano" + ], + "answer": "Museum of L\u00e1zaro Galdiano", + "answer_id": "m.0h3lmf1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Palace of la Bolsa de Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0h3tjjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "madrid", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in the location where the film \"36\" takes place", + "question": "Where the film \"36\" was shot, what are some good sights to see?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0k3qjch . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1638_8b1a1631992efb4c8bd8dfbe5b441e34", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Nederlandse taal", + "Nederlands", + "Hollands", + "Dutch" + ], + "answer": "Dutch Language", + "answer_id": "m.02bv9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "German, Standard Language", + "Deutsch", + "German", + "Tedesco", + "High German", + "Hochdeutsch", + "German, Standard" + ], + "answer": "German Language", + "answer_id": "m.04306rv" + }, + { + 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"m.03509l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "january_jones", + "January Jones Scott", + "January Kristen Jones", + "Jones, January" + ], + "answer": "January Jones", + "answer_id": "m.03v1jf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tahyna Valentina Tozzi", + "Tahyna Tozzi-MacManus" + ], + "answer": "Tahyna Tozzi", + "answer_id": "m.0fs1sc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "emma frost", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:58:37", + "machine_question": "who played the fictional character which is the parent of Sophie Cuckoo", + "question": "Which actress played the fictional character who was the parent of another character named Sophie Cuckoo?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.children ns:m.09rgmw1 . \n?c ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-786", + "webqsp_question": "who played emma frost" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_d28b4d06860790c473ffe661611ab0a6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter und der Orden des Ph\u00f6nix", + "The Order of the Phoenix", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixuv r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter i Zakon Feniksa", + "Harry Potter ve z\u00fcmr\u00fcd\u00fcanka yoldasligi", + "Tip Top", + "Harry Potter i red Feniksa", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixov r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: The IMAX Experience", + "Harry Potter og F\u00f8nixordenen", + "Harry Potter e a Ordem da F\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a F\u0151nix rendje", + "Harii Pott\u00e2 to fushich\u00f4 no kishidan", + "Harry Potter och Fenixorden", + "Harry Potter en de orde van de Feniks", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u041e\u0440\u0434\u0435\u043d \u0424\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0430", + "Harry Potter in Feniksov red", + "Harry Potter et l'ordre du 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written by Michael Goldenberg?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.written_by ns:m.06_prj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_2d76b908c7f1f4508244e8c6efc34a24", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "", + "answer_id": "g.121xqqc4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Zion National" + ], + "answer": "Zion National Park", + "answer_id": "m.01626x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Days of '47 Parade", + "answer_id": "m.0268k69" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Discovery Gateway", + "answer_id": "m.02x5d6c" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Church History" + ], + "answer": "Church History Museum", + "answer_id": "m.02z2sd8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Salt Lake Temple", + "answer_id": "m.034zn4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Temple Square", + "answer_id": "m.034zsf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mr. & Mrs. George T. Hansen Planetarium", + "Space Science" + ], + "answer": "Salt Lake City Public Library", + "answer_id": "m.048fms" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Trolley Square", + "answer_id": "m.04p9dd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Red Butte Garden" + ], + "answer": "Red Butte Garden and Arboretum", + "answer_id": "m.05qp9q" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Clark Planetarium", + "answer_id": "m.06mp6_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Antelope Island State" + ], + "answer": "Antelope Island State Park", + "answer_id": "m.0b6mxyf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sugar House" + ], + "answer": "Sugar House Park", + "answer_id": "m.0cgn__" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bryce Canyon National" + ], + "answer": "Bryce Canyon National Park", + "answer_id": "m.0cnsp" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hogle Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.0h231z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "salt lake city utah", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:31:32", + "machine_question": "what there to do in the location where the film \"The Life of Nephi\" takes place", + "question": "What are attractions in the location where \"The Life of Nephi\" takes place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0c4285b . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1405", + "webqsp_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-404_3a916856b3d7082f4208ed8da4b66c15", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "drowned" + ], + "answer": "Drowning", + "answer_id": "m.01g27f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Atherosclerotic heart disease", + "Coronary disease", + "Coronary Artery disorder", + "Coronary heart disorder" + ], + "answer": "Coronary artery disease", + "answer_id": "m.01s1m" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cocaine overdose", + "answer_id": "m.02nx6jb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "whitney houston", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:05:16", + "machine_question": "what killed the artist aword nominated for I'm Every Woman", + "question": "What killed the artist nominated for awards for \"I'm Every Woman\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0_tkj0m . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-404", + "webqsp_question": "what killed whitney houston" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_0c3db476122f2e8c0d02a0a676c37df3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Peru", + "answer_id": "m.016wzw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + "answer_id": "m.0jgd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bolivia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does the country where Kallawaya is spoken border", + "question": "What borders the country that speaks Kallawaya?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.03c2hkf . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1724_acfdba5318e3a96534c207ad9f51c493", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "FA Cup 2001-02" + ], + "answer": "2001\u201302 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.03wcjy2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:19:16", + "machine_question": "when did arsenal won the league and is the next year series was 2002\u00e2\u0080\u009303 FA Cup", + "question": "In what series that occurred a year before the 2002-03 FA Cup did Arsenal emerge victorious?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0xbm)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0xbm ns:sports.sports_award_winner.awards ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_award.season ?x .\n?y ns:sports.sports_award.award ns:m.02_p0 .\n?x ns:time.event.next_in_series ns:m.03wbzvj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1724", + "webqsp_question": "when did arsenal won the league" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_d21baa85614e41d6f4bd2cde1b90e8ad", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "So Undercover", + "answer_id": "m.0g56xqy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and is the film that was released latest", + "question": "What's the latest released film that Miley Cyrus acted in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-970_f6bfa7405251beb29349620b9f5f13de", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military dictatorship", + "answer_id": "m.012qkq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military junta", + "answer_id": "m.025s5c_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary" + ], + "answer": "Parliamentary republic", + "answer_id": "m.0glnsx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "fiji", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:35:11", + "machine_question": "what type of government does the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Tevita Momoedonu have", + "question": "What is the type of government who has an office holder named Tevita Momoedonu?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.02mpx1 . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-970", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government does fiji have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_8b034a64d61ccf9b732e9314a1df67be", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Azerbaijan", + "Az\u0259rbaycan Respublikas\u0131" + ], + "answer": "Azerbaijan", + "answer_id": "m.0jhd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and the ISO numeric of the country is smallest", + "question": "Which country that borders Russia has the smallest ISO?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_b09072c304b6f17e2f8e8f59c618e5ea", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, USA", + "Empire City", + "City of New York", + "New York City, New York", + "New-York", + "\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e8\u30fc\u30af\u5e02", + "Gotham", + "New York", + "New York, NY", + "The Melting Pot", + "Richmond County / New York city", + "NYC", + "The Big Apple", + "New York, N.Y.", + "New York, New York", + "The Capital of the World" + ], + "answer": "New York City", + "answer_id": "m.02_286" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "Hennepin County / Minneapolis city" + ], + "answer": "Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Duluth, Minnesota", + "St. Louis County / Duluth city" + ], + "answer": "Duluth", + "answer_id": "m.0h1k6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "St. Louis County / Hibbing city", + "Hibbing, Minnesota" + ], + "answer": "Hibbing", + "answer_id": "m.0wjjx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bob dylan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did the actor that played the character Jack Fate live", + "question": "Where did the actor who portrayed the character Jack Fate make his home?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0v03fkp . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_647f02919237d35a8d8e66fda61a3fa2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of South Africa", + "Republiek van Suid-Afrika" + ], + "answer": "South Africa", + "answer_id": "m.0hzlz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and is the country that has Sotho language as an official language", + "question": "What nation in which German is spoken is a country in which the Sotho language is an official language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.01vp3n . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world 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"ID": "WebQTrn-1355_a885d769cf6ba8e3eb791b1961dc3c25", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u80e1\u9326\u6fe4", + "Jintao Hu", + "Hu Jin Tao", + "\u80e1\u9526\u6d9b" + ], + "answer": "Hu Jintao", + "answer_id": "m.013my_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:33:42", + "machine_question": "who runs the area in which the newspaper Reference News is circulated 2011", + "question": "In 2011, who was the leader of the circulation area of the newspaper Reference News?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.08fgv5 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1355", + "webqsp_question": "who runs china 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1191_2daa95eca863a55e944d56891e48b332", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bahamian Dialect", + "Bahamas Creole English", + "Bahamian Creole English" + ], + "answer": "Bahamas Creole English Language", + "answer_id": "m.026qjbs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bahamas", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:49:41", + "machine_question": "what language do people speak in the the location where the film \"Holiday in the Sun\" takes place", + "question": "What language is spoken in the country where the movie \"Holiday in the Sun\" was filmed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0839rh . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1191", + "webqsp_question": "what language do people speak in the bahamas" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_6eb4909a184ab0aac83d44471fb5bd49", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria", + "People's Democratic Republic of Algeria" + ], + "answer": "Algeria", + "answer_id": "m.0h3y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and the ISO numeric of the country is 012", + "question": "Which ISO 012 numbered country speaks Arabic?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric \"012\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2289_644e4f67cf98e31e6a4a38307f59876f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Charlottesville city", + "Hoo-Ville", + "Charlottesville, VA", + "C-Ville", + "Charlottesville, Virginia", + "Charlottesville city / Charlottesville city" + ], + "answer": "Charlottesville", + "answer_id": "m.0mp3l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "thomas jefferson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:43:20", + "machine_question": "what place did the author who published editions for The Jefferson Bible died", + "question": "Where did the author of \"The Jefferson Bible\" die?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04vht7q . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2289", + "webqsp_question": "what place did thomas jefferson died" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1538_2602917190fb3c75d668b8033247c756", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazil Football Team", + "Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "Brazil Men's National Football Team", + "Brazil Mens Soccer Team", + "Brazil Mens National Soccer Team", + "Brazil Men's Football Team", + "Brazil Mens Football Team", + "Brazil Men's National Soccer Team", + "Brazil National Soccer Team", + "Brazil Mens National Football Team", + "Brazil national football", + "Brazil Soccer Team", + "Brazil Men's Soccer Team" + ], + "answer": "Brazil national football team", + "answer_id": "m.01352_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Quer\u00e9taro FC", + "Queretaro FC", + "Gallos Blancos (White Roosters)", + "Gallos (Roosters)" + ], + "answer": "Quer\u00e9taro F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.01xn5n_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ronaldinho", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:01:47", + "machine_question": "what team is the actor that played in the film Una nit irrepetible on", + "question": "For what team does the actor in the film \"Una nit irrepetible\" play?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0y4tmzz . \n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1538", + "webqsp_question": "what team is ronaldinho on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1804_978f2ba7aa0c80b1f35b33ceb1852a1b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Bulgaria" + ], + "answer": "Bulgaria", + "answer_id": "m.015qh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:36", + "machine_question": "what countries are part of nato and number of people in the country's army is 102400", + "question": "What NATO member country has 102400 people in its army?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059dn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059dn ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"102400\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1804", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are part of nato" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2711_1a821009d9d43af7c2094125b1dd5136", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jewish" + ], + "answer": "Judaism", + "answer_id": "m.03_gx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:50:04", + "machine_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe and is subject of the film Lies My Father Told Me", + "question": "What religion featured in the film \"Lies My Father Told Me\" is the main religion in Eastern Europe?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\n ns:m.09b69 ns:location.location.contains ?y1 . # Eastern Europe\n ?y1 ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp . # Country\n ?y1 ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0bwfp64 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_5f54a2965d186899bfd2a05247d1091a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Centennial State", + "Colo", + "CO" + ], + "answer": "Colorado", + "answer_id": "m.01n4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:56:45", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and where Gary Hinman was born", + "question": "Where was Gary Hinman born and the where downtown Littleton is located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0g8lsf)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0g8lsf ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ns:g.113qbkxt0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_8d49d39db3fa7f3c805087a161ed4425", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Shake-speare", + "William 'Budd' Shakespeare", + "The Bard of Avon", + "Will Shakespeare", + "William Shakespare", + "Shakspere", + "England's national poet", + "The Bard", + "William Shaxper", + "Shaxper", + "Shakespeare", + "William Shake-speare", + "Budd", + "William Shakspere", + "William Shaksper", + "W. Shakespeare", + "Shaksper" + ], + "answer": "William Shakespeare", + "answer_id": "m.081k8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by and who was Church of England", + "question": "Which member of the Church of England was Arthur Miller influenced by?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yfp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yfp ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.religion ns:m.01spm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1173", + "webqsp_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-775_3ac45200049169bc2f7dd2f9c7ae8f69", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "St Mary's, Christ Church", + "t'owd church", + "The Cathedral and Collegiate Church of St Mary, St Denys and St George in Manchester" + ], + "answer": "Manchester Cathedral", + "answer_id": "m.041xlb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:39:48", + "machine_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids and is the structure opened earliest", + "question": "What is there to do for kids on the weekend in the Manchester in the structure that opened the earliest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.052bw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.052bw ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-775", + "webqsp_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1311_9366bd04398689bae00b758312e05d33", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "W. 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"aliases": [ + "Republic of Bulgaria" + ], + "answer": "Bulgaria", + "answer_id": "m.015qh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Bulgaria" + ], + "answer": "Bulgaria", + "answer_id": "m.015qh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:36", + "machine_question": "what countries are part of nato and is the government has a position title of Acting Prime Minister", + "question": "What coutry is currently led by an acting prime minister and is a part of NATO?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059dn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059dn ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.04043ys . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1804", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are part of nato" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2325_e4c3db35dfb56855fbf2d1936c595f6e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ryan Rodney Reynolds", + "Champ Nightengale" + ], + "answer": "Ryan Reynolds", + "answer_id": "m.036hf4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scarlett johansson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:48:21", + "machine_question": "who did the actor that played the character Molly Pruitt married", + "question": "Who did the actor that played the character Molly Pruitt married?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0gxbjfc . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2325", + "webqsp_question": "who did scarlett johansson 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"machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and is the tv program has number of searson largest", + "question": "Which TV show did Joey Lawrence act on, with the largest number of seasons?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.number_of_seasons ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_989c8cb79c7e2a7f94183e6298e7b2a0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "G.W.F. 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"created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and has a religious organization leadership since 2011-03-27", + "question": "Which country bordering Slovakia has has had religious organization leadership since March 27, 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.start_date \"2011-03-27\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_a776583092dae132378825445eb44488", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "AWOL" + ], + "answer": "Love and Honor", + "answer_id": "m.0gxtt2w" + } + ], + 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"2017-10-25T22:13:29", + "machine_question": "what currency do they accept in the place where breed Sokoke originated in", + "question": "What currency is used in the country where Sokoke breed originated in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.04049n . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-453", + "webqsp_question": "what currency do they accept in kenya" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1212_84ee185e2d1ed8f8dc47f9ff7c657ad9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:12:29", + "machine_question": "what 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who speak arabic from and is the place of the fictional universe JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", + "question": "What country is the fictional setting of the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure universe and is where Arabic is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.universe ns:m.0ndbcwn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1475_286d0616acaaa46ea620fb518872c5b8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guitar", + "answer_id": "m.0342h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Slide guitar", + "answer_id": "m.06w7v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "johnny depp", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:43:52", + "machine_question": "what type of guitar does celebrities that had legal entanglement in New York play", + "question": "What type of guitar was played by the celebrities who had legal problems in New York?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:celebrities.celebrity.legal_entanglements ?k .\n?k ns:celebrities.legal_entanglement.location ns:m.059rby . \n?c ns:music.group_member.instruments_played ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1475", + "webqsp_question": "what type of guitar does johnny depp play" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3681_05d1c838fdb244947dc2d5adf1f4f4d9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Felipe Calderon", + "Felipe de Jes\u00fas Calder\u00f3n Hinojosa", + "President Felipe Calderon" + ], + "answer": "Felipe Calder\u00f3n", + "answer_id": "m.06bbbt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:22:36", + "machine_question": "who is the country that its coat of arms is Coat of arms of Mexico 's president right now 2011", + "question": "As of 2011, who was the president of the country that has the Coat of Arms of Mexico?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:symbols.coat_of_arms_bearer.coat_of_arms_used ?k .\n?k ns:symbols.armorial_grant.coat_of_arms ns:m.02wkvz . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3681", + "webqsp_question": "who is mexico 's president right now 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_7142b70066385333c1ebb890b6009135", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dawlat Qa\u1e6dar", + "State of Qatar" + ], + "answer": "Qatar", + "answer_id": "m.0697s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:09:09", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and the country calling code is largest", + "question": "Which Arabic speaking country has the largest country calling code?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_de41ae46ca1887db0cdb47d10d2d9e0a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Douglas County", + "answer_id": "m.0flbm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:56:45", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and has commercial co2 emissions of 0.013745448", + "question": "What location of downtown Littleton has commercial CO2 emissions of 0.013745448?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0g8lsf)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0g8lsf ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.co2_emissions_commercial ?c .\n?c ns:location.co2_emission.emissions \"0.013745448\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-23_559b97351809c84395212d0abce3812b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hot Springs High", + "Hot Springs High School, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Hot Springs High School", + "answer_id": "m.0crpbj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bill clinton", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:05:05", + "machine_question": "what high school did president the author who published editions for Mi Vida attend", + "question": "Which high school was attended by the US president who created the work \"Mi Vida\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04vs2vw . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hn6 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-23", + "webqsp_question": "what high school did president bill clinton attend" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1355_ef0862827cfcebdc3733734f32cf5470", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u80e1\u9326\u6fe4", + "Jintao Hu", + "Hu Jin Tao", + "\u80e1\u9526\u6d9b" + ], + "answer": "Hu Jintao", + "answer_id": "m.013my_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:33:42", + "machine_question": "who runs the country where Harbin Beer beer is made 2011", + "question": "In 2011, who was the leader of the nation where Harbin Beer is made?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqmxs . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1355", + "webqsp_question": "who runs china 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2306_8efcac1517f787f85832057fd7ddcce3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Koran", + "Coran", + "Qur\u2019\u0101n", + "Al-Qur\u2019\u0101n" + ], + "answer": "Quran", + "answer_id": "m.096tx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:45:38", + "machine_question": "what is the name of the sacred text of islam and is about Al-Isra", + "question": "What is the name of the sacred text of Islam that is about Al-Isra?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0flw86)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0flw86 ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n?x ns:book.written_work.subjects ns:m.03hf62 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2306", + "webqsp_question": "what is the name of the sacred text of islam" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1462_4c56262d6806c8bd5c0fadb75177520a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vice President of the United States Joe Biden", + "Senator Joseph Biden", + "Joseph R. Biden, Jr.", + "Joseph Biden", + "Vice President Joe Biden", + "Big-hearted Joe", + "Sen Joseph Biden", + "Sen. Joe Biden", + "Sen Joe Biden", + "Joseph Robinette Biden", + "Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.", + "Sen. Joseph Biden", + "Senator Joe Biden" + ], + "answer": "Joe Biden", + "answer_id": "m.012gx2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:38:53", + "machine_question": "who is running for vice president with the political appointer that had the title Director for Multilateral Affairs 2012", + "question": "Which Director of Multilateral Affairs from 2012 has run for Vice President?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.05ftbwf . \n?c ns:government.us_president.vice_president ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1462", + "webqsp_question": "who is running for vice president with barack obama 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_dbd194a5a0966321733c045394fa781e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician that held his/her government position until 1842", + "question": "Who influenced Whitman 's poetry, and is the politician that held his/her government position until 1842?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to \"1842\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-775_c5bd6af531f410d3d5adddd37a0e468d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Manchester" + ], + "answer": "Manchester Museum", + "answer_id": "m.039s65" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester" + ], + "answer": "Manchester Art Gallery", + "answer_id": "m.0383g6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Manchester City Art Gallery", + "Manchester City Art Gallery." + ], + "answer": "Whitworth Art Gallery", + "answer_id": "m.0383jm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Imperial War Museum North", + "answer_id": "m.02lv55" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:39:48", + "machine_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids and is the exhibition venue that opened after 2008-05-24", + "question": "What are some popular attractions which opened after 2008-05-24 and are located in Manchester?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.052bw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.052bw ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:exhibitions.exhibition_venue.exhibitions_at_this_venue ?c .\n?c ns:exhibitions.exhibition_run.opened_on ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"2008-05-24\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-775", + "webqsp_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1732_d79f461435ce0fc509d1e4fe0b154a38", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Humboldt University of Berlin, main campus", + "HU-Berlin", + "Humboldt-Universit\u00e4t zu Berlin" + ], + "answer": "Humboldt University of Berlin", + "answer_id": "m.01stzp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:20:09", + "machine_question": "where did theodor schwann get his education and is the university that has number of undergraduates less than 22128", + "question": "Where did Theodor Schwann attend university, that has less than 22128 of undergraduates?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.040000)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.040000 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_undergraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 22128) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1732", + "webqsp_question": "where did theodor schwann get his education" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_0d6b6392e292cca913dc993d8fd33d93", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Master Chuang", + "Chuang Tsu", + "Zhuangzi.", + "Chuang Tzu", + "Zhuangzi", + "Chuang Tse", + "Zhuang Zhou", + "Chouang-Dsi" + ], + "answer": "Zhuang Zhou", + "answer_id": "m.0164zy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:21", + "machine_question": "what is the holy book in taoism and influenced Liang Qichao", + "question": "What holy book in Taoism influenced Liang Quichao?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07gvx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07gvx ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.influenced ns:m.03_qp4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2603_94fc0cfeacc6129ff2e823381a1fe913", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hungarian Language", + "Magyar", + "Hungarian" + ], + "answer": "Hungarian language", + "answer_id": "m.02ztjwg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hungarian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:32:35", + "machine_question": "what do the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title President of Hungary people speak", + "question": "What language do the people of the place where there is a government position called the President of Hungary speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.0bf4w_z . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2603", + "webqsp_question": "what do hungarian people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1871_ae466d1b65d4519cfc39b992275f7a99", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chinese", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:46:49", + "machine_question": "what language do the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Chairman of the Communist Party of China", + "question": "What is the language spoken in the country where there is a position of Chairman of the Communist party of China?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.02zllx . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1871", + "webqsp_question": "what language do chinese" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1081_1ecabf57357cb4abd089a4af52154854", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Iowa State University, Ames", + "Iowa State University, main campus", + "Iowa State", + "ISU" + ], + "answer": "Iowa State University", + "answer_id": "m.03v6t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:29:02", + "machine_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage and is the university that has number of postgraduates largest", + "question": "Where did George Washington Carver go to school with the largest number of postgraduates?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03djm)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03djm ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_postgraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1081", + "webqsp_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1782_6ca8cba7511811830a04cd64a8a4cf77", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "North Sudan", + "Republic of the Sudan", + "Jumh\u016br\u012byat as-S\u016bd\u0101n" + ], + "answer": "Sudan", + "answer_id": "m.06tw8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:01", + "machine_question": "where does the place where breed Egyptian Mau originated in export to", + "question": "Where does the location where the Egyptian Mau breed originated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.0229mb . \n?c ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?y .\n?y ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1782", + "webqsp_question": "where does egypt export to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_2ff66f05938a6d79fa8e89c59e5d0e8a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Peru", + "answer_id": "m.016wzw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and the ISO numeric of the country is largest", + "question": "What neighbor of Bolivia is the country with the largest ISO numeric?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3681_473c0dd1e422495b8fa57aa6c3f25cc3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Felipe Calderon", + "Felipe de Jes\u00fas Calder\u00f3n Hinojosa", + "President Felipe Calderon" + ], + "answer": "Felipe Calder\u00f3n", + "answer_id": "m.06bbbt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:22:36", + "machine_question": "who is the country where Cerveceria Modelo Corona Light beer is made 's president right now 2011", + "question": "Who was the President in 2011 in the country where Cerveceria Modelo Corona Light beer is made?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqg5r . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3681", + "webqsp_question": "who is mexico 's president right now 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-196_b440e333e90911c97b2321bc448f257f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:06:34", + "machine_question": "what language do navajo people speak and that its main speaking country is Republic of Ireland", + "question": "What is the main language spoken in the Republic of Ireland and that Navajo people speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.08k5jg)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.08k5jg ns:people.ethnicity.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.main_country ns:m.03rt9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-196", + "webqsp_question": "what language do navajo people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_f4911e93c40f00f8c256e3ccf42422c1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker bell 4", + "Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods", + "Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker Bell: A Winter Story" + ], + "answer": "Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings", + "answer_id": "m.0crfwmx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and is the film was released to the distribution medium Blu-ray disc", + "question": "What film released to Blu-Ray disc has Lucy Hale played in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.film_release_distribution_medium ns:m.02nxhr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2808_bf6de3443ff80ebd1cf7e57db4210c8c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Rand" + ], + "answer": "South African rand", + "answer_id": "m.01rmbs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "south africa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:06:34", + "machine_question": "what currency does the country where Gilroy Favourite beer is made have", + "question": "What type of money is used where Gilroy Favourite beer is made?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqq6g . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2808", + "webqsp_question": "what currency does south africa have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_1bc85cf9eab0a0714557180ac27e91a2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and is the film that was released on 2003-12-25", + "question": "What movie released on 12-25-2003 was Miley Cyrus in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date \"2003-12-25\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1744_a3fb2f9a8272f82e26476521d113e2a7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Emily Dickinson's open folios", + "answer_id": "m.0cr8d46" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Emily Dickinson's herbarium", + "answer_id": "m.0cr7_cw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New poems of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.0cr83_x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:26:44", + "machine_question": "what books did emily dickinson wrote and was published after 1980-10", + "question": "Which books written by Emily Dickinson were published prior to October 1980?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01509d)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01509d ns:book.author.works_written ?x .\n?x ns:book.written_work.date_of_first_publication ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1980-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1744", + "webqsp_question": "what books did emily dickinson wrote" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-63_f48aa1a9b211c8670d2db35ce52512b5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sasha Puttnam", + "Sacha Putnam", + "Putnam, Sacha", + "Alexander Puttnam", + "Alexander David Puttnam", + "Sasha Putnam", + "Puttnam, Sacha" + ], + "answer": "Sacha Puttnam", + "answer_id": "m.0h88bb2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and wrote the music for The Keeper", + "question": "Which Bush band member wrote the music for The Keeper?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01727v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01727v ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:film.music_contributor.film ns:m.09v50zp . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2693_520257486600615e5f5704a63c2281dd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "California, USA", + "Calif", + "CA", + "Golden State" + ], + "answer": "California", + "answer_id": "m.01n7q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ronald reagan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:45:47", + "machine_question": "what state was the actor that played the character Lt. Jimmy Saunders governor of", + "question": "What state was the actor who played the character Lt. Jimmy Saunders governor of?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0_6_9t7 . \n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.jurisdiction_of_office ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2693", + "webqsp_question": "what state was ronald reagan governor of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-733_5e5820ae78bf808cd4682f952c2af9d7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vietnamese \u0111\u1ed3ng (Remonetized)" + ], + "answer": "Vietnamese dong", + "answer_id": "m.03ksl6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "vietnam", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:33:33", + "machine_question": "what currency should you take to the location where the film \"Vietnam, Long Time Coming\" takes place", + "question": "What currency is used in the setting for the movie \"Vietnam, Long Time Coming?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.03nr7mp . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-733", + "webqsp_question": "what currency should you take to vietnam" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-334_af8b975343e4098913128e9ac7d04c05", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Judith Campbell", + "Judith Eileen Katherine Immoor", + "Judith Katherine Inmoor", + "Judith Campbell Exner", + "judith_exner", + "Judith Eileen Katherine Inmoor Exner", + "Judy Campbell" + ], + "answer": "Judith Exner", + "answer_id": "m.04n4r6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Marylin Monroe", + "Marilyn Monroe Miller", + "The Blonde Bombshell", + "Norma Jeane DiMaggio", + "MM", + "Norma Jeane Baker", + "Norma Jeane Dougherty", + "Merilin Monro", + "Marliyn Monroe", + "Jean Norman", + "Norma Jeane Mortenson", + "Norma Jeane Mortensen" + ], + "answer": "Marilyn Monroe", + "answer_id": "m.04wqr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "john kennedy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:34:09", + "machine_question": "who did the public speaker which spoke about Anti-Apartheid have affairs with", + "question": "Who did the Anti-Apartheid public speaker have an affair with?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speech_topic ns:m.04lxyz0 . \n?c ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?y .\n?y ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.celebrity ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-334", + "webqsp_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2525_0517f8d4f24fd004a49caf80a9a2365a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Gettysburg College, main campus", + "Johns Hopkins" + ], + "answer": "Johns Hopkins University", + "answer_id": "m.02hft3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Johns Hopkins University, main campus", + "JHU", + "Gettysburg", + "Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore" + ], + "answer": "Gettysburg College", + "answer_id": "m.09kvv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:14:46", + "machine_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college and the organiztion founding date is before 1884", + "question": "What colleges attended by Jerry Spinelli are organizations that were founded before 1884?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05djw1)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05djw1 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:organization.organization.date_founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1884\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2525", + "webqsp_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2513_819b9e3f172c518f22c5a42be967bc59", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Manchester United", + "Manchester United Football Club", + "Man Utd", + "Manchester United FC", + "Newton Heath LYR Football Club", + "Man United", + "The Red Devils" + ], + "answer": "Manchester United F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.050fh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:13:18", + "machine_question": "who has won the most fa cup and was an award nominee in the 2000 Laureus World Sports Awards ceremony", + "question": "Which football team award nominee with the most FA Cups wins was featured in the Laureus World Sports Awards ceremony in the 2000?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count)\n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n {\n SELECT (MAX(?count) AS ?maxCount)\n WHERE {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count) \n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n }\n FILTER (?maxCount = ?count)?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.ceremony ns:m.0yqd2sb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2513", + "webqsp_question": "who has won the most fa cup" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_202ded8e5df1c80ea9770154e24e5ffb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician that hold the government position Secretary of State", + "question": "Who was the person that was the Secretary of State who influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0789n . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_1cdb4a1ca78b5dbb01dcef126dab99c1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Needle", + "Space Needle, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Space Needle", + "answer_id": "m.01k7v7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "L.C. Smith Building" + ], + "answer": "Smith Tower", + "answer_id": "m.01r0v3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Woodland Park Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.02dxmq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pike Place Market, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Pike Place Market", + "answer_id": "m.02k953" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Museum of Flight", + "answer_id": "m.02kl80" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pacific Science" + ], + "answer": "Pacific Science Center", + "answer_id": "m.02ks_p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Electric Company Georgetown Steam Plant", + "Georgetown Steam Plant, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown Steam Plant", + "answer_id": "m.02rp3lq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Aquarium", + "answer_id": "m.02xg6w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Asian Art" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Asian Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03325p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Frye Art" + ], + "answer": "Frye Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332cl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Art", + "Seattle Art Museum Downtown" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332j6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Henry Art Gallery", + "answer_id": "m.035pqt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nordic Heritage" + ], + "answer": "Nordic Heritage Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03t00j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tillicum" + ], + "answer": "Tillicum Village", + "answer_id": "m.04n53vb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Great Wheel", + "answer_id": "m.0k2k2n2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SIFF" + ], + "answer": "Seattle International Film Festival", + "answer_id": "m.0prqs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "EMP Museum", + "Experience Music Project", + "Seattle Center: Experience Music Project", + "EMP|SFM", + "Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame" + ], + "answer": "Experience Music Project Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0pxmn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Garden of Remembrance", + "answer_id": "m.0y657tp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "seattle wa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in the location where the film \"Boy Culture\" takes place", + "question": "What are fun things that can be done where the film \"Boy Culture\" takes place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.02wccty . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1631_02cc1a8d1ad24ce69fbe2d3d0e3a97ce", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vivian Jepkemoi Cheruiyot", + "Pocket Rocket" + ], + "answer": "Vivian Cheruiyot", + "answer_id": "m.027_5gh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sylvia Jebiwott Kibet", + "answer_id": "m.02ph7jd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Caroline Kilel", + "answer_id": "m.02pmyt8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Linet Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03c3vs2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Moses Ndiema Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03ymk4s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ezekiel Kemboi Cheboi" + ], + "answer": "Ezekiel Kemboi", + "answer_id": "m.040dvn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "David Lekuta Rudisha" + ], + "answer": "David Rudisha", + "answer_id": "m.043p_rf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mercy Cherono", + "answer_id": "m.04f2_5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Abel Kirui", + "answer_id": "m.05f87n1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Milcah Chemos Cheywa", + "answer_id": "m.07k63fx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Emmanuel Kipchirchir Mutai", + "answer_id": "m.07kht_3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Geoffrey Mutai", + "answer_id": "m.0bmk3qk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eldoret Express", + "Janeth Jepkosgei Busienei" + ], + "answer": "Janeth Jepkosgei", + "answer_id": "m.0c5z5s" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Alfred Kirwa Yego", + "answer_id": "m.0gh9nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Richard Mateelong", + "answer_id": "m.0gy4g9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Josphat Bett Kipkoech", + "answer_id": "m.0jwvqdm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kenya", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:14:13", + "machine_question": "who are the famous athletes in where the currency East African shilling is used", + "question": "Who are some famous athletes from the area that uses the East African shilling as currency?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_formerly_used ns:m.06c6b6 . \n?c ns:sports.sport_country.athletic_performances ?y .\n?y ns:sports.competitor_competition_relationship.competitors ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1631", + "webqsp_question": "who are the famous athletes in kenya" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_69e5252a92490c5605b36d991845d5ed", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Stillwater, Minnesota", + "Washington County / Stillwater city" + ], + "answer": "South Dakota", + "answer_id": "m.0wmtg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Duarte city", + "Duarte, California" + ], + "answer": "Guam", + "answer_id": "m.0r06n" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "UT", + "Beehive State" + ], + "answer": "Utah", + "answer_id": "m.07srw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "S Dak", + "Mount Rushmore State", + "SD" + ], + "answer": "South Pasadena", + "answer_id": "m.06mz5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Duarte", + "answer_id": "m.034tl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / South Pasadena city", + "South Pasadena, California" + ], + "answer": "Stillwater", + "answer_id": "m.0r0_5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and the population number is less than 599000", + "question": "In what places with a population of less than 599000 does Sam Shepard live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 599000) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_4a52037601e4dd02c4bc55ec885d7dc6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pacific Science" + ], + "answer": "Pacific Science Center", + "answer_id": "m.02ks_p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Art", + "Seattle Art Museum Downtown" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332j6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and is the exhibition venue that opened after 2008-10-24", + "question": "What fun things are there to do in Seattle, WA that have exhibition venues that opened later than 24 October 2008?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:exhibitions.exhibition_venue.exhibitions_at_this_venue ?c .\n?c ns:exhibitions.exhibition_run.opened_on ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"2008-10-24\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3287_df1ca191a3ee93f7012b4e5161f4b227", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Swedish krona", + "answer_id": "m.0485n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sweden", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:17:44", + "machine_question": "what is the currency of the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Riksdag called", + "question": "What is the name of the currency used under the governmental jurisdiction of the Riksdag?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.014y6q . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3287", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency of sweden called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_9df06c705c868bfeedad527f32e82cc5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brayden Tyler Quinn", + "brady_quinn" + ], + "answer": "Brady Quinn", + "answer_id": "m.08gf9t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the footboall player that completed largest passings", + "question": "Which of the Cleveland Browns draft picks has completed the longest passes?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:american_football.football_player.passing ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.player_passing_statistics.completions ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_107e8d171498b4663b17e920cc9f1989", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and the ISO numeric of the country is smallest", + "question": "Of the countries bordering Slovakia, which country has the smallest ISO numeric?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2259_b74d5f246db805760dd5c88ef227b16c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "BSkyB", + "British Sky Broadcasting Group plc", + "Sky" + ], + "answer": "British Sky Broadcasting", + "answer_id": "m.03p1p8r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:38:44", + "machine_question": "what does rupert murdoch own 2012 and the asset that is owned by News Corporation", + "question": "What asset owned by News Corporation did Rupert Murdoch own in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06hrk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06hrk ns:organization.organization_founder.organizations_founded ?x .\n?x ns:business.asset.owners ?c .\n?c ns:business.asset_ownership.owner ns:m.0sxdg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2259", + "webqsp_question": "what does rupert murdoch own 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_e5be3c258ce14dff7aee82f38ff252fa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Slovakia", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lettland", + "Republic of Latvia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.04g5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Slovenia", + "Repubblica di Slovenia", + "Slovania" + ], + "answer": "Estonia", + "answer_id": "m.06t8v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom of Sweden", + "Sverige" + ], + "answer": "Denmark", + "answer_id": "m.0d0vqn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.01ppq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" + ], + "answer": "Republic of Ireland", + "answer_id": "m.04g61" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Croatie", + "Croacia", + "Republika Hrvatska", + "Hirvatistan", + "Hrvatska", + "Republic of Croatia", + "Kroatien", + "Croatia/Hrvatska", + "ISO 3166-1:HR", + "Croazia", + "Hravatska", + "Cro\u00e1cia", + "Kroatia", + "Crotaia" + ], + "answer": "Luxembourg", + "answer_id": "m.01pj7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Slovensko", + "The Slovak Republic" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.06npd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "D\u00e4nemark", + "Kingdom of Denmark", + "Kongeriget Danmark", + "\u4e39\u9ea6" + ], + "answer": "Slovenia", + "answer_id": "m.0k6nt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Sweden", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "the twenty-six counties", + "the Free State", + "Irish Republic", + "the 26 counties", + "\u00c9ire" + ], + "answer": "Latvia", + "answer_id": "m.03rt9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Isla de Malta", + "Republic of Malta" + ], + "answer": "Croatia", + "answer_id": "m.04v3q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": "Malta", + "answer_id": "m.02kmm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Belgique", + "Belgi\u00eb", + "Kingdom of Belgium" + ], + "answer": "Belgium", + "answer_id": "m.0154j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Hungary", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Magyarorsz\u00e1g", + "Hungary, Europe" + ], + "answer": "Cyprus", + "answer_id": "m.03gj2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and number of people in the country's army is less than 35736", + "question": "In what EU countries does the army have fewer than 35736 members?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 35736) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2150_f1a91a5f994078bfd3452ce0b551bd8c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Belize", + "answer_id": "m.0164b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Guatemala." + ], + "answer": "Guatemala", + "answer_id": "m.0345_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 countries does where the government Federal government of Mexico is located border", + "question": "What 3 countries are bordered by the country where the Federal Goverment of Mexico presides?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.09gfsgt . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2150", + "webqsp_question": "what 3 countries does mexico border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2601_a75f0268ac2ced8609cacb5afb5343a7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Washington Huskies Mens Football", + "UW Huskies Men's Football", + "UW Huskies Football", + "UW Huskies Mens Football", + "University of Washington Men's Football", + "Washington Football", + "Washington Huskies Men's Football", + "University of Washington Huskies Men's Football", + "Washington Mens Football", + "Washington Huskies Mens Football", + "Washington Men's Football", + "University of Washington Football", + "Washington Huskies Football", + "University of Washington Mens Football", + "University of Washington Huskies Football" + ], + "answer": "Washington Huskies football", + "answer_id": "m.0fgg8c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:32:03", + "machine_question": "who did warren moon play for and a school sports team of University of Washington", + "question": "Which University of Washington team did Warren Moon play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01b0dl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01b0dl ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.school_sports_team.school ns:m.07t90 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2601", + "webqsp_question": "who did warren moon play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1351_88427e4cf8c94effb8217cddfd827261", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Honolulu, Hawaii", + "Honolulu County / Honolulu CDP", + "Honolulu CDP" + ], + "answer": "Honolulu", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh0_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:32:42", + "machine_question": "what city was the author who published editions for Dreams from My Father born in", + "question": "In what city was the author of Dreams from My Father born?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.028xzkj . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1351", + "webqsp_question": "what city was barack obama born in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2611_04f7151d0ff7591862950b88685ee27c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:33:41", + "machine_question": "when was samuel pepys and is the country that has an internet top level domain of cn", + "question": "What country is home to Samuel Pepy and has a top internet domain level of cn?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06xxc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06xxc ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.internet_tld ns:m.03t1q4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2611", + "webqsp_question": "when was samuel pepys" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_f735da2716c7ba9151a2712c1e3a301f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician started governmental position latest", + "question": "What influencer of Whitman's poetry is the politician who began his governmental position latest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_df6da3b51d45bc9e923a9c47728f4267", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and that was edited by Chris Lebenzon", + "question": "Which movie edited by Chris Lebenzon did Miley Cyrus have a role in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.edited_by ns:m.02qggqc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-936_415a0c92907cbcb00269e10677869727", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ephesos" + ], + "answer": "Ephesus", + "answer_id": "m.02p8r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:08:37", + "machine_question": "where were greek temples built and is the place in which the fictional character Herakleitos of Ephesos lived", + "question": "In what location of a greek temple did the fictional character Herakleitos of Ephesos live?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\tns:m.03f34_ ns:architecture.building_function.buildings ?y .\n\t?y ns:travel.tourist_attraction.near_travel_destination ?x .?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.characters_that_have_lived_here ns:m.0gtkw5n . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-936", + "webqsp_question": "where were greek temples built" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_a12d2392c90ea18a3b79cc7fe794d17f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingsbury County / De Smet city", + "De Smet, South Dakota" + ], + "answer": "Walnut Grove", + "answer_id": "m.0_r0n" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Walnut Grove, Minnesota", + "Redwood County / Walnut Grove city" + ], + "answer": "Mansfield", + "answer_id": "m.0wg6f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wright County / Mansfield city", + "Mansfield, Missouri" + ], + "answer": "De Smet", + "answer_id": "m.0x14p" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and the location GNIS feature ID is greater than 455007", + "question": "Which locations in which Laura Ingalls Wilder resided have GNIS feature IDs larger than 455007?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01bt87)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 455007) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_0136e1ebef62f020e75b65affaa5ef5f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and is the film that was released before 2004-03-26", + "question": "What movies featuring Miley Cyrus were films that were released prior to 26 March 2004?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2004-03-26\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_d9d3663b25a514c9449b7a19c8cd6c81", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North Korea", + "answer_id": "m.04w8f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Azerbaijan", + "Az\u0259rbaycan Respublikas\u0131" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.0jhd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Georgia" + ], + "answer": "Georgia", + "answer_id": "m.0d0kn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Azerbaijan", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", + "DPRK" + ], + "answer": "Mongolia", + "answer_id": "m.05b7q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and the country calling code is greater than 375", + "question": "Which of the countries bordering Russia has a country calling code greater than 375?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 375) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_e41a17e7739bbe8e3e5f087b8ef6e675", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter si Pocalul de Foc", + "O Harry Potter kai to kypelo tis fotias", + "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The IMAX Experience", + "The Goblet of Fire", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to honoo no goburetto", + "Harry Potter i Plameni pehar", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u043a\u0443\u0431\u043e\u043a \u043e\u0433\u043d\u044f", + "Harry Potter och Den flammande b\u00e4garen", + "Harry Potter et la coupe de feu", + "Harry Potter in ognjeni kelih", + "Harry Potter og eldbikarinn", + "Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch", + "Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco", + "Harry Potter og flammernes pokal", + "Harry Potter e o C\u00e1lice de Fogo", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a t\u0171z serlege", + "Harry Potter en de vuurbeker", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00e1 casa", + "Harry Potter ja liekehtiv\u00e4 pikari", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00fd poh\u00e1r", + "Hari Poter i vatreni pehar", + "Haris Poteris ir ugnies taure", + "Harry Potter og ildbegeret", + "Harry Potter y el c\u00e1liz de fuego", + "Harry Potter ve ates kadehi", + "Harry Potter i Czara Ognia", + "Harry Potter ja tulepeeker", + "Harry Potter i el calze de foc" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", + "answer_id": "m.031786" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter und der Orden des Ph\u00f6nix", + "The Order of the Phoenix", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixuv r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter i Zakon Feniksa", + "Harry Potter ve z\u00fcmr\u00fcd\u00fcanka yoldasligi", + "Tip Top", + "Harry Potter i red Feniksa", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixov r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: The IMAX Experience", + "Harry Potter og F\u00f8nixordenen", + "Harry Potter e a Ordem da F\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a F\u0151nix rendje", + "Harii Pott\u00e2 to fushich\u00f4 no kishidan", + "Harry Potter och Fenixorden", + "Harry Potter en de orde van de Feniks", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u041e\u0440\u0434\u0435\u043d \u0424\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0430", + "Harry Potter in Feniksov red", + "Harry Potter et l'ordre du Ph\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter i l'orde del F\u00e8nix", + "Harry Potter si Ordinul Phoenix", + "Harry Potter e l'ordine della Fenice", + "Harry Potter y la orden del F\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter ja F\u00f6\u00f6niksi ordu", + "Harry Potter ja Feeniksin kilta", + "Harry Potter og F\u00f8niksordenen", + "Harry Potter e a Ordem da F\u00eanix", + "O Harry Potter kai to Tagma tou Foinika", + "Haris Poteris ir Fenikso brolija", + "\u0425\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u044a\u0440 \u0438 \u043e\u0440\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044a\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0444\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0430", + "Hari Poter I red Feniksa" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", + "answer_id": "m.031hcx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and that was producted by the company Warner Bros. Entertainment", + "question": "Which Harry Potter movies were produced by Warner Bros Entertainment?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.production_companies ns:m.086k8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1740_ef2a332818d98d9101c1f25cfcb6ffd9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "James Voight", + "Jamie", + "James Haven Voight" + ], + "answer": "James Haven", + "answer_id": "m.01mqg0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "angelina jolies", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:21:34", + "machine_question": "who is was nominee of the London Film Critics Circle for Actress of the Year award brother", + "question": "Who is the brother of the actress nominated for the 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you tell me was married to the nominee for the SFX award for Best Actor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.09vww_7 . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.gender ns:m.02zsn .\n?y ns:people.marriage.from ?sk0 .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:datetime(?sk0))\nLIMIT 1\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-96", + "webqsp_question": "who is robert downey jr wife" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_ba7549941c4f58986e17fb08dca5e92f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Magyarorsz\u00e1g", + "Hungary, Europe" + ], + "answer": "Hungary", + "answer_id": "m.03gj2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and the population number is 10000023", + "question": "What EU country has the population of 10000023?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number \"10000023\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-31_7d369307a5f83001eeb377b5bceab39c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Islamic view of Hagar", + "Hagar in Islam" + ], + "answer": "Hagar", + "answer_id": "m.01sq9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ishmael", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:06:14", + "machine_question": "who was the topic of the image Navez Agar et Isma\u00c3\u0083\u00c2\u00abl 's mom", + "question": "Who is the topic of the artist image Navez Agar et Isma\u00c3\u0083\u00c2\u00abl 's mom?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.0df_c1f . \n?c ns:people.person.parents ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.gender ns:m.02zsn .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-31", + "webqsp_question": "who was ishmael 's mom" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_4771233dd2dd19fc71c8c1dae83cdb94", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the public speaker which spoke about American Civil War", + "question": "Who influenced Whitman's poetry who was the public speaker who spoke about the American Civil War?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?c .\n?c ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speech_topic ns:m.0kbq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_47840ed09d1801da06c39bfc81046de1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fourth Governorate", + "Elhodeidah", + "Al Jawf", + "Almuhafazaharrabiah", + "Qadaalhudaydah", + "Hodeidah", + "Al Hudaydah", + "Governorate Al Jawf", + "El-Hodeidah", + "Shabwah", + "Governorate Number Four", + "El-\u1e24odeidah", + "Mu\u1e29\u0101faz\u0327At Shabwah", + "\u2018Adan", + "Qada' Al Hudaydah", + "Muhafazat Al Jawf", + "`Adan", + "Balad\u012byat \u2018Adan", + "Al Mu\u1e29\u0101faz\u0327Ah Ar R\u0101bi\u2018Ah", + "Adan", + "Muhafazat Shabwah", + "Aden", + "Qa\u1e11\u0101\u2019 Al \u1e28udaydah", + "Baladiyat `Adan", + "Iv", + "Baladiyatadan", + "Al Muhafazah Ar Rabi`Ah", + "Hodeida", + "Al \u1e28udaydah", + "Mu\u1e29\u0101faz\u0327At Al Jawf" + ], + "answer": "Yemen", + "answer_id": "m.01z88t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and the ISO numeric of the country is largest", + "question": "Which Arabic speaking country has the largest ISO number?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2944_e56e856592a9a57b9e331b718adc1b75", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:28", + "machine_question": "what country is the author who published editions for The Audacity of Hope from", + "question": "Where is the author who wrote the Audacity of Hope from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04vcd_5 . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2944", + "webqsp_question": "what country is barack obama from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-936_25c5584da286a22ff9a9ae67a986f11b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ephesos" + ], + "answer": "Ephesus", + "answer_id": "m.02p8r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:08:37", + "machine_question": "where were greek temples built and is the place in which the fictional character Heraclitus lived", + "question": "At what place where Greek temples built, and is home to the fictional character Heraclitus?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\tns:m.03f34_ ns:architecture.building_function.buildings ?y .\n\t?y ns:travel.tourist_attraction.near_travel_destination ?x .?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.characters_that_have_lived_here ns:m.0gtkv_n . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-936", + "webqsp_question": "where were greek temples built" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1121_dab999052dd777adf9d45942738e151d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "United we stand, divided we fall", + "answer_id": "m.0b0jhz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kentucky", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:40:19", + "machine_question": "what is has an official symbol of Brachiopod state slogan", + "question": "What is the state slogan of the state that uses the Brachiopod as an official symbol?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.0bvdq . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?y .\n?y ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ?x .\n?y ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.Kind_of_symbol ns:m.0j749 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1121", + "webqsp_question": "what is kentucky state slogan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-775_a613fce704033cde07a25f9d0f6acde9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Manchester" + ], + "answer": "Manchester Museum", + "answer_id": "m.039s65" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Manchester City Art Gallery", + "Manchester City Art Gallery." + ], + "answer": "Manchester Art Gallery", + "answer_id": "m.0383jm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Imperial War Museum North", + "answer_id": "m.02lv55" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:39:48", + "machine_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids and is the exhibition venue that opened before 2008-07-12", + "question": "What is there to do with kids in Manchester this weekend where the exhibition venue opened earlier than 12 July 2008?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.052bw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.052bw ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:exhibitions.exhibition_venue.exhibitions_at_this_venue ?c .\n?c ns:exhibitions.exhibition_run.opened_on ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2008-07-12\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-775", + "webqsp_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_9f71adaec94b0e3adb8c440cad935a83", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Nigeria" + ], + "answer": "Nigeria", + "answer_id": "m.05cgv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through and the population number is largest", + "question": "Which of the countries through which the Niger River flows has the largest population?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1638_590fff78c30981ef9566ad54a453d002", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Nederlandse taal", + "Nederlands", + "Hollands", + "Dutch" + ], + "answer": "Dutch Language", + "answer_id": "m.02bv9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "German, Standard Language", + "Deutsch", + "German", + "Tedesco", + "High German", + "Hochdeutsch", + "German, Standard" + ], + "answer": "German Language", + "answer_id": "m.04306rv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Francais", + "Fran\u00e7ais", + "French", + "French language" + ], + "answer": "French", + "answer_id": "m.064_8sq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "belgium", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:08:03", + "machine_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in the place where breed Schipperke originated in", + "question": "What languages are commonly spoken in the country of origin for the Schipperke breed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.01dv7j . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1638", + "webqsp_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in belgium" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1987_534649e8d763b98065465131649b532f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sacramento County", + "answer_id": "m.0bxqq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sacramento", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:03:42", + "machine_question": "what county is the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Kevin Johnson located in", + "question": "Where is the governmental office that Kevin Johnson works in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.013rhn . \n?c ns:location.hud_county_place.county ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1987", + "webqsp_question": "what county is sacramento located in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-833_fbb250d577dae6a4255a0a693c10fb6d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:49:30", + "machine_question": "what is the main language used in the country where Guangzhou Zhu Jiang Brewery Co.Ltd. Zhu Jiang Beer beer is made", + "question": "What is the most commonly spoken language in the country of origin for Guangzhou Zhu Jiang Brewery Co.Ltd. Zhu Jiang Beer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqjxz . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-833", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main language used in china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_e94e95ef8a6994a3e5ef504459524eb8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and is the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Kansas House of Representatives", + "question": "Where did Laura Ingalls Wilder live and is under the Kansas House of Representatives' jurisdiction?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01bt87)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.0g267l . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1364_5161c102603eb75d683c9e8da96ab10e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scotland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:22:24", + "machine_question": "what do they speak in has an official symbol of Thistle", + "question": "What language is spoken where the official symbol is a Thistle?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.06tzj3 . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1364", + "webqsp_question": "what do they speak in scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-334_4e825e570752d91dd00887fe9a3bfbc0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Marylin Monroe", + "Marilyn Monroe Miller", + "The Blonde Bombshell", + "Norma Jeane DiMaggio", + "MM", + "Norma Jeane Baker", + "Norma Jeane Dougherty", + "Merilin Monro", + "Marliyn Monroe", + "Jean Norman", + "Norma Jeane Mortenson", + "Norma Jeane Mortensen" + ], + "answer": "Marilyn Monroe", + "answer_id": "m.04wqr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:34:09", + "machine_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with and who was Judaism", + "question": "With what Jewish person did John Kennedy have an affair?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d3k14)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d3k14 ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?y .\n?y ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.celebrity ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.religion ns:m.03_gx . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-334", + "webqsp_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_a64ef0f5ce397a5e1ef6fcd550ebfcfb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and is they music was by Aaron Zigman", + "question": "What movie has music produced by Aaron Zigman and features Liam Hemsworth?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.music ns:m.01vgy5b . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1563_cab1228be4e8c16ee35a67b7ac63b264", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mountain Standard Time Zone", + "Mountain Time" + ], + "answer": "Mountain Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02hczc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:05:53", + "machine_question": "what timezone is the state of texas and locations near Strathmore (D.J. Murray) Airport", + "question": "In which timezone is the state of Texas located, more specifically Strathmore Airport and its environs?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07b_l)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07b_l ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n?x ns:time.time_zone.locations_in_this_time_zone ?c .\n?c ns:location.location.nearby_airports ns:m.09slsk . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1563", + "webqsp_question": "what timezone is the state of texas" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_e7b171d3998c7cd898c8e036009799c7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "A bostonian", + "Henri Le Rennet", + "Edgar Allan Po\u00eb", + "Edgar Allen Poe", + "Edgar Poe", + "Edgar A. Perry", + "Edgar A. Po\u00eb", + "E.A. Poe", + "Poe", + "Edgar A. Poe" + ], + "answer": "Edgar Allan Poe", + "answer_id": "m.02lt8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the person that was buried on 1849-10-09", + "question": "This person who influenced Whitman's poetry deeply, was buried on October 9, 1849?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.date_of_burial \"1849-10-09\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1462_8c4cd2a8dd5064dcd1e88389796138c7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vice President of the United States Joe Biden", + "Senator Joseph Biden", + "Joseph R. Biden, Jr.", + "Joseph Biden", + "Vice President Joe Biden", + "Big-hearted Joe", + "Sen Joseph Biden", + "Sen. Joe Biden", + "Sen Joe Biden", + "Joseph Robinette Biden", + "Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.", + "Sen. Joseph Biden", + "Senator Joe Biden" + ], + "answer": "Joe Biden", + "answer_id": "m.012gx2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:38:53", + "machine_question": "who is running for vice president with the political appointer that had the title Associate Director, White House Office of Public Liaison 2012", + "question": "Which candidate for Vice President in 2012 once held the title of the Associate Director, White House Office of Public Liaison?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.05pv1bt . \n?c ns:government.us_president.vice_president ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1462", + "webqsp_question": "who is running for vice president with barack obama 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1898_9f8b39da7c3f621417a7bb2a708495b3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jehovah", + "Yahveh", + "Father God", + "God the Father", + "Almighty", + "The Lord", + "The Almighty", + "Voice of God", + "Supreme Being", + "God Almighty" + ], + "answer": "God", + "answer_id": "m.02nw87f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:59:14", + "machine_question": "what voices does seth macfarlane play on family guy and also the actor Artturi Laakso", + "question": "What voice does actor Artturi Laakso play and is also a voice played by Seth Macfarlane on \"Family Guy\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.019nnl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.019nnl ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ns:m.021yw7 .\n?x ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.actor ns:g.1213_84r . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1898", + "webqsp_question": "what voices does seth macfarlane play on family guy" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-801_9f924908bb36bf7d331fa1b933af9f58", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Provisional government", + "answer_id": "m.02tz3y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:45:26", + "machine_question": "what kind of government is the country where Al Ahram Beverages Co. Stella beer is made", + "question": "What forms of government exist in the country where Al Ahram Beverages Co. Stella beer is produced?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqn_j . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-801", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government is egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_2f84669593ae59fef22f7dcc5e51cfce", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and export to Dubai", + "question": "What countries border Russian and export to Dubai?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?c .\n?c ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ns:m.01f08r . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3466_3a40921ae6042ff93cc654f727b80209", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dallas, Texas", + "Dallas, TX", + "Rockwall County / Dallas city" + ], + "answer": "Dallas", + "answer_id": "m.0f2rq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kennedy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:52:50", + "machine_question": "in which city was president the artist which recorded Happy Birthday, Mr. President killed", + "question": "In which city was the president referenced in \"Happy Birthday, Mr. President\" killed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0_jd323 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3466", + "webqsp_question": "in which city was president kennedy killed" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2525_1019287adbb3054033f0b7ee9bb002fd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TU", + "Temple", + "Temple University, Philadelphia" + ], + "answer": "Temple University", + "answer_id": "m.01jt2w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Gettysburg College, main campus", + "Gettysburg" + ], + "answer": "Gettysburg College", + "answer_id": "m.02hft3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Johns Hopkins University, main campus", + "Johns Hopkins", + "JHU", + "Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore" + ], + "answer": "Johns Hopkins University", + "answer_id": "m.09kvv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jerry spinelli", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:14:46", + "machine_question": "where did the artist aword nominated for Maniac Magee go to college", + "question": "What college did the artist who had \"Maniac Magee\" nominated for an award go to?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0857g1 . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2525", + "webqsp_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2150_b90deee5f877e7e0d697149077eb0aec", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Belize", + "answer_id": "m.0164b" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 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"PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059rby)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059rby ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number \"57303316\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-548", + "webqsp_question": "where is new york in the map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_65b9f50eb4913ca9f9a1e22ea9b00ffb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gimme a Break!", + "answer_id": "m.036y7h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and is the tv program has number of episodes largest", + "question": "Which tv show featuring Joey Lawrence has the largest number of episodes?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.number_of_episodes ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-270_4449720a6e25f3093a8065ae980f0221", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary monarchy" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.01q20" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:24:01", + "machine_question": "what kind of monarchy does japan have and in country Kingdom of Prussia", + "question": "Which type of monarchy does Japan have that is similar as the Kingdom of Prussia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_3d)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_3d ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ?c .\n?c ns:type.object.name \"Kingdom of Prussia\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-270", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of monarchy does japan have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3563_216d1f5d4149f19d634e237698c6d43e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dry Tortugas National" + ], + "answer": "Dry Tortugas National Park", + "answer_id": "m.02zjt1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Legoland Florida, Winter Haven" + ], + "answer": "Legoland Florida", + "answer_id": "m.0b6d60t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Downey" + ], + "answer": "Downey Park", + "answer_id": "m.0dl60w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Westfield Westland" + ], + "answer": "Westland Mall", + "answer_id": "m.0n53kv5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:09:48", + "machine_question": "where to go in the affected area of the cyclone 1848 Tampa Bay hurricane for vacation", + "question": "What vacation spots are located in the area affected by the 1848 cyclone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:meteorology.cyclone_affected_area.cyclones ns:m.0fsmqw . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_b7d507132473eac448dd5f4b20b774f4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Las Vegas, Nevada", + "Vegas", + "Sin City", + "Clark County / Las Vegas city" + ], + "answer": "Las Vegas", + "answer_id": "m.0cv3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does joey king live and the location GNIS feature ID is smallest", + "question": "What home of Joey King has the smallest location GNIS feature ID?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE 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DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.thetvdb_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 76679) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_0ba24f93c7656006caaeb3544e7ee358", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The End of the World", + "The Apocalypse" + ], + "answer": "This Is the End", + "answer_id": "m.0hz4j2j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and is the movie that Emma Watson played in", + "question": "Which is the movie that both Rihanna and Emma Watson were in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.starring ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.0134w7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1804_e0133b074487245b89f042f1b8e39568", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Germany", + "Bundesrepublik Deutschland", + "BRD", + "Deutschland" + ], + "answer": "Germany", + "answer_id": "m.0345h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:36", + "machine_question": "what countries are part of nato and is the country thar has the airline V Bird", + "question": "What country is a member of NATO and home to V Bird airline?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059dn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059dn ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.contains ?c .\n?c ns:aviation.airport.hub_for ns:m.05zbq0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1804", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are part of nato" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_fe06c5a92e0219525f1703c48dbe6e6d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "St. Louis County / Hibbing city", + "Hibbing, Minnesota" + ], + "answer": "Hibbing", + "answer_id": "m.0wjjx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Duluth", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Duluth, Minnesota", + "St. Louis County / Duluth city" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0h1k6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "Hennepin County / Minneapolis city" + ], + "answer": "Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and the population number is less than 388101", + "question": "Where did Bob Dylan live where there is a population smaller than 388101?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 388101) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1383_b0e1739fb9b7870b02584aca8e362356", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u00cdslenska", + "Icelandic", + "Islenska" + ], + "answer": "Icelandic Language", + "answer_id": "m.01gmkg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "iceland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:39", + "machine_question": "what language does people in the location where the film \"Metalhead\" takes place speak", + "question": "The people in the location where the film \"Metalhead\" took place in spoke which language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0wysk_5 . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1383", + "webqsp_question": "what language does people in iceland speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-63_0cbc51673f0e370dd17e45d39201d980", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Alexander Sacha Simon Gervasi" + ], + "answer": "Sacha Gervasi", + "answer_id": "m.08f647" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and that work as Film director", + "question": "Who is the film director that is in the band Bush?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01727v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01727v ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.profession ns:m.02jknp . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-648_765336ce498563d83d62643fccdd19e1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Asia", + "answer_id": "m.0j0k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "israel", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:43:36", + "machine_question": "what continent does the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Knesset belong to", + "question": "On which continent is Knesset a governmental body?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR 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ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 2221817) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-426", + "webqsp_question": "where is giza pyramids located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1793_4cf55de92667f2db566bd1fd11e01a16", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Arsenal", + "The Gunners", + "Woolwich Arsenal", + "Arsenal Gunners", + "Dial Square", + "Arsenal", + "Arsenal Football Club", + "Arsenal FC" + ], + "answer": "Arsenal F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.0xbm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:34:59", + "machine_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for and is the team that the player Thierry Henry played with", + "question": "What club did both Santi Cazorla and Thierry Henry play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0264yjz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0264yjz ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:soccer.football_team.borrowed_players ?c .\n?c ns:soccer.football_player_loan.player ns:m.01g562 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1793", + "webqsp_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2150_3eb6a85ead4545e03af15ce4d82e1eea", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Guatemala." + ], + "answer": "Guatemala", + "answer_id": "m.0345_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 countries does mexico border and the location's emissions per capita in dated metric ton is 0.314817", + "question": "Which of the three countries that border Mexico has a emissions per capita dated metric ton of 0.314817?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0b90_r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0b90_r ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.co2_emissions_per_capita ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_metric_ton.number \"0.314817\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2150", + "webqsp_question": "what 3 countries does mexico border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_254e46d69f5d2f296a788dfbdc795a30", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hillsong Church", + "answer_id": "m.0j2r2w2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Old Ultimo Powerhouse" + ], + "answer": "Sydney Opera House", + "answer_id": "m.02x7mq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Featherdale Wildlife" + ], + "answer": "Featherdale Wildlife Park", + "answer_id": "m.0cj82q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sydney Opera", + "Powerhouse" + ], + "answer": "Powerhouse Museum", + "answer_id": "m.06_nm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Australian National Maritime" + ], + "answer": "Australian National Maritime Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0j65cht" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the structure opened after 1950", + "question": "Which tourist attractions in Sydney, Australia opened after 1950?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1950\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2108_85be57e1d51fc4ce310c120cba0e6e64", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Heather", + "answer_id": "m.0cg926d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "avril lavigne", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:17:34", + "machine_question": "who does the artist which recorded Best Years of Our Lives play in over the hedge", + "question": "Which character in Over the Hedge is played by the recording artist for Best Years of Our Lives?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0nlwt2h . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.080_x_ .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2108", + "webqsp_question": "who does avril lavigne play in over the hedge" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2998_2e02d0efd9eda996992bc12d499776f1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Teacher", + "answer_id": "m.01d30f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Choreographer", + "answer_id": "m.02h6n_q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Film actress", + "Movie actress", + "Movie actor", + "Actress", + "Film actor", + "Theatre Actor" + ], + "answer": "Actor", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh1q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ellen albertini dow", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:31:33", + "machine_question": "who is the artist which recorded Rapper's Delight (medley)", + "question": "Who was the artist who recorded \"Rapper's Delight (medley)\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0ngyqh . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2998", + "webqsp_question": "who is ellen albertini dow" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3287_c0ebf14656701dfcb57acec712c98d4a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Swedish krona", + "answer_id": "m.0485n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sweden", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:17:44", + "machine_question": "what is the currency of the country where Swedish Sign Language is spoken called", + "question": "What currency is used in the country where the deaf use Swedish Sign Language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.02zb99n . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3287", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency of sweden called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2213_d74a6b63f24b4021227bfdf0026fd91c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Continental Navy", + "answer_id": "m.0268nz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:32:23", + "machine_question": "who did john paul jones fight for and that was featured in the work Famous American Admirals", + "question": "What institution featured in the work \"Famous American Admirals\" did John Paul Jones fight for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.045bz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.045bz ns:military.military_person.service ?y .\n?y ns:military.military_service.military_force ?x .\n?x ns:book.book_subject.works ns:m.04w6t7f . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2213", + "webqsp_question": "who did john paul jones fight for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_93be2f3dbb3fd05bdc8711bd95e5c7b9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and film casting director was John Brace", + "question": "What movie starred Rihanna and had John Brace as its film casting director?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_casting_director ns:m.0ccjqsy . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2774_13c7c9689c00a12be220b8d9b7f8dadd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New jack swing", + "answer_id": "m.021_z5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "Modern R&B" + ], + "answer": "Contemporary R&B", + "answer_id": "m.025sc50" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Disco music" + ], + "answer": "Disco", + "answer_id": "m.026z9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Motown Sound", + "answer_id": "m.02bqnt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Electronic" + ], + "answer": "Electronic music", + "answer_id": "m.02lkt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dance-pop", + "answer_id": "m.02lnbg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Adult contemporary" + ], + "answer": "Adult contemporary music", + "answer_id": "m.02vjzr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Funk music" + ], + "answer": "Funk", + "answer_id": "m.02x8m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Post Disco" + ], + "answer": "Post-disco", + "answer_id": "m.03c34yl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pop rock", + "answer_id": "m.05bt6j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pop", + "pop" + ], + "answer": "Pop music", + "answer_id": "m.064t9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u05e8\u05d5\u05e7", + "Rock" + ], + "answer": "Rock music", + "answer_id": "m.06by7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "RnB" + ], + "answer": "Rhythm and blues", + "answer_id": "m.06j6l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dance" + ], + "answer": "Dance music", + "answer_id": "m.0ggx5q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Soul" + ], + "answer": "Soul music", + "answer_id": "m.0gywn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "michael jackson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:03:15", + "machine_question": "what kind of music did the artist which recorded Whatzupwitu sing", + "question": "Which genre of music did the artist who recorded Whatzupwitu sing?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0sh9869 . \n?c ns:music.artist.genre ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2774", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of music did michael jackson sing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_22837422e25cf0a05cb0efba9aa80402", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker bell 4", + "Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods", + "Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker Bell: A Winter Story" + ], + "answer": "Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings", + "answer_id": "m.0crfwmx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and involves organization National Film Board of Canada", + "question": "What films were involved with the National Film Board of Canada and feature actress Lucy Hale?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ?c .\n?c ns:organization.organization_sector.organizations_in_this_sector ns:m.014l4w . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_a1f05a76dfbcc49335c984eb35019c6f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Magyarorsz\u00e1g", + "Hungary, Europe" + ], + "answer": "Hungary", + "answer_id": "m.03gj2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and the 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"2017-10-25T22:12:50", + "machine_question": "what sports do they do in canada and is the sports team was founded before 2008", + "question": "What sports team plays a popular sport in Canada and was founded before 2008?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:sports.sports_team_location.teams ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2008\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-441", + "webqsp_question": "what sports do they do in canada" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-408_2d50d176a634219c39c76beaa946a488", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "George F. L. Charles Airport", + "answer_id": "m.02zrg2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "st lucia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:05:51", + "machine_question": "what airport is closest to sandals grande in the country where Saint Lucian Creole French Language is spoken", + "question": "Which airport is located to Sandals Grande within the nation that speaks Saint Lucian Creole French?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.05sx54d . \n?c ns:location.location.nearby_airports ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-408", + "webqsp_question": "what airport is closest to sandals grande in st lucia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3629_384ed622fab384974f2469ecba6710b9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Roman emperor", + "answer_id": "m.01g14w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:15:41", + "machine_question": "what was caesar augustus known for and is the goverment office held by Constantine XI Palaiologos", + "question": "Name the political office held by both Caesar Augustus and Constantine XI Palaiologos.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0ngg)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0ngg ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n?x ns:government.government_office_category.officeholders ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.0h7qj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3629", + "webqsp_question": "what was caesar augustus known for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-648_15f3741a2f90a3d0f955fc5f971c8f16", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Asia", + "answer_id": "m.0j0k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "israel", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:43:36", + "machine_question": "what continent does the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Deputy Minister of Defense of Israel belong to", + "question": "There is a unique position known as the Deputy Minister of Defense of Israel; which continent is his governmental jurisdiction located in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.01151swl . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-648", + "webqsp_question": "what continent does israel belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_3dd666cc5b96cfebc2a0ffb38ed94938", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted before 1986", + "question": "What home of Laura Ingalls Wilder had a governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted prior to 1986?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01bt87)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1986\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_b7404492924171c47958ecb12b3348b5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guam", + "answer_id": "m.034tl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fort Sheridan, Illinois", + "Fort Sheridan Historic District" + ], + "answer": "Fort Sheridan", + "answer_id": "m.035r6b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "S Dak", + "Mount Rushmore State", + "SD" + ], + "answer": "South Dakota", + "answer_id": "m.06mz5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "UT", + "Beehive State" + ], + "answer": "Utah", + "answer_id": "m.07srw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / South Pasadena city", + "South Pasadena, California" + ], + "answer": "South Pasadena", + "answer_id": "m.0r0_5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Duarte city", + "Duarte, California" + ], + "answer": "Duarte", + "answer_id": "m.0r06n" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Stillwater, Minnesota", + "Washington County / Stillwater 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\"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-834_3d84ddaa55002207fd7347663e655a6a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "United States Secretary of State", + "answer_id": "m.07y07" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hillary clinton", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:05:46", + "machine_question": "what office does the author who published editions for Historia viva hold", + "question": "What political office is held by the author of \"Historia viva?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04tt62j . \n?c ns:base.government2.appointed_official.appointments ?y .\n?y ns:people.appointment.appointed_role ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-834", + "webqsp_question": "what office does 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"WebQTrn-3437_0d0b507c443b11e065c3dbf208eefbea", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Turkey", + "T\u00fcrkiye", + "Turkiye" + ], + "answer": "Turkey", + "answer_id": "m.01znc_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and is the country that has Zonguldak Province as a second level devision", + "question": "What country with Zonguldak Province as its second division speaks Arabic?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.01nbgn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1809_2948c57384d9cf906a7f1066dddf338b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hardin County", + "answer_id": "m.0mtch" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:50", + "machine_question": "where was the battle of shiloh and has commercial co2 emissions of 0.001638815", + "question": "Where was the Battle of Shiloh that also has commericial CO2 emissions of 0.001638815?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0127mr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0127mr ns:time.event.locations ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.co2_emissions_commercial ?c .\n?c ns:location.co2_emission.emissions \"0.001638815\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1809", + "webqsp_question": "where was the battle of shiloh" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1694_1e6d4aefe769586d47767d86ffdd20b5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ann Hathaway" + ], + "answer": "Anne Hathaway", + "answer_id": "m.03mzbg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shakespeare", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:16:59", + "machine_question": "what was the person who wrote the lyrics for \"Four Old English Songs, No. 3: Who Is Sylvia?\" 's wife called", + "question": "Who is married to the lyracist who wrote \"Four Old English Songs, No. 3: Who Is Sylvia?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0zkflnh . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1694", + "webqsp_question": "what was shakespeare 's wife called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1861_0c4b8853b2bb4bc2a5b6b813eb499445", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "greenland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:44:14", + "machine_question": "what continent is the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Hans Enoksen apart of", + "question": "On what continent is the country where Hans Enoksen holds a governmental office?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.019rgp . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mh .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1861", + "webqsp_question": "what continent is greenland apart of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1386_ffef8e9812a1ba730308eb606944b3b0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Malignant neoplasm" + ], + "answer": "Cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0qcr0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:38:11", + "machine_question": "what did the artist aword nominated for Hot Stuff die from", + "question": "What was the cause of death for the artist who was award nominated for \"Hot Stuff\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.014brgq . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1386", + "webqsp_question": "what did donna summers die from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_8bb131f101e71d906d4a6dd2dbed06f7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and country that its nomianl gdp per capita is 36000.0", + "question": "which country with a nominal gdp per capita of 36000.0 borders slovakia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.gdp_nominal_per_capita ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_money_value.amount \"36000.0\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1793_c53163b78442961c1ede93408489859b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Arsenal", + "The Gunners", + "Woolwich Arsenal", + "Arsenal Gunners", + "Dial Square", + "Arsenal", + "Arsenal 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"composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted after 1933", + "question": "In which state, where the governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted after 1933, did Laura Ingalls Wilder live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01bt87)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1933\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_a5e7dade5263ea25589103a204943bde", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Miley Cyrus: Tongue Tied", + "answer_id": "m.010ls0tb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Hana Montana: filmas", + "Hannah Montana - The Movie", + "Hannah Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hanna Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hannah Montana: I tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert", + "answer_id": "m.03ck042" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sonic the Hedgehog", + "answer_id": "m.042w0v2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High School Musical 2: Sing It All Or Nothing!" + ], + "answer": "High School Musical 2", + "answer_id": "m.0bc5ny" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lola", + "LOL: Laughing Out Loud", + "LOL", + "LOL - Pazza del mio migliore amico", + "Summer. 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Love", + "L.O.L." + ], + "answer": "LOL", + "answer_id": "m.0cmddrx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Radio Disney Party Jams: The Concert", + "answer_id": "m.0crsmk2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The World According to Miley Cyrus", + "answer_id": "m.0cs2t3x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "So Undercover", + "answer_id": "m.0g56xqy" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Family Bond", + "answer_id": "m.0swngjg" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rock Mafia Presents: The Big Bang", + "answer_id": "m.0w1x037" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "miley cyrus", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did the person that said \"Pink isn't just a color, it's an attitude!\" play in", + "question": "What was the movie in which someone said \"Pink isn't just a color, it's an attitude?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.04g4mwf . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_2ecd1fdee75292e633fd269dcbc4db06", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "A bostonian", + "Henri Le Rennet", + "Edgar Allan Po\u00eb", + "Edgar Allen Poe", + "Edgar Poe", + "Edgar A. Perry", + "Edgar A. Po\u00eb", + "E.A. Poe", + "Poe", + "Edgar A. Poe" + ], + "answer": "Edgar Allan Poe", + "answer_id": "m.02lt8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "G.W.F. Hegel", + "G W F Hegel", + "Hegel", + "G. W. F. Hegel" + ], + "answer": "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", + "answer_id": "m.039n1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "O.FO.F.W.W.", + "Wilde Oscar", + "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde", + "Oskar Uayld", + "Wills Wilde", + "Osc\u00e0r", + "Grey Crow", + "The infamous St. Oscar of Oxford", + "Sebastian Melmoth", + "Oscar Wilde ", + "C.3.3.", + "Fingal O'Flahertie Wills", + "Oscar O'Flahertie Wills Wilde" + ], + "answer": "Oscar Wilde", + "answer_id": "m.05np2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Waldo Emerson Ralph", + "Waldo Ralph Emerson" + ], + "answer": "Ralph Waldo Emerson", + "answer_id": "m.06jkm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jedediah Cleishbotham", + "Malachi Malagrowther", + "Scott, Sir Walter" + ], + "answer": "Walter Scott", + "answer_id": "m.06y8v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Henry Thoreau", + "Thoreau, Henry David", + "Thoreau" + ], + "answer": "Henry David Thoreau", + "answer_id": "m.0bwx3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "whitman", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced the person who wrote the lyrics for \"Dirge for two veterans\" 's poetry", + "question": "The person who wrote the lyrics for \"Dirge for two veterans\" was influenced by what?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0g8p0t5 . \n?c ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_b4d8bc04e0aceffcd46a826bf3c7ec92", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Zion National" + ], + "answer": "Zion National Park", + "answer_id": "m.01626x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:31:32", + "machine_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah and that were established earliest", + "question": "Which of the attractions in Salt Lake City, UT was established earliest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f2r6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f2r6 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:protected_sites.protected_site.date_established ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1405", + "webqsp_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-314_56c15ef444ebafc0c06e703a4f1b557e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Circumcision", + "answer_id": "m.01zky" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:53:31", + "machine_question": "what do abrahamic religions have in common and is subject of the film Partly Private", + "question": "What is the theme of the movie Partly Private, and is commonplace in Abrahamic religions?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f_h6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f_h6 ns:religion.religion.practices ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.05sqd0x . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-314", + "webqsp_question": "what do abrahamic religions have in common" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1081_4c79067ed17734dc60e3211489003b0b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Iowa State University, Ames", + "Iowa State University, main campus", + "Iowa State", + "ISU" + ], + "answer": "Iowa State University", + "answer_id": "m.03v6t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Simpson College, main campus", + "Simpson College, Indianola", + "Simpson" + ], + "answer": "Simpson College", + "answer_id": "m.01xssh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:29:02", + "machine_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage and is the university that has number of undergraduates greater than 1485", + "question": "Which institutions of higher education attended by George Washington Carver have more than 1485 undergraduates?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03djm)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03djm ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_undergraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 1485) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1081", + "webqsp_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_89e85b5115c021e030337755b3488837", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 3D", + "Harry Potter i insygnia smierci: Czesc II", + "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to shi no hih\u00f4: Part 2", + "\u0425\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u044a\u0440 \u0438 \u0434\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u0441\u043c\u044a\u0440\u0442\u0442\u0430: \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442 2", + "Harry Potter und die Heiligt\u00fcmer des Todes - Teil 2", + "Hari Poter i relikviite na smrtta: 2 del", + "Harri Potter i Smertel'ni Relikviji: Chastyna 2", + "Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea II", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte - Parte 2", + "Hari Poter i Relikvije Smrti: II deo", + "\u039f \u03a7\u03ac\u03c1\u03b9 \u03a0\u03cc\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1 \u03ba\u03b1\u03b9 \u03bf\u03b9 \u039a\u03bb\u03ae\u03c1\u03bf\u03b9 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u0398\u03b1\u03bd\u03ac\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5: \u039c\u03ad\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2 2\u03bf", + "Harry Potter ja kuoleman varjelukset: osa 2", + "Harry Potter 7-2", + "Harry Potter e i doni della morte: Parte II", + "Harry Potter i darovi smrti 2. dio", + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort: 2\u00e8me partie", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte 2", + "Harry Potter 7-2 (3D)", + "Harry Potter a dary smrti II", + "Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 2. del", + "Harry Potter e as Rel\u00edquias da Morte: Parte 2", + "Harry Potter ve \u00d6l\u00fcm Yadig\u00e2rlari: B\u00f6l\u00fcm 2", + "Harry Potter ja surma v\u00e4gised: Osa 2", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a Hal\u00e1l erekly\u00e9i 2. r\u00e9sz", + "Harry Potter e os Talism\u00e3s da Morte: Parte 2", + "O Harry Potter kai oi kliroi tou Thanatou: Meros 2o", + "Harry 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Potter dan Relikui Kematian Bagian ke-2" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows \u2013 Part 2", + "answer_id": "m.0gvsynb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and is the film was released latest", + "question": "What is the most recent Harry Potter film in the series to be released?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.initial_release_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_b67524255490b93db0c88d74d2d144a7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Netherlands", + "Nederlands", + "Holland", + "Nederland", + "Hollanti" + ], + "answer": "Netherlands", + "answer_id": "m.059j2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and is the country that has an internet top level domain of nl", + "question": "What EU country has an internet top level domain of nl?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.internet_tld ns:m.01sqdz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3772_79ee4c5d31170a2a4638a4fa603f0b52", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "rouble" + ], + "answer": "Russian ruble", + "answer_id": "m.01hy_q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:40:47", + "machine_question": "what do you call the area in which the newspaper Zhivoye Dyelo is circulated currency", + "question": "What currency is used in the region where the newspaper Zhivoye Dyelo is circulated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.02v_csk . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3772", + "webqsp_question": "what do you call russian currency" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1816_add926a35447f633156c3f6f5d6929f0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Peter L\u00f6wenbr\u00e4u Griffin" + ], + "answer": "Peter Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.03n6jv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:37:04", + "machine_question": "what part does seth macfarlane play in family guy and that who was born in Mexico", + "question": "What Mexican-born Family Guy character was played my Seth Macfarlane?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.019nnl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.019nnl ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ns:m.021yw7 .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.place_of_birth ns:m.0b90_r . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1816", + "webqsp_question": "what part does seth macfarlane play in family guy" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_d3fcc27f6780eff0ae812eae166cdbf7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 3D", + "Harry Potter i insygnia smierci: Czesc II", + "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to shi no hih\u00f4: Part 2", + "\u0425\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u044a\u0440 \u0438 \u0434\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u0441\u043c\u044a\u0440\u0442\u0442\u0430: \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442 2", + "Harry Potter und die Heiligt\u00fcmer des Todes - Teil 2", + "Hari Poter i relikviite na smrtta: 2 del", + "Harri Potter i Smertel'ni Relikviji: Chastyna 2", + "Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea II", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte - Parte 2", + "Hari Poter i Relikvije Smrti: II deo", + "\u039f \u03a7\u03ac\u03c1\u03b9 \u03a0\u03cc\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1 \u03ba\u03b1\u03b9 \u03bf\u03b9 \u039a\u03bb\u03ae\u03c1\u03bf\u03b9 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u0398\u03b1\u03bd\u03ac\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5: \u039c\u03ad\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2 2\u03bf", + "Harry Potter ja kuoleman varjelukset: osa 2", + "Harry Potter 7-2", + "Harry Potter e i doni della morte: Parte II", + "Harry Potter i darovi smrti 2. dio", + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort: 2\u00e8me partie", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte 2", + "Harry Potter 7-2 (3D)", + "Harry Potter a dary smrti II", + "Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 2. del", + "Harry Potter e as Rel\u00edquias da Morte: Parte 2", + "Harry Potter ve \u00d6l\u00fcm Yadig\u00e2rlari: B\u00f6l\u00fcm 2", + "Harry Potter ja surma v\u00e4gised: Osa 2", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a Hal\u00e1l erekly\u00e9i 2. r\u00e9sz", + "Harry Potter e os Talism\u00e3s da Morte: Parte 2", + "O Harry Potter kai oi kliroi tou Thanatou: Meros 2o", + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort - 2\u00e8me partie", + "Harry Potter a relikvie smrti: c\u00e1st 2", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dsregalierne - del 2", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte 3D (2\u00aa Parte)", + "Haris Poteris ir mirties relikvijos - 2 dalis", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte: Parte 2", + "Harry Potter veotzarot hamavet - helek 2", + "Harry Potter og dau\u00f0adj\u00e1snin - 2. hluti", + "Haeri Poteowa jugeumui seongmul - 2bu", + "\u0446\u042e\u041f\u041f\u0401 \u043e\u041d\u0420\u0420\u0415\u041f \u0420\u042e \u044f\u041b\u0415\u041f\u0420\u0415\u041a\u042d\u041c\u0401 \u043f\u0415\u041a\u0401\u0419\u0411\u0401\u00a9: \u0412\u042e\u042f\u0420\u0425\u041c\u042e 2", + "Harry Potter och d\u00f6dsrelikerna, del 2", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dstalismanene - del 2", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u0414\u0430\u0440\u044b \u0441\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0438: \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c II", + "Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian Bagian ke-2" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows \u2013 Part 2", + "answer_id": "m.0gvsynb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and had a prequel named Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I", + "question": "What Harry Potter movie followed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.prequel ns:m.02pth35 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1907_e2fe46c2b3014b31a6a302dfdea9778b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College", + "Louisiana State", + "Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College", + "Baton Rouge Louisiana State University", + "LSU", + "Louisiana State University, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Louisiana State University", + "answer_id": "m.01pl14" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:52:17", + "machine_question": "where did david duke go to college and is the university that has number of postgraduates smallest", + "question": "Which of the colleges attended by David Duke has the smallest number of postgraduate students enrolled at the university?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bpjk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bpjk ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_postgraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1907", + "webqsp_question": "where did david duke go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-73_ac573120b9041418777752b4ce106c4e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom" + ], + "answer": "Monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.04szc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:32", + "machine_question": "what form of government was practiced in sparta and the country capital is Coimbra", + "question": "What form of government was practiced in Coimbra, the capital of Sparta?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.09472)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.09472 ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ?c .\n?c ns:location.country.capital ns:m.0217lt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-73", + "webqsp_question": "what form of government was practiced in sparta" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2259_cba082b234c28b8473efa91eafdf177d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "News Corp" + ], + "answer": "News Corporation", + "answer_id": "m.0sxdg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:38:44", + "machine_question": "what does rupert murdoch own 2012 and is the parent company of 21st Century Fox", + "question": "In 2012, which company owned by Rupert Murdoch was the parent company of 21st Century Fox?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06hrk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06hrk ns:organization.organization_founder.organizations_founded ?x .\n?x ns:organization.organization.spin_offs ?c .\n?c ns:organization.organization_spin_off.child_company ns:m.0n_hqj6 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2259", + "webqsp_question": "what does rupert murdoch own 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1632_9d564348c6e6476909f31f7578372624", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, New York City" + ], + "answer": "Third County Courthouse", + "answer_id": "m.01q6lq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Verrazano\u2013Narrows Bridge", + "answer_id": "m.04n4tlq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:14:20", + "machine_question": "what to see 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the sights to see in Madrid, which has the exhibition venue that opened earliest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.056_y)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.056_y ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:exhibitions.exhibition_venue.exhibitions_at_this_venue ?c .\n?c ns:exhibitions.exhibition_run.opened_on ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-243_0962d21973c92afeb72bb933bd4419a0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Drawing", + "answer_id": "m.02csf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Painting", + "answer_id": "m.05qdh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Photography", + "answer_id": "m.05wkw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sculpture", + "answer_id": "m.06msq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "salvador dali", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:41:40", + "machine_question": "what style of art is the person that said \"Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.\"", + "question": "What artistic genre is associated with this line's author: \"Have no fear of perfection - you'll never reach it.\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.03569bz . \n?c ns:visual_art.visual_artist.art_forms ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-243", + "webqsp_question": "what style of art is salvador dali" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_909a461bad3d4430117da41a3ff3ff5a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Joseph Thomas" + ], + "answer": "Joe Thomas", + "answer_id": "m.0fjtlw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and that 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Girls! Girls!\" takes place", + "question": "In the location where the movie \"Girls! Girls! Girls!\" takes place, what is the timezone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.05td37 . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1915", + "webqsp_question": "what is time zone in hawaii" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3346_044005eeedb4c71748ab7d6b9e98b4fa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Beach Hotel", + "answer_id": "m.027tlcs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Ski Dubai", + "answer_id": "m.0bsbx_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dubai fountain" + ], + "answer": "The Dubai Fountain", + "answer_id": "m.06zn69y" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Dubai Mall", + "answer_id": "m.0bxdn4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:29:14", + "machine_question": "what are the places to see in dubai and is the structure opened before 2010-01-04", + "question": "What is the structure opened before 01-04-2010 and is an attraction in Dubai?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f08r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f08r ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2010-01-04\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3346", + "webqsp_question": "what are the places to see in dubai" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_9b403279ce33759325317d9de5030d6b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Principality of Liechtenstein", + "F\u00fcrstentum Liechtenstein" + ], + "answer": "Liechtenstein", + "answer_id": "m.04j53" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and the country calling code is largest", + "question": "Which of the German-speaking countries has the largest country calling code?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1522_2dd3df4a1dcb2f5b9b37694fa4e573d9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "La Caja Negra de Darwin" + ], + "answer": "Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution", + "answer_id": "m.0502mx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:59:37", + "machine_question": "what is the work of charles darwin and that was written by Michael Behe", + "question": "What did Michael Behe write that was about the work of Charles Darwin?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01lwx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01lwx ns:book.book_subject.works ?x .\n?x ns:book.written_work.author ns:m.019ftf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1522", + "webqsp_question": "what is the work of charles darwin" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-833_008508d0bbe905ba355ced93a6435841", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:49:30", + "machine_question": "what is the main language used in the location where the film \"The Runaway Troupe of the Cartesian Theater\" takes place", + "question": "What language is spoken in the place that serves as the location for the film \"The Runaway Troupe of the Cartesian Theater\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0xn1_v_ . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-833", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main language used in china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1529_972ff3b20f92d897539378b8693d059a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Makuxi", + "Macusi", + "Macushi", + "Makusi", + "Makushi", + "Teweya", + "Teueia", + "Macussi" + ], + "answer": "Macushi Language", + "answer_id": "m.026ztd1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wapitxana", + "Wapichana", + "Wapisiana", + "Wapishiana", + "Wapixiana", + "Uapixana", + "Wapixi\u00e1na", + "Wapichan", + "Wapisana", + "Wapishana", + "Vapidiana", + "Wapixana", + "Wapishshiana" + ], + "answer": "Wapishana Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hwv5d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ingariko", + "Patamona language", + "Eremagok", + "Kapon", + "Patamona" + ], + "answer": "Patamona Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxg9j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kalinya", + "Carib", + "Carib language", + "Maraworno", + "Kali'na", + "Kalihna", + "Galib\u00ed", + "Galibi", + "Caribe", + "Marworno", + "Cari\u00f1a" + ], + "answer": "Carib Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxgv4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Warrau", + "Warau", + "Guarauno", + "Warao", + "Guarao" + ], + "answer": "Warao Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxhnv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Uaieue", + "Ouayeone", + "Waiwai", + "Uaiuai", + "Parukota" + ], + "answer": "Waiwai Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxq7p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Waic\u00e1", + "Acawayo", + "Akawaio", + "Ingarik\u00f3", + "Acahuayo", + "Akawai", + "Kapon", + "Acewaio" + ], + "answer": "Akawaio Language", + "answer_id": "m.048dyk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Portuguese", + "Portugese", + "Portuguese language", + "Portugu\u00eas" + ], + "answer": "Portuguese Language", + "answer_id": "m.05zjd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Arawak", + "answer_id": "m.0hc2x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "guyana", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:00:02", + "machine_question": "what does the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title President of Guyana speak", + "question": "What languages is spoken in the governmental jurisdiction where the government includes a position called President of Guyana?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.010r4zq7 . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1529", + "webqsp_question": "what does guyana speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_abedab951560a2fe7398ae0d879d84e3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Milton Ernest Rauschenberg" + ], + "answer": "Robert Rauschenberg", + "answer_id": "m.01sj_s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and that was born in Port Arthur", + "question": "Who was born in Port Arthur and influenced Andy Warhol?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.place_of_birth ns:m.013mzh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_2782e64be174c6b23c5668cc291af47f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician that started tenure after 1834", + "question": "What politician who began their tenure after 1834 influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1834\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_6cba8f552252b252e0e6b3cc39b1aad7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SC", + "Palmetto State" + ], + "answer": "South Carolina", + "answer_id": "m.06yxd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:42:23", + "machine_question": "where is usc from and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted earliest", + "question": "What home of USC is a governmental jurisdiction with the earliest adapted location symbol?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03tw2s)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03tw2s ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_c263e22d610359f2c2d09c47f67b873d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and ended governmental position after 2009-06-23", + "question": "Which 2012 leaders of France ended their positions after June 23, 2009?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"2009-06-23\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_eec12f71d62f9e0c87f9b05e82829d9d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Y\u00ec J\u012bng", + "Zhouyi", + "Classic of Changes", + "Book of Changes" + ], + "answer": "I Ching", + "answer_id": "m.03ydb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:21", + "machine_question": "what is the holy book in taoism and that is in the genre of Chinese classics", + "question": "What Taoism holy book is part of the Chinese classics?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07gvx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07gvx ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n?x ns:book.book.genre ns:m.021wb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1949_0fdb16a6697b7d33f68a2477ea7efe04", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri General Assembly", + "answer_id": "m.02zxrn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Court of Appeals", + "answer_id": "m.03qj7vv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Senate", + "answer_id": "m.0694qd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri House of Representatives", + "answer_id": "m.069kvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:59:12", + "machine_question": "what is the legislature of the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Missouri House of Representatives called", + "question": "What is the legislature of the jurisdictional that has a governmental body named the Missouri House of Representatives?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.069kvr . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government_bodies ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1949", + "webqsp_question": "what is the legislature of missouri called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1563_9b1129f886de513cf07f3f7516b30442", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Central Standard Time", + "Central Time", + "Central Daylight Time", + "Central Standard Time Zone" + ], + "answer": "Central Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02fqwt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:05:53", + "machine_question": "what timezone is the state of texas and in the time zone of San Juan del R\u00c3\u00ado Municipality, Quer\u00c3\u00a9taro", + "question": "In what time zone is San Juan del Rio Municipality, Quer\u00c3\u00a9taro in Texas?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07b_l)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07b_l ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n?x ns:time.time_zone.locations_in_this_time_zone ns:g.1yl47jj8k . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1563", + "webqsp_question": "what timezone is the state of texas" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_f30448fb592924eb90b421396e13a587", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and is the politician that started tenure earliest", + "question": "Which 2012 leader of France started his tenure earliest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.from ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-441_0e1a7600e60682b064090e01c8c228db", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SpiderTech-Planet Energy", + "Spidertech Powered By Planet Energy" + ], + "answer": "SpiderTech-C10", + "answer_id": "m.0bmkh28" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:12:50", + "machine_question": "what sports do they do in canada and is the sports team was founded after 1912", + "question": "What sports team was founded after 1912 and is in Canada?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:sports.sports_team_location.teams ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1912\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-441", + "webqsp_question": "what sports do they do in canada" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2873_08e3cec2aa38f6d300fb28f5718129ba", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:15:52", + "machine_question": "where does hector camacho live and where Ben Ratliff was born", + "question": "What is the city of residence for Hector Camacho and also the birthplace of Ben Ratliff?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0lxcw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0lxcw ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ns:g.11r7pjh_v . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2873", + "webqsp_question": "where does hector camacho live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1355_05d28aa0a61e386be88f662f8efa90d8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u80e1\u9326\u6fe4", + "Jintao Hu", + "Hu Jin Tao", + "\u80e1\u9526\u6d9b" + ], + "answer": "Hu Jintao", + "answer_id": "m.013my_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:33:42", + "machine_question": "who runs the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Wu Xiaoling 2011", + "question": "In the jurisdiction where the government office holder was Wu Xioland in 2011, who runs that jurisdiction?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.04g702_ . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1355", + "webqsp_question": "who runs china 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1740_d4e751166dca0559713cf38bac98a9f9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "James Voight", + "Jamie", + "James Haven Voight" + ], + "answer": "James Haven", + "answer_id": "m.01mqg0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "angelina jolies", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:21:34", + "machine_question": "who is the actor that played in the film Salt 2 brother", + "question": "Who is the brother of the actor that played in Salt 2?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0w17ngp . \n?c ns:people.person.sibling_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.sibling_relationship.sibling ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.gender ns:m.05zppz .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1740", + "webqsp_question": "who is angelina jolies brother" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3390_41d6bc943fe6c4b0ca6580c31d61b8b4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Klara Hitler", + "answer_id": "m.0321wy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:38:24", + "machine_question": "what were hitler 's parents names and the person's date of death is after 1903-01-03", + "question": "Which of Hitler's parents died after 3 January 1903?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07_m9_)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07_m9_ ns:people.person.parents ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.date_of_death ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1903-01-03\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3390", + "webqsp_question": "what were hitler 's parents names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_75abf87bc494c1e19b18281eaf0f143e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and its currency is United States Dollar", + "question": "In which place with a United States currency did Laura Ingalls Wilder live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01bt87)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.gdp_nominal ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_money_value.currency ns:m.09nqf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_dc16add47f1fe2c9637b9c4455a3842d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "G.W.F. 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Hegel" + ], + "answer": "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", + "answer_id": "m.039n1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is a Psychiatrist", + "question": "Which psychiatrist influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.influenced ?c .\n?c ns:people.person.profession ns:m.02p0s5r . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1816_681d3cc1ea84472510a4fceba6d16eb4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jehovah", + "Yahveh", + "Father God", + "God the Father", + "Almighty", + "The Lord", + "The Almighty", + "Voice of God", + "Supreme Being", + "God Almighty" + ], + "answer": "God", + "answer_id": "m.02nw87f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:37:04", + "machine_question": "what part does seth macfarlane play in family guy and also the actor Rodney Dangerfield", + "question": "What is the role played by Rodney Dangerfield which Seth Macfarlane also plays in Family Guy?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.019nnl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.019nnl ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ns:m.021yw7 .\n?x ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.015b67 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1816", + "webqsp_question": "what part does seth macfarlane play in family guy" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_1fef23c52658b0d04e54cfdab0d84822", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and location where a footbal player in a Placekicker position was born", + "question": "Where does Sam Shepard live; where a prominent football player in a Placekicker position was also born?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.football_player.position_s ns:m.047g8h . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_6f1d4092720bc47cf69a9003eb9d5531", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician started governmental position before 1861-03-07", + "question": "Which politician who started his position before 1861 was an influence on Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1861-03-07\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2401_14ab2260ec77ebd5b3b8f666efc08fc3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukrainian Hrivna" + ], + "answer": "Ukrainian hryvnia", + "answer_id": "m.035qkb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ukraine", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:57:19", + "machine_question": "what money is used in the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine", + "question": "That currency is used in the governmental jurisdiction where the government has a position called First Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.0_s0lrd . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2401", + "webqsp_question": "what money is used in ukraine" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_ea6d3f4b903b8572f0a11b0d81c740ac", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Peru", + "answer_id": "m.016wzw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + "answer_id": "m.0jgd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bolivia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does the place where breed Double-nosed Andean tiger hound originated in border", + "question": "What countries border the country of origin for the Double-nosed-Andean tiger hound?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.02x1tfx . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1684_04bae3a74e50c82867f517cb3799f2f0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Seneca", + "S\u00e9n\u00e8que", + "L SENECA", + "Lucius Annaeus Seneca", + "Lucius Seneca" + ], + "answer": "Seneca the Younger", + "answer_id": "m.0j_8y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:15:54", + "machine_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing and died from Poisoning", + "question": "Who was the person who influenced William Shakespeare to start writing that died from poisoning?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.081k8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.081k8 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ns:m.02nbls7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1684", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1212_a6da51fcd89e451b7c9eaccc1b7690bf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:12:29", + "machine_question": "what political system does the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Yury Chaika use", + "question": "What political system does the jurisdiction of Yury Chaika's office use?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.0kshns . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1212", + "webqsp_question": "what political system does russia use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_af9ed48928cf971bd9c7eee97c639b44", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jefferson County", + "answer_id": "m.0p03t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:56:45", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and has commercial co2 emissions of 0.089006319", + "question": "What county is home to Littleton and has co2 commercial emissions of 0.089006319?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0g8lsf)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0g8lsf ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.co2_emissions_commercial ?c .\n?c ns:location.co2_emission.emissions \"0.089006319\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2873_6a78e06c703d9f893423642a48c72550", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:15:52", + "machine_question": "where does hector camacho live and is the place in which Baxter Building is", + "question": "What place does Hector Camacho live that is also home to the Baxter Building?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0lxcw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0lxcw ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.contains ns:m.0ny_d . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2873", + "webqsp_question": "where does hector camacho live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_f72cb6b1904d83f8a0ca1dea005baf76", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richland County / Columbia city", + "Columbia, South Carolina", + "Columbia, SC" + ], + "answer": "Columbia", + "answer_id": "m.0fv_t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:42:23", + "machine_question": "where is usc from and is the country that has a county named Richland County", + "question": "From which country containing Richland County is USC from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03tw2s)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03tw2s ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.hud_county_place.county ns:m.0mvnx . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-677_d4c6d38fa61abdbb48f1fef7db338109", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Saxophone player" + ], + "answer": "Saxophone", + "answer_id": "m.06ncr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:49:10", + "machine_question": "what instrument does bela fleck play and invented by Adolphe Sax", + "question": "What instrument, invented by Adolphe Sax, does Bela Fleck play?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.017f9r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.017f9r ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.role ?x .\n?x ns:law.invention.inventor ns:m.013xf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-677", + "webqsp_question": "what instrument does bela fleck play" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_e9c5fa66fd6dbe1d6fd20cab6aeb4d19", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician that started tenure before 1864", + "question": "What politician who influenced Whitman's poetry began their governmental tenure prior to 1864?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1864\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_c606d81a0b9a8fe9f1a8a17239ebe8e2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Happy Smekday!" + ], + "answer": "Home", + "answer_id": "m.0mwfph8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and is of genere Stop motion", + "question": "Which Rihanna film was made in stop motion?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ?c .\n?c ns:media_common.media_genre.child_genres ns:m.06qln . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_622c4baddd49f55131f644af4fa9a551", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and ended governmental position before 1865-03-03", + "question": "What influencer of Whitman's poetry had a governmental position that ended prior to 3 March 1865?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1865-03-03\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-426_af19ebf5f0e50cf51f4d149d51326eaa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:45:54", + "machine_question": "where is giza pyramids located and number of people in the country's army is smallest", + "question": "In which country that contains the Giza Pyramids is the army the smallest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-426", + "webqsp_question": "where is giza pyramids located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_f3a1c6675eb8bb236b049311dc760eaf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and where Thomas Lechner was born", + "question": "Which German speaking country was Thomas Lechner born in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ns:g.112yg2_l1 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3287_91be1c2a7e72801d5f14dc1ff094a16f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Swedish krona", + "answer_id": "m.0485n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sweden", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:17:44", + "machine_question": "what is the currency of the place where breed Drever originated in called", + "question": "In the country where the breed Drever was originated what if the official currency that is used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.0282d_y . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3287", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency of sweden called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_d1640c74f5eaae776c51c800c4680f99", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "John Milton Cage", + "John Milton Cage Jr." + ], + "answer": "John Cage", + "answer_id": "m.0hgqq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and was also a peer of Buckminster Fuller", + "question": "Which peer of Buckmeister Fuller influenced Andy Warhol's work?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.peers ?c .\n?c ns:influence.peer_relationship.peers ns:m.019rd . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3271_aefa6ed2b29ac4dda25980b2832ed049", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Aymara" + ], + "answer": "Aymara language", + "answer_id": "m.01y5tq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mapuche", + "Mapudungu", + "Mapudungun", + "Araucano", + "Maputongo" + ], + "answer": "Mapudungun Language", + "answer_id": "m.01zn1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Easter Island", + "Pascuense", + "Rapa Nui" + ], + "answer": "Rapa Nui Language", + "answer_id": "m.0565hv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Puquina" + ], + "answer": "Puquina Language", + "answer_id": "m.09_sxt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chilean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:16:31", + "machine_question": "what does the location which contains the second level division Choapa Province people speak", + "question": "What languages are spoken in the place containing the second level division Choapa Province?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.027m6xw . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3271", + "webqsp_question": "what does chilean people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_f9be7ba1d786af3bca011eae68c4fa30", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and held a position until 1864-06-30", + "question": "Who help a position until 06/30/1864 and influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to \"1864-06-30\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_e7cf3811a567fa2616dd939f6c244f15", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", + "answer_id": "m.03176f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and the film netflix_id is less than 60022665", + "question": "Which of the Harry Potter films has a Netflix ID smaller than 60022665?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.netflix_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 60022665) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2601_e7321ee8823ef404d696d0e1a3c05f5e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Seahawks", + "answer_id": "m.051q5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Minnesota Vikings", + "answer_id": "m.070xg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:32:03", + "machine_question": "who did warren moon play for and is the sports team was founded after 1960", + "question": "Which teams for which Warren Moon played were founded prior to 1960?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01b0dl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01b0dl ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1960\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2601", + "webqsp_question": "who did warren moon play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_7962c1e8d585ebd667aacb3edad59a41", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "O.FO.F.W.W.", + "Wilde Oscar", + "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde", + "Oskar Uayld", + "Wills Wilde", + "Osc\u00e0r", + "Grey Crow", + "The infamous St. Oscar of Oxford", + "Sebastian Melmoth", + "Oscar Wilde ", + "C.3.3.", + "Fingal O'Flahertie Wills", + "Oscar O'Flahertie Wills Wilde" + ], + "answer": "Oscar Wilde", + "answer_id": "m.05np2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and was buried in Cimeti\u00c3\u00a8re parisien de Bagneux", + "question": "Who is the person who influenced Whitman's poetry and was buried in Cimeti\u00c3\u00a8re parisien de Bagneux?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_burial ns:m.02frdh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_af0cf33a6bff9c43bc329d80c5ac4776", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Deep Cove" + ], + "answer": "Fear Island", + "answer_id": "m.05pbjnr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and is in the Spanish Language", + "question": "What has featured Lucy Hale and was available in Spanish?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.language ns:m.06nm1 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2150_da0668978f10010c4f6ccaef61d0da3f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Belize", + "answer_id": "m.0164b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Guatemala." + ], + "answer": "Guatemala", + "answer_id": "m.0345_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 countries does the location where the film \"Frida\" takes place border", + "question": "What three countries border the location where the film \"Frida\" takes place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.02jxrw . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2150", + "webqsp_question": "what 3 countries does mexico border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1503_8d20236b97ad415d51a2ad13174cc8af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cuban peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p2z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Chavito" + ], + "answer": "Cuban convertible peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p6c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cuba", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:58:12", + "machine_question": "what kind of currency does the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title President of Cuba use", + "question": "The government run by the President of Cuba uses which currency?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.02kjwn . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1503", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of currency does cuba use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_97a6655f899fb95b62ba1d272c00dfe6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bulldog", + "Capote, Truman", + "Truman Garcia Capote", + "Mr. Capote", + "Truman Streckfus Persons" + ], + "answer": "Truman Capote", + "answer_id": "m.014dq7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and who also wrote Brooklyn Heights: A Personal Memoir", + "question": "Who wrote Brooklyn Heights: A personal 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langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.09gdy57 . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mh .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1861", + "webqsp_question": "what continent is greenland apart of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_b1f5456b83c75ed0165bc80fd6a5f2c6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles, California, USA", + "LA", + "Los Angeles, California", + "Los Angeles, USA", + "City of Angels", + "L.A.", + "Los Angeles County / Los Angeles city", + "Los Angeles, CA" + ], + "answer": "Los Angeles", + "answer_id": "m.030qb3t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does joey king live and contains Room 5 Lounge", + "question": "Which city is the home of Joey King and boasts the \"Room 5 Lounge\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03yk4pb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03yk4pb ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.contains ns:g.1tf3btb5 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3475_7d536ed4faecf8783859ff5ffe65847c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Old Continent" + ], + "answer": "Europe", + "answer_id": "m.02j9z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "danish", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:53:29", + "machine_question": "where is the country where Greenlandic language is spoken located", + "question": "Where is the location of the country where the Greelandic language is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.02_8gp . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3475", + "webqsp_question": "where is danish located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-952_c7c0c43db7b8fe860591acd9a66774e2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "alaska", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:11:14", + "machine_question": "what country does has an official symbol of North to the future belong to", + "question": "To what country does the North to the future belong as an official symbol?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.025smsc . \n?c ns:base.biblioness.bibs_location.country ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-952", + "webqsp_question": "what country does alaska belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_c3d4c3142d0561c7f517daf9b971d7be", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and was decorated by James Edward Ferrell Jr.", + "question": "What Liam Hemsworth movie featured James Edward Ferrell Jr. as decorator?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_set_decoration_by ns:m.09dwy2h . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-836_ffd1f22519fbae22bc0df629e800dd7a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sikhism", + "answer_id": "m.06yyp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:06:50", + "machine_question": "what are the major religions in uk and the religion of which Guru Nanak is a founding figure", + "question": "Of which major religion of the UK is Guru Nanak a founding figure?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.founding_figures ns:m.01ppyb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-836", + "webqsp_question": "what are the major religions in uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1011_c0be4f76a5397ba6d0d06f53905e504b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Tibetchamdo", + "Tibet-Chamdo", + "Thibet", + "Xizang Zizhiqu", + "Bod", + "Hsi-Tsang Tzu-Chih-Ch'U", + "Tubut", + "Sitsang", + "Xizang Zizhiqu (Tibet)", + "Xizang", + "Tibetan Autonomous Region", + "Tibet Autonomous Region", + "Hsi-Tsang Tzu-Chih-Ch\u2019\u00dc", + "Hsitsangtzuchihchu", + "T\u00fcb\u00fct" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0f8nf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "Tibet", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:17:39", + "machine_question": "where do they speak tibetan and the population number is less than 993885000", + "question": "What Tibetan speaking countries have a population of less than 993885000?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.064r7fk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.064r7fk ns:language.human_language.main_country ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 993885000) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1011", + "webqsp_question": "where do they speak tibetan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2873_b4158787d22a2b56c7dd3c6e41bb9947", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:15:52", + "machine_question": "where does hector camacho live and contains a neighborhood named Inwood", + "question": "Which residence of Hector Camacho has a neighborhood named Inwood?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0lxcw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0lxcw ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.place_with_neighborhoods.neighborhoods ns:m.011sj6 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2873", + "webqsp_question": "where does hector camacho live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_d3642c50580f04862490701906505742", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Conrad Nicholson Hilton, Jr.", + "Nicky", + "Conrad 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?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:g.11dyhvgv2 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-470", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonas brothers names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_9806a2f6416f4d1f272bc860e92b651b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo del Prado, Madrid", + "Prado Museum" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.01hlq3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in madrid and is the exhibition venue that opened on 2003-06-10", + "question": "What are the sights to see in Madrid that include the exhibition that opened on 2003-06-10?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.056_y)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.056_y ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:exhibitions.exhibition_venue.exhibitions_at_this_venue ?c .\n?c ns:exhibitions.exhibition_run.opened_on \"2003-06-10\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2711_55446dcd04c73520c9a5973c1df50aaa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jewish" + ], + "answer": "Judaism", + "answer_id": "m.03_gx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:50:04", + "machine_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe and the religion of which Sarah is a founding figure", + "question": "Which religion with a founding figure named Sarah is the main religion in Eastern Europe?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\n ns:m.09b69 ns:location.location.contains ?y1 . # Eastern Europe\n ?y1 ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp . # Country\n ?y1 ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:religion.religion.founding_figures ns:m.01b5wx . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-967_549761eca9c4f858651ea00f4f9c4abc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Ballistic trauma", + "answer_id": "m.02qnd1b" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Suicide", + "answer_id": "m.06z5s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hitler", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:12:05", + "machine_question": "what did the political appointer that had the title Commander in Chief of Home Forces use to kill himself", + "question": "What method did the Commander in Chief of Home Forces use to kill himself?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.07jrjrr . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-967", + "webqsp_question": "what did hitler use to kill himself" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_833153b0feee25982453ae34f2d1913d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Melissa & Joey", + "answer_id": "m.0b6kw6d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and the tv program \"thetvdb_id\" is largest", + "question": "Which Joey Lawrence tv show has the largest program \"thetvdb_id\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.thetvdb_id ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-677_eb6e73961259d25814d4cfd0b1a92c6b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Banjo", + "answer_id": "m.018j2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Contrabass" + ], + "answer": "Bass guitar", + "answer_id": "m.018vs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Harmonica", + "answer_id": "m.03qjg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saxophone player" + ], + "answer": "Saxophone", + "answer_id": "m.06ncr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "traverso flute", + "querfl\u00f6te", + "flute traversi\u00e8re", + "flute" + ], + "answer": "Flute", + "answer_id": "m.0l14j_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "percussion", + "Percussion instruments", + "Percussion instrument" + ], + "answer": "Percussion", + "answer_id": "m.0l14md" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bela fleck", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:49:10", + "machine_question": "what instrument does the artist which recorded #41 play", + "question": "What is the type of instrument that is played by the recording artist of \"#41\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0fl_pxs . \n?c ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.role ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-677", + "webqsp_question": "what instrument does bela fleck play" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3364_bca6d9e41c575b801dee5bb27c94da6b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane", + "answer_id": "m.0dsx8l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:33:34", + "machine_question": "what children 's books did suzanne collins wrote and that is in the genre of Fantasy", + "question": "What children's book, written by Suzanne Collins, would fall under the fantasy genre?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bpd5z)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bpd5z ns:book.author.works_written ?x .\n?x ns:book.book.genre ns:m.0dwly .\n?x ns:book.book.genre ns:m.01hmnh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3364", + "webqsp_question": "what children 's books did suzanne collins wrote" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3681_05f681dad6f27a3878bccb8de88c9689", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Felipe Calderon", + "Felipe de Jes\u00fas Calder\u00f3n Hinojosa", + "President Felipe Calderon" + ], + "answer": "Felipe Calder\u00f3n", + "answer_id": "m.06bbbt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:22:36", + "machine_question": "who is the place that has the following courts Federal Electoral Tribunal 's president right now 2011", + "question": "What area had the Federal Electoral Tribunal 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"answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Benin", + "answer_id": "m.0164v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through and the ISO numeric of the country is less than 324", + "question": "What countries in which the Niger River flows have an ISO numeric of the country less than 324?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 324) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1809_1725d0d17922d6ce0f2ed136d1b156bb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TN", + "Tenn", + "Volunteer State" + ], + "answer": "Tennessee", + "answer_id": "m.07h34" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:50", + "machine_question": "where was the battle of shiloh and the population number is greater than 5703719", + "question": "What Battle of Shiloh location has a population larger than 5703719?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0127mr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0127mr ns:time.event.locations ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 5703719) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1809", + "webqsp_question": "where was the battle of shiloh" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-243_0dc439503b4c51eee028e117b3933b99", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Drawing", + "answer_id": "m.02csf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Painting", + "answer_id": "m.05qdh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Photography", + "answer_id": "m.05wkw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sculpture", + "answer_id": "m.06msq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "salvador dali", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:41:40", + "machine_question": "what style of art is the person that said \"Have no fear of perfection-you'll never reach it.\"", + "question": "What artistic genre is associated with this line's author: \"Have no fear of perfection-you'll never reach it.\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048j75d . \n?c ns:visual_art.visual_artist.art_forms ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-243", + "webqsp_question": "what style of art is salvador dali" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_4ded9eb0d583a09258a54ffc093b16c1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Needle", + "Space Needle, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Space Needle", + "answer_id": "m.01k7v7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and the number of building floors is smallest", + "question": "Of the fun things to do in Seattle, WA, which has the smallest number of building floors?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.building.floors ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_6f363c42b3216e2553e80cf83f208e3e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Regne del Marroc", + "Kingdom of Morocco", + "The West", + "The Western Kingdom" + ], + "answer": "Morocco", + "answer_id": "m.04wgh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and is the country that has Berber languages as an official language", + "question": "Which country speaks Arabic and has a Berber language as its official language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.01hhg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1977_752075bf39b608cbe6fe643b7ccca798", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portugal Mens Football Team", + "Portugal National Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's Football Team", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Portugal National Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Soccer Team", + "Portugal's national football team", + "Selec\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Os Navegadores", + "Portugal Mens Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's National Soccer Team", + "Portugal national football", + "A Selec\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Seleccao das Quinas", + "Portugal Men's Soccer Team", + "Portugal Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Football Team", + "Portugal Soccer Team", + "The Navigators", + "Portugal Men's National Football Team" + ], + "answer": "Portugal national football team", + "answer_id": "m.02rqxc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cristiano ronaldo", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:02:02", + "machine_question": "who does the artist aword nominated for Cristiano play for", + "question": "Which football team does the player who was nominated for the artist award play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0_srg89 . \n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1977", + "webqsp_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_41719c9d7aa9c4991cf630e984a5bcca", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and is the country that has Palmas as a second level devision", + "question": "Can you tell me the country that has Palmas as a second level division that also borders Argentina?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jgd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:g.119pfvqwb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_512e32b5bfdaacd69ceb33333e6b67ee", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u0428\u0430\u0433 \u0432\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434 3D", + "Let's Dance 3", + "Sokak Dansi 3D", + "Dansul dragostei 3D", + "Step Up 3", + "Step Up 3D: I nea diastasi", + "Sexy Dance 3: The Battle 3D", + "Ela Dan\u00e7a, Eu Dan\u00e7o 3" + ], + "answer": "Step Up 3D", + "answer_id": "m.064016d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and features the song When You Hear The Bassline", + "question": "What movie stars Alyson Stoner and features the song When You Hear The Bassline?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.featured_song ns:m.011k6hwj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2639_ecf0e93f9c6c92f7a7c9565c66306a00", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Central Standard Time", + "Central Time", + "Central Daylight Time", + "Central Standard Time Zone" + ], + "answer": "Central Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02fqwt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "new orleans", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:38:24", + "machine_question": "what is time zone in the area in which the newspaper The Times-Picayune is circulated", + "question": "What is the time zone of the city that publishes The Times-Picayune?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.07ndnq . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2639", + "webqsp_question": "what is time zone in new orleans" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1641_2b808815b9ee28d0a0879cb30cd478e3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "4th & King, San Francisco" + ], + "answer": "San Francisco 4th and King Street Station", + "answer_id": "m.02r817z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "san francisco", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:15:22", + "machine_question": "what is the name of the main train station in where the government Government of San Francisco is located", + "question": "Name the train station where the government building in San Francisco is located.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.027l47b . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.how_to_get_here ?y .\n?y ns:travel.transportation.transport_terminus ?x .\n?y ns:travel.transportation.mode_of_transportation ns:m.07jdr .\n?x ns:location.location.containedby ?c .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1641", + "webqsp_question": "what is the name of the main train station in san francisco" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3346_74416589a5c757095eb1f004bc6ce961", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Universal Studios Dubailand", + "answer_id": "m.02qyvdt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:29:14", + "machine_question": "what are the places to see in dubai and the asset that is owned by Dubai Holding", + "question": "Where can I visit that is owned by Dubai Holding?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f08r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f08r ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:business.asset.owners ?c .\n?c ns:business.asset_ownership.owner ns:m.0ccbw9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3346", + "webqsp_question": "what are the places to see in dubai" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_e5aea1aa88616780e2949918ad27c0b9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician that ended his/her government position latest", + "question": "Which of the politicians who 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"composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:34:45", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the place that has the following courts Supreme Court of Chile have today", + "question": "What kind of government is run in the country that includes the Supreme Court of Chile and part of its governmental structure?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court_jurisdiction_area.courts ns:m.06syry . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_db353fd59c7b923d38fed2b103f88725", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East of the Uruguay", + "Eastern Republic of Uruguay", + "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" + ], + "answer": "Uruguay", + "answer_id": "m.07twz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "argentina", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border the country where Antares Barley Wine beer is made", + "question": "What countries border the country that produces Antares Barley Wine beer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04sw_gm . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_202ded8e5df1c80ea9770154e24e5ffb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and is the politician that hold the government position Secretary of State", + "question": "Who was the leader of France in 2012 that held the position of Secretary of State?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0789n . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_49afc8a5dba8498854b18fdcca57e833", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Netherlands", + "Nederlands", + "Holland", + "Nederland", + "Hollanti" + ], + "answer": "Netherlands", + "answer_id": "m.059j2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and the country calling code is 31", + "question": "What EU country has the calling code of 31?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code \"31\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1853_286919a9f89cbc5386d10e751636bfc7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Daredevil", + 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"created": "2017-10-25T22:24:21", + "machine_question": "when did the houston rockets win the championship and is subject of the film June 17th, 1994", + "question": "What championship was the focus of the film June 17th, 1994?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jmfb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jmfb ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0crs0r9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-504", + "webqsp_question": "when did the houston rockets win the championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2513_8f744db1a86f90f1d33c0222bbdc9828", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Manchester United", + "Manchester United Football Club", + "Man Utd", + "Manchester United FC", + "Newton Heath LYR Football Club", + "Man United", + "The Red Devils" + ], + "answer": "Manchester United F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.050fh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:13:18", + "machine_question": "who has won the most fa cup and is the sports team was founded earliest", + "question": "What is the earliest founded sports team that has most frequently won the FA Cup?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count)\n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n {\n SELECT (MAX(?count) AS ?maxCount)\n WHERE {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count) \n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n }\n FILTER (?maxCount = ?count)?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2513", + "webqsp_question": "who has won the most fa cup" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2346_331a3fa4e65e5b914162bb6790f34126", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin dialects" + ], + "answer": "Mandarin Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.03115z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Taiwanese Mandarin", + "answer_id": "m.09q16b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Xinminhua", + "Kek", + "Hakka", + "Ke", + "Hokka", + "Tu Guangdonghua", + "Kehia", + "Hakka Chinese", + "Khek", + "Majiahua", + "Kechia", + "Chinese, Hakka", + "Kejia" + ], + "answer": "Chinese, Hakka Language", + "answer_id": "m.0dxj6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:51:18", + "machine_question": "what does taiwan people speak and that has initials zh", + "question": "What Language identified by the initials ZH do the Taiwanese people speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06f32)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06f32 ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.iso_639_1_code \"zh\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2346", + "webqsp_question": "what does taiwan people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3364_d29ccb58cc27967bb64f8c07a200411d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane", + "answer_id": "m.0dsx8l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:33:34", + "machine_question": "what children 's books did suzanne collins wrote and that was published on 2004-09-01", + "question": "What childrens book was published on 09/01/04 and written by Suzanne Collins?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bpd5z)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bpd5z ns:book.author.works_written ?x .\n?x ns:book.book.genre ns:m.0dwly .\n?x ns:book.written_work.date_of_first_publication \"2004-09-01\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3364", + "webqsp_question": "what children 's books did suzanne collins wrote" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_d004b6eb9af40889f178de5a00fe180b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Toat", + "Michael \"Mike\" Todd", + "Michael Todd", + "Avrom Hirsch Goldbogen" + ], + "answer": "Mike Todd", + "answer_id": "m.063v2l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and produced the film Around the World in 80 Days", + "question": "Who was Liz Taylor's husband who produced the film Around the World in 80 days?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:film.producer.film ns:m.04954r . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_5ea545e97c1050d3115f70ac098fd7da", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and is the governmental jurisdiction that has the government position tiitle President of the Czech Republic", + "question": "What is the name of the Slovakia bordering country that has the President of the Czech Republic?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.03qc7wq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3271_cf3638075fd9204c82c8adf9ae47925e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Aymara" + ], + "answer": "Aymara language", + "answer_id": "m.01y5tq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mapuche", + "Mapudungu", + "Mapudungun", + "Araucano", + "Maputongo" + ], + "answer": "Mapudungun Language", + "answer_id": "m.01zn1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Easter Island", + "Pascuense", + "Rapa Nui" + ], + "answer": "Rapa Nui Language", + "answer_id": "m.0565hv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Puquina" + ], + "answer": "Puquina Language", + "answer_id": "m.09_sxt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chilean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:16:31", + "machine_question": "what does the place that has the following courts Supreme Court of Chile people speak", + "question": "What languages are spoken in the country where the Supreme Court of Chile presides?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court_jurisdiction_area.courts ns:m.06syry . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3271", + "webqsp_question": "what does chilean people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1361_05f681dad6f27a3878bccb8de88c9689", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mexican peso", + "answer_id": "m.012ts8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:02", + "machine_question": "what currency should take to the place that has the following courts Federal Electoral Tribunal", + "question": "In the country with the Federal Electoral Tribunal what currency should be used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court_jurisdiction_area.courts ns:m.0fd5rf . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1361", + "webqsp_question": "what currency should take to mexico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-970_af66948c964667b93fb025ed7d18b9eb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military dictatorship", + "answer_id": "m.012qkq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military junta", + "answer_id": "m.025s5c_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary" + ], + "answer": "Parliamentary republic", + "answer_id": "m.0glnsx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "fiji", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:35:11", + "machine_question": "what type of government does the place where Fijian Language language is spoken have", + "question": "What is the government structure that is used where the Fijian language is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.020gps . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-970", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government does fiji have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3346_e9af9d40702f217ced8beccdb4568dfc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Palm Jumeriah", + "Palm Jumeirah, Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Palm Jumeirah", + "answer_id": "m.025smcz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sheikh Saeed Al Maktoum House" + ], + "answer": "Saeed Al Maktoum House", + "answer_id": "m.02768mb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Beach Hotel", + "answer_id": "m.027tlcs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Dubai Museum", + "answer_id": "m.02q24rq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madinat Jumeirah", + "answer_id": "m.02qkhn8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Al-Jumeirah" + ], + "answer": "Jumeirah Mosque", + "answer_id": "m.02qmbrc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Universal Studios Dubailand", + "answer_id": "m.02qyvdt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dubai", + "Khor Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Dubai Creek", + "answer_id": "m.03c3yb1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Burj Khalifa, Dubai", + "Burj Dubai", + "Dubai tower" + ], + "answer": "Burj Khalifa", + "answer_id": "m.03cn0v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Restless Planet", + "answer_id": "m.03m57sn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wild Wadi Water" + ], + "answer": "Wild Wadi Water Park", + "answer_id": "m.03nyg2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Deira Clocktower", + "answer_id": "m.03whtz_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hindu Temple, Dubai", + "answer_id": "m.03yb84v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Fish Roundabout", + "answer_id": "m.0405p7v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The World", + "answer_id": "m.04q5nb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mushrif" + ], + "answer": "Mushrif Park", + "answer_id": "m.05bf4c" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Grand Mosque", + "answer_id": "m.06152r" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dubai Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.065z06l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Emirates Towers, Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Emirates Towers", + "answer_id": "m.06jpgt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dubai fountain" + ], + "answer": "The Dubai Fountain", + "answer_id": "m.06zn69y" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dubai International Convention Centre", + "answer_id": "m.084blh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dubai Autodrome", + "answer_id": "m.084z1l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Waterfront" + ], + "answer": "Dubai Waterfront", + "answer_id": "m.09cwdq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Ski Dubai", + "answer_id": "m.0bsbx_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Dubai Mall", + "answer_id": "m.0bxdn4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Beach", + "answer_id": "m.0cnyfm6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Zabeel Saray", + "answer_id": "m.0q40862" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "dubai", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:29:14", + "machine_question": "what are the places to see in the area in which the newspaper Xpress is circulated", + "question": "What are some attractions to visit in the place where the Xpress newspaper is circulated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.05ywxgl . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3346", + "webqsp_question": "what are the places to see in dubai" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_ac4ecd4e4eae543b796b7461be435932", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pr\u00e9dictions" + ], + "answer": "Knowing", + "answer_id": "m.047v2p4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and the film netflix_id is less than 70118364", + "question": "What movies featuring Liam Hemsworth have a film netflix_id lower than 70118364?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.netflix_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 70118364) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_6a0e75033345508e8eadd5a47b0ad6b5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" + ], + "answer": "Luxembourg", + "answer_id": "m.04g61" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" + ], + "answer": "Luxembourg", + "answer_id": "m.04g61" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" + ], + "answer": "Luxembourg", + "answer_id": "m.04g61" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" + ], + "answer": "Luxembourg", + "answer_id": "m.04g61" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" + ], + "answer": "Luxembourg", + "answer_id": "m.04g61" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" + ], + "answer": "Luxembourg", + "answer_id": "m.04g61" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and number of people in the country's army is 1000", + "question": "Which European country has 1,000 people in its army?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"1000\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-521_4f7a002c778df6ac8e30ee694c8f0b0f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Les Invalides, Paris" + ], + "answer": "Les Invalides", + "answer_id": "m.0gxqj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "napoleon", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:26:03", + "machine_question": "where is the subject of the film Bonaparte and the Revolution buried", + "question": "What is the final resting place of the main character in \"Bonaparte and the Revolution?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0bx6211 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_burial ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-521", + "webqsp_question": "where is napoleon buried" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_6a7fc5fb1e4ade41d9b90f8a5bd0865f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krzyk 4", + "Klyksm4s", + "Sikoly 4.", + "Ciglik 4", + "Kivili 4", + "Skrik 4", + "Vrisak 4", + "Scream 4: Next Generation", + "Tze'aka 4", + "Vr\u00edskot 4", + "\u00d6skri\u00f0 4", + "Gritos 4", + "Scre4m: Grita de Nuevo", + "\u041a\u0440\u0438\u043a 4", + "Klyksmas 4", + "P\u00e2nico 4", + "Scre4m" + ], + "answer": "Scream 4", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhdbl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and that was directed by Wes Craven", + "question": "What Lucy Hale movie was directed by Wes Craven?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.directed_by ns:m.013zyw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_ef9c4762236fc58abe97934d346a5ccf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Marathon", + "answer_id": "m.0bwg9f0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in madrid and is the event that has been reocurring since 1978", + "question": "Which event is a sight to see in Madrid that has been recurring since 1978?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.056_y)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.056_y ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:time.recurring_event.date_of_first_occurance \"1978\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_a73ff21ac29883f58299cd0c2816d5db", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Bulgaria" + ], + "answer": "Bulgaria", + "answer_id": "m.015qh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and is the topic that the speaker Gregor Belkovsky talked about", + "question": "What are the EU countries the speaker Gregor Belkovsky mentioned?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:event.speech_topic.speeches_or_presentations_on_this_topic ?c .\n?c ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speaker_s ns:m.08ngt59 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_2ee819ba474253fdefba8cf094f02553", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East of the Uruguay", + "Eastern Republic of Uruguay", + "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" + ], + "answer": "Uruguay", + "answer_id": "m.07twz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and the country calling code is greater than 55", + "question": "Which of the countries bordering Argentina have a country calling code higher than 55?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jgd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 55) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-147_42db58dfa6d9ec581dbc663a46518a0e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill Haslam", + "Mayor Bill Haslam", + "William Edward Haslam", + "William Haslam", + "William Edward \"Bill\" Haslam" + ], + "answer": "William Haslam", + "answer_id": "m.04mp6v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tennessee", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:59:21", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of has an official symbol of Protographium marcellus", + "question": "Who is the governor of the state that uses Protographium marcellus as an official symbol?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.06ngtk . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-147", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of tennessee" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_af0cf33a6bff9c43bc329d80c5ac4776", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kung Fu Magoo", + "answer_id": "m.09v9fw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Surprise" + ], + "answer": "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Surprise Party", + "answer_id": "m.0bnns7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and is in the Spanish Language", + "question": "What movies are in Spainish and have Alyson Stoner in them?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT 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ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.initial_release_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1631_80de580930b8478336145199b0c820b3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vivian Jepkemoi Cheruiyot", + "Pocket Rocket" + ], + "answer": "Vivian Cheruiyot", + "answer_id": "m.027_5gh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sylvia Jebiwott Kibet", + "answer_id": "m.02ph7jd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Caroline Kilel", + "answer_id": "m.02pmyt8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Linet Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03c3vs2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Moses Ndiema Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03ymk4s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ezekiel Kemboi Cheboi" + ], + "answer": "Ezekiel Kemboi", + "answer_id": "m.040dvn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "David Lekuta Rudisha" + ], + "answer": "David Rudisha", + "answer_id": "m.043p_rf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mercy Cherono", + "answer_id": "m.04f2_5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Abel Kirui", + "answer_id": "m.05f87n1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Milcah Chemos Cheywa", + "answer_id": "m.07k63fx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Emmanuel Kipchirchir Mutai", + "answer_id": "m.07kht_3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Geoffrey Mutai", + "answer_id": "m.0bmk3qk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eldoret Express", + "Janeth Jepkosgei Busienei" + ], + "answer": "Janeth Jepkosgei", + "answer_id": "m.0c5z5s" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Alfred Kirwa Yego", + "answer_id": "m.0gh9nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Richard Mateelong", + "answer_id": "m.0gy4g9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Josphat Bett Kipkoech", + "answer_id": "m.0jwvqdm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kenya", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:14:13", + "machine_question": "who are the famous athletes in the governmental 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"composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:32:07", + "machine_question": "what do people in australia speak and that has initials epo", + "question": "What language has speakers in Australia and has the initials EPO.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.iso_639_3_code \"epo\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-321", + "webqsp_question": "what do people in australia speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1641_ca14421db121154668fce47290cebfa0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "4th & King, San Francisco" + ], + "answer": "San Francisco 4th and King Street Station", + "answer_id": "m.02r817z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "san francisco", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:15:22", + "machine_question": "what is the name of the main train station in the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named San Francisco Board of Supervisors", + "question": "What is the primary train station in the city that contains the San Francisco Board of Supervisors?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.055c45 . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.how_to_get_here ?y .\n?y ns:travel.transportation.transport_terminus ?x .\n?y ns:travel.transportation.mode_of_transportation ns:m.07jdr .\n?x ns:location.location.containedby ?c .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1641", + "webqsp_question": "what is the name of the main train station in san francisco" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_367011ab70e77fa1cb858ac620d4d92c", + "answers": [ + { + 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ns:government.government_position_held.to ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3346_52b8d8ac3e484e58160db31a00865909", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Palm Jumeriah", + "Palm Jumeirah, Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Palm Jumeirah", + "answer_id": "m.025smcz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sheikh Saeed Al Maktoum House" + ], + "answer": "Saeed Al Maktoum House", + "answer_id": "m.02768mb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Beach Hotel", + "answer_id": "m.027tlcs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Dubai Museum", + "answer_id": "m.02q24rq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madinat Jumeirah", + "answer_id": "m.02qkhn8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Al-Jumeirah" + ], + "answer": "Jumeirah Mosque", + "answer_id": "m.02qmbrc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Universal Studios Dubailand", + "answer_id": "m.02qyvdt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dubai", + "Khor Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Dubai Creek", + "answer_id": "m.03c3yb1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Burj Khalifa, Dubai", + "Burj Dubai", + "Dubai tower" + ], + "answer": "Burj Khalifa", + "answer_id": "m.03cn0v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Restless Planet", + "answer_id": "m.03m57sn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wild Wadi Water" + ], + "answer": "Wild Wadi Water Park", + "answer_id": "m.03nyg2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Deira Clocktower", + "answer_id": "m.03whtz_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hindu Temple, Dubai", + "answer_id": "m.03yb84v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Fish Roundabout", + "answer_id": "m.0405p7v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The World", + "answer_id": "m.04q5nb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mushrif" + ], + "answer": "Mushrif Park", + "answer_id": "m.05bf4c" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Grand Mosque", + "answer_id": "m.06152r" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dubai Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.065z06l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Emirates Towers, Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Emirates Towers", + "answer_id": "m.06jpgt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dubai fountain" + ], + "answer": "The Dubai Fountain", + "answer_id": "m.06zn69y" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dubai International Convention Centre", + "answer_id": "m.084blh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dubai Autodrome", + "answer_id": "m.084z1l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Waterfront" + ], + "answer": "Dubai Waterfront", + "answer_id": "m.09cwdq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Ski Dubai", + "answer_id": "m.0bsbx_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Dubai Mall", + "answer_id": "m.0bxdn4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Beach", + "answer_id": "m.0cnyfm6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Zabeel Saray", + "answer_id": "m.0q40862" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "dubai", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:29:14", + "machine_question": "what are the 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german and is the country that has an internet top level domain of ch", + "question": "Which country with the internet top level domain of \"ch\" speaks German?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.internet_tld ns:m.03y2m9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2631_a84c2a469fe790348531be8010c7cfb8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Turkey", + "T\u00fcrkiye", + "Turkiye" + ], + "answer": "Turkey", + "answer_id": "m.01znc_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:36:12", + "machine_question": "what countries are the mediterranean and the ISO numeric of the country is 792", + "question": "What mediterranean country has the ISO numberic code of 792?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04swx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04swx ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric \"792\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2631", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are the mediterranean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_0e2299ab37a0cfdc27992cb4ba8148be", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Estadi del Futbol Club Barcelona", + "Nou Camp", + "Estadi del FC Barcelona", + "\u30ab\u30e0\u30fb\u30ce\u30a6" + ], + "answer": "Camp Nou", + "answer_id": "m.01ggjl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:42", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona and the venue capacity is 98787", + "question": "What location 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{\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.09gfsgt . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1361", + "webqsp_question": "what currency should take to mexico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-395_5e35ac717c32f97bcc0e3a34f710dfd1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Allegheny County / Pittsburgh city", + "Pgh", + "Pittsburgh, PA", + "Pittsburg [Pa.", + "Iron City", + "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania", + "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania" + ], + "answer": "Pittsburgh", + "answer_id": "m.068p2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "steelers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:43:09", + "machine_question": "what state is the the sports team arena stadium is Pitt Stadium from", + "question": "What state is the Pitt Stadium sports arena located in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.038_tr . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-395", + "webqsp_question": "what state is the steelers from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1191_aca40552e6778874c40c75071d819a54", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bahamian Dialect", + "Bahamas Creole English", + "Bahamian Creole English" + ], + "answer": "Bahamas Creole English Language", + "answer_id": "m.026qjbs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bahamas", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:49:41", + "machine_question": "what language do people speak in the the country where Bahamas Creole English Language is spoken", + "question": "What linguistic medium do the people of the Bahamas use to communicate?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.026qjbs . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1191", + "webqsp_question": "what language do people speak in the bahamas" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3439_e720f6c51fa9762bbf53cde50a3a8542", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "La Internacia Lingvo", + "La Lingvo Internacia", + "Esperanto" + ], + "answer": "Esperanto Language", + "answer_id": "m.02jcw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:47:37", + "machine_question": "what dialects are spoken in the uk and that has initials eo", + "question": "What dialect with the initials EO are spoken in the UK?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.iso_639_1_code \"eo\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3439", + "webqsp_question": "what dialects are spoken in the uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1373_26f24d6d6c7d9d81d7ad3f0dfd260b75", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomea", + "Finnish" + ], + "answer": "Finnish Language", + "answer_id": "m.01gp_d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saame", + "Anar", + "Inari \"Lappish\"", + "Lapp", + "Saam", + "Finnish Lapp", + "Samic", + "S\u00e1mi", + "Saami, Inari" + ], + "answer": "Saami, Inari Language", + "answer_id": "m.02lpg6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saami, North", + "Saame", + "Northern Lappish", + "Lapp", + "Norwegian Lapp", + "Norwegian Saami", + "Northern Lapp", + "Same", + "Sami, Northern", + "Samic", + "Saami", + "Davvin", + "Northern Saami" + ], + "answer": "Saami, North Language", + "answer_id": "m.04d36l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Swedish", + "Ruotsi", + "Svenska" + ], + "answer": "Swedish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06mp7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "finland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:36:38", + "machine_question": "what language do you speak in the place where Finnish Language language is spoken", + "question": "What other languages are spoken in places with Finnish speakers?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.01gp_d . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1373", + "webqsp_question": "what language do you speak in finland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_f5b424edbaf886ef816d7d22908c8e9d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bondi Beach, Sydney", + "Bondi", + "Bondi Beach, New South Wales" + ], + "answer": "Bondi Beach", + "answer_id": "m.020772" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and the venue capacity is largest", + "question": "Which of the tourist attractions in Sydney, Australia has the largest capacity?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.venue.capacity ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1364_8f98f618ac527378add7d187a2dbf2b8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scotland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:22:24", + "machine_question": "what do they speak in has an official symbol of Unicorn", + "question": "In the country whose official symbol is a Unicorn, what language is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.0bvpg . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1364", + "webqsp_question": "what do they speak in scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-395_4420dc6a68ebd6b5cd6330ffface9ebb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Allegheny County / Pittsburgh city", + "Pgh", + "Pittsburgh, PA", + "Pittsburg [Pa.", + "Iron City", + "Pittsburgh Pennsylvania", + "Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania" + ], + "answer": "Pittsburgh", + "answer_id": "m.068p2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "steelers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:43:09", + "machine_question": "what state is the the sports team arena stadium is Three Rivers Stadium from", + "question": "In which state does the sports team that plays at Three Rivers Stadium located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.037286 . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-395", + "webqsp_question": "what state is the steelers from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1684_1c6a9a431a2cad80cf724f4ade56857a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Lucian of Samosata", + "of Samosata Lucian" + ], + "answer": "Lucian", + "answer_id": "m.01612m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mercury", + "Kit Marlowe", + "Marcarde", + "The Muses' Darling", + "Kit" + ], + "answer": "Christopher Marlowe", + "answer_id": "m.01r7z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Edmund Spenser", + "answer_id": "m.02lqj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Chaucer" + ], + "answer": "Geoffrey Chaucer", + "answer_id": "m.03b_m" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "John Pory", + "answer_id": "m.03cdqxx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Titus Maccius Plautus", + "Plauto" + ], + "answer": "Plautus", + "answer_id": "m.060yy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus" + ], + "answer": "Plutarch", + "answer_id": "m.063_9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saint Thomas More", + "Sir Thomas More" + ], + "answer": "Thomas More", + "answer_id": "m.07hl9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Publius Terentius Afer" + ], + "answer": "Terence", + "answer_id": "m.07km7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Virgilio", + "Publius Maro", + "Vergil", + "Publio Virgilio", + "Publius Vergilius Maro", + "Verg\u012blijs" + ], + "answer": "Virgil", + "answer_id": "m.07yhg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ovide", + "Publius Ovidius Naso" + ], + "answer": "Ovid", + "answer_id": "m.09fdm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Michel Montaigne", + "Michel Eyquem de Montaigne" + ], + "answer": "Michel de Montaigne", + "answer_id": "m.0c2cl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Thomas Kyd", + "answer_id": "m.0c5h0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seneca", + "S\u00e9n\u00e8que", + "L SENECA", + "Lucius Annaeus Seneca", + "Lucius Seneca" + ], + "answer": "Seneca the Younger", + "answer_id": "m.0j_8y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "william shakespeare", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:15:54", + "machine_question": "what influenced the person who wrote the lyrics for \"The Poor Soul Sat Sighing\" to start writing", + "question": "Which people encouraged the lyracist for \"The Poor Soul Sat Sighing\" to pursue writing?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0zh9cl1 . \n?c ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1684", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1449_e84e70ef3dbddd8193b5079b2a4a6e96", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Teacher", + "answer_id": "m.01d30f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Rep\u00f3rter" + ], + "answer": "Journalist", + "answer_id": "m.0d8qb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "laura ingalls wilder", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:36:55", + "machine_question": "what was the author who published editions for The Long Winter (Little House) famous for", + "question": "What professions were held by the writer of The Long Winter (Little House)?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04vhcsr . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1449", + "webqsp_question": "what was laura ingalls wilder famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1041_20ae9a3ac5a1d4d40671f15de04edb15", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pound", + "UK Pound Sterling", + "Quid", + "Pound Sterling", + "GBP", + "British Pound" + ], + "answer": "Pound sterling", + "answer_id": "m.01nv4h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "england", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:22:03", + "machine_question": "what currency does the location where the film \"Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport\" takes place use now", + "question": "What currency is currently used in the setting of the movie \"Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER 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"PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.featured_song ns:m.011k6hlh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1041_58f970f5793eb0b4b06827bf9c0f4797", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pound", + "UK Pound Sterling", + "Quid", + "Pound Sterling", + "GBP", + "British Pound" + ], + "answer": "Pound sterling", + "answer_id": "m.01nv4h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "england", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:22:03", + "machine_question": "what currency does the location where the film \"Iris\" takes place use now", + "question": "What kind of money is currently used in the setting for the movie \"Iris?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0194zl . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1041", + "webqsp_question": "what currency does england use now" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_d32c8ebf49ebb29aa9cb8beca6814f9a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2", + "answer_id": "m.02qrr8j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and the film netflix_id is less than 70124173", + "question": "What film has Lucy Hale played in with a netflix_id lower than 70124173?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.netflix_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 70124173) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_b334680be49fdad4b0586ace76cb91c5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.0crsmk2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Radio Disney Party Jams: The Concert", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and the film netflix_id is less than 70068848", + "question": "What movie, with a netflix_id is less than 70068848 feature Miley Cyris as an actress?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER 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ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3563_9d79b1666d87dadafdf745a155fef55d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Legoland Florida, Winter Haven" + ], + "answer": "Legoland Florida", + "answer_id": "m.0b6d60t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:09:48", + "machine_question": "where to go in florida for vacation and is the amusement park with the Coastersaurus ride", + "question": "What amusement park named Coastersaurus ride does one go to for vacation in Florida?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02xry)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02xry ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:amusement_parks.park.rides ns:m.0j0yh39 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2854_d0ef0ff95525520bc121e47f2899f8c0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Tuol Sleng Genocide" + ], + "answer": "Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum", + "answer_id": "m.026462" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Wat Phnom", + "answer_id": "m.02pjmts" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Royal Palace, Phnom Penh", + "answer_id": "m.085f_0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kingdom Breweries", + "answer_id": "m.0b74mvg" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Silver Pagoda, Phnom Penh", + "answer_id": "m.0cbw_y" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "National Museum of Cambodia", + "answer_id": "m.0cbws_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Independence Monument", + "answer_id": "m.0cbww1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cambodia\u2013Vietnam Friendship Monument", + "answer_id": "m.0cbxfv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sisowath Quay", + "answer_id": "m.0gx_53z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Choeung Ek", + "answer_id": "m.0lkvv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "phnom penh", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:13:42", + "machine_question": "where to go in the area in which the newspaper The Phnom Penh Post is circulated cambodia", + "question": "In the area where The Phnom Penh Post newspaper is distributed, what are the best attractions to visit?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.0dqsfk . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2854", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in phnom penh cambodia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-834_edacfb5d42ab2b16e2a2e45dcf88d144", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "United States Secretary of State", + "answer_id": "m.07y07" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hillary clinton", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:05:46", + "machine_question": "what office does the author who published editions for Living history hold", + "question": "The author of Living History holds what office?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04tt621 . \n?c ns:base.government2.appointed_official.appointments ?y .\n?y ns:people.appointment.appointed_role ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-834", + "webqsp_question": "what office does hillary clinton hold" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_efefcf5127932b7256360bcba8dfac29", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Old Ultimo Powerhouse", + "Powerhouse" + ], + "answer": "Powerhouse Museum", + "answer_id": "m.02x7mq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the exhibition venue that opened earliest", + "question": "What is the exhibition venue that opened the earliest in Sydney, Australia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:exhibitions.exhibition_venue.exhibitions_at_this_venue ?c .\n?c ns:exhibitions.exhibition_run.opened_on ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3475_1eb6f5acf20855a1a2ef0d5b38673175", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Old Continent" + ], + "answer": "Europe", + "answer_id": "m.02j9z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "danish", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:53:29", + "machine_question": "where is the place where breed Danish Sport Pony originated in located", + "question": "On what continent did the Danish Sport Pony originate?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.0cm8scc . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3475", + "webqsp_question": "where is danish located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-985_edc96db19bee29d324e1ea7c58834aa3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Looking at the World through Michael Jackson's Left Eye (Part 2)", + "answer_id": "m.0h2x8v6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:36:34", + "machine_question": "what did writers of the harlem renaissance write about and was 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"answer_id": "m.02lnbg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Adult contemporary" + ], + "answer": "Adult contemporary music", + "answer_id": "m.02vjzr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Funk music" + ], + "answer": "Funk", + "answer_id": "m.02x8m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Post Disco" + ], + "answer": "Post-disco", + "answer_id": "m.03c34yl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pop rock", + "answer_id": "m.05bt6j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pop", + "pop" + ], + "answer": "Pop music", + "answer_id": "m.064t9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u05e8\u05d5\u05e7", + "Rock" + ], + "answer": "Rock music", + "answer_id": "m.06by7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "RnB" + ], + "answer": "Rhythm and blues", + "answer_id": "m.06j6l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dance" + ], + "answer": "Dance music", + "answer_id": "m.0ggx5q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Soul" + ], + "answer": "Soul music", + "answer_id": "m.0gywn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "michael jackson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:03:15", + "machine_question": "what kind of music did the actor that played in the film Wiz on Down the Road sing", + "question": "What genres of music were sung by the actor from \"Wiz on Down the Road?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0v43grn . \n?c ns:music.artist.genre ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2774", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of music did michael jackson sing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1119_30757c7046d74c65acedb5b38b15036b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kirkcaldy, Fife", + "Kirkcaldy, Scotland" + ], + "answer": "Kirkcaldy", + "answer_id": "m.01zrs_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "adam smith", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:59:31", + "machine_question": "where is the author who published editions for Essays On 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Rodgers\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0f0xt2y . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.02lk60 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2207", + "webqsp_question": "who did julie andrews play in shrek" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_4e581304d3fec9b3aeb2208b49421402", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Iraq", + "answer_id": "m.0d05q4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and in which the event Imam Hussein Mosque bombing took place", + "question": "What country had the Imam Hussein Mosque bombing occur in it and speaks the arabic language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.events ns:g.121dw5f1 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_090982628e2b2b98c708f21054f689f3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay \u2013 Part 2" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2", + "answer_id": "m.0ngvtb_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and is the film that was released latest", + "question": "What is the most recent film to be released which featured Liam Hemsworth?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-806_7410569b44c208e82f63fd41b3c0f774", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:59:15", + "machine_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located and produce the beer Al A Sakara King", + "question": "What location produces Al A Sakara King beer and is home to the Giza Pyramids?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqd4_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-806", + "webqsp_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_994c5342069ba03c05d932aa1443d784", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and the ISO numeric of the country is less than 348", + "question": "Which country with a numeric ISO less than 348 border Slovakia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 348) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_b834d806315eadffde146e2340130c8c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dawlat Qa\u1e6dar", + "State of Qatar" + ], + "answer": "Qatar", + "answer_id": "m.0697s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:09:09", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and the country calling code is greater than 973", + "question": "What Arabic speaking countries have a calling code above 973?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 973) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_accb8791407abc12c86c6c2c8a156ac0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and is the politician started governmental position before 2007-05-18", + "question": "What French leader in 2012 started their tenure in their governmental position before 18 May 2007?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2007-05-18\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-442_5146c9cd27d432b7101aec37eaa7cea1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bud Adams", + "answer_id": "m.035yc3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:12:51", + "machine_question": "who was the first leader of the afl and was an award nominee in the 1st Annual NFL Honors ceremony", + "question": "Which award nominee for the 1st Annual NFL Honors ceremony was the first leader of the AFL?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0ysy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0ysy ns:organization.organization.founders ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.ceremony ns:m.0jl16h0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-442", + "webqsp_question": "who was the first leader of the afl" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_4b484913c1c3ccd2417bc8a04d8e82a2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richland 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"answer": "Michigan State University", + "answer_id": "m.01j_cy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "magic johnson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:02:23", + "machine_question": "what college did the actor that played in the film Magic & Bird: A Courtship of Rivals go to", + "question": "Which university was attended by the actor from Magic & Bird: A Courtship of Rivals?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0bs60bm . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-823", + "webqsp_question": "what college did magic johnson go to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_7865ae8622c80b09d6569005c0397496", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and is the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Verkhovna Rada", + "question": "What Slovakian border country has a govermental body named Verkhovna Rada?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.03ggg9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_3949c2eba2efdd79ee2718c91d0d20e8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mr. & Mrs. George T. Hansen Planetarium", + "Space Science" + ], + "answer": "Salt Lake City Public Library", + "answer_id": "m.048fms" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:31:32", + "machine_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah and the number of building floors is 5", + "question": "What recreational activities are there to do in Salt Lake City, Utah that reside in a 5 floor building?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f2r6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f2r6 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.building.floors \"5\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1405", + "webqsp_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_3df2e08b927f6a4504954cb825dd100b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East of the Uruguay", + "Eastern Republic of Uruguay", + "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" + ], + "answer": "Uruguay", + "answer_id": "m.07twz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "argentina", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border where the government Government of Argentina is located", + "question": "What are the border countries for the Government of 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\"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3681", + "webqsp_question": "who is mexico 's president right now 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_404a220acce97302b5d10341fa78b481", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and the population number is largest", + "question": "What country bordering Slovakia has the largest population?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_dafc139b4513a2c6b93fd88bef36498e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "La Rambla" + ], + "answer": "La Rambla, Barcelona", + "answer_id": "m.03q84k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:42", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona and the population number is less than 7621", + "question": "What places should I visit in Barcelona that have a population under 7621?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f62)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f62 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 7621) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1178", + "webqsp_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona" + }, + { + "ID": 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"WebQTrn-2936_694ba0d66587aa136e7fd4a307d955a1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summer", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:22:47", + "machine_question": "what type of cancer did the composer of If You Walkin' Alone died from", + "question": "When the composer of \"If you Walking Alone\" dies, what type of cancer did they have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.0vv0x88 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:people.cause_of_death.parent_cause_of_death ns:m.0qcr0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2936", + "webqsp_question": "what type of cancer did donna summer died from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2095_0cd10f8e926aedf997938c5bedb36be2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": 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"m.02ktm6n" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mathematician", + "answer_id": "m.04s2z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Physicist", + "answer_id": "m.05snw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Scientist", + "answer_id": "m.06q2q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "einstein", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:22:37", + "machine_question": "what did the person that said \"Never memorize what you can look up in books\" do", + "question": "What was the job of the person who said \"Never memorize what you can look up in books?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.0598_vt . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x 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ns:people.deceased_person.date_of_death ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_3d06467217b17f1284d9eb4fdd1e9dff", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and is the place in which the fictional character Asst. District Atty. Miguel Prado lived", + "question": "Where does both Sam Shepard and the fictional character Asst. District Atty. Miguel Prado live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.characters_that_have_lived_here ns:g.120lwj6t . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-577_aefa6ed2b29ac4dda25980b2832ed049", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic" + ], + "answer": "Democratic republic", + "answer_id": "m.0fpgmpz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chile", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:34:45", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the location which contains the second level division Choapa Province have today", + "question": "Which form of government does the second level division of Choapa Province currently have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.027m6xw . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1351_2883cc73d6e7cc887da948a32c5fd2bb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Honolulu, Hawaii", + "Honolulu County / Honolulu CDP", + "Honolulu CDP" + ], + "answer": "Honolulu", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh0_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:32:42", + "machine_question": "what city was the person that said \"Yes we can!\" born in", + "question": "What city is the birthplace of the person who said \"Yes we can!\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.04s_lpn . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1351", + "webqsp_question": "what city was barack obama born in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-147_348a3cad473d462d127a9ce91aba1ac6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill Haslam", + "Mayor Bill Haslam", + "William Edward Haslam", + "William Haslam", + "William Edward \"Bill\" Haslam" + ], + "answer": "William Haslam", + "answer_id": "m.04mp6v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tennessee", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:59:21", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of has an official symbol of Agriculture and Commerce", + "question": "Who is the governor of the state with an official symbol of Agriculture and Commerce?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.0hzdkf4 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-147", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of tennessee" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2289_4c8907f02aff64c11c9e2746d451a8d7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Charlottesville city", + "Hoo-Ville", + "Charlottesville, VA", + "C-Ville", + "Charlottesville, Virginia", + "Charlottesville city / Charlottesville city" + ], + "answer": "Charlottesville", + "answer_id": "m.0mp3l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "thomas jefferson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:43:20", + "machine_question": "what place did the author who published editions for The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 23 died", + "question": "In what location did the author of \"The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. 23\" pass away?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04vp3l1 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2289", + "webqsp_question": "what place did thomas jefferson died" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1472_a03caa12c3835df7b7ed86e6aa5908bb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\"Stone Cold\" Steve", + "Stephen Burton", + "Jack Stephen Burton" + ], + "answer": "Steve Burton", + "answer_id": "m.035n85" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Billy J. 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Miller", + "William John Miller II", + "B.J.", + "William John Miller" + ], + "answer": "Billy Miller", + "answer_id": "m.03chntm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "general hospital", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:52:44", + "machine_question": "who is playing jason morgan on the tv program that has the theme song General Hospital theme song", + "question": "Who is playing Jason Morgan on the theme song of General Hospital tv program?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_program.theme_song ns:m.0n9p_h8 . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ns:m.0b4nb8 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1472", + "webqsp_question": "who is playing jason morgan on general hospital" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-985_b529fa4b7c5a34e81b9f2f63ecf02c45", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Looking at the World through Michael Jackson's Left Eye (Part 2)", + "answer_id": "m.0h2x8v6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:36:34", + "machine_question": "what did writers of the harlem renaissance write about and that was published on 2011-08-26", + "question": "What work did the writers of the Harlem Renaissance wrote about that was published on 8-26-2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.019y_2)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.019y_2 ns:book.book_subject.works ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.03jz7ls .\n?x ns:book.written_work.date_of_first_publication \"2011-08-26\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-985", + "webqsp_question": "what did writers of the harlem renaissance write about" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1418_e00020a2d91a0141162a433b17f0c43c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill", + "The Shat", + "Bill Shatner", + "William Shanter", + "William Schattner", + "Billy", + "Fear of Pop", + "William Alan Shatner" + ], + "answer": "William Shatner", + "answer_id": "m.084m3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek and was write of the film Star Trek V: The Final Frontier", + "question": "Which screenwriter who authored Star Trek V: The Final Frontier played Captain Kirk?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0crtw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0crtw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:film.writer.film ns:m.012gk9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1418", + "webqsp_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_cf6cc4cc9ed790243a390f155ae72256", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and country has nomianl gdp of 279500000000.0", + "question": "What EU country has a nominal gdp of 279500000000.0?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.gdp_nominal ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_money_value.amount \"279500000000.0\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": 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?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.universe ns:m.018c66 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_da5b416f0db337d4911c15c1ed5aa0e7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and that was 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holder named Dean Barrow located in", + "question": "The government jurisdiction that has an office holder named Dean Barrow is on which continent?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.08fq2h . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2095", + "webqsp_question": "what continent is belize located in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3287_9d360502fb19598f16d5204593ea048f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Swedish krona", + "answer_id": "m.0485n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sweden", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:17:44", + "machine_question": "what is the currency of where the government Politics of Sweden is located called", + "question": "What is the currency of Sweden?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.06p0_ . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3287", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency of sweden called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_5f4a370d0597e27b87caa30b2b402727", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The High Flier", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Joseph Jonas", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Joe", + "JJ", + "Joseph Adam Jonas", + "DJ Danger" + ], + "answer": "Nick Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04cr6qv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nicholas Jonas", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Nick J.", + "Nicholas Jerry Jonas", + "Nick", + "The Jonas Brothers", + "Mr. President" + ], + "answer": "Joe Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04f7c55" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:16:16", + "machine_question": "what is jonas brothers names and a celebritie that had a romantic relationship that ended before 2010-05-18", + "question": "Which Jonas Brothers had a romantic relationship end beore 05-18-2010?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0cbm64)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0cbm64 ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?c .\n?c ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.end_date ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2010-05-18\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-470", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonas brothers names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1511_30d6b141a56842fecbb32d79781ac739", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1984 NBA draft", + "answer_id": "m.06jncs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "michael jordan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:58:41", + "machine_question": "what year did the actor that played in the film Kenny Rogers Classic Weekend started his career", + "question": "What year did the basketball players who starred in Kenny Rogers Classic Weekend begin his career?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0wjmyff . \n?c ns:sports.drafted_athlete.drafted ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.draft ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1511", + "webqsp_question": "what year did michael jordan started his career" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_3d30cd0ce3b9830e79c154681b76ce51", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Old Ultimo Powerhouse", + "Powerhouse" + ], + "answer": "Powerhouse Museum", + "answer_id": "m.02x7mq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the exhibition venue that opened before 2008-08", + "question": "Where should I visit in Sydney, Australia that has an exhibition venue that opened prior to August 2008?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:exhibitions.exhibition_venue.exhibitions_at_this_venue ?c .\n?c ns:exhibitions.exhibition_run.opened_on ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2008-08\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2298_a869b3a020d6f7fd42ddbf74214d3a2b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "international lawyer", + "Barrister", + "Attorney", + "Counsel", + "Solicitor" + ], + "answer": "Lawyer", + "answer_id": "m.04gc2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "michelle obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:44:33", + "machine_question": "what do the artist aword nominated for Let's Move! do for a living", + "question": "What are the Award nominee for \"Let's Move!\" artist's professional interests?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0cp1s0w . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2298", + "webqsp_question": "what do michelle obama do for a living" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_22c4d321fc60b69e1d966c77d4107a74", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and which was filmed at New York City", + "question": "In what New York City based film did Miley Cyrus have a cameo role?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.featured_film_locations ns:m.02_286 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1949_f2cb91b890fcdd34a58cc7acaa348572", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri General Assembly", + "answer_id": "m.02zxrn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Court of Appeals", + "answer_id": "m.03qj7vv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Senate", + "answer_id": "m.0694qd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri House of Representatives", + "answer_id": "m.069kvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:59:12", + "machine_question": "what is the legislature of has an official symbol of Three-toed box turtle called", + "question": "Which legislative entity has a three-toed box turtle as its official symbol?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.0ct5c_ . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government_bodies ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1949", + "webqsp_question": "what is the legislature of missouri called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_e027972f7a7e70d5b0f366502bfe3c87", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and is the place of the fictional universe The Sacred Band of Stepsons universe", + "question": "Which state was home to both Laura Ingalls Wilder and the location of the fictional universe of The Sacred Band of Stepsons?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01bt87)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.universe ns:m.0ch8hcq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_0c696fc38674c1c6970589fc7e965514", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Catching Fire", + "The Hunger Games 2" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire", + "answer_id": "m.0n40qmp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and has currency of United States Dollar", + "question": "What movie stars Liam Hemsworth and was produced in the US?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.gross_revenue ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_money_value.currency ns:m.09nqf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1355_474436fc8deb2f86460da3fc533fe136", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u80e1\u9326\u6fe4", + "Jintao Hu", + "Hu Jin Tao", + "\u80e1\u9526\u6d9b" + ], + "answer": "Hu 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ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1355", + "webqsp_question": "who runs china 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_2f26ec4b991b438ba16cb381afbf3fa0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and who died on 1954-08-12", + "question": "Who is the leader of France 2012 and was born on 1954-08-12?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:people.person.date_of_birth \"1954-08-12\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2986_819eadc025b66a7f2dd252ec3e135881", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pats", + "The Patsies" + ], + "answer": "New England Patriots", + "answer_id": "m.05g3b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Michigan Men's Football", + "Michigan Mens Football", + "University of Michigan Men's Football", + "Michigan Wolverines Men's Football", + "University of Michigan Wolverines Mens Football", + "University of MIchigan Mens Football", + "University of Michigan Wolverines Men's Football", + "Michigan Football", + "Michigan Wolverines Mens Football", + "Michigan Wolverines Football", + "University of Michigan Football", + "University of Michigan Wolverines Football" + ], + "answer": "Michigan Wolverines football", + "answer_id": "m.0fsb_6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tom brady", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:28:43", + "machine_question": "who has the actor that played the character Computer Geek #1 played for", + "question": "The actor that played the Computer Geek #1 also played for what teams?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0h1qd1m . \n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2986", + "webqsp_question": "who has tom brady played for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_86f42ab931739ed1c6ba88a8db93fd0d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "Hennepin County / Minneapolis city" + ], + "answer": "Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and the location GNIS feature ID is smallest", + "question": "What location with the smallest GNIS feature ID did Bob Dylan live at?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_ed3a18cb79e33b1c2a13d67593ed189c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Miley Cyrus: Tongue Tied", + "answer_id": "m.010ls0tb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Hana Montana: filmas", + "Hannah Montana - The Movie", + "Hannah Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hanna Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hannah Montana: I tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert", + "answer_id": "m.03ck042" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sonic the Hedgehog", + "answer_id": "m.042w0v2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High School Musical 2: Sing It All Or Nothing!" + ], + "answer": "High School Musical 2", + "answer_id": "m.0bc5ny" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lola", + "LOL: Laughing Out Loud", + "LOL", + "LOL - Pazza del mio migliore amico", + "Summer. 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?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.017gl1 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2947", + "webqsp_question": "what character did liv tyler play in lord of the rings" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1311_a7365b8c3109f401f4cd077c706e4104", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Eugene-Emmanuel Viollet-Le-Duc", + "Eug\u00e8ne Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc", + "Euge\u0300ne-Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc", + "Eugene Viollet-le-Duc" + ], + "answer": "Eug\u00e8ne Viollet-le-Duc", + "answer_id": "m.02mpv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:08:36", + "machine_question": "what was antoni gaudi inspired by and the person's date of death is earliest", + "question": "Who is the earliest person Antoni Gaudi was inspired by?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yb0)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yb0 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.date_of_death ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1311", + "webqsp_question": "what was antoni gaudi inspired by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_0a048612e873cf284616f245037887be", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Michael Charles Gauntlett Wilding", + "The \"gentle\" Wilding", + "Michael Wilding Sr." + ], + "answer": "Michael Wilding", + "answer_id": "m.02h__m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and who died in Chichester", + "question": "Which former husband if Elizabeth Taylor died in Chichester?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ns:m.01z8f0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_8eeffeefe490c51df44ea308abbaec69", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles, California, USA", + "LA", + "Los Angeles, California", + "Los Angeles, USA", + "City of Angels", + "L.A.", + "Los Angeles County / Los Angeles city", + "Los Angeles, CA" + ], + "answer": "Los Angeles", + "answer_id": "m.030qb3t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does joey king live and location where a footbal player with the player id dennis-northcutt-northde01 was born", + "question": "What's the city where football player dennis-northcutt-northde01 was born and Joey King lives?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03yk4pb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03yk4pb ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.football_player.footballdb_id \"dennis-northcutt-northde01\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_2b96f6e202478fca7d25741f566bc838", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and that was directed by Scott Meehan", + "question": "what movie that was directed by Scott Meehan, did Miley Cyrus play in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_art_direction_by ns:m.097q3rj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2513_98c99e27d70cd9819c546038edcc177c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Manchester United", + "Manchester United Football Club", + "Man Utd", + "Manchester United FC", + "Newton Heath LYR Football Club", + "Man United", + "The Red Devils" + ], + "answer": "Manchester United F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.050fh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:13:18", + "machine_question": "who has won the most fa cup and is the sports team was founded in 1878", + "question": "Which team founded in 1878 has the most FA cups?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count)\n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n {\n SELECT (MAX(?count) AS ?maxCount)\n WHERE {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count) \n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n }\n FILTER (?maxCount = ?count)?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded \"1878\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2513", + "webqsp_question": "who has won the most fa cup" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_57fc70db54625219234028ea57e76b27", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2", + "answer_id": "m.02qrr8j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and that was directed by Andrew Max Cahn", + "question": "Which Andrew Max Cahn films was Lucy Hale in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_art_direction_by ns:m.08_x5h1 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2693_e0781ce6ee283851f8bf3a5c386c764f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "California, USA", + "Calif", + "CA", + "Golden State" + ], + "answer": "California", + "answer_id": "m.01n7q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ronald reagan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:45:47", + "machine_question": "what state was the political appointer that had the title United States Ambassador to Lesotho governor of", + "question": "The person that held the title of United States Ambassador to Lesotho was governor of what state?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.027c0bd . \n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.jurisdiction_of_office ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2693", + "webqsp_question": "what state was ronald reagan governor of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_5aabdab4c50d62388224ccc564a50535", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Master Chuang", + "Chuang Tsu", + "Zhuangzi.", + "Chuang Tzu", + "Zhuangzi", + "Chuang Tse", + "Zhuang Zhou", + "Chouang-Dsi" + ], + "answer": "Zhuang Zhou", + "answer_id": "m.0164zy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:21", + "machine_question": "what is the holy book in taoism and influenced Jorge Luis Borges", + "question": "What holy Taoist book influenced Jorge Luis Borges?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07gvx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07gvx ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.influenced ns:m.040db . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_5f5da3e1d4ca7df9f19ce3fdfc5790e2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Happy Smekday!" + ], + "answer": "Home", + "answer_id": "m.0mwfph8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and involves organization toonexplainers", + "question": "What movie involving toonexplainers did Rihanna play in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ?c .\n?c ns:organization.organization_sector.organizations_in_this_sector ns:m.010lbn79 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_685a1f9b21e08eba9b2c6ce0fce0d75d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ghost Ship" + ], + "answer": "Knowing", + "answer_id": "m.06_vszc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pr\u00e9dictions" + ], + "answer": "Triangle", + "answer_id": "m.047v2p4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and is the film that was released before 2009-07-07", + "question": "What movies featured Liam Hemsworth and were released on film before 7 July 2009?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2009-07-07\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_3b071ba89629e452f157b51e8695cccb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen", + "answer_id": "m.02bqvs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and is the film was released earliest", + "question": "Which of the movies featuring Alyson Stoner was released the earliest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.initial_release_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_9ed4de9416765426d39b1362249e9ea3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingsbury County / De Smet city", + "De Smet, South Dakota" + ], + "answer": "Walnut Grove", + "answer_id": "m.0_r0n" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Walnut Grove, Minnesota", + "Redwood County / Walnut Grove city" + ], + "answer": "Pepin", + "answer_id": "m.0wg6f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pepin, Wisconsin" + ], + "answer": "Burr Oak", + "answer_id": "m.01mmj7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Burr Oak, Iowa" + ], + "answer": "De Smet", + "answer_id": "m.0dz6k_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and the population number is less than 1082", + "question": "What neighborhoods with fewer than 1082 inhabitants were once home to Laura Ingalls Wilder?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01bt87)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 1082) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1804_cfd1a9e39529c7b4db2273ab7800c042", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Netherlands", + "Nederlands", + "Holland", + "Nederland", + "Hollanti" + ], + "answer": "Netherlands", + "answer_id": "m.059j2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:36", + "machine_question": "what countries are part of nato and is the country that has an iso alpha 3 of NLD", + "question": "Which country with an ISO Alpha 3 of NLD is part of NATO?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059dn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059dn ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_alpha_3 \"NLD\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1804", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are part of nato" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1804_f668fbd2f5b4f8d73e071161c3802d2d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Netherlands", + "Nederlands", + "Holland", + "Nederland", + "Hollanti" + ], + "answer": "Netherlands", + "answer_id": "m.059j2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:36", + "machine_question": "what countries are part of nato and is the country that has Harlingen as a second level devision", + "question": "What country is home to Harlingen as secon level division and is included in Nato?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059dn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059dn ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.012twg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1804", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are part of nato" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_f52fa57ce24527019cdf5741b88581dd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Lola", + "LOL: Laughing Out Loud", + "LOL", + "LOL - Pazza del mio migliore amico", + "Summer. Classmates. Love", + "L.O.L." + ], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.0cmddrx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "So Undercover", + "answer_id": "m.03ck042" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert", + "answer_id": "m.0cs2t3x" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "LOL", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.0g56xqy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "High School Musical 2", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.0crsmk2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High School Musical 2: Sing It All Or Nothing!" + ], + "answer": "The World According to Miley Cyrus", + "answer_id": "m.0bc5ny" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Radio Disney Party Jams: The Concert", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Hana Montana: filmas", + "Hannah Montana - The Movie", + "Hannah Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hanna Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hannah Montana: I tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and the film netflix_id is greater than 60031268", + "question": "What Miley Cyrus movies have a film netflix_id larger than 60031268?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.netflix_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 60031268) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_e06f173eb98d2baa136bc35ac9dbb3b6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Seat of San Lorenzo de El Escorial" + ], + "answer": "El Escorial", + "answer_id": "m.01bc9m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo del Prado, Madrid", + "Prado Museum" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.01hlq3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia", + "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda, Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.01jcyh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Summercase", + "answer_id": "m.02r9yg7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Festimad", + "answer_id": "m.03chy63" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Buen Retiro" + ], + "answer": "Buen Retiro Park", + "answer_id": "m.03rmzx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Royal Palace of Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Royal Palace of Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.04m3yk" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Almudena Cathedral", + "answer_id": "m.053llq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Sorolla", + "Sorolla" + ], + "answer": "Sorolla Museum", + "answer_id": "m.05bvn8g" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza de Cibeles", + "answer_id": "m.06_l58" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Arena", + "answer_id": "m.06cgmf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Paseo del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.06j2nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Parque Warner Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.06nd2f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Thyssen-Bornemisza" + ], + "answer": "Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum", + "answer_id": "m.073z19" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Temple of Debod", + "answer_id": "m.07f__f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Puerta del Sol", + "answer_id": "m.07mpc7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Gran Via" + ], + "answer": "Gran V\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.09s07b" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Marathon", + "answer_id": "m.0bwg9f0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza Mayor, Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0cd2rc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "La Vaguada", + "answer_id": "m.0fphvtq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo de Lazaro Galdiano" + ], + "answer": "Museum of L\u00e1zaro Galdiano", + "answer_id": "m.0h3lmf1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Palace of la Bolsa de Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0h3tjjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "madrid", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in the topic of the image Location of Madrid", + "question": "What sights are the topic of the image located in Madrid?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.059zn4t . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3364_b091f87bddcf0ff4b0b73b39c4702c1e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "FIRE PROOF", + "answer_id": "m.04t44bh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:33:34", + "machine_question": "what children 's books did suzanne collins wrote and is about Woman", + "question": "What children's books about Women did Suzanne Collins write about?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bpd5z)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bpd5z ns:book.author.works_written ?x .\n?x ns:book.book.genre ns:m.0dwly .\n?x ns:book.written_work.subjects ns:m.03bt1vf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3364", + "webqsp_question": "what children 's books did suzanne collins wrote" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_abfa52cae5542a27bfbdb83770e7abfa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Great Wheel", + "answer_id": "m.0k2k2n2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and is the structure opened latest", + "question": "What is the latest attraction in Seattle Washington to be opened?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_b5d280ecc5c5bfd70dce51a0438bfbe4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and a film that Rick Stratton was a crew member of", + "question": "What movie that Rick Stratton was a crew member on was Rihanna in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.other_crew ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.02r59nc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_055ae4f2a469d90b0120eeccfe13e846", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The End of the World", + "The Apocalypse" + ], + "answer": "This Is the End", + "answer_id": "m.0hz4j2j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and is the movie that Mae Whitman played in", + "question": "Which movie starred Rihanna and Mae Whitman?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.starring ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.013vdl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2682_652ef542dff9766f77f7c4577947fa21", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jerry the Minion", + "answer_id": "m.084jfdt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jemaine clement", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:44:09", + "machine_question": "who does the actor that played the character Vladislav play in despicable me", + "question": "In Despicable Me, which character is voiced by the actor who portrayed Vladislav?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0_glp3_ . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.06zkfsy .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2682", + "webqsp_question": "who does jemaine clement play in despicable me" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1043_8215bc84fd3a751d835470764a13b63c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Republic", + "answer_id": "m.06cx9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mali", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:22:09", + "machine_question": "what kind of government is where the currency Malian franc is used", + "question": "The country that uses the Malian franc for its currency has what kind of government?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_formerly_used ns:m.0936yz . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1043", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government is mali" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_7ee57ec523641175d62d34c5fdb55160", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Duchamp, Marcel", + "Henri-Robert-Marcel Duchamp", + "R. Mutt" + ], + "answer": "Ben Shahn", + "answer_id": "m.0bqch" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Marcel Duchamp", + "answer_id": "m.028xw4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Man-Ray", + "Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitzky)", + "Manny", + "Emmanuel Radnitzky", + "The Estate of Man Ray" + ], + "answer": "Man Ray", + "answer_id": "m.0gskj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and the person's date of death is before 1984-08-25", + "question": "Which people who influenced Andy Warhol died prior to August 25, 1984?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.date_of_death ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1984-08-25\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3064_9bff9b3325534dae4908b820d4364101", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Province D' Ontario", + "ON", + "Province D\u2019 Ontario", + "Province Of Ontario" + ], + "answer": "Ontario", + "answer_id": "m.05kr_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "toronto", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:42:33", + "machine_question": "what province is the location where the film \"Shoot 'Em Up\" takes place canada located in", + "question": "In what province does the movie \"Shoot 'Em Up\" take place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0dz9by . \n?c ns:base.biblioness.bibs_location.state ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3064", + "webqsp_question": "what province is toronto canada located in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-324_b88cbfeb7ef1eb594666109c81480cfe", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln 1861 presidential inauguration", + "answer_id": "m.05brd51" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:54:47", + "machine_question": "what date was abraham lincoln inaugurated and is the event ended earliest", + "question": "Which of Abraham Lincoln's inaugurations ended earliest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0gzh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0gzh ns:base.inaugurations.inauguration_speaker.inauguration ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.end_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-324", + "webqsp_question": "what date was abraham lincoln inaugurated" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_83ae9030fb243dc2f7c6a2131a199286", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and is the politician that ended his/her government position before 2012-05-15", + "question": "Who was the leader of France in 2012 and left his position before 05-15-2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2012-05-15\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2986_89bed7f6317f309dac5c76a9d4efd7b6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pats", + "The Patsies" + ], + "answer": "New England Patriots", + "answer_id": "m.05g3b" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:28:43", + "machine_question": "who has tom brady played for and is the sports team was founded latest", + "question": "What sports 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ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id \"1245051\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2458_019ac2df6831ea7e866fa674ce4a9fae", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "costa rica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:06:06", + "machine_question": "which continent is the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Second Vice-President of Costa Rica located", + "question": "On what continent is found the governmental jurisdiction where the government has a position called Second Vice-President of Costa Rica located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.010r049n . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2458", + "webqsp_question": "which continent is costa rica located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-838_e2dcda139989882d592342afba657c7b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portugal Mens Football Team", + "Portugal National Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's Football Team", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Portugal National Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Soccer Team", + "Portugal's national football team", + "Selec\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Os Navegadores", + "Portugal Mens Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's National Soccer Team", + "Portugal national football", + "A Selec\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Seleccao das Quinas", + "Portugal Men's Soccer Team", + "Portugal Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Football Team", + "Portugal Soccer Team", + "The Navigators", + "Portugal Men's National Football Team" + ], + "answer": "Portugal national football team", + "answer_id": "m.02rqxc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cristiano ronaldo", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:49:38", + "machine_question": "what team does was nominee of the LPF Most Valuable Player award play for 2011", + "question": "For which team did the nominee for the LPF Most Valuable Player award play for in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.0_qzlw0 . \n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-838", + "webqsp_question": "what team does cristiano ronaldo play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-73_12781e726ed82c2dac09fcd2dce236fb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom" + ], + "answer": "Monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.04szc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:32", + "machine_question": "what form of government was practiced in sparta and in countries where the ruler was Philip III of Spain", + "question": "Which form of 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Smith Building" + ], + "answer": "Smith Tower", + "answer_id": "m.01r0v3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and the number of building floors is 38", + "question": "What attraction has 38 floors and is located in Seattle?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.building.floors \"38\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2774_b0a904c6b97775f60d54cc96d31d5ea7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New jack swing", + "answer_id": "m.021_z5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "Modern R&B" + ], + "answer": "Contemporary R&B", + "answer_id": "m.025sc50" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Disco music" + ], + "answer": "Disco", + "answer_id": "m.026z9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Motown Sound", + "answer_id": "m.02bqnt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Electronic" + ], + "answer": "Electronic music", + "answer_id": "m.02lkt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dance-pop", + "answer_id": "m.02lnbg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Adult contemporary" + ], + "answer": "Adult contemporary music", + "answer_id": "m.02vjzr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Funk music" + ], + "answer": "Funk", + "answer_id": "m.02x8m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Post Disco" + ], + "answer": "Post-disco", + "answer_id": "m.03c34yl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pop rock", + "answer_id": "m.05bt6j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pop", + "pop" + ], + "answer": "Pop music", + "answer_id": "m.064t9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u05e8\u05d5\u05e7", + "Rock" + ], + "answer": "Rock music", + "answer_id": "m.06by7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "RnB" + ], + "answer": "Rhythm and blues", + "answer_id": "m.06j6l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dance" + ], + "answer": "Dance music", + "answer_id": "m.0ggx5q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Soul" + ], + "answer": "Soul music", + "answer_id": "m.0gywn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "michael jackson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:03:15", + "machine_question": "what kind of music did the music producer which produced Sometimes Late at Night sing", + "question": "Find the producer or Sometimes Late at Night, what genre did he sing in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.producer.releases_produced ns:m.0bfkkg7 . \n?c ns:music.artist.genre ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2774", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of music did michael jackson sing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_35808d5c3b6a527fc5d78d0b0fc6d27a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Step Up (Bailando)", + "Step up - Camino a la fama", + "Step up - Sta vimata tou pathous", + "Let's Dance", + "Music High", + "Sexy Dance" + ], + "answer": "Step Up", + "answer_id": "m.0b73wst" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and that is 103.0 minutes long", + "question": "What is the movie that is 103 minutes long that Alyson Stoner starred in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.runtime ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_cut.runtime \"103.0\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_75f7d39d822bda23a91efa98ddabf6e8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Run of the House", + "answer_id": "m.026_g9w" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Blossom", + "answer_id": "m.02xwgb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gimme a Break!", + "answer_id": "m.036y7h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Melissa & Joey", + "answer_id": "m.0b6kw6d" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Brotherly Love", + "answer_id": "m.0g0tw9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and the tv program episode running time is 30", + "question": "Which 30 minute TV Shows has Joey Lawrence starred in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.episode_running_time \"30\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1005_4c58d9b15f348605dc97d7e0fa457f70", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rabat", + "answer_id": "m.0fs44" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "morocco", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:17:12", + "machine_question": "what is capital city of the place where Berber languages language is spoken", + "question": "Find the place that speaks Berber, what is the capital city of this place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.01hhg . \n?c ns:location.country.capital ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1005", + "webqsp_question": "what is capital city of morocco" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_9f99414d3ce60034d1c914055cf439b7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and movie that was part of the Walt Disney Animated Classics", + "question": "What ovie wwhich wa spart of the Walt Disney Animated Classics featured Miley Cyrus?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_series ns:m.0_fqy4m . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_4752eb1b10ef775830dbf8468bc5d4d1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Miley Cyrus: Tongue Tied", + "answer_id": "m.010ls0tb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Hana Montana: filmas", + "Hannah Montana - The Movie", + "Hannah Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hanna Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hannah Montana: I tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert", + "answer_id": "m.03ck042" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sonic the Hedgehog", + "answer_id": "m.042w0v2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High School Musical 2: Sing It All Or Nothing!" + ], + "answer": "High School Musical 2", + "answer_id": "m.0bc5ny" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lola", + "LOL: Laughing Out Loud", + "LOL", + "LOL - Pazza del mio migliore amico", + "Summer. Classmates. Love", + "L.O.L." + ], + "answer": "LOL", + "answer_id": "m.0cmddrx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Radio Disney Party Jams: The Concert", + "answer_id": "m.0crsmk2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The World According to Miley Cyrus", + "answer_id": "m.0cs2t3x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "So Undercover", + "answer_id": "m.0g56xqy" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Family Bond", + "answer_id": "m.0swngjg" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rock Mafia Presents: The Big Bang", + "answer_id": "m.0w1x037" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "miley cyrus", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did the artist aword nominated for 7 Things play in", + "question": "What movies featured the artist nominated for \"7 Things\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.04cl1h3 . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_68c68c1586b22ad3bfb3a6d93478228c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bryce Canyon National" + ], + "answer": "Bryce Canyon National Park", + "answer_id": "m.0cnsp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:31:32", + "machine_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah and that were established latest", + "question": "Which attraction in Salt Lake City, Utah was established most recently?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f2r6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f2r6 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:protected_sites.protected_site.date_established ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1405", + "webqsp_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1081_5b4d5fab18650207b4309c46bb516b3a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Simpson College, main campus", + "Simpson College, Indianola", + "Simpson" + ], + "answer": "Simpson College", + "answer_id": "m.01xssh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:29:02", + "machine_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage and is the university that has number of undergraduates 1979", + "question": "What university, with 1979 undergrads, was the alma mater of George Washington Carver?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03djm)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03djm ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_undergraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"1979\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1081", + "webqsp_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_d91d8ccdeb7acd1e93a047cdc910a013", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sonny Boy", + "Edwin John Tisch", + "Edwin John Fisher", + "Private Eddie Fisher", + "Edwin John \"Eddie\" Fisher" + ], + "answer": "Eddie Fisher", + "answer_id": "m.01tj5w5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and who died in Berkeley", + "question": "Which of Liz Taylor's husband's died in Berkely?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ns:m.01jr6 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_1fea68f5571d9cace1dbaa8a6da0a124", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 3D", + "Harry Potter i insygnia smierci: Czesc II", + "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to shi no hih\u00f4: Part 2", + "\u0425\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u044a\u0440 \u0438 \u0434\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u0441\u043c\u044a\u0440\u0442\u0442\u0430: \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442 2", + "Harry Potter und die Heiligt\u00fcmer des Todes - Teil 2", + "Hari Poter i relikviite na smrtta: 2 del", + "Harri Potter i Smertel'ni Relikviji: Chastyna 2", + "Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea II", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte - Parte 2", + "Hari Poter i Relikvije Smrti: II deo", + "\u039f \u03a7\u03ac\u03c1\u03b9 \u03a0\u03cc\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1 \u03ba\u03b1\u03b9 \u03bf\u03b9 \u039a\u03bb\u03ae\u03c1\u03bf\u03b9 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u0398\u03b1\u03bd\u03ac\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5: \u039c\u03ad\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2 2\u03bf", + "Harry Potter ja kuoleman varjelukset: osa 2", + "Harry Potter 7-2", + "Harry Potter e i doni della morte: Parte II", + "Harry Potter i darovi smrti 2. dio", + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort: 2\u00e8me partie", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte 2", + "Harry Potter 7-2 (3D)", + "Harry Potter a dary smrti II", + "Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 2. del", + "Harry Potter e as Rel\u00edquias da Morte: Parte 2", + "Harry Potter ve \u00d6l\u00fcm Yadig\u00e2rlari: B\u00f6l\u00fcm 2", + "Harry Potter ja surma v\u00e4gised: Osa 2", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a Hal\u00e1l erekly\u00e9i 2. r\u00e9sz", + "Harry Potter e os Talism\u00e3s da Morte: Parte 2", + "O Harry Potter kai oi kliroi tou Thanatou: Meros 2o", + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort - 2\u00e8me partie", + "Harry Potter a relikvie smrti: c\u00e1st 2", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dsregalierne - del 2", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte 3D (2\u00aa Parte)", + "Haris Poteris ir mirties relikvijos - 2 dalis", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte: Parte 2", + "Harry Potter veotzarot hamavet - helek 2", + "Harry Potter og dau\u00f0adj\u00e1snin - 2. hluti", + "Haeri Poteowa jugeumui seongmul - 2bu", + "\u0446\u042e\u041f\u041f\u0401 \u043e\u041d\u0420\u0420\u0415\u041f \u0420\u042e \u044f\u041b\u0415\u041f\u0420\u0415\u041a\u042d\u041c\u0401 \u043f\u0415\u041a\u0401\u0419\u0411\u0401\u00a9: \u0412\u042e\u042f\u0420\u0425\u041c\u042e 2", + "Harry Potter och d\u00f6dsrelikerna, del 2", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dstalismanene - del 2", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u0414\u0430\u0440\u044b \u0441\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0438: \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c II", + "Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian Bagian ke-2" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows \u2013 Part 2", + "answer_id": "m.0gvsynb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and that was producted by David Heyman", + "question": "What are the names of Harry Potter movies in order, as produced by David Heyman?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.executive_produced_by ns:m.070_lg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1311_5c5665de738381c41d6a8ed437be5d14", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "W. Morris" + ], + "answer": "William Morris", + "answer_id": "m.08304" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:08:36", + "machine_question": "what was antoni gaudi inspired by and was also a peer of Elizabeth Siddal", + "question": "Who was a frien of Elizabeth Siddal an inspired Antoni Guadi?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yb0)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yb0 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.peers ?c .\n?c ns:influence.peer_relationship.peers ns:m.01l4hs . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1311", + "webqsp_question": "what was antoni gaudi inspired by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_36a80dbb669ce56da38988bfce8b4825", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Afganistan", + "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" + ], + "answer": "Afghanistan", + "answer_id": "m.0jdd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and is the coutry that has compatible power plugs of type BS 546", + "question": "What country uses power plugs type bs 546 and borders China?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d05w3)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d05w3 ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:engineering.location_with_mains_power.mains_power_standards ?c .\n?c ns:engineering.mains_power.compatible_plugs ns:m.08cmzb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_3c09408cad7b59a629ad476d9a169931", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and ended governmental position after 1865-03-03", + "question": "Which person both influenced Walt Whitman's poetry and caused him to lose his employment with the government after 1865-03-03?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1865-03-03\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_b02bdbd8ba6e59251f85959e861d281a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "l'Hexagone", + "R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise", + "French Republic" + ], + "answer": "France", + "answer_id": "m.0f8l9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and in which the fictional character Fleur Delacour was born", + "question": "Which European country was the fictional Fleur Delacour born in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.fictional_characters_born_here ns:m.01dkj9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_477ff0af8a252998d8d6e1eb1bf951a6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and is the government with official symbol of State reptile", + "question": "What state with official symbol of the State Reptile did Laura Ingalls Wilder live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01bt87)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.Kind_of_symbol ns:m.04627f7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-967_399c19436cbc08af46c892b88346ab2b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Suicide", + "answer_id": "m.06z5s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:12:05", + "machine_question": "what did hitler use to kill himself and also the actor Michael Angelis", + "question": "What killed both Hitler and actor Michael Angelis?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07_m9_)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07_m9_ ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.02bw1q . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-967", + "webqsp_question": "what did hitler use to kill himself" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3395_c914b0ca5bf68616cc936d2a9a5c8f26", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary" + ], + "answer": "Parliamentary republic", + "answer_id": "m.0glnsx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:38:53", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does mongolia and is the government for Dominica", + "question": "Dominica has this government along with Mongolia.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04w8f)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04w8f ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.government.government_for ns:m.027nb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3395", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does mongolia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1809_7c5aed548276fc1cbd33c8e3ed2a43d2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TN", + "Tenn", + "Volunteer State" + ], + "answer": "Tennessee", + "answer_id": "m.07h34" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:50", + "machine_question": "where was the battle of shiloh and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted earliest", + "question": "what place had the earliest adapted government jurisdiction symbol that the battle of shiloh was fought in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0127mr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0127mr ns:time.event.locations ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1809", + "webqsp_question": "where was the battle of shiloh" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1247_675e2a842506fdbbcf3ccdec8f51cee3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Megan Griffin", + "Meg Griffin as the Sarlacc" + ], + "answer": "Meg Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.035szd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "family guy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:17:14", + "machine_question": "what character does mila kunis play on the tv program that has the theme song Family Guy Theme Song", + "question": "What character is voiced by Mila Kunis on Family Guy?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_program.theme_song ns:m.0n9cghm . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ns:m.023v4_ .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1247", + "webqsp_question": "what character does mila kunis play on family guy" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2325_4206ac0a907076be177d272525fdbe68", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ryan 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+ { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, USA", + "Empire City", + "City of New York", + "New York City, New York", + "New-York", + "\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e8\u30fc\u30af\u5e02", + "Gotham", + "New York", + "New York, NY", + "The Melting Pot", + "Richmond County / New York city", + "NYC", + "The Big Apple", + "New York, N.Y.", + "New York, New York", + "The Capital of the World" + ], + "answer": "New York City", + "answer_id": "m.02_286" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "Hennepin County / Minneapolis city" + ], + "answer": "Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Duluth, Minnesota", + "St. Louis County / Duluth city" + ], + "answer": "Duluth", + "answer_id": "m.0h1k6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "St. Louis County / Hibbing city", + "Hibbing, Minnesota" + ], + "answer": "Hibbing", + "answer_id": "m.0wjjx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bob dylan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did the person who wrote the lyrics for \"Country Pie\" live", + "question": "What cities did the writer of the song \"country pie\" live in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0zjwptn . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1137_39ac66acc5ab6fee74a0d27eaf772553", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ill", + "Land of Lincoln", + "IL", + "IL, Ill." + ], + "answer": "Illinois", + "answer_id": "m.03v0t" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "illinois river", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:41:47", + "machine_question": "where is the the body of water under Murray Baker Bridge on a map", + "question": "What state and country can you fin Murray Baker Bridge?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:geography.body_of_water.bridges ns:m.084666 . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1137", + "webqsp_question": "where is the illinois river on a map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_cd6f24d971b82797be9403b96ff4a9cc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bulldog", + "Capote, Truman", + "Truman Garcia Capote", + "Mr. Capote", + "Truman Streckfus Persons" + ], + "answer": "Truman Capote", + "answer_id": "m.014dq7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and was buried in Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery", + "question": "Who was buried in Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery and influenced Andy Warhol's work?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_burial ns:m.018mm4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-470_fd89f4a07542aa4be3288c10d4f9abbd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mwinilunga", + "answer_id": "m.07cdmr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "zambezi river", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:53:12", + "machine_question": "where does the river that flows through Songo, Mozambique originate", + "question": "The river that flows through Songo, Mozambique originates where?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:geography.river.cities ns:m.0hzj06j . \n?c ns:geography.river.origin ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-470", + "webqsp_question": "where does the zambezi river originate" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_f711d6e7c7a50e0cd5de8d9d7ab28a36", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sen John Warner", + "John W. 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John Warner", + "Senator John Warner", + "John William Warner KBE" + ], + "answer": "John Warner", + "answer_id": "m.01w8b5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and that work as Sailor", + "question": "Which husband of Liz Taylor worked as a sailor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:people.person.profession ns:m.016wtf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-583_0818b36d353ffb39f85b4606b1230866", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "BU", + "Boston" + ], + "answer": "Boston University", + "answer_id": "m.0gl5_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "martin luther king jr", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:13:00", + "machine_question": "what school did that who was the speaker in March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom received his doctorate degree from", + "question": "What school did the speaker of March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom receive a doctorate from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.event ns:m.01lt0z . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?y ns:education.education.degree ns:m.04zx3q1 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-583", + "webqsp_question": "what school did martin luther king jr received his doctorate degree from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_83db7f44b529d45718cc97f5e1a70a99", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Benin", + "answer_id": "m.0164v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guinea", + "answer_id": "m.03676" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mali", + "answer_id": "m.04v09" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Niger" + ], + "answer": "Niger", + "answer_id": "m.05cc1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Nigeria" + ], + "answer": "Nigeria", + "answer_id": "m.05cgv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "niger river", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the river that flows through Bamako flow through", + "question": "The river Bamako flows through what countries?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:geography.river.cities ns:m.0fn13 . \n?c ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2603_b883db0c5c325b6bb62ec325f97e3b24", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hungarian Language", + "Magyar", + "Hungarian" + ], + "answer": "Hungarian language", + "answer_id": "m.02ztjwg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hungarian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:32:35", + "machine_question": "what do the place where breed Mudi originated in people speak", + "question": "Find the location that the breed Mudi originated from, what language is spoken there?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.01p33b . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2603", + "webqsp_question": "what do hungarian people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_843d222084ae9b7a90ad2dded62080c0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bulldog", + "Capote, Truman", + "Truman Garcia Capote", + "Mr. Capote", + "Truman Streckfus Persons" + ], + "answer": "Truman Capote", + "answer_id": "m.014dq7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Frank Stella", + "answer_id": "m.017b13" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Milton Ernest Rauschenberg" + ], + "answer": "Robert Rauschenberg", + "answer_id": "m.01sj_s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Touko Laaksonen", + "Tom" + ], + "answer": "Tom of Finland", + "answer_id": "m.024hjy" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Ben Shahn", + "answer_id": "m.028xw4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SAMO", + "Jean Michel Basquiat" + ], + "answer": "Jean-Michel Basquiat", + "answer_id": "m.041st" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jack Smith", + "answer_id": "m.07kwmh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Duchamp, Marcel", + "Henri-Robert-Marcel Duchamp", + "R. Mutt" + ], + "answer": "Marcel Duchamp", + "answer_id": "m.0bqch" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jasper Johns, Jr." + ], + "answer": "Jasper Johns", + "answer_id": "m.0gcjf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Man-Ray", + "Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitzky)", + "Manny", + "Emmanuel Radnitzky", + "The Estate of Man Ray" + ], + "answer": "Man Ray", + "answer_id": "m.0gskj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "John Milton Cage", + "John Milton Cage Jr." + ], + "answer": "John Cage", + "answer_id": "m.0hgqq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "andy warhol", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced the person that said \"I am a deeply superficial person.\" 's work", + "question": "Find the person who said \"I am a deeply superficial person\", who influenced their work?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048gggq . \n?c ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_7353c8c6c04ea2c5ff801a96123277cc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, USA", + "Empire City", + "City of New York", + "New York City, New York", + "New-York", + "\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e8\u30fc\u30af\u5e02", + "Gotham", + "New York", + "New York, NY", + "The Melting Pot", + "Richmond County / New York city", + "NYC", + "The Big Apple", + "New York, N.Y.", + "New York, New York", + "The Capital of the World" + ], + "answer": "New York City", + "answer_id": "m.02_286" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and is the location where the recipient of an honorary degree awarded on 1982 was born in", + "question": "Where did Bob Dylan live and get an honorary degree in 1982?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:education.honorary_degree.awarded_on \"1982\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1898_d924c0e2ecd8ee8289e86c845eff324b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Peter L\u00f6wenbr\u00e4u Griffin" + ], + "answer": "Peter Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.03n6jv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:59:14", + "machine_question": "what voices does seth macfarlane play on family guy and the fictional character which is the parent of Chris Griffin", + "question": "What character that is the father of Chris Griffin does Seth MacFarlane voice?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.019nnl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.019nnl ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ns:m.021yw7 .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.children ns:m.02m2hd . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1898", + "webqsp_question": "what voices does seth macfarlane play on family guy" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1212_c304fd0564b819c2863dfebd8391dea1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:12:29", + "machine_question": "what political system does the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Government of Russia use", + "question": "What systems of government are employed by the nations that have a body called Government of Russia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.02ps5qq . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1212", + "webqsp_question": "what political system does russia use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2150_a4ddba5c32029f9ddbc62e1f994f4146", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Belize", + "answer_id": "m.0164b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Guatemala." + ], + "answer": "Guatemala", + "answer_id": "m.0345_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 countries does the place where breed Mexican Hairless Dog originated in border", + "question": "What 3 Countries share borders with that which the Mexican Hairless Dog Breed originated from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.01k9j2 . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2150", + "webqsp_question": "what 3 countries does mexico border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_a2434eacd8efacb093fb997ab8d6e89e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and the location GNIS feature ID is 1660981", + "question": "What's the name of the location with GNIS feature ID 1660981 in which Bob Dylan lives?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id \"1660981\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1976_aeb24745935dbb847d7bc38c88e2eb81", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Galatasaray A.\u015e.", + "Cimbom", + "Galatasaray SK", + "Avrupa Fatihi", + "Galatasaray Anonim \u015eirketi", + "Aslan", + "Gala", + "Sar\u0131 K\u0131rm\u0131z\u0131l\u0131lar", + "Galata-Serai Football Club", + "Galatasaray Spor Kul\u00fcb\u00fc", + "Galatasaray" + ], + "answer": "Galatasaray S.K.", + "answer_id": "m.06zpgb2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T12:10:53", + "machine_question": "what team did drogba play for and sports team that play in Istanbul", + "question": "What sports team that plays in Istanbul did Drogba play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_y2f)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_y2f ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.location ns:m.09949m . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1976", + "webqsp_question": "what team did drogba play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-567_95d400abb93cd6a39ff4ca692cfd8a39", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "85621", + "answer_id": "m.01z5r29" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "85662", + "answer_id": "m.07nq6b_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "85628", + "answer_id": "m.07nq6d9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "nogales", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:11:39", + "machine_question": "what is the zip code for the location where the film \"Battle Hymn\" takes place az", + "question": "What is the zip code in Arizona where the film \"Battle Hymn\" took place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0kv191 . \n?c ns:location.citytown.postal_codes ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-567", + "webqsp_question": "what is the zip code for nogales az" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2736_602d3e74c7063895f149a8f44b9e406f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Siwa", + "Siwi", + "Oasis Berber", + "Sioua", + "Zenati" + ], + "answer": "Siwi Language", + "answer_id": "m.012zfy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High Arabic", + "Fasih", + "Modern Literary Arabic", + "Arabic, Standard", + "Al Arabiya", + "Al Fus-ha" + ], + "answer": "Modern Standard Arabic", + "answer_id": "m.025rvv7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Arabic, Egyptian Spoken", + "Lower Egypt Arabic", + "Arabic, Egyptian Spoken Language", + "Normal Egyptian Arabic", + "Massry" + ], + "answer": "Egyptian Arabic", + "answer_id": "m.02hx2cr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sa`idi", + "Upper Egypt Arabic", + "Sa\nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.0c4chg . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2736", + "webqsp_question": "what languages do people speak in egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1066_1bbff1431d59ee1a4d55e641c71b0f3d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Em", + "Emilie De Ravin" + ], + "answer": "Emilie de Ravin", + "answer_id": "m.03x22w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "lost", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:49:52", + "machine_question": "who plays claire in the tv program that has the theme song Lonely Girl", + "question": "What actress plays Claire on a television show with the theme song 'Lonely Girl'?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_program.theme_song ns:m.0n9khtm . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ns:m.06xt2p .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1066", + "webqsp_question": "who plays claire in lost" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2095_1bccdeea331cc743f4e756c21aac69e8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "belize", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:16:46", + "machine_question": "what continent is the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named George Cadle Price located in", + "question": "On what continent is the governmental jurisdiction that has a governmental office holder named George Cadle Price located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.01q3xc . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2095", + "webqsp_question": "what continent is belize located in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3563_e2b1841ae520130eaf1656a59cd7c829", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dry Tortugas National" + ], + "answer": "Dry Tortugas National Park", + "answer_id": "m.02zjt1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:09:48", + "machine_question": "where to go in florida for vacation and that were established in the year 1935-01-04", + "question": "Which 1935-01-04 established location is a good Florida Vacation Spot?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02xry)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02xry ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:protected_sites.protected_site.date_established \"1935-01-04\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2150_8e88857e3061933d421a673cdfbdb52f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Belize", + "answer_id": "m.0164b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Guatemala." + ], + "answer": "Guatemala", + "answer_id": "m.0345_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 countries does the affected area of the cyclone Hurricane Frank border", + "question": "What 3 countries border the affected area of Hurricane Frank?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2211_242efa9cd37175c1358f6bb62a7dcbbc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "True Blood Season 2", + "answer_id": "m.07kd5nl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:32:19", + "machine_question": "what episode does eric northman come in and is the tv series starts from 2009-06-14", + "question": "What series and episode that started from 6-14-2009 that Eric Northman starred in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0411sjw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0411sjw ns:tv.tv_character.appeared_in_tv_program ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.seasons ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_series_season.from \"2009-06-14\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2211", + "webqsp_question": "what episode does eric northman come in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_f7af0a03490b33302d4200901fed5162", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Belgique", + "Belgi\u00eb", + "Kingdom of Belgium" + ], + "answer": "Belgium", + "answer_id": "m.0154j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Bulgaria" + ], + "answer": "Bulgaria", + "answer_id": "m.015qh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Croatie", + "Croacia", + "Republika Hrvatska", + "Hirvatistan", + "Hrvatska", + "Republic of Croatia", + "Kroatien", + "Croatia/Hrvatska", + "ISO 3166-1:HR", + "Croazia", + "Hravatska", + "Cro\u00e1cia", + "Kroatia", + "Crotaia" + ], + "answer": "Croatia", + "answer_id": "m.01pj7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cyprus", + "answer_id": "m.01ppq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": "Estonia", + "answer_id": "m.02kmm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Germany", + "Bundesrepublik Deutschland", + "BRD", + "Deutschland" + ], + "answer": "Germany", + "answer_id": "m.0345h" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Hellenic Republic", + "Hellas" + ], + "answer": "Greece", + "answer_id": "m.035qy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Magyarorsz\u00e1g", + "Hungary, Europe" + ], + "answer": "Hungary", + "answer_id": "m.03gj2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Italia", + "Italian Republic" + ], + "answer": "Italy", + "answer_id": "m.03rjj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "the twenty-six counties", + "the Free State", + "Irish Republic", + "the 26 counties", + "\u00c9ire" + ], + "answer": "Republic of Ireland", + "answer_id": "m.03rt9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lettland", + "Republic of Latvia" + ], + "answer": "Latvia", + "answer_id": "m.04g5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" + ], + "answer": "Luxembourg", + "answer_id": "m.04g61" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Isla de Malta", + "Republic of Malta" + ], + "answer": "Malta", + "answer_id": "m.04v3q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Netherlands", + "Nederlands", + "Holland", + "Nederland", + "Hollanti" + ], + "answer": "Netherlands", + "answer_id": "m.059j2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Polska", + "Republic of Poland" + ], + "answer": "Poland", + "answer_id": "m.05qhw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Portuguese Republic" + ], + "answer": "Portugal", + "answer_id": "m.05r4w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Rom\u00e2nia" + ], + "answer": "Romania", + "answer_id": "m.06c1y" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom of Spain", + "Espa\u00f1a", + "Furija" + ], + "answer": "Spain", + "answer_id": 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"Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "D\u00e4nemark", + "Kingdom of Denmark", + "Kongeriget Danmark", + "\u4e39\u9ea6" + ], + "answer": "Denmark", + "answer_id": "m.0k6nt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "eu", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are the governmental jurisdiction that held the legislative session of the Seventh European Parliament countries", + "question": "What countries are in the governmental jurisdiction that held the legislative session of the Seventh European Parliament?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.legislative_sessions ns:m.06zr1bt . \n?c ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1418_b3a2ccc81ab934c7f836221d51e151f5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill", + "The Shat", + "Bill Shatner", + "William Shanter", + "William Schattner", + "Billy", + "Fear of Pop", + "William Alan Shatner" + ], + "answer": "William Shatner", + "answer_id": "m.084m3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek and that work as Comedian", + "question": "Which comedian played Captain Kirk in Star Trek?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0crtw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0crtw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.profession ns:m.018gz8 . 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'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.058yv_ . \n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.jurisdiction_of_office ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-116", + "webqsp_question": "what countries did queen victoria reign over" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2010_0418d3a7dafa31d4a8c99233f8b93fc2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Western art music", + "Classical" + ], + "answer": "Classical music", + "answer_id": "m.0ggq0m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:06:12", + "machine_question": "what music did antonio vivaldi compose and that was featured in the album Nightingale", + "question": "What music which was in the album Nightingale was composed by Antonio Vivaldi?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0pth)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0pth ns:music.artist.genre ?x .\n?x ns:music.genre.albums ns:m.0105s4cj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2010", + "webqsp_question": "what music did antonio vivaldi compose" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_4bedefa2f2f0c2843bcf7407cd03420c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Belarus", + "Respublika Belarus\u2019", + "Bellarussiya", + "Bielaru\u015b" + ], + "answer": "Belarus", + "answer_id": "m.0163v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": "Estonia", + "answer_id": "m.02kmm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lettland", + "Republic of Latvia" + ], + "answer": "Latvia", + "answer_id": "m.04g5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + 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"composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does a military combatant which was involved in the military conflict of the Battle of Kulikovo border", + "question": "Which countries are bordered by a military combatant that was involved in the Battle of Kulikovo?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:military.military_combatant.casualties ?k .\n?k ns:military.casualties.military_conflict ns:m.01975w . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-838_b0094ac3e430c221dbdb67d6e4b9a570", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los 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ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1914\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-838", + "webqsp_question": "what team does cristiano ronaldo play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2550_45f7d5d6152c7c8b33e807509cdeeea8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jermaine paul", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:17:24", + "machine_question": "what nationality is the winner of The Voice (US) - Season 2", + "question": "The person who won The Voice (US) - Season 2 is from what country?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT 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lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0v0yx74 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:people.cause_of_death.parent_cause_of_death ns:m.0qcr0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1080", + "webqsp_question": "what cancer did audrey hepburn died of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_ccb9499bd468fecc8c42bc66615b5f12", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sofokles", + "Sophokles", + "Sophocles Dexion" + ], + "answer": "Sophocles", + "answer_id": "m.06pzl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by and that was born in Colonus", + "question": "Who was born in Colonus and influential to Arthur Miller's work?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yfp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yfp 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lake city utah and their annual visitors number is 2697182", + "question": "What popular attraction in Salt Lake City, Utah, has 2.6 million visitors annually?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f2r6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f2r6 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:protected_sites.protected_site.annual_visitors ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"2697182\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1405", + "webqsp_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2494_7e85ba00d34cfc6dee0aeaf31c178aaf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "the (big) smoke", + "The Great Wen", + "London, England", + "Londres", + "Capital of Great Britain" + ], + "answer": "London", + "answer_id": "m.04jpl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:11:12", + "machine_question": "where did roger moore live and is the place that a person with the birth date 1976-04-05 was born", + "question": "Who was born on 1976-04-05 in the city where Roger Moore once llived?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.017lqp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.017lqp ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:people.person.date_of_birth \"1976-04-05\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2494", + "webqsp_question": "where did roger moore live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1949_16044e3b13118db04cd6ac080c5ac7fc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri General Assembly", + "answer_id": "m.02zxrn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Court of Appeals", + "answer_id": "m.03qj7vv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Senate", + "answer_id": "m.0694qd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri House of Representatives", + "answer_id": "m.069kvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:59:12", + "machine_question": "what is the legislature of the state that held the United States Senate election in Missouri, 1994 called", + "question": "What was the name of the Senate election in Missouri in 1994?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_district.elections ns:m.05q6yp2 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government_bodies ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1949", + "webqsp_question": "what is the legislature of missouri called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1293_94804f307e17d9f35433df45f121f2cd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "West Germanic languages", + "answer_id": "m.0140qt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Indo-European languages", + "answer_id": "m.03v09" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Anglo-Frisian languages", + "answer_id": "m.082j1s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "english", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:06:05", + "machine_question": "where has the the language found in the fictional universe Foreworld language evolved from", + "question": "What language does the language in the fictional universe Foreworld language evolved from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.0hprt34 . \n?c ns:language.human_language.language_family ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1293", + "webqsp_question": "where has the english language evolved from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-63_755a1055834836e2ca8c165ee65d6198", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Alexander Sacha 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Experience", + "The Goblet of Fire", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to honoo no goburetto", + "Harry Potter i Plameni pehar", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u043a\u0443\u0431\u043e\u043a \u043e\u0433\u043d\u044f", + "Harry Potter och Den flammande b\u00e4garen", + "Harry Potter et la coupe de feu", + "Harry Potter in ognjeni kelih", + "Harry Potter og eldbikarinn", + "Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch", + "Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco", + "Harry Potter og flammernes pokal", + "Harry Potter e o C\u00e1lice de Fogo", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a t\u0171z serlege", + "Harry Potter en de vuurbeker", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00e1 casa", + "Harry Potter ja liekehtiv\u00e4 pikari", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00fd poh\u00e1r", + "Hari Poter i vatreni pehar", + "Haris Poteris ir ugnies taure", + "Harry Potter og ildbegeret", + "Harry Potter y el c\u00e1liz de fuego", + "Harry Potter ve ates kadehi", + "Harry Potter i Czara Ognia", + "Harry Potter ja tulepeeker", + "Harry Potter i el calze de foc" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", + "answer_id": "m.031786" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and is in the French", + "question": "In French & in order, what are the names of the Harry Potter movies?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.language ns:m.064_8sq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_8e3fa15a030ec42adbc712eeb450db63", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Happy Smekday!" + ], + "answer": "Home", + "answer_id": "m.0mwfph8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and that the story was written by Adam Rex", + "question": "What movie, written by Adam Rex, featured voice work by Rihanna?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.story_by ns:m.027lp37 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2513_83f2e5cdf0c6524f2e26faf5ebaec362", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Arsenal", + "The Gunners", + "Woolwich Arsenal", + "Arsenal Gunners", + "Dial Square", + "Arsenal", + "Arsenal Football Club", + "Arsenal FC" + ], + "answer": "Arsenal F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.0xbm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:13:18", + "machine_question": "who has won the most fa cup and is the sports team was founded after 1878", + "question": "Which sports team, that was founded after 1878, has won the most fa cups?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count)\n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n {\n SELECT (MAX(?count) AS ?maxCount)\n WHERE {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count) \n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n }\n FILTER (?maxCount = ?count)?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1878\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2513", + "webqsp_question": "who has won the most fa cup" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_313ad5665508312b968492895147f134", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Days of '47 Parade", + "answer_id": "m.0268k69" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:31:32", + "machine_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah and occur once a Yearly", + "question": "What annual event is a major attraction in Salt Lake City, Utah?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f2r6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f2r6 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:time.recurring_event.current_frequency ns:m.02n9t4t . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1405", + "webqsp_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1809_0adacc5f8d85e317c77fbf2ffa83dae9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TN", + "Tenn", + "Volunteer State" + ], + "answer": "Tennessee", + "answer_id": "m.07h34" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:50", + "machine_question": "where was the battle of shiloh and is the government with official symbol of State tree", + "question": "What state had the Battle of Shiloh take place in it and has an official symbol of state tree?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0127mr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0127mr ns:time.event.locations ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.Kind_of_symbol ns:m.04627dk . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1809", + "webqsp_question": "where was the battle of shiloh" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_83fc17a68d2eeb2264534f7456a6bac5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Norge", + "Kingdom of Norway" + ], + "answer": "Norway", + "answer_id": "m.05b4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does 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"composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:36:14", + "machine_question": "where all did picasso live and a military combatant which was involved in the military conflict of the Gulf War", + "question": "What did Picasso live that was a military combatant involved in the Gulf War?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.060_7)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.060_7 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:military.military_combatant.casualties ?c .\n?c ns:military.casualties.military_conflict ns:m.018w0j . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1441", + "webqsp_question": "where all did picasso live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_798e8b945dfbb94d6e639d13b6b161f0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and that was edited by Paul Rubell", + "question": "What movie was edited by Paul Rubell and featured Rihanna?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.edited_by ns:m.02x6kmn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2944_f1a83a32bf04983a5a5f9da914f867c8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:28", + "machine_question": "what country is that who was the speaker in 2012 State of the Union Address from", + "question": "What country is the 2012 speaker in the State of the Union Address from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.event ns:m.0hrdf6b . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2944", + "webqsp_question": "what country is barack obama from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_d4e1b9b519c6cb7863d8125e027ed50c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "John Cahill Lawless" + ], + "answer": "Jack Lawless", + "answer_id": "m.0417yh9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The High Flier", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Joseph Jonas", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Joe", + "JJ", + "Joseph Adam Jonas", + "DJ Danger" + ], + "answer": "Joe Jonas", + 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"answer": "Missouri Court of Appeals", + "answer_id": "m.03qj7vv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Senate", + "answer_id": "m.0694qd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri House of Representatives", + "answer_id": "m.069kvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:59:12", + "machine_question": "what is the legislature of has an official symbol of American paddlefish called", + "question": "What is the legislature of the state that has the official symbol of the American Paddlefish?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.01nsg2 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government_bodies ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1949", + "webqsp_question": "what 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"sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.legislative_sessions ns:m.0111652c . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1538_73c80dbdfee0f9fbe7d4865fe2598337", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazil Football Team", + "Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "Brazil Men's National Football Team", + "Brazil Mens Soccer Team", + "Brazil Mens National Soccer Team", + "Brazil Men's Football Team", + "Brazil Mens Football Team", + "Brazil Men's National Soccer Team", + "Brazil National Soccer Team", + "Brazil Mens National Football Team", + "Brazil national football", + "Brazil Soccer Team", + "Brazil Men's Soccer Team" + ], + "answer": "Brazil national football team", + "answer_id": "m.01352_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Quer\u00e9taro FC", + "Queretaro FC", + "Gallos Blancos (White Roosters)", + "Gallos (Roosters)" + ], + "answer": "Quer\u00e9taro F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.01xn5n_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ronaldinho", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:01:47", + "machine_question": "what team is the actor that played in the film El disco del a\u00c3\u00b1o on", + "question": "The actor that played in the movie El Disco del ano, what team is he on?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0y4tmgd . \n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1538", + "webqsp_question": "what team is ronaldinho on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1121_219d76ff98f71fe939c88e81e2a66960", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "United we stand, divided we fall", + "answer_id": "m.0b0jhz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kentucky", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:40:19", + "machine_question": "what is has an official symbol of Spotted bass state slogan", + "question": "What is the state slogan of the state whose official symbol is spotted bass?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.0cqw8 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?y .\n?y ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ?x .\n?y ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.Kind_of_symbol ns:m.0j749 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1121", + "webqsp_question": "what is kentucky state slogan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3346_f3e8ef4e5defe5113cc428a18255283c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Palm Jumeriah", + "Palm Jumeirah, Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Palm Jumeirah", + "answer_id": "m.025smcz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sheikh Saeed Al Maktoum House" + ], + "answer": "Saeed Al Maktoum House", + "answer_id": "m.02768mb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Beach Hotel", + "answer_id": "m.027tlcs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Dubai Museum", + "answer_id": "m.02q24rq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madinat Jumeirah", + "answer_id": "m.02qkhn8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Al-Jumeirah" + ], + "answer": "Jumeirah Mosque", + "answer_id": "m.02qmbrc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Universal Studios Dubailand", + "answer_id": "m.02qyvdt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dubai", + "Khor Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Dubai Creek", + "answer_id": "m.03c3yb1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Burj Khalifa, Dubai", + "Burj Dubai", + "Dubai tower" + ], + "answer": "Burj Khalifa", + "answer_id": "m.03cn0v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Restless Planet", + "answer_id": "m.03m57sn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wild Wadi Water" + ], + "answer": "Wild Wadi Water Park", + "answer_id": "m.03nyg2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Deira Clocktower", + "answer_id": "m.03whtz_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hindu Temple, Dubai", + "answer_id": "m.03yb84v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Fish Roundabout", + "answer_id": "m.0405p7v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The World", + "answer_id": "m.04q5nb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mushrif" + ], + "answer": "Mushrif Park", + "answer_id": "m.05bf4c" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Grand Mosque", + "answer_id": "m.06152r" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dubai Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.065z06l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Emirates Towers, Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Emirates Towers", + "answer_id": "m.06jpgt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dubai fountain" + ], + "answer": "The Dubai Fountain", + "answer_id": "m.06zn69y" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dubai International Convention Centre", + "answer_id": "m.084blh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dubai Autodrome", + "answer_id": "m.084z1l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Waterfront" + ], + "answer": "Dubai Waterfront", + "answer_id": "m.09cwdq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Ski Dubai", + "answer_id": "m.0bsbx_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Dubai Mall", + "answer_id": "m.0bxdn4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Beach", + "answer_id": "m.0cnyfm6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Zabeel Saray", + "answer_id": "m.0q40862" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "dubai", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:29:14", + "machine_question": "what are the places to see in the place that has the neighborhood Dubai Marina", + "question": "What are some places to see in the area of the Dubai Marina?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.place_with_neighborhoods.neighborhoods ns:m.07d0th . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3346", + "webqsp_question": "what are the places to see in dubai" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2759_72ce675be82a5655a30547169d8008e9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Central Standard Time", + "Central Time", + "Central Daylight Time", + "Central Standard Time Zone" + ], + "answer": "Central Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02fqwt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:00:40", + "machine_question": "what times is it in texas and locations near Tulsa International Airport", + "question": "Which time zone includes both Texas and the Tulsa International Airport?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07b_l)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07b_l ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n?x ns:time.time_zone.locations_in_this_time_zone ?c .\n?c ns:location.location.nearby_airports ns:m.01qgx3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2759", + "webqsp_question": "what times is it in texas" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_d64fd535c1d2db83011eeb1ac4557716", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "So Undercover", + "answer_id": "m.0g56xqy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and that was producted by Tobin Armbrust", + "question": "The movie featured Miley Cyrus and was produced by Tobin Armbrust?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.produced_by ns:m.0120_mpy . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1684_de5b5b195f1bad49f616fcd8c15bfaa9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Saint Thomas More", + "Sir Thomas More" + ], + "answer": "Thomas More", + "answer_id": "m.07hl9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Virgilio", + "Publius Maro", + "Vergil", + "Publio Virgilio", + "Publius Vergilius Maro", + "Verg\u012blijs" + ], + "answer": "Virgil", + "answer_id": "m.07yhg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:15:54", + "machine_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing and had relation of Peer Relationship with", + "question": "Who were some of the peers of William Shakespeare that influenced him to start writing?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.081k8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.081k8 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.peers ?c .\n?c ns:type.object.type ns:influence.peer_relationship . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1684", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1362_ac7133fabc2311ee7ec9291394a13d3e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richard L Scott", + "Richard Lynn Scott" + ], + "answer": "Rick Scott", + "answer_id": "m.0btx2g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:58", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the state that held the Florida gubernatorial election, 2010", + "question": "Who was the governor of Florida following the 2010 gubernatorial race?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_district.elections ns:m.05b38dc . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1362", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of florida" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2325_71621b15ae9777fca8c1becaa188a3bb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ryan Rodney Reynolds", + "Champ Nightengale" + ], + "answer": "Ryan Reynolds", + "answer_id": "m.036hf4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scarlett johansson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:48:21", + "machine_question": "who did was an award nominee in the Boston Society of Film Critics Awards 2003 ceremony married", + "question": "Who was an award nominee in the Boston Society of Film Critics Awards and got married in 2003?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.ceremony ns:m.09t_1l . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2325", + "webqsp_question": "who did scarlett johansson married" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_55fdad93ff3cc0b1c17bbdd77926c090", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingsbury County / De Smet city", + "De Smet, South Dakota" + ], + "answer": "De Smet", + "answer_id": "m.0_r0n" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pepin, Wisconsin" + ], + "answer": "Pepin", + "answer_id": "m.01mmj7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Burr Oak, Iowa" + ], + "answer": "Burr Oak", + "answer_id": "m.0dz6k_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Walnut Grove, Minnesota", + "Redwood County / Walnut Grove city" + ], + "answer": "Walnut Grove", + "answer_id": "m.0wg6f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wright County / Mansfield city", + "Mansfield, Missouri" + ], + "answer": "Mansfield", + "answer_id": "m.0x14p" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "laura ingalls wilder", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did the author who published editions for Christmas in the Big Woods (My First Little House Books) live", + "question": "What city and sate did the author who puclished editions of Christmas in the big woods live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04vrb4l . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1441_1e65a5a88d0328acfcef234f424d56bd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Madrid, Spain", + "Villa de Madrid" + ], + "answer": 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"machine_question": "where did the artist aword nominated for The Long Winter live", + "question": "The artist nominated for The Long Winter lived where?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.027qfnk . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_a9e944d73e3dc9ae9a2b8fe62942c479", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Shake-speare", + "William 'Budd' Shakespeare", + "The Bard of Avon", + "Will Shakespeare", + "William Shakespare", + "Shakspere", + "England's national poet", + "The Bard", + "William Shaxper", + "Shaxper", + "Shakespeare", + "William Shake-speare", + "Budd", + "William Shakspere", + "William Shaksper", + "W. 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"m.02p0d7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Klara Hitler", + "answer_id": "m.0321wy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hitler", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:38:24", + "machine_question": "what were the political appointer that had the title Reich Governor 's parents names", + "question": "Who were the parents of the political appointee whose title was Reich Governor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.09c1mpz . \n?c ns:people.person.parents ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3390", + "webqsp_question": "what were hitler 's parents names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-496_92f0f13099c23b173643ebd8fe674c2e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Teacher", + "answer_id": "m.01d30f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:22:37", + "machine_question": "what did einstein do and that was featured in the work The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie", + "question": "What was einstein's profession in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jcx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jcx ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n?x ns:book.book_subject.works ns:m.01fwy9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-496", + "webqsp_question": "what did einstein do" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1898_675e2a842506fdbbcf3ccdec8f51cee3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kevin Swanson", + "answer_id": "g.120yrd_6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Carter Pewterschmidt", + "answer_id": "g.12245v14" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Glenn Quagmire", + "answer_id": "m.01sxhc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Thomas Feargal Tucker" 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+ { + "aliases": [ + "Dr. Hartman" + ], + "answer": "Dr. Elmer Hartman", + "answer_id": "m.05sr4zg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nathaniel Griffin" + ], + "answer": "Nate Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.05srj40" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jake Tucker", + "answer_id": "m.05ss3k_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "family guy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:59:14", + "machine_question": "what voices does seth macfarlane play on the tv program that has the theme song Family Guy Theme Song", + "question": "What characters does Seth Macfarlane voice on the show with the Family Guy theme song?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_program.theme_song ns:m.0n9cghm . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ns:m.021yw7 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": 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"2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and is in Northern Europe", + "question": "Which EU countries are located in Northern Europe?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.containedby ns:m.01531v . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_1089a6e2659c92315391cbc6a088b452", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and is subject of the film The Conquest", + "question": "Who is the leader, and the subject of the film The Conquest, of France in 2In what timezone is the state?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= 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"who was the president of pakistan in 1980" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-321_17dce559f069bbd76f045192423e1ce0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:32:07", + "machine_question": "what do people in australia speak and is the language found in the fictional universe Buffyverse", + "question": "Which language is spoken in Australia and also in the Buffyverse?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.02s3gw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-321", + "webqsp_question": "what do people in australia speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2597_caa13f8f977f6e71cc4ca3d314a359b2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Central Standard Time", + "Central Time", + "Central Daylight Time", + "Central Standard Time Zone" + ], + "answer": "Central Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02fqwt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:31:41", + "machine_question": "what time zone am i in the government with official symbol of State Aquatic Animal", + "question": "The state that has a state symbol using an aquatic animal can be found in what time zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.Kind_of_symbol ns:m.04yk_7z . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2597", + "webqsp_question": "what time zone am i in missouri" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-450_066ff216d9a3b686612adbbf8c7ad2fd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ice hockey" + ], + "answer": "Ice hockey team", + "answer_id": "m.025698k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "colorado eagles", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:13:09", + "machine_question": "who are the sports team that play in Loveland", + "question": "Which sports team plays in Loveland?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.location ns:m.0rbpv . \n?c ns:common.topic.notable_for ?y .\n?y ns:common.notable_for.notable_object ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-450", + "webqsp_question": "who are the colorado eagles" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_5dcd3d0995310bd9bcaea14ff53b887e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "G.W.F. Hegel", + "G W F Hegel", + "Hegel", + "G. W. F. Hegel" + ], + "answer": "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", + "answer_id": "m.039n1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and was influenced by Melanie Klein", + "question": "Who was influenced by Melanie Klein and in turn influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.influenced ?c .\n?c ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ns:m.014shr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_b861d31ca089915150df92ead34fe28e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brayden Tyler Quinn", + "brady_quinn" + ], + "answer": "Brady Quinn", + "answer_id": "m.08gf9t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the football player that has passing attempts statistics of 108", + "question": "What player was drafted to the Cleveland Browns with passing attempt stats of 108?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:american_football.football_player.passing ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.player_passing_statistics.attempts \"108\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2169_41d74e27aa02296317ab38e20237db38", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richard William Wheaton III", + "Uncle Willie", + "Richard William \"Wil\" Wheaton III", + "Wil", + "Miltie", + "Teen Idol", + "Will Wheaton" + ], + "answer": "Wil Wheaton", + "answer_id": "m.0l_dv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "star trek the next generation", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:26:53", + "machine_question": "who played wesley crusher on the tv program that has the theme song Main Title", + "question": "In which TV program with the theme song Main Title did Wesley Crusher play?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_program.theme_song ns:m.0_hp3jk . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ns:m.0hp05 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2169", + "webqsp_question": "who played wesley crusher on star trek the next generation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_2afe31794a433c9f0e0c9ed39f8ea669", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sonny Boy", + "Edwin John Tisch", + "Edwin John Fisher", + "Private Eddie Fisher", + "Edwin John \"Eddie\" Fisher" + ], + "answer": "Eddie Fisher", + "answer_id": "m.01tj5w5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and who also wrote Eddie My Life Can", + "question": "Who was married to Liz Taylor and wrote Eddie My Life Can?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:book.author.works_written ns:m.06fpjh3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_fee6f4e882c1fd735a3048f1bafb0df3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician that has tenure since 1854", + "question": "Which politician was elected in 1854 and influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.from \"1854\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1898_0086d2537f89176e0be67746d2047d84", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kevin Swanson", + "answer_id": "g.120yrd_6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Carter Pewterschmidt", + "answer_id": "g.12245v14" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Glenn Quagmire", + "answer_id": "m.01sxhc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Thomas Feargal Tucker" + ], + "answer": "Tom Tucker", + "answer_id": "m.026q0lb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mickey McFinnegan", + "answer_id": "m.028b1c8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Stewart Gilligan Griffin" + ], + "answer": "Stewie Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.02m29p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jehovah", + "Yahveh", + "Father God", + "God the Father", + "Almighty", + "The Lord", + "The Almighty", + "Voice of God", + "Supreme Being", + "God Almighty" + ], + "answer": "God", + "answer_id": "m.02nw87f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Peter L\u00f6wenbr\u00e4u Griffin" + ], + "answer": "Peter Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.03n6jv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Griffin's dog" + ], + "answer": "Brian Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.03pcvr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kool-Aid Man" + ], + "answer": "Kool-aid Guy", + "answer_id": "m.05sr4_d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Captain Seamus" + ], + "answer": "Seamus", + "answer_id": "m.05sr4_s" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jasper", + "answer_id": "m.05sr4x5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dr. Hartman" + ], + "answer": "Dr. Elmer Hartman", + "answer_id": "m.05sr4zg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nathaniel Griffin" + ], + "answer": "Nate Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.05srj40" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jake Tucker", + "answer_id": "m.05ss3k_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "family guy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:59:14", + "machine_question": "what voices does seth macfarlane play on the program that has the multipart episodes Stewie Kills Lois and Lois Kills Stewie", + "question": "What voices does Seth Macfarlane play on the series with episodes titled Stewie Kills Lois and Lois Kills Stewie?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_program.multipart_episodes ns:m.047t4gp . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ns:m.021yw7 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1898", + "webqsp_question": "what voices does seth macfarlane play on family guy" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_8e5965c321e34b2252976ddf2e547826", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo del Prado, Madrid", + "Prado Museum" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.01hlq3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in madrid and is the exhibition venue that opened latest", + "question": "From all the sights in Madrid, what is the latest exhibition venue that opened in that city?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.056_y)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.056_y ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:exhibitions.exhibition_venue.exhibitions_at_this_venue ?c .\n?c ns:exhibitions.exhibition_run.opened_on ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_35808d5c3b6a527fc5d78d0b0fc6d27a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Expendables II" + ], + "answer": "The Expendables 2", + "answer_id": "m.0gffmn8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and that is 103.0 minutes long", + "question": "What movie is 103.0 minutes in length and features Liam Hensworth?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.runtime ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_cut.runtime \"103.0\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1664_8520ca90bd1e650edf1dbcad90336227", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u20ac", + "EUR" + ], + "answer": "Euro", + "answer_id": "m.02l6h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "germany", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:10:51", + "machine_question": "what form of currency does the country thar has the airline V Bird use", + "question": "What form of currency is used in the country which has the airline V Bird?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.location.contains ?k .\n?k ns:aviation.airport.hub_for ns:m.05zbq0 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1664", + "webqsp_question": "what form of currency does germany use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_76366ab003a79416d44e2fb43d764b6b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bulldog", + "Capote, Truman", + "Truman Garcia Capote", + "Mr. Capote", + "Truman Streckfus Persons" + ], + "answer": "Truman Capote", + "answer_id": "m.014dq7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and is the author of Music for Chameleons", + "question": "Who wrote Music for Chameleons and influenced the work of Andy Warhol?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:media_common.dedicator.dedications ?c .\n?c ns:media_common.dedication.work_dedicated ns:m.03bx94 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1641_72bf7fee48c041b291a5f025fb1f57e2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "4th & King, San Francisco" + ], + "answer": "San Francisco 4th and King Street Station", + "answer_id": "m.02r817z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "san francisco", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:15:22", + "machine_question": "what is the name of the main train station in the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Ed Lee", + 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+ "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and is subject of the film Mao's Last Dancer", + "question": "Which country borders Russia and is Mao's Last Dancer's subject?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0bs5k8r . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-441_c1dcebb44ac0494c2dad01917edd14f9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SpiderTech-Planet Energy", + "Spidertech Powered By Planet Energy" + ], + "answer": "SpiderTech-C10", + "answer_id": "m.0bmkh28" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:12:50", + "machine_question": "what sports do they do in canada and is the sports team was founded in 2008", + "question": "What Sports Team founded in 2008 plays in Canada?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:sports.sports_team_location.teams ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded \"2008\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-441", + "webqsp_question": "what sports do they do in canada" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_d716bc738777137daec6a72fdd8da523", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Parque Warner Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.06nd2f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in madrid and is the amusement park with the Batman: La Fuga ride", + "question": "What are the sites to see in Madrid, and is 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ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.019nnl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.019nnl ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ns:m.021yw7 .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.place_of_birth ns:m.0vzm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1898", + "webqsp_question": "what voices does seth macfarlane play on family guy" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3064_1f2fc1ee00d1bd5714265c4651a700ad", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Province D' Ontario", + "ON", + "Province D\u2019 Ontario", + "Province Of Ontario" + ], + "answer": "Ontario", + "answer_id": "m.05kr_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "toronto", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:42:33", + "machine_question": "what province is the place of the fictional universe ReGenesis canada located in", + "question": "In what Canadian province is the fictional universe ReGenesis?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.universe ns:m.0j_frx8 . \n?c ns:base.biblioness.bibs_location.state ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3064", + "webqsp_question": "what province is toronto canada located in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1542_69f1abb4542503c422eace4d5a0e81e5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Diarchy", + "answer_id": "m.04mlzp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom" + ], + "answer": "Monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.04szc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Republic", + "answer_id": "m.06cx9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Aristocracy", + "answer_id": "m.09dcy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sparta greece", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:02:53", + "machine_question": "what type of government did the place where Doric Greek language is spoken have", + "question": "What type of government is in place where Doric Greek is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.0lpky . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1542", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government did sparta greece have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2289_20deaee242bdd3c41555f8c22139edfa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Charlottesville city", + "Hoo-Ville", + "Charlottesville, VA", + "C-Ville", + "Charlottesville, Virginia", + "Charlottesville city / Charlottesville city" + ], + "answer": "Charlottesville", + "answer_id": "m.0mp3l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "thomas jefferson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:43:20", + "machine_question": "what place did the person that said \"Traveling makes a man wiser, but less happy.\" died", + "question": "What is the place of death for the person who said \"Traveling makes a man wiser, but less happy?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048hwp4 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2289", + "webqsp_question": "what place did thomas jefferson died" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_dc53f0dca36d3cdad8c10429ff9812e1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Palau de la Musica Catalana", + "Palace of Catalan Music" + ], + "answer": "Palau de la M\u00fasica Catalana", + "answer_id": "m.0qlm2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:42", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona and in which the event 2012 DocsBarcelona International Documentary Film Festival took place", + "question": "Which Barcelona attraction was host to the 2012 DocsBarcelona International Documentary Film Festival?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f62)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f62 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.events ns:m.010gtffd . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1178", + "webqsp_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2458_02afa48afcaa1d6de81f7d0aaf1a59f7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "costa rica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:06:06", + "machine_question": "which continent is the location which contains the second level division La Uni\u00c3\u00b3n located", + "question": "On which continent is the place that contains the second level division La Arapor\u00c3\u00a3 found?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.02w280h . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2458", + "webqsp_question": "which continent is costa rica located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3699_76f1bd89f520009d7c98df9d76a85399", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Marcus Paul \"Marc\" Blucas", + "Marcus Blucas", + "Marcus P. Blucas", + "Marcus Paul Blucas", + "Marc" + ], + "answer": "Marc Blucas", + "answer_id": "m.05fz7g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "riley finn", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:27:59", + "machine_question": "who plays that who was born in Iowa on buffy the vampire slayer", + "question": "What actor starring on Buffy The Vampire Slayer was born in Iowa?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.place_of_birth ns:m.03s0w . \n?c ns:tv.tv_character.appeared_in_tv_program ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.seasons ns:m.02xj992 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3699", + "webqsp_question": "who plays riley finn on buffy the vampire slayer" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3271_2a51c1a579bcd08b5bbd610634b1af60", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Aymara" + ], + "answer": "Aymara language", + "answer_id": "m.01y5tq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mapuche", + "Mapudungu", + "Mapudungun", + "Araucano", + "Maputongo" + ], + "answer": "Mapudungun Language", + "answer_id": "m.01zn1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Easter Island", + "Pascuense", + "Rapa Nui" + ], + "answer": "Rapa Nui Language", + "answer_id": "m.0565hv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Puquina" + ], + "answer": "Puquina Language", + "answer_id": "m.09_sxt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chilean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:16:31", + "machine_question": "what does the country where Cerveza Colonos Del Llanquihue Lager Premium Artesanal beer is made people speak", + "question": "What language do people speak in the country where Cerveza Colonos Del Llanquihue Lager Premium Artesanal beer is made?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqdcs . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3271", + "webqsp_question": "what does chilean people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_c3a4b8ab5ce21ce3271cc44dbbe69665", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Las Vegas, Nevada", + "Vegas", + "Sin City", + "Clark County / Las Vegas city" + ], + "answer": "Las Vegas", + "answer_id": "m.0cv3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does joey king live and where Brent Wilson was born", + "question": "Name the current home of Joey King and the birthplace of Brent Wilson.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03yk4pb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03yk4pb ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ns:g.11b5v59f7d . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2774_9f293ec3dc0cb419b6e0e4af658fd170", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New jack swing", + "answer_id": "m.021_z5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "Modern R&B" + ], + "answer": "Contemporary R&B", + "answer_id": "m.025sc50" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Disco music" + ], + "answer": "Disco", + "answer_id": "m.026z9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Motown Sound", + "answer_id": "m.02bqnt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Electronic" + ], + "answer": "Electronic music", + "answer_id": "m.02lkt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dance-pop", + "answer_id": "m.02lnbg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Adult 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"sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0ysy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0ysy ns:organization.organization.founders ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.date_of_death ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"2006-12-13\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-442", + "webqsp_question": "who was the first leader of the afl" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1694_fe49ec607a9d3f139d2d4c8f5593186d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ann Hathaway" + ], + "answer": "Anne Hathaway", + "answer_id": "m.03mzbg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shakespeare", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:16:59", + "machine_question": "what was the person that wrote Antony and Cleopatra 's wife called", + "question": "What was the name of the person who wrote Antony and Cleopatra?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR 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this weekend in the place of the fictional universe Shameless with kids", + "question": "Where is the series Shameless in, what interesting places to visit are in that area?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.universe ns:m.0hzzhcv . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-775", + "webqsp_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2525_fc9860150c81706ebf57bd3d47df5760", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Johns Hopkins University, main campus", + "Johns Hopkins", + "JHU", + "Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore" + ], + "answer": "Johns Hopkins University", + "answer_id": "m.09kvv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:14:46", + "machine_question": "where did jerry 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"Cardinal", + "answer_id": "m.03wkwg" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "White", + "answer_id": "m.083jv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "arizona cardinals", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:02:44", + "machine_question": "what color are the the sports team arena stadium is University of Phoenix Stadium uniforms", + "question": "At the University of Phoenix stadium, what are the sports team uniform colors?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.080ls4 . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.colors ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3517", + "webqsp_question": "what color are the arizona cardinals uniforms" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_95879b6205220e7b0dc382049d74c31c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + 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?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.0bw8r . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_0d30db61c1ad7b075bd4ae63808a4871", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and died from Assassination", + "question": "Who was assassinated and influenced Walt Whitman's poems?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ns:m.012hw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1744_947924339e8457cd9bbcd30ba04d93bc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "I taste a liquor never brewed", + "answer_id": "m.043k2cw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "\\\"Hope\\\" is the thing with feathers", + "answer_id": "m.04yjf53" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Acts of light" + ], + "answer": "Acts of Light: The World of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.05qf2j2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The complete poems of Emily Dickinson" + ], + "answer": "The complete poems", + "answer_id": "m.0bqr3k0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The letters", + "answer_id": "m.0bqr3k4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Poems", + "answer_id": "m.0bqr3k9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Success", + "answer_id": "m.0bqr3kj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Two poems", + "answer_id": "m.0bqr3km" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Emily Dickinson's open folios", + "answer_id": "m.0cr7_cw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The letters of Emily Dickinson 1845-1886", + "answer_id": "m.0cr808m" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Selected poetry of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.0cr818f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The selected poems of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.0cr82lv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Final harvest", + "answer_id": "m.0cr82xy" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Emily Dickinson's herbarium", + "answer_id": "m.0cr83_x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Letters of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.0cr837d" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The life and letters of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.0cr84sr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Unpublished poems of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.0cr86js" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Selected poems", + "answer_id": "m.0cr877f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Further poems of Emily Dickinson withheld from publication by her sister Lavinia", + "answer_id": "m.0cr898q" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bolts of melody", + "answer_id": "m.0cr89wm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "14 by Emily Dickinson, with selected criticism", + "answer_id": "m.0cr8bhj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sampler", + "answer_id": "m.0cr8cty" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New poems of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.0cr8d46" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Selected letters", + "answer_id": "m.0cr8dz3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Letters to Dr. and Mrs. Josiah Gilbert Holland", + "answer_id": "m.0cr8pxd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Poems, 1890-1896", + "answer_id": "m.0cr8sf0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "emily dickinson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:26:44", + "machine_question": "what books did the person who wrote the lyrics for \"It Struck Me Every Day\" wrote", + "question": "What other books did the \"It Struck Me Every Day\" lyrics' author write?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0_69kry . \n?c ns:book.author.works_written ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1744", + "webqsp_question": "what books did emily dickinson wrote" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1871_474436fc8deb2f86460da3fc533fe136", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chinese", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:46:49", + "machine_question": "what language do the area in which the newspaper Legal Daily is circulated", + "question": "What Language is spoken where the Newspaper Legal Daily is circulated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.08d3jj . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1871", + "webqsp_question": "what language do chinese" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_6a539428bbc2156f7dfa5599bc76b554", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and has a religious organization leadership since 1995-07", + "question": "What is the name of the country bordering Russia which was governed by religious leadership from 1995 through 2007?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.start_date \"1995-07\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_c6b470ba1ba66024d519e12c53ebe5cc", + 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"conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:39:48", + "machine_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids and is the facility where Manchester United F.C. play", + "question": "Which kids friendly weekend public attraction facility is also home to Manchester United F.C.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.052bw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.052bw ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_facility.teams ns:m.050fh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-775", + "webqsp_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-116_86357fc301df73754877cf3af70e0406", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.K.", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland", + "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", + "Britain", + "Great Britain", + "GBR", + "GB", + "UK", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" + ], + "answer": "United Kingdom", + "answer_id": "m.07ssc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "queen victoria", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:16:42", + "machine_question": "what countries did the political appointer that had the title Sheriff of Monmouthshire reign over", + "question": "What countries are subject to the reign of the political appointee whose title is Sheriff of Monmouthshire?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.0414gw1 . \n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.jurisdiction_of_office ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-116", + "webqsp_question": "what countries did queen victoria reign over" + }, 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ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to \"2012-05-16\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2998_687641506cf666f1a66d5304b912dc5e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Choreographer", + "answer_id": "m.02h6n_q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:31:33", + "machine_question": "who is ellen albertini dow and was the film job of Sherif", + "question": "What role did Ellen 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He/she had other jobs. What were they?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.09k5k . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3118", + "webqsp_question": "what other jobs did benjamin franklin have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2774_d091d22f582b2cb330a04e5035783796", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New jack swing", + "answer_id": "m.021_z5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "Modern R&B" + ], + "answer": "Contemporary R&B", + "answer_id": "m.025sc50" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Disco music" + ], + "answer": "Disco", + "answer_id": "m.026z9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Motown Sound", + "answer_id": "m.02bqnt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Electronic" + ], + "answer": "Electronic music", + "answer_id": "m.02lkt" + }, + { + "aliases": 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"compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:03:15", + "machine_question": "what kind of music did the music producer which produced Silk Electric sing", + "question": "What are the musical styles of the singer produced Silk Electric?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.producer.releases_produced ns:m.030d8jw . \n?c ns:music.artist.genre ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2774", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of music did michael jackson sing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1361_8f8e6bf5fcc19e4390b3949c9f46244b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mexican peso", + "answer_id": "m.012ts8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:02", + "machine_question": "what currency should take to the place where breed Chihuahua originated in", + "question": "What 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ns:m.019nnl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.019nnl ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ns:m.021yw7 .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.place_of_birth ns:m.0vzm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1816", + "webqsp_question": "what part does seth macfarlane play in family guy" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_8c9114db0161eadb41f57f4ff1eae7af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician that end tenure earliest", + "question": "Which politician who influenced Whitman's poetry ended his tenure earliest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.to ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3271_00190585dba1ae6683ec8f49dcfb774e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Aymara" + ], + "answer": "Aymara language", + "answer_id": "m.01y5tq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mapuche", + "Mapudungu", + "Mapudungun", + "Araucano", + "Maputongo" + ], + "answer": "Mapudungun Language", + "answer_id": "m.01zn1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Easter Island", + "Pascuense", + "Rapa Nui" + ], + "answer": "Rapa Nui Language", + "answer_id": "m.0565hv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Puquina" + ], + "answer": "Puquina Language", + "answer_id": "m.09_sxt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chilean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:16:31", + "machine_question": "what does where the currency Chilean escudo is used people speak", + "question": "What is the language do most people speak in the country with the Chilean Escudo as their currency?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 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ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 661145) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_9993f19c007ff44eb11ce8480b251f7b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Lettland", + "Republic of Latvia" + ], + "answer": "Latvia", + "answer_id": "m.04g5k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and is subject of the film Homo@lv", + "question": "What EU country that had the film Homo@lv?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0gf8t_h . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what 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"webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_db131478a552bbb1e447a2acb341d117", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bulldog", + "Capote, Truman", + "Truman Garcia Capote", + "Mr. Capote", + "Truman Streckfus Persons" + ], + "answer": "Truman Capote", + "answer_id": "m.014dq7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Frank Stella", + "answer_id": "m.017b13" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Milton Ernest Rauschenberg" + ], + "answer": "Robert Rauschenberg", + "answer_id": "m.01sj_s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Touko Laaksonen", + "Tom" + ], + "answer": "Tom of Finland", + "answer_id": "m.024hjy" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Ben Shahn", + "answer_id": "m.028xw4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SAMO", + "Jean Michel Basquiat" + ], + "answer": "Jean-Michel Basquiat", + "answer_id": "m.041st" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jack Smith", + "answer_id": "m.07kwmh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Duchamp, Marcel", + "Henri-Robert-Marcel Duchamp", + "R. Mutt" + ], + "answer": "Marcel Duchamp", + "answer_id": "m.0bqch" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jasper Johns, Jr." + ], + "answer": "Jasper Johns", + "answer_id": "m.0gcjf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Man-Ray", + "Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitzky)", + "Manny", + "Emmanuel Radnitzky", + "The Estate of Man Ray" + ], + "answer": "Man Ray", + "answer_id": "m.0gskj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "John Milton Cage", + "John Milton Cage Jr." + ], + "answer": "John Cage", + "answer_id": "m.0hgqq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "andy warhol", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced the actor that played in the film Normal Love 's work", + "question": "Who influenced the work of the actor who played in the film Normal Love?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0gxr_b1 . \n?c ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2639_372d31ff10b89fc23303eca54a604a9d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Central Standard Time", + "Central Time", + "Central Daylight Time", + "Central Standard Time Zone" + ], + "answer": "Central Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02fqwt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "new orleans", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:38:24", + "machine_question": "what is time zone in the location where the film \"The Lookalike\" takes place", + "question": "In what time zone is the location where the movie \"The Lookalike\" takes place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0123tc8k . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2639", + "webqsp_question": "what is time zone in new orleans" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-907_909b533fc019256b9620c645ae580c68", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Accidental Overdose" + ], + "answer": "Drug overdose", + "answer_id": "m.01tf_6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "nick carter", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:00", + "machine_question": "what did the actor that played the character Backstreet Boys #1 sister died of", + "question": "What caused the death of the sister to the actor that played the character Backstreet Boys |1?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0ws1s7x . \n?c ns:people.person.sibling_s ?y1 .\n ?y1 ns:people.sibling_relationship.sibling ?y2 .\n ?y2 ns:people.person.gender ns:m.02zsn .\n ?y2 ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-907", + "webqsp_question": "what did nick carter sister died of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_b0615bb0ab6c234eca9558c39de1ba69", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo del Prado, Madrid", + "Prado Museum" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.01hlq3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in madrid and is the exhibition venue that opened before 2009-02-03", + "question": "What sights in Madrid are exhibition venues that opened before 3 February 2009?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.056_y)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.056_y ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:exhibitions.exhibition_venue.exhibitions_at_this_venue ?c .\n?c ns:exhibitions.exhibition_run.opened_on ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2009-02-03\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1977_49607472b20b2ab05ca5dd39c1c4eeca", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portugal Mens Football Team", + "Portugal National Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's Football Team", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Portugal National Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Soccer Team", + "Portugal's national football team", + "Selec\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Os Navegadores", + "Portugal Mens Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's National Soccer Team", + "Portugal national football", + "A Selec\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Seleccao das Quinas", + "Portugal Men's Soccer Team", + "Portugal Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Football Team", + "Portugal Soccer Team", + "The Navigators", + "Portugal Men's National Football Team" + ], + "answer": "Portugal national football team", + "answer_id": "m.02rqxc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cristiano ronaldo", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:02:02", + "machine_question": "who does the football player that was purchased by the team Real Madrid C.F. play for", + "question": "What team does the football player purchased by the team Real Madrid C.F play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:soccer.football_player.transfers ?k .\n?k ns:soccer.football_player_transfer.purchasing_team ns:m.06l22 . \n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x 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"created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and is the country that has Nynorsk as an official language", + "question": "What country has Nynorsk as an official language and is bordered by Russia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.016rsc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-63_c285d0b23d2b7f0767a0100f0c9038b2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Alexander Sacha Simon Gervasi" + ], + "answer": "Sacha Gervasi", + "answer_id": "m.08f647" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and was write of the film Henry's Crime", + "question": "Who was the writer of Henry's Crime and a member of Bush band.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01727v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01727v ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:film.writer.film ns:m.0crztvy . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_8d7ba5aba8a2c4076761e40473acdbd2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Montserrat", + "answer_id": "m.0g7wh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:42", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona and has the elevation of 1236.0", + "question": "Where to visit Barcelona at an elevation of 1236.0?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f62)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f62 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:geography.mountain.elevation \"1236.0\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1178", + "webqsp_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2625_38a862b50fbde76baa17ef81e000c3b4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Francais", + "Fran\u00e7ais", + "French", + "French language" + ], + "answer": "French", + "answer_id": "m.064_8sq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "American English", + "answer_id": "m.0t_2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "american indians", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:35:17", + "machine_question": "what language do native the ethnicity group that includes Hopi speak", + "question": "What language do natives which are an ethnicity group that include the Hopi speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.ethnicity.includes_groups ns:m.0fxf_ . \n?c ns:people.ethnicity.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2625", + "webqsp_question": "what language do native american indians speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_1dc2dfb55a08ffe4e1fa1583d6cc7e98", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The 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"ID": "WebQTrn-2730_e55f7dc367dcafe85ae66200b752686d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2", + "answer_id": "m.02qrr8j" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sorority Wars", + "answer_id": "m.0b6q30j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Krzyk 4", + "Klyksm4s", + "Sikoly 4.", + "Ciglik 4", + "Kivili 4", + "Skrik 4", + "Vrisak 4", + "Scream 4: Next Generation", + "Tze'aka 4", + "Vr\u00edskot 4", + "\u00d6skri\u00f0 4", + "Gritos 4", + "Scre4m: Grita de Nuevo", + "\u041a\u0440\u0438\u043a 4", + "Klyksmas 4", + "P\u00e2nico 4", + "Scre4m" + ], + "answer": "Scream 4", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhdbl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker bell 4", + "Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods", + "Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker Bell: A Winter Story" + ], + "answer": "Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings", + "answer_id": "m.0crfwmx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song", + "A Cinderella 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"composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and is the country that \"The Royal Flush\" was filmed in", + "question": "Where is the country that Bob Dylan lived in that \"The Royal Flush\" was filmed at?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_location.tv_episodes_filmed_here ns:m.06xlnws . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_3b283e743e75896137b90e4be1efa98d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza Mayor, Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0cd2rc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in madrid and is the structure opened in 1619", + "question": "What tourist attraction opened in Madrid in 1619?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.056_y)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.056_y ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened \"1619\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3772_5831bd7b6badbaf458df00184249bb38", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "rouble" + ], + "answer": "Russian ruble", + "answer_id": "m.01hy_q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:40:47", + "machine_question": "what do you call the country where Bochkarev Krepkoe beer is made currency", + "question": "What is the Currency accepted in the Country where the \"Bochkarev 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"compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:58:02", + "machine_question": "what is the currency used in the location where the film \"Justine\" takes place", + "question": "What type of currency can be found in the location that is used in the film Justine?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.028cd31 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1109", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency used in tunisia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-421_7ecd2e240f353965762db4f5ebf4f0d1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "H", + "Hayden Christiansen", + "Den" + ], + "answer": "Hayden Christensen", + "answer_id": "m.0f276" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "revenge of the sith", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:09:33", + "machine_question": "who voiced darth vader in the movie that Rebecca Jackson Mendoza played in", + "question": "In the movie featuring Rebecca Jackson Mendoza, who voiced Darth Vader's character?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.0d69df . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0f2y0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-421", + "webqsp_question": "who voiced darth vader in revenge of the sith" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2948_0b6439dc7b1f8842739059ddd0a41c9b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mystery Woman", + "Carrie Frances Fisher" + ], + "answer": "Carrie Fisher", + "answer_id": "m.01tnbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:38", + "machine_question": "who played princess leia in star wars movies and was write of the film Postcards from the Edge", + "question": "Which actress played Princess Leia in Star Wars, and was the writer of the film, \"Postcards from the Edge\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0ddqw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0ddqw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:film.writer.film ns:m.05mxns9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2948", + "webqsp_question": "who played princess leia in star wars movies" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2385_395f9d4b0b07d862e9f11f5cd2084bf9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Henry Sr." + ], + "answer": "Henry Ford", + "answer_id": "m.03gxm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ford motor company", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:55:20", + "machine_question": "who invented the the organization that acquired the company Volvo Cars", + "question": "Who founded the company that later went on to buy Volvo Cars?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.companies_acquired ?k .\n?k ns:business.acquisition.company_acquired ns:m.022hnr . \n?c ns:organization.organization.founders ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2385", + "webqsp_question": "who invented the ford motor company" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-324_8b001bcb44293629f1f5d0ab796adf8d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln 1861 presidential inauguration", + "answer_id": "m.05brd51" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln 1865 presidential inauguration", + "answer_id": "m.05brd5c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "abraham lincoln", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:54:47", + "machine_question": "what date was the public speaker which spoke about Egalitarianism inaugurated", + "question": "What was the date of the inauguration of the President who spoke on Egalitarianism?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speech_topic ns:m.02rc5 . \n?c ns:base.inaugurations.inauguration_speaker.inauguration ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-324", + "webqsp_question": "what date was abraham lincoln inaugurated" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_7ed97256950b8537daf02bead479e64a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jedediah Cleishbotham", + "Malachi Malagrowther", + "Scott, Sir Walter" + ], + "answer": "Walter Scott", + "answer_id": "m.06y8v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the author of Ivanhoe", + "question": "Who wrote Ivanhoe and influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:media_common.dedicator.dedications ?c .\n?c ns:media_common.dedication.work_dedicated ns:m.03wqm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_8cbdcb6067fbcc269728fb623a8a4639", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brayden Tyler Quinn", + "brady_quinn" + ], + "answer": "Brady Quinn", + "answer_id": "m.08gf9t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the football player that has passing attempts statistics largest", + "question": "Which player drafted by the Cleveland Browns had the most passing attempts?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:american_football.football_player.passing ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.player_passing_statistics.attempts ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-63_9a4a2828c06bb7696fcf31c7ea038c26", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sasha Puttnam", + "Sacha Putnam", + "Putnam, Sacha", + "Alexander Puttnam", + "Alexander David Puttnam", + "Sasha Putnam", + "Puttnam, Sacha" + ], + "answer": "Sacha Puttnam", + "answer_id": "m.0h88bb2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and wrote the music for Dolphins", + "question": "Music for Dolphins was written by which member of the band bush?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01727v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01727v ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:film.music_contributor.film ns:m.02pxhth . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_603161b8cb6e13ddb798536398c4f2db", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2", + "answer_id": "m.02qrr8j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and is the film that was released on 2008-11-18", + "question": "What film that was releasedo n 11-18-2008 that Lucy Hale starred in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date \"2008-11-18\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-275_4ac50e02ffe8c880d0be0b7bfeebf736", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u30b3\u30ed\u30f3\u30d3\u30a2\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Republic of Colombia" + ], + "answer": "Colombia", + "answer_id": "m.01ls2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shakira", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:49:18", + "machine_question": "where is she from the composer of Ciega, Sordomuda", + "question": "Where is teh composer Ciega, Sordomuda from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.0cjnlw . \n?c ns:music.artist.origin ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-275", + "webqsp_question": "where is she from shakira" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1383_12aaa127b4f5373235d0730cc3ec55f3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u00cdslenska", + "Icelandic", + "Islenska" + ], + "answer": "Icelandic Language", + "answer_id": "m.01gmkg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "iceland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:39", + "machine_question": "what language does people in the country where Icelandic Language is spoken speak", + "question": "What Icelandic language is spoken in Icelandic countries?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.01gmkg . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1383", + "webqsp_question": "what language does people in iceland speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_af10d0488ff2013fe6dda4e23d10f09c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Milton Ernest Rauschenberg" + ], + "answer": "Robert Rauschenberg", + "answer_id": "m.01sj_s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and died from Heart failure", + "question": "Who was a man who influenced Andy Warhol's work and who died of heart failure?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ns:m.01l2m3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3507_f0cddbfe8cbc12b1439beff6b530c17d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee, CBE, CStJ", + "Cristopher Lee", + "Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee", + "Chris Lee", + "Chris", + "Sir Christopher Lee", + "Christopher Frank Carandini Lee" + ], + "answer": "Christopher Lee", + "answer_id": "m.0f0kz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "lord of the rings", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:01:32", + "machine_question": "who plays saruman in the film whose soundtrack is The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", + "question": "Who plays Saruman in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring, a film with a soundtrack?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.soundtrack ns:m.01ljcsb . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0g3fs .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3507", + "webqsp_question": "who plays saruman in lord of the rings" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2108_b2db88607e6e187c67839c81f66e708f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Heather", + "answer_id": "m.0cg926d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "avril lavigne", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:17:34", + "machine_question": "who does the composer of Stop Standing There play in over the hedge", + "question": "What character in \"Over The Hedge\" does the composer of \"Stop Standing\" play?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.0zxgdd1 . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.080_x_ .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2108", + "webqsp_question": "who does avril lavigne play in over the hedge" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2513_84c5e9764178d81831b633b034eebd7b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Manchester United", + "Manchester United Football Club", + "Man Utd", + "Manchester United FC", + "Newton Heath LYR Football Club", + "Man United", + "The Red Devils" + ], + "answer": "Manchester United F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.050fh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:13:18", + "machine_question": "who has won the most fa cup and the sports team arena stadium is Old Trafford", + "question": "What sports team owns Old Trafford and is the winner of the most FA cups?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count)\n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n {\n SELECT (MAX(?count) AS ?maxCount)\n WHERE {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count) \n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n }\n FILTER (?maxCount = ?count)?x ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.030lpl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2513", + "webqsp_question": "who has won the most fa cup" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_29e585c6120fcbe0224ca0072c2fb7f3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dick", + "Richard Burton, CBE", + "Richard Jenkins", + "Rich", + "Burton", + "Richard Walter Jenkins" + ], + "answer": "Richard Burton", + "answer_id": "m.0cg9f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and was an award nominee in the 18th Annual Grammy Awards ceremony", + "question": "Who is Liza Taylor's husband who was nominated for the 18th Annual Grammy Award?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR 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Steelers go to school?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0crsr9d . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-193", + "webqsp_question": "what school did ben roethlisberger go to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_b5b6d89e5d31c187f133588ceeb769e4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The High Flier", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Joseph Jonas", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Joe", + "JJ", + "Joseph Adam Jonas", + "DJ Danger" + ], + "answer": "Joe Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04cr6qv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:16:16", + "machine_question": "what is jonas brothers names and a celebritie that had a romantic relationship that ended latest", + "question": "Which Jonas Brother most recently ended a relationship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0cbm64)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0cbm64 ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?c .\n?c ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.end_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-470", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonas brothers names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2169_607df4ed02d01f844baeee974e1f8d18", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richard William Wheaton III", + "Uncle Willie", + "Richard William \"Wil\" Wheaton III", + "Wil", + "Miltie", + "Teen Idol", + "Will Wheaton" + ], + "answer": "Wil Wheaton", + "answer_id": "m.0l_dv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "star trek the next generation", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:26:53", + "machine_question": "who played wesley crusher on the program that has the multipart episodes The Best of Both Worlds", + "question": "Who played Wesley Crusher in multi-part series \"The Best of Both Worlds\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_program.multipart_episodes ns:m.025w00 . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ns:m.0hp05 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2169", + "webqsp_question": "who played wesley crusher on star trek the next generation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_9d37074bcf7d095ff898b88a986559e8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.0w1x037" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.0swngjg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Rock Mafia Presents: The Big Bang", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lola", + "LOL: Laughing Out Loud", + "LOL", + "LOL - Pazza del mio migliore amico", + "Summer. Classmates. Love", + "L.O.L." + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.0cmddrx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "LOL", + "answer_id": "m.010ls0tb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.03ck042" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Family Bond", + "answer_id": "m.0cs2t3x" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High School Musical 2: Sing It All Or Nothing!" + ], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.0bc5ny" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert", + "answer_id": "m.0g56xqy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The World According to Miley Cyrus", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "So Undercover", + "answer_id": "m.0crsmk2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Radio Disney Party Jams: The Concert", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Miley Cyrus: Tongue Tied", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Hana Montana: filmas", + "Hannah Montana - The Movie", + "Hannah Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hanna Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hannah Montana: I tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "High School Musical 2", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and is the film was released after 2003-12-10", + "question": "Which Miley Cyrus movies were released after 12/10/2003?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.initial_release_date ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"2003-12-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2597_09d5326469c1c573f89e7d032570d3d9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Central Standard Time", + "Central Time", + "Central Daylight Time", + "Central Standard Time Zone" + ], + "answer": "Central Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02fqwt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:31:41", + "machine_question": "what time zone am i in has an official symbol of American paddlefish", + "question": "Find the state that has an official symbol of an American Paddlefish, what time zone is this state in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.01nsg2 . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2597", + "webqsp_question": "what time zone am i in missouri" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_34844a809b1f9c76d9611df64e40aaeb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SC", + "Palmetto State" + ], + "answer": "South Carolina", + "answer_id": "m.06yxd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:42:23", + "machine_question": "where is usc from and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted after 1984", + "question": "Which state that has had its governmental jurisdiction location symbol adapted after 1984 is home to USC?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03tw2s)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03tw2s ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1984\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-421_a72771ee483a6c179b148fa9f9dcf49c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "H", + "Hayden Christiansen", + "Den" + ], + "answer": "Hayden Christensen", + "answer_id": "m.0f276" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "revenge of the sith", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:09:33", + "machine_question": "who voiced darth vader in the film whose soundtrack is Classic FM: Star Wars Suite and Other Great Film Music", + "question": "Who gave Dath Vader voice in the movie with the soundtrack name Classic FM: Star Wars Suite and Other Great Film Music?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.soundtrack ns:m.01h9fyg . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0f2y0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-421", + "webqsp_question": "who voiced darth vader in revenge of the sith" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1819_f3317b6b2e24cd774ae8b250522a44be", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Protestant" + ], + "answer": "Protestantism", + "answer_id": "m.05sfs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:38:50", + "machine_question": "what religion does canada follow and the religon where the deities is \"Holy Spirit\"", + "question": "What religion is popular in Canada and includes a diety called the Holy Spirit?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.deities ns:m.03qsc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1819", + "webqsp_question": "what religion does canada follow" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-470_3324dd1155bbaf274e61f668fbe2f40a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mwinilunga", + "answer_id": "m.07cdmr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "zambezi river", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:53:12", + "machine_question": "where does the the body of water under Dona Ana Bridge originate", + "question": "What is the source of the river which flows under the Dona Ana Bridge?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:geography.body_of_water.bridges ns:m.02qxz8p . \n?c ns:geography.river.origin ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-470", + "webqsp_question": "where does the zambezi river originate" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_44e4b43cb377b5f5f18a3d2882fe4fbb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Step Up (Bailando)", + "Step up - Camino a la fama", + "Step up - Sta vimata tou pathous", + "Let's Dance", + "Music High", + "Sexy Dance" + ], + "answer": "Step Up", + "answer_id": "m.0b73wst" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and that was written by Melissa Rivers", + "question": "Which Melissa Rivers-written movie stars Alyson Stoner?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.written_by ns:m.02dzw5 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-936_4ff18828d6e061ff7d5a54d45c26dc36", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Athens", + "answer_id": "m.0n2z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:08:37", + "machine_question": "where were greek temples built and contains a neighborhood named Ano Patissia", + "question": "What city features both Greek temples and a neighborhood called Ano Patissia?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\tns:m.03f34_ ns:architecture.building_function.buildings ?y .\n\t?y ns:travel.tourist_attraction.near_travel_destination ?x .?x ns:location.place_with_neighborhoods.neighborhoods ns:m.0268v5j . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-936", + "webqsp_question": "where were greek temples built" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_7e0c281efae0de5b00483718c711b829", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cut Bank", + "answer_id": "m.0wk4knj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and cinematography was by Ben Richardson", + "question": "What movies list both Liam Hemsworth and Ben Richardson in the credits?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.cinematography ns:m.03kxzqx . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1080_3b57710721962101924cd5967bf5269e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "appendiceal cancer" + ], + "answer": "Appendix cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0fb2z2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "audrey hepburn", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:52:54", + "machine_question": "what cancer did actor of Breakfast at Tiffany's died of", + "question": "What type of cancer caused the death of an actor in Breakfast at Tiffany's?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_song_performer.film_songs ?k .\n?k ns:film.film_song_relationship.film ns:m.0dnw1 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:people.cause_of_death.parent_cause_of_death ns:m.0qcr0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1080", + "webqsp_question": "what cancer did audrey hepburn died of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-907_108e08971fdef69dc0219db1d2da13bd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Accidental Overdose" + ], + "answer": "Drug overdose", + "answer_id": "m.01tf_6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "nick carter", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:00", + "machine_question": "what did the artist which recorded Not Too Young, Not Too Old sister died of", + "question": "What did the sister of the actor who recorded \"Not Too Young, Not To Old\" die of?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0mtbcg . \n?c ns:people.person.sibling_s ?y1 .\n ?y1 ns:people.sibling_relationship.sibling ?y2 .\n ?y2 ns:people.person.gender ns:m.02zsn .\n ?y2 ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-907", + "webqsp_question": "what did nick carter sister died of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-441_5d1cba94c816bec220b9f98e97493b0f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Canadian Ice Hockey Team", + "Canada National Men's Hockey Team", + "Canada Ice Hockey Team" + ], + "answer": "Canadian National Men's Hockey Team", + "answer_id": "m.037qf6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:12:50", + "machine_question": "what sports do they do in canada and was nominee of the Laureus World Sports Award for Team of the Year award", + "question": "What sport do they play in Canada well enough to have been nominated for the Laureus World Sports Award for Team of the Year?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:sports.sports_team_location.teams ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.0d999y . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-441", + "webqsp_question": "what sports do they do in canada" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_2fd2c541a28e197882b8f342a71b056d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and hold a position in National Assembly", + "question": "Who was the French Leader in 2012 who once held a position in National Assembly?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.01rqxn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-384_0025a75e51cd8aa91f87ad3006edea86", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Poet", + "answer_id": "m.05z96" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bard", + "answer_id": "m.0knj1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "robert burns", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:42:45", + "machine_question": "what was the subject of the film The Loves of Robert Burns famous for", + "question": "For the film The Loves of Robert Burns, what was the protagonist famous for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0dgnc2x . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-384", + "webqsp_question": "what was robert burns famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_cd35056ad2548eb94d95cced29a60cb8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sonny Boy", + "Edwin John Tisch", + "Edwin John Fisher", + "Private Eddie Fisher", + "Edwin John \"Eddie\" Fisher" + ], + "answer": "Eddie Fisher", + "answer_id": "m.01tj5w5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and is the actor that played in the film BUtterfield 8", + "question": "Who was the actor in Butterfield 8 that was married to Liz Taylor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.film ns:m.01bjcb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_2286dadfd2cdf92e46f7ff875b0a1461", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", + "answer_id": "m.03176f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Incident on 57th Street" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", + "answer_id": "m.031778" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and is the movie that Richard Harris played in", + "question": "Find the harry potter movies that feature Richard Harris, list them in chronological order.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.starring ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.010xjr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-334_cddee599d175d441e717a2ccce17736c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Marylin Monroe", + "Marilyn Monroe Miller", + "The Blonde Bombshell", + "Norma Jeane DiMaggio", + "MM", + "Norma Jeane Baker", + "Norma Jeane Dougherty", + "Merilin Monro", + "Marliyn Monroe", + "Jean Norman", + "Norma Jeane Mortenson", + "Norma Jeane Mortensen" + ], + "answer": "Marilyn Monroe", + "answer_id": "m.04wqr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:34:09", + "machine_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with and who also wrote My Story", + "question": "With what \"My Story\" author did John Kennedy have an affair?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d3k14)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d3k14 ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?y .\n?y ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.celebrity ?x .\n?x ns:book.author.works_written ns:m.06fkhw4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-334", + "webqsp_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_786f2343f9b327132901b364ce24482a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The High Flier", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Joseph Jonas", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Joe", + "JJ", + "Joseph Adam Jonas", + "DJ Danger" + ], + "answer": "Joe Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04cr6qv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:16:16", + "machine_question": "what is jonas brothers names and has username joejonas", + "question": "Which of the Jonas brothers has the username joejonas?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0cbm64)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0cbm64 ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:internet.blogger.blog ns:m.0yykstk . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-470", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonas brothers names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_05c7adb10d423905aa2bae62ae657f29", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gimme a Break!", + "answer_id": "m.036y7h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and is the tv program has number of episodes greater than 114", + "question": "From the list of TV shows Joey Lawrence appeared on, which one ran for more than 114 episodes?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.number_of_episodes ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 114) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-577_84ee185e2d1ed8f8dc47f9ff7c657ad9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:34:45", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does chile have today and is the form of government of Brazil", + "question": "What are the government types of Chile and Brazil?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01p1v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01p1v ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ns:m.015fr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_653eed3e96d7091e4ce60872f18b6471", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Needle", + "Space Needle, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Space Needle", + "answer_id": "m.01k7v7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and the number of building floors is less than 38", + "question": "What fun Seattle, WA attraction has less than 38 floors in it?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.building.floors ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 38) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2325_92d687ae5c1095b83ae11c771ed0f41b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ryan Rodney Reynolds", + "Champ Nightengale" + ], + "answer": "Ryan Reynolds", + "answer_id": "m.036hf4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scarlett johansson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:48:21", + "machine_question": "who did the artist which recorded Coteau Guidry married", + "question": "Who did the artist of \"Coteau Guidry\" marry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.011rwd7x . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2325", + "webqsp_question": "who did scarlett johansson married" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_16ca6ba9175be9a3dc6f3f80597079f3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bryce Canyon National" + ], + "answer": "Bryce Canyon National Park", + "answer_id": "m.0cnsp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:31:32", + "machine_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah and their annual visitors number is 1012563", + "question": "What attraction in Salt Lake City has 1012563 visitors annually?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f2r6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f2r6 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:protected_sites.protected_site.annual_visitors ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"1012563\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1405", + "webqsp_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-775_24fbaffb28cca754463264227fdc35a2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Old Trafford", + "answer_id": "m.030lpl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:39:48", + "machine_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids and is the sports facility where Manchester United F.C. play", + "question": "What sports facility where Manchester United F.C. plays in an awesome weekend attraction for kids to see in Manchester?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.052bw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.052bw ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_facility.home_venue_for ?c .\n?c ns:sports.team_venue_relationship.team ns:m.050fh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-775", + "webqsp_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2238_2ac4bc3e98b8d66ef48fbd643527e3a0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Phins", + "The Fish", + "The Fins" + ], + "answer": "Miami Dolphins", + "answer_id": "m.04vn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:35:15", + "machine_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011 and has a Offensive right tackle on its sports team roster", + "question": "What team with offensive right tackle on its roster does Reggie Bush played for in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.roster ?c .\n?c ns:sports.sports_team_roster.position ns:m.06v_1ms . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2238", + "webqsp_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1274_88695ba83bf03c6b0c4c0b431983321d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Horace Mann School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing", + "answer_id": "m.0bydgq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:20:15", + "machine_question": "where did helen keller go to school and the NCES school ID is 250279002374", + "question": "Which school, with NCES school ID 250279002374, did Helen Keller attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03ppx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03ppx ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:education.school.nces_school_id \"250279002374\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1274", + "webqsp_question": "where did helen keller go to school" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-237_209e869af03cd5b4753c182a1178b3fa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Businesswoman", + "Business person", + "Businessman" + ], + "answer": "Businessperson", + "answer_id": "m.012t_z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Film actress", + "Movie actress", + "Movie actor", + "Actress", + "Film actor", + "Theatre Actor" + ], + "answer": "Actor", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh1q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Filmmaker" + ], + "answer": "Film director", + "answer_id": "m.02jknp" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guitarist", + "answer_id": "m.039v1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Musical Artist", + "Instrumentalist" + ], + "answer": "Musician", + "answer_id": "m.09jwl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Vocalist" + ], + "answer": "Singer", + "answer_id": "m.09l65" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rapper", + "answer_id": "m.0hpcdn2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Songwriter", + "answer_id": "m.0nbcg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "fred durst", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:14:03", + "machine_question": "what did the person who wrote the lyrics for \"Nookie\" do", + "question": "What was the profession of the person who wrote the lyrics for \"Nookie\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0f16rt . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-237", + "webqsp_question": "what did fred durst do" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-985_1cccd0922529a93fa114875aef2476e5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Countdown of 10 Amazing Moments from the Year 2011: No. 6 Sonny Rollins", + "answer_id": "m.0hnx0cj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:36:34", + "machine_question": "what did writers of the harlem renaissance write about and is about Yo-Yo Ma", + "question": "What did the writers of the Harlem Renaissance write about that is about Yo-Yo Ma?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.019y_2)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.019y_2 ns:book.book_subject.works ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.03jz7ls .\n?x ns:book.written_work.subjects ns:m.011zf2 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-985", + "webqsp_question": "what did writers of the harlem renaissance write about" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_2776f1160658bdfef912a226f7600b36", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the political appointer that had the title United States Secretary of State", + "question": "Who is the United States Secretary of State that influenced whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.07y07 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1361_04ad49b5e54a4a7667bb2238b0a06717", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mexican peso", + "answer_id": "m.012ts8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:02", + "machine_question": "what currency should take to the country that its coat of arms is Seal of the United Mexican States", + "question": "What is the currency in the country that uses the Seal of the United Mexican States as a coat of arms?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:symbols.coat_of_arms_bearer.coat_of_arms_used ?k .\n?k ns:symbols.armorial_grant.coat_of_arms ns:m.04f00zn . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1361", + "webqsp_question": "what currency should take to mexico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2711_0e84853362b905cda124cda5165afb90", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jewish" + ], + "answer": "Judaism", + "answer_id": "m.03_gx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:50:04", + "machine_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe and the religon where the deities is \"Elohim\"", + "question": "Which religion has a deity of Elohim, and is Eastern Europe's main religion?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\n ns:m.09b69 ns:location.location.contains ?y1 . # Eastern Europe\n ?y1 ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp . # Country\n ?y1 ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:religion.religion.deities ns:m.01plb9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1351_4c56262d6806c8bd5c0fadb75177520a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Honolulu, Hawaii", + "Honolulu County / Honolulu CDP", + "Honolulu CDP" + ], + "answer": "Honolulu", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh0_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:32:42", + "machine_question": "what city was the political appointer that had the title Director for Multilateral Affairs born in", + "question": "What city is the birthplace of the political appointer who was Director for Multilateral Affairs?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.05ftbwf . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1351", + "webqsp_question": "what city was barack obama born in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_70fa106d9f066a01b0eab1e2cd6feffb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen", + "answer_id": "m.02bqvs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and was released in Germany", + "question": "What movie, released in germany, features Alyson Stoner?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.runtime ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_cut.film_release_region ns:m.0345h . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1361_af68d16a7c9befd2e908239a97de8c3d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mexican peso", + "answer_id": "m.012ts8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:02", + "machine_question": "what currency should take to the affected area of the cyclone Tropical Depression Two-E", + "question": "What currency does the country with the affected area of the cyclone Tropical Depression Two-E use?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:meteorology.cyclone_affected_area.cyclones ns:m.04zw1j1 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1361", + "webqsp_question": "what currency should take to mexico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2686_cb454f12f3f75b66de8eb3ac2d526e00", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "USD", + "$", + "US Dollar", + "US $", + "US Currency", + "US$", + "Federal Reserve Note", + "American Dollar", + "Greenback" + ], + "answer": "United States Dollar", + "answer_id": "m.09nqf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "puerto rico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:44:36", + "machine_question": "what type of currency is used in the governmental jurisdiction that held the legislative session of the 15th Cabinet of Puerto Rico", + "question": "What is the currency of the country where the 15th Cabinet of Puerto Rico took place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.legislative_sessions ns:m.0ndk4s5 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2686", + "webqsp_question": "what type of currency is used in puerto rico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1293_ea65a065bc9b8f5eda6ea8c0716c84b8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Indo-European languages", + "answer_id": "m.03v09" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:06:05", + "machine_question": "where has the english language evolved from and is part of language family Aragonese Language", + "question": "What family of Aragonese Languages did English language evolved from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02h40lc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02h40lc ns:language.human_language.language_family ?x .\n?x ns:language.language_family.languages ns:m.011d8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1293", + "webqsp_question": "where has the english language evolved from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1782_b183c990916cd703ef71720d378b748e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "North Sudan", + "Republic of the Sudan", + "Jumh\u016br\u012byat as-S\u016bd\u0101n" + ], + "answer": "Sudan", + "answer_id": "m.06tw8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:01", + "machine_question": "where does the place in which the fictional character Tutankhamun lived export to", + "question": "Which country receives exports from the place where the fictional character Tutankhamun lived?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.characters_that_have_lived_here ns:m.0gy5xdq . \n?c ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?y .\n?y ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1782", + "webqsp_question": "where does egypt export to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_5fcd0772229acf857f7d2cfbe5128b02", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dick", + "Richard Burton, CBE", + "Richard Jenkins", + "Rich", + "Burton", + "Richard Walter Jenkins" + ], + "answer": "Richard Burton", + "answer_id": "m.0cg9f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and is the actor that played the character Amleto", + "question": "What actor who played Amieto, was also married to Liz Taylor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0261d9m . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3708_5e8326632cad769e6a476498d3316697", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Priestess" + ], + "answer": "Priest", + "answer_id": "m.05xjb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:19", + "machine_question": "what is jonathan swift famous for and ended leading a religious organization latest", + "question": "What job did Jonathan Swift hold prior to leading a religious organization/?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_dj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_dj ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_title.leaders ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.end_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3708", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonathan swift famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2238_ad406168eb5d704325613ba50769af29", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Phins", + "The Fish", + "The Fins" + ], + "answer": "Miami Dolphins", + "answer_id": "m.04vn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:35:15", + "machine_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011 and sports team that play in Miami metropolitan area", + "question": "What is a team that plays in the Miami metropolitan area who Reggie Bush played for in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.location ns:m.03xpx0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2238", + "webqsp_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3346_a9b20b5a4e8a3d0edc24f4f903a84e3b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Palm Jumeriah", + "Palm Jumeirah, Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Palm Jumeirah", + "answer_id": "m.025smcz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sheikh Saeed Al Maktoum House" + ], + "answer": "Saeed Al Maktoum House", + "answer_id": "m.02768mb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Beach Hotel", + "answer_id": "m.027tlcs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Dubai Museum", + "answer_id": "m.02q24rq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madinat Jumeirah", + "answer_id": "m.02qkhn8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Al-Jumeirah" + ], + "answer": "Jumeirah Mosque", + "answer_id": "m.02qmbrc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Universal Studios Dubailand", + "answer_id": "m.02qyvdt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dubai", + "Khor Dubai" + ], + "answer": "Dubai Creek", + "answer_id": "m.03c3yb1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Burj Khalifa, Dubai", + "Burj Dubai", + "Dubai tower" + ], + "answer": "Burj Khalifa", + "answer_id": "m.03cn0v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Restless Planet", + "answer_id": "m.03m57sn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wild Wadi Water" + ], + "answer": "Wild Wadi Water Park", + "answer_id": "m.03nyg2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Deira Clocktower", + "answer_id": "m.03whtz_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hindu Temple, Dubai", + "answer_id": "m.03yb84v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Fish Roundabout", + "answer_id": "m.0405p7v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The World", + "answer_id": "m.04q5nb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + 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"answer_id": "m.032371" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "pauley perrette", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:24:02", + "machine_question": "where did the actor that played the character Alice Wisdom go to college", + "question": "Who is the actor that plays Alice Wisdom and where did they go to college?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0p8jr38 . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-174", + "webqsp_question": "where did pauley perrette go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_01ff9d06fcaf31662fceb007df3615bb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Toat", + "Michael \"Mike\" Todd", + "Michael Todd", + "Avrom Hirsch Goldbogen" + ], + "answer": "Mike 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"2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and that was edited by Colby Parker", + "question": "What movie starring Rihanna was edited by Colby Parker?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.edited_by ns:m.0c1q7dy . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3768_9b18495037659d4e1b9db2e4f0670517", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Post-Impressionism", + "answer_id": "m.015xrq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "vincent van gogh", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:39:28", + "machine_question": "what art movement does the visual artist that created the art series of Butterflies belong to", + "question": "From which art movement is the artist who created the series \"Butterflies\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:visual_art.visual_artist.art_series ns:m.0glsfzc . \n?c ns:visual_art.visual_artist.associated_periods_or_movements ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3768", + "webqsp_question": "what art movement does vincent van gogh belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2238_f6f88507d5841c18f44c9dc7c15999c7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Phins", + "The Fish", + "The Fins" + ], + "answer": "Miami Dolphins", + "answer_id": "m.04vn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:35:15", + "machine_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011 and is the sports team was founded in 1966", + "question": "What sports team, founded in 1966, includes Reggie Bush on it's roster?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT 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Answer: Garfield, The Movie.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_set_decoration_by ns:m.05bm37n . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2139_a901f439a158f7dfe70602bfba2b0da5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Games of the XXIX Olympiad" + ], + "answer": "2008 Summer Olympics", + "answer_id": "m.0kbws" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shawn johnson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:23:16", + "machine_question": "when did that is sponsered by CoverGirl won the gold medal", + "question": "When was the gold metal won by the sponsee of CoverGirl?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR 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ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ns:m.021yw7 .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.place_of_birth ns:m.0b90_r . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1898", + "webqsp_question": "what voices does seth macfarlane play on family guy" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-363_da2dab563bd0169160a7ada840a2751e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "World Ocean", + "answer_id": "m.0dkh39" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "indian ocean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:58:45", + "machine_question": "where the body of water under Mozambique Island Bridge is located", + "question": "What body of water does the \"Mozambique Island Bridge\" span?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:geography.body_of_water.bridges ns:m.0rfbhnm . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-363", + "webqsp_question": "where indian ocean is located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_3a85d52d11c8bd001585c382b960a434", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Seat of San Lorenzo de El Escorial" + ], + "answer": "El Escorial", + "answer_id": "m.01bc9m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo del Prado, Madrid", + "Prado Museum" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.01hlq3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia", + "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda, Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.01jcyh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Summercase", + "answer_id": "m.02r9yg7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Festimad", + "answer_id": "m.03chy63" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Buen Retiro" + ], + "answer": "Buen Retiro Park", + "answer_id": "m.03rmzx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Royal Palace of Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Royal Palace of Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.04m3yk" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Almudena Cathedral", + "answer_id": "m.053llq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Sorolla", + "Sorolla" + ], + "answer": "Sorolla Museum", + "answer_id": "m.05bvn8g" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza de Cibeles", + "answer_id": "m.06_l58" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Arena", + "answer_id": "m.06cgmf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Paseo del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.06j2nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Parque Warner Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.06nd2f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Thyssen-Bornemisza" + ], + "answer": "Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum", + "answer_id": "m.073z19" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Temple of Debod", + "answer_id": "m.07f__f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Puerta del Sol", + "answer_id": "m.07mpc7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Gran Via" + ], + "answer": "Gran V\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.09s07b" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Marathon", + "answer_id": "m.0bwg9f0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza Mayor, Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0cd2rc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "La Vaguada", + "answer_id": "m.0fphvtq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo de Lazaro Galdiano" + ], + "answer": "Museum of L\u00e1zaro Galdiano", + "answer_id": "m.0h3lmf1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Palace of la Bolsa de Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0h3tjjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "madrid", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in the place that has the neighborhood Pinar de Chamart\u00edn", + "question": "What sights can we see in Pinar de Chamarin?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.place_with_neighborhoods.neighborhoods ns:m.011136tj . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1472_71e3b4f5442121b7be9daedd8c42acc5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\"Stone Cold\" Steve", + "Stephen Burton", + "Jack Stephen Burton" + ], + "answer": "Steve Burton", + "answer_id": "m.035n85" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:52:44", + "machine_question": "who is playing jason morgan on general hospital and is the actor that plays Cloud Strife", + "question": "Who plays Jason Morgan on General Hospital as well as Cloud Strife?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0358x_)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0358x_ ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ns:m.0b4nb8 .\n?x ns:film.actor.dubbing_performances ?c .\n?c ns:film.dubbing_performance.character ns:m.01qdz4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1472", + "webqsp_question": "who is playing jason morgan on general hospital" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_419d891d1f5646fdad74780be79d7bce", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Oatley Park, New South Wales", + "answer_id": "m.0_ymvs4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Port Jackson, Sydney", + "Sydney Harbour" + ], + "answer": "Port Jackson", + "answer_id": "m.01rfyc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rose Seidler House", + "answer_id": "m.01xlnqr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bondi Beach, Sydney", + "Bondi", + "Bondi Beach, New South Wales" + ], + "answer": "Bondi Beach", + "answer_id": "m.020772" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Wild Life Sydney", + "answer_id": "m.0261k3j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SFF" + ], + "answer": "Sydney Film Festival", + "answer_id": "m.02kwln" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Rocks, New South Wales" + ], + "answer": "The Rocks", + "answer_id": "m.02q0lr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sydney Markets", + "answer_id": "m.02x0jgm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Old Ultimo Powerhouse", + "Powerhouse" + ], + "answer": "Powerhouse Museum", + "answer_id": "m.02x7mq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Luna Park Sydney", + "answer_id": "m.040sd3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "City to Surf" + ], + "answer": "City2Surf", + "answer_id": "m.04dxfg" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "St Mary's Cathedral, Sydney", + "answer_id": "m.05115h" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sydney Opera" + ], + "answer": "Sydney Opera House", + "answer_id": "m.06_nm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sydney Harbour Bridge", + "answer_id": "m.0701q" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North Head Quarantine Station", + "answer_id": "m.0b8fsx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hillsong Church", + "answer_id": "m.0cj82q" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darling Harbour", + "answer_id": "m.0hddw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Australian National Maritime" + ], + "answer": "Australian National Maritime Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0j2r2w2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Featherdale Wildlife" + ], + "answer": "Featherdale Wildlife Park", + "answer_id": "m.0j65cht" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kamay Botany Bay National" + ], + "answer": "Kamay Botany Bay National Park", + "answer_id": "m.0pnrn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sydney australia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in the location where the film \"Babe: Pig in the City\" takes place", + "question": "What attractions are there near where the movie \"Babe: Pig in the City\" takes place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.02rfs1 . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_92cd88da247f06a2a19f25b5d45c8d9c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles, California, USA", + "LA", + "Los Angeles, California", + "Los Angeles, USA", + "City of Angels", + "L.A.", + "Los Angeles County / Los Angeles city", + "Los Angeles, CA" + ], + "answer": "Los Angeles", + "answer_id": "m.030qb3t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does joey king live and a location where a Hall of fame induction was born", + "question": "Where does Joey King live that is also the place where the Hall of Fame induction was born?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03yk4pb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03yk4pb ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:type.object.type ns:award.hall_of_fame_induction . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1542_77c420382ba6d010795aca544a34bd60", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom" + ], + "answer": "Monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.04szc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:02:53", + "machine_question": "what type of government did sparta greece have and in country Kingdom of Portugal", + "question": "What type of government that Sparta Greece and Kingdom of Portugal have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.09472)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.09472 ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ?c .\n?c ns:type.object.name \"Kingdom of Portugal\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1542", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government did sparta greece have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_ae6c28ee34b9706a653adbd056cb6ae4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guam", + "answer_id": "m.034tl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fort Sheridan, Illinois", + "Fort Sheridan Historic District" + ], + "answer": "Fort Sheridan", + "answer_id": "m.035r6b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "S Dak", + "Mount Rushmore State", + "SD" + ], + "answer": "South Dakota", + "answer_id": "m.06mz5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "UT", + "Beehive State" + ], + "answer": "Utah", + "answer_id": "m.07srw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / South Pasadena city", + "South Pasadena, California" + ], + "answer": "South Pasadena", + "answer_id": "m.0r0_5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Duarte city", + "Duarte, California" + ], + "answer": "Duarte", + "answer_id": "m.0r06n" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Stillwater, Minnesota", + "Washington County / Stillwater city" + ], + "answer": "Stillwater", + "answer_id": "m.0wmtg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sam shepard", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does the actor that played the character Doc Porter live", + "question": "Where does the actor that played the part of Doc Porter live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0b_890z . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2211_c17076e3f4b4c222838eb465b4b75283", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "True Blood Season 3", + "answer_id": "m.0bh71z0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:32:19", + "machine_question": "what episode does eric northman come in and the tv series season thetvdb ID is 151931", + "question": "What TV Series Season Episode with 151931 as thetvdb ID features Eric Northman?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0411sjw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0411sjw ns:tv.tv_character.appeared_in_tv_program ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.seasons ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_series_season.thetvdb_id \"151931\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2211", + "webqsp_question": "what episode does eric northman come in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1247_0086d2537f89176e0be67746d2047d84", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Megan Griffin", + "Meg Griffin as the Sarlacc" + ], + "answer": "Meg Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.035szd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "family guy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:17:14", + "machine_question": "what character does mila kunis play on the program that has the multipart episodes Stewie Kills Lois and Lois Kills Stewie", + "question": "What character is Mila Kinus in the show which includes the episodes \"Stewie Kills Lois\" and \"Lois Kills Stewie'?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_program.multipart_episodes ns:m.047t4gp . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ns:m.023v4_ .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1247", + "webqsp_question": "what character does mila kunis play on family guy" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2385_b6f1a7cdd1186f06f19a60848d655316", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Henry Sr." + ], + "answer": "Henry Ford", + "answer_id": "m.03gxm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ford motor company", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:55:20", + "machine_question": "who invented the the parent company of Visteon", + "question": "Who invented the Visteon parent company?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.spin_offs ?k .\n?k ns:organization.organization_spin_off.child_company ns:m.05q7wq . \n?c ns:organization.organization.founders ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2385", + "webqsp_question": "who invented the ford motor company" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_c84204fc7c7e1e92d8d58cd37113d7be", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Milton Ernest Rauschenberg" + ], + "answer": "Robert Rauschenberg", + "answer_id": "m.01sj_s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Milton Ernest Rauschenberg" + ], + "answer": "Robert Rauschenberg", + "answer_id": "m.01sj_s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Milton Ernest Rauschenberg" + ], + "answer": "Robert Rauschenberg", + "answer_id": "m.01sj_s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jasper Johns, Jr." + ], + "answer": "Jasper Johns", + "answer_id": "m.0gcjf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "John Milton Cage", + "John Milton Cage Jr." + ], + "answer": "John Cage", + "answer_id": "m.0hgqq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and was also a peer of Robert Rauschenberg", + "question": "Which peer of Robert Rauschenberg influenced Andy Warhol's work?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.peers ?c .\n?c ns:influence.peer_relationship.peers ns:m.01sj_s . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2325_87ffe7c3404a14f726cc54ae6d6a6057", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ryan Rodney Reynolds", + "Champ Nightengale" + ], + "answer": "Ryan Reynolds", + "answer_id": "m.036hf4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scarlett johansson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:48:21", + "machine_question": "who did was nominee of the Theatre World Award award married", + "question": "Who is married to the nominee of the Theatre World Award?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.05yr22 . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2325", + "webqsp_question": "who did scarlett johansson married" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_d2007c6a80c2d037c88989c9631038bb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and the country calling code is 358", + "question": "What country shares a border with Russia and has country calling code 358?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code \"358\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1631_9c9f8b3e02631ddf0a0b5bdcfd6029a4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Linet Masai", + "answer_id": "m.03c3vs2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mercy Cherono", + "answer_id": "m.04f2_5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Josphat Bett Kipkoech", + "answer_id": "m.0jwvqdm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:14:13", + "machine_question": "who are the famous athletes in kenya and that was born in Kenya", + "question": "What famous Kenyan athletes were born in Kenya?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.019rg5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.019rg5 ns:sports.sport_country.athletic_performances ?y .\n?y ns:sports.competitor_competition_relationship.competitors ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.place_of_birth ns:m.019rg5 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1631", + "webqsp_question": "who are the famous athletes in kenya" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-967_bfb16d956224f4ff7df39609f2a84210", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Ballistic trauma", + "answer_id": "m.02qnd1b" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Suicide", + "answer_id": "m.06z5s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hitler", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:12:05", + "machine_question": "what did the politician that was appointed to his/her government position by Paul von Hindenburg use to 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"compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:42:45", + "machine_question": "what was the composer of D\u00c5\u00beb\u00c3\u00a1nek v\u00c3\u00adna (Silver Tassie) famous for", + "question": "What made the composer of D\u00c5\u00beb\u00c3\u00a1nek v\u00c3\u00adna (Silver Tassie) famous?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.0zph7mh . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-384", + "webqsp_question": "what was robert burns famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_a6d23d999e3bf256d36232e8ff17e675", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Y\u00ec J\u012bng", + "Zhouyi", + "Classic of Changes", + "Book of Changes" + ], + "answer": "I Ching", + "answer_id": "m.03ydb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:21", + "machine_question": "what is the holy book in taoism and that was written by Fuxi", + "question": "What is the holy book in Taoism written by Fuxi?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07gvx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07gvx ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n?x ns:book.written_work.author ns:m.0163ww . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-983_4d049c4946d8eb94014372b89b5df1c6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Oreg", + "Beaver State", + "OR" + ], + "answer": "Oregon", + "answer_id": "m.05kj_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "stand by me", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:36:33", + "machine_question": "where in oregon was the movie that Geanette Bobst played in filmed", + "question": "Geanette Bobst acted in what movie filmed in Oregon?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT 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+ "machine_question": "where to go in the place that has the following courts Supreme Court of Florida for vacation", + "question": "Where can you vacation by the Supreme Court of Florida?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court_jurisdiction_area.courts ns:m.05jg_3 . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3363_ea9a3ec334786222d16751baf87037cf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kingdom of Great Britain", + "answer_id": "m.014tss" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:33:33", + "machine_question": "where people speak welsh and is the governmental jurisdiction that held the legislative session of the Grenville Ministry", + "question": "Which 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level devision", + "question": "What country is home to Adana Procince as a second level and speaks arabic?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.0199s4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3629_dd36139f42030c6329c138b56f269a68", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Roman emperor", + "answer_id": "m.01g14w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:15:41", + "machine_question": "what was caesar augustus known for and is the goverment office held by Theodosius I", + "question": "What government office held by Teodosisus I was Caesar Augustus also known for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0ngg)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0ngg ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n?x ns:government.government_office_category.officeholders ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.07nfq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3629", + "webqsp_question": "what was caesar augustus known for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-470_d34f26c825e32b405e9988aff447373f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mwinilunga", + "answer_id": "m.07cdmr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "zambezi river", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:53:12", + "machine_question": "where does the river that its origin is Mwinilunga originate", + "question": "Where does the river that's in Mwinilunga originate?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:geography.river.origin 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"compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:29:14", + "machine_question": "what are the places to see in dubai and is the body of water under Business Bay Crossing", + "question": "Which sightseeing destination in Dubai also happens to be the body of water under Business Bay Crossing?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f08r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f08r ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:geography.body_of_water.bridges ns:m.02vlkpk . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3346", + "webqsp_question": "what are the places to see in dubai" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1542_aae1720ca8d746eb8883d69655f9e1e0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom" + ], + "answer": "Monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.04szc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:02:53", + "machine_question": "what type of 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+ "ID": "WebQTrn-2181_a65373d6ffaa966c347087864c895897", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "John Harbaugh", + "answer_id": "m.0c2fvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ravens", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:06", + "machine_question": "who is the the sports team arena stadium is M&T Bank Stadium coach", + "question": "What is the name of the coach for the team that plays at M&T Bank Stadium?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.01yq7r . \n?c ns:american_football.football_team.current_head_coach ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2181", + "webqsp_question": "who is the ravens coach" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_84872205fc39f2c3a9c0f3a1747aa8bc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + 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"answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the football player that has passing attempts statistics of 1", + "question": "Which Cleveland Browns football player draft had 1 passing attempt?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:american_football.football_player.passing ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.player_passing_statistics.attempts \"1\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_4439b7c167b6ccf30c53b610934c4521", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Alice Upside Down", + "answer_id": "m.047f43s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and that has the following genre: Coming of age", + "question": "Which coming of age film did Alyson stoner star in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ns:m.01j1n2 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1418_aa5428176f0483d4d69ecec8e383252c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Piney", + "Christopher Whitelaw \"Chris\" Pine", + "Peen\u00e8", + "Pinewood", + "the new Harrison Ford", + "Christopher Whitelaw Pine" + ], + "answer": "Chris Pine", + "answer_id": "m.0c6g1l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek and a celebritie that had a romantic relationship that ended on 2013-04", + "question": "Which celebrity whose relationship ended on 04/2013 played captain Kirk in Star Trek?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0crtw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0crtw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?c .\n?c ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.end_date \"2013-04\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1418", + "webqsp_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-2015_05a49eb00f9fa7d509fc776493d05b8c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": 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"webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1948_fbb250d577dae6a4255a0a693c10fb6d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u80e1\u9326\u6fe4", + "Jintao Hu", + "Hu Jin Tao", + "\u80e1\u9526\u6d9b" + ], + "answer": "Hu Jintao", + "answer_id": "m.013my_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:58:24", + "machine_question": "who is the current president of the country where Guangzhou Zhu Jiang Brewery Co.Ltd. 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Zhu Jiang Beer beer is made?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqjxz . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2010-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2010-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1948", + "webqsp_question": "who is the current president of china 2010" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1447_7d646efe0bec8cd92318be0a5b770463", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Flick", + "Jacob Christopher Lloyd", + "Pumpkin Head", + "Mannequin Skywalker" + ], + "answer": "Jake Lloyd", + "answer_id": "m.02p8dm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "star wars 1", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:36:41", + "machine_question": "who plays anakin skywalker in a film that Tony Vice was a crew member of", + "question": "Find the movie that has tony Vice as a crew member, who plays Anakin Skywalker in that film?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.other_crew ?k .\n?k ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.0bvd5_m . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0f2y0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who plays anakin skywalker in star wars 1" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_8eab9877f85ce5369a972135a6b6a5f8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician thathas tenure until 1865", + "question": "What politician, who held office until 1865, is listed as one of Whitman's influences for his poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.to \"1865\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1542_ac573120b9041418777752b4ce106c4e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom" + ], + "answer": "Monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.04szc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:02:53", + "machine_question": "what type of government did sparta greece have and the country capital is Coimbra", + "question": "Form of government that was found in Sparta Greece and the country with Coimbra as its capital?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.09472)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.09472 ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ?c .\n?c ns:location.country.capital ns:m.0217lt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1542", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government did sparta greece have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1898_681d3cc1ea84472510a4fceba6d16eb4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jehovah", + "Yahveh", + "Father God", + "God the Father", + "Almighty", + "The Lord", + "The Almighty", + "Voice of God", + "Supreme Being", + "God Almighty" + ], + "answer": "God", + "answer_id": "m.02nw87f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:59:14", + "machine_question": "what voices does seth macfarlane play on family guy and also the actor Rodney Dangerfield", + "question": "What character has been voice by Seth McFarlane on Family Guy and also by Rodney Dangerfield?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.019nnl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.019nnl ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ns:m.021yw7 .\n?x ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.015b67 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1898", + "webqsp_question": "what voices does seth macfarlane play on family guy" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_d2e3229d8d0014cd1f1a7d9ff301c56a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and is about Naval battle", + "question": "What movie about a Naval Battle did rihanna play a role in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.subjects ns:m.01l7tg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_7d5bf80a1d061336498479b43c6362b5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Las Vegas, Nevada", + "Vegas", + "Sin City", + "Clark County / Las Vegas city" + ], + "answer": "Las Vegas", + "answer_id": "m.0cv3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does joey king live and the location GNIS feature ID is less than 1662328", + "question": "Where does Joey King reside and which location has a GNIS feature of less than 1662328?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03yk4pb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03yk4pb ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 1662328) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2238_c9be001aaf5f69c9067ba4b530ca0a93", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Phins", + "The Fish", + "The Fins" + ], + "answer": "Miami Dolphins", + "answer_id": "m.04vn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:35:15", + "machine_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011 and is the sports team was founded earliest", + "question": "What is the oldest team Reggie Bush played for in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2238", + "webqsp_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1449_55fdad93ff3cc0b1c17bbdd77926c090", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Teacher", + "answer_id": "m.01d30f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Rep\u00f3rter" + ], + "answer": "Journalist", + "answer_id": "m.0d8qb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "laura ingalls wilder", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:36:55", + "machine_question": "what was the author who published editions for Christmas in the Big Woods (My First Little House Books) famous for", + "question": "What profession was the author who published \"Christmas in the Big Woods (My First Little House Books)\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04vrb4l . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1449", + "webqsp_question": "what was laura ingalls wilder famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-442_d1a984c71ef01065e1506cdf340d2ccb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lamar Hunt", + "answer_id": "m.01wtr5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:12:51", + "machine_question": "who was the first leader of the afl and a American football player", + "question": "What American Football player was the first leader of the AFL?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0ysy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0ysy ns:organization.organization.founders ?x .\n?x ns:sports.pro_athlete.sports_played_professionally ?c .\n?c ns:sports.pro_sports_played.sport ns:m.0jm_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-442", + "webqsp_question": "who was the first leader of the afl" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_4cff52ee00d48c443727778efb01c77a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mali", + "answer_id": "m.04v09" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mali", + "answer_id": "m.04v09" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through and is the government has a position title of Acting Prime Minister", + "question": "What country has a political position called Acting Prime Minister and is home to the niger river.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.04043ys . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3466_af8b975343e4098913128e9ac7d04c05", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dallas, Texas", + "Dallas, TX", + "Rockwall County / Dallas city" + ], + "answer": "Dallas", + "answer_id": "m.0f2rq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kennedy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:52:50", + "machine_question": "in which city was president the public speaker which spoke about Anti-Apartheid killed", + "question": "Where was the person who spoke publicly about Apartheid killed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speech_topic ns:m.04lxyz0 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3466", + "webqsp_question": "in which city was president kennedy killed" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3563_3e90feaac56ffffafa0646d90198ef60", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Legoland Florida, Winter Haven" + ], + "answer": "Legoland Florida", + "answer_id": "m.0b6d60t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:09:48", + "machine_question": "where to go in florida for vacation and the asset that is owned by Merlin Entertainments", + "question": "What tourist attraction in Florida is owned by Merlin Entertainments?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02xry)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02xry ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:business.asset.owners ?c .\n?c ns:business.asset_ownership.owner ns:m.02pvjv8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_d3ac767f746f9dc016295340571e53cd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guam", + "answer_id": "m.034tl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fort Sheridan, Illinois", + "Fort Sheridan Historic District" + ], + "answer": "Fort Sheridan", + "answer_id": "m.035r6b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "S Dak", + "Mount Rushmore State", + "SD" + ], + "answer": "South Dakota", + "answer_id": "m.06mz5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "UT", + "Beehive State" + ], + "answer": "Utah", + "answer_id": "m.07srw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / South Pasadena city", + "South Pasadena, California" + ], + "answer": "South Pasadena", + "answer_id": "m.0r0_5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Duarte city", + "Duarte, California" + ], + "answer": "Duarte", + "answer_id": "m.0r06n" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Stillwater, Minnesota", + "Washington County / Stillwater city" + ], + "answer": "Stillwater", + "answer_id": "m.0wmtg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sam shepard", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does the theatrical composer of the play The Tooth of Crime live", + "question": "The Tooth of Crime composer lives where?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:theater.theatrical_composer.plays_composed ns:m.02qj6hl . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-952_fe9690932dab5357967bf29dffc16f82", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "alaska", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:11:14", + "machine_question": "what country does the location that contains Mount McKinley belong to", + "question": "Which country is Mount McKinley in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.location.partially_contains ns:m.01df56 . \n?c ns:base.biblioness.bibs_location.country ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-952", + "webqsp_question": "what country does alaska belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_11b49a25e1a9a5a5c75f9ed269fe1011", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SIFF" + ], + "answer": "Seattle International Film Festival", + "answer_id": "m.0prqs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and is the event that has been reocurring since 1976", + "question": "What fun event in Seattle that has been re-occuring since 1976?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:time.recurring_event.date_of_first_occurance \"1976\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1716_21ee9f9a8b39fc17ba66c5d90a18a7e5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jacqueline Wood", + "Jacqui Mac", + "Jacqueline MacInnes-Wood", + "DJ JacquiMac", + "M. Jacqueline Wood" + ], + "answer": "Jacqueline MacInnes Wood", + "answer_id": "m.043jvkn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bold and the beautiful", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:25:45", + "machine_question": "who plays steffy on the tv program that has the theme song High Upon This Love", + "question": "Who plays Steffy on the TV show with theme song High Upon This Love?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_program.theme_song ns:m.0n9m7xx . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ns:m.027hyhb .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1716", + "webqsp_question": "who plays steffy on bold and the beautiful" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-384_be8c4feacd8e0f746082ac7e643c8676", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Poet", + "answer_id": "m.05z96" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bard", + "answer_id": "m.0knj1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "robert burns", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:42:45", + "machine_question": "what was the person who wrote the lyrics for \"Charlie Is My Darlin'\" famous for", + "question": "The composer of \"Charlie Is My Darlin\" is famous for what?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.010xjfgv . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-384", + "webqsp_question": "what was robert burns famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-648_1ae1a6be469266690c163ee3f6e0293c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Asia", + "answer_id": "m.0j0k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "israel", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:43:36", + "machine_question": "what continent does where the government Cabinet of Israel is located belong to", + "question": "Where is government of Israel's cabinet located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.0czhnw . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-648", + "webqsp_question": "what continent does israel belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1212_c55ccf5445d560b373944df6540f9b31", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:12:29", + "machine_question": "what political system does the place where breed Samoyed originated in use", + "question": "What type of government is used in the home place of the Samoyed breed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.017lg8 . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1212", + "webqsp_question": "what political system does russia use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1447_6de486d8bed4f9f444bd85ffa86892b8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Flick", + "Jacob Christopher Lloyd", + "Pumpkin Head", + "Mannequin Skywalker" + ], + "answer": "Jake Lloyd", + "answer_id": "m.02p8dm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "star wars 1", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:36:41", + "machine_question": "who plays anakin skywalker in the movie that Karol Cristina da Silva played in", + "question": "WHat actor plays Anakin Skywalker in the Star Wars franchise movie that also feature Karol Cristina da Silva as an actress?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.0wzdqgn . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0f2y0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who plays anakin skywalker in star wars 1" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1191_a5a6ec77d26685efbc82d0f40b5256fe", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + 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"2017-10-26T07:12:57", + "machine_question": "where is the the place where Seselwa Creole French Language language is spoken on world map", + "question": "Where in the world is Seselwa Creole French spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.02hwhqt . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-222", + "webqsp_question": "where is the seychelles on world map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2711_f3518e7c28ab856cf7e4795c229cc993", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Protestant" + ], + "answer": "Protestantism", + "answer_id": "m.05sfs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:50:04", + "machine_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe and the religion of which Huldrych Zwingli is a founding figure", + "question": "What 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"created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and their roster position is Offensive lineman", + "question": "Who did the Cleveland Browns draft for their Offensive lineman position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?c .\n?c ns:sports.sports_team_roster.position ns:g.121g7ncl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1853_04500ff745a1277debdfa277ba228535", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Daredevil", + "Stunt actor" + ], + "answer": "Stunt Performer", + "answer_id": "m.01tkqy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:50:07", + "machine_question": "what made richard hammond famous and was the film job of Howard Liang", + "question": "What Howard Liang film made Richard Hammond famous?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02508x)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02508x ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_job.films_with_this_crew_job ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.012hyq_s . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1853", + "webqsp_question": "what made richard hammond famous" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_abc3ffff6e9910005f2306af765e5ed0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and is the politician that has tenure since 2002", + "question": "Which politician was the leader of France in 2012 with tenure since 2002?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.from \"2002\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_c9555643d905b9f6393150fd79779981", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "l'Hexagone", + "R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise", + "French Republic" + ], + "answer": "France", + "answer_id": "m.0f8l9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and is the government has a position title of Member of Congress", + "question": "Which EU country has a government position of \"Member of Congress\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.01gkgk . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1976_2422d33483fc9fbbd2766a13241d3d6f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Chelsea London", + "The Pensioners", + "Chelsea Football Club", + "Chelsea fc", + "Blue Lions", + "The Blues", + "Chelsea" + ], + "answer": "Chelsea F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.023fb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T12:10:53", + "machine_question": "what team did drogba play for and is the sports team was founded in 1905-03-10", + "question": "Which sports team founded on 03-10-1905 did Drogba play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_y2f)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_y2f ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded \"1905-03-10\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1976", + "webqsp_question": "what team did drogba play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_dee4b5d50db015ba91d5f2aeeb876f27", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "High School Musical 2: Sing It All Or Nothing!" + ], + "answer": "High School Musical 2", + "answer_id": "m.0bc5ny" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and features the song Gotta Go My Own Way", + "question": "Which movie that features the song \"Gotta Go My Own Way\" is Miley Cyrus in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.featured_song 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ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.legislative_sessions ns:m.0ndhnzz . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2686", + "webqsp_question": "what type of currency is used in puerto rico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1684_fe49ec607a9d3f139d2d4c8f5593186d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Lucian of Samosata", + "of Samosata Lucian" + ], + "answer": "Lucian", + "answer_id": "m.01612m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mercury", + "Kit Marlowe", + "Marcarde", + "The Muses' Darling", + "Kit" + ], + "answer": "Christopher Marlowe", + "answer_id": "m.01r7z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Edmund Spenser", + "answer_id": "m.02lqj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Chaucer" + ], + "answer": "Geoffrey Chaucer", + "answer_id": "m.03b_m" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "John Pory", + "answer_id": "m.03cdqxx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Titus Maccius Plautus", + "Plauto" + ], + "answer": "Plautus", + "answer_id": "m.060yy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus" + ], + "answer": "Plutarch", + "answer_id": "m.063_9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saint Thomas More", + "Sir Thomas More" + ], + "answer": "Thomas More", + "answer_id": "m.07hl9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Publius Terentius Afer" + ], + "answer": "Terence", + "answer_id": "m.07km7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Virgilio", + "Publius Maro", + "Vergil", + "Publio Virgilio", + "Publius Vergilius Maro", + "Verg\u012blijs" + ], + "answer": "Virgil", + "answer_id": "m.07yhg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ovide", + "Publius Ovidius Naso" + ], + "answer": "Ovid", + "answer_id": "m.09fdm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Michel Montaigne", + "Michel Eyquem de Montaigne" + ], + "answer": "Michel de Montaigne", + "answer_id": "m.0c2cl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Thomas Kyd", + "answer_id": "m.0c5h0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seneca", + "S\u00e9n\u00e8que", + "L SENECA", + "Lucius Annaeus Seneca", + "Lucius 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"conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and it's genre is Coming of age", + "question": "Which Alyson Stoner film was a coming of age movie?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:media_common.netflix_title.netflix_genres ns:m.01j1n2 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_fa1fffe7995213b6528da57ea4c8d226", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and number of people in the country's army is 101000", + "question": "What country borders China and has an army with roughly 101000 members?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d05w3)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d05w3 ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"101000\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_d22dfff7e6de20b75da487047c671f89", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the person to whom William Howard Taft dedicated his/her work", + "question": "Who influenced Whitman's poetry and is also the person to whom William Howard dedicated his work?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:media_common.dedicatee.dedications ?c .\n?c ns:media_common.dedication.dedicated_by ns:m.083pr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2525_14102f0f8007ed159940910416a3d998", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Johns Hopkins University, main campus", + "Johns Hopkins", + "JHU", + "Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore" + ], + "answer": "Johns Hopkins University", + "answer_id": "m.09kvv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:14:46", + "machine_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college and is the university that Alex Cross graduated from", + "question": "What university did both Jerry Spinelli and Alex Cross attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05djw1)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05djw1 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.school_in_fiction.students_graduates ns:m.08__50 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2525", + "webqsp_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1977_d8607771e5a63c735a7ea4e65c927ab1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:02:02", + "machine_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for and is the team that the player Michael Essien played with", + "question": "What team has included both Cristiano Ronaldo and Michael Essien?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02xt6q)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02xt6q ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:soccer.football_team.borrowed_players ?c .\n?c ns:soccer.football_player_loan.player ns:m.076fdt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1977", + "webqsp_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1809_1c915787e2170ee2390c18005e7a59a4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TN", + "Tenn", + "Volunteer State" + ], + "answer": "Tennessee", + "answer_id": "m.07h34" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:50", + "machine_question": "where was the battle of shiloh and contains McLemoresville 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Christmas Wishes", + "answer_id": "m.026k503" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kung Fu Magoo", + "answer_id": "m.09v9fw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension", + "Phineas e Ferb: Atrav\u00e9s da 2\u00aa Dimens\u00e3o", + "Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension in Fabulous 2D", + "Disney Phineas und Ferb der Film - Quer durch die 2. Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension - In Fabulous 2D", + "Phineas y Ferb: A trav\u00e9s de la 2\u00aa Dimensi\u00f3n" + ], + "answer": "Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "answer_id": "m.0bh9n8g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Surprise" + ], + "answer": "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Surprise Party", + "answer_id": "m.0bnns7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Little Engine That Could", + "answer_id": "m.0gj8r0x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and involves organization National Film Board of Canada", + "question": "Alyson Stoner played in which movie that involved the organization National Film Board of Canada?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 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"WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_4982d29236a4ba64c2f0439d263f23aa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Grand Duchy of Luxembourg" + ], + "answer": "Luxembourg", + "answer_id": "m.04g61" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and number of people in the country's army is smallest", + "question": "Which country of the world speaks German, as well as having the smallest army?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-442_bc875cdc8949a22d12b881190f87d56a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bud Adams", + "answer_id": "m.035yc3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:12:51", + "machine_question": "who was the first leader of the afl and died from Natural causes", + "question": "What was the name of the man who died of natural causes and was the first leader of the AFL?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0ysy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0ysy ns:organization.organization.founders ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ns:m.02knxx . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-442", + "webqsp_question": "who was the first leader of the afl" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_a1e1c0dffcd4eac28ed4f1a67143d208", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gimme a Break!", + "answer_id": "m.036y7h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and is the tv program has number of episodes 137", + "question": "Which tv show which had 137 episodes starred Joey Lawrence?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.number_of_episodes \"137\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3319_ba1a22d26f902b1b43ad13dd55cccf2f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Frances Gayne", + "Baby Gumm", + "Alice Gumm", + "Gracie Gumm", + "Marie Gumm", + "Frances Gumm", + "Judy", + "Miss Show Business", + "Joots", + "Frances Ethel Gumm", + "The Garland Sisters" + ], + "answer": "Judy Garland", + "answer_id": "m.0g10g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "wizard of oz", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:24:30", + "machine_question": "who played dorothy in the film the movie that Jack Paul played in", + "question": "Who played Dorothy in the famous film that also starred Jack Paul?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.0yj6tr9 . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.020hj1 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3319", + "webqsp_question": "who played dorothy in the film wizard of oz" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1977_e2dcda139989882d592342afba657c7b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portugal Mens Football Team", + "Portugal 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\"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1977", + "webqsp_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_7f42e6cf00b704d63971600cead27fea", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Master Chuang", + "Chuang Tsu", + "Zhuangzi.", + "Chuang Tzu", + "Zhuangzi", + "Chuang Tse", + "Zhuang Zhou", + "Chouang-Dsi" + ], + "answer": "Zhuang Zhou", + "answer_id": "m.0164zy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tao Teh King", + "Dao De Jing" + ], + "answer": "Tao Te Ching", + "answer_id": "m.02czn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Y\u00ec J\u012bng", + "Zhouyi", + "Classic of Changes", + "Book of Changes" + ], + "answer": "I Ching", + "answer_id": "m.03ydb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Daozang", + "answer_id": "m.05blr4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "taoism", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:21", + "machine_question": "what is the holy book in the religon where the deities is \"Zhang Guolao\"", + "question": 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"compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:34:45", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does where the currency Chilean escudo is used have today", + "question": "What kind of government does Chile have today?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_formerly_used ns:m.08pxdz . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3346_2d0611451d35c6185b3e83e45311fe49", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Burj Khalifa, Dubai", + "Burj Dubai", + "Dubai tower" + ], + "answer": "Burj Khalifa", + "answer_id": "m.03cn0v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:29:14", + "machine_question": "what are the places to see in dubai and the number of building floors is 163", + "question": "What building located in Dubai has 163 floors?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f08r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f08r ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.building.floors \"163\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3346", + "webqsp_question": "what are the places to see in dubai" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1949_c05ba7f6600ce087c4c50e00c89ff285", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri General Assembly", + "answer_id": "m.02zxrn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Court of Appeals", + "answer_id": "m.03qj7vv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Senate", + "answer_id": "m.0694qd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri House of Representatives", + "answer_id": "m.069kvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:59:12", + "machine_question": "what is the legislature of the place that has the following courts Missouri Court of Appeals called", + "question": "What is the name of the place that houses the Missouri Court of Appeals?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court_jurisdiction_area.courts ns:m.03qj7vv . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government_bodies ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1949", + "webqsp_question": "what is the legislature of missouri called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_0309cc7dd5a31d29e6e4741ff478ff6a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East of the Uruguay", + "Eastern Republic of Uruguay", + "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" + ], + "answer": "Uruguay", + "answer_id": "m.07twz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "argentina", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border the place where breed Dogo Argentino originated in", + "question": "What countries border the country of origin for the Dog Argentino breed/?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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ns:government.political_district.elections ns:m.04n5stt . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1915", + "webqsp_question": "what is time zone in hawaii" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1976_528b2e40069f2066c242ec8db8c6ce7b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Chelsea London", + "The Pensioners", + "Chelsea Football Club", + "Chelsea fc", + "Blue Lions", + "The Blues", + "Chelsea" + ], + "answer": "Chelsea F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.023fb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T12:10:53", + "machine_question": "what team did drogba play for and sports team that play in London", + "question": "What sports team play in London did Drogba play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_y2f)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_y2f ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.location ns:m.04jpl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1976", + "webqsp_question": "what team did drogba play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1643_8c0755c22dcb8dd8bf445ab0721f047b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bradford Claude Dourif", + "Bradford Claude \"Brad\" Dourif", + "Brad" + ], + "answer": "Brad Dourif", + "answer_id": "m.02bfmn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Edon Gross" + ], + "answer": "Edan Gross", + "answer_id": "m.03czqtb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "John Paul Salapatek" + ], + "answer": "John Franklin", + "answer_id": "m.06hw0m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "child 's play", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:08:19", + "machine_question": "who does the voice for chucky in the movie that Tommy Gerard played in", + "question": "Chucky's voice is provided by which actors in the film starring Tommy Gerard?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.0vxjm08 . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.06jpdm .\n?y ns:film.performance.special_performance_type ns:m.02nsjvf .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?c .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1643", + "webqsp_question": "who does the voice for chucky in child 's play" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3448_00089dfd2904f71ae2721903782a3fd5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Orbing", + "answer_id": "m.04kb1zt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Teleportation in fiction" + ], + "answer": "Teleportation", + "answer_id": "m.0fx57" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "paige halliwell", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:48:14", + "machine_question": "what is the fictional character which is the parent of Samuel Wilder 's powers", + "question": "What fictional character is the parent of Samuel 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"", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:14:46", + "machine_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college and is the university that has number of undergraduates less than 27725", + "question": "Which University with less that 27725 undergraduates, did Jerry Spinelli attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05djw1)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05djw1 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_undergraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 27725) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2525", + "webqsp_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3319_12cad9d9eb020bdd9bfd11099ac0a07c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Frances Gayne", + "Baby Gumm", + "Alice Gumm", + "Gracie Gumm", + "Marie Gumm", + "Frances Gumm", + "Judy", + "Miss Show Business", + "Joots", + "Frances Ethel Gumm", + "The Garland Sisters" + ], + "answer": "Judy Garland", + "answer_id": "m.0g10g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "wizard of oz", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:24:30", + "machine_question": "who played dorothy in the film a film that Holly Bane was a crew member of", + "question": "Who played Dorothy in the popular film that listed Holly Bane as a crew member?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.other_crew ?k .\n?k ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.0gbykpq . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.020hj1 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3319", + "webqsp_question": "who played dorothy in the film wizard of oz" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-921_652b7868abb0ed4d9665affc66b821d8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Vanderbilt University Mr. Commodore", + "answer_id": "m.05k6hxh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "vanderbilt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:24:23", + "machine_question": "what is the publisher of the periodical journal Vanderbilt Magazine 's mascot", + "question": "What is the mascot of the school that publishes Vanderbilt Magazine?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.periodical_publisher.periodicals_published ?k .\n?k ns:book.periodical_publisher_period.periodical ns:m.09vvldv . \n?c ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-921", + "webqsp_question": "what is vanderbilt 's mascot" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_72ccc2bc3e2c69dad4b44077780e8803", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Zion 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Dansi 3D", + "Dansul dragostei 3D", + "Step Up 3", + "Step Up 3D: I nea diastasi", + "Sexy Dance 3: The Battle 3D", + "Ela Dan\u00e7a, Eu Dan\u00e7o 3" + ], + "answer": "Step Up 3D", + "answer_id": "m.064016d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and had a prequel named Step Up 2: The Streets", + "question": "What was the prequel to Sequel to Step up 2 that featured Alyson Stoner?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.prequel ns:m.02r4475 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_23569bf78276814edbb013b370ce66a2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "John 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"composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and country has nominal gdp currency of United States Dollar", + "question": "What European Union country uses the dollar as its nominal GDP currency?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.gdp_nominal ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_money_value.currency ns:m.09nqf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_63d181eb93ad383e9ab7a345a55fd95a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The End of the World", + "The Apocalypse" + ], + "answer": "This Is the End", + "answer_id": "m.0hz4j2j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Happy Smekday!" + ], + "answer": "Home", + "answer_id": "m.0mwfph8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "rihanna", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did the person who wrote the lyrics for \"Cockiness (Love It)\" play in", + "question": "What movie did the individual that wrote \"Cockiness (Love It)\" play in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0hn8bbm . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-838_49607472b20b2ab05ca5dd39c1c4eeca", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portugal Mens Football Team", + "Portugal National Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's Football Team", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Portugal National Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Soccer Team", + "Portugal's national football team", + "Selec\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Os Navegadores", + "Portugal Mens Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's National Soccer Team", + "Portugal national football", + "A Selec\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Seleccao das Quinas", + "Portugal Men's Soccer Team", + "Portugal Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Football Team", + "Portugal Soccer Team", + "The Navigators", + "Portugal Men's National Football Team" + ], + "answer": "Portugal national football team", + "answer_id": "m.02rqxc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cristiano ronaldo", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:49:38", + "machine_question": "what team does the football player that was purchased by the team Real Madrid C.F. play for 2011", + "question": "What football player was signed and played for Real Madrid C.F. in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:soccer.football_player.transfers ?k .\n?k ns:soccer.football_player_transfer.purchasing_team ns:m.06l22 . \n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-838", + "webqsp_question": "what team does cristiano ronaldo play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1080_b6a9c598b13e58a372bd6b933b7d2f9a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "appendiceal cancer" + ], + "answer": "Appendix cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0fb2z2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "audrey hepburn", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:52:54", + "machine_question": "what cancer did was nominee of the Golden Laurel for Top Female Comedy Performance award died of", + "question": "What was the cancer that took the life of the nominee for the Golden Laurel for Top Female Comedy Performance award?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.0gl_xn_ . \n?c 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ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 324) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-233_cc0464b6c4d58f46963855573fbc7c3b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Madaglashti", + "Badakhshi", + "Farsi, Eastern", + "Eastern Farsi", + "Dari", + "Persian", + "Tajik", + "Farsi", + "Parsi", + "Afghan Persian" + ], + "answer": "Farsi, Eastern Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hwl5z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pushto", + "Pushto language", + "Pashto", + "Pukhto" + ], + "answer": "Pashto language", + "answer_id": "m.0swlx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "afghanistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:38:01", + "machine_question": "what language people speak in where the currency Abasi is used", + "question": "What Language do people speak in the Country where the Abasi Currency is used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_formerly_used ns:m.07vn8x . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-233", + "webqsp_question": "what language people speak in afghanistan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_ad1e42ed584cf40d168b6ed4676158c0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Miley Cyrus: Tongue Tied", + "answer_id": "m.010ls0tb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Hana Montana: filmas", + "Hannah Montana - The Movie", + "Hannah Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hanna Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hannah Montana: I tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert", + "answer_id": "m.03ck042" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High School Musical 2: Sing It All Or Nothing!" + ], + "answer": "High School Musical 2", + "answer_id": "m.0bc5ny" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lola", + "LOL: Laughing Out Loud", + "LOL", + "LOL - Pazza del mio migliore amico", + "Summer. 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+ "machine_question": "who played princess leia in star wars movies and was nominee of the BAFTA Award for Best Screenplay, Adapted award", + "question": "Which actress who played Princess Leia received a nomination for Best Screenplay by BAFTA?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0ddqw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0ddqw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.02n9nmz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2948", + "webqsp_question": "who played princess leia in star wars movies" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_89af1e05cf5f1ce201fc2df545e91fa9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Brotherly Love", + "answer_id": "m.0g0tw9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what 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"composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:32:03", + "machine_question": "who did warren moon play for and a defunct sports team later known as Tennessee Oilers", + "question": "What is the name of the defunct sports team which Warren Moon played for and was later renamed the Tennessee Oilers?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01b0dl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01b0dl ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.defunct_sports_team.later_known_as ns:m.06f2k5d . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2601", + "webqsp_question": "who did warren moon play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_c00ef7c27c0bc5b044830449a9ecbdfc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Shake-speare", + "William 'Budd' Shakespeare", + "The Bard of Avon", + "Will Shakespeare", + "William Shakespare", + "Shakspere", + "England's 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Shakespeare", + "Shaksper" + ], + "answer": "William Shakespeare", + "answer_id": "m.081k8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by and that died on 1616-04-23", + "question": "Who was the person who died on 4-23-1616 who influenced Arthur Miller?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yfp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yfp ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.deceased_person.date_of_death \"1616-04-23\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1173", + "webqsp_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_783df3e675e39f829391d6339b225758", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and is the country that \"Don't Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth (a.k.a. Gift Horse)\" was filmed in", + "question": "What is the city where Bob Dylan live and where \"Don't Look a Gift Horse in the Mouth\" was filmed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_location.tv_episodes_filmed_here ns:m.06xlnyz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-222_7687837cfff7dd6e07a2abc986732e89", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Afrique" + ], + "answer": "Africa", + "answer_id": "m.0dg3n1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "seychelles", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:12:57", + "machine_question": "where is the where the government Government of the Republic of Seychelles is located on world map", + "question": "What part of the world map is the Government of the Republic of Seychelles located in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.0gy6lgd . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-222", + "webqsp_question": "where is the seychelles on world map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_8d2e6674d0c42f586ba1d4863f291c04", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Iraq", + "answer_id": "m.0d05q4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:09:09", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and in which the fictional character Sayid Jarrah was born", + "question": "What Arabic-speaking place is the home of the fictional character Sayid Jarrah?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.fictional_characters_born_here ns:m.06f_q7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_8bb131f101e71d906d4a6dd2dbed06f7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and country that its nomianl gdp per capita is 36000.0", + "question": "Which EU country has a nominal GDP per capita of 36,000?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.gdp_nominal_per_capita ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_money_value.amount \"36000.0\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2995_38082faad0d07b8c98d0cbe3f9667a03", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Chief Justice of the United States", + "answer_id": "m.07szk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "supreme court", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:31:15", + "machine_question": "what is a judge in the court where judges with the title Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States serve called", + "question": "What is the judge in the court where title Associate justice of the Supreme Court of US serve called?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court.judges ?k .\n?k ns:law.judicial_tenure.title ns:m.012w3 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_body.offices_positions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2995", + "webqsp_question": "what is a judge in the supreme court called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_74efd19081a3ab048a9071831353f334", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and is the governmental jurisdiction that held the legislative session of the Stubb Cabinet", + "question": "What country has government jurisdiction to hold the legislative session of the Stubb Cabinet and also borders Russia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.legislative_sessions ns:m.0111652c . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_959ad6b70e0f38a650abff211176500d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dick", + "Richard Burton, CBE", + "Richard Jenkins", + "Rich", + "Burton", + "Richard Walter Jenkins" + ], + "answer": "Richard Burton", + "answer_id": "m.0cg9f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and is a Film actor", + "question": "Which husband of Liz Taylor was a film actor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:kg.object_profile.prominent_type ns:film.actor . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1694_cfd118807ce64912996343c2b9b042b2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ann Hathaway" + ], + "answer": "Anne Hathaway", + "answer_id": "m.03mzbg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shakespeare", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:16:59", + "machine_question": "what was the person that wrote Standup Shakespeare 's wife called", + "question": "Who is the wife of the writer of Standup Shakespeare?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:theater.theatrical_lyricist.play_lyrics_written ns:m.0zvdf6j . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1694", + "webqsp_question": "what was shakespeare 's wife called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3439_db24dc739b7b00cdab7cf3d825975aed", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "La Internacia Lingvo", + "La Lingvo Internacia", + "Esperanto" + ], + "answer": "Esperanto Language", + "answer_id": "m.02jcw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:47:37", + "machine_question": "what dialects are spoken in the uk and invented by L. L. Zamenhof", + "question": "What dialect can be heard in the UK an was invented by LL Zamenhof?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:law.invention.inventor ns:m.04lns . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3439", + "webqsp_question": "what dialects are spoken in the uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_76cdc1afb9ea1e23666cea349d94eaab", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "City to Surf" + ], + "answer": "City2Surf", + "answer_id": "m.04dxfg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the event that has been reocurring since 1971-09-05", + "question": "What tourist attractions in Sydney has been going on since 1971?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER 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'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.film_release_distribution_medium ns:m.02nxhr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_2e991f987f05f0605b1aac3223d4007f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Persia", + "Islamic Republic of Iran" + ], + "answer": "Iran", + "answer_id": "m.03shp" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Iraq", + "answer_id": "m.0d05q4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:09:09", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and a military combatant which was involved in the military conflict of the Iran\u00e2\u0080\u0093Iraq War", + "question": "What Arabic speaking country that was involved in the military conflict of the Iran-Iraq War?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:military.military_combatant.casualties ?c .\n?c ns:military.casualties.military_conflict ns:m.03vc6 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1907_bab41d7b70b2417963458919bf665dd4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College", + "Louisiana State", + "Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College", + "Baton Rouge Louisiana State University", + "LSU", + "Louisiana State University, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Louisiana State University", + "answer_id": "m.01pl14" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:52:17", + "machine_question": "where did david duke go to college and is the 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"2002\u201303 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.03wbzvj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "FA Cup 2001-02" + ], + "answer": "2001\u201302 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.03wcjy2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "FA Cup 1997-98" + ], + "answer": "1997\u201398 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.03wcr3x" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "FA Cup 1978-79" + ], + "answer": "1978\u201379 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.04gjljy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "FA Cup 1970-71" + ], + "answer": "1970\u201371 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.04jjvq6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:19:16", + "machine_question": "when did arsenal won the league and championship event is $target", + "question": "When did the Arsenal won the event championship $Target?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0xbm)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0xbm ns:sports.sports_award_winner.awards ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_award.season ?x .\n?y ns:sports.sports_award.award ns:m.02_p0 .\n?x ns:sports.sports_championship_event.championship ns:m.02_p0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1724", + "webqsp_question": "when did arsenal won the league" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_cf6cc4cc9ed790243a390f155ae72256", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and country has nomianl gdp of 279500000000.0", + "question": "Which border country to Slovakia has a GDP of 279500000000.0?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.gdp_nominal ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_money_value.amount \"279500000000.0\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_b205763d7194980161803d391cfb7b25", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and who died on 1955-01-28", + "question": "Who was the leader of France who died on 01-28-1955?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR 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"answer": "Bondi Beach", + "answer_id": "m.020772" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and the venue capacity is greater than 5738", + "question": "what attraction in sydney australia has a venue capacity greater than 5738?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.venue.capacity ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 5738) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2736_82c62adc2280ef589ec7baf90ab10b3a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Siwa", + "Siwi", + "Oasis Berber", + "Sioua", + "Zenati" + ], + "answer": "Siwi Language", + "answer_id": "m.012zfy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High Arabic", + "Fasih", + "Modern Literary Arabic", + "Arabic, Standard", + "Al Arabiya", + "Al Fus-ha" + ], + "answer": "Modern Standard Arabic", + "answer_id": "m.025rvv7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Arabic, Egyptian Spoken", + "Lower Egypt Arabic", + "Arabic, Egyptian Spoken Language", + "Normal Egyptian Arabic", + "Massry" + ], + "answer": "Egyptian Arabic", + "answer_id": "m.02hx2cr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sa`idi", + "Upper Egypt Arabic", + "Sa\nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.0clpty . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2736", + "webqsp_question": "what languages do people speak in egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-421_173b9cb7d378510679e706f312c87a78", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "H", + "Hayden Christiansen", + "Den" + ], + "answer": "Hayden Christensen", + "answer_id": "m.0f276" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "revenge of the sith", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:09:33", + "machine_question": "who voiced darth vader in a film that Louise Elsey was a crew member of", + "question": "In the film that stared Louise Elsey, who was the voice of Darth Vader?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.other_crew ?k .\n?k ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.0bvftnj . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0f2y0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-421", + "webqsp_question": "who voiced darth vader in revenge of the sith" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-300_4912f78dc814ffd3c0d7c2e813f454c8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Near East", + "answer_id": "m.01ffbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ottoman empire", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:58", + "machine_question": "where is the where the currency Ak\u00c3\u00a7e is used located", + "question": "What area is the currency Akce used in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_formerly_used ns:m.02ph12 . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-300", + "webqsp_question": "where is the ottoman empire located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1948_a885d769cf6ba8e3eb791b1961dc3c25", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u80e1\u9326\u6fe4", + "Jintao Hu", + "Hu Jin Tao", + "\u80e1\u9526\u6d9b" + ], + "answer": "Hu Jintao", + "answer_id": "m.013my_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:58:24", + "machine_question": "who is the current president of the area in which the newspaper Reference News is circulated 2010", + "question": "Who is president where Reference News was circulated in 2010?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.08fgv5 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2010-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2010-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1948", + "webqsp_question": "who is the current president of china 2010" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3507_160eeba1809185cd62045acd7ea5a5a3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee, CBE, CStJ", + "Cristopher Lee", + "Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee", + "Chris Lee", + "Chris", + "Sir Christopher Lee", + "Christopher Frank Carandini Lee" + ], + "answer": "Christopher Lee", + "answer_id": "m.0f0kz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "lord of the rings", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:01:32", + "machine_question": "who plays saruman in a film that Frank Cowlrick was a crew member of", + "question": "In the movie that had Frank Cowlrick on its crew, what actor played Saruman?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.other_crew ?k .\n?k ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.0cc3x9y . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0g3fs .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3507", + "webqsp_question": "who plays saruman in lord of the rings" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2150_4d5eab1706e2b7dedc4af89682ff67a2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Belize", + "answer_id": "m.0164b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Guatemala." + ], + "answer": "Guatemala", + "answer_id": "m.0345_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 countries does the country where Pur\u00c3\u00a9pecha language is spoken border", + "question": "WHat three countries border the nation where the Purepecha langiage is 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{ + "aliases": [ + "Surat al-Nasr" + ], + "answer": "An-Nasr", + "answer_id": "m.04b297" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Surat al-Kafirun" + ], + "answer": "Al-Kafirun", + "answer_id": "m.04b29y" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Fardh", + "answer_id": "m.04b3hq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Fajr prayer", + "answer_id": "m.04fvry" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Surat Quraysh" + ], + "answer": "Quraysh", + "answer_id": "m.04g0_k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Surat al-Zalzala" + ], + "answer": "Az-Zalzala", + "answer_id": "m.04vm2_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Surat al-Qadr" + ], + "answer": "Al-Qadr", + "answer_id": "m.04vm29" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Surat al-Bayyina" + ], + "answer": "Al-Bayyina", + "answer_id": "m.04vm2n" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Surat al-Takathur" + ], + "answer": "At-Takathur", + "answer_id": "m.04vm51" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Surat al-Najm" + ], + "answer": "An-Najm", + "answer_id": "m.04vpdh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Surat al-Rahman" + ], + "answer": "Ar-Rahman", + "answer_id": "m.04vpfj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Surat al-Jumu'a" + ], + "answer": "Al-Jumua", + "answer_id": "m.04vqkh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Surat al-Naba'" + ], + "answer": "An-Naba", + "answer_id": "m.04vy82" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Surat 'Abasa" + ], + "answer": "Abasa", + "answer_id": "m.04vy9w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Surat al-A'la" + ], + "answer": "Al-Ala", + "answer_id": "m.04vyhl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Surat al-Duha" + ], + "answer": "Ad-Dhuha", + "answer_id": "m.04vyms" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Surat al-Sharh" + ], + "answer": "Al-Inshirah", + "answer_id": "m.04vyn3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u1e62a\u1e25\u012b\u1e25 al-Bukh\u0101r\u012b", + "The Abridged Collection of Authentic Hadith with Connected Chains regarding Matters Pertaining to the Prophet, His practices and His Times", + "al-Jaami\u2019 al-Sahih al-Musnad al-Mukhtasar min Umur Rasool Allah wa sunanihi wa Ayyamihi" + ], + "answer": "Sahih al-Bukhari", + "answer_id": "m.052nbg" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Riba", + "answer_id": "m.0539s0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ayatul Kursi", + "Throne Verse" + ], + "answer": "Al-Baqara 255", + "answer_id": "m.05jlpz" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sunnah", + "answer_id": "m.074jc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Koran", + "Coran", + "Qur\u2019\u0101n", + "Al-Qur\u2019\u0101n" + ], + "answer": "Quran", + "answer_id": "m.096tx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "islam", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:45:38", + "machine_question": "what is the name of the sacred text of the religion of which Muhammad in Islam is a founding figure", + "question": "What is the sacred text of the Islamic religion founded by Muhammad?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.founding_figures ns:m.04s9n . \n?c ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2306", + "webqsp_question": "what is the name of the sacred text of islam" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_c2f7c4d755631300e1e557415c49ebe1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Run of the House", + "answer_id": "m.026_g9w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and is the tv program has number of searson smallest", + "question": "What was the shortest lived television show on which Joey Lawrence starred?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.number_of_seasons ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2211_76f29b8e9bc65e2115bad800acce1461", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "True Blood" + ], + "answer": "True Blood Season 1", + "answer_id": "m.04nvqjm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:32:19", + "machine_question": "what episode does eric northman come in and the tv series season thetvdb ID is 33133", + "question": "What episode of the show with the TVDB ID of 33133 that Eric Northman appeared in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0411sjw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0411sjw ns:tv.tv_character.appeared_in_tv_program ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.seasons ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_series_season.thetvdb_id \"33133\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2211", + "webqsp_question": "what episode does eric northman come in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3629_0a8c48e034655dbf9b49f8291fc92df3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Roman emperor", + "answer_id": "m.01g14w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pol\u00edtico" + ], + "answer": "Politician", + "answer_id": "m.0fj9f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "caesar augustus", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:15:41", + "machine_question": "what was the person to whom Marcus Vitruvius Pollio dedicated his/her work known for", + "question": "What was the person Marcus Vitruvius Pollio dedicated his work to famous for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:media_common.dedicatee.dedications ?k .\n?k ns:media_common.dedication.dedicated_by ns:m.0813l . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3629", + "webqsp_question": "what was caesar augustus known for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_e0133b074487245b89f042f1b8e39568", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal 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"compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:52:46", + "machine_question": "what is time zone in the location where the film \"Blue Hawaii\" takes place", + "question": "What time zone is the setting of \"Blue Hawaii\" in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.03rhlt . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1915", + "webqsp_question": "what is time zone in hawaii" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_6d5ecec8bdaf829a773793c42a3193bc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Montserrat", + "answer_id": "m.0g7wh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:42", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona and has mountain prominence of 696.0", + "question": "Where is a place in Barcelona with a mountain prominence of 696.0 to visit?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f62)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f62 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:geography.mountain.prominence \"696.0\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1178", + "webqsp_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-63_f1cf0646827575b26f2c01d64b05ad95", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Alexander Sacha Simon Gervasi" + ], + "answer": "Sacha Gervasi", + "answer_id": "m.08f647" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and contributed to the story of the film Henry's Crime", + "question": "Who was in the band Bush and also wrote a screenplay for Henry's Crime?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != 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"answer": "Whitworth Art Gallery", + "answer_id": "m.02w89p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Manchester Jewish" + ], + "answer": "Manchester Jewish Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0bm8swc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Moon Under Water, Manchester", + "answer_id": "m.030lpl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Whitworth Art Gallery, Manchester" + ], + "answer": "Manchester Cathedral", + "answer_id": "m.0383g6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:39:48", + "machine_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids and is the structure opened before 2002-07-05", + "question": "What places that opened before 5 July 2002 should I do with my kids this weekend in Manchester?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.052bw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.052bw ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2002-07-05\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-775", + "webqsp_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3064_0281ead9c42fde29e92269a2ccf10495", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Province D' Ontario", + "ON", + "Province D\u2019 Ontario", + "Province Of Ontario" + ], + "answer": "Ontario", + "answer_id": "m.05kr_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "toronto", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:42:33", + "machine_question": "what province is the place that has the neighborhood Harbourfront canada located in", + "question": "Can you name the province of the neighboring Harbourfront, Canada?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.place_with_neighborhoods.neighborhoods ns:m.02kkt0 . \n?c 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.\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3395", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does mongolia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_303461fa4e7f83c28bec19f944e7197b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krzyk 4", + "Klyksm4s", + "Sikoly 4.", + "Ciglik 4", + "Kivili 4", + "Skrik 4", + "Vrisak 4", + "Scream 4: Next Generation", + "Tze'aka 4", + "Vr\u00edskot 4", + "\u00d6skri\u00f0 4", + "Gritos 4", + "Scre4m: Grita de Nuevo", + "\u041a\u0440\u0438\u043a 4", + "Klyksmas 4", + "P\u00e2nico 4", + "Scre4m" + ], + "answer": "Scream 4", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhdbl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and was decorated by Helen Britten", + "question": "What movie featured both scene decorating by Helen Britten and acting by Lucy Hale?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_set_decoration_by ns:m.09k86sd . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1641_700f6c246af4745e222964997627a0ec", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "4th & King, San Francisco" + ], + "answer": "San Francisco 4th and King Street Station", + "answer_id": "m.02r817z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "san francisco", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:15:22", + "machine_question": "what is the name of the main train station in the place that has the neighborhood Valencia Gardens", + "question": "In the Valencia Gardens neighborhood there is a train station, what is it's name?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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He that rejoices in his portion.\" have", + "question": "Who is rich? 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+ "True Blood" + ], + "answer": "True Blood - Season 6", + "answer_id": "m.0k6j758" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "True Blood" + ], + "answer": "True Blood Season 7", + "answer_id": "m.0wj_9lr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "eric northman", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:32:19", + "machine_question": "what episode does the fictional character which is the parent of Pam come in", + "question": "Which episode does Pam's fictional character parent come in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.children ns:m.046vzp2 . \n?c ns:tv.tv_character.appeared_in_tv_program ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.seasons ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2211", + "webqsp_question": "what episode does eric northman come in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_136e8ccbc3133336d8a4d219fa31fe4d", + "answers": [ + { + 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"composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:28:43", + "machine_question": "who has tom brady played for and a school sports team of University of Michigan", + "question": "What is the University of Michigan sports team that tom Brady played for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xyt7)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xyt7 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.school_sports_team.school ns:m.07szy . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2986", + "webqsp_question": "who has tom brady played for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1085_735bae30acb62539ea366fd5118d9688", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "alexandria", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:53:16", + "machine_question": "where is the place that has the neighborhood Cleopatra located", + "question": "What place has a neighborhood called Cleopatra?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.place_with_neighborhoods.neighborhoods ns:m.0gx_c1h . \n?c ns:base.biblioness.bibs_location.country ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1085", + "webqsp_question": "where is alexandria located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_9cba6588ea0615489a47c139718decda", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "City to Surf" + ], + "answer": "City2Surf", + "answer_id": "m.04dxfg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the event started reocurring latest", + "question": "What is the most recent reocurring event to see in Sydney, Australia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:time.recurring_event.date_of_first_occurance ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3563_dab346b38652f6b01f76a5371c4ba759", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dry Tortugas National" + ], + "answer": "Dry Tortugas National Park", + "answer_id": "m.02zjt1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:09:48", + "machine_question": "where to go in florida for vacation and their annual visitors number is 64122", + "question": "This vacation spot is in Florida and has 64,122 visitors annually.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02xry)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02xry ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:protected_sites.protected_site.annual_visitors ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"64122\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1570_d4e3e6bbb6ed9281bfd2787deeaa4923", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sorell Booke", + "Sorrell Brooke", + "Sorrel Booke" + ], + "answer": "Sorrell Booke", + "answer_id": "m.01s0dp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "dukes of hazzard", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:06:16", + "machine_question": "who played boss hogg the tv program that has the theme song Theme from The Dukes of Hazzard (Good Ol' Boys)", + "question": "Who played Boss Hogg on the TV program, The Dukes of Hazzard?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_program.theme_song ns:m.047f7s9 . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ns:m.069qj0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1570", + "webqsp_question": "who played boss hogg dukes of hazzard" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_b50f654608a0b53665fc001a9c12902c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Needle", + "Space Needle, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Space Needle", + "answer_id": "m.01k7v7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and the number of building floors is 6", + "question": "Which 6 floor buildings in Seattle WA offer fun things to do?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.building.floors \"6\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_76ccde3aa94e7dca4f11f484f1369baf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sen John Warner", + "John W. Warner", + "John William Warner", + "Sen. John Warner", + "Senator John Warner", + "John William Warner KBE" + ], + "answer": "John Warner", + "answer_id": "m.01w8b5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and hold a position in United States Senate", + "question": "Who held a position and US Senate and was also married to Liz Taylor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.07t58 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1632_55881f911c82274c9bea7fe00b3b6793", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Voorlezer's House", + "answer_id": "m.02z0qbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:14:20", + "machine_question": "what to see in staten island new york and that is located in the citytown New York City", + "question": "What are things to see in Staten Island, New York and New York City?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0y62n)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0y62n ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.street_address ?c .\n?c ns:location.mailing_address.citytown ns:m.02_286 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1632", + "webqsp_question": "what to see in staten island new york" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-985_4b2c8eccccbf31c9a5ed65155c71d1cf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Looking at the World through Michael Jackson's Left Eye (Part 2)", + "answer_id": "m.0h2x8v6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Countdown of 10 Amazing Moments from the Year 2011: No. 6 Sonny Rollins", + "answer_id": "m.0hnx0cj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "harlem renaissance", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:36:34", + "machine_question": "what did writers of the the topic of the image New Negro Movement write about", + "question": "What were things that the writers of the subject of the image \"New Negro Movement\" wrote about?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.0g_mxtd . \n?c ns:book.book_subject.works ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.03jz7ls .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-985", + "webqsp_question": "what did writers of the harlem renaissance write about" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1373_35b75f9e76191bdd8191d98cde48f76d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomea", + "Finnish" + ], + "answer": "Finnish Language", + "answer_id": "m.01gp_d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saame", + "Anar", + "Inari \"Lappish\"", + "Lapp", + "Saam", + "Finnish Lapp", + "Samic", + "S\u00e1mi", + "Saami, Inari" + ], + "answer": "Saami, Inari Language", + "answer_id": "m.02lpg6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saami, North", + "Saame", + "Northern Lappish", + "Lapp", + "Norwegian Lapp", + "Norwegian Saami", + "Northern Lapp", + "Same", + "Sami, Northern", + "Samic", + "Saami", + "Davvin", + "Northern Saami" + ], + "answer": "Saami, North Language", + "answer_id": "m.04d36l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Swedish", + "Ruotsi", + "Svenska" + ], + "answer": "Swedish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06mp7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "finland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:36:38", + "machine_question": "what language do you speak in the governmental jurisdiction that held the legislative session of the Stubb Cabinet", + "question": "What is the language of the the governmental jurisdiction held the legislative session of the Stubb cabinet.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.legislative_sessions ns:m.0111652c . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1373", + "webqsp_question": "what language do you speak in finland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2259_88c90369cf682e4b7e5aae0d2a8d58c9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "News Corp" + ], + "answer": "News Corporation", + "answer_id": "m.0sxdg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:38:44", + "machine_question": "what does rupert murdoch own 2012 and is the organization that acquired the company Mushroom Records", + "question": "What company is owned by Rupert Murdoch since 2012 an recently acquired Mushroom Records?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06hrk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06hrk ns:organization.organization_founder.organizations_founded ?x .\n?x ns:organization.organization.companies_acquired ?c .\n?c ns:business.acquisition.company_acquired ns:m.013x0b . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2259", + "webqsp_question": "what does rupert murdoch own 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1792_41d970b7e6fddd9fe4cf7eaa0528fe54", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Scotia" + ], + "answer": "Scotland", + "answer_id": "m.06q1r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:16", + "machine_question": "where is midlothian scotland and is the place in which Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is", + "question": "Where is Midlothian, the location of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.011w8v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.011w8v ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.contains ns:m.0cb3n . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1792", + "webqsp_question": "where is midlothian scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_5069841743291a3625b51f8191da770d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and is the place in which the fictional character Juliet Van Heuson lived", + "question": "Where does Sam Shepard live where the fictional Juliet Van Heuson also lived?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != 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"composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:09:51", + "machine_question": "where did the actor that played the character Lance Rockwood go to high school", + "question": "What actor played the character Lance Rockwood on Go To High School?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0gz61n2 . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hn6 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2035", + "webqsp_question": "where did paul rudd go to high school" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_0db5a9afc7762ca262069d284ad0b4d8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the public speaker which spoke about Egalitarianism", + "question": "Which person who spoke about Egalitarianism also influenced whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?c .\n?c ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speech_topic ns:m.02rc5 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what 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"webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_d3e5e479de88f53a80e7471fe77cdeb3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the person to whom United States Congress dedicated his/her work", + "question": "Who dedicated his work to the United States Congress as well as influencing Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:media_common.dedicatee.dedications ?c .\n?c ns:media_common.dedication.dedicated_by ns:m.07t31 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1191_17dce559f069bbd76f045192423e1ce0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:49:41", + "machine_question": "what language do people speak in the bahamas and is the language found in the fictional universe Buffyverse", + "question": "What language is spoken in both the Bahamas and Buffyverse?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0160w)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0160w ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.02s3gw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1191", + "webqsp_question": "what language do people speak in the bahamas" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-147_644d8b10e41eb2694964c46b85083b9e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill Haslam", + "Mayor Bill Haslam", + "William Edward Haslam", + "William Haslam", + "William Edward \"Bill\" Haslam" + ], + "answer": "William Haslam", + "answer_id": "m.04mp6v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tennessee", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:59:21", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the state that held the United States Senate election in Tennessee, 2008", + "question": "A state held the 2008 United States Senate Election in Tennessee; what is its governor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_district.elections ns:m.026k0vq . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-147", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of tennessee" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1688_a72771ee483a6c179b148fa9f9dcf49c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "H", + "Hayden Christiansen", + "Den" + ], + "answer": "Hayden Christensen", + "answer_id": "m.0f276" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "episode iii", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:21:27", + "machine_question": "who was the voice of darth vader in the film whose soundtrack is Classic FM: Star Wars Suite and Other Great Film Music", + "question": "Who voiced Darth Vader in the Star Wars film that included Star Wars Suite and Other Great Film music?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.soundtrack ns:m.01h9fyg . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0f2y0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1688", + "webqsp_question": "who was the voice of darth vader in episode iii" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_145c7924fc7273c7fffdc9db50d14e9f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and that the story was written by Nicholas Sparks", + "question": "What movie featured a story written by Nicholas Sparks an acting by Miley Cyrus?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.story_by ns:m.0328bl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3287_07164faca286f20a7ea2f9a33c50c297", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Swedish krona", + "answer_id": "m.0485n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sweden", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:17:44", + "machine_question": "what is the currency of the location which contains the second level division Skara Municipality called", + "question": "What currency is used in the country that contains the second level division Skara Municipality?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.0yqzx . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3287", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency of sweden called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1418_2a5125cbae8fdebc7e318693dd84beb5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill", + "The Shat", + "Bill Shatner", + "William Shanter", + "William Schattner", + "Billy", + "Fear of Pop", + "William Alan Shatner" + ], + "answer": "William Shatner", + "answer_id": "m.084m3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek and that was born in C\u00c3\u00b4te Saint-Luc", + "question": "Who was born in C\u00c3\u00b4te Saint-Luc and played the role of Captain Kirk in Star Trek?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0crtw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0crtw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.place_of_birth ns:m.036kgv . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1418", + "webqsp_question": "who played 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"webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2736", + "webqsp_question": "what languages do people speak in egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2601_3f44e0c4fd23a8334a972ebb812e0e35", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Minnesota Vikings", + "answer_id": "m.051q5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:32:03", + "machine_question": "who did warren moon play for and sports team that play in Minneapolis", + "question": "Which team from Minneapolis did Warren Moon play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01b0dl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01b0dl ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.location ns:m.0fpzwf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2601", + "webqsp_question": "who did warren moon play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_14ad2587fc65e1bd5c44a2f0a8913d00", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Brotherly Love", + "answer_id": "m.0g0tw9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and is a Award-Winning Work", + "question": "What television show, which is an award-winning work, has Joey Lawrence as an actor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:kg.object_profile.prominent_type ns:award.award_winning_work . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_22e9006a0d7197beb07a2d2998adc3ef", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Duchamp, Marcel", + "Henri-Robert-Marcel Duchamp", + "R. 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+ "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:25:55", + "machine_question": "what is the capital city of the district represented by Steve Bullock usa", + "question": "What is the capital city of U.S. Representative Steve Bullock's district?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_district.representatives ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.07k48q8 . \n?c ns:base.aareas.schema.administrative_area.capital ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3327", + "webqsp_question": "what is the capital city of montana usa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_067192285b148f91665176a691f7ac79", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portuguese Republic" + ], + "answer": "Portugal", + "answer_id": "m.05r4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and that was ruled by Philip III of Spain", + "question": "What European countries were ruled by Philip III of Spain?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:royalty.kingdom.rulers ns:m.012rkn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_716ec34af0f67da67b0ea251b67aa01d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Melissa & Joey", + "answer_id": "m.0b6kw6d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and the tv program \"tvrage_id\" is 25864", + "question": "What tv program was Joey Lawrence in 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(!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.location.people_born_here ?k .\n?k ns:influence.peer_relationship.peers ns:m.0_ynq56 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1109", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency used in tunisia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-970_c914b0ca5bf68616cc936d2a9a5c8f26", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary" + ], + "answer": "Parliamentary republic", + "answer_id": "m.0glnsx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:35:11", + "machine_question": "what type of government does fiji have and is the government for Dominica", + "question": "Which form of government does Fiji occupy and does it comer Dominica.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02wt0)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02wt0 ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.government.government_for ns:m.027nb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-970", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government does fiji have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1694_1c6a9a431a2cad80cf724f4ade56857a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ann Hathaway" + ], + "answer": "Anne Hathaway", + "answer_id": "m.03mzbg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shakespeare", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:16:59", + "machine_question": "what was the person who wrote the lyrics for \"The Poor Soul Sat Sighing\" 's wife called", + "question": "What was the wife's name of the Lyrics' Author for song \"The Poor Soul Sat Sighing\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0zh9cl1 . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1694", + "webqsp_question": "what was shakespeare 's wife called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1793_5d1cba94c816bec220b9f98e97493b0f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "La Furia", + "Spain Mens National Football Team", + "Spain Mens Soccer Team", + "Spain Soccer Team", + "Spain Men's Football Team", + "Spain national football", + "Spain Football Team", + "Spain Men's National Soccer Team", + "Spain Mens National Soccer Team", + "Spain National Soccer Team", + "La Roja", + "Spain National Football Team", + "La Furia Roja", + "Spain Mens Football Team", + "Spain Men's Soccer Team", + "Spain Men's National Football Team" + ], + "answer": "Spain national football team", + "answer_id": "m.02w64f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "La Furia", + "Spain Mens National Football Team", + "Spain Mens Soccer Team", + "Spain Soccer Team", + "Spain Men's Football Team", + "Spain national football", + "Spain Football Team", + "Spain 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"2017-10-26T01:34:59", + "machine_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for and was nominee of the Laureus World Sports Award for Team of the Year award", + "question": "What club was noimnated for Laureus World Sports Award for Team of the Year and had Santi Cozoria?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0264yjz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0264yjz ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.0d999y . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1793", + "webqsp_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3466_56e8d2e51ce1a46013d0176a58f8d5b3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dallas, Texas", + "Dallas, TX", + "Rockwall County / Dallas city" + ], + "answer": "Dallas", + "answer_id": "m.0f2rq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kennedy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:52:50", + "machine_question": "in which city was president the subject of the film An American Affair killed", + "question": "In what city was the President, the subject of the film \"An American Affair,\" killed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.05h4nz9 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3466", + "webqsp_question": "in which city was president kennedy killed" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2611_a30bfb7bdc7b14e1bfb956087efc42dc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:33:41", + "machine_question": "when was samuel pepys and export to Nepal", + "question": "When was Samuel Pepys exported to Nepal?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06xxc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06xxc ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?c .\n?c ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ns:m.016zwt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2611", + "webqsp_question": "when was samuel pepys" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-237_ca8abb8f4108cff78de4e59fffc96600", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Businesswoman", + "Business person", + "Businessman" + ], + "answer": "Businessperson", + "answer_id": "m.012t_z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Film actress", + "Movie actress", + "Movie actor", + "Actress", + "Film actor", + "Theatre Actor" + ], + "answer": "Actor", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh1q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Filmmaker" + ], + "answer": "Film director", + "answer_id": "m.02jknp" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guitarist", + "answer_id": "m.039v1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Musical Artist", + "Instrumentalist" + ], + "answer": "Musician", + "answer_id": "m.09jwl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Vocalist" + ], + "answer": "Singer", + "answer_id": "m.09l65" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rapper", + "answer_id": "m.0hpcdn2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Songwriter", + "answer_id": "m.0nbcg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "fred durst", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:14:03", + "machine_question": "what did the actor that played in the film Limp Bizkit: Kick Some @$$: Unauthorized do", + "question": "What job titles did the actor who played in the film \"Limp Bizkit: Kick Some @$$: Unauthorized\" do?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film 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ns:time.time_zone.locations_in_this_time_zone ns:g.1yl47jj8k . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2759", + "webqsp_question": "what times is it in texas" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_d557764d88d8e5015ba063a6754fac0f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Wright County / Mansfield city", + "Mansfield, Missouri" + ], + "answer": "Walnut Grove", + "answer_id": "m.0x14p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Walnut Grove, Minnesota", + "Redwood County / Walnut Grove city" + ], + "answer": "Mansfield", + "answer_id": "m.0wg6f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Burr Oak, Iowa" + ], + "answer": "Burr Oak", + "answer_id": "m.0dz6k_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and the location GNIS feature ID is less than 1265178", + "question": "Which parts of the US did Laura Ingalls Wilder live in that have GNIS feature IDs lower than 1265178?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT 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\nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:media_common.dedicator.dedications ?k .\n?k ns:media_common.dedication.work_dedicated ns:m.01b0b7 . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1370", + "webqsp_question": "where did thomas hobbes live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3488_2ec12a06ceff1fc38dbfabc809aba1ea", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Astrologist" + ], + "answer": "Astrologer", + "answer_id": "m.025rxky" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mathematician", + "answer_id": "m.04s2z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Physicist", + "answer_id": "m.05snw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Scientist", + "answer_id": "m.06q2q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "astronomer" + ], + "answer": "Astronomer", + "answer_id": "m.0h9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "galileo galilei", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:56:44", + "machine_question": "who is the academic advisor of Vincenzo Viviani and what is he famous for", + "question": "What is the academic advisor of Vincenzo Viviani famous for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.academic.advisees ns:m.04hnf4 . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3488", + "webqsp_question": "who is galileo galilei and what is he famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-470_0d0edf85461513f2cfe2ad69d6943d5a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mwinilunga", + "answer_id": "m.07cdmr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "zambezi river", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:53:12", + "machine_question": "where does the the body of water under Chirundu Bridge originate", + "question": "Where is the starting point of the river that runs undder 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(?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:sports.sports_team_location.teams ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded \"1912\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-441", + "webqsp_question": "what sports do they do in canada" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-237_fe42db1a8e388a9a4cdbd4aef6a834d3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Businesswoman", + "Business person", + "Businessman" + ], + "answer": "Businessperson", + "answer_id": "m.012t_z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Film actress", + "Movie actress", + "Movie actor", + "Actress", + "Film actor", + "Theatre Actor" + ], + "answer": "Actor", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh1q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Filmmaker" + ], + "answer": "Film director", + "answer_id": "m.02jknp" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guitarist", + "answer_id": "m.039v1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Musical Artist", + "Instrumentalist" + ], + "answer": "Musician", + "answer_id": "m.09jwl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Vocalist" + ], + "answer": "Singer", + "answer_id": "m.09l65" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rapper", + "answer_id": "m.0hpcdn2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Songwriter", + "answer_id": "m.0nbcg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "fred durst", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:14:03", + "machine_question": "what did the person who wrote the lyrics for \"Stinkfinger\" do", + "question": "What was the occupation of the writer of \"Stinkfinger\" lyrics?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0zm3ntv . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-237", + "webqsp_question": "what did fred durst do" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-400_8f743b6902c736da137491b0b262237e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bay State", + "MA", + "US-MA", + "The Old Colony 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ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.03y8cbv . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_98439f8dd2aedbd0556385f02bcb358f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Belarus", + "Respublika Belarus\u2019", + "Bellarussiya", + "Bielaru\u015b" + ], + "answer": "Belarus", + "answer_id": "m.0163v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": "Estonia", + "answer_id": "m.02kmm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lettland", + "Republic of Latvia" + ], + "answer": "Latvia", + "answer_id": "m.04g5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mongolia", + 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"2017-10-26T00:12:29", + "machine_question": "what political system does russia use and is the form of government of Bosnia and Herzegovina", + "question": "Which political system is used by Russia and Bosnia and Herzegovina?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ns:m.0166b . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1212", + "webqsp_question": "what political system does russia use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_b0acdd2d5f3774a0c85b5206041df88e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Las Vegas, Nevada", + "Vegas", + "Sin City", + "Clark County / Las Vegas city" + ], + "answer": "Las Vegas", + "answer_id": "m.0cv3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does joey king live and 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title does a judge who serves in the same court as William Johnson have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court.judges ?k .\n?k ns:law.judicial_tenure.judge ns:m.01hksb . \n?c ns:government.governmental_body.offices_positions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2995", + "webqsp_question": "what is a judge in the supreme court called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_8521fba28d6284ab9b52e0f6894174e8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Magyarorsz\u00e1g", + "Hungary, Europe" + ], + "answer": "Hungary", + "answer_id": "m.03gj2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and that was ruled by Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor", + "question": "What are the name(s) of the EU countries that were ruled by Joseph II, Holy Roman emperor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:royalty.kingdom.rulers ns:m.01301f . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3768_43b299b221b725b24f43ceaa02b88220", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Post-Impressionism", + "answer_id": "m.015xrq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "vincent van gogh", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:39:28", + "machine_question": "what art movement does the visual artist that created the art series of Hospital in Arles belong to", + "question": "What type of art movement is Hospital of Arles part of?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:visual_art.visual_artist.art_series ns:m.0gmgj0b . \n?c ns:visual_art.visual_artist.associated_periods_or_movements ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3768", + "webqsp_question": "what art movement does vincent van gogh belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_50cc2aaa27ec1192fa9b01b3e4b0d86a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Estadi del Futbol Club Barcelona", + "Nou Camp", + "Estadi del FC Barcelona", + "\u30ab\u30e0\u30fb\u30ce\u30a6" + ], + "answer": "Camp Nou", + "answer_id": "m.01ggjl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pla\u00e7a d'Espanya, Barcelona", + "answer_id": "m.02rm8r0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "La Rambla" + ], + "answer": "La Rambla, Barcelona", + "answer_id": "m.03q84k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Barri Gotic" + ], + "answer": "Gothic Quarter, Barcelona", + "answer_id": "m.03q89c" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Casa Vicens", + "answer_id": "m.0422md" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Montju\u00efc\u2019s Cemetery", + "Cementiri de Montju\u00efc" + ], + "answer": "Montju\u00efc Cemetery", + "answer_id": "m.04cwdhr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jardins del Laberint d'Horta", + "Labyrinth Park of Horta" + ], + "answer": "Parc del Laberint d'Horta", + "answer_id": "m.05f62w4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya", + "answer_id": "m.09lb0y" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Museu Picasso", + "answer_id": "m.0bdrf9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Arc de Triomf", + "answer_id": "m.0bjy6x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cursa de Bombers", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhyzp" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Magic Fountain of Montju\u00efc", + "answer_id": "m.0bwl_hx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art", + "answer_id": "m.0cgk4g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bas\u00edlica y Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia", + "Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia", + "Basilica and Expiatory Church of the Holy Family", + "Bas\u00edlica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Fam\u00edlia" + ], + "answer": "Sagrada Fam\u00edlia", + "answer_id": "m.0g6n3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Montserrat", + "answer_id": "m.0g7wh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museu del Disseny de Barcelona" + ], + "answer": "Design Museum of Barcelona", + "answer_id": "m.0j9nnpr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tibidabo", + "answer_id": "m.0kc62" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Montjuic" + ], + "answer": "Montju\u00efc", + "answer_id": "m.0kc7c" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Parc G\u00fcell", + "Parque G\u00fcell", + "Park Guell" + ], + "answer": "Park G\u00fcell", + "answer_id": "m.0nvs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "La Pedrera", + "Casa Mila" + ], + "answer": "Casa Mil\u00e0", + "answer_id": "m.0nw8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Palau de la Musica Catalana", + "Palace of Catalan Music" + ], + "answer": "Palau de la M\u00fasica Catalana", + "answer_id": "m.0qlm2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barcelona", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:42", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in the area in which the newspaper Avui is circulated", + "question": "Where can I visit that circulates the Avui newspaper?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.04gpyh_ . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1178", + "webqsp_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_5cb49417d744150fabe3bf8a60f0625e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and is the topic that the speaker Alexander Mintz talked about", + "question": "What is the EU country that Alexander Mintz spoke about?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:event.speech_topic.speeches_or_presentations_on_this_topic ?c .\n?c ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speaker_s ns:m.08ngt5v . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-441_2b7dab2f960bb10fbae5481ed8c9ef24", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Canadian Ice Hockey Team", + "Canada National Men's Hockey Team", + "Canada Ice Hockey Team" + ], + "answer": "Canadian National Men's Hockey Team", + "answer_id": "m.037qf6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Canadian National Women's Hockey Team", + "answer_id": "m.04t88g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:12:50", + "machine_question": "what sports do they do in canada and that is sponsered by Telus", + "question": "What sports, sponsored by Telus, do they do in Canada?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:sports.sports_team_location.teams ?x .\n?x ns:business.sponsored_recipient.sponsorship ?c .\n?c ns:business.sponsorship.sponsored_by ns:m.0154cw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-441", + "webqsp_question": "what sports do they do in canada" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3475_b526307856da0d2f8d1bf4ceecb179ad", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Old Continent" + ], + "answer": "Europe", + "answer_id": "m.02j9z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "danish", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:53:29", + "machine_question": "where is the location which contains the second level division L\u00c3\u00a6s\u00c3\u00b8 Municipality located", + "question": "Where is the second level division L\u00c3\u00a6s\u00c3\u00b8 Municipality located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.0w1g9nm . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3475", + "webqsp_question": "where is danish located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_aa99a807b452745f12d88cebcb393610", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Stillwater, Minnesota", + "Washington County / Stillwater city" + ], + "answer": "Stillwater", + "answer_id": "m.0wmtg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and is the country that has a county named Washington County", + "question": "Which country is home to Washington County and has Sam Shepard as a resident?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.hud_county_place.county ns:m.0ngy8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_2c5591f1dbe7402405004d7a0836dd3b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and is of type Animation", + "question": "What animated movies did Miley Cyrus perform in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ?c .\n?c ns:type.object.name \"Animation\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_495daa820d7c01814f576b47dc031143", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portuguese Republic" + ], + "answer": "Portugal", + "answer_id": "m.05r4w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Portuguese Republic" + ], + "answer": "Portugal", + "answer_id": "m.05r4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and the location's emissions per capita in dated metric ton is 0.928578", + "question": "WHat European Union Country has an emissions per capita in dated metric ton of 0.928578?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.co2_emissions_per_capita ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_metric_ton.number \"0.928578\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1809_2b988f513db3faf9268788897a2b1248", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hardin County", + "answer_id": "m.0mtch" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:50", + "machine_question": "where was the battle of shiloh and has co2 emissions of 0.058956782", + "question": "What county has a CO2 emission of 0.058956782 and was once the location of the Battle of Shiloh?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0127mr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0127mr ns:time.event.locations ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.co2_emissions_total ?c .\n?c ns:location.co2_emission.emissions \"0.058956782\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1809", + "webqsp_question": "where was the battle of shiloh" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_40627fb294e9ea1352e2c10a8a1717e0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Tao Teh King", + "Dao De Jing" + ], + "answer": "Tao Te Ching", + "answer_id": "m.02czn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:21", + "machine_question": "what is the holy book in taoism and that is in the genre of Philosophy", + "question": "Name the genre of thought of Taoism and the holy book.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07gvx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07gvx ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n?x ns:book.book.genre ns:m.037mh8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_a28c0289a5dca981676d759376b842bc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Las Vegas, Nevada", + "Vegas", + "Sin City", + "Clark County / Las Vegas city" + ], + "answer": "Las Vegas", + "answer_id": "m.0cv3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does joey king live and the location GNIS feature ID is 847388", + "question": "What is the location whose GNIS feature ID is 847388 and is home to Joey King?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03yk4pb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03yk4pb ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id \"847388\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1137_61ff62be9978b29f833045182edb402c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ill", + "Land of Lincoln", + "IL", + "IL, Ill." + ], + "answer": "Illinois", + "answer_id": "m.03v0t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:41:47", + "machine_question": "where is the illinois river on a map and has an official symbol of Tiger salamander", + "question": "Which state contains the Illinois River and has the Tiger Salamander as its official symbol?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0j1qb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0j1qb ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.01k6wv . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1137", + "webqsp_question": "where is the illinois river on a map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_e2cc7bfdd3ce0acb1cfd8158d4e09384", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles, California, USA", + "LA", + "Los Angeles, California", + "Los Angeles, USA", + "City of Angels", + "L.A.", + "Los Angeles County / Los Angeles city", + "Los Angeles, CA" + ], + "answer": "Los Angeles", + "answer_id": "m.030qb3t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Las Vegas, Nevada", + "Vegas", + "Sin City", + "Clark County / Las Vegas city" + ], + "answer": "Las Vegas", + "answer_id": "m.0cv3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "joey king", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does the actor that played the character Miss Quentin live", + "question": "Find the name of the actress who played Miss Quentin, where does this person reside?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.010yhxff . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_65b5730a361fac314fa12f043413a8c2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The End of the World", + "The Apocalypse" + ], + "answer": "This Is the End", + "answer_id": "m.0hz4j2j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Happy Smekday!" + ], + "answer": "Home", + "answer_id": "m.0mwfph8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "rihanna", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did the artist which recorded Love the Way You Lie play in", + "question": "In what films did the artist known for Love the Way You Lie appear?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0fs4sv3 . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_880fdd926f4a1f9f9b8ee3b0e62ca2f7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Nigeria" + ], + "answer": "Nigeria", + "answer_id": "m.05cgv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through and the country calling code is largest", + "question": "Of the countries that the Niger River flows through, which one has the largest calling code?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2513_8c5542b4dc56364e15fe739022420e9d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Arsenal", + "The Gunners", + "Woolwich Arsenal", + "Arsenal Gunners", + "Dial Square", + "Arsenal", + "Arsenal Football Club", + "Arsenal FC" + ], + "answer": "Arsenal F.C.", + "answer_id": "m.0xbm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:13:18", + "machine_question": "who has won the most fa cup and has a Striker on its sports team roster", + "question": "What sports Team with a roster featuring a striker has won the most FA Cups?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count)\n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n {\n SELECT (MAX(?count) AS ?maxCount)\n WHERE {\n SELECT ?x (COUNT(?x) as ?count) \n WHERE {\n ns:m.02_p0 ns:sports.sports_award_type.winners ?y .\n ?y ns:sports.sports_award.award_winner ?x .\n }\n }\n }\n FILTER (?maxCount = ?count)?x ns:sports.sports_team.roster ?c .\n?c ns:sports.sports_team_roster.position ns:m.05_b83 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2513", + "webqsp_question": "who has won the most fa cup" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_f02d2644129655cdc7810554857a0685", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "the twenty-six counties", + "the Free State", + "Irish Republic", + "the 26 counties", + "\u00c9ire" + ], + "answer": "Republic of Ireland", + "answer_id": "m.03rt9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and the governmant is called Government of Ireland", + "question": "What European Union country's government is called the government of Ireland?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.043lk6x . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_8c0b5fd744b09b6f5c4127b27d41b3fd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Shake-speare", + "William 'Budd' Shakespeare", + "The Bard of Avon", + "Will Shakespeare", + "William Shakespare", + "Shakspere", + "England's national poet", + "The Bard", + "William Shaxper", + "Shaxper", + "Shakespeare", + "William Shake-speare", + "Budd", + "William Shakspere", + "William Shaksper", + "W. Shakespeare", + "Shaksper" + ], + "answer": "William Shakespeare", + "answer_id": "m.081k8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by and is the person that wrote The Comedy of Errors", + "question": "Who is the person who wrote The Comedy of Errors who influenced Arthur Miller?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yfp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yfp ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:theater.theatrical_lyricist.play_lyrics_written ns:m.01w0fm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1173", + "webqsp_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_5a4b01dec0c11589bc2a1ecc7931c1c5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the footboall player that completed smallest passings", + "question": "What Cleveland Browns draft pick had the smallest number of completed passes?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:american_football.football_player.passing ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.player_passing_statistics.completions ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-147_d35936240b77173bbe4299bfafad8e9e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill Haslam", + "Mayor Bill Haslam", + "William Edward Haslam", + "William Haslam", + "William Edward \"Bill\" Haslam" + ], + "answer": "William Haslam", + "answer_id": "m.04mp6v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tennessee", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:59:21", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the government with official symbol of State Commercial Fish", + "question": "Who is the governor of the state which has a official State Commerical Fish?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.Kind_of_symbol ns:m.04yk_3y . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-147", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of tennessee" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1080_ad1a0094c78a94f63788d41e8d553d4e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "appendiceal cancer" + ], + "answer": "Appendix cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0fb2z2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "audrey hepburn", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:52:54", + "machine_question": "what cancer did the actor that played in the film Dutch in Seven Lessons died of", + "question": "From what kind of cancer did the Seven Lessons actor succumb?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0gy3rh . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:people.cause_of_death.parent_cause_of_death ns:m.0qcr0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1080", + "webqsp_question": "what cancer did audrey hepburn died of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3364_5c3a608fb44a9825e6ba6d2b62f4e051", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gregor and the Code of Claw", + "answer_id": "m.04t448h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane", + "answer_id": "m.0dsx8l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:33:34", + "machine_question": "what children 's books did suzanne collins wrote and that is in the genre of Speculative fiction", + "question": "What are the titles of the children's speculative fiction books written by Suzanne Collins?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bpd5z)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bpd5z ns:book.author.works_written ?x .\n?x ns:book.book.genre ns:m.0dwly .\n?x ns:book.book.genre ns:m.014dfn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3364", + "webqsp_question": "what children 's books did suzanne collins wrote" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2944_2c9888f591cdea04f631b1f473bf1578", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:28", + "machine_question": "what country is that who was the speaker in 70th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy from", + "question": "What country was the featured speaker on 70th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.event ns:m.010r041_ . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2944", + "webqsp_question": "what country is barack obama from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_3833f4a529eda2b01fd6d8ba457f58b0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles, California, USA", + "LA", + "Los Angeles, California", + "Los Angeles, USA", + "City of Angels", + "L.A.", + "Los Angeles County / Los Angeles city", + "Los Angeles, CA" + ], + "answer": "Los Angeles", + "answer_id": "m.030qb3t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does joey king live and the location GNIS feature ID is 1662328", + "question": "What is the location of the GNIS feature ID 1662328 where Joey King lives?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03yk4pb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03yk4pb ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id \"1662328\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2169_a22aa8dc00f98fdee43f88f4c6306f5c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richard William Wheaton III", + "Uncle Willie", + "Richard William \"Wil\" Wheaton III", + "Wil", + "Miltie", + "Teen Idol", + "Will Wheaton" + ], + "answer": "Wil Wheaton", + "answer_id": "m.0l_dv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "star trek the next generation", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:26:53", + "machine_question": "who played wesley crusher on the program that has the multipart episodes Unification", + "question": "Who played Wesley Crusher on the program had multipart episodes called Unification?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_program.multipart_episodes ns:m.0961jxx . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ns:m.0hp05 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2169", + "webqsp_question": "who played wesley crusher on star trek the next generation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_5dac35ff31dc70ac8a9095b6cf52ea9d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "A bostonian", + "Henri Le Rennet", + "Edgar Allan Po\u00eb", + "Edgar Allen Poe", + "Edgar Poe", + "Edgar A. Perry", + "Edgar A. Po\u00eb", + "E.A. Poe", + "Poe", + "Edgar A. Poe" + ], + "answer": "Edgar Allan Poe", + "answer_id": "m.02lt8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "G.W.F. Hegel", + "G W F Hegel", + "Hegel", + "G. W. F. Hegel" + ], + "answer": "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", + "answer_id": "m.039n1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "O.FO.F.W.W.", + "Wilde Oscar", + "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde", + "Oskar Uayld", + "Wills Wilde", + "Osc\u00e0r", + "Grey Crow", + "The infamous St. Oscar of Oxford", + "Sebastian Melmoth", + "Oscar Wilde ", + "C.3.3.", + "Fingal O'Flahertie Wills", + "Oscar O'Flahertie Wills Wilde" + ], + "answer": "Oscar Wilde", + "answer_id": "m.05np2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Waldo Emerson Ralph", + "Waldo Ralph Emerson" + ], + "answer": "Ralph Waldo Emerson", + "answer_id": "m.06jkm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jedediah Cleishbotham", + "Malachi Malagrowther", + "Scott, Sir Walter" + ], + "answer": "Walter Scott", + "answer_id": "m.06y8v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Henry Thoreau", + "Thoreau, Henry David", + "Thoreau" + ], + "answer": "Henry David Thoreau", + "answer_id": "m.0bwx3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "whitman", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced the person that said \"I accept reality and dare not question it.\" 's poetry", + "question": "Who influenced the poetry of the person who said, \"I accept reality and dare not question it\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048fjy3 . \n?c ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2603_265b8bfc06092567e0cb22e217c2fe98", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hungarian Language", + "Magyar", + "Hungarian" + ], + "answer": "Hungarian language", + "answer_id": "m.02ztjwg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hungarian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:32:35", + "machine_question": "what do the place where breed Puli originated in people speak", + "question": "What Language is spoken in the Country that originated the Puli Breed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.02kvr1 . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2603", + "webqsp_question": "what do hungarian people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1362_216d1f5d4149f19d634e237698c6d43e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richard L Scott", + "Richard Lynn Scott" + ], + "answer": "Rick Scott", + "answer_id": "m.0btx2g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:58", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the affected area of the cyclone 1848 Tampa Bay hurricane", + "question": "Provide the name of the governor of the state where the 1848 Tampa Bay hurricane hit.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:meteorology.cyclone_affected_area.cyclones ns:m.0fsmqw . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1362", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of florida" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2711_4a9a779c809b1181a4c82ca6b1d70972", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jewish" + ], + "answer": "Judaism", + "answer_id": "m.03_gx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:50:04", + "machine_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe and that was featured in the work Somewhere a Master", + "question": "What is the main Eastern Europe religion was featured in the work \"Somewhere a Master\"?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\n ns:m.09b69 ns:location.location.contains ?y1 . # Eastern Europe\n ?y1 ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp . # Country\n ?y1 ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:book.book_subject.works ns:m.010r883v . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1948_008508d0bbe905ba355ced93a6435841", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u80e1\u9326\u6fe4", + "Jintao Hu", + "Hu Jin Tao", + "\u80e1\u9526\u6d9b" + ], + "answer": "Hu Jintao", + "answer_id": "m.013my_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:58:24", + "machine_question": "who is the current president of the location where the film \"The Runaway Troupe of the Cartesian Theater\" takes place 2010", + "question": "Who was the president in 2010 of the location where the movie \"The Runaway Troupe of the Cartesian Theater\" takes place?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0xn1_v_ . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2010-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2010-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1948", + "webqsp_question": "who is the current president of china 2010" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1522_bca6d9e41c575b801dee5bb27c94da6b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin in Cyberspace", + "answer_id": "m.04w841r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:59:37", + "machine_question": "what is the work of charles darwin and that is in the genre of Fantasy", + "question": "What Charles Darwin work would you find in the Fantasy genre?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01lwx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01lwx ns:book.book_subject.works ?x .\n?x ns:book.book.genre ns:m.01hmnh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1522", + "webqsp_question": "what is the work of charles darwin" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_e4c1f23f4024d07238ee571d286c3cd4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Centennial State", + "Colo", + "CO" + ], + "answer": "Colorado", + "answer_id": "m.01n4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:56:45", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and is the government with official symbol of State fossil", + "question": "Which state has the official state symbol of a Fossil and has Littleton in downtown?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0g8lsf)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0g8lsf ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.Kind_of_symbol ns:m.01yrt2 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_6f4c043bf491f2f3ef1e1e60aba2df65", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter und der Orden des Ph\u00f6nix", + "The Order of the Phoenix", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixuv r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter i Zakon Feniksa", + "Harry Potter ve z\u00fcmr\u00fcd\u00fcanka yoldasligi", + "Tip Top", + "Harry Potter i red Feniksa", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixov r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: The IMAX Experience", + "Harry Potter og F\u00f8nixordenen", + "Harry Potter e a Ordem da F\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a F\u0151nix rendje", + "Harii Pott\u00e2 to fushich\u00f4 no kishidan", + "Harry Potter och Fenixorden", + "Harry Potter en de orde van de Feniks", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u041e\u0440\u0434\u0435\u043d \u0424\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0430", + "Harry Potter in Feniksov red", + "Harry Potter et l'ordre du Ph\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter i l'orde del F\u00e8nix", + "Harry Potter si Ordinul Phoenix", + "Harry Potter e l'ordine della Fenice", + "Harry Potter y la orden del F\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter ja F\u00f6\u00f6niksi ordu", + "Harry Potter ja Feeniksin kilta", + "Harry Potter og F\u00f8niksordenen", + "Harry Potter e a Ordem da F\u00eanix", + "O Harry Potter kai to Tagma tou Foinika", + "Haris Poteris ir Fenikso brolija", + "\u0425\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u044a\u0440 \u0438 \u043e\u0440\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044a\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0444\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0430", + "Hari Poter I red Feniksa" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", + "answer_id": "m.031hcx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter et le Prince de sang-m\u00eal\u00e9", + "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: An IMAX 3D Experience", + "HP and the HBP", + "The Half-Blood Prince" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", + "answer_id": "m.03hxsv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and is they music was by Nicholas Hooper", + "question": "Listed chronologically, what are the Harry Potter movies with music by Nicholas Hooper.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.music ns:m.03f7k6m . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_5c22ec73f7fe54b9f198815d175d2a28", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Blossom", + "answer_id": "m.02xwgb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gimme a Break!", + "answer_id": "m.036y7h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Melissa & Joey", + "answer_id": "m.0b6kw6d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and it's genre is Television", + "question": "What are the titles of the TV programs that starred Joey Lawrence?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:media_common.netflix_title.netflix_genres ns:m.07c52 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1638_8e791ba66d93dd25bcbd707071899cd7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Nederlandse taal", + "Nederlands", + "Hollands", + "Dutch" + ], + "answer": "Dutch Language", + "answer_id": "m.02bv9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "German, Standard Language", + "Deutsch", + "German", + "Tedesco", + "High German", + "Hochdeutsch", + "German, Standard" + ], + "answer": "German Language", + "answer_id": "m.04306rv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Francais", + "Fran\u00e7ais", + "French", + "French language" + ], + "answer": "French", + "answer_id": "m.064_8sq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "belgium", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:08:03", + "machine_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in the place where breed Malinois originated in", + "question": "What is the predominant language in the country where the breed Malinois originated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.02vjtz . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1638", + "webqsp_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in belgium" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_79ee4c5d31170a2a4638a4fa603f0b52", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Belarus", + "Respublika Belarus\u2019", + "Bellarussiya", + "Bielaru\u015b" + ], + "answer": "Belarus", + "answer_id": "m.0163v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": "Estonia", + "answer_id": "m.02kmm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lettland", + "Republic of Latvia" + ], + "answer": "Latvia", + "answer_id": "m.04g5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mongolia", + "answer_id": "m.04w8f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Norge", + "Kingdom of Norway" + ], + "answer": "Norway", + "answer_id": "m.05b4w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", + "DPRK" + ], + "answer": "North Korea", + "answer_id": "m.05b7q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Polska", + "Republic of Poland" + ], + "answer": "Poland", + "answer_id": "m.05qhw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Georgia" + ], + "answer": "Georgia", + "answer_id": "m.0d0kn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Azerbaijan", + "Az\u0259rbaycan Respublikas\u0131" + ], + "answer": "Azerbaijan", + "answer_id": "m.0jhd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does the area in which the newspaper Zhivoye Dyelo is circulated border", + "question": "What countries neighbor the one in which the newspaper Zhivoye Dyelo circulates?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.02v_csk . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-838_1cfa358c441b1d9dae4647fa4bddfee6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portugal Mens Football Team", + "Portugal National Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's Football Team", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Portugal National Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Soccer Team", + "Portugal's national football team", + "Selec\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Os Navegadores", + "Portugal Mens Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's National Soccer Team", + "Portugal national football", + "A Selec\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Seleccao das Quinas", + "Portugal Men's Soccer Team", + "Portugal Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Football Team", + "Portugal Soccer Team", + "The Navigators", + "Portugal Men's National Football Team" + ], + "answer": "Portugal national football team", + "answer_id": "m.02rqxc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cristiano ronaldo", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:49:38", + "machine_question": "what team does the subject of the film Ronaldo: Tested to the Limit play for 2011", + "question": "For what team did the subject of the film Ronaldo: Tested to the Limit play for in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0ngp9wc . \n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-838", + "webqsp_question": "what team does cristiano ronaldo play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1684_22c88da10eb950eb0f0ec9287fd09b09", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Saint Thomas More", + "Sir Thomas More" + ], + "answer": "Thomas More", + "answer_id": "m.07hl9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:15:54", + "machine_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing and was also a peer of Desiderius Erasmus", + "question": "Which person who was a peer of Desiderius Erasmus was to become an influence on the 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(!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01lwx ns:book.book_subject.works ?x .\n?x ns:book.written_work.date_of_first_publication ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1522", + "webqsp_question": "what is the work of charles darwin" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_13c5971b994f9668a976097742edbd7e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and that the story was written by Candace Bushnell", + "question": "What movie was written by Candace Bushnell and starred Miley Cyrus?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.story_by ns:m.01nm2p . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3215_a901f439a158f7dfe70602bfba2b0da5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fort Des Moines, Iowa", + "Polk County / Des Moines city", + "Des Moines, Iowa", + "Fort Des Moines" + ], + "answer": "Des Moines", + "answer_id": "m.02j3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shawn johnson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:09:06", + "machine_question": "where is that is sponsered by CoverGirl gymnast from", + "question": "CoverGirl sponsored a gymnast from where?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:business.sponsored_recipient.sponsorship ?k .\n?k ns:business.sponsorship.sponsored_by ns:m.0bx5v4 . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n}\n", + 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EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:business.asset.owners ?c .\n?c ns:business.asset_ownership.owner ns:m.0byh8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-827_99157c72607b35d66607df042ab3af4f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dominion of Canada", + "Canuckistan" + ], + "answer": "Canada", + "answer_id": "m.0d060g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "justin bieber", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:41", + "machine_question": "what country does the person who wrote the lyrics for \"All Around The World\" come from", + "question": "What country is the person who write \"All Around the World\" come from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0jxkzb9 . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-827", + "webqsp_question": "what country does justin bieber come from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3466_3a3a861fe35922a25bb5991497496887", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dallas, Texas", + "Dallas, TX", + "Rockwall County / Dallas city" + ], + "answer": "Dallas", + "answer_id": "m.0f2rq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kennedy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:52:50", + "machine_question": "in which city was president the person to whom Leonard Bernstein dedicated his/her work killed", + "question": "What city was the president, who Leonard Bernstein dedicated his work to, killed in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:media_common.dedicatee.dedications ?k .\n?k ns:media_common.dedication.dedicated_by ns:m.0bvzp . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3466", + "webqsp_question": "in which city was president kennedy killed" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_45a71163e7876e1ca8b7c88e38999705", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and is of genere Cartoon pornography", + "question": "Miley Cyrus starred in which pornographic cartoons?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ?c .\n?c ns:media_common.media_genre.child_genres ns:m.08phz7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_92bb51ff4d291bdf5ef43b306e03c47f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Zion National" + ], + "answer": "Zion National Park", + "answer_id": "m.01626x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:31:32", + "machine_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah and their annual visitors number is 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+ "question": "Who was nominated for a Radio Disney Music Award For Best Album for their preformance in over The Hedge?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.0yq46c8 . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.080_x_ .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2108", + "webqsp_question": "who does avril lavigne play in over the hedge" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2401_ff755fe25d565a631b18fd316f4c7e3d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukrainian Hrivna" + ], + "answer": "Ukrainian hryvnia", + "answer_id": "m.035qkb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ukraine", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:57:19", + "machine_question": "what money is used in the country where Ridna Marka Pshenychne Weissbier Etalon 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"2017-10-26T06:29:19", + "machine_question": "what is jonathan swift famous for and he did it until the year 1805", + "question": "What did Jonathan Swift do until the year 1805?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_dj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_dj ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_title.leaders ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.end_date \"1805\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3708", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonathan swift famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-952_e5c8e1d12c542cd1cd60af2a14f62392", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "alaska", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:11:14", + "machine_question": "what country does the location that contains Koyukuk River belong to", + "question": "Which country is the Koyukuk River in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.location.partially_contains ns:m.035g2r . \n?c ns:base.biblioness.bibs_location.country ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-952", + "webqsp_question": "what country does alaska belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3118_75053cb108f036148b2e5631983f76a3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Statesman", + "answer_id": "m.016fc2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Elementary School Librarian-retired" + ], + "answer": "Librarian", + "answer_id": "m.01l5t6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "political satirist" + ], + "answer": "Satirist", + "answer_id": "m.02kv97_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Inventor", + "answer_id": 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Joseph Biden", + "Senator Joe Biden" + ], + "answer": "Joe Biden", + "answer_id": "m.012gx2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:38:53", + "machine_question": "who is running for vice president with the public speaker which spoke about Energy development 2012", + "question": "Who ran as vice president for the man who spoke about energy development in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speech_topic ns:m.02mg6f . \n?c ns:government.us_president.vice_president ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1462", + "webqsp_question": "who is running for vice president with barack obama 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_887e6cbf6fd62ad83a3815bd45a6b28d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician that started tenure latest", + "question": "Which politician who held office most recently also influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.from ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1522_2e3e6beff5087116380bf897908466a6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin and His Great Discovery", + "answer_id": "m.0fhpn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:59:37", + "machine_question": "what is the work of charles darwin and that was published on 1972", + "question": "What work by Charles Darwin was first published in 1972?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01lwx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01lwx ns:book.book_subject.works ?x .\n?x ns:book.written_work.date_of_first_publication \"1972\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1522", + "webqsp_question": "what is the work of charles darwin" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_eaeaff16b51e52669edc90501a373c61", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and was nominated an award with the describtion \"The entire cast\"", + "question": "What movies has Miley Cyrus performed in and which one was nominated with an award for the entire cast?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominated_work.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.notes_description \"The entire cast\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_49f1b7b5873342fb3344935065a94ee2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Nicholas Jonas", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Nick J.", + "Nicholas Jerry Jonas", + "Nick", + "The Jonas Brothers", + "Mr. President" + ], + "answer": "Nick Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04f7c55" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:16:16", + "machine_question": "what is jonas brothers names and is the actor that played in the film Johnny Kapahala: Back on Board", + "question": "Which Jonas brother was featured in Johnny Kapahala\" Back on Board?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0cbm64)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0cbm64 ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.film ns:m.027nvr_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-470", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonas brothers names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2211_a0b949c102a4a25cc7c5245a184af113", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "True Blood" + ], + "answer": "True Blood Season 1", + "answer_id": "m.04nvqjm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:32:19", + "machine_question": "what episode does eric northman come in and is the tv series searson ends on 2008-11-23", + "question": "What series and episode that ended on 11-23-2008 that Eric Northman starred in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0411sjw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0411sjw ns:tv.tv_character.appeared_in_tv_program ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.seasons ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_series_season.to \"2008-11-23\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2211", + "webqsp_question": "what episode does eric northman 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.\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3681", + "webqsp_question": "who is mexico 's president right now 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1641_c33b7e68ca677974234fa9dea63ad948", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "4th & King, San Francisco" + ], + "answer": "San Francisco 4th and King Street Station", + "answer_id": "m.02r817z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "san francisco", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:15:22", + "machine_question": "what is the name of the main train station in the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Mayor of San Francisco", + "question": "What is the main train station called in the governmental jurisdiction where the government includes the position Mayor of San Francisco?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.098n9z . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.how_to_get_here ?y .\n?y ns:travel.transportation.transport_terminus ?x .\n?y ns:travel.transportation.mode_of_transportation ns:m.07jdr .\n?x ns:location.location.containedby ?c .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1641", + "webqsp_question": "what is the name of the main train station in san francisco" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_3cac2b09772035a206330b2cdf175f81", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician that has tenure since 1834", + "question": "What politician in office since 1834 influenced Walt Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.from \"1834\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_a868f0cdd84f4bf0b57ed782e6c00a7f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sydney Opera" + ], + "answer": "Sydney Opera House", + "answer_id": "m.06_nm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and the venue capacity is smallest", + "question": "Which of the venues in Sydney, Australia has the smallest capacity?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.venue.capacity ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-243_2b37d8202380ac0219fe3057efe4693d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Photography", + "answer_id": "m.05wkw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:41:40", + "machine_question": "what style of art is salvador dali and was also the hobby of Walid BERRAZEG", + "question": "What artistic pursuit did Salvador Dali share as a hobby with Walid Berrazeg?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.09_xn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.09_xn ns:visual_art.visual_artist.art_forms ?x .\n?x ns:interests.hobby.people_with_this_hobby ns:m.011xcz45 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-243", + "webqsp_question": "what style of art is salvador dali" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2513_4cf55de92667f2db566bd1fd11e01a16", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Arsenal", + "The Gunners", + "Woolwich Arsenal", + "Arsenal 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ns:soccer.football_player_loan.player ns:m.01g562 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2513", + "webqsp_question": "who has won the most fa cup" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_1a2daf79d33de1e8e09de41ea8e025a5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, USA", + "Empire City", + "City of New York", + "New York City, New York", + "New-York", + "\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e8\u30fc\u30af\u5e02", + "Gotham", + "New York", + "New York, NY", + "The Melting Pot", + "Richmond County / New York city", + "NYC", + "The Big Apple", + "New York, N.Y.", + "New York, New York", + "The Capital of the World" + ], + "answer": "New York City", + "answer_id": "m.02_286" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "Hennepin County / Minneapolis city" + ], + "answer": "Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Duluth, Minnesota", + "St. Louis County / Duluth city" + ], + "answer": "Duluth", + "answer_id": "m.0h1k6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "St. Louis County / Hibbing city", + "Hibbing, Minnesota" + ], + "answer": "Hibbing", + "answer_id": "m.0wjjx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bob dylan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did the person who wrote the lyrics for \"If Not for You\" live", + "question": "Where did the \"If Not for You\" lyricist live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.02z3qv9 . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did 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"Pr\u00e9dictions" + ], + "answer": "Knowing", + "answer_id": "m.047v2p4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ghost Ship" + ], + "answer": "Triangle", + "answer_id": "m.06_vszc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Expendables II" + ], + "answer": "The Expendables 2", + "answer_id": "m.0gffmn8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Hunger Games", + "answer_id": "m.0gkz15s" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Paranoia", + "answer_id": "m.0k9390g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Catching Fire", + "The Hunger Games 2" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire", + "answer_id": "m.0n40qmp" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cut Bank", + "answer_id": "m.0wk4knj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and that has the following genre: Thriller", + "question": "What are the thriller movies that starred Liam Hemsworth?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT 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ns:book.written_work.date_of_first_publication \"1961\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1744", + "webqsp_question": "what books did emily dickinson wrote" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_5d13d0373e47266d687e069be3ce0fbe", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Rock Camp Rules" + ], + "answer": "Camp Rock", + "answer_id": "m.02w4by3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "CR2", + "Camp Rock 2" + ], + "answer": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam", + "answer_id": "m.080b54x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and that was producted by Alan Sacks", + "question": "What movie was produced by Alan Sacks and features Alyson Stoner?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.executive_produced_by ns:m.01w_5g5 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_c0d199b00eba918e6b8736e06a90a966", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "High School Musical 2: Sing It All Or Nothing!" + ], + "answer": "High School Musical 2", + "answer_id": "m.0bc5ny" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and that is 104.0 minutes long", + "question": "What movie starring Miley Cyrus is 104.0 minutes long?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.runtime ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_cut.runtime \"104.0\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + 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"2017-10-25T22:22:37", + "machine_question": "what did the person that said \"You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.\" do", + "question": "What jobs were held by the person who said, \"You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048hj7v . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-496", + "webqsp_question": "what did einstein do" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_6631d9a88c2744ee1550bae7b0d0aed5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kirgisistan" + ], + "answer": "Kyrgyzstan", + "answer_id": "m.0jt3tjf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and is the country that has an iso 3166-1 alpha-3 of KG", + 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"\u00c9ire" + ], + "answer": "Republic of Ireland", + "answer_id": "m.03rt9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "the twenty-six counties", + "the Free State", + "Irish Republic", + "the 26 counties", + "\u00c9ire" + ], + "answer": "Republic of Ireland", + "answer_id": "m.03rt9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "the twenty-six counties", + "the Free State", + "Irish Republic", + "the 26 counties", + "\u00c9ire" + ], + "answer": "Republic of Ireland", + "answer_id": "m.03rt9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lettland", + "Republic of Latvia" + ], + "answer": "Latvia", + "answer_id": "m.04g5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + 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EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1977", + "webqsp_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_9fa3b7238149ba52c38fa69917219599", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and who held the position President of the General Council", + "question": "Who is the 2012 leader of France who held the position of President of the General Council?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.02g5pn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_c42d9e1056b6615749261cbd193683d4", + "answers": [ 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"webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_52408c07e7ff0a98e712f75cfee90299", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SFF" + ], + "answer": "Sydney Film Festival", + "answer_id": "m.02kwln" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the event started reocurring earliest", + "question": "Of the sightseeing events in Sydney, Australia, which reocurring event started earliest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:time.recurring_event.date_of_first_occurance ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_facdb34c7e72f264190bc9926fc5c4de", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Henrik Johan Ibsen", + "The Father of Modern Drama", + "the father of realism", + "Hendrik Ibsen", + "Ibsen", + "Henrik Ibs\u00e9n", + "Henryk Ibsen", + "Enrique Ibsen", + "H. Ibsen" + ], + "answer": "Henrik Ibsen", + "answer_id": "m.03pm9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by and is the member of Order of St. Olav", + "question": "What member of Order of St. Olav that influenced Arthur Miller?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yfp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yfp ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:royalty.chivalric_order_member.belongs_to_order ?c .\n?c ns:royalty.chivalric_order_membership.order ns:m.0671wk . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1173", + "webqsp_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_c75631b641b48d193713751a4ec68699", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur 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(!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.0y54wmq . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-827", + "webqsp_question": "what country does justin bieber come from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2401_0ab11fcdcb73b6d87813cedc74e5a858", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukrainian Hrivna" + ], + "answer": "Ukrainian hryvnia", + "answer_id": "m.035qkb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ukraine", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:57:19", + "machine_question": "what money is used in where the government Government of Ukraine is located", + "question": "In the area where the Government of Ukraine is located, what type of money is used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0h1n8_0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_fdb01b1d3c5df50d677efedb63486926", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Run of the House", + "answer_id": "m.026_g9w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and is the tv program has number of episodes smallest", + "question": "Of the TV shows featuring Joey Lawrence, which had the smallest run?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.number_of_episodes ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv 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"WebQTrn-2150_af68d16a7c9befd2e908239a97de8c3d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Belize", + "answer_id": "m.0164b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Guatemala." + ], + "answer": "Guatemala", + "answer_id": "m.0345_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 countries does the affected area of the cyclone Tropical Depression Two-E border", + "question": "What 3 countries border the affected area of the cyclone Tropical Depression Two-E?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:meteorology.cyclone_affected_area.cyclones ns:m.04zw1j1 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Johnson?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_set_decoration_by ns:m.09dw7bc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_461b338d9c8a0011243c6a0a119ecebd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, USA", + "Empire City", + "City of New York", + "New York City, New York", + "New-York", + "\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e8\u30fc\u30af\u5e02", + "Gotham", + "New York", + "New York, NY", + "The Melting Pot", + "Richmond County / New York city", + "NYC", + "The Big Apple", + "New York, N.Y.", + "New York, New York", + "The Capital of the World" + ], + "answer": "New York City", + "answer_id": "m.02_286" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and is the place where the honor degree recipient Nathan O. Kaplan was born in", + "question": "What city did Bob Dylan live in that is also the birthplace of Nathan O. Kaplan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:education.honorary_degree.recipient ns:m.05p62cz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_d3cb57501a6cc119b5df32ce0bd8ba18", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brayden Tyler Quinn", + "brady_quinn" + ], + "answer": "Brady Quinn", + "answer_id": "m.08gf9t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the football player that has passing attempts statistics less than 74", + "question": "Which football player with a passing attempts statistic less than 74 was drafted by the Cleveland Browns?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:american_football.football_player.passing ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.player_passing_statistics.attempts ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 74) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_c5ee5362cf9ee455be68f1419460408d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and that who was the speaker in Fourth Joint Debate at Charleston", + "question": "Who was the speaker at the Fourth Joint Debate at Charleston who was also an influence for Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?c .\n?c ns:event.speech_or_presentation.event ns:m.0b_01xh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's 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"Kongeriget Danmark", + "\u4e39\u9ea6" + ], + "answer": "Denmark", + "answer_id": "m.0k6nt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and that was ruled by Christopher of Bavaria", + "question": "What country speaking German was ruled by Christopher of Bavaria?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:royalty.kingdom.rulers ns:m.019pfl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_f61568ed06e8ed92e68deb8a5ddfb717", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Miley Cyrus: Tongue Tied", + "answer_id": "m.010ls0tb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Hana Montana: filmas", + "Hannah Montana - The Movie", + "Hannah Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hanna Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hannah Montana: I tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert", + "answer_id": "m.03ck042" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sonic the Hedgehog", + "answer_id": "m.042w0v2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High School Musical 2: Sing It All Or Nothing!" + ], + "answer": "High School Musical 2", + "answer_id": "m.0bc5ny" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lola", + "LOL: Laughing Out Loud", + "LOL", + "LOL - Pazza del mio migliore amico", + "Summer. Classmates. Love", + "L.O.L." + ], + "answer": "LOL", + "answer_id": "m.0cmddrx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Radio Disney Party Jams: The Concert", + "answer_id": "m.0crsmk2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The World According to Miley Cyrus", + "answer_id": "m.0cs2t3x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "So Undercover", + "answer_id": "m.0g56xqy" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Family Bond", + "answer_id": "m.0swngjg" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rock Mafia Presents: The Big Bang", + "answer_id": "m.0w1x037" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "miley cyrus", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did was nominee of the Blimp Award for Favorite Movie Star award play in", + "question": "What movies featured the Blimp Award for Favorite Movie Star nominee?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR 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the film \"Nucingen House\" takes place have today", + "question": "Where does the film \"Nucingen House\" take place and what is their current political system?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0b66s0f . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3708_5d4f60d21b1a51a0e4b7f4c661219b56", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Priestess" + ], + "answer": "Priest", + "answer_id": "m.05xjb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:19", + "machine_question": "what is jonathan swift famous for and ended leading a religious organization after 1805", + "question": "What is the name of religious organization that ended after 1805, making Jonathan Swift famous.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_dj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_dj ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_title.leaders ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.end_date ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1805\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3708", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonathan swift famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_b11130a15ecd39ba201d7798a184fda1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "D\u00e4nemark", + "Kingdom of Denmark", + "Kongeriget Danmark", + "\u4e39\u9ea6" + ], + "answer": "Denmark", + "answer_id": "m.0k6nt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and is the country that has Lejre Municipality as a second level devision", + "question": "What EU Countries that 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"machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and a film that Rob Nokes was a crew member of", + "question": "What movie feature actored Liam Hemsworth and had Rob Nokes as a crew member?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.other_crew ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.03c3112 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_720f43eec78fddd01957e98aca29e29f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and contains a neighborhood named Hell's 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}, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_310a20bf90c7d6c7ca6cdfd9a5610673", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and is the film was released before 2013-06-03", + "question": "What Rihanna movie was released before 3 June 2013?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.initial_release_date ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2013-06-03\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1183_2ec12a06ceff1fc38dbfabc809aba1ea", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Pisa, main campus" + ], + "answer": "University of Pisa", + "answer_id": "m.02bbyw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "galileo", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:07:56", + "machine_question": "where did the academic advisor of Vincenzo Viviani go to school", + "question": "Where did the person who academically advised Vincenzo Viviani get an education?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.academic.advisees ns:m.04hnf4 . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1183", + "webqsp_question": "where did galileo go to school" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_c9edb6e9752b61d6c3f618c4e7abe271", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen 2", + "answer_id": "m.066b_n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and which was filmed at Hamilton", + "question": "What movie filmed at Hamilton that Alyson Stoner starred in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.featured_film_locations ns:m.03pzf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1949_ed2bdc3797819981c61646d9c7d41fc2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri General Assembly", + "answer_id": "m.02zxrn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Court of Appeals", + "answer_id": "m.03qj7vv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Senate", + "answer_id": "m.0694qd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri House of Representatives", + "answer_id": "m.069kvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "missouri", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:59:12", + "machine_question": "what is the legislature of the location that contains Osage River called", + "question": "What is the legislature in the place containing the Osage River called?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.location.partially_contains ns:m.0331s_ . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government_bodies ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1949", + "webqsp_question": "what is the legislature of missouri called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_9665cbedeccb1e77d897b5ead8fdce37", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and is the political appointer that had the title French Minister of Industrial Renewal", + "question": "Who was the leader of France in 2012 and had the title of French Minister of Industrial Renewal?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.01031t7_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-71_281c095b9907473533233875eb3d26b2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "David Silver", + "answer_id": "m.0220tgn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "90210", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:30", + "machine_question": "what character did brian austin green play on the tv program that has the theme song Beverly Hills 90210", + "question": "What character in the television show that has the theme song Beverly Hills 90210 did Brian Austin Green played?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR 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"m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and that who was the speaker in Third Joint Debate at Jonesboro", + "question": "Who participated in the Third Joint Debate at Jonesboro and influenced Walt Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?c .\n?c ns:event.speech_or_presentation.event ns:m.0b_01xp . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_5a1d57fe3f9b64b56911d2857fa20a62", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, 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"composition_answer": "scarlett johansson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:48:21", + "machine_question": "who did was nominee of the Venice Film Festival Upstream Prize for Best Actress award married", + "question": "Who was the spouse of the nominee of the Venice Film Festival Upstream Prize for best Actress?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.0gm4_th . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2325", + "webqsp_question": "who did scarlett johansson married" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_905d51a59b2b7fe71a2b0711934212a8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Seat of San Lorenzo de El Escorial" + ], + "answer": "El Escorial", + "answer_id": "m.01bc9m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo del Prado, Madrid", + "Prado Museum" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.01hlq3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia", + "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda, Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.01jcyh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Summercase", + "answer_id": "m.02r9yg7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Festimad", + "answer_id": "m.03chy63" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Buen Retiro" + ], + "answer": "Buen Retiro Park", + "answer_id": "m.03rmzx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Royal Palace of Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Royal Palace of Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.04m3yk" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Almudena Cathedral", + "answer_id": "m.053llq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Sorolla", + "Sorolla" + ], + "answer": "Sorolla Museum", + "answer_id": "m.05bvn8g" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza de Cibeles", + "answer_id": "m.06_l58" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Arena", + "answer_id": "m.06cgmf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Paseo del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.06j2nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Parque Warner Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.06nd2f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Thyssen-Bornemisza" + ], + "answer": "Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum", + "answer_id": "m.073z19" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Temple of Debod", + "answer_id": "m.07f__f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Puerta del Sol", + "answer_id": "m.07mpc7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Gran Via" + ], + "answer": "Gran V\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.09s07b" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Marathon", + "answer_id": "m.0bwg9f0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza Mayor, Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0cd2rc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "La Vaguada", + "answer_id": "m.0fphvtq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo de Lazaro Galdiano" + ], + "answer": "Museum of L\u00e1zaro Galdiano", + "answer_id": "m.0h3lmf1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Palace of la Bolsa de Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0h3tjjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "madrid", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in the place that has the neighborhood Cuatro Vientos", + "question": "What sights are there to see in the place with the Cuatro Vientos neighborhood?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.place_with_neighborhoods.neighborhoods ns:m.0dsbcs6 . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-275_07037113536db925abf95ea535fa5865", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u30b3\u30ed\u30f3\u30d3\u30a2\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Republic of Colombia" + ], + "answer": "Colombia", + "answer_id": "m.01ls2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shakira", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:49:18", + "machine_question": "where is she from was nominee of the Billboard Music Award for Latin Pop Album Artist of the Year award", + "question": "Where was the nominee that won the Billboard Music Award for Latin Pop Album Artist of the Year award from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.0zdjn4r . \n?c ns:music.artist.origin ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-275", + "webqsp_question": "where is she from shakira" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1522_48006ffcc458af664781bb4ed6bea1c3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin", + "answer_id": "m.04t22yt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Reluctant Mr. Darwin", + "answer_id": "m.04w2xy1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Charles Darwin: The Power of" + ], + "answer": "Charles Darwin: The Power of Place", + "answer_id": "m.05bmx95" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin: Voyaging", + "answer_id": "m.066lvpj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:59:37", + "machine_question": "what is the work of charles darwin and that is in the genre of Biography", + "question": "What work of Charles Darwin's work belongs to the biography genre?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01lwx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01lwx ns:book.book_subject.works ?x .\n?x ns:book.book.genre ns:m.017fp . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1522", + "webqsp_question": "what is the work of charles darwin" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1529_b188d1792d430348a5f1b15f55353ec4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portuguese", + "Portugese", + "Portuguese language", + "Portugu\u00eas" + ], + "answer": "Portuguese Language", + "answer_id": "m.05zjd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:00:02", + "machine_question": "what does guyana speak and that has initials pt", + "question": "What language with the initials pt does Guyana speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.034m8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.034m8 ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.iso_639_1_code \"pt\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1529", + "webqsp_question": "what does guyana speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_6c19bc1fe78f2c0015bfd29e5c12767c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "france", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of the governmental jurisdiction that held the legislative session of the First Valls Government 2012", + "question": "Who is the Leader of Country where the First Valls 2012 legislative session was held?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.legislative_sessions ns:m.0105s275 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_d7747ff97c79143eb98bc6fbe2d9c8ff", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jonathan Paul Manziel", + "Johnny Football", + "Johnny Cleveland" + ], + "answer": "Johnny Manziel", + "answer_id": "m.0n45_f7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and that was born in Tyler", + "question": "What player was born in Tyler and drafted by the Cleveland Browns?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.place_of_birth ns:m.0108xl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-531_61efa0b17cc53c2187422d88bf670f22", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Buddhist" + ], + "answer": "Buddhism", + "answer_id": "m.092bf5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:28:34", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in australia and the religion of which Gautama Buddha is a founding figure", + "question": "What religions are found in Australia, which Gautama Buddha is a founding figure of?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.founding_figures ns:m.015k7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-531", + "webqsp_question": "what religions are found in australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3448_2ed103f665a4516a22cebcf5d383af70", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Orbing", + "answer_id": "m.04kb1zt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Teleportation in fiction" + ], + "answer": "Teleportation", + "answer_id": "m.0fx57" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "paige halliwell", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:48:14", + "machine_question": "what is the fictional character which is the parent of Coop 's powers", + "question": "What fictional character is the parent of Coop's Power?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.children ns:m.0d5nbr . \n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.powers_or_abilities ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3448", + "webqsp_question": "what is paige halliwell 's powers" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2094_339eebcb3fc48e1dd023df1eb6523445", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Lee County / Tupelo city", + "Tupelo, Mississippi" + ], + "answer": "Tupelo", + "answer_id": "m.0wqwj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "elvis presley", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:16:41", + "machine_question": "what city did the artist aword nominated for How Great Thou Art grew up in", + "question": "Find the artist who was nominated for an award for How Great Thou Art, what is their hometown?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0m_rbr . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2094", + "webqsp_question": "what city did elvis presley grew up in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-801_b183c990916cd703ef71720d378b748e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Provisional government", + "answer_id": "m.02tz3y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "egypt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:45:26", + "machine_question": "what kind of government is the place in which the 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"who is the state governor of florida" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_bde48b8fcd994264496aae4133e373f0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Nigeria" + ], + "answer": "Nigeria", + "answer_id": "m.05cgv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through and export to United States of America", + "question": "What country, which the Niger River flows through, also exports to the United States of America?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?c .\n?c ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ns:m.09c7w0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-836_55446dcd04c73520c9a5973c1df50aaa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jewish" + ], + "answer": "Judaism", + "answer_id": "m.03_gx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:06:50", + "machine_question": "what are the major religions in uk and the religion of which Sarah is a founding figure", + "question": "What major religion in the UK is Sarah a founding figure of?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.founding_figures ns:m.01b5wx . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-836", + "webqsp_question": "what are the major religions in uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_f84bac13259583dcc893efcdc5d61a78", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Belarus", + "Respublika Belarus\u2019", + "Bellarussiya", + "Bielaru\u015b" + ], + "answer": "Belarus", + "answer_id": "m.0163v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and the population number is 10035000", + "question": "Which Country share boarders with Russia, and whose population number is 10035000?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number \"10035000\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1383_1798e1bd7dcf136069d805e4e520f1b8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u00cdslenska", + "Icelandic", + "Islenska" + ], + "answer": "Icelandic Language", + "answer_id": "m.01gmkg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "iceland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:39", + "machine_question": "what language does people in the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Althing speak", + "question": "Does anyone know what language is spoken where the Althing is the body of governance?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.0vhnn . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1383", + "webqsp_question": "what language does people in iceland speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3281_0b5333d98ef87008aa02d1fbc1554b05", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jamaican dollar", + "answer_id": "m.04xc2m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jamaica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:17:01", + "machine_question": "what currency does the place where Jamaican English language is spoken accept", + "question": "Find the country that mainly speaks Jamaican English, what is the name of the currancy there?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.01428y . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3281", + "webqsp_question": "what currency does jamaica accept" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3064_05e8d9daed68737095e3b0511502217b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Province D' Ontario", + "ON", + "Province D\u2019 Ontario", + "Province Of Ontario" + ], + "answer": "Ontario", + "answer_id": "m.05kr_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "toronto", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:42:33", + "machine_question": "what province is the place that has the neighborhood Oakwood\u2013Vaughan canada located in", + "question": "What providence is home to a neighborhood called Oakwood Vaughan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.place_with_neighborhoods.neighborhoods ns:m.0gc92g . \n?c ns:base.biblioness.bibs_location.state ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3064", + "webqsp_question": "what province is toronto canada located in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1871_ea7ebebfb3a25c8e83b4bbfdda67d52d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chinese", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:46:49", + "machine_question": "what language do the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named State Administration of Foreign Exchange", + "question": "What language is used in the governmental jurisdiction where there's a governmental body called State Administration of Foreign Exchange?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.02639ym . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1871", + "webqsp_question": "what language do 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"answer": "Belgium", + "answer_id": "m.0154j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Bulgaria" + ], + "answer": "Bulgaria", + "answer_id": "m.015qh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Croatie", + "Croacia", + "Republika Hrvatska", + "Hirvatistan", + "Hrvatska", + "Republic of Croatia", + "Kroatien", + "Croatia/Hrvatska", + "ISO 3166-1:HR", + "Croazia", + "Hravatska", + "Cro\u00e1cia", + "Kroatia", + "Crotaia" + ], + "answer": "Croatia", + "answer_id": "m.01pj7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cyprus", + "answer_id": "m.01ppq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": "Estonia", + "answer_id": "m.02kmm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Germany", + "Bundesrepublik Deutschland", + "BRD", + "Deutschland" + ], + "answer": "Germany", + 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+ "answer_id": "m.064_8sq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "American English", + "answer_id": "m.0t_2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "american indians", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:35:17", + "machine_question": "what language do native the ethnicity group that includes Navajo people speak", + "question": "What language is spoken by the native ethnic group that includes the Navajo people?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.ethnicity.includes_groups ns:m.08k5jg . \n?c ns:people.ethnicity.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2625", + "webqsp_question": "what language do 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"compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and that has the following genre: Drama", + "question": "Which drama movies has Liam Hemsworth been in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ns:m.02822 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-73_77c420382ba6d010795aca544a34bd60", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom" + ], + "answer": "Monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.04szc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:32", + "machine_question": "what form of government was practiced in sparta and in country Kingdom of Portugal", + "question": "What was the form of government in both Sparta and the Kingdom of Portugal?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.09472)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.09472 ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ?c .\n?c ns:type.object.name \"Kingdom of Portugal\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-73", + "webqsp_question": "what form of government was practiced in sparta" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-63_1f0f082cf9a15e8c58c9655386e1363f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Gavin McGregor Rossdale", + "Bush-X", + "Mr. Stefani", + "Rossdale, Gavin", + "Gavin Rosdale" + ], + "answer": "Gavin Rossdale", + "answer_id": "m.014qv7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and is a Celebrity", + "question": "Which celebrity is in the band 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DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:engineering.location_with_mains_power.mains_power_standards ?c .\n?c ns:engineering.mains_power.compatible_plugs ns:m.08ny24t . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_2ed156e13489fb78e7aebdfbe6eaac25", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "A bostonian", + "Henri Le Rennet", + "Edgar Allan Po\u00eb", + "Edgar Allen Poe", + "Edgar Poe", + "Edgar A. Perry", + "Edgar A. Po\u00eb", + "E.A. Poe", + "Poe", + "Edgar A. Poe" + ], + "answer": "Edgar Allan Poe", + "answer_id": "m.02lt8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "G.W.F. Hegel", + "G W F Hegel", + "Hegel", + "G. W. F. 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To What You Said\" 's poetry", + "question": "What writers influenced the artist who wrote the lyrics of Songfest: IV. 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ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_alpha_3 \"CHN\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_7e7ffaf7fb3ba0985b83ec5161b6a77e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Nicholas Jonas", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Nick J.", + "Nicholas Jerry Jonas", + "Nick", + "The Jonas Brothers", + "Mr. President" + ], + "answer": "Nick Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04f7c55" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:16:16", + "machine_question": "what is jonas brothers names and is the actor that played in the film Goat", + "question": "Which of the Jonas brothers played a role in the movie Goat?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0cbm64)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0cbm64 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District Atty. Miguel Prado lived", + "question": "Who governs the state in which fictional Asst. District Atty. Miguel Prado resides?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.characters_that_have_lived_here ns:g.120lwj6t . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1362", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of florida" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3346_7d6825842f241b6c564cf15640d12ed9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Beach Hotel", + "answer_id": "m.027tlcs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:29:14", + "machine_question": "what are the places to see in dubai and the number of building floors is smallest", + "question": "What building should I see in Dubai that has the fewest number of building floors?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f08r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f08r ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.building.floors ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3346", + "webqsp_question": "what are the places to see in dubai" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1738_0dd8f2b7dada045ee545e43ef3490e1a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Joshua Jacob Morrow" + ], + "answer": "Joshua Morrow", + "answer_id": "m.07sklj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "the young and the restless", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:21:27", + "machine_question": "who plays nicholas newman on the tv program that has the theme song Nadia's Theme", + "question": "Who plays Nicholas Newman on the TV program with Theme Song Nadia's Theme?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_program.theme_song ns:m.07cqr0 . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ns:m.0f22p8 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1738", + "webqsp_question": "who plays nicholas newman on the young and the restless" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1137_58f9e2860a15fd687574e82d4b43b566", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ill", + "Land of Lincoln", + "IL", + "IL, Ill." + ], + "answer": "Illinois", + "answer_id": "m.03v0t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:41:47", + "machine_question": "where is the illinois river on a map and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted on 1908", + "question": "Which governmental jurisdiction contains the Illinois river, and a symbol adopted in 1908?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0j1qb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0j1qb ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted \"1908\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1137", + "webqsp_question": "where is the illinois river on a map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_5d114bbec0d6f81eacd5405534271eba", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Paranoia", + "answer_id": "m.0k9390g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and in which costumes where designed by Luca Mosca", + "question": "What movie was Liam Hemsworth in where the costumes were designed by Luca Mosca?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.costume_design_by ns:m.03q8q3_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_d66e2e0e65358ce744c452b8be2aa567", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brayden Tyler Quinn", + "brady_quinn" + ], + "answer": "Brady Quinn", + "answer_id": "m.08gf9t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the footboall player that completed 120 passings", + "question": "Which Cleveland Browns draft pick completed 120 passes?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:american_football.football_player.passing ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.player_passing_statistics.completions \"120\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-652_df8b99b7ffa09c4a62497e6862bcd657", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mexicans", + "Mexican" + ], + "answer": "Mexicans", + "answer_id": "m.09k5jvk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Italian-American" + ], + "answer": "Italian American", + "answer_id": "m.0xnvg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "selena gomez", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:22:27", + "machine_question": "what kind of hispanic is the artist which recorded I Want You To Know (Fox Stevenson Remix)", + "question": "What is the heritage of the singer of I Want You to Know?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:g.11c3k57_r3 . \n?c ns:people.person.ethnicity ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-652", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of hispanic is selena gomez" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_e855721d74d30c606b39b7bccbf79452", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and is the politician that started tenure latest", + "question": "What politician became the leader of France starting in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.from ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2686_6548e14725724b38f71937375d701784", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "USD", + "$", + "US Dollar", + "US $", + "US Currency", + "US$", + "Federal Reserve Note", + "American Dollar", + "Greenback" + ], + "answer": "United States Dollar", + "answer_id": "m.09nqf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "puerto rico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:44:36", + "machine_question": "what type of currency is used in has an official symbol of Ceiba pentandra", + "question": "What type of currency has an official Ceiba pentandra symbol?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.049xz . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2686", + "webqsp_question": "what type of currency is used in puerto rico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3439_c093231fe2a83541cf05e721b6fad5b5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:47:37", + "machine_question": "what dialects are spoken in the uk and is the language Daedalus", + "question": "What Daedalus language dialect is spoken in the U.K.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.where_spoken ns:g.113qbfr8j . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3439", + "webqsp_question": "what dialects are spoken in the uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-785_37bb164aed3ba76fedb0cb013c01234b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "2003 Major League Baseball season", + "answer_id": "m.025ygws" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:58:36", + "machine_question": "what years did barry bonds play and is the next year series was 2004 Major League Baseball season", + "question": "In which year, prior to the 2004 Major League Baseball season did Barry Bonds play?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01dk_)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01dk_ ns:baseball.baseball_player.batting_stats ?y .\n?y ns:baseball.batting_statistics.season ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.next_in_series ns:m.025ygqm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-785", + "webqsp_question": "what years did barry bonds play" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2693_7eef3253bf4eafe45e05c66e05a2c94c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "California, USA", + "Calif", + "CA", + "Golden State" + ], + "answer": "California", + "answer_id": "m.01n7q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ronald reagan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:45:47", + "machine_question": "what state was the political appointer that had the title U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia governor of", + "question": "The political appointee who's currently the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia is the former Governor of what state?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.0459wjj . \n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.jurisdiction_of_office ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2693", + "webqsp_question": "what state was ronald reagan governor of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1462_f1a83a32bf04983a5a5f9da914f867c8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vice President of the United States Joe Biden", + "Senator Joseph Biden", + "Joseph R. 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Joseph Biden", + "Senator Joe Biden" + ], + "answer": "Joe Biden", + "answer_id": "m.012gx2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:38:53", + "machine_question": "who is running for vice president with that who was the speaker in 2012 State of the Union Address 2012", + "question": "What politician ran as a US Vice Presidential candidate along with the speaker at the 2012 State of the Union Address?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.event ns:m.0hrdf6b . \n?c ns:government.us_president.vice_president ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1462", + "webqsp_question": "who is running for vice president with barack obama 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-321_db24dc739b7b00cdab7cf3d825975aed", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "La Internacia Lingvo", + "La Lingvo Internacia", + "Esperanto" + ], + "answer": "Esperanto Language", + "answer_id": "m.02jcw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:32:07", + "machine_question": "what do people in australia speak and invented by L. L. 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"machine_question": "what year did detroit pistons win the championship and Portland Trail Blazers was the championship runner up", + "question": "In whcih NBA season did the Detroit Pistons defeat the Portland Trailblazers in the championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jm8l)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jm8l ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_championship_event.runner_up ns:m.0jmm4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2798", + "webqsp_question": "what year did detroit pistons win the championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_b61ccb136ff91e9b12206699ca5ce6bb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, USA", + "Empire City", + "City of New York", + "New York City, New York", + "New-York", + "\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e8\u30fc\u30af\u5e02", + "Gotham", + "New 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"answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and that the story was written by Nicholas Sparks", + "question": "What movie features a story written by Nicholas Sparks and actor Liam Hemsworth?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.story_by ns:m.0328bl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1804_f6c3ac3525229e8a75cd42b7943c93af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Netherlands", + "Nederlands", + "Holland", + "Nederland", + "Hollanti" + ], + "answer": "Netherlands", + "answer_id": "m.059j2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:36", + "machine_question": "what countries are part of nato and is the country that has Echt-Susteren as a second level devision", + "question": "Which NATO country has a second division team in Echt-Susteren?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059dn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059dn ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.016jtb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1804", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are part of nato" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1643_77fc2eecfb5cc6fd4272f8e98b8cdef8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bradford Claude Dourif", + "Bradford Claude \"Brad\" Dourif", + "Brad" + ], + "answer": "Brad Dourif", + "answer_id": "m.02bfmn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Edon Gross" + ], + "answer": "Edan Gross", + "answer_id": "m.03czqtb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "John Paul Salapatek" + ], + "answer": "John Franklin", + "answer_id": "m.06hw0m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "child 's play", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:08:19", + "machine_question": "who does the voice for chucky in the movie that Suaundra Black played in", + "question": "Who voices Chucky in the movie which Suaundra Black was in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.0vxjx8v . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.06jpdm .\n?y ns:film.performance.special_performance_type ns:m.02nsjvf .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?c .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1643", + "webqsp_question": "who does the voice for chucky in child 's play" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_b9f558e606a3cf16271346c8152fd8bb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Estadi del Futbol Club Barcelona", + "Nou Camp", + "Estadi del FC Barcelona", + "\u30ab\u30e0\u30fb\u30ce\u30a6" + ], + "answer": "Camp Nou", + "answer_id": "m.01ggjl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:42", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona and is the sports facility where Catalonia national football team play", + "question": "Where in Barcelona does the Catalonia National Football team play?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f62)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f62 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_facility.home_venue_for ?c .\n?c ns:sports.team_venue_relationship.team ns:m.077mp4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1178", + "webqsp_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_06bc97f72dc9f747f5980f33c541cf3b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Centennial State", + "Colo", + "CO" + ], + "answer": "Colorado", + "answer_id": "m.01n4w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Douglas County", + "answer_id": "m.0flbm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jefferson County", + "answer_id": "m.0p03t" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Arapahoe County", + "answer_id": "m.0p0fc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "littleton", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:56:45", + "machine_question": "where is downtown the area in which the newspaper Columbine Community Courier is circulated", + "question": "The Columbine Community Courier is distributed in what downtown area?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.0hrxdjz . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-536_f5429b4edff83dd7ec9d3c6387ca77a8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mixed Martial Artist", + "answer_id": "m.02_8dlt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Film actress", + "Movie actress", + "Movie actor", + "Actress", + "Film actor", + "Theatre Actor" + ], + "answer": "Actor", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh1q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "anderson silva", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:28:51", + "machine_question": "what is the actor that played the character Phoenix Brown trained in", + "question": "In what areas is the actor who played Phoenix Brown trained?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0ngj18p . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-536", + "webqsp_question": "what is anderson silva trained in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_9c119eb39e52c2db865c020511acb221", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kellen Boswell Winslow, Jr.", + "Shash", + "Kellen Boswell Winslow", + "Kellen Winslow" + ], + "answer": "Kellen Winslow II", + "answer_id": "m.03tt9p" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the football player that has touchdown statistics largest", + "question": "who is the player that the Cleveland browns drafted that has the most touchdowns?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:american_football.football_player.receiving ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.player_receiving_statistics.touchdowns ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_c1f3971e18ec38b02552426c2cef9026", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Miley Cyrus: Tongue Tied", + "answer_id": "m.010ls0tb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Hana Montana: filmas", + "Hannah Montana - The Movie", + "Hannah Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hanna Montana - La pel\u00edcula", + "Hannah Montana: I tainia", + "Hannah Montana - Der Film", + "Hannah Montana: A film", + "Hannah Montana", + "Hannah Montana - filmen", + "Hannah Montana - Le film", + "Hannah Montana film", + "Hanna Montana - B\u00ed\u00f3myndin", + "Hannah Montana - O Filme" + ], + "answer": "Hannah Montana: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.02x3lt7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert", + "answer_id": "m.03ck042" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sonic the Hedgehog", + "answer_id": "m.042w0v2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Sex and the City 2", + "answer_id": "m.05h43ls" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wizards on Deck With Hannah Montana - Cast-Away To Another Show" + ], + "answer": "Wizards on Deck with Hannah Montana", + "answer_id": "m.064qvcw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High School Musical 2: Sing It All Or Nothing!" + ], + "answer": "High School Musical 2", + "answer_id": "m.0bc5ny" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lola", + "LOL: Laughing Out Loud", + "LOL", + "LOL - Pazza del mio migliore amico", + "Summer. Classmates. Love", + "L.O.L." + ], + "answer": "LOL", + "answer_id": "m.0cmddrx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Radio Disney Party Jams: The Concert", + "answer_id": "m.0crsmk2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The World According to Miley Cyrus", + "answer_id": "m.0cs2t3x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "So Undercover", + "answer_id": "m.0g56xqy" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Family Bond", + "answer_id": "m.0swngjg" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Rock Mafia Presents: The Big Bang", + "answer_id": "m.0w1x037" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "miley cyrus", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did the actor that played the character Girl at Pool play in", + "question": "The actor who played Girl at Pool was in which movies?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.04g4mj4 . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1293_d10494389dc4daf44eee7b485a4c32bc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "West Germanic languages", + "answer_id": "m.0140qt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Indo-European languages", + "answer_id": "m.03v09" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Anglo-Frisian languages", + "answer_id": "m.082j1s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "english", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:06:05", + "machine_question": "where has the the language found in the fictional universe View Askewniverse language evolved from", + "question": "The fictional language of View Askewniverse was devolved from what real language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.06rld_ . \n?c ns:language.human_language.language_family ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1293", + "webqsp_question": "where has the english language evolved from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_3669817f802ada763b5253e65e15d819", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brayden Tyler Quinn", + "brady_quinn" + ], + "answer": "Brady Quinn", + "answer_id": "m.08gf9t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the football player that has passing attempts statistics greater than 74", + "question": "Which player drafted by the Browns had more than 74 passing attempts?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:american_football.football_player.passing ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.player_passing_statistics.attempts ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 74) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_dece4ddacc57788e31bf70edc99f1f37", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and who held the position Government Position Held", + "question": "This high ranking government official influenced Walt Whitman's poetry.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:type.object.type ns:government.government_position_held . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-334_ca6ce44d620e3ead920f09f2813da1af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Judith Campbell", + "Judith Eileen Katherine Immoor", + "Judith Katherine Inmoor", + "Judith Campbell Exner", + "judith_exner", + "Judith Eileen Katherine Inmoor Exner", + "Judy Campbell" + ], + "answer": "Judith Exner", + "answer_id": "m.04n4r6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Marylin Monroe", + "Marilyn Monroe Miller", + "The Blonde Bombshell", + "Norma Jeane DiMaggio", + "MM", + "Norma Jeane Baker", + "Norma Jeane Dougherty", + "Merilin Monro", + "Marliyn Monroe", + "Jean Norman", + "Norma Jeane Mortenson", + "Norma Jeane Mortensen" + ], + "answer": "Marilyn Monroe", + "answer_id": "m.04wqr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "john kennedy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:34:09", + "machine_question": "who did the public speaker which spoke about Berlin Wall have affairs with", + "question": "Who had affairs with the man who delivered the speech about the Berlin Wall?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speech_topic ns:m.017f5 . \n?c ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?y .\n?y ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.celebrity ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-334", + "webqsp_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_cf7026962ad130bd7297384520f6e43b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u0428\u0430\u0433 \u0432\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434 3D", + "Let's Dance 3", + "Sokak Dansi 3D", + "Dansul dragostei 3D", + "Step Up 3", + "Step Up 3D: I nea diastasi", + "Sexy Dance 3: The Battle 3D", + "Ela Dan\u00e7a, Eu Dan\u00e7o 3" + ], + "answer": "Step Up 3D", + "answer_id": "m.064016d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Step Up (Bailando)", + "Step up - Camino a la fama", + "Step up - Sta vimata tou pathous", + "Let's Dance", + "Music High", + "Sexy Dance" + ], + "answer": "Step Up", + "answer_id": "m.0b73wst" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Step Up 5", + "Sokis hip-hopo ritmu. Viskas arba nieko" + ], + "answer": "Step Up: All In", + "answer_id": "m.0ztfxbv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and movie that was part of the Step Up", + "question": "What Step Up movie features Alyson Stoner?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_series ns:m.0cz88zd . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2238_e9661d83f03c048fff1f0242254f4df4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New Orleans Saints", + "answer_id": "m.05g3v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:35:15", + "machine_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011 and is the sports team was founded after 1966", + "question": "What sports team was founded after 1966 and played Reggie Bush in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1966\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2238", + "webqsp_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-970_538a7b35067a537bfa6c692fab856ba0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military dictatorship", + "answer_id": "m.012qkq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military junta", + "answer_id": "m.025s5c_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary" + ], + "answer": "Parliamentary republic", + "answer_id": "m.0glnsx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "fiji", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:35:11", + "machine_question": "what type of government does the place where Fiji Hindi language is spoken have", + "question": "Find the place whwer Fiji Hindi is spoken, what form of government is used there?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.02hwsll . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-970", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government does fiji have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_5569475344ac55d71e7b1f3f8cd389c3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bryce Canyon National" + ], + "answer": "Bryce Canyon National Park", + "answer_id": "m.0cnsp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:31:32", + "machine_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah and that were established in the year 1928-02-25", + "question": "Where is there to see in Salt Lake City that was established on 02-25-1928?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f2r6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f2r6 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:protected_sites.protected_site.date_established \"1928-02-25\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1405", + "webqsp_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_72807d265bdd7db15573fb71c9501a79", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Old Ultimo Powerhouse", + "Powerhouse" + ], + "answer": "Powerhouse Museum", + "answer_id": "m.02x7mq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the exhibition venue that opened after 2008-08", + "question": "Which exhibition venue that opened in August 2008 is a tourist destination in Sydney, Australia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:exhibitions.exhibition_venue.exhibitions_at_this_venue ?c .\n?c ns:exhibitions.exhibition_run.opened_on ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"2008-08\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3327_7f152224ae2f98473815aca2e79bbb1d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Lewis and Clark County / Helena city", + "Helena, Montana" + ], + "answer": "Helena", + "answer_id": "m.0fvxg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "montana", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:25:55", + "machine_question": "what is the capital city of the state that held the United States Senate election in Montana, 2008 usa", + "question": "Which is the state capital city that held the United State Senate election in 2008, in Montana?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_district.elections ns:m.02ql4zk . \n?c ns:base.aareas.schema.administrative_area.capital ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3327", + "webqsp_question": "what is the capital city of montana usa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1362_37b0a9c287556020c9ac447078ce1e00", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richard L Scott", + "Richard Lynn Scott" + ], + "answer": "Rick Scott", + "answer_id": "m.0btx2g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:58", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the place of the fictional universe Xanth", + "question": "Who is the Governor of the fictional universe of Xanth?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.universe ns:m.018c66 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1362", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of florida" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1351_2c9888f591cdea04f631b1f473bf1578", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Honolulu, Hawaii", + "Honolulu County / Honolulu CDP", + "Honolulu CDP" + ], + "answer": "Honolulu", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh0_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:32:42", + "machine_question": "what city was that who was the speaker in 70th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy born in", + "question": "In what city was the speaker for the 70th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy born?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.event ns:m.010r041_ . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1351", + "webqsp_question": "what city was barack obama born in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_23b055b19da513d2651226356225081a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham 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+ } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:32", + "machine_question": "what form of government was practiced in sparta and in countries with combat group Anglo Portuguese Forces", + "question": "What form of government did both Sparta and the country with Anglo Portuguese Forces have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.09472)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.09472 ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ?c .\n?c ns:military.military_combatant.belongs_to_combatant_group ns:m.0631lxh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-73", + "webqsp_question": "what form of government was practiced in sparta" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_fd6bc0723ffb931d6e283f5a968e4d03", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Master Chuang", + "Chuang Tsu", + "Zhuangzi.", + "Chuang Tzu", + "Zhuangzi", + "Chuang Tse", + "Zhuang Zhou", + "Chouang-Dsi" + ], + "answer": "Zhuang Zhou", + "answer_id": "m.0164zy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tao Teh King", + "Dao De Jing" + ], + "answer": "Tao Te Ching", + "answer_id": "m.02czn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Y\u00ec J\u012bng", + "Zhouyi", + "Classic of Changes", + "Book of Changes" + ], + "answer": "I Ching", + "answer_id": "m.03ydb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Daozang", + "answer_id": "m.05blr4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "taoism", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:21", + "machine_question": "what is the holy book in the religion of which Laozi is a founding figure", + "question": "What religion has the founding father Laozi and what is the holy book of that religion called?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.founding_figures ns:m.0h9wp . \n?c ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2401_16bcc3dca8a1c20229f4341ad409bb04", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukrainian Hrivna" + ], + "answer": "Ukrainian hryvnia", + "answer_id": "m.035qkb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ukraine", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:57:19", + "machine_question": "what money is used in the place where breed Poltava originated in", + "question": "What is the currency of the country of origin for the Poltava breed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.0h0z2b . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2401", + "webqsp_question": "what money is used in ukraine" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-404_3dca701dd925679f24badbf7c4cdd016", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "drowned" + ], + "answer": "Drowning", + "answer_id": "m.01g27f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Atherosclerotic heart disease", + "Coronary disease", + "Coronary Artery disorder", + "Coronary heart disorder" + ], + "answer": "Coronary artery disease", + "answer_id": "m.01s1m" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cocaine overdose", + "answer_id": "m.02nx6jb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "whitney houston", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:05:16", + "machine_question": "what killed the actor that played the character Julia Biggs", + "question": "How did the actor die who played Julia Biggs?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0bdrx61 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-404", + "webqsp_question": "what killed whitney houston" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1223_f6e9279987679c87848dd986115327af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York Highlanders", + "Baltimore Orioles", + "Bronx Bombers", + "The Yanks", + "Yanks", + "The Pinstripers", + "The Bronx Bombers", + "The Pinstripes", + "Evil Empire", + "The Bombers", + "New York Yankees", + "Damn Yankees", + "The Bronx Zoo", + "Yankees" + ], + "answer": "New York Yankees", + "answer_id": "m.0cqt41" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "george steinbrenner", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:15:44", + "machine_question": "what teams did the subject of the film The House of Steinbrenner own", + "question": "Which team(s) were owned by the subject of the documentary 'The House of Steinbrenner'?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0dj5rqj . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team_owner.teams_owned ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1223", + "webqsp_question": "what teams did george steinbrenner own" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3507_879158d15e797aa9412c8d83f06333f1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee, CBE, CStJ", + "Cristopher Lee", + "Sir Christopher Frank Carandini Lee", + "Chris Lee", + "Chris", + "Sir Christopher Lee", + "Christopher Frank Carandini Lee" + ], + "answer": "Christopher Lee", + "answer_id": "m.0f0kz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "lord of the rings", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:01:32", + "machine_question": "who plays saruman in a film that Stephen Regelous was a crew member of", + "question": "Stephe Regelous was a crew member on a movie with a character called Saruman, who played Saurman?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 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"2017-10-26T11:00:31", + "machine_question": "what was that who was the speaker in 2012 State of the Union Address 's former occupation", + "question": "What was the former job of the person who spoke in the 2012 State of the Union Address?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.event ns:m.0hrdf6b . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1591", + "webqsp_question": "what was obama 's former occupation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1462_b50634fcb022c0a649341ed319148244", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vice President of the United States Joe Biden", + "Senator Joseph Biden", + "Joseph R. Biden, Jr.", + "Joseph Biden", + "Vice President Joe Biden", + "Big-hearted Joe", + "Sen Joseph Biden", + "Sen. Joe Biden", + "Sen Joe Biden", + "Joseph Robinette Biden", + "Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.", + "Sen. Joseph Biden", + "Senator Joe Biden" + ], + "answer": "Joe Biden", + "answer_id": "m.012gx2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:38:53", + "machine_question": "who is running for vice president with the politician that held the government position Undersecretary 2012", + "question": "Who ran as Vice President in 2012 and once held the Undersecretary position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0cq0r_ . \n?c ns:government.us_president.vice_president ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1462", + "webqsp_question": "who is running for vice president with barack obama 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_f07b2dccc5ff21182a1d76f70333afcc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City 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"St. Louis County / Hibbing city", + "Hibbing, Minnesota" + ], + "answer": "Hibbing", + "answer_id": "m.0wjjx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bob dylan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did the artist aword nominated for Down in the Flood live", + "question": "What cities have the artist that reiceved the nomination for \"Down in the flood\" live in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0tm5x3 . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_159b1f0dadaa8c0008b6387e09b68ddf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sex And The City 2" + ], + "answer": "Sex and 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"2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and is the movie that Diana Dobreva played in", + "question": "What movie featured both Liam Hemsworth and Dina Debreva?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.starring ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.actor ns:g.122qm5xv . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1079_9018dcd6c34ff89707630fa9d6e5266c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Ulster Scots dialects", + "answer_id": "m.0165vf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Cant", + "Cant", + "Irish Traveler Cant", + "Gammon", + "Sheldru", + "Shelta" + ], + "answer": "Shelta Language", + "answer_id": "m.01bx1n" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hiberno-English", + "answer_id": "m.03nyl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u30a2\u30a4\u30eb\u30e9\u30f3\u30c9\u30fb\u30b2\u30fc\u30eb\u8a9e", + "Scottish Gaelic", + "\u30a2\u30a4\u30ea\u30c3\u30b7\u30e5\u30fb\u30b2\u30fc\u30eb", + "Gaeilge", + "Erse", + "Irish Gaelic", + "Gaelic", + "\u30b2\u30fc\u30eb\u8a9e", + "Gaelic, Irish", + "Gailge", + "Gaelic, Irish Language", + "Irish language" + ], + "answer": "Irish", + "answer_id": "m.03x42" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scots" + ], + "answer": "Scots Language", + "answer_id": "m.0h407" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "irish", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:52:51", + "machine_question": "what kind of language do the ethnicity group that includes Black Irish speak", + "question": "What various dialects does the ethinic group Black Irish speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: 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(!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.04s_lpn . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2944", + "webqsp_question": "what country is barack obama from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1927_8e871cf0d6791fe1c1b27999d350356a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lyricist", + "answer_id": "m.025352" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:55:30", + "machine_question": "what did duke ellington do and was the film job of Sameer", + "question": "What was Duke Ellington's profession and also the move job of Sameer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdlj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdlj ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_job.films_with_this_crew_job ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.03wdstt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1927", + "webqsp_question": "what did duke ellington do" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1542_b4c60b12ec6afdfbfe919e251ae53d02", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom" + ], + "answer": "Monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.04szc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:02:53", + "machine_question": "what type of government did sparta greece have and in countries with combat group Anglo Portuguese Forces", + "question": "What was the form of government practiced by ancient Greek spartans and the Anglo Portuguese troops?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.09472)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.09472 ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ?c .\n?c ns:military.military_combatant.belongs_to_combatant_group ns:m.0631lxh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1542", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government did sparta greece have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_2bc1377f0b61fb7c69e9eb0272b28da0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Benin", + "answer_id": "m.0164v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guinea", + "answer_id": "m.03676" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mali", + "answer_id": "m.04v09" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Niger" + ], + "answer": "Niger", + "answer_id": "m.05cc1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Nigeria" + ], + "answer": "Nigeria", + "answer_id": "m.05cgv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "niger river", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the river that flows through Niamey flow through", + "question": "What other countries does the river that flows through Niamey flow through?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:geography.river.cities ns:m.0fqfs . \n?c ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2686_70c0441647ab0907413d6b2bb7331af3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "USD", + "$", + "US Dollar", + "US $", + "US Currency", + "US$", + "Federal Reserve Note", + "American Dollar", + "Greenback" + ], + "answer": "United States Dollar", + "answer_id": "m.09nqf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "puerto rico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:44:36", + "machine_question": "what type of currency is used in the affected area of the cyclone Hurricane Jose", + "question": "What currency is used where Hurricane Jose hit?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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.\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-310", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of money should i take to costa rica" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1688_173b9cb7d378510679e706f312c87a78", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "H", + "Hayden Christiansen", + "Den" + ], + "answer": "Hayden Christensen", + "answer_id": "m.0f276" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "episode iii", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:21:27", + "machine_question": "who was the voice of darth vader in a film that Louise Elsey was a crew member of", + "question": "Who voiced darth vader in the star wars film that had a crew member named Louise Elsey?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.other_crew ?k .\n?k ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.0bvftnj . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0f2y0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1688", + "webqsp_question": "who was the voice of darth vader in episode iii" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1418_a5c8321c7b52d544896ddf3f35c735d4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill", + "The Shat", + "Bill Shatner", + "William Shanter", + "William Schattner", + "Billy", + "Fear of Pop", + "William Alan Shatner" + ], + "answer": "William Shatner", + "answer_id": "m.084m3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek and is the person that said \"KHHHHAAAAAAAAN!\"", + "question": "Which actor shouted \"KHHHHAAAAAAAAN!\" during his movie career as Kirk in Star Trek?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0crtw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0crtw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.059xnh7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1418", + "webqsp_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_c606d81a0b9a8fe9f1a8a17239ebe8e2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and is of genere Stop motion", + "question": "What stop motion film featured Miley Cyrus?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ?c .\n?c ns:media_common.media_genre.child_genres ns:m.06qln . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-701_ad406168eb5d704325613ba50769af29", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Phins", + "The Fish", + "The Fins" + ], + "answer": "Miami Dolphins", + "answer_id": "m.04vn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:30:15", + "machine_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011 and sports team that play in Miami metropolitan area", + "question": "What team in the Miami metropolitan area was Reggie Bush on in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.location ns:m.03xpx0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-701", + "webqsp_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_b160bff20bfd8cb9e160f44dac7ce022", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Shake-speare", + "William 'Budd' Shakespeare", + "The Bard of Avon", + "Will Shakespeare", + "William Shakespare", + "Shakspere", + "England's national poet", + "The 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Shakespeare", + "Shaksper" + ], + "answer": "William Shakespeare", + "answer_id": "m.081k8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by and was nominee of the Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Musical award", + "question": "Who was the nominee of the Laurence Olivier Award for Best New Musical influenced by?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yfp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yfp ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.03hmy10 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1173", + "webqsp_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_465277909580bd5bd79e9a6bca3d7ed6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles, California, USA", + "LA", + "Los 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"answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln 1861 presidential inauguration", + "answer_id": "m.05brd51" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln 1865 presidential inauguration", + "answer_id": "m.05brd5c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "abraham lincoln", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:54:47", + "machine_question": "what date was the person to whom United States Congress dedicated his/her work inaugurated", + "question": "On what date was the president to whom the United States has dedicated its work inaugurated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:media_common.dedicatee.dedications ?k .\n?k ns:media_common.dedication.dedicated_by ns:m.07t31 . \n?c ns:base.inaugurations.inauguration_speaker.inauguration ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-324", + "webqsp_question": "what date was abraham lincoln inaugurated" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-233_6f615441e1618db48038d69b86f3eb53", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Madaglashti", + "Badakhshi", + "Farsi, Eastern", + "Eastern Farsi", + "Dari", + "Persian", + "Tajik", + "Farsi", + "Parsi", + "Afghan Persian" + ], + "answer": "Farsi, Eastern Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hwl5z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:38:01", + "machine_question": "what language people speak in afghanistan and that has initials prs", + "question": "Which language with the initials PRS is spoken by people in Afghanistan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jdd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jdd ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.iso_639_3_code \"prs\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-233", + "webqsp_question": 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ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n?x ns:book.written_work.author ns:m.01mxdv . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2306", + "webqsp_question": "what is the name of the sacred text of islam" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3517_0a780a8b810e37e07c5ad0e863bd99fe", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Black", + "answer_id": "m.019sc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cardinal", + "answer_id": "m.03wkwg" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "White", + "answer_id": "m.083jv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "arizona cardinals", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:02:44", + "machine_question": "what color are the sports team that play in Arizona uniforms", + "question": "What color are the uniforms of the sports teams that live in Arizona?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.location ns:m.0vmt . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.colors ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3517", + "webqsp_question": "what color are the arizona cardinals uniforms" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_9aa8fc6555abf1204189368908dcccb2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and that has the following genre: Thriller", + "question": "Which movie thriller did singer Rihanna have a role in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ns:m.01jfsb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_8d6e26d43e8cb345d719ed59424e5900", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The End of the World", + "The Apocalypse" + ], + "answer": "This Is the End", + "answer_id": "m.0hz4j2j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and that was released on 2013-06-03", + "question": "What movie, released on 06/03/2013, starred Rihanna?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.initial_release_date \"2013-06-03\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1472_76a82432644e6a96623bb75a4d42b0e8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\"Stone Cold\" Steve", + "Stephen Burton", + "Jack Stephen Burton" + ], + "answer": "Steve 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"answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "greenland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:44:14", + "machine_question": "what continent is the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title High Commissioner of Greenland apart of", + "question": "What continent is the governmental jurisdiction of the government with the position High Commissioner of Greenland part of?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.010r2hk2 . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mh .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1861", + "webqsp_question": "what continent is greenland apart of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-49_b61ad56cb17ab83dbe881d746857c0d3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Imam Mahdi" + ], + "answer": "Mahdi", + "answer_id": "m.019vqj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tawhid", + "answer_id": "m.01bbmp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Muhammad" + ], + "answer": "Prophets in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.024b22" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Predestination in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.025w817" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Entering Heaven alive", + "answer_id": "m.02wvcg4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Monotheism", + "answer_id": "m.04xy3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic view of angels", + "answer_id": "m.0698fs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Qiyamah", + "answer_id": "m.06rvp0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sharia", + "answer_id": "m.074hw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dajjal" + ], + "answer": "Masih ad-Dajjal", + "answer_id": "m.07bfrc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic holy books", + "answer_id": "m.07r6vw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "God 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"Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "Hennepin County / Minneapolis city" + ], + "answer": "Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and is the governmental jurisdiction that has the government position tiitle Mayor of Minneapolis", + "question": "Where under the jurisdiction of the Mayor of Minneapolis did Bob Dylan live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.0k1c1dr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1361_9aa808981a5d76aaaf6a06c087a9f2a5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mexican peso", + "answer_id": "m.012ts8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:02", + "machine_question": "what currency should take to the governmental jurisdiction that held the legislative session of the LIX Legislature of the Mexican Congress", + "question": "What is the name of the currency used in the home of the LIX Legislature of the Mexican Congress?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.legislative_sessions ns:m.090m8p . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1361", + "webqsp_question": "what currency 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"WebQTrn-2150_ddc384a9880b4ac4cca0772b4eedf416", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Belize", + "answer_id": "m.0164b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Guatemala." + ], + "answer": "Guatemala", + "answer_id": "m.0345_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 countries does the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Felipe Calder\u00c3\u00b3n border", + "question": "What three countries are bordered by the governmental jurisdiction that has an office holder named Felipe Calder\u00c3\u00b3n?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR 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Europe that includes the Holy Spirit?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\n ns:m.09b69 ns:location.location.contains ?y1 . # Eastern Europe\n ?y1 ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp . # Country\n ?y1 ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:religion.religion.deities ns:m.03qsc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-418_1a580a0b72b0806c7ed3e7560280233e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "NFL" + ], + "answer": "National Football League", + "answer_id": "m.059yj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "AFC South", + "answer_id": "m.068g_2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "AFC" + ], + "answer": "American Football Conference", + "answer_id": "m.0hh4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "indianapolis colts", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:45:28", + "machine_question": "what league are the the sports team arena stadium is Lucas Oil Stadium in", + "question": "The teams that have played in Lucas Oil Stadium have played in which leagues?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.080hb9 . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.league ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_participation.league ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-418", + "webqsp_question": "what league are the indianapolis colts in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1906_fdfd046e3b63d310e7f7bdf863ec17fc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Protestant Organizations", + "answer_id": "m.0ppgx02" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "philadelphia church of god", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:52:16", + "machine_question": "what is the the publisher of the periodical journal The Philadelphia Trumpet", + "question": "Who publishes The Philadelphia Trumpet?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.periodical_publisher.periodicals_published ?k .\n?k ns:book.periodical_publisher_period.periodical ns:m.027h5n3 . \n?c ns:base.schemastaging.non_profit_extra.classification ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1906", + "webqsp_question": "what is the philadelphia church of god" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_a119a31e4d87fe4674cac81a07c6909a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Blossom", + "answer_id": "m.02xwgb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and the tv program \"tvrage_id\" is 2835", + "question": "What tv show whose tvrage_id is 2835 did joey lawrence play on?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE 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langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.Kind_of_symbol ns:m.0fcxk . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-63_8657b5a726172fcef73dd03884b864bf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Alexander Sacha Simon Gervasi" + ], + "answer": "Sacha Gervasi", + "answer_id": "m.08f647" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and contributed to the story of the film The Terminal", + "question": "The storyline of The Terminal was enlarged by this Bush band member.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01727v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01727v ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_story_contributor.film_story_credits ns:m.0322yj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_33bed2550fdc569e9b7846bfa55d6998", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jack Smith", + "answer_id": "m.07kwmh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and is the actor that played the character The Spirit Not of Life But of Living", + "question": "What actor played the character The Spirit Not of Life But of Living influenced Andy Warhol's work?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 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ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso3166_1_alpha2 \"PY\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_17e3813a500f81d24522784dd65a2819", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The End of the World", + "The Apocalypse" + ], + "answer": "This Is the End", + "answer_id": "m.0hz4j2j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and cinematography was by Brandon Trost", + "question": "Which movie did Rihanna play in that had cinematography by Brandon Trost?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.cinematography ns:m.0j_cq0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1109_f0d6289eface83219e47f069b3ee99bf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisian dinar", + "answer_id": "m.04z4ml" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tunisia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:58:02", + "machine_question": "what is the currency used in where the currency Tunisian franc is used ", + "question": "What is the currency used in the country where the Tunisian franc is also used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_formerly_used ns:m.0b4ngs . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1109", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency used in tunisia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_49395a58e9436ac1192810054a389e92", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Shake-speare", + 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{ + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:12:29", + "machine_question": "what political system does a military combatant which was involved in the military conflict of the Battle of Kulikovo use", + "question": "What is the political system of the country which fought the Battle of Kulikovo?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:military.military_combatant.casualties ?k .\n?k ns:military.casualties.military_conflict ns:m.01975w . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1212", + "webqsp_question": "what political system does russia use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-577_755bf60e299967df7b265e22e1ac2367", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic" + ], + "answer": "Democratic republic", + "answer_id": "m.0fpgmpz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chile", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:34:45", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the location which contains the second level division Easter Island have today", + "question": "What kind of government does the area that contains the second level division of Eastern Island currently have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR 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"Taiwan", + "answer_id": "m.06f32" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bhutan", + "answer_id": "m.07bxhl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tajikistan", + "answer_id": "m.07dvs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Afganistan", + "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" + ], + "answer": "Afghanistan", + "answer_id": "m.0jdd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kirgisistan" + ], + "answer": "Kyrgyzstan", + "answer_id": "m.0jt3tjf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with the location where the film \"The Runaway Troupe of the Cartesian Theater\" takes place", + "question": "What country borders the location of the film The Runaway Troupe of the Cartesian Theater?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0xn1_v_ 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ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_alpha_3 \"AUT\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1137_2556f08f589714ccae48884d43d5641e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ill", + "Land of Lincoln", + "IL", + "IL, Ill." + ], + "answer": "Illinois", + "answer_id": "m.03v0t" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "illinois river", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:41:47", + "machine_question": "where is the the body of water under McClugage Bridge on a map", + "question": "Which state houses the body of water under McClugage 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ns:tv.tv_program.number_of_episodes \"114\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1641_54eccbe88afe9e28f5d5b0f6321dc669", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "4th & King, San Francisco" + ], + "answer": "San Francisco 4th and King Street Station", + "answer_id": "m.02r817z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "san francisco", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:15:22", + "machine_question": "what is the name of the main train station in the place that has the neighborhood Frederick Douglass Haynes Gardens", + "question": "What is the name of the main train station where Frederick Douglass Haynes Gardens is located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.place_with_neighborhoods.neighborhoods ns:m.0488tp7 . \n?c 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Walsh School of Foreign Service, main campus", + "Georgetown School of Foreign Service" + ], + "answer": "Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service", + "answer_id": "m.02ckl3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Universitas Oxoniensis", + "Oxford University" + ], + "answer": "University of Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.07tgn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Yale University, main campus", + "Yale University", + "Yale University, New Haven", + "YU", + "Yale" + ], + "answer": "University Yale", + "answer_id": "m.08815" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Georgetown", + "Georgetown University, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown University", + "answer_id": "m.0pspl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "University College, Oxford, main campus", + "Univ.", + "The Master and Fellows of the College of the Great Hall of the University of Oxford" + ], + "answer": "University College, Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.0ymf1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bill clinton", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:48:47", + "machine_question": "when did the actor that played in the film Bill Clinton: Speeches of the Presidential Years, 1993-2001 go to college", + "question": "What college did the actor that starred in the film Bill Clinton: Speeches of the Presidential Years, 1993-2001 attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0crrsw3 . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1137_4699f1594cac00e5e92a5fd4f4003c0e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ill", + "Land of Lincoln", + "IL", + "IL, Ill." + ], + "answer": "Illinois", + "answer_id": "m.03v0t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:41:47", + "machine_question": "where is the illinois river on a map and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted on 1928", + "question": "Which governmental region was incorporated in 1928 and contains the Illinois River?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0j1qb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0j1qb ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted \"1928\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1137", + "webqsp_question": "where is the illinois river on a map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3271_9d35b529d6dfa034e55c683b53f707c1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Aymara" + ], + "answer": "Aymara language", + "answer_id": "m.01y5tq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mapuche", + "Mapudungu", + "Mapudungun", + "Araucano", + "Maputongo" + ], + "answer": "Mapudungun Language", + "answer_id": "m.01zn1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Easter Island", + "Pascuense", + "Rapa Nui" + ], + "answer": "Rapa Nui Language", + "answer_id": "m.0565hv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Puquina" + ], + "answer": "Puquina Language", + "answer_id": "m.09_sxt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chilean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:16:31", + "machine_question": "what does the country where Rapa Nui Language is spoken people speak", + "question": "What other languages does the country where the Rapa Nui Language is spoken speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.0565hv . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3271", + "webqsp_question": "what does chilean people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2986_a1700dc248493a826ff7f82528cc7143", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Michigan Men's Football", + "Michigan Mens Football", + "University of Michigan Men's Football", + "Michigan Wolverines Men's Football", + "University of Michigan Wolverines Mens Football", + "University of MIchigan Mens Football", + "University of Michigan Wolverines Men's Football", + "Michigan Football", + "Michigan Wolverines Mens Football", + "Michigan Wolverines Football", + "University of Michigan Football", + "University of Michigan Wolverines Football" + ], + "answer": "Michigan Wolverines football", + "answer_id": "m.0fsb_6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:28:43", + "machine_question": "who has tom brady played for and has a Halfback on its sports team roster", + "question": "What American Football Sports 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"question": "Which leader of France in 2012 started his position most recently?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-321_e7d8b401e84db19b4965bb23aa43871d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Loglang" + ], + "answer": "Lojban", + "answer_id": "m.04gd7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:32:07", + "machine_question": "what do people in australia speak and the language is of conlang type \"Engineered language\"", + "question": "Which \"engineering language\" conlang is spoken by people in Argentina?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.conlang.conlang_type ns:m.030wpg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-321", + "webqsp_question": "what do people in australia speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1364_032c916cca3b5c56d3801748de51a72a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scotland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:22:24", + "machine_question": "what do they speak in the place that has the following courts Court of Session", + "question": "What do they speak in the place that has the following courts Session?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court_jurisdiction_area.courts ns:m.021lqk . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1364", + "webqsp_question": "what do they speak in scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1212_98439f8dd2aedbd0556385f02bcb358f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:12:29", + "machine_question": "what political system does the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Ministry of Justice use", + "question": "What political systems are used in governments that have the position title Ministry of Justice?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.0j7k_yv . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1212", + "webqsp_question": "what political system does russia use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_0a31dbd382b17f193248f8f900df82f9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen", + "answer_id": "m.02bqvs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen 2", + "answer_id": "m.066b_n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and that was producted by Ben Myron", + "question": "What movie was produced by Ben Myron and had Alyson Stoner in it?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.produced_by ns:m.051_0s0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_af362c96a2cac646e86161f0f87a1a9b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sorority Wars", + "answer_id": "m.0b6q30j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and it's genre is Television film", + "question": "What television movie starred Lucy Hale?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:media_common.netflix_title.netflix_genres ns:m.015w9s . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1386_2ed8234b05417256d0f4f079f2aec159", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Malignant neoplasm" + ], + "answer": "Cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0qcr0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:38:11", + "machine_question": "what did the artist which recorded Does He Love You? die from", + "question": "What disease did the artist who created the song \"does he love you?\" die of?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0lyghy . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1386", + "webqsp_question": "what did donna summers die from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_881de7b463be0575b80eb845b6fb3b91", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and who held the position Finance minister", + "question": "Who was the leader of both finance minister and leader of France in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.01zq91 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_5f5da3e1d4ca7df9f19ce3fdfc5790e2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American Dog", + "Piorun", + "Bolt - Ein Hund f\u00fcr alle F\u00e4lle", + "Grom", + "Blesk", + "Bolt - Un eroe a quattro zampe", + "Bolt - Pes pro kazd\u00fd pr\u00edpad", + "Bolt - Superc\u00e3o", + "Volt, star malgr\u00e9 lui", + "Volt", + "Boruto", + "\u0412\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0442", + "V\u00e4lk", + "\u0413\u0440\u044a\u043c", + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie" + ], + "answer": "Bolt", + "answer_id": "m.06fcqw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Super Rhino", + "answer_id": "m.080gfc8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and involves organization toonexplainers", + "question": "Miley Cyrus was in these two movies where her character involved organizing toonexplainers.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ?c .\n?c ns:organization.organization_sector.organizations_in_this_sector ns:m.010lbn79 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_b96b735d1d754f27bc8986b614669f7b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "france", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of the location where the film \"Amen\" takes place 2012", + "question": "Find the location of the film Amen, who was the leader of that location in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0h3ww2v . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1386_cbbfdd824f1c63e18b8f3a310d8fa115", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Malignant neoplasm" + ], + "answer": "Cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0qcr0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:38:11", + "machine_question": "what did donna summers die from and is subject of the film 50/50", + "question": "What is the subject of 50/50 and claimed Donna Summers' life?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0136p1)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0136p1 ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0cmdwwg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1386", + "webqsp_question": "what did donna summers die from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_9b68cbc89d595af6e5a7cf308e71c723", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Days of '47 Parade", + "answer_id": "m.0268k69" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:31:32", + "machine_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah and is the event that has been reocurring since 1849-07-24", + "question": "What is event in Salt Lake City, Utah has been recurring since July 24, 1849?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f2r6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f2r6 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:time.recurring_event.date_of_first_occurance \"1849-07-24\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1405", + "webqsp_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1949_9accb9133d7b8283c0c93a821cb2df86", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri House of Representatives", + "answer_id": "m.069kvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:59:12", + "machine_question": "what is the legislature of missouri called and is the governmental body with the office holder Michael Reid", + "question": "In which Missouri legislative body does Michael Reid hold office?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04ych)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04ych ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government_bodies ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_body.members ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.010hn5rh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1949", + "webqsp_question": "what is the legislature of missouri called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1462_7478e17a7cd155f218c821899d42a755", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vice President of the United States Joe Biden", + "Senator Joseph Biden", + "Joseph R. Biden, Jr.", + "Joseph Biden", + "Vice President Joe Biden", + "Big-hearted Joe", + "Sen Joseph Biden", + "Sen. Joe Biden", + "Sen Joe Biden", + "Joseph Robinette Biden", + "Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.", + "Sen. Joseph Biden", + "Senator Joe Biden" + ], + "answer": "Joe Biden", + "answer_id": "m.012gx2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:38:53", + "machine_question": "who is running for vice president with the public speaker which spoke about Education reform 2012", + "question": "Who ran as the vice president for the president who spoke about education reform in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speech_topic ns:m.02mdg . \n?c ns:government.us_president.vice_president ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1462", + "webqsp_question": "who is running for vice president with barack obama 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-174_2b77fd52015e186f7856baef38a1b747", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Valdosta State University, main campus", + "VSU", + "Valdosta State" + ], + "answer": "Valdosta State University", + "answer_id": "m.032371" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "pauley perrette", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:24:02", + "machine_question": "where did the actor that played the character Female Lover Bear go to college", + "question": "Where did Female Lover Bear actor go to college?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0t_5gz8 . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-174", + "webqsp_question": "where did pauley perrette go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1661_05a60a5e9a6d52b6f23993c4868c111f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jones", + "James Earl Boggins Jones", + "Todd" + ], + "answer": "James Earl Jones", + "answer_id": "m.0f6_x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "darth vader", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:09:22", + "machine_question": "who was the voice of that who was born in Tatooine in the original star wars movie", + "question": "Who voiced the character that was born on Tatooine in the original Star Wars movie?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.place_of_birth ns:m.0kcq0 . \n?c ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0dtfn .\n?y ns:film.performance.special_performance_type ns:m.02nsjvf .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1661", + "webqsp_question": "who was the voice of darth vader in the original star wars movie" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3319_b4835b1af41bed9fd4e77df24395dc36", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Frances Gayne", + "Baby Gumm", + "Alice Gumm", + "Gracie Gumm", + "Marie Gumm", + "Frances Gumm", + "Judy", + "Miss Show Business", + "Joots", + "Frances Ethel Gumm", + "The Garland Sisters" + ], + "answer": "Judy Garland", + "answer_id": "m.0g10g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "wizard of oz", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:24:30", + "machine_question": "who played dorothy in the film the movie that Margaret Pellegrini played in", + "question": "Who played the character Dorothy in the movie that also featured the actress Margaret Pellegrini?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.04cvc5p . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.020hj1 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3319", + "webqsp_question": "who played dorothy in the film wizard of oz" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_306f327a2508b5627dd0bec7032432b0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and a film that Dennis Sands was a crew member of", + "question": "In what movies did Miley Cyrus play, and in what film was Dennis Sands a crew member?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.other_crew ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.01wgq8g . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1982_27f6987805010183edbeba6b91a3cafd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Western art music", + "Classical" + ], + "answer": "Classical music", + "answer_id": "m.0ggq0m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T12:11:07", + "machine_question": "what type of music did vivaldi compose and that was featured in the album Epica", + "question": "Which type of music was composed by Vivaldi and featured in the album Epica?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0pth)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0pth ns:music.artist.genre ?x .\n?x ns:music.genre.albums ns:m.010rcgyt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1982", + "webqsp_question": "what type of music did vivaldi compose" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1522_40f6d578621b52925575fb300af36889", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin", + "answer_id": "m.04t22yt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Reluctant Mr. Darwin", + "answer_id": "m.04w2xy1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin", + "answer_id": "m.04w3np9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin and the Darwinian revolution", + "answer_id": "m.04wfcd6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin on Trial", + "answer_id": "m.050mcx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin and His Great Discovery", + "answer_id": "m.0fhpn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:59:37", + "machine_question": "what is the work of charles darwin and is about Biology", + "question": "What works did of Charles Darwin write on Biology?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01lwx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01lwx ns:book.book_subject.works ?x .\n?x ns:book.written_work.subjects ns:m.01540 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1522", + "webqsp_question": "what is the work of charles darwin" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-577_7f9ae201cca433d26ab1ea95fea47844", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic" + ], + "answer": "Democratic republic", + "answer_id": "m.0fpgmpz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chile", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:34:45", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the place where breed Araucana originated in have today", + "question": "Find the country the breed Araucana comes from, what form of government do they use?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.01ylwh . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2944_7478e17a7cd155f218c821899d42a755", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:28", + "machine_question": "what country is the public speaker which spoke about Education reform from", + "question": "Name the home country of the person who spoke about education reform.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speech_topic ns:m.02mdg . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2944", + "webqsp_question": "what country is barack obama from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-838_1b096044073c6c4c265c1684dcd1ce6c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:49:38", + "machine_question": "what team does cristiano ronaldo play for 2011 and is the sports team was founded in 1902-03-06", + "question": "What Soccer Team founded in 1902-03-06 did Christian Ronald play for in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02xt6q)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02xt6q ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded \"1902-03-06\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-838", + "webqsp_question": "what team does cristiano ronaldo play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_89c51d02194d74eda5e283c9766baebb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song", + "A Cinderella Story 3" + ], + "answer": "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song", + "answer_id": "m.0gky0pl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Scream 4", + "answer_id": "m.0bq4q22" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker bell 4", + "Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods", + "Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker Bell: A Winter Story" + ], + "answer": "Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings", + "answer_id": "m.0crfwmx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Killer in the Family", + "answer_id": "m.0b6q30j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Krzyk 4", + "Klyksm4s", + "Sikoly 4.", + "Ciglik 4", + "Kivili 4", + "Skrik 4", + "Vrisak 4", + "Scream 4: Next Generation", + "Tze'aka 4", + "Vr\u00edskot 4", + "\u00d6skri\u00f0 4", + "Gritos 4", + "Scre4m: Grita de Nuevo", + "\u041a\u0440\u0438\u043a 4", + "Klyksmas 4", + "P\u00e2nico 4", + "Scre4m" + ], + "answer": "Sorority Wars", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhdbl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and is the film that was released after 2008-11-18", + "question": "What film did Lucy Hale play in that was released after 2008-11-18?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"2008-11-18\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_6ae92693238298e97704cf50ade3b692", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and ended governmental position after 1864-06-30", + "question": "Which figure ended their government position after 1864-06-30 and influenced whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1864-06-30\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-300_64e031f75f99a286728db55fbc4ba6b4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Near East", + "answer_id": "m.01ffbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ottoman empire", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:58", + "machine_question": "where is the the place where Ottoman Turkish language language is spoken located", + "question": "Where do people speak Ottoman Turkish language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.02pdmn . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-300", + "webqsp_question": "where is the ottoman empire located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-827_02ed5ce4f0d0e6c1b8d15752a1be80ad", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dominion of Canada", + "Canuckistan" + ], + "answer": "Canada", + "answer_id": "m.0d060g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "justin bieber", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:41", + "machine_question": "what country does celebrities that had legal entanglement in Miami come from", + "question": "Find the celebrity that has a major legal issue in Miami, where does that celebrity come from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:celebrities.celebrity.legal_entanglements ?k .\n?k ns:celebrities.legal_entanglement.location ns:m.0f2v0 . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-827", + "webqsp_question": "what country does justin bieber come from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_0898bc733e1fc294b3b25a83bf667732", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Needle", + "Space Needle, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Space Needle", + "answer_id": "m.01k7v7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "L.C. Smith Building" + ], + "answer": "Smith Tower", + "answer_id": "m.01r0v3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Woodland Park Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.02dxmq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pike Place Market, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Pike Place Market", + "answer_id": "m.02k953" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Museum of Flight", + "answer_id": "m.02kl80" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pacific Science" + ], + "answer": "Pacific Science Center", + "answer_id": "m.02ks_p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Electric Company Georgetown Steam Plant", + "Georgetown Steam Plant, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown Steam Plant", + "answer_id": "m.02rp3lq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Aquarium", + "answer_id": "m.02xg6w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Asian Art" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Asian Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03325p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Frye Art" + ], + "answer": "Frye Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332cl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Art", + "Seattle Art Museum Downtown" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332j6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Henry Art Gallery", + "answer_id": "m.035pqt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nordic Heritage" + ], + "answer": "Nordic Heritage Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03t00j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tillicum" + ], + "answer": "Tillicum Village", + "answer_id": "m.04n53vb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Great Wheel", + "answer_id": "m.0k2k2n2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SIFF" + ], + "answer": "Seattle International Film Festival", + "answer_id": "m.0prqs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "EMP Museum", + "Experience Music Project", + "Seattle Center: Experience Music Project", + "EMP|SFM", + "Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame" + ], + "answer": "Experience Music Project Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0pxmn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Garden of Remembrance", + "answer_id": "m.0y657tp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "seattle wa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in the place in which the fictional character Gil Chesterton lived", + "question": "What fun things are there to do in the place where the fictional Gil Chesterton lived?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.characters_that_have_lived_here ns:m.0h8pn3h . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_e0133b074487245b89f042f1b8e39568", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal Republic of Germany", + "Bundesrepublik Deutschland", + "BRD", + "Deutschland" + ], + "answer": "Germany", + "answer_id": "m.0345h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and is the country thar has the airline V Bird", + "question": "What country is the home of V Bird airline and speaks german?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.contains ?c .\n?c ns:aviation.airport.hub_for ns:m.05zbq0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2282_704ab631574185f683cfbb26690adccb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Milton Ernest Rauschenberg" + ], + "answer": "Robert Rauschenberg", + "answer_id": "m.01sj_s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:42:06", + "machine_question": "what influenced roy lichtenstein artwork and was influenced by Joseph Cornell", + "question": "Who was influenced by Joseph Cornell and also influenced Roy Lichtenstein?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0gcgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0gcgd ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ns:m.01fqff . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2282", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced roy lichtenstein artwork" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_994353184107b4c2d4f79a2d7219757d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay \u2013 Part 1" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1", + "answer_id": "m.0ngvsvk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in 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"compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and a military combatant which was involved in the military conflict of the Battle of Talavera", + "question": "Which country is both an EU country and was involved in the military conflict of the Battle of Talavera?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:military.military_combatant.casualties ?c .\n?c ns:military.casualties.military_conflict ns:m.03jyvj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_59d8b3295daf039542637add629c038e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria", + "People's Democratic Republic of 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"", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:35:15", + "machine_question": "what team does reggie bush play for 2011 and was nominee of the Best Game ESPY Award award", + "question": "What team was nominated for Best Game ESPY Award and had Reggie Bush playing for it in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c 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ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0cr_h7t . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-193", + "webqsp_question": "what school did ben roethlisberger go to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-449_479207a3c858cb5f6a727da47566ff3f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Florida State", + "Florida State University, Tallahassee", + "Florida State University, main campus", + "FSU" + ], + "answer": "Florida State University", + "answer_id": "m.01jq0j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "lee corso", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:13:08", + "machine_question": "where did the topic of the image Corso on the set of College GameDay go to college", + "question": "What college did the topic of the image Corso on the set College Game Day attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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"WebQTrn-909_7b370e7ac17bdbde1f9e5b82df501d75", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did bob dylan live and is the country that has a county named Los Angeles County", + "question": "What Locality home to Bob Dylan has a jurisdiction identified as Los Angeles County?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01vrncs)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01vrncs ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.hud_county_place.county ns:m.0kpys . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1522_768d9a74377cee6cd3d866cc6312fdcf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin", + "answer_id": "m.04t22yt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Darwin conspiracy", + "answer_id": "m.04t35dh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Reluctant Mr. Darwin", + "answer_id": "m.04w2xy1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin", + "answer_id": "m.04w3np9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Who Was Charles Darwin?", + "answer_id": "m.04w6lm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin in Cyberspace", + "answer_id": "m.04w841r" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin and the Darwinian revolution", + "answer_id": "m.04wfcd6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "La Caja Negra de Darwin" + ], + "answer": "Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution", + "answer_id": "m.0502mx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin on Trial", + "answer_id": "m.050mcx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Charles Darwin: The Power of" + ], + "answer": "Charles Darwin: The Power of Place", + "answer_id": "m.05bmx95" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Survival of Charles Darwin: A Biography of a Man and an Idea", + "answer_id": "m.05bmxdr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin: A Scientific Biography", + "answer_id": "m.05bmxf0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin's Sacred Cause: How a Hatred of Slavery Shaped Darwin's Views on Human Evolution", + "answer_id": "m.05bpx4f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin: The Concise Story of an Extraordinary Man", + "answer_id": "m.05bpx8z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Tree of Life: Charles Darwin", + "answer_id": "m.066lp33" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Politics of Evolution: Morphology, Medicine, and Reform in Radical London", + "answer_id": "m.066lv1x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin: Voyaging", + "answer_id": "m.066lvpj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Darwin Loves You" + ], + "answer": "Darwin Loves You: Natural Selection and the Re-Enchantment of the World", + "answer_id": "m.066lwd0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Celebrating Evolution the Web Way", + "answer_id": "m.0b736dx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "George Canning's left buttock and the origin of species", + "answer_id": "m.0bhh_cw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin's big book", + "answer_id": "m.0bhhzsp" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin's untimely burial", + "answer_id": "m.0bhhzt5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin and His Great Discovery", + "answer_id": "m.0fhpn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "charles darwin", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:59:37", + "machine_question": "what is the work of the subject of the film The Genius of Charles Darwin", + "question": "What works were done by the subject of the film \"The Genius of Charles Darwin\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != 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program starred Joey Lawrence, and had a running time of more that 22 minutes?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.episode_running_time ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 22) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_933e3bab2d6e6a59b369d6b22d406a9d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician that end tenure after 1854", + "question": "Which politician that ended tenure after 1854 influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.to ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1854\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-63_6d9ba71e9812078e266f74784350470e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pulsford, Nigel" + ], + "answer": "Nigel Pulsford", + "answer_id": "m.01vs4vw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and who died on 1963-04-11", + "question": "What member of the band Bush died on 4-11-1963?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01727v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01727v ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.date_of_birth \"1963-04-11\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_b62496f09dd89eff37a95aae73009f4f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Trent Richardson", + "answer_id": "m.076vn8w" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Trent Richardson", + "answer_id": "m.076vn8w" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Trent Richardson", + "answer_id": "m.076vn8w" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Terrance West", + "answer_id": "m.0xnbrpw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Terrance West", + "answer_id": "m.0xnbrpw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and their roster position is Running back", + "question": "Who was the Running back drafted by the Cleveland Browns?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?c .\n?c ns:sports.sports_team_roster.position ns:m.01r3hr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-504_52eded7b20e5224eced7f0bf2186b80c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1995 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9k6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:24:21", + "machine_question": "when did the houston rockets win the championship and Orlando Magic was the championship runner up", + "question": "When did the Houston Rockets beat the Orlando Magic for the championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jmfb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jmfb ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_championship_event.runner_up ns:m.0jm4b . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-504", + "webqsp_question": "when did the houston rockets win the championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_88d975a59fb5d21dc3c0c634e37ca818", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / South Pasadena city", + "South Pasadena, California" + ], + "answer": "South Pasadena", + "answer_id": "m.0r0_5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and the location GNIS feature ID is greater than 1652699", + "question": "Where does Sam Shepard reside that has a GNIS feature ID that is greater than 1652699?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 1652699) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2926_87e0084d38db8372b243b8cb17e3d47a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "John Hinckley Jr.", + "answer_id": "m.01gfrc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ronald reagan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:22:25", + "machine_question": "who did the actor that played in the film Recognition of the Japanese Zero Fighter get shot by", + "question": "By whom was the actor who played in the film \"Recognition of the Japanese Zero Fighter\" shot?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.03gvmg3 . \n?c ns:user.dfhuynh.default_domain.assassinated_person.assassination ?y .\n?y ns:user.dfhuynh.default_domain.assassination.assassin ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2926", + "webqsp_question": "who did ronald reagan get shot by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_1bafd58654f3d2862f46da7ce57cdf2d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Seat of San Lorenzo de El Escorial" + ], + "answer": "El Escorial", + "answer_id": "m.01bc9m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in madrid and the population number is largest", + "question": "What are the best sites to see and the population in madrid?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.056_y)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.056_y ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_b9d7dbc4a2d506a9d014ff50b44f2228", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Hunger Games", + "answer_id": "m.0gkz15s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and was nominated an award with the describtion \"Katniss Everdeen\"", + "question": "What movie did Liam Hemsworth star in and was nominated for a reward for with the descriptor Katniss Everdeen?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominated_work.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.notes_description \"Katniss Everdeen\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_1b19fc1a0f9a02115594348e3cb27ceb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Centennial State", + "Colo", + "CO" + ], + "answer": "Colorado", + "answer_id": "m.01n4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:56:45", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and produce the beer Coors Light", + "question": "Where is Coors Light produced and houses Downtown Littleton?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0g8lsf)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0g8lsf ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.09ry4fb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-441_c3b00920e45b4bfd6bee4c19026aef47", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Canadian Ice Hockey Team", + "Canada National Men's Hockey Team", + "Canada Ice Hockey 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"answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scotland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:22:24", + "machine_question": "what do they speak in the place where breed Shetland Sheepdog originated in", + "question": "What is the spoken language in the place where breed Shetland Sheepdog originated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.0182yx . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1364", + "webqsp_question": "what do they speak in scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1351_8c4cd2a8dd5064dcd1e88389796138c7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Honolulu, Hawaii", + "Honolulu County / Honolulu CDP", + "Honolulu CDP" + ], + "answer": "Honolulu", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh0_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:32:42", + "machine_question": "what city was the political appointer that had the title Associate Director, White House Office of Public Liaison born in", + "question": "In what city was the person holding the office of Associate Director , White House Office of Public Liaison born?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.05pv1bt . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1351", + "webqsp_question": "what city was barack obama born in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2736_9f924908bb36bf7d331fa1b933af9f58", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Siwa", + "Siwi", + "Oasis Berber", + "Sioua", + "Zenati" + ], + "answer": "Siwi Language", + "answer_id": "m.012zfy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "High Arabic", + "Fasih", + "Modern Literary Arabic", + "Arabic, Standard", + "Al Arabiya", + "Al Fus-ha" + ], + "answer": "Modern Standard Arabic", + "answer_id": "m.025rvv7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Arabic, Egyptian Spoken", + "Lower Egypt Arabic", + "Arabic, Egyptian Spoken Language", + "Normal Egyptian Arabic", + "Massry" + ], + "answer": "Egyptian Arabic", + "answer_id": "m.02hx2cr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sa`idi", + "Upper Egypt Arabic", + "Sa\nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqn_j . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2736", + "webqsp_question": "what languages do people speak in egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-838_9d539de3db5f1699f782ae7397a7c864", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portugal Mens Football Team", + "Portugal National Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's Football Team", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Portugal National Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Soccer Team", + "Portugal's national football team", + "Selec\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Os Navegadores", + "Portugal Mens Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's National Soccer Team", + "Portugal national football", + "A Selec\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Seleccao das Quinas", + "Portugal Men's Soccer Team", + "Portugal Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Football Team", + "Portugal Soccer Team", + "The Navigators", + "Portugal Men's National Football Team" + ], + "answer": "Portugal national football team", + "answer_id": "m.02rqxc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Real Madrid C.F. in European football", + "Sociedad Madrid FC", + "Los Merengues", + "Los Vikingos", + "Royal Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid", + "Madrid Football Club", + "Real Madrid Club de F\u00fatbol", + "Los Blancos" + ], + "answer": "Real Madrid C.F.", + "answer_id": "m.06l22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cristiano ronaldo", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:49:38", + "machine_question": "what team does the subject of the film Golden Shoes play for 2011", + "question": "For what team did the subject of the film, \"Golden Shoes,\" play in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0w1rrm1 . \n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-838", + "webqsp_question": "what team does cristiano ronaldo play for 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_dece4ddacc57788e31bf70edc99f1f37", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sen John Warner", + "John W. 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John Warner", + "Senator John Warner", + "John William Warner KBE" + ], + "answer": "John Warner", + "answer_id": "m.01w8b5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and who held the position Government Position Held", + "question": "who has both been married to liz taylor and held a governmental position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:type.object.type ns:government.government_position_held . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_e84e70ef3dbddd8193b5079b2a4a6e96", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingsbury County / De Smet city", + "De Smet, South Dakota" + ], + "answer": "De Smet", + "answer_id": "m.0_r0n" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pepin, Wisconsin" + ], + "answer": "Pepin", + "answer_id": "m.01mmj7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Burr Oak, Iowa" + ], + "answer": "Burr Oak", + "answer_id": "m.0dz6k_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Walnut Grove, Minnesota", + "Redwood County / Walnut Grove city" + ], + "answer": "Walnut Grove", + "answer_id": "m.0wg6f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wright County / Mansfield city", + "Mansfield, Missouri" + ], + "answer": "Mansfield", + "answer_id": "m.0x14p" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "laura ingalls wilder", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did the author who published editions for The Long Winter (Little House) live", + "question": "Where 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is located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court_jurisdiction_area.courts ns:m.05jg_3 . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1362", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of florida" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_ea3041d859476a701c044da9d666212e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Master Chuang", + "Chuang Tsu", + "Zhuangzi.", + "Chuang Tzu", + "Zhuangzi", + "Chuang Tse", + "Zhuang Zhou", + "Chouang-Dsi" + ], + "answer": "Zhuang Zhou", + "answer_id": "m.0164zy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tao Teh King", + "Dao De Jing" + ], + "answer": "Tao Te Ching", + "answer_id": "m.02czn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Y\u00ec J\u012bng", + "Zhouyi", + "Classic of Changes", + "Book of Changes" + ], + "answer": "I Ching", + "answer_id": "m.03ydb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Daozang", + "answer_id": "m.05blr4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "taoism", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:21", + "machine_question": "what is the holy book in the religion of which Zhuang Zhou is a founding figure", + "question": "What is the religious text in the religion that Zhuang Zhou helped found?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.founding_figures ns:m.0164zy . \n?c ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_3272f2a9f26596500372a3bd2e79e456", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of South Africa", + "Republiek van Suid-Afrika" + ], + "answer": "South Africa", + "answer_id": "m.0hzlz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:09:09", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and is subject of the film Twelve Disciples of Nelson Mandela", + "question": "Which Arabic-speaking country is in the movie Twelve Disciples of Nelson Mandela?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.03m6dbn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2926_7eef3253bf4eafe45e05c66e05a2c94c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "John Hinckley Jr.", + "answer_id": "m.01gfrc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ronald reagan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:22:25", + "machine_question": "who did the political appointer that had the title U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia get shot by", + "question": "Who shot the politician who had been the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Georgia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.0459wjj . \n?c ns:user.dfhuynh.default_domain.assassinated_person.assassination ?y .\n?y ns:user.dfhuynh.default_domain.assassination.assassin ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2926", + "webqsp_question": "who did ronald reagan get shot by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-63_743f22fa42ed4ffec94a3839fc243c5f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Gavin McGregor Rossdale", + "Bush-X", + "Mr. Stefani", + "Rossdale, Gavin", + "Gavin Rosdale" + ], + "answer": "Gavin Rossdale", + "answer_id": "m.014qv7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and is the actor that played the character Balthazar", + "question": "Actor that played the role of Balthazar and is also in the band Bush?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01727v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01727v ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0c1r1cm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_66ebcb30cb499dda0744d94ac30ec4e5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "John Cahill Lawless" + ], + "answer": "Jack Lawless", + "answer_id": "m.0417yh9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The High Flier", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Joseph Jonas", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Joe", + "JJ", + "Joseph Adam Jonas", + "DJ Danger" + ], + "answer": "Joe Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04cr6qv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SOS dancer", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Paul Kevin Jonas", + "Paul Kevin Jonas II", + "Paul Jonas II", + "K2", + "the Jonas Brothers", + "Kev", + "Kevin Jonas II" + ], + "answer": "Kevin Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04d_mtq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nicholas Jonas", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Nick J.", + "Nicholas Jerry Jonas", + "Nick", + "The Jonas Brothers", + "Mr. President" + ], + "answer": "Nick Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04f7c55" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jonas brothers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:16:16", + "machine_question": "what is the artist which recorded On the Line names", + "question": "What are the names of the artists who recorded \"On the Line\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0dqvztk . \n?c ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-470", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonas brothers names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1542_5a6ff4d04a675a1faca2c42267554795", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom" + ], + "answer": "Monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.04szc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:02:53", + "machine_question": "what type of government did sparta greece have and in countries where the ruler was Manuel I of Portugal", + "question": "What type of government did both Sparta Greece and the country ruled by Manuel I of Portugal have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.09472)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.09472 ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ?c .\n?c ns:royalty.kingdom.rulers ns:m.012ck_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1542", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government did sparta greece have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1373_0e72c20ed3b2f3433a44ba4c78a4d894", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Saami, North", + "Saame", + "Northern Lappish", + "Lapp", + "Norwegian Lapp", + "Norwegian Saami", + "Northern Lapp", + "Same", + "Sami, Northern", + "Samic", + "Saami", + "Davvin", + "Northern Saami" + ], + "answer": "Saami, North Language", + "answer_id": "m.04d36l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:36:38", + "machine_question": "what language do you speak in finland and that has initials se", + "question": "What language spoken in Finland has the initials se?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02vzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02vzc ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.iso_639_1_code \"se\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1373", + "webqsp_question": "what language do you speak in finland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2936_2d9ee86b602c5e7b7a18f53ffa10f1ee", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summer", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:22:47", + "machine_question": "what type of cancer did 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"machine_question": "what is jonas brothers names and a celebritie that had a romantic relationship that ended on 2008-10", + "question": "Which Jonas brother had a romantic relationship that ended in October of 2008?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0cbm64)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0cbm64 ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?c .\n?c ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.end_date \"2008-10\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-470", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonas brothers names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2325_4eb3e7558badc841db25b30e7988d917", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ryan Rodney Reynolds", + "Champ Nightengale" + ], + "answer": "Ryan Reynolds", + "answer_id": "m.036hf4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scarlett johansson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:48:21", + "machine_question": "who did the artist aword nominated for The Perfect Score married", + "question": "Find the actress nominated for an award in The Perfect Score, who is she married to?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.04fvch . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2325", + "webqsp_question": "who did scarlett johansson married" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-63_7860f9ce045ce02c83215bb9ce0ff73e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Parsons, Dave" + ], + "answer": "Dave Parsons", + "answer_id": "m.03d_qbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and who died on 1965-07-02", + "question": "Which member of the band Bush died on July 2, 1965?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01727v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01727v ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.date_of_birth \"1965-07-02\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_6462820c85137cc68aa77506ba9d4beb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who 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ns:government.political_party_tenure.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1979\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3772_4bedefa2f2f0c2843bcf7407cd03420c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "rouble" + ], + "answer": "Russian ruble", + "answer_id": "m.01hy_q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:40:47", + "machine_question": "what do you call a military combatant which was involved in the military conflict of the Battle of Kulikovo currency", + "question": "What currency is used by the officers involved in the Battle of Kulikovo?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:military.military_combatant.casualties ?k .\n?k ns:military.casualties.military_conflict ns:m.01975w . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3772", + "webqsp_question": "what do you call russian currency" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_0df0562067ade94efd6e7fea203e0d80", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "KS", + "KA", + "Kans" + ], + "answer": "Kansas", + "answer_id": "m.0488g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and is the political district with the governmental body United States Senate", + "question": "What city did Laura Ingalls Wilder live that is the political district of US Senate?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: 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"PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0b393 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3647", + "webqsp_question": "where was adolf hitler died" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1355_e265c12ea7f5db03d7c05768cb86ec90", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u80e1\u9326\u6fe4", + "Jintao Hu", + "Hu Jin Tao", + "\u80e1\u9526\u6d9b" + ], + "answer": "Hu Jintao", + "answer_id": "m.013my_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:33:42", + "machine_question": "who runs the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named State Council of the People's Republic of China 2011", + "question": "Who governmental head of the area that has the State Council of the People's 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2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2108_50383833393ddda52ad949cebcb1877f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Heather", + "answer_id": "m.0cg926d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "avril lavigne", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:17:34", + "machine_question": "who does was nominee of the Radio Disney Music Award for Best Song to Air Guitar award play in over the hedge", + "question": "Which Radio Disney Music Award artist from Over the Hedge was nominated for Best Song to Air Guitar?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.0yq4268 . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.080_x_ .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2108", + "webqsp_question": "who does avril lavigne play in over the 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+ "answer_id": "m.05r4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and export to Egypt", + "question": "What EU countries export to Egypt?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.places_exported_to ?c .\n?c ns:location.imports_and_exports.exported_to ns:m.02k54 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_8b3ef468c109c0a212c7b36ecd69536c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kellen Boswell Winslow, Jr.", + "Shash", + "Kellen Boswell Winslow", + "Kellen Winslow" + ], + "answer": "Kellen Winslow II", + "answer_id": "m.03tt9p" + }, + 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"composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:46:20", + "machine_question": "what language do people from the location which contains the second level division Corfu speak", + "question": "Find the country that is home to second level division Corfu, what language is spoken there?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.07dlh7 . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-810", + "webqsp_question": "what language do people from greece speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1744_a2e696ac3d11b22f2a4c7038b5c3a2e2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "I taste a liquor never brewed", + "answer_id": "m.043k2cw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "\\\"Hope\\\" is the thing with feathers", + "answer_id": "m.04yjf53" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Acts of light" + ], + "answer": "Acts of Light: The World of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.05qf2j2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The complete poems of Emily Dickinson" + ], + "answer": "The complete poems", + "answer_id": "m.0bqr3k0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The letters", + "answer_id": "m.0bqr3k4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Poems", + "answer_id": "m.0bqr3k9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Success", + "answer_id": "m.0bqr3kj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Two poems", + "answer_id": "m.0bqr3km" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Emily Dickinson's open folios", + "answer_id": "m.0cr7_cw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The letters of Emily Dickinson 1845-1886", + "answer_id": "m.0cr808m" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Selected poetry of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.0cr818f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The selected poems of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.0cr82lv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Final harvest", + "answer_id": "m.0cr82xy" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Emily Dickinson's herbarium", + "answer_id": "m.0cr83_x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Letters of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.0cr837d" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The life and letters of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.0cr84sr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Unpublished poems of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.0cr86js" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Selected poems", + "answer_id": "m.0cr877f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Further poems of Emily Dickinson withheld from publication by her sister Lavinia", + "answer_id": "m.0cr898q" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bolts of melody", + "answer_id": "m.0cr89wm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "14 by Emily Dickinson, with selected criticism", + "answer_id": "m.0cr8bhj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sampler", + "answer_id": "m.0cr8cty" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New poems of Emily Dickinson", + "answer_id": "m.0cr8d46" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Selected letters", + "answer_id": "m.0cr8dz3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Letters to Dr. and Mrs. Josiah Gilbert Holland", + "answer_id": "m.0cr8pxd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Poems, 1890-1896", + "answer_id": "m.0cr8sf0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "emily dickinson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:26:44", + "machine_question": "what books did the person who wrote the lyrics for \"I Felt a Funeral\" wrote", + "question": "What other books did the author of \"I Felt a Funeral\" write?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0zrb2gn . \n?c ns:book.author.works_written ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1744", + "webqsp_question": "what books did emily dickinson wrote" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3346_e11bfab851f53e42d3a254debec4e8f0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Beach Hotel", + "answer_id": "m.027tlcs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:29:14", + "machine_question": "what are the places to see in dubai and the number of building floors is less than 163", + "question": "What is a place in Dubai to see that has less than 163 floors?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f08r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f08r ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.building.floors ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 163) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3346", + "webqsp_question": "what are the places to see in dubai" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2211_133e1781eea4a391f05a0abcb2a8cde4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "True Blood" + ], + "answer": "True Blood Season 1", + "answer_id": "m.04nvqjm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:32:19", + "machine_question": "what episode does eric northman come in and is the tv series starts from 2008-09-07", + "question": "Which television show had Eric Northman premiere on 09/07/2008?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0411sjw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0411sjw ns:tv.tv_character.appeared_in_tv_program ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.seasons ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_series_season.from \"2008-09-07\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2211", + "webqsp_question": "what episode does eric northman come in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1680_c7a3d755d33745432368dd618c44316d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "1983 World" + ], + "answer": "1983 World Series", + "answer_id": "m.046_p6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "orioles", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:15:05", + "machine_question": "when was the last time the the sports team arena stadium is Oriole Park at Camden Yards won the world series", + "question": "Find the sports team that plays in Oriole Park at Camen Yards, when did they last win a World Series?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.01x1l0 . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.end_date ?sk0 .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:datetime(?sk0))\nLIMIT 1\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1680", + "webqsp_question": "when was the last time the orioles won the world series" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3319_6435528c9c959d72d31e7ef82f0c1255", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Frances Gayne", + "Baby Gumm", + "Alice Gumm", + "Gracie Gumm", + "Marie Gumm", + "Frances Gumm", + "Judy", + "Miss Show Business", + "Joots", + "Frances Ethel Gumm", + "The 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"aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin in Cyberspace", + "answer_id": "m.04w841r" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin and the Darwinian revolution", + "answer_id": "m.04wfcd6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "La Caja Negra de Darwin" + ], + "answer": "Darwin's Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution", + "answer_id": "m.0502mx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin on Trial", + "answer_id": "m.050mcx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Charles Darwin: The Power of" + ], + "answer": "Charles Darwin: The Power of Place", + "answer_id": "m.05bmx95" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Survival of Charles Darwin: A Biography of a Man and an Idea", + "answer_id": "m.05bmxdr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin: A Scientific Biography", + "answer_id": "m.05bmxf0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin's Sacred Cause: How a Hatred of Slavery Shaped Darwin's Views on Human Evolution", + "answer_id": "m.05bpx4f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin: The Concise Story of an Extraordinary Man", + "answer_id": "m.05bpx8z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Tree of Life: Charles Darwin", + "answer_id": "m.066lp33" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Politics of Evolution: Morphology, Medicine, and Reform in Radical London", + "answer_id": "m.066lv1x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin: Voyaging", + "answer_id": "m.066lvpj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Darwin Loves You" + ], + "answer": "Darwin Loves You: Natural Selection and the Re-Enchantment of the World", + "answer_id": "m.066lwd0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Celebrating Evolution the Web Way", + "answer_id": "m.0b736dx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "George Canning's left buttock and the origin of species", + "answer_id": "m.0bhh_cw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin's big book", + "answer_id": "m.0bhhzsp" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin's untimely burial", + "answer_id": "m.0bhhzt5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin and His Great Discovery", + "answer_id": "m.0fhpn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "charles darwin", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:59:37", + "machine_question": "what is the work of the author who published editions for The Origin of Species (Enriched Classics)", + "question": "What books were published by the author of the Origin of Species (Enriched Classics)?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04v0zkt . \n?c ns:book.book_subject.works ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1522", + "webqsp_question": "what is the work of charles darwin" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_35808d5c3b6a527fc5d78d0b0fc6d27a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krzyk 4", + "Klyksm4s", + "Sikoly 4.", + "Ciglik 4", + "Kivili 4", + "Skrik 4", + "Vrisak 4", 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"WebQTrn-116_2524da6d97d4cca837bbc6ce51a54023", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.K.", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland", + "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", + "Britain", + "Great Britain", + "GBR", + "GB", + "UK", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" + ], + "answer": "United Kingdom", + "answer_id": "m.07ssc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "queen victoria", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:16:42", + "machine_question": "what countries did the political appointer that had the title Governor General of the Province of Canada reign over", + "question": "In what country did the Governor General of the Province of Canada reign as political appointer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.09bt78 . \n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.jurisdiction_of_office ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-116", + "webqsp_question": "what countries did queen victoria reign over" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1977_3bade34690f94a435d217ffbe1a726b0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portugal Mens Football Team", + "Portugal National Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's Football Team", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Portugal National Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Soccer Team", + "Portugal's national football team", + "Selec\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Os Navegadores", + "Portugal Mens Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's National Soccer Team", + "Portugal national football", + "A Selec\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Seleccao das Quinas", + "Portugal Men's Soccer Team", + "Portugal Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National 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ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded \"1914\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1977", + "webqsp_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1949_4f566ce900e51b482747270e3bc03c85", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri Senate", + "answer_id": "m.0694qd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Missouri House of Representatives", + "answer_id": "m.069kvr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:59:12", + "machine_question": "what is the legislature of missouri called and that is part of Missouri General Assembly", + "question": "What is the legislature of Missouri called that falls under the umbrella of the Missouri General Assembly?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04ych)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR 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langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:engineering.location_with_mains_power.mains_power_standards ?c .\n?c ns:engineering.mains_power.compatible_plugs ns:m.08ny25y . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3364_218697b7ef76c57b5fdd76039ba7e55b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Underland Chronicles Book Three", + "answer_id": "m.04t448_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gregor and the Code of Claw", + "answer_id": "m.04t448h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "FIRE PROOF", + "answer_id": "m.04t44bh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane", + "answer_id": "m.0dsx8l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "suzanne collins", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:33:34", + "machine_question": "what children 's books did the author who published editions for Gregor the 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"answer_id": "m.0fvxg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "montana", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:40:19", + "machine_question": "what is the capital city of the us state that has a capital named Helena usa", + "question": "Which city is the capital of the state in the US where the capital is Helena?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.us_state.capital ns:m.0fvxg . \n?c ns:base.aareas.schema.administrative_area.capital ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3327", + "webqsp_question": "what is the capital city of montana usa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2711_9be8c18e016b713cbb7f7feb6badebc7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Protestant" + ], + "answer": "Protestantism", + "answer_id": "m.05sfs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:29:44", + "machine_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe and the religion text is The Bible", + "question": "What main Eastern European religion has a religious text named The Bible?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\n ns:m.09b69 ns:location.location.contains ?y1 . # Eastern Europe\n ?y1 ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp . # Country\n ?y1 ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:religion.religion.texts ns:m.015j7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1191_453ce37eca09cc00d776ef1a90872823", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bahamian Dialect", + "Bahamas Creole English", + "Bahamian Creole English" + ], + "answer": "Bahamas Creole English Language", + "answer_id": "m.026qjbs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bahamas", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:52:48", + "machine_question": "what language do people speak in the the country capital is Nassau", + "question": "What is the language spoken in the country whose capital is Nassau?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.capital ns:m.05hcy . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1191", + "webqsp_question": "what language do people speak in the bahamas" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_517c2c9a60d4450a134b37883844d398", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Benin", + "answer_id": "m.0164v" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": 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+ "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Representative democracy", + "answer_id": "m.0drnm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "argentina", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T06:29:42", + "machine_question": "what type of government does the country that has the national anthem Argentine National Anthem have today", + "question": "The country with the National Anthem Argentine National Anthem has what type of government?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.01dlgn . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-2015", + "webqsp_question": "what type of 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"answer": "Google Buzz", + "answer_id": "m.0b6g2kz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Docs", + "Google Docs", + "Google Docs and Spreadsheets" + ], + "answer": "Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides", + "answer_id": "m.0dm258" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Samsung GT-I9020T" + ], + "answer": "Nexus S", + "answer_id": "m.0fpj3tb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Glass", + "answer_id": "m.0j7m2zm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Nexus 7", + "answer_id": "m.0k0p036" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Nexus Q", + "answer_id": "m.0k2998k" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Nexus 10", + "answer_id": "m.0nb7n8f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Maps", + "answer_id": "m.0pb8gtr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Chromecast", + "answer_id": "m.0wf0rgl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "google", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:36:33", + "machine_question": "what products and\\/or services does the education institution has a 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+ { + "aliases": [ + "Roman Catholic convert", + "Roman Catholic" + ], + "answer": "Catholicism", + "answer_id": "m.0c8wxp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:07:43", + "machine_question": "what are the major religions in uk and the religion text is The Bible", + "question": "What are the major religions in the UK that use The Bible?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.texts ns:m.015j7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-836", + "webqsp_question": "what are the major religions in uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-806_ae64704cb347aa76764b4232059b8823", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:02:16", + "machine_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located and is the country that contains Cairo Governorate", + "question": "What country that contains Cairo Governorate is where the Pyramids of Giza are located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.023syc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-806", + "webqsp_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-921_eba9c2e29a1198e8b56c2f7e4210638b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Vanderbilt University Mr. Commodore", + "answer_id": "m.05k6hxh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "vanderbilt", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:20:40", + "machine_question": "what is the organiztion leadership has a person named Nicholas S. 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ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_143c89d70679c3e5257c93d8e2bc4c67", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SC", + "Palmetto State" + ], + "answer": "South Carolina", + "answer_id": "m.06yxd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:25:17", + "machine_question": "where is usc from and the location time zone is UTC\u00e2\u0088\u009205:00", + "question": "Where is USC from with a time zone of UTC-05:00?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03tw2s)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03tw2s ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02_37z . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2674", + "webqsp_question": "where is usc from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2873_5e7f74da619ce156e47b43d581958ca8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bayamon, Puerto Rico", + "Bayam\u00f3n / Bayamon city", + "Bayam\u00f3n, Puerto Rico" + ], + "answer": "Bayam\u00f3n", + "answer_id": "m.0l_0q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hector camacho", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:49:15", + "machine_question": "where does the person notable with the medical condition Brain death live", + "question": "In which location did the person who is known for having the medical condition of brain death live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:medicine.notable_person_with_medical_condition.condition ns:m.019m0c . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x 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ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02fqwt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1632_9c58d0ae4267f35c30a044efe2298c6e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Staten Island Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.02zw2b" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:38:22", + "machine_question": "what to see in staten island new york and is the zoo that opened on 1936-06-10", + "question": "What is there to see in Staten Island, New York that is a zoo that opened on June 10,1936?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0y62n)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0y62n ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:zoos.zoo.opened \"1936-06-10\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1632", 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"machine_question": "when is the last time the the sports team owner is Mark Davis won a championship", + "question": "When was the last time the sports team owned by Mark Davis win a championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.professional_sports_team.owner_s ns:m.0hzm4gd . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.end_date ?sk0 .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:datetime(?sk0))\nLIMIT 1\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3176", + "webqsp_question": "when is the last time the raiders won a championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_b24982ea2b4382ec3cf1143dda2b32fd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kellen Boswell Winslow, Jr.", + "Shash", + "Kellen Boswell Winslow", + "Kellen Winslow" + ], + "answer": "Kellen Winslow II", + "answer_id": "m.03tt9p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + 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"composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:18:56", + "machine_question": "who did the the team has a team moscot named Chomps draft", + "question": "Who got drafted by the team with mascot named Chomps?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.team_mascot ns:m.052tm_j . \n?c ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-648_563b401a13e5a2b9bc3c9ec4bbe58962", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Asia", + "answer_id": "m.0j0k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "israel", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:51:37", + "machine_question": "what continent does the country that has the national anthem Hatikvah belong to", + "question": "What continent includes the country with the national anthem Hatikvah?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.019_d2 . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-648", + "webqsp_question": "what continent does israel belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-49_39b12d0bd9a41783eba6983878bd47a0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Imam Mahdi" + ], + "answer": "Mahdi", + "answer_id": "m.019vqj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tawhid", + "answer_id": "m.01bbmp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Muhammad" + ], + "answer": "Prophets in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.024b22" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Predestination in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.025w817" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Entering Heaven alive", + "answer_id": "m.02wvcg4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Monotheism", + "answer_id": "m.04xy3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic view of angels", + "answer_id": "m.0698fs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Qiyamah", + "answer_id": "m.06rvp0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sharia", + "answer_id": "m.074hw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dajjal" + ], + "answer": "Masih ad-Dajjal", + "answer_id": "m.07bfrc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islamic holy books", + "answer_id": "m.07r6vw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "God in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.09kb_2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "\u1e6c\u016bb\u0101", + "answer_id": "m.0hr6vbp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "islamic", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:42:18", + "machine_question": "what did the the religion text is Quran people believe in", + "question": "What religion believes in the Quran?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.texts ns:m.096tx . \n?c ns:religion.religion.beliefs ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-49", + "webqsp_question": "what did the islamic people believe in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3563_a1ef4f2b041540b3ab20c9718475297d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dry Tortugas National" + ], + "answer": "Dry Tortugas National Park", + "answer_id": "m.02zjt1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Legoland Florida, Winter Haven" + ], + "answer": "Legoland Florida", + "answer_id": "m.0b6d60t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Downey" + ], + "answer": "Downey Park", + "answer_id": "m.0dl60w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Westfield Westland" + ], + "answer": "Westland Mall", + "answer_id": "m.0n53kv5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:13:07", + "machine_question": "where to go in the location that appointed Rick Scott to govermental position for vacation", + "question": "What are some of the tourist attractions in the location where Rick Scott was appointed to the government office?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0btx2g . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_4f6b8f36a3d6bd343c713351dfa1837a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Iraq", + "answer_id": "m.0d05q4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:26:13", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and is the location that contains the city/town Sulaymaniyah", + "question": "In what location containing the city/town of Sulaymaniyah do people speak Arabic?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.contains ?c .\n?c ns:location.mailing_address.citytown ns:m.02_wp3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_9e457911e56fb0e6564dff89d6fed958", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Wild Life Sydney", + "answer_id": "m.0261k3j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:02:40", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the zoo that opened on 2006", + "question": "What's there to see in Sydney, Australia, where the zoo that opened in 2006?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:zoos.zoo.opened \"2006\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_c78405f6f2157645f1098f8a871f1bc2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "france", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:35:05", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of the location that appointed Louis-Eug\u00c3\u00a8ne Cavaignac to govermental position 2012", + "question": "Who was the leader in 2012 of the location that appointed Louis-Eug\u00c3\u00a8ne Cavaignac to governmental position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.01dsxn . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-196_3c5c2f63f32486b08ad837050bc6d6a6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Navajo", + "Navaho", + "Din\u00e9" + ], + "answer": "Navajo Language", + "answer_id": "m.017yph" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "navajo", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:55:03", + "machine_question": "what language do the religion place of worship is Rainbow Bridge National Monument people speak", + "question": "What language is spoken in the Rainbow Bridge National Monument place of worship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.places_of_worship ns:m.01ykt_ . \n?c ns:people.ethnicity.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-196", + "webqsp_question": "what language do navajo people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-418_d1070c28593ad0d9fc89f6c8b4ed0aa9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "NFL" + ], + "answer": "National Football League", + "answer_id": "m.059yj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "AFC South", + "answer_id": "m.068g_2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "AFC" + ], + "answer": "American Football Conference", + "answer_id": "m.0hh4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "indianapolis colts", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:28:26", + "machine_question": "what league are the the team won the Super Bowl XLI championship in", + "question": "In what league does the championship sports team who won Super Bowl XLI play?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.04k5qm . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.league ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_participation.league ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-418", + "webqsp_question": "what league are the indianapolis colts in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_25fe3a8b83c90579605d24520b565578", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "State of Israel" + ], + "answer": "Israel", + "answer_id": "m.03spz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:26:13", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and is the tv show Zola Levitt Presents was filmed there", + "question": "Where are people who speak Arabic from and is also the place where the tv show \"Zola Levitt Presents\" filmed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_location.tv_shows_filmed_here ns:m.07chkxq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1081_5a03977a9adf88e772806c9d6eff7955", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Iowa State University, Ames", + "Iowa State University, main campus", + "Iowa State", + "ISU" + ], + "answer": "Iowa State University", + "answer_id": "m.03v6t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:38:25", + "machine_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage and the educational institution newspaper is Iowa State Daily", + "question": "What college did George Washington attend that publishes the newspaper Iowa State Daily?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03djm)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03djm ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.educational_institution.newspaper ns:m.07llrf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1081", + "webqsp_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1011_40353d146817f5fe5dd67cb0643abe20", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:31:15", + "machine_question": "where do they speak tibetan and is the co2 emiisions per capita was once 1961 metric 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college and is the education institution has a sports team named Arkansas Razorbacks men's basketball", + "question": "Where did Derek Fisher attend university, which the education institution has a sports team called, Arkansas Razorbacks men's basketball team?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04lvwk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04lvwk ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.educational_institution.sports_teams ns:m.02qlnbd . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-577", + "webqsp_question": "where did derek fisher go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1915_2ed540621cbcd0bcda8774699532cf98", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hawaii-Aleutian Time" + ], + "answer": "Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02lctm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hawaii", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:05:48", + "machine_question": "what is time zone in the us state that has a capital named Honolulu County", + "question": "What time zone is used by the US state which includes Honolulu County?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.us_state.capital ns:m.03fb3t . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1915", + "webqsp_question": "what is time zone in hawaii" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3563_ecf74b22fdffc9655aa5128a68cb4dbd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dry Tortugas National" + ], + "answer": "Dry Tortugas National Park", + "answer_id": "m.02zjt1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Legoland Florida, Winter Haven" + ], + "answer": "Legoland Florida", + "answer_id": "m.0b6d60t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Downey" + ], + "answer": "Downey Park", + "answer_id": "m.0dl60w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Westfield Westland" + ], + "answer": "Westland Mall", + "answer_id": "m.0n53kv5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:13:07", + "machine_question": "where to go in the location that appointed Jeb Bush to govermental position for vacation", + "question": "Where do I go for vacation in the location that appointed Jeb Bush to governmental position?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.019x9z . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3563", + "webqsp_question": "where to go in florida for vacation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1351_f627c1bb9cdbcf6a029c816631a982b2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Honolulu, Hawaii", + "Honolulu County / Honolulu CDP", + "Honolulu CDP" + ], + "answer": "Honolulu", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh0_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:09:01", + "machine_question": "what city was the person education institution is Noelani Elementary School born in", + "question": "Which city is the birthplace of a person who obtained education at Noelani Elementary School?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.0265r_n . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1351", + "webqsp_question": "what city was barack obama born in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-531_1660cfe215debd2fc7d8c19b4ecb8392", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Buddhist" + ], + "answer": "Buddhism", + "answer_id": "m.092bf5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:40:46", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in australia and the religion organiztion is Soka Gakkai", + "question": "What religion with organization of Soka Gakkai is found in Australia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.organizations ns:m.017t8d . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-531", + "webqsp_question": "what religions are found in australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_8b3a06ce7029f01e8a8b5b5159eefd29", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bas\u00edlica y Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia", + "Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia", + "Basilica and Expiatory Church of the Holy Family", + "Bas\u00edlica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Fam\u00edlia" + ], + "answer": "Sagrada Fam\u00edlia", + "answer_id": "m.0g6n3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:50:39", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona and is the structure construction started in 1882", + "question": "What is a structure built in 1882 that is a place to visit in Barcelona?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f62)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f62 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.construction_started \"1882\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1178", + "webqsp_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1212_a9b18d079f29555cbd1e1740c7d6e40e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:54:36", + "machine_question": "what political system does the country that contains Krasnodar Krai use", + "question": "What form of political system does the country with Krasnodar Krai have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.02dw2c . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1212", + "webqsp_question": "what political system does russia use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-639_5ca29e3e3a095741efb40fac8a40a714", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ingolstadt, Germany" + ], + "answer": "Ingolstadt", + "answer_id": "m.01dky4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "audi", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:50:41", + "machine_question": "where do the organiztion leadership has a person named Rupert Stadler come from", + "question": "Rupert Stadler is a person in the organization that came from where?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.leadership ?k .\n?k ns:organization.leadership.person ns:m.06w83ff . \n?c ns:organization.organization.headquarters ?y .\n?y ns:location.mailing_address.citytown ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-639", + "webqsp_question": "where do audi come from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-577_a146b4445fb7b259407068b18faf0553", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic" + ], + "answer": "Democratic republic", + "answer_id": "m.0fpgmpz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chile", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:45:35", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the country that contains Magallanes y la Ant\u00c3\u00a1rtica Chilena Region have today", + "question": "Which type of government does the country that includes, Magallanes y la Ant\u00c3\u00a1rtica Chilena Region, have currently?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.01rjn3 . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1430_2010abf19410e8e84d100047767e7a24", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq", + "answer_id": "m.01j5_1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "pakistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:17:21", + "machine_question": "who was the president of the country that has the national anthem Qaumi Taranah in 1980", + "question": "In 1980, who leads the nation that uses Qaumi Taranah as the national anthem?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.029dkf . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"1980-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"1980-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1430", + "webqsp_question": "who was the president of pakistan in 1980" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-577_eb49db682cf9974e8acb43c952272f23", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Arkansas at Little Rock, main campus", + "UALR" + ], + "answer": "University of Arkansas at Little Rock", + "answer_id": "m.07dtym" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:48:04", + "machine_question": "where did derek fisher go to college and is the educational institution with the mascot The Trojan", + "question": "Which university whose mascot is The Trojan did Derek Fisher attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04lvwk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04lvwk ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ns:m.05k6f15 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-577", + "webqsp_question": "where did derek fisher go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_cdb0b92888421fa413d27d4ac0b127af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:56:19", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and is the film has a charcter named Jimmy", + "question": "What movie with a character named Jimmy was Rihanna in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.starring ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:m.05lmmnz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-806_a725d13be16116bdc37bf5dd852e35b1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:02:16", + "machine_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located and the location time zone is Eastern European Time Zone", + "question": "Where are the Pyramids of Giza located, where the time zone is in the Eastern European Time Zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.03plfd . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-806", + "webqsp_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-418_af2b17d82c312c155dde75a5ce24621d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "NFL" + ], + "answer": "National Football League", + "answer_id": "m.059yj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "AFC South", + "answer_id": "m.068g_2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "AFC" + ], + "answer": "American Football Conference", + "answer_id": "m.0hh4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "indianapolis colts", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:28:26", + "machine_question": "what league are the the sports team owner is Jim Irsay in", + "question": "What sports league does the team owned by Jim Irsay play in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.professional_sports_team.owner_s ns:m.0ff334 . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.league ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_participation.league ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-418", + "webqsp_question": "what league are the indianapolis colts in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_e27653aa9e2debbbdce047ab9b8b8915", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Centennial State", + "Colo", + "CO" + ], + "answer": "Colorado", + "answer_id": "m.01n4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:08:58", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and is the location that contains the city/town Englewood", + "question": "Where US state counts both 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+ "Walnut Grove, Minnesota", + "Redwood County / Walnut Grove city" + ], + "answer": "Walnut Grove", + "answer_id": "m.0wg6f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wright County / Mansfield city", + "Mansfield, Missouri" + ], + "answer": "Mansfield", + "answer_id": "m.0x14p" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "laura ingalls wilder", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:10:28", + "machine_question": "where did the person who once lived in Burr Oak live", + "question": "The person who used to live in Burr Oak also lived where?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?k .\n?k ns:people.place_lived.location ns:m.0dz6k_ . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2674_d7d361bd6269242aee2efa81a5f8997d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "SC", + "Palmetto State" + ], + "answer": "South Carolina", + "answer_id": "m.06yxd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Richland County / Columbia city", + "Columbia, South Carolina", + "Columbia, SC" + ], + "answer": "Columbia", + "answer_id": "m.0fv_t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "usc", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:25:17", + "machine_question": "where is the education institution has a grad student named Justin Bamberg from", + "question": "Where is the location of the college where Justin Bamberg is a grad student?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR 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for", + "question": "What jobs is the person who once resided is the Grand Duchy of Tuscany famous for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?k .\n?k ns:people.place_lived.location ns:m.0327fc . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3488", + "webqsp_question": "who is galileo galilei and what is he famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-967_f0c99f377c8b944364e85b70b9f9b331", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Ballistic trauma", + "answer_id": "m.02qnd1b" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Suicide", + "answer_id": "m.06z5s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hitler", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:28:21", + "machine_question": "what did the person education institution is Bundesrealgymnasium Linz use to kill himself", + "question": "What was the cause of death of the person who attended Bundesrealgymnasium Linz?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.01064kcx . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-967", + "webqsp_question": "what did hitler use to kill himself" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1481_922e0a76e8c7d0d4d2d163293dc84362", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Barbara A. Mikulski", + "Barbara Ann Mikulski" + ], + "answer": "Barbara Mikulski", + "answer_id": "m.0206nm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:24:54", + "machine_question": "who are the current maryland senators and held his govermental position from 1977-01-03", + "question": "Which Maryland senator help their governmental position from January 3, 1977?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04rrd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04rrd ns:government.political_district.representatives ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.07t58 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from \"1977-01-03\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1481", + "webqsp_question": "who are the current maryland senators" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-701_afaa230ae73fd90c8458e9e2a3a30e22", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Phins", + "The Fish", + "The Fins" + ], + "answer": "Miami Dolphins", + "answer_id": "m.04vn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:01:15", + "machine_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011 and the sports team owner is Serena Williams", + "question": "What team was Reggie Bush on in 2011 that is owned by Serena Williams?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.professional_sports_team.owner_s ns:m.015z4j . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-701", + "webqsp_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1108_e156bf65419139d44754fb81aa3e30b8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Yale University Handsome Dan", + "answer_id": "m.05ty1h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "yale university", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:44:43", + "machine_question": "what is the educational institution newspaper is The Yale Herald mascot", + "question": "What is the mascot of the university that has The Yale Herald as its newspaper?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.educational_institution.newspaper ns:m.0544pz . \n?c ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1108", + "webqsp_question": "what is yale university mascot" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_0652d8b1cb95848c9630860c92e38e6f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portuguese Republic" + ], + "answer": "Portugal", + "answer_id": "m.05r4w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom of Spain", + "Espa\u00f1a", + "Furija" + ], + "answer": "Spain", + "answer_id": "m.06mkj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T19:58:00", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and the location time zone is Western European Time Zone", + "question": "What EU country that is in Western European Time Zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02q_y6 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1109_f773195dd926eb242be3346d36d30593", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisian dinar", + "answer_id": "m.04z4ml" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tunisia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:44:48", + "machine_question": "what is the currency used in the country capital is Tunis", + "question": "What type of currency is used in the country with the capital named Tunis?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.capital ns:m.0ftn8 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1109", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency used in tunisia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_89e1645163df3745c09efda9f26afb69", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:35:05", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and held his govermental position from latest", + "question": "Who held his governmental position from latest and was the leader of France in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-2015_80824867f2b96381f068589249597e78", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Representative democracy", + "answer_id": "m.0drnm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "argentina", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T06:29:42", + "machine_question": "what type of government does the currency used in the country is Argentine peso have today", + "question": "Which system of government is the currency used in the country where the Argentine pesois utilized, currently have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.024nzm . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-2015", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government does argentina have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2458_6bd8e51d185b5d602ee1eb939f5714fb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "costa rica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:59:10", + "machine_question": "which continent is the country that contains Cartago Province located", + "question": "In what continent is the country that has Cartago Province located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.02p6vx . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2458", + "webqsp_question": "which continent is costa rica located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2774_1ef15e22372df70baf01b72850deb14d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New jack swing", + "answer_id": "m.021_z5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "Modern R&B" + ], + "answer": "Contemporary R&B", + "answer_id": "m.025sc50" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Disco music" + ], + "answer": "Disco", + "answer_id": "m.026z9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Motown Sound", + "answer_id": "m.02bqnt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Electronic" + ], + "answer": "Electronic music", + "answer_id": "m.02lkt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dance-pop", + "answer_id": "m.02lnbg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Adult contemporary" + ], + "answer": "Adult contemporary music", + "answer_id": "m.02vjzr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Funk music" + ], + "answer": "Funk", + "answer_id": "m.02x8m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Post Disco" + ], + "answer": "Post-disco", + "answer_id": "m.03c34yl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pop 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langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.artist.concert_tours ns:m.09x1nf . \n?c ns:music.artist.genre ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2774", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of music did michael jackson sing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1362_0140828f99d9423f910ccf28ded8780f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richard L Scott", + "Richard Lynn Scott" + ], + "answer": "Rick Scott", + "answer_id": "m.0btx2g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:12:20", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the us state that has a capital named Tallahassee", + "question": "Who is the governor of the geographic division that's a state in the US with the capital of Tallahassee?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.us_state.capital ns:m.0ftvz . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1362", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of florida" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_143c89d70679c3e5257c93d8e2bc4c67", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:32:48", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and the location time zone is UTC\u00e2\u0088\u009205:00", + "question": "Where does Sam Shepard live in the UTC-05:00 time zone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02_37z . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1575_70564f9c9bf7bfd591a1683cdb99abd4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Classroom", + "answer_id": "m.010pkp62" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Google Drive", + "GDrive", + "Drive" + ], + "answer": "Google Drive", + "answer_id": "m.03w9g0f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Apache Wave", + "Google Wave" + ], + "answer": "Apache Wave", + "answer_id": "m.064qgt0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Earth", + "answer_id": "m.06ny5h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Buzz", + "answer_id": "m.0b6g2kz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Docs", + "Google Docs", + "Google Docs and Spreadsheets" + ], + "answer": "Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides", + "answer_id": "m.0dm258" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Samsung GT-I9020T" + ], + "answer": "Nexus S", + "answer_id": "m.0fpj3tb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Glass", + "answer_id": "m.0j7m2zm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Nexus 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ns:business.company_product_relationship.consumer_product ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:business.company_product_relationship.from_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:business.company_product_relationship.from_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:business.company_product_relationship.to_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:business.company_product_relationship.to_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1575", + "webqsp_question": "what products and\\/or services does google offer customers" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2458_6137d442d446712c83821b5d4d7ce909", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "costa rica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:59:10", + "machine_question": "which continent is the currency used in the country is Costa Rican 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"question": "What are the uniform colors of the team that won the 2009 NFC Championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.0_gv20k . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.colors ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3517", + "webqsp_question": "what color are the arizona cardinals uniforms" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_88bfb61722c853e8b2b0588d4a0488cc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bulldog", + "Capote, Truman", + "Truman Garcia Capote", + "Mr. Capote", + "Truman Streckfus Persons" + ], + "answer": "Truman Capote", + "answer_id": "m.014dq7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Frank Stella", + "answer_id": "m.017b13" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Milton Ernest Rauschenberg" + ], + "answer": "Robert Rauschenberg", + "answer_id": "m.01sj_s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Touko Laaksonen", + "Tom" + ], + "answer": "Tom of Finland", + 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"webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1361", + "webqsp_question": "what currency should take to mexico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1591_91fbb9146e3addbb313ff7ead5eb51f8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "international lawyer", + "Barrister", + "Attorney", + "Counsel", + "Solicitor" + ], + "answer": "Lawyer", + "answer_id": "m.04gc2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pol\u00edtico" + ], + "answer": "Politician", + "answer_id": "m.0fj9f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Law professor", + "answer_id": "m.0fz465" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:38:20", + "machine_question": "what was the person education institution is State Elementary School Menteng 01 's former occupation", + "question": "What are the former occupations of the famous 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"PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jgd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_bc0c137250c25d1a54a2ecf2930be626", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingsbury County / De Smet city", + "De Smet, South Dakota" + ], + "answer": "De Smet", + "answer_id": "m.0_r0n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and the location GNIS feature ID is 1265178", + "question": "Which city with a GNIS feature ID of 1265178 was home to Laura Ingalls Wilder?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01bt87)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id \"1265178\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1392_17dce559f069bbd76f045192423e1ce0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:28:34", + "machine_question": "what the language spoken in indonesia and is the language found in the fictional universe Buffyverse", + "question": "What language is spoken in Indonesia that is also featured in the fictional universe the Buffyverse?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03ryn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03ryn ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.02s3gw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1392", + "webqsp_question": "what the language spoken in indonesia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_ca62465710b16274091525842f3659e6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Gimme a Break!", + "answer_id": "m.036y7h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and is the tv program has number of searson greater than 5", + "question": "What TV show that Joey Lawrence star in that had more than 5 episodes?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 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ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:book.book_subject.works ns:m.01d4gg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_c9e872cc90fbd095ba0d25b029bc6143", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Belgique", + "Belgi\u00eb", + "Kingdom of Belgium" + ], + "answer": "Belgium", + "answer_id": "m.0154j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and the ISO numeric of the country is 056", + "question": "What is the name of the country with the ISO numeric 056 where German is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric \"056\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": 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"Central Standard Time", + "Central Time", + "Central Daylight Time", + "Central Standard Time Zone" + ], + "answer": "Central Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02fqwt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "new orleans", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:38:24", + "machine_question": "what is time zone in the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Mayor of New Orleans", + "question": "If you are in the city that is led by the maoyr of New Orleans, what time zone are you in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.0k1bcnw . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2639", + "webqsp_question": "what is time zone in new orleans" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3363_544ca70538c24ebe1e52df8661e9ee98", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kingdom of Great Britain", + "answer_id": "m.014tss" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:33:33", + "machine_question": "where people speak welsh and where Robert Darcy, 4th Earl of Holderness was born", + "question": "In what birthplace of Robert Darcy, 4th Earl of Holderness do people speak Welsh?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.083tk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.083tk ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ns:m.023898 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3363", + "webqsp_question": "where people speak welsh" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-200_865f3ed511f2033860b6bfdaba4b9be5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "UC Davis", + "UCD", + "University of California, Davis Campus", + "U.C.Davis" + ], + "answer": "University of California, Davis", + "answer_id": "m.07vht" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kevjumba", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:32:09", + "machine_question": "what college did the actor that played in the film Man-Up!", + "question": "What university was attended by the actor from Man-Up!?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0ngs8qb . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:education.educational_institution.school_type ns:m.05jxkf .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-200", + "webqsp_question": "what college did kevjumba" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3645_3dfd9577aee79ae6cdf8c651481460a1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dela", + "DE", + "Del" + ], + "answer": "Delaware", + "answer_id": "m.026mj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "joe biden", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:16:43", + "machine_question": "where was the political appointer that had the title Chief Economist and Economic Policy Adviser a senator", + "question": "Which state is the United States Chief Economist and Economic Policy Adviser a senator of?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.0527k_4 . \n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.district_represented ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.048zv9l .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3645", + "webqsp_question": "where was joe biden a senator" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-970_c40c0863d2d56cc92f36bb9aac6df36f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military dictatorship", + "answer_id": "m.012qkq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military junta", + "answer_id": "m.025s5c_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary" + ], + "answer": "Parliamentary republic", + "answer_id": "m.0glnsx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "fiji", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:35:11", + "machine_question": "what type of government does the topic of the image fiji.jpg have", + "question": "What form of government is used in the location depicted in the image \"fiji.jpg\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.059hzxn . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-970", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government does fiji have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1361_60631e574fcda74eeb2d16d9b4dd8701", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mexican peso", + "answer_id": "m.012ts8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:02", + "machine_question": "what currency should take to the country where Chicomuceltec Language is spoken", + "question": "What type of money is used where Chicomuceltec is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.0czdxk . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1361", + "webqsp_question": "what currency should take to mexico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_87deda135e48fdbc80ef86a95018f5c9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort - Partie 1", + "Harry Potter va Bao Boi Tu Than: Phan 1", + "Harry Potter a Dary smrti I", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte: Parte 1", + "The Deathly Hallows", + "Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 1. del", + "Harry Potter veotzarot hamavet - helek 1", + "Harry Potter und die Heiligt\u00fcmer des Todes - Teil 1", + "Harii Pott\u00e2 to shi no hih\u00f4 part 1", + "Harry Potter ve \u00d6l\u00fcm Yadig\u00e2rlari: B\u00f6l\u00fcm 1", + "Harry Potter ja surma v\u00e4gised: Osa 1", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dsregalierne - del 1", + "Harry Potter i darovi smrti 1. dio", + "Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea I" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I", + "answer_id": "m.02pth35" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Incident on 57th Street" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", + "answer_id": "m.031778" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter si Pocalul de Foc", + "O Harry Potter kai to kypelo tis fotias", + "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The IMAX Experience", + "The Goblet of Fire", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to honoo no goburetto", + "Harry Potter i Plameni pehar", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u043a\u0443\u0431\u043e\u043a \u043e\u0433\u043d\u044f", + "Harry Potter och Den flammande b\u00e4garen", + "Harry Potter et la coupe de feu", + "Harry Potter in ognjeni kelih", + "Harry Potter og eldbikarinn", + "Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch", + "Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco", + "Harry Potter og flammernes pokal", + "Harry Potter e o C\u00e1lice de Fogo", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a t\u0171z serlege", + "Harry Potter en de vuurbeker", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00e1 casa", + "Harry Potter ja liekehtiv\u00e4 pikari", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00fd poh\u00e1r", + "Hari Poter i vatreni pehar", + "Haris Poteris ir ugnies taure", + "Harry Potter og ildbegeret", + "Harry Potter y el c\u00e1liz de fuego", + "Harry Potter ve ates kadehi", + "Harry Potter i Czara Ognia", + "Harry Potter ja tulepeeker", + "Harry Potter i el calze de foc" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", + "answer_id": "m.031786" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter und der Orden des Ph\u00f6nix", + "The Order of the Phoenix", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixuv r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter i Zakon Feniksa", + "Harry Potter ve z\u00fcmr\u00fcd\u00fcanka yoldasligi", + "Tip Top", + "Harry Potter i red Feniksa", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixov r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: The IMAX Experience", + "Harry Potter og F\u00f8nixordenen", + "Harry Potter e a Ordem da F\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a F\u0151nix rendje", + "Harii Pott\u00e2 to fushich\u00f4 no kishidan", + "Harry Potter och Fenixorden", + "Harry Potter en de orde van de Feniks", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u041e\u0440\u0434\u0435\u043d \u0424\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0430", + "Harry Potter in Feniksov red", + "Harry Potter et l'ordre du Ph\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter i l'orde del F\u00e8nix", + "Harry Potter si Ordinul Phoenix", + "Harry Potter e l'ordine della Fenice", + "Harry Potter y la orden del F\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter ja F\u00f6\u00f6niksi ordu", + "Harry Potter ja Feeniksin kilta", + "Harry Potter og F\u00f8niksordenen", + "Harry Potter e a Ordem da F\u00eanix", + "O Harry Potter kai to Tagma tou Foinika", + "Haris Poteris ir Fenikso brolija", + "\u0425\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u044a\u0440 \u0438 \u043e\u0440\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044a\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0444\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0430", + "Hari Poter I red Feniksa" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", + "answer_id": "m.031hcx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter et le Prince de sang-m\u00eal\u00e9", + "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: An IMAX 3D Experience", + "HP and the HBP", + "The Half-Blood Prince" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", + "answer_id": "m.03hxsv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 3D", + "Harry Potter i insygnia smierci: Czesc II", + "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to shi no hih\u00f4: Part 2", + "\u0425\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u044a\u0440 \u0438 \u0434\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u0441\u043c\u044a\u0440\u0442\u0442\u0430: \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442 2", + "Harry Potter und die Heiligt\u00fcmer des Todes - Teil 2", + "Hari Poter i relikviite na smrtta: 2 del", + "Harri Potter i Smertel'ni Relikviji: Chastyna 2", + "Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea II", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte - Parte 2", + "Hari Poter i Relikvije Smrti: II deo", + "\u039f \u03a7\u03ac\u03c1\u03b9 \u03a0\u03cc\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1 \u03ba\u03b1\u03b9 \u03bf\u03b9 \u039a\u03bb\u03ae\u03c1\u03bf\u03b9 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u0398\u03b1\u03bd\u03ac\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5: \u039c\u03ad\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2 2\u03bf", + "Harry Potter ja kuoleman varjelukset: osa 2", + "Harry Potter 7-2", + "Harry Potter e i doni della morte: Parte II", + "Harry Potter i darovi smrti 2. dio", + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort: 2\u00e8me partie", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte 2", + "Harry Potter 7-2 (3D)", + "Harry Potter a dary smrti II", + "Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 2. del", + "Harry Potter e as Rel\u00edquias da Morte: Parte 2", + "Harry Potter ve \u00d6l\u00fcm Yadig\u00e2rlari: B\u00f6l\u00fcm 2", + "Harry Potter ja surma v\u00e4gised: Osa 2", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a Hal\u00e1l erekly\u00e9i 2. r\u00e9sz", + "Harry Potter e os Talism\u00e3s da Morte: Parte 2", + "O Harry Potter kai oi kliroi tou Thanatou: Meros 2o", + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort - 2\u00e8me partie", + "Harry Potter a relikvie smrti: c\u00e1st 2", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dsregalierne - del 2", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte 3D (2\u00aa Parte)", + "Haris Poteris ir mirties relikvijos - 2 dalis", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte: Parte 2", + "Harry Potter veotzarot hamavet - helek 2", + "Harry Potter og dau\u00f0adj\u00e1snin - 2. hluti", + "Haeri Poteowa jugeumui seongmul - 2bu", + "\u0446\u042e\u041f\u041f\u0401 \u043e\u041d\u0420\u0420\u0415\u041f \u0420\u042e \u044f\u041b\u0415\u041f\u0420\u0415\u041a\u042d\u041c\u0401 \u043f\u0415\u041a\u0401\u0419\u0411\u0401\u00a9: \u0412\u042e\u042f\u0420\u0425\u041c\u042e 2", + "Harry Potter och d\u00f6dsrelikerna, del 2", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dstalismanene - del 2", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u0414\u0430\u0440\u044b \u0441\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0438: \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c II", + "Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian Bagian ke-2" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows \u2013 Part 2", + "answer_id": "m.0gvsynb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and that has the following genre: Fantasy", + "question": "Which Harry Potter films are considered part of the fantasy genre?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ns:m.01hmnh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2289_5d7187afd11b28ea2ea78b258cf5307a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Charlottesville city", + "Hoo-Ville", + "Charlottesville, VA", + "C-Ville", + "Charlottesville, Virginia", + "Charlottesville city / Charlottesville city" + ], + "answer": "Charlottesville", + "answer_id": "m.0mp3l" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "thomas jefferson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:43:20", + "machine_question": "what place did that who was the speaker in Thomas Jefferson 1801 presidential inauguration died", + "question": "In what location did the speaker at Thomas Jefferson's 1801 Presidential inauguration die?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.event ns:m.05brcyq . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2289", + "webqsp_question": "what place did thomas jefferson died" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-638_1d033cab9df7d8537c3ecd0da84d0be4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:20:35", + "machine_question": "what languages are there in japan and belongs to the West Germanic languages language family", + "question": "What language is a part of the west germanic fmaily and is spoken in Japan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_3d)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_3d ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.language_family ns:m.0140qt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-638", + "webqsp_question": "what languages are there in japan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_c7f8aaa570c6fcf5eea7b6b6d0a26b2c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "france", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of the topic of the image Map-of-France.jpg 2012", + "question": "WHo leads the place that is the topic of the picture \"Map-of-France.jpg 2012\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.02h7nzl . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2798_e092ba5f2adfd34acb1ff2d1629bae8e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "2004 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.07p0zz" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1990 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9rj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:05:12", + "machine_question": "what year did detroit pistons win the championship and the sports championship results were 4 - 1", + "question": "In what year did the Detroit Pistons win the sports championship where the championship results were 4-1?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jm8l)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jm8l ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_championship_event.result \"4 - 1\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2798", + "webqsp_question": "what year did detroit pistons win the championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1109_a0c1c2feded5dc5124856813e6d179a3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisian dinar", + "answer_id": "m.04z4ml" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tunisia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:58:02", + "machine_question": "what is the currency used in the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Acting President of Tunisia", + "question": "What is the currency used in the country with governmental position Acting President of Tunisia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.010ws_4m . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1109", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency used in tunisia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1915_60a10cef29995c25a7c6801089c86f20", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hawaii-Aleutian Time" + ], + "answer": "Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02lctm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hawaii", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:52:46", + "machine_question": "what is time zone in the area in which the newspaper Honolulu Record is circulated", + "question": "In what time zone is the Honolulu Record circulated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.09gh27k . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1915", + "webqsp_question": "what is time zone in hawaii" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2986_8a9fc4e45e6c67ca0562008a97c22b38", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Michigan Men's Football", + "Michigan Mens Football", + "University of Michigan Men's Football", + "Michigan Wolverines Men's Football", + "University of Michigan Wolverines Mens Football", + "University of MIchigan Mens Football", + "University of Michigan Wolverines Men's Football", + "Michigan Football", + "Michigan Wolverines Mens Football", + "Michigan Wolverines Football", + "University of Michigan Football", + "University of Michigan Wolverines Football" + ], + "answer": "Michigan Wolverines football", + "answer_id": "m.0fsb_6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:28:43", + "machine_question": "who has tom brady played for and is the sports team was founded in 1879", + "question": "What college football team was founded in 1879 and once had 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[ + "UT", + "Beehive State" + ], + "answer": "Utah", + "answer_id": "m.07srw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / South Pasadena city", + "South Pasadena, California" + ], + "answer": "South Pasadena", + "answer_id": "m.0r0_5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Duarte city", + "Duarte, California" + ], + "answer": "Duarte", + "answer_id": "m.0r06n" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Stillwater, Minnesota", + "Washington County / Stillwater city" + ], + "answer": "Stillwater", + "answer_id": "m.0wmtg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sam shepard", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does the artist aword nominated for Ruffian live", + "question": "Where does the award nominated artist of \"Ruffian\" live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) 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"what books did emily dickinson wrote and was published latest", + "question": "What was the last published book that Emily Dickinson wrote?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01509d)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01509d ns:book.author.works_written ?x .\n?x ns:book.written_work.date_of_first_publication ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1744", + "webqsp_question": "what books did emily dickinson wrote" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_856129214e541c1c597faa148d8a7e65", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sorority Wars", + "answer_id": "m.0b6q30j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and that was edited by Scot J. Kelly", + "question": "Which film in which Lucy Hale appeared was edited by Scot J. Kelly?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.edited_by ns:m.0j95j_d . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1861_6f085feb88b48e2316667ac38bf0147c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "greenland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:44:14", + "machine_question": "what continent is the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Aleqa Hammond apart of", + "question": "Which continent has Aleqa Hammond as an office holder in one of its government jurisdictions?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.0rpg_ks . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mh .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1861", + "webqsp_question": "what continent is greenland apart of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_16097e3e8de303ab0669a75b99540894", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Estadi del Futbol Club Barcelona", + "Nou Camp", + "Estadi del FC Barcelona", + "\u30ab\u30e0\u30fb\u30ce\u30a6" + ], + "answer": "Camp Nou", + "answer_id": "m.01ggjl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pla\u00e7a d'Espanya, Barcelona", + "answer_id": "m.02rm8r0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "La Rambla" + ], + "answer": "La Rambla, Barcelona", + "answer_id": "m.03q84k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Barri Gotic" + ], + "answer": "Gothic Quarter, Barcelona", + "answer_id": "m.03q89c" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Casa Vicens", + "answer_id": "m.0422md" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Montju\u00efc\u2019s Cemetery", + "Cementiri de Montju\u00efc" + ], + "answer": "Montju\u00efc Cemetery", + "answer_id": "m.04cwdhr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jardins del Laberint d'Horta", + "Labyrinth Park of Horta" + ], + "answer": "Parc del Laberint d'Horta", + "answer_id": "m.05f62w4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya", + "answer_id": "m.09lb0y" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Museu Picasso", + "answer_id": "m.0bdrf9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Arc de Triomf", + "answer_id": "m.0bjy6x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cursa de Bombers", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhyzp" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Magic Fountain of Montju\u00efc", + "answer_id": "m.0bwl_hx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art", + "answer_id": "m.0cgk4g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bas\u00edlica y Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia", + 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"2017-10-26T03:32:03", + "machine_question": "who did warren moon play for and the sports team arena stadium is CenturyLink Field", + "question": "Who did Warren Moon play for whose team's area is the CenturyLink Field?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01b0dl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01b0dl ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.01db_j . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2601", + "webqsp_question": "who did warren moon play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1441_76bd52b3dfee59f2993f408e90ccb3a0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Madrid, Spain", + "Villa de Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.056_y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:36:14", + "machine_question": "where all did picasso live and is the location in which the 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"WebQTrn-577_b352385481a660e410c383fc45d816be", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic" + ], + "answer": "Democratic republic", + "answer_id": "m.0fpgmpz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chile", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:34:45", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the area in which the newspaper Aurora de Chile is circulated have today", + "question": "The area that gets the Aurora de Chile newspaper today, has what type of government?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_undergraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"15835\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-577", + "webqsp_question": "where did derek fisher go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-324_f4a09a295875531887340bb4c3b57928", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln 1861 presidential inauguration", + "answer_id": "m.05brd51" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Second inauguration of Abraham Lincoln" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln 1865 presidential inauguration", + "answer_id": "m.05brd5c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "abraham lincoln", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:54:47", + "machine_question": "what date was the person to whom William Howard Taft dedicated his/her work inaugurated", + "question": "On which date, was the person to whom William Howard 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"2017-10-26T07:53:15", + "machine_question": "what team did the actor that played in the film Vem A\u00c3\u00ad play for in 2003", + "question": "In 2003, what team did the actor who played Vem Ai play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0y4rn1h . \n?c ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2003-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2003-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-472", + "webqsp_question": "what team did ronaldo play for in 2003" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_49a4fa77a84d5554d342487e25f1e2e2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", + "answer_id": "m.03176f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and that had a sequel named Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", + "question": "Which Harry Potter movie had a sequel named, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.sequel ns:m.031778 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1430_88deedec2509dc730005ca2efcc75cf4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq", + "answer_id": "m.01j5_1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "pakistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:44:14", + "machine_question": "who was the president of the place where breed Gull Terrier originated in in 1980", + "question": "Who was the President in 1980 of the place where the Gull Terrier breed originated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.027z5xc . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"1980-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"1980-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1430", + "webqsp_question": "who was the president of pakistan in 1980" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_75abf87bc494c1e19b18281eaf0f143e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guam", + "answer_id": "m.034tl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guam", + "answer_id": "m.034tl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "S Dak", + "Mount Rushmore State", + "SD" + ], + "answer": "South Dakota", + "answer_id": "m.06mz5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "UT", + "Beehive State" + ], + "answer": "Utah", + "answer_id": "m.07srw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and its currency is United States Dollar", + "question": "In which state, did Sam Shepard live, and its currency is the United States Dollar?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.gdp_nominal ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_money_value.currency ns:m.09nqf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_0513ae5213a4f69739cdef9e7c160e2b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de 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ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_0ac0aa0852d8c08d9b8781b0ecb4991d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Trolley Square", + "answer_id": "m.04p9dd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:31:32", + "machine_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah and is the structure opened in 1972", + "question": "What tourist attraction opened in 1972 that I should visit in Salt Lake City, Utah?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f2r6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f2r6 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened \"1972\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1405", + "webqsp_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3495_3ce332b703593e71708a5604865c5758", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary monarchy" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.01q20" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:58:02", + "machine_question": "what sort of government does canada have and in locations where Emanuel Lasker was born in", + "question": "What system of government is in place in both Canada and the birthplace of Emanuel Lasker?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ?c .\n?c ns:location.location.people_born_here ns:m.01kfm7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3495", + "webqsp_question": "what sort of government does canada have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_f4272a6e4aa7cc3f1fbbf26d5cba8ef1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The End of the World", + "The Apocalypse" + ], + "answer": "This Is the End", + "answer_id": "m.0hz4j2j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and that was directed by Seth Rogen", + "question": "What movie starring Rihanna that was directed by Seth Rogen?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.directed_by ns:m.05txrz . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_d786b5b423a999c271c275228e0eb4a8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Shake-speare", + "William 'Budd' Shakespeare", + "The Bard of Avon", + "Will Shakespeare", + "William Shakespare", + "Shakspere", + "England's national poet", + "The Bard", + "William Shaxper", + "Shaxper", + "Shakespeare", + "William Shake-speare", + "Budd", + "William Shakspere", + "William Shaksper", + "W. Shakespeare", + "Shaksper" + ], + "answer": "William Shakespeare", + "answer_id": "m.081k8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by and is the person that said \"First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers.\"", + "question": "Who is the person who said \"First thing we do, let's kill all the lawyer.\" and influenced Arthur Miller?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yfp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yfp ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.02hylgf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1173", + "webqsp_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_3a7068fa96cd9e08dc2b1dabe458c85d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Run of the House", + "answer_id": "m.026_g9w" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Blossom", + "answer_id": "m.02xwgb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Melissa & Joey", + "answer_id": "m.0b6kw6d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and the tv program episode running time is 22", + "question": "Which television programs featuring Joey Lawrence have a run time less than 22?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.episode_running_time \"22\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_b2f1907d0641001607e5bb7e9599af02", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Shake-speare", + "William 'Budd' Shakespeare", + "The Bard of Avon", + "Will Shakespeare", + "William Shakespare", + "Shakspere", + "England's national poet", + "The Bard", + "William Shaxper", + "Shaxper", + "Shakespeare", + "William Shake-speare", + "Budd", + "William Shakspere", + "William Shaksper", + "W. Shakespeare", + "Shaksper" + ], + "answer": "William Shakespeare", + "answer_id": "m.081k8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by and influenced William Godwin", + "question": "Who was Arthur Miller influenced by, that also influenced, William Godwin?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yfp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yfp ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.influenced ns:m.011zsy . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1173", + "webqsp_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-2018_57c203a4121f674f64e59c9a7ba61cc9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sailor", + "answer_id": "m.016wtf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Novelist", + "answer_id": "m.02xhgwq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Rep\u00f3rter" + ], + "answer": "Journalist", + "answer_id": "m.0d8qb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "television writer", + "Scriptwriter", + "scenarist", + "tv writer", + "script writer", + "film writer" + ], + "answer": "Screenwriter", + "answer_id": "m.0dxtg" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Essayist", + "answer_id": "m.0f1hr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jack london", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T12:20:03", + "machine_question": "what did the author who published editions for The Call of the Wild (Super Sound Buys) do for a living", + "question": "What jobs were held by the author of \"The Call of the Wild (Super Sound Buys)?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04t_80y . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-2018", + "webqsp_question": "what did jack london do for a living" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1503_050f61363cc0bbdf1c49604c292c65fa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cuban peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p2z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Chavito" + ], + "answer": "Cuban convertible peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p6c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cuba", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:58:12", + "machine_question": "what kind of currency does where the currency United States Dollar is used use", + "question": "What other currency is used in the country where the United States dollar is used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_formerly_used ns:m.09nqf . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1503", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of currency does cuba use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_52563cb3877dbd487ba8cf4e24702282", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Peru", + "answer_id": "m.016wzw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does bolivia border and in which the fictional character Paddington was born", + "question": "What country that borders Bolivia is where Paddington was born?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0165v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0165v ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.fictional_characters_born_here ns:m.0dgt9 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1508_8eeafe30df28a9fc78535b885d7a588e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University College, Oxford, main campus", + "Univ.", + "The Master and Fellows of the College of the Great Hall of the University of Oxford" + ], + "answer": "University College, Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.0ymf1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:48:47", + "machine_question": "when did bill clinton go to college and is the university that has number of undergraduates smallest", + "question": "Which college that has the smallest number of undergraduates did Bill Clinton attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0157m)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0157m ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_undergraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-936_cb67ecc7c64030b9ccbc7fa564c49334", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sha\u1e29\u1e29\u0101t", + "Baladiyat Shahhat", + "Baladiyatshahhat", + "Balad\u012byat Sha\u1e29\u1e29\u0101t" + ], + "answer": "Shahhat", + "answer_id": "m.04f_hwc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:08:37", + "machine_question": "where were greek temples built and the population number is 43376", + "question": "What location of Greek temples has a population of 43376?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\tns:m.03f34_ ns:architecture.building_function.buildings ?y .\n\t?y ns:travel.tourist_attraction.near_travel_destination ?x .?x ns:topic_server.population_number \"43376\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-936", + "webqsp_question": "where were greek temples built" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1804_2b489ba175e53ede21e46de751791829", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Bulgaria" + ], + "answer": "Bulgaria", + "answer_id": "m.015qh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:36:36", + "machine_question": "what countries are part of nato and the country calling code is largest", + "question": "Which Nato country has the largest calling code?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059dn)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059dn ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1804", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are part of nato" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-426_dba1c673c0cb44ceb17bfdc3182e37bc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:45:54", + "machine_question": "where is giza pyramids located and number of people in the country's army is greater than 672000", + "question": "In what country are the Giza Pyramids located that has an army of more than 672,000?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 672000) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-426", + "webqsp_question": "where is giza pyramids located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-504_beb5507aba5b006b3b2e0598989448c8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1995 NBA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.08x9k6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:24:21", + "machine_question": "when did the houston rockets win the championship and the sports championship results were 4 - 0", + "question": "In which championship did the Houston Rockets win 4 to 0?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jmfb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jmfb ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_championship_event.result \"4 - 0\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-504", + "webqsp_question": "when did the houston rockets win the championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2259_de33e5e91c716238ec88411e9508862f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "News Corp" + ], + "answer": "News Corporation", + "answer_id": "m.0sxdg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:38:44", + "machine_question": "what does rupert murdoch own 2012 and the organiztion founding date is 1979", + "question": "What corporate was founded in 1979 and was owned by Rupert Murdoch as of the year 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06hrk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06hrk ns:organization.organization_founder.organizations_founded ?x .\n?x ns:organization.organization.date_founded \"1979\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2259", + "webqsp_question": "what does rupert murdoch own 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1361_cda6013796133b642699b64c9bf34572", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mexican peso", + "answer_id": "m.012ts8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:02", + "machine_question": "what currency should take to the country where Santa Fe Beer Factory Luna Llena beer is made", + "question": "What currency is used in the country of origin for Santa Fe Beer Factory Luna Llena?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dq9v5 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1361", + "webqsp_question": "what currency should take to mexico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1080_1f69facb9679fb780b4743e589156f1d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "appendiceal cancer" + ], + "answer": "Appendix cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0fb2z2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "audrey hepburn", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:52:54", + "machine_question": "what cancer did the actor that played the character Jo Stockton died of", + "question": "Which type of cancer, did the actor that played the character ,Jo Stockton die of?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0b_kbd0 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:people.cause_of_death.parent_cause_of_death ns:m.0qcr0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1080", + "webqsp_question": "what cancer did audrey hepburn died of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_060135e66e84cbaa29a73145435c5457", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and is the place of the fictional universe JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", + "question": "What US state does Sam Shepard live at, and is also the place of the fictional universe JoJo's Bizarre Adventure?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.universe ns:m.0ndbcwn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_6bc9fad4dcb80815a560701dbda4b640", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician held thier governmental position since 1861-03-07", + "question": "Which politician who influenced Whitman's poetry held their governmental position since 7 March 1861?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from \"1861-03-07\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-275_2780e1fbf2035b11f11c93897dfcfe69", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u30b3\u30ed\u30f3\u30d3\u30a2\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Republic of Colombia" + ], + "answer": "Colombia", + "answer_id": "m.01ls2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shakira", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:49:18", + "machine_question": "where is she from the composer of Moscas en la Casa", + "question": "Where is the composer of \"Moscas en la Casa\" from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.02q7y4s . \n?c ns:music.artist.origin ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-275", + "webqsp_question": "where is she from shakira" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_217a71f695097c3f705bfdfe8403d606", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Needle", + "Space Needle, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Space Needle", + "answer_id": "m.01k7v7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "L.C. Smith Building" + ], + "answer": "Smith Tower", + "answer_id": "m.01r0v3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Woodland Park Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.02dxmq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pike Place Market, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Pike Place Market", + "answer_id": "m.02k953" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Museum of Flight", + "answer_id": "m.02kl80" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pacific Science" + ], + "answer": "Pacific Science Center", + "answer_id": "m.02ks_p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Electric Company Georgetown Steam Plant", + "Georgetown Steam Plant, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown Steam Plant", + "answer_id": "m.02rp3lq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Aquarium", + "answer_id": "m.02xg6w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Asian Art" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Asian Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03325p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Frye Art" + ], + "answer": "Frye Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332cl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Art", + "Seattle Art Museum Downtown" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332j6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Henry Art Gallery", + "answer_id": "m.035pqt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nordic Heritage" + ], + "answer": "Nordic Heritage Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03t00j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tillicum" + ], + "answer": "Tillicum Village", + "answer_id": "m.04n53vb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Great Wheel", + "answer_id": "m.0k2k2n2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SIFF" + ], + "answer": "Seattle International Film Festival", + "answer_id": "m.0prqs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "EMP Museum", + "Experience Music Project", + "Seattle Center: Experience Music Project", + "EMP|SFM", + "Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame" + ], + "answer": "Experience Music Project Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0pxmn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Garden of Remembrance", + "answer_id": "m.0y657tp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "seattle wa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in the place in which Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital is", + "question": "After I'm done visiting my cousin at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital, what fun things can I go see?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.contains ns:m.0bvd1b . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_f16082d151b44c67c0dbb624fb553bf2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dawlat Qa\u1e6dar", + "State of Qatar" + ], + "answer": "Bahrain", + "answer_id": "m.0697s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Djibouti" + ], + "answer": "Kuwait", + "answer_id": "m.027jk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom of Bahrain" + ], + "answer": "Djibouti", + "answer_id": "m.0161c" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Qatar", + "answer_id": "m.04gqr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Libya", + "answer_id": "m.047yc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and number of people in the country's army is less than 8000", + "question": "Which arabic speaking countries have an army of less than 8000?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 8000) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": 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"webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3346_5c32b37d479b2adcd58fef22e7e28be4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jumeirah Beach Hotel", + "answer_id": "m.027tlcs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:29:14", + "machine_question": "what are the places to see in dubai and is the structure opened earliest", + "question": "What is the earliest structure open in Dubai?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f08r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f08r ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3346", + "webqsp_question": "what are the places to see in dubai" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_e35d288a05f7dbabd7dc8d28f5f60ff2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ghost Ship" 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countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2944_b50634fcb022c0a649341ed319148244", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:28", + "machine_question": "what country is the politician that held the government position Undersecretary from", + "question": "Which country is the politician that held the government position Undersecretary from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0cq0r_ . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2944", + "webqsp_question": "what country is barack obama from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_51e8c50f168d12761b603b4e29cb43d1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Royal Palace of Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Royal Palace of Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.04m3yk" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza Mayor, Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0cd2rc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in madrid and is the structure opened before 1819-11", + "question": "What sights are there to see in Madrid that are structures that opened prior to November 1819?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.056_y)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.056_y ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1819-11\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-952_0814071ee382e8259c04cf243750411c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "alaska", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:11:14", + "machine_question": "what country does the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Alaska Senate belong to", + "question": "To what country does the governmental jurisdiction that includes a governmental body called Alaska Senate belong?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.043gp3 . \n?c ns:base.biblioness.bibs_location.country ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-952", + "webqsp_question": "what country does alaska belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-701_2ac4bc3e98b8d66ef48fbd643527e3a0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Phins", + "The Fish", + "The Fins" + ], + "answer": "Miami Dolphins", + "answer_id": "m.04vn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:30:15", + "machine_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011 and has a Offensive right tackle on its sports team roster", + "question": "What sports team did Reggie Bush play on in 2011 and has an Offensive Right Tackle on its roster?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.roster ?c .\n?c ns:sports.sports_team_roster.position ns:m.06v_1ms . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-701", + "webqsp_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2525_964ca7047fbca61eb2298a7f43238a9e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Gettysburg College, main campus", + "Gettysburg" + ], + "answer": "Gettysburg College", + "answer_id": "m.02hft3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:14:46", + "machine_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college and the organiztion founding date is earliest", + "question": "What college with the earliest founding date did Jerry Spinelli attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05djw1)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05djw1 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:organization.organization.date_founded ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2525", + "webqsp_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1638_e79db8cf0dd38b581783d2edbea0e2d7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Francais", + "Fran\u00e7ais", + "French", + "French language" + ], + "answer": "French", + "answer_id": "m.064_8sq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:08:03", + "machine_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in belgium and is the language found in the fictional universe Boowa & Kwala", + "question": "What language is spoken in Belgium and in the fictional universe Boowa & Kwala?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0154j)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0154j ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.0crsqqq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1638", + "webqsp_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in belgium" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1101_9ad09040a8f87a2abeca21f7311fd71e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Civil rights activist", + "answer_id": "m.010b8yqs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pastor", + "answer_id": "m.01fhsb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Religious minister", + "Minister of religion" + ], + "answer": "Minister", + "answer_id": "m.0377kt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Humanitarian", + "answer_id": "m.065qmpf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Clergy", + "answer_id": "m.0db79" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "martin luther king jr", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:33:54", + "machine_question": "who is the artist which recorded Freedom Dub facts", + "question": "Who recorded \"Freedom Dub Facts\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.016bsl4 . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1101", + "webqsp_question": "who is martin luther king jr facts" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1392_58e9566abd822ef6687a4e1a0a22926c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English 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"answer_id": "m.06bbbt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:22:36", + "machine_question": "who is the place where breed Chihuahua originated in 's president right now 2011", + "question": "Who was the President in 2011 of the place where the Chihuahua breed originated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.0khhs . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3681", + "webqsp_question": "who is mexico 's president right now 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_a92892a2022d6b8b59634c93f20c80dc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Guam", + "answer_id": "m.034tl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and the population number is 101846", + "question": "In which territory, did Sam Shepard live in, where the population is 101,846?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number \"101846\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-270_bedca5dd05ad5ab7a102072e28f15864", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary monarchy" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.01q20" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:24:01", + "machine_question": "what kind of monarchy does japan have and is the form of government of Austria-Hungary", + "question": "What form of monarchy was practiced both in Japan and Austria-Hungary?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_3d)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_3d ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ns:m.012m_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-270", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of monarchy does japan have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-648_85631890191901f9022880d7eaab329f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Asia", + "answer_id": "m.0j0k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "israel", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:43:36", + "machine_question": "what continent does the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Minister of Justice of Israel belong to", + "question": "On which continent is the government with the title \"Minister of Justice of Israel\" located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.04h0n_q . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-648", + "webqsp_question": "what continent does israel belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1050_0086d2537f89176e0be67746d2047d84", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Megan Griffin", + "Meg Griffin as the Sarlacc" + ], + "answer": "Meg Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.035szd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "family guy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:22:26", + "machine_question": "who does mila kunis play on the program that has the multipart episodes Stewie Kills Lois and Lois Kills Stewie", + "question": "Who does Mila Kunis play in the tv show that has the episodes \"Stewie Kills Lois\" and \"Lois Kills Stewie\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE 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Georgia" + ], + "answer": "Azerbaijan", + "answer_id": "m.0d0kn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", + "DPRK" + ], + "answer": "Mongolia", + "answer_id": "m.05b7q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Belarus", + "Respublika Belarus\u2019", + "Bellarussiya", + "Bielaru\u015b" + ], + "answer": "North Korea", + "answer_id": "m.0163v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Azerbaijan", + "Az\u0259rbaycan Respublikas\u0131" + ], + "answer": "Belarus", + "answer_id": "m.0jhd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and the country calling code is greater than 372", + "question": "What countries bordering Russia that have the calling code greater than 372?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 372) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-786_a5e8cc9b319418cd67b7dc489491392f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Tahyna Valentina Tozzi", + "Tahyna Tozzi-MacManus" + ], + "answer": "Tahyna Tozzi", + "answer_id": "m.0fs1sc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:58:37", + "machine_question": "who played emma frost and is the actor that played in the film Julia", + "question": "What actress is noth in the film Juia and also played Emma Frost?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.033pl2)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.033pl2 ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0123kb9v . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-786", + "webqsp_question": "who played emma frost" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3287_d1fd336627f355fff4c94a7e8148706e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Swedish krona", + "answer_id": "m.0485n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sweden", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:17:44", + "machine_question": "what is the currency of the country where Falcon beer is made called", + "question": "What's the currency called, of the country where Falcon beer is produced ?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqg01 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3287", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency of sweden called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1362_826423d37d41eab28018360bdb9d3a7b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richard L Scott", + "Richard Lynn Scott" + ], + "answer": "Rick Scott", + "answer_id": "m.0btx2g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:58", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the state that held the United States Senate election in Florida, 2010", + "question": "What politican is the governor of the state that has a race for the Florida senate in 2010?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_district.elections ns:m.0521sch . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1362", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of florida" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_20de5cfcf4e048ed047b5ba8e5f9057b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and that was producted by Brian Goldner", + "question": "Which movie produced by Brian Goldner did Rihanna 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+ { + "aliases": [ + "Bharat Ganrajya", + "Hindustan", + "Bharat", + "Republic of India", + "The Republic of India" + ], + "answer": "India", + "answer_id": "m.03rk0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lao People's Democratic Republic", + "\ub77c\uc624\uc2a4" + ], + "answer": "Laos", + "answer_id": "m.04hhv" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mongolia", + "answer_id": "m.04w8f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Burma", + "\u30df\u30e3\u30f3\u30de\u30fc\u9023\u90a6\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Myanmar (Burma)", + "Republic of the Union of Myanmar" + ], + "answer": "Myanmar", + "answer_id": "m.04xn_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", + "DPRK" + ], + "answer": "North Korea", + "answer_id": "m.05b7q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federation of Pakistan", + "Islamic Republic of Pakistan" + ], + "answer": "Pakistan", + "answer_id": "m.05sb1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Russian Federation", + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u044f" + ], + "answer": "Russia", + "answer_id": "m.06bnz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "ROC", + "Chinese Taipei", + "Taiwan, Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "Taiwan", + "answer_id": "m.06f32" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bhutan", + "answer_id": "m.07bxhl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tajikistan", + "answer_id": "m.07dvs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Afganistan", + "Islamic Republic of Afghanistan" + ], + "answer": "Afghanistan", + "answer_id": "m.0jdd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kirgisistan" + ], + "answer": "Kyrgyzstan", + "answer_id": "m.0jt3tjf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named State Council of the People's Republic of China", + "question": "What countries border the nation where the State Council of the People's Republic 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"What Kenosha language dialects that is spoken in the UK?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.where_spoken ns:m.02h98sm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3439", + "webqsp_question": "what dialects are spoken in the uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_774800570524cfa60e44ba5d6c56a02c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension", + "Phineas e Ferb: Atrav\u00e9s da 2\u00aa Dimens\u00e3o", + "Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension in Fabulous 2D", + "Disney Phineas und Ferb der Film - Quer durch die 2. Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension - In Fabulous 2D", + "Phineas y Ferb: A trav\u00e9s de la 2\u00aa Dimensi\u00f3n" + ], + "answer": "Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "answer_id": "m.0bh9n8g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and that was producted by the company Walt Disney Pictures", + "question": "What movie starring Alyson Stoner that was produced by Walt Disney Pictures?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.production_companies ns:m.01795t . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-2015_3f52b9fe00f821ebd9b7bd11ae80fd09", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Representative democracy", + "answer_id": "m.0drnm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "argentina", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T12:19:39", + "machine_question": "what type of government does the location where the film \"The Motorcycle Diaries\" takes place have today", + "question": "Regarding the country where \"The Motorcycle Diaries\" was filmed, what kind of government rules there today?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.03q8xj . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-2015", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government does argentina have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_5fbe7f62843a853a5dbb8da936270cfc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "A bostonian", + "Henri Le Rennet", + "Edgar Allan Po\u00eb", + "Edgar Allen Poe", + "Edgar Poe", + "Edgar A. Perry", + "Edgar A. Po\u00eb", + "E.A. Poe", + "Poe", + "Edgar A. Poe" + ], + "answer": "Edgar Allan Poe", + "answer_id": "m.02lt8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "G.W.F. Hegel", + "G W F Hegel", + "Hegel", + "G. W. F. Hegel" + ], + "answer": "Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel", + "answer_id": "m.039n1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "O.FO.F.W.W.", + "Wilde Oscar", + "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde", + "Oskar Uayld", + "Wills Wilde", + "Osc\u00e0r", + "Grey Crow", + "The infamous St. Oscar of Oxford", + "Sebastian Melmoth", + "Oscar Wilde ", + "C.3.3.", + "Fingal O'Flahertie Wills", + "Oscar O'Flahertie Wills Wilde" + ], + "answer": "Oscar Wilde", + "answer_id": "m.05np2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Waldo Emerson Ralph", + "Waldo Ralph Emerson" + ], + "answer": "Ralph Waldo Emerson", + "answer_id": "m.06jkm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Jedediah Cleishbotham", + "Malachi Malagrowther", + "Scott, Sir Walter" + ], + "answer": "Walter Scott", + "answer_id": "m.06y8v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Henry Thoreau", + "Thoreau, Henry David", + "Thoreau" + ], + "answer": "Henry David Thoreau", + "answer_id": "m.0bwx3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "whitman", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced the author who published editions for Song of myself 's poetry", + "question": "Who influenced the author of Song of myself's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04v5zvj . \n?c ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_6a539428bbc2156f7dfa5599bc76b554", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and has a religious organization leadership since 1995-07", + "question": "What country has been run by a religious organization since 1995-07 and borders the country of Slovakia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.start_date 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"answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Swedish krona", + "answer_id": "m.0485n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sweden", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:17:44", + "machine_question": "what is the currency of the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Politics of Sweden called", + "question": "What is the currency of the place that has a governmental body called the Politics of Sweden?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.06p0_ . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3287", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency of sweden called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-775_263c00ebe2943dc50195dcc0c42c646c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "St Mary's, Christ Church", + "t'owd church", + "The Cathedral and Collegiate Church of St Mary, St Denys and St George in Manchester" + ], + "answer": "Manchester Cathedral", + "answer_id": "m.041xlb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:39:48", + "machine_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids and is the structure opened in 1215", + "question": "What structure that opened in 1215 would be a great place to take my kids to this weekend in Manchester?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.052bw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.052bw ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened \"1215\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-775", + "webqsp_question": "what to do this weekend in manchester with kids" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1441_ab7950cab6c0ff35ce9aa6b41d98c2db", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "l'Hexagone", + "R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise", + "French Republic" + ], + "answer": "France", + "answer_id": "m.0f8l9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:36:14", + "machine_question": "where all did picasso live and is the governmental jurisdiction that held the legislative session of the First Valls Government", + "question": "Which country in which Picasso lived held the First Valls Government?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.060_7)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.060_7 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.legislative_sessions ns:m.0105s275 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1441", + "webqsp_question": "where all did picasso live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1565_9097e30ada20504913aa8682a1e23dd3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ithaca Tompkins Airport" + ], + "answer": "Ithaca Tompkins Regional Airport", + "answer_id": "m.01vs0p" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ithaca ny", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:05:56", + "machine_question": "what airport is closest to the area in which the newspaper The Cornell Progressive is circulated", + "question": "Which airport is closest to the location in which the newspaper The Cornell Progressive is circulated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.080vmq . \n?c ns:location.location.nearby_airports ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1565", + "webqsp_question": "what airport is closest to ithaca ny" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3681_8e88857e3061933d421a673cdfbdb52f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Felipe Calderon", + "Felipe de Jes\u00fas Calder\u00f3n Hinojosa", + "President Felipe Calderon" + ], + "answer": "Felipe Calder\u00f3n", + "answer_id": "m.06bbbt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:22:36", + "machine_question": "who is the affected area of the cyclone Hurricane Frank 's president right now 2011", + "question": "Who was the president in 2011 in the area affect by Hurricane Frank?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:meteorology.cyclone_affected_area.cyclones ns:m.0gx2l4d . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3681", + "webqsp_question": "who is mexico 's president right now 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_5de3e359a7c24f01518702a711ee08f3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jordan", + "answer_id": "m.03__y" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jordan", + "answer_id": "m.03__y" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "State of Israel" + ], + "answer": "Israel", + "answer_id": "m.03spz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "State of Israel" + ], + "answer": "Israel", + "answer_id": "m.03spz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Syrian Arab Republic" + ], + "answer": "Syria", + "answer_id": "m.06vbd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Syrian Arab Republic" + ], + "answer": "Syria", + "answer_id": "m.06vbd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Iraq", + "answer_id": "m.0d05q4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Iraq", + "answer_id": "m.0d05q4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:09:09", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and a military combatant which was involved in the military conflict of the Six-Day War", + "question": "What people speak Arabic that were also military combatants involved in the Six-Day War?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:military.military_combatant.casualties ?c .\n?c ns:military.casualties.military_conflict ns:m.0784z . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-677_6dec72f9a5cbae4b41f20a200489f1f3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Banjo", + "answer_id": "m.018j2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Contrabass" + ], + "answer": "Bass guitar", + "answer_id": "m.018vs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Harmonica", + "answer_id": "m.03qjg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saxophone player" + ], + "answer": "Saxophone", + "answer_id": "m.06ncr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "traverso flute", + "querfl\u00f6te", + "flute traversi\u00e8re", + "flute" + ], + "answer": "Flute", + "answer_id": "m.0l14j_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "percussion", + "Percussion instruments", + "Percussion instrument" + ], + "answer": "Percussion", + "answer_id": "m.0l14md" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bela fleck", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:49:10", + "machine_question": "what instrument does the artist aword nominated for The Sinister Minister play", + "question": "What instrument does the artist nominated for \"The Sinister Minister\" play?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0lzdv6 . \n?c ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.role ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-677", + "webqsp_question": "what instrument does bela fleck play" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_f2a741d10794101312151cd128f1f824", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and number of people in the country's army is largest", + "question": "What country with the largest army borders Slovakia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2986_8831fa927e5987c6b04f89c12e059f9a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pats", + "The Patsies" + ], + "answer": "New England Patriots", + "answer_id": "m.05g3b" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:28:43", + "machine_question": "who has tom brady played for and is the sports team was founded after 1879", + "question": "For which sports team founded after 1879 has Tom Brady played?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xyt7)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xyt7 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1879\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2986", + "webqsp_question": "who has tom brady played for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1638_62c02cbade573589cf6451ac08d03b2b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Nederlandse taal", + "Nederlands", + "Hollands", + "Dutch" + ], + "answer": "Dutch Language", + "answer_id": "m.02bv9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "German, Standard Language", + "Deutsch", + "German", + "Tedesco", + "High German", + "Hochdeutsch", + "German, Standard" + ], + "answer": "German Language", + "answer_id": "m.04306rv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Francais", + "Fran\u00e7ais", + "French", + "French language" + ], + "answer": "French", + "answer_id": "m.064_8sq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "belgium", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:08:03", + "machine_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in the country where Picard Language is spoken", + "question": "What are the official languages of the country where Picard is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.02drlb . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1638", + "webqsp_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in belgium" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2774_e595ba67e0bbe9c9a5371cdd8b9f29e2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New jack swing", + "answer_id": "m.021_z5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "Modern R&B" + ], + "answer": "Contemporary R&B", + "answer_id": "m.025sc50" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Disco music" + ], + "answer": "Disco", + "answer_id": "m.026z9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Motown Sound", + "answer_id": "m.02bqnt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Electronic" + ], + "answer": "Electronic music", + "answer_id": "m.02lkt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dance-pop", + "answer_id": "m.02lnbg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Adult contemporary" + ], + "answer": "Adult contemporary music", + "answer_id": "m.02vjzr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Funk music" + ], + "answer": "Funk", + "answer_id": "m.02x8m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Post Disco" + ], + "answer": "Post-disco", + "answer_id": "m.03c34yl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pop rock", + "answer_id": "m.05bt6j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pop", + "pop" + ], + "answer": "Pop music", + "answer_id": "m.064t9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u05e8\u05d5\u05e7", + "Rock" + ], + "answer": "Rock music", + "answer_id": "m.06by7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "RnB" + ], + "answer": "Rhythm and blues", + "answer_id": "m.06j6l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dance" + ], + "answer": "Dance music", + "answer_id": "m.0ggx5q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Soul" + ], + "answer": "Soul music", + "answer_id": "m.0gywn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "michael jackson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:03:15", + "machine_question": "what kind of music did the composer of Working Day and Night sing", + "question": "What genres of music are performed by the writer of \"Working Day and Night?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.0hrf8q3 . \n?c ns:music.artist.genre ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2774", + "webqsp_question": "what 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ns:m.0fkzq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1137_3dd666cc5b96cfebc2a0ffb38ed94938", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ill", + "Land of Lincoln", + "IL", + "IL, Ill." + ], + "answer": "Illinois", + "answer_id": "m.03v0t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:41:47", + "machine_question": "where is the illinois river on a map and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted before 1986", + "question": "In what state containing the Illinois River adopted their governmental jurisdiction location symbol prior to 1986?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0j1qb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0j1qb ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1986\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1137", + "webqsp_question": "where is the illinois river on a map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1363_e61667194d3ce9b58fd868cc0fb9f9ae", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingsbury County / De Smet city", + "De Smet, South Dakota" + ], + "answer": "De Smet", + "answer_id": "m.0_r0n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:35:20", + "machine_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live and is the country that has a county named Kingsbury County", + "question": "What country was both home to Laura Ingalls Wilder and a county named Kingsbury?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01bt87)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01bt87 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.hud_county_place.county ns:m.0mv2w . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1363", + "webqsp_question": "where did laura ingalls wilder live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_28397577e32e26956013dc763dd8fdd8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bohemia" + ], + "answer": "Czech Republic", + "answer_id": "m.01mjq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and produce the beer Pilsner Urquell", + "question": "Which is the European country where the Pilsner Urquell beer is produced?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.031n3s . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1522_de2065adb197807dfb148b138c12855f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Charles Darwin: Voyaging", + "answer_id": "m.066lvpj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin on Trial", + "answer_id": "m.0fhpn5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "George Canning's left buttock and the origin of species", + "answer_id": "m.066lv1x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin's big book", + "answer_id": "m.0bhhzt5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Politics of Evolution: Morphology, Medicine, and Reform in Radical London", + "answer_id": "m.0bhh_cw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin and His Great Discovery", + "answer_id": "m.050mcx" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin's untimely burial", + "answer_id": "m.0bhhzsp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:59:37", + "machine_question": "what is the work of charles darwin and was published before 1996-09", + "question": "Which works of Charles Darwin were published before September 1996?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01lwx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01lwx ns:book.book_subject.works ?x .\n?x ns:book.written_work.date_of_first_publication ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1996-09\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1522", + "webqsp_question": "what is the work of charles darwin" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_4f1cbcbf8d13f136378c51fa6e610607", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter si Pocalul de Foc", + "O Harry Potter kai to kypelo tis fotias", + "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The IMAX Experience", + "The Goblet of Fire", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to honoo no goburetto", + "Harry Potter i Plameni pehar", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u043a\u0443\u0431\u043e\u043a \u043e\u0433\u043d\u044f", + "Harry Potter och Den flammande b\u00e4garen", + "Harry Potter et la coupe de feu", + "Harry Potter in ognjeni kelih", + "Harry Potter og eldbikarinn", + "Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch", + "Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco", + "Harry Potter og flammernes pokal", + "Harry Potter e o C\u00e1lice de Fogo", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a t\u0171z serlege", + "Harry Potter en de vuurbeker", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00e1 casa", + "Harry Potter ja liekehtiv\u00e4 pikari", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00fd poh\u00e1r", + "Hari Poter i vatreni pehar", + "Haris Poteris ir ugnies taure", + "Harry Potter og ildbegeret", + "Harry Potter y el c\u00e1liz de fuego", + "Harry Potter ve ates kadehi", + "Harry Potter i Czara Ognia", + "Harry Potter ja tulepeeker", + "Harry Potter i el calze de foc" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", + "answer_id": "m.031786" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and features the song Magic Works", + "question": "What Harry Potter movie features the song Magic Works?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.featured_song ns:m.0b69t8_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2944_3a4de3e3ca56b4c8159542e8fc8f9945", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:28", + "machine_question": "what country is the subject of the film Obama Anak Menteng from", + "question": "The subject of the film Obama Anak Menteng comes from what country?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0bx_4p9 . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2944", + "webqsp_question": "what country is barack obama from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_c3f1d5fb8aa0d6f1038bd9d70d19acc4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song", + "A Cinderella Story 3" + ], + "answer": "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song", + "answer_id": "m.0gky0pl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and the film netflix_id is largest", + "question": "What film starring Alyson Stoner has the largest Netflix ID?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.netflix_id ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1293_05c692b75abc5a52e5f3f1af56af232d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Indo-European languages", + "answer_id": "m.03v09" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:06:05", + "machine_question": "where has the english language evolved from and is part of language family Church Slavonic language", + "question": "Which Church Slavonic language has the English language evolved from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02h40lc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02h40lc ns:language.human_language.language_family ?x .\n?x ns:language.language_family.languages ns:m.0119qrqk . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1293", + "webqsp_question": "where has the english language evolved from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1508_82e548fcc0b2c052a161b6b8221fff60", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Georgetown", + "Georgetown University, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown University", + "answer_id": "m.0pspl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:48:47", + "machine_question": "when did bill clinton go to college and the institution where its cancer center is Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center", + "question": "Which college that Bill Clinton attended has the Lombardi Comorehensive Cancer Center?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0157m)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0157m ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:medicine.cancer_center_constituent.cancer_center ns:m.04_7js2 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_694d06dc103e9e07a881545549619e6f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bulldog", + "Capote, Truman", + "Truman Garcia Capote", + "Mr. Capote", + "Truman Streckfus Persons" + ], + "answer": "Truman Capote", + "answer_id": "m.014dq7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and was nominee of the Golden Globe Award for Best New Star of the Year \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Actor award", + "question": "Who was nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best New Star of the Year \u00e2\u0080\u0093 Actor award and influenced Andy Warhol?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.03hm4kq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-310_2945752f3c92dbdddaf2ae179c5f6e12", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Costa Rican colon" + ], + "answer": "Costa Rican col\u00f3n", + "answer_id": "m.04wccn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "costa rica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:28:43", + "machine_question": "what kind of money should i take to the location which contains the second level division Cartago", + "question": "How much many should I bring with me to the second level division Cartago?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.02w26dy . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-310", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of money should i take to costa rica" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-985_75a44ab6afa01d89d3dd316093fd5a53", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Looking at the World through Michael Jackson's Left Eye (Part 2)", + "answer_id": "m.0h2x8v6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:36:34", + "machine_question": "what did writers of the harlem renaissance write about and is about The Ed Sullivan Show", + "question": "What did Harlem Renaissance writers write about The Ed Sullivan Show?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.019y_2)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.019y_2 ns:book.book_subject.works ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.03jz7ls .\n?x ns:book.written_work.subjects ns:m.011j_g . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-985", + "webqsp_question": "what did writers of the harlem renaissance write about" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_06b52905bde59492048929d1073ea985", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "La Suisse", + "Helvetia", + "Svizzera", + "Svizra", + "Schweiz", + "Swiss Confederation" + ], + "answer": "Switzerland", + "answer_id": "m.06mzp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and is the country that has an iso 3166-1 alpha-3 of CH", + "question": "What country has an ISO of 3166-1 alpha 3 of CH and speaks German?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso3166_1_alpha2 \"CH\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_510cf485d4a7f93e5f8427658c220587", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort - Partie 1", + "Harry Potter va Bao Boi Tu Than: Phan 1", + "Harry Potter a Dary smrti I", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte: Parte 1", + "The Deathly Hallows", + "Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 1. del", + "Harry Potter veotzarot hamavet - helek 1", + "Harry Potter und die Heiligt\u00fcmer des Todes - Teil 1", + "Harii Pott\u00e2 to shi no hih\u00f4 part 1", + "Harry Potter ve \u00d6l\u00fcm Yadig\u00e2rlari: B\u00f6l\u00fcm 1", + "Harry Potter ja surma v\u00e4gised: Osa 1", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dsregalierne - del 1", + "Harry Potter i darovi smrti 1. dio", + "Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea I" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part I", + "answer_id": "m.02pth35" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter si Pocalul de Foc", + "O Harry Potter kai to kypelo tis fotias", + "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: The IMAX Experience", + "The Goblet of Fire", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to honoo no goburetto", + "Harry Potter i Plameni pehar", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u043a\u0443\u0431\u043e\u043a \u043e\u0433\u043d\u044f", + "Harry Potter och Den flammande b\u00e4garen", + "Harry Potter et la coupe de feu", + "Harry Potter in ognjeni kelih", + "Harry Potter og eldbikarinn", + "Harry Potter und der Feuerkelch", + "Harry Potter e il calice di fuoco", + "Harry Potter og flammernes pokal", + "Harry Potter e o C\u00e1lice de Fogo", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a t\u0171z serlege", + "Harry Potter en de vuurbeker", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00e1 casa", + "Harry Potter ja liekehtiv\u00e4 pikari", + "Harry Potter a Ohniv\u00fd poh\u00e1r", + "Hari Poter i vatreni pehar", + "Haris Poteris ir ugnies taure", + "Harry Potter og ildbegeret", + "Harry Potter y el c\u00e1liz de fuego", + "Harry Potter ve ates kadehi", + "Harry Potter i Czara Ognia", + "Harry Potter ja tulepeeker", + "Harry Potter i el calze de foc" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", + "answer_id": "m.031786" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter und der Orden des Ph\u00f6nix", + "The Order of the Phoenix", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixuv r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter i Zakon Feniksa", + "Harry Potter ve z\u00fcmr\u00fcd\u00fcanka yoldasligi", + "Tip Top", + "Harry Potter i red Feniksa", + "Harry Potter a F\u00e9nixov r\u00e1d", + "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: The IMAX Experience", + "Harry Potter og F\u00f8nixordenen", + "Harry Potter e a Ordem da F\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a F\u0151nix rendje", + "Harii Pott\u00e2 to fushich\u00f4 no kishidan", + "Harry Potter och Fenixorden", + "Harry Potter en de orde van de Feniks", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u041e\u0440\u0434\u0435\u043d \u0424\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0430", + "Harry Potter in Feniksov red", + "Harry Potter et l'ordre du Ph\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter i l'orde del F\u00e8nix", + "Harry Potter si Ordinul Phoenix", + "Harry Potter e l'ordine della Fenice", + "Harry Potter y la orden del F\u00e9nix", + "Harry Potter ja F\u00f6\u00f6niksi ordu", + "Harry Potter ja Feeniksin kilta", + "Harry Potter og F\u00f8niksordenen", + "Harry Potter e a Ordem da F\u00eanix", + "O Harry Potter kai to Tagma tou Foinika", + "Haris Poteris ir Fenikso brolija", + "\u0425\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u044a\u0440 \u0438 \u043e\u0440\u0434\u0435\u043d\u044a\u0442 \u043d\u0430 \u0444\u0435\u043d\u0438\u043a\u0441\u0430", + "Hari Poter I red Feniksa" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix", + "answer_id": "m.031hcx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter et le Prince de sang-m\u00eal\u00e9", + "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: An IMAX 3D Experience", + "HP and the HBP", + "The Half-Blood Prince" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", + "answer_id": "m.03hxsv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 3D", + "Harry Potter i insygnia smierci: Czesc II", + "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II", + "Har\u00ee Pott\u00e2 to shi no hih\u00f4: Part 2", + "\u0425\u0430\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u044a\u0440 \u0438 \u0434\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u043d\u0430 \u0441\u043c\u044a\u0440\u0442\u0442\u0430: \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442 2", + "Harry Potter und die Heiligt\u00fcmer des Todes - Teil 2", + "Hari Poter i relikviite na smrtta: 2 del", + "Harri Potter i Smertel'ni Relikviji: Chastyna 2", + "Harry Potter si Talismanele Mortii: Partea II", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte - Parte 2", + "Hari Poter i Relikvije Smrti: II deo", + "\u039f \u03a7\u03ac\u03c1\u03b9 \u03a0\u03cc\u03c4\u03b5\u03c1 \u03ba\u03b1\u03b9 \u03bf\u03b9 \u039a\u03bb\u03ae\u03c1\u03bf\u03b9 \u03c4\u03bf\u03c5 \u0398\u03b1\u03bd\u03ac\u03c4\u03bf\u03c5: \u039c\u03ad\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2 2\u03bf", + "Harry Potter ja kuoleman varjelukset: osa 2", + "Harry Potter 7-2", + "Harry Potter e i doni della morte: Parte II", + "Harry Potter i darovi smrti 2. dio", + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort: 2\u00e8me partie", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte 2", + "Harry Potter 7-2 (3D)", + "Harry Potter a dary smrti II", + "Harry Potter in Svetinje smrti - 2. del", + "Harry Potter e as Rel\u00edquias da Morte: Parte 2", + "Harry Potter ve \u00d6l\u00fcm Yadig\u00e2rlari: B\u00f6l\u00fcm 2", + "Harry Potter ja surma v\u00e4gised: Osa 2", + "Harry Potter \u00e9s a Hal\u00e1l erekly\u00e9i 2. r\u00e9sz", + "Harry Potter e os Talism\u00e3s da Morte: Parte 2", + "O Harry Potter kai oi kliroi tou Thanatou: Meros 2o", + "Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort - 2\u00e8me partie", + "Harry Potter a relikvie smrti: c\u00e1st 2", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dsregalierne - del 2", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte 3D (2\u00aa Parte)", + "Haris Poteris ir mirties relikvijos - 2 dalis", + "Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte: Parte 2", + "Harry Potter veotzarot hamavet - helek 2", + "Harry Potter og dau\u00f0adj\u00e1snin - 2. hluti", + "Haeri Poteowa jugeumui seongmul - 2bu", + "\u0446\u042e\u041f\u041f\u0401 \u043e\u041d\u0420\u0420\u0415\u041f \u0420\u042e \u044f\u041b\u0415\u041f\u0420\u0415\u041a\u042d\u041c\u0401 \u043f\u0415\u041a\u0401\u0419\u0411\u0401\u00a9: \u0412\u042e\u042f\u0420\u0425\u041c\u042e 2", + "Harry Potter och d\u00f6dsrelikerna, del 2", + "Harry Potter og d\u00f8dstalismanene - del 2", + "\u0413\u0430\u0440\u0440\u0438 \u041f\u043e\u0442\u0442\u0435\u0440 \u0438 \u0414\u0430\u0440\u044b \u0441\u043c\u0435\u0440\u0442\u0438: \u0427\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044c II", + "Harry Potter dan Relikui Kematian Bagian ke-2" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows \u2013 Part 2", + "answer_id": "m.0gvsynb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and film casting director was Fiona Weir", + "question": "What are the Harry Potter movies in order with Fiona Weir as casting director?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_casting_director ns:m.07k5thf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_ada242f7276a9baab88a4367fb4f5991", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "O.FO.F.W.W.", + "Wilde Oscar", + "Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde", + "Oskar Uayld", + "Wills Wilde", + "Osc\u00e0r", + "Grey Crow", + "The infamous St. Oscar of Oxford", + "Sebastian Melmoth", + "Oscar Wilde ", + "C.3.3.", + "Fingal O'Flahertie Wills", + "Oscar O'Flahertie Wills Wilde" + ], + "answer": "Oscar Wilde", + "answer_id": "m.05np2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the author of Lady Windermere's Fan", + "question": "Who wrote Lady Windermere's Fan, and was influence for Whitman?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:media_common.dedicator.dedications ?c .\n?c ns:media_common.dedication.work_dedicated ns:m.0160g0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-648_82d451237e3819f1b085a95e72a89aa4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Asia", + "answer_id": "m.0j0k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "israel", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:43:36", + "machine_question": "what continent does the place that has the following courts Supreme Court of Israel belong to", + "question": "On what continent can the Supreme Court of Israel be found?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court_jurisdiction_area.courts ns:m.05lxby . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-648", + "webqsp_question": "what continent does israel belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1724_fa52b7531f19f5e979d4dcaba28df25a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "124th FA Cup" + ], + "answer": "2004\u201305 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.03ntmq0" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "FA Cup 1992-93" + ], + "answer": "1992\u201393 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.03qp0n6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "FA Cup 2002-03" + ], + "answer": "2002\u201303 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.03wbzvj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "FA Cup 2001-02" + ], + "answer": "2001\u201302 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.03wcjy2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "FA Cup 1997-98" + ], + "answer": "1997\u201398 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.03wcr3x" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "FA Cup 1978-79" + ], + "answer": "1978\u201379 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.04gjljy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "FA Cup 1970-71" + ], + "answer": "1970\u201371 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.04jjvq6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "2013\u201314 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.0vptrcs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "arsenal", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:19:16", + "machine_question": "when did the sports team arena stadium 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Walsh School of Foreign Service, main campus", + "Georgetown School of Foreign Service" + ], + "answer": "Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service", + "answer_id": "m.02ckl3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Universitas Oxoniensis", + "Oxford University" + ], + "answer": "University of Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.07tgn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Yale University, main campus", + "Yale University", + "Yale University, New Haven", + "YU", + "Yale" + ], + "answer": "University Yale", + "answer_id": "m.08815" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Georgetown", + "Georgetown University, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown University", + "answer_id": "m.0pspl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "University College, Oxford, main campus", + "Univ.", + "The Master and Fellows of the College of the Great Hall of the University of Oxford" + ], + "answer": "University College, Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.0ymf1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bill clinton", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:48:47", + "machine_question": "when did the political appointer that had the title Deputy Assistant to the 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"machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and that was producted by the company Mandate Pictures", + "question": "Which Mandate Pictures film did Rihanna act in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.production_companies ns:m.04ygybx . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2525_818ebfc8c8815cf122a0fc77845036a3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Gettysburg College, main campus", + "Gettysburg" + ], + "answer": "Gettysburg College", + "answer_id": "m.02hft3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:14:46", + "machine_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college and is the university that has number of undergraduates 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"conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and that was born in Crawley", + "question": "Which Bush band member was born in Crawley?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01727v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01727v ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.place_of_birth ns:m.014kj2 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-985_029e49d78120af25c2a5abeb3076fba7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Countdown of 10 Amazing Moments from the Year 2011: No. 6 Sonny Rollins", + "answer_id": "m.0hnx0cj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:36:34", + "machine_question": "what did writers of the harlem renaissance write about and that was published on 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"Spain Mens Football Team", + "Spain Men's Soccer Team", + "Spain Men's National Football Team" + ], + "answer": "Spain national football team", + "answer_id": "m.02w64f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:34:59", + "machine_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for and that is sponsered by Iberdrola", + "question": "What Iberdrola sponsored club did Santi Cazorla play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0264yjz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0264yjz ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:business.sponsored_recipient.sponsorship ?c .\n?c ns:business.sponsorship.sponsored_by ns:m.08x83f . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1793", + "webqsp_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_3e64d06a3bd72d0d970f7b2aa76da37d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Melissa & Joey", + "answer_id": "m.0b6kw6d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and the tv program \"tvrage_id\" is greater than 5071", + "question": "Which TV show on which Joey Lawrence starred has a TVAGE ID larger than 5071?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.tvrage_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 5071) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2944_4c56262d6806c8bd5c0fadb75177520a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", 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+ "ID": "WebQTrn-2808_52ede31215384e2b18eed605f1a7a1fa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Rand" + ], + "answer": "South African rand", + "answer_id": "m.01rmbs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "south africa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:06:34", + "machine_question": "what currency does where the currency South African pound is used have", + "question": "What currency is spent in the country where the South African pound was once used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_formerly_used ns:m.0964j1 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2808", + "webqsp_question": "what currency does south africa have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_29ffc855d3365362b98ce3dfcd0620f3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bolt - Un perro fuera de serie 3D", + "Munja", + "American 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+ "aliases": [ + "Seattle Art", + "Seattle Art Museum Downtown" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332j6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Henry Art Gallery", + "answer_id": "m.035pqt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nordic Heritage" + ], + "answer": "Nordic Heritage Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03t00j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tillicum" + ], + "answer": "Tillicum Village", + "answer_id": "m.04n53vb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Great Wheel", + "answer_id": "m.0k2k2n2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SIFF" + ], + "answer": "Seattle International Film Festival", + "answer_id": "m.0prqs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "EMP Museum", + "Experience Music Project", + "Seattle Center: Experience Music Project", + "EMP|SFM", + "Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame" + ], + "answer": "Experience Music Project Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0pxmn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Garden of Remembrance", + "answer_id": "m.0y657tp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "seattle wa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in the place in which Elliott Bay Towers is", + "question": "What are some fun things to do near Elliott Bay Towers?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.contains ns:m.04qzft . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-243_5f78750dea4e29874a3859c78a55377c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Drawing", + "answer_id": "m.02csf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:41:40", + "machine_question": "what style of art is salvador dali and was also 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"what tv show did joey lawrence play on and the tv program \"thetvdb_id\" is greater than 72143", + "question": "Which shows with a \"thetvdb_id\" higher than 72143 was Joey Lawrence in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.thetvdb_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 72143) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_f7087cc43bb4b88187af66d4cf659e81", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Expendables II" + ], + "answer": "The Expendables 2", + "answer_id": "m.0gffmn8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and the film netflix_id is largest", + "question": "Which Liam Hemsworth film has the largest Netflix ID?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.netflix_id ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2873_5069841743291a3625b51f8191da770d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:15:52", + "machine_question": "where does hector camacho live and is the place in which the fictional character Juliet Van Heuson lived", + "question": "What city is home to fictional character Juliet Van Heuson and Hector 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"composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:58:02", + "machine_question": "what sort of government does canada have and in country Kingdom of Prussia", + "question": "What kind of government did Prussia have and Canada has?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n?x ns:government.form_of_government.countries ?c .\n?c ns:type.object.name \"Kingdom of Prussia\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3495", + "webqsp_question": "what sort of government does canada have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-233_fab3ea47de1ebab9b00be9ff720c03fb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pushto", + "Pushto language", + "Pashto", + "Pukhto" + ], + "answer": "Pashto language", + "answer_id": "m.0swlx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:38:01", + "machine_question": "what language people speak in afghanistan and that has initials ps", + "question": "What language do the people in Afghanistan speak? bug: second part has no relevance to the first part of the question.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jdd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jdd ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.iso_639_1_code \"ps\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-233", + "webqsp_question": "what language people speak in afghanistan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_b677293a0af9dd58055212646c646d18", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "G.W.F. 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What time is it there?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07b_l)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07b_l ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n?x ns:time.time_zone.dst_offset_from_utc \"-6.0\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2759", + "webqsp_question": "what times is it in texas" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2211_c5868f16586f63c698c60ce403e3c309", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "True Blood Season 2", + "answer_id": "m.07kd5nl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:32:19", + "machine_question": "what episode does eric northman come in and is the tv series searson ends on 2009-09-13", + "question": "Which tv series ended a season on 09/13/2009 and featured Eric Northman?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0411sjw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 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DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.Kind_of_symbol ns:m.04yk_3p . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-147", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of tennessee" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1915_5839e7f421b1c7dec152856912c23c6f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hawaii-Aleutian Time" + ], + "answer": "Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02lctm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hawaii", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:52:46", + "machine_question": "what is time zone in has an official symbol of Reef triggerfish", + "question": "What time zone is a place that has the official symbol of a Reef triggerfish?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.0397x1 . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1915", + "webqsp_question": "what is time zone in hawaii" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1575_7c1fc19fcd3941ae43c98642db92a516", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Classroom", + "answer_id": "m.010pkp62" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Google Drive", + "GDrive", + "Drive" + ], + "answer": "Google Drive", + "answer_id": "m.03w9g0f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Apache Wave", + "Google Wave" + ], + "answer": "Apache Wave", + "answer_id": "m.064qgt0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Earth", + "answer_id": "m.06ny5h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Buzz", + "answer_id": "m.0b6g2kz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Docs", + "Google Docs", + "Google Docs and Spreadsheets" + ], + "answer": "Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides", + "answer_id": "m.0dm258" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Samsung GT-I9020T" + ], + "answer": "Nexus S", + "answer_id": "m.0fpj3tb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Glass", + "answer_id": "m.0j7m2zm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Nexus 7", + "answer_id": "m.0k0p036" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Nexus Q", + "answer_id": "m.0k2998k" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Nexus 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ns:business.company_product_relationship.from_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:business.company_product_relationship.from_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:business.company_product_relationship.to_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:business.company_product_relationship.to_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1575", + "webqsp_question": "what products and\\/or services does google offer customers" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3708_43e262b2bc0ab955f3daa50ffde227f6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pamphleteer", + "answer_id": "m.02449y" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Novelist", + "answer_id": "m.02xhgwq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Priestess" + ], + "answer": "Priest", + "answer_id": "m.05xjb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Poet", + "answer_id": "m.05z96" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jonathan swift", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:19", + "machine_question": "what is the author who published editions for A Modest Proposal famous for", + "question": "What was the author, who published editions for \"A Modest Proposal\" famous for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04vx9g2 . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3708", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonathan swift famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_d758ce1307c52d650955c697a07792f0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "DDR", + "German Democratic Republic", + "East Germany" + ], + "answer": "East Germany", + "answer_id": "m.03f2w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and the governmant is called Government of the German Democratic Republic", + "question": "What German-speaking country had the name Government of the German Democratic Republic?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.0b7hx05 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_672902a00b25f005ed3c211f1688c718", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Independence Day 2", + "ID Forever Part I" + ], + "answer": "Draft:Independence Day 2", + "answer_id": "m.0134v4hd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and movie that was part of the Independence Day film series", + "question": "What movie was part of the Independence Day series and features Liam Hensworth as an actor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_series ns:m.0w_t9v6 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_0a0e93b0d63fe2e90e2f106645ad5a2a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Las Vegas, Nevada", + "Vegas", + "Sin City", + "Clark County / Las Vegas city" + ], + "answer": "Las Vegas", + "answer_id": "m.0cv3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does joey king live and is the country that has a county named Clark County", + "question": "Name the city that is in clark county and home to Joey King.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03yk4pb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03yk4pb ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.hud_county_place.county ns:m.0d1y7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_9977a5d2079968dd70694cfe694ec8d5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and is the film that was released on 2003-12-10", + "question": "What movie in which Miley Cyrus appeared was released on 12-10-2003?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date \"2003-12-10\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1793_d5475cda40f403fe0ccf997c8b0b2b58", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "La Furia", + "Spain Mens National Football Team", + "Spain Mens Soccer Team", + "Spain Soccer Team", + "Spain Men's Football Team", + "Spain national football", + "Spain Football 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ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.ceremony ns:m.0yqd2_y . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1793", + "webqsp_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1915_5fc1f8bfcdc0eb7f09c9d976ed42f1c4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hawaii-Aleutian Time" + ], + "answer": "Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02lctm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hawaii", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:52:46", + "machine_question": "what is time zone in the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Hawaii House of Representatives", + "question": "What time zone contains the Hawaii House of Representatives?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k 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ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.thetvdb_id ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3215_0b579b43c5c13202f21268987ba710b0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fort Des Moines, Iowa", + "Polk County / Des Moines city", + "Des Moines, Iowa", + "Fort Des Moines" + ], + "answer": "Des Moines", + "answer_id": "m.02j3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shawn johnson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:09:06", + "machine_question": "where is that is sponsered by Circuit City gymnast from", + "question": "Name the hometown of the gymnast who is sponsored by Circuit City.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:business.sponsored_recipient.sponsorship ?k .\n?k ns:business.sponsorship.sponsored_by ns:m.03rtqs . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3215", + "webqsp_question": "where is shawn johnson gymnast from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1680_fe7307f6c664979a4a0b35113c50bc2c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "1983 World" + ], + "answer": "1983 World Series", + "answer_id": "m.046_p6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "orioles", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:15:05", + "machine_question": "when was the last time the the sports team arena stadium is Ed Smith Stadium won the world series", + "question": "When did the sports team playing out of Ed Smith Stadium arena win the World Series?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.066c0s . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.end_date ?sk0 .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:datetime(?sk0))\nLIMIT 1\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1680", + "webqsp_question": "when was the last time the orioles won the world series" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-952_e8dd276816ed3239b3aae574d2abd9df", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "alaska", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:11:14", + "machine_question": "what country does where the government Government of Alaska is located belong to", + "question": "Which country does the state of Alaska belong to?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.0dvs4b . \n?c ns:base.biblioness.bibs_location.country ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-952", + "webqsp_question": "what country does alaska belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2207_4033cf0c8e92aefb5bf7a20e187a2eb9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Queen Lillian", + "answer_id": "m.047tlfw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "julie andrews", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:31:17", + "machine_question": "who did the artist aword nominated for The Sound Of Julie Andrews play in shrek", + "question": "What character did the actress who was nomination for an aawrd in The Sound Of Julie Andrews, play in the movie shrek?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.07t77jy . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y 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'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.start_date \"2000-11-06\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1101_0818b36d353ffb39f85b4606b1230866", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Civil rights activist", + "answer_id": "m.010b8yqs" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pastor", + "answer_id": "m.01fhsb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Religious minister", + "Minister of religion" + ], + "answer": "Minister", + "answer_id": "m.0377kt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Humanitarian", + "answer_id": "m.065qmpf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Clergy", + "answer_id": "m.0db79" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "martin luther king jr", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:33:54", + "machine_question": "who is that who was the speaker in March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom facts", + "question": "Who was the speaker at March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom facts?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.event ns:m.01lt0z . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1101", + "webqsp_question": "who is martin luther king jr facts" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1570_09064c4f449e9ff4632a07967185cfc6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sorell Booke", + "Sorrell Brooke", + "Sorrel Booke" + ], + "answer": "Sorrell Booke", + "answer_id": "m.01s0dp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "dukes of hazzard", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:06:16", + "machine_question": "who played boss hogg the subject of the film The Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning", + "question": "Who played the character Boss Hogg in The Dukes of Hazard: The Beginning?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0d_2p9 . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ns:m.069qj0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1570", + "webqsp_question": "who played boss hogg dukes of hazzard" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2211_16809f8df6ad8009ddb8b9247e711242", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "True Blood" + ], + "answer": "True Blood Season 4", + "answer_id": "m.0wj_9lr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "True Blood" + ], + "answer": "True Blood Season 5", + "answer_id": "m.0j6tx9m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "True Blood" + ], + "answer": "True Blood Season 7", + "answer_id": "m.0k6j758" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "True Blood" + ], + "answer": "True Blood - Season 6", + "answer_id": "m.0gfwvpj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "True Blood Season 3", + "answer_id": "m.0bh71z0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:32:19", + "machine_question": "what episode does eric northman come in and the tv series season thetvdb ID is greater than 39633", + "question": "What seasons of a TV series with a thetvdb ID greater the 39663 does Eric Northman appear in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0411sjw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0411sjw ns:tv.tv_character.appeared_in_tv_program ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.seasons ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_series_season.thetvdb_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 39633) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2211", + "webqsp_question": "what episode does eric northman come in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1386_3b214c1929d9a773e510f76abc12aa0f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Malignant neoplasm" + ], + "answer": "Cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0qcr0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:38:11", + "machine_question": "what did the actor that played in the film The Best of Donna Summer: The DVD Collection die from", + "question": "Find the name of the actor who starred in The Best of Donna Summer: The DVD Collection, what killed this person?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0crw353 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1386", + "webqsp_question": "what did donna summers die from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-404_a1deaaa1100a879d4f3316fcb82bbed8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "drowned" + ], + "answer": "Drowning", + "answer_id": "m.01g27f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Atherosclerotic heart disease", + "Coronary disease", + "Coronary Artery disorder", + "Coronary heart disorder" + ], + "answer": "Coronary artery disease", + "answer_id": "m.01s1m" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cocaine overdose", + "answer_id": "m.02nx6jb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "whitney houston", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:05:16", + "machine_question": "what killed the music producer which produced Whitney: The Greatest Hits", + "question": "How did the music producer die who produced Whitney: The Greatest Hits?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.producer.releases_produced ns:m.0bflbsy . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-404", + "webqsp_question": "what killed whitney houston" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_52885b677c1e3794e68def29f993f4c0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and a military combatant which was involved in the military conflict of the Vietnam War", + "question": "Which countries border Russia and were also involved in the Vietnam War?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:military.military_combatant.casualties ?c .\n?c ns:military.casualties.military_conflict ns:m.07_nf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_7854d8a4f7269d3d0c7bf8cfef702046", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Estadi del Futbol Club Barcelona", + "Nou Camp", + "Estadi del FC Barcelona", + "\u30ab\u30e0\u30fb\u30ce\u30a6" + ], + "answer": "Camp Nou", + "answer_id": "m.01ggjl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:42", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona and is the facility where Catalonia national football team play", + "question": "Where is a good place to visit in Barcelona that also happens to be where the Catalonia national football team 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ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1529_3878bf93f47abe10bfc5f36a797f0988", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Makuxi", + "Macusi", + "Macushi", + "Makusi", + "Makushi", + "Teweya", + "Teueia", + "Macussi" + ], + "answer": "Macushi Language", + "answer_id": "m.026ztd1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Wapitxana", + "Wapichana", + "Wapisiana", + "Wapishiana", + "Wapixiana", + "Uapixana", + "Wapixi\u00e1na", + "Wapichan", + "Wapisana", + "Wapishana", + "Vapidiana", + "Wapixana", + "Wapishshiana" + ], + "answer": "Wapishana Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hwv5d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ingariko", + "Patamona language", + "Eremagok", + "Kapon", + "Patamona" + ], + "answer": "Patamona Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxg9j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kalinya", + "Carib", + "Carib language", + "Maraworno", + "Kali'na", + "Kalihna", + "Galib\u00ed", + "Galibi", + "Caribe", + "Marworno", + "Cari\u00f1a" + ], + "answer": "Carib Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxgv4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Warrau", + "Warau", + "Guarauno", + "Warao", + "Guarao" + ], + "answer": "Warao Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxhnv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Uaieue", + "Ouayeone", + "Waiwai", + "Uaiuai", + "Parukota" + ], + "answer": "Waiwai Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxq7p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Waic\u00e1", + "Acawayo", + "Akawaio", + "Ingarik\u00f3", + "Acahuayo", + "Akawai", + "Kapon", + "Acewaio" + ], + "answer": "Akawaio Language", + "answer_id": "m.048dyk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Portuguese", + "Portugese", + "Portuguese language", + "Portugu\u00eas" + ], + "answer": "Portuguese Language", + "answer_id": "m.05zjd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Arawak", + "answer_id": "m.0hc2x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "guyana", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:00:02", + "machine_question": "what does the country where Warao Language is spoken speak", + "question": 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ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.executive_produced_by ns:m.02vq3h1 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_87a7c326d1805d780ab20f08a677e322", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brayden Tyler Quinn", + "brady_quinn" + ], + "answer": "Brady Quinn", + "answer_id": "m.08gf9t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the footboall player that completed less than 45 passings", + "question": "Which football player was drafted by the Cleveland Browns and which completed less than 45 passings?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:american_football.football_player.passing ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.player_passing_statistics.completions ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 45) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_b989f18dcc9e8a29e0d5943fa27c22f6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Russian Federation", + "\u0420\u043e\u0441\u0441\u0438\u044f" + ], + "answer": "Russia", + "answer_id": "m.06bnz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and is the country that has an internet top level domain of .\u00d1\u0080\u00d1\u0084", + "question": "Which other counties have an internet top level domain of .\u00d1\u0080\u00d1\u0084 and also share borders with 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"composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:12:50", + "machine_question": "what sports do they do in canada and is a Organization", + "question": "What organized sports are played in Canada?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:sports.sports_team_location.teams ?x .\n?x ns:kg.object_profile.prominent_type ns:organization.organization . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-441", + "webqsp_question": "what sports do they do in canada" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1641_ad53a0cb745683bb0c2dc608d818a71a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "4th & King, San Francisco" + ], + "answer": "San Francisco 4th and King Street Station", + "answer_id": "m.02r817z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "san francisco", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:15:22", + "machine_question": "what is the 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"composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and is the location where Barbara Starr was born", + "question": "In what country is Arabic spoken and is the birthplace of Barbara Starr?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:type.object.name \"Barbara Starr\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-426_060135e66e84cbaa29a73145435c5457", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:45:54", + "machine_question": "where is giza pyramids located and is the place of the fictional universe JoJo's Bizarre Adventure", + "question": "What country is the located in the fictional JoJo's bizarre adventure and hoem to the Giza Pyramids?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.universe ns:m.0ndbcwn . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-426", + "webqsp_question": "where is giza pyramids located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2458_c7855b562d8033982891d4b411baf8a4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "North America", + "answer_id": "m.059g4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "costa rica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:06:06", + "machine_question": "which continent is the country where Bribri Language is spoken located", + "question": "What continent is the Bribri Language spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.02hwk2m . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2458", + "webqsp_question": "which continent is costa rica located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1638_6b2394e4e035f76dba39ad5449291ec3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Nederlandse taal", + "Nederlands", + "Hollands", + "Dutch" + ], + "answer": "Dutch Language", + "answer_id": "m.02bv9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "German, Standard Language", + "Deutsch", + "German", + "Tedesco", + "High German", + "Hochdeutsch", + "German, Standard" + ], + "answer": "German Language", + "answer_id": "m.04306rv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Francais", + "Fran\u00e7ais", + "French", + "French language" + ], + "answer": "French", + "answer_id": "m.064_8sq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "belgium", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:08:03", + "machine_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in has an official symbol of Leo Belgicus", + "question": "The country with Leo Belgicus as its official symbol has what languages commonly spoken there?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.0fczzj . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1638", + "webqsp_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in belgium" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_440129ba489bcb4aac67defa07c8a3f7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois 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?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.from \"1979\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_46f867a28f96d59820b239bd7ae49a25", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Luna Park Sydney", + "answer_id": "m.040sd3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the amusement park with the Wild Mouse ride", + "question": "What amusement park in Australia is home to the Wild Mouse ride?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:amusement_parks.park.rides ns:m.0j8fwf0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2774_4f79d9a20e5dd7ef5f4d3ec54ca743c1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "Modern R&B" + ], + "answer": "Contemporary R&B", + "answer_id": "m.025sc50" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:03:15", + "machine_question": "what kind of music did michael jackson sing and that was featured in the album Bir Sonraki", + "question": "What genre of music does the albumBir Sonraki by Michael Jackson fit in to?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.09889g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.09889g ns:music.artist.genre ?x .\n?x ns:music.genre.albums ns:g.112yfyh3t . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2774", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of music did michael jackson sing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_8d0db19646b3de28eb2a001fefd3510e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tibidabo", + "answer_id": "m.0kc62" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:42", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona and has the elevation of 512.0", + "question": "What are the places in Barcelona with elevation 512.0 to visit?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f62)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f62 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:geography.mountain.elevation \"512.0\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1178", + "webqsp_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1167_675e2a842506fdbbcf3ccdec8f51cee3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "A.bo", + 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"Lyricist", + "answer_id": "m.025352" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:55:30", + "machine_question": "what did duke ellington do and was the film job of Swanand Kirkire", + "question": "What was the film job of Swanand Kirkire as well as Duke Ellington?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdlj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdlj ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_job.films_with_this_crew_job ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.02pgwxg . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1927", + "webqsp_question": "what did duke ellington do" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3271_7f9ae201cca433d26ab1ea95fea47844", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Aymara" + ], + "answer": "Aymara language", + "answer_id": "m.01y5tq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mapuche", + "Mapudungu", + "Mapudungun", + "Araucano", + "Maputongo" + ], + "answer": "Mapudungun Language", + "answer_id": "m.01zn1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Easter Island", + "Pascuense", + "Rapa Nui" + ], + "answer": "Rapa Nui Language", + "answer_id": "m.0565hv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Puquina" + ], + "answer": "Puquina Language", + "answer_id": "m.09_sxt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chilean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:16:31", + "machine_question": "what does the place where breed Araucana originated in people speak", + "question": "What language do people speak where the Araucana breed comes from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c 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ns:government.governmental_body.offices_positions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2995", + "webqsp_question": "what is a judge in the supreme court called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2936_2f25b2bc7f66ef39406fa4397144733c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summer", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:22:47", + "machine_question": "what type of cancer did the person who wrote the lyrics for \"My Baby Understands\" died from", + "question": "What kind of cancer took the life of the lyricist who wrote \"My Baby Understands?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.lyricist.lyrics_written ns:m.0_jwv1v . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:people.cause_of_death.parent_cause_of_death ns:m.0qcr0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": 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BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-811_6cc3f806a207885cb37912578d5c4af1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bright House Field", + "answer_id": "m.066c5m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "phillies", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:46:22", + "machine_question": "where is the the sports team arena stadium is Baker Bowl spring training stadium", + "question": "What is the name of the arena that is the training site for Baker Bowl Spring Training?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.sports_team.arena_stadium ns:m.038js0 . \n?c ns:base.schemastaging.sports_team_extra.training_ground ?y .\n?y ns:base.schemastaging.team_training_ground_relationship.facility ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-811", + "webqsp_question": 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], + "answer": "Janeth Jepkosgei", + "answer_id": "m.0c5z5s" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Alfred Kirwa Yego", + "answer_id": "m.0gh9nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Richard Mateelong", + "answer_id": "m.0gy4g9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:14:13", + "machine_question": "who are the famous athletes in kenya and a Track and field athletics player", + "question": "Is the most famous athlete in Kenya a track and field athlete?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.019rg5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.019rg5 ns:sports.sport_country.athletic_performances ?y .\n?y ns:sports.competitor_competition_relationship.competitors ?x .\n?x ns:sports.pro_athlete.sports_played_professionally ?c .\n?c ns:sports.pro_sports_played.sport ns:m.0bynt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1631", + "webqsp_question": "who are the 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"answer": "Scotland", + "answer_id": "m.06q1r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:16", + "machine_question": "where is midlothian scotland and the governmant is called Scottish Government", + "question": "Where is the Scottish Government and Midlothian located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.011w8v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.011w8v ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.01nq43 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1792", + "webqsp_question": "where is midlothian scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_7aefb61b2d6639b319fe8d6a91e3a308", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and is the politician that held his/her government position until 2004-03-30", + "question": "Who is the leader of France in 2012 who has been in the position since 3-3-2004?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.to \"2004-03-30\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2625_58e9566abd822ef6687a4e1a0a22926c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:35:17", + "machine_question": "what language do native american indians speak and is the language found in the fictional universe The Tortall Universe", + "question": "In The Tortall Universe what language do native american indians speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.059_w)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.059_w ns:people.ethnicity.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.02k6v6k . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2625", + "webqsp_question": "what language do native american indians speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-827_9ae059e5badd25253f83e974ee03b2f5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dominion of Canada", + "Canuckistan" + ], + "answer": "Canada", + "answer_id": "m.0d060g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "justin bieber", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:41", + "machine_question": "what country does the artist which recorded Wont Stop (feat. Justin Bieber) come from", + "question": "From what country is the artist who recorded Wont Stop (feat. Justin Bieber)?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.010jsy70 . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-827", + "webqsp_question": "what country does justin bieber come from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-417_dec931dea52eaf54065477c27fefc69c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pwv", + "Province Of Pretoria-Witwatersrand-Vereeniging", + "Gauteng, South Africa", + "Provinceofpretoriawitwatersrandvereeniging", + "Gauteng Province" + ], + "answer": "Gauteng", + "answer_id": "m.01t05t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "johannesburg", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:09:19", + "machine_question": "in which province is the topic of the image Johannesburg skyline from Gold Reef City", + "question": "In which province is the subject of the image \"Johannesburg skyline from Gold Reef City\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.03t4g93 . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:base.aareas.schema.administrative_area.administrative_area_type ns:m.0hzjmlj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-417", + "webqsp_question": "in which province is johannesburg" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-295_000db93705250496bb7996db22971195", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sen John Warner", + "John W. Warner", + "John William Warner", + "Sen. John Warner", + "Senator John Warner", + "John William Warner KBE" + ], + "answer": "John Warner", + "answer_id": "m.01w8b5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was liz taylor married too and who was Episcopal Church", + "question": "Which member of the episcopalian church was married to liz taylor?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bmh4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bmh4 ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n?x ns:people.person.religion ns:m.02rsw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_68c76e9f4f1462b18821012801231959", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Stillwater, Minnesota", + "Washington County / Stillwater city" + ], + "answer": "Duarte", + "answer_id": "m.0wmtg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Duarte city", + "Duarte, California" + ], + "answer": "Stillwater", + "answer_id": "m.0r06n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and the location GNIS feature ID is less than 1661479", + "question": "What location is home to Sam Shepard and also possesses a GNIS feature ID below 1661479?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:location.location.gnis_feature_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 1661479) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1591_88427e4cf8c94effb8217cddfd827261", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "international lawyer", + "Barrister", + "Attorney", + "Counsel", + "Solicitor" + ], + "answer": "Lawyer", + "answer_id": "m.04gc2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pol\u00edtico" + ], + "answer": "Politician", + "answer_id": "m.0fj9f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Law professor", + "answer_id": "m.0fz465" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:00:31", + "machine_question": "what was the author who published editions for Dreams from My Father 's former occupation", + "question": "What was the previous job of the perosn who published the work \"Dreams from my father\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.028xzkj . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1591", + "webqsp_question": "what was obama 's former occupation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_d9747364839478e833903b5540a0e2e6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - Der Zauber, der ein Leben zur Legende macht", + "El gran pez", + "Big fish: La l\u00e9gende du gros poisson" + ], + "answer": "Big Fish", + "answer_id": "m.027pfg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and that was released on 2003-12-10", + "question": "What movie starred Miley Cyrus and was released in december of 2003?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.initial_release_date \"2003-12-10\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_4c971bef32fb5777fb8b18ead5a702fe", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kvikmyndin Grettir", + "Garfield - Der Film", + "Garfield - O Filme", + "Gustaf", + "Garfield ve filmu", + "Pusur", + "Karvinen elokuva", + "Garfield: il film", + "Filmen om Gustaf", + "Garfield, le film", + "Garfield: La pel\u00edcula" + ], + "answer": "Garfield: The Movie", + "answer_id": "m.01yzvd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Christmas Wishes", + "answer_id": "m.026k503" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kung Fu Magoo", + "answer_id": "m.09v9fw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension", + "Phineas e Ferb: Atrav\u00e9s da 2\u00aa Dimens\u00e3o", + "Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension in Fabulous 2D", + "Disney Phineas und Ferb der Film - Quer durch die 2. Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension - In Fabulous 2D", + "Phineas y Ferb: A trav\u00e9s de la 2\u00aa Dimensi\u00f3n" + ], + "answer": "Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "answer_id": "m.0bh9n8g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Surprise" + ], + "answer": "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Surprise Party", + "answer_id": "m.0bnns7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Little Engine That Could", + "answer_id": "m.0gj8r0x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and is the same genre as film The True Story of the Three Little Pigs", + "question": "Alyson Stoner played in which movies that had the same genre as The True Story of the Three Little Pigs?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_genre.films_in_this_genre ns:g.11b5lzm6b0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2631_ef1295c17220c08d1443ff59b617b0bf", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Principality of Monaco", + "Monte Carlo" + ], + "answer": "Monaco", + "answer_id": "m.04w58" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:36:12", + "machine_question": "what countries are the mediterranean and the country calling code is greater than 90", + "question": "What mediterranean country has a country calling code greater than 90?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04swx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04swx ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 90) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2631", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are the mediterranean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_0b42e146002f3c196d3de57d91983232", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bondi Beach, Sydney", + "Bondi", + "Bondi Beach, New South Wales" + ], + "answer": "Bondi Beach", + "answer_id": "m.020772" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and the venue capacity is 10000", + "question": "Which venue in Sydney has a capacity of 10,000 people?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.venue.capacity \"10000\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_fa37e433eaf26b34a57900ac4af9259c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "G.W.F. 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"compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and that was producted by the company Universal Studios", + "question": "What movie produced by Universal Studios that starring Rihanna?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.production_companies ns:m.016tw3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1522_d185b43eb56e52a7786d76c0047383cb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Darwin and His Great Discovery", + "answer_id": "m.0fhpn5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:59:37", + "machine_question": "what is the work of charles darwin and was 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+ "question": "The person who spoke publicly about energy development is from which country?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speech_topic ns:m.02mg6f . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2944", + "webqsp_question": "what country is barack obama from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2177_1d7b75bf1cc2462cf84e9612008b7056", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Columbia Law", + "Columbia Law School, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Columbia Law School", + "answer_id": "m.01n951" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:27:02", + "machine_question": "where did caroline kennedy go to school and is the publisher of the periodical journal Columbia Business Law Review", + "question": "Where did 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+ "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:time.recurring_event.current_frequency ns:m.02n9t4t . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3287_0da5219ee6607c901324a32b4b8ddce4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Swedish krona", + "answer_id": "m.0485n" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sweden", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:17:44", + "machine_question": "what is the currency of the area in which the newspaper Social-Demokraten is circulated called", + "question": "Find the country that ciruclates a newspaper called Social Demokraten, what is the name of the currency in that area?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.0d2yqr . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3287", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency of sweden called" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1361_8e88857e3061933d421a673cdfbdb52f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mexican peso", + "answer_id": "m.012ts8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:02", + "machine_question": "what currency should take to the affected area of the cyclone Hurricane Frank", + "question": "What currency do the accept in the areas affected by the cyclone Hurricane Frank?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:meteorology.cyclone_affected_area.cyclones ns:m.0gx2l4d . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1361", + "webqsp_question": "what currency should take to mexico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_91a14ac040ce13b5810073d2b0d23b27", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker bell 4", + "Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods", + "Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker Bell: A Winter Story" + ], + "answer": "Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings", + "answer_id": "m.0crfwmx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and is the same genre as film Sherlock Holmes and Little Chimney Sweeps", + "question": "Which films in the same genre as Sherlock Holmes and Little Chimney Sweeps has Lucy Hale acted in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.genre ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_genre.films_in_this_genre ns:g.11_ylbxts . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_cb92aa4f7b41b91ada112307178e57ea", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Master Chuang", + "Chuang Tsu", + "Zhuangzi.", + "Chuang Tzu", + "Zhuangzi", + "Chuang Tse", + "Zhuang Zhou", + "Chouang-Dsi" + ], + "answer": "Zhuang Zhou", + "answer_id": "m.0164zy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:29:21", + "machine_question": "what is the holy book in taoism and was influenced by Mozi", + "question": "What holy book of Taoism was influenced by Mozi?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07gvx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07gvx ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ns:m.01by94 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_fd966741033f502e192f3fd9f54f3184", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Douglas County", + "answer_id": "m.0flbm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:56:45", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and has co2 emissions of 0.382244483", + "question": "Where is the city known as Littleton that has co2 emissions of 0.382244483?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0g8lsf)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0g8lsf ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.co2_emissions_total ?c .\n?c ns:location.co2_emission.emissions \"0.382244483\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where 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episode iii" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_6b46bf8ab0a162497f6fa69398ce4040", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jeffrey Kalei Faine" + ], + "answer": "Jeff Faine", + "answer_id": "m.0bdv4h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:18:56", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the player started his career on earliest", + "question": "Who that was drafted by the Cleveland Browns started his career earliest?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:sports.pro_athlete.sports_played_professionally ?c .\n?c ns:sports.pro_sports_played.career_start ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1819_eab10d256bdc3a16f2e31279f9e311c3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islam", + "answer_id": "m.0flw86" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T06:04:24", + "machine_question": "what religion does canada follow and the religion notable figure is Ali", + "question": "What religion practiced in Canada has a notable religious figure named Ali?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d060g)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d060g ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.notable_figures ns:m.024c1p . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1819", + "webqsp_question": "what religion does canada follow" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2505_14f7e9324d83d176c3831d682932bd02", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Vanderbilt University Mr. Commodore", + "answer_id": "m.05k6hxh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "vanderbilt university", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:03:35", + "machine_question": "what is the education institution has a sports team named Vanderbilt Commodores football mascot", + "question": "What is the name of the Team mascot who cheers on the Vanderbilt Commodores football team?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:education.educational_institution.sports_teams ns:m.026v18h . \n?c ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2505", + "webqsp_question": "what is vanderbilt university mascot" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2944_f627c1bb9cdbcf6a029c816631a982b2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:56:04", + "machine_question": "what country is the person education institution is Noelani Elementary School from", + "question": "What country is the famous person who went to Neolani Elementary School from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.0265r_n . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2944", + "webqsp_question": "what country is barack obama from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1043_937500aff40330a671879b7e0acd4337", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Republic", + "answer_id": "m.06cx9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mali", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:33:43", + "machine_question": "what kind of government is the country capital is Bamako", + "question": "What form of government is used in the country with the capital of Bamako?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.capital ns:m.0fn13 . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1043", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government is mali" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1481_82a243ce931f8f01fb19ee11126237b0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Benjamin Louis Cardin", + "Benjamin Cardin", + "Benjamin L. 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Mikulski", + "Barbara Ann Mikulski" + ], + "answer": "Barbara Mikulski", + "answer_id": "m.0206nm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:24:54", + "machine_question": "who are the current maryland senators and held his govermental position from after 1977-01-03", + "question": "Who held his governmental position from January 3, 1977 and is a current Maryland senator?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04rrd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04rrd ns:government.political_district.representatives ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.07t58 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1977-01-03\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1481", + "webqsp_question": "who are the current maryland senators" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1036_4e73509d14bda62590480b655eee8751", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Jamaican English", + "answer_id": "m.01428y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "jamaica", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:32:49", + "machine_question": "what is the dominant language spoken in the currency used in the country is Jamaican dollar", + "question": "What language is spoken in the country that uses the Jamacian Dollar?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.04xc2m . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1036", + "webqsp_question": "what is the dominant language spoken in jamaica" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1462_af331f33579006dfcc57fbac05c58c9c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vice President of the United States Joe Biden", + "Senator Joseph Biden", + "Joseph R. 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Joseph Biden", + "Senator Joe Biden" + ], + "answer": "Joe Biden", + "answer_id": "m.012gx2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:23:01", + "machine_question": "who is running for vice president with the person who once lived in White House 2012", + "question": "Who was the Vice-President to the President in the White House in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?k .\n?k ns:people.place_lived.location ns:m.081sq . \n?c ns:government.us_president.vice_president ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1462", + "webqsp_question": "who is running for vice president with barack obama 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1011_86003187e9869b0e46e6897f8de751a7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:31:15", + "machine_question": "where do they speak tibetan and the currency used in the country is Renminbi", + "question": "Where do they speak Tibetan and and use the currency Renminbi?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.064r7fk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.064r7fk ns:language.human_language.main_country ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.0hn4_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1011", + "webqsp_question": "where do they speak tibetan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-836_7c9253b843680f5db5a4e5f5e1055f88", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jewish" + ], + "answer": "Judaism", + "answer_id": "m.03_gx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:07:43", + "machine_question": "what are the major religions in uk and the religion text is Shulchan Aruch", + "question": "What major religion in the UK has a religious text named Shulchan Aruch?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.texts ns:m.0134k1 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-836", + "webqsp_question": "what are the major religions in uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-827_8562012e739a0e7aee294a26ad53e581", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dominion of Canada", + "Canuckistan" + ], + "answer": "Canada", + "answer_id": "m.0d060g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "justin bieber", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:12:29", + "machine_question": "what country does the artist had a concert tour named Believe Tour come from", + "question": "Where did the country that 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.\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.014mqd . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2686", + "webqsp_question": "what type of currency is used in puerto rico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-300_eb564934e04a707855def98c35f9496d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Near East", + "answer_id": "m.01ffbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ottoman empire", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:12:09", + "machine_question": "where is the the country that contains Sanjak of \u00c3\u009csk\u00c3\u00bcp located", + "question": "Where is the country that has Sanjak of \u00c3\u009csk\u00c3\u00bcp located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.0gvrv8w . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-300", + 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ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-648", + "webqsp_question": "what continent does israel belong to" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3475_275abff5d62790363fe8bc0387660115", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The Old Continent" + ], + "answer": "Europe", + "answer_id": "m.02j9z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "danish", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:00:59", + "machine_question": "where is the location that appointed Margrethe II of Denmark to govermental position located", + "question": "What continent does the country with Margrethe II of Denmark located in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0g2kv . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3475", + "webqsp_question": "where is danish located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-300_83663048963b6f17bea2809dc4d3ba21", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Near East", + "answer_id": "m.01ffbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ottoman empire", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:12:09", + "machine_question": "where is the the currency used in the country is Sultani located", + "question": "Which currency is used in the country where Sultani, is located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ns:m.0b5zvq . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-300", + "webqsp_question": "where is the ottoman empire located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_3ddebccd2bc6ca94db705da1bf605e93", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kellen Boswell Winslow, Jr.", + "Shash", + 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"answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Semi-presidential" + ], + "answer": "Semi-presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01dw03" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T21:54:36", + "machine_question": "what political system does the country that contains Moscow use", + "question": "What is Moscow's country political system?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.04swd . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1212", + "webqsp_question": "what political system does russia use" + }, + { + "ID": 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"answer": "Islamic holy books", + "answer_id": "m.07r6vw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "God in Islam", + "answer_id": "m.09kb_2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "\u1e6c\u016bb\u0101", + "answer_id": "m.0hr6vbp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "islamic", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:42:18", + "machine_question": "what did the the religion text is Sunnah people believe in", + "question": "In what do the people whose religious text is Sunnah believe?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.texts ns:m.074jc . \n?c ns:religion.religion.beliefs ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-49", + "webqsp_question": "what did the islamic people believe in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-527_c707414f103503f2530fc654a85645fe", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": 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\nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1355", + "webqsp_question": "who runs china 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_8c6b952c6bd963f0ece4e401c9eb731a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dominion of Canada", + "Canuckistan" + ], + "answer": "Canada", + "answer_id": "m.0d060g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T01:55:49", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and the location time zone is Central Time Zone", + "question": "What country in the Central Time Zone speaks Arabic?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.time_zones ns:m.02fqwt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_7b72c53e0d683dc19ef38347b9dedf46", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jeffrey Kalei Faine" + ], + "answer": "Jeff Faine", + "answer_id": "m.0bdv4h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:18:56", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the player started his career on before 2004", + "question": "Who did the Cleveland Browns draft, where the player started his career on or before 2004?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:sports.pro_athlete.sports_played_professionally ?c .\n?c ns:sports.pro_sports_played.career_start ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"2004\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1740_028bb5f442b37a4af9f9fd9fa0bc5e9a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "James Voight", + "Jamie", + "James Haven Voight" + ], + "answer": "James Haven", + "answer_id": "m.01mqg0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "angelina jolies", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:52:00", + "machine_question": "who is the person education institution is William O. Schaefer Elementary School brother", + "question": "Who is the brother of the famous person who went to William O. Schaefer Elementary School?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.076dzmh . \n?c ns:people.person.sibling_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.sibling_relationship.sibling ?x .\n?x ns:people.person.gender ns:m.05zppz .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1740", + "webqsp_question": "who is angelina jolies brother" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2986_d5074b64954172ab3ee16a53ea22d6dc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pats", + "The Patsies" + ], + "answer": "New England Patriots", + "answer_id": "m.05g3b" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:59:20", + "machine_question": "who has tom brady played for and is the team won the Super Bowl XXXVIII championship", + "question": "What Tom Brady team won Super Bowl XXXVIII?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xyt7)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xyt7 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.championships ns:m.0277y8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2986", + "webqsp_question": "who has tom brady played for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1792_04766c0e15b507853911955bd376ea76", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Scotia" + ], + "answer": "Scotland", + "answer_id": "m.06q1r" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.K.", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland", + "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", + "Britain", + "Great Britain", + "GBR", + "GB", + "UK", + "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland" + ], + "answer": "United Kingdom", + "answer_id": "m.07ssc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "United Kingdom, with Dependencies and Territories", + "answer_id": "m.0hzc9md" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "midlothian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:59:59", + "machine_question": "where is the place that has the local capital named Dalkeith scotland", + "question": "Where is the country with capital named Dalkeith?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.administrative_division.capital ?k .\n?k ns:location.administrative_division_capital_relationship.capital ns:m.021qq4 . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1792", + "webqsp_question": "where is midlothian scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-681_0e0e643968043bbec341e626ba0a5321", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jerzy Karol Buzek" + ], + "answer": "Jerzy Buzek", + "answer_id": "m.036y38" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "european union", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:59:02", + "machine_question": "who is the president of the the organization that has the leadership role of President of the European Parliament 2012", + "question": "Who is the President of the organiztion the European Parliament 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:organization.organization.leadership ?k .\n?k ns:organization.leadership.role ns:m.039h0j . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.039h0j .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-681", + "webqsp_question": "who is the president of the european union 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_edc922a0faa1e47614eb7e6effe2d1a1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:41:49", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and is the country that contains Anren Town, Sichuan", + "question": "What country that borders Russia is Anren Town, Sichuan in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.0110_1rf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-822_b97b6fa6f6f076a415e42f87978f1276", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Right to die", + "answer_id": "m.020f6w" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Assisted suicide", + "answer_id": "m.03bwz9y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "dr jack kevorkian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T04:12:13", + "machine_question": "what did the person education institution is Pontiac Central High School do", + "question": "What did Pontiac Central High School educate people to do?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.education ?k .\n?k ns:education.education.institution ns:m.02718d7 . \n?c ns:base.activism.activist.area_of_activism ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-822", + "webqsp_question": "what did dr jack kevorkian do" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1508_985d0b96f0a62ec5242e0fbcbe5b0e46", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Georgetown", + "Georgetown University, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown University", + "answer_id": "m.0pspl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:30:06", + "machine_question": "when did bill clinton go to college and is the educational institution with the mascot Jack the Bulldog", + "question": "What college did Bill Clinton attend that has the mascot Jack the Bulldog?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0157m)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0157m ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.educational_institution.mascot ns:m.04f6k2j . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-275_e3691b7d738d0c4fb9da2f1bd4c9b90f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u30b3\u30ed\u30f3\u30d3\u30a2\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Republic of Colombia" + ], + "answer": "Colombia", + "answer_id": "m.01ls2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shakira", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:10:51", + "machine_question": "where is she from the artist had a concert tour named Oral Fixation Tour", + "question": "Where does the leading artist of the band Oral Fixation came from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.artist.concert_tours ns:m.0g2n_6 . \n?c ns:music.artist.origin ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-275", + "webqsp_question": "where is she from shakira" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2411_631c86e09428792d64de97b2ed90e0b9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1949 BAA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.0ct81k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "lakers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:53:13", + "machine_question": "what year did the sports team owner is Jerry Buss win their first championship", + "question": "In what year, did the owner of which sports team, Jerry Buss win their first championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:sports.professional_sports_team.owner_s ns:m.03_6fp . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.start_date ?sk0 .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:datetime(?sk0)\nLIMIT 1\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2411", + "webqsp_question": "what year did lakers win their first championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1871_f2ac0ed793fc82b685d4c71e78a53a59", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin Chinese", + "Beifang Fangyan", + "Standard Chinese", + "Putonghua", + "Northern Chinese", + "Guoyu", + "Hui", + "Guanhua", + "Hytad", + "Kuoyu", + "Huayu", + "Hanyu", + "Chinese, Mandarin", + "Qotong", + "Mandarin", + "Chinese, Mandarin Language", + "Standard Mandarin", + "Xui", + "Hui-zu", + "Hoton" + ], + "answer": "Standard Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.0653m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chinese", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:01:27", + "machine_question": "what language do the tv show The Bride with White Hair was filmed there", + "question": "What language is spoken where the show \"The Bride with White Hair\" was filmed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_location.tv_shows_filmed_here ns:m.0jkvl5n . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1871", + "webqsp_question": "what language do chinese" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-174_844463508a1e7d9d650b522a616a44c6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bay Bombers", + "Niners", + "The Niners", + "49ers", + "The Red And Gold", + "the Gold Rush", + "San Francisco 49Ers (Football Team)" + ], + "answer": "San Francisco 49ers", + "answer_id": "m.06rny" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "colin kaepernick", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:53:11", + "machine_question": "what team does the person education institution is John H. 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"m.01g27f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Atherosclerotic heart disease", + "Coronary disease", + "Coronary Artery disorder", + "Coronary heart disorder" + ], + "answer": "Coronary artery disease", + "answer_id": "m.01s1m" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cocaine overdose", + "answer_id": "m.02nx6jb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "whitney houston", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:22:28", + "machine_question": "what killed the artist had a concert tour named Moment of Truth World Tour", + "question": "What caused the death of the artist who had the \"Moment of Truth World Tour\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.artist.concert_tours ns:m.04crr_4 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-404", + "webqsp_question": "what killed whitney houston" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2108_a29552911617e890ca2e1d6564e0990e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Heather", + "answer_id": "m.0cg926d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "avril lavigne", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:23:43", + "machine_question": "who does the artist had a concert tour named The Avril Lavigne Tour play in over the hedge", + "question": "What character in Over the Hedge is the artist who had a concert tour named The Avril Lavigne Tour?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.artist.concert_tours ns:m.0z2ntbg . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.080_x_ .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2108", + "webqsp_question": "who does avril lavigne play in over the hedge" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3346_64bdb78e2d30cdbc8004b4c0bc545870", + "answers": [ + { + 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"Avrupa Fatihi", + "Galatasaray Anonim \u015eirketi", + "Aslan", + "Gala", + "Sar\u0131 K\u0131rm\u0131z\u0131l\u0131lar", + "Galata-Serai Football Club", + "Galatasaray Spor Kul\u00fcb\u00fc", + "Galatasaray" + ], + "answer": "Galatasaray S.K.", + "answer_id": "m.06zpgb2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T06:24:21", + "machine_question": "what team did drogba play for and is the team has a team moscot named Aslan (The Lion)", + "question": "What team that has a mascot named Aslan (The Lion) did Drogba play for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_y2f)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_y2f ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.team_mascot ns:m.0t_bfys . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1976", + "webqsp_question": "what team did drogba play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-300_b8be6e9237d3a0ef1753b8d11616bed1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Near East", + "answer_id": "m.01ffbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ottoman empire", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:12:09", + "machine_question": "where is the the country capital is Istanbul located", + "question": "Where is the country with Istanbul located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.capital ns:m.09949m . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-300", + "webqsp_question": "where is the ottoman empire located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3695_1e30d8a45dd5824e557bb244bdc58da0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The A", + "Atlanta, Georgia", + "A-Town", + "Atlanta, GA", + "The ATL", + "Fulton County / Atlanta city" + ], + "answer": "Atlanta", + "answer_id": "m.013yq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "usher", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:24:18", + "machine_question": "where in georgia does the artist had a concert tour named OMG Tour live", + "question": "Where in Georgia is the \"OMG Tour\" live concert?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.artist.concert_tours ns:m.0cz8s2w . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.containedby ns:m.0d0x8 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3695", + "webqsp_question": "where in georgia does usher live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1449_d5901712a11bf12fad01b2dbf35bdc7a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Teacher", + "answer_id": "m.01d30f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Rep\u00f3rter" + ], + "answer": "Journalist", + "answer_id": "m.0d8qb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "laura ingalls wilder", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:21:45", + "machine_question": "what was the person who once lived in Burr Oak famous for", + "question": "What occupations was the famous person who lived in the city of Burr Oak known for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?k .\n?k ns:people.place_lived.location ns:m.0dz6k_ . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1449", + "webqsp_question": "what was laura ingalls wilder famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2711_eab10d256bdc3a16f2e31279f9e311c3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Islam", + "answer_id": "m.0flw86" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:29:44", + "machine_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe and the religion notable figure is Ali", + "question": "What main Eastern Europe religion has notable figure Ali?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\n ns:m.09b69 ns:location.location.contains ?y1 . # Eastern Europe\n ?y1 ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp . # Country\n ?y1 ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y2 . \n ?y2 ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .?x ns:religion.religion.notable_figures ns:m.024c1p . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2711", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main religion in eastern europe" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_dc77e098c55d228b443e6bb57725461e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Master Chuang", + "Chuang Tsu", + "Zhuangzi.", + "Chuang Tzu", + "Zhuangzi", + "Chuang Tse", + "Zhuang Zhou", + "Chouang-Dsi" + ], + "answer": "Zhuang Zhou", + "answer_id": "m.0164zy" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tao Teh King", + "Dao De Jing" + ], + "answer": "Tao Te Ching", + "answer_id": "m.02czn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Y\u00ec J\u012bng", + "Zhouyi", + "Classic of Changes", + "Book of Changes" + ], + "answer": "I Ching", + "answer_id": "m.03ydb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Daozang", + "answer_id": "m.05blr4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "taoism", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T02:27:31", + "machine_question": "what is the holy book in the religion notable figure is Laozi", + "question": "In the religion whose figure is Laozi what is the Holy book?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:religion.religion.notable_figures ns:m.0h9wp . \n?c ns:religion.religion.texts ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1643_e9a987e2557f614a049029cf0c91b48c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bradford Claude Dourif", + "Bradford Claude \"Brad\" Dourif", + "Brad" + ], + "answer": "Brad Dourif", + "answer_id": "m.02bfmn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Edon Gross" + ], + "answer": "Edan Gross", + "answer_id": "m.03czqtb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "John Paul Salapatek" + ], + "answer": "John Franklin", + "answer_id": "m.06hw0m" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "child 's play", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T05:43:04", + "machine_question": "who does the voice for chucky in the film has a charcter named Bellevue Patient #7", + "question": "What actors did the voice for Chucky in the film with a character named Bellevue Patient#7?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0vxjx91 . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.06jpdm .\n?y ns:film.performance.special_performance_type ns:m.02nsjvf .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?c .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1643", + "webqsp_question": "who does the voice for chucky in child 's play" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_7c82c5f659d0bfcd0b4706b6e32df04a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jeffrey Kalei Faine" + ], + "answer": "Jeff Faine", + "answer_id": "m.0bdv4h" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:18:56", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the player started his career on 2002", + "question": "What player that started his career in 2002 was drafted by the Cleveland Browns?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:sports.pro_athlete.sports_played_professionally ?c .\n?c ns:sports.pro_sports_played.career_start \"2002\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-426_9b79e13b1905c44914eab9916a30cf0c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T03:28:46", + "machine_question": "where is giza pyramids located and is the country that contains Cairo", + "question": "What Northern African Country is the geographic location of the iconic Giza pyramids?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.01w2v . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-426", + "webqsp_question": "where is giza pyramids located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-233_f4a9e5f1e0dcfb82cbadf4771eda7bb5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Madaglashti", + "Badakhshi", + "Farsi, Eastern", + "Eastern Farsi", + "Dari", + "Persian", + "Tajik", + "Farsi", + "Parsi", + "Afghan Persian" + ], + "answer": "Farsi, Eastern Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hwl5z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pushto", + "Pushto language", + "Pashto", + "Pukhto" + ], + "answer": "Pashto language", + "answer_id": "m.0swlx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "afghanistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T20:03:48", + "machine_question": "what language people speak in the country that has the national anthem Afghan National Anthem", + "question": "What language is spoken in the country that has the national anthem \"Afghan National Anthem\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.national_anthem ?k .\n?k ns:government.national_anthem_of_a_country.anthem ns:m.02r0hl7 . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-233", + "webqsp_question": "what language people speak in afghanistan" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2774_cbe0b2e42bd644732f31cbd57e534e85", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New jack swing", + "answer_id": "m.021_z5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "Modern R&B" + ], + "answer": "Contemporary R&B", + "answer_id": "m.025sc50" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Disco music" + ], + "answer": "Disco", + "answer_id": "m.026z9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Motown Sound", + "answer_id": "m.02bqnt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Electronic" + ], + "answer": "Electronic music", + "answer_id": "m.02lkt" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Dance-pop", + "answer_id": "m.02lnbg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Adult contemporary" + ], + "answer": "Adult contemporary music", + "answer_id": "m.02vjzr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Funk music" + ], + "answer": "Funk", + "answer_id": "m.02x8m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Post Disco" + ], + "answer": "Post-disco", + "answer_id": "m.03c34yl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pop rock", + "answer_id": "m.05bt6j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pop", + "pop" + ], + "answer": "Pop music", + "answer_id": "m.064t9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u05e8\u05d5\u05e7", + "Rock" + ], + "answer": "Rock music", + "answer_id": "m.06by7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "RnB" + ], + "answer": "Rhythm and blues", + "answer_id": "m.06j6l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dance" + ], + "answer": "Dance music", + "answer_id": "m.0ggx5q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Soul" + ], + "answer": "Soul music", + "answer_id": "m.0gywn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "michael jackson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:40:24", + "machine_question": "what kind of music did the artist had a concert tour named This Is It Tour sing", + "question": "What kind of music did the artist that went on This is It Tour sing?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.artist.concert_tours ns:m.05y_zz5 . \n?c ns:music.artist.genre ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2774", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of music did michael jackson sing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2411_d5ca01950a8247452ff5fd1eeff977f4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1949 BAA Finals", + "answer_id": "m.0ct81k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "lakers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:53:13", + "machine_question": "what year did the basket ball team head coach is Byron Scott win their first championship", + "question": "Which year did the team coached by Byron Scott first win a championship?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:basketball.basketball_team.head_coach ns:m.05jdzr . \n?c ns:sports.sports_team.championships ?x .\n?x ns:time.event.start_date ?sk0 .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:datetime(?sk0)\nLIMIT 1\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2411", + "webqsp_question": "what year did lakers win their first championship" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2346_0e3fef67333973167b5ad94234083d33", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin dialects" + ], + "answer": "Mandarin Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.03115z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Taiwanese Mandarin", + "answer_id": "m.09q16b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Xinminhua", + "Kek", + "Hakka", + "Ke", + "Hokka", + "Tu Guangdonghua", + "Kehia", + "Hakka Chinese", + "Khek", + "Majiahua", + "Kechia", + "Chinese, Hakka", + "Kejia" + ], + "answer": "Chinese, Hakka Language", + "answer_id": "m.0dxj6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Taiwanese language", + "Taiwanese" + ], + "answer": "Taiwanese Hokkien", + "answer_id": "m.0g1jw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "taiwan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-12T23:48:10", + "machine_question": "what does the country that contains Taoyuan, Taiwan people speak", + "question": "What spoken languages are used in the country with Taoyuan, Taiwan?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.administrative_divisions ns:m.03582r . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2346", + "webqsp_question": "what does taiwan people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2494_073e338009f82bea33eb157bea64fb05", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "the (big) smoke", + "The Great Wen", + "London, England", + "Londres", + "Capital of Great Britain" + ], + "answer": "London", + "answer_id": "m.04jpl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Holsworthy, Devon" + ], + "answer": "Holsworthy", + "answer_id": "m.062m9r" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Stockwell, London" + ], + "answer": "Stockwell", + "answer_id": "m.0nc84" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "roger moore", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:02:55", + "machine_question": "where did the person who once lived in Holsworthy live", + "question": "Where has someone who once lived in Holsworthy lived?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT 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ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:zoos.zoo.opened \"1967\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3346", + "webqsp_question": "what are the places to see in dubai" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_bcf541828837d93a2ea1b023102e4a10", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brayden Tyler Quinn", + "brady_quinn" + ], + "answer": "Brady Quinn", + "answer_id": "m.08gf9t" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Joseph Thomas" + ], + "answer": "Joe Thomas", + "answer_id": "m.0fjtlw" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kamerion Wimbley", + "answer_id": "m.0cwfp6" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2018-02-12T22:18:56", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the pro athelete who started hist career on after 2004", + "question": "Who got drafted by the Cleveland Browns that started their career after 2004?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:sports.pro_athlete.career_start ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"2004\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2601_3bddf705b2a346fbdc2f00e9a02b84f3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Minnesota Vikings", + "answer_id": "m.051q5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2018-02-13T00:18:15", + "machine_question": "who did warren moon play for and is the team has a team moscot named Viktor the Viking", + "question": "Who did Warren Moon play for with a team mascot named Viktor the Viking?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01b0dl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 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], + "answer": "Liechtenstein", + "answer_id": "m.04g61" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "La Suisse", + "Helvetia", + "Svizzera", + "Svizra", + "Schweiz", + "Swiss Confederation" + ], + "answer": "Belgium", + "answer_id": "m.06mzp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Vatican", + "Republic of Austria", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Vatican City", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Belgique", + "Belgi\u00eb", + "Kingdom of Belgium" + ], + "answer": "Cyprus", + "answer_id": "m.0154j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and the population number is less than 9856303", + "question": "What German speaking countries that have population under 9856303?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 9856303) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1735_1ba191ccbb64c25a8aa3f3befbd006f5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Aruban florin", + "answer_id": "m.08s1k3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "aruba", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:26:26", + "machine_question": "what currency can you use in the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Prime Minister of Aruba", + "question": "Which currency is used, where the government has a position with the title Prime Minister of Aruba?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.07mpd1 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1735", + "webqsp_question": "what currency can you use in aruba" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-23_6a5e9fa901388827d83bc01551252d81", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hot Springs High", + "Hot Springs High School, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Hot Springs High School", + "answer_id": "m.0crpbj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bill clinton", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:05:05", + "machine_question": "what high school did president the person that said \"I did not have sexual relations with that woman\" attend", + "question": "What high school was attended by the former President who once quoted \"I did not have sexual relations with that woman\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.025tld9 . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hn6 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-23", + "webqsp_question": "what high school did president bill clinton attend" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1792_8b20e10078b6c375fc754ac0145d9bec", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Scotia" + ], + "answer": "Scotland", + "answer_id": "m.06q1r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:16", + "machine_question": "where is midlothian scotland and in which the fictional character Jack Osborne was born", + "question": "Where is Midlothian and also the place where the fictional character Jack Osborne was born?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.011w8v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.011w8v ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.fictional_characters_born_here ns:m.025srnq . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1792", + "webqsp_question": "where is midlothian scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_63c2f406ce7e71a3c2595f3818225373", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Seat of San Lorenzo de El Escorial" + ], + "answer": "El Escorial", + "answer_id": "m.01bc9m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo del Prado, Madrid", + "Prado Museum" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.01hlq3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia", + "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda, Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.01jcyh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Summercase", + "answer_id": "m.02r9yg7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Festimad", + "answer_id": "m.03chy63" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Buen Retiro" + ], + "answer": "Buen Retiro Park", + "answer_id": "m.03rmzx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Royal Palace of Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Royal Palace of Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.04m3yk" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Almudena Cathedral", + "answer_id": "m.053llq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Sorolla", + "Sorolla" + ], + "answer": "Sorolla Museum", + "answer_id": "m.05bvn8g" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza de Cibeles", + "answer_id": "m.06_l58" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Arena", + "answer_id": "m.06cgmf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Paseo del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.06j2nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Parque Warner Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.06nd2f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Thyssen-Bornemisza" + ], + "answer": "Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum", + "answer_id": "m.073z19" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Temple of Debod", + "answer_id": "m.07f__f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Puerta del Sol", + "answer_id": "m.07mpc7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Gran Via" + ], + "answer": "Gran V\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.09s07b" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Marathon", + "answer_id": "m.0bwg9f0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza Mayor, Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0cd2rc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "La Vaguada", + "answer_id": "m.0fphvtq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo de Lazaro Galdiano" + ], + "answer": "Museum of L\u00e1zaro Galdiano", + "answer_id": "m.0h3lmf1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Palace of la Bolsa de Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0h3tjjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "madrid", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Ana Botella", + "question": "What are good sights to see in the jurisdiction where Ana Botella is an office holder?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: 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Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Eastern Republic of the Uruguay", + "Republic East of the Uruguay", + "Eastern Republic of Uruguay", + "Oriental Republic of Uruguay" + ], + "answer": "Uruguay", + "answer_id": "m.07twz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "argentina", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border the location where the film \"The Motorcycle Diaries\" takes place", + "question": "What countries border the location of \"The Motorcycle Diaries\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.03q8xj . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-936_9a2b149a596788a7e0375f644b0edece", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sha\u1e29\u1e29\u0101t", + "Baladiyat Shahhat", + "Baladiyatshahhat", + "Balad\u012byat Sha\u1e29\u1e29\u0101t" + ], + "answer": "Shahhat", + "answer_id": "m.04f_hwc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:08:37", + "machine_question": "where were greek temples built and is the administrative division in the country of Libya", + "question": "What region is an administrative division in Libya and is where Greek temples were built?", + "sparql": "#MANUAL SPARQL\nPREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\n\tns:m.03f34_ ns:architecture.building_function.buildings ?y .\n\t?y ns:travel.tourist_attraction.near_travel_destination ?x .?x ns:location.administrative_division.country ns:m.04gqr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-936", + "webqsp_question": "where were greek 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"webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1638_7889cf4cf3c3b2b2bf5e10722d096ffd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Nederlandse taal", + "Nederlands", + "Hollands", + "Dutch" + ], + "answer": "Dutch Language", + "answer_id": "m.02bv9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "German, Standard Language", + "Deutsch", + "German", + "Tedesco", + "High German", + "Hochdeutsch", + "German, Standard" + ], + "answer": "German Language", + "answer_id": "m.04306rv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Francais", + "Fran\u00e7ais", + "French", + "French language" + ], + "answer": "French", + "answer_id": "m.064_8sq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "belgium", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:08:03", + "machine_question": "what language is most commonly spoken in where the government Federal Government of Belgium is located", + "question": "What are the commonly spoken languages in the Federal 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ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_story_contributor.film_story_credits ns:m.02qhxyb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1684", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1977_1418776dad84ad8bbc9f1562114bc7a5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portugal Mens Football Team", + "Portugal National Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's Football Team", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Portugal National Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Soccer Team", + "Portugal's national football team", + "Selec\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Os Navegadores", + "Portugal Mens Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's National Soccer Team", + "Portugal national football", + "A Selec\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Seleccao das Quinas", + "Portugal Men's Soccer Team", + "Portugal Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Football Team", + "Portugal Soccer Team", + "The Navigators", + "Portugal Men's National 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"sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.081k8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.081k8 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ns:m.014kw8 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1684", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced william shakespeare to start writing" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-275_2f5c84ea5c89af49f421799989558f43", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u30b3\u30ed\u30f3\u30d3\u30a2\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Republic of Colombia" + ], + "answer": "Colombia", + "answer_id": "m.01ls2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shakira", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:49:18", + "machine_question": "where is she from the person who wrote the lyrics for \"Poem to a Horse\"", + "question": "What country is the person who wrote the lyrics for the \"Poem to a Horse\" from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER 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ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-222", + "webqsp_question": "where is the seychelles on world map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-806_f4195182f9b6686444efa1f2719ea44a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Arab Republic of Egypt" + ], + "answer": "Egypt", + "answer_id": "m.02k54" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:59:15", + "machine_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located and is a Country", + "question": "Which country is home to the famous landmark, the Pyramids of Giza?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:kg.object_profile.prominent_type ns:location.country . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-806", + "webqsp_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_93912a6274eeba60d36de44ceec21ebc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and is the politician held thier governmental position since 2007-05-18", + "question": "Which leader of France during the year 2012 becuase their position on 2007-05-18?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from \"2007-05-18\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1364_5c7788508d40112703d31aeb04afe228", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scotland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:22:24", + "machine_question": "what do they speak in the country where Scottish English is spoken", + "question": "What other languages are spoke in the country where Scottish english is used?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.01v58_ . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1364", + "webqsp_question": "what do they speak in scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-827_a0da13a7b70a064b8cffb58007f6739d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dominion of Canada", + "Canuckistan" + ], + "answer": "Canada", + "answer_id": "m.0d060g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "justin bieber", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:41", + "machine_question": "what country does the artist which recorded #Thatpower come from", + "question": "Who knows where the origin of the artist that recorded #Thatpower?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0108b8q2 . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-827", + "webqsp_question": "what country does justin bieber come from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_d03d9e95586b07447e947135ec9eea34", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Man-Ray", + "Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitzky)", + "Manny", + "Emmanuel Radnitzky", + "The Estate of Man Ray" + ], + "answer": "Man Ray", + "answer_id": "m.0gskj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and was write of the film Emak-Bakia", + "question": "Who wrote the film, \"Emak-Bakia\" and was an influence on Andy Warhol's work?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:film.writer.film ns:m.02qjqt3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2525_6f63302a5c1425c7a4f31bd93c423f2b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TU", + "Temple", + "Temple University, Philadelphia" + ], + "answer": "Temple University", + "answer_id": "m.01jt2w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:14:46", + "machine_question": "where did jerry spinelli go to college and is the university that has number of undergraduates largest", + "question": "What college, that has the largest number of undergraduates, did Jerry Spinelli go to college?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05djw1)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR 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"answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:06:37", + "machine_question": "what country borders slovakia and is the topic that the speaker Alexander Mintz talked about", + "question": "What country borders Slovakia that is also the topic that the speaker Alexander Mintz spoke about?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06npd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06npd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:event.speech_topic.speeches_or_presentations_on_this_topic ?c .\n?c ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speaker_s ns:m.08ngt5v . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-527", + "webqsp_question": "what country borders slovakia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_347ac41770c5607a59919e07e21f5626", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling President", + "Sarko", + "Nicolas Paul St\u00e9phane Sark\u00f6zy de Nagy-Bocsa", + "Speedy", + "Sarko l'Am\u00e9ricain" + ], + "answer": "Nicolas Sarkozy", + "answer_id": "m.02ps9k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fran\u00e7ois G\u00e9rard Georges Hollande", + "Mayor Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "Francois Hollande" + ], + "answer": "Fran\u00e7ois Hollande", + "answer_id": "m.02qg4z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "france", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Michel Goudchaux 2012", + "question": "Who is the leader of the government where Michel Goudchax was an office holder in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER 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"answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Burj Khalifa, Dubai", + "Burj Dubai", + "Dubai tower" + ], + "answer": "Burj Khalifa", + "answer_id": "m.03cn0v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:29:14", + "machine_question": "what are the places to see in dubai and the number of building floors is largest", + "question": "What building in Dubai has the largest amount of floors?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f08r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01f08r ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.building.floors ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3346", + "webqsp_question": "what are the places to see in dubai" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1441_36a8b390b228b423efdeb7906e40dba7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Malaga" + ], + "answer": "M\u00e1laga", + "answer_id": "m.01978d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Madrid, Spain", + "Villa de Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.056_y" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "l'Hexagone", + "R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise", + "French Republic" + ], + "answer": "France", + "answer_id": "m.0f8l9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "picasso", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:36:14", + "machine_question": "where all did the visual artist that created the art series of Three Musicians live", + "question": "Where did the visual artist live that created \"Three Musicians\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:visual_art.visual_artist.art_series ns:m.02vyfth . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1441", + "webqsp_question": "where all did picasso live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1109_511153d9d12f8f2bf7183573ff7f9261", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Tunisian dinar", + "answer_id": "m.04z4ml" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tunisia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:58:02", + "machine_question": "what is the currency used in the area in which the newspaper La D\u00c3\u00a9p\u00c3\u00aache tunisienne is circulated", + "question": "What currency is used in the country where the La D\u00c3\u00a9p\u00c3\u00aache tunisienne is circulated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.05fbflx . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1109", + "webqsp_question": "what is the currency used in tunisia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_042fb6625d17490d974e44bd103baab8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Shake-speare", + "William 'Budd' Shakespeare", + "The Bard of Avon", + "Will Shakespeare", + "William Shakespare", + "Shakspere", + "England's national poet", + "The Bard", + "William Shaxper", + "Shaxper", + "Shakespeare", + "William Shake-speare", + "Budd", + "William Shakspere", + "William Shaksper", + "W. Shakespeare", + "Shaksper" + ], + "answer": "William Shakespeare", + "answer_id": "m.081k8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by and influenced William Hazlitt", + "question": "Who influenced both Arthur Miller and William Hazlitt?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yfp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yfp ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.influenced ns:m.015h69 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1173", + "webqsp_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_4981712a4ab6df668e2fcb283ec0727c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The End of the World", + "The Apocalypse" + ], + "answer": "This Is the End", + "answer_id": "m.0hz4j2j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Happy Smekday!" + ], + "answer": "Home", + "answer_id": "m.0mwfph8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "rihanna", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did the topic of the image Rihanna performing at Kanye West's Glow in the Dark Tour. play in", + "question": "What movie did the subject of the image \"Rihanna performing at Kanye West's Glow in the Dark Tour\" play in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:common.topic.image ns:m.04sd29q . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_404a6acab61e0a618448f9baf6ea523c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "CR2", + "Camp Rock 2" + ], + "answer": "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song", + "answer_id": "m.080b54x" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song", + "A Cinderella Story 3" + ], + "answer": "The Little Engine That Could", + "answer_id": "m.0gky0pl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension", + "Phineas e Ferb: Atrav\u00e9s da 2\u00aa Dimens\u00e3o", + "Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension in Fabulous 2D", + "Disney Phineas und Ferb der Film - Quer durch die 2. Dimension", + "Phineas and Ferb The Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension - In Fabulous 2D", + "Phineas y Ferb: A trav\u00e9s de la 2\u00aa Dimensi\u00f3n" + ], + "answer": "Super Buddies", + "answer_id": "m.0bh9n8g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Rock Camp Rules" + ], + "answer": "Step Up 3D", + "answer_id": "m.02w4by3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Camp Rock 2: The Final Jam", + "answer_id": "m.066b_n" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Step Up: All In", + "answer_id": "m.047f43s" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Holly Hobbie and Friends: Christmas Wishes", + "answer_id": "m.0gj8r0x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Step Up", + "answer_id": "m.026k503" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u0428\u0430\u0433 \u0432\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434 3D", + "Let's Dance 3", + "Sokak Dansi 3D", + "Dansul dragostei 3D", + "Step Up 3", + "Step Up 3D: I nea diastasi", + "Sexy Dance 3: The Battle 3D", + "Ela Dan\u00e7a, Eu Dan\u00e7o 3" + ], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen 2", + "answer_id": "m.064016d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Step Up (Bailando)", + "Step up - Camino a la fama", + "Step up - Sta vimata tou pathous", + "Let's Dance", + "Music High", + "Sexy Dance" + ], + "answer": "Phineas and Ferb the Movie: Across the 2nd Dimension", + "answer_id": "m.0b73wst" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Alice Upside Down", + "answer_id": "m.0wq4q7j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Step Up 5", + "Sokis hip-hopo ritmu. 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"compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:17:15", + "machine_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in and that was written by Pamela Eells", + "question": "What movie was directed by Pamela Eells and featured miley Cyrus as an actress?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0bdxs5)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0bdxs5 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.written_by ns:m.02wk_8f . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1657", + "webqsp_question": "what movies did miley cyrus play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_3697e55e1274706c2c838c4e43cdd3a3", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Hunger Games", + "answer_id": "m.0gkz15s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and features the song Safe 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"created": "2017-10-26T08:49:30", + "machine_question": "what is the main language used in the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named State Council of the People's Republic of China", + "question": "What is the official language of the country where the State Council of the People's Republic of China is located?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.0c3y2 . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-833", + "webqsp_question": "what is the main language used in china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_f62c0733b71bc6537e68d4767a3aafde", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bryce Canyon National" + ], + "answer": "Bryce Canyon National Park", + "answer_id": "m.0cnsp" + } + ], + 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"created": "2017-10-26T03:06:06", + "machine_question": "which continent is the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title First Vice President of Costa Rica located", + "question": "What continent contains the jurisdiction that has a position title of the First Vice President of Costa Rica?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.010r04hl . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2458", + "webqsp_question": "which continent is costa rica located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-909_93737675182e16125ec0b8dfae94e673", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The City that Never Sleeps", + "New York, U.S.A.", + "/m/02_286", + "New Yrok City", + "New York City, New York, USA", + "Empire City", + "City of New York", + "New York City, New York", + "New-York", + "\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30e8\u30fc\u30af\u5e02", + "Gotham", + "New York", + "New York, NY", + "The Melting Pot", + "Richmond County / New York city", + "NYC", + "The Big Apple", + "New York, N.Y.", + "New York, New York", + "The Capital of the World" + ], + "answer": "New York City", + "answer_id": "m.02_286" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Minneapolis, Minnesota", + "Hennepin County / Minneapolis city" + ], + "answer": "Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Duluth, Minnesota", + "St. Louis County / Duluth city" + ], + "answer": "Duluth", + "answer_id": "m.0h1k6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "St. Louis County / Hibbing city", + "Hibbing, Minnesota" + ], + "answer": "Hibbing", + "answer_id": "m.0wjjx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bob dylan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did the actor that played in the film Paradise Cove live", + "question": "Where did the actor live that starred in the film Paradise Cove?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0v03hgg . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1503_12efa4cee5acdd0e21df02422bc9cbdd", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cuban peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p2z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Chavito" + ], + "answer": "Cuban convertible peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p6c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cuba", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:58:12", + "machine_question": "what kind of currency does the place where breed Cubalaya originated in use", + "question": "What currency is used in the region where the Cubalaya breed originated?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.0984ll . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1503", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of currency does cuba use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_5c6240802c2b9ccbb72ff769c421adaa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Man-Ray", + "Man Ray (Emmanuel Radnitzky)", + "Manny", + "Emmanuel Radnitzky", + "The Estate of Man Ray" + ], + "answer": "Man Ray", + "answer_id": "m.0gskj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and was write of the film Les Myst\u00c3\u00a8res du Ch\u00c3\u00a2teau de D\u00c3\u00a9", + "question": "Who wrote the film \"Les Mysteres du Chateau de De\" and influenced Andy Warhol's film?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:film.writer.film ns:m.02qj5p3 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2177_c4787d5106abec7fc29c92172a232971", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harvard", + "Harvard College, main campus", + "Harvard College, Cambridge" + ], + "answer": "Harvard College", + "answer_id": "m.01mpwj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:27:02", + "machine_question": "where did caroline kennedy go to school and the organiztion founding date is earliest", + "question": "Of the schools that Carolina Kennedy attended, which one has the earliest founding date?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01y603)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01y603 ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:organization.organization.date_founded ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2177", + "webqsp_question": "where did caroline kennedy go to school" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2150_1ee37da8542146144a1ebcb2500a2114", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Belize", + "answer_id": "m.0164b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Guatemala." + ], + "answer": "Guatemala", + "answer_id": "m.0345_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 countries does the location which contains the second level division \u00c3\u0081ngel Albino Corzo border", + "question": "What 3 countries share geographical landmass with Mexico?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.04g2r64 . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2150", + "webqsp_question": "what 3 countries does mexico border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_09e65ee4415be6cf814dfc8c4cd33ace", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "UT", + "Beehive State" + ], + "answer": "Utah", + "answer_id": "m.07srw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "S Dak", + "Mount Rushmore State", + "SD" + ], + "answer": "South Dakota", + "answer_id": "m.06mz5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted after 1909", + "question": "What home of Sam Shepard has a governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted later than 1909?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"1909\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-769_36f43a04afe0083042ec753a2981ab21", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Termini Station" + ], + "answer": "Roma Termini railway station", + "answer_id": "m.02683tb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "rome", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:37:58", + "machine_question": "which is the main train station in the location where the film \"Madly in Love\" takes place", + "question": "What train station serves as the setting of the movie \"Madly in Love?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.0bgdthp . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.how_to_get_here ?y .\n?y ns:travel.transportation.transport_terminus ?x .\n?y ns:travel.transportation.mode_of_transportation ns:m.07jdr .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-769", + "webqsp_question": "which is the main train station in rome" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_a67434fb374ff25946976ff561f849a4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and that was released on 2012-04-03", + "question": "In which movie released on April 3, 2012 did Rihanna play?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.initial_release_date \"2012-04-03\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-567_3d6c5986e830deb9cf8cbda776853737", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "85621", + "answer_id": "m.01z5r29" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "85662", + "answer_id": "m.07nq6b_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "85628", + "answer_id": "m.07nq6d9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "nogales", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:11:39", + "machine_question": "what is the zip code for the location where the film \"Price of Glory\" takes place az", + "question": "What zip codes serve as the settings for the film \"Price of Glory?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.051wd5z . \n?c ns:location.citytown.postal_codes ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-567", + "webqsp_question": "what is the zip code for nogales az" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-701_5146c9cd27d432b7101aec37eaa7cea1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "New Orleans Saints", + "answer_id": "m.05g3v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:30:15", + "machine_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011 and was an award nominee in the 1st Annual NFL Honors ceremony", + "question": "Which award nominated team from the 1rst Annual NFL Honors ceremony did Reggie Bush play for in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05cb70)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05cb70 ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.ceremony ns:m.0jl16h0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-701", + "webqsp_question": "what team is reggie bush on 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_17bcf1319feed4ca83ae38e8c364ba13", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Killer in the Family", + "answer_id": "m.0bq4q22" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and that is 105.0 minutes long", + "question": "What has Lucy Hale played in that was 105 minutes long?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.runtime ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_cut.runtime \"105.0\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1119_2072e5fee980d50272952c62aa8504f6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kirkcaldy, Fife", + "Kirkcaldy, Scotland" + ], + "answer": "Kirkcaldy", + "answer_id": "m.01zrs_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "adam smith", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:59:31", + "machine_question": "where is the author who published editions for The Wealth of Nations from", + "question": "Name the place of birth of the author who published The Wealth of Nation editions .?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04v10dy . \n?c ns:people.person.place_of_birth ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1119", + "webqsp_question": "where is adam smith from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-908_6ab22ff830e6afdfa31465a4c9aafa25", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Film actress", + "Movie actress", + "Movie actor", + "Actress", + "Film actor", + "Theatre Actor" + ], + "answer": "Actor", + "answer_id": "m.02hrh1q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "james dean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:01", + "machine_question": "who is the actor that played the character Boxing Opponent's Second", + "question": "Who played the character \"Boxing Opponent's Second\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0103mtp1 . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-908", + "webqsp_question": "who is james dean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_20b9969f9141c5df585e596878551189", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "By Way of Helena", + "answer_id": "m.01222hf6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Dressmaker", + "answer_id": "m.0123hmcd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Independence Day 2", + "ID Forever Part I" + ], + "answer": "Draft:Independence Day 2", + "answer_id": "m.0134v4hd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pr\u00e9dictions" + ], + "answer": "Knowing", + "answer_id": "m.047v2p4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ghost Ship" + ], + "answer": "Triangle", + "answer_id": "m.06_vszc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Expendables II" + ], + "answer": "The Expendables 2", + "answer_id": "m.0gffmn8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Hunger Games", + "answer_id": "m.0gkz15s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "AWOL" + ], + "answer": "Love and Honor", + "answer_id": "m.0gxtt2w" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Arabian Nights", + "answer_id": "m.0gxtt3_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Timeless", + "answer_id": "m.0hz6697" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Paranoia", + "answer_id": "m.0k9390g" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Empire State", + "answer_id": "m.0lcw1gn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Catching Fire", + "The Hunger Games 2" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire", + "answer_id": "m.0n40qmp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay \u2013 Part 1" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 1", + "answer_id": "m.0ngvsvk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay \u2013 Part 2" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2", + "answer_id": "m.0ngvtb_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Aurora Rising", + "answer_id": "m.0v9rfj5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cut Bank", + "answer_id": "m.0wk4knj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "liam hemsworth", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is the actor that played the character Will Blakelee in", + "question": "What movies did the actor that portrayed the character Will Blakelee starred in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.07ykl2g . \n?c ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1503_0e2f43dca3a40e4146c130841d1b3eb1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cuban peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p2z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Chavito" + ], + "answer": "Cuban convertible peso", + "answer_id": "m.049p6c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "cuba", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:58:12", + "machine_question": "what kind of currency does the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Carlos Pr\u00c3\u00ado Socarr\u00c3\u00a1s use", + "question": "What kind of currency is used in the country that is governed by Carlos Pr\u00c3\u00ado Socarr\u00c3\u00a1s?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.0l1l3 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1503", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of currency does cuba use" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2190_8761d7c0cfacb42e793641431c2750e1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Stillwater, Minnesota", + "Washington County / Stillwater city" + ], + "answer": "South Dakota", + "answer_id": "m.0wmtg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Fla", + "Sunshine State", + "FL", + "State of Florida" + ], + "answer": "Florida", + "answer_id": "m.02xry" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Duarte city", + "Duarte, California" + ], + "answer": "Guam", + "answer_id": "m.0r06n" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "UT", + "Beehive State" + ], + "answer": "Utah", + "answer_id": "m.07srw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "S Dak", + "Mount Rushmore State", + "SD" + ], + "answer": "South Pasadena", + "answer_id": "m.06mz5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Duarte", + "answer_id": "m.034tl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / South Pasadena city", + "South Pasadena, California" + ], + "answer": "Stillwater", + "answer_id": "m.0r0_5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:28:41", + "machine_question": "where does sam shepard live and the population number is less than 756000", + "question": "What location where Sam Shepard makes his home has a population of fewer than 756000?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.016yzz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.016yzz ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 756000) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2190", + "webqsp_question": "where does sam shepard live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_a87e077f0e759349480a544bd66cfe40", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Pr\u00e9dictions" + ], + "answer": "Knowing", + "answer_id": "m.047v2p4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and it's genre is Thriller", + "question": "What thriller movies has Liam Hemsworth been in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:media_common.netflix_title.netflix_genres ns:m.01jfsb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1508_559b97351809c84395212d0abce3812b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Yale Law School, main campus", + "Yale Law School, New Haven", + "Yale Law" + ], + "answer": "Yale Law School", + "answer_id": "m.02bq1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, main campus", + "Georgetown School of Foreign Service" + ], + "answer": "Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service", + "answer_id": "m.02ckl3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Universitas Oxoniensis", + "Oxford University" + ], + "answer": "University of Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.07tgn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Yale University, main campus", + "Yale University", + "Yale University, New Haven", + "YU", + "Yale" + ], + "answer": "University Yale", + "answer_id": "m.08815" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Georgetown", + "Georgetown University, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown University", + "answer_id": "m.0pspl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "University College, Oxford, main campus", + "Univ.", + "The Master and Fellows of the College of the Great Hall of the University of Oxford" + ], + "answer": "University College, Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.0ymf1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bill clinton", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:48:47", + "machine_question": "when did the author who published editions for Mi Vida go to college", + "question": "Where did the author of \"Mi Vida\" attend college?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04vs2vw . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1534_ffc5fda8ad388a060fd946847c659eb8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hennepin County", + "answer_id": "m.0nhmw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "minneapolis mn", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:00:40", + "machine_question": "what county is the area in which the newspaper Minnesota Daily is circulated in", + "question": "Which US county is the area in which the newspaper Minnesota Daily is circulated in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.04_llq . \n?c ns:location.hud_county_place.county ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1534", + "webqsp_question": "what county is minneapolis mn in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1641_b37d4b05ea715969ede4bb128d095b5b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "4th & King, San Francisco" + ], + "answer": "San Francisco 4th and King Street Station", + "answer_id": "m.02r817z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "san francisco", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:15:22", + "machine_question": "what is the name of the main train station in the area in which the newspaper San Francisco Call is circulated", + "question": "What's the main train station called that's in the circulation area of the newspaper San Francisco Call?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.09573v . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.how_to_get_here ?y .\n?y ns:travel.transportation.transport_terminus ?x .\n?y ns:travel.transportation.mode_of_transportation ns:m.07jdr .\n?x ns:location.location.containedby ?c .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1641", + "webqsp_question": "what is the name of the main train station in san francisco" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_7594fdf2e87fa4b37f9b3b1a9fc994dc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "", + "answer_id": "g.121xqqc4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Zion National" + ], + "answer": "Zion National Park", + "answer_id": "m.01626x" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Days of '47 Parade", + "answer_id": "m.0268k69" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Discovery Gateway", + "answer_id": "m.02x5d6c" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Church History" + ], + "answer": "Church History Museum", + "answer_id": "m.02z2sd8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Salt Lake Temple", + "answer_id": "m.034zn4" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Temple Square", + "answer_id": "m.034zsf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mr. & Mrs. George T. Hansen Planetarium", + "Space Science" + ], + "answer": "Salt Lake City Public Library", + "answer_id": "m.048fms" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Trolley Square", + "answer_id": "m.04p9dd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Red Butte Garden" + ], + "answer": "Red Butte Garden and Arboretum", + "answer_id": "m.05qp9q" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Clark Planetarium", + "answer_id": "m.06mp6_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Antelope Island State" + ], + "answer": "Antelope Island State Park", + "answer_id": "m.0b6mxyf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Sugar House" + ], + "answer": "Sugar House Park", + "answer_id": "m.0cgn__" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Bryce Canyon National" + ], + "answer": "Bryce Canyon National Park", + "answer_id": "m.0cnsp" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hogle Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.0h231z" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "salt lake city utah", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:31:32", + "machine_question": "what there to do in the location where the film \"A Hobo's Christmas\" takes place", + "question": "What are things to do in the location of the movie \"A Hobo's Christmas\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.026m48k . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1405", + "webqsp_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2346_28493f74e4691113c9a8fa3dd1f12cf9", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin dialects" + ], + "answer": "Mandarin Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.03115z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Taiwanese Mandarin", + "answer_id": "m.09q16b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Xinminhua", + "Kek", + "Hakka", + "Ke", + "Hokka", + "Tu Guangdonghua", + "Kehia", + "Hakka Chinese", + "Khek", + "Majiahua", + "Kechia", + "Chinese, Hakka", + "Kejia" + ], + "answer": "Chinese, Hakka Language", + "answer_id": "m.0dxj6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Taiwanese language", + "Taiwanese" + ], + "answer": "Taiwanese Hokkien", + "answer_id": "m.0g1jw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "taiwan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:51:18", + "machine_question": "what does the place where breed Formosan Mountain Dog originated in people speak", + "question": "What languages are used in the birthplace of the Formosan Mountain Dog breed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:biology.breed_origin.breeds_originating_here ns:m.0286819 . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2346", + "webqsp_question": "what does taiwan people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2150_04ad49b5e54a4a7667bb2238b0a06717", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Belize", + "answer_id": "m.0164b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Guatemala." + ], + "answer": "Guatemala", + "answer_id": "m.0345_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 countries does the country that its coat of arms is Seal of the United Mexican States border", + "question": "What 3 countries border the country that has the Seal of the United Mexican States as its coat of arms?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:symbols.coat_of_arms_bearer.coat_of_arms_used ?k .\n?k ns:symbols.armorial_grant.coat_of_arms ns:m.04f00zn . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2150", + "webqsp_question": "what 3 countries does mexico border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_3594eec2da1975b582d92306cb550b04", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Belarus", + "Respublika Belarus\u2019", + "Bellarussiya", + "Bielaru\u015b" + ], + "answer": "Belarus", + "answer_id": "m.0163v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Estland", + "Republic of Estonia" + ], + "answer": "Estonia", + "answer_id": "m.02kmm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomi", + "Republic of Finland" + ], + "answer": "Finland", + "answer_id": "m.02vzc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Lettland", + "Republic of Latvia" + ], + "answer": "Latvia", + "answer_id": "m.04g5k" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mongolia", + "answer_id": "m.04w8f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Norge", + "Kingdom of Norway" + ], + "answer": "Norway", + "answer_id": "m.05b4w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic People's Republic of Korea", + "DPRK" + ], + "answer": "North Korea", + "answer_id": "m.05b7q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Polska", + "Republic of Poland" + ], + "answer": "Poland", + "answer_id": "m.05qhw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukraine Region" + ], + "answer": "Ukraine", + "answer_id": "m.07t21" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Georgia" + ], + "answer": "Georgia", + "answer_id": "m.0d0kn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Azerbaijan", + "Az\u0259rbaycan Respublikas\u0131" + ], + "answer": "Azerbaijan", + "answer_id": "m.0jhd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "russia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Leonid Lebedev border", + "question": "What countries border the government where Leonid Lebedev is in office?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ns:m.0gj3lkh . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1386_b6af9ae3bc7144eec680c061c9693911", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Malignant neoplasm" + ], + "answer": "Cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0qcr0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:38:11", + "machine_question": "what did the artist aword nominated for She Works Hard for the Money die from", + "question": "What was the cause of death for the artist nominated for an award for \"She Works Hard for the Money?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.nominated_for ns:m.0l_x16x . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1386", + "webqsp_question": "what did donna summers die from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3252_486294eb91124adee733f0f1076b2d5b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Niger" + ], + "answer": "Guinea", + "answer_id": "m.05cc1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Niger", + "answer_id": "m.03676" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mali", + "answer_id": "m.04v09" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:14:40", + "machine_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through and the country calling code is less than 229", + "question": "Through which countries does the Niger river flow that have country calling codes lower than 229?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.05csx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.05csx ns:geography.river.basin_countries ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.calling_code ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 229) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3252", + "webqsp_question": "what countries does the niger river flow through" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1183_03cf6abd16a825e4e4a6a01fb3f41f80", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Pisa, main campus" + ], + "answer": 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"created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and that was producted by the company Alloy Entertainment", + "question": "What movie is produced by Alloy Entertainment and features Lucy Hale as an actress?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.production_companies ns:m.04ld_xb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_1ac8ccb9cd6f48d856dfcad7600bf7f6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:25:29", + "machine_question": "what other countries border argentina and number of people in the country's army is greater than 713480", + "question": "Of the countries that border Argentina, which country's army, has more than 713,480 people?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jgd ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.size_of_armed_forces ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 713480) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1382", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries border argentina" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-384_a6ba6b829469dd848a362f669062f800", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Poet", + "answer_id": "m.05z96" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Bard", + "answer_id": "m.0knj1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "robert burns", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:42:45", + "machine_question": "what was the person that said \"Let us do or die.\" famous for", + "question": "What was the person that stated, \"Let us do or die.\" famous for?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048j8q1 . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-384", + "webqsp_question": "what was robert burns famous for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1361_29cb8eca443e477e655fbeb6dd6a625c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mexican peso", + "answer_id": "m.012ts8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "mexico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:02", + "machine_question": "what currency should take to the location where the film \"The Treasure of the Sierra Madre\" takes place", + "question": "What type of currency is used in the place where \"The Treasure of the Sierra Madre\" was filmed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.02q_ncg . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1361", + "webqsp_question": "what currency should take to mexico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_d5618d86b16ee7b75c09ee18d75a85f4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom of Bahrain" + ], + "answer": "Bahrain", + "answer_id": "m.0161c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and the ISO numeric of the country is 048", + "question": "What country with an ISO numeric of 048 is an Arabic-speaking nation?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric \"048\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks arabic language" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-577_9139115e5344ced01846824809289f0f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Arkansas, main campus", + "University of Arkansas, Fayetteville", + "U of A" + ], + "answer": "University of Arkansas", + "answer_id": "m.01rc6f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:12:34", + "machine_question": "where did derek fisher go to college and has an organization headquarters located in the citytown Fayetteville", + "question": "Where did Derek Fisher attend university, that has an organization headquarters, located in the city of Fayetteville?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04lvwk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04lvwk ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:organization.organization.headquarters ?c .\n?c ns:location.mailing_address.citytown ns:m.0qxhc . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-577", + "webqsp_question": "where did derek fisher go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2035_62ed52c1fa7da73f50c28933274877a2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Shawnee Mission West High" + ], + "answer": "Shawnee Mission West High School", + "answer_id": "m.0fxmd0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "paul rudd", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:09:51", + "machine_question": "where did the actor that played in the film Moment of Truth: Stalking Back go to high school", + "question": "What high school did the actor who worked in the movie \"Moment of Truth: Stalking Back\" attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0cc15cj . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hn6 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2035", + "webqsp_question": "where did paul rudd go to high school" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_ca9cfb9257c85098ae8d6dc1954571fa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "L.C. 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"Finnish Language", + "answer_id": "m.01gp_d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saame", + "Anar", + "Inari \"Lappish\"", + "Lapp", + "Saam", + "Finnish Lapp", + "Samic", + "S\u00e1mi", + "Saami, Inari" + ], + "answer": "Saami, Inari Language", + "answer_id": "m.02lpg6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saami, North", + "Saame", + "Northern Lappish", + "Lapp", + "Norwegian Lapp", + "Norwegian Saami", + "Northern Lapp", + "Same", + "Sami, Northern", + "Samic", + "Saami", + "Davvin", + "Northern Saami" + ], + "answer": "Saami, North Language", + "answer_id": "m.04d36l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Swedish", + "Ruotsi", + "Svenska" + ], + "answer": "Swedish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06mp7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "finland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:36:38", + "machine_question": "what language do you speak in the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Cabinet of Finland", + "question": "What languages are spoken in the governmental jurisdiction with the Cabinet of Finland?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.0jt5qtr . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1373", + "webqsp_question": "what language do you speak in finland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2693_c20dea9851e737a04505f91280ade736", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "California, USA", + "Calif", + "CA", + "Golden State" + ], + "answer": "California", + "answer_id": "m.01n7q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ronald reagan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:45:47", + "machine_question": "what state was the person that said \"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.\" governor of", + "question": "What state was the person the governor for that said \"government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:people.person.quotations ns:m.048g5vm . \n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.jurisdiction_of_office ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2693", + "webqsp_question": "what state was ronald reagan governor of" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-577_304142e434da5f8e35f5787e2005bf02", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "University of Arkansas, main campus", + "University of Arkansas, Fayetteville", + "U of A" + ], + "answer": "University of Arkansas", + "answer_id": "m.01rc6f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:12:34", + "machine_question": "where did derek fisher go to college and is the university that has number of undergraduates largest", + "question": "Which college did Derek Fisher attend that has the largest number of postgraduates?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04lvwk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04lvwk ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_undergraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-577", + "webqsp_question": "where did derek fisher go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1724_3656a02f8d501544d97524969ddb2500", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "FA Cup 2001-02" + ], + "answer": "2001\u201302 FA Cup", + "answer_id": "m.03wcjy2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:19:16", + "machine_question": "when did arsenal won the league and Chelsea F.C. was the championship runner up", + "question": "In which championship contests did Arsenal beat Chelsea F.C.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0xbm)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0xbm ns:sports.sports_award_winner.awards ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_award.season ?x .\n?y ns:sports.sports_award.award ns:m.02_p0 .\n?x ns:sports.sports_championship_event.runner_up ns:m.023fb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1724", + "webqsp_question": "when did arsenal won the league" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_5ae93f35a56188415df5ec06544f9c6d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Peru", + "answer_id": "m.016wzw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + "answer_id": "m.0jgd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bolivia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does the place where Tsiman\u00c3\u00a9 Language language is spoken border", + "question": "What countries border the place where Tsiman\u00c3\u00a9 is a spoken language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.02hxz3n . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2325_574a8a152e35c2b935edf71c8a0f0028", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ryan Rodney Reynolds", + "Champ Nightengale" + ], + "answer": "Ryan Reynolds", + "answer_id": "m.036hf4" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scarlett johansson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:48:21", + "machine_question": "who did the artist which recorded Coteau Guidry Reprise married", + "question": "Who is spouse to the Coteau Guidry Reprise recording artist?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.011rw88k . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2325", + "webqsp_question": "who did scarlett johansson married" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3437_af39d276a5a2106607da59256a7cd650", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria", + "People's Democratic Republic of Algeria" + ], + "answer": "Algeria", + "answer_id": "m.0h3y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:46:27", + "machine_question": "who speaks arabic language and the ISO numeric of the country is smallest", + "question": "What countries which speaks the Arabic language has the smallest ISO numeric code?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3437", + "webqsp_question": "who speaks 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ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2010-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2010-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1948", + "webqsp_question": "who is the current president of china 2010" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1364_6c397eba2af0acc5963d92c4bebdad09", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sekgoa", + "Anglit", + "English language", + "English" + ], + "answer": "English Language", + "answer_id": "m.02h40lc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "scotland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:22:24", + "machine_question": "what do they speak in where the government Scottish Government is located", + "question": "What language do I need to learn for when I visit the location of the government known as Scottish Government?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.government ns:m.01nq43 . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1364", + "webqsp_question": "what do they speak in scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3466_ca6ce44d620e3ead920f09f2813da1af", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Dallas, Texas", + "Dallas, TX", + "Rockwall County / Dallas city" + ], + "answer": "Dallas", + "answer_id": "m.0f2rq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kennedy", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:52:50", + "machine_question": "in which city was president the public speaker which spoke about Berlin Wall killed", + "question": "In what city was the President who was a public speaker who spoke about the Berlin Wall killed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.speech_topic ns:m.017f5 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.place_of_death ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01m9 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3466", + "webqsp_question": "in which city was president kennedy killed" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1081_cae5d27828e858834fa1311abf598bce", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Iowa State University, Ames", + "Iowa State University, main campus", + "Iowa State", + "ISU" + ], + "answer": "Iowa State University", + "answer_id": "m.03v6t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:29:02", + "machine_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage and is the university that has number of postgraduates greater than 42", + "question": "Which college did George Washington Carver attend that had more than 42 undergraduates?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03djm)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03djm ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_postgraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 42) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1081", + "webqsp_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_6f57c24c495306fcf0cbe66c6e79560e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Expendables 2", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Hunger Games", + "answer_id": "m.0gkz15s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Expendables II" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.0gffmn8" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and the film netflix_id is greater than 70118364", + "question": "Of the movies is Liam Hemsworth in, which has Netflix_id of more than 70118364?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.netflix_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 70118364) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1941_ad6c1696e1a8f74cb595b7febc03c00b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Centennial State", + "Colo", + "CO" + ], + "answer": "Colorado", + "answer_id": "m.01n4w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:56:45", + "machine_question": "where is downtown littleton and have governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was adapted before 1899", + "question": "The state where the city of Littleton is located, and has a governmental jurisdiction location symbol that was utilized before 1899?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0g8lsf)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0g8lsf ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?c .\n?c ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.date_adopted ?num .\nFILTER (?num < \"1899\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1355_fbb250d577dae6a4255a0a693c10fb6d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u80e1\u9326\u6fe4", + "Jintao Hu", + "Hu Jin Tao", + "\u80e1\u9526\u6d9b" + ], + "answer": "Hu Jintao", + "answer_id": "m.013my_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "china", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:33:42", + "machine_question": "who runs the country where Guangzhou Zhu Jiang Brewery Co.Ltd. Zhu Jiang Beer beer is made 2011", + "question": "in 2011, who ran the country in which Guangzhou Zhu Jiang Brewery Co. Ltd. Zhu Jiang Beer is made?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqjxz . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2011-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1355", + "webqsp_question": "who runs china 2011" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1534_df6a2b202ba6634862598d9ec77306d6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hennepin County", + "answer_id": "m.0nhmw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "minneapolis mn", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:00:40", + "machine_question": "what county is the area in which the newspaper Arbeitets Ridder is circulated in", + "question": "In what county is the circulation area of the Arbeitets Ridder newspaper?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.05f7zp9 . \n?c ns:location.hud_county_place.county ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1534", + "webqsp_question": "what county is minneapolis mn in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2401_6c6f681ecb3db772e9696642740674fa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukrainian Hrivna" + ], + "answer": "Ukrainian hryvnia", + "answer_id": "m.035qkb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ukraine", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:57:19", + "machine_question": "what money is used in the area in which the newspaper Zerkalo Nedeli is circulated", + "question": "What is the currency used in the region where the Zerkalo Nedeli is distributed?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:periodicals.newspaper_circulation_area.newspapers ns:m.04yh1n . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2401", + "webqsp_question": "what money is used in ukraine" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_7928c31906d17532b294eb0d786e1ccc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Peru", + "answer_id": "m.016wzw" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de America", + "Heart of America", + "Republic of Paraguay", + "Coraz\u00f3n de Am\u00e9rica" + ], + "answer": "Paraguay", + "answer_id": "m.05v10" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Argentine", + "Agrentina ", + "Argentine Republic" + ], + "answer": "Argentina", + "answer_id": "m.0jgd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bolivia", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:30", + "machine_question": "what does the country where Cerveza Ducal beer is made border", + "question": "What countries border the production country for Cerveza Ducal beer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.05nc3py . \n?c ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-823", + "webqsp_question": "what does bolivia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3271_5272ec25885790432c68839f55efc35e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Aymara" + ], + "answer": "Aymara language", + "answer_id": "m.01y5tq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Mapuche", + "Mapudungu", + "Mapudungun", + "Araucano", + "Maputongo" + ], + "answer": "Mapudungun Language", + "answer_id": "m.01zn1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Easter Island", + "Pascuense", + "Rapa Nui" + ], + "answer": "Rapa Nui Language", + "answer_id": "m.0565hv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Puquina" + ], + "answer": "Puquina Language", + "answer_id": "m.09_sxt" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chilean", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:16:31", + "machine_question": "what does the country where Kunstmann beer is made people speak", + "question": "What is the spoken language in the country where Kunstmann Beer is made?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.03qh4fs . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3271", + "webqsp_question": "what does chilean people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_d2cff41477232a4029876a5d631191a8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Azerbaijan", + "Az\u0259rbaycan Respublikas\u0131" + ], + "answer": "Belarus", + "answer_id": "m.0jhd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Belarus", + "Respublika Belarus\u2019", + "Bellarussiya", + "Bielaru\u015b" + ], + "answer": "China", + "answer_id": "m.0163v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "People's Republic of China" + ], + "answer": "Azerbaijan", + "answer_id": "m.0d05w3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and the ISO numeric of the country is less than 233", + "question": "What country with an ISO less that 233 borders Russia?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 233) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-404_c5c0f080e80c04403f3acf78e726341a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "drowned" + ], + "answer": "Drowning", + "answer_id": "m.01g27f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Atherosclerotic heart disease", + "Coronary disease", + "Coronary Artery disorder", + "Coronary heart disorder" + ], + "answer": "Coronary artery disease", + "answer_id": "m.01s1m" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cocaine overdose", + "answer_id": "m.02nx6jb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "whitney houston", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:05:16", + "machine_question": "what killed was nominee of the Billboard Music Award for No.1 World Artist award", + "question": "What was the cause of death of the person nominated for the No. 1 World Artist award by the Billboard Music Awards?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.0111tkwy . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-404", + "webqsp_question": "what killed whitney houston" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2631_a60904278de9f6a712bc87d1d25753d2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Principality of Monaco", + "Monte Carlo" + ], + "answer": "Monaco", + "answer_id": "m.04w58" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:36:12", + "machine_question": "what countries are the mediterranean and that has a GDP deflator change of rate 0.05", + "question": "What Mediterranean country has a GDP deflator change rate of 0.05?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04swx)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04swx ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.gdp_deflator_change ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_percentage.rate \"0.05\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2631", + "webqsp_question": "what countries are the mediterranean" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-970_936ac874cf9393903f70f3e1035b1bf0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military dictatorship", + "answer_id": "m.012qkq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Military junta", + "answer_id": "m.025s5c_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Parliamentary" + ], + "answer": "Parliamentary republic", + "answer_id": "m.0glnsx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "fiji", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:35:11", + "machine_question": "what type of government does the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title President of Fiji have", + "question": "What is the government system of the government where the title of President of Fiji is held?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.02dk_7 . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-970", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government does fiji have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-531_23022ce1a5ae2b1fb41a2308c0202889", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Buddhist" + ], + "answer": "Buddhism", + "answer_id": "m.092bf5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:28:34", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in australia and that was featured in the work Siddhartha", + "question": "Which religion found in Australia is featured in the work of Siddhartha?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:book.book_subject.works ns:m.01wvrl . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-531", + "webqsp_question": "what religions are found in australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1632_7b872cc8cad07f984d09e1b2eee4ccce", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Voorlezer's House", + "answer_id": "m.02z0qbn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:14:20", + "machine_question": "what to see in staten island new york and is the structure opened in 1695", + "question": "What structure that was opened in 1695 that I can see in Staten Island?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0y62n)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0y62n ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.structure.opened \"1695\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1632", + "webqsp_question": "what 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"answer": "Siwi Language", + "answer_id": "m.012zfy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:55:10", + "machine_question": "what languages do people speak in egypt and belongs to the Eastern Berber languages language family", + "question": "What is the Eastern Berber language that is spoken in Egypt?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02k54)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02k54 ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.language_family ns:m.012ytt . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2736", + "webqsp_question": "what languages do people speak in egypt" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_e4b8cc2902be555d609610b698dae3f0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Incident on 57th Street" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", + "answer_id": "m.031778" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and had a prequel named Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", + "question": "Which of the Harry Potter films had a prequel called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.prequel ns:m.03176f . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3454_30d6b141a56842fecbb32d79781ac739", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "1984 NBA draft", + "answer_id": "m.06jncs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "michael jordan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:48:55", + "machine_question": 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president of the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Chairman of the Communist Party of China 2010", + "question": "Who is the current President of the country that has the position title Chairman of the Communist Party of China in 2010?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.02zllx . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2010-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2010-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1948", + "webqsp_question": "who is the current president of china 2010" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_306f327a2508b5627dd0bec7032432b0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and a film 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Like Me\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.composer.compositions ns:m.02phr_z . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.end_date ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:people.place_lived.start_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-766", + "webqsp_question": "where does liz mcclarnon live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2944_8c4cd2a8dd5064dcd1e88389796138c7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:24:28", + "machine_question": "what country is the political appointer that had the title Associate Director, White House Office of Public Liaison from", + "question": "What country is the official with the title of Associate Director, White House Office of Public Liaison from?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.05pv1bt . \n?c ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2944", + "webqsp_question": "what country is barack obama from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2325_66bb020a894138146f4649fdab1a7a17", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ryan Rodney Reynolds", + "Champ 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"answer_id": "m.056_y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:36:14", + "machine_question": "where all did picasso live and contains a neighborhood named Pinar de Chamart\u00c3\u00adn", + "question": "What Picasso home contains the Pinar de Chamartin neighborhood?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.060_7)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.060_7 ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.place_with_neighborhoods.neighborhoods ns:m.011136tj . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1441", + "webqsp_question": "where all did picasso live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1386_0eeed136f243e17ba0967519219ca652", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Lung cancer", + "answer_id": "m.04p3w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Malignant neoplasm" + ], + "answer": "Cancer", + "answer_id": "m.0qcr0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "donna summers", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:38:11", + "machine_question": "what did the actor that played the character Nicole Sims die from", + "question": "What is the cause of death to the actor that played the character Nicole Sims?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0hhh559 . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1386", + "webqsp_question": "what did donna summers die from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1534_bba09e9aad08f962be6e30bd7c55f28d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Hennepin County", + "answer_id": "m.0nhmw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "minneapolis mn", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:00:40", + "machine_question": "what county is the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Minneapolis City Council in", + "question": "In what US county has the governmental body named Minneapolis City Council in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.04n3r_ . \n?c ns:location.hud_county_place.county ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1534", + "webqsp_question": "what county is minneapolis mn in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-472_3bade34690f94a435d217ffbe1a726b0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazil Football Team", + "Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "Brazil Men's National Football Team", + "Brazil Mens Soccer Team", + "Brazil Mens National Soccer Team", + "Brazil Men's Football Team", + "Brazil Mens Football Team", + "Brazil Men's National Soccer Team", + "Brazil National Soccer Team", + "Brazil Mens National Football Team", + "Brazil national football", + "Brazil Soccer Team", + "Brazil Men's Soccer Team" + ], + "answer": "Brazil national football team", + "answer_id": "m.01352_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:53:15", + "machine_question": "what team did ronaldo play for in 2003 and is the sports team was founded in 1914", + "question": "For what sports team founded in 1914 did Ronaldo play in 2003?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0hhqw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0hhqw ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2003-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2003-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded \"1914\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-472", + "webqsp_question": "what team did ronaldo play for in 2003" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1643_6f4dd38c2af13444f82e642ac15aaff4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bradford Claude Dourif", + "Bradford Claude \"Brad\" Dourif", + "Brad" + ], + "answer": "Brad Dourif", + "answer_id": "m.02bfmn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:08:19", + "machine_question": "who does the voice for chucky in child 's play and is the actor that played the character Piter De Vries", + "question": "Which actor was the voice of Chucky in Child's Play and portrayed Piter De Vries?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02mkzj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02mkzj ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.06jpdm .\n?y ns:film.performance.special_performance_type ns:m.02nsjvf .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ns:m.02mkzj .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.character ns:m.026hf . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1643", + "webqsp_question": "who does the voice for chucky in child 's play" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1405_2c656b83219fb3d2061e6571e289bdcc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Zion National" + ], + "answer": "Zion National Park", + "answer_id": "m.01626x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:31:32", + "machine_question": "what there to do in salt lake city utah and that were established before 1928-02-25", + "question": "What tourist attraction was created before 1928-02-25 and is located in Salt Lake City Utah?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER 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"Vr\u00edskot 4", + "\u00d6skri\u00f0 4", + "Gritos 4", + "Scre4m: Grita de Nuevo", + "\u041a\u0440\u0438\u043a 4", + "Klyksmas 4", + "P\u00e2nico 4", + "Scre4m" + ], + "answer": "Scream 4", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhdbl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker bell 4", + "Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods", + "Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker Bell: A Winter Story" + ], + "answer": "Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings", + "answer_id": "m.0crfwmx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song", + "A Cinderella Story 3" + ], + "answer": "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song", + "answer_id": "m.0gky0pl" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "lucy hale", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has the actor that played the character Periwinkle played in", + "question": "What other films has the actor who played Periwinkle been in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT 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+ ], + "answer": "Minneapolis", + "answer_id": "m.0fpzwf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Duluth, Minnesota", + "St. Louis County / Duluth city" + ], + "answer": "Duluth", + "answer_id": "m.0h1k6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles County / Malibu city", + "Malibu, California", + "Malibu Vista, California", + "Malibu Vista" + ], + "answer": "Malibu", + "answer_id": "m.0r0m6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "St. Louis County / Hibbing city", + "Hibbing, Minnesota" + ], + "answer": "Hibbing", + "answer_id": "m.0wjjx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bob dylan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:23:14", + "machine_question": "where did the artist which recorded Don't Ya Tell Henry live", + "question": "Where did the \"Don't Ya Tell Henry\" artist live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:music.featured_artist.recordings ns:m.0tm5xk . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-909", + "webqsp_question": "where did bob dylan live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-404_05410109ed9d8ea1c364f6c7aeea35fb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "drowned" + ], + "answer": "Drowning", + "answer_id": "m.01g27f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Atherosclerotic heart disease", + "Coronary disease", + "Coronary Artery disorder", + "Coronary heart disorder" + ], + "answer": "Coronary artery disease", + "answer_id": "m.01s1m" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cocaine overdose", + "answer_id": "m.02nx6jb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "whitney houston", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:05:16", + "machine_question": "what killed the artist aword nominated for I'm Your Baby Tonight", + "question": "What was the cause of death for the artist nominated for awards for \"I'm Your Baby Tonight\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT 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Day 2", + "answer_id": "m.0134v4hd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pr\u00e9dictions" + ], + "answer": "Knowing", + "answer_id": "m.047v2p4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Expendables II" + ], + "answer": "The Expendables 2", + "answer_id": "m.0gffmn8" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Hunger Games", + "answer_id": "m.0gkz15s" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "AWOL" + ], + "answer": "Love and Honor", + "answer_id": "m.0gxtt2w" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Arabian Nights", + "answer_id": "m.0gxtt3_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": 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was Liam Hemsworth?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.country ns:m.09c7w0 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_de3499b20548dec8ef12fada2252c9d4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Royal Seat of San Lorenzo de El Escorial" + ], + "answer": "El Escorial", + "answer_id": "m.01bc9m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo del Prado, Madrid", + "Prado Museum" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.01hlq3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia", + "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda, Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sof\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.01jcyh" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Summercase", + "answer_id": "m.02r9yg7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Festimad", + "answer_id": "m.03chy63" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Buen Retiro" + ], + "answer": "Buen Retiro Park", + "answer_id": "m.03rmzx" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Royal Palace of Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Royal Palace of Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.04m3yk" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Almudena Cathedral", + "answer_id": "m.053llq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo Sorolla", + "Sorolla" + ], + "answer": "Sorolla Museum", + "answer_id": "m.05bvn8g" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza de Cibeles", + "answer_id": "m.06_l58" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Arena", + "answer_id": "m.06cgmf" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Paseo del Prado", + "answer_id": "m.06j2nj" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Parque Warner Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.06nd2f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Thyssen-Bornemisza" + ], + "answer": "Thyssen-Bornemisza Museum", + "answer_id": "m.073z19" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Temple of Debod", + "answer_id": "m.07f__f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Puerta del Sol", + "answer_id": "m.07mpc7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Gran Via" + ], + "answer": "Gran V\u00eda", + "answer_id": "m.09s07b" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Madrid Marathon", + "answer_id": "m.0bwg9f0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Plaza Mayor, Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0cd2rc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "La Vaguada", + "answer_id": "m.0fphvtq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museo de Lazaro Galdiano" + ], + "answer": "Museum of L\u00e1zaro Galdiano", + "answer_id": "m.0h3lmf1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Palace of la Bolsa de Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.0h3tjjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "madrid", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in the area in which the newspaper El Liberal is circulated", + "question": "What 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Walsh School of Foreign Service, main campus", + "Georgetown School of Foreign Service" + ], + "answer": "Edmund A. 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], + "answer": "Giza", + "answer_id": "m.012b0q" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:59:15", + "machine_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located and the population number is 2572581", + "question": "Name a place that is home to ancient pyramids and has a population of 2572581?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07s6gb8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07s6gb8 ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:topic_server.population_number \"2572581\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-806", + "webqsp_question": "where are the pyramids of giza located" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1529_66dd391f8be082151df7c1ef2067ae0a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Warrau", + "Warau", + "Guarauno", + "Warao", + "Guarao" + ], + "answer": "Warao Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxhnv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:00:02", + "machine_question": "what does guyana speak and belongs to the Language isolate language family", + "question": "What isolate language does Guyana speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.034m8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.034m8 ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:language.human_language.language_family ns:m.015fjr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1529", + "webqsp_question": "what does guyana speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-652_f660f027f583c65dadb7e03bffc987a0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mexicans", + "Mexican" + ], + "answer": "Mexicans", + "answer_id": "m.09k5jvk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Italian-American" + ], + "answer": "Italian American", + "answer_id": "m.0xnvg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "selena gomez", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:22:27", + "machine_question": "what kind of hispanic is was nominee of the Young Hollywood Award for Most Anticipated Tour award", + "question": "Which Hispanic group was nominated for the Most Anticipated Tour at the Young Hollywood Awards?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.0y54j29 . \n?c ns:people.person.ethnicity ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-652", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of hispanic is selena gomez" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-967_9979ad066382ff1507c923c8035087c4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Ballistic trauma", + "answer_id": "m.02qnd1b" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Suicide", + "answer_id": "m.06z5s" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hitler", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:12:05", + "machine_question": "what did the political appointer that had the title Reich Governor use to kill himself", + "question": "What did the political appointer who was the Reich Governor used to kill himself?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.09c1mpz . \n?c ns:people.deceased_person.cause_of_death ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-967", + "webqsp_question": "what did hitler use to kill himself" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1792_d883a8a48671befac33bf89e3d801830", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Scotia" + ], + "answer": "Scotland", + "answer_id": "m.06q1r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:32:16", + "machine_question": "where is midlothian scotland and is the political district with the governmental body European Parliament", + "question": "In which country is the Midlothian district of the European Parliament?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.011w8v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.011w8v ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n?x ns:government.political_district.representatives ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.02m0v . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1792", + "webqsp_question": "where is midlothian scotland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-69_824f3b1d8a1647e2876766032935bb92", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Blossom", + "answer_id": "m.026_g9w" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Melissa & Joey", + "answer_id": "m.02xwgb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Run of the House", + "answer_id": "m.0b6kw6d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:15", + "machine_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on and the tv program episode running time is less than 30", + "question": "What Joey Lawrence tv show had a run time for each tv program episode of less than 30?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01pr9kj)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01pr9kj ns:tv.tv_actor.starring_roles ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.series ?x .\n?x ns:tv.tv_program.episode_running_time ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 30) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-69", + "webqsp_question": "what tv show did joey lawrence play on" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3327_a3a27d2b08f4fc6192bebfa8fe32dc25", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Lewis and Clark County / Helena city", + "Helena, Montana" + ], + "answer": "Helena", + "answer_id": "m.0fvxg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "montana", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:25:55", + "machine_question": "what is the capital city of has an official symbol of Gold and Silver usa", + "question": "What capital city in USA has an official symbol containing gold and silver?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.0hzdn6l . \n?c ns:base.aareas.schema.administrative_area.capital ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3327", + "webqsp_question": "what is the capital city of montana usa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_5a1c66f408118c6342c4a0eb350b58de", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Long 'Un", + "The Flatboat Man", + "The Jester", + "The Sage of Springfield", + "The Buffoon", + "Man of the People", + "Father Abraham", + "Ancient Abe", + "The Railsplitter", + "The Sectional President", + "Abe Lincoln", + "Uncle Abe", + "Caesar", + "The Tyrany", + "The Tycoon", + "The Illinois Baboon", + "Honest Abe", + "The Martyr President", + "The Grand Wrestler", + "The Great Emancipator" + ], + "answer": "Abraham Lincoln", + "answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and who held the position President", + "question": "What President influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1178_da0605f40f880cd5900b90db1fe073a5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bas\u00edlica y Templo Expiatorio de la Sagrada Familia", + "Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia", + "Basilica and Expiatory Church of the Holy Family", + "Bas\u00edlica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Fam\u00edlia" + ], + "answer": "Design Museum of Barcelona", + "answer_id": "m.0g6n3" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art", + "answer_id": "m.0cgk4g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Museu del Disseny de Barcelona" + ], + "answer": "Sagrada Fam\u00edlia", + "answer_id": "m.0j9nnpr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:42", + "machine_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona and is the structure opened after 1957-09-24", + "question": "What structure located in Barcelona was opened after 1957-09-24?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01f62)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR 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"compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and film casting director was Francine Maisler", + "question": "In what film did casting director Francine Maisler cast Rhianna?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_casting_director ns:m.08x6_jh . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1740_7360e892294860c6ef7ad9a10e540e1b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "James Voight", + "Jamie", + "James Haven Voight" + ], + "answer": "James Haven", + "answer_id": "m.01mqg0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "angelina jolies", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:21:34", + "machine_question": "who 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John Warner", + "Senator John Warner", + "John William Warner KBE" + ], + "answer": "John Warner", + "answer_id": "m.01w8b5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Michael Charles Gauntlett Wilding", + "The \"gentle\" Wilding", + "Michael Wilding Sr." + ], + "answer": "Michael Wilding", + "answer_id": "m.02h__m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Conrad Nicholson Hilton, Jr.", + "Nicky", + "Conrad Nicholson \"Nicky\" Hilton, Jr.", + "Conrad Nicholson Hilton Jr." + ], + "answer": "Conrad Hilton, Jr.", + "answer_id": "m.02j06h" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Toat", + "Michael \"Mike\" Todd", + "Michael Todd", + "Avrom Hirsch Goldbogen" + ], + "answer": "Mike Todd", + "answer_id": "m.063v2l" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Larry Fortensky", + "answer_id": "m.0bhgvg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dick", + "Richard Burton, CBE", + "Richard Jenkins", + "Rich", + "Burton", + "Richard Walter Jenkins" + ], + "answer": "Richard Burton", + "answer_id": "m.0cg9f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "liz taylor", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was the actor that played in the film Poker Alice married too", + "question": "Who was married to the actress from Poker Alice?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.actor.film ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.film ns:m.0cgvxbr . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_fd1e409bdd418457ccd4ce4978ba22f2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "City to Surf" + ], + "answer": "City2Surf", + "answer_id": "m.04dxfg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in 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and is the location where Barbara Starr was born", + "question": "What German speaking country was Barbara Starr born at?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.people_born_here ?c .\n?c ns:type.object.name \"Barbara Starr\"@en . \n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-548_93724ae022600358b70d6f4dcc3ca3fc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "U.S. of A.", + "Estats Units d'Am\u00e8rica", + "USA", + "U.S.A.", + "U.S.", + "The States", + "US", + "United States", + "America" + ], + "answer": "United States of America", + "answer_id": "m.09c7w0" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:31:19", + "machine_question": "where is new 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.\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_cf6cc4cc9ed790243a390f155ae72256", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ostarrichi", + "Republic of Austria", + "\u00d6sterreich", + "Oesterreich", + "Autriche" + ], + "answer": "Austria", + "answer_id": "m.0h7x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and country has nomianl gdp of 279500000000.0", + "question": "What country has a nominal GDP of 279500000000.0 and has a primary language of german?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x 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"answer": "Marilyn Monroe", + "answer_id": "m.04wqr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:34:09", + "machine_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with and is the actor that played in the film O. 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the year 1984, landmarks were established in Sydney Australia, what are they?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:protected_sites.protected_site.date_established \"1984-11-23\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1382_c059638ff21986b55e65e5e5f6de4b6d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + "answer_id": "m.015fr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Plurinational State of Bolivia" + ], + "answer": "Bolivia", + "answer_id": "m.0165v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Chile" + ], + "answer": "Chile", + "answer_id": "m.01p1v" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Corazon de 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Ibsen" + ], + "answer": "Henrik Ibsen", + "answer_id": "m.03pm9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:06:09", + "machine_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by and who also wrote A Doll's House", + "question": "Who is the author who wrote A Doll's House and influenced Arthur Miller?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0yfp)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0yfp ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:book.author.works_written ns:m.013zp . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1173", + "webqsp_question": "who was arthur miller influenced by" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2139_0b579b43c5c13202f21268987ba710b0", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Games of the XXIX Olympiad" + ], + "answer": "2008 Summer Olympics", + "answer_id": "m.0kbws" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "shawn johnson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:23:16", + "machine_question": "when did that is sponsered by Circuit City won the gold medal", + "question": "When did an athlete who is sponsored by Circuit City win the gold medal?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:business.sponsored_recipient.sponsorship ?k .\n?k ns:business.sponsorship.sponsored_by ns:m.03rtqs . \n?c ns:olympics.olympic_athlete.medals_won ?y .\n?y ns:olympics.olympic_medal_honor.olympics ?x .\n?y ns:olympics.olympic_medal_honor.medal ns:m.02lpp7 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2139", + "webqsp_question": "when did shawn johnson won the gold medal" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2544_575d9ab186f26fb2a5c65234d8954a69", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "L.C. Smith Building" + ], + "answer": "Smith Tower", + "answer_id": "m.01r0v3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa and the number of building floors is largest", + "question": "What building with the largest number of floors is a fun thing to do in Seattle, Wa?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d9jr)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d9jr ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.building.floors ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(xsd:integer(?num)) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_058c860fc0a6bed165f8d74216d4d8eb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "State of Israel" + ], + "answer": "Israel", + "answer_id": "m.03spz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:09:09", + "machine_question": "where are people who speak arabic from and has a religious organization leadership since 1973", + "question": "The people who speak Arabic and has a religious organization since 1973 are from where?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0jzc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0jzc ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religious_leadership_jurisdiction.leader ?c .\n?c ns:religion.religious_organization_leadership.start_date \"1973\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-937", + "webqsp_question": "where are people who speak arabic from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_c968cc2cf63bdf3725013b80f53ed1fb", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and that was directed by Aaron Haye", + "question": "What movie directed by Aaron Haye did Rihanna play in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.film_art_direction_by ns:m.08_ldvk . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-470_c99c8cba93f683f3e37f2e175659c925", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Mwinilunga", + "answer_id": "m.07cdmr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "zambezi river", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T07:53:12", + "machine_question": "where does the river that flows through Sesheke originate", + "question": "Where does 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"question": "The people who use Greek drachma as a currency, what language do they speak?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_formerly_used ns:m.02b0x . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-810", + "webqsp_question": "what language do people from greece speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2873_076b50b4dbcdb46cfc5709136528e1aa", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "New York County" + ], + "answer": "Manhattan", + "answer_id": "m.0cc56" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:15:52", + "machine_question": "where does hector camacho live and the asset that is owned by Peter Minuit", + "question": "Where does Hector Camacho live and has assets owned by Peter Minuit?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != 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"answer_id": "m.0gffmn8" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay \u2013 Part 1" + ], + "answer": "Triangle", + "answer_id": "m.0ngvsvk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay \u2013 Part 2" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games", + "answer_id": "m.0ngvtb_" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ghost Ship" + ], + "answer": "The Expendables 2", + "answer_id": "m.06_vszc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Empire State", + "answer_id": "m.0lcw1gn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Paranoia", + "answer_id": "m.0wk4knj" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "El \u00faltimo beso", + "Son sarki", + "La derni\u00e8re chanson", + "La ultima canci\u00f3n", + "Mit Dir an meiner Seite", + "To teleftaio tragoudi", + "A Melodia do Adeus", + "Viimane laul", + "The Last Song: Ostatnia piosenka", + "A \u00daltima M\u00fasica", + "Az utols\u00f3 dal", + "La \u00faltima canci\u00f3n", + "Untitled Miley Cyrus ProjectViimane laul" + ], + "answer": "Cut Bank", + "answer_id": "m.07ykkx5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "AWOL" + ], + "answer": "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire", + "answer_id": "m.0gxtt2w" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "The Last Song", + "answer_id": "m.0k9390g" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Catching Fire", + "The Hunger Games 2" + ], + "answer": "Love and Honor", + "answer_id": "m.0n40qmp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and is the film that was released after 2009-07-07", + "question": "What movies are Liam Hemsworth in that were released after July 7th, 2009?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date ?num .\nFILTER (?num > 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"Where on a map would you find the river that the Des Plaines River flows into?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:geography.river.origin ns:m.06g2fx . \n?c ns:location.location.containedby ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1137", + "webqsp_question": "where is the illinois river on a map" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1373_2bfee5c6c800c9a13ed3fb92f1848db7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Suomea", + "Finnish" + ], + "answer": "Finnish Language", + "answer_id": "m.01gp_d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saame", + "Anar", + "Inari \"Lappish\"", + "Lapp", + "Saam", + "Finnish Lapp", + "Samic", + "S\u00e1mi", + "Saami, Inari" + ], + "answer": "Saami, Inari Language", + "answer_id": "m.02lpg6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Saami, North", + "Saame", + "Northern Lappish", + "Lapp", + "Norwegian Lapp", + "Norwegian Saami", + "Northern Lapp", + "Same", + "Sami, Northern", + "Samic", + "Saami", + "Davvin", + "Northern Saami" + ], + "answer": "Saami, North Language", + "answer_id": "m.04d36l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Swedish", + "Ruotsi", + "Svenska" + ], + "answer": "Swedish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06mp7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "finland", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:36:38", + "machine_question": "what language do you speak in the country where Sinebrychoff Karhu III beer is made", + "question": "What language is spoken where Sinebrychoff Karhu III beer is created?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqhwv . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1373", + "webqsp_question": "what language do you speak in finland" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3358_96914535d2c1ae6120a090361e60c965", + "answers": [ + { 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Buckley", + "question": "What movie produced by Gae S. 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John Warner", + "Senator John Warner", + "John William Warner KBE" + ], + "answer": "John Warner", + "answer_id": "m.01w8b5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Michael Charles Gauntlett Wilding", + "The \"gentle\" Wilding", + "Michael Wilding Sr." + ], + "answer": "Michael Wilding", + "answer_id": "m.02h__m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Conrad Nicholson Hilton, Jr.", + "Nicky", + "Conrad Nicholson \"Nicky\" Hilton, Jr.", + "Conrad Nicholson Hilton Jr." + ], + "answer": "Conrad Hilton, Jr.", + "answer_id": "m.02j06h" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Toat", + "Michael \"Mike\" Todd", + "Michael Todd", + "Avrom Hirsch Goldbogen" + ], + "answer": "Mike Todd", + "answer_id": "m.063v2l" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Larry Fortensky", + "answer_id": "m.0bhgvg" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dick", + "Richard Burton, CBE", + "Richard Jenkins", + "Rich", + "Burton", + "Richard Walter Jenkins" + ], + "answer": "Richard Burton", + "answer_id": "m.0cg9f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "liz taylor", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:50:51", + "machine_question": "who was was nominee of the Outer Critics Circle Award for Most Impressive Debut award married too", + "question": "Who was the nominee of the Outer Critics Circle Award for Most Impressive Debut award married to?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?k .\n?k ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.0wgymfj . \n?c ns:people.person.spouse_s ?y .\n?y ns:people.marriage.spouse ?x .\n?y ns:people.marriage.type_of_union ns:m.04ztj .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-295", + "webqsp_question": "who was liz taylor married too" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_4c971bef32fb5777fb8b18ead5a702fe", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker bell 4", + "Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods", + "Secret of 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?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:media_common.dedicatee.dedications ?k .\n?k ns:media_common.dedication.dedicated_by ns:m.0bvzp . \n?c ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?y .\n?y ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.celebrity ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-334", + "webqsp_question": "who did john kennedy have affairs with" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2346_87ae8c56f0cac4fb100a7237096b9109", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Mandarin dialects" + ], + "answer": "Mandarin Chinese", + "answer_id": "m.03115z" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Taiwanese Mandarin", + "answer_id": "m.09q16b" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Xinminhua", + "Kek", + "Hakka", + "Ke", + "Hokka", + "Tu Guangdonghua", + "Kehia", + "Hakka Chinese", + "Khek", + "Majiahua", + "Kechia", + "Chinese, Hakka", + "Kejia" + ], + "answer": "Chinese, Hakka Language", + "answer_id": "m.0dxj6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Taiwanese language", + "Taiwanese" + ], + "answer": "Taiwanese Hokkien", + "answer_id": "m.0g1jw" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "taiwan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:51:18", + "machine_question": "what does the country where Taiwanese Hokkien is spoken people speak", + "question": "Find the country that speaks Taiwanese Hokkien, what other languages are spoken there?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.0g1jw . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2346", + "webqsp_question": "what does taiwan people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-686_2f0c889a8b16449aaa5122dca605a3e7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Battleship", + "answer_id": "m.0bh8tgs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:50:23", + "machine_question": "what movie did rihanna play in and is about Alien invasion", + "question": "What alien-invasion themed movie starred Rihanna?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06mt91)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06mt91 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.subjects ns:m.0l13q . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-686", + "webqsp_question": "what movie did rihanna play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-147_9c9c2fe5ea8b8ebb6c9440b46ee76556", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill Haslam", + "Mayor Bill Haslam", + "William Edward Haslam", + "William Haslam", + "William Edward \"Bill\" Haslam" + ], + "answer": "William Haslam", + "answer_id": "m.04mp6v" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "tennessee", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:59:21", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the place that has the following courts Tennessee Supreme Court", + "question": "Who is the governor of the state that has the Tennessee Supreme Court?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:law.court_jurisdiction_area.courts ns:m.03n_yz . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-147", + "webqsp_question": "who is the 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"WebQTrn-1793", + "webqsp_question": "what club did santi cazorla play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1754_0a0e77d89d62b50949b3a35cad3fb4ee", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "John Milton Cage", + "John Milton Cage Jr." + ], + "answer": "John Cage", + "answer_id": "m.0hgqq" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:27:47", + "machine_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work and wrote the music for Dreams That Money Can Buy", + "question": "What caused Andy Warhol to create most of his work and music for Dreams That Money Can Buy?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0kc6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0kc6 ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:film.music_contributor.film ns:m.0gbj5k . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1754", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced andy warhol 's work" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-531_9e891173fd8dfbe0f6a243d47ae5808e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Buddhist" + ], + "answer": "Buddhism", + "answer_id": "m.092bf5" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:28:34", + "machine_question": "what religions are found in australia and influenced Arthur Schopenhauer", + "question": "What religion in Australia that influenced Arthur Schopenhauer?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0chghy)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0chghy ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:influence.influence_node.influenced ns:m.0j3v . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-531", + "webqsp_question": "what religions are found in australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-421_37b2b4bd1fe4409bb4e5cbbf955575fc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "H", + "Hayden Christiansen", + "Den" + ], + "answer": "Hayden Christensen", + "answer_id": "m.0f276" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "revenge of the sith", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:09:33", + "machine_question": "who voiced darth vader in a film that Carol Follett was a crew member of", + "question": "In the filmed which featured Carol follett in the crew and Darth Vader as a character, who voiced Darth Vader?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.other_crew ?k .\n?k ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.0bvdf0n . \n?c ns:film.film.starring ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:film.performance.character ns:m.0f2y0 .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-421", + "webqsp_question": "who voiced darth vader in revenge of the sith" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3118_0b5041659b357b7246a23ac30d7f6b29", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Statesman", + "answer_id": "m.016fc2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Elementary School Librarian-retired" + ], + "answer": "Librarian", + "answer_id": "m.01l5t6" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "political satirist" + ], + "answer": "Satirist", + "answer_id": "m.02kv97_" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Inventor", + "answer_id": "m.03sbb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Printer", + "answer_id": "m.05r6c" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Political activist", + "answer_id": "m.05svgpc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Scientist", + "answer_id": "m.06q2q" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Diplomat", + "answer_id": "m.080ntlp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Musical Artist", + "Instrumentalist" + ], + "answer": "Musician", + "answer_id": "m.09jwl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pol\u00edtico" + ], + "answer": "Politician", + "answer_id": "m.0fj9f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "benjamin franklin", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:51:29", + "machine_question": "what other jobs did the author who published editions for Poor Richard's Almanac of 1757 have", + "question": "What were the other careers that the person who published Poor Richard's Almanac of 1757 have?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.040v_yc . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3118", + "webqsp_question": "what other jobs did benjamin franklin have" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_c12bf3814ace1dbbb45f2b9946a9f373", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Sydney Opera" + ], + "answer": "Sydney Opera House", + "answer_id": "m.06_nm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and the venue capacity is less than 10000", + "question": "What venues in Sydney, Australia have a capacity of less than 10000?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:architecture.venue.capacity ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) < 10000) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1508_0fb078446bb207186f65a2b70b3f0243", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Yale Law School, main campus", + "Yale Law School, New Haven", + "Yale Law" + ], + "answer": "Yale Law School", + "answer_id": "m.02bq1j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, main campus", + "Georgetown School of Foreign Service" + ], + "answer": "Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service", + "answer_id": "m.02ckl3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Universitas Oxoniensis", + "Oxford University" + ], + "answer": "University of Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.07tgn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Yale University, main campus", + "Yale University", + "Yale University, New Haven", + "YU", + "Yale" + ], + "answer": "University Yale", + "answer_id": "m.08815" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Georgetown", + "Georgetown University, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown University", + "answer_id": "m.0pspl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "University College, Oxford, main campus", + "Univ.", + "The Master and Fellows of the College of the Great Hall of the University of Oxford" + ], + "answer": "University College, Oxford", + "answer_id": "m.0ymf1" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "bill clinton", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:48:47", + "machine_question": "when did the political appointer that had the title Comptroller General of the United States go to college", + "question": "How long ago was it that the Comptroller General - as that political appointer was known - went to college?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.05lqtp . \n?c ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1508", + "webqsp_question": "when did bill clinton go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_3b0320d9955c2d7cca3803e287f379f6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "the twenty-six counties", + "the Free State", + "Irish Republic", + "the 26 counties", + "\u00c9ire" + ], + "answer": "Republic of Ireland", + "answer_id": "m.03rt9" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and is the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Irish House of Commons", + "question": "What country in the European Union is a governmental jurisdiction with a governmental body called Irish House of Commons?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.0130j2 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-453_06041a24851121931975a66dc59971a8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Kenya Shilling" + ], + "answer": "Kenyan shilling", + "answer_id": "m.05yxpb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "kenya", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:13:29", + "machine_question": "what currency do they accept in the governmental jurisdiction that the government that has the position title Deputy President of Kenya", + "question": "What currency is accepted in the governmental jurisdiction that has the position Deputy President of Kenya?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:m.0920zw . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-453", + "webqsp_question": "what currency do they accept in kenya" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1591_2c9888f591cdea04f631b1f473bf1578", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "international lawyer", + "Barrister", + "Attorney", + "Counsel", + "Solicitor" + ], + "answer": "Lawyer", + "answer_id": "m.04gc2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": "m.0cbd2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pol\u00edtico" + ], + "answer": "Politician", + "answer_id": "m.0fj9f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Law professor", + "answer_id": "m.0fz465" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Writer" + ], + "answer": "Author", + "answer_id": "m.0kyk" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T11:00:31", + "machine_question": "what was that who was the speaker in 70th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy 's former occupation", + "question": "What occupation did the speaker in 70th anniversary of D-Day and Battle of Normandy have previously?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.event ns:m.010r041_ . \n?c ns:people.person.profession ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1591", + "webqsp_question": "what was obama 's former occupation" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1657_275dfbe10c911cf65dff84afb1c5ede2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Miley Cyrus: Tongue Tied", + "answer_id": "m.010ls0tb" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Krupna riba", + "Suur kala", + "Nagy hal", + "Velk\u00e1 ryba", + "Big Fish - 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"comparative", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:45:34", + "machine_question": "who is the leader of france 2012 and is the politician started governmental position after 2007-05-18", + "question": "Which politician was the leader in France after May 18th 2007 and was still the leader in 2012?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f8l9c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f8l9c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2012-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2012-01-01\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:government.political_appointer.appointees ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.from ?num .\nFILTER (?num > \"2007-05-18\"^^xsd:dateTime) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1036", + "webqsp_question": "who is the leader of france 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-836_1a821009d9d43af7c2094125b1dd5136", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Jewish" + ], + "answer": "Judaism", + "answer_id": "m.03_gx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:06:50", + "machine_question": "what are the major religions in uk and is subject of the film Lies My Father Told Me", + "question": "Which major religion is represented in the film Lies My Father Told Me and is also a major religion in the UK?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.07ssc)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.07ssc ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.0bwfp64 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-836", + "webqsp_question": "what are the major religions in uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1915_a4ad30a5109413d4d5caa12459f7028e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hawaii-Aleutian Time" + ], + "answer": "Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02lctm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hawaii", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:52:46", + "machine_question": "what is time zone in the affected area of the cyclone Hurricane Iwa", + "question": "What time zone is in the area that was affected by cyclone Hurricane Iwa?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:meteorology.cyclone_affected_area.cyclones ns:m.03y5fl . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + 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[ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Representative democracy", + "answer_id": "m.0drnm" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Federal" + ], + "answer": "Federal republic", + "answer_id": "m.0j729" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "argentina", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T12:19:39", + "machine_question": "what type of government does where the currency Argentina peso ley is used have today", + "question": "In the area where they use Argentina peso ley as currency, what type of government is used today?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.currency_formerly_used ns:m.0b87yv . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-2015", + "webqsp_question": "what type of government does argentina have today" + 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"answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Presidential" + ], + "answer": "Presidential system", + "answer_id": "m.01d9r3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Unitary republic", + "Unitary" + ], + "answer": "Unitary state", + "answer_id": "m.01fpfn" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Constitutional" + ], + "answer": "Constitutional republic", + "answer_id": "m.0c9rw5" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Democratic" + ], + "answer": "Democratic republic", + "answer_id": "m.0fpgmpz" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "chile", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:34:45", + "machine_question": "what kind of government does the country where Cerveza Colonos Del Llanquihue Lager Premium Artesanal beer is made have today", + "question": "Find the country that is home to Cerveza Colonos Del Llanquihue Lager Premium Artesanal Beer, what type of government do they use?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:food.beer_country_region.beers_from_here ns:m.04dqdcs . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-577", + "webqsp_question": "what kind of government does chile have today" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_503cf2185c966c0ee0a762bf7a25faa4", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Burma", + "\u30df\u30e3\u30f3\u30de\u30fc\u9023\u90a6\u5171\u548c\u56fd", + "Myanmar (Burma)", + "Republic of the Union of Myanmar" + ], + "answer": "Myanmar", + "answer_id": "m.04xn_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and is the country that has Burmese Language as an official language", + "question": "What country shares a border with China and has Burmese as the official language?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d05w3)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR 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ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:sports.pro_athlete.sports_played_professionally ?c .\n?c ns:sports.pro_sports_played.sport ns:m.0jm_ . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-786_959ad6b70e0f38a650abff211176500d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "january_jones", + "January Jones Scott", + "January Kristen Jones", + "Jones, January" + ], + "answer": "January Jones", + "answer_id": "m.03v1jf" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tahyna Valentina Tozzi", + "Tahyna Tozzi-MacManus" + ], + "answer": "Tahyna Tozzi", + "answer_id": "m.0fs1sc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:58:37", + "machine_question": "who played emma frost and is a Film actor", + "question": "Which film actor played Emma Frost?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != 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"Adult contemporary music", + "answer_id": "m.02vjzr" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Funk music" + ], + "answer": "Funk", + "answer_id": "m.02x8m" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Post Disco" + ], + "answer": "Post-disco", + "answer_id": "m.03c34yl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pop rock", + "answer_id": "m.05bt6j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pop", + "pop" + ], + "answer": "Pop music", + "answer_id": "m.064t9" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "\u05e8\u05d5\u05e7", + "Rock" + ], + "answer": "Rock music", + "answer_id": "m.06by7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "R&B", + "RnB" + ], + "answer": "Rhythm and blues", + "answer_id": "m.06j6l" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Dance" + ], + "answer": "Dance music", + "answer_id": "m.0ggx5q" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Soul" + ], + "answer": "Soul music", + "answer_id": "m.0gywn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "michael jackson", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:03:15", + "machine_question": "what kind of music did the composer of 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"answer_id": "m.0gzh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:32:25", + "machine_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry and is the politician that started tenure earliest", + "question": "Which politician that started tenure the earliest influenced Whitman's poetry?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.085gk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.085gk ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:government.politician.party ?c .\n?c ns:government.political_party_tenure.from ?num .\n}\nORDER BY ?num LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3358", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced whitman 's poetry" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-823_a76789b8ce2997717823546a677a5411", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brazilian ", + "Rep\u00fablica Federativa do Brasil", + "Brasil", + "Federative Republic of Brazil" + ], + "answer": "Brazil", + 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ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.ceremony ns:m.0_xkw3z . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2948", + "webqsp_question": "who played princess leia in star wars movies" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2177_e296550bdbe5592272f3980a755ff750", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Columbia Law", + "Columbia Law School, main campus" + ], + "answer": "Columbia Law School", + "answer_id": "m.01n951" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:27:02", + "machine_question": "where did caroline kennedy go to school and has an organization headquarters located in the citytown New York City", + "question": "What school with headquarters in New York City did Caroline Kennedy attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01y603)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR 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"2017-10-26T06:22:36", + "machine_question": "who is the location where the film \"Frida\" takes place 's president right now 2011", + "question": "Who was the president of the country that serves as the setting of \"Frida\" in 2011?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film_location.featured_in_films ns:m.02jxrw . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.060c4 .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2011-12-31\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . 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Needle", + "Space Needle, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Space Needle", + "answer_id": "m.01k7v7" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "L.C. Smith Building" + ], + "answer": "Smith Tower", + "answer_id": "m.01r0v3" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Woodland Park Zoo, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Woodland Park Zoo", + "answer_id": "m.02dxmq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pike Place Market, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Pike Place Market", + "answer_id": "m.02k953" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Museum of Flight", + "answer_id": "m.02kl80" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pacific Science" + ], + "answer": "Pacific Science Center", + "answer_id": "m.02ks_p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Electric Company Georgetown Steam Plant", + "Georgetown Steam Plant, Seattle" + ], + "answer": "Georgetown Steam Plant", + "answer_id": "m.02rp3lq" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Aquarium", + "answer_id": "m.02xg6w" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Asian Art" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Asian Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03325p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Frye Art" + ], + "answer": "Frye Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332cl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Seattle Art", + "Seattle Art Museum Downtown" + ], + "answer": "Seattle Art Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0332j6" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Henry Art Gallery", + "answer_id": "m.035pqt" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Nordic Heritage" + ], + "answer": "Nordic Heritage Museum", + "answer_id": "m.03t00j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Tillicum" + ], + "answer": "Tillicum Village", + "answer_id": "m.04n53vb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Seattle Great Wheel", + "answer_id": "m.0k2k2n2" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "SIFF" + ], + "answer": "Seattle International Film Festival", + "answer_id": "m.0prqs" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "EMP Museum", + "Experience Music Project", + "Seattle Center: Experience Music Project", + "EMP|SFM", + "Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame" + ], + "answer": "Experience Music Project Museum", + "answer_id": "m.0pxmn" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Garden of Remembrance", + "answer_id": "m.0y657tp" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "seattle wa", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:16:45", + "machine_question": "what are fun things to do in the place in which the fictional character Niles Crane lived", + "question": "What are fun things to do in the place where the fictional character Niles Crane lived?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:fictional_universe.fictional_setting.characters_that_have_lived_here ns:m.02c81m . \n?c ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2544", + "webqsp_question": "what are fun things to do in seattle wa" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-820_aa08cc49d9fc754c8d32b28084589ea5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", + "answer_id": "m.03176f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Incident on 57th Street" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", + "answer_id": "m.031778" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban: The IMAX Experience" + ], + "answer": "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban", + "answer_id": "m.03177r" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:47:03", + "machine_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order and that was producted by the company 1492 Pictures", + "question": "List the Harry Potter movies produced by 1492 pictures in chronological order.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02676m4)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02676m4 ns:film.film_series.films_in_series ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.production_companies ns:m.02pss23 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-820", + "webqsp_question": "what are the names of harry potter movies in order" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_027b5a0812a8ae196cd611cd6b1b08ab", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Deep Cove" + ], + "answer": "Fear Island", + "answer_id": "m.05pbjnr" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and that was released on 2009-09-08", + "question": "What movie released in the fall of 2009 did Lucy Hale appear in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.initial_release_date \"2009-09-08\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1036_7a1f9047f5100e2853d54d69c6793f2d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hyperpresident", + "The Bling Bling 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Indianola", + "Simpson" + ], + "answer": "Simpson College", + "answer_id": "m.01xssh" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:29:02", + "machine_question": "where did george washington carver go to collage and is the university that has number of undergraduates smallest", + "question": "Which of the colleges attended by George Washington Carver has the smallest number of undergraduates?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03djm)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03djm ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_undergraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number ?num .\n}\nORDER BY xsd:integer(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1081", + "webqsp_question": "where did george washington carver go to 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"webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2401_00a3270718c699b388207be427093239", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Ukrainian Hrivna" + ], + "answer": "Ukrainian hryvnia", + "answer_id": "m.035qkb" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "ukraine", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:57:19", + "machine_question": "what money is used in the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Verkhovna Rada", + "question": "What currency is used in the jurisdiction whose governmental body is the Verkhovna Rada?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.03ggg9 . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2401", + "webqsp_question": "what money is used in ukraine" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-470_a7a3deb793f57da6521519210692d07b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Nicholas Jonas", + "Jonas Brothers", + "Nick J.", + "Nicholas Jerry Jonas", + "Nick", + "The Jonas Brothers", + "Mr. President" + ], + "answer": "Nick Jonas", + "answer_id": "m.04f7c55" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:16:16", + "machine_question": "what is jonas brothers names and a celebritie that had a romantic relationship that ended on 2007", + "question": "Which Jonas brother ended a celebrity relationship in 2007?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0cbm64)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0cbm64 ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:celebrities.celebrity.sexual_relationships ?c .\n?c ns:celebrities.romantic_relationship.end_date \"2007\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-470", + "webqsp_question": "what is jonas brothers names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-659_c32736bc2120c8c423e1f9825b03fb9d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Los Angeles, California, USA", + "LA", + "Los Angeles, California", + "Los Angeles, USA", + "City of Angels", + "L.A.", + "Los Angeles County / Los Angeles city", + "Los Angeles, CA" + ], + "answer": "Los Angeles", + "answer_id": "m.030qb3t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:44:49", + "machine_question": "where does joey king live and in which the event 2011 Pan African Film Festival took place", + "question": "In what city, where the 2011 Pan African Film Festival took place, does Joey King live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03yk4pb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03yk4pb ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n?x ns:location.location.events ns:m.0101hyvr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-659", + "webqsp_question": "where does joey king live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3529_ab1f7e79e43f8a9ffeb41c4a7958ba1a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Paranoia", + "answer_id": "m.0k9390g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T06:03:11", + "machine_question": "what other movies is liam hemsworth in and that was producted by the company Gaumont Film Company", + "question": "Which of the Gaumont Film Company movies does Liam Hemsworth have a role?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04yd0fh)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04yd0fh ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.production_companies ns:m.019v67 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3529", + "webqsp_question": "what 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L\u00f6wenbr\u00e4u Griffin" + ], + "answer": "Peter Griffin", + "answer_id": "m.03n6jv" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:37:04", + "machine_question": "what part does seth macfarlane play in family guy and the fictional character which is the parent of Chris Griffin", + "question": "In Family Guy, Seth Macfarlane plays the parent of Chris Griffin. What is his character's name?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.019nnl)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.019nnl ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ns:m.021yw7 .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_character.children ns:m.02m2hd . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1816", + "webqsp_question": "what part does seth macfarlane play in family guy" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3708_01a4413d660ce6c167d24902308c371f", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Pamphleteer", + "answer_id": "m.02449y" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Novelist", + "answer_id": "m.02xhgwq" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Priestess" + ], + "answer": "Priest", + "answer_id": "m.05xjb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Poet", + "answer_id": "m.05z96" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Scribe", + "Author" + ], + "answer": "Writer", + "answer_id": 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"composition_answer": "belize", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:16:46", + "machine_question": "what continent is the country where Plautdietsch Language is spoken located in", + "question": "The country where Plautdietsch is spoken is on what continent?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.018t2j . \n?c ns:base.locations.countries.continent ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2095", + "webqsp_question": "what continent is belize located in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-937_9c30227e437d561a395bf8370530b6e6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "The People's Democratic Republic of Algeria", + "People's Democratic Republic of Algeria" + ], + "answer": "Algeria", + "answer_id": "m.0h3y" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T09:09:09", 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"created": "2017-10-26T01:00:02", + "machine_question": "what does guyana speak and is the language found in the fictional universe Buffyverse", + "question": "Which language is used in both Guyana and Buffyverse?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.034m8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.034m8 ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n?x ns:fictional_universe.fictional_language.found_in_fictional_universe ns:m.02s3gw . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1529", + "webqsp_question": "what does guyana speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1362_07551014c7552b5c62aad0708fcbf065", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Richard L Scott", + "Richard Lynn Scott" + ], + "answer": "Rick Scott", + "answer_id": "m.0btx2g" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "florida", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:21:58", + "machine_question": "who is the state governor of the affected area of the cyclone Hurricane Love", + "question": "Who is governor where Hurricane Love hit?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:meteorology.cyclone_affected_area.cyclones ns:m.0bbw2vl . \n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?y .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.office_holder ?x .\n?y ns:government.government_position_held.basic_title ns:m.0fkvn .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:government.government_position_held.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1362", + "webqsp_question": "who is the state governor of florida" + 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"m.04gzd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Lithuania", + "Lietuva", + "Lietuvos Respublika", + "Litauen" + ], + "answer": "Lithuania", + "answer_id": "m.04gzd" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and is the governmental jurisdiction that has the government position tiitle President of Lithuania", + "question": "What EU country that has the government position President of Lithuania?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?c .\n?c ns:government.government_position_held.office_position_or_title ns:g.1238s5kb . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1784_64171540ebbcc9d1f823c1963cb718e1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Principality of Liechtenstein", + "F\u00fcrstentum Liechtenstein" + ], + "answer": "Liechtenstein", + "answer_id": "m.04j53" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:33:00", + "machine_question": "what countries in the world speak german and that has a GDP deflator change of rate -0.49", + "question": "Which country has a national language of German and a GDP deflator change rate of -0.49?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.04306rv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.04306rv ns:language.human_language.countries_spoken_in ?x .\n?x ns:location.statistical_region.gdp_deflator_change ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_percentage.rate \"-0.49\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1784", + "webqsp_question": "what countries in the world speak german" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1418_783334c8ae46f986277cf8626256e0b6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Bill", + "The Shat", + "Bill Shatner", + "William Shanter", + "William Schattner", + "Billy", + "Fear of Pop", + "William Alan Shatner" + ], + "answer": "William Shatner", + "answer_id": "m.084m3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:41:58", + "machine_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek and was write of the film Fire Serpent", + "question": "writer of the film Fire serpent and also played captain kirk in star trek , who is this ?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0crtw)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0crtw ns:film.film_character.portrayed_in_films ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.actor ?x .\n?x ns:film.writer.film ns:m.02pp8wm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1418", + "webqsp_question": "who played captain kirk in star trek" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1370_cfc7b424f052b7cf5e4589d3a9d49451", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "City of Light", + "Lutetia Parisiorum", + "La Ville-Lumi\u00e8re", + "Lutetia", + "Paris-France", + "Paname", + "La Ville des Lumi\u00e8res", + "\u5df4\u9ece", + "The City of Love", + "Ville Lumi\u00e8re", + "Lutetia of the Parisii", + "Paris, France" + ], + "answer": "Paris", + "answer_id": "m.05qtj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "thomas hobbes", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:22:50", + "machine_question": "where did the author who published editions for The Leviathan live", + "question": "Find the author who published The Leviathan, where did this person live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:book.author.book_editions_published ns:m.04v1jls . \n?c ns:people.person.places_lived ?y .\n?y ns:people.place_lived.location ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1370", + "webqsp_question": "where did thomas hobbes live" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1462_2c9888f591cdea04f631b1f473bf1578", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Vice President of the United States Joe Biden", + "Senator Joseph Biden", + "Joseph R. Biden, Jr.", + "Joseph Biden", + "Vice President Joe Biden", + "Big-hearted Joe", + "Sen Joseph Biden", + "Sen. Joe Biden", + "Sen Joe Biden", + "Joseph Robinette Biden", + "Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.", + "Sen. Joseph Biden", + "Senator Joe Biden" + ], + "answer": "Joe Biden", + "answer_id": "m.012gx2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "barack obama", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:38:53", + "machine_question": "who is running for vice president with that who was the speaker in 70th anniversary of D-Day and the Battle of Normandy 2012", + "question": "Which vice presidential candidate spoke at the 70th anniversary of D-Day?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:event.public_speaker.speeches_or_presentations ?k .\n?k ns:event.speech_or_presentation.event ns:m.010r041_ . \n?c ns:government.us_president.vice_president ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1462", + "webqsp_question": "who is running for vice president with barack obama 2012" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-538_7835fa0c9d5a5be03696300d3a289b68", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Republic of Georgia" + ], + "answer": "Georgia", + "answer_id": "m.0d0kn" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T22:29:58", + "machine_question": "which countries does russia border and that was ruled by Chosroid dynasty", + "question": "Which country is bordered by Russia that was ruled by Chosroid Dynasty?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06bnz)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06bnz ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:royalty.kingdom.rulers ns:m.02vn2tm . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-538", + "webqsp_question": "which countries does russia border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-723_765aa77e645df9635fc02a6bd7266e1a", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Port Jackson, Sydney", + "Sydney Harbour" + ], + "answer": "Port Jackson", + "answer_id": "m.01rfyc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T08:32:35", + "machine_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia and is the body of water under Sydney Harbour Bridge", + "question": "What body of water is located in Sydney, Australia under Harbour Bridge?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.06y57)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.06y57 ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:geography.body_of_water.bridges ns:m.0701q . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-723", + "webqsp_question": "what is there to see in sydney australia" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3012_3c285fca47050d6180e517efcdcb892c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Kazakhstan", + "answer_id": "m.047lj" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:34:58", + "machine_question": "what other countries share a border with china and is the country that has Astrakhan District as a second level devision", + "question": "Which country has the Astrakhan District as a second level devision and shares a border with China?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0d05w3)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0d05w3 ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.second_level_divisions ns:m.04150_s . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3012", + "webqsp_question": "what other countries share a border with china" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2686_c3e4efd051fa3ee9af31e20cfa735f1c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "USD", + "$", + "US Dollar", + "US $", + "US Currency", + "US$", + "Federal Reserve Note", + "American Dollar", + "Greenback" + ], + "answer": "United States Dollar", + "answer_id": "m.09nqf" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "puerto rico", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:44:36", + "machine_question": "what type of currency is used in the affected area of the cyclone Hurricane Otto", + "question": "What money is used in the are that was hit with Hurricane Otto?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:meteorology.cyclone_affected_area.cyclones ns:m.0dlnjnl . \n?c ns:location.country.currency_used ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2686", + "webqsp_question": "what type of currency is used in puerto rico" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_1bc85cf9eab0a0714557180ac27e91a2", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Cheaper by the Dozen", + "answer_id": "m.02bqvs" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and is the film that was released on 2003-12-25", + "question": "What movie that was released on December 25th, 2003 does Alyson Stoner play in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bwjv ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.release_date_s ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_regional_release_date.release_date \"2003-12-25\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1625", + "webqsp_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1066_4c3cb42d0c0b43866b7fb51c0c9c630d", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Em", + "Emilie De Ravin" + ], + "answer": "Emilie de Ravin", + "answer_id": "m.03x22w" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "lost", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:49:52", + "machine_question": "who plays claire in the program that has the multipart episodes The End", + "question": "Who plays Claire in the show with the multipart episodes \"The End\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:tv.tv_program.multipart_episodes ns:m.0bwhk0_ . \n?c ns:tv.tv_program.regular_cast ?y .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.actor ?x .\n?y ns:tv.regular_tv_appearance.character ns:m.06xt2p .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1066", + "webqsp_question": "who plays claire in lost" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-191_20914e3aca9d189989fc61a5be6f7e83", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hellenic Republic", + "Hellas" + ], + "answer": "Greece", + "answer_id": "m.035qy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:29:19", + "machine_question": "what are eu countries and is subject of the film Captain Corelli's Mandolin", + "question": "What country in the EU is the setting of the film, \"Captain Corelli's Mandolin?\"?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0_6t_z8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0_6t_z8 ns:organization.membership_organization.members ?y .\n?y ns:organization.organization_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:film.film_subject.films ns:m.02725hs . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-191", + "webqsp_question": "what are eu countries" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-314_7307101cc5def332a7d6ec9b44c2b45b", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Monotheism", + "answer_id": "m.04xy3" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:53:31", + "machine_question": "what do abrahamic religions have in common and is a Religion", + "question": "What religion is common between all Abrahamic religions?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0f_h6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0f_h6 ns:religion.religion.practices ?x .\n?x ns:kg.object_profile.prominent_type ns:religion.religion . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-314", + "webqsp_question": "what do abrahamic religions have in common" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3390_bfb16d956224f4ff7df39609f2a84210", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Alois Hitler, Sr.", + "Alois Schicklgruber", + "Alois H\u00fcttler", + "Alois Hiedler", + "Alois Huettler" + ], + "answer": "Alois Hitler", + "answer_id": "m.02p0d7" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Klara Hitler", + "answer_id": "m.0321wy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hitler", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T05:38:24", + "machine_question": "what were the politician that was appointed to his/her government position by Paul von Hindenburg 's parents names", + "question": "What were the names of the parents of the politician that was nominated by Paul von Hindenburg?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.politician.government_positions_held ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.appointed_by ns:m.0b393 . \n?c ns:people.person.parents ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-3390", + "webqsp_question": "what were hitler 's parents names" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_7f0bbe98d91fb73324a854a28095e3ca", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Krzyk 4", + "Klyksm4s", + "Sikoly 4.", + "Ciglik 4", + "Kivili 4", + "Skrik 4", + "Vrisak 4", + "Scream 4: Next Generation", + "Tze'aka 4", + "Vr\u00edskot 4", + "\u00d6skri\u00f0 4", + "Gritos 4", + "Scre4m: Grita de Nuevo", + "\u041a\u0440\u0438\u043a 4", + "Klyksmas 4", + "P\u00e2nico 4", + "Scre4m" + ], + "answer": "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon a Song", + "answer_id": "m.0bwhdbl" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "A Cinderella Story: Once Upon A Song", + "A Cinderella Story 3" + ], + "answer": "Scream 4", + "answer_id": "m.0gky0pl" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Sorority Wars", + "answer_id": "m.0b6q30j" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and the film netflix_id is greater than 70098330", + "question": "What Netflix film with an ID greater than 70098330 starred Lucy Hale?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.netflix_id ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 70098330) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3709_e92665e57d1cb0110944dbefb39b4684", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Master Chuang", + "Chuang Tsu", + "Zhuangzi.", + "Chuang Tzu", + "Zhuangzi", + "Chuang 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"WebQTrn-3709", + "webqsp_question": "what is the holy book in taoism" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_f27c39ce44e24ccea03afc8adacb031c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Braylon Jamel Edwards" + ], + "answer": "Braylon Edwards", + "answer_id": "m.05byjc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the footboall player that completed 0 passings", + "question": "Who is the football player that completed 0 passes, drafted by the Cleveland Browns?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:american_football.football_player.passing ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.player_passing_statistics.completions \"0\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2730_a1444adccf1b15a51af445d3d1b82392", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "TinkerBell and the Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker bell 4", + "Tinker Bell and the Mysterious Winter Woods", + "Secret of the Wings", + "Tinker Bell: A Winter Story" + ], + "answer": "Tinker Bell: Secret of the Wings", + "answer_id": "m.0crfwmx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:53:44", + "machine_question": "what has lucy hale played in and a film that John Edgar Park was a crew member of", + "question": "Of what Lucy Hale film was John Edgar Park a crew member?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0754d6)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0754d6 ns:film.actor.film ?y .\n?y ns:film.performance.film ?x .\n?x ns:film.film.other_crew ?c .\n?c ns:film.film_crew_gig.crewmember ns:m.07k6xqy . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2730", + "webqsp_question": "what has lucy hale played in" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-63_54f7b86034c776ae4a456973af01f7a8", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Alexander Sacha Simon Gervasi" + ], + "answer": "Sacha Gervasi", + "answer_id": "m.08f647" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and was nominee of the Independent Spirit Truer than Fiction Award award", + "question": "Which member of the band Bush was a nominee for the Independent Spirit Truer than Fiction Award award?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01727v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01727v ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.03wc10m . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1441_dac4dc85d3e171fc74829277818477b5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Malaga" + ], + "answer": "M\u00e1laga", + "answer_id": "m.01978d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Madrid, Spain", + "Villa de Madrid" + ], + "answer": "Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.056_y" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "l'Hexagone", + "R\u00e9publique fran\u00e7aise", + "French Republic" + ], + "answer": "France", + "answer_id": "m.0f8l9c" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "picasso", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T10:36:14", + "machine_question": "where all did the visual artist that created the art series of Las Meninas live", + "question": "The visual artist that created the art series of Las Meninas, where do they live?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = 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?x .\n?x ns:amusement_parks.park.rides ns:m.0j8fd83 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1178", + "webqsp_question": "what are some places to visit in barcelona" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-63_1c23d11969bb88caa18d0fb6e6013d27", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Gavin McGregor Rossdale", + "Bush-X", + "Mr. Stefani", + "Rossdale, Gavin", + "Gavin Rosdale" + ], + "answer": "Gavin Rossdale", + "answer_id": "m.014qv7" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:09:52", + "machine_question": "who is in the band bush and is the actor that played in the film Zoolander", + "question": "The Zoolander actor that was also in the band Bush.?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01727v)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01727v ns:music.musical_group.member ?y .\n?y ns:music.group_membership.member ?x .\n?x ns:film.actor.film ?c .\n?c ns:film.performance.film ns:m.01shy7 . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-63", + "webqsp_question": "who is in the band bush" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-73_69f1abb4542503c422eace4d5a0e81e5", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Diarchy", + "answer_id": "m.04mlzp" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kingdom" + ], + "answer": "Monarchy", + "answer_id": "m.04szc" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Republic", + "answer_id": "m.06cx9" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Aristocracy", + "answer_id": "m.09dcy" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "sparta", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:11:32", + "machine_question": "what form of government was practiced in the place where Doric Greek language is spoken", + "question": "What form of government was practiced in the place where Doric Greek language is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.official_language ns:m.0lpky . \n?c ns:location.country.form_of_government ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-73", + "webqsp_question": "what form of government was practiced in sparta" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1447_5912713a81269e28e54d0b8311b93490", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Brayden Tyler Quinn", + "brady_quinn" + ], + "answer": "Brady Quinn", + "answer_id": "m.08gf9t" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "comparative", + "created": "2017-10-26T00:46:17", + "machine_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft and is the footboall player that completed greater than 45 passings", + "question": "Which Cleveland Browns draft pick has more than 45 passes?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.01xvb)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.01xvb ns:sports.professional_sports_team.draft_picks ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_league_draft_pick.player ?x .\n?x ns:american_football.football_player.passing ?c .\n?c ns:american_football.player_passing_statistics.completions ?num .\nFILTER (xsd:integer(?num) > 45) . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1447", + "webqsp_question": "who did the cleveland browns draft" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1121_e989d0bdc9a70f28b373c400db1703bc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Cradle of the Renaissance", + "Florence, Italy", + "Firenze", + "Athens of the Middle Ages" + ], + "answer": "Florence", + "answer_id": "m.031y2" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "machiavelli", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:59:35", + "machine_question": "in what city did the author of The Art of War live", + "question": "The auther of The Art of War lived in what city?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:media_common.dedicator.dedications ?k .\n?k 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"compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:46:15", + "machine_question": "what country did james cook come from and is the country that has Norn Language as a spoken language", + "question": "Where country was James Cook from as well as having the Norn language as a dialect?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.03_j8)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.03_j8 ns:people.person.nationality ?x .\n?x ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.05k1n . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-263", + "webqsp_question": "what country did james cook come from" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-983_1fcbf13f03aa023bcfc6e95dbc7ea433", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Oreg", + "Beaver State", + "OR" + ], + "answer": "Oregon", + "answer_id": "m.05kj_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "stand by me", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:36:33", + "machine_question": "where in oregon was the movie that Madeleine Swift played in filmed", + "question": "What part of Oregon was the movie that featured Madeline Swift filmed in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:film.film.starring ?k .\n?k ns:film.performance.actor ns:m.0j4cw34 . \n?c ns:film.film.featured_film_locations ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-983", + "webqsp_question": "where in oregon was stand by me filmed" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-3064_c6146585b4ccc06a7cd611c93cba660c", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Province D' Ontario", + "ON", + "Province D\u2019 Ontario", + "Province Of Ontario" + ], + "answer": "Ontario", + "answer_id": "m.05kr_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "toronto", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T04:42:33", + "machine_question": "what province is the place in which the fictional character Gilfoyle lived canada located in", 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"created": "2017-10-26T01:52:17", + "machine_question": "where did david duke go to college and is the university that has number of postgraduates 5185", + "question": "Which university with 5185 postgraduates did David Duke attend?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bpjk)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02bpjk ns:people.person.education ?y .\n?y ns:education.education.institution ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01y2hnl .\n?x ns:education.university.number_of_postgraduates ?c .\n?c ns:measurement_unit.dated_integer.number \"5185\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1907", + "webqsp_question": "where did david duke go to college" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1026_e784ad6744e69b881433ead5efde0617", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Parque Warner Madrid", + "answer_id": "m.06nd2f" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-25T23:42:29", + "machine_question": "what sights to see in madrid and the place is an amusement park that opened 2002-04-05", + "question": "What amusement park in Madrid opened 2002-04-05?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.056_y)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.056_y ns:travel.travel_destination.tourist_attractions ?x .\n?x ns:amusement_parks.park.opened \"2002-04-05\"^^xsd:dateTime . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1026", + "webqsp_question": "what sights to see in madrid" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1173_7fbc269e3c98190f01b7da714061b5dc", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Henrik Johan Ibsen", + "The Father of Modern Drama", + "the father of realism", + "Hendrik Ibsen", + "Ibsen", + "Henrik Ibs\u00e9n", + "Henryk Ibsen", + "Enrique Ibsen", + "H. 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"compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:42:06", + "machine_question": "what influenced roy lichtenstein artwork and was nominee of the Grammy Award for Best Recording Package award", + "question": "What artist was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Recording Package and is said to have influenced Roy Lichtensein Artwork?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0gcgd)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0gcgd ns:influence.influence_node.influenced_by ?x .\n?x ns:award.award_nominee.award_nominations ?c .\n?c ns:award.award_nomination.award ns:m.02gx2k . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2282", + "webqsp_question": "what influenced roy lichtenstein artwork" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTest-1575_d7cd50fead9108931935997af0e12ab7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Classroom", + "answer_id": "m.010pkp62" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Google Drive", + "GDrive", + "Drive" + ], + "answer": "Google Drive", + "answer_id": "m.03w9g0f" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Apache Wave", + "Google Wave" + ], + "answer": "Apache Wave", + "answer_id": "m.064qgt0" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Earth", + "answer_id": "m.06ny5h" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Buzz", + "answer_id": "m.0b6g2kz" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Docs", + "Google Docs", + "Google Docs and Spreadsheets" + ], + "answer": "Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides", + "answer_id": "m.0dm258" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Samsung GT-I9020T" + ], + "answer": "Nexus S", + "answer_id": "m.0fpj3tb" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Glass", + "answer_id": "m.0j7m2zm" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Nexus 7", + "answer_id": "m.0k0p036" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Nexus Q", + "answer_id": "m.0k2998k" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Nexus 10", + "answer_id": "m.0nb7n8f" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Google Maps", + "answer_id": "m.0pb8gtr" + }, + { + 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\"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:business.company_product_relationship.to_date ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:business.company_product_relationship.to_date ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTest-1575", + "webqsp_question": "what products and\\/or services does google offer customers" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1688_7ecd2e240f353965762db4f5ebf4f0d1", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "H", + "Hayden Christiansen", + "Den" + ], + "answer": "Hayden Christensen", + "answer_id": "m.0f276" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "episode iii", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:21:27", + "machine_question": "who was the voice of darth vader in the movie that Rebecca Jackson Mendoza played in", + "question": "Who voiced Darth Vader in the movie that also featured Rebecca Jackson Mendoza?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER 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"answer": "Wapishana Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hwv5d" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Ingariko", + "Patamona language", + "Eremagok", + "Kapon", + "Patamona" + ], + "answer": "Patamona Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxg9j" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Kalinya", + "Carib", + "Carib language", + "Maraworno", + "Kali'na", + "Kalihna", + "Galib\u00ed", + "Galibi", + "Caribe", + "Marworno", + "Cari\u00f1a" + ], + "answer": "Carib Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxgv4" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Warrau", + "Warau", + "Guarauno", + "Warao", + "Guarao" + ], + "answer": "Warao Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxhnv" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Uaieue", + "Ouayeone", + "Waiwai", + "Uaiuai", + "Parukota" + ], + "answer": "Waiwai Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hxq7p" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Waic\u00e1", + "Acawayo", + "Akawaio", + "Ingarik\u00f3", + "Acahuayo", + "Akawai", + "Kapon", + "Acewaio" + ], + "answer": "Akawaio Language", + "answer_id": "m.048dyk" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Portuguese", + "Portugese", + "Portuguese language", + "Portugu\u00eas" + ], + "answer": "Portuguese Language", + "answer_id": "m.05zjd" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Espa\u00f1ol", + "Spanish language", + "Castillian", + "Spanish", + "The language of Cervantes", + "Castellano", + "Castillan", + "Castilian" + ], + "answer": "Spanish Language", + "answer_id": "m.06nm1" + }, + { + "aliases": [], + "answer": "Arawak", + "answer_id": "m.0hc2x" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "guyana", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:00:02", + "machine_question": "what does the country where Macushi Language is spoken speak", + "question": "What other languages are used in the country where the Macushi Language is spoken?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ns:m.026ztd1 . \n?c ns:location.country.languages_spoken ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1529", + "webqsp_question": "what does guyana speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2603_775442691e5444453846a94cbbcc9fb6", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hungarian Language", + "Magyar", + "Hungarian" + ], + "answer": "Hungarian language", + "answer_id": "m.02ztjwg" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hungarian", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T03:32:35", + "machine_question": "what do the govermental jurisdiction that has govermental body named Hungarian Ministry of Public Administration and Justice people speak", + "question": "What language is spoken in the area under the jurisdiction of the Hungarian Ministry of Public Administration and Justice?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.governing_officials ?k .\n?k ns:government.government_position_held.governmental_body ns:m.0rdfh4w . \n?c ns:location.country.official_language ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2603", + "webqsp_question": "what do hungarian people speak" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1977_b6077507bbaab84d25fcd56dde6347d7", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Portugal Mens Football Team", + "Portugal National Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's Football Team", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Sele\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Portugal National Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Soccer Team", + "Portugal's national football team", + "Selec\u00e7\u00e3o das Quinas", + "Os Navegadores", + "Portugal Mens Soccer Team", + "Portugal Men's National Soccer Team", + "Portugal national football", + "A Selec\u00e7\u00e3o", + "A Seleccao das Quinas", + "Portugal Men's Soccer Team", + "Portugal Football Team", + "Portugal Mens National Football Team", + "Portugal Soccer Team", + "The Navigators", + "Portugal Men's National Football Team" + ], + "answer": "Portugal national football team", + "answer_id": "m.02rqxc" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "superlative", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:02:02", + "machine_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for and is the sports team was founded latest", + "question": "Which of the sports teams for whom Cristiano Ronaldo played was founded most recently?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02xt6q)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.02xt6q ns:sports.pro_athlete.teams ?y .\n?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.team ?x .\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk0} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.from ?sk1 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk1) <= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\nFILTER(NOT EXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk2} || \nEXISTS {?y ns:sports.sports_team_roster.to ?sk3 . \nFILTER(xsd:datetime(?sk3) >= \"2015-08-10\"^^xsd:dateTime) })\n?x ns:sports.sports_team.founded ?num .\n}\nORDER BY DESC(?num) LIMIT 1", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1977", + "webqsp_question": "who does cristiano ronaldo play for" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1625_2889826089cb1b27f64e768a96fffdda", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "\u0428\u0430\u0433 \u0432\u043f\u0435\u0440\u0435\u0434 3D", + "Let's Dance 3", + "Sokak Dansi 3D", + "Dansul dragostei 3D", + "Step Up 3", + "Step Up 3D: I nea diastasi", + "Sexy Dance 3: The Battle 3D", + "Ela Dan\u00e7a, Eu Dan\u00e7o 3" + ], + "answer": "Step Up 3D", + "answer_id": "m.064016d" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:13:03", + "machine_question": "what movies does alyson stoner play in and their trailer web link is http://youtu.be/TZe1Qz2twbE", + "question": "What is the name of the movie with the trailer featured at http://youtu.be/TZe1Qz2twbE and starring Alyson Stoner?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.02bwjv)\nFILTER 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ns:location.statistical_region.co2_emissions_industrial ?c .\n?c ns:location.co2_emission.emissions \"0.000469\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1941", + "webqsp_question": "where is downtown littleton" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-2150_07cb920cde31205a4fd9196dfc55ac28", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Guatemala." + ], + "answer": "Guatemala", + "answer_id": "m.0345_" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "", + "compositionality_type": "conjunction", + "created": "2017-10-26T02:25:12", + "machine_question": "what 3 countries does mexico border and the ISO numeric of the country is 320", + "question": "Which of the 3 countries bordering Mexico has 320 as its ISO numeric?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ns:m.0b90_r)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\nns:m.0b90_r ns:location.location.adjoin_s ?y .\n?y ns:location.adjoining_relationship.adjoins ?x .\n?x ns:common.topic.notable_types ns:m.01mp .\n?x ns:location.country.iso_numeric \"320\" . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-2150", + "webqsp_question": "what 3 countries does mexico border" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-233_e803a6f9f263f7c8e6cfccb60becf497", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Madaglashti", + "Badakhshi", + "Farsi, Eastern", + "Eastern Farsi", + "Dari", + "Persian", + "Tajik", + "Farsi", + "Parsi", + "Afghan Persian" + ], + "answer": "Farsi, Eastern Language", + "answer_id": "m.02hwl5z" + }, + { + "aliases": [ + "Pushto", + "Pushto language", + "Pashto", + "Pukhto" + ], + "answer": "Pashto language", + "answer_id": "m.0swlx" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "afghanistan", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-25T21:38:01", + "machine_question": "what language people speak in the governmental jurisdiction that has governmental office holder named Mohammad Najibullah", + "question": "What language is spoken in the politician Mohammad Najibullah's country?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT 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ns:location.statistical_region.religions ?y .\n?y ns:location.religion_percentage.religion ?x .\n?x ns:religion.religion.deities ns:m.010rf0qr . \n}", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-836", + "webqsp_question": "what are the major religions in uk" + }, + { + "ID": "WebQTrn-1915_b68e8f1a3f19f80d7dfc10bf3796b71e", + "answers": [ + { + "aliases": [ + "Hawaii-Aleutian Time" + ], + "answer": "Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone", + "answer_id": "m.02lctm" + } + ], + "composition_answer": "hawaii", + "compositionality_type": "composition", + "created": "2017-10-26T01:52:46", + "machine_question": "what is time zone in has an official symbol of Nene", + "question": "Find the state that has a Nene as the official symbol, what time zone is this state in?", + "sparql": "PREFIX ns: \nSELECT DISTINCT ?x\nWHERE {\nFILTER (?x != ?c)\nFILTER (!isLiteral(?x) OR lang(?x) = '' OR langMatches(lang(?x), 'en'))\n?c ns:government.governmental_jurisdiction.official_symbols ?k .\n?k ns:location.location_symbol_relationship.symbol ns:m.0139l8 . \n?c ns:location.location.time_zones ?x .\n}\n", + "webqsp_ID": "WebQTrn-1915", + "webqsp_question": "what is time zone in hawaii" + } +] \ No newline at end of file